/* SAS CODEBOOK FOR 1999 NAMCS PUBLIC USE FILE INCLUDES VARIABLE LABELS AND FORMAT ASSIGNMENTS */ LABEL VMONTH="Month of visit" VYEAR="Year of visit" VDAYR="Day of week of visit - recoded" AGE="Patient age in years" SEX="Patient sex" PREGNANT="If female, is patient pregnant?" ETHNIC="Patient ethnicity" RACE="Patient race" REFER="Was pat referred by oth physician for visit?" AUTH="Was authorization required for care?" PRIMCARE="Are you the patient's primary care physician" PAYTYPE="Primary expected source of payment for visit" HMO="Does patient belong to an HMO?" CAPITATE="Is this a capitated visit?" SENBEFOR="Have you/anyone in practice seen pat before?" RFV1="Patient's reason for visit #1" RFV2="Patient's reason for visit #2" RFV3="Patient's reason for visit #3" RFV13D="Patient's reason for visit #1 - broad" RFV23D="Patient's reason for visit #2 - broad" RFV33D="Patient's reason for visit #3 - broad" MAJOR="Major reason for the visit" INJURY="Is visit related to injury or poisoning?" PLACE="Place of occurrence of injury" INTENTR="Intentionality of injury - recode" WORKREL="Is injury work related?" CAUSE1="Cause of injury #1" CAUSE2="Cause of injury #2" CAUSE3="Cause of injury #3" CAUSE13D="Cause of injury #1 - broad" CAUSE23D="Cause of injury #2 - broad" CAUSE33D="Cause of injury #3 - broad" VCAUSE="Verbatim cause of injury" DIAG1="Physician's diagnosis #1" DIAG2="Physician's diagnosis #2" DIAG3="Physician's diagnosis #3" DIAG13D="Physician's diagnosis #1 - broad" DIAG23D="Physician's diagnosis #2 - broad" DIAG33D="Physician's diagnosis #3 - broad" PRDIAG1="Is DIAG1 probable, questionable or ruleout?" PRDIAG2="Is DIAG2 probable, questionable or ruleout?" PRDIAG3="Is DIAG3 probable, questionable or ruleout?" DIAGSCRN="Were diag/screen services ordered/provided?" BREAST="Breast exam" PELVIC="Pelvic exam" RECTAL="Rectal exam" SKIN="Skin exam" VISUAL="Visual acuity" GLAUCOMA="Glaucoma exam" HEARING="Hearing exam" BLODPRES="Blood pressure test" STREP="Strep test" PAP="Pap test" URINE="Urinalysis" PREGTEST="Pregnancy test" PSA="PSA test" BLODLEAD="Blood lead level" CHOLEST="Cholestorol measure" HIVSER="HIV serology" OTHERSTD="Other STD test" HEMATOCR="Hematocrit/Hemoglobin" OTHERBLD="Other blood test" EKG="EKG" XRAY="X-ray" CATMRI="CAT Scan/MRI" MAMMO="Mammography" ULTRASND="Ultrasound" OTHDIAG="All other diagnostic/screening services" DIAGSC1="Other diag/screen service #1 - 4 dgt" DIAGSC2="Other diag/screen service #2 - 4 dgt" DIAGSC13="Other diag/screen service #1 - 3 dgt" DIAGSC23="Other diag/screen service #2 - 3 dgt" DIAGSC12="Other diag/screen service #1 - 2 dgt" DIAGSC22="Other diag/screen service #2 - 2dgt" TOTDIAG="Total # of diagnostic/screening services" THERPREV="Were ther/prev services ordered/provided?" DIETNUTR="Diet/utrition couns/educ" EXERCISE="Exercise couns/educ" HIVSTDTR="HIV/ STD transmission couns/educ" FAMPLAN="Family Planning/Contraceptive couns/educ" PRENATAL="Prenatal instructions couns/educ" BRSTSLFX="Breast self-exam couns/educ" TOBACCO="Tobacco use/Exposure couns/educ" GRWTHDEV="Growth/Development couns/educ" MENTLHLT="Mental health couns/educ" STRESS="Stress management couns/educ" SKINCANC="Skin cancer prevention couns/educ" INJPREV="Injury