ftp.cdc.gov - /Pub/Documents/OEL/12. Niemeier/References/

[To Parent Directory]

11/28/2011 3:41 PM 3344235 71 Fed Reg 53617 (OSHA)_2006_FRN hazard communication.pdf
11/28/2011 3:41 PM 192149 76 Fed Reg 52664_2011_FRN Carc Policy.pdf
11/28/2011 3:41 PM 39936 ACUTEX_2004_BROCHURE.doc
11/28/2011 3:41 PM 1462213 ACUTEX_2006_Methodology.pdf
11/28/2011 3:41 PM 377344 Acutex_2010_FinalBrochureforpotentialUsers Sept 19 + CDR+UGR+IH clean.doc
11/28/2011 3:41 PM 106626 Ader_2005_Chem Hlth and Safety.pdf
11/28/2011 3:41 PM 116925 Adkins_2009_OEL future 09.18.09.pdf
11/28/2011 3:41 PM 491036 Agius_1989_Ann Occup Hyg OELs for drugs.pdf
11/28/2011 3:41 PM 1126049 Barroso (EU 453)_2010_REACH_AnnexII_EN.pdf
11/28/2011 3:41 PM 335700 Beaudrie_2011_J Nanopart Res.pdf
11/28/2011 3:41 PM 156379 Binks_2003_Occup Med tox and pharm.pdf
11/28/2011 3:41 PM 162596 Bolt_2006_BEI and EU.pdf
11/28/2011 3:41 PM 57483 Brokamp_2002_OELs and international cooperation.pdf
11/28/2011 3:41 PM 140266 Bruchner_2004_AEGL program.pdf
11/28/2011 3:41 PM 183543 Caldart_1998.pdf
11/28/2011 3:41 PM 2901153 Castleman_1988_Am J Industrial Medicine.pdf
11/28/2011 3:41 PM 693375 Cohen_2011_Int J environ Health implementation of REACH.pdf
11/28/2011 3:42 PM 83681 Commission of the Euro Com (EU)_2000_precautionary principle.pdf
11/28/2011 3:42 PM 906015 Council of Europe_2009_RI&A Netherlands2_en.pdf
11/28/2011 3:42 PM 105589 Craig_2000_JAP TEELs.pdf
11/28/2011 3:42 PM 170437 Dellis_2006_Anticipating_Changes_SAP.pdf
11/28/2011 3:42 PM 230559 Dolan_2005_Regulatory Toxicology and Pharmacology.pdf
11/28/2011 3:42 PM 2625574 ECETOC_2005_Targeted Risk AssessmentTR 093.pdf
11/28/2011 3:42 PM 254464 ECETOC_2006_Acutex Report 3b.doc
11/28/2011 3:42 PM 1423037 ECETOC_2006_TR 101.pdf
11/28/2011 3:42 PM 47380 Elston_2002_Chem Hlth & Safety .pdf
11/28/2011 3:42 PM 4458479 Euro Agency Saf Health at Work (EU)_2009_survey of OELs for CMRs.pdf
11/28/2011 3:42 PM 52583 Euro Agency Saf Health at Work (OiRA)_NL-ex-how-to-implement 2011.pdf
11/28/2011 3:42 PM 122707 Euro Agency Saf Health at Work (US - EU)_EU US Cooperation on Workplace Safety and Health.mht
11/28/2011 3:42 PM 718721 Euro Agency Saf Health at Work_Occupational Exposure Limits — EU OSHA —.mht
11/28/2011 3:42 PM 1126049 Euro Commission (REACH)_2010_Annex IIEN No. 453-2010.pdf
11/28/2011 3:42 PM 45632 European Commission (EU SCOEL)_2009_further infomation.pdf
11/28/2011 3:42 PM 879485 European Commission (EU SCOEL)_2009_methology for OEL ver 6.pdf
11/28/2011 3:42 PM 831206 Fairhurst_1995 Ann Occup Hyg.pdf
