ftp.cdc.gov - /pub/OTASA/CDCATSDR 28th Biannual Tribal Advisory Committee (TAC) Meeting Packet/04- Presenter Biographies and Presentations/

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7/26/2024 5:34 PM 829835 01-Presenter-Bios.pdf
7/26/2024 4:35 PM 1821735 02-Advancing Data for Public Health Action.pdf
8/2/2024 4:23 PM 3020730 03-Grants Governance Board Reducing Burden on Grant Recipients.pdf
7/26/2024 4:35 PM 979823 04-TRIBAL PUBLIC HEALTH PRIORITIES.pdf
7/26/2024 4:35 PM 301595 05-CDC Budget Presentation.pdf
7/26/2024 4:44 PM 248687 06-Tribal Presentation Public Health Departments and Programs.pdf
7/26/2024 4:35 PM 4478008 07-Tribal Presentation Diabetes Prevention Program Success Stories from Cow Creek.pdf
7/26/2024 4:47 PM 14999064 08-Tribal Presentation Impacts of Wildfire Mitigation and Forest Management.pdf
7/26/2024 4:38 PM 3195120 09-Overview of CDC’s Work on Wildland Fire Activities and Relation to Tribal.pdf
7/26/2024 4:47 PM 6830828 10-Tribal Presentation Fisheries—Restore and Rebuild.pdf
7/26/2024 4:38 PM 3042249 11-Tribal Presentation Forests, Water Treatment Surveillance, and More.pdf