/* PROGRAM: ED13INP PURPOSE: INPUT STATEMENT TO READ 2013 NATIONAL HOSPITAL AMBULATORY MEDICAL CARE SURVEY EMERGENCY DEPARTMENT PUBLIC USE FILE We recommend that you use a MISSOVER option in your INFILE statement. Note that the value of LRECL may equal or exceed the actual file size. We use a value of 9999 for convenience. EXAMPLE: INFILE [file reference] MISSOVER LRECL=9999; */ INPUT @1 VMONTH 2. /*Month of Visit */ @3 VDAYR 1. /*Day of Week of Visit */ @4 ARRTIME $CHAR4. /*Arrival time (military time) */ @8 WAITTIME 4. /*Waiting time to see MD/DO/PA/NP in minutes */ @12 LOV 4. /*Length of visit in minutes */ @16 AGE 3. /*Patient age in years */ @19 AGER 1. /*Age recode */ @20 AGEDAYS 3. /*Age in days for patients less than one year */ @23 RESIDNCE 2. /*Patient residence */ @25 SEX 1. /*Patient sex */ @26 ETHUN 2. /*Unimputed ethnicity */ @28 ETHIM 1. /*Imputed ethnicity */ @29 RACEUN 2. /*Unimputed race */ @31 RACER 1. /*White/Black/Other imputed race */ @32 RACERETH 1. /*RACER and ETHNIC combination */ @33 ARREMS 2. /*Arrival by ambulance */ @35 NOPAY 1. /*No answer to expected source of payment item */ @36 PAYPRIV 1. /*Expected source of payment: Private insurance */ @37 PAYMCARE 1. /*Expected source of payment: Medicare */ @38 PAYMCAID 1. /*Expected source of payment: Medicaid or CHIP */ @39 PAYWKCMP 1. /*Expected source of payment: Workers Compensation */ @40 PAYSELF 1. /*Expected source of payment: Self pay */ @41 PAYNOCHG 1. /*Expected source of payment: No charge */ @42 PAYOTH 1. /*Expected source of payment: Other */ @43 PAYDK 1. /*Expected source of payment: Unknown */ @44 PAYTYPER 2. /*Recoded primary expected source of payment for visit (based on hierarchy) */ @46 TEMPF 4. /*Initial vital signs: Temperature (Fahrenheit) */ @50 PULSE 3. /*Initial vital signs: Heart rate per minute */ @53 RESPR 3. /*Initial vital signs: Respiratory rate per minute */ @56 BPSYS 3. /*Initial vital signs: Blood pressure - Systolic */ @59 BPDIAS 3. /*Initial vital signs: Blood pressure - Diastolic */ @62 POPCT 3. /*Initial vital signs: Pulse oximetry (percent) */ @65 ONO2 2. /*Initial vital signs: On oxygen on arrival */ @67 IMMEDR 2. /*Immediacy with which patient should be seen (unimputed) */ @69 PAINSCALE 2. /*Pain scale (0-10) */ @71 SEEN72 2. /*Has patient been seen in this ED within the last 72 hours and discharged? */ @73 RFV1 5. /*Patient's complaint, symptom, or other reason for visit #1 - detailed category */ @78 RFV2 5. /*Patient's complaint, symptom, or other reason for visit #2 - detailed category */ @83 RFV3 5. /*Patient's complaint, symptom, or other reason for visit #3 - detailed category */ @73 RFV13D 4. /*Patient's complaint, symptom, or other reason for visit #1 - broader category */ @78 RFV23D 4. /*Patient's complaint, symptom, or other reason for visit #2 - broader category */ @83 RFV33D 4. /*Patient's complaint, symptom, or other reason for visit #3 - broader category */ @88 EPISODE 2. /*Episode of care */ @90 INJURY 2. /*Is visit related to injury, poisoning or adverse effect of medical treatment? - Recoded from INJPOISAD */ @92 INJR1 1. /*Is visit related to injury or poisoning - recode #1 */ @93 INJR2 1. /*Is visit related to injury or poisoning - recode #2 */ @94 INJPOISAD 2. /*Is visit related to injury, poisoning or adverse effect of medical treatment?  Uses new item format for 2012 */ @96 INJPOISADR1 2. /*Is visit related to injury, poisoning or adverse effect of medical treatment? - recode #1 */ @98 INJPOISADR2 2. /*Is visit related to injury, poisoning or adverse effect of medical treatment? - recode #2 */ @100 INTENT 2. /*Is this injury/poisoning intentional? */ @102 INJDETR 2. /*Is visit related to any of the following? */ @104 INJDETR1 2. /*Is visit related to any of the following? - recode #1 */ @106 INJDETR2 2. /*Is visit related to any of the following? - recode #2 */ @108 CAUSE1 $CHAR4. /*Cause of injury, poisoning, adverse effect #1 - detailed category */ @112 CAUSE2 $CHAR4. /*Cause of injury, poisoning, adverse effect #2 - detailed category */ @116 CAUSE3 $CHAR4. /*Cause of injury, poisoning, adverse effect #3 - detailed category */ @108 CAUSE13D $CHAR3. /*Cause of injury, poisoning, adverse effect #1 - broader category */ @112 CAUSE23D $CHAR3. /*Cause of injury, poisoning, adverse effect #2 - broader category */ @116 CAUSE33D $CHAR3. /*Cause of injury, poisoning, adverse effect #3 - broader category */ @120 CAUSE1R 4. /*Cause of injury, poisoning, adverse effect #1  numeric recode */ @124 CAUSE2R 4. /*Cause of injury, poisoning, adverse effect #2  numeric recode */ @128 CAUSE3R 4. /*Cause of injury, poisoning, adverse effect #3  numeric recode */ @132 DIAG1 $CHAR5. /*Diagnosis #1 - detailed category */ @137 DIAG2 $CHAR5. /*Diagnosis #2 - detailed category */ @142 DIAG3 $CHAR5. /*Diagnosis #3 - detailed category */ @132 DIAG13D $CHAR3. /*Diagnosis #1 - broader category */ @137 DIAG23D $CHAR3. /*Diagnosis #2 - broader category */ @142 DIAG33D $CHAR3. /*Diagnosis #3 - broader category */ @147 PRDIAG1 2. /*For diagnosis 1, is this probable, questionable, or ruleout? */ @149 PRDIAG2 2. /*For diagnosis 2, is this probable, questionable, or ruleout? */ @151 PRDIAG3 2. /*For diagnosis 3, is this probable, questionable, or ruleout? */ @153 DIAG1R 6. /*Diagnosis #1 - detailed category - numeric recode */ @159 DIAG2R 6. /*Diagnosis #2 - detailed category - numeric recode */ @165 DIAG3R 6. /*Diagnosis #3 - detailed category - numeric recode */ @171 CANCER 1. /*Does patient have: Cancer */ @172 CEBVD 1. /*Does patient have: Cerebrovascular disease/history of stroke or transient ischemic attack (TIA)? */ @173 COPD 1. /*Does patient have: Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) */ @174 EDDIAL 1. /*Does patient have: Condition requiring dialysis */ @175 CHF 1. /*Does patient have: Congestive heart failure */ @176 DEMENTIA 