PROC FORMAT; VALUE VMONTHF 01 ='January' 02 ='February' 03 ='March' 04 ='April' 05 ='May' 06 ='June' 07 ='July' 08 ='August' 09 ='September' 10 ='October' 11 ='November' 12 ='December' ; VALUE VDAYRF 1 ='Sunday' 2 ='Monday' 3 ='Tuesday' 4 ='Wednesday' 5 ='Thursday' 6 ='Friday' 7 ='Saturday' ; VALUE AGEF 0 ='Under 1 year' 92 ='92 years or older' ; VALUE AGEDAYSF 000 ='Less than 1 day' -7 ='Not applicable' ; VALUE AGERF 1 ='Under 15 years' 2 ='15-24 years' 3 ='25-44 years' 4 ='45-64 years' 5 ='65-74 years' 6 ='75 years and over' ; VALUE SEXF 1 ='Female' 2 ='Male' ; VALUE PREGNANTF 1 ='Yes' 2 ='No' -7 ='Not applicable' -8 ='Unknown' -9 ='Blank' ; VALUE GESTWKF -7 ='Not applicable' -8 ='Unknown' -9 ='Blank' ; VALUE ETHUNF 1 ='Hispanic or Latino' 2 ='Not Hispanic or Latino' -9 ='Blank' ; VALUE RACEUNF 1 ='White Only' 2 ='Black/African American Only' 3 ='Asian Only' 4 ='Native Hawaiian/Oth Pac Isl Only' 5 ='American Indian/Alaska Native Only' 6 ='More than one race reported' -9 ='Blank' ; VALUE ETHIMF 1 ='Hispanic or Latino' 2 ='Not Hispanic or Latino' ; VALUE RACERF 1 ='White' 2 ='Black' 3 ='Other' ; VALUE RACERETHF 1='Non-Hispanic White' 2='Non-Hispanic Black' 3='Hispanic' 4='Non-Hispanic Other' ; VALUE YESNO1F 0= 'Box is not marked' 1= 'Box is marked' ; VALUE YESNO2F 0= 'No' 1= 'Yes' ; VALUE BYESNOUF 1 ='Yes' 2 ='No' -8 ='Unknown' -9 ='Blank' ; VALUE PAYTYPERF 1 ='Private insurance' 2 ='Medicare' 3 ='Medicaid or CHIP' 4 ="Worker's compensation" 5 ='Self-pay' 6 ='No charge/Charity' 7 ='Other' -8 ='Unknown' -9 ='All sources of payment are blank' ; VALUE USETOBAF 1 = 'Not current' 2 = 'Current' -8 = 'Unknown' -9 = 'Blank' ; VALUE INJPOISADF 1='Yes, injury/trauma' 2='Yes, poisoning' 3='Yes, adverse effect of medical treatment' 4='No' -8='Unknown' -9='Blank' ; VALUE INJURYF 0 = 'No' 1 = 'Yes' -8 = 'Unknown' -9 = 'Blank' ; VALUE INJR1F 0 = 'Visit is not related to injury or poisoning' 1 = 'Visit is related to injury or poisoning' ; VALUE INTENTF 1 = 'Unintentional' 2 = 'Intentional' -8 = 'Unknown' -9 = 'Blank' ; VALUE INJDETF 1='Unintentional injury/poisoning' 2='Intentional injury/poisoning' 3='Injury/poisoning - unknown intent' 4='Adv effect of med/surg care/medicinal drug' 5='No injury' -5='Intentionality does not apply' -8='Unknown' -9='Blank' ; VALUE RFVF -9 ='Blank' 10050 ='Chills' 10100 ='Fever' 10120 ='Other symptoms of body temperature' 10121 ='Feeling cold' 10122 ='Feeling hot' 10123 ='Feeling hot and cold' 10150 ='Tiredness, exhaustion' 10200 ='General weakness' 10250 ='General ill feeling' 10300 ='Fainting (syncope)' 10350 ='Symptoms of fluid abnormalities' 10351 ='Edema' 10352 ='Excessive sweating, perspiration' 10353 ='Excessive thirst' 10400 ='Weight gain' 10450 ='Weight loss' 10451 ='Recent weight loss' 10452 ='Underweight' 10460 ='Symptoms of face, not elsewhere class...' 10500 ='Chest pain and related symptoms' 10501 ='Chest pain' 10502 ='Chest discomfort, pressure, tightness' 10503 ='Burning sensation in the chest' 10550 ='Pain, specified site not referable to...' 10551 ='Rib pain' 10552 ='Side pain, flank pain' 10553 ='Groin pain' 10554 ='Facial pain' 10600 ='Pain and related symptoms, generalize...' 10601 ='Pain, unspecified' 10602 ='Cramps, spasms, site unspecified' 10603 ='Stiffness, site unspecified' 10650 ='Tumor or mass, site unspecified' 10651 ='Internal mass, NOS' 10660 ='Lesion, internal NOS (excludes brain ...' 10700 ='Bleeding, multiple or unspecified sites' 10750 ='Symptoms of growth and developmental ...' 10751 ='Lack of growth' 10752 ='Excessive growth' 10800 ='General symptoms of infants, NEC' 10801 ='Infant crying too much, fussy, fidget...' 10802 ='Infant regurgitation, spitting up' 10803 ='Infant feeding problem' 10850 ='General or unspecified nonviral infec...' 10900 ='Allergy, NOS' 10950 ='Disorders of motor functions' 10960 ='Dyslexia, NOS' 11000 ='Anxiety and nervousness' 11050 ='Fears and phobias' 11100 ='Depression' 11150 ='Anger' 11200 ='Problems with identity and self-esteem' 11250 ='Restlessness' 11300 ='Behavioral disturbances' 11301 ='Antisocial behavior' 11302 ='Hostile behavior' 11303 ='Hysterical behavior' 11304 ='Temper problems' 11305 ='Obsessions and compulsions' 11350 ='Disturbances of sleep' 11351 ='Insomnia' 11352 ='Sleepiness (hypersomnia)' 11353 ='Nightmares' 11354 ='Sleepwalking' 11355 ='Sleep apnea' 11400 ='Smoking problems' 11450 ='Alcohol-related problems' 11500 ='Abnormal drug usage' 11550 ='Delusions or hallucinations' 11600 ='Psychosexual disorders' 11601 ='Frigidity, loss of sex drive, lack of...' 11602 ='Homosexuality, concerns with' 11603 ='Impotence' 11604 ='Premature ejaculation' 11605 ='Masturbation excessive, concerns about' 11606 ='Orgasm, problem with' 11607 ='Preoccupation with sex' 11650 ='Oth symptoms/problems relat to psycho...' 11651 ='Nailbiting' 11652 ='Thumbsucking' 12000 ='Abnormal involuntary movements' 12050 ='Convulsions' 12070 ='Symptoms of head, NEC' 12100 ='Headache, pain in head' 12150 ='Memory, disturbances of' 12200 ='Disturbances of sensation' 12201 ='Loss of feeling (anesthesia)' 12202 ='Increased sensation (hyperesthesia)' 12203 ='Abnormal sensation (paresthesia)' 12204 ='Other disturbances of sense, includin...' 12250 ='Vertigo - dizziness' 12300 ='Weakness (neurologic)' 12350 ='Disorders of speech, speech disturbance' 12351 ='Stuttering, stammering' 12352 ='Slurring' 12400 ='Other symptoms referable to the nervo...' 12600 ='Abnormal pulsations and palpitations' 12601 ='Increased heartbeat' 12602 ='Decreased heartbeat' 12603 ='Irregular heartbeat' 12650 ='Heart pain' 12700 ='Other symptoms of the heart' 12750 ='Symptoms of lymph glands (or nodes)' 12751 ='Swollen or enlarged glands' 12752 ='Sore glands' 12800 ='Other symptoms ref to the cardiovas/l...' 12801 ='Poor circulation' 12802 ='Pallor, paleness' 12803 ='Flushed, blushing' 13050 ='Vision dysfunctions' 13051 ='Blindness and half vision' 13052 ='Diminished vision' 13053 ='Extraneous vision' 13054 ='Double vision (diplopia)' 13100 ='Discharge from eye' 13101 ='Discharge from eye--bleeding' 13102 ='Discharge from eye--tearing, watering...' 13103 ='Discharge from eye--pus, matter, whit...' 13150 ='Eye infection and inflammation' 13151 ='Pinkeye' 13200 ='Abnormal sensations of the eye' 13201 ='Eye pain' 13202 ='Eye itching' 13203 ='Eye burning' 13204 ='Eye strain' 13250 ='Abnormal eye movements' 13251 ='Abnormal retraction of eye' 13252 ='Cross-eyed' 13253 ='Pupils unequal' 13254 ='Deviation of eyes' 13300 ='Abnormal appearance of eyes' 13301 ='Abnormal color of eyes' 13302 ='Protrusion (exophthalmos) of eyes' 13303 ='Cloudy, dull, hazy appearance of eyes' 13350 ='Other and unspecified symptoms refera...' 13351 ='Contact lens problems' 13352 ='Allergy problems referable to eye' 13353 ='Swelling of eyes' 13400 ='Symptoms of eyelids' 13401 ='Infection, inflammation, swelling of ...' 13402 ='Itching of eyelids' 13403 ='Mass or growth of eyelids' 13404 ='Abnormal movement of eyelids' 13450 ='Hearing dysfunctions' 13451 ='Diminished hearing' 13452 ='Heightened or acute hearing' 13453 ='Extraneous hearing' 13500 ='Discharge from ear' 13501 ='Bleeding of ear' 13502 ='Pus (purulent drainage) from ear' 13503 ="Swimmer's ear" 13550 ='Earache, or ear infection' 13551 ='Earache, pain' 13552 ='Ear infection' 13600 ='Plugged feeling in ear' 13650 ='Other and unspecified symptoms refera...' 13651 ='Itching of ears' 13652 ='Growths or mass of ears' 13653 ='Pulling at ears, picking at ears' 13654 ='Abnormal size or shape of ears, "ears...' 14000 ='Nasal congestion' 14050 ='Other symptoms of nose' 14051 ='Nosebleed (epistaxis)' 14052 ='Sore in nose' 14053 ='Inflammation and swelling of nose' 14054 ='Problem with appearance of nose' 14100 ='Sinus problems' 14101 ='Sinus pain and pressure' 14102 ='Sinus inflammation, infection' 14103 ='Sinus congestion' 14150 ='Shortness of breath' 14200 ='Labored or difficult breathing (dyspnea)' 14250 ='Wheezing' 14300 ='Breathing problems, NEC' 14301 ='Disorders of respiratory sound, NEC' 14302 ='Rapid breathing (hyperventilation)' 14350 ='Sneezing' 14400 ='Cough' 14450 ='Head cold, upper respiratory infectio...' 14500 ='General viral infection' 14501 ='Flu' 14550 ='Symptoms referable to throat' 14551 ='Throat soreness' 14552 ='Throat pain' 14553 ='Throat infection' 14554 ='Throat irritation, scratch, tickle' 14555 ='Throat swelling' 14556 ='Throat lump or mass' 14600 ='Symptoms referable to tonsils' 14700 ='Abnormalities of sputum or phlegm' 14701 ='Coughing up blood' 14702 ='Pus in sputum' 14703 ='Excessive sputum' 14750 ='Congestion in chest' 14800 ='Disorders of voice' 14801 ='Hoarseness, loss of voice' 14802 ='Hypernasality' 14850 ='Other symptoms referable to the respi...' 14851 ='Lung pain' 14852 ='Lung infection' 15000 ='Symptoms of teeth and gums' 15001 ='Toothache' 15002 ='Gum pain' 15003 ='Bleeding gums' 15010 ='Symptoms of the jaw, NOS' 15011 ='Symptoms of the jaw, swelling' 15012 ='Symptoms of the jaw, lump or mass' 15050 ='Symptoms referable to lips' 15051 ='Cracked, bleeding, dry lips' 15052 ='Abnormal color of lips' 15053 ='Cold sore' 15100 ='Symptoms referable to mouth' 15101 ='Mouth pain, burning, soreness' 15102 ='Mouth bleeding' 15103 ='Mouth dryness' 15104 ='Mouth ulcer, sore' 15150 ='Symptoms referable to tongue' 15151 ='Tongue pain' 15152 ='Tongue bleeding' 15153 ='Tongue inflammation, infection, swelling' 15154 ='Abnormal color, ridges, coated tongue' 15200 ='Difficulty in swallowing (dysphagia)' 15250 ='Nausea' 15300 ='Vomiting' 15350 ='Heartburn and indigestion (dyspepsia)' 15400 ='Gastrointestinal infection' 15450 ='Stomach and abdominal pain, cramps an...' 15451 ='Abdominal pain, cramps, spasms, NOS' 15452 ='Lower abdominal pain, cramps, spasms,' 15453 ='Upper abdominal pain, cramps, spasms' 15650 ='Change in abdominal size' 15651 ='Abdominal distention, fullness, NOS' 15652 ='Abdominal mass or tumor' 15653 ='Abdominal swelling, NOS' 15700 ='Appetite, abnormal' 15701 ='Excessive appetite' 15702 ='Decreased appetite' 15750 ='Difficulty eating' 15800 ='Gastrointestinal bleeding' 15801 ='Blood in stool (melena)' 15802 ='Vomiting blood (hematemesis)' 15850 ='Flatulence' 15900 ='Constipation' 15950 ='Diarrhea' 16000 ='Other symptoms or changes in bowel fu...' 16001 ='Discharge in stools' 16002 ='Worms' 16003 ='Changes in size, color, shape, or odo...' 16004 ='Incontinence of stool' 16050 ='Symptoms referable to anus-rectum' 16051 ='Anal-rectal pain' 16052 ='Anal-rectal bleeding' 16053 ='Anal-rectal swelling or mass' 16054 ='Anal-rectal itching' 16100 ='Symptoms of liver, gallbladder, and b...' 16101 ='Pain of liver, gallbladder, and bilia...' 16102 ='Jaundice' 16150 ='Other and unspecified symptoms refera...' 16400 ='Abnormalities of urine' 16401 ='Blood in urine (hematuria)' 16402 ='Pus in urine' 16403 ='Unusual color or odor of urine' 16450 ='Frequency and urgency of urination' 16451 ='Excessive urination, night (nocturia)' 16500 ='Painful urination' 16550 ='Incontinence of urine (enuresis)' 16551 ="Involuntary urination, can't hold uri..." 16552 ='Bedwetting' 16600 ='Other urinary dysfunctions' 16601 ='Retention of urine' 16602 ='Urinary hesitancy' 16603 ='Large volume of urine' 16604 ='Small volume of urine' 16650 ='Symptoms of bladder' 16651 ='Bladder pain' 16652 ='Bladder infection' 16653 ='Bladder mass' 16700 ='Symptoms of the kidneys' 16701 ='Kidney pain' 16702 ='Kidney infection' 16703 ='Kidney mass' 16750 ='Urinary tract infection, NOS' 16800 ='Other symptoms referable to urinary t...' 17000 ='Symptoms of penis' 17001 ='Pain, aching, soreness, tenderness, p...' 17002 ='Infection, inflammation, swelling of ...' 17003 ='Lumps, bumps, growths, warts of penis' 17050 ='Penile discharge' 17100 ='Symptoms of prostate' 17101 ='Swelling of prostate' 17102 ='Infection of prostate' 17150 ='Symptoms of the scrotum and testes' 17151 ='Pain, aching, tenderness of the scrot...' 17152 ='Swelling, inflammation of the scrotum...' 17153 ='Growths, warts, lumps, bumps of the s...' 17154 ='Itching, jock itch of the scrotum and...' 17200 ='Other symptoms of male reproductive s...' 17300 ='Absence of menstruation (amenorrhea)' 17350 ='Irregularity of menstrual interval' 17351 ='Frequent menstrual interval' 17352 ='Infrequent menstrual interval' 17353 ='Unpredictable menstrual interval' 17400 ='Irregularity of menstrual flow' 17401 ='Excessively heavy (menorrhagia) menst...' 17402 ='Scanty flow (oligomenorrhea) menstrua...' 17403 ='Abnormal material in menstrual flow, ...' 17450 ='Menstrual symptoms, other and unspeci...' 17451 ='Premenstrual symptoms' 17452 ='Painful menstruation (dysmenorrhea)' 17500 ='Menopausal symptoms' 17501 ='Early or late onset of menopause' 17502 ='Vasomotor symptoms-hot flashes' 17503 ='Emotional symptoms, change of life pr...' 17550 ='Uterine and vaginal bleeding' 17551 ='Intermenstrual bleeding (metrorrhagia)' 17552 ='Postmenopausal bleeding' 17553 ='Postcoital bleeding, female' 17600 ='Vaginal discharge' 17650 ='Other vaginal symptoms' 17651 ='Vaginal pain' 17652 ='Vaginal infection' 17653 ='Vaginal itching, burning' 17654 ='Vaginal dryness' 17700 ='Vulvar disorders' 17701 ='Vulvar itching and irritation, swelling' 17702 ='Vulvar mass, lump' 17703 ='Vulvar growth, wart, cyst, ulcer, sore' 17750 ='Pelvic symptoms' 17751 ='Pelvic pain' 17752 ='Pelvic pressure or dropping sensation' 17753 ='Pelvic infection, inflammation' 17900 ='Problems of pregnancy' 17901 ='Pain during pregnancy' 17902 ='Spotting, bleeding during pregnancy' 17903 ='Symptoms of onset of labor' 17910 ='Postpartum problems' 17950 ='Other symptoms referable to the femal...' 18000 ='Pain or soreness of breast' 18050 ='Lump or mass of breast' 18100 ='Other symptoms referable to breast' 18101 ='Bleeding or discharge from nipple of ...' 18102 ='Postpartum problems of breast' 18103 ='Problems with shape or size of breast' 18150 ='Symptoms of infertility' 18200 ='Hormone deficiency or problem' 18250 ='Symptoms of sexual dysfunction' 18300 ='Acne or pimples' 18350 ='Discoloration or abnormal pigmentation' 18400 ='Infections of skin, NOS' 18401 ='Infection of skin of head or neck area' 18402 ='Infection of skin of arm, hand, or fi...' 18403 ='Infection of skin of leg, foot, or toe' 18450 ='Symptoms of skin moles' 18451 ='Change in size or color of skin moles' 18452 ='Bleeding mole' 18500 ='Warts, NOS' 18550 ='Other growths of skin' 18600 ='Skin rash' 18601 ='Diaper rash' 18650 ='Skin lesion' 18700 ='Skin irritations, NEC' 18701 ='Skin pain' 18702 ='Skin itching' 18750 ='Swelling of skin' 18800 ='Other symptoms referable to skin' 18801 ='Oiliness of skin' 18802 ='Dryness, peeling, scaliness, roughnes...' 18803 ='Wrinkles of skin' 18850 ='Symptoms referable to nails' 18851 ='Infected nails' 18852 ='Ingrown nails' 18853 ='Brittle, breaking, splitting, cracked...' 18900 ='Symptoms referable to hair and scalp' 18901 ='Too little hair' 18902 ='Unwanted hair' 18903 ='Dryness, flaky scalp' 18904 ='Itching of scalp' 18950 ='Navel problems' 19000 ='Neck symptoms' 19001 ='Neck pain, ache, soreness, discomfort' 19002 ='Neck cramps, contractures, spasms' 19003 ='Limitation of movement, stiffness of ...' 19004 ='Weakness of neck' 19005 ='Swelling of neck' 19006 ='Lump, mass, tumor of neck' 19050 ='Back symptoms' 19051 ='Back pain, ache, soreness, discomfort' 19052 ='Back cramps, contractures, spasms' 19053 ='Limitation of movement, stiffness of ...' 19054 ='Weakness of back' 19055 ='Swelling of back' 19056 ='Lump, mass, tumor of back' 19100 ='Low back symptoms' 19101 ='Low back pain, ache, soreness, discom...' 19102 ='Low back cramps, contractures, spasms' 19103 ='Limitation of movement, stiffness of ...' 19104 ='Weakness of lower back' 19105 ='Swelling of lower back' 19106 ='Lump, mass, tumor of lower back' 19150 ='Hip symptoms' 19151 ='Hip pain, ache, soreness, discomfort' 19152 ='Hip cramps, contractures, spasms' 19153 ='Limitation of movement, stiffness of hip' 19154 ='Weakness of hip' 19155 ='Swelling of hip' 19156 ='Lump, mass, tumor of hip' 19200 ='Leg symptoms' 19201 ='Leg pain, ache, soreness, discomfort' 19202 ='Leg cramps, contractures, spasms' 19203 ='Limitation of movement, stiffness of leg' 19204 ='Weakness of leg' 19205 ='Swelling of leg' 19206 ='Lump, mass, tumor of leg' 19250 ='Knee symptoms' 19251 ='Knee pain, ache, soreness, discomfort' 19252 ='Knee cramps, contractures, spasms' 19253 ='Limitation of movement, stiffness of ...' 19254 ='Weakness of knee' 19255 ='Swelling of knee' 19256 ='Lump, mass, tumor of knee' 19300 ='Ankle symptoms' 19301 ='Ankle pain, ache, soreness, discomfort' 19302 ='Ankle cramps, contractures, spasms' 19303 ='Limitation of movement, stiffness of ...' 19304 ='Weakness of ankle' 19305 ='Swelling of ankle' 19306 ='Lump, mass, tumor of ankle' 19350 ='Foot and toe symptoms' 19351 ='Foot and toe pain, ache, soreness, di...' 19352 ='Foot and toe cramps, contractures, sp...' 19353 ='Limitation of movement, stiffness of ...' 19354 ='Weakness of foot and toe' 19355 ='Swelling of foot and toe' 19356 ='Lump, mass, tumor of foot and toe' 19400 ='Shoulder symptoms' 19401 ='Shoulder pain, ache, soreness, discom...' 19402 ='Shoulder cramps, contractures, spasms' 19403 ='Limitation of movement, stiffness of ...' 19404 ='Weakness of shoulder' 19405 ='Swelling of shoulder' 19406 ='Lump, mass, tumor of shoulder' 19450 ='Arm symptoms' 19451 ='Arm pain, ache, soreness, discomfort' 19452 ='Arm cramps, contractures, spasms' 19453 ='Limitation of movement, stiffness of arm' 19454 ='Weakness of arm' 19455 ='Swelling of arm' 19456 ='Lump, mass, tumor of arm' 19500 ='Elbow symptoms' 19501 ='Elbow pain, ache, soreness, discomfort' 19502 ='Elbow cramps, contractures, spasms' 19503 ='Limitation of movement, stiffness of ...' 19504 ='Weakness of elbow' 19505 ='Swelling of elbow' 19506 ='Lump, mass, tumor of elbow' 19550 ='Wrist symptoms' 19551 ='Wrist pain, ache, soreness, discomfort' 19552 ='Wrist cramps, contractures, spasms' 19553 ='Limitation of movement, stiffness of ...' 19554 ='Weakness of wrist' 19555 ='Swelling of wrist' 19556 ='Lump, mass, tumor of wrist' 19600 ='Hand and finger symptoms' 19601 ='Hand and finger pain, ache, soreness,...' 19602 ='Hand and finger cramps, contractures,...' 19603 ='Limitation of movement, stiffness of ...' 19604 ='Weakness of hand and finger' 19605 ='Swelling of hand and finger' 19606 ='Lump, mass, tumor of hand and finger' 19650 ='Symptoms of unspecified muscles' 19651 ='Unspecified muscle pain, ache, sorene...' 19652 ='Unspecified muscle cramps, contractur...' 19653 ='Limitation of movement, stiffness of ...' 19654 ='Weakness of unspecified muscles' 19655 ='Swelling of unspecified muscles' 19656 ='Lump, mass, tumor of unspecified muscles' 19700 ='Symptoms of unspecified joints' 19701 ='Unspecified joint pain, ache, sorenes...' 19702 ='Unspecified joint cramps, contracture...' 19703 ='Limitation of movement, stiffness of ...' 19704 ='Weakness of unspecified joints' 19705 ='Swelling of unspecified joints' 19706 ='Lump, mass, tumor of unspecified joints' 19750 ='Musculoskeletal deformities' 19751 ='Bowlegged, knock-kneed' 19752 ='Posture problems' 19753 ='Pigeon-toed, feet turn in' 19800 ='Other musculoskeletal symptoms' 20050 ='Intestinal infectious diseases' 20100 ='Streptococcal infection' 20150 ='Viral diseases' 20151 ='HIV with or without associated conditions' 20200 ='Venereal diseases' 20250 ='Fungus infections (mycoses)' 20300 ='Parasitic diseases' 20310 ='Sepsis, septicemia' 20350 ='Other and unspecified infectious and ...' 21000 ='Cancer, gastrointestinal tract' 21050 ='Cancer, respiratory tract' 21100 ='Cancer, skin and subcutaneous tissues' 21150 ='Cancer, breast' 21200 ='Cancer, female genital tract' 21250 ='Cancer, urinary and male genital tract' 21260 ='Cancer of urinary tract' 21300 ='Other malignant neoplasms' 21350 ="Hodgkin's disease, lymphomata, leukemias" 21400 ='Fibroids and other uterine neoplasms' 21450 ='Other benign neoplasms' 21500 ='Neoplasm of uncertain nature' 22000 ='Diseases of the thyroid gland' 22010 ='Diabetic skin ulcer (wound check)' 22050 ='Diabetes mellitus' 22100 ='Gout, hyperuricemia' 22150 ='Other endocrine, nutritional, and met...' 22500 ='Anemia' 22550 ='Other diseases of blood and blood-for...' 23000 ='Organic psychoses' 23050 ='Functional psychoses' 23100 ='Neuroses' 23150 ='Personality and character disorders' 23200 ='Alcoholism' 23210 ='Drug dependence' 23250 ='Mental retardation' 23300 ='Other and unspecified mental disorders' 23301 ='Attention deficit disorder (ADD)' 23500 ='Multiple sclerosis' 23550 ="Parkinson's disease (paralysis agitans)" 23600 ='Epilepsy' 23650 ='Migraine headache' 23700 ='Other and unspecified diseases of the...' 24000 ='Inflammatory diseases of the eye' 24050 ='Refractive error' 24100 ='Cataract' 24150 ='Glaucoma' 24200 ='Other diseases of the eye' 24500 ='Otitis media' 24550 ='Other diseases of the ear' 25000 ='Rheumatic fever and chronic rheumatic...' 25050 ='Hypertension with involvement of targ...' 25100 ='Hypertension' 25150 ='Ischemic heart disease' 25200 ='Other heart disease' 25250 ='Cerebrovascular disease' 25300 ='Atherosclerosis' 25350 ='Phlebitis, thrombophlebitis' 25400 ='Varicose veins' 25450 ='Hemorrhoids' 25500 ='Other disease of circulatory system' 26000 ='Upper respiratory infections except t...' 26050 ='Tonsillitis' 26100 ='Bronchitis' 26200 ='Emphysema' 26250 ='Asthma' 26300 ='Pneumonia' 26350 ='Hay fever' 26400 ='Other respiratory diseases' 26500 ='Diseases of the esophagus, stomach, a...' 26550 ='Appendicitis, all types' 26600 ='Hernia of abdominal cavity' 26650 ='Diseases of the intestine and peritoneum' 26700 ='Diseases of the liver, gallbladder, a...' 26751 ='Dental abscess' 26752 ='Dental cavities' 26750 ='Other diseases of digestive system' 26753 ='Canker sore' 26754 ='Stomatitis' 26755 ='Temperomandibular joint (TMJ) pain' 27000 ='Cystitis' 27050 ='Urinary tract disease except cystitis' 27100 ='Diseases of the male genital organs' 27150 ='Fibrocystic and other diseases of breast' 27200 ='Pelvic inflammatory disease (PID)' 27250 ='Cervicitis, vaginitis' 27300 ='Other diseases of female reproductive...' 27350 ='Diagnosed complications of pregnancy ...' 27360 ='Other diseases of the genitourinary system, NEC' 28000 ='Carbuncle, furuncle, boil, cellulitis...' 28050 ='Impetigo' 28100 ='Seborrheic dermatitis' 28150 ='Eczema and dermatitis, NOS' 28200 ='Psoriasis' 28250 ='Other diseases of the skin' 29000 ='Arthritis' 29050 ='Nonarticular rheumatism' 29100 ='Other musculoskeletal or connective t...' 29500 ='Congenital anomalies of heart and cir...' 29550 ='Undescended testicles' 29600 ='Other and unspecified congenital anom...' 29800 ='Prematurity' 29900 ='All other perinatal conditions' 31000 ='General medical examination' 31050 ='Well baby examination' 31300 ='General psychiatric or psychological ...' 32000 ='Pregnancy, unconfirmed' 32050 ='Prenatal examination, routine' 32150 ='Postpartum examination, routine' 32200 ='Breast examination' 32250 ='Gynecological examination' 32300 ='Eye examination' 32350 ='Heart examination' 32400 ='Other special examination' 33000 ='Sensitization test' 33050 ='Skin immunity test' 33100 ='Glucose level determination' 33140 ='Human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) test' 33150 ='Other blood test' 33151 ='Blood test for venereal disease' 33200 ='Blood pressure test' 33250 ='Urine test' 33300 ='Diagnostic endoscopies' 33350 ='Biopsies' 33400 ='Mammography, xerography, breast therm...' 33450 ='Diagnostic radiology' 33500 ='EKG, ECG, electrocardiogram, treadmil...' 33550 ='EEG, electroencephalogram' 33600 ='Hearing test' 33650 ='Pap smear' 33660 ='Nasal swab' 33700 ='Other and unspecified diagnostic tests' 33701 ='Glaucoma test' 33702 ='Throat culture' 33703 ='Heart catheterization' 33704 ='Other cultures' 34000 ='Prophylactic inoculations' 34050 ='Exposure to venereal disease' 34090 ='Exposure to human immunodeficiency vi...' 34100 ='Exposure to other infectious diseases' 34150 ='Exposure to bodily fluids of another ...' 35000 ='Family planning, NOS' 35050 ='Contraceptive medication' 35100 ='Contraceptive device' 35150 ='Counseling and examinations for pregn...' 35200 ='Abortion to be performed (at this visit)' 35250 ='Sterilization to be performed (at thi...' 35300 ='Artificial insemination' 35350 ='Preconception Counseling and Education' 41000 ='Allergy medication' 41100 ='Injections' 41110 ='Noncompliance with medication therapy' 41150 ='Medication, other and unspecified kinds' 42000 ='Preoperative visit for specified/unsp...' 42050 ='Postoperative visit' 44000 ='Physical medicine and rehabilitation' 44010 ='Cardiopulmonary resuscitation' 44050 ='Respiratory therapy' 44100 ='Psychotherapy' 44101 ='Group counseling' 44150 ='Radiation therapy' 44200 ='Acupuncture' 44250 ='Chemotherapy' 45000 ='Tube insertion' 45050 ='Cauterization, all sites' 45070 ='IV therapy, infusion' 45100 ='Urinary tract instrumentation and cat...' 45150 ='Fitting glasses and contact lenses' 45180 ='Detoxification' 45181 ='Alcohol detoxification' 45182 ='Drug detoxification' 45200 ='Minor surgery' 45201 ='Wart removed' 45210 ='Major surgery' 45290 ='Internal prosthetic device' 45250 ='Kidney dialysis' 45300 ='External prosthetic devices, artifici...' 45350 ='Corrective appliances' 45400 ='Cast, splint - application, removal' 45450 ='Dressing, bandage - application, change' 45500 ='Irrigation, lavage' 45550 ='Suture - insertion, removal' 45560 ='Cosmetic injection, NOS' 45561 ='Botox injection' 45562 ='Collagen injection' 45600 ='Other specific therapeutic procedures...' 45650 ='Transplant, NOS' 45651 ='Transplant Failure, NOS' 45652 ='Transplants, rejection' 46000 ='Diet and nutritional counseling' 46040 ='Human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) co...' 46050 ='Medical counseling, NOS' 46051 ='Family history of cardiovascular disease' 46052 ='Family history of cancer' 46053 ='Family history of diabetes' 46054 ='Family history of other disease or co...' 47000 ='Economic problem' 47020 ='Problem with access to medical care' 47050 ='Marital problems' 47100 ='Parent-child problems' 47150 ='Other problems of family relationship' 47200 ='Educational problems' 47250 ='Occupational problems' 47300 ='Social adjustment problems' 47350 ='Legal problems' 47351 ='Police involvement in outpatient visi...' 47400 ='Other social problems' 48000 ='Progress visit, NOS' 50050 ='Fracture/dislocation of head and face' 50100 ='Fracture/dislocation of spinal column' 50150 ='Fracture/dislocation of trunk area, e...' 50200 ='Fracture/dislocation of leg' 50250 ='Fracture/dislocation of ankle' 50300 ='Fracture/dislocation of foot and toes' 50350 ='Fracture/dislocation of arm' 50400 ='Fracture/dislocation of wrist' 50450 ='Fracture/dislocation of hand and fingers' 50500 ='Fracture, other and unspecified' 51050 ='Sprain and strain of cervical spine, ...' 51100 ='Sprain and strain of back' 51150 ='Sprain and strain of knee' 51200 ='Sprain and strain of ankle' 51250 ='Sprain and strain of wrist' 51300 ='Sprain or strain, other and unspecified' 52050 ='Laceration/cut of head and neck area' 52100 ='Laceration/cut of facial area' 52150 ='Laceration/cut of trunk area' 52200 ='Laceration/cut of lower extremity' 52250 ='Laceration/cut of upper extremity' 52300 ='Laceration/cut, site unspecified' 53050 ='Puncture wound of head, neck and faci...' 53100 ='Puncture wound of trunk area' 53150 ='Puncture wound of lower extremity' 53200 ='Puncture wound of upper extremity' 53250 ='Puncture wound, site unspecified' 54050 ='Contusions/abrasions/bruises of head,...' 54100 ='Contusions/abrasions/bruises of eye' 54150 ='Contusions/abrasions/bruises of trunk...' 54200 ='Contusions/abrasions/bruises of lower...' 54250 ='Contusions/abrasions/bruises of upper...' 54300 ='Contusion/abrasion/bruise, site unspe...' 55050 ='Injury, other and unspecified of head...' 55100 ='Injury, other and unspecified, of eye' 55150 ='Injury, other and unspecified, of back' 55200 ='Injury, other and unspecified, of che...' 55250 ='Injury, other and unspecified, of hip' 55300 ='Injury, other and unspecified, of leg' 55350 ='Injury, other and unspecified, of knee' 55400 ='Injury, other and unspecified, of ankle' 55450 ='Injury, other and unspecified, of foo...' 55500 ='Injury, other and unspecified, of sho...' 55550 ='Injury, other and unspecified, of arm' 55600 ='Injury, other and unspecified, of elbow' 55650 ='Injury, other and unspecified, of wrist' 55700 ='Injury, other and unspecified, of han...' 55750 ='Injury, multiple or unspecified' 56000 ='Foreign body in eye' 56050 ='Foreign body in nose' 56100 ='Foreign body in skin' 56150 ='Foreign body in digestive tract' 56160 ='Foreign body in respiratory tract' 56200 ='Foreign body in other and unspecified...' 57050 ='Burn, all degrees, to head, neck, and...' 57100 ='Burn, all degrees, to trunk area' 57150 ='Burn, all degrees, to extremities' 57200 ='Burn, all degrees, to site unspecified' 57500 ='Sunburn, windburn' 57550 ='Insect bite' 57600 ='Animal, human bite' 58000 ='Late effects of an old injury' 58050 ='Motor vehicle accident, type of injur...' 58100 ='Accident, NOS' 58150 ='Violence, NOS' 58151 ='Child abuse or neglect' 58152 ='Battered spouse' 58153 ='Elder abuse' 58154 ='Gunshot wound' 58180 ='Intentional self-mutilation' 58200 ='Suicide attempt' 58201 ='Overdose, intentional' 58300 ='Rape' 58301 ='Sexual abuse' 58350 ='Dead on arrival (DOA)' 58360 ='Respiratory arrest' 58370 ='Cardiac arrest' 58380 ='Drowning' 58390 ='Cardiopulmonary arrest' 58400 ='Unconscious on arrival' 58410 ='State of consciousness not specified' 58420 ='Altered level of consciousness' 59000 ='Accidental poisoning' 59001 ='Food poisoning' 59002 ='Ingestion, inhalation, or exposure to...' 59050 ='Adverse effect of medication' 59100 ='Adverse effect of drug abuse' 59150 ='Adverse effect of alcohol' 59200 ='Adverse effects of environment' 59210 ='Adverse effects of second hand smoke' 59220 ='Adverse effects of terrorism and bioter..' 59250 ='Adverse effects, other and unspecified' 59300 ='Complications of surgical/medical proc...' 61000 ='For results of blood glucose tests' 61050 ='For results of cholesterol and trigly...' 61060 ='For results of test for human immunod...' 61100 ='For other findings of blood tests' 62000 ='For results of urine tests' 63000 ='For cytology findings' 64000 ='For radiological findings' 65000 ='For results of EKG' 66000 ='For results of skin tests' 67000 ='For other and unspecified test results' 71000 ='Physical examination required for sch...' 71001 ='Physical examination required for emp...' 71002 ='Executive physical examination' 71003 ='Physical examination required for school' 71004 ='Physical examination for extracurricu...' 71200 ="Driver's license examination" 71250 ='Insurance examination' 71300 ='Disability examination' 71310 ="Worker's Compensation examination" 71350 ='Premarital examination' 71351 ='Premarital blood test' 71370 ='Direct admission to hospital' 71400 ='Other reason for visit required by party' 89900 ='Problems, complaints, NEC' 89910 ='Patient unable to speak English' 89930 ='Patient (or spokesperson) refused care' 89970 ='Entry of "none" or "no complaint"' 89980 ='Inadequate data base' 89990 ='Illegible entry' 90000 ='Blank' ; VALUE RFV3DF 0 ='Blank' 1005 ='Chills' 1010 ='Fever' 1012 ='Other symptoms of body temperature' 1015 ='Tiredness, exhaustion' 1020 ='General weakness' 1025 ='General ill feeling' 1030 ='Fainting (syncope)' 1035 ='Symptoms of fluid abnormalities' 1040 ='Weight gain' 1045 ='Weight loss' 1046 ='Symptoms of face, not elsewhere class...' 1050 ='Chest pain and related symptoms (not ...' 1055 ='Pain, site not referable to a specifi...' 1060 ='Pain and related symptoms, general, s...' 1065 ='Tumor or mass, site unspecified' 1066 ='Lesion, internal NOS (excludes brain ...' 1070 ='Bleeding, site unspecified' 1075 ='Symptoms of growth and developmental ...' 1080 ='General symptoms of infants, NEC' 1085 ='General or unspecified nonviral infec...' 1090 ='Allergy, NOS' 1095 ='Disorders of motor functions' 1096 ='Dyslexia, NOS' 1100 ='Anxiety and nervousness' 1105 ='Fears and phobias' 1110 ='Depression' 1115 ='Anger' 1120 ='Problems with identity and self-esteem' 1125 ='Restlessness' 1130 ='Behavioral disturbances' 1135 ='Disturbances of sleep' 1140 ='Smoking problems' 1145 ='Alcohol-related problems' 1150 ='Abnormal drug usage' 1155 ='Delusions or hallucinations' 1160 ='Psychosexual disorders' 1165 ='Oth sympt/prob relat psychological an...' 1200 ='Abnormal involuntary movements' 1205 ='Convulsions' 1207 ='Symptoms of head, NEC' 1210 ='Headache, pain in head' 1215 ='Memory, disturbances of' 1220 ='Disturbances of sensation' 1225 ='Vertigo - dizziness' 1230 ='Weakness (neurologic)' 1235 ='Disorders of speech, speech disturbance' 1240 ='Other symptoms referable to the nervo...' 1260 ='Abnormal pulsations and palpitations' 1265 ='Heart pain' 1270 ='Other symptoms of the heart' 1275 ='Symptoms of lymph glands (or nodes)' 1280 ='Oth sympt referable to the cardiovasc...' 1305 ='Vision dysfunctions' 1310 ='Discharge from eye' 1315 ='Eye infection and inflammation' 1320 ='Abnormal sensations of the eye' 1325 ='Abnormal eye movements' 1330 ='Abnormal appearance of eyes' 1335 ='Other symptoms referable to eye, NEC' 1340 ='Symptoms of eyelids' 1345 ='Hearing dysfunctions' 1350 ='Discharge from ear' 1355 ='Earache, or ear infection' 1360 ='Plugged feeling in ear' 1365 ='Other symptoms referable to the ears,...' 1400 ='Nasal congestion' 1405 ='Other symptoms of nose' 1410 ='Sinus problems' 1415 ='Shortness of breath' 1420 ='Labored or difficult breathing' 1425 ='Wheezing' 1430 ='Breathing problems, NEC' 1435 ='Sneezing' 1440 ='Cough' 1445 ='Head cold, upper respiratory infectio...' 1450 ='General viral infection' 1455 ='Symptoms referable to throat' 1460 ='Symptoms referable to tonsils' 1470 ='Abnormalities of sputum or phlegm' 1475 ='Congestion in chest' 1480 ='Disorders of voice' 1485 ='Other symptoms referable to the respi...' 1500 ='Symptoms of teeth and gums' 1501 ='Symptoms of the jaw, NOS' 1505 ='Symptoms referable to lips' 1510 ='Symptoms referable to mouth' 1515 ='Symptoms referable to tongue' 1520 ='Difficulty in swallowing (dysphagia)' 1525 ='Nausea' 1530 ='Vomiting' 1535 ='Heartburn and indigestion (dyspepsia)' 1540 ='Gastrointestinal infection' 1545 ='Stomach and abdominal pain, cramps an...' 1565 ='Change in abdominal size' 1570 ='Appetite, abnormal' 1575 ='Difficulty eating' 1580 ='Gastrointestinal bleeding' 1585 ='Flatulence' 1590 ='Constipation' 1595 ='Diarrhea' 1600 ='Other symptoms or changes in bowel fu...' 1605 ='Symptoms referable to anus-rectum' 1610 ='Symptoms of liver, gallbladder, and b...' 1615 ='Other symptoms referable to digestive...' 1640 ='Abnormalities of urine' 1645 ='Frequency and urgency of urination' 1650 ='Painful urination' 1655 ='Incontinence of urine (enuresis)' 1660 ='Other urinary dysfunctions' 1665 ='Symptoms of bladder' 1670 ='Symptoms of the kidneys' 1675 ='Urinary tract infection, NOS' 1680 ='Other symptoms referable to urinary t...' 1700 ='Symptoms of penis' 1705 ='Penile discharge' 1710 ='Symptoms of prostate' 1715 ='Symptoms of the scrotum and testes' 1720 ='Other symptoms of male reproductive s...' 1730 ='Absence of menstruation (amenorrhea)' 1735 ='Irregularity of menstrual interval' 1740 ='Irregularity of menstrual flow' 1745 ='Menstrual symptoms, other and unspeci...' 1750 ='Menopausal symptoms' 1755 ='Uterine and vaginal bleeding' 1760 ='Vaginal discharge' 1765 ='Other vaginal symptoms' 1770 ='Vulvar disorders' 1775 ='Pelvic symptoms' 1790 ='Problems of pregnancy' 1791 ='Postpartum problems' 1795 ='Other symptoms referable to the femal...' 1800 ='Pain or soreness of breast' 1805 ='Lump or mass of breast' 1810 ='Other symptoms referable to breast' 1815 ='Symptoms of infertility' 1820 ='Hormone deficiency or problem' 1825 ='Symptoms of sexual dysfunction' 1830 ='Acne or pimples' 1835 ='Discoloration or pigmentation' 1840 ='Infections of skin, NOS' 1845 ='Symptoms of skin moles' 1850 ='Warts, NOS' 1855 ='Other growths of skin' 1860 ='Skin rash' 1865 ='Skin lesion' 1870 ='Skin irritations, NEC' 1875 ='Swelling of skin' 1880 ='Other symptoms referable to skin' 1885 ='Symptoms referable to nails' 1890 ='Symptoms referable to hair and scalp' 1895 ='Other symptoms of nails and hair' 1900 ='Neck symptoms' 1905 ='Back symptoms' 1910 ='Low back symptoms' 1915 ='Hip symptoms' 1920 ='Leg symptoms' 1925 ='Knee symptoms' 1930 ='Ankle symptoms' 1935 ='Foot and toe symptoms' 1940 ='Shoulder symptoms' 1945 ='Arm symptoms' 1950 ='Elbow symptoms' 1955 ='Wrist symptoms' 1960 ='Hand and finger symptoms' 1965 ='Symptoms of unspecified muscles' 1970 ='Symptoms of unspecified joints' 1975 ='Musculoskeletal deformities' 1980 ='Other musculoskeletal symptoms; inclu...' 2005 ='Intestinal infectious diseases' 2010 ='Streptococcal infection' 2015 ='Viral diseases' 2020 ='Venereal diseases' 2025 ='Fungus infections (mycoses)' 2030 ='Parasitic diseases' 2031 ='Sepsis, septicemia' 2035 ='Other and unspecified infectious and ...' 2100 ='Cancer, gastrointestinal tract' 2105 ='Cancer, respiratory tract' 2110 ='Cancer, skin and subcutaneous tissues' 2115 ='Cancer, breast' 2120 ='Cancer, female genital tract' 2125 ='Cancer, urinary and male genital tract' 2126 ='Cancer of urinary tract' 2130 ='Other malignant and unspecified neopl...' 2135 ="Hodgkin's disease, lymphomata, leukemias" 2140 ='Fibroids and other uterine neoplasms' 2145 ='Other benign neoplasms' 2150 ='Neoplasm of uncertain nature' 2200 ='Diseases of the thyroid gland' 2201 ='Diabetic skin ulcer (wound check)' 2205 ='Diabetes mellitus' 2210 ='Gout, hyperuricemia' 2215 ='Other endocrine, nutritional, and met...' 2250 ='Anemia' 2255 ='Other diseases of blood and blood-for...' 2300 ='Organic psychoses' 2305 ='Functional psychoses' 2310 ='Neuroses' 2315 ='Personality and character disorders' 2320 ='Alcoholism' 2321 ='Drug dependence' 2325 ='Mental retardation' 2330 ='Other mental disease' 2350 ='Multiple sclerosis' 2355 ="Parkinson's disease (paralysis agitans)" 2360 ='Epilepsy' 2365 ='Migraine headache' 2370 ='Other diseases of central nervous system' 2400 ='Inflammatory diseases of the eye' 2405 ='Refractive error' 2410 ='Cataract' 2415 ='Glaucoma' 2420 ='Other diseases of the eye' 2450 ='Otitis media' 2455 ='Other diseases of the ear' 2500 ='Rheumatic fever and chronic rheumatic...' 2505 ='Hypertension with involvement of targ...' 2510 ='Hypertension' 2515 ='Ischemic heart disease' 2520 ='Other heart disease' 2525 ='Cerebrovascular disease' 2530 ='Atherosclerosis' 2535 ='Phlebitis, thrombophlebitis' 2540 ='Varicose veins' 2545 ='Hemorrhoids' 2550 ='Other disease of circulatory system' 2600 ='Upper respiratory infections except t...' 2605 ='Tonsillitis' 2610 ='Bronchitis' 2620 ='Emphysema' 2625 ='Asthma' 2630 ='Pneumonia' 2635 ='Hay fever' 2640 ='Other respiratory diseases' 2650 ='Diseases of the esophagus, stomach, a...' 2655 ='Appendicitis, all types' 2660 ='Hernia of abdominal cavity' 2665 ='Diseases of the intestine and peritoneum' 2670 ='Diseases of the liver, gallbladder, p...' 2675 ='Other diseases of digestive system' 2700 ='Cystitis' 2705 ='Urinary tract disease except cystitis' 2710 ='Diseases of the male genital organs' 2715 ='Fibrocystic and other diseases of breast' 2720 ='Pelvic inflammatory disease (PID)' 2725 ='Cervicitis, vaginitis' 2730 ='Other diseases of female reproductive...' 2735 ='Diagnosed complications of pregnancy ...' 2736 ='Other diseases genitourinary system, NEC' 2800 ='Carbuncle, furuncle, boil, cellulitis...' 2805 ='Impetigo' 2810 ='Seborrheic dermatitis' 2815 ='Eczema and dermatitis, NOS' 2820 ='Psoriasis' 2825 ='Other diseases of the skin' 2900 ='Arthritis' 2905 ='Nonarticular rheumatism' 2910 ='Other musculoskeletal or connective t...' 2950 ='Congenital anomalies of heart and cir...' 2955 ='Undescended testicles' 2960 ='Other congenital anomalies' 2980 ='Prematurity' 2990 ='All perinatal conditions' 3100 ='General medical examination' 3105 ='Well baby examination' 3130 ='General psychiatric or psychological ...' 3200 ='Pregnancy, unconfirmed' 3205 ='Prenatal examination, routine' 3215 ='Postpartum examination, routine' 3220 ='Breast examination' 3225 ='Gynecological examination' 3230 ='Eye examination' 3235 ='Heart examination' 3240 ='Other special examination' 3300 ='Sensitization test' 3305 ='Skin immunity test' 3310 ='Glucose level determination' 3314 ='Human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) test' 3315 ='Other blood test' 3320 ='Blood pressure test' 3325 ='Urine test' 3330 ='Diagnostic endoscopies' 3335 ='Biopsies' 3340 ='Mammography, xerography, breast therm...' 3345 ='Diagnostic radiology' 3350 ='EKG, ECG, electrocardiogram, treadmil...' 3355 ='EEG, electroencephalogram' 3360 ='Hearing test' 3365 ='Pap smear' 3366 ='Nasal swab' 3370 ='Other and unspecified diagnostic tests' 3400 ='Prophylactic inoculations' 3405 ='Exposure to venereal disease' 3409 ='Exposure to human immunodeficiency vi...' 3410 ='Exposure to other infectious diseases' 3415 ='Exposure to bodily fluids of another person' 3500 ='Family planning, NOS' 3505 ='Contraceptive medication' 3510 ='Contraceptive device' 3515 ='Counseling and examinations for pregn...' 3520 ='Abortion to be performed (at this visit)' 3525 ='Sterilization to be performed (at thi...' 3530 ='Artificial insemination' 3535 ='Preconception Counseling and Education' 4100 ='Allergy medication' 4110 ='Injections' 4111 ='Noncompliance with medication therapy' 4115 ='Medication, other and unspecified kinds' 4200 ='Preoperative visit for spec/unspec ty...' 4205 ='Postoperative visit' 4400 ='Physical medicine and rehabilitation' 4401 ='Cardiopulmonary resuscitation' 4405 ='Respiratory therapy' 4410 ='Psychotherapy' 4415 ='Radiation therapy' 4420 ='Acupuncture' 4425 ='Chemotherapy' 4500 ='Tube insertion' 4505 ='Cauterization, all sites' 4507 ='IV therapy, infusion' 4510 ='Urinary tract instrumentation and cat...' 4515 ='Fitting glasses and contact lenses' 4518 ='Detoxification' 4520 ='Minor surgery' 4521 ='Major surgery' 4525 ='Kidney dialysis' 4529 ='Internal prosthetic device' 4530 ='Extern prosthet dev, art body parts (...' 4535 ='Corrective appliances' 4540 ='Cast, splint - application, removal' 4545 ='Dressing, bandage - application, change' 4550 ='Irrigation, lavage' 4555 ='Suture - insertion, removal' 4556 ='Cosmetic injection, NOS' 4565 ='Transplants' 4560 ='Other specific therapeutic procedures...' 4600 ='Diet and nutritional counseling' 4604 ='Human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) co...' 4605 ='Counseling, NOS' 4700 ='Economic problem' 4702 ='Problem with access to medical care' 4705 ='Marital problems' 4710 ='Parent-child problems' 4715 ='Other problems of family relationship' 4720 ='Educational problems' 4725 ='Occupational problems' 4730 ='Social adjustment problems' 4735 ='Legal problems' 4740 ='Other social problems' 4800 ='Progress visit, NOS' 5005 ='Head and face fractures and dislocations' 5010 ='Spinal column fractures and dislocations' 5015 ='Trunk area, except spinal column, fra...' 5020 ='Leg fractures and dislocations' 5025 ='Ankle fractures and dislocations' 5030 ='Foot and toe(s) fractures and disloca...' 5035 ='Arm fractures and dislocations' 5040 ='Wrist fractures and dislocations' 5045 ='Hand and finger(s) fractures and disl...' 5050 ='Fractures and dislocations, other and...' 5105 ='Cervical spine, neck strains and sprains' 5110 ='Back strains and sprains' 5115 ='Knee strains and sprains' 5120 ='Ankle strains and sprains' 5125 ='Wrist strains and sprains' 5130 ='Sprain or strain, other and unspecified' 5205 ='Head and neck area lacerations and cuts' 5210 ='Facial area lacerations and cuts' 5215 ='Trunk area lacerations and cuts' 5220 ='Lower extremity lacerations and cuts' 5225 ='Upper extremity lacerations and cuts' 5230 ='Laceration and cuts, site unspecified' 5305 ='Head, neck and facial area puncture w...' 5310 ='Trunk area puncture wounds' 5315 ='Lower extremity puncture wounds' 5320 ='Upper extremity puncture wounds' 5325 ='Puncture wound, site unspecified' 5405 ='Head, neck, and face contusion, abras...' 5410 ='Eye contusion, abrasion, bruise' 5415 ='Trunk area contusion, abrasion, bruise' 5420 ='Lower extremity contusion, abrasion, ...' 5425 ='Upper extremity contusion, abrasion, ...' 5430 ='Contusion, abrasion, bruise, site uns...' 5505 ='Head, neck, and face injury, type uns...' 5510 ='Eye injury, type unpsecified' 5515 ='Back injury, type unspecified' 5520 ='Chest and abdomen injury, type unspec...' 5525 ='Hip injury, type unspecified' 5530 ='Leg injury, type unspecified' 5535 ='Knee injury, type unspecified' 5540 ='Ankle injury, type unspecified' 5545 ='Foot and toe(s) injury, type unspecified' 5550 ='Shoulder injury, type unspecified' 5555 ='Arm injury, type unspecified' 5560 ='Elbow injury, type unspecified' 5565 ='Wrist injury, type unspecified' 5570 ='Hand and finger(s) injury, type unspe...' 5575 ='Injury, multiple or unspecified' 5600 ='Eye, foreign body' 5605 ='Nose, foreign body' 5610 ='Skin, foreign body' 5615 ='Digestive tract, foreign body' 5616 ='Respiratory tract, foreign body' 5620 ='Other and unspecified sites, foreign ...' 5705 ='Head, neck, and face burns, all degrees' 5710 ='Trunk area burns' 5715 ='Extremities burns' 5720 ='Burn, site unspecified' 5750 ='Sunburn, windburn' 5755 ='Insect bites' 5760 ='Animal, human bite' 5800 ='Late effects of an old injury' 5805 ='Motor vehicle accident, type of injur...' 5810 ='Accident, NOS' 5815 ='Violence, NOS' 5818 ='Intentional self-mutilation' 5820 ='Suicide attempt' 5830 ='Rape' 5835 ='Dead on arrival (DOA)' 5836 ='Respiratory arrest' 5837 ='Cardiac arrest' 5838 ='Drowning' 5839 ='Cardiopulmonary arrest' 5840 ='Unconscious on arrival' 5841 ='State of consciousness not specified' 5842 ='Altered level of consciousness' 5900 ='Accidental poisoning' 5905 ='Adverse effect of medication' 5910 ='Adverse effect of drug abuse' 5915 ='Adverse effect of alcohol' 5920 ='Adverse effects of environment' 5921 ='Adverse effects of second hand smoke' 5922 ='Adverse effects of terrorism and bio..' 5925 ='Adverse effects, other and unspecified' 5930 ='Surgical Complications' 6100 ='For results of blood glucose tests' 6105 ='For results of cholesterol and trigly...' 6106 ='For results of test for human immunod...' 6110 ='For other findings of blood tests' 6200 ='For results of urine tests' 6300 ='For cytology findings' 6400 ='For radiological findings' 6500 ='For results of EKG' 6600 ='For results of skin tests' 6700 ='For other and unspecified test results' 7100 ='Physical examination required for sch...' 7120 ="Driver's license examination" 7125 ='Insurance examination' 7130 ='Disability examination' 7131 ="Worker's Compensation examination" 7135 ='Premarital examination' 7137 ='Direct admission to hospital' 7140 ='Oth reas for visit requir by party ot...' 8990 ='Problems, complaints, NEC' 8991 ='Patient unable to speak English' 8993 ='Patient (or spokesperson) refused care' 8997 ='Entry of "none" or "no complaint"' 8998 ='Inadequate data base' 8999 ='Illegible entry' 9000 ='Blank' ; VALUE PRIMCAREF 1='Yes' 2='No' -8='Unknown' -9='Blank' ; VALUE REFERF 1='Yes' 2='No' -7='Not applicable' -8='Unknown' -9='Blank' ; VALUE SENBEFOF 1 ='Yes, established patient' 2 ='No, new patient' ; VALUE PASTVISF 35 = '35 or more (except psychiatry)' 135 = '135 or more (psychiatry)' -7 = 'Not applicable' -9 = 'Blank' ; VALUE MAJORF 1='New problem (less than 3 mos. onset)' 2='Chronic problem, routine' 3='Chronic problem, flare-up' 4='Pre-/Post-surgery' 5='Preventive care' -9='Blank' ; VALUE $DIAGF '0010-'='Cholera due to Vibrio cholerae' '0011-'='Cholera due to Vibrio cholerae el tor' '0019-'='Cholera, unspecified' '0020-'='Typhoid fever' '0021-'='Paratyphoid fever A' '0022-'='Paratyphoid fever B' '0023-'='Paratyphoid fever C' '0029-'='Paratyphoid fever, unspecified' '0030-'='Salmonella gastroenteritis' '0031-'='Salmonella septicemia' '00320'='Localized salmonella infection, unspe...' '00321'='Salmonella meningitis' '00322'='Salmonella pneumonia' '00323'='Salmonella arthritis' '00324'='Salmonella osteomyelitis' '00329'='Other salmonella' '0038-'='Other specified salmonella infections' '0039-'='Salmonella infection, unspecified' '0040-'='Shigella dysenteriae' '0041-'='Shigella flexneri' '0042-'='Shigella boydii' '0043-'='Shigella sonnei' '0048-'='Other specified shigella infections' '0049-'='Shigellosis, unspecified' '0050-'='Staphylococcal food poisoning' '0051-'='Botulism' '0052-'='Food poisoning due to Clostridium per...' '0053-'='Food poisoning due to other Clostridia' '0054-'='Food poisoning due to Vibrio parahaem...' '0058-'='Other bacterial food poisoning' '00581'='Food poisoning due to Vibrio vulnificus' '00589'='Other Bacterial food poisoning' '0059-'='Food poisoning, unspecified' '0060-'='Acute amebic dysentery without mentio...' '0061-'='Chronic intestinal amebiasis without ...' '0062-'='Amebic nondysenteric colitis' '0063-'='Amebic liver abscess' '0064-'='Amebic lung abscess' '0065-'='Amebic brain abscess' '0066-'='Amebic skin ulceration' '0068-'='Amebic infection of other sites' '0069-'='Amebiasis, unspecified' '0070-'='Balantidiasis' '0071-'='Giardiasis' '0072-'='Coccidiosis' '0073-'='Intestinal trichomoniasis' '0074-'='Cryptosporidiosis' '0078-'='Other specified protozoal intestinal ...' '0079-'='Unspecified protozoal intestinal disease' '00800'='Intestinal infection due to E. coli, ...' '00801'='Intestinal infection due to Enteropat...' '00802'='Intestinal infection due to Enterotox...' '00803'='Intestinal infection due to Enteroinv...' '00804'='Intestinal infection due to Enterohem...' '00809'='Other intestinal E. coli infections' '0081-'='Intestinal infection due to Arizona g...' '0082-'='Intestinal infection due to Aerobacte...' '0083-'='Intestinal infection due to Proteus (...' '00840'='Intestinal infection due to other spe...' '00841'='Intestinal infection due to Staphyloc...' '00842'='Intestinal infection due to Pseudomonas' '00843'='Intestinal infection due to Campyloba...' '00844'='Intestinal infection due to Yersinia ...' '00845'='Intestinal infection due to Clostridi...' '00846'='Intestinal infection due to other ana...' '00847'='Intestinal infection due to other gra...' '00849'='Intestinal infection due to other bac...' '0085-'='Bacterial enteritis, unspecified' '00860'='Enteritis due to specified virus' '00861'='Enteritis due to Rotavirus' '00862'='Enteritis due to Adenovirus' '00863'='Enteritis due to Norwalk virus' '00864'='Enteritis due to other small round vi...' '00865'='Enteritis due to Calcivirus' '00866'='Enteritis due to Astrovirus' '00867'='Enterovirus NEC' '00869'='Other viral enteritis' '0088-'='Enteritis due to other organism, not ...' '0090-'='Infectious colitis, enteritis, and ga...' '0091-'='Colitis, enteritis, & gastroenteritis...' '0092-'='Infectious diarrhea' '0093-'='Diarrhea of presumed infectious origin' '01000'='Primary tuberculous infection, unspec...' '01001'='Primary tuberculous infection/bacteri...' '01002'='Primary tuberculous infection/bacteri...' '01003'='Primary tuberculous infectn/tubrcl ba...' '01004'='Primry tuberculous infectn/tubrcl bac...' '01005'='Primry tuberculous infectn/tubcl baci...' '01006'='Primary tuberculous infectn/tubcl bac...' '01010'='Tuberculous pleurisy/primry progressi...' '01011'='Tuberculous pleurisy/primry progresiv...' '01012'='Tuberculous pleurisy/primry progresiv...' '01013'='Tuberculous pleurisy/primry progresiv...' '01014'='Tuberculous pleurisy/primry progresiv...' '01015'='Tuberculous pleurisy/primry progresiv...' '01016'='Tuberculous pleurisy/primry progresiv...' '01080'='Other primary progressive TB, unspeci...' '01081'='Other primary progresiv TB, bacterial...' '01082'='Other primary progresiv TB, exam unknown' '01083'='Oth primary progresiv TB, tubercle ba...' '01084'='Oth primary progresiv TB tubercl baci...' '01085'='Oth prim progres TB tuber bacili not ...' '01086'='Oth prim progres TB tubercle bacilli ...' '01090'='Primary tuberculous infection, unspec...' '01091'='Prim TB infection, bacteriological/hi...' '01092'='Primary TB infect bacteriological or ...' '01093'='Primary TB infection, tubercle bacill...' '01094'='Prim TB infection tubercle bacilli fo...' '01095'='Prim TB infec tuber bacil not found b...' '01096'='Primary TB infect tuber bac/TB confir...' '01100'='Tuberculosis of lung, infiltrative, u...' '01101'='TB of lung, infiltrative, bacteriol/h...' '01102'='TB of lung, infiltrative, bacteriol/h...' '01103'='TB of lung, infiltrative, tubercle ba...' '01104'='TB of lung, infiltrativ, tubercle bac...' '01105'='TB of lung, infiltrative, tubercle ba...' '01106'='TB of lung, infiltrative, tubercl bac...' '01110'='Tuberculosis of lung, nodular, unspec...' '01111'='TB of lung, nodular, bacteriological/...' '01112'='TB of lung, nodular, bacteriological ...' '01113'='TB of lung, nodular, tubercle bacilli...' '01114'='TB of lung, nodular, tubercle bacilli...' '01115'='TB of lung, nodular, tubercle bacilli...' '01116'='TB of lung, nodular, tubercle bacilli...' '01120'='Tuberculosis of lung with cavitation,...' '01121'='TB of lung with cavitation, bacteriol...' '01122'='TB of lung with cavitation, bacteriol...' '01123'='TB of lung with cavitation, tubercle ...' '01124'='TB of lung with cavitat, tubercl baci...' '01125'='TB of lung with cavitation, tubercle ...' '01126'='TB of lung with cavitation, tuberc ba...' '01130'='Tuberculosis of bronchus, unspecified' '01131'='TB of bronchus, bacteriological or hi...' '01132'='TB of bronchus, bacteriological or hi...' '01133'='TB of bronchus, tubercle bacilli foun...' '01134'='TB of bronchus, tubercle bacilli foun...' '01135'='TB of bronchus, tubercle bacilli/TB c...' '01136'='TB of bronchus, tubercle bacilli/TB c...' '01140'='Tuberculous fibrosis of lung, unspeci...' '01141'='Tuberculous fibrosis of lung, bacter/...' '01142'='Tuberculous fibrosis of lung, bacter/...' '01143'='Tuberculous fibrosis of lung, tubercl...' '01144'='Tuberculous fibrosis of lung, tuberc ...' '01145'='Tuberculous fibrosis of lung, tuberc ...' '01146'='Tubercul fibrosis of lung, tuberc bac...' '01150'='Tuberculous bronchiectasis, unspecified' '01151'='Tuberculous bronchiectasis, bacteriol...' '01152'='Tuberculous bronchiectasis, bacteriol...' '01153'='Tuberculous bronchiectasis, tubercl b...' '01154'='Tuberculous bronchiectasis, tuberc ba...' '01155'='Tuberculous bronchiectasis, tuberc ba...' '01156'='Tuberculous bronchiectasis, tuberc ba...' '01160'='Tuberculous pneumonia [any form], uns...' '01161'='Tuberculous pneumonia [any form], bac...' '01162'='Tuberculous pneumonia [any form], bac...' '01163'='Tubercul pneumonia [any form], tuber ...' '01164'='Tubercul pneumonia [any form], tuber ...' '01165'='Tubercul pneumonia [any form], tuberc...' '01166'='Tubercul pneumon [any form], tuber ba...' '01170'='Tuberculous pneumothorax, unspecified' '01171'='Tuberculous pneumothorax, bacteriolog...' '01172'='Tuberculous pneumothorax, bacteriolog...' '01173'='Tuberculous pneumothorax, tubercle ba...' '01174'='Tuberculous pneumothorax, tuberc baci...' '01175'='Tubercul pneumothorax, tuberc bacilli...' '01176'='Tuberculous pneumothorax, tuberc baci...' '01180'='Other specified pulmonary TB, unspeci...' '01181'='Oth specified pulmonary TB, bacteriol...' '01182'='Oth spec pulmon TB, bacteriolog/histo...' '01183'='Oth spec pulmonary TB, tubercle bacil...' '01184'='Oth spec pulmon TB, tubercle bacilli ...' '01185'='Oth spec pulmon TB, tubercle bacilli/...' '01186'='Oth spec pulmon TB, tubercle bacilli/...' '01190'='Pulmonary tuberculosis, unspecified' '01191'='Pulmonary TB, bacteriological or hist...' '01192'='Pulmonary TB, bacteriological or hist...' '01193'='Pulmonary TB, tubercle bacilli found ...' '01194'='Pulmon TB, tubercle bacilli found by ...' '01195'='Pulmon TB, tuberc bac not found by ba...' '01196'='Pulmon TB tub bac not found by bac/hi...' '01200'='Tuberculous pleurisy, unspecified' '01201'='Tuberculous pleurisy, bacteriologicl/...' '01202'='Tuberculous pleurisy, bacteriological...' '01203'='Tuberculous pleurisy, tubercle bacill...' '01204'='Tuberculous pleurisy, tubercle bacill...' '01205'='Tubercul pleurisy, tubercle bacilli/T...' '01206'='Tuberc plursy tub bac not found by ba...' '01210'='Tuberculosis of intrathoracic lymph n...' '01211'='TB of intrathoracic lymph nodes, bact...' '01212'='TB of intrathoracic lymph nodes, bact...' '01213'='TB of intrathorac lymph nodes, tuberc...' '01214'='TB of intrathorac lymph nodes, tuberc...' '01215'='TB of intrathr lymph nodes tub bac no...' '01216'='TB of intrathorac lymph nodes, tub ba...' '01220'='Isolated tracheal or bronchial tuberc...' '01221'='Isolated tracheal or bronchial TB, ba...' '01222'='Isolated tracheal or bronchial TB, ba...' '01223'='Isolat tracheal/bronchial TB, tuberc ...' '01224'='Isolated tracheal or bronchial TB, tu...' '01225'='Isolat tracheal/bronchial TB, tubercl...' '01226'='Isolat tracheal/bronchial TB, tubercl...' '01230'='Tuberculous laryngitis, unspecified' '01231'='Tuberculous laryngitis, bacteriolog/h...' '01232'='Tuberculous laryngitis, bacteriologic...' '01233'='Tuberculous laryngitis, tubercle baci...' '01234'='Tubercul laryngitis, tuberc bacili bu...' '01235'='Tubercul laryngit, tub bac not found ...' '01236'='Tuber laryng tub bac not found by bac...' '01280'='Other specified respiratory tuberculo...' '01281'='Oth spec respir TB, bacteriological/h...' '01282'='Oth spec respir TB, bacteriological/h...' '01283'='Oth spec respiratory TB, tubercle bac...' '01284'='Oth specif respirat TB, tuberc bac fo...' '01285'='Oth spec resp TB, tuber bac not found...' '01286'='Oth spec res TB tub bac not found by ...' '01300'='Tuberculous meningitis, unspecified' '01301'='Tuberculous meningitis, bacteriologic...' '01302'='Tuberculous meningitis, bacteriologic...' '01303'='Tuberculous meningitis, tubercle baci...' '01304'='Tuberc mening, tub bac not found by m...' '01305'='Tuberc meningit, tuber bac not found ...' '01306'='Tuberc men tub bac not found by bac/h...' '01310'='Tuberculoma of meninges, unspecified' '01311'='Tuberculoma of meninges, bacteriologi...' '01312'='Tuberculoma of meninges, bacteriologi...' '01313'='Tuberculoma of meninges, tubercle bac...' '01314'='Tuber of mening tub bac not found by ...' '01315'='Tuber of meninges, tub bac not found ...' '01316'='Tub of mening tub bac not found by ba...' '01320'='Tuberculoma of brain' '01321'='Tuberculoma of brain, bacteriological...' '01322'='Tuberculoma of brain, bacteriological...' '01323'='Tuberculoma of brain, tubercle bacill...' '01324'='Tuberc of brain, tub bac not found by...' '01325'='Tubercul of brain, tub bac not found ...' '01326'='Tubr of brain tub bac not found by ba...' '01330'='Tuberculous abscess of brain, unspeci...' '01331'='Tuberculous abscess of brain, bacteri...' '01332'='Tuberculous abscess of brain, bacteri...' '01333'='Tuberculous abscess of brain, tuberc ...' '01334'='Tub abscs of brain/tub bac not found ...' '01335'='Tub abscs of brain/tub bac not found ...' '01336'='Tub ab of brain/tub bac not found by ...' '01340'='Tuberculoma of spinal cord, unspecified' '01341'='Tuberculoma of spinal cord, bacteriol...' '01342'='Tuberculoma of spinal cord, bacteriol...' '01343'='Tuberculoma of spinal cord, tubercle ...' '01344'='Tub of spinl cord, tub bac not found ...' '01345'='Tub of spinl cord, tuber bac not foun...' '01346'='Tub of spinl crd/tub bac nt found by ...' '01350'='Tuberculous abscess of spinal cord, u...' '01351'='Tuberculous absces of spinal cord/bac...' '01352'='Tuberculous abscess of spinal cord/ba...' '01353'='Tubercul absces of spinal cord/tuber ...' '01354'='Tubercul absces of spinl cord/tubercl...' '01355'='Tub abs of spinl cord/tub bac not fou...' '01356'='Tub abs of spin crd/tub bac not fnd b...' '01360'='Tuberculous encephalitis or myelitis,...' '01361'='Tubercul encephalit or myelitis, bact...' '01362'='Tuberculous encephalitis or myelitis,...' '01363'='Tuberculous encephalitis/myelitis, tu...' '01364'='Tub encephalit/myelit, tub bac not fn...' '01365'='Tub enceph/myelit, tub bac not found ...' '01366'='Tub encep/myelit/tub bac not fnd by b...' '01380'='Other specified tuberculosis of centr...' '01381'='Oth specified TB of centrl nerv syste...' '01382'='Oth specified TB of central nerv sys,...' '01383'='Oth spec TB of central nerv sys, tub ...' '01384'='Ot spec TB of c nrv sy/tub bac not fn...' '01385'='Ot spec TB of c nrv sys/tub bac not f...' '01386'='O spec TB of c nrv sy/tub bac not fnd...' '01390'='Unspecified tuberculosis of central n...' '01391'='Unspec TB of cntrl nrv sys, bacteriol...' '01392'='Unspec TB of cntrl nrv sys, bacteriol...' '01393'='Unspec TB of cntrl nrv sys, tubercl b...' '01394'='Unspc TB of c nrv sy/tub bac not foun...' '01395'='Unspc TB of c nrv sys/tub bac not fou...' '01396'='Unsp TB of c nrv sy/tub bac not fnd b...' '01400'='Tuberculous peritonitis, unspecified' '01401'='Tubercul peritonit, bacteriological/h...' '01402'='Tuberculous peritonitis, bacteriologi...' '01403'='Tuberculous peritonitis, tubercle bac...' '01404'='Tuber peritonit, tub bac not fnd by m...' '01405'='Tub