prevention couns/educ" PSYCHOTH="Psychotherapy" PSYCHOPH="Psycho-Pharmacotherapy" PHYSIOTH="Physiotherapy" CAM="Complementary or alternative medicine */" OTHTHER="All other therapeutic/preventive services" THERPR1="Other ther/prev service #1 - 4 dgt" THERPR2="Other ther/prev service #2 - 4 dgt" THERPR13="Other ther/prev service #1 - 3 dgt" THERPR23="Other ther/prev service #2 - 3 dgt" THERPR12="Other ther/prev service #1 - 2 dgt" THERPR22="Other ther/prev service #2 - 2 dgt" TOTTHER="Total # of therapeutic/preventive services" AMB="Were ambulatory surgical procs performed" AMB1="Ambulatory surg procedure #1 - 4 dgt" AMB2="Ambulatory surg procedure #2 - 4 dgt" AMB13="Ambulatory surg procedure #1 - 3 dgt" AMB23="Ambulatory surg procedure #2 - 3 dgt" AMB12="Ambulatory surg procedure #1 - 2 dgt" AMB22="Ambulatory surg procedure #2 - 2 dgt" TOTAMB="Total # of ambulatory surgical procedures" MED="Were medications/injections ordered/provided" MED1="Medication #1" MED2="Medication #2" MED3="Medication #3" MED4="Medication #4" MED5="Medication #5" MED6="Medication #6" NUMMED="Number of medications coded" FORM="Were any medications from a formulary list?" FORM1="Is medication #1 from a formulary list?" FORM2="Is medication #2 from a formulary list?" FORM3="Is medication #3 from a formulary list?" FORM4="Is medication #4 from a formulary list?" FORM5="Is medication #5 from a formulary list?" FORM6="Is medication #6 from a formulary list?" NUMFORM="Total # of medications from formulary list" NOPROVID="Providers seen: no answer to item" PHYS="Physician seen" PHYSASST="Physician assistant seen" NURSEPR="Nurse practitioner seen" NURSEMID="Nurse midwife seen" RN="Registered nurse seen" LPN="Licensed practical nurse seen" MEDNURSE="Medical/Nursing assistant seen" OTHERPRV="Other provider seen" NODISP="Visit disposition: no answer to item" NOFOLLOW="No follow-up planned" RETPRN="Return if needed, P.R.N." RETAPPT="Return at specified time" TELEPHON="Telephone follow-up planned" REFOTHPH="Referred to another physician" REFPHYS="Returned to referring physician" ADMITHOS="Admitted to hospital" OTHERDIS="Other disposition" TIMEMD="Time spent with physician (in minutes)" PATWT="Patient visit weight (rounded)" REGION="Geographic region of physician office" URBAN="Metro/non-metro status of location of office" SPEC="Physician specialty" MDDO="Type of physician (MD or DO)" PHYCODE="Physician code" PATCODE="Patient code" VDATEFL="Was visit date imputed?" BDATEFL="Was birth year imputed?" SEXFL="Was sex imputed?" RACEFL="Was race imputed?" TIMEMDFL="Was time spent with physician imputed?" GEN1="Generic name code for medication #1" PRESCR1="Prescription status code for medication #1" CONTSUB1="Controlled substance code for medication #1" COMSTAT1="Composition status code for medication #1" DRUGCL1="Drug class for medication #1" DRG1ING1="Ingredient code #1 for medication #1" DRG1ING2="Ingredient code #2 for medication #1" DRG1ING3="Ingredient code #3 for medication #1" DRG1ING4="Ingredient code #4 for medication #1" DRG1ING5="Ingredient code #5 for medication #1" GEN2="Generic name code for medication #2" PRESCR2="Prescription status code for medication #2" CONTSUB2="Controlled substance code for