ftp.cdc.gov - /pub/health_statistics/nchs/Program_Code/oae/Inj_Dx_Matrix/

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1/12/2024 4:40 PM 407211 011224 2023 revisions to 2016 Proposed ICD10CM Inj Dx Matrix.xlsx
1/29/2024 10:37 AM 877568 body_lvl_fmt32b.sas7bcat
1/26/2024 1:13 PM 955392 body_lvl_fmt64b.sas7bcat
1/29/2024 10:37 AM 930816 descript_fmt32b.sas7bcat
1/26/2024 1:13 PM 1004544 descript_fmt64b.sas7bcat
1/19/2024 11:58 AM 282823 Differences_10V10CMMatrix.csv
1/29/2024 10:37 AM 627712 nature_lvl_fmt32b.sas7bcat
1/26/2024 1:13 PM 701440 nature_lvl_fmt64b.sas7bcat
1/19/2024 2:03 PM 280731 Readme_Using the Formats InjDXMatrix_01192024.pdf
1/19/2024 12:41 PM 73490 Tech_Notes_Table_I_Relocation_of_codes_12282020.csv
1/19/2024 12:42 PM 27306 Tech_Notes_Table_II_Addition_of_codes_12282020.csv