peritonit, tub bac not fnd by bac...' '01406'='Tub periton, tub bac not fnd by bac/h...' '01480'='Other tuberculosis intestine/mesenter...' '01481'='Oth TB intestine/mesenteric glands, b...' '01482'='Oth TB intestine/mesenteric glands, b...' '01483'='Oth TB intestine/mesenteric glands, t...' '01484'='Ot TB intes/mesen gland/tub bac not f...' '01485'='Ot TB intes/mesen glnd/tub bac not fn...' '01486'='Ot TB intes/mes glnd/tb bac not fnd b...' '01500'='Tuberculosis of vertebral column, uns...' '01501'='TB of vertebral column, bacteriologic...' '01502'='TB of vertebral column, bacteriologic...' '01503'='TB of vertebral column, tubercle baci...' '01504'='TB of vertebrl column, tub bac not fn...' '01505'='TB of vertebrl column/tub bac not fnd...' '01506'='TB of vrtebrl colum/tub bac not fnd b...' '01510'='Tuberculosis of hip, unspecified' '01511'='Tuberculosis of hip, bacteriological/...' '01512'='Tuberculosis of hip, bacteriological ...' '01513'='Tuberculosis of hip, tubercle bacilli...' '01514'='TB of hip, tub bac not found by micro...' '01515'='TB of hip, tub bac not found by bac e...' '01516'='TB of hip, tub bac not fnd by bac/his...' '01520'='Tuberculosis of knee, unspecified' '01521'='TB of knee, bacteriological or histol...' '01522'='Tuberculosis of knee, bacteriological...' '01523'='Tuberculosis of knee, tubercle bacill...' '01524'='TB of knee, tub bac not fnd by micros...' '01525'='TB of knee, tub bac not fnd by bacter...' '01526'='TB of knee, tub bac not fnd by bac/hi...' '01550'='Tuberculosis of limb bones, unspecified' '01551'='TB of limb bones, bacteriological or ...' '01552'='TB of limb bones, bacteriological or ...' '01553'='TB of limb bones, tubercle bacilli fo...' '01554'='TB of limb bones/tub bac not fnd by m...' '01555'='TB of limb bones/tub bac not fnd by b...' '01556'='TB of limb bones/tub bac not fnd by b...' '01560'='Tuberculosis of mastoid, unspecified' '01561'='TB of mastoid, bacteriological/histol...' '01562'='TB of mastoid, bacteriological or his...' '01563'='TB of mastoid, tubercle bacilli found...' '01564'='TB of mastoid/tub bac not found by mi...' '01565'='TB of mastoid/tub bac not fnd by bac ...' '01566'='TB of mastoid/tub bac not found by ba...' '01570'='Tuberculosis of other specified bone,...' '01571'='TB of oth spec bone, bacteriological/...' '01572'='TB of oth spec bone, bacteriological/...' '01573'='TB of oth specified bone, tubercle ba...' '01574'='TB of ot spec bone/tub bac not found ...' '01575'='TB of oth spec bone/tub bac not fnd b...' '01576'='TB of ot spec bon/tub bac not fnd by ...' '01580'='Tuberculosis of other specified joint...' '01581'='TB of oth spec joint/bacteriological/...' '01582'='TB of oth spec joint, bacteriological...' '01583'='TB of oth specified joint, tubercle b...' '01584'='TB of oth spec joint, tub bac not fnd...' '01585'='TB of oth spec joint, tub bac not fnd...' '01586'='TB of ot spec joint/tub bac nt fnd by...' '01590'='Tuberculosis of unspecified bones and...' '01591'='TB of unspec bones and joints, bacter...' '01592'='TB of unspec bones and joints, bacter...' '01593'='TB of unspec bones & joints/tubercle ...' '01594'='TB of unspc bone & join/tub bac not f...' '01595'='TB of unspc bone & joint/tub bac nt f...' '01596'='TB of unspc bone/join/tub bac nt fnd ...' '01600'='Tuberculosis of kidney, unspecified' '01601'='TB of kidney, bacteriological or hist...' '01602'='TB of kidney, bacteriological or hist...' '01603'='TB of kidney, tubercle bacilli found ...' '01604'='TB of kidney/tub bac not fnd by micro...' '01605'='TB of kidney/tub bac nt fnd by bac ex...' '01606'='TB of kidney/tub bac not fnd by bac/h...' '01610'='Tuberculosis of bladder, unspecified' '01611'='TB of bladder, bacteriological or his...' '01612'='TB of bladder, bacteriological or his...' '01613'='TB of bladder, tubercle bacilli found...' '01614'='TB of bladder, tub bac not fnd by mic...' '01615'='TB of bladder, tub bac not fnd by bac...' '01616'='TB of bladder, tub bac not fnd by bac...' '01620'='Tuberculosis of ureter, unspecified' '01621'='TB of ureter, bacteriological or hist...' '01622'='TB of ureter, bacteriological or hist...' '01623'='TB of ureter, tubercle bacilli found ...' '01624'='TB of ureter, tub bac not fnd by micr...' '01625'='TB of ureter, tub bac not found by ba...' '01626'='TB of ureter, tub bac not fnd by bac/...' '01630'='Tuberculosis of other urinary organs,...' '01631'='TB of other urinary organs, bacterio/...' '01632'='TB of other urinary organs, bacterio/...' '01633'='TB of other urinary organs, tub bacil...' '01634'='TB of oth urin organs, tub bac not fn...' '01635'='TB of oth urin organs, tub bac not fn...' '01636'='TB oth urin orgn/tub bac not fnd by b...' '01640'='Tuberculosis of epididymis, unspecified' '01641'='TB of epididymis, bacteriological or ...' '01642'='TB of epididymis, bacteriological or ...' '01643'='TB of epididymis, tubercle bacilli fo...' '01644'='TB of epididymis/tub bac not found by...' '01645'='TB of epididymis, tub bac not fnd by ...' '01646'='TB of epidid/ tub bac not fnd by bac/...' '01650'='Tuberculosis of other male genital or...' '01651'='TB of oth male genitl organs/bact/his...' '01652'='TB of oth male genital organs/bacteri...' '01653'='TB of oth male genital organs, tuberc...' '01654'='TB ot male genitl orgn/tub bac not fn...' '01655'='TB oth male genit organ/tub bac not f...' '01656'='TB ot mal genit org/tub bac not fnd b...' '01660'='Tuberculous oophoritis and salpingiti...' '01661'='Tubercul oophoriti/salpingitis, bac/h...' '01662'='Tubercul oophoritis/salpingitis, bact...' '01663'='Tubercul oophoritis/salpingitis, tub ...' '01664'='Tub oophorit/salpingit/tub bac not fn...' '01665'='Tub oophorit/salpingit/tub bac not fn...' '01666'='Tub oophor/salping/tub bac not fnd by...' '01670'='Tuberculosis of other female genital ...' '01671'='TB of oth female genital organs/bac/h...' '01672'='TB of oth female genital organs/bact/...' '01673'='TB of oth female genital organs/tuber...' '01674'='TB of ot fem genitl org/tub bac not f...' '01675'='TB of ot fem genitl org/tub bac not f...' '01676'='TB ot fem gentl org/tub bac not fnd b...' '01690'='Genitourinary tuberculosis, unspecifi...' '01691'='Genitourinary TB, unspec/bacteriologi...' '01692'='Genitourinary TB, unspec/bacteriologi...' '01693'='Genitourinary TB, unspec/tubercle bac...' '01694'='Genitourinary TB/unsp/tub bac not fou...' '01695'='Genitourinar TB, unspec/tub bac not f...' '01696'='Genitourin TB/unsp/tub bac not fnd by...' '01700'='TB of skin and subcutaneous cellular ...' '01701'='TB of skin and subcutaneous cellular ...' '01702'='TB of skin and subcutaneous cellular ...' '01703'='TB of skin/subcutaneous cellular tiss...' '01704'='TB skn/subcut cell tis/tub bac not fn...' '01705'='TB skn/subcut cell tis/tub bac not fn...' '01706'='TB skn/subcut cell tis/tub bac not fn...' '01710'='Erythema nodosum with hypersensitivit...' '01711'='Erythema nodosum w/hypersensitiv reac...' '01712'='Erythema nodosum w/hypersensitiv reac...' '01713'='Erythema nodosum w/hypersensit react ...' '01714'='Eryth nodos w/hyp reac n TB/tub bac n...' '01715'='Eryth nodos w/hyp reac n TB/tub bac n...' '01716'='Ery nod w/hyp reac n TB/tub bac nt fn...' '01720'='Tuberculosis of peripheral lymph node...' '01721'='TB of peripheral lymph nodes/bacterio...' '01722'='TB of peripheral lymph nodes, bacter/...' '01723'='TB of peripheral lymph nodes, tubercl...' '01724'='TB of periph lymp nodes/tub bac nt fn...' '01725'='TB of periph lymp nodes/tub bac nt fn...' '01726'='TB periph lymp nodes/tub bac nt fnd b...' '01730'='Tuberculosis of eye, unspecified' '01731'='Tuberculosis of eye, bacteriological/...' '01732'='Tuberculosis of eye, bacteriological ...' '01733'='Tuberculosis of eye, tubercle bacilli...' '01734'='TB of eye/tub bac nt fnd by micro/fou...' '01735'='TB of eye/tub bac nt fnd by bac exm/T...' '01736'='TB of eye/tub bac nt fnd by bac/his e...' '01740'='Tuberculosis of ear, unspecified' '01741'='Tuberculosis of ear, bacteriological/...' '01742'='Tuberculosis of ear, bacteriological ...' '01743'='Tuberculosis of ear, tubercle bacilli...' '01744'='TB of ear/tub bac nt fnd by micros/fo...' '01745'='TB of ear/tub bac nt fnd by bac exm/T...' '01746'='TB of ear/tub bac nt fnd by bac/his e...' '01750'='Tuberculosis of thyroid gland, unspec...' '01751'='TB of thyroid gland, bacteriological/...' '01752'='TB of thyroid gland, bacteriological ...' '01753'='TB of thyroid gland, tubercle bacilli...' '01754'='TB of thyroid gland/tub bac nt fnd by...' '01755'='TB of thyroid gland/tub bac nt fnd by...' '01756'='TB thyroid glan/tub bac nt fnd by bac...' '01760'='Tuberculosis of adrenal glands, unspe...' '01761'='TB of adrenal glands, bacteriological...' '01762'='TB of adrenal glands, bacteriological...' '01763'='TB of adrenal glands, tubercle bacill...' '01764'='TB of adrenal glands/tub bac nt fnd b...' '01765'='TB of adrenal glands/tub bac nt fnd b...' '01766'='TB of adrenl gland/tub bac nt fnd by ...' '01770'='Tuberculosis of spleen, unspecified' '01771'='TB of spleen, bacteriological or hist...' '01772'='TB of spleen, bacteriological or hist...' '01773'='TB of spleen, tubercle bacilli found ...' '01774'='TB of spleen/tub bac nt fnd by micros...' '01775'='TB of spleen/tub bac nt fnd by bac ex...' '01776'='TB of spleen/tub bac nt fnd by bac/hi...' '01780'='Tuberculosis of esophagus, unspecified' '01781'='TB of esophagus, bacteriological or h...' '01782'='TB of esophagus, bacteriological or h...' '01783'='TB of esophagus, tubercle bacilli fou...' '01784'='TB of esophagus/tub bac nt fnd by mic...' '01785'='TB of esophagus/tub bac nt fnd by bac...' '01786'='TB of esophagus/tub bac nt fnd by bac...' '01790'='Tuberculosis of other specified organ...' '01791'='TB of oth spec organs/bacteriological...' '01792'='TB of oth spec organs/bacteriological...' '01793'='TB of oth specified organ, tubercle b...' '01794'='TB of oth spec org/tub bac nt fnd by ...' '01795'='TB of oth spec organ/tub bac nt fnd b...' '01796'='TB of oth spec organ/tub bac nt fnd b...' '01800'='Acute miliary tuberculosis, unspecified' '01801'='Acute miliary TB, bacteriological or ...' '01802'='Acute miliary TB, bacteriological or ...' '01803'='Acute miliary TB, tubercle bacilli fo...' '01804'='Acute miliary TB/tub bac nt fnd by mi...' '01805'='Acute miliary TB/tub bac not fnd by b...' '01806'='Acute miliary TB/tub bac nt fnd by ba...' '01880'='Other specified miliary tuberculosis,...' '01881'='Oth spec miliary TB/bacteriological/h...' '01882'='Oth spec miliary TB/bacteriological/h...' '01883'='Oth specified miliary TB, tubercle ba...' '01884'='Oth spec miliary TB/tub bac nt fnd by...' '01885'='Oth spec miliary TB/tub bac nt fnd by...' '01886'='Oth spec miliary TB/tub bac nt fnd by...' '01890'='Miliary tuberculosis, unspecified, un...' '01891'='Miliary TB, unspecif, bacteriological...' '01892'='Miliary TB, unspecified, bacteriologi...' '01893'='Miliary TB, unspecified, tubercle bac...' '01894'='Miliary TB, unspecif, tub bac nt fnd ...' '01895'='Miliary TB, unspec/tub bac nt fnd by ...' '01896'='Miliary TB, unspec/tub bac nt fnd by ...' '0200-'='Bubonic plague' '0201-'='Cellulocutaneous plague' '0202-'='Septicemic plague' '0203-'='Primary pneumonic plague' '0204-'='Secondary pneumonic plague' '0205-'='Pneumonic plague, unspecified' '0208-'='Other specified types of plague' '0209-'='Plague, unspecified' '0210-'='Ulceroglandular tularemia' '0211-'='Enteric tularemia' '0212-'='Pulmonary tularemia' '0213-'='Oculoglandular tularemia' '0218-'='Other specified tularemia' '0219-'='Unspecified tularemia' '0220-'='Cutaneous anthrax' '0221-'='Pulmonary anthrax' '0222-'='Gastrointestinal anthrax' '0223-'='Anthrax septicemia' '0228-'='Other specified manifestations of ant...' '0229-'='Anthrax, unspecified' '0230-'='Brucella melitensis' '0231-'='Brucella abortus' '0232-'='Brucella suis' '0233-'='Brucella canis' '0238-'='Other brucellosis' '0239-'='Brucellosis, unspecified' '024--'='Glanders' '025--'='Melioidosis' '0260-'='Spirillary fever' '0261-'='Streptobacillary fever' '0269-'='Unspecified rat-bite fever' '0270-'='Listeriosis' '0271-'='Erysipelothrix infection' '0272-'='Pasteurellosis' '0278-'='Other specified zoonotic bacterial di...' '0279-'='Unspecified zoonotic bacterial disease' '0300-'='Lepromatous [type L] leprosy' '0301-'='Tuberculoid [type T] leprosy' '0302-'='Indeterminate [group I] leprosy' '0303-'='Borderline [group B] leprosy' '0308-'='Other specified leprosy' '0309-'='Leprosy, unspecified' '0310-'='Pulmonary disease due to mycobacteria' '0311-'='Cutaneous disease due to mycobacteria' '0312-'='Disseminated disease due to other myc...' '0318-'='Other specified mycobacterial diseases' '0319-'='Unspecified diseases due to mycobacteria' '0320-'='Faucial diphtheria' '0321-'='Nasopharyngeal diphtheria' '0322-'='Anterior nasal diphtheria' '0323-'='Laryngeal diphtheria' '0328-'='Other specified diphtheria' '03281'='Conjunctival diphtheria' '03282'='Diphtheritic myocarditis' '03283'='Diphtheritic peritonitis' '03284'='Diphtheritic cystitis' '03285'='Cutaneous diphtheria' '03289'='Other diptheria' '0329-'='Diphtheria, unspecified' '0330-'='Bordetella pertussis [B. pertussis]' '0331-'='Bordetella parapertussis [B. parapert...' '0338-'='Whooping cough due to other specified...' '0339-'='Whooping cough, unspecified organism' '0340-'='Streptococcal sore throat' '0341-'='Scarlet fever' '035--'='Erysipelas' '0360-'='Meningococcal meningitis' '0361-'='Meningococcal encephalitis' '0362-'='Meningococcemia' '0363-'='Waterhouse-Friderichsen syndrome, men...' '03640'='Meningococcal carditis, unspecified' '03641'='Meningococcal pericarditis' '03642'='Meningococcal endocarditis' '03643'='Meningococcal myocarditis' '03680'='Other specified meningococcal infections' '03681'='Meningococcal optic neuritis' '03682'='Meningococcal arthropathy' '03689'='Other meningococcal infection' '0369-'='Meningococcal infection, unspecified' '037--'='Tetanus' '0380-'='Streptococcal septicemia' '03810'='Staphylococcus septicemia, unspec' '03811'='Staphylococcus aureus septicemia' '03819'='Other staphylococcal septicemia' '0382-'='Pneumococcal septicemia' '0383-'='Septicemia due to anaerobes' '03840'='Septicemia due to gram-negative organ...' '03841'='Septicemia due to Hemophilus influenz...' '03842'='Septicemia due to Escherichia coli [E...' '03843'='Septicemia due to Pseudomonas' '03844'='Septicemia due to Serratia' '03849'='Septicemia due to other organism' '0388-'='Other specified septicemias' '0389-'='Unspecified septicemia' '0390-'='Cutaneous actinomycotic infection' '0391-'='Pulmonary actinomycotic infection' '0392-'='Abdominal actinomycotic infection' '0393-'='Cervicofacial actinomycotic infection' '0394-'='Madura foot actinomycotic infection' '0398-'='Actinomycotic infection of other spec...' '0399-'='Actinomycotic infection of unspecifie...' '0400-'='Gas gangrene' '0401-'='Rhinoscleroma' '0402-'='Whipples disease' '0403-'='Necrobacillosis' '0408-'='Other specified bacterial diseases' '04081'='Tropical pyomyositis' '04082'='Toxic shock syndrome' '04089'='Other bacterial disease' '04100'='Streptococcus, unspecified bacterial ...' '04101'='Streptococcus, Group A bacterial infe...' '04102'='Streptococcus, Group B bacterial infe...' '04103'='Streptococcus, Group C bacterial infe...' '04104'='Streptococcus, Group D bacterial infe...' '04105'='Streptococcus, Group G bacterial infe...' '04109'='Other Streptococcus bacterial infection' '04110'='Staphylococcus bacterial infection, u...' '04111'='Staphylococcus aureus bacterial infec...' '04112'='Methicillin resistant Staphylococcus aureus' '04119'='Other Staphylococcus bacterial infection' '0412-'='Pneumococcus bacterial infection' '0413-'='Friedlander`s bacillus bacterial infe...' '0414-'='Escherichia coli [E.coli] bacterial i...' '04149'='Other and unspec Escherichia coli [E. coli]' '0415-'='Hemophilus influenzae [H. influenzae]...' '0416-'='Proteus (mirabilis) (morganii) bacter...' '0417-'='Pseudomonas bacterial infection' '0418-'='Other specified bacterial infections' '04181'='Mycoplasma bacterial infection' '04182'='Bacillus fragilis bacterial infection' '04183'='Clostridium perfringens bacterial inf...' '04184'='Other anaerobes bacterial infection' '04185'='Other gram-negative organisms bacteri...' '04186'='Helicobacter pylori (H. pylori) infec...' '04189'='Other specified bacteria infection' '0419-'='Bacterial infection, unspecified' '042--'='Human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) di...' '04200'='Human immunodeficiency virus infectio...' '04210'='Human immunodeficiency virus with spe...' '04220'='Human immunodeficiency virus causing ...' '04290'='Human immunodeficiency virus w/specif...' '04300'='Human immunodeficiency virus infectio...' '04310'='Human immunodeficiency virus infectn ...' '04320'='HIV infection causing othr disorders ...' '04330'='Human immunodeficiency virus infectn ...' '04390'='Acquired immunodeficiency syndrome-re...' '04400'='Oth human immunodeficiency virus caus...' '04490'='Human immunodeficiency virus infectio...' '04500'='Acute paralytic poliomyelitis specifi...' '04501'='Acute paralytic poliomyelitis specifi...' '04502'='Acute paralytic poliomyelitis specifi...' '04503'='Acute paralytic poliomyelitis specifi...' '04510'='Acute poliomyelitis with other paraly...' '04511'='Acute poliomyelitis with other paraly...' '04512'='Acute poliomyelitis with other paraly...' '04513'='Acute poliomyelitis with other paraly...' '04520'='Acute nonparalytic poliomyelitis poli...' '04521'='Acute nonparalytic poliomyelitis poli...' '04522'='Acute nonparalytic poliomyelitis poli...' '04523'='Acute nonparalytic poliomyelitis poli...' '04590'='Acute poliomyelitis, unspecified poli...' '04591'='Acute poliomyelitis, unspecified poli...' '04592'='Acute poliomyelitis, unspecified poli...' '04593'='Acute poliomyelitis, unspecified poli...' '0460-'='Kuru' '0461-'='Jakob-Creutzfeldt disease' '0462-'='Subacute sclerosing panencephalitis' '0463-'='Progressive multifocal leukoencephalo...' '0468-'='Other specified slow virus infection ...' '0469-'='Unspecified slow virus infection of c...' '0470-'='Coxsackie virus' '0471-'='ECHO virus' '0478-'='Other specified viral meningitis' '0479-'='Unspecified viral meningitis' '048--'='Other enterovirus diseases of central...' '0490-'='Lymphocytic choriomeningitis' '0491-'='Meningitis due to adenovirus' '0498-'='Oth specified non-arthropod-borne vir...' '0499-'='Unspecified non-arthropod-borne virl ...' '0500-'='Variola major' '0501-'='Alastrim' '0502-'='Modified smallpox' '0509-'='Smallpox, unspecified' '0510-'='Cowpox' '0511-'='Pseudocowpox' '0512-'='Contagious pustular dermatitis' '0519-'='Paravaccinia, unspecified' '0520-'='Postvaricella encephalitis' '0521-'='Varicella (hemorrhagic) pneumonitis' '0527-'='Varicella, with other specified compl...' '0528-'='Varicella, with unspecified complication' '0529-'='Varicella without mention of complica...' '0530-'='Herpes zoster with meningitis' '05310'='Herpes zoster with unspecified nervou...' '05311'='Geniculate herpes zoster' '05312'='Herpes zoster with postherpetic trige...' '05313'='Herpes zoster with postherpetic polyn...' '05319'='Herpes zoster with other nervous syst...' '05320'='Herpes zoster dermatitis of eyelid' '05321'='Herpes zoster keratoconjunctivitis' '05322'='Herpes zoster iridocyclitis' '05329'='Herpes zoster with other opthalmic co...' '0537-'='Herpes zoster with other specified co...' '05371'='Otitis externa due to herpes zoster' '05379'='Other complications due to herpes zoster' '0538-'='Herpes zoster with unspecified compli...' '0539-'='Herpes zoster without mention of comp...' '0540-'='Eczema herpeticum' '05410'='Genital herpes, unspecified' '05411'='Herpetic vulvovaginitis' '05412'='Herpetic ulceration of vulva' '05413'='Herpetic infection of penis' '05419'='Other genital herpes' '0542-'='Herpetic gingivostomatitis' '0543-'='Herpetic meningoencephalitis' '05440'='Herpes simplex with unspecified ophth...' '05441'='Herpes simplex dermatitis of eyelid' '05442'='Herpes simplex with dendritic keratitis' '05443'='Herpes simplex disciform keratitis' '05444'='Herpes simplex iridocyclitis' '05449'='Other opthalmic complications due to ...' '0545-'='Herpetic septicemia' '0546-'='Herpetic whitlow' '0547-'='Herpes simplex with other specified c...' '05471'='Visceral herpes simplex' '05472'='Herpes simplex meningitis' '05473'='Herpes simplex otitis externa' '05479'='Other specified complications due to ...' '0548-'='Herpes simplex with unspecified compl...' '0549-'='Herpes simplex without mention of com...' '0550-'='Postmeasles encephalitis' '0551-'='Postmeasles pneumonia' '0552-'='Postmeasles otitis media' '0557-'='Measles with other specified complica...' '05571'='Measles keratoconjunctivitis' '05579'='Other specified complications due to ...' '0558-'='Measles with unspecified complication' '0559-'='Measles without mention of complication' '05600'='Rubella with unspecified neurological...' '05601'='Encephalomyelitis due to rubella' '05609'='Other neurological complications due ...' '0567-'='Rubella with other specified complica...' '05671'='Arthritis due to rubella' '05679'='Other specified complications due to ...' '0568-'='Rubella with unspecified complications' '0569-'='Rubella without mention of complication' '0570-'='Erythema infectiosum [fifth disease]' '0578-'='Other specified viral exanthemata' '0579-'='Viral exanthem, unspecified' '05810'='Roseola infantum, unspecified' '0600-'='Sylvatic yellow fever' '0601-'='Urban yellow fever' '0609-'='Yellow fever, unspecified' '061--'='Dengue' '0620-'='Japanese encephalitis' '0621-'='Western equine encephalitis' '0622-'='Eastern equine encephalitis' '0623-'='St. Louis encephalitis' '0624-'='Australian encephalitis' '0625-'='California virus encephalitis' '0628-'='Other specified mosquito-borne viral ...' '0629-'='Mosquito-borne viral encephalitis, un...' '0630-'='Russian spring-summer [taiga] encepha...' '0631-'='Louping ill' '0632-'='Central European encephalitis' '0638-'='Other specified tick-borne viral ence...' '0639-'='Tick-borne viral encephalitis, unspec...' '064--'='Viral encephalitis transmitted by oth...' '0650-'='Crimean hemorrhagic fever [CHF Congo ...' '0651-'='Omsk hemorrhagic fever' '0652-'='Kyasanur Forest disease' '0653-'='Other tick-borne hemorrhagic fever' '0654-'='Mosquito-borne hemorrhagic fever' '0658-'='Other specified arthropod-borne hemor...' '0659-'='Arthropod-borne hemorrhagic fever, un...' '0660-'='Phlebotomus fever' '0661-'='Tick-borne fever' '0662-'='Venezuelan equine fever' '0663-'='Other mosquito-borne fever' '06640'='West Nile fever, unspecified' '06641'='West Nile fever with encephalitis' '06642'='West Nile fever with other neurologic manifestation' '06649'='West Nile fever with other complications' '0668-'='Other specified arthropod-borne viral...' '0669-'='Arthropod-borne viral disease, unspec...' '0700-'='Viral hepatitis A with hepatic coma' '0701-'='Viral hepatitis A without mention of ...' '07020'='Viral hepatitis B w/hep coma, acute/u...' '07021'='Viral hepatitis B w/hepat coma, acute...' '07022'='Viral hepatitis B w/hepatic coma, chr...' '07023'='Viral hepatitis B w/hepatic coma, chr...' '07030'='Viral hepatitis B w/o hep coma, acute...' '07031'='Viral hepatitis B w/o hep coma, acute...' '07032'='Viral hepatitis B w/o hepatc coma, ch...' '07033'='Viral hepatitis B w/o hepatic coma, c...' '0704-'='Other specified viral hepatitis with ...' '07041'='Hepatitis C with hepatic coma' '07042'='Hepatitis delta w/out mention of acti...' '07043'='Hepatitis E with hepatic coma' '07044'='Chronic hepatitis C with hepatic coma' '07049'='Other specified viral hepatitis with ...' '0705-'='Other specified viral hepatitis witho...' '07051'='Acute or unspecified hepatitis C w/ou...' '07052'='Hepatitis delta w/out mention of act ...' '07053'='Hepatitis E without mention of hepati...' '07054'='Chronic hepatitis C without mention o...' '07059'='Other specified viral hepatitis witho...' '0706-'='Unspecified viral hepatitis with hepa...' '07070'='Unspecified viral hepatitis C w/o hepatic coma' '0709-'='Unspecified viral hepatitis without m...' '071--'='Rabies' '0720-'='Mumps orchitis' '0721-'='Mumps meningitis' '0722-'='Mumps encephalitis' '0723-'='Mumps pancreatitis' '0727-'='Mumps with other specified complications' '07271'='Mumps hepatitis' '07272'='Mumps polyneuropathy' '07279'='Other specified complications due to ...' '0728-'='Mumps with unspecified complication' '0729-'='Mumps without mention of complication' '0730-'='Ornithosis with pneumonia' '0737-'='Ornithosis with other specified compl...' '0738-'='Ornithosis with unspecified complication' '0739-'='Ornithosis, unspecified' '0740-'='Herpangina due to Coxsackie virus' '0741-'='Epidemic pleurodynia due to Coxsackie...' '07420'='Coxsackie carditis, unspecified' '07421'='Coxsackie pericarditis' '07422'='Coxsackie endocarditis' '07423'='Coxsackie myocarditis' '0743-'='Hand, foot, and mouth disease due to ...' '0748-'='Other specified diseases due to Coxsa...' '075--'='Infectious mononucleosis' '0760-'='Initial stage trachoma' '0761-'='Active stage trachoma' '0769-'='Trachoma, unspecified' '0770-'='Inclusion conjunctivitis due to virus...' '0771-'='Epidemic keratoconjunctivitis due to ...' '0772-'='Pharyngoconjunctival fever due to vir...' '0773-'='Other adenoviral conjunctivitis due t...' '0774-'='Epidemic hemorrhagic conjunctivitis d...' '0778-'='Other viral conjunctivitis due to vir...' '0779-'='Unspecified diseases of conjunctiva d...' '07798'='Unspecified diseases of conjunctiva d...' '07799'='Unspecified diseases of conjunctiva d...' '0780-'='Molluscum contagiosum' '07810'='Viral warts, unspecified' '07811'='Condyloma acuminatum' '07812'='Plantar wart' '07819'='Other specified viral warts' '0782-'='Sweating fever' '0783-'='Cat-scratch disease' '0784-'='Foot and mouth disease' '0785-'='Cytomegaloviral disease' '0786-'='Hemorrhagic nephrosonephritis' '0787-'='Arenaviral hemorrhagic fever' '0788-'='Other specified diseases due to virus...' '07881'='Epidemic vertigo' '07882'='Epidemic vomiting syndrome' '07888'='Other specified diseases due to Chlam...' '07889'='Other specified diseases due to viruses' '0790-'='Adenovirus' '0791-'='ECHO virus' '0792-'='Coxsackie virus' '0793-'='Rhinovirus' '0794-'='Human papilloma virus' '07950'='Retrovirus, unspecified' '07951'='Human T-cell lymphotrophic virus, typ...' '07952'='Human T-cell lymphotrophic virus, typ...' '07953'='Human immunodeficiency virus, type 2 ...' '07959'='Other specified retrovirus' '0796-'='Respiratory syncytial virus (RSV)' '0798-'='Other specified viral and chlamydial ...' '07983'='Parovirus B19' '07988'='Other specified chlamydial infection' '07989'='Other specified viral infection' '0799-'='Unspecified viral and chlamydial infe...' '07998'='Unspecified chlamydial infection' '07999'='Unspecified viral infection' '080--'='Louse-borne [epidemic] typhus' '0810-'='Murine [endemic] typhus' '0811-'='Brills disease' '0812-'='Scrub typhus' '0819-'='Typhus, unspecified' '0820-'='Spotted fevers' '0821-'='Boutonneuse fever' '0822-'='North Asian tick fever' '0823-'='Queensland tick typhus' '08249'='Other ehrlichiosis' '0828-'='Other specified tick-borne rickettsioses' '0829-'='Tick-borne rickettsiosis, unspecified' '0830-'='Q fever' '0831-'='Trench fever' '0832-'='Rickettsialpox' '0838-'='Other specified rickettsioses' '0839-'='Rickettsiosis, unspecified' '0840-'='Falciparum malaria [malignant tertian]' '0841-'='Vivax malaria [benign tertian]' '0842-'='Quartan malaria' '0843-'='Ovale malaria' '0844-'='Other malaria' '0845-'='Mixed malaria' '0846-'='Malaria, unspecified' '0847-'='Induced malaria' '0848-'='Blackwater fever' '0849-'='Other pernicious complications of mal...' '0850-'='Visceral Leishmaniasis [kala-azar]' '0851-'='Cutaneous Leishmaniasis, urban' '0852-'='Cutaneous Leishmaniasis, Asian desert' '0853-'='Cutaneous Leishmaniasis, Ethiopian' '0854-'='Cutaneous Leishmaniasis, American' '0855-'='Mucocutaneous Leishmaniasis=(American)' '0859-'='Leishmaniasis, unspecified' '0860-'='Chagas' '0861-'='Chagas' '0862-'='Chagas' '0863-'='Gambian trypanosomiasis' '0864-'='Rhodesian trypanosomiasis' '0865-'='African trypanosomiasis, unspecified' '0869-'='Trypanosomiasis, unspecified' '0870-'='Relapsing fever, louse-borne' '0871-'='Relapsing fever, tick-borne' '0879-'='Relapsing fever, unspecified' '0880-'='Bartonellosis' '0888-'='Other specified arthropod-borne diseases' '08881'='Lyme disease' '08882'='Babesiosis' '08889'='Other specified arthropod-borne diseases' '0889-'='Arthropod-borne disease, unspecified' '0900-'='Early congenital syphilis, symptomatic' '0901-'='Early congenital syphilis, latent' '0902-'='Early congenital syphilis, unspecified' '0903-'='Syphilitic interstitial keratitis' '09040'='Juvenile neurosyphilis, unspecified' '09041'='Congenital syphilitic encephalitis' '09042'='Congenital syphilitic meningitis' '09049'='Other juvenile neurosyphilis' '0905-'='Other late congenital syphilis, sympt...' '0906-'='Late congenital syphilis, latent' '0907-'='Late congenital syphilis, unspecified' '0909-'='Congenital syphilis, unspecified' '0910-'='Genital syphilis (primary)' '0911-'='Primary anal syphilis' '0912-'='Other primary syphilis' '0913-'='Secondary syphilis of skin or mucous ...' '0914-'='Adenopathy due to secondary syphilis' '09150'='Syphilitic uveitis, unspecified' '09151'='Syphilitic chorioretinitis (secondary)' '09152'='Syphilitic iridocyclitis (secondary)' '0916-'='Secondary syphilis of viscera and bone' '09161'='Secondary syphilitic periostitis' '09162'='Secondary syphilitic hepatitis' '09169'='Secondary syphilis of other viscera' '0917-'='Secondary syphilis, relapse' '0918-'='Other forms of secondary syphilis' '09181'='Acute syphilitic meningitis (secondary)' '09182'='Syphilitic alopecia' '09189'='Other secondary syphilis' '0919-'='Unspecified secondary syphilis' '0920-'='Early syphilis, latent, serological r...' '0929-'='Early syphilis, latent, unspecified' '0930-'='Aneurysm of aorta, specified as syphi...' '0931-'='Syphilitic aortitis' '09320'='Syphilitic endocarditis of valve, uns...' '09321'='Syphilitic endocarditis of mitral valve' '09322'='Syphilitic endocarditis of aortic valve' '09323'='Syphilitic endocarditis of tricuspid ...' '09324'='Syphilitic endocarditis of pulmonary ...' '0938-'='Other specified cardiovascular syphilis' '09381'='Syphilitic pericarditis' '09382'='Syphilitic myocarditis' '09389'='Other cardiovasculary syphilis' '0939-'='Cardiovascular syphilis, unspecified' '0940-'='Tabes dorsalis' '0941-'='General paresis' '0942-'='Syphilitic meningitis' '0943-'='Asymptomatic neurosyphilis' '0948-'='Other specified neurosyphilis' '09481'='Syphilitic encephalitis' '09482'='Syphilitic Parkinsonism' '09483'='Syphilitic disseminated retinochoroid...' '09484'='Syphilitic optic atrophy' '09485'='Syphilitic retrobulbar neuritis' '09486'='Syphilitic acoustic neuritis' '09487'='Syphilitic ruptured cerebral aneurysm' '09489'='Other specified neurosyphilis' '0949-'='Neurosyphilis, unspecified' '0950-'='Syphilitic episcleritis' '0951-'='Syphilis of lung' '0952-'='Syphilitic peritonitis' '0953-'='Syphilis of liver' '0954-'='Syphilis of kidney' '0955-'='Syphilis of bone' '0956-'='Syphilis of muscle' '0957-'='Syphilis of synovium, tendon, and bursa' '0958-'='Other specified forms of late symptom...' '0959-'='Late symptomatic syphilis, unspecified' '096--'='Late syphilis, latent' '0970-'='Late syphilis, unspecified' '0971-'='Latent syphilis, unspecified' '0979-'='Syphilis, unspecified' '0980-'='Acute gonococcal infection of lower g...' '09810'='Gonococcal infection (acute) of upper...' '09811'='Gonococcal cystitis (acute)' '09812'='Gonococcal prostatitis (acute)' '09813'='Gonococcal epididymo-orchitis (acute)' '09814'='Gonococcal seminal vesiculitis (acute)' '09815'='Gonococcal cervicitis (acute)' '09816'='Gonococcal endometritis (acute)' '09817'='Gonococcal salpingitis, specified as ...' '09819'='Other acute gonococcal infection of u...' '0982-'='Chronic, of lower genitourinary tract' '09830'='Chronic gonococcal infec of uppr geni...' '09831'='Gonococcal cystitis, chronic' '09832'='Gonococcal prostatitis, chronic' '09833'='Gonococcal epididymo-orchitis, chronic' '09834'='Gonococcal seminal vesiculitis, chronic' '09835'='Gonococcal cervicitis, chronic' '09836'='Gonococcal endometritis, chronic' '09837'='Gonococcal salpingitis (chronic)' '09839'='Other chronic gonococcal infection of...' '09840'='Gonococcal conjunctivitis (neonatorum)' '09841'='Gonococcal iridocyclitis' '09842'='Gonococcal endophthalmia' '09843'='Gonococcal keratitis' '09849'='Other gonococcal infection of eye' '09850'='Gonococcal arthritis' '09851'='Gonococcal synovitis and tenosynovitis' '09852'='Gonococcal bursitis' '09853'='Gonococcal spondylitis' '09859'='Other gonococcal infection of joint' '0986-'='Gonococcal infection of pharynx' '0987-'='Gonococcal infection of anus and rectum' '0988-'='Gonococcal infection of other specifi...' '09881'='Gonococcal keratosis (blennorrhagica)' '09882'='Gonococcal meningitis' '09883'='Gonococcal pericarditis' '09884'='Gonococcal endocarditis' '09885'='Other gonococcal heart disease' '09886'='Gonococcal peritonitis' '09889'='Other gonococcal infection' '0990-'='Chancroid' '0991-'='Lymphogranuloma venereum' '0992-'='Granuloma inguinale' '0993-'='Reiter`s disease' '09940'='Other nongonococcal urethritis [NGU],...' '09941'='Chlamydia trachomatis' '09949'='Other nongonococcal urethritis [NGU],...' '09950'='Other venereal dis due to Chlamydia t...' '09951'='Other venereal diseases due to Chlamy...' '09952'='Oth venereal dis due to Chlamydia tra...' '09953'='Ot venereal dis due to Chlamydia trac...' '09954'='Ot venereal dis due to Chlamydia trac...' '09955'='Ot venereal dis due to Chlamydia trac...' '09956'='Oth venereal diseases due to Chlamydi...' '09959'='Oth venereal dis due to Chlamydia tra...' '0998-'='Other specified venereal diseases' '0999-'='Venereal disease, unspecified' '1000-'='Leptospirosis icterohemorrhagica' '1008-'='Other specified leptospiral infections' '10081'='Leptospiral meningitis (aseptic)' '10089'='Other leptospiral infections' '1009-'='Leptospirosis, unspecified' '101--'='Vincent`s angina' '1020-'='Initial lesions of yaws' '1021-'='Multiple papillomata and wet crab yaws' '1022-'='Other early skin lesions of yaws' '1023-'='Hyperkeratosis of yaws' '1024-'='Gummata and ulcers of yaws' '1025-'='Gangosa of yaws' '1026-'='Bone and joint lesions of yaws' '1027-'='Other manifestations of yaws' '1028-'='Latent yaws' '1029-'='Yaws, unspecified' '1030-'='Primary lesions of pinta' '1031-'='Intermediate lesions of pinta' '1032-'='Late lesions of pinta' '1033-'='Mixed lesions of pinta' '1039-'='Pinta, unspecified' '1040-'='Nonvenereal endemic syphilis' '1048-'='Other specified spirochetal infections' '1049-'='Spirochetal infection, unspecified' '1100-'='Dermatophytosis of scalp and beard' '1101-'='Dermatophytosis of nail' '1102-'='Dermatophytosis of hand' '1103-'='Dermatophytosis of groin and perianal...' '1104-'='Dermatophytosis of foot' '1105-'='Dermatophytosis of the body' '1106-'='Deep seated dermatophytosis' '1108-'='Dermatophytosis of other specified sites' '1109-'='Dermatophytosis of unspecified site' '1110-'='Pityriasis versicolor' '1111-'='Tinea nigra' '1112-'='Tinea blanca' '1113-'='Black piedra' '1118-'='Other specified dermatomycoses' '1119-'='Dermatomycosis, unspecified' '1120-'='Candidiasis of mouth' '1121-'='Candidiasis of vulva and vagina' '1122-'='Candidiasis of other urogenital sites' '1123-'='Candidiasis of skin and nails' '1124-'='Candidiasis of lung' '1125-'='Candidiasis disseminated' '1128-'='Candidiasis of other specified sites' '11281'='Candidal endocarditis' '11282'='Candidal otitis externa' '11283'='Candidal meningitis' '11284'='Candidal esophagitis' '11285'='Candidal enteritis' '11289'='Other candidiasis' '1129-'='Candidiasis of unspecified site' '1140-'='Primary coccidioidomycosis (pulmonary)' '1141-'='Primary extrapulmonary coccidioidomyc...' '1142-'='Coccidioidal meningitis' '1143-'='Other forms of progressive coccidioid...' '1144-'='Chronic pulmonary coccidioidomycosis' '1145-'='Pulmonary coccidioidomycosis, unspeci...' '1149-'='Coccidioidomycosis, unspecified' '11500'='Infection by histoplasma capsulatum w...' '11501'='Infection by histoplasma capsulatum, ...' '11502'='Infection by histoplasma capsulatum, ...' '11503'='Infection by histoplasma capsulatum, ...' '11504'='Infection by histoplasma capsulatum, ...' '11505'='Infection by histoplasma capsulatum, ...' '11509'='Infection by histoplasma capsulatum, ...' '11510'='Infection by histoplasma duboisii w/o...' '11511'='Infection by histoplasma duboisii, me...' '11512'='Infection by histoplasma duboisii, re...' '11513'='Infection by histoplasma duboisii, pe...' '11514'='Infection by histoplasma duboisii, en...' '11515'='Infection by histoplasma duboisii, pn...' '11519'='Infection by histoplasma duboisii, other' '11590'='Histoplasmosis, unspecified w/o manif...' '11591'='Histoplasmosis, unspecified, meningitis' '11592'='Histoplasmosis, unspecified, retinitis' '11593'='Histoplasmosis, unspecified, pericard...' '11594'='Histoplasmosis, unspecified, endocard...' '11595'='Histoplasmosis, unspecified, pneumonia' '11599'='Histoplasmosis, unspecified, other' '1160-'='Blastomycosis' '1161-'='Paracoccidioidomycosis' '1162-'='Lobomycosis' '1170-'='Rhinosporidiosis' '1171-'='Sporotrichosis' '1172-'='Chromoblastomycosis' '1173-'='Aspergillosis' '1174-'='Mycotic mycetomas' '1175-'='Cryptococcosis' '1176-'='Allescheriosis [Petriellidosis]' '1177-'='Zygomycosis [Phycomycosis or Mucormyc...' '1178-'='Infection by dematiacious fungi [Phae...' '1179-'='Other and unspecified mycoses' '118--'='Opportunistic mycoses' '1200-'='Schistosoma haematobium' '1201-'='Schistosoma mansoni' '1202-'='Schistosoma japonicum' '1203-'='Cutaneous schistosoma' '1208-'='Other specified schistosomiasis' '1209-'='Schistosomiasis, unspecified' '1210-'='Opisthorchiasis' '1211-'='Clonorchiasis' '1212-'='Paragonimiasis' '1213-'='Fascioliasis' '1214-'='Fasciolopsiasis' '1215-'='Metagonimiasis' '1216-'='Heterophyiasis' '1218-'='Other specified trematode infections' '1219-'='Trematode infection, unspecified' '1220-'='Echinococcus granulosus infection of ...' '1221-'='Echinococcus granulosus infection of ...' '1222-'='Echinococcus granulosus infection of ...' '1223-'='Echinococcus granulosus infection, other' '1224-'='Echinococcus granulosus infection, un...' '1225-'='Echinococcus multilocularis infection...' '1226-'='Echinococcus multilocularis infection...' '1227-'='Echinococcus multilocularis infection...' '1228-'='Echinococcosis, unspecified, of liver' '1229-'='Echinococcosis, other and unspecified' '1230-'='Taenia solium infection, intestinal form' '1231-'='Cysticercosis' '1232-'='Taenia saginata infection' '1233-'='Taeniasis, unspecified' '1234-'='Diphyllobothriasis, intestinal' '1235-'='Sparganosis [larval diphyllobothriasis]' '1236-'='Hymenolepiasis' '1238-'='Other specified cestode infection' '1239-'='Cestode infection, unspecified' '124--'='Trichinosis' '1250-'='Bancroftian filariasis' '1251-'='Malayan filariasis' '1252-'='Loiasis' '1253-'='Onchocerciasis' '1254-'='Dipetalonemiasis' '1255-'='Mansonella ozzardi infection' '1256-'='Other specified filariasis' '1257-'='Dracontiasis' '1259-'='Unspecified filariasis' '1260-'='Ancylostoma duodenale' '1261-'='Necator americanus' '1262-'='Ancylostoma braziliense' '1263-'='Ancylostoma ceylanicum' '1268-'='Other specified Ancylostoma' '1269-'='Ancylostomiasis and necatoriasis, uns...' '1270-'='Ascariasis' '1271-'='Anisakiasis' '1272-'='Strongyloidiasis' '1273-'='Trichuriasis' '1274-'='Enterobiasis' '1275-'='Capillariasis' '1276-'='Trichostrongyliasis' '1277-'='Other specified intestinal helminthiasis' '1278-'='Mixed intestinal helminthiasis' '1279-'='Intestinal helminthiasis, unspecified' '1280-'='Toxocariasis' '1281-'='Gnathostomiasis' '1288-'='Other specified helminthiasis' '1289-'='Helminth infection, unspecified' '129--'='Intestinal parasitism, unspecified' '1300-'='Meningoencephalitis due to toxoplasmosis' '1301-'='Conjunctivitis due to toxoplasmosis' '1302-'='Chorioretinitis due to toxoplasmosis' '1303-'='Myocarditis due to toxoplasmosis' '1304-'='Pneumonitis due to toxoplasmosis' '1305-'='Hepatitis due to toxoplasmosis' '1307-'='Toxoplasmosis of other specified sites' '1308-'='Multisystemic disseminated toxoplasmosis' '1309-'='Toxoplasmosis, unspecified' '13100'='Urogenital trichomoniasis, unspecified' '13101'='Trichomonal vulvovaginitis' '13102'='Trichomonal urethritis' '13103'='Trichomonal prostatitis' '13109'='Other urogenital trichomoniasis' '1318-'='Other trichomoniasis, specified sites' '1319-'='Trichomoniasis, unspecified' '1320-'='Pediculus capitis [head louse]' '1321-'='Pediculus corporis [body louse]' '1322-'='Phthirus pubis [pubic louse]' '1323-'='Mixed pediculosis and phthirus infest...' '1329-'='Pediculosis, unspecified' '1330-'='Scabies' '1338-'='Other acariasis' '1339-'='Acariasis, unspecified' '1340-'='Myiasis' '1341-'='Other arthropod infestation' '1342-'='Hirudiniasis' '1348-'='Other specified infestations' '1349-'='Infestation, unspecified' '135--'='Sarcoidosis' '1360-'='Ainhum' '1361-'='Behcet`s syndrome' '1362-'='Specific infections by free-living am...' '1363-'='Pneumocystosis' '1364-'='Psorospermiasis' '1365-'='Sarcosporidiosis' '1368-'='Other specified infectious and parasi...' '1369-'='Unspecified infectious and parasitic ...' '1370-'='Late effects of respiratory or unspec...' '1371-'='Late effects of central nervous syste...' '1372-'='Late effects of genitourinary tubercu...' '1373-'='Late effects of tuberculosis of bones...' '1374-'='Late effects of tuberculosis of other...' '138--'='Late effects of acute poliomyelitis' '1390-'='Late effects of viral encephalitis' '1391-'='Late effects of trachoma' '1398-'='Late effects of other and unspec infe...' '1400-'='Malignant neoplasm of upper lip, verm...' '1401-'='Malignant neoplasm of lower lip, verm...' '1403-'='Malignant neoplasm of upper lip, inne...' '1404-'='Malignant neoplasm of lower lip, inne...' '1405-'='Malignant neoplasm of lip, unspecifie...' '1406-'='Malignant neoplasm of commissure of lip' '1408-'='Malignant neoplasm of other sites of lip' '1409-'='Malignant neoplasm of lip, unspecifie...' '1410-'='Malignant neoplasm of base of tongue' '1411-'='Malignant neoplasm of dorsal surface ...' '1412-'='Malignant neoplasm of tip and lateral...' '1413-'='Malignant neoplasm of ventral surface...' '1414-'='Malignant neoplasm of anterior two-th...' '1415-'='Malignant neoplasm of junctional zone' '1416-'='Malignant neoplasm of lingual tonsil' '1418-'='Malignant neoplasm of other sites of ...' '1419-'='Malignant neoplasm of tongue, unspeci...' '1420-'='Malignant neoplasm of parotid gland' '1421-'='Malignant neoplasm of submandibular g...' '1422-'='Malignant neoplasm of sublingual gland' '1428-'='Malignant neoplasm of other major sal...' '1429-'='Malignant neoplasm of salivary gland,...' '1430-'='Malignant neoplasm of upper gum' '1431-'='Malignant neoplasm of lower gum' '1438-'='Malignant neoplasm of other sites of gum' '1439-'='Malignant neoplasm of gum, unspecified' '1440-'='Malignant neoplasm of anterior portio...' '1441-'='Malignant neoplasm of lateral portion...' '1448-'='Malignant neoplasm of other sites of ...' '1449-'='Malignant neoplasm of floor of mouth,...' '1450-'='Malignant neoplasm of cheek mucosa' '1451-'='Malignant neoplasm of vestibule of mouth' '1452-'='Malignant neoplasm of hard palate' '1453-'='Malignant neoplasm of soft palate' '1454-'='Malignant neoplasm of uvula' '1455-'='Malignant neoplasm of palate, unspeci...' '1456-'='Malignant neoplasm of retromolar area' '1458-'='Malignant neoplasm of other specified...' '1459-'='Malignant neoplasm of mouth, unspecified' '1460-'='Malignant neoplasm of tonsil' '1461-'='Malignant neoplasm of tonsillar fossa' '1462-'='Malignant neoplasm of tonsillar pilla...' '1463-'='Malignant neoplasm of vallecula' '1464-'='Malignant neoplasm of anterior aspect...' '1465-'='Malignant neoplasm of junctional region' '1466-'='Malignant neoplasm of lateral wall of...' '1467-'='Malignant neoplasm of posterior wall ...' '1468-'='Malignant neoplasm of other specified...' '1469-'='Malignant neoplasm of oropharynx, uns...' '1470-'='Malignant neoplasm of superior wall o...' '1471-'='Malignant neoplasm of posterior wall ...' '1472-'='Malignant neoplasm of lateral wall of...' '1473-'='Malignant neoplasm of anterior wall o...' '1478-'='Malignant neoplasm of other specified...' '1479-'='Malignant neoplasm of nasopharynx, un...' '1480-'='Malignant neoplasm of postcricoid reg...' '1481-'='Malignant neoplasm of pyriform sinus ...' '1482-'='Malignant neoplasm of aryepiglottic f...' '1483-'='Malignant neoplasm of posterior hypop...' '1488-'='Malignant neoplasm of other specified...' '1489-'='Malignant neoplasm of hypopharynx, un...' '1490-'='Malignant neoplasm of pharynx, unspec...' '1491-'='Malignant neoplasm of Waldeyer`s ring' '1498-'='Malignant neoplasm of other sites of ...' '1499-'='Malignant neoplasm of ill-defined sit...' '1500-'='Malignant neoplasm of cervical esophagus' '1501-'='Malignant neoplasm of thoracic esophagus' '1502-'='Malignant neoplasm of abdominal esoph...' '1503-'='Malignant neoplasm of upper third of ...' '1504-'='Malignant neoplasm of middle third of...' '1505-'='Malignant neoplasm of lower third of ...' '1508-'='Malignant neoplasm of other specified...' '1509-'='Malignant neoplasm of esophagus, unsp...' '1510-'='Malignant neoplasm of cardia' '1511-'='Malignant neoplasm of pylorus' '1512-'='Malignant neoplasm of pyloric antrum' '1513-'='Malignant neoplasm of fundus of stomach' '1514-'='Malignant neoplasm of body of stomach' '1515-'='Malignant neoplasm of lesser curvatur...' '1516-'='Malignant neoplasm of greater curvatu...' '1518-'='Malignant neoplasm of other specified...' '1519-'='Malignant neoplasm of stomach, unspec...' '1520-'='Malignant neoplasm of duodenum' '1521-'='Malignant neoplasm of jejunum' '1522-'='Malignant neoplasm of ileum' '1523-'='Malignant neoplasm of Meckel`s divert...' '1528-'='Malignant neoplasm of other specified...' '1529-'='Malignant neoplasm of small intestine...' '1530-'='Malignant neoplasm of hepatic flexure' '1531-'='Malignant neoplasm of transverse colon' '1532-'='Malignant neoplasm of descending colon' '1533-'='Malignant neoplasm of sigmoid colon' '1534-'='Malignant neoplasm of cecum' '1535-'='Malignant neoplasm of appendix' '1536-'='Malignant neoplasm of ascending colon' '1537-'='Malignant neoplasm of splenic flexure' '1538-'='Malignant neoplasm of other specified...' '1539-'='Malignant neoplasm of colon, unspecified' '1540-'='Malignant neoplasm of rectosigmoid ju...' '1541-'='Malignant neoplasm of rectum' '1542-'='Malignant neoplasm of anal canal' '1543-'='Malignant neoplasm of anus, unspecified' '1548-'='Malignant neoplasm of other rectum/re...' '1550-'='Malignant neoplasm of liver, primary' '1551-'='Malignant neoplasm of intrahepatic bi...' '1552-'='Malignant neoplasm of liver/not speci...' '1560-'='Malignant neoplasm of gallbladder' '1561-'='Malignant neoplasm of extrahepatic bi...' '1562-'='Malignant neoplasm of ampulla of Vater' '1568-'='Malign neoplasm of o spec sites of ga...' '1569-'='Malignant neoplasm of biliary tract, ...' '1570-'='Malignant neoplasm of head of pancreas' '1571-'='Malignant neoplasm of body of pancreas' '1572-'='Malignant neoplasm of tail of pancreas' '1573-'='Malignant neoplasm of pancreatic duct' '1574-'='Malignant neoplasm of islets of Lange...' '1578-'='Malignant neoplasm of other specified...' '1579-'='Malignant neoplasm of pancreas, part ...' '1580-'='Malignant neoplasm of retroperitoneum' '1588-'='Malignant neoplasm of specified parts...' '1589-'='Malignant neoplasm of peritoneum, uns...' '1590-'='Malignant neoplasm of intestinal trac...' '1591-'='Malignant neoplasm of spleen, not els...' '1598-'='Malig neoplasm of ot sites of digest ...' '1599-'='Malignant neoplasm of ill-defined sit...' '1600-'='Malignant neoplasm of nasal cavities' '1601-'='Malig neoplasm of auditory tube/middl...' '1602-'='Malignant neoplasm of maxillary sinus' '1603-'='Malignant neoplasm of ethmoidal sinus' '1604-'='Malignant neoplasm of frontal sinus' '1605-'='Malignant neoplasm of sphenoidal sinus' '1608-'='Malignant neoplasm of other sinus' '1609-'='Malignant neoplasm of accessory sinus...' '1610-'='Malignant neoplasm of glottis' '1611-'='Malignant neoplasm of supraglottis' '1612-'='Malignant neoplasm of subglottis' '1613-'='Malignant neoplasm of laryngeal carti...' '1618-'='Malignant neoplasm of other specified...' '1619-'='Malignant neoplasm of larynx, unspeci...' '1620-'='Malignant neoplasm of trachea' '1622-'='Malignant neoplasm of main bronchus' '1623-'='Malignant neoplasm of upper lobe, bro...' '1624-'='Malignant neoplasm of middle lobe, br...' '1625-'='Malignant neoplasm of lower lobe, bro...' '1628-'='Malignant neoplasm of other parts of ...' '1629-'='Malignant neoplasm of bronchus and lu...' '1630-'='Malignant neoplasm of parietal pleura' '1631-'='Malignant neoplasm of visceral pleura' '1638-'='Malignant neoplasm of other specified...' '1639-'='Malignant neoplasm of pleura, unspeci...' '1640-'='Malignant neoplasm of thymus' '1641-'='Malignant neoplasm of heart' '1642-'='Malignant neoplasm of anterior medias...' '1643-'='Malignant neoplasm of posterior media...' '1648-'='Malignant neoplasm of other thymus/he...' '1649-'='Malignant neoplasm of mediastinum, pa...' '1650-'='Malignant neoplasm of upper respirato...' '1658-'='Malignant neoplasm of other respirato...' '1659-'='Malignant neoplasm of ill-defined sit...' '1700-'='Malignant neoplasm of bones of skull ...' '1701-'='Malignant neoplasm of mandible' '1702-'='Malignant neoplasm of vertebral colum...' '1703-'='Malignant neoplasm of ribs, sternum, ...' '1704-'='Malignant neoplasm of scapula and lon...' '1705-'='Malignant neoplasm of short bones of ...' '1706-'='Malignant neoplasm of pelvic bones, s...' '1707-'='Malignant neoplasm of long bones of l...' '1708-'='Malignant neoplasm of short bones of ...' '1709-'='Malignant neoplasm of bone and articu...' '1710-'='Malignant neoplasm of head, face, and...' '1712-'='Malignant neoplasm of upper limb, inc...' '1713-'='Malignant neoplasm of lower limb, inc...' '1714-'='Malignant neoplasm of thorax' '1715-'='Malignant neoplasm of abdomen' '1716-'='Malignant neoplasm of pelvis' '1717-'='Malignant neoplasm of trunk, unspecified' '1718-'='Malig neoplasm of oth spec sites of c...' '1719-'='Malig neoplasm of connectiv/oth soft ...' '1720-'='Malignant neoplasm of lip' '1721-'='Malignant neoplasm of eyelid, includi...' '1722-'='Malignant neoplasm of ear and externa...' '1723-'='Malignant neoplasm of other and unspe...' '1724-'='Malignant neoplasm of scalp and neck' '1725-'='Malignant neoplasm of trunk, except s...' '1726-'='Malignant neoplasm of upper limb, inc...' '1727-'='Malignant neoplasm of lower limb, inc...' '1728-'='Malignant neoplasm of other specified...' '1729-'='Malignant neoplasm of melanoma of ski...' '1730-'='Malignant neoplasm of skin of lip' '17301'='Basal cell carcinoma of skin of lip' '17302'='Squamous cell carcinoma of skin of lip' '1731-'='Malignant neoplasm of eyelid, includi...' '17310'='Unspec malignant neoplasm of eyelid, including canthus' '17311'='Basal cell carcinoma of eyelid, including canthus' '17312'='Squamous cell carcinoma of eyelid, including canthus' '17319'='Other spec malignant neoplasm of eyelid, includ canthus' '1732-'='Malignant neoplasm of skin of ear and...' '17320'='Unspec malignant neoplasm skin of ear and external aud canal' '17321'='Basal cell carcinoma skin of ear and external aud canal' '17322'='Squamous cell carcinoma skin of ear and external aud canal' '1733-'='Malignant neoplasm of skin of other a...' '17330'='Unspec malig neoplasm skin other and unspec parts of face' '17331'='Basal cell carcinoma skin of other and unspec parts of face' '17332'='Squamous cell carcinoma skin of other and unspec parts of face' '1734-'='Malignant neoplasm of scalp and skin ...' '17340'='Unspec malignant neoplasm scalp and skin of neck' '17341'='Basal cell carcinoma scalp and skin of neck' '17342'='Squamous cell carcinoma scalp and skin of neck' '1735-'='Malignant neoplasm of skin of trunk, ...' '17350'='Unspec malignant neoplasm skin of trunk, except scrotum' '17351'='Basal cell carcinoma of skin of trunk, except scrotum' '17352'='Squamous cell carcinoma of skin of trunk, except scrotum' '17359'='Malignant neoplasm of skin of trunk, except scrotum' '1736-'='Malignant neoplasm of skin of upper l...' '17360'='Unspec malignant neoplasm skin upper limb, inc shoulder' '17361'='Basal cell carcinoma skin upper limb, including shoulder' '17362'='Squamous cell carcinoma skin upper limb, inc shoulder' '1737-'='Malignant neoplasm of skin of lower l...' '17370'='Unspec malignant neoplasm skin lower limb, inc hip' '17371'='Basal cell carcinoma skin lower limb, including hip' '17372'='Squamous cell carcinoma skin lower limb, inc hip' '1738-'='Malignant neoplasm of other specified...' '17382'='Squamous cell carcinoma other spec sites of skin' '1739-'='Malignant neoplasm of skin, site unsp...' '17390'='Unspec malignant neoplasm of skin, site unspec' '17391'='Basal cell carcinoma of skin, site unspecified' '17392'='Squamous cell carcinoma of skin, site unspec' '17399'='Malignant neoplasm of skin, site unspecified' '1740-'='Malignant neoplasm of nipple and areola' '1741-'='Malignant neoplasm of central portion...' '1742-'='Malignant neoplasm of upper-inner qua...' '1743-'='Malignant neoplasm of lower-inner qua...' '1744-'='Malignant neoplasm of upper-outer qua...' '1745-'='Malignant neoplasm of lower-outer qua...' '1746-'='Malignant neoplasm of axillary tail o...' '1748-'='Malignant neoplasm of other specified...' '1749-'='Malignant neoplasm of breast (female)...' '1750-'='Malignant neoplasm of nipple and areo...' '1759-'='Malignant neoplasm of other and unspe...' '1760-'='Kaposi`s sarcoma of skin' '1761-'='Kaposi`s sarcoma of soft tissue' '1762-'='Kaposi`s sarcoma of palate' '1763-'='Kaposi`s sarcoma of gastrointestinal ...' '1764-'='Kaposi`s sarcoma of lung' '1765-'='Kaposi`s sarcoma of lymph nodes' '1768-'='Kaposi`s sarcoma of other specified s...' '1769-'='Kaposi`s sarcoma, unspecified' '179--'='Malignant neoplasm of uterus, part un...' '1800-'='Malignant neoplasm of endocervix' '1801-'='Malignant neoplasm of exocervix' '1808-'='Malignant neoplasm of other specified...' '1809-'='Malignant neoplasm of cervix uteri, u...' '181--'='Malignant neoplasm of placenta' '1820-'='Malignant neoplasm of corpus uteri, e...' '1821-'='Malignant neoplasm of isthmus' '1828-'='Malignant neoplasm of other specified...' '1830-'='Malignant neoplasm of ovary' '1832-'='Malignant neoplasm of fallopian tube' '1833-'='Malignant neoplasm of broad ligament' '1834-'='Malignant neoplasm of parametrium' '1835-'='Malignant neoplasm of round ligament' '1838-'='Malignant neoplasm of other specified...' '1839-'='Malignant neoplasm of uterine adnexa,...' '1840-'='Malignant neoplasm of vagina' '1841-'='Malignant neoplasm of labia majora' '1842-'='Malignant neoplasm of labia minora' '1843-'='Malignant neoplasm of clitoris' '1844-'='Malignant neoplasm of vulva, unspecified' '1848-'='Malignant neoplasm of other specified...' '1849-'='Malignant neoplasm of female genital ...' '185--'='Malignant neoplasm of prostate' '1860-'='Malignant neoplasm of undescended testis' '1869-'='Malignant neoplasm of other and unspe...' '1870-'='Malignant neoplasm of penis and other...' '1871-'='Malignant neoplasm of prepuce' '1872-'='Malignant neoplasm of glans penis' '1873-'='Malignant neoplasm of body of penis' '1874-'='Malignant neoplasm of penis, part uns...' '1875-'='Malignant neoplasm of epididymis' '1876-'='Malignant neoplasm of spermatic cord' '1877-'='Malignant neoplasm of scrotum' '1878-'='Malignant neoplasm of other specified...' '1879-'='Malignant neoplasm of male genital or...' '1880-'='Malignant neoplasm of trigone of urin...' '1881-'='Malignant neoplasm of dome of urinary...' '1882-'='Malignant neoplasm of lateral wall of...' '1883-'='Malignant neoplasm of anterior wall o...' '1884-'='Malignant neoplasm of posterior wall ...' '1885-'='Malignant neoplasm of bladder neck' '1886-'='Malignant neoplasm of ureteric orifice' '1887-'='Malignant neoplasm of urachus' '1888-'='Malignant neoplasm of other specified...' '1889-'='Malignant neoplasm of bladder, part u...' '1890-'='Malignant neoplasm of kidney, except ...' '1891-'='Malignant neoplasm of renal pelvis' '1892-'='Malignant neoplasm of ureter' '1893-'='Malignant neoplasm of urethra' '1894-'='Malignant neoplasm of paraurethral gl...' '1898-'='Malignant neoplasm of other specified...' '1899-'='Malignant neoplasm of urinary organ, ...' '1900-'='Malig neoplasm of eyeball/except conj...' '1901-'='Malignant neoplasm of orbit' '1902-'='Malignant neoplasm of lacrimal gland' '1903-'='Malignant neoplasm of conjunctiva' '1904-'='Malignant neoplasm of cornea' '1905-'='Malignant neoplasm of retina' '1906-'='Malignant neoplasm of choroid' '1907-'='Malignant neoplasm of lacrimal duct' '1908-'='Malignant neoplasm of other specified...' '1909-'='Malignant neoplasm of eye, part unspe...' '1910-'='Malignant neoplasm of cerebrum, excep...' '1911-'='Malignant neoplasm of frontal lobe' '1912-'='Malignant neoplasm of temporal lobe' '1913-'='Malignant neoplasm of parietal lobe' '1914-'='Malignant neoplasm of occipital lobe' '1915-'='Malignant neoplasm of ventricles' '1916-'='Malignant neoplasm of cerebellum NOS' '1917-'='Malignant neoplasm of brain stem' '1918-'='Malignant neoplasm of other parts of ...' '1919-'='Malignant neoplasm of brain, unspecified' '1920-'='Malignant neoplasm of cranial nerves' '1921-'='Malignant neoplasm of cerebral meninges' '1922-'='Malignant neoplasm of spinal cord' '1923-'='Malignant neoplasm of spinal meninges' '1928-'='Malignant neoplasm of other specified...' '1929-'='Malignant neoplasm of nervous system,...' '193--'='Malignant neoplasm of thyroid gland' '1940-'='Malignant neoplasm of adrenal gland' '1941-'='Malignant neoplasm of parathyroid gland' '1943-'='Malignant neoplasm of pituitary gland...' '1944-'='Malignant neoplasm of pineal gland' '1945-'='Malignant neoplasm of carotid body' '1946-'='Malignant neoplasm of aortic body and...' '1948-'='Malignant neoplasm of other endocrine...' '1949-'='Malignant neoplasm of endocrine gland...' '1950-'='Malignant neoplasm of head, face, and...' '1951-'='Malignant neoplasm of thorax' '1952-'='Malignant neoplasm of abdomen' '1953-'='Malignant neoplasm of pelvis' '1954-'='Malignant neoplasm of upper limb' '1955-'='Malignant neoplasm of lower limb' '1958-'='Malignant neoplasm of other specified...' '1960-'='Secondary malignant neoplasm of lymph...' '1961-'='Secondary malignant neoplasm of intra...' '1962-'='Secondary malignant neoplasm of intra...' '1963-'='Secondary malig neoplasm of lymph nod...' '1965-'='Second malig neoplasm of lymph nodes ...' '1966-'='Secondary malignant neoplasm of intra...' '1968-'='Secondary malignant neoplasm of lymph...' '1969-'='Secondary malignant neoplasm of site ...' '1970-'='Secondary malignant neoplasm of lung' '1971-'='Secondary malignant neoplasm of media...' '1972-'='Secondary malignant neoplasm of pleura' '1973-'='Secondary malignant neoplasm of other...' '1974-'='Secondary malignant neoplasm of small...' '1975-'='Secondary malignant neoplasm of large...' '1976-'='Secondary malignant neoplasm of retro...' '1977-'='Secondary malignant neoplasm of liver...' '1978-'='Secondary malignant neoplasm of oth d...' '1980-'='Secondary malignant neoplasm of kidney' '1981-'='Secondary malignant neoplasm of other...' '1982-'='Secondary malignant neoplasm of skin' '1983-'='Secondary malignant neoplasm of brain...' '1984-'='Secondary malignant neoplasm of other...' '1985-'='Secondary malignant neoplasm of bone ...' '1986-'='Secondary malignant neoplasm of ovary' '1987-'='Secondary malignant neoplasm of adren...' '1988-'='Secondary malignant neoplasm of other...' '19881'='Secondary malignant neoplasm of breast' '19882'='Secondary malignant neoplasm of genit...' '19889'='Secondary malignant neoplasm of other...' '1990-'='Malignant neoplasm disseminated w/o s...' '1991-'='Malignant neoplasm other w/o specific...' '20000'='Reticulosarcoma, unspec site, extrano...' '20001'='Reticulosarcoma, lymph nodes of head,...' '20002'='Reticulosarcoma, intrathoracic lymph ...' '20003'='Reticulosarcoma, intra-abdominal lymp...' '20004'='Reticulosarcoma, lymph nodes of axill...' '20005'='Reticulosarcoma, lymph nodes of ingui...' '20006'='Reticulosarcoma, intrapelvic lymph nodes' '20007'='Reticulosarcoma, spleen' '20008'='Reticulosarcoma, lymph nodes of multi...' '20010'='Lymphosarcoma, unspec site, extranoda...' '20011'='Lymphosarcoma, lymph nodes of head, f...' '20012'='Lymphosarcoma, intrathoracic lymph nodes' '20013'='Lymphosarcoma, intra-abdominal lymph ...' '20014'='Lymphosarcoma, lymph nodes of axilla ...' '20015'='Lymphosarcoma, lymph nodes of inguina...' '20016'='Lymphosarcoma, intrapelvic lymph nodes' '20017'='Lymphosarcoma, spleen' '20018'='Lymphosarcoma, lymph