eMaRC Plus V7.0 Enhancements/Bug Fixes

Both Modules

5902 07/01/2020 Fixed issue with "TEXT FIELDS" section is not showing up (Applicable for ePath and Physician module)
5431 07/01/2020 Enhancement: Added interface to select Date Interval for Polling (Importing) message from PHINMS Queue

ePath Module

5538 05/01/2020 Fixed double click issue for Generic Lookup
Impacted areas a) Facility Lookup, Doctor info lookup
5541 05/05/2020 Fixed message status update after saving (if message was changed to Review)
5545 05/08/2020 Fixed issue with County Lookup Window
5551 05/08/2020 Made if DxDate >=2018, then Grade won't get coded
5574 05/19/2020 Fixed issue with adding New Section Header
5546 05/27/2020 Fixed issue with DxExported was not mapping to NAACCR 180 position
5708 06/18/2020 Fixed issue with saving empty value when default value is present Fixed issue with saving value of SSDI fields
5727 06/23/2020 Text Mapping - Implemented new logic to combine Text Mapping into Text fields Text_Mapping_Logic.docx for detail
5728 06/23/2020 Implemented default value for dynamically generated SSDI input fields
5619 06/24/2020 Removed HTML tag from Text field value
5675 06/24/2020 Fixed issue with getting prompt "Argument Start is not a valid value" when Flag Hematopietic reports during import is unchecked
5628 06/30/2020  Fixed issue with Surgery Site Specific related lookup window (e.g. RxHSurgPSite, and RxSumSurgPSite)
5839 07/07/2020 Fixed saving issue for naaccr items which have justification ='Y' (which includes Reporting Facility)
5831 07/09/2020 Fixed issue with viewing Abstracts Note, and printing Abstracts
5987 07/09/2020 Fixed issue with missing TumorSizeSummaryTab table
5907 07/13/2020 Fixed issue with adding Abstracts
5958 07/13/2020 Fixed issue with saving a report by completing it from Review to Complete status
5959 07/13/2020 Report Type not appearing in Abstract
5960 07/13/2020 Fixed issue with Multi-synoptic reports, where abstracts was not displaying in main workbench, but it was showing up in linked report window
5846 07/13/2020 Enhancement – Drop Down items are now order by value
5958 07/16/2020 Issue with saving report after completing from Review to Complete
5959 07/16/2020 Fixed issue with "Report Type" not appearing in Abstracts
5907 07/16/2020 Fixed issue with adding Abstracts
1308 07/16/2020 Fixed issue with populated certain upon adding Abstracts (e.g. Any items which uses Combo boxes - AKA Drop Down list)
5964 07/31/2020 Fixed issue with confusing message popping up "AJCC ID SChema_NOT_Applicable" when user clicks on Save (When there is no required fields for SSDI)
5906 07/31/2020 Enhanced Schema Discriminator handling when it is required for deriving SSDI Input, and computing Schema ID, AJJCC ID
07/31/2020 Fixed issue with Adding/Saving Note
5993 08/04/2020 Fixed issue with prompting error message when user doesn't select User Name to hold report for
5964 08/04/2020 Issue with default section displayed under the abstract fields
6046 08/04/2020 Improve performance on loading batch
6049 08/04/2020 Fixed issue with importing Pipe-Delimited Files
6089 08/21/2020 Enhanced to assign Reporting Facility Number automatically based on CLIA Code
12/16/2020  Unhided NAACCR Item Weight
07/23/2021 Revised mechanism that clears the SSDI Value before it gets saved
09/24/2021 Fixed issue with saving Value selected for SSDI fields

Physician Module

5594 06/02/2020 Fixed issue with last digit of Generated Date getting truncated on Physician Reports (CDA Documents) Window
5650 06/15/2020 Fixed issue with not showing up System Fields section on Abstracts