ftp.cdc.gov - /pub/Software/TIMS/2009 RVCT Documentation/RVCT Training Materials/Quality Assurance Materials/QA Manual/

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12/9/2013 3:08 PM 177429 0a - Front Cover and Inside front cover FINAL.pdf
12/9/2013 3:08 PM 156477 0b - Inside first pages and Contents FINAL.pdf
12/9/2013 3:08 PM 216851 1 - Introduction to the Guide and Toolkit - FINAL.pdf
12/9/2013 3:08 PM 5390433 10 - Toolkit for Quality Assurance - FINAL.pdf
12/9/2013 3:08 PM 646780 2 - National TB Surveillance System Data Flow - FINAL.pdf
12/9/2013 3:08 PM 213727 3 - Overview of QA Process - FINAL.pdf
12/9/2013 3:08 PM 534458 4 - Case Detection - FINAL.pdf
12/9/2013 3:08 PM 660971 5 - Data Accuracy - FINAL.pdf
12/9/2013 3:08 PM 602642 6 - Data Completeness - FINAL.pdf
12/9/2013 3:08 PM 873911 7 - Data Timeliness - FINAL.pdf
12/9/2013 3:08 PM 275225 8 - Data Security and Confidentiality - FINAL.pdf
12/9/2013 3:08 PM 1962743 9 - QA Cross-cutting Systems and Process - FINAL.pdf
12/9/2013 3:08 PM 198519 Appendix A - References - FINAL.pdf
12/9/2013 3:08 PM 223063 Appendix B - Glossary FINAL.pdf
12/9/2013 3:08 PM 5529104 Appendix C - QA for TB Surveillance Data Slides - FINAL.pptx
12/9/2013 3:08 PM 1769673 Appendix C - QA Process Slides - FINAL.pdf
12/9/2013 3:08 PM 316579 Appendix D - RVCT Questions and Clarifications FINAL.pdf
12/9/2013 3:08 PM 914175 Appendix E - Answers to the Exercises - FINAL.pdf