nodes of multipl...' '20020'='Burkitts tumr/lymphma, unspec site, ...' '20021'='Burkitts tumor/lymphoma, lymph nodes...' '20022'='Burkitts tumor or lymphoma, intratho...' '20023'='Burkitts tumor or lymphoma, intra-ab...' '20024'='Burkitts tumor/lymphoma, lymph nodes...' '20025'='Burkitts tumr/lymphma, lymph nodes o...' '20026'='Burkitts tumor or lymphoma, intrapel...' '20027'='Burkitts tumor or lymphoma, spleen' '20028'='Burkitts tumor or lymphoma, lymph no....' '20030'='Marginal zone lymphoma, unspecified ... ' '20035'='Marginal zone lymphoma, lymph nodes of in...' '20040'='Mantle cell lymphoma, unspecified site..' '20041'='Mantle cell lymphoma, lymph nodes of head...' '20048'='Mantle cell lymphoma, lymph nodes of mult...' '20050'='Prim cent nerv syst lymphoma, unspecif site...' '20051'='Primary central nervous system lymphoma.' '20070'='Large cell lymphoma, unspecified site ..' '20071'='Large cell lymphoma, lymph nodes head...' '20080'='Oth lympho/reticulosarcoma, unsp site...' '20081'='Oth var of lympho/reticulosarcoma, ly...' '20082'='Oth var of lymphossarcoma/reticulosar...' '20083'='Oth variant of lympho/reticulosarcoma...' '20084'='Oth var of lympho/reticulosarcoma, ly...' '20085'='Oth var of lympho/reticlosarcma,lymph...' '20086'='Oth var of lympho/reticulosarcoma, in...' '20087'='Oth variant of lymphossarcoma/reticul...' '20088'='Oth var of lympho/reticulosarcoma, ly...' '20920'='Malignant carcinoid tumor unknown prim..' '20960'='Benign carcinoid tumor of unknown prim..' '20100'='Hodgkin`s paragranuloma, unsp site, e...' '20101'='Hodgkin`s paragranuloma, lymph nodes ...' '20102'='Hodgkin`s paragranuloma, intrathoraci...' '20103'='Hodgkin`s paragranuloma, intra-abdomi...' '20104'='Hodgkin`s paragranuloma, lymph nodes ...' '20105'='Hodgkin`s paragranuloma, lymph nodes ...' '20106'='Hodgkin`s paragranuloma, intrapelvic ...' '20107'='Hodgkin`s paragranuloma, spleen' '20108'='Hodgkin`s paragranuloma, lymph nodes ...' '20110'='Hodgkin`s granuloma, unspec site, ext...' '20111'='Hodgkin`s granuloma, lymph nodes of h...' '20112'='Hodgkin`s granuloma, intrathoracic ly...' '20113'='Hodgkin`s granuloma, intra-abdominal ...' '20114'='Hodgkin`s granuloma, lymph nodes of a...' '20115'='Hodgkin`s granuloma, lymph nodes of i...' '20116'='Hodgkin`s granuloma, intrapelvic lymp...' '20117'='Hodgkin`s granuloma, spleen' '20118'='Hodgkin`s granuloma, lymph nodes of m...' '20120'='Hodgkin`s sarcoma, unspec site, extra...' '20121'='Hodgkin`s sarcoma, lymph nodes of hea...' '20122'='Hodgkin`s sarcoma, intrathoracic lymp...' '20123'='Hodgkin`s sarcoma, intra-abdominal ly...' '20124'='Hodgkin`s sarcoma, lymph nodes of axi...' '20125'='Hodgkin`s sarcoma, lymph nodes of ing...' '20126'='Hodgkin`s sarcoma, intrapelvic lymph ...' '20127'='Hodgkin`s sarcoma, spleen' '20128'='Hodgkin`s sarcoma, lymph nodes of mul...' '20140'='Lymph-hstcytc predm Hdgkn`s dis,unsp ...' '20141'='Lympho-hstocytc predm of Hodgkn`s dis...' '20142'='Lympho-histiocytic predom of Hodgkn`s...' '20143'='Lympho-histiocytc predom of Hodgkn`s ...' '20144'='Lymph-hstocytc predm of Hodgkin`s dis...' '20145'='Lymph-hstocytc predm Hodgkn`s dis,lym...' '20146'='Lympho-histiocytic predom Hodgkin`s d...' '20147'='Lympho-histiocytic predom of Hodgkin`...' '20148'='Lympho-histiocytic predm Hodgkin`s di...' '20150'='Nodulr sclrosis Hodgkn`s dis,unsp sit...' '20151'='Nodulr sclrosis of Hodgkin`s dis, lym...' '20152'='Nodulr sclerosis of Hodgkin`s disease...' '20153'='Nodular sclerosis of Hodgkin`s diseas...' '20154'='Nodulr sclerosis Hodgkin`s dis, lymph...' '20155'='Nodulr sclrosis Hodgkn`s dis, lymph n...' '20156'='Nodular sclerosis of Hodgkin`s diseas...' '20157'='Nodular sclerosis of Hodgkin`s diseas...' '20158'='Nodular sclerosis of Hodgkin`s diseas...' '20160'='Mixed cell of Hodgkn`s dis, unsp site...' '20161'='Mixed cell of Hodgkin`s disease, lymp...' '20162'='Mixed cell of Hodgkin`s disease, intr...' '20163'='Mixed cell of Hodgkin`s disease, intr...' '20164'='Mixed cell of Hodgkin`s dis, lymph no...' '20165'='Mixed cell Hodgkn`s dis, lymph nodes ...' '20166'='Mixed cellularity of Hodgkin`s diseas...' '20167'='Mixed cellularity of Hodgkin`s diseas...' '20168'='Mixed cellularity of Hodgkin`s diseas...' '20170'='Lymphocytc depl of Hodgkn`s dis, unsp...' '20171'='Lymphocytic depletn of Hodgkin`s dis,...' '20172'='Lymphocytic depletn of Hodgkin`s dis,...' '20173'='Lymphocytic depletn of Hodgkin`s dis,...' '20174'='Lymphocytic depletn of Hodgkn`s dis, ...' '20175'='Lymphocytc depl of Hodgkn`s dis, lymp...' '20176'='Lymphocytic depletn of Hodgkin`s dis,...' '20177'='Lymphocytic depletion of Hodgkin`s di...' '20178'='Lymphocytic depletion of Hodgkin`s di...' '20190'='Hodgkin`s dis, unspec, unspec site, e...' '20191'='Hodgkin`s disease, unspecified, lymph...' '20192'='Hodgkin`s disease, unspecified, intra...' '20193'='Hodgkin`s disease, unspecified, intra...' '20194'='Hodgkin`s disease, unspec, lymph node...' '20195'='Hodgkn`s dis, unspec, lymph nodes of ...' '20196'='Hodgkin`s disease, unspecified, intra...' '20197'='Hodgkin`s disease, unspecified, spleen' '20198'='Hodgkin`s disease, unspecified, lymph...' '20200'='Nodular lymphoma, unspec site, extran...' '20201'='Nodular lymphoma, lymph nodes of head...' '20202'='Nodular lymphoma, intrathoracic lymph...' '20203'='Nodular lymphoma, intra-abdominal lym...' '20204'='Nodular lymphoma, lymph nodes of axil...' '20205'='Nodular lymphoma, lymph nodes of ingu...' '20206'='Nodular lymphoma, intrapelvic lymph n...' '20207'='Nodular lymphoma, spleen' '20208'='Nodular lymphoma, lymph nodes of mult...' '20210'='Mycosis fungoides, unspec site, extra...' '20211'='Mycosis fungoides, lymph nodes of hea...' '20212'='Mycosis fungoides, intrathoracic lymp...' '20213'='Mycosis fungoides, intra-abdominal ly...' '20214'='Mycosis fungoides, lymph nodes of axi...' '20215'='Mycosis fungoides, lymph nodes of ing...' '20216'='Mycosis fungoides, intrapelvic lymph ...' '20217'='Mycosis fungoides, spleen' '20218'='Mycosis fungoides, lymph nodes of mul...' '20220'='Sezary`s disease, unspec site, extran...' '20221'='Sezary`s disease, lymph nodes of head...' '20222'='Sezary`s disease, intrathoracic lymph...' '20223'='Sezary`s disease, intra-abdominal lym...' '20224'='Sezary`s disease, lymph nodes of axil...' '20225'='Sezary`s disease, lymph nodes of ingu...' '20226'='Sezary`s disease, intrapelvic lymph n...' '20227'='Sezary`s disease, spleen' '20228'='Sezary`s disease, lymph nodes of mult...' '20230'='Malig histiocytosis, unspec site, ext...' '20231'='Malignant histiocytosis, lymph nodes ...' '20232'='Malignant histiocytosis, intrathoraci...' '20233'='Malignant histiocytosis, intra-abdomi...' '20234'='Malignant histiocytosis, lymph nodes ...' '20235'='Malig histiocytosis, lymph nodes of i...' '20236'='Malignant histiocytosis, intrapelvic ...' '20237'='Malignant histiocytosis, spleen' '20238'='Malignant histiocytosis, lymph nodes ...' '20240'='Leukemic reticuloendotheliosis, unsp ...' '20241'='Leukemic reticuloendotheliosis, lymph...' '20242'='Leukemic reticuloendotheliosis, intra...' '20243'='Leukemic reticuloendotheliosis, intra...' '20244'='Leukemic reticuloendotheliosis, lymph...' '20245'='Leukemic reticuloendotheliosis, lymph...' '20246'='Leukemic reticuloendotheliosis, intra...' '20247'='Leukemic reticuloendotheliosis, spleen' '20248'='Leukemic reticuloendotheliosis, lymph...' '20250'='Letterer-Siwe disease, unspec site, e...' '20251'='Letterer-Siwe disease, lymph nodes of...' '20252'='Letterer-Siwe disease, intrathoracic ...' '20253'='Letterer-Siwe disease, intra-abdomina...' '20254'='Letterer-Siwe disease, lymph nodes of...' '20255'='Letterer-Siwe disease, lymph nodes of...' '20256'='Letterer-Siwe disease, intrapelvic ly...' '20257'='Letterer-Siwe disease, spleen' '20258'='Letterer-Siwe disease, lymph nodes of...' '20260'='Malignant mast cell tumors, unspec si...' '20261'='Malignant mast cell tumors, lymph nod...' '20262'='Malignant mast cell tumors, intrathor...' '20263'='Malignant mast cell tumors, intra-abd...' '20264'='Malignant mast cell tumors, lymph nod...' '20265'='Malignant mast cell tumors, lymph nod...' '20266'='Malignant mast cell tumors, intrapelv...' '20267'='Malignant mast cell tumors, spleen' '20268'='Malignant mast cell tumors, lymph nod...' '20270'='Peripheral T cell lymphoma, unspecif site...' '20272'='Peripheral T cell lymphoma, intrathor...' '20278'='Peripheral T-cell lymphoma, lymph nod...' '20280'='Other lymphomas, unspec site, extrano...' '20281'='Other lymphomas, lymph nodes of head,...' '20282'='Other lymphomas, intrathoracic lymph ...' '20283'='Other lymphomas, intra-abdominal lymp...' '20284'='Other lymphomas, lymph nodes of axill...' '20285'='Other lymphomas, lymph nodes of ingui...' '20286'='Other lymphomas, intrapelvic lymph nodes' '20287'='Other lymphomas, spleen' '20288'='Other lymphomas, lymph nodes of multi...' '20290'='Oth/unsp malg neo of lym/histo tis,un...' '20291'='Oth/unsp malig neo of lymph/histo tis...' '20292'='Oth/unsp malig neopl of lymph/histo t...' '20293'='Oth/unsp malig neopl of lymph/histo t...' '20294'='Oth/unsp malig neo of lymph/histo tis...' '20295'='Oth/unsp malig neo of lymph/histo tis...' '20296'='Oth/unsp malig neopl of lymph/histo t...' '20297'='Oth/unsp malig neopl of lymph/histocy...' '20298'='Oth/unsp malig neopl of lymph/histocy...' '20300'='Multiple myeloma w/o mention of remis...' '20301'='Multiple myeloma in remission' '20302'='Multiple myeloma, in relapse' '20310'='Plasma cell leukemia w/o mention of r...' '20311'='Plasma cell leukemia in remission' '20380'='Other immunoproliferative neoplasms w...' '20381'='Other immunoproliferative neoplasms i...' '20400'='Acute lymphoid leukemia w/o mention o...' '20401'='Acute lymphoid leukemia in remission' '20410'='Chronic lymphoid leukemia w/o mention...' '20411'='Chronic lymphoid leukemia in remission' '20420'='Subacute lymphoid leukemia w/o mentio...' '20421'='Subacute lymphoid leukemia in remission' '20480'='Other lymphoid leukemia w/o mention o...' '20481'='Other lymphoid leukemia in remission' '20490'='Unspecified lymphoid leukemia w/o men...' '20491'='Unspecified lymphoid leukemia in remi...' '20500'='Acute myeloid leukemia w/o mention of...' '20501'='Acute myeloid leukemia in remission' '20510'='Chronic myeloid leukemia w/o mention ...' '20511'='Chronic myeloid leukemia in remission' '20520'='Subacute myeloid leukemia w/o mention...' '20521'='Subacute myeloid leukemia in remission' '20530'='Myeloid sarcoma w/o mention of remission' '20531'='Myeloid sarcoma in remission' '20580'='Other myeloid leukemia w/o mention of...' '20581'='Other myeloid leukemia in remission' '20590'='Unspecified myeloid leukemia w/o ment...' '20591'='Unspecified myeloid leukemia in remis...' '20600'='Acute monocytic leukemia w/o mention ...' '20601'='Acute monocytic leukemia in remission' '20610'='Chronic monocytic leukemia w/o mentio...' '20611'='Chronic monocytic leukemia in remission' '20620'='Subacute monocytic leukemia w/o menti...' '20621'='Subacute monocytic leukemia in remission' '20680'='Other monocytic leukemia w/o mention ...' '20681'='Other monocytic leukemia in remission' '20690'='Unspecified monocytic leukemia w/o me...' '20691'='Unspecified monocytic leukemia in rem...' '20700'='Acute erythremia and erythroleukemia ...' '20701'='Acute erythremia and erythroleukemia ...' '20710'='Chronic erythremia w/o mention of rem...' '20711'='Chronic erythremia in remission' '20720'='Megakaryocytic leukemia w/o mention o...' '20721'='Megakaryocytic leukemia in remission' '20780'='Other specified leukemia w/o mention ...' '20781'='Other specified leukemia in remission' '20800'='Acute leukemia of unspecified cell ty...' '20801'='Acute leukemia of unspecified cell ty...' '20810'='Chronic leukemia of unspecified cell ...' '20811'='Chronic leukemia of unspecified cell ...' '20820'='Subacute leukemia of unspecified cell...' '20821'='Subacute leukemia of unspecified cell...' '20880'='Other leukemia of unspecified cell ty...' '20881'='Other leukemia of unspecified cell ty...' '20890'='Unspecified leukemia w/o mention of r...' '20891'='Unspecified leukemia in remission' '20900'='Malignant carcinoid tumor of the small..' '20903'='Malignant carcinoid tumor of the ileum' '20930'='Malignant poorly differ neuroendo carc..' '20936'='Merkel cell carcinoma of other sites' '20941'='Benign carcinoid tumor of the duodenum' '20970'='Secondary neuroendocrine tumor, unspec site' '20974'='Secondary neuroendo tumor of peritoneum ' '2100-'='Benign neoplasm of lip' '2101-'='Benign neoplasm of tongue' '2102-'='Benign neoplasm of major salivary glands' '2103-'='Benign neoplasm of floor of mouth' '2104-'='Benign neoplasm of other and unspecif...' '2105-'='Benign neoplasm of tonsil' '2106-'='Benign neoplasm of other parts of oro...' '2107-'='Benign neoplasm of nasopharynx' '2108-'='Benign neoplasm of hypopharynx' '2109-'='Benign neoplasm of pharynx, unspecified' '2110-'='Benign neoplasm of esophagus' '2111-'='Benign neoplasm of stomach' '2112-'='Benign neoplasm of duodenum, jejunum,...' '2113-'='Benign neoplasm of colon' '2114-'='Benign neoplasm of rectum and anal canal' '2115-'='Benign neoplasm of liver and biliary ...' '2116-'='Benign neoplasm of pancreas, except i...' '2117-'='Benign neoplasm of islets of Langerhans' '2118-'='Benign neoplasm of retroperitoneum an...' '2119-'='Benign neoplasm of other and unspecif...' '2120-'='Benign neoplasm of nasal cavities/mid...' '2121-'='Benign neoplasm of larynx' '2122-'='Benign neoplasm of trachea' '2123-'='Benign neoplasm of bronchus and lung' '2124-'='Benign neoplasm of pleura' '2125-'='Benign neoplasm of mediastinum' '2126-'='Benign neoplasm of thymus' '2127-'='Benign neoplasm of heart' '2128-'='Benign neoplasm of other specified sites' '2129-'='Benign neoplasm of site unspecified' '2130-'='Benign neoplasm of bones of skull and...' '2131-'='Benign neoplasm of lower jaw bone' '2132-'='Benign neoplasm of vertebral column, ...' '2133-'='Benign neoplasm of ribs, sternum, and...' '2134-'='Benign neoplasm of scapula and long b...' '2135-'='Benign neoplasm of short bones of upp...' '2136-'='Benign neoplasm of pelvic bones, sacr...' '2137-'='Benign neoplasm of long bones of lowe...' '2138-'='Benign neoplasm of short bones of low...' '2139-'='Benign neoplasm of bone and articular...' '2140-'='Lipoma of skin and subcutaneous tissu...' '2141-'='Lipoma of other skin and subcutaneous...' '2142-'='Lipoma of intrathoracic organs' '2143-'='Lipoma of intra-abdominal organs' '2144-'='Lipoma of spermatic cord' '2148-'='Lipoma of other specified sites' '2149-'='Lipoma, unspecified site' '2150-'='Other benign neoplasm of head, face, ...' '2152-'='Other benign neoplasm of upper limb, ...' '2153-'='Other benign neoplasm of lower limb, ...' '2154-'='Other benign neoplasm of thorax' '2155-'='Other benign neoplasm of abdomen' '2156-'='Other benign neoplasm of pelvis' '2157-'='Other benign neoplasm of trunk, unspe...' '2158-'='Other benign neoplasm of other specif...' '2159-'='Other benign neoplasm of site unspeci...' '2160-'='Benign neoplasm of skin of lip' '2161-'='Benign neoplasm of eyelid, including ...' '2162-'='Benign neoplasm of ear and external a...' '2163-'='Benign neoplasm of skin of other and ...' '2164-'='Benign neoplasm of scalp and skin of ...' '2165-'='Benign neoplasm of skin of trunk, exc...' '2166-'='Benign neoplasm of skin of upper limb...' '2167-'='Benign neoplasm of skin of lower limb...' '2168-'='Benign neoplasm of other specified si...' '2169-'='Benign neoplasm of skin, site unspeci...' '217--'='Benign neoplasm of breast' '2180-'='Submucous leiomyoma of uterus' '2181-'='Intramural leiomyoma of uterus' '2182-'='Subserous leiomyoma of uterus' '2189-'='Leiomyoma of uterus, unspecified' '2190-'='Benign neoplasm of cervix uteri' '2191-'='Benign neoplasm of corpus uteri' '2198-'='Benign neoplasm of other specified pa...' '2199-'='Benign neoplasm of uterus, part unspe...' '220--'='Benign neoplasm of ovary' '2210-'='Benign neoplasm of fallopian tube and...' '2211-'='Benign neoplasm of vagina' '2212-'='Benign neoplasm of vulva' '2218-'='Benign neoplasm of other specified si...' '2219-'='Benign neoplasm of female genital org...' '2220-'='Benign neoplasm of testis' '2221-'='Benign neoplasm of penis' '2222-'='Benign neoplasm of prostate' '2223-'='Benign neoplasm of epididymis' '2224-'='Benign neoplasm of scrotum' '2228-'='Benign neoplasm of other specified si...' '2229-'='Benign neoplasm of male genital organ...' '2230-'='Benign neoplasm of kidney, except pelvis' '2231-'='Benign neoplasm of renal pelvis' '2232-'='Benign neoplasm of ureter' '2233-'='Benign neoplasm of bladder' '2238-'='Benign neoplasm of other specified si...' '22381'='Benign neoplasm of urethra' '22389'='Benign neoplasm of of other urinary o...' '2239-'='Benign neoplasm of urinary organ, sit...' '2240-'='Benign neoplasm of eyeball/except con...' '2241-'='Benign neoplasm of orbit' '2242-'='Benign neoplasm of lacrimal gland' '2243-'='Benign neoplasm of conjunctiva' '2244-'='Benign neoplasm of cornea' '2245-'='Benign neoplasm of retina' '2246-'='Benign neoplasm of choroid' '2247-'='Benign neoplasm of lacrimal duct' '2248-'='Benign neoplasm of other specified pa...' '2249-'='Benign neoplasm of eye, part unspecified' '2250-'='Benign neoplasm of brain' '2251-'='Benign neoplasm of cranial nerves' '2252-'='Benign neoplasm of cerebral meninges' '2253-'='Benign neoplasm of spinal cord' '2254-'='Benign neoplasm of spinal meninges' '2258-'='Benign neoplasm of other specified si...' '2259-'='Benign neoplasm of nervous system, pa...' '226--'='Benign neoplasm of thyroid glands' '2270-'='Benign neoplasm of adrenal gland' '2271-'='Benign neoplasm of parathyroid gland' '2273-'='Benign neoplasm of pituitary gland/cr...' '2274-'='Benign neoplasm of pineal gland' '2275-'='Benign neoplasm of carotid body' '2276-'='Benign neoplasm of aortic body and ot...' '2278-'='Benign neoplasm of other endocrine gland' '2279-'='Benign neoplasm of endocrine gland, s...' '22800'='Hemangioma of unspecified site' '22801'='Hemangioma of skin and subcutaneous t...' '22802'='Hemangioma of intracranial structures' '22803'='Hemangioma of retina' '22804'='Hemangioma of intra-abdominal structures' '22809'='Hemangioma of other sites' '2281-'='Lymphangioma, any site' '2290-'='Benign neoplasm of lymph nodes' '2298-'='Benign neoplasm of other specified sites' '2299-'='Benign neoplasm of site unspecified' '2300-'='Carcinoma in situ of lip, oral cavity...' '2301-'='Carcinoma in situ of esophagus' '2302-'='Carcinoma in situ of stomach' '2303-'='Carcinoma in situ of colon' '2304-'='Carcinoma in situ of rectum' '2305-'='Carcinoma in situ of anal canal' '2306-'='Carcinoma in situ of anus, unspecified' '2307-'='Carcinoma in situ of other and unspec...' '2308-'='Carcinoma in situ of liver and biliar...' '2309-'='Carcinoma in situ of other and unspec...' '2310-'='Carcinoma in situ of larynx' '2311-'='Carcinoma in situ of trachea' '2312-'='Carcinoma in situ of bronchus and lung' '2318-'='Carcinoma in situ of other specified ...' '2319-'='Carcinoma in situ of respiratory syst...' '2320-'='Carcinoma in situ of skin of lip' '2321-'='Carcinoma in situ of eyelid, includin...' '2322-'='Carcinoma in situ of ear and external...' '2323-'='Carcinoma in situ of skin of other an...' '2324-'='Carcinoma in situ of scalp and skin o...' '2325-'='Carcinoma in situ of skin of trunk, e...' '2326-'='Carcinoma in situ of skin of upper li...' '2327-'='Carcinoma in situ of skin of lower li...' '2328-'='Carcinoma in situ of other specified ...' '2329-'='Carcinoma in situ of skin, site unspe...' '2330-'='Carcinoma in situ of breast' '2331-'='Carcinoma in situ of cervix uteri' '2332-'='Carcinoma in situ of other and unspec...' '2333-'='Carcinoma in situ of other and unspec...' '23331'='Carcinoma in situ of vagina' '23332'='Carcinoma in situ of vulva' '2334-'='Carcinoma in situ of prostate' '2335-'='Carcinoma in situ of penis' '2336-'='Carcinoma in situ of other and unspec...' '2337-'='Carcinoma in situ of bladder' '2339-'='Carcinoma in situ of other and unspec...' '2340-'='Carcinoma in situ of eye' '2348-'='Carcinoma in situ of other specified ...' '2349-'='Carcinoma in situ of site unspecified' '2350-'='Neoplasm of uncertain behavior of maj...' '2351-'='Neoplasm of uncertain behavior of lip...' '2352-'='Neoplasm of uncertain behavior of sto...' '2353-'='Neoplasm of uncertain behavior of liv...' '2354-'='Neoplasm of uncertain behavior of ret...' '2355-'='Neoplasm of uncertain behavior of oth...' '2356-'='Neoplasm of uncertain behavior of larynx' '2357-'='Neoplasm of uncertain behavior of tra...' '2358-'='Neoplasm of uncertain behavior of ple...' '2359-'='Neoplasm of uncertain behavior of oth...' '2360-'='Neoplasm of uncertain behavior of uterus' '2361-'='Neoplasm of uncertain behavior of pla...' '2362-'='Neoplasm of uncertain behavior of ovary' '2363-'='Neoplasm of uncertain behavior of oth...' '2364-'='Neoplasm of uncertain behavior of testis' '2365-'='Neoplasm of uncertain behavior of pro...' '2366-'='Neoplasm of uncertain behav of oth an...' '2367-'='Neoplasm of uncertain behavior of bla...' '23690'='Neoplasm of uncertain behavior of uri...' '23691'='Neoplasm of uncertain behavior of kid...' '23699'='Neoplasm of uncertain behavior of oth...' '2370-'='Neoplasm of uncertain behav of pituit...' '2371-'='Neoplasm of uncertain behavior of pin...' '2372-'='Neoplasm of uncertain behavior of adr...' '2373-'='Neoplasm of uncertain behavior of par...' '2374-'='Neoplasm of uncertain behav of oth an...' '2375-'='Neoplasm of uncertain behavior of bra...' '2376-'='Neoplasm of uncertain behavior of men...' '23770'='Neoplasm of uncertain behavior of neu...' '23771'='Neo uncer behav of neurofibrom/typ 1 ...' '23772'='Neo of uncer behav of neurofibrom/typ...' '2379-'='Neo of uncertain behav of oth and uns...' '2380-'='Neoplasm of uncertain behavior of bon...' '2381-'='Neoplasm of uncertain behavior of con...' '2382-'='Neoplasm of uncertain behavior of skin' '2383-'='Neoplasm of uncertain behavior of breast' '2384-'='Neoplasm of uncertain behavior of pol...' '2385-'='Neoplasm of uncertain behavior of his...' '2386-'='Neoplasm of uncertain behavior of pla...' '2387-'='Neoplasm of uncertain behavior of oth...' '23871'='Essential thrombocythemia' '23872'='Low grade myelodysplastic syndrome lesio...' '23873'='High grade myelodysplastic syndrome lesions' '23874'=' Myelodysplastic syndrome with 5q deletion' '23875'='Myelodysplastic syndrome, unspecified' '23876'='Myelofibrosis with myeloid metaplasia' '23879'='Other lymphatic and hematopoietic tissue...' '2388-'='Neoplasm of uncertain behavior of oth...' '2389-'='Neoplasm of uncertain behavior of sit...' '2390-'='Neoplasms of unspecified nature diges...' '2391-'='Neoplasms of unspecified nature respi...' '2392-'='Neoplasms of unspecified nature bone,...' '2393-'='Neoplasms of unspecified nature breast' '2394-'='Neoplasms of unspecified nature bladder' '2395-'='Neoplasms of unspecified nature other...' '2396-'='Neoplasms of unspecified nature brain' '2397-'='Neo of unsp nature endocrine glands/o...' '2398-'='Neoplasms of unspecified nature other...' '23989'='Other lymphatic and hematopoietic tissues' '2399-'='Neoplasms of unspecified nature site ...' '2400-'='Goiter, specified as simple' '2409-'='Goiter, unspecified' '2410-'='Nontoxic uninodular goiter' '2411-'='Nontoxic multinodular goiter' '2419-'='Unspecified nontoxic nodular goiter' '24200'='Thyrotoxicosis with toxic diffuse goi...' '24201'='Thyrotoxicosis with toxic diffuse goi...' '24210'='Thyrotoxicosis without mention of goi...' '24211'='Thyrotoxicosis without mention of goi...' '24220'='Thyrotoxicosis with toxic multinodula...' '24221'='Thyrotoxicosis with toxic multinodula...' '24230'='Thyrotoxicosis with toxic nodular goi...' '24231'='Thyrotoxicosis with toxic nodular goi...' '24240'='Thyrotoxicosis from ectopic thyroid n...' '24241'='Thyrotoxicosis from ectopic thyroid n...' '24280'='Thyrotoxicosis of other specified ori...' '24281'='Thyrotoxicosis of other specified ori...' '24290'='Thyrotoxicosis without mention of goi...' '24291'='Thyrotoxicosis without mention of goi...' '243--'='Congenital hypothyroidism' '2440-'='Postsurgical hypothyroidism' '2441-'='Other postablative hypothyroidism' '2442-'='Iodine hypothyroidism' '2443-'='Other iatrogenic hypothyroidism' '2448-'='Other specified acquired hypothyroidism' '2449-'='Unspecified hypothyroidism' '2450-'='Acute thyroiditis' '2451-'='Subacute thyroiditis' '2452-'='Chronic lymphocytic thyroiditis' '2453-'='Chronic fibrous thyroiditis' '2454-'='Iatrogenic thyroiditis' '2458-'='Other and unspecified chronic thyroid...' '2459-'='Thyroiditis, unspecified' '2460-'='Disorders of thyrocalcitonin secretion' '2461-'='Dyshormonogenic goiter' '2462-'='Cyst of thyroid' '2463-'='Hemorrhage and infarction of thyroid' '2468-'='Other specified disorders of thyroid' '2469-'='Unspecified disorder of thyroid' '24900'='Secondary diabetes mellitus w/o comp... ' '24901'='Secondary diabetes mellitus w/o complication...' '24910'='Secondary diabetes mellitus with keto...' '24950'='Secondary diabetes mellitus w/ophthalm...' '24960'='Secondary diabetes mellitus with neuro..' '25000'='Diabetes mellitus w/o complication, t...' '25001'='Diabetes mellitus w/o complication, t...' '25002'='Diabetes mellitus w/o complication, t...' '25003'='Diabetes mellitus w/o complication, t...' '25010'='Diabetes with ketoacidosis, type II, ...' '25011'='Diabetes with ketoacidosis, type I, c...' '25012'='Diabetes with ketoacidosis, type II, ...' '25013'='Diabetes with ketoacidosis, type I, u...' '25020'='Diabetes with hyperosmolarity, type I...' '25021'='Diabetes with hyperosmolarity, type I...' '25022'='Diabetes with hyperosmolarity, type I...' '25023'='Diabetes with hyperosmolarity, type I...' '25030'='Diabetes with other coma, type II, co...' '25031'='Diabetes with other coma, type I, con...' '25032'='Diabetes with other coma, type II, un...' '25033'='Diabetes with other coma, type I, unc...' '25040'='Diabetes with renal manifestations, t...' '25041'='Diabetes with renal manifestations, t...' '25042'='Diabetes with renal manifestations, t...' '25043'='Diabetes with renal manifestations, t...' '25050'='Diabetes w/ophthalmic manifestations,...' '25051'='Diabetes w/ophthalmic manifestations,...' '25052'='Diabetes w/ophthalmic manifestations,...' '25053'='Diabetes w/ophthalmic manifestations,...' '25060'='Diabetes w/neurological manifestation...' '25061'='Diabetes w/neurological manifestation...' '25062'='Diabetes w/neurological manifestation...' '25063'='Diabetes w/neurological manifestation...' '25070'='Diabetes w/peripheral circulatory dis...' '25071'='Diabetes w/peripheral circulatory dis...' '25072'='Diabetes w/peripheral circulatory dis...' '25073'='Diabetes w/peripheral circulatory dis...' '25080'='Diabetes w/other spec manifestations,...' '25081'='Diabetes w/other spec manifestations,...' '25082'='Diabetes w/other spec manifestations,...' '25083'='Diabetes w/other spec manifestations,...' '25090'='Diabetes w/unspecified complication, ...' '25091'='Diabetes w/unspecified complication, ...' '25092'='Diabetes w/unspecified complication, ...' '25093'='Diabetes w/unspecified complication, ...' '2510-'='Hypoglycemic coma' '2511-'='Other specified hypoglycemia' '2512-'='Hypoglycemia, unspecified' '2513-'='Postsurgical hypoinsulinemia' '2514-'='Abnormality of secretion of glucagon' '2515-'='Abnormality of secretion of gastrin' '2518-'='Other specified disorders of pancreat...' '2519-'='Unspecified disorder of pancreatic in...' '25200'='Hyperparathyroidism, unspecified' '25201'='Primary hyperparathyroidism' '25202'='Secondary hyperparathyroidism, non-renal' '2521-'='Hypoparathyroidism' '2528-'='Other specified disorders of parathyr...' '2529-'='Unspecified disorder of parathyroid g...' '2530-'='Acromegaly and gigantism' '2531-'='Other and unspecified anterior pituit...' '2532-'='Panhypopituitarism' '2533-'='Pituitary dwarfism' '2534-'='Other anterior pituitary disorders' '2535-'='Diabetes insipidus' '2536-'='Other disorders of neurohypophysis' '2537-'='Iatrogenic pituitary disorders' '2538-'='Oth disord of pituitary & oth syndrm ...' '2539-'='Unspecified disorders of pituitary gland' '2540-'='Persistent hyperplasia of thymus' '2541-'='Abscess of thymus' '2548-'='Other specified diseases of thymus gland' '2549-'='Unspecified disease of thymus gland' '2550-'='Cushing`s syndrome' '2551-'='Hyperaldosteronism' '25510'='Hyperaldosteronism, unspecified' '2552-'='Adrenogenital disorders' '2553-'='Other corticoadrenal overactivity' '25541'='Glucocorticoid deficiency' '25542'='Mineralocorticoid deficiency' '2555-'='Other adrenal hypofunction' '2556-'='Medulloadrenal hyperfunction' '2558-'='Other specified disorders of adrenal ...' '2559-'='Unspecified disorder of adrenal glands' '2560-'='Hyperestrogenism' '2561-'='Other ovarian hyperfunction' '2562-'='Postablative ovarian failure' '2563-'='Other ovarian failure' '25631'='Premature menopause' '25639'='Other ovarian failure' '2564-'='Polycystic ovaries' '2568-'='Other ovarian dysfunction' '2569-'='Unspecified ovarian dysfunction' '2570-'='Testicular hyperfunction' '2571-'='Postablative testicular hypofunction' '2572-'='Other testicular hypofunction' '2578-'='Other testicular dysfunction' '2579-'='Unspecified testicular dysfunction' '2580-'='Polyglandular activity in multiple en...' '2581-'='Other combinations of endocrine dysfu...' '2588-'='Other specified polyglandular dysfunc...' '2589-'='Polyglandular dysfunction, unspecified' '2590-'='Delay in sexual development and puber...' '2591-'='Precocious sexual development and pub...' '2592-'='Carcinoid syndrome' '2593-'='Ectopic hormone secretion, not elsewh...' '2594-'='Dwarfism, not elsewhere classified' '25951'='Androgen insensitivity syndrome' '25952'='Partial androgen insensitivity' '2598-'='Other specified endocrine disorders' '2599-'='Unspecified endocrine disorder' '260--'='Kwashiorkor' '261--'='Nutritional marasmus' '262--'='Other severe protein-calorie malnutri...' '2630-'='Malnutrition of moderate degree' '2631-'='Malnutrition of mild degree' '2632-'='Arrested development following protei...' '2638-'='Other protein-calorie malnutrition' '2639-'='Unspecified protein-calorie malnutrition' '2640-'='With conjunctival xerosis' '2641-'='With conjunctival xerosis and Bitot`s...' '2642-'='With corneal xerosis' '2643-'='With corneal ulceration and xerosis' '2644-'='With keratomalacia' '2645-'='With night blindness' '2646-'='With xerophthalmic scars of cornea' '2647-'='Other ocular manifestations of vitami...' '2648-'='Other manifestations of vitamin A def...' '2649-'='Unspecified vitamin A deficiency' '2650-'='Beriberi' '2651-'='Other and unspecified manifestations ...' '2652-'='Pellagra' '2660-'='Ariboflavinosis' '2661-'='Vitamin B6 deficiency' '2662-'='Other B-complex deficiencies' '2669-'='Unspecified vitamin B deficiency' '267--'='Ascorbic acid deficiency' '2680-'='Rickets, active' '2681-'='Rickets, late effect' '2682-'='Osteomalacia, unspecified' '2689-'='Unspecified vitamin D deficiency' '2690-'='Deficiency of vitamin K' '2691-'='Deficiency of other vitamins' '2692-'='Unspecified vitamin deficiency' '2693-'='Mineral deficiency, not elsewhere cla...' '2698-'='Other nutritional deficiency' '2699-'='Unspecified nutritional deficiency' '2700-'='Disturbances of amino-acid transport' '2701-'='Phenylketonuria [PKU]' '2702-'='Other disturbances of aromatic amino-...' '2703-'='Disturbances of branched-chain amino-...' '2704-'='Disturbances of sulphur-bearing amino...' '2705-'='Disturbances of histidine metabolism' '2706-'='Disorders of urea cycle metabolism' '2707-'='Other disturbances of straight-chain ...' '2708-'='Other specified disorders of amino-ac...' '2709-'='Unspecified disorder of amino-acid me...' '2710-'='Glycogenosis' '2711-'='Galactosemia' '2712-'='Hereditary fructose intolerance' '2713-'='Intest disaccharidase deficiencies & ...' '2714-'='Renal glycosuria' '2718-'='Other specif disorders of carbohydrat...' '2719-'='Unspecified disorder of carbohydrate ...' '2720-'='Pure hypercholesterolemia' '2721-'='Pure hyperglyceridemia' '2722-'='Mixed hyperlipidemia' '2723-'='Hyperchylomicronemia' '2724-'='Other and unspecified hyperlipidemia' '2725-'='Lipoprotein deficiencies' '2726-'='Lipodystrophy' '2727-'='Lipidoses' '2728-'='Other disorders of lipoid metabolism' '2729-'='Unspecified disorder of lipoid metabo...' '2730-'='Polyclonal hypergammaglobulinemia' '2731-'='Monoclonal paraproteinemia' '2732-'='Other paraproteinemias' '2733-'='Macroglobulinemia' '2734-'='Alpha-1-antitrypsin deficiency' '2738-'='Other disorders of plasma protein met...' '2739-'='Unspecified disorder of plasma protei...' '27400'='Gouty arthropathy, unspecified' '27401'='Acute gouty arthropathy' '27402'='Chronic gouty arthropathy w/o tophus ...' '27403'='Chronic gouty arthropathy w/tophus...' '27410'='Gouty nephropathy, unspecified' '27411'='Uric acid nephrolithiasis' '27419'='Other gouty nephropathy' '2748-'='Gout with other specified manifestations' '27481'='Gouty tophi of ear' '27482'='Gouty tophi of other sites' '27489'='Other gout' '2749-'='Gout, unspecified' '2750-'='Disorders of iron metabolism' '27501'='Hereditary hemochromatosis' '27502'='Hemochromatosis due to repeated red blood...' '27503'='Other hemochromatosis' '27509'='Other disorders of iron metabolism' '2751-'='Disorders of copper metabolism' '2752-'='Disorders of magnesium metabolism' '2753-'='Disorders of phosphorus metabolism' '27540'='Unspecified disorder of calcium metab...' '27541'='Hypocalcemia' '27542'='Hypercalcemia' '27549'='Other disorders of calcium metabolism' '2758-'='Other specified disorders of mineral ...' '2759-'='Unspecified disorder of mineral metab...' '2760-'='Hyperosmolality and/or hypernatremia' '2761-'='Hyposmolality and/or hyponatremia' '2762-'='Acidosis' '2763-'='Alkalosis' '2764-'='Mixed acid-base balance disorder' '2765-'='Volume depletion' '27650'='Volume depletion, unspecified' '27651'='Dehydration' '27652'='Hypovolemia' '2766-'='Fluid overload' '27669'='Other fluid overload' '2767-'='Hyperpotassemia' '2768-'='Hypopotassemia' '2769-'='Electrolyte and fluid disorders not e...' '27700'='Cystic fibrosis without mention of me...' '27701'='Cystic fibrosis with meconium ileus' '27702'='Cystic fibrosis with pulmonary manife...' '27709'='Cystic fibrosis with other manifestations' '2771-'='Disorders of porphyrin metabolism' '2772-'='Other disorders of purine and pyrimid...' '27730'='Amyloidosis, unspecified' '27739'='Other amyloidosis' '2774-'='Disorders of bilirubin excretion' '2775-'='Mucopolysaccharidosis' '2776-'='Other deficiencies of circulating enz...' '2777-'='Dysmetabolic syndrome X' '2778-'='Other specified disorders of metabolism' '27785'='Disorders of fatty acid oxidation' '27786'='Peroxisomal disorders' '27787'='Disorders of mitochondrial metabolism' '27789'='Other specified disorders of metabolism' '2779-'='Unspecified disorder of metabolism' '2780-'='Obesity' '27800'='Obesity, unspecified' '27801'='Morbid obesity' '27802'='Overweight' '27803'='Obesity hypoventilation syndrome' '2781-'='Localized adiposity' '2782-'='Hypervitaminosis A' '2783-'='Hypercarotinemia' '2784-'='Hypervitaminosis D' '2788-'='Other hyperalimentation' '27900'='Hypogammaglobulinemia, unspecified' '27901'='Selective IgA immunodeficiency' '27902'='Selective IgM immunodeficiency' '27903'='Other selective immunoglobulin defici...' '27904'='Congenital hypogammaglobulinemia' '27905'='Immunodeficiency with increased IgM' '27906'='Common variable immunodeficiency' '27909'='Other deficiency of humoral immunity' '27910'='Immunodeficiency with predominant T-c...' '27911'='DiGeorge`s syndrome' '27912'='Wiskott-Aldrich syndrome' '27913'='Nezelof`s syndrome' '27919'='Other deficiency of cell-mediated imm...' '2792-'='Combined immunity deficiency' '2793-'='Unspecified immunity deficiency' '27949'='Autoimmune disease, not elsewhere clas..' '2798-'='Other specified disorders involving t...' '2799-'='Unspecified disorder of immune mechanism' '2800-'='Secondary to blood loss (chronic)' '2801-'='Secondary to inadequate dietary iron ...' '2808-'='Other specified iron deficiency anemias' '2809-'='Iron deficiency anemia, unspecified' '2810-'='Pernicious anemia' '2811-'='Other vitamin B12 deficiency anemia' '2812-'='Folate-deficiency anemia' '2813-'='Other specified megaloblastic anemias...' '2814-'='Protein-deficiency anemia' '2818-'='Anemia associated with other specifie...' '2819-'='Unspecified deficiency anemia' '2820-'='Hereditary spherocytosis' '2821-'='Hereditary elliptocytosis' '2822-'='Anemias due to disorders of glutathio...' '2823-'='Other hemolytic anemias due to enzyme...' '2824-'='Thalassemias' '28240'='Thalassemia, unspecified' '28241'='Sickle-cell thalassemia without crisis' '28244'='Beta thalassemia' '28246'='Thalassemia minor' '28249'='Other thalassemia' '2825-'='Sickle-cell trait' '28260'='Sickle-cell anemia, unspecified' '28261'='Hb-S disease without mention of crisis' '28262'='Hb-S disease with mention of crisis' '28263'='Sickle-cell/Hb-C disease' '28268'='Other sickle-cell disease without crisis' '28269'='Other sickle-cell anemia' '2827-'='Other hemoglobinopathies' '2828-'='Other specified hereditary hemolytic ...' '2829-'='Hereditary hemolytic anemia, unspecified' '2830-'='Autoimmune hemolytic anemias' '28310'='Non-autoimmune hemolytic anemia, unsp...' '28311'='Hemolytic-uremic syndrome' '28319'='Other non-autoimmune hemolytic anemias' '2832-'='Hemoglobinuria due to hemolysis from ...' '2839-'='Acquired hemolytic anemia, unspecified' '28401'='Constitutional red blood cell aplasia' '28409'='Other constitutional aplastic anemia' '2841-'='Pancytopenia' '28411'='Antineoplastic chemotherapy induced pancytopenia' '28419'='Other pancytopenia' '28489'='Other specified aplastic anemias' '2849-'='Aplastic anemia, unspecified' '2850-'='Sideroblastic anemia' '2851-'='Acute posthemorrhagic anemia' '28521'='Anemia in end-stage renal disease' '28522'='Anemia in neoplastic disease' '28529'='Anemia of other chronic illness' '2853-'='Antineoplastic chemotherapy induced anemia' '2858-'='Other specified anemias' '2859-'='Anemia, unspecified' '2860-'='Congenital factor VIII disorder' '2861-'='Congenital factor IX disorder' '2862-'='Congenital factor XI deficiency' '2863-'='Congenital deficiency of other clotti...' '2864-'='von Willebrand`s disease' '2865-'='Hemorrhagic disorder due to circulati...' '28652'='Acquired hemophilia' '28659'='Other hemorrhagic disorder due intrinsic circ...' '2866-'='Defibrination syndrome' '2867-'='Acquired coagulation factor deficiency' '2869-'='Other and unspecified coagulation def...' '2870-'='Allergic purpura' '2871-'='Qualitative platelet defects' '2872-'='Other nonthrombocytopenic purpuras' '2873-'='Primary thrombocytopenia' '28730'='Primary thrombocytopenia, unspecified' '28731'='Immune thrombocytopenic purpura' '28732'='Evans` syndrome' '28733'='Congenital and hereditary thrombocytopenic purpura' '28739'='Other primary thrombocytopenia' '2874-'='Secondary thrombocytopenia' '28749'='Other secondary thrombocytopenia' '2875-'='Thrombocytopenia, unspecified' '2878-'='Other specified hemorrhagic conditions' '2879-'='Unspecified hemorrhagic conditions' '2880-'='Agranulocytosis' '28800'='Neutropenia, unspecified' '28802'='Cyclic neutropenia' '28803'='Drug induced neutropenia' '28809'='Other neutropenia' '2881-'='Functional disorders of polymorphonuc...' '2882-'='Genetic anomalies of leukocytes' '2883-'='Eosinophilia' '2884-'='Hemophagocytic syndromes' '28850'='Leukocytopenia, unspecified' '28851'='Lymphocytopenia' '28859'='Other decreased white blood cell count' '28860'='Leukocytosis, unspecified' '28861'='Lymphocytosis (symptomatic)' '28862'='Leukemoid reaction' '28863'='Monocytosis (symptomatic)' '28864'='Plasmacytosis' '2888-'='Other specified disease of white bloo...' '2889-'='Unspecified disease of white blood cells' '2890-'='Polycythemia, secondary' '2891-'='Chronic lymphadenitis' '2892-'='Nonspecific mesenteric lymphadenitis' '2893-'='Lymphadenitis, unspecified, except me...' '2894-'='Hypersplenism' '28950'='Disease of spleen, unspecified' '28951'='Chronic congestive splenomegaly' '28953'='Neutropenic splenomegaly' '28959'='Other diseases of spleen' '2896-'='Familial polycythemia' '2897-'='Methemoglobinemia' '2898-'='Other specified diseases of blood and...' '28981'='Primary hypercoagulable state' '28983'='Myelofibrosis' '28989'='Other specified diseases of blood and...' '2899-'='Unspecified diseases of blood and blo...' '2900-'='Senile dementia, uncomplicated' '29010'='Presenile dementia, uncomplicated' '29011'='Presenile dementia with delirium' '29012'='Presenile dementia with delusional fe...' '29013'='Presenile dementia with depressive fe...' '29020'='Senile dementia with delusional features' '29021'='Senile dementia with depressive features' '2903-'='Senile dementia with delirium' '29040'='Arteriosclerotic dementia,uncomplicated' '29041'='Arteriosclerotic dementia with delirium' '29042'='Arteriosclerotic dementia with delusi...' '29043'='Arteriosclerotic dementia with depres...' '2908-'='Other specified senile psychotic cond...' '2909-'='Unspecified senile psychotic condition' '2910-'='Alcohol withdrawal delirium' '2911-'='Alcohol amnestic syndrome' '2912-'='Other alcoholic dementia' '2913-'='Alcohol withdrawal hallucinosis' '2914-'='Idiosyncratic alcohol intoxication' '2915-'='Alcoholic jealousy' '2918-'='Other specified alcoholic psychosis' '29181'='Alcohol withdrawal' '29189'='Other specified alcoholic psychosis' '2919-'='Unspecified alcoholic psychosis' '2920-'='Drug withdrawal syndrome' '2921-'='Paranoid and/or hallucinatory states ...' '29211'='Drug-induced organic delusional syndrome' '29212'='Drug-induced hallucinosis' '2922-'='Pathological drug intoxication' '2928-'='Other specified drug-induced mental d...' '29281'='Drug-induced delirium' '29282'='Drug-induced dementia' '29283'='Drug-induced amnestic syndrome' '29284'='Drug-induced organic affective syndrome' '29285'='Drug induced sleep disorders' '29289'='Other specified drug-induced mental d...' '2929-'='Unspecified drug-induced mental disorder' '2930-'='Acute delirium' '2931-'='Subacute delirium' '2938-'='Other specified transient organic men...' '29381'='Organic delusional syndrome' '29382'='Organic hallucinosis syndrome' '29383'='Organic affective syndrome' '29384'='Organic anxiety syndrome' '29389'='Other specified transient organic men...' '2939-'='Unspecified transient organic mental ...' '2940-'='Amnestic syndrome' '29410'='Dementia in cond class elsewh w/o behavi' '29411'='Dementia in cond class elsewh w/behavi..' '29420'='Dementia, unspec, w/o behavioral disturbance' '29421'='Dementia, unspec, w/ behavioral disturbance' '2948-'='Other specified organic brain syndrom...' '2949-'='Unspecified organic brain syndrome (c...' '29500'='Simple type of schizophrenic disorder...' '29501'='Simple type of schizophrenic disorder...' '29502'='Simple type of schizophrenic disorder...' '29503'='Simple type schizophrenic disordr, su...' '29504'='Simple type of schizophrenic disordr,...' '29505'='Simple type of schizophrenic disorder...' '29510'='Disorganized type of schizophrenic di...' '29511'='Disorganized type of schizophrenic di...' '29512'='Disorganized type of schizophrenic di...' '29513'='Disorgnzd typ of schizophrnc dsordr, ...' '29514'='Disorgnzd typ of schizophrnc disordr,...' '29515'='Disorganized type of schizophrenic di...' '29520'='Catatonic type of schizophrenic disor...' '29521'='Catatonic type of schizophrenic disor...' '29522'='Catatonic type of schizophrenic disor...' '29523'='Catatonic typ schizophrnc disordr, su...' '29524'='Catatonic type schizophrenc disordr, ...' '29525'='Catatonic type of schizophrenic disor...' '29530'='Paranoid type of schizophrenic disord...' '29531'='Paranoid type of schizophrenic disord...' '29532'='Paranoid type of schizophrenic disord...' '29533'='Paranoid typ schizophrnc disorder, su...' '29534'='Paranoid type schizophrnc disorder, c...' '29535'='Paranoid type of schizophrenic disord...' '29540'='Acute schizophrenic episode, unspecified' '29541'='Acute schizophrenic episode, subchronic' '29542'='Acute schizophrenic episode, chronic' '29543'='Acute schizophrenic episode, subchron...' '29544'='Acute schizophrenic episode, chronic ...' '29545'='Acute schizophrenic episode in remission' '29550'='Latent schizophrenia, unspecified' '29551'='Latent schizophrenia, subchronic' '29552'='Latent schizophrenia, chronic' '29553'='Latent schizophrenia, subchronic w/ac...' '29554'='Latent schizophrenia, chronic w/acute...' '29555'='Latent schizophrenia in remission' '29560'='Residual schizophrenia, unspecified' '29561'='Residual schizophrenia, subchronic' '29562'='Residual schizophrenia, chronic' '29563'='Residual schizophrenia, subchronic w/...' '29564'='Residual schizophrenia, chronic w/acu...' '29565'='Residual schizophrenia in remission' '29570'='Schizo-affective type of schizophreni...' '29571'='Schizo-affective type of schizophreni...' '29572'='Schizo-affective type of schizophreni...' '29573'='Schizo-affec typ schizophrnc disordr,...' '29574'='Schizo-affectv typ schizophrnc disord...' '29575'='Schizo-affective type of schizophreni...' '29580'='Other specified types of schizophreni...' '29581'='Other specified types of schizophreni...' '29582'='Other specified types of schizophreni...' '29583'='Oth spec type of schizophrenia, subch...' '29584'='Oth spec types of schizophrenia, chro...' '29585'='Other specified types of schizophreni...' '29590'='Unspecified schizophrenia, unspecified' '29591'='Unspecified schizophrenia, subchronic' '29592'='Unspecified schizophrenia, chronic' '29593'='Unspecified schizophrenia, subchronic...' '29594'='Unspecified schizophrenia, chronic w/...' '29595'='Unspecified schizophrenia in remission' '29600'='Manic disorder, single episode, unspe...' '29601'='Manic disorder, single episode, mild' '29602'='Manic disorder, single episode, moderate' '29603'='Manic disorder, single episode, sever...' '29604'='Manic disorder, single episod, severe...' '29605'='Manic disorder, single episode in par...' '29606'='Manic disorder, single episode in ful...' '29610'='Manic disorder, recurrent episode, un...' '29611'='Manic disorder, recurrent episode, mild' '29612'='Manic disorder, recurrent episode, mo...' '29613'='Manic disorder, recurrent episode, se...' '29614'='Manic disordr, recurrnt episd, sever,...' '29615'='Manic disorder, recurrent episode in ...' '29616'='Manic disorder, recurrent episode in ...' '29620'='Major depressive disorder, single epi...' '29621'='Major depressive disorder, single epi...' '29622'='Major depressive disorder, single epi...' '29623'='Major depressv disordr,singl episod,s...' '29624'='Maj depressv disordr,singl episod,sev...' '29625'='Major depressv disordr,singl episod i...' '29626'='Major depressive disorder, single epi...' '29630'='Major depressive disorder, recurrent ...' '29631'='Major depressive disorder, recurrent ...' '29632'='Major depressive disorder, recurrent ...' '29633'='Maj depressv disordr, recur episod, s...' '29634'='Maj depres disordr, recurr episd, sev...' '29635'='Maj depressv disordr, recurrnt episod...' '29636'='Major depressive disorder, recurrent ...' '29640'='Bipolar affective disorder, manic, un...' '29641'='Bipolar affective disorder, manic, mild' '29642'='Bipolar affective disorder, manic, mo...' '29643'='Bipolar affectv disorder, manic, seve...' '29644'='Bipolar affec disordr, manic, severe,...' '29645'='Bipolar affective disorder, manic in ...' '29646'='Bipolar affective disorder, manic in ...' '29650'='Bipolar affective disorder, depressed...' '29651'='Bipolar affective disorder, depressed...' '29652'='Bipolar affective disorder, depressed...' '29653'='Bipolar affec disordr, depressd, seve...' '29654'='Bipolar affec disordr, depressd, seve...' '29655'='Bipolar affectv disorder, depressed i...' '29656'='Bipolar affective disorder, depressed...' '29660'='Bipolar affective disorder, mixed, un...' '29661'='Bipolar affective disorder, mixed, mild' '29662'='Bipolar affective disorder, mixed, mo...' '29663'='Bipolar affective disorder, mixed, se...' '29664'='Bipolar affective disordr, mixed, sev...' '29665'='Bipolar affective disorder, mixed in ...' '29666'='Bipolar affective disorder, mixed in ...' '2967-'='Bipolar affective disorder, unspecified' '29680'='Manic-depressive psychosis, unspecified' '29681'='Atypical manic disorder' '29682'='Atypical depressive disorder' '29689'='Other manic-depressive psychosis' '29690'='Unspecified affective psychosis' '29699'='Other specified affective psychoses' '2970-'='Paranoid state, simple' '2971-'='Paranoia' '2972-'='Paraphrenia' '2973-'='Shared paranoid disorder' '2978-'='Other specified paranoid states' '2979-'='Unspecified paranoid state' '2980-'='Depressive type psychosis' '2981-'='Excitative type psychosis' '2982-'='Reactive confusion' '2983-'='Acute paranoid reaction' '2984-'='Psychogenic paranoid psychosis' '2988-'='Other and unspecified reactive psychosis' '2989-'='Unspecified psychosis' '29900'='Infantile autism, current or active s...' '29901'='Infantile autism, residual state' '29910'='Disintegrative psychosis, current or ...' '29911'='Disintegrative psychosis, residual state' '29980'='Other spec early childhood psychoses,...' '29981'='Other specified early childhood psych...' '29990'='Unspec psychoses w/origin spec to chi...' '29991'='Unspec psychoses w/origin spec to chi...' '30000'='Anxiety state, unspecified' '30001'='Panic disorder' '30002'='Generalized anxiety disorder' '30009'='Other anxiety state' '30010'='Hysteria, unspecified' '30011'='Conversion disorder' '30012'='Psychogenic amnesia' '30013'='Psychogenic fugue' '30014'='Multiple personality' '30015'='Dissociative disorder or reaction, un...' '30016'='Factitious illness with psychological...' '30019'='Other and unspecified factitious illness' '30020'='Phobia, unspecified' '30021'='Agoraphobia with panic attacks' '30022'='Agoraphobia without mention of panic ...' '30023'='Social phobia' '30029'='Other isolated or simple phobias' '3003-'='Obsessive-compulsive disorders' '3004-'='Neurotic depression' '3005-'='Neurasthenia' '3006-'='Depersonalization syndrome' '3007-'='Hypochondriasis' '3008-'='Other neurotic disorders' '30081'='Somatization disorder' '30082'='Undifferentiated somatoform disorder' '30089'='Other neurotic disorder' '3009-'='Unspecified neurotic disorder' '3010-'='Paranoid personality disorder' '30110'='Affective personality disorder, unspe...' '30111'='Chronic hypomanic personality disorder' '30112'='Chronic depressive personality disorder' '30113'='Cyclothymic disorder' '30120'='Schizoid personality disorder, unspec...' '30121'='Introverted personality' '30122'='Schizotypal personality' '3013-'='Explosive personality disorder' '3014-'='Compulsive personality disorder' '30150'='Histrionic personality disorder, unsp...' '30151'='Chronic factitious illness with physi...' '30159'='Other histrionic personality disorder' '3016-'='Dependent personality disorder' '3017-'='Antisocial personality disorder' '3018-'='Other personality disorders' '30181'='Narcissistic personality' '30182'='Avoidant personality' '30183'='Borderline personality' '30184'='Passive-aggressive personality' '30189'='Other personality disorder' '3019-'='Unspecified personality disorder' '3020-'='Homosexuality' '3021-'='Zoophilia' '3022-'='Pedophilia' '3023-'='Transvestism' '3024-'='Exhibitionism' '30250'='Trans-sexualism with unspecified sexu...' '30251'='Trans-sexualism with asexual history' '30252'='Trans-sexualism with homosexual history' '30253'='Trans-sexualism with heterosexual his...' '3026-'='Disorders of psychosexual identity' '30270'='Psychosexual dysfunction, unspecified' '30271'='Psychosexual dysfunction with inhibit...' '30272'='Psychosexual dysfunction with inhibit...' '30273'='Psychosexual dysfunction with inhibit...' '30274'='Psychosexual dysfunction with inhibit...' '30275'='Psychosexual dysfunction with prematu...' '30276'='Psychosexual dysfunction with functio...' '30279'='Psychosexual dysfunction with oth spe...' '3028-'='Other specified psychosexual disorders' '30281'='Fetishism' '30282'='Voyeurism' '30283'='Sexual masochism' '30284'='Sexual sadism' '30285'='Gender identity disorder of adolescen...' '30289'='Other specified psychosexual disorder' '3029-'='Unspecified psychosexual disorder' '30300'='Acute alcoholic intoxication, unspeci...' '30301'='Acute alcoholic intoxication, continuous' '30302'='Acute alcoholic intoxication, episodic' '30303'='Acute alcoholic intoxication, in remi...' '30390'='Other and unspecified alcohol depende...' '30391'='Other and unspecified alcohol depende...' '30392'='Other and unspecified alcohol depende...' '30393'='Other and unspecified alcohol depende...' '30400'='Opioid type dependence, unspecified' '30401'='Opioid type dependence, continuous' '30402'='Opioid type dependence, episodic' '30403'='Opioid type dependence, in remission' '30410'='Barbiturate/simil actg sedative/hypno...' '30411'='Barbiturate/simil actng sedative/hypn...' '30412'='Barbiturate/simil actng sedative/hypn...' '30413'='Barbiturate/simil actg sedative/hypno...' '30420'='Cocaine dependence, unspecified' '30421'='Cocaine dependence, continuous' '30422'='Cocaine dependence, episodic' '30423'='Cocaine dependence, in remission' '30430'='Cannabis dependence, unspecified' '30431'='Cannabis dependence, continuous' '30432'='Cannabis dependence, episodic' '30433'='Cannabis dependence, in remission' '30440'='Amphetamine and other psychostimulant...' '30441'='Amphetamine and other psychostimulant...' '30442'='Amphetamine and other psychostimulant...' '30443'='Amphetamine and other psychostimulant...' '30450'='Hallucinogen dependence, unspecified' '30451'='Hallucinogen dependence, continuous' '30452'='Hallucinogen dependence, episodic' '30453'='Hallucinogen dependence, in remission' '30460'='Other specified drug dependence, unsp...' '30461'='Other specified drug dependence, cont...' '30462'='Other specified drug dependence, epis...' '30463'='Other specified drug dependence, in r...' '30470'='Combinations of opioid type drug with...' '30471'='Combinations of opioid type drug with...' '30472'='Combinations of opioid type drug with...' '30473'='Combinations of opioid type drug with...' '30480'='Comb drug dependence excluding opioid...' '30481'='Comb drug dependence excluding opioid...' '30482'='Comb drug dependence excluding opioid...' '30483'='Comb drug dependence excluding opioid...' '30490'='Unspecified drug dependence, unspecified' '30491'='Unspecified drug dependence, continuous' '30492'='Unspecified drug dependence, episodic' '30493'='Unspecified drug dependence, in remis...' '30500'='Alcohol abuse, unspecified' '30501'='Alcohol abuse, continuous' '30502'='Alcohol abuse, episodic' '30503'='Alcohol abuse, in remission' '3051-'='Tobacco use disorder, unspecified' '30511'='Tobacco use disorder, continuous' '30512'='Tobacco use disorder, episodic' '30513'='Tobacco use disorder, in remission' '30520'='Cannabis abuse, unspecified' '30521'='Cannabis abuse, continuous' '30522'='Cannabis abuse, episodic' '30523'='Cannabis abuse, in remission' '30530'='Hallucinogen abuse, unspecified' '30531'='Hallucinogen abuse, continuous' '30532'='Hallucinogen abuse, episodic' '30533'='Hallucinogen abuse, in remission' '30540'='Barbiturate/simil acting sedative or ...' '30541'='Barbiturate/simil acting sedative or ...' '30542'='Barbiturate/simil acting sedative or ...' '30543'='Barbiturate/simil acting sedative or ...' '30550'='Opioid abuse, unspecified' '30551'='Opioid abuse, continuous' '30552'='Opioid abuse, episodic' '30553'='Opioid abuse, in remission' '30560'='Cocaine abuse, unspecified' '30561'='Cocaine abuse, continuous' '30562'='Cocaine abuse, episodic' '30563'='Cocaine abuse, in remission' '30570'='Amphetamine or related acting sympath...' '30571'='Amphetamine or related acting sympath...' '30572'='Amphetamine or related acting sympath...' '30573'='Amphetamine or related acting sympath...' '30580'='Antidepressant type abuse, unspecified' '30581'='Antidepressant type abuse, continuous' '30582'='Antidepressant type abuse, episodic' '30583'='Antidepressant type abuse, in remission' '30590'='Other, mixed, or unspecified drug abu...' '30591'='Other, mixed, or unspecified drug abu...' '30592'='Other, mixed, or unspecified drug abu...' '30593'='Other, mixed, or unspecified drug abu...' '3060-'='Musculoskeletal malfunction arising f...' '3061-'='Respiratory malfunction arising from ...' '3062-'='Cardiovascular malfunction arising fr...' '3063-'='Skin malfunction arising from mental ...' '3064-'='Gastrointestinal malfunction arising ...' '30650'='Psychogenic genitourinary malfunction...' '30651'='Psychogenic vaginismus' '30652'='Psychogenic dysmenorrhea' '30653'='Psychogenic dysuria' '30659'='Other psychogenic genitourinary malfu...' '3066-'='Endocrine malfunction arising from me...' '3067-'='Organs of special sense malfunction a...' '3068-'='Other specified psychophysiological m...' '3069-'='Unspecified psychophysiological malfu...' '3070-'='Stammering and stuttering' '3071-'='Anorexia nervosa' '30720'='Tic disorder, unspecified' '30721'='Transient tic disorder of childhood' '30722'='Chronic motor tic disorder' '30723'='Gilles de la Tourette`s disorder' '3073-'='Stereotyped repetitive movements' '30740'='Nonorganic sleep disorder, unspecified' '30741'='Transient disorder of initiating or m...' '30742'='Persistent disorder of initiating or ...' '30743'='Transient disorder of initiating or m...' '30744'='Persistent disorder of initiating or ...' '30745'='Phase-shift disruption of 24-hour sle...' '30746'='Somnambulism or night terrors' '30747'='Other dysfunctions of sleep stages or...' '30748'='Repetitive intrusions of sleep' '30749'='Other sleep disorder of nonorganic or...' '30750'='Eating disorder, unspecified' '30751'='Bulimia' '30752'='Pica' '30753'='Psychogenic rumination' '30754'='Psychogenic vomiting' '30759'='Other eating disorder' '3076-'='Enuresis' '3077-'='Encopresis' '30780'='Psychogenic pain, site unspecified' '30781'='Tension headache' '30789'='Other psychalgia' '3079-'='Oth & unspec spec symptoms/syndromes,...' '3080-'='Predominant disturbance of emotions' '3081-'='Predominant disturbance of consciousness' '3082-'='Predominant psychomotor disturbance' '3083-'='Other acute reactions to stress' '3084-'='Mixed disorders as reaction to stress' '3089-'='Unspecified acute reaction to stress' '3090-'='Brief depressive reaction' '3091-'='Prolonged depressive reaction' '3092-'='Adjustment reaction with predominant ...' '30921'='Separation anxiety disorder' '30922'='Emancipation disorder of adolescence ...' '30923'='Specific academic or work inhibition' '30924'='Adjustment reaction with anxious mood' '30928'='Adjustment reaction with mixed emotio...' '30929'='Other adjustment reaction with other ...' '3093-'='Adjustment reaction with predominant ...' '3094-'='Adjustment reaction with mixed distur...' '3098-'='Other specified adjustment reactions' '30981'='Prolonged posttraumatic stress disorder' '30982'='Adjustment reaction with physical sym...' '30983'='Adjustment reaction with withdrawal' '30989'='Other specified adjustment reaction' '3099-'='Unspecified adjustment reaction' '3100-'='Frontal lobe syndrome' '3101-'='Organic personality syndrome' '3102-'='Postconcussion syndrome' '3108-'='Oth spec nonpsychotic mentl disorders...' '3109-'='Unspecif nonpsychotic mentl disordr f...' '311--'='Depressive disorder, not elsewhere cl...' '31200'='Undersocialized conduct disorder, agg...' '31201'='Undersocialized conduct disorder, agg...' '31202'='Undersocialized conduct disorder, agg...' '31203'='Undersocialized conduct disorder, agg...' '31210'='Undersocialized conduct disorder, una...' '31211'='Undersocialized conduct disorder, una...' '31212'='Undersocialized conduct disorder, una...' '31213'='Undersocialized conduct disorder, una...' '31220'='Socialized conduct disorder, unspecified' '31221'='Socialized conduct disorder, mild' '31222'='Socialized conduct disorder, moderate' '31223'='Socialized conduct disorder, severe' '31230'='Impulse control disorder, unspecified' '31231'='Pathological gambling' '31232'='Kleptomania' '31233'='Pyromania' '31234'='Intermittent explosive disorder' '31235'='Isolated explosive disorder' '31239'='Other disorders of impulse control, n...' '3124-'='Mixed disturbance of conduct and emot...' '3128-'='Other specified disturbances of condu...' '31281'='Conduct disorder, childhood onset type' '31282'='Conduct disorder, adolescent onset type' '31289'='Other conduct disorder' '3129-'='Unspecified disturbance of conduct' '3130-'='Overanxious disorder' '3131-'='Misery and unhappiness disorder' '3132-'='Sensitivity, shyness, and social with...' '31321'='Shyness disorder of childhood' '31322'='Introverted disorder of childhood' '31323'='Elective mutism' '3133-'='Relationship problems' '3138-'='Other or mixed emotional disturbances...' '31381'='Oppositional disorder' '31382'='Identity disorder' '31383'='Academic underachievement disorder' '31389'='Other emotional disturbances of child...' '3139-'='Unspecified