1. /*Does patient have: Dementia */ @177 DIABETES 1. /*Does patient have: Diabetes */ @178 MIHX 1. /*Does patient have: History of myocardial infarction (MI) */ @179 DVT 1. /*Does patient have: Deep vein thrombosis */ @180 EDHIV 1. /*Does patient have: HIV */ @181 NOCHRON 1. /*Does patient have: None of the above */ @182 TOTCHRON 2. /*Total number of chronic conditions */ @184 DIAGSCRN 1. /*Were diagnostic services ordered or provided? */ @185 ABG 1. /*Arterial blood gases */ @186 BAC 1. /*Blood alcohol concentration */ @187 BLOODCX 1. /*Blood culture */ @188 BNP 1. /*Brain natriuretic peptide */ @189 BUNCREAT 1. /*BUN (Blood urea nitrogen)/creatinine */ @190 CARDENZ 1. /*Cardiac enzymes */ @191 CBC 1. /*CBC */ @192 DDIMER 1. /*D-dimer */ @193 ELECTROL 1. /*Electrolytes */ @194 GLUCOSE 1. /*Glucose */ @195 LACTATE 1. /*Lactate */ @196 LFT 1. /*Liver function tests */ @197 PTTINR 1. /*Prothrombin time/INR */ @198 OTHERBLD 1. /*Other blood test */ @199 CARDMON 1. /*Cardiac monitor */ @200 EKG 1. /*EKG/ECG */ @201 HIVTEST 1. /*HIV test */ @202 FLUTEST 1. /*Rapid flu/Influenza test */ @203 PREGTEST 1. /*Pregnancy test */ @204 TOXSCREN 1. /*Toxicology screen */ @205 URINE 1. /*Urinalysis */ @206 WOUNDCX 1. /*Wound culture */ @207 URINECX 1. /*Urine culture */ @208 OTHRTEST 1. /*Other test/service */ @209 ANYIMAGE 1. /*Any imaging */ @210 XRAY 1. /*X-ray */ @211 IVCONTRAST 1. /*Intravenous contrast */ @212 CATSCAN 1. /*CT scan */ @213 CTAB 1. /*CT scan - abdomen/pelvis */ @214 CTCHEST 1. /*CT scan - chest */ @215 CTHEAD 1. /*CT scan- head */ @216 CTOTHER 1. /*CT scan - other */ @217 CTUNK 1. /*CT scan - site not specified */ @218 MRI 1. /*MRI */ @219 ULTRASND 1. /*Ultrasound */ @220 OTHIMAGE 1. /*Other imaging */ @221 TOTDIAG 2. /*Total number of diagnostic services ordered or provided */ @223 PROC 1. /*Were procedures provided at this visit? */ @224 BPAP 1. /*BPAP/CPAP */ @225 BLADCATH 1. /*Bladder catheter */ @226 CASTSPLINT 1. /*Cast, splint or wrap */ @227 CENTLINE 1. /*Central line */ @228 CPR 1. /*CPR */ @229 ENDOINT 1. /*Endotracheal intubation */ @230 INCDRAIN 1. /*Incision and drainage (I&D) */ @231 IVFLUIDS 1. /*IV fluids */ @232 LUMBAR 1. /*Lumbar puncture */ @233 NEBUTHER 1. /*Nebulizer therapy */ @234 PELVIC 1. /*Pelvic exam */ @235 SKINADH 1. /*Skin adhesives */ @236 SUTURE 1. /*Suturing/Staples */ @237 OTHPROC 1. /*Other procedure */ @238 TOTPROC 2. /*Total number of procedures provided */ @240 MED 1. /*Were medications given at this visit or prescribed at ED discharge? */ @241 MED1 $CHAR5. /*Medication 1 */ @246 MED2 $CHAR5. /*Medication 2 */ @251 MED3 $CHAR5. /*Medication 3 */ @256 MED4 $CHAR5. /*Medication 4 */ @261 MED5 $CHAR5. /*Medication 5 */ @266 MED6 $CHAR5. /*Medication 6 */ @271 MED7 $CHAR5. /*Medication 7 */ @276 MED8 $CHAR5. /*Medication 8 */ @281 MED9 $CHAR5. /*Medication 9 */ @286 MED10 $CHAR5. /*Medication 10 */ @291 MED11 $CHAR5. /*Medication 11 */ @296 MED12 $CHAR5. /*Medication 12 */ @301 GPMED1 2. /*Medication 1 given in ED or Rx at discharge */ @303 GPMED2 2. /*Medication 2 given in ED or Rx at discharge */ @305 GPMED3 2. /*Medication 3 given in ED or Rx at discharge */ @307 GPMED4 2. /*Medication 4 given in ED or Rx at discharge */ @309 GPMED5 2. /*Medication 5 given in ED or Rx at discharge */ @311 GPMED6 2. /*Medication 6 given in ED or Rx at discharge */ @313 GPMED7 2. /*Medication 7 given in ED or Rx at discharge */ @315 GPMED8 2. /*Medication 8 given in ED or Rx at discharge */ @317 GPMED9 2. /*Medication 9 given in ED or Rx at discharge */ @319 GPMED10 2. /*Medication 10 given in ED or Rx at discharge */ @321 GPMED11 2. /*Medication 11 given in ED or Rx at discharge */ @323 GPMED12 2. /*Medication 12 given in ED or Rx at discharge */ @325 NUMGIV 2. /*Number of medications given in ED */ @327 NUMDIS 2. /*Number of medications prescribed at discharge */ @329 NUMMED 2. /*Number of medications */ @331 NOPROVID 1. /*No answer to provider seen item */ @332 ATTPHYS 1. /*ED attending physician seen */ @333 RESINT 1. /*ED resident/intern seen */ @334 CONSULT 1. /*Consulting physician seen */ @335 RNLPN 1. /*Registered nurse/LPN seen */ @336 NURSEPR 1. /*Nurse practitioner seen */ @337 PHYSASST 1. /*Physician assistant seen */ @338 EMT 1. /*EMT */ @339 MHPROV 1. /*Other mental health provider */ @340 OTHPROV 1. /*Other provider seen */ @341 NODISP 1. /*No answer to disposition item */ @342 NOFU 1. /*No follow up planned */ @343 RETRNED 1. /*Return to ED */ @344 RETREFFU 1. /*Return/refer to physician/clinic for FU */ @345 LEFTBTRI 1. /*Left before triage */ @346 LEFTATRI 1. /*Left after triage */ @347 LEFTAMA 1. /*Left AMA (against medical advice) */ @348 DOA 1. /*DOA */ @349 DIEDED 1. /*Died in ED */ @350 TRANNH 1. /*Return/transfer to nursing home */ @351 TRANPSYC 1. /*Transfer to psychiatric hospital */ @352 TRANOTH 1. /*Transfer to other hospital */ @353 ADMITHOS 1. /*Admit to this hospital */ @354 OBSHOS 1. /*Admit to observation unit, then hospitalized */ @355 OBSDIS 1. /*Admit to observation unit, then discharged */ @356 OTHDISP 1. /*Other disposition */ @357 ADMIT 2. /*Admitted to: */ @359 ADMTPHYS 2. /*Admitting physician */ @361 BOARDED 4. /*Length of time boarded in ED in minutes */ @365 LOS 4. /*If admitted, length of stay in hospital (days) */ @369 HDDIAG1 $CHAR5. /*Hospital discharge diagnosis #1 - detailed category */ @374 HDDIAG2 $CHAR5. /*Hospital discharge diagnosis #2 - detailed category */ @379 HDDIAG3 $CHAR5. /*Hospital discharge diagnosis #3 - detailed category */ @369 HDDIAG13D $CHAR3. /*Hospital discharge diagnosis #1 - broader category */ @374 HDDIAG23D $CHAR3. /*Hospital discharge diagnosis #2 - broader category */ @379 HDDIAG33D $CHAR3. /*Hospital discharge diagnosis #3 - broader category */ @384 HDDIAG1R 6. /*Hospital discharge diagnosis #1 - numeric recode */ @390 HDDIAG2R 6. /*Hospital discharge