medication #2" COMSTAT2="Composition status code for medication #2" DRUGCL2="Drug class for medication #2" DRG2ING1="Ingredient code #1 for medication #2" DRG2ING2="Ingredient code #2 for medication #2" DRG2ING3="Ingredient code #3 for medication #2" DRG2ING4="Ingredient code #4 for medication #2" DRG2ING5="Ingredient code #5 for medication #2" GEN3="Generic name code for medication #3" PRESCR3="Prescription status code for medication #3" CONTSUB3="Controlled substance code for medication #3" COMSTAT3="Composition status code for medication #3" DRUGCL3="Drug class for medication #3" DRG3ING1="Ingredient code #1 for medication #3" DRG3ING2="Ingredient code #2 for medication #3" DRG3ING3="Ingredient code #3 for medication #3" DRG3ING4="Ingredient code #4 for medication #3" DRG3ING5="Ingredient code #5 for medication #3" GEN4="Generic name code for medication #4" PRESCR4="Prescription status code for medication #4" CONTSUB4="Controlled substance code for medication #4" COMSTAT4="Composition status code for medication #4" DRUGCL4="Drug class for medication #4" DRG4ING1="Ingredient code #1 for medication #4" DRG4ING2="Ingredient code #2 for medication #4" DRG4ING3="Ingredient code #3 for medication #4" DRG4ING4="Ingredient code #4 for medication #4" DRG4ING5="Ingredient code #5 for medication #4" GEN5="Generic name code for medication #5" PRESCR5="Prescription status code for medication #5" CONTSUB5="Controlled substance code for medication #5" COMSTAT5="Composition status code for medication #5" DRUGCL5="Drug class for medication #5" DRG5ING1="Ingredient code #1 for medication #5" DRG5ING2="Ingredient code #2 for medication #5" DRG5ING3="Ingredient code #3 for medication #5" DRG5ING4="Ingredient code #4 for medication #5" DRG5ING5="Ingredient code #5 for medication #5" GEN6="Generic name code for medication #6" PRESCR6="Prescription status code for medication #6" CONTSUB6="Controlled substance code for medication #6" COMSTAT6="Composition status code for medication #6" DRUGCL6="Drug class for medication #6" DRG6ING1="Ingredient code #1 for medication #6" DRG6ING2="Ingredient code #2 for medication #6" DRG6ING3="Ingredient code #3 for medication #6" DRG6ING4="Ingredient code #4 for medication #6" DRG6ING5="Ingredient code #5 for medication #6" RETYPOFF="Type of office setting for this visit" SOLO="Is this a solo practice?" EMPSTAT="Employment status of physician" OWNER="Who owns this office (practice)?" LAB="Is lab testing performed in the office?" RACER="Patient race recode: White, Black, Other" SPECR="Physician specialty recode" AGEDAYS="Age in days for patients less than 1 year" AGER="Patient age recode" CAUSE1R="Cause of injury #1 - numeric recode" CAUSE2R="Cause of injury #2 - numeric recode" CAUSE3R="Cause of injury #3 - numeric recode" DIAG1R="Physician's diagnosis #1 - numeric recode" DIAG2R="Physician's diagnosis #2 - numeric recode" DIAG3R="Physician's diagnosis #3 - numeric recode" DIAGSC1R="Other diag/screen serv #1 - numeric recode" DIAGSC2R="Other diag/screen serv #2 - numeric recode" THERPR1R="Other ther/prev service #1 - numeric recode" THERPR2R="Other ther/prev service #2 - numeric recode" AMB1R="Ambulatory surgical proc #1 - numeric recode" AMB2R="Ambulatory