emotional disturbance of ...' '31400'='Attention deficit disorder without me...' '31401'='Attention deficit disorder with hyper...' '3141-'='Hyperkinesis with developmental delay' '3142-'='Hyperkinetic conduct disorder' '3148-'='Other specified manifestations of hyp...' '3149-'='Unspecified hyperkinetic syndrome' '31500'='Reading disorder, unspecified' '31501'='Alexia' '31502'='Developmental dyslexia' '31509'='Other reading disorder' '3151-'='Specific arithmetical disorder' '3152-'='Other specific learning difficulties' '3153-'='Developmental speech or language diso...' '31531'='Developmental language disorder' '31532'='Receptive language disorder (mixed)' '31534'='Speech and language develop delay due to hearing loss' '31535'='Childhood onset fluency disorder' '31539'='Other developmental speech or languag...' '3154-'='Coordination disorder' '3155-'='Mixed development disorder' '3158-'='Other specified delays in development' '3159-'='Unspecified delay in development' '316--'='Psychic factors associated with disea...' '317--'='Mild mental retardation' '3180-'='Moderate mental retardation' '3181-'='Severe mental retardation' '3182-'='Profound mental retardation' '319--'='Unspecified mental retardation' '3200-'='Hemophilus meningitis' '3201-'='Pneumococcal meningitis' '3202-'='Streptococcal meningitis' '3203-'='Staphylococcal meningitis' '3207-'='Meningitis in other bacterial disease...' '3208-'='Meningitis due to other specified bac...' '32081'='Anaerobic meningitis' '32082'='Meningitis due to gram-negative bacte...' '32089'='Meningitis due to other specified bac...' '3209-'='Meningitis due to unspecified bacterium' '3210-'='Cryptococcal meningitis' '3211-'='Meningitis in other fungal diseases' '3212-'='Meningitis due to viruses not elsewhe...' '3213-'='Meningitis due to trypanosomiasis' '3214-'='Meningitis in sarcoidosis' '3218-'='Meningitis due to other nonbacterial ...' '3220-'='Nonpyogenic meningitis' '3221-'='Eosinophilic meningitis' '3222-'='Chronic meningitis' '3229-'='Meningitis, unspecified' '3230-'='Encephalitis in viral diseases classi...' '3231-'='Encephalitis in rickettsial diseases ...' '3232-'='Encephalitis in protozoal diseases cl...' '32341'='Other encephalitis and encephalomyelit..' '3235-'='Encephalitis following immunization p...' '3236-'='Postinfectious encephalitis' '32361'='Infectious acute disseminated encephalom...' '3237-'='Toxic encephalitis' '3238-'='Other causes of encephalitis' '32382'='Other causes of myelitis' '3239-'='Unspecified cause of encephalitis' '3240-'='Intracranial abscess' '3241-'='Intraspinal abscess' '3249-'='Intracranial and intraspinal abscess ...' '325--'='Phlebitis and thrombophlebitis of int...' '326--'='Late effects of intracranial abscess ...' '32700'='Organic insomnia, unspecified' '32701'='Insomnia due to medical condition class ' '32702'='Insomnia due to mental disorder' '32709'='Other organic insomnia' '32710'='Organic hypersomnia, unspecified' '32711'='Idiopathic hypersomnia with long sleep time' '32712'='Idiopathic hypersomnia without long sleep time' '32714'='Hypersomnia due to medical condition classified elsewhere' '32719'='Other organic hypersomnia' '32720'='Organic sleep apnea, unspecified' '32721'='Primary central sleep apnea' '32723'='Obstructive sleep apnea(adult)(pediatric' '32724'='Idiopathic sleep related nonobstructive ...' '32726'='Sleep related hypoventilation/hypoxemia in ..' '32727'='Central sleep apnea in cond class elsewhere' '32729'='Other organic sleep apnea' '32730'='Circadian rhythm sleep disorder, unspecf' '32731'='Circadian rhythm sleep disorder, delayed' '32732'='Circadian rhythm sleep disorder, advanced sleep phase type' '32736'='Circadian rhythm sleep disorder, shift work type' '32739'='Other circadian rhythm sleep disorder' '32740'='Organic parasomnia, unspecified' '32742'='REM sleep behavior disorder' '32751'='Periodic limb movement disorder' '32752'='Sleep related leg cramps' '32753'='Sleep related leg cramps' '32759'='Other organic sleep related movement disorders' '3300-'='Leukodystrophy' '3301-'='Cerebral lipidoses' '3302-'='Cerebral degeneration in generalized ...' '3303-'='Cerebral degeneration of childhood in...' '3308-'='Other specified cerebral degeneration...' '3309-'='Unspecified cerebral degeneration in ...' '3310-'='Alzheimer`s disease' '33111'='Pick`s disease' '33119'='Other frontotemporal dementia' '3312-'='Senile degeneration of brain' '3313-'='Communicating hydrocephalus' '3314-'='Obstructive hydrocephalus' '3315-'='Idiopath normal pressure hydroceph (INPH)' '3316-'='Corticobasal degeneration' '3317-'='Cerebral degeneration in diseases cla...' '3318-'='Other cerebral degeneration' '33181'='Reye`s syndrome' '33182'='Dementia with Lewy bodies' '33183'='Mild cognitive impairment, so stated' '33189'='Other cerebral degeneration' '3319-'='Cerebral degeneration, unspecified' '3320-'='Paralysis agitans' '3321-'='Secondary Parkinsonism' '3330-'='Other degenerative diseases of the ba...' '3331-'='Essential and other specified forms o...' '3332-'='Myoclonus' '3333-'='Tics of organic origin' '3334-'='Huntington`s chorea' '3335-'='Other choreas' '3336-'='Idiopathic torsion dystonia' '3337-'='Symptomatic torsion dystonia' '33372'='Acute dystonia due to drugs' '33379'='Other acquired torsion dystonia' '3338-'='Fragments of torsion dystonia' '33381'='Blepharospasm' '33382'='Orofacial dyskinesia' '33383'='Spasmodic torticollis' '33384'='Organic writers` cramp' '33385'='Subacute dyskinesia due to drugs' '33389'='Other fragments of torsion dystonia' '33390'='Unspecified extrapyramidal disease an...' '33391'='Stiff-man syndrome' '33392'='Neuroleptic malignant syndrome' '33393'='Benign shuddering attacks' '33394'='Restless legs syndrome (RLS)' '33399'='Other extrapyramidal diseases and abn...' '3340-'='Friedreich`s ataxia' '3341-'='Hereditary spastic paraplegia' '3342-'='Primary cerebellar degeneration' '3343-'='Other cerebellar ataxia' '3344-'='Cerebellar ataxia indiseases classifi...' '3348-'='Other spinocerebellar diseases' '3349-'='Spinocerebellar disease, unspecified' '3350-'='Werdnig-Hoffmann disease' '33510'='Spinal muscular atrophy, unspecified' '33511'='Kugelberg-Welander disease' '33519'='Other spinal muscular atrophy' '33520'='Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis' '33521'='Progressive muscular atrophy' '33522'='Progressive bulbar palsy' '33523'='Pseudobulbar palsy' '33524'='Primary lateral sclerosis' '33529'='Other motor neuron disease' '3358-'='Other anterior horn cell diseases' '3359-'='Anterior horn cell disease, unspecified' '3360-'='Syringomyelia and syringobulbia' '3361-'='Vascular myelopathies' '3362-'='Subacute combin degenerat of spinl co...' '3363-'='Myelopathy in other diseases classifi...' '3368-'='Other myelopathy' '3369-'='Unspecified disease of spinal cord' '33700'='Idiopathic peripheral autonomic neuropathy, unspecified' '33701'='Carotid sinus syndrome' '33709'='Other idiopathic peripheral autonomic neuropathy' '3371-'='Peripheral autonomic neuropathy in di...' '33720'='Reflex sympathetic dystrophy, unspeci...' '33721'='Reflex sympathetic dystrophy of the u...' '33722'='Reflex sympathetic dystrophy of the l...' '33729'='Reflex sympathetic dystrophy of other...' '3373-'='Autonomic dysreflexia' '3379-'='Unspecified disorder of autonomic ner...' '3380-'='Central pain syndrome' '33811'='Acute pain due to trauma' '33818'='Other acute postoperative pain' '33819'='Other acute pain' '33821'='Chronic pain due to trauma' '33822'='Chronic post-thoracotomy pain' '33828'='Other chronic postoperative pain' '33829'='Other chronic pain' '3383-'='Neoplasm related pain (acute) (chronic)' '3384-'='Chronic pain syndrome' '33900'='Cluster headache syndrome, unspecified' '33901'='Episodic cluster headache' '33902'='Chronic cluster headache' '33903'='Episodic paroxysmal hemicrania' '33910'='Tension type headache, unspecified' '33911'='Episodic tension type headache' '33912'='Chronic tension type headache' '33920'='Post-traumatic headache, unspecified' '33921'='Acute post-traumatic headache' '33922'='Chronic post-traumatic headache' '3393-'='Drug induced headache, not elsewhere classified' '33942'='New daily persistent headache' '33944'='Other complicated headache syndrome' '33982'='Headache associated with sexual activity' '33984'='Primary exertional headache' '33985'='Primary stabbing headache' '33989'='Other specified headache syndromes' '340--'='Multiple sclerosis' '3410-'='Neuromyelitis optica' '3411-'='Schilder`s disease' '34122'='Idiopathic transverse myelitis' '3418-'='Other demyelinating diseases of centr...' '3419-'='Demyelinating disease of central nerv...' '34200'='Flaccid hemiplegia affecting unspecif...' '34201'='Flaccid hemiplegia affecting dominant...' '34202'='Flaccid hemiplegia affecting nondomin...' '34210'='Spastic hemiplegia affecting unspecif...' '34211'='Spastic hemiplegia affecting dominant...' '34212'='Spastic hemiplegia affecting nondomin...' '34280'='Other specified hemiplegia affecting ...' '34281'='Other specified hemiplegia affecting ...' '34282'='Other specified hemiplegia affecting ...' '34290'='Hemiplegia, unspecified, affecting un...' '34291'='Hemiplegia, unspecified, affecting do...' '34292'='Hemiplegia, unspecified, affecting no...' '3430-'='Infantile cerebral palsy--Diplegic' '3431-'='Infantile cerebral palsy--Hemiplegic' '3432-'='Infantile cerebral palsy--Quadriplegic' '3433-'='Infantile cerebral palsy--Monoplegic' '3434-'='Infantile hemiplegia' '3438-'='Other specified infantile cerebral palsy' '3439-'='Infantile cerebral palsy, unspecified' '34400'='Quadriplegia, unspecified' '34401'='Quadriplegia and quadriparesis, C1-C4...' '34402'='Quadriplegia and quadriparesis, C1-C4...' '34403'='Quadriplegia and quadriparesis, C5-C7...' '34404'='Quadriplegia and quadriparesis, C5-C7...' '34409'='Other quadriplegia and quadriparesis' '3441-'='Paraplegia' '3442-'='Diplegia of upper limbs' '34430'='Monoplegia of lower limb affecting un...' '34431'='Monoplegia of lower limb affecting do...' '34432'='Monoplegia of lower limb affecting no...' '34440'='Monoplegia of upper limb affecting un...' '34441'='Monoplegia of upper limb affecting do...' '34442'='Monoplegia of upper limb affecting no...' '3445-'='Unspecified monoplegia' '34460'='Cauda equina syndrome without mention...' '34461'='Cauda equina syndrome with neurogenic...' '3448-'='Other specified paralytic syndromes' '34481'='Locked-in state' '34489'='Other specified paralytic syndrome' '3449-'='Paralysis, unspecified' '34500'='General nonconvulsv epilepsy w/o ment...' '34501'='Generalized nonconvulsive epilepsy wi...' '34510'='Generalized convulsv epilepsy w/o men...' '34511'='Generalized convulsive epilepsy with ...' '3452-'='Petit mal status' '3453-'='Grand mal status' '34540'='Prtial epilepsy, w/impair of consciou...' '34541'='Prtial epilepsy, w/impair of consciou...' '34550'='Prtial epilepsy, w/out impair of cons...' '34551'='Prtial epilepsy, w/o impairment of co...' '34560'='Infantile spasms without mention of i...' '34561'='Infantile spasms with intractable epi...' '34570'='Epilepsia partialis continua w/out me...' '34571'='Epilepsia partialis continua with int...' '34580'='Other forms of epilepsy without menti...' '34581'='Other forms of epilepsy with intracta...' '34590'='Epilepsy, unspecified without mention...' '34591'='Epilepsy, unspecified with intractabl...' '34600'='Classical migraine without mention of...' '34601'='Classical migraine with intractable m...' '34602'='Migraine with aura, without mention of..' '34603'='Migraine w/aura w/intract migr, so stat...' '34610'='Common migraine without mention of in...' '34611'='Common migraine with intractable migr...' '34612'='Migraine w/o aura w/o ment of intract migr...' '34613'='Migraine w/o aura w/intract migr, so stat...' '34620'='Variants of migraine without mention ...' '34621'='Variants of migraine with intractable...' '34632'='Hemiplegic migraine w/o mention of int..' '34640'='Menstrual migraine, without mention of..' '34643'='Menstrual migraine, w/ intract migr, so stat...' '34650'='Persistent migraine aura w/o cereb infa..' '34670'='Chronic migraine without aura, without..' '34671'='Chron migraine w/o aura, w/ intract migr, so stat...' '34680'='Other forms of migraine without menti...' '34681'='Other forms of migraine with intracta...' '34690'='Migraine, unspecified without mention...' '34691'='Migraine, unspecified with intractabl...' '34692'='Migraine, unspec, w/o ment of intract...' '34693'='Migraine unspecif, w/o intract migr, so stat...' '34700'='Narcolepsy without cataplexy' '34701'='Narcolepsy with cataplexy' '3480-'='Cerebral cysts' '3481-'='Anoxic brain damage' '3482-'='Benign intracranial hypertension' '3483-'='Encephalopathy, not elsewhere classif...' '34830'='Encephalopathy, unspecified' '34839'='Other encephalopathy' '3484-'='Compression of brain' '3485-'='Cerebral edema' '3488-'='Other conditions of brain' '34881'='Temporal sclerosis' '3489-'='Unspecified condition of brain' '3490-'='Reaction to spinal or lumbar puncture' '3491-'='Nervous system complications from sur...' '3492-'='Disorders of meninges, not elsewhere ...' '3498-'='Other specified disorders of nervous ...' '34981'='Cerebrospinal fluid rhinorrhea' '34982'='Toxic encephalopathy' '34889'='Other conditions of brain' '34989'='Other specified disorders of nervous ...' '3499-'='Unspecified disorders of nervous system' '3500-'='Trigeminal nerve disorders' '3501-'='Trigeminal neuralgia' '3502-'='Atypical face pain' '3508-'='Other specified trigeminal nerve diso...' '3509-'='Trigeminal nerve disorder, unspecified' '3510-'='Bell`s palsy' '3511-'='Geniculate ganglionitis' '3518-'='Other facial nerve disorders' '3519-'='Facial nerve disorder, unspecified' '3520-'='Disorders of olfactory [1st] nerve' '3521-'='Glossopharyngeal neuralgia' '3522-'='Other disorders of glossopharyngeal [...' '3523-'='Disorders of pneumogastric [10th] nerve' '3524-'='Disorders of accessory [11th] nerve' '3525-'='Disorders of hypoglossal [12th] nerve' '3526-'='Multiple cranial nerve palsies' '3529-'='Unspecified disorder of cranial nerves' '3530-'='Brachial plexus lesions' '3531-'='Lumbosacral plexus lesions' '3532-'='Cervical root lesions, not elsewhere ...' '3533-'='Thoracic root lesions, not elsewhere ...' '3534-'='Lumbosacral root lesions, not elsewhe...' '3535-'='Neuralgic amyotrophy' '3536-'='Phantom limb (syndrome)' '3538-'='Other nerve root and plexus disorders' '3539-'='Unspecified nerve root and plexus dis...' '3540-'='Carpal tunnel syndrome' '3541-'='Other lesion of median nerve' '3542-'='Lesion of ulnar nerve' '3543-'='Lesion of radial nerve' '3544-'='Causalgia' '3545-'='Mononeuritis multiplex' '3548-'='Other mononeuritis of upper limb' '3549-'='Mononeuritis of upper limb' '3550-'='Lesion of sciatic nerve' '3551-'='Meralgia paresthetica' '3552-'='Other lesion of femoral nerve' '3553-'='Lesion of lateral popliteal nerve' '3554-'='Lesion of medial popliteal nerve' '3555-'='Tarsal tunnel syndrome' '3556-'='Lesion of plantar nerve' '3557-'='Other mononeuritis of lower limb' '35571'='Causalgia of lower limb' '35579'='Other mononeuritis of lower limb' '3558-'='Mononeuritis of lower limb, unspecified' '3559-'='Mononeuritis of unspecified site' '3560-'='Hereditary peripheral neuropathy' '3561-'='Peroneal muscular atrophy' '3562-'='Hereditary sensory neuropathy' '3563-'='Refsum`s disease' '3564-'='Idiopathic progressive polyneuropathy' '3568-'='Other specified idiopathic peripheral...' '3569-'='Unspecified hereditary and idiopathic...' '3570-'='Acute infective polyneuritis' '3571-'='Polyneuropathy in collagen vascular d...' '3572-'='Polyneuropathy in diabetes' '3573-'='Polyneuropathy in malignant disease' '3574-'='Polyneuropathy in other diseases clas...' '3575-'='Alcoholic polyneuropathy' '3576-'='Polyneuropathy due to drugs' '3577-'='Polyneuropathy due to other toxic agents' '3578-'='Other inflammatory and toxic neuropathy' '35781'='Chronic inflamm demyelinating polyneu...' '35782'='Critical illness polyneuropathy' '35789'='Other inflammatory and toxic neuropathy' '3579-'='Unspecified inflammatory and toxic ne...' '3580-'='Myasthenia gravis' '35800'='Myasthenia gravis w/o (acute) exacerb...' '35801'='Myasthenia gravis w/ (acute) exacerb...' '3581-'='Myasthenic syndromes indiseases class...' '3582-'='Toxic myoneural disorders' '3588-'='Other specified myoneural disorders' '3589-'='Myoneural disorders, unspecified' '3590-'='Congenital hereditary muscular dystrophy' '3591-'='Hereditary progressive muscular dystr...' '3592-'='Myotonic disorders' '35921'='Myotonic muscular dystrophy' '3593-'='Familial periodic paralysis' '3594-'='Toxic myopathy' '3595-'='Myopathy in endocrinediseases classif...' '3596-'='Symptomatic inflammatory myopathy in ...' '3598-'='Other myopathies' '35989'='Other myopathies' '3599-'='Myopathy, unspecified' '36000'='Purulent endophthalmitis, unspecified' '36001'='Acute endophthalmitis' '36002'='Panophthalmitis' '36003'='Chronic endophthalmitis' '36004'='Vitreous abscess' '3601-'='Other endophthalmitis' '36011'='Sympathetic uveitis' '36012'='Panuveitis' '36013'='Parasitic endophthalmitis NOS' '36014'='Ophthalmia nodosa' '36019'='Other endophthalmitis' '36020'='Degenerative disorder of globe, unspe...' '36021'='Progressive high (degenerative) myopia' '36023'='Siderosis' '36024'='Other metallosis' '36029'='Other degenerative disorders of globe' '36030'='Hypotony, unspecified' '36031'='Primary hypotony' '36032'='Ocular fistula causing hypotony' '36033'='Hypotony associated with other ocular...' '36034'='Flat anterior chamber' '36040'='Degenerated globe or eye, unspecified' '36041'='Blind hypotensive eye' '36042'='Blind hypertensive eye' '36043'='Hemophthalmos, except current injury' '36044'='Leucocoria' '36050'='Foreign body, magnetic, intraocular, ...' '36051'='Foreign body, magnetic, in anterior c...' '36052'='Foreign body, magnetic, in iris or ci...' '36053'='Foreign body, magnetic, in lens' '36054'='Foreign body, magnetic, in vitreous' '36055'='Foreign body, magnetic, in posterior ...' '36059'='Foreign body, magnetic, in other or m...' '36060'='Foreign body, intraocular, unspecified' '36061'='Foreign body in anterior chamber' '36062'='Foreign body in iris or ciliary body' '36063'='Foreign body in lens' '36064'='Foreign body in vitreous' '36065'='Foreign body in posterior wall' '36069'='Foreign body in other or multiple sites' '3608-'='Other disorders of globe' '36081'='Luxation of globe' '36089'='Other disorders of globe' '3609-'='Unspecified disorder of globe' '36100'='Retinal detachment with retinal defec...' '36101'='Recent retinal detachment, partial, w...' '36102'='Recent retinal detachment, partial, w...' '36103'='Recent retinal detachment, partial, w...' '36104'='Recent retinal detachment, partial, w...' '36105'='Recent retinal detachment, total or s...' '36106'='Old retinal detachment, partial' '36107'='Old retinal detachment, total or subt...' '36110'='Retinoschisis, unspecified' '36111'='Flat retinoschisis' '36112'='Bullous retinoschisis' '36113'='Primary retinal cysts' '36114'='Secondary retinal cysts' '36119'='Other retinochisis and retinal cysts' '3612-'='Serous retinal detachment' '36130'='Retinal defect, unspecified' '36131'='Round hole of retina without detachment' '36132'='Horseshoe tear of retina without deta...' '36133'='Multiple defects of retina without de...' '3618-'='Other forms of retinal detachment' '36181'='Traction detachment of retina' '36189'='Other forms of retinal detachment' '3619-'='Unspecified retinal detachment' '3620-'='Diabetic retinopathy' '36201'='Background diabetic retinopathy' '36202'='Proliferative diabetic retinopathy' '36203'='Nonproliferative diabetic retinopathy...' '36204'='Mild nonproliferative diabetic retinopat...' '36205'='Moderate nonproliferative diabetic retin...' '36206'='Severe nonproliferative diabetic retinopathy' '36207'='Diabetic macular edema' '36210'='Background retinopathy, unspecified' '36211'='Hypertensive retinopathy' '36212'='Exudative retinopathy' '36213'='Changes in vascular appearance' '36214'='Retinal microaneurysms NOS' '36215'='Retinal telangiectasia' '36216'='Retinal neovascularization NOS' '36217'='Other intraretinal microvascular abno...' '36218'='Retinal vasculitis' '36220'='Retinopathy of prematurity, unspecified' '36221'='Retrolental fibroplasia' '36224'='Retinopathy of prematurity, stage 2' '36229'='Other nondiabetic proliferative retin...' '36230'='Retinal vascular occlusion, unspecified' '36231'='Central retinal artery occlusion' '36232'='Arterial branch occlusion' '36233'='Partial arterial occlusion' '36234'='Transient arterial occlusion' '36235'='Central retinal vein occlusion' '36236'='Venous tributary (branch) occlusion' '36237'='Venous engorgement due to retinal vas...' '36240'='Retinal layer separation, unspecified' '36241'='Central serous retinopathy' '36242'='Serous detachment of retinal pigment ...' '36243'='Hemorrhagic detachment of retinal pig...' '36250'='Macular degeneration (senile), unspec...' '36251'='Nonexudative senile macular degeneration' '36252'='Exudative senile macular degeneration' '36253'='Cystoid macular degeneration' '36254'='Macular cyst, hole, or pseudohole' '36255'='Toxic maculopathy' '36256'='Macular puckering' '36257'='Drusen (degenerative)' '36260'='Peripheral retinal degeneration, unsp...' '36261'='Paving stone degeneration' '36262'='Microcystoid degeneration' '36263'='Lattice degeneration' '36264'='Senile reticular degeneration' '36265'='Secondary pigmentary degeneration' '36266'='Secondary vitreoretinal degenerations' '36270'='Hereditary retinal dystrophy, unspeci...' '36271'='Retinal dystrophy in systemic or cere...' '36272'='Retinal dystrophy in other systemic d...' '36273'='Vitreoretinal dystrophies' '36274'='Pigmentary retinal dystrophy' '36275'='Other dystrophies primarily involving...' '36276'='Dystrophies primarily involving the r...' '36277'='Dystrophies primarily involving Bruch...' '3628-'='Other retinal disorders' '36281'='Retinal hemorrhage' '36282'='Retinal exudates and deposits' '36283'='Retinal edema' '36284'='Retinal ischemia' '36285'='Retinal nerve fiber bundle defects' '36289'='Other retinal disorders' '3629-'='Unspecified retinal disorder' '36300'='Focal chorioretinitis, unspecified' '36301'='Focal choroiditis and chorioretinitis...' '36303'='Focal choroiditis and chorioretinitis...' '36304'='Focal choroiditis and chorioretinitis...' '36305'='Focal retinitis and retinochoroiditis...' '36306'='Focal retinitis and retinochoroiditis...' '36307'='Focal retinitis and retinochoroiditis...' '36308'='Focal retinitis and retinochoroiditis...' '36310'='Disseminated chorioretinitis, unspeci...' '36311'='Disseminated choroiditis and choriore...' '36312'='Disseminated choroiditis and choriore...' '36313'='Disseminated choroiditis and choriore...' '36314'='Disseminated retinitis and retinochor...' '36315'='Dissemin retinitis & retinochoroiditi...' '36320'='Chorioretinitis, unspecified' '36321'='Pars planitis' '36322'='Harada`s disease' '36330'='Chorioretinal scar, unspecified' '36331'='Solar retinopathy' '36332'='Other macular scars' '36333'='Other scars of posterior pole' '36334'='Peripheral chorioretinal scars' '36335'='Disseminated chorioretinal scars' '36340'='Choroidal degeneration, unspecified' '36341'='Senile atrophy of choroid' '36342'='Diffuse secondary atrophy of choroid' '36343'='Angioid streaks of choroid' '36350'='Hereditary choroidal dystrophy or atr...' '36351'='Circumpapillary dystrophy of choroid,...' '36352'='Circumpapillary dystrophy of choroid,...' '36353'='Central dystrophy of choroid, partial' '36354'='Central choroidal atrophy, total' '36355'='Choroideremia' '36356'='Other diffuse or generalized dystroph...' '36357'='Other diffuse or generalized dystroph...' '3636-'='Choroidal hemorrhage and rupture' '36361'='Choroidal hemorrhage, unspecified' '36362'='Expulsive choroidal hemorrhage' '36363'='Choroidal rupture' '36370'='Choroidal detachment, unspecified' '36371'='Serous choroidal detachment' '36372'='Hemorrhagic choroidal detachment' '3638-'='Other disorders of choroid' '3639-'='Unspecified disorder of choroid' '36400'='Acute and subacute iridocyclitis, uns...' '36401'='Primary iridocyclitis' '36402'='Recurrent iridocyclitis' '36403'='Secondary iridocyclitis, infectious' '36404'='Secondary iridocyclitis, noninfectious' '36405'='Hypopyon' '36410'='Chronic iridocyclitis, unspecified' '36411'='Chronic iridocyclitis in diseases cla...' '3642-'='Certain types of iridocyclitis' '36421'='Fuchs` heterochromic cyclitis' '36422'='Glaucomatocyclitic crises' '36423'='Lens-induced iridocyclitis' '36424'='Vogt-Koyanagi syndrome' '3643-'='Unspecified iridocyclitis' '3644-'='Vascular disorders of iris and ciliar...' '36441'='Hyphema' '36442'='Rubeosis iridis' '3645-'='Degenerations of iris and ciliary body' '36451'='Essential or progressive iris atrophy' '36452'='Iridoschisis' '36453'='Pigmentary iris degeneration' '36454'='Degeneration of pupillary margin' '36455'='Miotic cysts of pupillary margin' '36456'='Degenerative changes of chamber angle' '36457'='Degenerative changes of ciliary body' '36459'='Other iris atrophy' '36460'='Idiopathic cysts of iris, ciliary bod...' '36461'='Implantation cysts of iris, ciliary b...' '36462'='Exudative cysts of iris or anterior c...' '36463'='Primary cyst of pars plana' '36464'='Exudative cyst of pars plana' '36470'='Adhesions of iris, unspecified' '36471'='Posterior synechiae' '36472'='Anterior synechiae' '36473'='Goniosynechiae' '36474'='Pupillary membranes' '36475'='Pupillary abnormalities' '36476'='Iridodialysis' '36477'='Recession of chamber angle' '36481'='Floppy iris syndrome' '36489'='Other disorders of iris and ciliary body' '3649-'='Unspecified disorder of iris and cili...' '36500'='Preglaucoma, unspecified' '36501'='Open angle with borderline findings' '36502'='Anatomical narrow angle' '36503'='Steroid responders' '36504'='Ocular hypertension' '36510'='Open-angle glaucoma, unspecified' '36511'='Primary open angle glaucoma' '36512'='Low tension glaucoma' '36513'='Pigmentary glaucoma' '36514'='Glaucoma of childhood' '36515'='Residual stage of open angle glaucoma' '36520'='Primary angle-closure glaucoma, unspe...' '36521'='Intermittent angle-closure glaucoma' '36522'='Acute angle-closure glaucoma' '36523'='Chronic angle-closure glaucoma' '36524'='Residual stage of angle-closure glaucoma' '3653-'='Corticosteroid-induced glaucoma' '36531'='Corticosteroid-induced glaucoma-glauc...' '36532'='Corticosteroid-induced glaucoma-resid...' '3654-'='Glaucoma associated w/congenital anom...' '36541'='Glaucoma associated with chamber angl...' '36542'='Glaucoma associated with anomalies of...' '36543'='Glaucoma associated with other anteri...' '36544'='Glaucoma associated with systemic syn...' '3655-'='Glaucoma associated with disorders of...' '36551'='Phacolytic glaucoma' '36552'='Pseudoexfoliation glaucoma' '36559'='Glaucoma associated with other lens d...' '36560'='Glaucoma associated with unspecified ...' '36561'='Glaucoma associated with pupillary block' '36562'='Glaucoma associated with ocular infla...' '36563'='Glaucoma associated with vascular dis...' '36564'='Glaucoma associated with tumors or cysts' '36565'='Glaucoma associated with ocular trauma' '36570'='Glaucoma stage, unspecified' '36571'='Mild stage glaucoma' '36572'='Moderate stage glaucoma' '36573'='Severe stage glaucoma' '3658-'='Other specified forms of glaucoma' '36581'='Hypersecretion glaucoma' '36582'='Glaucoma with increased episcleral ve...' '36583'='Aqueous misdirection' '36589'='Other specified glaucoma' '3659-'='Unspecified glaucoma' '36600'='Nonsenile cataract, unspecified' '36601'='Anterior subcapsular polar cataract' '36602'='Posterior subcapsular polar cataract' '36603'='Cortical, lamellar, or zonular cataract' '36604'='Nuclear cataract' '36609'='Other and combined forms of nonsenile...' '36610'='Senile cataract, unspecified' '36611'='Pseudoexfoliation of lens capsule' '36612'='Incipient cataract' '36613'='Anterior subcapsular polar senile cat...' '36614'='Posterior subcapsular polar senile ca...' '36615'='Cortical senile cataract' '36616'='Nuclear sclerosis' '36617'='Total or mature cataract' '36618'='Hypermature cataract' '36619'='Other and combined forms of senile ca...' '36620'='Traumatic cataract, unspecified' '36621'='Localized traumatic opacities' '36622'='Total traumatic cataract' '36623'='Partially resolved traumatic cataract' '36630'='Cataracta complicata, unspecified' '36631'='Glaucomatous flecks (subcapsular)' '36632'='Cataract in inflammatory disorders' '36633'='Cataract with neovascularization' '36634'='Cataract in degenerative disorders' '3664-'='Cataract associated with other disorders' '36641'='Diabetic cataract' '36642'='Tetanic cataract' '36643'='Myotonic cataract' '36644'='Cataract associated with other syndromes' '36645'='Toxic cataract' '36646'='Cataract associated with radiation an...' '36650'='After-cataract, unspecified' '36651'='Soemmering`s ring' '36652'='Other after-cataract, not obscuring v...' '36653'='After-cataract, obscuring vision' '3668-'='Other cataract' '3669-'='Unspecified cataract' '3670-'='Hypermetropia' '3671-'='Myopia' '36720'='Astigmatism, unspecified' '36721'='Regular astigmatism' '36722'='Irregular astigmatism' '3673-'='Anisometropia and aniseikonia' '36731'='Anisometropia' '36732'='Aniseikonia' '3674-'='Presbyopia' '3675-'='Disorders of accommodation' '36751'='Paresis of accommodation' '36752'='Total or complete internal ophthalmop...' '36753'='Spasm of accommodation' '3678-'='Other disorders of refraction and acc...' '36781'='Transient refractive change' '36789'='Other disorders of refraction and acc...' '3679-'='Unspecified disorder of refraction an...' '36800'='Amblyopia, unspecified' '36801'='Strabismic amblyopia' '36802'='Deprivation amblyopia' '36803'='Refractive amblyopia' '36810'='Subjective visual disturbance, unspec...' '36811'='Sudden visual loss' '36812'='Transient visual loss' '36813'='Visual discomfort' '36814'='Visual distortions of shape and size' '36815'='Other visual distortions and entoptic...' '36816'='Psychophysical visual disturbances' '3682-'='Diplopia' '36830'='Binocular vision disorder, unspecified' '36831'='Suppression of binocular vision' '36832'='Simultaneous visual perception withou...' '36833'='Fusion with defective stereopsis' '36834'='Abnormal retinal correspondence' '36840'='Visual field defect, unspecified' '36841'='Scotoma involving central area' '36842'='Scotoma of blind spot area' '36843'='Sector or arcuate defects' '36844'='Other localized visual field defect' '36845'='Generalized contraction or constriction' '36846'='Homonymous bilateral field defects' '36847'='Heteronymous bilateral field defects' '3685-'='Color vision deficiencies' '36851'='Protan defect' '36852'='Deutan defect' '36853'='Tritan defect' '36854'='Achromatopsia' '36855'='Acquired color vision deficiencies' '36859'='Other color vision deficiencies' '36860'='Night blindness, unspecified' '36861'='Congenital night blindness' '36862'='Acquired night blindness' '36863'='Abnormal dark adaptation curve' '36869'='Other night blindness' '3688-'='Other specified visual disturbances' '3689-'='Unspecified visual disturbance' '369--'='Blindness and low vision' '36900'='Impairment level not further specified' '36901'='Better eye,total impairment/lesser eye..' '36902'='Better eye,near-total impairment/ les...' '36903'='Better eye,near-total impairment/ les...' '36904'='Better eye,near-total impairment/ les...' '36905'='Better eye,profound impairment/ lesse...' '36906'='Better eye,profound impairment/ lesse...' '36907'='Better eye,profound impairment/ lesse...' '36908'='Better eye,profound impairment/ lesse...' '36910'='Impairment level not further specified' '36911'='Better eye,severe impairment/ lesser ...' '36912'='Better eye,severe impairment/ lesser ...' '36913'='Better eye,severe impairment/ lesser ...' '36914'='Better eye,severe impairment/ lesser ...' '36915'='Better eye,moderate impairment/ less ...' '36916'='Better eye,moderate impairment/ lesse...' '36917'='Better eye,moderate impairment/ lesse...' '36918'='Better eye,moderate impairment/ lesse...' '36920'='Impairment level not further specified' '36921'='Better eye,severe impairment/ lesser ...' '36922'='Better eye,severe impairment/ lesser ...' '36923'='Better eye,moderate impairment/ lesse...' '36924'='Better eye,moderate impairment/ lesse...' '36925'='Better eye,moderate impairment/ lesse...' '3693-'='Unqualified visual loss, both eyes' '3694-'='Legal blindness, as defined in U.S.A.' '36960'='Impairment level not further specified' '36961'='One eye,total impairment/ other eye,n...' '36962'='One eye,total impairment/ other eye,n...' '36963'='One eye,total impairment/ other eye,n...' '36964'='One eye,near-total impairment/ other ...' '36965'='One eye,near-total impairment/ other ...' '36966'='One eye,near-total impairment/ other ...' '36967'='One eye,profound impairment/ other ey...' '36968'='One eye,profound impairment/ other ey...' '36969'='One eye,profound impairment/ other ey...' '36970'='Impairment level not further specified' '36971'='One eye,severe impairment/ other eye:...' '36972'='One eye,severe impairment/ other eye:...' '36973'='One eye,severe impairment/ other eye:...' '36974'='One eye,moderate impairment/ other ey...' '36975'='One eye,moderate impairment/ other ey...' '36976'='One eye,moderate impairment/ other ey...' '3698-'='Unqualified visual loss, one eye' '3699-'='Unspecified visual loss' '37000'='Corneal ulcer, unspecified' '37001'='Marginal corneal ulcer' '37002'='Ring corneal ulcer' '37003'='Central corneal ulcer' '37004'='Hypopyon ulcer' '37005'='Mycotic corneal ulcer' '37006'='Perforated corneal ulcer' '37007'="Mooren's ulcer" '37020'='Superficial keratitis, unspecified' '37021'='Punctate keratitis' '37022'='Macular keratitis' '37023'='Filamentary keratitis' '37024'='Photokeratitis' '3703-'='Certain types of keratoconjunctivitis' '37031'='Phlyctenular keratoconjunctivitis' '37032'='Limbar and corneal involvement in ver...' '37033'='Keratoconjunctivitis sicca, not speci...' '37034'='Exposure keratoconjunctivitis' '37035'='Neurotrophic keratoconjunctivitis' '37040'='Keratoconjunctivitis, unspecified' '37044'='Keratitis or keratoconjunctivitis in ...' '37049'='Other keratoconjunctivitis' '37050'='Interstitial keratitis, unspecified' '37052'='Diffuse interstitial keratitis' '37054'='Sclerosing keratitis' '37055'='Corneal abscess' '37059'='Other interstitial and deep keratitis' '37060'='Corneal neovascularization, unspecified' '37061'='Localized vascularization of cornea' '37062'='Pannus (corneal)' '37063'='Deep vascularization of cornea' '37064'='Ghost vessels (corneal)' '3708-'='Other forms of keratitis' '3709-'='Unspecified keratitis' '37100'='Corneal opacity, unspecified' '37101'='Minor opacity of cornea' '37102'='Peripheral opacity of cornea' '37103'='Central opacity of cornea' '37104'='Adherent leucoma' '37105'='Phthisical cornea' '37110'='Corneal deposit, unspecified' '37111'='Anterior pigmentations' '37112'='Stromal pigmentations' '37113'='Posterior pigmentations' '37114'='Kayser-Fleischer ring' '37115'='Other deposits associated with metabo...' '37116'='Argentous deposits' '37120'='Corneal edema, unspecified' '37121'='Idiopathic corneal edema' '37122'='Secondary corneal edema' '37123'='Bullous keratopathy' '37124'='Corneal edema due to wearing of conta...' '37130'='Corneal membrane change, unspecified' '37131'='Folds and rupture of Bowman`s membrane' '37132'='Folds in Descemet`s membrane' '37133'='Rupture in Descemet`s membrane' '37140'='Corneal degeneration, unspecified' '37141'='Senile corneal changes' '37142'='Recurrent erosion of cornea' '37143'='Band-shaped keratopathy' '37144'='Other calcerous degenerations of cornea' '37145'='Keratomalacia NOS' '37146'='Nodular degeneration of cornea' '37148'='Peripheral degenerations of cornea' '37149'='Other corneal degeneration' '37150'='Corneal dystrophy, unspecified' '37151'='Juvenile epithelial corneal dystrophy' '37152'='Other anterior corneal dystrophies' '37153'='Granular corneal dystrophy' '37154'='Lattice corneal dystrophy' '37155'='Macular corneal dystrophy' '37156'='Other stromal corneal dystrophies' '37157'='Endothelial corneal dystrophy' '37158'='Other posterior corneal dystrophies' '37160'='Keratoconus, unspecified' '37161'='Keratoconus, stable condition' '37162'='Keratoconus, acute hydrops' '37170'='Corneal deformity, unspecified' '37171'='Corneal ectasia' '37172'='Descemetocele' '37173'='Corneal staphyloma' '3718-'='Other corneal disorders' '37181'='Corneal anesthesia and hypoesthesia' '37182'='Corneal disorder due to contact lens' '37189'='Other corneal disorders' '3719-'='Unspecified corneal disorder' '37200'='Acute conjunctivitis, unspecified' '37201'='Serous conjunctivitis, except viral' '37202'='Acute follicular conjunctivitis' '37203'='Other mucopurulent conjunctivitis' '37204'='Pseudomembranous conjunctivitis' '37205'='Acute atopic conjunctivitis' '37206'='Acute chemical conjunctivitis' '37210'='Chronic conjunctivitis, unspecified' '37211'='Simple chronic conjunctivitis' '37212'='Chronic follicular conjunctivitis' '37213'='Vernal conjunctivitis' '37214'='Other chronic allergic conjunctivitis' '37215'='Parasitic conjunctivitis' '37220'='Blepharoconjunctivitis, unspecified' '37221'='Angular blepharoconjunctivitis' '37222'='Contact blepharoconjunctivitis' '37230'='Conjunctivitis, unspecified' '37231'='Rosacea conjunctivitis' '37233'='Conjunctivitis in mucocutaneous disease' '37239'='Other conjunctivitis' '37240'='Pterygium, unspecified' '37241'='Peripheral pterygium, stationary' '37242'='Peripheral pterygium, progressive' '37243'='Central pterygium' '37244'='Double pterygium' '37245'='Recurrent pterygium' '37250'='Conjunctival degeneration, unspecified' '37251'='Pinguecula' '37252'='Pseudopterygium' '37253'='Conjunctival xerosis' '37254'='Conjunctival concretions' '37255'='Conjunctival pigmentations' '37256'='Conjunctival deposits' '3726-'='Conjunctival scars' '37261'='Granuloma of conjunctiva' '37262'='Localized adhesions and strands of co...' '37263'='Symblepharon' '37264'='Scarring of conjunctiva' '3727-'='Conjunctival vascular disorders and c...' '37271'='Hyperemia of conjunctiva' '37272'='Conjunctival hemorrhage' '37273'='Conjunctival edema' '37274'='Vascular abnormalities of conjunctiva' '37275'='Conjunctival cysts' '37281'='Conjunctivochalasis' '37289'='Other disorders of conjunctiva' '3729-'='Unspecified disorder of conjunctiva' '37300'='Blepharitis, unspecified' '37301'='Ulcerative blepharitis' '37302'='Squamous blepharitis' '3731-'='Hordeolum and other deep inflammation...' '37311'='Hordeolum externum' '37312'='Hordeolum internum' '37313'='Abscess of eyelid' '3732-'='Chalazion' '3733-'='Noninfectious dermatoses of eyelid' '37331'='Eczematous dermatitis of eyelid' '37332'='Contact and allergic dermatitis of ey...' '37333'='Xeroderma of eyelid' '37334'='Discoid lupus erythematosus of eyelid' '3734-'='Infective dermatitis of eyelid of typ...' '3735-'='Other infective dermatitis of eyelid' '3736-'='Parasitic infestation of eyelid' '3738-'='Other inflammations of eyelids' '3739-'='Unspecified inflammation of eyelid' '37400'='Entropion, unspecified' '37401'='Senile entropion' '37402'='Mechanical entropion' '37403'='Spastic entropion' '37404'='Cicatricial entropion' '37405'='Trichiasis without entropion' '37410'='Ectropion, unspecified' '37411'='Senile ectropion' '37412'='Mechanical ectropion' '37413'='Spastic ectropion' '37414'='Cicatricial ectropion' '37420'='Lagophthalmos, unspecified' '37421'='Paralytic lagophthalmos' '37422'='Mechanical lagophthalmos' '37423'='Cicatricial lagophthalmos' '37430'='Ptosis of eyelid, unspecified' '37431'='Paralytic ptosis' '37432'='Myogenic ptosis' '37433'='Mechanical ptosis' '37434'='Blepharochalasis' '3744-'='Other disorders affecting eyelid func...' '37441'='Lid retraction or lag' '37443'='Abnormal innervation syndrome affecti...' '37444'='Sensory disorders affecting eyelid fu...' '37445'='Other sensorimotor disorders affectin...' '37446'='Blepharophimosis affecting eyelid fun...' '37450'='Degenerative disorder of eyelid, unsp...' '37451'='Xanthelasma' '37452'='Hyperpigmentation of eyelid' '37453'='Hypopigmentation of eyelid' '37454'='Hypertrichosis of eyelid' '37455'='Hypotrichosis of eyelid' '37456'='Other degenerative disorders of skin ...' '3748-'='Other disorders of eyelid' '37481'='Hemorrhage of eyelid' '37482'='Edema of eyelid' '37483'='Elephantiasis of eyelid' '37484'='Cysts of eyelids' '37485'='Vascular anomalies of eyelid' '37486'='Retained foreign body of eyelid' '37487'='Dermatochalasis' '37489'='Other disorders of eyelid' '3749-'='Unspecified disorder of eyelid' '37500'='Dacryoadenitis, unspecified' '37501'='Acute dacryoadenitis' '37502'='Chronic dacryoadenitis' '37503'='Chronic enlargement of lacrimal gland' '3751-'='Other disorders of lacrimal gland' '37511'='Dacryops' '37512'='Other lacrimal cysts and cystic degen...' '37513'='Primary lacrimal atrophy' '37514'='Secondary lacrimal atrophy' '37515'='Tear film insufficiency, unspecified' '37516'='Dislocation of lacrimal gland' '37520'='Epiphora, unspecified as to cause' '37521'='Epiphora due to excess lacrimation' '37522'='Epiphora due to insufficient drainage' '37530'='Dacryocystitis, unspecified' '37531'='Acute canaliculitis, lacrimal' '37532'='Acute dacryocystitis' '37533'='Phlegmonous dacryocystitis' '3754-'='Chronic inflammation of lacrimal pass...' '37541'='Chronic canaliculitis' '37542'='Chronic dacryocystitis' '37543'='Lacrimal mucocele' '3755-'='Stenosis and insufficiency of lacrima...' '37551'='Eversion of lacrimal punctum' '37552'='Stenosis of lacrimal punctum' '37553'='Stenosis of lacrimal canaliculi' '37554'='Stenosis of lacrimal sac' '37555'='Obstruction of nasolacrimal duct, neo...' '37556'='Stenosis of nasolacrimal duct, acquired' '37557'='Dacryolith' '3756-'='Other changes of lacrimal passages' '37561'='Lacrimal fistula' '37569'='Other changes of lacrimal passages' '3758-'='Other disorders of lacrimal system' '37581'='Granuloma of lacrimal passages' '37589'='Other disorders of lacrimal system' '3759-'='Unspecified disorder of lacrimal system' '37600'='Acute inflammation of orbit, unspecified' '37601'='Orbital cellulitis' '37602'='Orbital periostitis' '37603'='Orbital osteomyelitis' '37604'='Tenonitis' '37610'='Chronic inflammation of orbit, unspec...' '37611'='Orbital granuloma' '37612'='Orbital myositis' '37613'='Parasitic infestation of orbit' '3762-'='Endocrine exophthalmos' '37621'='Thyrotoxic exophthalmos' '37622'='Exophthalmic ophthalmoplegia' '37630'='Exophthalmos, unspecified' '37631'='Constant exophthalmos' '37632'='Orbital hemorrhage' '37633'='Orbital edema or congestion' '37634'='Intermittent exophthalmos' '37635'='Pulsating exophthalmos' '37636'='Lateral displacement of globe' '37640'='Deformity of orbit, unspecified' '37641'='Hypertelorism of orbit' '37642'='Exostosis of orbit' '37643'='Local deformities due to bone disease' '37644'='Orbital deformities associated with c...' '37645'='Atrophy of orbit' '37646'='Enlargement of orbit' '37647'='Deformity due to trauma or surgery' '37650'='Enophthalmos, unspecified as to cause' '37651'='Enophthalmos due to atrophy of orbita...' '37652'='Enophthalmos due to trauma or surgery' '3766-'='Retained (old) foreign body following...' '3768-'='Other orbital disorders' '37681'='Orbital cysts' '37682'='Myopathy of extraocular muscles' '37689'='Other orbital cysts' '3769-'='Unspecified disorder of orbit' '37700'='Papilledema, unspecified' '37701'='Papilledema associated with increased...' '37702'='Papilledema associated with decreased...' '37703'='Papilledema associated with retinal d...' '37704'='Foster-Kennedy syndrome' '37710'='Optic atrophy, unspecified' '37711'='Primary optic atrophy' '37712'='Postinflammatory optic atrophy' '37713'='Optic atrophy associated with retinal...' '37714'='Glaucomatous atrophy [cupping] of opt...' '37715'='Partial optic atrophy' '37716'='Hereditary optic atrophy' '3772-'='Other disorders of optic disc' '37721'='Drusen of optic disc' '37722'='Crater-like holes of optic disc' '37723'='Coloboma of optic disc' '37724'='Pseudopapilledema' '37730'='Optic neuritis, unspecified' '37731'='Optic papillitis' '37732'='Retrobulbar neuritis (acute)' '37733'='Nutritional optic neuropathy' '37734'='Toxic optic neuropathy' '37739'='Other optic neuritis' '3774-'='Other disorders of optic nerve' '37741'='Ischemic optic neuropathy' '37742'='Hemorrhage in optic nerve sheaths' '37743'='Optic nerve hypoplasia' '37749'='Other disorders of optic nerve' '3775-'='Disorders of optic chiasm' '37751'='Disorders of optic chiasm associated ...' '37752'='Disorders of optic chiasm associated ...' '37753'='Disorders of optic chiasm associated ...' '37754'='Disorders of optic chiasm associated ...' '3776-'='Disorders of other visual pathways' '37761'='Disorders of other visual pathways as...' '37762'='Disorders of other visual pathways as...' '37763'='Disorders of oth visul pathways assoc...' '3777-'='Disorders of visual cortex' '37771'='Disorders of visual cortex associated...' '37772'='Disorders of visual cortex associated...' '37773'='Disorders of visual cortex associated...' '37775'='Cortical blindness' '3779-'='Unspecified disorder of optic nerve a...' '37800'='Esotropia, unspecified' '37801'='Monocular esotropia' '37802'='Monocular esotropia with A pattern' '37803'='Monocular esotropia with V pattern' '37804'='Monocular esotropia with other noncom...' '37805'='Alternating esotropia' '37806'='Alternating esotropia with A pattern' '37807'='Alternating esotropia with V pattern' '37808'='Alternating esotropia with other nonc...' '37810'='Exotropia, unspecified' '37811'='Monocular exotropia' '37812'='Monocular exotropia with A pattern' '37813'='Monocular exotropia with V pattern' '37814'='Monocular exotropia with other noncom...' '37815'='Alternating exotropia' '37816'='Alternating exotropia with A pattern' '37817'='Alternating exotropia with V pattern' '37818'='Alternating exotropia with other nonc...' '37820'='Intermittent heterotropia, unspecified' '37821'='Intermittent esotropia, monocular' '37822'='Intermittent esotropia, alternating' '37823'='Intermittent exotropia, monocular' '37824'='Intermittent exotropia, alternating' '37830'='Heterotropia, unspecified' '37831'='Hypertropia' '37832'='Hypotropia' '37833'='Cyclotropia' '37834'='Monofixation syndrome' '37835'='Accommodative component in esotropia' '37840'='Heterophoria, unspecified' '37841'='Esophoria' '37842'='Exophoria' '37843'='Vertical heterophoria' '37844'='Cyclophoria' '37845'='Alternating hyperphoria' '37850'='Paralytic strabismus, unspecified' '37851'='Third or oculomotor nerve palsy, partial' '37852'='Third or oculomotor nerve palsy, total' '37853'='Fourth or trochlear nerve palsy' '37854'='Sixth or abducens nerve palsy' '37855'='External ophthalmoplegia' '37856'='Total ophthalmoplegia' '37860'='Mechanical strabismus, unspecified' '37861'='Brown`s (tendon) sheath syndrome' '37862'='Mechanical strabismus from other musc...' '37863'='Limited duction associated with other...' '3787-'='Other specified strabismus' '37871'='Duane`s syndrome' '37872'='Progressive external ophthalmoplegia' '37873'='Strabismus in other neuromuscular dis...' '3788-'='Other disorders of binocular eye move...' '37881'='Palsy of conjugate gaze' '37882'='Spasm of conjugate gaze' '37883'='Convergence insufficiency or palsy' '37884'='Convergence excess or spasm' '37885'='Anomalies of divergence' '37886'='Internuclear ophthalmoplegia' '37887'='Other dissociated deviation of eye mo...' '3789-'='Unspecified disorder of eye movements' '37900'='Scleritis, unspecified' '37901'='Episcleritis periodica fugax' '37902'='Nodular episcleritis' '37903'='Anterior scleritis' '37904'='Scleromalacia perforans' '37905'='Scleritis with corneal involvement' '37906'='Brawny scleritis' '37907'='Posterior scleritis' '37909'='Other scleritis and episcleritis' '3791-'='Other disorders of sclera' '37911'='Scleral ectasia' '37912'='Staphyloma posticum' '37913'='Equatorial staphyloma' '37914'='Anterior staphyloma, localized' '37915'='Ring staphyloma' '37916'='Other degenerative disorders of sclera' '37919'='Other disorders of sclera' '3792-'='Disorders of vitreous body' '37921'='Vitreous degeneration' '37922'='Crystalline deposits in vitreous' '37923'='Vitreous hemorrhage' '37924'='Other vitreous opacities' '37925'='Vitreous membranes and strands' '37926'='Vitreous prolapse' '37927'='Vitreomacular adhesion' '37929'='Other disorders of vitreous' '3793-'='Aphakia and other disorders of lens' '37931'='Aphakia' '37932'='Subluxation of lens' '37933'='Anterior dislocation of lens' '37934'='Posterior dislocation of lens' '37939'='Other disorders of lens' '37940'='Abnormal pupillary function, unspecified' '37941'='Anisocoria' '37942'='Miosis (persistent), not due to miotics' '37943'='Mydriasis (persistent), not due to my...' '37945'='Argyll Robertson pupil, atypical' '37946'='Tonic pupillary reaction' '37949'='Other anomalies of pupillary function' '37950'='Nystagmus, unspecified' '37951'='Congenital nystagmus' '37952'='Latent nystagmus' '37953'='Visual deprivation nystagmus' '37954'='Nystagmus associated with disorders o...' '37955'='Dissociated nystagmus' '37956'='Other forms of nystagmus' '37957'='Deficiencies of saccadic eye movements' '37958'='Deficiencies of smooth pursuit movements' '37959'='Other irregularities of eye movements' '37962'='Inflammatn (infectn) postproc bleb, stage 2' '37963'='Inflammatn (infectn) of postproc bleb, stage 3' '3798-'='Other specified disorders of eye and ...' '37990'='Disorder of eye, unspecified' '37991'='Pain in or around eye' '37992'='Swelling or mass of eye' '37993'='Redness or discharge of eye' '37999'='Other ill-defined disorders of eye' '38000'='Perichondritis of pinna, unspecified' '38001'='Acute perichondritis of pinna' '38002'='Chronic perichondritis of pinna' '38003'='Chondritis of pinna' '38010'='Infective otitis externa, unspecified' '38011'='Acute infection of pinna' '38012'='Acute swimmers` ear' '38013'='Other acute infections of external ear' '38014'='Malignant otitis externa' '38015'='Chronic mycotic otitis externa' '38016'='Other chronic infective otitis externa' '3802-'='Other otitis externa' '38021'='Cholesteatoma of external ear' '38022'='Other acute otitis externa' '38023'='Other chronic otitis externa' '38030'='Disorder of pinna, unspecified' '38031'='Hematoma of auricle or pinna' '38032'='Acquired deformities of auricle or pinna' '38039'='Other noninfectious disorders of pinna' '3804-'='Impacted cerumen' '38050'='Acquired stenosis of external ear can...' '38051'='Acquired stenosis of external ear can...' '38052'='Acquired stenosis of external ear can...' '38053'='Acquired stenosis of external ear can...' '3808-'='Other disorders of external ear' '38081'='Exostosis of external ear canal' '38089'='Other disorders of external ear' '3809-'='Unspecified disorder of external ear' '38100'='Acute nonsuppurative otitis media, un...' '38101'='Acute serous otitis media' '38102'='Acute mucoid otitis media' '38103'='Acute sanguinous otitis media' '38104'='Acute allergic serous otitis media' '38105'='Acute allergic mucoid otitis media' '38106'='Acute allergic sanguinous otitis media' '38110'='Chronic serous otitis media, simple o...' '38119'='Other chronic serous otitis media' '38120'='Chronic mucoid otitis media, simple o...' '38129'='Other chronic mucoid otitis media' '3813-'='Other and unspecified chronic nonsupp...' '3814-'='Nonsuppurative otitis media, not spec...' '38150'='Eustachian salpingitis, unspecified' '38151'='Acute Eustachian salpingitis' '38152'='Chronic Eustachian salpingitis' '38160'='Obstruction of Eustachian tube, unspe...' '38161'='Osseous obstruction of Eustachian tube' '38162'='Intrinsic cartilagenous obstruction o...' '38163'='Extrinsic cartilagenous obstruction o...' '3817-'='Patulous Eustachian tube' '3818-'='Other disorders of Eustachian tube' '38181'='Dysfunction of Eustachian tube' '38189'='Other dysfunction of Eustachian tube' '3819-'='Unspecified Eustachian tube disorder' '38200'='Acute suppurative otitis media w/out ...' '38201'='Acute suppurative otitis media w/spon...' '38202'='Acute suppurative otitis media in dis...' '3821-'='Chronic tubotympanic suppurative otit...' '3822-'='Chronic atticoantral suppurative otit...' '3823-'='Unspecified chronic suppurative otiti...' '3824-'='Unspecified suppurative otitis media' '3829-'='Unspecified otitis media' '38300'='Acute mastoiditis without complications' '38301'='Subperiosteal abscess of mastoid' '38302'='Acute mastoiditis with other complica...' '3831-'='Chronic mastoiditis' '38320'='Petrositis, unspecified' '38321'='Acute petrositis' '38322'='Chronic petrositis' '38330'='Postmastoidectomy complication, unspe...' '38331'='Mucosal cyst of postmastoidectomy cavity' '38332'='Recurrent cholesteatoma of postmastoi...' '38333'='Granulations of postmastoidectomy cavity' '3838-'='Other disorders of mastoid' '38381'='Postauricular fistula' '38389'='Other disorders of mastoid' '3839-'='Unspecified mastoiditis' '38400'='Acute myringitis, unspecified' '38401'='Bullous myringitis' '38409'='Other acute myringitis without mentio...' '3841-'='Chronic myringitis without mention of...' '38420'='Perforation of tympanic membrane, uns...' '38421'='Central perforation of tympanic membrane' '38422'='Attic perforation of tympanic membrane' '38423'='Other marginal perforation of tympani...' '38424'='Multiple perforations of tympanic mem...' '38425'='Total perforation of tympanic membrane' '3848-'='Other specified disorders of tympanic...' '38481'='Atrophic flaccid tympanic membrane' '38482'='Atrophic nonflaccid tympanic membrane' '3849-'='Unspecified disorder of tympanic memb...' '38500'='Tympanosclerosis, unspecified as to i...' '38501'='Tympanosclerosis involving tympanic m...' '38502'='Tympanosclerosis involving tympanic m...' '38503'='Tympanosclerosis involv tympan membra...' '38509'='Tympanosclerosis involving other comb...' '38510'='Adhesive middle ear disease, unspecif...' '38511'='Adhesions of drum head to incus' '38512'='Adhesions of drum head to stapes' '38513'='Adhesions of drum head to promontorium' '38519'='Other middle ear adhesions and combin...' '3852-'='Other acquired abnormality of ear oss...' '38521'='Impaired mobility of malleus' '38522'='Impaired mobility of other ear ossicles' '38523'='Discontinuity or dislocation of ear o...' '38524'='Partial loss or necrosis of ear ossicles' '38530'='Cholesteatoma, unspecified' '38531'='Cholesteatoma of attic' '38532'='Cholesteatoma of middle ear' '38533'='Cholesteatoma of middle ear and mastoid' '38535'='Diffuse cholesteatosis' '3858-'='Other disorders of middle ear and mas...' '38582'='Cholesterin granuloma' '38583'='Retained foreign body of middle ear' '38589'='Other disorders of middle ear and mas...' '3859-'='Unspecified disorder of middle ear an...' '38600'="Meniere`s disease, unspecified" '38601'="Active Meniere`s disease, cochleovest..." '38602'="Active Meniere`s disease, cochlear" '38603'="Active Meniere`s disease, vestibular" '38604'="Inactive Meniere`s disease" '38610'='Peripheral vertigo, unspecified' '38611'='Benign paroxysmal positional vertigo' '38612'='Vestibular neuronitis' '38619'='Other peripheral vertigo' '3862-'='Vertigo of central origin' '38630'='Labyrinthitis, unspecified' '38631'='Serous labyrinthitis' '38632'='Circumscribed labyrinthitis' '38633'='Suppurative labyrinthitis' '38634'='Toxic labyrinthitis' '38635'='Viral labyrinthitis' '38640'='Labyrinthine fistula, unspecified' '38641'='Round window fistula' '38642'='Oval window fistula' '38643'='Semicircular labyrinthine canal fistula' '38648'='Labyrinthine fistula of combined sites' '38650'='Labyrinthine dysfunction, unspecified' '38651'='Hyperactive labyrinth, unilateral' '38652'='Hyperactive labyrinth, bilateral' '38653'='Hypoactive labyrinth, unilateral' '38654'='Hypoactive labyrinth, bilateral' '38655'='Loss of labyrinthine reactivity, unil...' '38656'='Loss of labyrinthine reactivity, bila...' '38658'='Other forms and combinations of labyr...' '3868-'='Other disorders of labyrinth' '3869-'='Unspecified vertiginous syndromes and...' '3870-'='Otosclerosis involving oval window, n...' '3871-'='Otosclerosis involving oval window, o...' '3872-'='Cochlear otosclerosis' '3878-'='Other otosclerosis' '3879-'='Otosclerosis, unspecified' '38800'='Degenerative and vascular disorders, ...' '38801'='Presbyacusis' '38802'='Transient ischemic deafness' '38810'='Noise effects on inner ear, unspecified' '38811'='Acoustic trauma (explosive) to ear' '38812'='Noise-induced hearing loss' '3882-'='Sudden hearing loss, unspecified' '38830'='Tinnitus, unspecified' '38831'='Subjective tinnitus' '38832'='Objective tinnitus' '38840'='Abnormal auditory perception, unspeci...' '38841'='Diplacusis' '38842'='Hyperacusis' '38843'='Impairment of auditory discrimination' '38844'='Recruitment' '38845'='Acquired auditory processing disorder' '3885-'='Disorders of acoustic nerve' '38860'='Otorrhea, unspecified' '38861'='Cerebrospinal fluid otorrhea' '38869'='Other otorrhea' '38870'='Otalgia, unspecified' '38871'='Otogenic pain' '38872'='Otalgia, referred pain' '3888-'='Other disorders of ear' '3889-'='Unspecified disorder of ear' '38900'='Conductive hearing loss, unspecified' '38901'='Conductive hearing loss, external ear' '38902'='Conductive hearing loss, tympanic mem...' '38903'='Conductive hearing loss, middle ear' '38904'='Conductive hearing loss, inner ear' '38905'='Conductive hearing loss, unilateral' '38906'='Conductive hearing loss, bilateral' '38908'='Conductive hearing loss of combined t...' '38910'='Sensorineural hearing loss, unspecified' '38911'='Sensory hearing loss' '38912'='Neural hearing loss' '38914'='Central hearing loss' '38915'='Sensorineural hearing loss, unilateral' '38916'='Sensorineural hearing loss, asymmetrical' '38917'='Sensory hearing loss, unilateral' '38918'='Sensorineural hearing loss of combine...' '38920'='Mixed hearing loss, unspecified' '38921'='Mixed hearing loss, unilateral' '38922'='Mixed hearing loss, bilateral' '3897-'='Deaf mutism, not elsewhere classifiable' '3898-'='Other specified forms of hearing loss' '3899-'='Unspecified hearing loss' '390--'='Rheumatic fever without mention of he...' '3910-'='Acute rheumatic pericarditis' '3911-'='Acute rheumatic endocarditis' '3912-'='Acute rheumatic myocarditis' '3918-'='Other acute rheumatic heart disease' '3919-'='Acute rheumatic heart disease, unspec...' '3920-'='Rheumatic chorea with heart involvement' '3929-'='Rheumatic chorea without mention of h...' '393--'='Chronic rheumatic pericarditis' '3940-'='Mitral stenosis' '3941-'='Rheumatic mitral insufficiency' '3942-'='Mitral stenosis with insufficiency' '3949-'='Other and unspecified mitral valve di...' '3950-'='Rheumatic aortic stenosis' '3951-'='Rheumatic aortic insufficiency' '3952-'='Rheumatic aortic stenosis with insuff...' '3959-'='Other and unspecified rheumatic aorti...' '3960-'='Mitral valve stenosis and aortic valv...' '3961-'='Mitral valve stenosis and aortic valv...' '3962-'='Mitral valve insufficiency and aortic...' '3963-'='Mitral valve insufficiency and aortic...' '3968-'='Multiple involvement of mitral and ao...' '3969-'='Mitral and aortic valve diseases, uns...' '3970-'='Diseases of tricuspid valve' '3971-'='Rheumatic diseases of pulmonary valve' '3979-'='Rheumatic diseases of endocardium, va...' '3980-'='Rheumatic myocarditis' '39890'='Rheumatic heart disease, unspecified' '39891'='Rheumatic heart failure (congestive)' '39899'='Other rheumatic heart diseases' '4010-'='Malignant essential hypertension' '4011-'='Benign essential hypertension' '4019-'='Unspecified essential hypertension' '40200'='Malig hypertensive heart disease w/ou...' '40201'='Malignant hypertensive heart disease ...' '40210'='Benign hypertensive heart disease wit...' '40211'='Benign hypertensive heart disease wit...' '40290'='Unspecified hypertensive heart diseas...' '40291'='Unspecif hypertensive heart disease w...' '40300'='Malignant hypertensive renal disease ...' '40301'='Malignant hypertensive renal disease ...' '40310'='Benign hypertensive renal disease w/o...' '40311'='Benign hypertensive renal disease wit...' '40390'='Unspec hypertensive renal disease w/o...' '40391'='Unspecified hypertensive renal diseas...' '40400'='Malig hyperten heart/renal dis w/o co...' '40401'='Malig hyperten heart/renal disease w/...' '40402'='Malignant hypertensive heart and rena...' '40403'='Malig hyperten heart/renal disease w/...' '40410'='Benign hyperten heart/renal dis w/o c...' '40411'='Benign hyperten heart/renal disease w...' '40412'='Benign hypertensive heart and renal d...' '40413'='Benign hyperten heart/renal dis w/con...' '40490'='Unspec hypertensv heart/renal dis w/o...' '40491'='Unspec hypertensv heart/renal dis w/c...' '40492'='Unspec hypertensive heart/renal disea...' '40493'='Unspec hyperten heart/renal disease w...' '4050-'='Malignant secondary hypertension' '40501'='Renovascular malignant secondary hype...' '40509'='Other malignant secondary hypertension' '4051-'='Benign secondary hypertension' '40511'='Renovascular