diagnosis #2 - numeric recode */ @396 HDDIAG3R 6. /*Hospital discharge diagnosis #3 - numeric recode */ @402 HDSTAT 2. /*Hospital discharge status */ @404 ADISP 2. /*Disposition of live discharges */ @406 OBSSTAY 4. /*Length of stay in observation unit in minutes */ @410 STAY24 1. /*ED discharge greater than 24 hours */ @411 AGEFL 2. /*Was patient age reported, calculated or imputed? */ @413 BDATEFL 1. /*Birth date imputed? */ @414 SEXFL 1. /*Sex imputed? */ @415 ETHNICFL 1. /*Ethnicity imputed? */ @416 RACERFL 1. /*RACER imputed? */ @417 HOSPCODE 3. /*Hospital number */ @420 PATCODE 3. /*Patient code */ @423 EBILLANYE 2. /*Does your ED submit any claims electronically (electronic billing)? */ @425 EMRED 2. /*Does your ED use electronic medical or health records (EMR/EHR) (not including billing records)? */ @427 HHSMUE 2. /*Does your current system meet meaningful use criteria as defined by the Department of Health and Human Services? */ @429 EHRINSE 2. /*Does your ED have plans for installing a new EMR/EHR system within the next 18 months? */ @431 EDEMOGE 2. /*Does your ED have a computerized system for patient history and demographic information? */ @433 EDEMOGER 2. /*Recode of EDEMOGE for trending with data prior to 2010 */ @435 EPROLSTE 2. /*If computerized system for pat history and demo info, does this include patient problem list? */ @437 EPROLSTER 2. /*Recode of EPROLSTE for trending with data prior to 2010 */ @439 EVITALE 2. /*Does your ED have a computerized system for recording and charting vital signs? */ @441 EVITALER 2. /*Recode of EVITALE for trending with data prior to 2010 */ @443 ESMOKEE 2. /*Does your ED have a computerized system for recording patient smoking status? */ @445 ESMOKEER 2. /*Recode of ESMOKEE for trending with data prior to 2010 */ @447 EPNOTESE 2. /*Does your ED have a computerized system for clinical notes? */ @449 EPNOTESER 2. /*Recode of EPNOTESE for trending with data prior to 2010 */ @451 EMEDALGE 2. /*If computerized system for clinical notes, do they include comprehensive list of pat's medications and allegeries? */ @453 EMEDALGER 2. /*Recode of EMEDALGE for trending with data prior to 2010 */ @455 ECPOEE 2. /*Does your ED have a computerized system for orders for prescriptions? */ @457 ECPOEER 2. /*Recode of ECPOEE for trending with data prior to 2010 */ @459 ESCRIPE 2. /*If computerized system for oders for prescriptions, are prescriptions sent electronically to the pharmacy? */ @461 ESCRIPER 2. /*Recode of ESCRIPE for trending with data prior to 2010 */ @463 EWARNE 2. /*Are warnings of drug interactions or contraindications provided? */ @465 EWARNER 2. /*Recode of EWARNE for trending with data prior to 2010 */ @467 EREMINDE 2. /*Does your ED have a computerized system for providing reminders for guideline-based interventions or screening tests? */ @469 EREMINDER 2. /*Recde of EREMINDE for trending with data prior to 2010 */ @471 ECTOEE 2. /*Does your ED have a computerized system for ordering lab tests? */ @473 ECTOEER 2. /*Recode of ECTOEE for trending with data prior to 2010 */ @475 EORDERE 2. /*If computerized system for odering lab tests, are orders sent electronically to the lab? */ @477 EORDERER 2. /*Recode of EORDERE for trending with data prior to 2010 */ @479 ERESULTE 2. /*Does your ED have a computerized system for viewing of lab results? */ @481 ERESULTER 2. /*Recode of ERESULTE for trending with data prior to 2010 */ @483 EGRAPHE 2. /*Can the EHR/EMR automatically graph a specific patient's lab results over time? */ @485 EGRAPHER 2. /*Recode of EGRAPHE for trending with data prior to 2010 */ @487 EIMGRESE 2. /*Does your ED have a computerized system for viewing imaging results? */ @489 EIMGRESER 2. /*Recode of EIMGRESE for trending with data prior to 2010 */ @491 EPTEDUE 2. /*Does your ED have a computerized system for identifying educational resources for patients' specific conditions? */ @493 EPTEDUER 2. /*Recode of EPTEDUE for trending with data prior to 2010 */ @495 ECQME 2. /*Does your ED have a computerized system for reporting clinical quantity measures to federal or state agencies (such as CMS or Med*/ @497 ECQMER 2. /*Recode of ECQME for trending with data prior to 2010 */ @499 EGENLISTE 2. /*Does your ED have a computerized system for generating list of patients with particular health conditions? */ @501 EGENLISTER 2. /*Recode of EGENLISTE for trending with data prior to 2010 */ @503 EIMMREGE 2. /*Does your ED have a computerized system for electronic reporting to immunization registries? */ @505 EIMMREGER 2. /*Recode of EIMMREGE for trending with data prior to 2010 */ @507 ESUME 2. /*Does your ED have a computerized system for providing patients with clinical summaries for each visit? */ @509 ESUMER 2. /*Recode of ESUME for trending with data prior to 2010 */ @511 EMSGE 2. /*Does your ED have a computerized system for exchanging secure messages with patients? */ @513 EMSGER 2. /*Recode of EMSGE for trending with data prior to 2010 */ @515 EHLTHINFOE 2. /*Does your ED have a computerized system for providing patients with an electronic copy of their health information? */ @517 EHLTHINFOER 2. /*Recode of EHLTHINFOE for trending with data prior to 2010 */ @519 EPTRECE 2. /*Does your ED have a computerized system for providing patients the ability to view online, download or transmit information from */ @521 EPTRECER 2. /*Recode of EPTRECE for trending with data prior to 2010 */ @523 EMEDIDE 2. /*Does your ED have a computerized system for reconciling lists of patients' medications to identify the most accurate list? */ @525 EMEDIDER 2. /*Recode of EMEDIDE for trending with data prior to 2010 */ @527 ESHAREE 2. /*Does your ED share any patient health information electronically (not fax) with other providers, including hospitals, ambulatory */ @529 ESHAREEHRE 2. /*How does your ED electronically