11/28/2011 3:42 PM 179053 Fairhurst_2003_Food-and-Chemical-Toxicology.pdf
11/28/2011 3:42 PM 35037 Fingerhut_2008_global qual RA act.pdf
11/28/2011 3:42 PM 189048 Flynn (Commission Decision)_1995_95-320-EC for estb SCOEL.pdf
11/28/2011 3:42 PM 1158665 Galer_1992_Reg Tox and Pharm.pdf
11/28/2011 3:42 PM 73609 Gilbert_2011_Nature News.pdf
11/28/2011 3:42 PM 83176 Goncalves_1999_Regulatory Futures What Can STS Contribute.mht
11/28/2011 3:42 PM 132489 Gromeic_2007_presentation DNELs Poland.pdf
11/28/2011 3:42 PM 2047472 GTZ_2007.pdf
11/28/2011 3:42 PM 141749 Guest_1998_chemical industry bands.pdf
11/28/2011 3:42 PM 188932 Haber_2002_reg tox & pharm 36 262.pdf
11/28/2011 3:42 PM 3091968 Hauschild_2003_csepp-aegl.ppt
11/28/2011 3:43 PM 309382 Heidel_2011_hazard banding TRAC.pptx
11/28/2011 3:43 PM 843496 Henschler_1984_Ann occup hyg.pdf
11/28/2011 3:43 PM 2210949 Henschler_1991_Sci Total Environ.pdf
11/28/2011 3:43 PM 386173 Henschler_1992_Tox Letters.pdf
11/28/2011 3:43 PM 341132 Herber_2001_Pure Appl Chem.pdf
11/28/2011 3:43 PM 107770 Hewett_2007_TR 07-04 Misinterpretation and Misuse of OELs.pdf
11/28/2011 3:43 PM 950635 Howard_2005_U.Pa.J.Lab.&Emp.L.513.pdf
11/28/2011 3:43 PM 456450 HSC (HSE)_2003_revitalizing OEL.pdf
11/28/2011 3:43 PM 851650 HSE (Trainor et al)_2006_HSE report no 426 ACUTEX.pdf
11/28/2011 3:43 PM 1871424 HSE (Walters Grodzki Walters)_2003_HSE Role of OELs in H&S systmes in EU member states.pdf
11/28/2011 3:43 PM 541474 ICCM_2007_1589OELBackgroundFINAL.pdf
11/28/2011 3:43 PM 1024907 ICMM_2006_IEH harmonized approach to setting OELs.pdf
11/28/2011 3:43 PM 1631952 Illing_1991_Ann occup hyg.pdf
11/28/2011 3:43 PM 126922 ILO (Paustenbach)_1997_ILO Encyclopedia Ch. 30 _ Occupational Exposure Limits.pdf
11/28/2011 3:43 PM 981697 ILO_2009_standards on occupational safety and health.pdf
11/28/2011 3:43 PM 243711 ILO_2011_World Chemical Exposure Limits.mht
11/28/2011 3:43 PM 398334 IntnChemSec (SIN List)_2011_378 Substances of Very High Concern.mht
11/28/2011 3:43 PM 303153 IOHA_2009_Workshop n_ 12 2010 Exposure Setting Processes—An International Challenge.mht
11/28/2011 3:43 PM 208518 Jeong_2010_changes in OELs in Korea.pdf
11/28/2011 3:43 PM 1308690 Johanson_2008_NEG_SCOEL_REACH.pdf
11/28/2011 3:43 PM 53088 Kaberlah_2007_harmonizing OELs and DNELs position paper.pdf
11/28/2011 3:43 PM 534528 Kimmel_2011_AIHA webinar OEL v DNEL- why not same.ppt
11/28/2011 3:43 PM 428605 Kogi_2010_Italian J. Occup & Environ Hyg.pdf
11/28/2011 3:43 PM 243724 Krieder_2010_Reg Tox and Pharm.pdf