secondary hypertension' '40519'='Other secondary hypertension' '4059-'='Unspecified other secondary hypertension' '40591'='Renovascular unspecified secondary hy...' '40599'='Other secondary hypertension' '41000'='Acute myocard infarc of anterolater w...' '41001'='Acute myocard infarc of anterolater w...' '41002'='Acute myocard infarc of anterolater w...' '41010'='Acute myocard infarc of oth anter wal...' '41011'='Acute myocard infarc of oth anter wal...' '41012'='Acute myocard infarc of oth anter wal...' '41020'='Acute myocard infarc of inferolater w...' '41021'='Acute myocard infarc of inferolater w...' '41022'='Acute myocard infarc of inferolater w...' '41030'='Acute myocar infarc of inferoposter w...' '41031'='Acute myocar infarc of inferoposter w...' '41032'='Acute myocar infarc of inferoposter w...' '41040'='Acute myocar infarc of oth inferior w...' '41041'='Acute myocar infarc of oth inferior w...' '41042'='Acute myocar infarc of oth inferior w...' '41050'='Acute myocardial infarc of oth laterl...' '41051'='Acute myocardial infarc of oth laterl...' '41052'='Acute myocardial infarc of oth laterl...' '41060'='True posterior wall infarction, episo...' '41061'='True posterior wall infarction, initi...' '41062'='True posterior wall infarction, subse...' '41070'='Subendocardial infarction, episode of...' '41071'='Subendocardial infarction, initial ep...' '41072'='Subendocardial infarction, subsequent...' '41080'='True post wall infarc of othr spec si...' '41081'='True post wall infarc of othr spec si...' '41082'='True post wall infarc of othr spec si...' '41090'='True post wall infarc of unspec site,...' '41091'='True post wall infarc of unspec site,...' '41092'='True post wall infarc of unspec site,...' '4110-'='Postmyocardial infarction syndrome' '4111-'='Intermediate coronary syndrome' '4118-'='Other acute and subacute forms of isc...' '41181'='Coronary occlusion without myocardial...' '41189'='Other acute and subacute forms of isc...' '412--'='Old myocardial infarction' '4130-'='Angina decubitus' '4131-'='Prinzmetal angina' '4139-'='Other and unspecified angina pectoris' '41400'='Coronary atherosclerosis of unspecifi...' '41401'='Coronary atherosclerosis of native co...' '41402'='Coronary atherosclerosis of autologou...' '41403'='Coronary atherosclerosis of nonautolo...' '41404'='Coronary atherosclerosis of artery by...' '41405'='Coronary atherosclerosis of unspecifi...' '41406'='Coronary atherosclerosis of native co...' '41410'='Aneurysm of heart (wall)' '41411'='Aneurysm of heart of coronary vessels' '41412'='Dissection of coronary artery' '41419'='Other aneurysm of heart' '4142-'='Chronic total occlusion of coronary artery' '4143-'='Coronary atherosclerosis due to lipid rich plaque' '4148-'='Other specified forms of chronic isch...' '4149-'='Chronic ischemic heart disease, unspe...' '4150-'='Acute cor pulmonale' '4151-'='Pulmonary embolism and infarction' '41511'='Iatrogenic pulmonary embolism and inf...' '41519'='Other pulmonary embolism and infarction' '4160-'='Primary pulmonary hypertension' '4161-'='Kyphoscoliotic heart disease' '4162-'='Chronic pulmonary embolism' '4168-'='Other chronic pulmonary heart diseases' '4169-'='Chronic pulmonary heart disease, unsp...' '4170-'='Arteriovenous fistula of pulmonary ve...' '4171-'='Aneurysm of pulmonary artery' '4178-'='Other specified diseases of pulmonary...' '4179-'='Unspecified disease of pulmonary circ...' '4200-'='Acute pericarditis in diseases classi...' '42090'='Acute pericarditis, unspecified' '42091'='Acute idiopathic pericarditis' '42099'='Other acute pericarditis' '4210-'='Acute and subacute bacterial endocard...' '4211-'='Acute and subacute infectiveendocardi...' '4219-'='Acute endocarditis, unspecified' '4220-'='Acute myocarditis in diseases classif...' '42290'='Acute myocarditis, unspecified' '42291'='Idiopathic myocarditis' '42292'='Septic myocarditis' '42293'='Toxic myocarditis' '42299'='Other acute myocarditis' '4230-'='Hemopericardium' '4231-'='Adhesive pericarditis' '4232-'='Constrictive pericarditis' '4233-'='Cardiac tamponade' '4238-'='Other specified diseases of pericardium' '4239-'='Unspecified disease of pericardium' '4240-'='Mitral valve disorders' '4241-'='Aortic valve disorders' '4242-'='Tricuspid valve disorders, specified ...' '4243-'='Pulmonary valve disorders' '42490'='Endocarditis, valve unspecified, unsp...' '42491'='Endocarditis in diseases classified e...' '42499'='Other endocarditis, valve unspecified' '4250-'='Endomyocardial fibrosis' '4251-'='Hypertrophic obstructive cardiomyopathy' '42511'='Hypertrophic obstructive cardiomyopathy' '42518'='Other hypertrophic cardiomyopathy' '4252-'='Obscure cardiomyopathy of Africa' '4253-'='Endocardial fibroelastosis' '4254-'='Other primary cardiomyopathies' '4255-'='Alcoholic cardiomyopathy' '4257-'='Nutritional and metabolic cardiomyopathy' '4258-'='Cardiomyopathy in other diseases clas...' '4259-'='Secondary cardiomyopathy, unspecified' '4260-'='Atrioventricular block, complete' '42610'='Atrioventricular block, unspecified' '42611'='First degree atrioventricular block' '42612'='Mobitz (type) II atrioventricular block' '42613'='Other second degree atrioventricular ...' '4262-'='Left bundle branch hemiblock' '4263-'='Other left bundle branch block' '4264-'='Right bundle branch block' '42650'='Bundle branch block, unspecified' '42651'='Right bundle branch block and left po...' '42652'='Right bundle branch block and left an...' '42653'='Other bilateral bundle branch block' '42654'='Trifascicular block' '4266-'='Other heart block' '4267-'='Anomalous atrioventricular excitation' '4268-'='Other specified conduction disorders' '42681'='Lown-Ganong-Levine syndrome' '42682'='Long QT syndrome' '42689'='Other conduction disorders' '4269-'='Conduction disorder, unspecified' '4270-'='Paroxysmal supraventricular tachycardia' '4271-'='Paroxysmal ventricular tachycardia' '4272-'='Paroxysmal tachycardia, unspecified' '4273-'='Atrial fibrillation and flutter' '42731'='Atrial fibrillation' '42732'='Atrial flutter' '4274-'='Ventricular fibrillation and flutter' '42741'='Ventricular fibrillation' '42742'='Ventricular flutter' '4275-'='Cardiac arrest' '42760'='Premature beats, unspecified' '42761'='Supraventricular premature beats' '42769'='Other premature beats' '4278-'='Other specified cardiac dysrhythmias' '42781'='Sinoatrial node dysfunction' '42789'='Other cardiac dysrhythmias' '4279-'='Cardiac dysrhythmia, unspecified' '4280-'='Congestive heart failure' '4281-'='Left heart failure' '42820'='Systolic heart failure, unspecified' '42821'='Systolic heart failure, acute' '42822'='Systolic heart failure, chronic' '42823'='Systolic heart failure, acute on chronic' '42830'='Diastolic heart failure, unspecified' '42832'='Chronic diastolic heart failure' '42833'='Acute on chronic diastolic heart fail...' '42840'='Comb systol and diastol heart failure, unsp' '42841'='Comb acute systolic and diastolic heart failure' '42842'='Chronic combined systolic and diastolic ...' '42843'='Acute on chronic combined systolic an...' '4289-'='Heart failure, unspecified' '4290-'='Myocarditis, unspecified' '4291-'='Myocardial degeneration' '4292-'='Cardiovascular disease, unspecified' '4293-'='Cardiomegaly' '4294-'='Functional disturbances following car...' '4295-'='Rupture of chordae tendineae' '4296-'='Rupture of papillary muscle' '4297-'='Certain sequelae of myocardial infarc...' '42971'='Acquired cardiac septal defect' '42979'='Other sequelae of myocardial infarcti...' '4298-'='Other ill-defined heart diseases' '42981'='Other disorders of papillary muscle' '42982'='Hyperkinetic heart disease' '42983'='Takotsubo syndrome' '42989'='Other disorders of papillary muscle' '4299-'='Heart disease, unspecified' '430--'='Subarachnoid hemorrhage' '431--'='Intracerebral hemorrhage' '4320-'='Nontraumatic extradural hemorrhage' '4321-'='Subdural hemorrhage' '4329-'='Unspecified intracranial hemorrhage' '43300'='Occlusion and stenosis of basilar art...' '43301'='Occlusion and stenosis of basilar art...' '43310'='Occlusion and stenosis of carotid art...' '43311'='Occlusion and stenosis of carotid art...' '43320'='Occlusion and stenosis of vertebral a...' '43321'='Occlusion and stenosis of vertebral a...' '43330'='Occlusion/stenosis of mult/bilat arte...' '43331'='Occlusion/stenosis of mult/bilat arte...' '43380'='Occlus/stenos of oth spec precerebrl ...' '43381'='Occlus/stenosis of oth spec precerebr...' '43390'='Occlus/stenosis of unspec precerebrl ...' '43391'='Occlusn/stenosis of unspec precerebrl...' '43400'='Cerebral thrombosis w/o mention of ce...' '43401'='Cerebral thrombosis with cerebral inf...' '43410'='Cerebral embolism w/o mention of cere...' '43411'='Cerebral embolism with cerebral infar...' '43490'='Cerebral artery occlusion, unspec, w/...' '43491'='Cerebral artery occlusion, unspec, wi...' '4350-'='Basilar artery syndrome' '4351-'='Vertebral artery syndrome' '4352-'='Subclavian steal syndrome' '4353-'='Vertebrobasilar artery syndrome' '4358-'='Other specified transient cerebral is...' '4359-'='Unspecified transient cerebral ischemia' '436--'='Acute, but ill-defined, cerebrovascul...' '4370-'='Cerebral atherosclerosis' '4371-'='Other generalized ischemic cerebrovas...' '4372-'='Hypertensive encephalopathy' '4373-'='Cerebral aneurysm, nonruptured' '4374-'='Cerebral arteritis' '4375-'='Moyamoya disease' '4376-'='Nonpyogenic thrombosis of intracrania...' '4377-'='Transient global amnesia' '4378-'='Other cerebrovascular disease' '4379-'='Unspecified cerebrovascular disease' '4380-'='Cognitive deficits' '43810'='Speech and language deficit, unspecified' '43811'='Aphasia' '43812'='Dysphasia' '43813'='Dysarthria' '43819'='Other speech and language deficits' '43820'='Hemiplegia affecting unspecified side' '43821'='Hemiplegia affecting dominant side' '43822'='Hemiplegia affecting nondominant side' '43832'='Monoplegia upper limb affect nondom side' '43841'='Monoplegia lower limb affecting domin...' '43850'='Oth paralytic syndrome affecting unspec side' '4386-'='Alterations of sensations' '4387-'='Disturbances of vision' '43882'='Dysphagia' '43884'='Ataxia' '43885'='Vertigo' '43889'='Other late effects of cerebrovascular...' '4389-'='Unspecified late effects of cerebrova...' '4400-'='Atherosclerosis of aorta' '4401-'='Atherosclerosis of renal artery' '44020'='Atherosclerosis of the extremities, u...' '44021'='Atherosclerosis of the extremities w/...' '44022'='Atherosclerosis of the extremities wi...' '44023'='Atherosclerosis of the extremities wi...' '44024'='Atherosclerosis of the extremities wi...' '44029'='Other atherosclerosis of native arter...' '44030'='Atherosclerosis of unspecified graft' '44031'='Atherosclerosis of autologous vein by...' '44032'='Atherosclerosis of nonautologous vein...' '4408-'='Atherosclerosis of other specified ar...' '4409-'='Generalized and unspecified atheroscl...' '44100'='Dissecting aneurysm unspecified site' '44101'='Dissecting thoracic aneurysm' '44102'='Dissecting abdominal aneurysm' '44103'='Dissecting thoracoabdominal aneurysm' '4411-'='Thoracic aneurysm, ruptured' '4412-'='Thoracic aneurysm without mention of ...' '4413-'='Abdominal aneurysm, ruptured' '4414-'='Abdominal aneurysm without mention of...' '4415-'='Aortic aneurysm of unspecified site, ...' '4416-'='Thoracoabdominal aneurysm, ruptured' '4417-'='Thoracoabdominal aneurysm, without me...' '4419-'='Aortic aneurysm of unspecified site w...' '4420-'='Other aneurysm of artery of upper ext...' '4421-'='Other aneurysm of renal artery' '4422-'='Other aneurysm of iliac artery' '4423-'='Other aneurysm of artery of lower ext...' '4428-'='Other aneurysm of other specified artery' '44281'='Other aneurysm of artery of neck' '44282'='Other aneurysm of subclavian artery' '44283'='Other aneurysm of splenic artery' '44284'='Other aneurysm of other visceral artery' '44289'='Other aneurysm of other specified artery' '4429-'='Other aneurysm of unspecified site' '4430-'='Raynaud`s syndrome' '4431-'='Thromboangiitis obliterans [Buerger`s...' '44321'='Dissection of carotid artery' '44324'='Dissection of vertebral artery' '44329'='Dissection of other artery' '4438-'='Other specified peripheral vascular d...' '44381'='Peripheral angiopathy in diseases cla...' '44382'='Erythromelalgia' '44389'='Other specified peripheral vascular d...' '4439-'='Peripheral vascular disease, unspecified' '4440-'='Arterial embolism and thrombosis of a...' '44409'='Other arterial embolism and thrombosis of abdominal aorta' '4441-'='Arterial embolism and thrombosis of t...' '4442-'='Arterial embolism and thrombosis of a...' '44421'='Arterial embolism and thrombosis uppe...' '44422'='Arterial embolism and thrombosis lowe...' '4448-'='Arterial embolism and thrombosis of o...' '44481'='Arterial embolism and thrombosis ilia...' '44489'='Arterial embolism and thrombosis othe...' '4449-'='Arterial embolism and thrombosis of u...' '44501'='Atheroembolism, upper extremity' '44502'='Atheroembolism, lower extremity' '44589'='Atheroembolism, other sites' '4460-'='Polyarteritis nodosa' '4461-'='Acute febrile mucocutaneous lymph nod...' '44620'='Hypersensitivity angiitis, unspecified' '44621'='Goodpasture`s syndrome' '44629'='Other specified hypersensitivity angi...' '4463-'='Lethal midline granuloma' '4464-'='Wegener`s granulomatosis' '4465-'='Giant cell arteritis' '4466-'='Thrombotic microangiopathy' '4467-'='Takayasu`s disease' '4470-'='Arteriovenous fistula, acquired' '4471-'='Stricture of artery' '4472-'='Rupture of artery' '4473-'='Hyperplasia of renal artery' '4474-'='Celiac artery compression syndrome' '4475-'='Necrosis of artery' '4476-'='Arteritis, unspecified' '44770'='Aortic ectasia, unspecified site' '44771'='Thoracic aortic ectasia' '4478-'='Other specified disorders of arteries...' '4479-'='Unspecified disorders of arteries and...' '4480-'='Hereditary hemorrhagic telangiectasia' '4481-'='Nevus, non-neoplastic' '4489-'='Other and unspecified capillary diseases' '4510-'='Phlebitis & thrombophlebitis of super...' '4511-'='Phlebitis and thrombophlebitis of dee...' '45111'='Phlebitis and thrombophlebitis femor ...' '45119'='Phlebitis & thrombophlebitis of oth d...' '4512-'='Phlebitis and thrombophlebitis of low...' '4518-'='Phlebitis and thrombophlebitis of oth...' '45181'='Phlebitis and thrombophlebitis iliac ...' '45182'='Phlebitis & thrombophlebitis of super...' '45183'='Phlebitis and thrombophlebitis of dee...' '45184'='Phlebitis and thrombophlebitis of upp...' '45189'='Phlebitis and thrombophlebitis other ...' '4519-'='Phlebitis and thrombophlebitis of uns...' '452--'='Portal vein thrombosis' '4530-'='Budd-Chiari syndrome' '4531-'='Thrombophlebitis migrans' '4532-'='Venous embolism and thrombosis of ven...' '4533-'='Venous embolism and thrombosis of ren...' '45340'='Venous embolism and thrombosis of unspec' '45341'='Venous emb and thromb deep ves prox low ' '45342'='Venous emb and thromb deep ves dist low ' '45350'='Chronic venous embolism, thrombosis unspec deep vessels lower extrem' '45351'='Chronic venous embolism, thrombosis deep vessels proximal lower extrem' '45352'='Chronic venous embolism, thrombosis deep vessels distal lower extremity' '4536-'='Venous embolism and thrombosis of super..' '4538-'='Venous embolism and thrombosis of oth...' '45382'='Acute venous embolism, thrombosis deep veins upper extrem' '45383'='Acute venous embolism, thrombosis upper extremity, unspec' '45389'='Acute venous embolism, thrombosis of other specified veins' '45387'='Acute venous embolism, thrombosis oth th' '4539-'='Venous embolism and thrombosis of uns...' '4540-'='Varicose veins of lower extremities w...' '4541-'='Varicose veins of lower extremities wi..' '4542-'='Varicose veins of lowr extremities w/...' '4548-'='Varicose veins of lower extr with oth...' '4549-'='Varicos vein of lowr extremities w/ou...' '4550-'='Internal hemorrhoids without mention ...' '4551-'='Internal thrombosed hemorrhoids' '4552-'='Internal hemorrhoids with other compl...' '4553-'='External hemorrhoids without mention ...' '4554-'='External thrombosed hemorrhoids' '4555-'='External hemorrhoids with other compl...' '4556-'='Unspecified hemorrhoids without menti...' '4557-'='Unspecified thrombosed hemorrhoids' '4558-'='Unspecified hemorrhoids with other co...' '4559-'='Residual hemorrhoidal skin tags' '4560-'='Esophageal varices with bleeding' '4561-'='Esophageal varices without mention of...' '45620'='Esophageal varices with bleeding' '45621'='Esophageal varices without mention of...' '4563-'='Sublingual varices' '4564-'='Scrotal varices' '4565-'='Pelvic varices' '4566-'='Vulval varices' '4568-'='Varices of other sites' '4570-'='Postmastectomy lymphedema syndrome' '4571-'='Other lymphedema' '4572-'='Lymphangitis' '4578-'='Other noninfectious disorders of lymp...' '4579-'='Unspecified noninfectious disorder of...' '4580-'='Orthostatic hypotension' '4581-'='Chronic hypotension' '4582-'='Iatrogenic hypotension' '45829'='Other iatrogenic hypotension' '4588-'='Other specified hypotension' '4589-'='Hypotension, unspecified' '4590-'='Hemorrhage, unspecified' '4591-'='Postphlebitic syndrome' '45910'='Postphlebitic syndrome w/o complicati...' '45911'='Postphlebitic syndrome with ulcer' '45912'='Postphlebitic syndrome with inflammat...' '45919'='Postphlebitic syndrome w/other compli...' '4592-'='Compression of vein' '45930'='Chronic venous hypertension w/o compl...' '45931'='Chronic venous hypertension w/ulcer' '45932'='Chronic venous hypertension w/inflamm...' '45933'='Chronic venous hypertens w/ulcer, inflam' '45939'='Chronic venous hypertension w/other complication' '4598-'='Other specified disorders of circulat...' '45981'='Venous (peripheral) insufficiency, un...' '45989'='Other specified disorders of circulat...' '4599-'='Unspecified circulatory system disorder' '460--'='Acute nasopharyngitis [common cold]' '4610-'='Maxillary acute sinusitis' '4611-'='Frontal acute sinusitis' '4612-'='Ethmoidal acute sinusitis' '4613-'='Sphenoidal acute sinusitis' '4618-'='Other acute sinusitis' '4619-'='Acute sinusitis, unspecified' '462--'='Acute pharyngitis' '463--'='Acute tonsillitis' '46400'='Acute laryngitis wo mention of obstructn' '46410'='Acute tracheitis without mention of o...' '46411'='Acute tracheitis with obstruction' '46420'='Acute laryngotracheitis without menti...' '46421'='Acute laryngotracheitis with obstruction' '46430'='Acute epiglottitis without mention of...' '46431'='Acute epiglottitis with obstruction' '4644-'='Croup' '46450'='Supraglottitis w/o mention of obstruc...' '4650-'='Acute laryngopharyngitis' '4658-'='Acute upper respiratory infections of...' '4659-'='Acute upper respiratory infections of...' '4660-'='Acute bronchitis' '4661-'='Acute bronchiolitis' '46611'='Acute bronchiolitis due to respirator...' '46619'='Acute bronchiolitis due to other infe...' '470--'='Deviated nasal septum' '4710-'='Polyp of nasal cavity' '4711-'='Polypoid sinus degeneration' '4718-'='Other polyp of sinus' '4719-'='Unspecified nasal polyp' '4720-'='Chronic rhinitis' '4721-'='Chronic pharyngitis' '4722-'='Chronic nasopharyngitis' '4730-'='Maxillary chronic sinusitis' '4731-'='Frontal chronic sinusitis' '4732-'='Ethmoidal chronic sinusitis' '4733-'='Sphenoidal chronic sinusitis' '4738-'='Other chronic sinusitis' '4739-'='Unspecified sinusitis (chronic)' '4740-'='Chronic tonsillitis' '47400'='Chronic tonsillitis' '47401'='Chronic adenoiditis' '47402'='Chronic tonsillitis and adenoiditis' '47410'='Hypertrophy of tonsils with adenoids' '47411'='Hypertrophy of tonsils alone' '47412'='Hypertrophy of adenoids alone' '4742-'='Adenoid vegetations' '4748-'='Other chronic disease of tonsils and ...' '4749-'='Unspecified chronic disease of tonsil...' '475--'='Peritonsillar abscess' '4760-'='Chronic laryngitis' '4761-'='Chronic laryngotracheitis' '4770-'='Allergic rhinitis due to pollen' '4771-'='Allergic rhinitis due to food' '4772-'='Allergic rhinitis due to animal hair,dander' '4778-'='Allergic rhinitis due to other allergen' '4779-'='Allergic rhinitis cause unspecified' '4780-'='Hypertrophy of nasal turbinates' '4781-'='Other diseases of nasal cavity and si...' '47811'='Nasal mucositis (ulcerative)' '47819'='Other disease of nasal cavity and sinuse...' '47820'='Unspecified disease of pharynx' '47821'='Cellulitis of pharynx or nasopharynx' '47822'='Parapharyngeal abscess' '47824'='Retropharyngeal abscess' '47825'='Edema of pharynx or nasopharynx' '47826'='Cyst of pharynx or nasopharynx' '47829'='Other diseases of pharynx, not elsewh...' '47830'='Paralysis of vocal cords or larynx, u...' '47831'='Unilateral of vocal cords or larynx, ...' '47832'='Unilateral of vocal cords or larynx, ...' '47833'='Bilateral of vocal cords or larynx, p...' '47834'='Bilateral of vocal cords or larynx, c...' '4784-'='Polyp of vocal cord or larynx' '4785-'='Other diseases of vocal cords' '4786-'='Edema of larynx' '47870'='Unspecified disease of larynx' '47871'='Cellulitis and perichondritis of larynx' '47874'='Stenosis of larynx' '47875'='Laryngeal spasm' '47879'='Other diseases of larynx, not elsewhe...' '4788-'='Upper respiratory tract hypersensitiv...' '4789-'='Other and unspecified diseases of upp...' '4800-'='Pneumonia due to adenovirus' '4801-'='Pneumonia due to respiratory syncytia...' '4802-'='Pneumonia due to parainfluenza virus' '4808-'='Pneumonia due to other virus not else...' '4809-'='Viral pneumonia, unspecified' '481--'='Pneumococcal pneumonia [Streptococcus...' '4820-'='Pneumonia due to Klebsiella pneumoniae' '4821-'='Pneumonia due to Pseudomonas' '4822-'='Pneumonia due to Hemophilus influenza...' '48230'='Pneumonia due to Streptococcus, unspe...' '48231'='Pneumonia due to Streptococcus, Group A' '48232'='Pneumonia due to Streptococcus, Group B' '48239'='Pneumonia due to other Streptococcus' '48240'='Pneumonia due to Staphylococcus, unspec' '48241'='Pneumonia due to Staphylococcus aureus' '48242'='Combined systolic and diastolic heart...' '48249'='Other Staphylococcus pneumonia' '4828-'='Pneumonia due to other specified bact...' '48281'='Pneumonia due to anaerobes' '48282'='Pneumonia due to Escherichia coli [E....' '48283'='Pneumonia due to other gram-negative ...' '48284'='Legionnaires` disease' '48289'='Pneumonia due to other specified bact...' '4829-'='Bacterial pneumonia unspecified' '4830-'='Pneumonia due to mycoplasma pneumoniae' '4831-'='Pneumonia due to chlamydia' '4838-'='Pneumonia due to other specified orga...' '4840-'='Pneumonia in infectious diseases clas...' '4841-'='Pneumonia in cytomegalic inclusion di...' '4843-'='Pneumonia in whooping cough' '4845-'='Pneumonia in anthrax' '4846-'='Pneumonia in aspergillosis' '4847-'='Pneumonia in other systemic mycoses' '4848-'='Pneumonia in other infectious disease...' '485--'='Bronchopneumonia, organism unspecified' '486--'='Pneumonia, organism unspecified' '4870-'='Influenza with pneumonia' '4871-'='Influenza with other respiratory mani...' '4878-'='Influenza with other manifestations' '488--'='Influenza due to certain ident influ viruses' '48802'='Influenza due to ident avian influ virus...' '490--'='Bronchitis, not specified as acute or...' '4910-'='Simple chronic bronchitis' '4911-'='Mucopurulent chronic bronchitis' '49120'='Obstruct chronic bronchitis w/out exacer' '49121'='Obstructive chronic bronchitis w/exacer' '49122'='Obstructive chronic bronchitis w/acute bronchitis' '4918-'='Other chronic bronchitis' '4919-'='Unspecified chronic bronchitis' '4920-'='Emphysematous bleb' '4928-'='Other emphysema' '49300'='Extrinsic asthma without mention of s...' '49301'='Extrinsic asthma with status asthmaticus' '49302'='Extrinsic asthma with acute exacerbation' '49310'='Intrinsic asthma without mention of s...' '49311'='Intrinsic asthma with status asthmaticus' '49312'='Intrinsic asthma with acute exacerbation' '49320'='Chronic obstructive asthma without me...' '49321'='Chronic obstructive asthma with statu...' '49322'='Chronic obstructive asthma with acute...' '49381'='Excercise induced bronchospasm' '49382'='Cough variant asthma' '49390'='Asthma, unspecified without mention o...' '49391'='Asthma, unspecified with status asthm...' '49392'='Asthma, unspecified with acute exacerbat' '4940-'='Bronchiectasis w/out acute exacerbation' '4941-'='Bronchiectasis with acute exacerbation' '4950-'='Farmers` lung' '4951-'='Bagassosis' '4952-'='Bird-fanciers` lung' '4953-'='Suberosis' '4954-'='Malt workers’ lung' '4955-'='Mushroom workers’ lung' '4956-'='Maple bark-strippers’ lung' '4957-'='`Ventilation` pneumonitis' '4958-'='Other specified allergic alveolitis a...' '4959-'='Unspecified allergic alveolitis and p...' '496--'='Chronic airway obstruction, not elsew...' '500--'='Coal workers` pneumoconiosis' '501--'='Asbestosis' '502--'='Pneumoconiosis due to other silica or...' '503--'='Pneumoconiosis due to other inorganic...' '504--'='Pneumonopathy due to inhalation of ot...' '505--'='Pneumoconiosis, unspecified' '5060-'='Bronchitis and pneumonitis due to fum...' '5061-'='Acute pulmonary edema due to fumes an...' '5062-'='Upper respiratory inflammation due to...' '5063-'='Oth acute/subacute respiratory condit...' '5064-'='Chronic respiratory conditions due to...' '5069-'='Unspecified respiratory conditions du...' '5070-'='Due to inhalation of food or vomitus' '5071-'='Due to inhalation of oils and essences' '5078-'='Due to other solids and liquids' '5080-'='Acute pulmonary manifestations due to...' '5081-'='Chronic and other pulmonary manifesta...' '5088-'='Respiratory conditions due to other s...' '5089-'='Respiratory conditions due to unspeci...' '5100-'='Empyema with fistula' '5109-'='Empyema without mention of fistula' '5110-'='Pleurisy without mention of effusion ...' '5111-'='Pleurisy w/effusion, w/mention of a b...' '51181'='Malignant pleural effusion' '51189'='Other spec forms of effusion, exc tuber..' '5119-'='Pleurisy unspecified pleural effusion' '5120-'='Spontaneous tension pneumothorax' '5121-'='Iatrogenic pneumothorax' '5128-'='Other spontaneous pneumothorax' '51289'='Other pneumothorax' '5130-'='Abscess of lung' '5131-'='Abscess of mediastinum' '514--'='Pulmonary congestion and hypostasis' '515--'='Postinflammatory pulmonary fibrosis' '5160-'='Pulmonary alveolar proteinosis' '5161-'='Idiopathic pulmonary hemosiderosis' '5162-'='Pulmonary alveolar microlithiasis' '5163-'='Idiopathic fibrosing alveolitis' '51630'='Idiopathic interstitial pneumonia, not otherwise spec' '51631'='Idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis' '51633'='Acute interstitial pneumonitis' '51636'='Cryptogenic organizing pneumonia' '5168-'='Other specified alveolar and parietoa...' '5169-'='Unspecified alveolar and parietoalveo...' '5170-'='Lung involvement in conditions classi...' '5171-'='Rheumatic pneumonia' '5172-'='Lung involvement in systemic sclerosis' '5173-'='Acute chest syndrome' '5178-'='Lung involvement in other diseases cl...' '5180-'='Pulmonary collapse' '5181-'='Interstitial emphysema' '5182-'='Compensatory emphysema' '5183-'='Pulmonary eosinophilia' '5184-'='Acute edema of lung, unspecified' '5185-'='Pulmonary insufficiency following tra...' '51852'='Other pulmonary insufficiency not elsewhere classified following...' '5186-'='Allergic bronchopulmonary aspergillosis' '5188-'='Other diseases of lung' '51881'='Respiratory failure' '51882'='Other pulmonary insufficiency, not el...' '51883'='Chronic respiratory failure' '51884'='Acute and chronic respiratory failure' '51889'='Other diseases of lung, not elsewhere...' '51900'='Tracheostomy complication, unspecified' '51901'='Infection of tracheostomy' '51902'='Mechanical complication of tracheostomy' '51909'='Other tracheostomy complications' '5191-'='Other diseases of trachea and bronchu...' '51911'='Acute bronchospasm' '51919'='Other diseases of trachea and bronchus' '5192-'='Mediastinitis' '5193-'='Other diseases of mediastinum, not el...' '5194-'='Disorders of diaphragm' '5198-'='Other diseases of respiratory system,...' '5199-'='Unspecified disease of respiratory sy...' '5200-'='Anodontia' '5201-'='Supernumerary teeth' '5202-'='Abnormalities of size and form' '5203-'='Mottled teeth' '5204-'='Disturbances of tooth formation' '5205-'='Hereditary disturbances in tooth stru...' '5206-'='Disturbances in tooth eruption' '5207-'='Teething syndrome' '5208-'='Other specified disorders of tooth de...' '5209-'='Unspecified disorder of tooth develop...' '52100'='Dental caries, unspecified' '52101'='Dental caries limited to enamel' '52102'='Dental caries extending into dentine' '52103'='Dental caries extending into pulp' '52104'='Arrested dental caries' '52108'='Dental caries of root surface' '52109'='Other dental caries' '5211-'='Excessive attrition of hard tissues o...' '5212-'='Abrasion of hard tissues of teeth' '52130'='Erosion, unspecified' '5214-'='Pathological resorption of hard tissu...' '5215-'='Hypercementosis of hard tissues of teeth' '5216-'='Ankylosis of teeth' '5217-'='Posteruptive color changes of hard ti...' '5218-'='Other specified diseases of hard tiss...' '52189'='Other specified diseases of hard tissues of teeth' '5219-'='Unspecified disease of hard tissues o...' '5220-'='Pulpitis' '5221-'='Necrosis of the pulp' '5222-'='Pulp degeneration' '5223-'='Abnormal hard tissue formation in pulp' '5224-'='Acute apical periodontitis of pulpal ...' '5225-'='Periapical abscess without sinus' '5226-'='Chronic apical periodontitis' '5227-'='Periapical abscess with sinus' '5228-'='Radicular cyst' '5229-'='Other and unspecified diseases of pul...' '5230-'='Acute gingivitis' '52300'='Acute gingivitis, plaque induced' '5231-'='Chronic gingivitis' '52310'='Chronic gingivitis, plaque induced' '5232-'='Gingival recession' '52321'='Gingival recession, minimal' '5233-'='Acute periodontitis' '52330'='Aggressive periodontitis, unspecified' '52331'='Aggressive periodontitis, localized' '52340'='Chronic periodontitis, unspecified' '52341'='Chronic periodontitis, localized' '52431'='Crowding of teeth' '5235-'='Periodontosis' '5236-'='Accretions on teeth' '5238-'='Other specified periodontal diseases' '5239-'='Unspecified gingival and periodontal ...' '52400'='Unspecified anomaly of jaw size' '52401'='Maxillary hyperplasia' '52402'='Mandibular hyperplasia' '52403'='Maxillary hypoplasia' '52404'='Mandibular hypoplasia' '52405'='Macrogenia' '52406'='Microgenia' '52407'='Excessive tuberosity of jaw' '52409'='Other specified anomaly of jaw size' '52410'='Unspecified anomaly of relationship o...' '52411'='Maxillary asymmetry of relationship o...' '52412'='Other jaw asymmetry of relationship o...' '52419'='Other specified anomaly of relationsh...' '5242-'='Anomalies of dental arch relationship' '52423'="Malocclusion, Angle’s class III" '52424'='Open anterior occlusal relationship' '52429'='Oth anomalies of dental arch relationship' '5243-'='Anomalies of tooth position' '52430'='Unspecified anomaly of tooth position' '5244-'='Malocclusion, unspecified' '52455'='Centric occlusion max intercuspation discrepancy' '52460'='Temporomandibular joint disorders, un...' '52461'='Adhesions and ankylosis (bony or fibr...' '52462'='Arthralgia of temporomandibular joint' '52463'='Articular disc disorder (reducing or ...' '52464'='Temporomandibular joint sounds on open..' '52469'='Other specified temporomandibular joint.' '52470'='Unspecified alveolar anomaly' '52471'='Alveolar maxillary hyperplasia' '52472'='Alveolar mandibular hyperplasia' '52473'='Alveolar maxillary hypoplasia' '52474'='Alveolar mandibular hypoplasia' '52479'='Other specified alveolar anomaly' '5248-'='Other specified dentofacial anomalies' '5249-'='Unspecified dentofacial anomalies' '5250-'='Exfoliation of teeth due to systemic ...' '5251-'='Loss teeth due to accident/extraction...' '52510'='Acquired absence of teeth, unspecified' '52513'='Loss of teeth due to caries' '52519'='Other loss of teeth' '52520'='Unspecified atrophy of edentulous alveolar ridge' '5253-'='Retained dental root' '52550'='Partial edentulism, unspecified' '52569'='Other unsatisfact restoration of existing tooth' '52573'='Post-osseointegration mech failure of dental implant' '52579'='Other endosseous dental implant failure' '5258-'='Other specified disorders of the teet...' '5259-'='Unspecified disorder of the teeth and...' '5260-'='Developmental odontogenic cysts' '5261-'='Fissural cysts of jaw' '5262-'='Other cysts of jaws' '5263-'='Central giant cell (reparative) granu...' '5264-'='Inflammatory conditions' '5265-'='Alveolitis of jaw' '5268-'='Other specified diseases of the jaws' '52681'='Exostosis of jaw' '52689'='Other specified diseases of the jaws' '5269-'='Unspecified disease of the jaws' '5270-'='Atrophy of the salivary glands' '5271-'='Hypertrophy of the salivary glands' '5272-'='Sialoadenitis of the salivary glands' '5273-'='Abscess of the salivary glands' '5274-'='Fistula of the salivary glands' '5275-'='Sialolithiasis of the salivary glands' '5276-'='Mucocele of the salivary glands' '5277-'='Disturbance of salivary secretion' '5278-'='Other specified diseases of the saliv...' '5279-'='Unspecified disease of the salivary g...' '5280-'='Stomatitis of the oral soft tissues' '52800'='Stomatitis and mucositis, unspecified' '52801'='Mucositis (ulcerative) due to antineopla...' '52809'='Other stomatitis and mucositis (ulcerative)' '5281-'='Cancrum oris of the oral soft tissues' '5282-'='Oral aphthae of the oral soft tissues' '5283-'='Cellulitis and abscess of the oral so...' '5284-'='Cysts of the oral soft tissues' '5285-'='Diseases of lips' '5286-'='Leukoplakia of oral mucosa, including...' '5287-'='Other disturbances of oral epithelium...' '52871'='Minimal keratinized residual ridge mucos...' '52879'='Other disturbances of oral epithelium, i...' '5288-'='Oral submucosal fibrosis, including o...' '5289-'='Other and unspecified diseases of the...' '5290-'='Glossitis' '5291-'='Geographic tongue' '5292-'='Median rhomboid glossitis' '5293-'='Hypertrophy of tongue papillae' '5294-'='Atrophy of tongue papillae' '5295-'='Plicated tongue' '5296-'='Glossodynia' '5298-'='Other specified conditions of the tongue' '5299-'='Unspecified condition of the tongue' '5300-'='Achalasia and cardiospasm' '53010'='Esophagitis, unspecified' '53011'='Reflux esophagitis' '53012'='Acute esophagitis' '53013'='Eosinophilic esophagitis' '53019'='Other esophagitis' '5302-'='Ulcer of esophagus' '53020'='Ulcer of esophagus without bleeding' '5303-'='Stricture and stenosis of esophagus' '5304-'='Perforation of esophagus' '5305-'='Dyskinesia of esophagus' '5306-'='Diverticulum of esophagus, acquired' '5307-'='Gastroesophageal laceration-hemorrhag...' '5308-'='Other specified disorders of esophagus' '53081'='Esophageal reflux' '53082'='Esophageal hemorrhage' '53083'='Esophageal leukoplakia' '53084'='Tracheoesophageal fistula' '53085'='Barrett`s esophagus' '53087'='Mechanical complication of esophagostomy' '53089'='Other specified disorders of esophagus' '5309-'='Unspecified disorder of esophagus' '53100'='Acute gastric ulcer w/hemorrhage with...' '53101'='Acute gastric ulcer with hemorrhage w...' '53110'='Acute gastric ulcer w/perforation w/o...' '53111'='Acute gastric ulcer with perforation ...' '53120'='Acute gastric ulcer w/hemorrhage & pe...' '53121'='Acute gastric ulcer with hemorrhage &...' '53130'='Acut gastrc ulcr w/o men hemorrhag/pe...' '53131'='Acute gastric ulcer w/o men of hemorr...' '53140'='Chronic/unspec gastric ulcer with hem...' '53141'='Chronic/unspecified gastric ulcer wit...' '53150'='Chronic/unspec gastric ulcer w/perfor...' '53151'='Chronic/unspec gastric ulcer with per...' '53160'='Chron/unsp gastrc ulcer w/hemorr & pe...' '53161'='Chronic/unspec gastrc ulcer w/hemorrh...' '53170'='Chron gastrc ulcr w/o men of hemorr &...' '53171'='Chron gastrc ulcr w/o men of hemorr &...' '53190'='Gastrc ulcr unspc acut/chrnc w/o men ...' '53191'='Gastrc ulcr unspc acut/chrnc w/o men ...' '53200'='Acute duodenal ulcer with hemorrhage ...' '53201'='Acute duodenal ulcer with hemorrhage ...' '53210'='Acute duodenal ulcer w/perforation w/...' '53211'='Acute duodenal ulcer with perforation...' '53220'='Acute duodenal ulcer w/hemorr/perfora...' '53221'='Acute duodenal ulcer w/hemorrhage and...' '53230'='Acute duodenal ulcer w/o men of hemo/...' '53231'='Acute duodenal ulcer w/o men of hemo/...' '53240'='Chron or unspecified duodenal ulcer w...' '53241'='Chron or unspecified duodenal ulcer w...' '53250'='Chron/unspec duodenal ulcer w/perfora...' '53251'='Chronic or unspecified duodenal ulcer...' '53260'='Chron/unspec duodenal ulcer w/hemor&p...' '53261'='Chronic or unspec duodenal ulcer w/he...' '53270'='Chron duodenal ulcr w/o men of hemor/...' '53271'='Chronic duodenal ulcer w/o men of hem...' '53290'='Duodenl ulcr unsp acut/chronc w/o men...' '53291'='Duodenl ulcr unsp acut/chrn site unsp...' '53300'='Acute peptic ulcer w/hemorrhage w/o m...' '53301'='Acute peptic ulcer w/hemorrhage with ...' '53310'='Acute peptic ulcer w/perforation w/o ...' '53311'='Acute peptic ulcer w/perforation with...' '53320'='Acute peptic ulcer w/hemor/perf w/o ...' '53321'='Acute peptic ulcer w/hemorrhg/perfor ...' '53330'='Acut peptc ulcr w/o men hem/perf w/o ...' '53331'='Acute peptic ulcer w/o men of hemorr/...' '53340'='Chron/unspec w/peptc ulcr hemorr w/o ...' '53341'='Chron/unspec w/peptc ulcr hemorrhage ...' '53350'='Chron/unspec w/peptc ulcr perf w/o me...' '53351'='Chronic or unspec w/peptc ulcr perfor...' '53360'='Chron/unspec w/peptc ulcr hem/perf w/...' '53361'='Chron/unspec w/peptc ulcr hemorrhage/...' '53370'='Chron peptc ulcr w/o men of hem/per w...' '53371'='Chron peptc ulcr w/o men of hem/perf ...' '53390'='Pep ulcr unsp act/chrn w/o men hem/pe...' '53391'='Peptc ulcr unsp acut/chrnc w/o men he...' '53400'='Acute gastrojejunal ulcer w/hemorrhag...' '53401'='Acute gastrojejunal ulcer with hemorr...' '53410'='Acute gastrojejunal ulcer w/perforati...' '53411'='Acute gastrojejunal ulcer with perfor...' '53420'='Acute gastrojejunal ulcer w/hemorrhag...' '53421'='Acute gastrojejunal ulcer w/hemorrhag...' '53430'='Acute gastrojejunal ulcer w/o hemorrh...' '53431'='Acute gastrojejunal ulcer w/o mention...' '53440'='Chronic/unspec gastrojejunal ulcer w/...' '53441'='Chronic/unspec gastrojejunal ulcer w/...' '53450'='Chronic/unspec gastrojejunal ulcr w/p...' '53451'='Chronic/unspec gastrojejunal ulcer w/...' '53460'='Chronic/unspec gastrojejunal ulcer w/...' '53461'='Chronic/unspec gastrojejunal ulcer w/...' '53470'='Chronic gastrojejunal ulcer w/o men h...' '53471'='Chronic gastrojejunal ulcer w/o men h...' '53490'='Gastrojejunal ulcer unspec acut/chron...' '53491'='Gastrojejunal ulcer unspec acut/chron...' '53500'='Acute gastritis without mention of ob...' '53501'='Acute gastritis with obstruction' '53510'='Atrophic gastritis without mention of...' '53511'='Atrophic gastritis with obstruction' '53520'='Gastric mucosal hypertrophy without m...' '53521'='Gastric mucosal hypertrophy with obst...' '53530'='Alcoholic gastritis without mention o...' '53531'='Alcoholic gastritis with obstruction' '53540'='Other specified gastritis without men...' '53541'='Other specified gastritis with obstru...' '53550'='Unspecif gastritis/gastroduodenitis w...' '53551'='Unspecified gastritis and gastroduode...' '53560'='Duodenitis without mention of obstruc...' '53561'='Duodenitis with obstruction' '53570'='Eosinophilic gastritis, w/o ment of hemorrhage' '53600'='Achlorhydria' '5361-'='Acute dilatation of stomach' '5362-'='Persistent vomiting' '5363-'='Gastroparesis' '53640'='Gastrostomy complication, unspecified' '53641'='Infection of gastrostomy' '53642'='Mechanical complication of gastrostomy' '53649'='Other gastrostomy complications' '5368-'='Dyspepsia and other specified disorde...' '5369-'='Unspecified functional disorder of st...' '5370-'='Acquired hypertrophic pyloric stenosis' '5371-'='Gastric diverticulum' '5372-'='Chronic duodenal ileus' '5373-'='Other obstruction of duodenum' '5374-'='Fistula of stomach or duodenum' '5375-'='Gastroptosis' '5376-'='Hourglass stricture or stenosis of st...' '5378-'='Other specified disorders of stomach ...' '53781'='Pylorospasm' '53782'='Angiodysplasia of stomach/duodenum w/...' '53783'='Angiodysplasia of stomach and duodenu...' '53789'='Other specified disorders of stomach ...' '5379-'='Unspecified disorder of stomach and d...' '5400-'='Acute appendicitis with generalized p...' '5401-'='Acute appendicitis with peritoneal ab...' '5409-'='Acute appendicitis without mention of...' '541--'='Appendicitis, unqualified' '542--'='Other appendicitis' '5430-'='Hyperplasia of appendix (lymphoid)' '5439-'='Other and unspecified diseases of app...' '55000'='Inguinal hernia, with gangrene, unila...' '55001'='Inguinal hernia, with gangrene, unila...' '55002'='Inguinal hernia, with gangrene, bilat...' '55003'='Inguinal hernia, with gangrene, bilat...' '55010'='Inguinal hernia, w/obstruction, w/o g...' '55011'='Inguin hernia, w/obstruc, w/o gangren...' '55012'='Inguinal hernia, with obstruction, wi...' '55013'='Inguinal hernia, with obstruction, w/...' '55090'='Inguinal hernia, w/o obstruc/gangrene...' '55091'='Inguin hernia, w/o obstruc/gangrene, ...' '55092'='Inguinal hernia, without obstruction ...' '55093'='Inguinal hernia, w/o obstruction or g...' '55100'='Femoral hernia w/gangrene, unilat/uns...' '55101'='Femoral hernia w/gangrene, unilateral...' '55102'='Femoral hernia w/gangrene, bilateral ...' '55103'='Femoral hernia with gangrene, bilater...' '5511-'='Umbilical hernia with gangrene' '55120'='Ventral hernia, unspecified, with gan...' '55121'='Incisional hernia, with gangrene' '55129'='Other hernia with gangrene' '5513-'='Diaphragmatic hernia with gangrene' '5518-'='Hernia of other specified sites, with...' '5519-'='Hernia of unspecified site, with gang...' '55200'='Unilat/unspec (not spec as recurrent)...' '55201'='Unilateral or unspec, recurrent femor...' '55202'='Bilateral (not spec as recurrent) fem...' '55203'='Bilateral, recurrent femoral hernia w...' '5521-'='Umbilical hernia with obstruction' '55220'='Ventral hernia, unspecified, with obs...' '55221'='Incisional hernia, with obstruction' '55229'='Other ventral hernia with obstruction' '5523-'='Diaphragmatic hernia with obstruction' '5528-'='Hernia of other specified sites, with...' '5529-'='Hernia of unspecified site, with obst...' '55300'='Unilateral/unspec (not specified as r...' '55301'='Unilateral or unspecified, recurrent ...' '55302'='Bilateral (not specified as recurrent...' '55303'='Bilateral, recurrent femoral hernia' '5531-'='Umbilical hernia' '55320'='Ventral hernia, unspecified' '55321'='Incisional hernia' '55329'='Other ventral hernia' '5533-'='Diaphragmatic hernia' '5538-'='Hernia of other specified sites' '5539-'='Hernia of unspecified site' '5550-'='Small intestine enteritis' '5551-'='Large intestine enteritis' '5552-'='Small intestine enteritis with large ...' '5559-'='Enteritis of unspecified site' '5560-'='Ulcerative (chronic) enterocolitis' '5561-'='Ulcerative (chronic) ileocolitis' '5562-'='Ulcerative (chronic) proctitis' '5563-'='Ulcerative (chronic) proctosigmoiditis' '5564-'='Pseudopolyposis of colon' '5565-'='Left-sided ulcerative (chronic) colitis' '5566-'='Universal ulcerative (chronic) colitis' '5568-'='Other ulcerative colitis' '5569-'='Ulcerative colitis, unspecified' '5570-'='Acute vascular insufficiency of intes...' '5571-'='Chronic vascular insufficiency of int...' '5579-'='Unspecified vascular insufficiency of...' '5580-'='Other noninfectious gastroenteritis a...' '5581-'='Gastroenteritis and colitis due to ra...' '5582-'='Toxic gastroenteritis and colitis' '5583-'='Allergic gastroenteritis and colitis' '55841'='Eosinophilic gastroenteritis' '5589-'='Other and unspecified noninfectious g...' '5600-'='Intussusception' '5601-'='Paralytic ileus' '5602-'='Volvulus' '56030'='Impaction of intestine, unspecified' '56031'='Gallstone ileus' '56039'='Other impaction of intestine' '5608-'='Other specified intestinal obstruction' '56081'='Intestinal or peritoneal adhesions wi...' '56089'='Other specified intestinal obstruction' '5609-'='Unspecified intestinal obstruction' '56200'='Diverticulosis of small intestine (w/...' '56201'='Diverticulitis of small intestine (w/...' '56202'='Diverticulosis of small intestine wit...' '56203'='Diverticulitis of small intestine wit...' '56210'='Diverticulosis of colon (without ment...' '56211'='Diverticulitis of colon (without ment...' '56212'='Diverticulosis of colon with hemorrhage' '56213'='Diverticulitis of colon with hemorrhage' '5640-'='Constipation' '56400'='Constipation, unspecified' '56401'='Slow transit constipation' '56402'='Outlet dysfunction constipation' '56409'='Other constipation' '5641-'='Irritable colon' '5642-'='Postgastric surgery syndromes' '5643-'='Vomiting following gastrointestinal s...' '5644-'='Other postoperative functional disorders' '5645-'='Functional diarrhea' '5646-'='Anal spasm' '5647-'='Megacolon, other than Hirschsprung`s' '56481'='Neurogenic bowel ...' '56489'='Other functional disorders of intestines' '5649-'='Unspecified functional disorder of in...' '5650-'='Anal fissure' '5651-'='Anal fistula' '566--'='Abscess of anal and rectal regions' '5670-'='Peritonitis in infectious diseases cl...' '5671-'='Pneumococcal peritonitis' '5672-'='Other suppurative peritonitis' '56722'='Peritoneal abscess' '56723'='Spontaneous bacterial peritonitis' '56731'='Psoas muscle abscess' '5678-'='Other specified peritonitis' '56782'='Sclerosing mesenteritis' '5679-'='Unspecified peritonitis' '5680-'='Peritoneal adhesions' '5688-'='Other specified disorders of peritoneum' '56881'='Hemoperitoneum (nontraumatic)' '56882'='Peritoneal effusion (chronic)' '56889'='Other specified disorders of peritoneum' '5689-'='Unspecified disorder of peritoneum' '5690-'='Anal and rectal polyp' '5691-'='Rectal prolapse' '5692-'='Stenosis of rectum and anus' '5693-'='Hemorrhage of rectum and anus' '5694-'='Other specified disorders of rectum a...' '56941'='Ulcer of anus and rectum' '56942'='Anal or rectal pain' '56944'='Dysplasia of anus' '56949'='Other specified disorders of rectum a...' '5695-'='Abscess of intestine' '5696-'='Colostomy and enterostomy malfunction' '56960'='Unspecified complication of colostomy...' '56961'='Infection of colostomy or enterostomy' '56962'='Mechan complic of gastrostomy and enter' '56969'='Other complication of colostomy or en...' '56971'='Pouchitis' '5698-'='Other specified disorders of intestine' '56981'='Fistula of intestine, excluding rectu...' '56982'='Ulceration of intestine' '56983'='Perforation of intestine' '56984'='Angiodysplasia of intestine (without ...' '56985'='Angiodysplasia of intestine with hemo...' '56986'='Dieulafoy lesion (hemorrhagic) of int...' '56989'='Other specified disorders of intesetine' '5699-'='Unspecified disorder of intestine' '570--'='Acute and subacute necrosis of liver' '5710-'='Alcoholic fatty liver' '5711-'='Acute alcoholic hepatitis' '5712-'='Alcoholic cirrhosis of liver' '5713-'='Alcoholic liver damage, unspecified' '57140'='Chronic hepatitis, unspecified' '57141'='Chronic persistent hepatitis' '57142'='Autoimmune hepatitis' '57149'='Other chronic hepatitis' '5715-'='Cirrhosis of liver without mention of...' '5716-'='Biliary cirrhosis' '5718-'='Other chronic nonalcoholic liver disease' '5719-'='Unspecified chronic liver disease wit...' '5720-'='Abscess of liver' '5721-'='Portal pyemia' '5722-'='Hepatic coma' '5723-'='Portal hypertension' '5724-'='Hepatorenal syndrome' '5728-'='Other sequelae of chronic liver disease' '5730-'='Chronic passive congestion of liver' '5731-'='Hepatitis in viral diseases classifie...' '5732-'='Hepatitis in other infectious disease...' '5733-'='Hepatitis, unspecified' '5734-'='Hepatic infarction' '5738-'='Other specified disorders of liver' '5739-'='Unspecified disorder of liver' '57400'='Calculus of gallbladder w/acut cholec...' '57401'='Calculus of gallbladder w/acute chole...' '57410'='Calculus of gallbladder w/oth cholecy...' '57411'='Calculus of gallbladder w/other chole...' '57420'='Calculus gallbladder w/o men of chole...' '57421'='Calculus of gallbladder w/o men of ch...' '57430'='Calculus of bile duct w/acute cholecy...' '57431'='Calculus of bile duct with acute chol...' '57440'='Calculus of bile duct w/oth cholecyst...' '57441'='Calculus of bile duct with other chol...' '57450'='Calculus bile duct w/o men of cholecy...' '57451'='Calculus of bile duct w/o mentn of ch...' '57460'='Calculus of gallbladder and bile duct...' '57461'='Calculus of gallbladder and bile duct...' '57470'='Calculus of gallbladder and bile duct...' '57471'='Calculus of gallbladder and bile duct...' '57480'='Calculus of gallbladder and bile duct...' '57481'='Calculus of gallbladder and bile duct...' '57490'='Calculus of gallbladder and bile duct...' '57491'='Calculus of gallbladder and bile duct...' '5750-'='Acute cholecystitis' '5751-'='Other cholecystitis' '57510'='Cholecystitis, unspecified' '57511'='Chronic cholecystitis' '57512'='Acute and chronic cholecystitis' '5752-'='Obstruction of gallbladder' '5753-'='Hydrops of gallbladder' '5754-'='Perforation of gallbladder' '5755-'='Fistula of gallbladder' '5756-'='Cholesterolosis of gallbladder' '5758-'='Other specified disorders of gallbladder' '5759-'='Unspecified disorder of gallbladder' '5760-'='Postcholecystectomy syndrome' '5761-'='Cholangitis' '5762-'='Obstruction of bile duct' '5763-'='Perforation of bile duct' '5764-'='Fistula of bile duct' '5765-'='Spasm of sphincter of Oddi' '5768-'='Other specified disorders of biliary ...' '5769-'='Unspecified disorder of biliary tract' '5770-'='Acute pancreatitis' '5771-'='Chronic pancreatitis' '5772-'='Cyst and pseudocyst of pancreas' '5778-'='Other specified diseases of pancreas' '5779-'='Unspecified disease of pancreas' '5780-'='Hematemesis' '5781-'='Blood in stool' '5789-'='Hemorrhage of gastrointestinal tract,...' '5790-'='Celiac disease' '5791-'='Tropical sprue' '5792-'='Blind loop syndrome' '5793-'='Other and unspecified postsurgical no...' '5794-'='Pancreatic steatorrhea' '5798-'='Other specified intestinal malabsorption' '5799-'='Unspecified intestinal malabsorption' '5800-'='Acut glomerulonephritis w/lesion of p...' '5804-'='Acut glomerulonephrit w/lesion of rap...' '5808-'='Acut glomerulonephritis w/oth spec pa...' '58081'='Acut glomerulonephritis in diseases c...' '58089'='Oth acut glomerulonephrit w/oth spec ...' '5809-'='Acute glomerulonephritis w/unspec pat...' '5810-'='Nephrotic syndrome w/lesion of prolif...' '5811-'='Nephrotic syndrome w/lesion of membra...' '5812-'='Nephrotic syndrome w/lesion of membra...' '5813-'='Nephrotic syndrome w/lesion of min ch...' '5818-'='Nephrotic syndrome w/other spec patho...' '58181'='Nephrotic syndrome in diseases classi...' '58189'='Oth nephrotic syndrome w/oth spec pat...' '5819-'='Nephrotic syndrome with unspecif path...' '5820-'='Chron glomerulonephrit w/lesion proli...' '5821-'='Chron glomerulonephrit w/lesion membr...' '5822-'='Chron glomerulonephrit w/lesion membr...' '5824-'='Chron glomerulonephrit w/lesion rapid...' '5828-'='Chron glomerulonephrit w/oth spec pat...' '58281'='Chronic glomerulonephritis in disease...' '58289'='Oth chron glomerulonephrit w/oth spec...' '5829-'='Chron glomerulonephritis w/unspec pat...' '5830-'='Nephritis/nephropathy w/lesion prolif...' '5831-'='Nephritis/nephropathy w/lesion of mem...' '5832-'='Nephritis/nephropathy w/lesion of mem...' '5834-'='Nephritis/nephropathy w/lesion of rap...' '5836-'='Nephritis/nephropathy w/lesion of ren...' '5837-'='Nephritis/nephropathy w/lesion of ren...' '5838-'='Nephritis/nephropathy w/oth spec path...' '58381'='Nephritis/nephropathy, not spec acut/...' '58389'='Oth nephritis/nephropathy w/oth spec ...' '5839-'='Nephritis/nephropathy w/unspec pathol...' '5840-'='Acute renal failure' '5845-'='Acute renal failure with lesion of tu...' '5846-'='Acute renal failure with lesion of re...' '5847-'='Acute renal failure w/lesion of renal...' '5848-'='Acute renal failure w/other spec path...' '5849-'='Acute renal failure, unspecified' '585--'='Chronic renal failure' '5851-'='Chronic kidney disease, Stage I' '5852-'='Chronic kidney disease, Stage II(mild)' '5853-'='Chronic kidney disease, Stage III(modera' '5854-'='Chronic kidney disease, stage IV(severe)' '5855-'='Chronic kidney disease, stage V' '5856-'='End stage renal disease' '5859-'='Chronic kidney disease, unspecified' '586--'='Renal failure, unspecified' '587--'='Renal sclerosis, unspecified' '5880-'='Renal osteodystrophy' '5881-'='Nephrogenic diabetes insipidus' '5888-'='Other specified disorders resulting f...' '58881'='Secondary hyperparathyroidism(of renal..' '58889'='Other specified disorders resulting from' '5889-'='Unspecified disorder resulting from i...' '5890-'='Unilateral small kidney' '5891-'='Bilateral small kidneys' '5899-'='Small kidney, unspecified' '59000'='Chronic pyelonephritis w/o lesion of ...' '59001'='Chronic pyelonephritis with lesion of...' '59010'='Acute pyelonephritis without lesion o...' '59011'='Acute pyelonephritis with lesion of r...' '5902-'='Renal and perinephric abscess' '5903-'='Pyeloureteritis cystica' '59080'='Pyelonephritis, unspecified' '59081'='Pyelitis or pyelonephritis in disease...' '5909-'='Infection of kidney, unspecified' '591--'='Hydronephrosis' '5920-'='Calculus of kidney' '5921-'='Calculus of ureter' '5929-'='Urinary calculus, unspecified' '5930-'='Nephroptosis' '5931-'='Hypertrophy of kidney' '5932-'='Cyst of kidney, acquired' '5933-'='Stricture or kinking of ureter' '5934-'='Other ureteric obstruction' '5935-'='Hydroureter' '5936-'='Postural proteinuria' '59370'='Vesicoureteral reflux, unspecified or...' '59371'='Vesicoureteral reflux with reflux nep...' '59372'='Vesicoureteral reflux with reflux nep...' '59373'='Vesicoureteral reflux with reflux nep...' '5938-'='Other specified disorders of kidney a...' '59381'='Vascular disorders of kidney' '59382'='Ureteral fistula' '59389'='Other specified disorders of kidney a...' '5939-'='Unspecified disorder of kidney and ur...' '5940-'='Calculus in diverticulum of bladder' '5941-'='Other calculus in bladder' '5942-'='Calculus in urethra' '5948-'='Other lower urinary tract calculus' '5949-'='Calculus of lower urinary tract, unsp...' '5950-'='Acute cystitis' '5951-'='Chronic interstitial cystitis' '5952-'='Other chronic cystitis' '5953-'='Trigonitis' '5954-'='Cystitis in diseases classified elsew...' '5958-'='Other specified types of cystitis' '59581'='Cystitis cystica' '59582'='Irradiation cystitis' '59589'='Other specified types of cyctitis' '5959-'='Cystitis, unspecified' '5960-'='Bladder neck obstruction' '5961-'='Intestinovesical fistula' '5962-'='Vesical fistula, not elsewhere classi...' '5963-'='Diverticulum of bladder' '5964-'='Atony of bladder' '5965-'='Other functional disorders of bladder' '59651'='Hypertonicity of bladder' '59652'='Low bladder compliance' '59653'='Paralysis of bladder' '59654'='Neurogenic bladder NOS' '59655'='Detrusor sphincter dyssynergia' '59659'='Other functional disorder of bladder' '5966-'='Rupture of bladder, nontraumatic' '5967-'='Hemorrhage into bladder wall' '5968-'='Other specified disorders of bladder' '59689'='Other specified disorders of bladder' '5969-'='Unspecified disorder of bladder' '5970-'='Urethral abscess' '59780'='Urethritis, unspecified' '59781'='Urethral syndrome NOS' '59789'='Other urethritis' '59800'='Urethral stricture due to unspecified...' '59801'='Urethral stricture due to infective d...' '5981-'='Traumatic urethral stricture' '5982-'='Postoperative urethral stricture' '5988-'='Other specified causes of urethral st...' '5989-'='Urethral stricture, unspecified' '5990-'='Urinary tract infection, site not spe...' '5991-'='Urethral fistula' '5992-'='Urethral diverticulum' '5993-'='Urethral caruncle' '5994-'='Urethral false passage' '5995-'='Prolapsed urethral mucosa' '5996-'='Urinary obstruction, unspecified' '59960'='Urinary obstruction, unspecified' '59969'='Urinary obstruction, not elsewhere class' '59970'='Hematuria, unspecified' '59971'='Gross hematuria' '59972'='Microscopic hematuria' '5998-'='Other specified disorders of urethra ...' '59981'='Urethral hypermobility' '59982'='Intrinsic (urethral) sphincter defici...' '59983'='Urethral instability' '59984'='Other specified disorders of urethra' '59989'='Other specified disorders of urinary ...' '5999-'='Unspecified disorder of urethra and u...' '6000-'='Hypertrophy (benign) of prostate' '60000'='Hypertrophy (benign) prostate w/o uri...' '60001'='Hypertrophy (benign) prostate w/urina...' '6001-'='Nodular prostate' '60010'='Nodular prostate w/o urinary obstruction' '60011'='Nodular prostate with urinary obstruction' '6002-'='Benign localized hyperplasia of prostate' '6003-'='Cyst of prostate' '60020'='Benign local hyper prost w/o urin obs...' '60021'='Benign local hyper prost w/urin obstr...' '6009-'='Hyperplasia of prostate, unspecified' '60090'='Hyperplasia of prostate, unsp w/o uri...' '60091'='Hyperplasia of prostate, unsp w/urina...' '6010-'='Acute prostatitis' '6011-'='Chronic prostatitis' '6012-'='Abscess of prostate' '6013-'='Prostatocystitis' '6014-'='Prostatitis in diseases classified el...' '6018-'='Other specified inflammatory diseases...' '6019-'='Prostatitis, unspecified' '6020-'='Calculus of prostate' '6021-'='Congestion or hemorrhage of prostate' '6022-'='Atrophy of prostate' '6023-'='Dysplasia of prostate' '6028-'='Other specified disorders of prostate' '6029-'='Unspecifiedisorder of prostate' '6030-'='Encysted hydrocele' '6031-'='Infected hydrocele' '6038-'='Other specified types of hydrocele' '6039-'='Hydrocele, unspecified' '6040-'='Orchitis, epididymitis, and epididymo...' '60490'='Orchitis and epididymitis, unspecified' '60491'='Orchitis and epididymitis in diseases...' '60499'='Other orchitis and epididymitis' '605--'='Redundant prepuce and phimosis' '6060-'='Azoospermia' '6061-'='Oligospermia' '6068-'='Infertility due to extratesticular ca...' '6069-'='Male infertility, unspecified' '6070-'='Leukoplakia of penis' '6071-'='Balanoposthitis' '6072-'='Other inflammatory disorders of penis' '6073-'='Priapism' '6078-'='Other specified disorders of penis' '60781'='Balanitis xerotica obliterans' '60782'='Vascular disorders of penis' '60783'='Edema of penis' '60784'='Impotence of organic origin' '60785'='Peyronie`s disease' '60789'='Other specified disorders of penis' '6079-'='Unspecified disorder of penis' '6080-'='Seminal vesiculitis' '6081-'='Spermatocele' '6082-'='Torsion of testis' '60820'='Torsion of testis, unspecified' '6083-'='Atrophy of testis' '6084-'='Other inflammatory disorders of male ...' '60881'='Disorders of male genital organs in d...' '60882'='Hematospermia' '60883'='Vascular disorders of male genital or...' '60884'='Chylocele of tunica vaginalis' '60885'='Stricture of male genital organs' '60886'='Edema of male genital organs' '60887'='Retrograde ejaculation' '60889'='Other disorders of male genital organs' '6089-'='Unspecified disorder of male genital ...' '6100-'='Solitary cyst of breast' '6101-'='Diffuse cystic mastopathy' '6102-'='Fibroadenosis of breast' '6103-'='Fibrosclerosis of breast' '6104-'='Mammary duct ectasia' '6108-'='Other specified benign mammary dyspla...' '6109-'='Benign mammary dysplasia, unspecified' '6110-'='Inflammatory disease of breast' '6111-'='Hypertrophy of breast' '6112-'='Fissure of nipple' '6113-'='Fat necrosis of breast' '6114-'='Atrophy of breast' '6115-'='Galactocele' '6116-'='Galactorrhea not associated with chil...' '6117-'='Signs and symptoms in breast' '61171'='Mastodynia' '61172'='Lump or mass in breast' '61179'='Other signs and symptoms in breast' '61181'='Ptosis of breast' '61182'='Hypoplasia of breast' '61183'='Capsular contracture of breast implant' '61189'='Other specified disorders of breast' '6119-'='Unspecified breast disorder' '6121-'='Disproportion of reconstructed breast' '6140-'='Acute salpingitis and oophoritis' '6141-'='Chronic salpingitis and oophoritis' '6142-'='Salpingitis and oophoritis not spec a...' '6143-'='Acute parametritis and pelvic cellulitis' '6144-'='Chronic or unspecified parametritis a...' '6145-'='Acute or unspecified pelvic peritonit...' '6146-'='Pelvic peritoneal adhesions, female' '6147-'='Other chronic pelvic peritonitis, female' '6148-'='Oth spec inflammatory disease of fema...' '6149-'='Unspec inflammatory disease of female...' '6150-'='Acute inflammatory disease of uterus' '6151-'='Chronic inflammatory disease of uterus' '6159-'='Unspecified inflammatory disease of u...' '6160-'='Cervicitis and endocervicitis' '61610'='Vaginitis and vulvovaginitis, unspeci...' '61611'='Vaginitis and vulvovaginitis in disea...' '6162-'='Cyst of Bartholin`s gland' '6163-'='Abscess of Bartholin`s gland' '6164-'='Other abscess of vulva' '61650'='Ulceration of vulva, unspecified' '61651'='Ulceration of vulva in diseases class...' '6168-'='Other specified inflammatory diseases...' '6169-'='Unspecified inflammatory disease of c...' '6170-'='Endometriosis of uterus' '6171-'='Endometriosis of ovary' '6172-'='Endometriosis of fallopian tube' '6173-'='Endometriosis of pelvic peritoneum' '6174-'='Endometriosis of rectovaginal septum ...' '6175-'='Endometriosis of intestine' '6176-'='Endometriosis in scar of skin' '6178-'='Endometriosis of other specified