share patient health information? - EHR/EMR */ @531 ESHAREWEBE 2. /*How does your ED electronically share patient health information? - Web portal (separate from EHR/EMR) */ @533 ESHAREOTHE 2. /*How does your ED electronically share patient health information? - Other electronic methods */ @535 ESHAREUNKE 2. /*How does your ED electronically share patient health information? - Unknown */ @537 ESHAREREFE 2. /*How does your ED electronically share patient health information? - Refused to answer */ @539 LABRESE1 2. /*Does your ED share lab results electronically (not fax) with: Hospitals with which your hospital is affiliated? */ @541 LABRESE2 2. /*Does your ED share lab results electronically (not fax) with: Departments inside your hospital? */ @543 LABRESE3 2. /*Does your ED share lab results electronically (not fax) with: Hospitals with which your hospital is not affiliated? */ @545 LABRESE4 2. /*Does your ED share lab results electronically (not fax) with: Ambulatory providers outside your hospital? */ @547 LABRESUNKE 2. /*Does your ED share lab results electronically (not fax) with: Unknown */ @549 LABRESREFE 2. /*Does your ED share lab results electronically (not fax) with: Refused to answer */ @551 IMAGREPE1 2. /*Does your ED share imaging reports electronically (not fax) with: Hospitals with which your hospital is affiliated? */ @553 IMAGREPE2 2. /*Does your ED share imaging reports electronically (not fax) with: Departments inside your hospital? */ @555 IMAGREPE3 2. /*Does your ED share imaging reports electronically (not fax) with: Hospitals with which your hospital is not affiliated? */ @557 IMAGREPE4 2. /*Does your ED share imaging reports electronically (not fax) with: Ambulatory providers outside your hospital? */ @559 IMAGREPUNKE 2. /*Does your ED share imaging reports electronically (not fax) with: Unknown. */ @561 IMAGREPREFE 2. /*Does your ED share imaging reports electronically (not fax) with: Refused to answer */ @563 PTPROBE1 2. /*Does your ED share patient problem lists electronically (not fax) with: Hospitals with which your hospital is affiliated. */ @565 PTPROBE2 2. /*Does your ED share patient problem lists electronically (not fax) with: Departments inside your hospital */ @567 PTPROBE3 2. /*Does your ED share patient problem lists electronically (not fax) with: Hospitals with which your hospital is not affiliated. */ @569 PTPROBE4 2. /*Does your ED share patient problem lists electronically (not fax) with: Ambulatory providers outside your hospital. */ @571 PTPROBUNKE 2. /*Does your ED share patient problem lists electronically (not fax) with: Unknown */ @573 PTPROBREFE 2. /*Does your ED share patient problem lists electronically (not fax) with: Refused to answer */ @575 MEDLISTE1 2. /*Does your ED share medication lists electronically (not fax) with: Hospitals with which your hospital is affiliated */ @577 MEDLISTE2 2. /*Does your ED share medication lists electronically (not fax) with: Departments inside your hospital */ @579 MEDLISTE3 2. /*Does your ED share medication lists electronically (not fax) with: Hospitals with which your hospital is not affiliated */ @581 MEDLISTE4 2. /*Does your ED share medication lists electronically (not fax) with: Ambulatory providers outside your hospital */ @583 MEDLISTUNKE 2. /*Does your ED share medication lists electronically (not fax) with: Unknown */ @585 MEDLISTREFE 2. /*Does your ED share medication lists electronically (not fax) with: Refused to answer */ @587 ALGLISTE1 2. /*Does your ED share medication allergy lists electronically (not fax) with: Hospitals with which your hospital is affiliated */ @589 ALGLISTE2 2. /*Does your ED share medication allergy lists electronically (not fax) with: Departments inside your hospital */ @591 ALGLISTE3 2. /*Does your ED share medication allergy lists electronically (not fax) with: Hospitals with which your hospital is not affiliated */ @593 ALGLISTE4 2. /*Does your ED share medication allergy lists electronically (not fax) with: Ambulatory providers outside your hospital */ @595 ALGLISTUNKE 2. /*Does your ED share medication allergy lists electronically (not fax) with: Unknown. */ @597 ALGLISTREFE 2. /*Does your ED share medication allergy lists electronically (not fax) with: Refused to question. */ @599 EDPRIM 2. /*When patients with identified primary care physicians (PCP) arrive at the ED, how often do you electronically send notifications */ @601 EDINFO 2. /*When patients arrive at the ED, are you able to query for patients' healthcare information electronically from outside sources? */ @603 MUINC 2. /*Does your hospital have plans to apply for Meaningful Use of Health IT incentive payments? */ @605 MUYEAR 2. /*When did you first apply or when did you intend to apply? */ @607 OBSCLIN 2. /*Does your ED have an observation or clinical decision unit? */ @609 OBSSEP 2. /*Is this observation or clinical decision unit physically separate from the ED? */ @611 OBSPHYSED 2. /*What type of physician makes decisions for patients in this observation unit? - ED physicians */ @613 OBSHOSP 2. /*What type of physician makes decisions for patients in this observation unit? - Hospitalists */ @615 OBSPHYSOT 2. /*What type of physician makes decisions for patients in this observation unit? - Other physicians */ @617 OBSPHYSUN 2. /*What type of physician makes decisions for patients in this observation unit? - Unknown */ @619 BOARD 2. /*Are admitted ED patients ever "boarded" for more than 2 hours in the ED or observation unit while waiting for an inpatient bed? */ @621 BOARDHOS 2. /*If ED is critically overloaded, are admitted ED patients ever "boarded" in inpatient hallways or in another space outside ED? */ @623 AMBDIV 2. /*Did your ED go on ambulance diversion in 2012? */ @625 TOTHRDIVR 2. /*What is the total number of hours that your hospital's ED