11/28/2011 3:43 PM 136168 Ku_2000_Chem Hlth and Safety.pdf
11/28/2011 3:43 PM 9629039 Laird_2011_small businesses IJWHM .pdf
11/28/2011 3:43 PM 753272 Laszcz-Davis_2009_OELs future 10 09 09.pdf
11/28/2011 3:44 PM 3363388 Laszcz-Davis_2010_Exposure Limits.pdf
11/28/2011 3:44 PM 794232 Latko_2011_PtD Conference Hazard banding.pdf
11/28/2011 3:44 PM 774602 Liang_1995_OELs in China Reg Tox Pharm.pdf
11/28/2011 3:44 PM 166067 Liang_2003_Reg tox and Pharm.pdf
11/28/2011 3:44 PM 330244 Liang_2004_Chemical Safety and Risk Management China.pdf
11/28/2011 3:44 PM 238197 Liang_2006_devel OELs in China.pdf
11/28/2011 3:44 PM 2125267 Lundberg_1991_Sci Total Environ.pdf
11/28/2011 3:44 PM 245188 Lundberg_1994_Appl Occup Env Hyg .pdf
11/28/2011 3:44 PM 38900 Maier_2005_OELs Encyc Tox 279-280.pdf
11/28/2011 3:44 PM 1166208 Maier_2011_AIHA webinar Trends future in OELs.pptx
11/28/2011 3:44 PM 77345 Manini_2006_Tox Letters.pdf
11/28/2011 3:44 PM 366612 Manini_2007_Tox Letters.pdf
11/28/2011 3:44 PM 2076375 Mercier_1991_Sci Total Environ.pdf
11/28/2011 3:44 PM 365579 Mielke_2005.pdf
11/28/2011 3:44 PM 469318 Mikheev_1995_WHO Tox Letters.pdf
11/28/2011 3:44 PM 103209 Money_2002_1st CB Workshop London.pdf
11/28/2011 3:44 PM 423144 Morita_2009_Reg Tox Pharm GHSclassification of mutagens.pdf
11/28/2011 3:44 PM 373212 Naumann (ControlBanding)_2008_AIOH.pdf
11/28/2011 3:44 PM 1153129 Naumann_1996_Performance based Pharm limits AIHAJ.pdf
11/28/2011 3:44 PM 5508101 Naumann_2001_Human & Ecol Risk Assess.pdf
11/28/2011 3:44 PM 391767 Nielsen_2008_background review on OELs.pdf
11/28/2011 3:44 PM 45958 Northage_2005_EASE Ann Occup Hyg.pdf
11/28/2011 3:44 PM 145360 OEHCS Inc_2008_Global Occup Exposure Limits.mht
11/28/2011 3:44 PM 53633 Ogden_2010_Ann Occup Hyg 54 - 1 p1-4.pdf
11/28/2011 3:44 PM 169935 Oldershaw_2002_1st CB Workshop Londeon.pdf
11/28/2011 3:44 PM 42852 Oldershaw_2003_Ann Occup Hyg CB editorial.pdf
11/28/2011 3:44 PM 75744 Oller_2010_Tox letters.pdf
11/28/2011 3:44 PM 261657 OSHA NACOSH_2000_rpt and recomm re OSHA PEL process.mht
11/28/2011 3:44 PM 139579 Paek_2006_OELs in Korea.pdf
11/28/2011 3:44 PM 158916 Pastino_2003_Reg Tox and Pharm.pdf
11/28/2011 3:44 PM 650775 Paustenbach_2011_Patt's Ind Hyg.pdf
11/28/2011 3:44 PM 141998 Rampal_2006_OELs in malaysia.pdf
11/28/2011 3:45 PM 1592802 Rantanen_2008_Origin_and_maturation_of_NEG.pdf
11/28/2011 3:45 PM 434986 Ripple_2004_simplematrix.pdf
11/28/2011 3:45 PM 815687 Ripple_2008_Dow Setting Global & Env Hlth Safety Standards (Dec 08).pdf
11/28/2011 3:45 PM 1159797 Ripple_2008_Setting global stds (Jan 08).pdf