sites' '6179-'='Endometriosis, site unspecified' '61800'='Unspecified prolapse of vaginal walls' '61801'='Cystocele, midline' '61802'='Cystocele, lateral' '61803'='Urethrocele' '61804'='Rectocele' '61805'='Perineocele' '61809'='Other prolapse of vaginal walls w/o mention of uterine prolapse' '6181-'='Uterine prolapse without mention of v...' '6182-'='Uterovaginal prolapse, incomplete' '6183-'='Uterovaginal prolapse, complete' '6184-'='Uterovaginal prolapse, unspecified' '6185-'='Prolapse of vaginal vault after hyste...' '6186-'='Vaginal enterocele, congenital or acq...' '6187-'='Old laceration of muscles of pelvic f...' '6188-'='Other specified genital prolapse' '61889'='Other specified genital prolapse' '6189-'='Unspecified genital prolapse' '6190-'='Urinary-genital tract fistula, female' '6191-'='Digestive-genital tract fistula, female' '6192-'='Genital tract-skin fistula, female' '6198-'='Other specified fistulas involving fe...' '6199-'='Unspecified fistula involving female ...' '6200-'='Follicular cyst of ovary' '6201-'='Corpus luteum cyst or hematoma' '6202-'='Other and unspecified ovarian cyst' '6203-'='Acquired atrophy of ovary and fallopi...' '6204-'='Prolapse or hernia of ovary and fallo...' '6205-'='Torsion of ovary, ovarian pedicle, or...' '6206-'='Broad ligament laceration syndrome' '6207-'='Hematoma of broad ligament' '6208-'='Oth noninflam disorders ovary/fallopi...' '6209-'='Unspec noninflam disorder ovary/fallo...' '6210-'='Polyp of corpus uteri' '6211-'='Chronic subinvolution of uterus' '6212-'='Hypertrophy of uterus' '62130'='Endometrial hyperplasia, unspecified' '62131'='Simple endometrial hyperplasia without atypia' '62132'='Complex endometrial hyperplasia without atypia' '62133'='Endometrial hyperplasia with atypia' '6214-'='Hematometra' '6215-'='Intrauterine synechiae' '6216-'='Malposition of uterus' '6217-'='Chronic inversion of uterus' '6218-'='Other specified disorders of uterus, ...' '6219-'='Unspecified disorder of uterus' '6220-'='Erosion and ectropion of cervix' '6221-'='Dysplasia of cervix (uteri)' '62210'='Dysplasia of cervix, unspecified' '62211'='Mild dysplasia of cervix' '62212'='Moderate dysplasia of cervix' '6222-'='Leukoplakia of cervix (uteri)' '6223-'='Old laceration of cervix' '6224-'='Stricture and stenosis of cervix' '6225-'='Incompetence of cervix' '6226-'='Hypertrophic elongation of cervix' '6227-'='Mucous polyp of cervix' '6228-'='Other specified noninflammatory disor...' '6229-'='Unspecified noninflammatory disorder ...' '6230-'='Dysplasia of vagina' '6231-'='Leukoplakia of vagina' '6232-'='Stricture or atresia of vagina' '6233-'='Tight hymenal ring' '6234-'='Old vaginal laceration' '6235-'='Leukorrhea, not specified as infective' '6236-'='Vaginal hematoma' '6237-'='Polyp of vagina' '6238-'='Other specified noninflammatory disor...' '6239-'='Unspecified noninflammatory disorder ...' '6240-'='Dystrophy of vulva' '62401'='Vulvar intraepithelial neoplasia I [VIN I]' '62402'='Vulvar intraepithelial neoplasia II [VIN II]' '62409'='Other dystrophy of vulva' '6241-'='Atrophy of vulva' '6242-'='Hypertrophy of clitoris' '6243-'='Hypertrophy of labia' '6244-'='Old laceration or scarring of vulva' '6245-'='Hematoma of vulva' '6246-'='Polyp of labia and vulva' '6248-'='Other specified noninflammatory disor...' '6249-'='Unspecified noninflammatory disorder ...' '6250-'='Dyspareunia' '6251-'='Vaginismus' '6252-'='Mittelschmerz' '6253-'='Dysmenorrhea' '6254-'='Premenstrual tension syndromes' '6255-'='Pelvic congestion syndrome' '6256-'='Stress incontinence, female' '62570'='Vulvodynia, unspecified' '62571'='Vulvar vestibulitis' '6258-'='Other specified symptoms associated w...' '6259-'='Unspecified symptom associated with f...' '6260-'='Absence of menstruation' '6261-'='Scanty or infrequent menstruation' '6262-'='Excessive or frequent menstruation' '6263-'='Puberty bleeding' '6264-'='Irregular menstrual cycle' '6265-'='Ovulation bleeding' '6266-'='Metrorrhagia' '6267-'='Postcoital bleeding' '6268-'='Other disorders of menstruation' '6269-'='Unspecified disorders of menstruation' '6270-'='Premenopausal menorrhagia' '6271-'='Postmenopausal bleeding' '6272-'='Menopausal or female climacteric states' '6273-'='Postmenopausal atrophic vaginitis' '6274-'='States associated with artificial men...' '6278-'='Other specified menopausal and postme...' '6279-'='Unspecified menopausal and postmenopa...' '6280-'='Female infertility associated with an...' '6281-'='Female infertility of pituitary-hypot...' '6282-'='Female infertility of tubal origin' '6283-'='Female infertility of uterine origin' '6284-'='Female infertility of cervical or vag...' '6288-'='Female infertility of other specified...' '6289-'='Female infertility of unspecified origin' '6290-'='Hematocele, female, not elsewhere cla...' '6291-'='Hydrocele, canal of Nuck' '62931'='Erosion implanted vaginal mesh and other...' '6298-'='Other specified disorders of female g...' '62981'='Habitual aborter without current pregnancy' '62989'='Other specified disorders of female geni...' '6299-'='Unspecified disorder of female genita...' '630--'='Hydatidiform mole' '631--'='Other abnormal product of conception' '632--'='Missed abortion' '6330-'='Abdominal pregnancy' '63300'='Abdominal pregnancy without intrauterine' '6331-'='Tubal pregnancy' '63310'='Tubal pregnancy w/o intrauterine preg...' '6332-'='Ovarian pregnancy' '6338-'='Other ectopic pregnancy' '6339-'='Unspecified ectopic pregnancy' '63390'='Unspec ectopic preg without intrauter...' '63391'='Unspec ectopic pregnancy w/intrauteri...' '63400'='Spon abortion complicated by genital ...' '63401'='Spon abortion complic by genital trac...' '63402'='Spon abortion complic by genital trac...' '63410'='Spon abortion complic by delayed/exce...' '63411'='Spon abortion complicated by delayed/...' '63412'='Spon abortion complicated by delayed/...' '63420'='Spon abortn complic by damage to pelv...' '63421'='Spon abortn complic by damage to pelv...' '63422'='Spon abortn complic by damage to pelv...' '6343-'='Spontaneous abortion complicated by r...' '63430'='Spontaneous abortion complicated by r...' '63432'='Spontaneous abortion complicated by r...' '63440'='Spon abortion complicated by metaboli...' '63441'='Spon abortion complicated by metaboli...' '63442'='Spon abortion complicated by metaboli...' '63450'='Spontaneous abortion complicated by s...' '63451'='Spontaneous abortion complicated by s...' '63452'='Spontaneous abortion complicated by s...' '63460'='Spontaneous abortion complicated by e...' '63461'='Spontaneous abortion complicated by e...' '63462'='Spontaneous abortion complicated by e...' '63470'='Spon abortion with other specified co...' '63471'='Spon abortion with other specified co...' '63472'='Spon abortion with other specified co...' '63480'='Spontaneous abortion with unspecified...' '63481'='Spontaneous abortion with unspecified...' '63482'='Spontaneous abortion with unspecified...' '63490'='Spontaneous abortion without mention ...' '63491'='Spontaneous abortion without mention ...' '63492'='Spontaneous abortion without mention ...' '63500'='Legal inducd abortn complic by genitl...' '63501'='Legal inducd abortn complic by genita...' '63502'='Legal inducd abortn complic by genita...' '63510'='Legal inducd abort complic by delayd/...' '63511'='Legal inducd abort complic by delayd/...' '63512'='Legal inducd abort complic by delayd/...' '63520'='Legal inducd abortn complic by damag ...' '63521'='Legal inducd abortn complic by damag ...' '63522'='Legal inducd abortn complc by damag t...' '63530'='Legally induced abortion complicated ...' '63531'='Legally induced abortion complicated ...' '63532'='Legally induced abortion complicated ...' '63540'='Legal inducd abortion complicated by ...' '63541'='Legal induced abortion complicated by...' '63542'='Legal induced abortion complicated by...' '63550'='Legally induced abortion complicated ...' '63551'='Legally induced abortion complicated ...' '63552'='Legally induced abortion complicated ...' '63560'='Legally induced abortion complicated ...' '63561'='Legally induced abortion complicated ...' '63562'='Legally induced abortion complicated ...' '63570'='Legally induced abortion with other s...' '63571'='Legally induced abortion with other s...' '63572'='Legally induced abortion with other s...' '63580'='Legally induced abortion with unspeci...' '63581'='Legally induced abortion with unspeci...' '63582'='Legally induced abortion with unspeci...' '63590'='Legally induced abortion w/out mentio...' '63591'='Legally induced abortion w/out mentio...' '63592'='Legally induced abortion w/out mentio...' '63600'='Illegal inducd abortn complic by geni...' '63601'='Illegal inducd abortn complic by geni...' '63602'='Illegal inducd abortn complic by geni...' '63610'='Illegal inducd abortn complic by dela...' '63611'='Illegal inducd abortn complic by dela...' '63612'='Illegal inducd abortn complic by dela...' '63620'='Illegal inducd abortn complic damag t...' '63621'='Illegl inducd abortn complc by damag ...' '63622'='Illegl inducd abortn complc by damag ...' '63630'='Illegally induced abortion complicate...' '63631'='Illegally induced abortion complicate...' '63632'='Illegally induced abortion complicate...' '63640'='Illegally induced abortion complic by...' '63641'='Illegally induced abortion complic by...' '63642'='Illegally induced abortion complic by...' '63650'='Illegally induced abortion complicate...' '63651'='Illegally induced abortion complicate...' '63652'='Illegally induced abortion complicate...' '63660'='Illegally induced abortion complicate...' '63661'='Illegally induced abortion complicate...' '63662'='Illegally induced abortion complicate...' '63670'='Illegally induced abortion w/oth spec...' '63671'='Illegally induced abortion w/oth spec...' '63672'='Illegally induced abortion w/oth spec...' '63680'='Illegally induced abortion with unspe...' '63681'='Illegally induced abortion with unspe...' '63682'='Illegally induced abortion with unspe...' '63690'='Illegally induced abortn w/o mention ...' '63691'='Illegally induced abortn w/o mention ...' '63692'='Illegally induced abortn w/o mention ...' '63700'='Unspec abortion complic by genital tr...' '63701'='Unspec abortion complic by genital tr...' '63702'='Unspec abortion complic by genital tr...' '63710'='Unspec abortion complic by delayd/exc...' '63711'='Unspec abortion complic by delayd/exc...' '63712'='Unspec abortion complic by delayd/exc...' '63720'='Unspec abortion complic by damag to p...' '63721'='Unspec abortion complic by damag to p...' '63722'='Unspec abortion complic by damag to p...' '63730'='Unspecified abortion complicated by r...' '63731'='Unspecified abortion complicated by r...' '63732'='Unspecified abortion complicated by r...' '63740'='Unspecified abortion complicated by m...' '63741'='Unspec abortion complicated by metabo...' '63742'='Unspec abortion complicated by metabo...' '63750'='Unspecified abortion complicated by s...' '63751'='Unspecified abortion complicated by s...' '63752'='Unspecified abortion complicated by s...' '63760'='Unspecified abortion complicated by e...' '63761'='Unspecified abortion complicated by e...' '63762'='Unspecified abortion complicated by e...' '63770'='Unspecified abortion w/other specifie...' '63771'='Unspecified abortion w/oth specified ...' '63772'='Unspecified abortion w/other specifie...' '63780'='Unspecified abortion with unspec comp...' '63781'='Unspecified abortion with unspec comp...' '63782'='Unspecified abortion with unspec comp...' '63790'='Unspecified abortion without mention ...' '63791'='Unspecified abortion w/o mention of c...' '63792'='Unspecified abortion without mention ...' '6380-'='Failed attemptd abortn complic by gen...' '6381-'='Failed attemptd abortn complic by del...' '6382-'='Failed attemptd abortn complic by dam...' '6383-'='Failed attempted abortion complicated...' '6384-'='Failed attempted abortion complicated...' '6385-'='Failed attempted abortion complicated...' '6386-'='Failed attempted abortion complicated...' '6387-'='Failed attempted abortion with other ...' '6388-'='Failed attempted abortion with unspec...' '6389-'='Failed attempted abortion without men...' '6390-'='Genitl tract/pelvic infectn followg a...' '6391-'='Delayd/excessive hemorrhage followg a...' '6392-'='Damag to pelvic organ/tissue followg ...' '6393-'='Renal failure following abortion/ecto...' '6394-'='Metabolic disorders followg abortion/...' '6395-'='Shock following abortion and ectopic ...' '6396-'='Embolism following abortion and ectop...' '6398-'='Oth spec complic followg abortion/ect...' '6399-'='Unspec complic followg abortion/ectop...' '64000'='Hemorr from threatend abortn unspec a...' '64001'='Hemorr from threatend abortn del, w o...' '64003'='Hemorr from threatend abortn antepart...' '64080'='Oth spec hemorrhage in early preg uns...' '64081'='Oth spec hemorrhage in early preg del...' '64083'='Oth spec hemorrhage in early preg ant...' '64090'='Unspec hemorrhage in early preg unspe...' '64091'='Unspec hemorrhage in early preg del, ...' '64093'='Unspec hemorrhage in early pregnancy ...' '64100'='Placenta previa w/o hemorrhage unspec...' '64101'='Placenta previa w/o hemorrhage del, w...' '64103'='Placenta previa w/o hemorrhage antepa...' '64110'='Hemorrhage from placenta previa unspe...' '64111'='Hemorrhage from placenta previa del, ...' '64113'='Hemorrhage from placenta previa antep...' '64120'='Premature separation of placenta unsp...' '64121'='Premature separation of placenta del,...' '64123'='Premature separation of placenta ante...' '64130'='Antepart hemor asso w/coag defcts uns...' '64131'='Antepart hemor asso w/coag defcts del...' '64133'='Antepart hemor asso w/coag defcts ant...' '64180'='Other antepartum hemorrhage unspec as...' '64181'='Other antepartum hemorrhage delvered,...' '64183'='Other antepartum hemorrhage antepartu...' '64190'='Unspec antepartum hemorrhage unspec a...' '64191'='Unspec antepartum hemorrhage del, wit...' '64193'='Unspec antepartum hemorrhage antepart...' '64200'='Ben es hyprten complic preg/brth/puer...' '64201'='Ben es hyprten complic preg/brth/puer...' '64202'='Ben es hyprten complic preg/brth/puer...' '64203'='Ben es hyprten complic preg/brth/puer...' '64204'='Ben es hyprten complic preg/brth/puer...' '64210'='Hyperten secd to ren dis complc preg/...' '64211'='Hyprten sec ren dis comp preg/brth/pu...' '64212'='Hyprtn sec to ren dis complc preg/brt...' '64213'='Hyprtn sec to ren dis complc preg/brt...' '64214'='Hyprtn sec to ren dis complc preg/brt...' '64220'='Oth pre-ex hyprtn complic preg/brth/p...' '64221'='Oth pre-ex hyprtn compl preg/brth/pue...' '64222'='Oth pre-ex hyprtn compl preg/brth/pue...' '64223'='Oth pre-ex hyprtn compl preg/brth/pue...' '64224'='Oth pre-ex hyprtn compl preg/brth/pue...' '64230'='Transient hypertension of preg unspec...' '64231'='Transient hypertension of preg del wi...' '64232'='Transient hypertension of preg del w/...' '64233'='Transient hypertension of preg w/ante...' '64234'='Transient hypertension of preg w/post...' '64240'='Mild or unspec pre-eclampsia unspec a...' '64241'='Mild or unspec pre-eclampsia del with...' '64242'='Mild or unspec pre-eclampsia delivere...' '64243'='Mild or unspec pre-eclampsia w/antepa...' '64244'='Mild or unspec pre-eclampsia w/postpa...' '64250'='Severe pre-eclampsia unspecified as t...' '64251'='Severe pre-eclampsia delivered, with ...' '64252'='Severe pre-eclampsia delivered, w/men...' '64253'='Severe pre-eclampsia, antepartum cond...' '64254'='Severe pre-eclampsia, postpartum cond...' '64260'='Eclampsia unspec as to episod or not ...' '64261'='Eclampsia delivered, with or w/o ante...' '64262'='Eclampsia delivered, with mention of ...' '64263'='Eclampsia, antepartum condition or co...' '64264'='Eclampsia, postpartum condition or co...' '64270'='Pre-eclamp/eclamp w/pre-exist hyperte...' '64271'='Pre-eclamp/eclamp w/pre-ex hypertn de...' '64272'='Pre-eclam/eclamp w/pre-exist hyprtn d...' '64273'='Pre-eclam/eclamp w/pre-exist hyprtn a...' '64274'='Pre-eclam/eclamp w/pre-exist hyprtn p...' '64290'='Unspec hyperten complic preg/brth/pue...' '64291'='Unspec hyprtn compli preg/brth/puer d...' '64292'='Unspec hyprtn complic preg/brth/puer ...' '64293'='Unspec hyprtn complic preg/brth/puer ...' '64294'='Unspec hyprtn complic preg/brth/puer ...' '64300'='Mild hyperemesis gravidarum unspec as...' '64301'='Mild hyperemesis gravidarum del with ...' '64303'='Mild hyperemesis gravidarum antepartu...' '64310'='Hyperemesis gravidarum w/metabol dist...' '64311'='Hyperemesis gravidarum w/metabl distr...' '64313'='Hyperemesis gravidarum w/metabol dist...' '64320'='Late vomiting of pregnancy unspec as ...' '64321'='Late vomiting of pregnancy del with o...' '64323'='Late vomiting of pregnancy antepartum...' '64380'='Oth vomiting complicating preg unspec...' '64381'='Oth vomiting complica preg del with o...' '64383'='Oth vomiting complicating preg antepa...' '64390'='Unspecified vomiting of preg unspec a...' '64391'='Unspec vomiting of preg, del with or ...' '64393'='Unspec vomiting of preg, antepartum c...' '64400'='Early or threatened labor unspec as t...' '64403'='Early or threatened labor w/antepartu...' '64410'='Other threatened labor unspec as to e...' '64413'='Other threatened labor w/antepartum c...' '64420'='Early onset of delivery unspec as to ...' '64421'='Early onset of delivery del with or w...' '64500'='Early onset of delivery, unspec as to...' '64501'='Early onset of delivery, del with or ...' '64503'='Early onset of delivery, antepartum c...' '64510'='Post term pregnancy, unspc as to episode' '64513'='Post term pregnancy, antepartum condi...' '64521'='Prolonged pregnancy,del w or w/o ant con' '64523'='Prolonged pregnancy, antepartum condition' '64600'='Papyraceous fetus unspec as to episod...' '64601'='Papyraceous fetus delivered, with or ...' '64603'='Papyraceous fetus antepartum conditio...' '64610'='Edema/exces wgt gain in preg w/o hypr...' '64611'='Edema/excs wgt gain in preg w/o hyprt...' '64612'='Edema/excs wgt gain in preg w/o hyprt...' '64613'='Edema/exces wght gain in preg w/o hyp...' '64614'='Edema/exces wght gain in preg w/o hyp...' '64620'='Unspec renal dis in preg w/o hyperten...' '64621'='Unspec renal dis in preg w/o hyprtn d...' '64622'='Unspec renal dis in preg w/o hyperten...' '64623'='Unspec renal disease in preg w/o hype...' '64624'='Unspec renal disease in preg w/o hype...' '64630'='Habitual aborter unspec as to episod ...' '64631'='Habitual aborter delivered, with or w...' '64633'='Habitual aborter antepartum condition...' '64640'='Peripheral neuritis in pregnancy unsp...' '64641'='Peripheral neuritis in preg del with ...' '64642'='Peripheral neuritis in preg del w/men...' '64643'='Peripheral neuritis in preg antepartu...' '64644'='Peripheral neuritis in preg postpartu...' '64650'='Asymptomatic bacteriuria in preg unsp...' '64651'='Asymptomatic bacteriuria in preg del ...' '64652'='Asymptomatic bacteriuria in preg del ...' '64653'='Asymptomatic bacteriuria in preg ante...' '64654'='Asymptomatic bacteriuria in preg post...' '64660'='Infection of genitourinary tract in p...' '64661'='Infec of genitourinary tract in preg ...' '64662'='Infec of genitourinary tract in preg ...' '64663'='Infection of genitourinary tract in p...' '64664'='Infection of genitourinary tract in p...' '64670'='Liver disorders in pregnancy unspec a...' '64671'='Liver disorders in pregnancy del with...' '64673'='Liver disorders in pregnancy antepart...' '64680'='Other spec complicatns of preg, unspe...' '64681'='Oth spec complicatns of preg, del wit...' '64682'='Oth spec complicatns of preg, del w/m...' '64683'='Other spec complicatns of preg, antep...' '64684'='Other spec complicatns of preg, postp...' '64690'='Unspec complic of pregnancy unspec as...' '64691'='Unspec complic of preg del, with or w...' '64693'='Unspec complic of pregnancy antepartu...' '64700'='Syphilis, unspecified as to episode o...' '64701'='Syphilis, delivered, with or w/o ante...' '64702'='Syphilis, delivered, with mention of ...' '64703'='Syphilis, antepartum condition or com...' '64704'='Syphilis, postpartum condition or com...' '64710'='Gonorrhea unspecified as to episode o...' '64711'='Gonorrhea delivered, with or w/o ante...' '64712'='Gonorrhea delivered, with mention of ...' '64713'='Gonorrhea delivered, antepartum condi...' '64714'='Gonorrhea delivered, postpartum condi...' '64720'='Oth venereal diseases, unspec as to e...' '64721'='Oth venereal diseases, del with or w/...' '64722'='Oth venereal diseases, del w/mention ...' '64723'='Other venereal diseases, antepartum c...' '64724'='Other venereal diseases, postpartum c...' '64730'='Tuberculosis, unspec as to episode of...' '64731'='Tuberculosis, delivered with or w/o m...' '64732'='Tuberculosis, delivered with mention ...' '64733'='Tuberculosis, antepartum condition or...' '64734'='Tuberculosis, postpartum condition or...' '64740'='Malaria, unspec as to episode of care...' '64741'='Malaria, delivered, with or w/o menti...' '64742'='Malaria, delivered, with mention of p...' '64743'='Malaria, antepartum condition or comp...' '64744'='Malaria, postpartum condition or comp...' '64750'='Rubella, unspec as to episode of care...' '64751'='Rubella, delivered, with or w/o menti...' '64752'='Rubella, delivered, with mention of p...' '64753'='Rubella, antepartum condition or comp...' '64754'='Rubella, postpartum condition or comp...' '64760'='Oth viral diseases, unspec as to epis...' '64761'='Oth viral diseases, del with or w/o m...' '64762'='Oth viral diseases, delivered, w/men ...' '64763'='Other viral diseases, antepartum cond...' '64764'='Other viral diseases, postpartum cond...' '64780'='Oth spec infec/parasit dis, unspec as...' '64781'='Oth spec infec/parasit dis, del with ...' '64782'='Oth spec infec/parasit dis, del w/men...' '64783'='Oth spec infec/parasit dis, antepartu...' '64784'='Oth spec infec/parasit dis, postpartu...' '64790'='Unspec infec/infest, unspec as to epi...' '64791'='Unspec infec/infest, del with or w/o ...' '64792'='Unspec infec/infest, del w/mention of...' '64793'='Unspec infection/infest, antepartum c...' '64794'='Unspec infection/infest, postpartum c...' '64800'='Diabetes mellitus, unspec as to episo...' '64801'='Diabetes mellitus, del with or w/o me...' '64802'='Diabetes mellitus, del w/postpartum c...' '64803'='Diabetes mellitus, antepartum conditi...' '64804'='Diabetes mellitus, postpartum conditi...' '64810'='Thyroid dysfunction, unspec as to epi...' '64811'='Thyroid dysfunction, del with or w/o ...' '64812'='Thyroid dysfunction, del with postpar...' '64813'='Thyroid dysfunction, antepartum condi...' '64814'='Thyroid dysfunction, postpartum condi...' '64820'='Anemia, unspec as to episode of care ...' '64821'='Anemia, delivered, with or w/o mentio...' '64822'='Anemia, delivered, with mention of po...' '64823'='Anemia, antepartum condition or compl...' '64824'='Anemia, postpartum condition or compl...' '64830'='Drug dependence, unspec as to episode...' '64831'='Drug dependence, del with or w/o ante...' '64832'='Drug dependence, del with mention of ...' '64833'='Drug dependence, antepartum condition...' '64834'='Drug dependence, postpartum condition...' '64840'='Mental disorders, unspec as to episod...' '64841'='Mental disorders, delivered with or w...' '64842'='Mental disorders, delivered w/mentn o...' '64843'='Mental disorders, antepartum conditio...' '64844'='Mental disorders, postpartum conditio...' '64850'='Congenital cardiovascular disorders, ...' '64851'='Congenital cardiovasc disorders, del ...' '64852'='Congenital cardiovascular disorders, ...' '64853'='Congenital cardiovascular disorder, a...' '64854'='Congenital cardiovascular disorder, p...' '64860'='Oth cardiovas dis, unspec as to episo...' '64861'='Oth cardiovas dis, delivered, with or...' '64862'='Oth cardiovas dis, delivered, w/mentn...' '64863'='Oth cardiovas diseases, antepartum co...' '64864'='Oth cardiovas diseases, postpartum co...' '64870'='Bone/joint disord back/pelvis/lower l...' '64871'='Bone/joint disor back/pelvs/lowr limb...' '64872'='Bone/joint disord back/pelvis/lower l...' '64873'='Bone/joint disord back/pelvis/lower l...' '64874'='Bone/joint disord back/pelvis/lower l...' '64880'='Abnormal glucose tolerance, unspec as...' '64881'='Abnormal glucose tolerance, del with ...' '64882'='Abnormal glucose tolerance, del with ...' '64883'='Abnormal glucose tolerance, antepartu...' '64884'='Abnormal glucose tolerance, postpartu...' '64890'='Oth current conds class elsewhr, unsp...' '64891'='Oth current conds class elsewhr, del ...' '64892'='Oth current conds class elsewhr, deli...' '64893'='Oth current conds class elsewhr, ante...' '64894'='Oth current conds class elsewhr, post...' '64903'='Smoking complicating pregnancy, childbir...' '64910'='Obesity complicating pregnancy, childbirth, puer...' '64913'='Obesity complicating pregnancy, childbir...' '64923'='Bariatric surgery status complic preg....' '64933'='Coagulation defects complicating pregnan..' '64934'='Coagulation defects compl pregnan postpa...' '64940'='Epilepsy complicating pregnancy, childbirth' '64943'='Epilepsy complicating pregnancy, childbir..' '64953'='Spotting complicating pregnancy, childbir..' '64963'='Uterine size date discrepancy, antepartum condit...' '64981'='Onset (spontaneous) labor after 37 completed...' '650--'='Delivery in a completely normal case' '65100'='Twin pregnancy, unspec as to episode ...' '65101'='Twin pregnancy, delivered with or w/o...' '65103'='Twin pregnancy, antepartum condition ...' '65110'='Triplet pregnancy, unspec as to episo...' '65111'='Triplet pregnancy, del with or w/o me...' '65113'='Triplet pregnancy, antepartum conditi...' '65120'='Quadruplet pregnancy, unspec as to ep...' '65121'='Quadruplet pregnancy, del with or w/o...' '65123'='Quadruplet pregnancy, antepartum cond...' '65130'='Twin preg w/fetal loss/retention of o...' '65131'='Twin preg w/fetal loss/reten one fetu...' '65133'='Twin preg w/fetal loss/reten one fetu...' '65140'='Triplet preg w/fetal loss/reten of on...' '65141'='Trip preg w/fetl los/ret one/mor fetu...' '65143'='Triplet preg w/fetal loss/reten one/m...' '65150'='Quadruplet preg w/fetl loss/reten of ...' '65151'='Quadru preg w/fetl loss/reten one/mor...' '65153'='Quadrup preg w/fetl loss/reten of one...' '65160'='Oth mult preg w/fetal loss/reten one/...' '65161'='Oth mult preg w/fetl loss/reten one/m...' '65163'='Oth mult preg w/fetal loss/reten one/...' '65180'='Other specified multiple gestation, u...' '65181'='Other specif multiple gestation, del ...' '65183'='Other specif mult gestation, antepart...' '65190'='Unspec multiple gestation, unspec as ...' '65191'='Unspec multiple gestation, del with o...' '65193'='Unspec multiple gestation, antepartum...' '65200'='Unstable lie, unspec as to episode of...' '65201'='Unstable lie, delivered with or w/o m...' '65203'='Unstable lie, antepartum condition or...' '65210'='Breech/oth malpres success conv ceph ...' '65211'='Breech/oth malpres suc conv ceph pres...' '65213'='Breech/oth malpres success conv ceph ...' '65220'='Breech presen w/o men of vers, unspec...' '65221'='Breech presen w/o men of vers, del wi...' '65223'='Breech presen w/o men of vers, antepa...' '65230'='Transverse or oblique presentation, u...' '65231'='Transverse or oblique presentation, d...' '65233'='Transverse or oblique presentation, a...' '65240'='Face or brow presentation, unspec as ...' '65241'='Face or brow presentation, del with o...' '65243'='Face or brow presentation, antepartum...' '65250'='High head at term, unspec as to episo...' '65251'='High head at term, delivered, with or...' '65253'='High head at term, antepartum conditi...' '65260'='Mult gestation w/malpresent of one/mo...' '65261'='Mult gestatn w/malpres of one/mor fet...' '65263'='Mult gestation w/malpresen of one/mor...' '65270'='Prolapsed arm, unspec as to episod/no...' '65271'='Prolapsed arm, delivered, with or w/o...' '65273'='Prolapsed arm, antepartum condition o...' '65280'='Oth spec malpositn/malpresen, unspec ...' '65281'='Oth spec malpositn/malpresen, del wit...' '65283'='Oth spec malpositn/malpresen, antepar...' '65290'='Unspec malpositn/malpresen, unspec as...' '65291'='Unspec malpositn/malpresen, del with ...' '65293'='Unspec malpositn/malpresen, antepartu...' '65300'='Major abnor of bony pelvis, not furth...' '65301'='Maj abnor of bony pelv, not furth spe...' '65303'='Major abnor of bony pelvis, not furth...' '65310'='Generally contracted pelvis, unspec a...' '65311'='Generally contracted pelvis, del with...' '65313'='Generally contracted pelvis, antepart...' '65320'='Inlet contraction of pelvis, unspec a...' '65321'='Inlet contraction of pelvis, del with...' '65323'='Inlet contraction of pelvis, antepart...' '65330'='Outlet contraction of pelvis, unspec ...' '65331'='Outlet contraction of pelvis, del wit...' '65333'='Outlet contraction of pelvis, antepar...' '65340'='Fetopelvic disproportion, unspec as t...' '65341'='Fetopelvic disproportion, delivered, ...' '65343'='Fetopelvic disproportion, antepartum ...' '65350'='Unusually large fetus caus disproport...' '65351'='Unusually lg fetus caus disproportn, ...' '65353'='Unusually lg fetus caus disproportion...' '65360'='Hydrocephal fetus caus disproportn, u...' '65361'='Hydrocephal fetus caus disproportn, d...' '65363'='Hydrocephal fetus caus disproportn, a...' '65370'='Oth fetl abnor caus disproportn, unsp...' '65371'='Oth fetl abnor caus disproportn, del ...' '65373'='Oth fetl abnor caus disproportn, ante...' '65380'='Disproportion of other origin, unspec...' '65381'='Disproportion of other origin, del w ...' '65383'='Disproportion of other origin, antepa...' '65390'='Unspecified disproportion, unspec as ...' '65391'='Unspecified disproportion, del with o...' '65393'='Unspecified disproportion, antepartum...' '65400'='Congenital abnormalities of uterus, u...' '65401'='Congenital abnormalities of uterus, d...' '65402'='Congenital abnorm of uterus, del w me...' '65403'='Congenital abnorm of uterus, antepart...' '65404'='Congenital abnorm of uterus, postpart...' '65410'='Tumors of body of uterus, unspec as t...' '65411'='Tumors of body of uterus, del with or...' '65412'='Tumors of body of uterus, del w/men o...' '65413'='Tumors of body of uterus, antepartum ...' '65414'='Tumors of body of uterus, postpartum ...' '65420'='Previous cesarean delivery, unspec as...' '65421'='Previous cesarean delivery, del w or ...' '65423'='Previous cesarean delivery, anteprtum...' '65430'='Retrovertd/incarceratd gravid uterus,...' '65431'='Retrovertd/incarceratd gravid uterus,...' '65432'='Retrovertd/incarceratd gravid uterus,...' '65433'='Retrovertd/incarceratd gravid uterus,...' '65434'='Retrovertd/incarceratd gravid uterus,...' '65440'='Oth abnor shape/pos gravd uterus/neig...' '65441'='Oth ab shap/pos gravd uterus/nghbor s...' '65442'='Oth abnor shap/pos gravd uterus/nghbo...' '65443'='Oth abnor shap/pos gravd uterus/nghbo...' '65444'='Oth abnor shap/pos gravd uterus/nghbo...' '65450'='Cervical incompetence, unspec as to e...' '65451'='Cervical incompetence, del with or w/...' '65452'='Cervical incompetence, del with menti...' '65453'='Cervical incompetence, antepartum con...' '65454'='Cervical incompetence, postpartum con...' '65460'='Oth congenital/acquired abnorm of cer...' '65461'='Oth congenital/acquired abnorm of cer...' '65462'='Oth congenital/acquired abnorm of cer...' '65463'='Oth congenital/acquired abnorm of cer...' '65464'='Oth congenital/acquired abnorm of cer...' '65470'='Congen/acquird abnorm of vagina, unsp...' '65471'='Congen/acquird abnorm of vagina, del ...' '65472'='Congen/acquird abnorm of vagina, del ...' '65473'='Congen/acquird abnorm of vagina, ante...' '65474'='Congen/acquird abnorm of vagina, post...' '65480'='Congen/acquird abnorm of vulva, unspe...' '65481'='Congen/acquird abnorm of vulva, deliv...' '65482'='Congen/acquird abnorm of vulva, deliv...' '65483'='Congen/acquird abnorm of vulva, antep...' '65484'='Congen/acquird abnorm of vulva, postp...' '65490'='Other and unspec abnor organ/soft tis...' '65491'='Other and unsp abnor organ/soft tissu...' '65492'='Oth/unsp abnor of organ/soft tissu of...' '65493'='Oth/unsp abnor of organ/soft tissu of...' '65494'='Oth/unsp abnor of organ/soft tissu of...' '65500'='CNS malformation in fetus unspec as t...' '65501'='CNS malformation in fetus del with or...' '65503'='CNS malformation in fetus antepartum ...' '65510'='Chromosomal abnor in fetus unspec as ...' '65511'='Chromosomal abnor in fetus del with o...' '65513'='Chromosomal abnor in fetus antepartum...' '65520'='Hereditary dis in family possibly aff...' '65521'='Hereditary dis in family poss affec f...' '65523'='Hereditary dis in family poss affect ...' '65530'='Suspect damag to fetus from viral dis...' '65531'='Suspect damag to fetus from viral dis...' '65533'='Suspect damag to fetus from viral dis...' '65540'='Suspec damag to fetus from oth dis in...' '65541'='Suspec dmag to fetus fro oth dis moth...' '65543'='Suspec damag to fetus fro oth dis in ...' '65550'='Suspected damage to fetus from drugs,...' '65551'='Suspected damage to fetus from drugs,...' '65553'='Suspected damage to fetus from drugs,...' '65560'='Suspec damag to fetus fro radiatn, un...' '65561'='Suspec damag to fetus fro radiatn, de...' '65563'='Suspec damag to fetus fro radiatn, an...' '65570'='Decreased fetal movements, unspec as ...' '65573'='Decreased fetal movements, antepartum...' '65580'='Other known or suspec fetal abnorm, u...' '65581'='Other known or suspec fetal abnorm, d...' '65583'='Other known or suspected fetal abnorm...' '65590'='Unspecified fetal abnormality, unspec...' '65591'='Unspecified fetal abnormality, del w ...' '65593'='Unspecified fetal abnormality, antepa...' '65600'='Fetal-maternal hemorrhage, unspec as ...' '65601'='Fetal-maternal hemorrhage, deliver w ...' '65603'='Fetal-maternal hemorrhage, antepartum...' '65610'='Rhesus isoimmunization, unspec as to ...' '65611'='Rhesus isoimmunization, deliverd w or...' '65613'='Rhesus isoimmunization, antepartum co...' '65620'='Isoimmuniza fro oth/unspec blood-grou...' '65621'='Isoimmuniza fro oth/unsp blood-group ...' '65623'='Isoimmuniza fro oth/unsp blood-group ...' '65630'='Fetal distress, unspec as to episode ...' '65631'='Fetal distress, delivered, with or w/...' '65633'='Fetal distress, antepartum condition ...' '65640'='Intrauterine death, unspec as to epis...' '65641'='Intrauterine death, delivered with or...' '65643'='Intrauterine death, antepartum condit...' '65650'='Poor fetal growth, unspec as to episo...' '65651'='Poor fetal growth, delivered with or ...' '65653'='Poor fetal growth, antepartum conditi...' '65660'='Excessive fetal growth, unspec as to ...' '65661'='Excessive fetal growth, delivered, w ...' '65663'='Excessive fetal growth, antepartum co...' '65670'='Other placental conditions, unspec as...' '65671'='Other placental conditions, del w or ...' '65673'='Other placental conditions, antepartu...' '65680'='Oth spec fetal and placental problems...' '65681'='Oth spec fetal and placental problems...' '65683'='Oth spec fetal and placental problems...' '65690'='Unspec fetal and placental problem, u...' '65691'='Unspec fetal and placental problem, d...' '65693'='Unspec fetal and placental problem, a...' '65700'='Polyhydramnios, unspec as to episode ...' '65701'='Polyhydramnios, delivered, with or w/...' '65703'='Polyhydramnios, antepartum condition ...' '65800'='Oligohydramnios, unspec as to episode...' '65801'='Oligohydramnios, delivered, with or w...' '65803'='Oligohydramnios, antepartum condition...' '65810'='Premature rupture of membranes, unspe...' '65811'='Premature rupture of membranes, deliv...' '65813'='Premature rupture of membranes, antep...' '65820'='Delayd del aft spont/unspec rupt of m...' '65821'='Delayd del aft spont/unsp rupt of mem...' '65823'='Delayd del aft spont/unspec rupt of m...' '65830'='Delayd del aft artificial rupture of ...' '65831'='Delayd del aft artific ruptur of memb...' '65833'='Delayd del aft artificial rupture of ...' '65840'='Infectn of amniotic cavity, unspec as...' '65841'='Infectn of amniotic cavity, del w or ...' '65843'='Infectn of amniotic cavity, antepartu...' '65880'='Oth probs asso w/amniotic cavity/mem ...' '65881'='Oth probs asso w/amniotic cavity/mem ...' '65883'='Oth probs asso w/amniotic cavity/mem ...' '65890'='Unspec prob asso w/amniotic cavity/me...' '65891'='Unspec prob asso w/amniotic cavity/me...' '65893'='Unspec prob asso w/amniotic cavity/me...' '65900'='Failed mech inductn unspec as to epis...' '65901'='Failed mechanical induction, delivere...' '65903'='Failed mechanical induction, antepart...' '65910'='Failed medical or unspec induction, u...' '65911'='Failed medical or unspec inductn, del...' '65913'='Failed medical or unspec inductn, ant...' '65920'='Maternal pyrexia during labor, unspec...' '65921'='Maternal pyrexia during labor, del w ...' '65923'='Maternal pyrexia during labor, unspec...' '65930'='Generalized infection during labor, u...' '65931'='Generalized infection during labor, d...' '65933'='Generalized infection during labor, a...' '65940'='Grand multiparity, unspec as to episo...' '65941'='Grand multiparity, delivered, with or...' '65943'='Grand multiparity, antepartum conditi...' '65950'='Elderly primigravida, unspec as to ep...' '65951'='Elderly primigravida, delivered, with...' '65953'='Elderly primigravida, antepartum cond...' '65960'='Other advanced maternal age, unspec a...' '65961'='Other advanced maternal age, delivere...' '65963'='Other advanced maternal age, antepart...' '65971'='Abnorm in fetal heart rate or rhyth, del' '65973'='Abnorm in fetal heart rate or rhyth, ant' '65980'='Oth spec indica for care/interven rel...' '65981'='Oth spec indica care/interv rel to la...' '65983'='Oth spec indica for care/interv rel t...' '65990'='Unspec indica for care/interven rel t...' '65991'='Unspec indica for care/interv rel to ...' '65993'='Unsp indica for care/interven related...' '66000'='Obstruc caus by malpos of fetus at on...' '66001'='Obstrc caus malpos of fetus onset of ...' '66003'='Obstruc caus by malpos of fetus onset...' '66010'='Obstruc by bony pelvis, unspec as to ...' '66011'='Obstruc by bony pelvis, del with or w...' '66013'='Obstruc by bony pelvis, antepartum co...' '66020'='Obstruc by abnormal pelvic soft tissu...' '66021'='Obstruc by abnor pelvic sft tiss, del...' '66023'='Obstruc by abnor pelvic sft tiss, ant...' '66030'='Deep transv arrest/pers occposter pos...' '66031'='Deep transv arrest/pers occposter pos...' '66033'='Deep transv arrest/pers occposter pos...' '66040'='Shoulder (girdle) dystocia, unspec ep...' '66041'='Shoulder (girdle) dystocia, del with ...' '66043'='Shoulder (girdle) dystocia, antepartu...' '66050'='Locked twins, unspec as to episode of...' '66051'='Locked twins, delivered with or w/o a...' '66053'='Locked twins, antepartum condition or...' '66060'='Failed trial of labor, unspec as to e...' '66061'='Failed trial of labor, unspec del w o...' '66063'='Failed trial of labor, unspec antepar...' '66070'='Failed forceps or vacuum extractor, u...' '66071'='Failed forceps or vacuum extractor, u...' '66073'='Failed forceps or vacuum extractor, u...' '66080'='Other causes of obstructed labor, uns...' '66081'='Other causes of obstructed labor, del...' '66083'='Other causes of obstructed labor, ant...' '66090'='Unspecified obstructed labor, unspec ...' '66091'='Unspecified obstructed labor, del w o...' '66093'='Unspecified obstructed labor, antepar...' '66100'='Primary uterine inertia, unspec episo...' '66101'='Primary uterine inertia, del with or ...' '66103'='Primary uterine inertia, antepartum c...' '66110'='Secondary uterine inertia, unspec epi...' '66111'='Secondary uterine inertia, del w or w...' '66113'='Secondary uterine inertia, antepartum...' '66120'='Oth and unspec uterine inertia, unspe...' '66121'='Oth and unspec uterine inertia, del w...' '66123'='Oth and unspec uterine inertia, antep...' '66130'='Precipitate labor, unspec as to episo...' '66131'='Precipitate labor, delivered, with or...' '66133'='Precipitate labor, antepartum conditi...' '66140'='Hypertonic/incoordinate/prolonged ute...' '66141'='Hyperton/incoord/prolong uter contrac...' '66143'='Hyperton/incoord/prolong uter contrac...' '66190'='Unspec abnorm of labor unspec as to e...' '66191'='Unspec abnorm of labor delivered, wit...' '66193'='Unspec abnorm of labor antepartum con...' '66200'='Prolonged labor first stage unspec as...' '66201'='Prolonged labor first stage del w or ...' '66203'='Prolonged labor first stage antepartu...' '66210'='Prolonged labor, unspec as to episode...' '66211'='Prolonged labor, unspec delivered w o...' '66213'='Prolonged labor, unspec antepartum co...' '66220'='Prolonged second stage labor unspecif...' '66221'='Prolonged second stage labor del w or...' '66223'='Prolonged second stage labor antepart...' '66230'='Delayed del of sec twin, triplet, etc...' '66231'='Delayed del of sec twin, triplet, etc...' '66233'='Delayed del of sec twin, triplet, etc...' '66300'='Prolapse of cord, unspec as to episod...' '66301'='Prolapse of cord, delivered, with or ...' '66303'='Prolapse of cord, antepartum conditio...' '66310'='Cord around neck, w/compres unspec ep...' '66311'='Cord around neck, w/compres del w or ...' '66313'='Cord around neck, w/compres antepartu...' '66320'='Oth/unspec cord entangle, w/compres u...' '66321'='Oth/unspec cord entangle, w/compres d...' '66323'='Oth/unspec cord entanglement, w/compr...' '66330'='Oth/unspec cord entangle, w/o compres...' '66331'='Oth/unspec cord entangle, w/o compres...' '66333'='Oth/unspec cord entangle, w/o compres...' '66340'='Short cord, unspecified as to episode...' '66341'='Short cord, delivered with or w/o ant...' '66343'='Short cord, antepartum condition or c...' '66350'='Vasa previa, unspecified as to episod...' '66351'='Vasa previa, delivered with or w/o an...' '66353'='Vasa previa, antepartum condition or ...' '66360'='Vascular lesions of cord, unspec as t...' '66361'='Vascular lesions of cord, del w or w/...' '66363'='Vascular lesions of cord, antepartum ...' '66380'='Oth umbil cord complica, unspec episo...' '66381'='Oth umbil cord complica, del w or w/o...' '66383'='Oth umbil cord complica, antepartum c...' '66390'='Unspec umbilical cord complication, u...' '66391'='Unspec umbilical cord complication, d...' '66393'='Unspec umbilical cord complication, a...' '66400'='First-degree perineal laceration, uns...' '66401'='First-degree perineal laceration, del...' '66404'='First-degree perineal laceration, pos...' '66410'='Second-degree perineal laceration, un...' '66411'='Second-degree perineal laceration, de...' '66414'='Second-degree perineal laceration, po...' '66420'='Third-degree perineal laceration, uns...' '66421'='Third-degree perineal laceration, del...' '66424'='Third-degree perineal laceration, pos...' '66430'='Fourth-degree perineal laceration, un...' '66431'='Fourth-degree perineal laceration, de...' '66434'='Fourth-degree perineal laceration, po...' '66440'='Unspec perineal laceration, unspec ep...' '66441'='Unspec perineal laceration, del w or ...' '66444'='Unspec perineal laceration, postpartu...' '66450'='Vulval and perineal hematoma, unspec ...' '66451'='Vulval and perineal hematoma, deliver...' '66454'='Vulval and perineal hematoma, postpar...' '66480'='Other specified trauma to perineum an...' '66481'='Oth spec trauma to perineum/vulva, de...' '66484'='Oth spec trauma to perineum/vulva, po...' '66490'='Unspec trauma to perineum/vulva, unsp...' '66491'='Unspec trauma to perineum/vulva, del ...' '66494'='Unspec trauma to perineum/vulva, post...' '66500'='Rupt of uterus bef onset of labor, un...' '66501'='Rupt of uterus bef onset of labor, de...' '66503'='Rupt of uterus bef onset of labor, an...' '66510'='Rupt of uterus dur labor, unspec as t...' '66511'='Rupt of uterus dur labor, del w or w/...' '66520'='Inversion of uterus, unspecified as t...' '66522'='Inversion of uterus, delivered, with ...' '66524'='Inversion of uterus, postpartum condi...' '66530'='Laceration of cervix, unspec as to ep...' '66531'='Laceration of cervix, del w or w/o an...' '66534'='Laceration of cervix, postpartum cond...' '66540'='High vaginal laceration, unspec episo...' '66541'='High vaginal laceration, del with or ...' '66544'='High vaginal laceration, postpartum c...' '66550'='Oth injury to pelvic organs, unspec e...' '66551'='Oth injury to pelvic organs, del w or...' '66554'='Oth injury to pelvic organs, postpart...' '66560'='Damage to pelvic joints/ligaments, un...' '66561'='Damage to pelvic joints/ligaments, de...' '66564'='Damage to pelvic joints/ligaments, po...' '66570'='Pelvic hematoma unspecified as to epi...' '66571'='Pelvic hematoma delivered, with or w/...' '66572'='Pelvic hematoma delivered, with postp...' '66574'='Pelvic hematoma delivered, postpartum...' '66580'='Oth spec obstet trauma, unspec as to ...' '66581'='Oth spec obstet trauma, del with or w...' '66582'='Oth spec obstet trauma, del w/postpar...' '66583'='Oth spec obstet trauma, antepartum co...' '66584'='Oth spec obstet trauma, postpartum co...' '66590'='Unspec obstet trauma unspec as to epi...' '66591'='Unspec obstet trauma delivered with o...' '66592'='Unspec obstet trauma delivered with p...' '66593'='Unspecified obstetrical trauma antepa...' '66594'='Unspecified obstetrical trauma postpa...' '66600'='Third-stage hemorrhage unspec episode...' '66601'='Third-stage hemorrhage delivered w or...' '66602'='Third-stage hemorrhage delivered with...' '66604'='Third-stage hemorrhage postpartum con...' '66610'='Other immediate postpartum hemorrhage...' '66611'='Oth immed postpartm hemorr del with o...' '66612'='Oth immed postpartm hemorr del with p...' '66614'='Oth immed postpartm hemorr postpartum...' '66620'='Delayed/secondary postpartm hemorr un...' '66621'='Delayd/secondary postpartm hemorr del...' '66622'='Delayd/secondary postpartm hemorr del...' '66624'='Delayd/secondary postpartm hemorr pos...' '66630'='Postpartm coagulatn defects unspec as...' '66631'='Postpartm coagulatn defects del w or ...' '66632'='Postpartm coagulatn defects del w/pos...' '66634'='Postpartm coagulatn defects postpartm...' '66700'='Retained placenta w/o hemorrhage unsp...' '66701'='Retain placenta w/o hemorrhage del w ...' '66702'='Retained placenta w/o hemorrhage del ...' '66704'='Retained placenta w/o hemorrhage post...' '66710'='Retain portions of placenta/membranes...' '66711'='Retain portns of placenta/mem w/o hem...' '66712'='Retain portns of placenta/mem w/o hem...' '66714'='Retain portns of placenta/mem w/o hem...' '66800'='Pulmonary complications from anesthet...' '66801'='Pulmon complica frm anesth in l & d d...' '66802'='Pulmonary complica frm anesth in l & ...' '66803'='Pulmonary complica frm anesthetic in ...' '66804'='Pulmonary complica frm anesthetic in ...' '66810'='Cardiac complica frm anesth in l & d ...' '66811'='Cardiac complica frm anesth in l & d ...' '66812'='Cardiac complica frm anesth in l & d ...' '66813'='Cardiac complica frm anesth in l & d ...' '66814'='Cardiac complica frm anesth in l & d ...' '66820'='CNS complic frm anesth in l & d unspe...' '66821'='CNS complic frm anesth in l & d del w...' '66822'='CNS complic frm anesth in l & d del w...' '66823'='CNS complic frm anesth in l & d antep...' '66824'='CNS complic frm anesth in l & d postp...' '66880'='Oth complic of anesthesia or oth seda...' '66881'='Oth complic of anesth in l & d del w ...' '66882'='Oth complic of anesth in l & d del w/...' '66883'='Oth complic of anesth in l & d antepa...' '66884'='Oth complic of anesth in l & d postpa...' '66890'='Unspec complica of anesth unspec epis...' '66891'='Unspec complica of anesth del w or w/...' '66892'='Unspec complica of anesth del w/postp...' '66893'='Unspec complica of anesth antepartum ...' '66894'='Unspec complica of anesth postpartum ...' '66900'='Maternal distress, unspec as to episo...' '66901'='Maternal distress, delivered, with or...' '66902'='Maternal distress, delivered, with po...' '66903'='Maternal distress, antepartum conditi...' '66904'='Maternal distress, postpartum conditi...' '66910'='Shock dur/follw labor/del unspec as t...' '66911'='Shock dur/follw labor/del del w or w/...' '66912'='Shock dur/follw labor/del del w/postp...' '66913'='Shock dur/follw labor/del antepartum ...' '66914'='Shock dur/follw labor/del postpartum ...' '66920'='Maternal hypotension syndrome unspec ...' '66921'='Maternal hypotension syndrome del w o...' '66922'='Maternal hypotension syndrome deliver...' '66923'='Maternal hypotension syndrome antepar...' '66924'='Maternal hypotension syndrome postpar...' '66930'='Acute renal failure follw labor/deliv...' '66932'='Acute renal failure follw labor/deliv...' '66934'='Acute renal failure follw labor/deliv...' '66940'='Oth complic of obstet surgery/proc un...' '66941'='Oth complic of obstet surgery/proc de...' '66942'='Oth complic of obstet surgery/proc de...' '66943'='Oth complic of obstet surgery/proc an...' '66944'='Oth complic of obstet surgery/proc po...' '66950'='Forceps/vacuum extractr del w/o men o...' '66951'='Forcep/vacm extrac del w/o men of ind...' '66960'='Breech extrac, w/o men of indica, uns...' '66961'='Breech extrac, w/o men of indica, del...' '66970'='Cesarean delivery, w/o men of indica ...' '66971'='Cesarean delivery, w/o men of indica ...' '66980'='Oth complica of labor/del, unspec epi...' '66981'='Oth complica of labor/del, del w or w...' '66982'='Oth complica of labor/del, del w/post...' '66983'='Oth complica of labor & del, antepart...' '66984'='Oth complica of labor & del, postpart...' '66990'='Unspec complica of labor/del, unspec ...' '66991'='Unspec complica of labor/del, del w o...' '66992'='Unspec complica of labor/del, del w/p...' '66993'='Unspec complica of labor/del, antepar...' '66994'='Unspec complica of labor/del, postpar...' '67000'='Major puerperal infection, unspecifie...' '67002'='Major puerperal infection, delivered,...' '67004'='Major puerperal infection, postpartum...' '67100'='Varicose veins of legs, unspec episod...' '67101'='Varicose veins of legs, del w or w/o ...' '67102'='Varicose veins of legs, del w/postpar...' '67103'='Varicose veins of legs, antepartum co...' '67104'='Varicose veins of legs, postpartum co...' '67110'='Varicose veins of vulva and perineum,...' '67111'='Varicose veins of vulva and perineum,...' '67112'='Varicose veins of vulva and perineum,...' '67113'='Varicose veins of vulva and perineum,...' '67114'='Varicose veins of vulva and perineum,...' '67120'='Superficial thrombophlebitis, unspec ...' '67121'='Superficial thrombophlebitis, deliver...' '67122'='Superficial thrombophlebitis, deliver...' '67123'='Superficial thrombophlebitis, antepar...' '67124'='Superficial thrombophlebitis, postpar...' '67130'='Deep antepartum phlebothrombosis, uns...' '67131'='Deep antepartum phlebothrombosis, del...' '67133'='Deep antepartum phlebothrombosis, ant...' '67140'='Deep postpartum phlebothrombosis, uns...' '67142'='Deep postpartum phlebothrombosis, del...' '67144'='Deep postpartum phlebothrombosis, pos...' '67150'='Other phlebitis and thrombosis, unspe...' '67151'='Other phlebitis and thrombosis, del w...' '67152'='Other phlebitis and thrombosis, deliv...' '67153'='Other phlebitis and thrombosis, antep...' '67154'='Other phlebitis and thrombosis, postp...' '67180'='Other venous complications, unspec ep...' '67181'='Other venous complications, del w or ...' '67182'='Other venous complications, delivered...' '67183'='Other venous complications, antepartu...' '67184'='Other venous complications, postpartu...' '67190'='Unspecified venous complication, unsp...' '67191'='Unspecified venous complication, del ...' '67192'='Unspecified venous complication, del ...' '67193'='Unspecif venous complication, antepar...' '67194'='Unspecif venous complication, postpar...' '67200'='Pyrexia of unkn orign dur puerperium,...' '67202'='Pyrexia of unkn orign dur puerperium,...' '67204'='Pyrexia of unkn orign dur puerperium,...' '67300'='Obstetrical air embolism, unspec as t...' '67301'='Obstetrical air embolism, delivered w...' '67302'='Obstetrical air embolism, delivered w...' '67303'='Obstetrical air embolism, antepartum ...' '67304'='Obstetrical air embolism, postpartum ...' '67310'='Amniotic fluid embolism, unspec episo...' '67311'='Amniotic fluid embolism, delivered w ...' '67312'='Amniotic fluid embolism, delivered w/...' '67313'='Amniotic fluid embolism, antepartum c...' '67314'='Amniotic fluid embolism, postpartum c...' '67320'='Obstetrical blood-clot embolism, unsp...' '67321'='Obstetrical blood-clot embolism, del ...' '67322'='Obstetrical blood-clot embolism, del ...' '67323'='Obstetrical blood-clot embolism, ante...' '67324'='Obstetrical blood-clot embolism, post...' '67330'='Obstet pyemic and septic embolism, un...' '67331'='Obstet pyemic and septic embolism, de...' '67332'='Obstet pyemic and septic embolism, de...' '67333'='Obstet pyemic and septic embolism, an...' '67334'='Obstet pyemic and septic embolism, po...' '67380'='Other pulmonary embolism, unspec as t...' '67381'='Other pulmonary embolism, del w or w/...' '67382'='Other pulmonary embolism, del w/postp...' '67383'='Other pulmonary embolism, antepartum ...' '67384'='Other pulmonary embolism, postpartum ...' '67400'='Cerebrovasc disorders in puerperium, ...' '67401'='Cerebrovasc disorders in puerperium, ...' '67402'='Cerebrovasc disorders in puerperium, ...' '67403'='Cerebrovasc disorders in puerperium, ...' '67404'='Cerebrovasc disorders in puerperium, ...' '67410'='Disruption of cesarean wound unspec a...' '67412'='Disruption of cesarean wound delivere...' '67414'='Disruption of cesarean wound postpart...' '67420'='Disrupt of perineal wound unspec as t...' '67422'='Disrupt of perineal wound delivered, ...' '67424'='Disruption of perineal wound postpart...' '67430'='Oth complic of obstet surgical wounds...' '67432'='Oth complic of obstet surgical wounds...' '67434'='Oth complic of obstet surgical wounds...' '67440'='Placental polyp, unspec as to episode...' '67442'='Placental polyp, delivered, w/mention...' '67444'='Placental polyp, postpartum condition...' '67454'='Peripartum cardiomyopathy, postpart con..' '67480'='Oth complicatns of puerperium, unspec...' '67482'='Oth complicatns of puerperium, del w/...' '67484'='Oth complicatns of puerperium, postpa...' '67490'='Unspec complicatns of puerp, as to ep...' '67492'='Unspec complicatns of puerp, deliver ...' '67494'='Unspec complicatns of puerp, postpart...' '67500'='Infections of nipple, unspecified as ...' '67501'='Infections of nipple, delivered with ...' '67502'='Infections of nipple, delivered w/men...' '67503'='Infections of nipple, antepartum cond...' '67504'='Infections of nipple, postpartum cond...' '67510'='Abscess of breast, unspec as to episo...' '67511'='Abscess of breast, delivered with or ...' '67512'='Abscess of breast, delivered w/men of...' '67513'='Abscess of breast, antepartum conditi...' '67514'='Abscess of breast, postpartum conditi...' '67520'='Nonpurulent mastitis, unspec as to ep...' '67521'='Nonpurulent mastitis, delivered w or ...' '67522'='Nonpurulent mastitis, delivered w/men...' '67523'='Nonpurulent mastitis, antepartum cond...' '67524'='Nonpurulent mastitis, postpartum cond...' '67580'='Oth spec infectns of breast/nipple, u...' '67581'='Oth spec infectns of breast/nipple, d...' '67582'='Other spec infections of breast/nippl...' '67583'='Other spec infections of breast/nippl...' '67584'='Other spec infections of breast/nippl...' '67590'='Unspec infectn of breast/nipple, unsp...' '67591'='Unspec infectn of breast/nipple, del ...' '67592'='Unspec infectn of breast/nipple, del ...' '67593'='Unspec infectn of breast/nipple, ante...' '67594'='Unspec infectn of breast/nipple, post...' '67600'='Retracted nipple, unspecified as to e...' '67601'='Retracted nipple, del with or w/o men...' '67602'='Retracted nipple, delivered w/mentn o...' '67603'='Retracted nipple, antepartum conditio...' '67604'='Retracted nipple, postpartum conditio...' '67610'='Cracked nipple, unspecified as to epi...' '67611'='Cracked nipple, del with or w/o menti...' '67612'='Cracked nipple, del with mention of p...' '67613'='Cracked nipple, antepartum condition ...' '67614'='Cracked nipple, postpartum condition ...' '67620'='Engorgement of breasts, unspec as to ...' '67621'='Engorgement of breasts, del with or w...' '67622'='Engorgement of breasts, delivered wit...' '67623'='Engorgement of breasts, antepartum co...' '67624'='Engorgement of breasts, postpartum co...' '67630'='Other and unspecified disorder of bre...' '67631'='Other/unspec disorder of breast, del ...' '67632'='Other/unspecified disorder of breast,...' '67633'='Other/unspecified disorder of breast,...' '67634'='Other/unspec disorder of breast, post...' '67640'='Failure of lactation, unspecified as ...' '67641'='Failure of lactation, delivered with ...' '67642'='Failure of lactation, delivered w/men...' '67643'='Failure of lactation, antepartum cond...' '67644'='Failure of lactation, postpartum cond...' '67650'='Suppressed lactation, unspec as to ep...' '67651'='Suppressed lactation, delivered with ...' '67652'='Suppressed lactation, delivered w/men...' '67653'='Suppressed lactation, antepartum cond...' '67654'='Suppressed lactation, postpartum cond...' '67660'='Galactorrhea, unspec as to episode of...' '67661'='Galactorrhea, delivered with or w/o a...' '67662'='Galactorrhea, delivered with mention ...' '67663'='Galactorrhea, antepartum condition or...' '67664'='Galactorrhea, postpartum condition or...' '67680'='Oth disordrs of lactation, unspec as ...' '67681'='Oth disorders of lactation, delivered...' '67682'='Other disorders of lactation, deliver...' '67683'='Other disorders of lactation, antepar...' '67684'='Other disorders of lactation, postpar...' '67690'='Unspec disorder of lactation, unspec ...' '67691'='Unspec disordr of lactatn, deliv/w or...' '67692'='Unspec disorder of lactation, deliver...' '67693'='Unspec disorder of lactation, antepar...' '67694'='Unspec disorder of lactation, postpar...' '677--'='Late effect of complication of pregna...' '67903'='Maternal complications from in utero procedure, antepartum...' '6800-'='Carbuncle and furuncle of face' '6801-'='Carbuncle and furuncle of neck' '6802-'='Carbuncle and furuncle of trunk' '6803-'='Carbuncle and furuncle of upper arm a...' '6804-'='Carbuncle and furuncle of hand' '6805-'='Carbuncle and furuncle of buttock' '6806-'='Carbuncle and furuncle of leg, except...' '6807-'='Carbuncle and furuncle of foot' '6808-'='Carbuncle and furuncle of other speci...' '6809-'='Carbuncle and furuncle of unspecified...' '68100'='Cellulitis and abscess of finger, uns...' '68101'='Felon of finger' '68102'='Onychia and paronychia of finger' '68110'='Cellulitis and abscess of toe, unspec...' '68111'='Onychia and paronychia of toe' '6819-'='Cellulitis and abscess of unspecified...' '6820-'='Other cellulitis and abscess of face' '6821-'='Other cellulitis and abscess of neck' '6822-'='Other cellulitis and abscess of trunk' '6823-'='Other cellulitis and abscess of upper...' '6824-'='Other cellulitis and abscess of hand,...' '6825-'='Other cellulitis and abscess of buttock' '6826-'='Other cellulitis and abscess of leg, ...' '6827-'='Other cellulitis and abscess of foot,...' '6828-'='Other cellulitis and abscess of other...' '6829-'='Other cellulitis and abscess of unspe...' '683--'='Acute lymphadenitis' '684--'='Impetigo' '6850-'='Pilonidal cyst with abscess' '6851-'='Pilonidal cyst without mention of abs...' '6860-'='Pyoderma' '68600'='Pyoderma, unspecified' '68601'='Pyoderma gangrenosum' '68609'='Other pyoderma' '6861-'='Pyogenic granuloma' '6868-'='Other specified local infections of s...' '6869-'='Unspecified local infection of skin a...' '690--'='Erythematosquamous dermatosis' '6901-'='Seborrheic dermatitis' '69010'='Seborrheic dermatitis, unspecified' '69011'='Seborrhea capitis' '69012'='Seborrheic infantile dermatitis' '69018'='Other seborrheic dermatitis' '6908-'='Other erythematosquamous dermatitis' '6910-'='Diaper or napkin rash' '6918-'='Other atopic dermatitis and related c...' '6920-'='Contact dermatitis/eczema of due to d...' '6921-'='Contact dermatitis/eczema of due to o...' '6922-'='Contact dermatitis/eczema of due to s...' '6923-'='Contact dermatitis/eczema due to drug...' '6924-'='Contact dermatitis/eczema of due to o...' '6925-'='Contact dermatitis/eczema of due to f...' '6926-'='Contact dermatitis/eczema of due to p...' '69270'='Unspecified dermatitis due to sun' '69271'='Sunburn' '69272'='Acute dermatitis due to solar radiation' '69273'='Actinic reticuloid and actinic granuloma' '69274'='Other chronic dermatitis due to solar...' '69275'='Disseminated superficial actinic poroker...' '69276'='Sunburn of second degree' '69279'='Other dermatitis due to solar radiation' '6928-'='Contact dermatitis and oth eczema due...' '69281'='Dermatitis due to cosmetics' '69282'='Dermatitis due to other radiation' '69283'='Dermatitis due to metals' '69284'='Contact dermatitis and oth eczema due to animal...dander' '69289'='Other dermatitis or eczema due to oth...' '6929-'='Unspecified cause' '6930-'='Dermatitis due to drugs and medicines' '6931-'='Dermatitis