ePath Module
Bug/Enhancement |
Enhancement |
Implements NAACCR v18 changes |
Enhancement |
Implements TNM DLL to populate the AJCC ID and Schema ID if histology, primary site and behavior are provided, then display the applicable SSDI elements to be coded by the user. |
Bug |
Fixed inconsistent Auto-coding of laterality |
Bug |
Fixed processing status |
Bug |
Fixed issue with list of possible code not being displayed for Primary Site and Histology fields |
Bug |
Fixed Path Lab ID mapping when there are multiple CLIAs in a batch |
Bug |
Fixed calculation of age at diagnosis |
Bug |
Fixed invalid Error Message for PID-10 |
Bug |
Fixed issue with mapping path text from Path Final Diagnosis and Path Text Diagnosis fields to abstract text fields |
Bug |
Fixed issue with adding new laboratory facility to Manage Facility table |
Bug |
Fixed issue with magnifying glass on Reporting Facility data element to open ePath Facilities state-specific table |
Bug |
Fixed eCC Rules Manager to enable user to add new template IDs and mappings to the tables |
Bug |
Fixed issue with importing and processing synoptic reports |
Bug |
Fixed issue with populating Text - Primary Site Title field and Text - Histology Type Title field with updated text based on new code that user assigns to primary site and/or histology fields |
Bug |
Relabel and Auto-populate the 4 system fields (Date Report Last Changed; Date Report Imported; Date Report Completed in eMaRC; and Date Report Exported from eMaRC) with dates when system functions are initiated using: |
Bug |
After importing file, abstract display has a lot of blank space after the last field "Follow-Up Source Central" in the System Fields section and no other fields in that section are displaying. Then there are 2 fields at the very bottom of the abstract that don't seem to belong there: Pathlab ID and Path Report Number. These fields don't show up in the Manage Abstract Display window, so not clear why they are there. |
Bug |
Primary Site not automatically populating when there is only 1 recommended code |
Bug |
Fixed issue with TNM DLL not populating properly based on diagnosis date |
Physician Module
Update – Reprocessing of 2018/8th Edition Files
Any files with diagnosis year of 2018 or later that were imported into eMaRC using version 6.0 were mapped to NAACCR Version 16.0 Record Layout. When upgrading eMaRC to version 7.0, the updater will automatically reprocess these files. Reprocessing will re-map content to NAACCR Version 18.0 Record Layout and apply other updated mapping and translation rules.
Bug/Enhancement |
Enhancement |
Created MU3 and V18 Consolidation Directives |
Enhancement |
Updated how TNM Stage values handles invalid codes |
Enhancement |
Indicated MU2 or MU3 in NAACCR abstract for v18 |
Enhancement |
Created Summary Stage 2018 tables for AJCC 8th TNM values |
Enhancement |
Set Rx-Summ Surg Prim Site when cancer is Hematopoietic |
Enhancement |
Updated Summary Stage rules for assigning SS2000 when Stage group = 0 |
Enhancement |
Updated SNOMED and ICD-0-3 Histology Codes |
Enhancement |
Created method for reprocessing of 2018/8th edition cases |
Enhancement |
Set SSDI Default values (when no data is available) |
Enhancement |
Created rules for Grade based on 2018 Implementation |
Enhancement |
Created Rules in MU2 and MU3 for Summary Stage 2018 and Summary Stage 2000 using AJCC8 values |
Enhancement |
Added county code for Address at dx (MU2 and MU3) |
Enhancement |
Created Radiation rules for v18 |
Enhancement |
Updated rules for Grade #440 |
Enhancement |
Revised rules and default setting for TNM clin and path descriptor |
Enhancement |
Added rules for Medicare Beneficiary Identifier for 2018+ cases |
Enhancement |
Added new rule for Staged By (Clin and Path) for both MU2 and MU3. Staged By is not required for 2018+ cases |
Enhancement |
Added rules for processing AJCC TNM 8th Edition |
Enhancement |
Added new 2018 data items to the Default Abstract Display screen |
Enhancement |
Created rules for mapping Software Name and Version to EHR Reporting Data Item |
Enhancement |
Set Defaults for new NAACCR elements that are not covered by Rules |
Enhancement |
Updated column names to TRANS_CLIN_STAGEGROUP_CDA (and corresponding PATH) tables |
Enhancement |
New and updated tables for eMaRC v7.0
Enhancement |
Changed various SQL table names and columns |
Enhancement |
Added new rule for Surg/Rad Seq and Treatment Status for 2018 |
Enhancement |
Updated MU2 and MU3 Data Elements Table in Mapping and Translation document |
Bug |
Fixed eMaRC skipping import with dx date present |
Bug |
Fixed eMaRC not importing address with null flavor |
Bug |
Fixed Abstract Length Export Error |
Bug |
Fixed issues with mapping multiple cancer diagnosis entries--MU3 |
Bug |
Fixed issues with mapping multiple cancer diagnosis entries--MU3 |
Bug |
Fixed PTRID=Null error when exporting |
Bug |
Fixed error received using case-specific export option |
Bug |
Update to Primary Site Rules (MU2 and MU3) |
Bug |
Database showing NULL values for files with multiple abstracts |