11/28/2011 3:45 PM 2897013 Ripple_2009_Synergist Hyped about Hazard Banding.pdf
11/28/2011 3:45 PM 9937403 Ripple_2009_synergist.pdf
11/28/2011 3:45 PM 1350144 Ripple_2010_Global Chemical Policy Drivers CIHC.ppt
11/28/2011 3:45 PM 156197 Ripple_2010_History oel.pdf
11/28/2011 3:45 PM 242264 Ritchie_2003_CHEMAS.pdf
11/28/2011 3:45 PM 564932 Rodrcks_1987_Federal_agency_significant_risk_RegToxPharm.pdf
11/28/2011 3:45 PM 763002 Rossi_2009_green screen.pdf
11/28/2011 3:45 PM 598438 Russell_1998_Ann Occup Hyg.pdf
11/28/2011 3:45 PM 9937403 Rutkowski_2009_synergist.pdf
11/28/2011 3:45 PM 305200 SAICM Secretariat_2009_Guidance.pdf
11/28/2011 3:45 PM 95781 SAICM_participating countries.mht
11/28/2011 3:45 PM 88333 SAICM_Strategic Approach to International Chemicals Management.mht
11/28/2011 3:45 PM 181290 Sargent_2002_Human Ecol Risk Asses.pdf
11/28/2011 3:45 PM 100162 Schafer_2009_Tox letters.pdf
11/28/2011 3:45 PM 94150 Schenk_2007_Tox Letters.pdf
11/28/2011 3:45 PM 254515 Schenk_2008_J Appl Tox OEL and EU.pdf
11/28/2011 3:45 PM 216584 Schenk_2008_Reg Tox and Pharm - comparative OELS.pdf
11/28/2011 3:45 PM 77939 Schenk_2008_Tox Letters.pdf
11/28/2011 3:45 PM 96902 Schenk_2009_PhD Thesis.pdf
11/28/2011 3:45 PM 84969 Schenk_2009_Tox Letters.pdf
11/28/2011 3:45 PM 532676 Schenk_2010_Int J Occup Environ Hlth OELs.pdf
11/28/2011 3:45 PM 790691 schenk_2010_scoel.pdf
11/28/2011 3:46 PM 73921 Schenk_2010_Tox Letters.pdf
11/28/2011 3:46 PM 836089 schenk_2011_dnel oel.pdf
11/28/2011 3:46 PM 607412 Schenk_2011_Thesis.pdf
11/28/2011 3:46 PM 235593 schulte_2011_genetics and OELs annurev-publhealth-031210-101144.pdf
11/28/2011 3:46 PM 126732 Schwarzman_2009_Science.pdf
11/28/2011 3:46 PM 195395 Science & Environmental Health Network_2011_Precautionary Principle.mht
11/28/2011 3:46 PM 106667 Seeley_2001_Reg Tox and Pharm.pdf
11/28/2011 3:46 PM 336185 SER (Dutch)_2011_Information about the OEL subcommittee.mht
11/28/2011 3:46 PM 331577 SER (Dutch)_2011_Introduction of new OELs.mht
11/28/2011 3:46 PM 336672 SER (Dutch)_2011_National and international developments.mht
11/28/2011 3:46 PM 210891 Shih_2006_OELs in Taiwan.pdf
11/28/2011 3:46 PM 621714 SIAFA (Argentina OEL Standards)_2003.pdf
11/28/2011 3:46 PM 63359 Sims_2010_Occ stds at crossroads.pdf
11/28/2011 3:46 PM 1891015 Skoglund_2011_Synergist Reach.pdf
11/28/2011 3:46 PM 218299 Sterzl-Eckert_1996_Occup Exp Food Chem Tox.pdf
11/28/2011 3:46 PM 152574 Stouten_2008_Reassessment-of-Occupational-Exposure-Limits.pdf
11/28/2011 3:46 PM 192750 Subcommittee on Tox Risks (NAS)_2004_Carcinogen risk.pdf