due to food' '6938-'='Dermatitis due to other specified sub...' '6939-'='Dermatitis due to unspecified substan...' '6940-'='Dermatitis herpetiformis' '6941-'='Subcorneal pustular dermatosis' '6942-'='Juvenile dermatitis herpetiformis' '6943-'='Impetigo herpetiformis' '6944-'='Pemphigus' '6945-'='Pemphigoid' '69460'='Benign mucous membrane pemphigoid w/o...' '69461'='Benign mucous membrane pemphigoid wit...' '6948-'='Other specified bullous dermatoses' '6949-'='Unspecified bullous dermatoses' '6950-'='Toxic erythema' '69510'='Failed med or unspec induction, unspec..' '69511'='Erythema multiforme minor' '69513'='Failed med or unspec induction, antepar..' '69519'='Other erythema multiforme' '6952-'='Erythema nodosum' '6953-'='Rosacea' '6954-'='Lupus erythematosus' '6958-'='Other specified erythematous conditions' '69581'='Ritter`s disease' '69589'='Other specified erythematous conditions' '6959-'='Unspecified erythematous condition' '6960-'='Psoriatic arthropathy' '6961-'='Other psoriasis' '6962-'='Parapsoriasis' '6963-'='Pityriasis rosea' '6964-'='Pityriasis rubra pilaris' '6965-'='Other and unspecified pityriasis' '6968-'='Other psoriasis and similar disorders' '6970-'='Lichen planus' '6971-'='Lichen nitidus' '6978-'='Other lichen, not elsewhere classified' '6979-'='Lichen, unspecified' '6980-'='Pruritus ani' '6981-'='Pruritus of genital organs' '6982-'='Prurigo' '6983-'='Lichenification and lichen simplex ch...' '6984-'='Dermatitis factitia [artefacta]' '6988-'='Other specified pruritic conditions' '6989-'='Unspecified pruritic disorder' '700--'='Corns and callosities' '7010-'='Circumscribed scleroderma' '7011-'='Keratoderma, acquired' '7012-'='Acquired acanthosis nigricans' '7013-'='Striae atrophicae' '7014-'='Keloid scar' '7015-'='Other abnormal granulation tissue' '7018-'='Other specified hypertrophic and atro...' '7019-'='Unspecified hypertrophic and atrophic...' '7020-'='Actinic keratosis' '7021-'='Seborrheic keratosis' '70211'='Inflamed seborrheic keratosis' '70219'='Other seborrheic keratosis' '7028-'='Other specified dermatoses' '7030-'='Ingrowing nail' '7038-'='Other specified diseases of nail' '7039-'='Unspecified disease of nail' '70400'='Alopecia, unspecified' '70401'='Alopecia areata' '70402'='Telogen effluvium' '70409'='Other alopecia' '7041-'='Hirsutism' '7042-'='Abnormalities of the hair' '7043-'='Variations in hair color' '70441'='Pilar cyst' '7048-'='Other specified diseases of hair and ...' '7049-'='Unspecified disease of hair and hair ...' '7050-'='Anhidrosis' '7051-'='Prickly heat' '70521'='Primary focal hyperhidrosis' '7058-'='Other specified disorders of sweat gl...' '70581'='Dyshidrosis' '70582'='Fox-Fordyce disease' '70583'='Hidradenitis' '70589'='Other specified disorders of sweat gl...' '7059-'='Unspecified disorder of sweat glands' '7060-'='Acne varioliformis' '7061-'='Other acne' '7062-'='Sebaceous cyst' '7063-'='Seborrhea' '7068-'='Other specified diseases of sebaceous...' '7069-'='Unspecified disease of sebaceous glands' '70700'='Decubitus ulcer of unspecified site' '70701'='Decubitus ulcer of elbow' '70702'='Decubitus ulcer of upper back' '70703'='Decubitus ulcer of back' '70704'='Decubitus ulcer of hip' '70705'='Decubitus ulcer of buttock' '70706'='Decubitus ulcer of ankle' '70707'='Decubitus ulcer of heel' '70709'='Decubitus ulcer of other site' '70710'='Ulcer of lower limbs, exc decubitus, uns' '70711'='Ulcer of thigh, except decubitus' '70712'='Ulcer of calf, exc decubitus' '70713'='Ulcer of ankle, exc decubitus' '70714'='Ulcer of heel and midfoot, exc decubitus' '70715'='Ulcer of other part of foot, exc decubitus' '70719'='Ulcer oth part lower limbs, exc decubitus' '70720'='Pressure ulcer, unspecified stage' '70721'='Pressure ulcer stage I' '70723'='Pressure ulcer stage III' '7078-'='Chronic ulcer of other specified sites' '7079-'='Chronic ulcer of unspecified site' '7080-'='Allergic urticaria' '7081-'='Idiopathic urticaria' '7082-'='Urticaria due to cold and heat' '7083-'='Dermatographic urticaria' '7084-'='Vibratory urticaria' '7085-'='Cholinergic urticaria' '7088-'='Other specified urticaria' '7089-'='Urticaria, unspecified' '70900'='Dyschromia, unspecified' '70901'='Vitiligo' '70909'='Other dyschromia' '7091-'='Vascular disorders of skin' '7092-'='Scar conditions and fibrosis of skin' '7093-'='Degenerative skin disorders' '7094-'='Foreign body granuloma of skin and su...' '7098-'='Other specified disorders of skin' '7099-'='Unspecified disorder of skin and subc...' '7100-'='Systemic lupus erythematosus' '7101-'='Systemic sclerosis' '7102-'='Sicca syndrome' '7103-'='Dermatomyositis' '7104-'='Polymyositis' '7105-'='Eosinophilia myalgia syndrome' '7108-'='Other specified diffuse diseases of c...' '7109-'='Unspecified diffuse connective tissue...' '71100'='Pyogenic arthritis, site unspecified' '71101'='Pyogenic arthritis, shoulder region' '71102'='Pyogenic arthritis, upper arm' '71103'='Pyogenic arthritis, forearm' '71104'='Pyogenic arthritis, hand' '71105'='Pyogenic arthritis, pelvic region and...' '71106'='Pyogenic arthritis, lower leg' '71107'='Pyogenic arthritis, ankle and foot' '71108'='Pyogenic arthritis, other specified s...' '71109'='Pyogenic arthritis, multiple sites' '71110'='Arthropathy w/Reiter`s dis/nonspec ur...' '71111'='Arthropathy w/Reiter`s dis/nonspec ur...' '71112'='Arthropathy w/Reiter`s dis/nonspec ur...' '71113'='Arthropathy w/Reiter`s dis/nonspec ur...' '71114'='Arthropathy w/Reiter`s dis/nonspec ur...' '71115'='Arthropathy w/Reiter`s dis/nonspec ur...' '71116'='Arthropathy w/Reiter`s dis/nonspec ur...' '71117'='Arthropathy w/Reiter`s dis/nonspec ur...' '71118'='Arthropathy w/Reiter`s dis/nonspec ur...' '71119'='Arthropathy w/Reiter`s dis/nonspec ur...' '71120'='Arthropathy in Behcet`s syndrome, sit...' '71121'='Arthropathy in Behcet`s syndrome, sho...' '71122'='Arthropathy in Behcet`s syndrome, upp...' '71123'='Arthropathy in Behcet`s syndrome, for...' '71124'='Arthropathy in Behcet`s syndrome, hand' '71125'='Arthropathy in Behcet`s syndrome, pel...' '71126'='Arthropathy in Behcet`s syndrome, low...' '71127'='Arthropathy in Behcet`s syndrome, ank...' '71128'='Arthropathy in Behcet`s syndrome, oth...' '71129'='Arthropathy in Behcet`s syndrome, mul...' '71130'='Postdysentericarthropathy, site unspe...' '71131'='Postdysentericarthropathy, shoulder r...' '71132'='Postdysentericarthropathy, upper arm' '71133'='Postdysentericarthropathy, forearm' '71134'='Postdysentericarthropathy, hand' '71135'='Postdysentericarthropathy, pelvic reg...' '71136'='Postdysentericarthropathy, lower leg' '71137'='Postdysentericarthropathy, ankle and ...' '71138'='Postdysentericarthropathy, other spec...' '71139'='Postdysentericarthropathy, multiple s...' '71140'='Arthropathy asso w/other bacterial di...' '71141'='Arthropathy asso w/other bacterial di...' '71142'='Arthropathy asso w/other bacterial di...' '71143'='Arthropathy asso w/other bacterial di...' '71144'='Arthropathy asso w/other bacterial di...' '71145'='Arthropathy asso w/other bacterial di...' '71146'='Arthropathy asso w/other bacterial di...' '71147'='Arthropathy asso w/other bacterial di...' '71148'='Arthropathy asso w/other bacterial di...' '71149'='Arthropathy asso w/other bacterial di...' '71150'='Arthropathy associated w/other viral ...' '71151'='Arthropathy associated w/other viral ...' '71152'='Arthropathy associated w/other viral ...' '71153'='Arthropathy associated w/other viral ...' '71154'='Arthropathy associated w/other viral ...' '71155'='Arthropathy associated w/other viral ...' '71156'='Arthropathy associated w/other viral ...' '71157'='Arthropathy associated w/other viral ...' '71158'='Arthropathy associated w/other viral ...' '71159'='Arthropathy associated w/other viral ...' '71160'='Arthropathy associated with mycoses, ...' '71161'='Arthropathy associated with mycoses, ...' '71162'='Arthropathy associated with mycoses, ...' '71163'='Arthropathy associated with mycoses, ...' '71164'='Arthropathy associated with mycoses, ...' '71165'='Arthropathy associated with mycoses, ...' '71166'='Arthropathy associated with mycoses, ...' '71167'='Arthropathy associated with mycoses, ...' '71168'='Arthropathy associated with mycoses, ...' '71169'='Arthropathy associated with mycoses, ...' '71170'='Arthropathy associated with helminthi...' '71171'='Arthropathy associated with helminthi...' '71172'='Arthropathy associated with helminthi...' '71173'='Arthropathy associated with helminthi...' '71174'='Arthropathy associated with helminthi...' '71175'='Arthropathy associated with helminthi...' '71176'='Arthropathy associated with helminthi...' '71177'='Arthropathy associated with helminthi...' '71178'='Arthropathy associated with helminthi...' '71179'='Arthropathy associated with helminthi...' '71180'='Arthropathy w/oth infectious/parasiti...' '71181'='Arthropathy w/oth infectious/parasiti...' '71182'='Arthropathy w/oth infectious/parasiti...' '71183'='Arthropathy w/oth infectious/parasiti...' '71184'='Arthropathy w/oth infectious/parasiti...' '71185'='Arthropathy w/oth infectious/parasiti...' '71186'='Arthropathy w/oth infectious/parasiti...' '71187'='Arthropathy w/oth infectious/parasiti...' '71188'='Arthropathy w/oth infectious/parasiti...' '71189'='Arthropathy w/oth infectious/parasiti...' '71190'='Unspecified infective arthritis, site...' '71191'='Unspecified infective arthritis, shou...' '71192'='Unspecified infective arthritis, uppe...' '71193'='Unspecified infective arthritis, forearm' '71194'='Unspecified infective arthritis, hand' '71195'='Unspecified infective arthritis, pelv...' '71196'='Unspecified infective arthritis, lowe...' '71197'='Unspecified infective arthritis, ankl...' '71198'='Unspecified infective arthritis, othe...' '71199'='Unspecified infective arthritis, mult...' '71200'='Crystal arthropathies' '71210'='Chondrocalcinosis/dicalcium phosphate...' '71211'='Chondrocalcinosis/dicalcium phosphate...' '71212'='Chondrocalcinosis/dicalcium phosphate...' '71213'='Chondrocalcinosis/dicalcium phosphate...' '71214'='Chondrocalcinosis/dicalcium phosphate...' '71215'='Chondrocalcinosis/dicalcium phosphate...' '71216'='Chondrocalcinosis/dicalcium phosphate...' '71217'='Chondrocalcinosis/dicalcium phosphate...' '71218'='Chondrocalcinosis/dicalcium phosphate...' '71219'='Chondrocalcinosis/dicalcium phosphate...' '71220'='Chondrocalcinosis due to pyrophosphat...' '71221'='Chondrocalcinosis due to pyrophosphat...' '71222'='Chondrocalcinosis due to pyrophosphat...' '71223'='Chondrocalcinosis due to pyrophosphat...' '71224'='Chondrocalcinosis due to pyrophosphat...' '71225'='Chondrocalcinosis due to pyrophosphat...' '71226'='Chondrocalcinosis due to pyrophosphat...' '71227'='Chondrocalcinosis due to pyrophosphat...' '71228'='Chondrocalcinosis due to pyrophosphat...' '71229'='Chondrocalcinosis due to pyrophosphat...' '71230'='Chondrocalcinosis, unspecified, site ...' '71231'='Chondrocalcinosis, unspecified, shoul...' '71232'='Chondrocalcinosis, unspecified, upper...' '71233'='Chondrocalcinosis, unspecified, forearm' '71234'='Chondrocalcinosis, unspecified, hand' '71235'='Chondrocalcinosis, unspecified, pelvi...' '71236'='Chondrocalcinosis, unspecified, lower...' '71237'='Chondrocalcinosis, unspecified, ankle...' '71238'='Chondrocalcinosis, unspecified, other...' '71239'='Chondrocalcinosis, unspecified, multi...' '71280'='Other specified crystal arthropathies...' '71281'='Other specified crystal arthropathies...' '71282'='Other specified crystal arthropathies...' '71283'='Other specified crystal arthropathies...' '71284'='Other specified crystal arthropathies...' '71285'='Other specified crystal arthropathies...' '71286'='Other specified crystal arthropathies...' '71287'='Other specified crystal arthropathies...' '71288'='Other specified crystal arthropathies...' '71289'='Other specified crystal arthropathies...' '71290'='Unspecified crystal arthropathy, site...' '71291'='Unspecified crystal arthropathy, shou...' '71292'='Unspecified crystal arthropathy, uppe...' '71293'='Unspecified crystal arthropathy, forearm' '71294'='Unspecified crystal arthropathy, hand' '71295'='Unspecified crystal arthropathy, pelv...' '71296'='Unspecified crystal arthropathy, lowe...' '71297'='Unspecified crystal arthropathy, ankl...' '71298'='Unspecified crystal arthropathy, othe...' '71299'='Unspecified crystal arthropathy, mult...' '7130-'='Arthropathy associated w/other endocr...' '7131-'='Arthropathy assoc w/gastrointestnl co...' '7132-'='Arthropathy associated w/hematologica...' '7133-'='Arthropathy associated w/dermatologic...' '7134-'='Arthropathy associated w/respiratory ...' '7135-'='Arthropathy associated w/neurological...' '7136-'='Arthropathy associated w/hypersensiti...' '7137-'='Other general diseases w/articular in...' '7138-'='Arthropathy associated w/oth conditio...' '7140-'='Rheumatoid arthritis' '7141-'='Felty`s syndrome' '7142-'='Other rheumatoid arthritis w/visceral...' '71430'='Polyarticular juvenile rheumatoid art...' '71431'='Polyarticular juvenile rheumatoid art...' '71432'='Pauciarticular juvenile rheumatoid ar...' '71433'='Monoarticular juvenile rheumatoid art...' '7144-'='Chronic postrheumatic arthropathy' '7148-'='Other specified inflammatory polyarth...' '71481'='Rheumatoid lung' '71489'='Other specified inflammatory polyarth...' '7149-'='Unspecified inflammatory polyarthropathy' '71500'='Osteoarthrosis, generalized, site uns...' '71504'='Osteoarthrosis, generalized, hand' '71509'='Osteoarthrosis, generalized, multiple...' '71510'='Osteoarthrosis, localized, primary, s...' '71511'='Osteoarthrosis, localized, primary, s...' '71512'='Osteoarthrosis, localized, primary, u...' '71513'='Osteoarthrosis, localized, primary, f...' '71514'='Osteoarthrosis, localized, primary, hand' '71515'='Osteoarthrosis, localized, primary, p...' '71516'='Osteoarthrosis, localized, primary, l...' '71517'='Osteoarthrosis, localized, primary, a...' '71518'='Osteoarthrosis, localized, primary, o...' '71519'='Osteoarthrosis, localized, primary, m...' '71520'='Osteoarthrosis, localized, secondary,...' '71521'='Osteoarthrosis, localized, secondary,...' '71522'='Osteoarthrosis, localized, secondary,...' '71523'='Osteoarthrosis, localized, secondary,...' '71524'='Osteoarthrosis, localized, secondary,...' '71525'='Osteoarthrosis, localized, secondary,...' '71526'='Osteoarthrosis, localized, secondary,...' '71527'='Osteoarthrosis, localized, secondary,...' '71528'='Osteoarthrosis, localized, secondary,...' '71529'='Osteoarthrosis, localized, secondary,...' '71530'='Osteoarthrosis, local, not spec prim/...' '71531'='Osteoarthrosis, local, not spec prim/...' '71532'='Osteoarthrosis, local, not spec prim/...' '71533'='Osteoarthrosis, local, not spec prim/...' '71534'='Osteoarthrosis, local, not spec prim/...' '71535'='Osteoarthrosis, local, not spec prim/...' '71536'='Osteoarthrosis, local, not spec prim/...' '71537'='Osteoarthrosis, local, not spec prim/...' '71538'='Osteoarthrosis, local, not spec prim/...' '71539'='Osteoarthrosis, local, not spec prim/...' '71580'='Osteoarthrosis mor thn 1 site, not sp...' '71581'='Osteoarthrosis mor thn 1 site, not sp...' '71582'='Osteoarthrosis mor thn 1 site, not sp...' '71583'='Osteoarthrosis mor thn 1 site, not sp...' '71584'='Osteoarthrosis mor thn 1 site, not sp...' '71585'='Osteoarthrosis mor thn 1 site, not sp...' '71586'='Osteoarthrosis mor thn 1 site, not sp...' '71587'='Osteoarthrosis mor thn 1 site, not sp...' '71588'='Osteoarthrosis mor thn 1 site, not sp...' '71589'='Osteoarthrosis mor thn 1 site, not sp...' '71590'='Osteoarthrosis, unspec generalized or...' '71591'='Osteoarthrosis, unspec generalized or...' '71592'='Osteoarthrosis, unspec generalized or...' '71593'='Osteoarthrosis, unspec generalized or...' '71594'='Osteoarthrosis, unspec generalized or...' '71595'='Osteoarthrosis, unspec generalized or...' '71596'='Osteoarthrosis, unspec generalized or...' '71597'='Osteoarthrosis, unspec generalized or...' '71598'='Osteoarthrosis, unspec generalized or...' '71599'='Osteoarthrosis, unspec generalized or...' '71600'='Kaschin-Beck disease, site unspecified' '71601'='Kaschin-Beck disease, shoulder region' '71602'='Kaschin-Beck disease, upper arm' '71603'='Kaschin-Beck disease, forearm' '71604'='Kaschin-Beck disease, hand' '71605'='Kaschin-Beck disease, pelvic region a...' '71606'='Kaschin-Beck disease, lower leg' '71607'='Kaschin-Beck disease, ankle and foot' '71608'='Kaschin-Beck disease, other specified...' '71609'='Kaschin-Beck disease, multiple sites' '71610'='Traumatic arthropathy, site unspecified' '71611'='Traumatic arthropathy, shoulder region' '71612'='Traumatic arthropathy, upper arm' '71613'='Traumatic arthropathy, forearm' '71614'='Traumatic arthropathy, hand' '71615'='Traumatic arthropathy, pelvic region ...' '71616'='Traumatic arthropathy, lower leg' '71617'='Traumatic arthropathy, ankle and foot' '71618'='Traumatic arthropathy, other specifie...' '71619'='Traumatic arthropathy, multiple sites' '71620'='Allergic arthritis, site unspecified' '71621'='Allergic arthritis, shoulder region' '71622'='Allergic arthritis, upper arm' '71623'='Allergic arthritis, forearm' '71624'='Allergic arthritis, hand' '71625'='Allergic arthritis, pelvic region and...' '71626'='Allergic arthritis, lower leg' '71627'='Allergic arthritis, ankle and foot' '71628'='Allergic arthritis, other specified s...' '71629'='Allergic arthritis, multiple sites' '71630'='Climacteric arthritis, site unspecified' '71631'='Climacteric arthritis, shoulder region' '71632'='Climacteric arthritis, upper arm' '71633'='Climacteric arthritis, forearm' '71634'='Climacteric arthritis, hand' '71635'='Climacteric arthritis, pelvic region ...' '71636'='Climacteric arthritis, lower leg' '71637'='Climacteric arthritis, ankle and foot' '71638'='Climacteric arthritis, other specifie...' '71639'='Climacteric arthritis, multiple sites' '71640'='Transient arthropathy, site unspecified' '71641'='Transient arthropathy, shoulder region' '71642'='Transient arthropathy, upper arm' '71643'='Transient arthropathy, forearm' '71644'='Transient arthropathy, hand' '71645'='Transient arthropathy, pelvic region ...' '71646'='Transient arthropathy, lower leg' '71647'='Transient arthropathy, ankle and foot' '71648'='Transient arthropathy, other specifie...' '71649'='Transient arthropathy, multiple sites' '71650'='Unspecified polyarthropathy or polyar...' '71651'='Unspecified polyarthropathy or polyar...' '71652'='Unspecified polyarthropathy or polyar...' '71653'='Unspecified polyarthropathy or polyar...' '71654'='Unspecified polyarthropathy or polyar...' '71655'='Unspecified polyarthropathy or polyar...' '71656'='Unspecified polyarthropathy or polyar...' '71657'='Unspecified polyarthropathy or polyar...' '71658'='Unspecified polyarthropathy or polyar...' '71659'='Unspecified polyarthropathy or polyar...' '71660'='Unspecified monoarthritis, site unspe...' '71661'='Unspecified monoarthritis, shoulder r...' '71662'='Unspecified monoarthritis, upper arm' '71663'='Unspecified monoarthritis, forearm' '71664'='Unspecified monoarthritis, hand' '71665'='Unspecified monoarthritis, pelvic reg...' '71666'='Unspecified monoarthritis, lower leg' '71667'='Unspecified monoarthritis, ankle and ...' '71668'='Unspecified monoarthritis, other spec...' '71680'='Other specified arthropathy, site uns...' '71681'='Other specified arthropathy, shoulder...' '71682'='Other specified arthropathy, upper arm' '71683'='Other specified arthropathy, forearm' '71684'='Other specified arthropathy, hand' '71685'='Other specified arthropathy, pelvic r...' '71686'='Other specified arthropathy, lower leg' '71687'='Other specified arthropathy, ankle an...' '71688'='Other specified arthropathy, other sp...' '71689'='Other specified arthropathy, multiple...' '71690'='Arthropathy, unspecified, site unspec...' '71691'='Arthropathy, unspecified, shoulder re...' '71692'='Arthropathy, unspecified, upper arm' '71693'='Arthropathy, unspecified, forearm' '71694'='Arthropathy, unspecified, hand' '71695'='Arthropathy, unspecified, pelvic regi...' '71696'='Arthropathy, unspecified, lower leg' '71697'='Arthropathy, unspecified, ankle and foot' '71698'='Arthropathy, unspecified, other speci...' '71699'='Arthropathy, unspecified, multiple sites' '7170-'='Old bucket handle tear of medial meni...' '7171-'='Derangement of anterior horn of media...' '7172-'='Derangement of posterior horn of medi...' '7173-'='Other and unspecified derangement of ...' '71740'='Derangement of lateral meniscus, unsp...' '71741'='Bucket handle tear of lateral meniscus' '71742'='Derangement of anterior horn of later...' '71743'='Derangement of posterior horn of late...' '71749'='Other derangement of lateral meniscus' '7175-'='Derangement of meniscus, not elsewher...' '7176-'='Loose body in knee' '7177-'='Chondromalacia of patella' '7178-'='Other internal derangement of knee' '71781'='Old disruption of lateral collateral ...' '71782'='Old disruption of medial collateral l...' '71783'='Old disruption of anterior cruciate l...' '71784'='Old disruption of posterior cruciate ...' '71785'='Old disruption of other ligaments of ...' '71789'='Other internal derangement of knee' '7179-'='Unspecified internal derangement of knee' '71800'='Articular cartilage disorder of site ...' '71801'='Articular cartilage disorder of shoul...' '71802'='Articular cartilage disorder of upper...' '71803'='Articular cartilage disorder of forearm' '71804'='Articular cartilage disorder of hand' '71805'='Articular cartilage disorder of pelvi...' '71807'='Articular cartilage disorder of ankle...' '71808'='Articular cartilage disorder of other...' '71809'='Articular cartilage disorder of multi...' '71810'='Loose body in joint of site unspecified' '71811'='Loose body in joint of shoulder region' '71812'='Loose body in joint of upper arm' '71813'='Loose body in joint of forearm' '71814'='Loose body in joint of hand' '71815'='Loose body in joint of pelvic region ...' '71817'='Loose body in joint of ankle and foot' '71818'='Loose body in joint of other specifie...' '71819'='Loose body in joint of multiple sites' '71820'='Pathological dislocation of site unsp...' '71821'='Pathological dislocation of shoulder ...' '71822'='Pathological dislocation of upper arm' '71823'='Pathological dislocation of forearm' '71824'='Pathological dislocation of hand' '71825'='Pathological dislocation of pelvic re...' '71826'='Pathological dislocation of lower leg' '71827'='Pathological dislocation of ankle and...' '71828'='Pathological dislocation of other spe...' '71829'='Pathological dislocation of multiple ...' '71830'='Recurrent dislocation of site unspeci...' '71831'='Recurrent dislocation of shoulder region' '71832'='Recurrent dislocation of upper arm' '71833'='Recurrent dislocation of forearm' '71834'='Recurrent dislocation of hand' '71835'='Recurrent dislocation of pelvic regio...' '71836'='Recurrent dislocation of lower leg' '71837'='Recurrent dislocation of ankle and foot' '71838'='Recurrent dislocation of other specif...' '71839'='Recurrent dislocation of multiple sites' '71840'='Contracture of joint of site unspecified' '71841'='Contracture of joint of shoulder region' '71842'='Contracture of joint of upper arm' '71843'='Contracture of joint of forearm' '71844'='Contracture of joint of hand' '71845'='Contracture of joint of pelvic region...' '71846'='Contracture of joint of lower leg' '71847'='Contracture of joint of ankle and foot' '71848'='Contracture of joint of other specifi...' '71849'='Contracture of joint multiple sites' '71850'='Ankylosis of joint of site unspecified' '71851'='Ankylosis of joint of shoulder region' '71852'='Ankylosis of joint of upper arm' '71853'='Ankylosis of joint of forearm' '71854'='Ankylosis of joint of hand' '71855'='Ankylosis of joint of pelvic region a...' '71856'='Ankylosis of joint of lower leg' '71857'='Ankylosis of joint of ankle and foot' '71858'='Ankylosis of joint of other specified...' '71859'='Ankylosis of joint multiple sites' '71860'='Unspec intrapelvic protrusion of acet...' '71865'='Unspec intrapelvic protrusion of acet...' '71880'='Other joint derangement of site unspe...' '71881'='Other joint derangement of shoulder r...' '71882'='Other joint derangement of upper arm' '71883'='Other joint derangement of forearm' '71884'='Other joint derangement of hand' '71885'='Other joint derangement of pelvic reg...' '71886'='Other joint derangement of lower leg' '71887'='Other joint derangement of ankle and ...' '71888'='Other joint derangement of other spec...' '71889'='Other joint derangement multiple sites' '71890'='Unspecified derangement of joint of s...' '71891'='Unspecified derangement of joint of s...' '71892'='Unspecified derangement of joint of u...' '71893'='Unspecified derangement of joint of f...' '71894'='Unspecified derangement of joint of hand' '71895'='Unspecified derangement of joint of p...' '71897'='Unspecified derangement of joint of a...' '71898'='Unspecified derangement of joint of o...' '71899'='Unspecified derangement of joint of m...' '71900'='Effusion of joint of site unspecified' '71901'='Effusion of joint of shoulder region' '71902'='Effusion of joint of upper arm' '71903'='Effusion of joint of forearm' '71904'='Effusion of joint of hand' '71905'='Effusion of joint of pelvic region an...' '71906'='Effusion of joint of lower leg' '71907'='Effusion of joint of ankle and foot' '71908'='Effusion of joint of other specified ...' '71909'='Effusion of joint of multiple sites' '71910'='Hemarthrosis of site unspecified' '71911'='Hemarthrosis of shoulder region' '71912'='Hemarthrosis of upper arm' '71913'='Hemarthrosis of forearm' '71914'='Hemarthrosis of hand' '71915'='Hemarthrosis of pelvic region and thigh' '71916'='Hemarthrosis of lower leg' '71917'='Hemarthrosis of ankle and foot' '71918'='Hemarthrosis of other specified sites' '71919'='Hemarthrosis of multiple sites' '71920'='Villonodular synovitis of site unspec...' '71921'='Villonodular synovitis of shoulder re...' '71922'='Villonodular synovitis of upper arm' '71923'='Villonodular synovitis of forearm' '71924'='Villonodular synovitis of hand' '71925'='Villonodular synovitis of pelvic regi...' '71926'='Villonodular synovitis of lower leg' '71927'='Villonodular synovitis of ankle and foot' '71928'='Villonodular synovitis of other speci...' '71929'='Villonodular synovitis of multiple sites' '71930'='Palindromic rheumatism of site unspec...' '71931'='Palindromic rheumatism of shoulder re...' '71932'='Palindromic rheumatism of upper arm' '71933'='Palindromic rheumatism of forearm' '71934'='Palindromic rheumatism of hand' '71935'='Palindromic rheumatism of pelvic regi...' '71936'='Palindromic rheumatism of lower leg' '71937'='Palindromic rheumatism of ankle and foot' '71938'='Palindromic rheumatism of other speci...' '71939'='Palindromic rheumatism of multiple sites' '71940'='Pain in joint of site unspecified' '71941'='Pain in joint of shoulder region' '71942'='Pain in joint of upper arm' '71943'='Pain in joint of forearm' '71944'='Pain in joint of hand' '71945'='Pain in joint of pelvic region and thigh' '71946'='Pain in joint of lower leg' '71947'='Pain in joint of ankle and foot' '71948'='Pain in joint of other specified sites' '71949'='Pain in joint of multiple sites' '71950'='Stiffness of joint of site unspecifie...' '71951'='Stiffness of joint of shoulder region...' '71952'='Stiffness of joint of upper arm, not ...' '71953'='Stiffness of joint of forearm, not el...' '71954'='Stiffness of joint of hand, not elsew...' '71955'='Stiffness of joint of pelvic reg/thig...' '71956'='Stiffness of joint of lower leg, not ...' '71957'='Stiffness of joint of ankle and foot,...' '71958'='Stiffness of joint of other spec site...' '71959'='Stiffness of joint of multiple sites,...' '71960'='Other symptoms referable to joint, si...' '71961'='Other symptoms referable to joint of ...' '71962'='Other symptoms referable to joint of ...' '71963'='Other symptoms referable to joint of ...' '71964'='Other symptoms referable to joint of ...' '71965'='Other symptoms referable to joint of ...' '71966'='Other symptoms referable to joint of ...' '71967'='Other symptoms referable to joint of ...' '71968'='Other symptoms referable to joint of ...' '71969'='Other symptoms referable to joint of ...' '7197-'='Difficulty in walking' '71970'='Difficulty in walking, site unspecified' '71975'='Difficulty in walking, pelvic region ...' '71976'='Difficulty in walking, lower leg' '71977'='Difficulty in walking, ankle and foot' '71978'='Difficulty in walking, other specifie...' '71979'='Difficulty in walking, multiple sites' '71980'='Other specified disorders of joint, s...' '71981'='Other specified disorders of joint, s...' '71982'='Other specified disorders of joint, u...' '71983'='Other specified disorders of joint, f...' '71984'='Other specified disorders of joint, hand' '71985'='Other specified disorders of joint, p...' '71986'='Other specified disorders of joint, l...' '71987'='Other specified disorders of joint, a...' '71988'='Other specified disorders of joint, o...' '71989'='Other specified disorders of joint, m...' '71990'='Unspecified disorder of joint, site u...' '71991'='Unspecified disorder of joint, should...' '71992'='Unspecified disorder of joint, upper arm' '71993'='Unspecified disorder of joint, forearm' '71994'='Unspecified disorder of joint, hand' '71995'='Unspecified disorder of joint, pelvic...' '71996'='Unspecified disorder of joint, lower leg' '71997'='Unspecified disorder of joint, ankle ...' '71998'='Unspecified disorder of joint, other ...' '71999'='Unspecified disorder of joint, multip...' '7200-'='Ankylosing spondylitis' '7201-'='Spinal enthesopathy' '7202-'='Sacroiliitis, not elsewhere classified' '7208-'='Other inflammatory spondylopathies' '72081'='Inflammatory spondylopathies in disea...' '72089'='Other inflammatory spondylopathies' '7209-'='Unspecified inflammatory spondylopathy' '7210-'='Cervical spondylosis without myelopathy' '7211-'='Cervical spondylosis with myelopathy' '7212-'='Thoracic spondylosis without myelopathy' '7213-'='Lumbosacral spondylosis without myelo...' '7214-'='Thoracic or lumbar spondylosis with m...' '72141'='Thoracic region spondylosis with myel...' '72142'='Lumbar region spondylosis with myelop...' '7215-'='Kissing spine' '7216-'='Ankylosing vertebral hyperostosis' '7217-'='Traumatic spondylopathy' '7218-'='Other allied disorders of spine' '72190'='Spondylosis of unspecified site witho...' '72191'='Spondylosis of unspecified site with ...' '7220-'='Displacement of cervical intervertebr...' '72210'='Lumbar intervertebral disc without my...' '72211'='Thoracic intervertebral disc without ...' '7222-'='Displacement of intervertebral disc, ...' '72230'='Schmorl`s nodes, unspecified region' '72231'='Schmorl`s nodes, thoracic region' '72232'='Schmorl`s nodes, lumbar region' '72239'='Schmorl`s nodes, other' '7224-'='Degeneration of cervical intervertebr...' '7225-'='Degeneration of thoracic or lumbar in...' '72251'='Degeneration of thoracic or thoracolu...' '72252'='Degeneration of lumbar or lumbosacral...' '7226-'='Degeneration of intervertebral disc, ...' '72270'='Intervertebral disc disorder with mye...' '72271'='Intervertebral disc disorder with mye...' '72272'='Intervertebral disc disorder with mye...' '72273'='Intervertebral disc disorder with mye...' '72280'='Postlaminectomy syndrome, unspecified...' '72281'='Postlaminectomy syndrome, cervical re...' '72282'='Postlaminectomy syndrome, thoracic re...' '72283'='Postlaminectomy syndrome, lumbar region' '72290'='Other and unspecified disc disorder, ...' '72291'='Other and unspecified disc disorder, ...' '72292'='Other and unspecified disc disorder, ...' '72293'='Other and unspecified disc disorder, ...' '7230-'='Spinal stenosis of cervical region' '7231-'='Cervicalgia' '7232-'='Cervicocranial syndrome' '7233-'='Cervicobrachial syndrome (diffuse)' '7234-'='Brachia neuritis or radiculitis NOS' '7235-'='Torticollis, unspecified' '7236-'='Panniculitis specified as affecting neck' '7237-'='Ossification of posterior longitudina...' '7238-'='Other syndromes affecting cervical re...' '7239-'='Unspecified musculoskeletal disorders...' '72400'='Spinal stenosis, unspecified region' '72401'='Spinal stenosis, thoracic region' '72402'='Spinal stenosis, lumbar region, w/neuro claudication' '72403'='Spinal stenosis, lumbar region, w/o neuro claudication' '72409'='Other spinal stenosis' '7241-'='Pain in thoracic spine' '7242-'='Lumbago' '7243-'='Sciatia' '7244-'='Thoracic or lumbosacral neuritis or r...' '7245-'='Backache, unspecified' '7246-'='Disorders of sacrum' '72470'='Unspecified disorder of coccyx' '72471'='Hypermobility of coccyx' '72479'='Other disorders of coccyx' '7248-'='Other symptoms referable to back' '7249-'='Other unspecified back disorders' '725--'='Polymyalgia rheumatica' '7260-'='Adhesive capsulitis of shoulder' '72610'='Disorders of bursae and tendons in sh...' '72611'='Calcifying tendinitis of shoulder' '72612'='Bicipital tenosynovitis' '72613'='Partial tear of rotator cuff' '72619'='Other specified disorders of shoulder' '7262-'='Other affections of shoulder region, ...' '72630'='Enthesopathy of elbow, unspecified' '72631'='Medial epicondylitis' '72632'='Lateral epicondylitis' '72633'='Olecranon bursitis' '72639'='Other enthesopathy of elbow region' '7264-'='Enthesopathy of wrist and carpus' '7265-'='Enthesopathy of hip region' '72660'='Enthesopathy of knee, unspecified' '72661'='Pes anserinus tendinitis or bursitis' '72662'='Tibial collateral ligament bursitis' '72663'='Fibular collateral ligament bursitis' '72664'='Patellar tendinitis' '72665'='Prepatellar bursitis' '72669'='Other enthesopathy of knee' '72670'='Enthesopathy of ankle and tarsus, uns...' '72671'='Achilles bursitis or tendinitis' '72672'='Tibialis tendinitis' '72673'='Calcaneal spur' '72679'='Other enthesopathy of ankle and tarsus' '7268-'='Other peripheral enthesopathies' '72690'='Enthesopathy of specified site' '72691'='Exostosis of unspecified site' '72700'='Synovitis and tenosynovitis, unspecified' '72701'='Synovitis and tenosynovitis in diseas...' '72702'='Giant cell tumor of tendon sheath' '72703'='Trigger finger (acquired)' '72704'='Radial styloid tenosynovitis' '72705'='Other tenosynovitis or hand and wrist' '72706'='Tenosynovitis of foot and ankle' '72709'='Other synovitis and tenosynovitis' '7271-'='Bunion' '7272-'='Specific bursitides often of occupati...' '7273-'='Other bursitis' '72740'='Synovial cyst, unspecified' '72741'='Ganglion of joint' '72742'='Ganglion of tendon sheath' '72743'='Ganglion, unspecified' '72749'='Other ganglion and cyst of synovium, ...' '72750'='Rupture of synovium, unspecified' '72751'='Synovial cyst of popliteal space' '72759'='Other rupture of synovium' '72760'='Nontraumatic rupture of unspecified t...' '72761'='Complete rupture of rotator cuff' '72762'='Tendons of biceps (long head)' '72763'='Extensor tendons of hand and wrist' '72764'='Flexor tendons of hand and wrist' '72765'='Quadriceps tendon' '72766'='Patellar tendon' '72767'='Achilles tendon' '72768'='Other tendons of foot and ankle' '72769'='Other rupture of tendon, nontraumatic' '7278-'='Other disorders of synovium, tendon, ...' '72781'='Contracture of tendon (sheath)' '72782'='Calcium deposits in tendon and bursa' '72783'='Plica syndrome' '72789'='Other disorders of synovium, tendon, ...' '7279-'='Unspecified disorder of synovium, ten...' '7280-'='Infective myositis' '72810'='Calcification and ossification, unspe...' '72811'='Progressive myositis ossificans' '72812'='Traumatic myositis ossifications' '72813'='Postoperative heterotopic calcification' '72819'='Other muscular calcification and ossi...' '7282-'='Muscular wasting and disuse atrophy, ...' '7283-'='Other specific muscle disorders' '7284-'='Laxity of ligament' '7285-'='Hypermobility syndrome' '7286-'='Contracture of palmar fascia' '7287-'='Other fibromatoses' '72871'='Plantar fascial fibromatosis' '72879'='Other fibromatoses' '7288-'='Other disorders of muscle, ligament, ...' '72881'='Interstitial myositis' '72882'='Foreign body granuloma of muscle' '72883'='Rupture of muscle, nontraumatic' '72884'='Diastasis of muscle' '72885'='Spasm of muscle' '72886'='Necrotizing fasciitis' '72887'='Muscle weakness' '72888'='Rhabdomyolysis' '72889'='Other disorders of muscle, ligament, ...' '7289-'='Unspecified disorder of muscle, ligam...' '7290-'='Rheumatism, unspecified and fibrositis' '7291-'='Mylagia and myositis, unspecified' '7292-'='Neuralgia, neuritis, and radiculitis,...' '72930'='Panniculitis, unspecified site' '72931'='Hypertrophy of fat pad, knee' '72939'='Panniculitis of other site' '7294-'='Fasciitis, unspecified' '7295-'='Pain in limb' '7296-'='Residual foreign body in soft tissue' '72971'='Nontraumatic compartment syndrome of up...' '72972'='Nontraumatic compartment syndrome of low...' '7298-'='Other musculoskeletal symptoms refera...' '72981'='Swelling of limb' '72982'='Cramp' '72989'='Other musculoskeletal symptoms refera...' '72990'='Disorders of soft tissue, unspecified' '72991'='Post-traumatic seroma' '72992'='Nontraumatic hematoma of soft tissue' '72999'='Other disorders of soft tissue' '73000'='Acute osteomyelitis of site unspecified' '73001'='Acute osteomyelitis of shoulder region' '73002'='Acute osteomyelitis of upper arm' '73003'='Acute osteomyelitis of forearm' '73004'='Acute osteomyelitis of hand' '73005'='Acute osteomyelitis of pelvic region ...' '73006'='Acute osteomyelitis of lower leg' '73007'='Acute osteomyelitis of ankle and foot' '73008'='Acute osteomyelitis of other specifie...' '73009'='Acute osteomyelitis of multiple sites' '73010'='Chronic osteomyelitis of site unspeci...' '73011'='Chronic osteomyelitis of shoulder region' '73012'='Chronic osteomyelitis of upper arm' '73013'='Chronic osteomyelitis of forearm' '73014'='Chronic osteomyelitis of hand' '73015'='Chronic osteomyelitis of pelvic regio...' '73016'='Chronic osteomyelitis of lower leg' '73017'='Chronic osteomyelitis of ankle and foot' '73018'='Chronic osteomyelitis of other specif...' '73019'='Chronic osteomyelitis of multiple sites' '73020'='Unspecified osteomyelitis of site uns...' '73021'='Unspecified osteomyelitis of shoulder...' '73022'='Unspecified osteomyelitis of upper arm' '73023'='Unspecified osteomyelitis of forearm' '73024'='Unspecified osteomyelitis of hand' '73025'='Unspecified osteomyelitis of pelvic r...' '73026'='Unspecified osteomyelitis of lower leg' '73027'='Unspecified osteomyelitis of ankle an...' '73028'='Unspecified osteomyelitis of other sp...' '73029'='Unspecified osteomyelitis of multiple...' '73030'='Periostitis without mention of ostemy...' '73031'='Periostitis without mention of ostemy...' '73032'='Periostitis without mention of ostemy...' '73033'='Periostitis without mention of ostemy...' '73034'='Periostitis without mention of ostemy...' '73035'='Periostitis without mention of ostemy...' '73036'='Periostitis without mention of ostemy...' '73037'='Periostitis without mention of ostemy...' '73038'='Periostitis without mention of ostemy...' '73039'='Periostitis without mention of ostemy...' '73070'='Osteopathy resulting from poliomyelit...' '73071'='Osteopathy resulting from poliomyelit...' '73072'='Osteopathy resulting from poliomyelit...' '73073'='Osteopathy resulting from poliomyelit...' '73074'='Osteopathy resulting from poliomyelit...' '73075'='Osteopathy resulting from poliomyelit...' '73076'='Osteopathy resulting from poliomyelit...' '73077'='Osteopathy resulting from poliomyelit...' '73078'='Osteopathy resulting from poliomyelit...' '73079'='Osteopathy resulting from poliomyelit...' '73080'='Oth infectns involv bone in diseas cl...' '73081'='Oth infectns involv bone in diseas cl...' '73082'='Oth infectns involv bone in diseas cl...' '73083'='Oth infectns involv bone in diseas cl...' '73084'='Oth infectns involv bone in diseas cl...' '73085'='Oth infectns involv bone in diseas cl...' '73086'='Oth infectns involv bone in diseas cl...' '73087'='Oth infectns involv bone in diseas cl...' '73088'='Oth infectns involv bone in diseas cl...' '73089'='Oth infectns involv bone in diseas cl...' '73090'='Unspecified infection of bone of site...' '73091'='Unspecified infection of bone of shou...' '73092'='Unspecified infection of bone of uppe...' '73093'='Unspecified infection of bone of forearm' '73094'='Unspecified infection of bone of hand' '73095'='Unspecified infection of bone of pelv...' '73096'='Unspecified infection of bone of lowe...' '73097'='Unspecified infection of bone of ankl...' '73098'='Unspecified infection of bone of othe...' '73099'='Unspecified infection of bone of mult...' '7310-'='Osteitis deformans without mention of...' '7311-'='Osteitis deformans in diseases classi...' '7312-'='Hypertrophic pulmonary osteoarthropathy' '7318-'='Other bone involvement in diseases cl...' '7320-'='Juvenile osteochondrosis of spine' '7321-'='Juvenile osteochondrosis of hip and p...' '7322-'='Nontraumatic slipped upper femoral ep...' '7323-'='Juvenile osteochondrosis of upper ext...' '7324-'='Juvenile osteochondrosis of lower ext...' '7325-'='Juvenile osteochondrosis of foot' '7326-'='Other juvenile osteochondrosis' '7327-'='Osteochondritis dissecans' '7328-'='Other specified forms of osteochondro...' '7329-'='Unspecified osteochondropathy' '73300'='Osteoporosis, unspecified' '73301'='Senile osteoporosis' '73302'='Idiopathic osteoporosis' '73303'='Disuse osteoporosis' '73309'='Other osteoporosis' '73310'='Pathologic fracture, unspecified site' '73311'='Pathologic fracture of humerus' '73312'='Pathologic fracture of distal radius ...' '73313'='Pathologic fracture of vertebrae' '73314'='Pathologic fracture of neck of femur' '73315'='Pathologic fracture of other specifie...' '73316'='Pathologic fracture of tibia and fibula' '73319'='Pathologic fracture of other specifie...' '73320'='Cyst of bone (localized), unspecified' '73321'='Solitary bone cyst' '73322'='Aneurysmal bone cyst' '73329'='Other bone cyst' '7333-'='Hyperostosis of skull' '73340'='Aseptic necrosis of bone, site unspec...' '73341'='Aseptic necrosis of head of humerus' '73342'='Aseptic necrosis of head and neck of ...' '73343'='Aseptic necrosis of medial femoral co...' '73344'='Aseptic necrosis of talus' '73345'='Jaw, aseptic necrosis of bone' '73349'='Other aseptic necrosis' '7335-'='Osteitis condensans' '7336-'='Tietze`s disease' '7337-'='Algoneurodystrophy' '7338-'='Malunion and nonunion of fracture' '73381'='Malunion of fracture' '73382'='Nonunion of fracture' '73390'='Disorder of bone and cartilage, unspe...' '73391'='Arrest of bone development or growth' '73392'='Chondromalacia' '73393'='Stress fracture of the tibia or fibul...' '73394'='Stress fracture of the metatarsals' '73395'='Stress fracture of other bone' '73399'='Other disorders of bone and cartilage' '734--'='Flat foot' '7350-'='Hallux valgus (acquired)' '7351-'='Hallux varus (acquired)' '7352-'='Hallux rigidus' '7353-'='Hallux malleus' '7354-'='Other hammer toe (acquired)' '7355-'='Claw toe (acquired)' '7358-'='Other acquired deformities of toe' '7359-'='Unspecified acquired deformity of toe' '73600'='Unspecified deformity of forearm, exc...' '73601'='Cubitus valgus (acquired)' '73602'='Cubitus varus (acquired)' '73603'='Valgus deformity of wrist (acquired)' '73604'='Varus deformity of wrist (acquired)' '73605'='Wrist drop (acquired)' '73606'='Claw hand (acquired)' '73607'='Club hand (acquired)' '73609'='Other acquired deformities of forearm...' '7361-'='Mallet finger' '73620'='Unspecified deformity of finger' '73621'='Boutonniere deformity of finger' '73622'='Swan-neck deformity of finger' '73629'='Other acquired deformities of finger' '73630'='Unspecified deformity' '73631'='Coxa valga (acquired)' '73632'='Coxa vara (acquired)' '73639'='Other acquired deformities of hip' '7364-'='Genu valgum or varum (acquired)' '73641'='Genu valgum (acquired)' '73642'='Genu varum (acquired)' '7365-'='Genu recurvatum (acquired)' '7366-'='Other acquired deformities of knee' '73670'='Unspecified deformity of ankle and fo...' '73671'='Acquired equinovarus deformity' '73672'='Equinus deformity of foot, acquired' '73673'='Cavus deformity of foot' '73674'='Claw foot, acquired' '73675'='Cavovarus deformity of foot, acquired' '73676'='Other calcaneus deformity' '73679'='Other acquired deformities of ankle a...' '7368-'='Acquired deformities of other parts o...' '73681'='Unequal leg length (acquired)' '73689'='Other acquired deformities of other p...' '7369-'='Acquired deformity of limb, site unsp...' '7370-'='Adolescent postural kyphosis' '73710'='Kyphosis (acquired) (postural)' '73711'='Kyphosis due to radiation' '73712'='Kyphosis, postlaminectomy' '73719'='Other kyphosis (acquired)' '73720'='Lordosis (acquired) (postural)' '73721'='Lordosis, postlaminectomy' '73722'='Other postsurgical lordosis' '73729'='Other lordosis (acquired)' '73730'='Scoliosis [and kyphoscoliosis], idiop...' '73731'='Resolving infantile idiopathic scoliosis' '73732'='Progressive infantile idiopathic scol...' '73733'='Scoliosis due to radiation' '73734'='Thoracogenic scoliosis' '73739'='Other kyphoscoliosis and scoliosis' '73740'='Curvature of spine, unspecified' '73741'='Curvature of spine associated with ky...' '73742'='Curvature of spine associated with lo...' '73743'='Curvature of spine associated with sc...' '7378-'='Other curvatures of spine' '7379-'='Unspecified curvature of spine' '7380-'='Acquired deformity of nose' '73810'='Unspecified deformity of head' '73811'='Zygomatic hyperplasia' '73812'='Zygomatic hypoplasia' '73819'='Other specified deformity of head' '7382-'='Acquired deformity of neck' '7383-'='Acquired deformity of chest and rib' '7384-'='Acquired spondylolisthesis' '7385-'='Other acquired deformity of back or s...' '7386-'='Acquired deformity of pelvis' '7387-'='Cauliflower ear' '7388-'='Acquired deformity of other specified...' '7389-'='Acquired deformity of unspecified site' '7390-'='Nonallopathic lesions, head region' '7391-'='Nonallopathic lesions, cervical region' '7392-'='Nonallopathic lesions, thoracic region' '7393-'='Nonallopathic lesions, lumbar region' '7394-'='Nonallopathic lesions, sacral region' '7395-'='Nonallopathic lesions, pelvic region' '7396-'='Nonallopathic lesions, lower extremities' '7397-'='Nonallopathic lesions, upper extremities' '7398-'='Nonallopathic lesions, rib cage' '7399-'='Nonallopathic lesions, abdomen and other' '7400-'='Anencephalus' '7401-'='Craniorachischisis' '7402-'='Iniencephaly' '74100'='Spina bifida with hydrocephalus, unsp...' '74101'='Spina bifida with hydrocephalus, cerv...' '74102'='Spina bifida with hydrocephalus, dors...' '74103'='Spina bifida with hydrocephalus, lumb...' '74190'='Spina bifida without mention of hydro...' '74191'='Spina bifida without mention of hydro...' '74192'='Spina bifida w/o mention hydrocephalu...' '74193'='Spina bifida without mention of hydro...' '7420-'='Encephalocele' '7421-'='Microcephalus' '7422-'='Reduction deformities of brain' '7423-'='Congenital hydrocephalus' '7424-'='Other specified anomalies of brain' '7425-'='Other specified anomalies of spinal cord' '74251'='Diastematomyelia' '74253'='Hydromyelia' '74259'='Other specified anomalies of spinal cord' '7428-'='Other specified anomalies of nervous ...' '7429-'='Unspecified anomaly of brain, spinal ...' '74300'='Clinical anophthalmos, unspecified' '74303'='Cystic eyeball, congenital' '74306'='Cryptophthalmos' '74310'='Microphthalmos, unspecified' '74311'='Simple microphthalmos' '74312'='Microphthalmos associated w/other ano...' '74320'='Buphthalmos, unspecified' '74321'='Simple buphthalmos' '74322'='Buphthalmos associated with other ocu...' '74330'='Congenital cataract, unspecified' '74331'='Capsular and subcapsular cataract' '74332'='Cortical and zonular cataract' '74333'='Nuclear cataract' '74334'='Total and subtotal cataract, congenital' '74335'='Congenital aphakia' '74336'='Anomalies of lens shape' '74337'='Congenital ectopic lens' '74339'='Other congenital cataract and lens an...' '7434-'='Coloboma and other anomalies of anter...' '74341'='Anomalies of corneal size and shape' '74342'='Corneal opacities, interfering with v...' '74343'='Other corneal opacities, congenital' '74344'='Spec anomalies of anterior chamber/ch...' '74345'='Aniridia' '74346'='Other specified anomalies of iris and...' '74347'='Specified anomalies of sclera' '74348'='Multiple and combined anomalies of an...' '74349'='Other anomalies of anterior segment' '7435-'='Congenital anomalies of posterior seg...' '74351'='Vitreous anomalies' '74352'='Fundus coloboma' '74353'='Chorioretinal degeneration, congenital' '74354'='Congenital folds and cysts of posteri...' '74355'='Congenital macular changes' '74356'='Other retinal changes, congenital' '74357'='Specified anomalies of optic disc' '74358'='Vascular anomalies' '74359'='Other congenital anomalies of posteri...' '7436-'='Congenital anomalies of eyelids, lacr...' '74361'='Congenital ptosis' '74362'='Congenital deformities of eyelids' '74363'='Other specified congenital anomalies ...' '74364'='Specified congenital anomalies of lac...' '74365'='Specified congenital anomalies of lac...' '74366'='Specified congenital anomalies of orbit' '74369'='Oth congenital anomalies of eyelid, l...' '7438-'='Other specified anomalies of eye' '7439-'='Unspecified anomaly of eye' '74400'='Unspecified anomaly of ear with impai...' '74401'='Absence of external ear' '74402'='Other anomalies of external ear with ...' '74403'='Anomaly of middle ear, except ossicles' '74404'='Anomalies of ear ossicles' '74405'='Anomalies of inner ear' '74409'='Other anomalies of ear causing impair...' '7441-'='Accessory auricle' '7442-'='Other specified anomalies of ear' '74421'='Absence of ear lobe, congenital' '74422'='Macrotia' '74423'='Microtia' '74424'='Specified anomalies of Eustachian tube' '74429'='Other anomalies of ear' '7443-'='Unspecified anomaly of ear' '74441'='Branchial cleft sinus or fistula' '74442'='Branchial cleft cyst' '74443'='Cervical auricle cyst or fistula' '74446'='Preauricular sinus or fistula' '74447'='Preauricular cyst' '74449'='Other branchial cleft cyst or fistula' '7445-'='Webbing of neck' '7448-'='Other specified anomalies of face and...' '74481'='Macrocheilia' '74482'='Microcheilia' '74483'='Macrostomia' '74484'='Microstomia' '74489'='Other specified anomalies of face and...' '7449-'='Unspecified anomalies of face and neck' '7450-'='Common truncus' '74510'='Complete transposition of great vessels' '74511'='Double outlet right ventricle' '74512'='Corrected transposition of great vessels' '74519'='Other transposition of great vessels' '7452-'='Tetralogy of Fallot' '7453-'='Common ventricle' '7454-'='Ventricular septal defect' '7455-'='Ostium secundum type atrial septal de...' '74560'='Endocardial cushion defect, unspecifi...' '74561'='Ostium primum defect' '74569'='Other endocardial cushion defects' '7457-'='Cor biloculare' '7458-'='Other anomalies of bulbus cordis and ...' '7459-'='Unspecified defect of septal closure' '74600'='Pulmonary valve anomaly, unspecified' '74601'='Pulmonary valve atresia, congenital' '74602'='Pulmonary valve stenosis, congenital' '74609'='Other pulmonary valve anomalies' '7461-'='Tricuspid atresia and stenosis, conge...' '7462-'='Ebstein`s anomaly' '7463-'='Congenital stenosis of aortic valve' '7464-'='Congenital insufficiency of aortic valve' '7465-'='Congenital mitral stenosis' '7466-'='Congenital mitral insufficiency' '7467-'='Hypoplastic left heart syndrome' '7468-'='Other specified anomalies of heart' '74681'='Subaortic stenosis' '74682'='Cor triatriatum' '74683'='Infundibular pulmonic stenosis' '74684'='Obstructive anomalies of heart, NEC' '74685'='Coronary artery anomaly' '74686'='Congenital heart block' '74687'='Malposition of heart and cardiac apex' '74689'='Other specified anomalies of heart' '7469-'='Unspecified anomaly of heart' '7470-'='Patent ductus arteriosus' '74710'='Coarctation of aorta (preductal) (pos...' '74711'='Interruption of aortic arch' '74720'='Anomaly of aorta, unspecified' '74721'='Anomalies of aortic arch' '74722'='Atresia and stenosis of aorta' '74729'='Other anomalies of aorta' '7473-'='Anomalies of pulmonary artery' '74731'='Pulmonary artery coarctation and atresia' '74739'='Other anomalies of pulmonary artery and...' '74740'='Anomaly of great veins, unspecified' '74741'='Total anomalous pulmonary venous conn...' '74742'='Partial anomalous pulmonary venous co...' '74749'='Other anomalies of great veins' '7475-'='Absence or hypoplasia of umbilical ar...' '74760'='Anomaly of the peripheral vascular sy...' '74761'='Gastrointestinal vessel anomaly' '74762'='Renal vessel anomaly' '74763'='Upper limb vessel anomaly' '74764'='Lower limb vessel anomaly' '74769'='Anomalies of other specified sites of...' '7478-'='Other specified anomalies of circulat...' '74781'='Anomalies of cerebrovascular system' '74782'='Spinal vessel anomaly' '74783'='Persistent fetal circulation' '74789'='Other anomalies of circulatory system' '7479-'='Unspecified anomaly of circulatory sy...' '7480-'='Choanal atresia' '7481-'='Other anomalies of nose' '7482-'='Web of larynx' '7483-'='Other anomalies of larynx, trachea, a...' '7484-'='Congenital cystic lung' '7485-'='Agenesis, hypoplasia, and dysplasia o...' '74860'='Anomaly of lung, unspecified' '74861'='Congenital bronchiectasis' '74869'='Other anomalies of lung' '7488-'='Other specified anomalies of respirat...' '7489-'='Unspecified anomaly of respiratory sy...' '74900'='Cleft palate, unspecified' '74901'='Unilateral cleft palate, complete' '74902'='Unilateral cleft palate, incomplete' '74903'='Bilateral cleft palate, complete' '74904'='Bilateral cleft palate, incomplete' '74910'='Cleft lip, unspecified' '74911'='Unilateral cleft lip, complete' '74912'='Unilateral cleft lip, incomplete' '74913'='Bilateral cleft lip, complete' '74914'='Bilateral cleft lip, incomplete' '74920'='Cleft palate with cleft lip, unspecified' '74921'='Unilateral cleft palate with cleft li...' '74922'='Unilateral cleft palate with cleft li...' '74923'='Bilateral cleft palate with cleft lip...' '74924'='Bilateral cleft palate with cleft lip...' '74925'='Other combinations of cleft palate wi...' '7500-'='Tongue tie' '75010'='Anomaly of tongue, unspecified' '75011'='Aglossia' '75012'='Congenital adhesions of tongue' '75013'='Fissure of tongue' '75015'='Macroglossia' '75016'='Microglossia' '75019'='Other anomalies of tongue' '7502-'='Other specified anomalies of mouth an...' '75021'='Absence of salivary gland' '75022'='Accessory salivary gland' '75023'='Atresia, salivary gland' '75024'='Congenital fistula of salivary gland' '75025'='Congenital fistula of lip' '75026'='Other specified anomalies of mouth' '75027'='Diverticulum of pharynx' '75029'='Other specified anomalies of pharynx' '7503-'='Tracheoesophageal fistula, esophageal...' '7504-'='Other specified anomalies of esophagus' '7505-'='Congenital hypertrophic pyloric stenosis' '7506-'='Congenital hiatus hernia' '7507-'='Other specified anomalies of stomach' '7508-'='Other specified anomalies of upper al...' '7509-'='Unspecified anomaly of upper alimenta...' '7510-'='Meckel`s diverticulum' '7511-'='Atresia and stenosis of small intestine' '7512-'='Atresia and stenosis of large intesti...' '7513-'='Hirschsprung`s disease/oth congenital...' '7514-'='Anomalies of intestinal fixation' '7515-'='Other anomalies of intestine' '75160'='Unspecified anomaly of gallbladder, b...' '75161'='Biliary atresia' '75162'='Congenital cystic disease of liver' '75169'='Other anomalies of gallbladder, bile ...' '7517-'='Anomalies of pancreas' '7518-'='Other specified anomalies of digestiv...' '7519-'='Unspecified anomaly of digestive system' '7520-'='Anomalies of ovaries' '75210'='Unspecified anomaly of fallopian tube...' '75211'='Embryonic cyst of fallopian tubes and...' '75219'='Other anomalies of fallopian tubes an...' '7522-'='Doubling of uterus' '7523-'='Other anomalies of uterus' '75235'='Septate uterus' '75236'='Arcuate uterus' '75239'='Other anomalies of uterus' '75240'='Unspec anomaly of cervix, vagina, ext...' '75241'='Embryonic cyst of cervix, vagina, ext...' '75242'='Imperforate hymen' '75249'='Other anomalies of cervix, vagina, ex...' '7525-'='Undescended testicle' '75251'='Undescended testis' '75252'='Retractile testis' '7526-'='Hypospadias and epispadias' '75261'='Hypospadias' '75262'='Epispadias' '75263'='Congenital chordee' '75264'='Micropenis' '75265'='Hidden penis' '75269'='Other penile anomalies' '7527-'='Indeterminate sex and pseudohermaphro...' '7528-'='Other specified anomalies of genital ...' '75281'='Scrotal transposition' '75289'='Other specified anomalies of genital ...' '7529-'='Unspecified anomaly of genital organs' '7530-'='Renal agenesis and dysgenesis' '75310'='Cystic kidney disease, unspecified' '75311'='Congenital single renal cyst' '75312'='Polycystic kidney, unspecified type' '75313'='Polycystic kidney, autosomal dominant' '75314'='Polycystic kidney, autosomal recessive' '75315'='Renal dysplasia' '75316'='Medullary cystic kidney' '75317'='Medullary sponge kidney' '75319'='Other specified cystic kidney disease' '7532-'='Obstructive defects of renal pelvis a...' '75320'='Unspecified obstructive defect of ren...' '75321'='Congenital obstruction of ureteropelv...' '75322'='Congenital obstruction of ureterovesi...' '75323'='Congenital ureterocele' '75329'='Other obstructive defects of renal pe...' '7533-'='Other specified anomalies of kidney' '7534-'='Other specified anomalies of ureter' '7535-'='Exstrophy of urinary bladder' '7536-'='Atresia and stenosis of urethra and b...' '7537-'='Anomalies of urachus' '7538-'='Other specified anomalies of bladder ...' '7539-'='Unspecified anomaly of urinary system' '7540-'='Congenital deformities of skull, face...' '7541-'='Congenital deformities of sternocleid...' '7542-'='Congenital deformities of spine' '75430'='Congenital dislocation of hip, unilat...' '75431'='Congenital dislocation of hip, bilateral' '75432'='Congenital subluxation of hip, unilat...' '75433'='Congenital subluxation of hip, bilateral' '75435'='Congenital dislocation of one hip wit...' '75440'='Genu recurvatum' '75441'='Congenital dislocation of knee (with ...' '75442'='Congenital bowing of femur' '75443'='Congenital bowing of tibia and fibula' '75444'='Congenital bowing of unspecified long...' '75450'='Talipes varus' '75451'='Talipes equinovarus' '75452'='Metatarsus primus varus' '75453'='Metatarsus varus' '75459'='Other varus deformities of feet' '75460'='Talipes valgus' '75461'='Congenital pes planus' '75462'='Talipes calcaneovalgus' '75469'='Other valgus deformities of feet' '75470'='Talipes, unspecified' '75471'='Talipes cavus' '75479'='Other deformities of feet' '7548-'='Other specified nonteratogenic anomalies' '75481'='Pectus excavatum' '75482'='Pectus carinatum' '75489'='Other specified nonteratogenic anomalies' '75500'='Polydactyly, unspecified digits' '75501'='Polydactyly of fingers' '75502'='Polydactyly of toes' '75510'='Syndactyly of multiple and unspecifie...' '75511'='Syndactyly of fingers without fusion ...' '75512'='Syndactyly of fingers with fusion of ...' '75513'='Syndactyly of toes without fusion of ...' '75514'='Syndactyly of toes with fusion of bone' '75520'='Unspecified reduction deformity of up...' '75521'='Transverse deficiency of upper limb' '75522'='Longitudinal deficiency of upper limb...' '75523'='Longitudinal deficiency combined, inv...' '75524'='Longitudinal deficiency humeral' '75525'='Longitudinal deficiency radioulnar' '75526'='Longitudinal deficiency radial' '75527'='Longitudinal deficiency ulnar' '75528'='Longitudinal deficiency carpals or me...' '75529'='Longitudinal deficiency phalanges' '75530'='Unspecified reduction deformity of lo...' '75531'='Transverse deficiency of lower limb' '75532'='Longitudinal deficiency of lower limb...' '75533'='Longitudinal deficiency combined, inv...' '75534'='Longitudinal deficiency femoral' '75535'='Longitudinal deficiency tibiofibular' '75536'='Longitudinal deficiency tibia' '75537'='Longitudinal deficiency fibular' '75538'='Longitudinal deficiency tarsals or me...' '75539'='Longitudinal deficiency phalanges' '7554-'='Reduction deformities, unspecified limb' '75550'='Unspecified anomaly of upper limb' '75551'='Congenital deformity of clavicle' '75552'='Congenital elevation of scapula' '75553'='Radioulnar synostosis' '75554'='Madelung`s deformity' '75555'='Acrocephalosyndactyly' '75556'='Accessory carpal bones' '75557'='Macrodactylia (fingers)' '75558'='Cleft hand, congenital' '75559'='Other anomalies of upper limb, includ...' '75560'='Unspecified anomaly of lower limb' '75561'='Coxa valga, congenital' '75562'='Coxa vara, congenital' '75563'='Other congenital deformity of hip (jo...' '75564'='Congenital deformity of knee (joint)' '75565'='Macrodactylia of toes' '75566'='Other anomalies of toes' '75567'='Anomalies of foot, NEC' '75569'='Other anomalies lower limb, including...' '7558-'='Other specified anomalies of unspecif...' '7559-'='Unspecified anomaly of unspecified limb' '7560-'='Anomalies of skull and face bones' '75610'='Anomaly of spine, unspecified' '75611'='Spondylolysis, lumbosacral region' '75612'='Spondylolisthesis' '75613'='Absence of