surgical proc #2 - numeric recode" WHOCOMP="Who completed the Patient Record forms?" INTENT="Intentionality of injury from checkbox" STRATM="PSU stratum marker (masked)" PSUM="PSU marker (masked)" YEAR="Survey year (1999)" SUBFILE="Survey identifier (constant=1 for NAMCS)" PROSTRAT="Provider stratum marker" PROVIDER="Provider code" DEPT="Hospital dept code (constant=1 for NAMCS)" SU="Hospital sampling unit code (=001 for NAMCS)" CLINIC="Hospital clinic code (=001 for NAMCS)" POPPSUM="Stratum counts of PSUs (masked)" POPSUM="# of clinic sampling units in hosp (=0 for NAMCS)" POPVISM="Estimated provider visit volume (masked)" POPPROVM="Estimated # of inscope providers in PSU (masked)" ; FORMAT VMONTH VMONTHF. VDAYR VDAYRF. AGE AGEF. SEX SEXF. PREGNANT YESNOBLF. ETHNIC ETHNICF. RACE RACEF. REFER YESNOBLF. AUTH YESNOBLF. PRIMCARE YESNOBLF. PAYTYPE PAYTYPEF. HMO YESNOBLF. CAPITATE YESNOBLF. SENBEFOR SENBEFOF. RFV1 RFV2 RFV3 RFVF. RFV13D RFV23D RFV33D RFV3DF. MAJOR MAJORF. INJURY YESNOF. PLACE PLACEF. INTENTR INTENTRF. WORKREL WORKRELF. CAUSE1 CAUSE2 CAUSE3 $CAUSEF. CAUSE13D CAUSE23D CAUSE33D $CAUSE3F. DIAG1 DIAG2 DIAG3 $DIAGF. DIAG13D DIAG23D DIAG33D $DIAG3DF. PRDIAG1 PRDIAG2 PRDIAG3 PRDIAGF. DIAGSCRN DIAGSCRF. BREAST PELVIC RECTAL SKIN VISUAL GLAUCOMA HEARING BLODPRES STREP PAP URINE PREGTEST PSA BLODLEAD CHOLEST HIVSER OTHERSTD HEMATOCR OTHERBLD EKG XRAY CATMRI MAMMO ULTRASND OTHDIAG YESNOF. DIAGSC1 DIAGSC2 $PROCF. DIAGSC13 DIAGSC23 $PROC3DF. DIAGSC12 DIAGSC22 $PROC2DF. TOTDIAG TOTDIAGF. THERPREV THERPREF. DIETNUTR EXERCISE HIVSTDTR FAMPLAN PRENATAL BRSTSLFX TOBACCO GRWTHDEV MENTLHLT STRESS SKINCANC INJPREV PSYCHOTH PSYCHOPH PHYSIOTH CAM OTHTHER YESNOF. THERPR1 THERPR2 $PROCF. THERPR13 THERPR23 $PROC3DF. THERPR12 THERPR22 $PROC2DF. TOTTHER TOTTHERF. AMB AMBF. AMB1 AMB2 $PROCF. AMB13 AMB23 $PROC3DF. AMB12 AMB22 $PROC2DF. TOTAMB TOTAMBF. MED MEDF. MED1 MED2 MED3 MED4 MED5 MED6 $MEDCODF. FORM FORM1 FORM2 FORM3 FORM4 FORM5 FORM6 FORMF. NUMFORM NUMFORMF. NOPROVID PHYS PHYSASST NURSEPR NURSEMID RN LPN MEDNURSE OTHERPRV NODISP NOFOLLOW RETPRN RETAPPT TELEPHON REFOTHPH REFPHYS ADMITHOS OTHERDIS YESNOF. TIMEMD TIMEMDF. REGION REGIONF. URBAN URBANF. SPEC $SPECF. MDDO MDDOF. VDATEFL BDATEFL SEXFL RACEFL TIMEMDFL IMPUTF. GEN1 $GENCODF. PRESCR1 PRESCRF. CONTSUB1 CONTSUBF. COMSTAT1 COMSTATF. DRUGCL1 $DRUGCLF. DRG1ING1 DRG1ING2 DRG1ING3 DRG1ING4 DRG1ING5 GEN2 $GENCODF. PRESCR2 PRESCRF. CONTSUB2 CONTSUBF. COMSTAT2 COMSTATF. DRUGCL2 $DRUGCLF. DRG2ING1 DRG2ING2 DRG2ING3 DRG2ING4 DRG2ING5 GEN3 $GENCODF. PRESCR3 PRESCRF. CONTSUB3 CONTSUBF. COMSTAT3 COMSTATF. DRUGCL3 $DRUGCLF. DRG3ING1 DRG3ING2 DRG3ING3 DRG3ING4 DRG3ING5 GEN4 $GENCODF. PRESCR4 PRESCRF. CONTSUB4 CONTSUBF. COMSTAT4 COMSTATF. DRUGCL4 $DRUGCLF. DRG4ING1 DRG4ING2 DRG4ING3 DRG4ING4 DRG4ING5 GEN5 $GENCODF. PRESCR5 PRESCRF. CONTSUB5 CONTSUBF. COMSTAT5 COMSTATF. DRUGCL5 $DRUGCLF. DRG5ING1 DRG5ING2 DRG5ING3 DRG5ING4 DRG5ING5 GEN6 $GENCODF. PRESCR6 PRESCRF. CONTSUB6 CONTSUBF. COMSTAT6 COMSTATF. DRUGCL6 $DRUGCLF. DRG6ING1 DRG6ING2 DRG6ING3 DRG6ING4 DRG6ING5 $GENCODF. RETYPOFF RETYPOF. SOLO SOLOF. EMPSTAT EMPSTATF. OWNER OWNERF. LAB LABF. RACER RACERF. SPECR SPECRF. AGEDAYS AGEDAYSF. AGER AGERF. WHOCOMP WHOCOMPF. INTENT INTENTF. ;