11/28/2011 3:46 PM 188648 Takahashi_2006_OELs in Japan.pdf
11/28/2011 3:46 PM 166354 Tang_2006_OELs in Sngapore.pdf
11/28/2011 3:46 PM 874213 The Pres SAVE Award_2011_Consolidate Federal Chemical Hazard Assessment.mht
11/28/2011 3:46 PM 713624 Topping_1998_industry perception of OELs.pdf
11/28/2011 3:46 PM 434291 Topping_2001_Occup Environ Med.pdf
11/28/2011 3:46 PM 142675 Topping_2002_1st CB Workshop London.pdf
11/28/2011 3:46 PM 3834664 Travis_1988_EnvironSciTechnol88.pdf
11/28/2011 3:46 PM 134589 Tsin_2006_OELs in Hong Kong Reg Tox Pharm.pdf
11/28/2011 3:46 PM 708715 UNECE_2009_GHS Health Hazards Chap 3.pdf
11/28/2011 3:46 PM 1744992 UNEP_2006_SAICM_publication_ENG.pdf
11/28/2011 3:46 PM 357438 US Congress_1993_Researching Health Risks APPENDIX.pdf
11/28/2011 3:46 PM 276451 US Senate (108th)_2004_Hearing HazCom in 21st Century.mht
11/28/2011 3:46 PM 2015698 Vincent_1998_Am Ind Hyg Assoc J.pdf
11/28/2011 3:46 PM 854757 Vincent_1999_Occup Med.pdf
11/28/2011 3:46 PM 144462 WHO (SAICM update)_2008.pdf
11/28/2011 3:46 PM 198330 WHO_1994_IPCS Guidance values for human exposure limits (EHC 170, 1994).mht
11/28/2011 3:47 PM 758788 WHO_2005_IPCS uncertainty factors.harmproj2.pdf
11/28/2011 3:47 PM 25977 WHO_2006_saicm_resolution.pdf
11/28/2011 3:47 PM 41371 WHO_2007_SAICM workers_health.pdf
11/28/2011 3:47 PM 34203 WHO_2009_ipcs HLRT_moderators_summary.pdf
11/28/2011 3:47 PM 137604 WHO_2009_saicm_iccm2 report.pdf
11/28/2011 3:47 PM 582848 WHO_2011_Implementation of the Globally Harmonized System for the Classification and Labelling of Chemicals.mht
11/28/2011 3:47 PM 634235 WHO_2011_Implementing the Stockholm and Rotterdam Conventions.mht
11/28/2011 3:47 PM 495605 WHO_2011_IPCS Capacity building.mht
11/28/2011 3:47 PM 578782 WHO_2011_Poisons centres.mht
11/28/2011 3:47 PM 591759 WHO_2011_Strategic Approach to International Chemicals Management (SAICM) Health Sector Focus.mht
11/28/2011 3:47 PM 497196 WHO_2011_Training.mht
11/28/2011 3:47 PM 671099 Wille_2008_SIEF ITsystem.pdf
11/28/2011 3:47 PM 617287 Wilson_2009_ehp.pdf
11/28/2011 3:47 PM 84295 Wong_2003_OELs in China.pdf
11/28/2011 3:47 PM 85186 Wong_2006_OELs in Asia.pdf
11/28/2011 3:47 PM 795573 World Commission (COMEST)_2005_UNESCO Precautionary Principle.pdf
11/28/2011 3:47 PM 856933 Zalk_2002_AsianPacificNewsletter.pdf
11/28/2011 3:47 PM 189212 Zalk_2008_J Occup Env Hyg Control Banding rev.pdf
11/28/2011 3:47 PM 817286 Zalk_2010_Industrial Health - participatory.pdf
11/28/2011 3:47 PM 1814147 Zielhuis_1991_Reg Tox and Pharm.pdf