/* SAS CODEBOOK FOR 1994 NHAMCS - EMERGENCY DEPARTMENT PUBLIC USE FILE INCLUDES VARIABLE LABELS AND FORMAT ASSIGNMENTS */ LABEL VMONTH="Month of visit" VDAY="Day of visit" VYEAR="Year of visit - 2 digits" AGE="Patient age in years" SEX="Patient sex" RACE="Patient race" ETHNIC="Patient ethnicity" PRIVINS="Expected source of payment-Private/Comm" MEDICARE="Expected source of payment-Medicare" MEDICAID="Expected source of payment-Medicaid" OTHGOVT="Expected source of payment-Oth gov't" HMO="Expected source of payment-HMO/Oth prepaid" SELFPAY="Expected source of payment-Patient paid" NOCHARGE="Expected source of payment-No charge" OTHPAY="Expected source of payment-Other" UNKPAY="Expected source of payment-Unknown" PLACE="Place of occurrence of injury" CAUSE1="Cause of injury #1" CAUSE2="Cause of injury #2" CAUSE3="Cause of injury #3" CAUSE13D="Cause of injury #1 - broad" CAUSE23D="Cause of injury #2 - broad" CAUSE33D="Cause of injury #3 - broad" RFV1="Patient's reason for visit #1" RFV2="Patient's reason for visit #2" RFV3="Patient's reason for visit #3" RFV13D="Patient's reason for visit #1 - broad" RFV23D="Patient's reason for visit #2 - broad" RFV33D="Patient's reason for visit #3 - broad" DIAG1="Physician's diagnosis #1" DIAG2="Physician's diagnosis #2" DIAG3="Physician's diagnosis #3" DIAG13D="Physician's diagnosis #1 - broad" DIAG23D="Physician's diagnosis #2 - broad" DIAG33D="Physician's diagnosis #3 - broad" URGENT="Urgency of this visit" ALCDRUG="Is visit alcohol or drug related?" MED="Were medications/injections ordered/provided?" NUMMED="Number of medications coded" MED1="Medication #1" MED2="Medication #2" MED3="Medication #3" MED4="Medication #4" MED5="Medication #5" NODIAGSC="Diagnostic/screening services - None" BLODPRES="Blood pressure test" URINE="Urinalysis" HIVSER="HIV serology" EKG="EKG" CHESTXRY="Chest x-ray" EXTRXRAY="Extremity X-ray" OTHIMAG="Other diagnostic imaging" DIAGSC1="Other diag/screen service #1 - 4 digit" DIAGSC13="Other diag/screen service #1 - 3 digit" DIAGSC12="Other diag/screen service #1 - 2 digit" DIAGSC2="Other diag/screen service #2 - 4 digit" DIAGSC23="Other diag/screen service #2 - 3 digit" DIAGSC22="Other diag/screen service #2 - 2 digit" DIAGSC3="Other diag/screen service #3 - 4 digit" DIAGSC33="Other diag/screen service #3 - 3 digit" DIAGSC32="Other diag/screen service #3 - 2 digit" PROCNONE="Procedures - none" ENDOINT="Endotracheal intubation" CPR="CPR" IVFLUIDS="IV fluids" NGTUBE="NG tube/Gastric lavage" WOUND="Wound care" EYEENT="Eye/ENT care" ORTHOPED="Orthopedic care" BLADCATH="Bladder catheter" LUMBPUNC="Lumbar puncture" PROC1="Other procedure #1 - 4 digit" PROC13D="Other procedure #1 - 3 digit" PROC12D="Other procedure #1 - 2 digit" PROC2="Other procedure #2 - 4 digit" PROC23D="Other procedure #2 - 3 digit" PROC22D="Other procedure #2 - 2 digit" PROC3="Other procedure #3 - 4 digit" PROC33D="Other procedure #3 - 3 digit" PROC32D="Other procedure #3 - 2 digit" NOFOLLOW="No follow-up planned" EDPRN="Return to ED, P.R.N. (as needed)" EDAPPT="Return to ED - appointment" REFPHYS="Return to referring physician" REFOTHPH="Refer to other physician/clinic" ADMITHOS="Admitted to hospital" TRANSFER="Transferred to other facility" DOA="DOA/Died in ED" OTHERDIS="Other disposition" RESINT="Resident/Intern seen" STAFFPHY="Staff physician seen" OTHERPHY="Other Physician seen" PHYSASST="Physician assistant/Nurse prac seen" RN="Registered nurse seen" LPN="Licensed practical nurse seen" NURSAID="Nurse's aide seen" OTHERPRV="Other provider seen" PATWT="Patient visit weight (rounded)" REGION="Geographic region of hospital" MSA="MSA/non-MSA status of location of hospital" OWNSMG="Hospital ownership" HOSPCODE="Hospital code" BDATEFL="Was patient's birth year imputed?" SEXFL="Was patient's sex imputed?" RACEFL="Was patient's race imputed?" ETHNICFL="Was patient's ethnicity imputed?" URGENTFL="Was urgency of visit imputed?" ALCFL="Was alcohol/drug related imputed?" DISPFL="Was disposition of visit imputed?" PROVFL="Was providers seen imputed?" GEN1="Generic name code for drug #1" PRESCR1="Prescription status code for drug #1" CONTSUB1="Controlled substance code for drug #1" COMSTAT1="Composition status code for drug #1" DRUGCL1="Drug class for drug #1" DRG1ING1="Ingredient code #1 for drug #1" DRG1ING2="Ingredient code #2 for drug #1" DRG1ING3="Ingredient code #3 for drug #1" DRG1ING4="Ingredient code #4 for drug #1" DRG1ING5="Ingredient code #5 for drug #1" GEN2="Generic name code for drug #2" PRESCR2="Prescription status code for drug #2" CONTSUB2="Controlled substance code for drug #2" COMSTAT2="Composition status code for drug #2" DRUGCL2="Drug class for drug #2" DRG2ING1="Ingredient code #1 for drug #2" DRG2ING2="Ingredient code #2 for drug #2" DRG2ING3="Ingredient code #3 for drug #2" DRG2ING4="Ingredient code #4 for drug #2" DRG2ING5="Ingredient code #5 for drug #2" GEN3="Generic name code for drug #3" PRESCR3="Prescription status code for drug #3" CONTSUB3="Controlled substance code for drug #3" COMSTAT3="Composition status code for drug #3" DRUGCL3="Drug class for drug #3" DRG3ING1="Ingredient code #1 for drug #3" DRG3ING2="Ingredient code #2 for drug #3" DRG3ING3="Ingredient code #3 for drug #3" DRG3ING4="Ingredient code #4 for drug #3" DRG3ING5="Ingredient code #5 for drug #3" GEN4="Generic name code for drug #4" PRESCR4="Prescription status code for drug #4" CONTSUB4="Controlled substance code for drug #4" COMSTAT4="Composition status code for drug #4" DRUGCL4="Drug class for drug #4" DRG4ING1="Ingredient code #1 for drug #4" DRG4ING2="Ingredient code #2 for drug #4" DRG4ING3="Ingredient code #3 for drug #4" DRG4ING4="Ingredient