was on ambulance diversion in 2012? */ @627 REGDIV 2. /*Is ambulance diversion actively managed on a regional level versus each hospital adopting diversion if and when it chooses? */ @629 ADMDIV 2. /*Does your hospital continue to admit elective or scheduled surgery cases when ED is on ambulance diversion? */ @631 INCSHX 2. /*In the last two years, has your ED increased the number of standard treatment spaces? */ @633 INCPHYS 2. /*In the last two years, has your ED's physical space been expanded? */ @635 EXPSPACE 2. /*Do you have plans to expand your your ED's physical space within the next two years? */ @637 BEDREG 2. /*Does your ED use bedside registration? */ @639 KIOSELCHK 2. /*Does ED use kiosk self check-in? */ @641 CATRIAGE 2. /*Does ED use computer-assisted triage? */ @643 IMBED 2. /*Does ED use immediate bedding? */ @645 ADVTRIAG 2. /*Does ED use advanced triage (triage-based care) protocols? */ @647 PHYSPRACTRIA 2. /*Does ED use physician/practitioner at triage? */ @649 FASTTRAK 2. /*Does ED use separate fast track unit for nonurgent care? */ @651 EDPTOR 2. /*Does ED use separate operating room dedicated to ED patients? */ @653 DASHBORD 2. /*Does ED use electronic dashboard? */ @655 RFID 2. /*Does ED use radio frequency identification tracking? */ @657 WIRELESS 2. /*Does ED use wireless devices by providers? */ @659 ZONENURS 2. /*Does ED use zone nursing? */ @661 POOLNURS 2. /*Does ED use pool nursing? */ @663 SURGDAY 2. /*Number of days in a week elective surgeries scheduled */ @665 BEDCZAR 2. /*Does your hospital have a bed coordinator, sometimes known as a bed czar? */ @667 BEDDATA 2. /*How often are hospital bed census data available? */ @669 HLIST 2. /*Does your hospital have hospitalists on staff? */ @671 HLISTED 2. /*Do the hospitalists on staff at your hospital admit patients from your ED? */ @673 REGION 1. /*Geographic region */ @674 MSA 1. /*Metropolitan statistical area status */ @675 DRUGID1 $CHAR6. /*Drug ID code for medication #1 */ @681 PRESCR1 1. /*Prescription status code for medication #1 */ @682 CONTSUB1 1. /*Controlled substance status code for medication #1 */ @683 COMSTAT1 1. /*Composition status code for medication #1 */ @684 RX1CAT1 $CHAR3. /*For RX1, MULTUM drug category #1 - most detailed level (can be either Level 1,2 or 3) */ @687 RX1CAT2 $CHAR3. /*For RX1, MULTUM drug category #2 - most detailed level (can be either Level 1,2 or 3) */ @690 RX1CAT3 $CHAR3. /*For RX1, MULTUM drug category #3 - most detailed level (can be either Level 1,2 or 3) */ @693 RX1CAT4 $CHAR3. /*For RX1, MULTUM drug category #4 - most detailed level (can be either Level 1,2 or 3) */ @696 RX1V1C1 $CHAR3. /*For RX1, level 1 of MULTUM drug category #1 (broad level) */ @699 RX1V1C2 $CHAR3. /*For RX1, level 1 of MULTUM drug category #2 (broad level) */ @702 RX1V1C3 $CHAR3. /*For RX1, level 1 of MULTUM drug category #3 (broad level) */ @705 RX1V1C4 $CHAR3. /*For RX1, level 1 of MULTUM drug category #4 (broad level) */ @708 RX1V2C1 $CHAR3. /*For RX1, level 2 of MULTUM drug category #1 (intermediate level) */ @711 RX1V2C2 $CHAR3. /*For RX1, level 2 of MULTUM drug category #2 (intermediate level) */ @714 RX1V2C3 $CHAR3. /*For RX1, level 2 of MULTUM drug category #3 (intermediate level) */ @717 RX1V2C4 $CHAR3. /*For RX1, level 2 of MULTUM drug category #4 (intermediate level) */ @720 RX1V3C1 $CHAR3. /*For RX1, level 3 of MULTUM drug category #1 (detailed level) */ @723 RX1V3C2 $CHAR3. /*For RX1, level 3 of MULTUM drug category #2 (detailed level) */ @726 RX1V3C3 $CHAR3. /*For RX1, level 3 of MULTUM drug category #3 (detailed level) */ @729 RX1V3C4 $CHAR3. /*For RX1, level 3 of MULTUM drug category #4 (detailed level) */ @732 DRUGID2 $CHAR6. /*Drug ID code for medication #2 */ @738 PRESCR2 1. /*Prescription status code for medication #2 */ @739 CONTSUB2 1. /*Controlled substance status code for medication #2 */ @740 COMSTAT2 1. /*Composition status code for medication #2 */ @741 RX2CAT1 $CHAR3. /*For RX2, MULTUM drug category #1 - most detailed level (can be either Level 1,2 or 3) */ @744 RX2CAT2 $CHAR3. /*For RX2, MULTUM drug category #2 - most detailed level (can be either Level 1,2 or 3) */ @747 RX2CAT3 $CHAR3. /*For RX2, MULTUM drug category #3 - most detailed level (can be either Level 1,2 or 3) */ @750 RX2CAT4 $CHAR3. /*For RX2, MULTUM drug category #4 - most detailed level (can be either Level 1,2 or 3) */ @753 RX2V1C1 $CHAR3. /*For RX2, level 1 of MULTUM drug category #1 (broad level) */ @756 RX2V1C2 $CHAR3. /*For RX2, level 1 of MULTUM drug category #2 (broad level) */ @759 RX2V1C3 $CHAR3. /*For RX2, level 1 of MULTUM drug category #3 (broad level) */ @762 RX2V1C4 $CHAR3. /*For RX2, level 1 of MULTUM drug category #4 (broad level) */ @765 RX2V2C1 $CHAR3. /*For RX2, level 2 of MULTUM drug category #1 (intermediate level) */ @768 RX2V2C2 $CHAR3. /*For RX2, level 2 of MULTUM drug category #2 (intermediate level) */ @771 RX2V2C3 $CHAR3. /*For RX2, level 2 of MULTUM drug category #3 (intermediate level) */ @774 RX2V2C4 $CHAR3. /*For RX2, level 2 of MULTUM drug category #4 (intermediate level) */ @777 RX2V3C1 $CHAR3. /*For RX2, level 3 of MULTUM drug category #1 (detailed level) */ @780 RX2V3C2 $CHAR3. /*For RX2, level 3 of MULTUM drug category #2 (detailed level) */ @783 RX2V3C3 $CHAR3. /*For RX2, level 3 of MULTUM drug category #3 (detailed level) */ @786 RX2V3C4 $CHAR3. /*For RX2, level 3 of MULTUM drug category #4 (detailed level) */ @789 DRUGID3 $CHAR6. /*Drug ID code for medication #3 */ @795 PRESCR3 1. /*Prescription status code for medication #3 */ @796 CONTSUB3 1. /*Controlled substance status code for medication #3 */ @797 COMSTAT3 1. /*Composition status code for medication #3 */ @798 RX3CAT1 $CHAR3. /*For RX3, MULTUM drug category #1 - most detailed level (can be either Level 1,2 or 3) */ @801 RX3CAT2 $CHAR3. /*For RX3, MULTUM drug category #2 - most detailed level (can be either Level 1,2 or 3) */ @804 RX3CAT3 $CHAR3. /*For RX3, MULTUM drug category #3 - most detailed level (can be either Level 1,2 or 3) */ @807 RX3CAT4 $CHAR3. /*For RX3, MULTUM drug category #4 - most detailed level (can be either Level 1,2 or 3) */ @810 RX3V1C1 $CHAR3. /*For RX3, level 1 of MULTUM drug category #1 (broad level) */ @813 RX3V1C2 $CHAR3. /*For RX3, level 1 of MULTUM drug category #2 (broad level) */ @816 RX3V1C3 $CHAR3. /*For RX3, level 1 of MULTUM drug category #3 (broad level) */ @819 RX3V1C4 $CHAR3. /*For RX3, level 1 of MULTUM drug category #4 (broad level) */ @822 RX3V2C1 $CHAR3. /*For RX3, level 2 of MULTUM drug category #1 (intermediate level) */ @825 RX3V2C2 $CHAR3. /*For RX3, level 2 of MULTUM drug category #2 (intermediate level) */ @828 RX3V2C3 $CHAR3. /*For RX3, level 2 of MULTUM drug category #3 (intermediate level) */ @831 RX3V2C4 $CHAR3. /*For RX3, level 2 of MULTUM drug category #4 (intermediate level) */ @834 RX3V3C1 $CHAR3. /*For RX3, level 3 of MULTUM drug category #1 (detailed level) */ @837 RX3V3C2 $CHAR3. /*For RX3, level 3 of MULTUM drug category #2 (detailed level) */ @840 RX3V3C3 $CHAR3. /*For RX3, level 3 of MULTUM drug category #3 (detailed level) */ @843 RX3V3C4 $CHAR3. /*For RX3, level 3 of MULTUM drug category #4 (detailed level) */ @846 DRUGID4 $CHAR6. /*Drug ID code for medication #4 */ @852 PRESCR4 1. /*Prescription status code for medication #4 */ @853 CONTSUB4 1. /*Controlled substance status code for medication #4 */ @854 COMSTAT4 1. /*Composition status code for medication #4 */ @855 RX4CAT1 $CHAR3. /*For RX4, MULTUM drug category #1 - most detailed level (can be either Level 1,2 or 3) */ @858 RX4CAT2 $CHAR3. /*For RX4, MULTUM drug category #2 - most detailed level (can be either Level 1,2 or 3) */ @861 RX4CAT3 $CHAR3. /*For RX4, MULTUM drug category #3 - most detailed level (can be either Level 1,2 or 3) */ @864 RX4CAT4 $CHAR3. /*For RX4, MULTUM drug category #4 - most detailed level (can be either Level 1,2 or 3) */ @867 RX4V1C1 $CHAR3. /*For RX4, level 1 of MULTUM drug category #1 (broad level) */ @870 RX4V1C2 $CHAR3. /*For RX4, level 1 of MULTUM drug category #2 (broad level) */ @873 RX4V1C3 $CHAR3. /*For RX4, level 1 of MULTUM drug category #3 (broad level) */ @876 RX4V1C4 $CHAR3. /*For RX4, level 1 of MULTUM drug category #4 (broad level) */ @879 RX4V2C1 $CHAR3. /*For RX4, level 2 of MULTUM drug category #1 (intermediate level) */ @882 RX4V2C2 $CHAR3. /*For RX4, level 2 of MULTUM drug category #2 (intermediate level) */ @885 RX4V2C3 $CHAR3. /*For RX4, level 2 of MULTUM drug category #3 (intermediate level) */ @888 RX4V2C4 $CHAR3. /*For RX4, level 2 of MULTUM drug category #4 (intermediate level) */ @891 RX4V3C1 $CHAR3. /*For RX4, level 3 of MULTUM drug category #1 (detailed level) */ @894 RX4V3C2 $CHAR3. /*For RX4, level 3 of MULTUM drug category #2 (detailed level) */ @897 RX4V3C3 $CHAR3. /*For RX4, level 3 of MULTUM drug category #3 (detailed level) */ @900 RX4V3C4 $CHAR3. /*For RX4, level 3 of MULTUM drug category #4 (detailed level) */ @903 DRUGID5 $CHAR6. /*Drug ID code for medication #5 */ @909 PRESCR5 1. /*Prescription status code medication #5 */ @910 CONTSUB5 1. /*Controlled substance status code medication #5 */ @911 COMSTAT5 1. /*Composition status code medication #5 */ @912 RX5CAT1 $CHAR3. /*For RX5, MULTUM drug category #1 - most detailed level (can be either Level 1,2 or 3) */ @915 RX5CAT2 $CHAR3. /*For RX5, MULTUM drug category #2 - most detailed level (can be either Level 1,2 or 3) */ @918 RX5CAT3 $CHAR3. /*For RX5, MULTUM drug category #3 - most detailed level (can be either Level 1,2 or 3) */ @921 RX5CAT4 $CHAR3. /*For RX5, MULTUM drug category #4 - most detailed level (can be either Level 1,2 or 3) */ @924 RX5V1C1 $CHAR3. /*For RX5, level 1 of MULTUM drug category #1 (broad level) */ @927 RX5V1C2 $CHAR3. /*For RX5, level 1 of MULTUM drug category #2 (broad level) */ @930 RX5V1C3 $CHAR3. /*For RX5, level 1 of MULTUM drug category #3 (broad level) */ @933 RX5V1C4 $CHAR3. /*For RX5, level 1 of MULTUM drug category #4 (broad level) */ @936 RX5V2C1 $CHAR3. /*For RX5, level 2 of MULTUM drug category #1 (intermediate level) */ @939 RX5V2C2 $CHAR3. /*For RX5, level 2 of MULTUM drug category #2 (intermediate level) */ @942 RX5V2C3 $CHAR3. /*For RX5, level 2 of MULTUM drug category #3 (intermediate level) */ @945 RX5V2C4 $CHAR3. /*For RX5, level 2 of MULTUM drug category #4 (intermediate level) */ @948 RX5V3C1 $CHAR3. /*For RX5, level 3 of MULTUM drug category #1 (detailed level) */ @951 RX5V3C2 $CHAR3. /*For RX5, level 3 of MULTUM drug category #2 (detailed level) */ @954 RX5V3C3 $CHAR3. /*For RX5, level 3 of MULTUM drug category #3 (detailed level) */ @957 RX5V3C4 $CHAR3. /*For RX5, level 3 of MULTUM drug category #4 (detailed level) */ @960 DRUGID6 $CHAR6. /*Drug ID code for medication #6 */ @966 PRESCR6 1. /*Prescription status code for medication #6 */ @967 CONTSUB6 1. /*Controlled substance status code for medication #6 */ @968 COMSTAT6 1. /*Composition status code for medication #6 */ @969 RX6CAT1 $CHAR3. /*For RX6, MULTUM drug category #1 - most detailed level (can be either Level 1,2 or 3) */ @972 RX6CAT2 $CHAR3. /*For RX6, MULTUM drug category #2 - most detailed level (can be either Level 1,2 or 3) */ @975 RX6CAT3 $CHAR3. /*For RX6, MULTUM drug category #3 - most detailed level (can be either Level 1,2 or 3) */ @978 RX6CAT4 $CHAR3. /*For RX6, MULTUM drug category #4 - most detailed level (can be either Level 1,2 or 3) */ @981 RX6V1C1 $CHAR3. /*For RX6, level 1 of MULTUM drug category #1 (broad level) */ @984 RX6V1C2 $CHAR3. /*For RX6, level 1 of MULTUM drug category #2 (broad level) */ @987 RX6V1C3 $CHAR3. /*For RX6, level 1 of MULTUM drug category #3 (broad level) */ @990 RX6V1C4 $CHAR3. /*For RX6, level 1 of MULTUM drug category #4 (broad