The subdirectories behind /pub/infectious_diseases contain NCID publications. Below is an index of the publications available. Readme and index files are available in each of the subdirectories with more information. NCID PUBLICATIONS CDC CHILD CARE HEALTH AND SAFETY ACTION PLAN located in: /pub/infectious_diseases/daycare EMERGING INFECTIOUS DISEASES located in: /pub/infectious_diseases/EID ADDRESSING EMERGING INFECTIOUS DISEASES THREATS: A PREVENTION STRATEGY FOR THE UNITED STATES located in: /pub/infectious_diseases/emergplan THE FACTS ABOUT CHRONIC FATIGUE SYNDROME located in: /pub/infectious_diseases/cfs ADDRESSING EMERGING INFECTIOUS DISEASE THREATS: SLIDE SET AND INFORMATION PACKET located in: /pub/infectious_diseases/emergeplan/slides LABORATORY TECHNIQUES: Standardized Method for HPLC Identification of Mycobacteria 1996 located at: /pub/infectious_diseases/labinfo/hplc.pdf NCID brochures and leaflets are all located in: /pub/infectious_diseases/brochures AVAILABLE BROCHURES: DIVISION OF BACTERIAL AND MYCOTIC DISEASES DIVISION OF VECTOR-BORNE INFECTIOUS DISEASES EMERGING INFECTIOUS DISEASE THREATS HEPATITIS B PREVENTION HEPATITIS B PREVETNION AND PREGNANCY HEPATITIS C PREVENTION HOSPITAL INFECTIONS PROGRAM LYME DISEASE PREVENTING FOODBORNE ILLNESS: ESCHERRICHIA COLI 0157:H7 PREVENTING FOODBOREN ILLNESS: LISTERIOSIS PREVENT HANTAVIRUS PULMONARY SYNDROME SALMONELLA ENTERITIDIS INFECTION PREVENCIÓN DEL CÓLERA PREVENCIÓN CONTRA HEPATITIS B PREVENÇÃO DA CÓLERA NCID publications can also be accessed through the World-Wide Web (WWW) at ncid.htm Statement of Authenticity This material has been cleared for public distribution by CDC and will be authentic if obtained directly from CDC takes all effort to assure the authenticity of electronically distributed documents. However, in instances where electronic and official agency record differ, the authenticity of the official agency record is controlling.