code #4 for drug #4" DRG4ING5="Ingredient code #5 for drug #4" GEN5="Generic name code for drug #5" PRESCR5="Prescription status code for drug #5" CONTSUB5="Controlled substance code for drug #5" COMSTAT5="Composition status code for drug #5" DRUGCL5="Drug class for drug #5" DRG5ING1="Ingredient code #1 for drug #5" DRG5ING2="Ingredient code #2 for drug #5" DRG5ING3="Ingredient code #3 for drug #5" DRG5ING4="Ingredient code #4 for drug #5" DRG5ING5="Ingredient code #5 for drug #5" RACER="Patient race recode: White, Black, Other" PATCODE="Patient code" STRATM="PSU stratum marker (masked)" PSUM="PSU marker (masked)" YEAR="Survey year (1994)" SUBFILE="Survey identifier (constant=2 for NHAMCS)" PROSTRAT="Provider stratum marker" PROVIDER="Provider code" DEPT="Hospital department code" SU="Hospital sampling unit code" CLINIC="Hospital clinic code" POPPSUM="Stratum counts of PSUs (masked)" POPSUM="# of clinic sampling units in hos (masked)" POPVISM="Estimated provider visit volume (masked)" POPPROVM="Estimated # of inscope providers in PSU (masked)" ; FORMAT VMONTH VMONTHF. SEX SEXF. RACE RACEF. ETHNIC ETHNICF. HMO MEDICARE MEDICAID OTHGOVT PRIVINS SELFPAY NOCHARGE OTHPAY UNKPAY YESNOF. PLACE PLACEF. CAUSE1 CAUSE2 CAUSE3 CAUSEF. CAUSE13D CAUSE23D CAUSE33D CAUSE3DF. RFV1 RFV2 RFV3 RFVF. RFV13D RFV23D RFV33D RFV3DF. DIAG1 DIAG2 DIAG3 DIAGF. DIAG13D DIAG23D DIAG33D DIAG3DF. URGENT URGENTF. ALCDRUG ALCDRUGF. MED MEDF. MED1 MED2 MED3 MED4 MED5 $MEDCODF. NODIAGSC BLODPRES URINE HIVSER EKG CHESTXRY EXTRXRAY OTHIMAG YESNOF. DIAGSC1 DIAGSC2 DIAGSC3 $PROCF. DIAGSC13 $PROC3DF. DIAGSC23 $PROC3DF. DIAGSC33 $PROC3DF. DIAGSC12 $PROC2DF. DIAGSC22 $PROC2DF. DIAGSC32 $PROC2DF. PROCNONE ENDOINT CPR IVFLUIDS NGTUBE WOUND EYEENT ORTHOPED BLADCATH LUMBPUNC YESNOF. PROC1 PROC2 PROC3 $PROCF. PROC13D $PROC3DF. PROC23D $PROC3DF. PROC33D $PROC3DF. PROC12D $PROC2DF. PROC22D $PROC2DF. PROC32D $PROC2DF. NOFOLLOW EDPRN EDAPPT REFPHYS REFOTHPH ADMITHOS TRANSFER DOA OTHERDIS RESINT STAFFPHY OTHERPHY PHYSASST RN LPN NURSAID OTHERPRV YESNOF. REGION REGIONF. MSA MSAF. OWNSMG OWNSMGF. BDATEFL SEXFL RACEFL ETHNICFL URGENTFL ALCFL DISPFL PROVFL IMPUTF. GEN1 $GENCODF. PRESCR1 PRESCRF. CONTSUB1 CONTSUBF. COMSTAT1 COMSTATF. DRUGCL1 $DRUGCLF. DRG1ING1 DRG1ING2 DRG1ING3 DRG1ING4 DRG1ING5 GEN2 $GENCODF. PRESCR2 PRESCRF. CONTSUB2 CONTSUBF. COMSTAT2 COMSTATF. DRUGCL2 $DRUGCLF. DRG2ING1 DRG2ING2 DRG2ING3 DRG2ING4 DRG2ING5 GEN3 $GENCODF. PRESCR3 PRESCRF. CONTSUB3 CONTSUBF. COMSTAT3 COMSTATF. DRUGCL3 $DRUGCLF. DRG3ING1 DRG3ING2 DRG3ING3 DRG3ING4 DRG3ING5 GEN4 $GENCODF. PRESCR4 PRESCRF. CONTSUB4 CONTSUBF. COMSTAT4 COMSTATF. DRUGCL4 $DRUGCLF. DRG4ING1 DRG4ING2 DRG4ING3 DRG4ING4 DRG4ING5 GEN5 $GENCODF. PRESCR5 PRESCRF. CONTSUB5 CONTSUBF. COMSTAT5 COMSTATF. DRUGCL5 $DRUGCLF. DRG5ING1 DRG5ING2 DRG5ING3 DRG5ING4 DRG5ING5 $GENCODF. RACER RACERF. ;