level) */ @993 RX6V2C1 $CHAR3. /*For RX6, level 2 of MULTUM drug category #1 (intermediate level) */ @996 RX6V2C2 $CHAR3. /*For RX6, level 2 of MULTUM drug category #2 (intermediate level) */ @999 RX6V2C3 $CHAR3. /*For RX6, level 2 of MULTUM drug category #3 (intermediate level) */ @1002 RX6V2C4 $CHAR3. /*For RX6, level 2 of MULTUM drug category #4 (intermediate level) */ @1005 RX6V3C1 $CHAR3. /*For RX6, level 3 of MULTUM drug category #1 (detailed level) */ @1008 RX6V3C2 $CHAR3. /*For RX6, level 3 of MULTUM drug category #2 (detailed level) */ @1011 RX6V3C3 $CHAR3. /*For RX6, level 3 of MULTUM drug category #3 (detailed level) */ @1014 RX6V3C4 $CHAR3. /*For RX6, level 3 of MULTUM drug category #4 (detailed level) */ @1017 DRUGID7 $CHAR6. /*Drug ID code for medication #7 */ @1023 PRESCR7 1. /*Prescription status code for medication #7 */ @1024 CONTSUB7 1. /*Controlled substance status code for medication #7 */ @1025 COMSTAT7 1. /*Composition status code for medication #7 */ @1026 RX7CAT1 $CHAR3. /*For RX7, MULTUM drug category #1 - most detailed level (can be either Level 1,2 or 3) */ @1029 RX7CAT2 $CHAR3. /*For RX7, MULTUM drug category #2 - most detailed level (can be either Level 1,2 or 3) */ @1032 RX7CAT3 $CHAR3. /*For RX7, MULTUM drug category #3 - most detailed level (can be either Level 1,2 or 3) */ @1035 RX7CAT4 $CHAR3. /*For RX7, MULTUM drug category #4 - most detailed level (can be either Level 1,2 or 3) */ @1038 RX7V1C1 $CHAR3. /*For RX7, level 1 of MULTUM drug category #1 (broad level) */ @1041 RX7V1C2 $CHAR3. /*For RX7, level 1 of MULTUM drug category #2 (broad level) */ @1044 RX7V1C3 $CHAR3. /*For RX7, level 1 of MULTUM drug category #3 (broad level) */ @1047 RX7V1C4 $CHAR3. /*For RX7, level 1 of MULTUM drug category #4 (broad level) */ @1050 RX7V2C1 $CHAR3. /*For RX7, level 2 of MULTUM drug category #1 (intermediate level) */ @1053 RX7V2C2 $CHAR3. /*For RX7, level 2 of MULTUM drug category #2 (intermediate level) */ @1056 RX7V2C3 $CHAR3. /*For RX7, level 2 of MULTUM drug category #3 (intermediate level) */ @1059 RX7V2C4 $CHAR3. /*For RX7, level 2 of MULTUM drug category #4 (intermediate level) */ @1062 RX7V3C1 $CHAR3. /*For RX7, level 3 of MULTUM drug category #1 (detailed level) */ @1065 RX7V3C2 $CHAR3. /*For RX7, level 3 of MULTUM drug category #2 (detailed level) */ @1068 RX7V3C3 $CHAR3. /*For RX7, level 3 of MULTUM drug category #3 (detailed level) */ @1071 RX7V3C4 $CHAR3. /*For RX7, level 3 of MULTUM drug category #4 (detailed level) */ @1074 DRUGID8 $CHAR6. /*Drug ID code for medication #8 */ @1080 PRESCR8 1. /*Prescription status code for medication #8 */ @1081 CONTSUB8 1. /*Controlled substance status code for medication #8 */ @1082 COMSTAT8 1. /*Composition status code for medication #8 */ @1083 RX8CAT1 $CHAR3. /*For RX8, MULTUM drug category #1 - most detailed level (can be either Level 1,2 or 3) */ @1086 RX8CAT2 $CHAR3. /*For RX8, MULTUM drug category #2 - most detailed level (can be either Level 1,2 or 3) */ @1089 RX8CAT3 $CHAR3. /*For RX8, MULTUM drug category #3 - most detailed level (can be either Level 1,2 or 3) */ @1092 RX8CAT4 $CHAR3. /*For RX8, MULTUM drug category #4 - most detailed level (can be either Level 1,2 or 3) */ @1095 RX8V1C1 $CHAR3. /*For RX8, level 1 of MULTUM drug category #1 (broad level) */ @1098 RX8V1C2 $CHAR3. /*For RX8, level 1 of MULTUM drug category #2 (broad level) */ @1101 RX8V1C3 $CHAR3. /*For RX8, level 1 of MULTUM drug category #3 (broad level) */ @1104 RX8V1C4 $CHAR3. /*For RX8, level 1 of MULTUM drug category #4 (broad level) */ @1107 RX8V2C1 $CHAR3. /*For RX8, level 2 of MULTUM drug category #1 (intermediate level) */ @1110 RX8V2C2 $CHAR3. /*For RX8, level 2 of MULTUM drug category #2 (intermediate level) */ @1113 RX8V2C3 $CHAR3. /*For RX8, level 2 of MULTUM drug category #3 (intermediate level) */ @1116 RX8V2C4 $CHAR3. /*For RX8, level 2 of MULTUM drug category #4 (intermediate level) */ @1119 RX8V3C1 $CHAR3. /*For RX8, level 3 of MULTUM drug category #1 (detailed level) */ @1122 RX8V3C2 $CHAR3. /*For RX8, level 3 of MULTUM drug category #2 (detailed level) */ @1125 RX8V3C3 $CHAR3. /*For RX8, level 3 of MULTUM drug category #3 (detailed level) */ @1128 RX8V3C4 $CHAR3. /*For RX8, level 3 of MULTUM drug category #4 (detailed level) */ @1131 DRUGID9 $CHAR6. /*Drug ID code for medication #9 */ @1137 PRESCR9 1. /*Prescription status code for medication #9 */ @1138 CONTSUB9 1. /*Controlled substance status code for medication #9 */ @1139 COMSTAT9 1. /*Composition status code for medication #9 */ @1140 RX9CAT1 $CHAR3. /*For RX9, MULTUM drug category #1 - most detailed level (can be either Level 1,2 or 3) */ @1143 RX9CAT2 $CHAR3. /*For RX9, MULTUM drug category #2 - most detailed level (can be either Level 1,2 or 3) */ @1146 RX9CAT3 $CHAR3. /*For RX9, MULTUM drug category #3 - most detailed level (can be either Level 1,2 or 3) */ @1149 RX9CAT4 $CHAR3. /*For RX9, MULTUM drug category #4 - most detailed level (can be either Level 1,2 or 3) */ @1152 RX9V1C1 $CHAR3. /*For RX9, level 1 of MULTUM drug category #1 (broad level) */ @1155 RX9V1C2 $CHAR3. /*For RX9, level 1 of MULTUM drug category #2 (broad level) */ @1158 RX9V1C3 $CHAR3. /*For RX9, level 1 of MULTUM drug category #3 (broad level) */ @1161 RX9V1C4 $CHAR3. /*For RX9, level 1 of MULTUM drug category #4 (broad level) */ @1164 RX9V2C1 $CHAR3. /*For RX9, level 2 of MULTUM drug category #1 (intermediate level) */ @1167 RX9V2C2 $CHAR3. /*For RX9, level 2 of MULTUM drug category #2 (intermediate level) */ @1170 RX9V2C3 $CHAR3. /*For RX9, level 2 of MULTUM drug category #3 (intermediate level) */ @1173 RX9V2C4 $CHAR3. /*For RX9, level 2 of MULTUM drug category #4 (intermediate level) */ @1176 RX9V3C1 $CHAR3. /*For RX9, level 3 of MULTUM drug category #1 (detailed level) */ @1179 RX9V3C2 $CHAR3. /*For RX9, level 3 of MULTUM drug category #2 (detailed level) */ @1182 RX9V3C3 $CHAR3. /*For RX9, level 3 of MULTUM drug category #3 (detailed level) */ @1185 RX9V3C4 $CHAR3. /*For RX9, level 3 of MULTUM drug category #4 (detailed level) */ @1188 DRUGID10 $CHAR6. /*Drug ID code for medication #10 */ @1194 PRESCR10 1. /*Prescription status code for medication #10 */ @1195 CONTSUB10 1. /*Controlled substance status code for medication #10 */ @1196 COMSTAT10 1. /*Composition status code for medication #10 */ @1197 RX10CAT1 $CHAR3. /*For RX10, MULTUM drug category #1 - most detailed level (can be either Level 1,2 or 3) */ @1200 RX10CAT2 $CHAR3. /*For RX10, MULTUM drug category #2 - most detailed level (can be either Level 1,2 or 3) */ @1203 RX10CAT3 $CHAR3. /*For RX10, MULTUM drug category #3 - most detailed level (can be either Level 1,2 or 3) */ @1206 RX10CAT4 $CHAR3. /*For RX10, MULTUM drug category #4 - most detailed level (can be either Level 1,2 or 3) */ @1209 RX10V1C1 $CHAR3. /*For RX10, level 1 of MULTUM drug category #1 (broad level) */ @1212 RX10V1C2 $CHAR3. /*For RX10, level 1 of MULTUM drug category #2 (broad level) */ @1215 RX10V1C3 $CHAR3. /*For RX10, level 1 of MULTUM drug category #3 (broad level) */ @1218 RX10V1C4 $CHAR3. /*For RX10, level 1 of MULTUM drug category #4 (broad level) */ @1221 RX10V2C1 $CHAR3. /*For RX10, level 2 of MULTUM drug category #1 (intermediate level) */ @1224 RX10V2C2 $CHAR3. /*For RX10, level 2 of MULTUM drug category #2 (intermediate level) */ @1227 RX10V2C3 $CHAR3. /*For RX10, level 2 of MULTUM drug category #3 (intermediate level) */ @1230 RX10V2C4 $CHAR3. /*For RX10, level 2 of MULTUM drug category #4 (intermediate level) */ @1233 RX10V3C1 $CHAR3. /*For RX10, level 3 of MULTUM drug category #1 (detailed level) */ @1236 RX10V3C2 $CHAR3. /*For RX10, level 3 of MULTUM drug category #2 (detailed level) */ @1239 RX10V3C3 $CHAR3. /*For RX10, level 3 of MULTUM drug category #3 (detailed level) */ @1242 RX10V3C4 $CHAR3. /*For RX10, level 3 of MULTUM drug category #4 (detailed level) */ @1245 DRUGID11 $CHAR6. /*Drug ID code for medication #11 */ @1251 PRESCR11 1. /*Prescription status code for medication #11 */ @1252 CONTSUB11 1. /*Controlled substance status code for medication #11 */ @1253 COMSTAT11 1. /*Composition status code for medication #11 */ @1254 RX11CAT1 $CHAR3. /*For RX11, MULTUM drug category #1 - most detailed level (can be either Level 1,2 or 3) */ @1257 RX11CAT2 $CHAR3. /*For RX11, MULTUM drug category #2 - most detailed level (can be either Level 1,2 or 3) */ @1260 RX11CAT3 $CHAR3. /*For RX11, MULTUM drug category #3 - most detailed level (can be either Level 1,2 or 3) */ @1263 RX11CAT4 $CHAR3. /*For RX11, MULTUM drug category #4 - most detailed level (can be either Level 1,2 or 3) */ @1266 RX11V1C1 $CHAR3. /*For RX11, level 1 of MULTUM drug category #1 (broad level) */ @1269 RX11V1C2 $CHAR3. /*For RX11, level 1 of MULTUM drug category #2 (broad level) */ @1272 RX11V1C3 $CHAR3. /*For RX11, level 1 of MULTUM drug category #3 (broad level) */ @1275 RX11V1C4 $CHAR3. /*For RX11, level 1 of MULTUM drug category #4 (broad level) */ @1278 RX11V2C1 $CHAR3. /*For RX11, level 2 of MULTUM drug category #1 (intermediate level) */ @1281 RX11V2C2 $CHAR3. /*For RX11, level 2 of MULTUM drug category #2 (intermediate level) */ @1284 RX11V2C3 $CHAR3. /*For RX11, level 2 of MULTUM drug category #3 (intermediate level) */ @1287 RX11V2C4 $CHAR3. /*For RX11, level 2 of MULTUM drug category #4 (intermediate level) */ @1290 RX11V3C1 $CHAR3. /*For RX11, level 3 of MULTUM drug category #1 (detailed level) */ @1293 RX11V3C2 $CHAR3. /*For RX11, level 3 of MULTUM drug category #2 (detailed level) */ @1296 RX11V3C3 $CHAR3. /*For RX11, level 3 of MULTUM drug category #3 (detailed level) */ @1299 RX11V3C4 $CHAR3. /*For RX11, level 3 of MULTUM drug category #4 (detailed level) */ @1302 DRUGID12 $CHAR6. /*Drug ID code for medication #12 */ @1308 PRESCR12 1. /*Prescription status code for medication #12 */ @1309 CONTSUB12 1. /*Controlled substance status code for medication #12 */ @1310 COMSTAT12 1. /*Composition status code for medication #12 */ @1311 RX12CAT1 $CHAR3. /*For RX12, MULTUM drug category #1 - most detailed level (can be either Level 1,2 or 3) */ @1314 RX12CAT2 $CHAR3. /*For RX12, MULTUM drug category #2 - most detailed level (can be either Level 1,2 or 3) */ @1317 RX12CAT3 $CHAR3. /*For RX12, MULTUM drug category #3 - most detailed level (can be either Level 1,2 or 3) */ @1320 RX12CAT4 $CHAR3. /*For RX12, MULTUM drug category #4 - most detailed level (can be either Level 1,2 or 3) */ @1323 RX12V1C1 $CHAR3. /*For RX12, level 1 of MULTUM drug category #1 (broad level) */ @1326 RX12V1C2 $CHAR3. /*For RX12, level 1 of MULTUM drug category #2 (broad level) */ @1329 RX12V1C3 $CHAR3. /*For RX12, level 1 of MULTUM drug category #3 (broad level) */ @1332 RX12V1C4 $CHAR3. /*For RX12, level 1 of MULTUM drug category #4 (broad level) */ @1335 RX12V2C1 $CHAR3. /*For RX12, level 2 of MULTUM drug category #1 (intermediate level) */ @1338 RX12V2C2 $CHAR3. /*For RX12, level 2 of MULTUM drug category #2 (intermediate level) */ @1341 RX12V2C3 $CHAR3. /*For RX12, level 2 of MULTUM drug category #3 (intermediate level) */ @1344 RX12V2C4 $CHAR3. /*For RX12, level 2 of MULTUM drug category #4 (intermediate level) */ @1347 RX12V3C1 $CHAR3. /*For RX12, level 3 of MULTUM drug category #1 (detailed level) */ @1350 RX12V3C2 $CHAR3. /*For RX12, level 3 of MULTUM drug category #2 (detailed level) */ @1353 RX12V3C3 $CHAR3. /*For RX12, level 3 of MULTUM drug category #3 (detailed level) */ @1356 RX12V3C4 $CHAR3. /*For RX12, level 3 of MULTUM drug category #4 (detailed level) */ @1359 SETTYPE 1. /*Setting type */ @1360 YEAR 4. /*YEAR (2013) */ @1364 CSTRATM 8. /*Clustered CSTRATM -- masked */ @1372 CPSUM 6. /*Clustered CPSUM -- masked */ @1378 PATWT 6. /*Patient visit weight */ @1384 EDWT 6. /*ED weight */ ;