vertebra, congenital' '75614'='Hemivertebra' '75615'='Fusion of spine [vertebra], congenital' '75616'='Klippel-Feil syndrome' '75617'='Spina bifida occulta' '75619'='Other anomalies of spine' '7562-'='Cervical rib' '7563-'='Other anomalies of ribs and sternum' '7564-'='Chondrodystrophy' '75650'='Osteodystrophy, unspecified' '75651'='Osteogenesis imperfecta' '75652'='Osteopetrosis' '75653'='Osteopoikilosis' '75654'='Polyostotic fibrous dysplasia of bone' '75655'='Chondroectodermal dysplasia' '75656'='Multiple epiphyseal dysplasia' '75659'='Other osteodystrophies' '7566-'='Anomalies of diaphragm' '7567-'='Anomalies of abdominal wall' '75671'='Prune belly syndrome' '75679'='Other congenital anomal of abdom wall' '7568-'='Oth spec anomalies of muscle, tendon,...' '75681'='Absence of muscle and tendon' '75682'='Accessory muscle' '75683'='Ehlers-Danlos syndrome' '75689'='Other anomalies of muscle, tendon, fa...' '7569-'='Other and unspecified anomalies of mu...' '7570-'='Hereditary edema of legs' '7571-'='Ichthyosis congenita' '7572-'='Dermatoglyphic anomalies' '7573-'='Other specified anomalies of skin' '75731'='Congenital ectodermal dysplasia' '75732'='Vascular hamartomas' '75733'='Congenital pigmentary anomalies of skin' '75739'='Other specified anomalies of skin' '7574-'='Specified anomalies of hair' '7575-'='Specified anomalies of nails' '7576-'='Specified anomalies of breast' '7578-'='Other specified anomalies of the inte...' '7579-'='Unspecified anomaly of the integument' '7580-'='Down`s syndrome' '7581-'='Patau`s syndrome' '7582-'='Edward`s syndrome' '7583-'='Autosomal deletion syndromes' '75831'='Cri-du-chat syndrome' '75832'='Velo-cardio-facial syndrome' '75833'='Other microdeletions' '75839'='Other autosomal deletions' '7584-'='Balanced autosomal translocation in n...' '7585-'='Other conditions due to autosomal ano...' '7586-'='Gonadal dysgenesis' '7587-'='Klinefelter`s syndrome' '7588-'='Other conditions due to sex chromosom...' '75881'='Other conditions due to sex chromosom...' '75889'='Other conditions due to chromosome an...' '7589-'='Conditions due to anomaly of unspecif...' '7590-'='Anomalies of spleen' '7591-'='Anomalies of adrenal gland' '7592-'='Anomalies of other endocrine glands' '7593-'='Situs inversus' '7594-'='Conjoined twins' '7595-'='Tuberous sclerosis' '7596-'='Other hamartoses, NEC' '7597-'='Multiple congenital anomalies, so des...' '7598-'='Other specified anomalies' '75981'='Prader-Willi syndrome' '75982'='Marfan syndrome' '75983'='Fragile X syndrome' '75989'='Other specified anomalies' '7599-'='Congenital anomaly, unspecified' '7600-'='Maternal hypertensive disorders' '7601-'='Maternal renal and urinary tract dise...' '7602-'='Maternal infections' '7603-'='Other chronic maternal circulatory an...' '7604-'='Maternal nutritional disorders' '7605-'='Maternal injury' '7606-'='Surgical operation on mother' '76070'='Unspec noxious substance affect fetus...' '76071'='Alcohol affecting fetus via placenta ...' '76072'='Narcotics affecting fetus via placent...' '76073'='Hallucinogenic agents affecting fetus...' '76074'='Anti-infectives affecting fetus via p...' '76075'='Cocaine affecting fetus via placenta ...' '76076'='Diethylstilbestrol [DES] affect fetus...' '76079'='Other noxious influences affect fetus...' '7608-'='Other specified maternal conditions a...' '7609-'='Unspecified maternal condition affect...' '7610-'='Incompetent cervix, fetus or newborn ...' '7611-'='Premature rupture of membranes, fetus...' '7612-'='Oligohydramnios, fetus or newborn aff...' '7613-'='Polyhydramnios, fetus or newborn affe...' '7614-'='Ectopic pregnancy, fetus or newborn a...' '7615-'='Multiple pregnancy, fetus or newborn ...' '7616-'='Maternal death, fetus or newborn affe...' '7617-'='Malpresentation before labor, fetus o...' '7618-'='Oth spec maternal complicatns of preg...' '7619-'='Unspec maternal complication of pregn...' '7620-'='Placenta previa, fetus or newborn aff...' '7621-'='Oth placental separation and hemorrha...' '7622-'='Oth/unspec morpholog/func abnorm of p...' '7623-'='Placental transfusion syndromes, fetu...' '7624-'='Prolapsed cord, fetus or newborn affe...' '7625-'='Other compression of umbilical cord, ...' '7626-'='Oth/unspec conditions of umbilical co...' '7627-'='Chorioamnionitis, fetus or newborn af...' '7628-'='Oth spec abnormalities of chorion/amn...' '7629-'='Unspec abnormality of chorion/amnion,...' '7630-'='Breech delivery and extraction, fetus...' '7631-'='Oth malpresentatn/malpositn/dsproport...' '7632-'='Forceps delivery, fetus or newborn af...' '7633-'='Delivery by vacuum extractor, fetus o...' '7634-'='Cesarean delivery, fetus or newborn a...' '7635-'='Maternal anesthesia and analgesia, fe...' '7636-'='Precipitate delivery, fetus or newbor...' '7637-'='Abnormal uterine contractions, fetus ...' '7638-'='Oth spec complicatns of labor/deliver...' '7639-'='Unspecified complication of labor and...' '76400'='Unspecified [weight] without mention ...' '76401'='Less than 500 grams without mention o...' '76402'='500-749 grams without mention of feta...' '76403'='750-999 grams without mention of feta...' '76404'='1,000-1,249 grams without mention of ...' '76405'='1,250-1,499 grams without mention of ...' '76406'='1,500-1,749 grams without mention of ...' '76407'='1,750-1,999 grams without mention of ...' '76408'='2,000-2,499 grams without mention of ...' '76409'='2,500 grams and over without mention ...' '76410'='Unspecified [weight] with signs of fe...' '76411'='Less than 500 grams with signs of fet...' '76412'='500-749 grams with signs of fetal mal...' '76413'='750-999 grams with signs of fetal mal...' '76414'='1,000-1,249 grams with signs of fetal...' '76415'='1,250-1,499 grams with signs of fetal...' '76416'='1,500-1,749 grams with signs of fetal...' '76417'='1,750-1,999 grams with signs of fetal...' '76418'='2,000-2,499 grams with signs of fetal...' '76419'='2,500 grams and over with signs of fe...' '76420'='Fetal malnutrition w/o ment `light-fo...' '76421'='Fetal malnutrition w/o ment `light-fo...' '76422'='Fetal malnutrition w/o ment `light-fo...' '76423'='Fetal malnutrition w/o ment `light-fo...' '76424'='Fetal malnutrition w/o ment `light-fo...' '76425'='Fetal malnutrition w/o ment `light-fo...' '76426'='Fetal malnutrition w/o ment `light-fo...' '76427'='Fetal malnutrition w/o ment `light-fo...' '76428'='Fetal malnutrition w/o ment `light-fo...' '76429'='Fetal malnutrition w/o ment `light-fo...' '76490'='Unspecified fetal growth retardation,...' '76491'='Unspecified fetal growth retardation,...' '76492'='Unspecified fetal growth retardation,...' '76493'='Unspecified fetal growth retardation,...' '76494'='Unspecified fetal growth retardation,...' '76495'='Unspecified fetal growth retardation,...' '76496'='Unspecified fetal growth retardation,...' '76497'='Unspecified fetal growth retardation,...' '76498'='Unspecified fetal growth retardation,...' '76499'='Unspecified fetal growth retardation,...' '76500'='Extreme immaturity, unspecified [weight]' '76501'='Extreme immaturity, less than 500 grams' '76502'='Extreme immaturity, 500-749 grams' '76503'='Extreme immaturity, 750-999 grams' '76504'='Extreme immaturity, 1,000-1,249 grams' '76505'='Extreme immaturity, 1,250-1,499 grams' '76506'='Extreme immaturity, 1,500-1,749 grams' '76507'='Extreme immaturity, 1,750-1,999 grams' '76508'='Extreme immaturity, 2,000-2,499 grams' '76509'='Extreme immaturity, 2,500 grams and over' '76510'='Other preterm infants, unspecified [w...' '76511'='Other preterm infants, less than 500 ...' '76512'='Other preterm infants, 500-749 grams' '76513'='Other preterm infants, 750-999 grams' '76514'='Other preterm infants, 1,000-1,249 grams' '76515'='Other preterm infants, 1,250-1,499 grams' '76516'='Other preterm infants, 1,500-1,749 grams' '76517'='Other preterm infants, 1,750-1,999 grams' '76518'='Other preterm infants, 2,000-2,499 grams' '76519'='Other preterm infants, 2,500 grams an...' '76520'='Unspecified weeks of gestation' '76522'='24 completed weeks of gestation' '76523'='25-26 weeks of gestation' '76524'='27-28 completed weeks of gestation' '76525'='29-30 weeks of gestation' '76527'='33-34 weeks of gestation' '76528'='35-36 weeks of gestation' '7660-'='Exceptionally large baby' '7661-'='Other `heavy-for-dates` infants' '7662-'='Post-term infant, not `heavy-for-dates` ' '7670-'='Subdural and cerebral hemorrhage' '76711'='Epicranial subaponeurotic hemorrhage (massive)' '76719'='Other injuries to scalp' '7672-'='Fracture of clavicle' '7673-'='Other injuries to skeleton' '7674-'='Injury to spine and spinal cord' '7675-'='Facial nerve injury' '7676-'='Injury to brachial plexus' '7677-'='Other cranial and peripheral nerve in...' '7678-'='Other specified birth trauma' '7679-'='Birth trauma, unspecified' '7680-'='Fetal death asphyxia/anoxia bef onset...' '7681-'='Fetal death from asphyxia or anoxia d...' '7682-'='Fetal distress before onset of labor,...' '7683-'='Fetal distress first noted during lab...' '7684-'='Fetal distress, unspec as to time of ...' '7685-'='Severe birth asphyxia' '7686-'='Mild or moderate birth asphyxia' '76870'='Hypoxic-ischemic encephalopathy, unspecfd' '7689-'='Unspecified birth asphyxia in livebor...' '769--'='Respiratory distress syndrome' '7700-'='Congenital pneumonia' '7701-'='Massive aspiration syndrome' '7702-'='Interstitial emphysema and related co...' '7703-'='Pulmonary hemorrhage' '7704-'='Primary atelectasis' '7705-'='Other and unspecified atelectasis' '7706-'='Transitory tachypnea of newborn' '7707-'='Chronic respiratory disease arising i...' '7708-'='Other respiratory problems after birth' '77081'='Primary apnea of newborn' '77083'='Cyanotic attacks of newborn' '77089'='Other respiratory problems after birth' '7709-'='Unspecified respiratory condition of ...' '7710-'='Congenital rubella' '7711-'='Congenital cytomegalovirus infection' '7712-'='Other congenital infections' '7713-'='Tetanus neonatorum' '7714-'='Omphalitis of the newborn' '7715-'='Neonatal infective mastitis' '7716-'='Neonatal conjunctivitis and dacryocys...' '7717-'='Neonatal Candida infection' '77181'='Septicemia (sepsis) of newborn' '77182'='Urinary tract infection of newborn' '77183'='Bacteremia of newborn' '77189'='Other infections specific to the perinatal period' '7720-'='Fetal blood loss' '7721-'='Intraventricular hemorrhage' '77210'='Intraventicular hemmorage, unspecifie...' '77213'='Grade III intraventricular hemorrhage' '7722-'='Subarachnoid hemorrhage' '7723-'='Umbilical hemorrhage after birth' '7724-'='Gastrointestinal hemorrhage' '7725-'='Adrenal hemorrhage' '7726-'='Cutaneous hemorrhage' '7728-'='Other specified hemorrhage of fetus o...' '7729-'='Unspecified hemorrhage of newborn' '7730-'='Hemolytic disease due to Rh isoimmuni...' '7731-'='Hemolytic disease due to ABO isoimmun...' '7732-'='Hemolytic disease due to other and un...' '7733-'='Hydrops fetalis due to isoimmunization' '7734-'='Kernicterus due to isoimmunization' '7735-'='Late anemia due to isoimmunization' '7740-'='Perinatal jaundice from hereditary he...' '7741-'='Perinatal jaundice from other excessi...' '7742-'='Neonatal jaundice associated with pre...' '77430'='Neonatal jaundice due to delayed conj...' '77431'='Neonatal jaundice due to delayd conju...' '77439'='Other neonatal jaundice due to delayd...' '7744-'='Perinatal jaundice due to hepatocellu...' '7745-'='Perinatal jaundice from other causes' '7746-'='Unspecified fetal and neonatal jaundice' '7747-'='Kernicterus not due to isoimmunization' '7750-'='Syndrome of `infant of diabetic mother`' '7751-'='Neonatal diabetes mellitus' '7752-'='Neonatal myasthenia gravis' '7753-'='Neonatal thyrotoxicosis' '7754-'='Hypocalcemia and hypomagnesemia of ne...' '7755-'='Other transitory neonatal electrolyte...' '7756-'='Neonatal hypoglycemia' '7757-'='Late metabolic acidosis of newborn' '7758-'='Other transitory neonatal endocrine a...' '7759-'='Unspec endocrine/metabolic disturbanc...' '7760-'='Hemorrhagic disease of newborn' '7761-'='Transient neonatal thrombocytopenia' '7762-'='Disseminated intravascular coagulatio...' '7763-'='Other transient neonatal disorders of...' '7764-'='Polycythemia neonatorum' '7765-'='Congenital anemia' '7766-'='Anemia of prematurity' '7767-'='Transient neonatal neutropenia' '7768-'='Other specified transient hematologic...' '7769-'='Unspecified hematological disorder sp...' '7770-'='Perinatal disorders of digestive system' '7771-'='Meconium obstruction' '7772-'='Intestinal obstruction due to inspiss...' '7773-'='Hematemesis and melena due to swallow...' '7774-'='Transitory ileus of newborn' '7775-'='Necrotizing enterocolitis in fetus or...' '7776-'='Perinatal intestinal perforation' '7778-'='Other specified perinatal disorders o...' '7779-'='Unspecified perinatal disorder of dig...' '7780-'='Hydrops fetalis not due to isoimmuniz...' '7781-'='Sclerema neonatorum' '7782-'='Cold injury syndrome of newborn' '7783-'='Other hypothermia of newborn' '7784-'='Other disturbances of temperature reg...' '7785-'='Other and unspecified edema of newborn' '7786-'='Congenital hydrocele' '7787-'='Breast engorgement in newborn' '7788-'='Other specified conditions involv the...' '7789-'='Unspec cond involv integumt/temperatu...' '7790-'='Convulsions in newborn' '7791-'='Other and unspecified cerebral irrita...' '7792-'='Cerebral depression, coma, and other ...' '77931'='Feeding problems in newborn' '77933'='Other vomiting in newborn' '77934'='Failure to thrive in newborn' '7794-'='Drug reactions and intoxications spec...' '7795-'='Drug withdrawal syndrome in newborn' '7796-'='Termination of pregnancy (fetus)' '7797-'='Periventricular leukomalacia' '7798-'='Other specified conditions originatin...' '77983'='Delayed separation of umbilical cord' '77989'='Other specified conditions originating perinatal period' '7799-'='Unspecified condition originating in ...' '7800-'='Alteration of consciousness' '78001'='Coma' '78002'='Transient alteration of awareness' '78003'='Persistent vegetative state' '78009'='Other alteration of consciousness' '7801-'='Hallucinations' '7802-'='Syncope and collapse' '7803-'='Convulsions' '78031'='Febrile convulsions' '78033'='Post traumatic seizures' '78039'='Other convulsions' '7804-'='Dizziness and giddiness' '78050'='Sleep disturbance, unspecified' '78051'='Insomnia with sleep apnea' '78052'='Other insomnia' '78053'='Hypersomnia with sleep apnea' '78054'='Other hypersomnia' '78055'='Disruptions of 24-hour sleep-wake cycle' '78056'='Dysfunctions associated w/sleep stage...' '78057'='Other and unspecified sleep apnea' '78058'='Sleep related movement disorder, unspecified' '78059'='Other sleep disturbances' '78060'='Fever and oth physio disturb of temp regu' '78061'='Fever presenting w/conditions classified elsewhere' '78062'='Postprocedural fever' '78063'='Postvaccination fever' '78064'='Chills (without fever)' '7807-'='Malaise and fatigue' '78071'='Chronic fatigue syndrome' '78079'='Other malaise and fatigue' '7808-'='Hyperhidrosis' '7809-'='Other general symptoms' '78091'='Fussy infant (baby)' '78092'='Excessive crying of infant (baby)' '78093'='Memory loss' '78094'='Early satiety' '78095'='Excessive crying of child, adolescent, o...' '78096'='Generalized pain' '78097'='Altered mental status' '78099'='Other general symptoms' '7810-'='Abnormal involuntary movements' '7811-'='Disturbances of sensation of smell an...' '7812-'='Abnormality of gait' '7813-'='Lack of coordination' '7814-'='Transient paralysis of limb' '7815-'='Clubbing of fingers' '7816-'='Meningismus' '7817-'='Tetany' '7818-'='Neurologic neglect syndrone' '78191'='Loss of height' '78192'='Abnormal posture' '78193'='Ocular torticollis' '78194'='Facial weakness' '78199'='Other symptoms involving nervous and ...' '7820-'='Disturbance of skin sensation' '7821-'='Rash and other nonspecific skin eruption' '7822-'='Localized superficial swelling, mass,...' '7823-'='Edema' '7824-'='Jaundice, unspecified, not of newborn' '7825-'='Cyanosis' '7826-'='Pallor and flushing' '78261'='Pallor' '78262'='Flushing' '7827-'='Spontaneous ecchymoses' '7828-'='Changes in skin texture' '7829-'='Other symptoms involving skin and int...' '7830-'='Anorexia' '7831-'='Abnormal weight gain' '78321'='Abnormal loss of weight' '78322'='Abnormal underweight' '7833-'='Feeding difficulties and mismanagement' '78340'='Lack of normal physiological devel unsp' '78341'='Failure to thrive' '78342'='Delayed milestones' '78343'='Short stature' '7835-'='Polydipsia' '7836-'='Polyphagia' '7837-'='Adult failure to thrive' '7839-'='Other symptoms concerning nutrition, ...' '7840-'='Headache' '7841-'='Throat pain' '7842-'='Swelling, mass, or lump in head and neck' '7843-'='Aphasia' '78440'='Voice disturbance, unspecified' '78441'='Aphonia' '78442'='Dysphonia' '78444'='Hyponasality' '78449'='Other voice disturbance' '78451'='Dysarthria' '78459'='Other speech disturbance' '78460'='Symbolic dysfunction, unspecified' '78461'='Alexia and dyslexia' '78469'='Other symbolic dysfunction' '7847-'='Epistaxis' '7848-'='Hemorrhage from throat' '7849-'='Other symptoms involving head and neck' '78491'='Postnasal drip' '78492'='Jaw pain' '78499'='Other symptoms involving head and neck' '7850-'='Tachycardia, unspecified' '7851-'='Palpitations' '7852-'='Undiagnosed cardiac murmurs' '7853-'='Other abnormal heart sounds' '7854-'='Gangrene' '78550'='Shock without mention of trauma, unsp...' '78551'='Cardiogenic shock' '78552'='Septic shock' '78559'='Other shock without mention of trauma' '7856-'='Enlargement of lymph nodes' '7859-'='Other symptoms involving cardiovascul...' '78600'='Respiratory abnormality, unspecified' '78601'='Hyperventilation' '78602'='Orthopnea' '78603'='Apnea' '78604'='Cheyne-Stokes respiration' '78605'='Shortness of breath' '78606'='Tachypnea' '78607'='Wheezing' '78609'='Other dyspnea and respiratory abnorma...' '7861-'='Stridor' '7862-'='Cough' '7863-'='Hemoptysis' '78630'='Hemoptysis, unspecified' '78639'='Other hemoptysis' '7864-'='Abnormal sputum' '78650'='Chest pain, unspecified' '78651'='Precordial pain' '78652'='Painful respiration' '78659'='Other chest pain' '7866-'='Swelling, mass, or lump in chest' '7867-'='Abnormal chest sounds' '7868-'='Hiccough' '7869-'='Other symptoms involving respiratory ...' '7870-'='Nausea and vomiting' '78701'='Nausea with vomiting' '78702'='Nausea alone' '78703'='Vomiting alone' '7871-'='Heartburn' '78720'='Dysphagia, unspecified' '78721'='Dysphagia, oral phase' '78722'='Dysphagia, oropharyngeal phase' '78723'='Dysphagia, pharyngeal phase' '78724'='Dysphagia, pharyngoesophageal phase' '78729'='Other dysphagia' '7873-'='Flatulence, eructation, and gas pain' '7874-'='Visible peristalsis' '7875-'='Abnormal bowel sounds' '7876-'='Incontinence of feces' '78760'='Full incontinence of feces' '78762'='Fecal smearing' '78763'='Fecal urgency' '7877-'='Abnormal feces' '78791'='Diarrhea' '78799'='Other symptoms involving digestive sy...' '7880-'='Renal colic' '7881-'='Dysuria' '78820'='Retention of urine, unspecified' '78821'='Incomplete bladder emptying' '78829'='Other specified retention of urine' '78830'='Urinary incontinence, unspecified' '78831'='Urge incontinence' '78832'='Stress incontinence, male' '78833'='Mixed incontinence (female) (male)' '78834'='Incontinence without sensory awareness' '78835'='Post-void dribbling' '78836'='Nocturnal enuresis' '78837'='Continuous leakage' '78838'='Overflow incontinence' '78839'='Other urinary incontinence' '7884-'='Frequency of urination and polyuria' '78841'='Urinary frequency' '78842'='Polyuria' '78843'='Nocturia' '7885-'='Oliguria and anuria' '7886-'='Other abnormality of urination' '78861'='Splitting of urinary stream' '78862'='Slowing of urinary stream' '78863'='Urgency of urination' '78864'='Urinary hesitancy' '78869'='Other abnormality of urination' '7887-'='Urethral discharge' '7888-'='Extravasation of urine' '78891'='Functional urinary incontinence' '78899'='Other symptoms involving urinary system' '78900'='Abdominal pain, unspecified site' '78901'='Abdominal pain, right upper quadrant' '78902'='Abdominal pain, left upper quadrant' '78903'='Abdominal pain, right lower quadrant' '78904'='Abdominal pain, left lower quadrant' '78905'='Abdominal pain, periumbilic' '78906'='Abdominal pain, epigastric' '78907'='Abdominal pain, generalized' '78909'='Abdominal pain, other specified site' '7891-'='Hepatomegaly' '7892-'='Splenomegaly' '78930'='Abdominal or pelvic swelling, mass, o...' '78931'='Abdominal or pelvic swelling, mass, o...' '78932'='Abdominal or pelvic swelling, mass, o...' '78933'='Abdominal or pelvic swelling, mass, o...' '78934'='Abdominal or pelvic swelling, mass, o...' '78935'='Abdominal or pelvic swelling, mass, o...' '78936'='Abdominal or pelvic swelling, mass, o...' '78937'='Abdominal or pelvic swelling, mass, o...' '78939'='Abdominal or pelvic swelling, mass, o...' '78940'='Abdominal rigidity, unspecified site' '78941'='Abdominal rigidity, right upper quadrant' '78942'='Abdominal rigidity, left upper quadrant' '78943'='Abdominal rigidity, right lower quadrant' '78944'='Abdominal rigidity, left lower quadrant' '78945'='Abdominal rigidity, periumbilic' '78946'='Abdominal rigidity, epigastric' '78947'='Abdominal rigidity, generalized' '78949'='Abdominal rigidity, other specified site' '7895-'='Ascites' '78959'='Other ascites' '78960'='Abdominal tenderness, unspecified site' '78961'='Abdominal tenderness, right upper qua...' '78962'='Abdominal tenderness, left upper quad...' '78963'='Abdominal tenderness, right lower qua...' '78964'='Abdominal tenderness, left lower quad...' '78965'='Abdominal tenderness, periumbilic' '78966'='Abdominal tenderness, epigastric' '78967'='Abdominal tenderness, generalized' '78969'='Abdominal tenderness, other specified...' '7897-'='Colic' '7899-'='Other symptoms involving abdomen and ...' '7900-'='Abnormality of red blood cells' '79001'='Precipitous drop in hematocrit' '79009'='Other abnormality of red blood cells' '7901-'='Elevated sedimentation rate' '7902-'='Abnormal glucose tolerance test' '79021'='Impaired fasting glucose' '79022'='Impaired glucose tolerance test (oral)' '79029'='Other abnormal glucose' '7903-'='Excessive blood level of alcohol' '7904-'='Nonspec elevatn of transaminase or la...' '7905-'='Other nonspecific abnormalserum enzym...' '7906-'='Other abnormal blood chemistry' '7907-'='Bacteremia' '7908-'='Viremia, unspecified' '7909-'='Other nonspecific findings on examina...' '79091'='Abnormal arterial blood gases' '79092'='Abnormal coagulation profile' '79093'='Elevated prostate specific antigen [PSA]' '79094'='Euthyroid sick syndrome' '79095'='Elevated C-reactive protein (CRP)' '79099'='Other nonspecific findings on examina...' '7910-'='Proteinuria' '7911-'='Chyluria' '7912-'='Hemoglobinuria' '7913-'='Myoglobinuria' '7914-'='Biliuria' '7915-'='Glycosuria' '7916-'='Acetonuria' '7917-'='Other cells andcasts in urine' '7919-'='Other nonspecific findings on examina...' '7920-'='Abnormal findings in cerebrospinal fluid' '7921-'='Abnormal findings in stool contents' '7922-'='Abnormal findings in semen' '7923-'='Abnormal findings in amniotic fluid' '7924-'='Abnormal findings in saliva' '7925-'='Cloudy dialysis effluent' '7929-'='Other nonspecific abnormal findings i...' '7930-'='Abnor findgs on radiologic/oth exam o...' '7931-'='Abnor findgs on radiologic/oth exam o...' '79311'='Solitary pulmonary nodule' '79319'='Other nonspecific abnormal finding of lung field' '7932-'='Abnor findgs on radiologic/oth exam o...' '7933-'='Abnor findgs on radiologic/oth exam o...' '7934-'='Abnor findgs on radiologic/oth exam o...' '7935-'='Abnor findgs on radiologic/oth exam o...' '7936-'='Abnor findgs on radiologic/oth exam o...' '7937-'='Abnor findgs on radiologic/oth exam o...' '7938-'='Abnor findgs on radiologic/oth exam o...' '79380'='Abnormal mammogram, unspecified' '79381'='Mammographic microcalcification' '79382'='Inconclusive mammogram' '79389'='Oth abnor findgs on radio exam breast...' '7939-'='Abnor findgs on radiologic/oth exam o...' '79399'='Other nonspecific abnormal findings on r...' '79400'='Abnormal function study of brain/CNS,...' '79401'='Abnormal echoencephalogram' '79402'='Abnormal electroencephalogram [EEG]' '79409'='Other abnormal function study of brai...' '79410'='Abnormal response to nerve stimulatio...' '79411'='Abnormal retinal function studies' '79412'='Abnormal electro-oculogram [EOG]' '79413'='Abnormal visually evoked potential' '79414'='Abnormal oculomotor studies' '79415'='Abnormal auditory function studies' '79416'='Abnormal vestibular function studies' '79417'='Abnormal electromyogram [EMG]' '79419'='Oth abnor functn study of peripheral ...' '7942-'='Abnormal pulmonary function study' '79430'='Abnormal cardiovascular function stud...' '79431'='Abnormal electrocardiogram [ECG] [EKG]' '79439'='Other abnormal cardiovascular functio...' '7944-'='Abnormal kidney function study' '7945-'='Abnormal thyroid function study' '7946-'='Abnormal endocrine function study' '7947-'='Abnormal basal metabolism function study' '7948-'='Abnormal liver function study' '7949-'='Other abnormal function study' '7950-'='Nonspecific abnormal Papanicolaou sme...' '79500'='Abnor gland Papanicolaou smear of cer...' '79501'='Pap smear cerv/w atypic squamous cells of undeter significance' '79502'='Pap smear cerv w/atypic squamous cells cant exclude high...' '79503'='Pap smear cerv w/low grade squamous intraepithelial lesion' '79504'='Pap smear cerv w/high grade squamous intraepithelial lesion' '79505'='Cervical high risk human papillomavirus[HPV] DNA test positive' '79508'='Unsatisfactory smear' '79509'='Oth abnor Papanicolaou smear of cervi...' '79510'='Abnormal glandular Papanicolaou smear...' '79511'='Pap smear vagina w/atypical squamous ...' '79513'='Pap smear vagina w/low grade squamous ...' '79515'='Vaginal high risk HPV DNA test positive' '79518'='Unsatisfactory vaginal cytology smear' '7952-'='Nonspecific abnormal findings on chro...' '7953-'='Nonspecific positive culture findings' '79539'='Other nonspecific positive culture fi...' '7954-'='Other nonspecific abnormal histologic...' '7955-'='Nonspecific reaction to tuberculin test' '79551'='Nonspecific reaction to tuberculin skin...' '7956-'='False positive serological test for s...' '7957-'='Other nonspecific immunological findings' '79571'='Nonspecific serologic evidence of hum...' '79579'='Other and unspecified nonspecific imm...' '7958-'='Positive serology or viral culture fi...' '79581'='Elevated carcinoembryonic antigen [CEA]' '79582'='Elevated cancer antigen 125 [CA 125]' '79589'='Other abnormal tumor markers' '7960-'='Nonspecific abnormal toxicological fi...' '7961-'='Abnormal reflex' '7962-'='Elevated blood pressure reading w/o d...' '7963-'='Nonspecific low blood pressure reading' '7964-'='Other abnormal clinical findings' '7965-'='Abnormal finding on antenatal screeni...' '79671'='Papanicolaou smear anus w/atypical squamous cells...' '79674'='Papanicolaou smear anus w/high grade squamous intra...' '7969-'='Other nonspecific abnormal findings' '797--'='Senility without mention of psychosis' '7980-'='Sudden infant death syndrome' '7981-'='Instantaneous death' '7982-'='Death occ less than 24 hrs frm onset ...' '7989-'='Unattended death' '7990-'='Asphyxia' '79901'='Asphyxia' '79902'='Hypoxemia' '7991-'='Respiratory arrest' '79921'='Nervousness' '79922'='Irritability' '79923'='Impulsiveness' '79925'='Demoralization and apathy' '7993-'='Debility, unspecified' '7994-'='Cachexia' '79951'='Attention or concentration deficit' '79959'='Other signs and symptoms involving cognition' '7998-'='Other ill-defined conditions of morbi...' '79981'='Decreased libido' '79989'='Other ill-defined conditions' '7999-'='Other unknown and unspecified cause o...' '80000'='Clos frac vault of skull w/o men intr...' '80001'='Clos frac vault of skull w/o men intr...' '80002'='Clos frac vault of skull w/o men intr...' '80003'='Clos frac vault of skul w/o men intrc...' '80004'='Clos frc vault of skul w/o men intcrn...' '80005'='Clos frac vlt of skul w/o men intcrn ...' '80006'='Clos frac vault of skull w/o men intr...' '80009'='Clos frac vault of skull w/o men intr...' '80010'='Clos frac vault of skul w/cere lac/co...' '80011'='Clos frac vault of skul w/cere lac/co...' '80012'='Clos frac vault of skul w/cere lac/co...' '80013'='Clos frac vault of skul w/cere lac/co...' '80014'='Clos frac vault of skull w/cere lac/c...' '80015'='Clos frac vault of skul w/cere lac/co...' '80016'='Clos frac vault of skull w/cere lac/c...' '80019'='Clos frac vault of skull w/cere lac/c...' '80020'='Cls frc vlt of skul w/subarach/subdur...' '80021'='Cls frc vlt of skul w/subarach/subdur...' '80022'='Cls frc vlt of skl w/subarach/subdr/e...' '80023'='Cls frc vlt of skul w/subarach/subdur...' '80024'='Cls frc vlt skl w/subar/subdr/extradr...' '80025'='Cls frc vlt skl w/subr/subdr/extradr ...' '80026'='Cls frc vlt skl w/subr/subdr/extradr ...' '80029'='Cls frc vlt skl w/subarach/subdr/extr...' '80030'='Cls frc vlt skl w/oth & unspc intracr...' '80031'='Cls frc vlt skl w/oth & unspc intracr...' '80032'='Cls frc vlt of skl w/oth & unspc intr...' '80033'='Cls frc vlt of skl w/oth & unspc intr...' '80034'='Cls frc vlt of skl w/ot & unsp intrac...' '80035'='Cls frc vlt skl w/oth & unsp intracrn...' '80036'='Cls frc vlt skl w/ot & unsp intracrn ...' '80039'='Cls frc vlt skl w/oth & unspc intracr...' '80040'='Cls frc vlt skl w/intracrn inj of oth...' '80041'='Cls frc vlt skl w/intracrn inj of oth...' '80042'='Cls frc vlt skl w/intracrn inj of ot ...' '80043'='Cls frc vlt skl w/intracrn inj of ot ...' '80044'='Cls frc vlt skl w/intracr inj ot & un...' '80045'='Cls frc vlt skl w/intracrn inj unsp n...' '80046'='Cls frc vlt skl w/intracrn inj ot & u...' '80049'='Cls frc vlt skl w/intracrn inj ot & u...' '80050'='Open frc vlt skl w/o mention of intra...' '80051'='Open frc vlt skl w/o mention of intra...' '80052'='Open frc vlt skl w/o mention intracrn...' '80053'='Open frc vlt skl w/o mention of intra...' '80054'='Open frc vlt skl w/o mention of intra...' '80055'='Opn frc vlt skl w/o mention intracrn ...' '80056'='Open frc vlt skl w/o mention intracrn...' '80059'='Opn frc vlt skl w/o mention intracrn ...' '80060'='Opn frc vlt skl w/cerebral lacerat & ...' '80061'='Open frc vlt skl w/cerebral lacerat &...' '80062'='Open frc vlt skl w/cerebrl lacerat & ...' '80063'='Opn frc vlt skl w/cerebrl lacerat & c...' '80064'='Opn frc vlt skl w/cerebrl lacerat & c...' '80065'='Opn frc vlt skl w/cereb lacerat & con...' '80066'='Opn frc vlt skl w/cerebrl lacerat & c...' '80069'='Opn frc vlt skl w/cerebrl lacerat & c...' '80070'='Opn frc vlt skl w/subarachnoid/subdur...' '80071'='Opn frc vlt skl w/subarachnoid/subdur...' '80072'='Opn frc vlt skl w/subarachnd/subdur/e...' '80073'='Opn frc vlt skl w/subarachnd/subdur/e...' '80074'='Opn frct vlt skl w/subar/subdur/extra...' '80075'='Opn frc vlt skl w/subar/subdur/extra ...' '80076'='Opn frc vlt skl w/subar/subdur/extrad...' '80079'='Opn frc vlt skl w/subar/subdur/extrad...' '80080'='Opn frc vlt skl w/ot & unspec intracr...' '80081'='Open frc vlt sku w/oth & unspc intrac...' '80082'='Opn frc vlt skl w/oth & unspc intracr...' '80083'='Opn frc vlt skl w/oth & unspc intracr...' '80084'='Opn frc vlt skl w/oth & unspc intracr...' '80085'='Opn frc vlt skl w/oth & unsp intracr ...' '80086'='Opn frc vlt skl w/ot & unsp intracrn ...' '80089'='Opn frc vlt skl w/oth & unspc intracr...' '80090'='Opn frc vlt skl w/intracrn inj oth & ...' '80091'='Opn frc vlt skl w/intracrn inj oth & ...' '80092'='Opn frc vlt skl w/intracrn inj oth & ...' '80093'='Opn frc vlt skl w/intracrn inj oth & ...' '80094'='Opn frc vlt skl w/intracr inj ot & un...' '80095'='Opn frc vlt skl w/intrac inj ot&unsp ...' '80096'='Opn frc vlt skl w/intracrn inj ot & u...' '80099'='Opn frc vlt skl w/intracrn inj oth & ...' '80100'='Clos frc base skl w/o ment intracrn i...' '80101'='Clos frc base skl w/o ment intracrn i...' '80102'='Clos frc base skl w/o ment intracrn i...' '80103'='Clos frc base skl w/o ment intracrn i...' '80104'='Clos frc base skl w/o ment intracrn i...' '80105'='Clos frc base skl w/o ment intracrn i...' '80106'='Clos frc base skl w/o ment intracrn i...' '80109'='Clos frc base skl w/o ment intracrn i...' '80110'='Clos frc base of skull w/cerebral lac...' '80111'='Clos frc base of skl w/cerebral lacer...' '80112'='Clos frc base of skl w/cerebral lacer...' '80113'='Clos frc base of skl w/cerebral lacer...' '80114'='Clos frc bas skl w/cerebrl lacerat & ...' '80115'='Clos frc bas skl w/cerebr lacer & con...' '80116'='Clos frc base skl w/cerebrl lacerat &...' '80119'='Clos frc base skl w/cerebrl lacerat &...' '80120'='Clos frc base skl w/subarachnoid/subd...' '80121'='Clos frc bas skl w/subarachnoid/subdu...' '80122'='Clos frc bas skl w/subarachnoid/subdu...' '80123'='Clos frc base skl w/subarach/subdur/e...' '80124'='Clos frc base skl w/subarach/subd/ext...' '80125'='Clos frc bas skl w/subar/subd/extrad ...' '80126'='Clos frc base skl w/subr/subdr/extrad...' '80129'='Clos frc base skl w/subar/subdr/extra...' '80130'='Clos frc base skl w/oth & unspec intr...' '80131'='Clos frc base skl w/oth & unsp intrac...' '80132'='Clos frc base skl w/oth & unsp intrac...' '80133'='Clos frc base skl w/oth & unsp intrac...' '80134'='Clos frc base skl w/oth & unsp intrac...' '80135'='Clos frc bas skl w/ot & unsp intracr ...' '80136'='Clos frc base skl w/oth & unsp intrac...' '80139'='Clos frc base skl w/oth & unsp intrac...' '80140'='Clos frc base skl w/intracrn inj oth ...' '80141'='Clos frc base skl w/intracrn inj oth ...' '80142'='Clos frc base skl w/intracrn inj oth ...' '80143'='Clos frc base skl w/intracrn inj oth ...' '80144'='Clos frc bas skl w/intracr inj ot & u...' '80145'='Clos frc bas skl w/intra inj ot&unsp ...' '80146'='Clos frc bas skl w/intrac inj oth & u...' '80149'='Clos frc base skl w/intracrn inj oth ...' '80150'='Opn frc base skl w/o mention intracrn...' '80151'='Opn frc base skl w/o mention intracrn...' '80152'='Opn frc base skl w/o ment intracrn in...' '80153'='Opn frc base skl w/o ment intracrn in...' '80154'='Opn frc base skl w/o ment intracrn in...' '80155'='Opn frc base skl w/o ment intracrn in...' '80156'='Opn frc base skl w/o ment intracrn in...' '80159'='Opn frc base skl w/o ment intracrn in...' '80160'='Opn frc base skl w/cerebral lacerat/c...' '80161'='Opn frc base skull w/cerebral lacerat...' '80162'='Opn frc base skl w/cerebral lacerat/c...' '80163'='Opn frc base skl w/cerebral lacerat/c...' '80164'='Opn frc base skl w/cerebral lacerat/c...' '80165'='Opn frc bas skl w/cerebrl lacerat/con...' '80166'='Opn frc bas skl w/cerebrl lacerat/con...' '80169'='Opn frc base skl w/cerebrl lacerat/co...' '80170'='Opn frc base skl w/subarachnoid/subdu...' '80171'='Opn frc base skl w/subarachnoid/subdu...' '80172'='Opn frc bas skl w/subarachnoid/subdur...' '80173'='Opn frc base skl w/subarachnoid/subdr...' '80174'='Opn frc bas skl w/subarach/subdr/extr...' '80175'='Opn frc bas skl w/subar/subdr/extrad ...' '80176'='Opn frc bas skl w/subarach/subdr/extr...' '80179'='Opn frc bas skl w/subarach/subdur/ext...' '80180'='Opn frc base skl w/oth & unspec intra...' '80181'='Open frc base skl w/oth & unsp intrac...' '80182'='Opn frc base skl w/oth & unsp intracr...' '80183'='Opn frc base skl w/oth & unspc intrac...' '80184'='Opn frc base skl w/oth & unsp intracr...' '80185'='Opn frc bas skl w/ot & unsp intracrn ...' '80186'='Opn frc bas skl w/oth & unsp intracrn...' '80189'='Opn frc base skl w/oth & unsp intracr...' '80190'='Opn frc bas skl w/intracrn inj oth & ...' '80191'='Opn frc base skl w/intracrn inj oth &...' '80192'='Opn frc base skl w/intracrn inj oth &...' '80193'='Opn frc base skl w/intracrn inj oth &...' '80194'='Opn frc bas skl w/intracrn inj ot&uns...' '80195'='Opn frc bas skl w/intrac inj ot&unsp ...' '80196'='Opn frc base skl w/intracr inj ot & u...' '80199'='Opn frc base skl w/intracrn inj oth &...' '8020-'='Fracture of nasal bones, closed' '8021-'='Fracture of nasal bones, open' '80220'='Closed fracture of mandible, unspecif...' '80221'='Closed fracture of mandible, condylar...' '80222'='Closed fracture of mandible, subcondylar' '80223'='Closed fracture of mandible, coronoid...' '80224'='Closed fracture of mandible, ramus, u...' '80225'='Closed fracture of mandible, angle of...' '80226'='Closed fracture of mandible, symphysi...' '80227'='Closed fracture of mandible, alveolar...' '80228'='Closed fracture of mandible, body, ot...' '80229'='Closed fracture of mandible, multiple...' '80230'='Open fracture of mandible, unspecifie...' '80231'='Open fracture of mandible, condylar p...' '80232'='Open fracture of mandible, subcondylar' '80233'='Open fracture of mandible, coronoid p...' '80234'='Open fracture of mandible, ramus, uns...' '80235'='Open fracture of mandible, angle of jaw' '80236'='Open fracture of mandible, symphysis ...' '80237'='Open fracture of mandible, alveolar b...' '80238'='Open fracture of mandible, body, othe...' '80239'='Open fracture of mandible, multiple s...' '8024-'='Fracture of malar and maxillary bones...' '8025-'='Fracture of malar and maxillary bones...' '8026-'='Fracture of orbital floor (blow-out),...' '8027-'='Fracture of orbital floor (blow-out),...' '8028-'='Fracture of other facial bones, closed' '8029-'='Fracture of other facial bones, open' '80300'='Clos skl frc w/o mention intracrn inj...' '80301'='Clos skl frc w/o mention of intracrn ...' '80302'='Clos skl frc w/o mention intracrn inj...' '80303'='Clos skl frc w/o mention intracrn inj...' '80304'='Clos skl frc w/o mention intracrn inj...' '80305'='Clos skl frc w/o mention intracrn inj...' '80306'='Clos skl frc w/o mention intracrn inj...' '80309'='Clos skl frc w/o mention intracrn inj...' '80310'='Clos skl frc w/cerebrl lacerat/contus...' '80311'='Clos skl frc w/cerebrl lacerat/contus...' '80312'='Clos skl frc w/cerebrl lacerat/contus...' '80313'='Clos skl frc w/cerebrl lacerat/contus...' '80314'='Clos skl frc w/cerebrl lacerat/contus...' '80315'='Clos skl frc w/cerebrl lacerat/contus...' '80316'='Clos skl frc w/cerebrl lacerat/contus...' '80319'='Clos skl frc w/cerebrl lacerat/contus...' '80320'='Clos skl frc w/subarachnoid/subdur/ex...' '80321'='Clos skl frc w/subarachnoid/subdur/ex...' '80322'='Clos skl frc w/subarachnoid/subdur/ex...' '80323'='Clos skl frc w/subarachnoid/subdur/ex...' '80324'='Clos skl frc w/subarach/subdur/extrad...' '80325'='Clos skl frc w/subarach/subdr/extrad ...' '80326'='Clos skl frc w/subarach/subdur/extrad...' '80329'='Clos skl frc w/subarach/subdur/extrad...' '80330'='Clos skl frc w/oth & unsp intracrn he...' '80331'='Clos skl frc w/oth & unsp intracrn he...' '80332'='Clos skl frc w/oth & unsp intracrn he...' '80333'='Clos skl frc w/oth & unsp intracrn he...' '80334'='Clos skl frc w/oth unsp intracrn hem ...' '80335'='Clos skl frc w/oth & unsp intracrn he...' '80336'='Clos skl frc w/oth & unsp intracrn he...' '80339'='Clos skl frc w/oth & unsp intracrn he...' '80340'='Clos skl frc w/intracrn inj oth & uns...' '80341'='Clos skl frc w/intracrn inj oth & uns...' '80342'='Clos skl frc w/intracrn inj oth & uns...' '80343'='Clos skl frc w/intracrn inj oth & uns...' '80344'='Clos skl frc w/intracrn inj oth & uns...' '80345'='Clos skl frc w/intracrn inj ot&unsp n...' '80346'='Clos skl frc w/intracrn inj oth & uns...' '80349'='Clos skl frc w/intracrn inj oth & uns...' '80350'='Opn skl frc w/o mention intracrn inj ...' '80351'='Opn skl frc w/o mention intracrn inj ...' '80352'='Opn skl frc w/o mention intracrn inj ...' '80353'='Opn skl frc w/o ment intracrn inj w/m...' '80354'='Opn skl frc w/o ment intracrn inj w/p...' '80355'='Opn skl frc w/o ment intracrn inj w/p...' '80356'='Opn skl frc w/o ment intracrn inj w/l...' '80359'='Opn skl frc w/o ment intracrn inj wit...' '80360'='Opn skl frc w/cerebrl lacerat/contus ...' '80361'='Opn skl frc w/cerebrl lacerat/contus ...' '80362'='Opn skl frc w/cerebrl lacerat/contus ...' '80363'='Opn skl frc w/cerebrl lacerat/contus ...' '80364'='Opn skl frc w/cerebrl lacerat/contus ...' '80365'='Opn skl frc w/cerebrl lacerat/contus ...' '80366'='Opn skl frc w/cerebrl lacerat/contus ...' '80369'='Opn skl frc w/cerebrl lacerat/contus ...' '80370'='Opn skl frc w/subarachnoid/subdur/ext...' '80371'='Opn skl frc w/subarach/subdur/extradu...' '80372'='Opn skl frc w/subarach/subdur/extradu...' '80373'='Opn skl frc w/subarachnoid/subdur/ext...' '80374'='Opn skl frc w/subarach/subdur/extradu...' '80375'='Opn skl frc w/subarach/subdr/extradr/...' '80376'='Opn skl frc w/subarach/subdur/extradu...' '80379'='Opn skl frc w/subarach/subdur/extradu...' '80380'='Opn skl frc w/oth & unsp intracrn hem...' '80381'='Opn skl frc w/oth & unsp intracrn hem...' '80382'='Opn skl frc w/oth & unsp intracrn hem...' '80383'='Opn skl frc w/oth & unsp intracrn hem...' '80384'='Opn skl frc w/oth & unsp intracrn hem...' '80385'='Opn skl frc w/oth & unsp intracrn hem...' '80386'='Opn skl frc w/oth & unsp intracrn hem...' '80389'='Op skl frc w/oth & unsp intracrn hem ...' '80390'='Opn skl frc w/intracrn inj oth & unsp...' '80391'='Opn skl frc w/intracrn inj oth & unsp...' '80392'='Opn skl frc w/intracrn inj oth & unsp...' '80393'='Opn skl frc w/intracrn inj oth & unsp...' '80394'='Opn skl frc w/intracrn inj oth & unsp...' '80395'='Opn skl frc w/intracrn inj ot & unsp ...' '80396'='Opn skl frc w/intracrn inj oth & unsp...' '80399'='Opn skl frc w/intracrn inj oth & unsp...' '80400'='Clos mul frc inv skl/fac w/ot bon w/o...' '80401'='Clos ml frc inv skl/fac w/ot bon w/o ...' '80402'='Clos ml fr inv skl/fac w/ot bon w/o m...' '80403'='Clos ml frc inv skl/fac w/ot bon w/o ...' '80404'='Clos ml fr inv skl/fc w/ot bon w/o me...' '80405'='Clos ml fr inv sk/fc w/ot bon w/o mn ...' '80406'='Clos ml fr inv skl/fc w/ot bon w/o mn...' '80409'='Clos ml frc inv skl/fac w/ot bon w/o ...' '80410'='Clos ml frc inv skl/fc w/ot bon w/cer...' '80411'='Clos ml frc inv skl/fc w/ot bon w/cer...' '80412'='Clos ml frc inv skl/fc w/ot bon w/cer...' '80413'='Clos ml frc inv skl/fc w/ot bon w/cer...' '80414'='Clos ml frc inv skl/fc w/ot bon w/cer...' '80415'='Cls ml fr inv skl/fc w/ot bon w/cer l...' '80416'='Cls ml frc inv sk/fce w/ot bon w/cer ...' '80419'='Clos ml frc inv skl/fce w/ot bon w/ce...' '80420'='Cls ml fr inv sk/fc w/ot bon w/subar/...' '80421'='Cls ml fr inv sk/fc w/ot bon w/subar/...' '80422'='Cls ml fr inv skl/fc w/ot bon w/subar...' '80423'='Cls ml fr inv skl/fc w/ot bon w/subar...' '80424'='Cls ml fr inv skl/fc w/ot bon w/sub/s...' '80425'='Cl ml fr inv sk/fc w/ot bon w/sub/sub...' '80426'='Cl ml fr inv sk/fc w/ot bon w/sub/sub...' '80429'='Cl ml fr inv sk/fc w/ot bon w/subar/s...' '80430'='Cl ml fr inv skl/fc w/ot bon w/ot & u...' '80431'='Cl ml fr inv sk/fc w/ot bon w/ot & un...' '80432'='Cl ml fr inv skl/fc w/ot bon w/ot & u...' '80433'='Cl ml fr inv sk/fc w/ot bon w/ot & un...' '80434'='Cl ml fr inv sk/fc w/ot bon w/ot & un...' '80435'='Cl ml fr in sk/fc w/ot bon w/ot&unsp ...' '80436'='Cl ml fr inv sk/fc w/ot bon w/ot&unsp...' '80439'='Cl ml fr inv sk/fc w/ot bon w/ot & un...' '80440'='Cl ml fr inv sk/fc w/ot bon w/intra i...' '80441'='Cl ml fr inv sk/fc w/ot bon w/intr in...' '80442'='Cl ml fr inv sk/fc w/ot bon w/int inj...' '80443'='Cl ml fr inv sk/fc w/ot bon w/int inj...' '80444'='Cl ml fr in sk/fc w/ot bon w/int inj ...' '80445'='Cl ml fr in sk/fc w/ot bon w/int inj ...' '80446'='Cl ml fr inv sk/fc w/ot bon w/int inj...' '80449'='Cl ml fr inv sk/fc w/ot bon w/intra i...' '80450'='Open ml fr inv sk/fc w/ot bon w/o men...' '80451'='Opn ml fr inv sk/fc w/ot bones w/o me...' '80452'='Opn ml fr inv skl/fc w/ot bon w/o men...' '80453'='Opn ml fr inv skl/fc w/ot bon w/o men...' '80454'='Opn ml fr inv sk/fc w/ot bon w/o ment...' '80455'='Opn ml fr in sk/fc w/ot bon w/o men i...' '80456'='Opn ml fr inv sk/fc w/ot bon w/o men ...' '80459'='Opn ml fr inv sk/fc w/ot bones w/o me...' '80460'='Opn ml fr inv sk/fc w/ot bon w/cereb ...' '80461'='Opn ml fr inv sk/fc w/ot bon w/cereb ...' '80462'='Opn ml fr inv sk/fc w/ot bon w/cere l...' '80463'='Opn ml fr inv sk/fc w/ot bon w/cere l...' '80464'='Opn ml fr inv sk/fc w/ot bon w/cere l...' '80465'='Opn ml fr inv sk/fc w/ot bon w/cer la...' '80466'='Opn ml fr inv sk/fc w/ot bon w/cere l...' '80469'='Opn ml fr inv sk/fc w/ot bon w/cer la...' '80470'='Opn ml fr inv sk/fc w/ot bon w/subar/...' '80471'='Opn ml fr inv sk/fc w/ot bon w/sub/su...' '80472'='Opn ml fr inv sk/fc w/ot bon w/sub/su...' '80473'='Opn ml fr inv sk/fc w/ot bon w/sub/su...' '80474'='Opn ml fr inv sk/fc w/ot bon w/sub/su...' '80475'='Opn ml fr inv sk/fc w/ot bn w/sub/sub...' '80476'='Opn ml fr inv sk/fc w/ot bon w/sub/su...' '80479'='Opn ml fr inv sk/fc w/ot bon w/subar/...' '80480'='Opn ml fr inv sk/fc w/ot bon w/ot & u...' '80481'='Opn ml fr inv sk/fc w/ot bon w/ot & u...' '80482'='Opn ml fr inv sk/fc w/ot bon w/ot & u...' '80483'='Opn ml fr inv sk/fc w/ot bon w/ot & u...' '80484'='Opn ml fr inv sk/fc w/ot bon w/ot & u...' '80485'='Opn ml fr in sk/fc w/ot bon w/ot & un...' '80486'='Opn ml fr inv sk/fc w/ot bon w/ot & u...' '80489'='Opn ml fr inv sk/fc w/ot bon w/ot & u...' '80490'='Opn ml fr inv sk/fc w/ot bon w/int in...' '80491'='Opn ml fr inv sk/fc w/ot bon w/int in...' '80492'='Opn ml fr inv sk/fc w/ot bon w/int in...' '80493'='Opn ml fr inv sk/fc w/ot bon w/int in...' '80494'='Opn ml fr inv sk/fc w/ot bon w/int in...' '80495'='Opn ml fr inv sk/fc w/ot bon w/int in...' '80496'='Opn ml fr inv sk/fc w/ot bon w/int in...' '80499'='Opn ml fr inv sk/fc w/ot bon w/int in...' '80500'='Cls frc cervicl vertebra, w/o ment sp...' '80501'='Cls frc frst cervicl vertebra, w/o me...' '80502'='Cls frc second cervicl vertebra, w/o ...' '80503'='Cls frc third cervicl vertebra, w/o m...' '80504'='Cls frc fourth cervicl vertebra, w/o ...' '80505'='Cls frc fifth cervicl vertebra, w/o m...' '80506'='Cls frc sixth cervicl vertebra, w/o m...' '80507'='Cls frc seventh cervicl vertebra, w/o...' '80508'='Cls frc multiple cervicl vertebrae, w...' '80510'='Opn frc cervicl vertebra, w/o ment sp...' '80511'='Opn frc first cervicl vertebra, w/o m...' '80512'='Opn frc second cervicl vertebra, w/o ...' '80513'='Opn frc third cervicl vertebra, w/o m...' '80514'='Opn frc fourth cervicl vertebra, w/o ...' '80515'='Opn frc fifth cervicl vertebra, w/o m...' '80516'='Opn frc sixth cervicl vertebra, w/o m...' '80517'='Opn frc seventh cervicl vertebra, w/o...' '80518'='Opn frc multiple cervicl vertebrae, w...' '8052-'='Clos fract dorsl [thoracic] vertebrae...' '8053-'='Opn fract dorsl [thoracic] vertebrae,...' '8054-'='Clos fract lumbar vertebrae, w/o ment...' '8055-'='Opn fract lumbar vertebrae, w/o menti...' '8056-'='Clos fracture of sacrum and coccyx, w...' '8057-'='Opn fracture of sacrum and coccyx, w/...' '8058-'='Clos fracture of unspecified, w/o men...' '8059-'='Open fracture of unspecified, w/o men...' '80600'='Closed fracture of C1-C4 level with u...' '80601'='Closed fracture of C1-C4 level with c...' '80602'='Closed fracture of C1-C4 level with a...' '80603'='Closed fracture of C1-C4 level with c...' '80604'='Closed fracture of C1-C4 level with o...' '80605'='Closed fracture of C5-C7 level with u...' '80606'='Closed fracture of C5-C7 level with c...' '80607'='Closed fracture of C5-C7 level with a...' '80608'='Closed fracture of C5-C7 level with c...' '80609'='Closed fracture of C5-C7 level with o...' '80610'='Closed fracture of C1-C4 level with u...' '80611'='Closed fracture of C1-C4 level with c...' '80612'='Closed fracture of C1-C4 level with a...' '80613'='Closed fracture of C1-C4 level with c...' '80614'='Closed fracture of C1-C4 level with o...' '80615'='Closed fracture of C5-C7 level with u...' '80616'='Closed fracture of C5-C7 level with c...' '80617'='Closed fracture of C5-C7 level with a...' '80618'='Closed fracture of C5-C7 level with c...' '80619'='Closed fracture of C5-C7 level with o...' '80620'='Closed fracture of T1-T6 level with u...' '80621'='Closed fracture of T1-T6 level with c...' '80622'='Closed fracture of T1-T6 level with a...' '80623'='Closed fracture of T1-T6 level with c...' '80624'='Closed fracture of T1-T6 level with o...' '80625'='Closed fracture of T7-T12 level with ...' '80626'='Closed fracture of T7-T12 level with ...' '80627'='Closed fracture of T7-T12 level with ...' '80628'='Closed fracture of T7-T12 level with ...' '80629'='Closed fracture of T7-T12 level with ...' '80630'='Open fracture of T1-T6 level with uns...' '80631'='Open fracture of T1-T6 level with com...' '80632'='Open fracture of T1-T6 level with ant...' '80633'='Open fracture of T1-T6 level with cen...' '80634'='Open fracture of T1-T6 level with oth...' '80635'='Open fracture of T7-T12 level with un...' '80636'='Open fracture of T7-T12 level with co...' '80637'='Open fracture of T7-T12 level with an...' '80638'='Open fracture of T7-T12 level with ce...' '80639'='Open fracture of T7-T12 level with ot...' '8064-'='Closed fracture of lumbar vertebrae w...' '8065-'='Open fracture of lumbar vertebrae wit...' '80660'='Closed fractur of sacrum and coccyx w...' '80661'='Closed fracture of sacrum/coccyx w/co...' '80662'='Closed fracture of sacrum/coccyx with...' '80669'='Closed fracture of sacrum/coccyx with...' '80670'='Open fracture of sacrum/coccyx with u...' '80671'='Open fracture of sacrum/coccyx with c...' '80672'='Open fracture of sacrum/coccyx with o...' '80679'='Open fractur of sacrum and coccyx wit...' '8068-'='Unspec closd fractur of vertebral col...' '8069-'='Unspec open fracture of vertebral col...' '80700'='Closed fracture of rib(s), unspecified' '80701'='Closed fracture of one rib' '80702'='Closed fracture of two ribs' '80703'='Closed fracture of three ribs' '80704'='Closed fracture of four ribs' '80705'='Closed fracture of five ribs' '80706'='Closed fracture of six ribs' '80707'='Closed fracture of seven ribs' '80708'='Closed fracture of eight or more ribs' '80709'='Closed fracture of multiple ribs, uns...' '80710'='Open fracture of rib(s), unspecified' '80711'='Open fracture of one rib' '80712'='Open fracture of two ribs' '80713'='Open fracture of three ribs' '80714'='Open fracture of four ribs' '80715'='Open fracture of five ribs' '80716'='Open fracture of six ribs' '80717'='Open fracture of seven ribs' '80718'='Open fracture of eight or more ribs' '80719'='Open fracture of multiple ribs, unspe...' '8072-'='Closed fracture of sternum' '8073-'='Open fracture of sternum' '8074-'='Fracture of flail chest' '8075-'='Closed fracture of larynx and trachea' '8076-'='Open fracture of larynx and trachea' '8080-'='Closed fracture of acetabulum' '8081-'='Open fracture of acetabulum' '8082-'='Closed fracture of pubis' '8083-'='Open fracture of pubis' '8084-'='Closed fracture of other specified pa...' '80841'='Closed fracture of ilium' '80842'='Closed fracture of ischium' '80843'='Closd frac of mult pelvic frac w/disr...' '80849'='Closed fracture of other specified pa...' '8085-'='Open fracture of other specified part...' '80851'='Open fracture of ilium' '80852'='Open fracture of ischium' '80853'='Open fracture of mult pelvic frac w/d...' '80859'='Open fracture of other specified part...' '8088-'='Closed fracture of unspecified part o...' '8089-'='Open fracture of unspecified part of ...' '8090-'='Fracture of bones of trunk, closed' '8091-'='Fracture of bones of trunk, open' '81000'='Closed fracture of unspecified part o...' '81001'='Closed fracture of sternal end of cla...' '81002'='Closed fracture of shaft of clavicle' '81003'='Closed fracture of acromial end of cl...' '81010'='Open fracture of unspecified part of ...' '81011'='Open fracture of sternal end of clavicle' '81012'='Open fracture of shaft of clavicle' '81013'='Open fracture of acromial end of clav...' '81100'='Closed fracture of unspecified part o...' '81101'='Closed fracture of acromial process' '81102'='Closed fracture of coracoid process' '81103'='Closed fracture of glenoid cavity and...' '81109'='Closed fracture of other part of scapula' '81110'='Open fracture of unspecified part of ...' '81111'='Open fracture of acromial process' '81112'='Open fracture of coracoid process' '81113'='Open fracture of glenoid cavity and n...' '81119'='Open fracture of other part of scapula' '81200'='Closed fracture of upper end of humer...' '81201'='Closed fracture of surgical neck of h...' '81202'='Closed fracture of anatomical neck of...' '81203'='Closed fracture of greater tuberosity...' '81209'='Closed fracture of other part of hume...' '81210'='Open fracture of upper end, unspecifi...' '81211'='Open fracture of surgical neck of hum...' '81212'='Open fracture of anatomical neck of h...' '81213'='Open fracture of greater tuberosity o...' '81219'='Open fracture of other part of humerous' '81220'='Closed fracture of unspecified part o...' '81221'='Closed fracture of shaft of humerus' '81230'='Open fracture of unspecified part of ...' '81231'='Open fracture of shaft of humerus' '81240'='Closed fracture of lower end, unspeci...' '81241'='Closed fracture of supracondylar frac...' '81242'='Closed fracture of lateral condyle of...' '81243'='Closed fracture of medial condyle of ...' '81244'='Closed fracture of condyle(s) of hume...' '81249'='Closed fracture of other part of hume...' '81250'='Open fracture of lower end, unspecifi...' '81251'='Open fracture of supracondylar fractu...' '81252'='Open fracture of lateral condyle of h...' '81253'='Open fracture of medial condyle of hu...' '81254'='Open fracture of condyle(s) of humero...' '81259'='Open fracture of other part of humerous' '81300'='Closed fracture of upper end of forea...' '81301'='Closed fracture of olecranon process ...' '81302'='Closed fracture of coronoid process o...' '81303'='Closed Monteggia`s fracture' '81304'='Other/unspec closed fractures of prox...' '81305'='Closed fracture of head of radius' '81306'='Closed fracture of neck of radius' '81307'='Other/unspec closed fractures of prox...' '81308'='Closed fracture of radius with ulna, ...' '81310'='Open fracture of upper end of forearm...' '81311'='Open fracture of olecranon process of...' '81312'='Open fracture of coronoid process of ...' '81313'='Open Monteggia`s fracture' '81314'='Other and unspec open fractures of pr...' '81315'='Open fracture of head of radius' '81316'='Open fracture of neck of radius' '81317'='Other and unspec open fractur of prox...' '81318'='Open fracture of radius with ulna, up...' '81320'='Closed fracture of shaft of radius or...' '81321'='Closed fracture of shaft of radius (a...' '81322'='Closed fracture of shaft of ulna (alone)' '81323'='Closed fracture of shaft of radius wi...' '81330'='Open fracture of shaft of radius or u...' '81331'='Open fracture of shaft of radius (alone)' '81332'='Open fracture of shaft of ulna (alone)' '81333'='Open fracture of shaft of radius with...' '81340'='Closed fracture of lower end of forea...' '81341'='Closed Colles` fracture' '81342'='Other closed fractures of distal end ...' '81343'='Closed fracture of distal end of ulna...' '81344'='Closed fracture of radius with ulna, ...' '81345'='Torus fracture of radius' '81350'='Open fracture of lower end of forearm...' '81351'='Open Colles' '81352'='Other open fractures of distal end of...' '81353'='Open fracture of distal end of ulna (...' '81354'='Open fracture of radius with ulna, lo...' '81380'='Closed fracture of forearm, unspecified' '81381'='Closed fracture of radius (alone)' '81382'='Closed fracture of ulna (alone)' '81383'='Closed fracture of radius with ulna' '81390'='Open fracture of forearm, unspecified' '81391'='Open fracture of radius (alone)' '81392'='Open fracture of ulna (alone)' '81393'='Open fracture of radius with ulna' '81400'='Closed fracture of carpal bone, unspe...' '81401'='Closed fracture of navicular [scaphoi...' '81402'='Closed fracture of lunate [semilunar]...' '81403'='Closed fracture of triquetral [cuneif...' '81404'='Closed fracture of pisiform' '81405'='Closed fracture of trapezium bone [la...' '81406'='Closed fracture of trapezoid bone [sm...' '81407'='Closed fracture of capitate bone [os ...' '81408'='Closed fracture of hamate [unciform] ...' '81409'='Closed fracture of other carpal bone(s)' '81410'='Open fracture of carpal bone, unspeci...' '81411'='Open fracture of navicular [scaphoid]...' '81412'='Open fracture of lunate [semilunar] b...' '81413'='Open fracture of triquetral [cuneifor...' '81414'='Open fracture of pisiform' '81415'='Open fracture of trapezium bone [larg...' '81416'='Open fracture of trapezoid bone [smal...' '81417'='Open fracture of capitate bone [os ma...' '81418'='Open fracture of hamate [unciform] bone' '81419'='Open fracture of other carpal bone(s)' '81500'='Closed fracture of metacarpal bone(s)...' '81501'='Closed fracture of base of thumb [fir...' '81502'='Closed fracture of base of other meta...' '81503'='Closed fracture of shaft of metacarpa...' '81504'='Closed fracture of neck of metacarpal...' '81509'='Closed fracture of multiple sites of ...' '81510'='Open fracture of metacarpal bone(s), ...' '81511'='Open fracture of base of thumb [first...' '81512'='Open fracture of base of other metaca...' '81513'='Open fracture of shaft of metacarpal ...' '81514'='Open fracture of neck of metacarpal b...' '81519'='Open fracture of multiple sites of me...' '81600'='Closed fracture of phalanx or phalang...' '81601'='Closed fracture of middle or proximal...' '81602'='Closed fracture of distal phalanx or ...' '81603'='Closed fracture of multiple sites of ...' '81610'='Open fracture of phalanx or phalanges...' '81611'='Open fracture of middle or proximal p...' '81612'='Open fracture of distal phalanx or ph...' '81613'='Open fracture of multiple sites of on...' '8170-'='Multiple closed fractures of hand bones' '8171-'='Multiple open fractures of hand bones' '8180-'='Ill-defined closed fractures of upper...' '8181-'='Ill-defined open fractures of upper limb' '8190-'='Clos mult frac involv both uppr limb/...' '8191-'='Open mult frac involv both uppr limb/...' '82000'='Clos transcervical frac intracapsular...' '82001'='Closed transcervical fracture of epip...' '82002'='Closed transcervical fracture of midc...' '82003'='Closed transcervical fracture of base...' '82009'='Other closed transcervical fracture o...' '82010'='Opn transcervical frac of intracapsul...' '82011'='Open transcervical fracture of epiphy...' '82012'='Open transcervical fracture of midcer...' '82013'='Open transcervical fracture of base o...' '82019'='Other open transcervical fracture of ...' '82020'='Closed fracture of trochanteric secti...' '82021'='Closed fracture of intertrochanteric ...' '82022'='Closed fracture of subtrochanteric se...' '82030'='Open fracture of trochanteric section...' '82031'='Open fracture of intertrochanteric se...' '82032'='Open fracture of subtrochanteric section' '8208-'='Closed fracture of unspecified part o...' '8209-'='Open fracture of unspecified part of ...' '82100'='Closed fracture of unspecified part o...' '82101'='Closed fracture of shaft of femur' '82110'='Open fracture of unspecified part of ...' '82111'='Open fracture of shaft of femur' '82120'='Closed fracture of lower end, unspeci...' '82121'='Closed fracture of condyle, femoral' '82122'='Closed fracture of epiphysis, lower (...' '82123'='Closed fracture of supracondylar frac...' '82129'='Closed fracture of other lower end of...' '82130'='Open fracture of lower end, unspecifi...' '82131'='Open fracture of condyle, femoral' '82132'='Open fracture of epiphysis, lower (se...' '82133'='Open fracture of supracondylar fractu...' '82139'='Open fracture of other lower end of f...' '8220-'='Closed fracture of patella' '8221-'='Open fracture of patella' '82300'='Closed fracture of upper end of tibia...' '82301'='Closed fracture of upper end of fibul...' '82302'='Closed fracture of upper end of fibul...' '82310'='Open fracture of upper end of tibia a...' '82311'='Open fracture of upper end of fibula ...' '82312'='Open fracture of upper end of fibula ...' '82320'='Closed fracture of shaft of tibia alone' '82321'='Closed fracture of shaft of fibula alone' '82322'='Closed fracture of shaft of fibula wi...' '82330'='Open fracture of shaft of tibia alone' '82331'='Open fracture of shaft of fibula alone' '82332'='Open fracture of shaft of fibula with...' '82340'='Torus fracture, tibia alone' '82380'='Closed fracture of unspecified part o...' '82381'='Closed fracture of unspecified part o...' '82382'='Closed fracture of unspecified part o...' '82390'='Open fracture of unspecified part of ...' '82391'='Open fracture of unspecified part of ...' '82392'='Open fracture of unspecified part of ...' '8240-'='Fracture of medial malleolus, closed' '8241-'='Fracture of medial malleolus, open' '8242-'='Fracture of lateral malleolus, closed' '8243-'='Fracture of lateral malleolus, open' '8244-'='Fracture of bimalleolar, closed' '8245-'='Fracture of bimalleolar, open' '8246-'='Fracture of trimalleolar, closed' '8247-'='Fracture of trimalleolar, open' '8248-'='Unspecified closed fracture of ankle' '8249-'='Unspecified open fracture of ankle' '8250-'='Closed fracture of calcaneus' '8251-'='Open fracture of calcaneus' '82520'='Closed fracture of unspecified bone(s...' '82521'='Closed fracture of astragalus' '82522'='Closed fracture of navicular [scaphoi...' '82523'='Closed fracture of cuboid' '82524'='Closed fracture of cuneiform, foot' '82525'='Closed fracture of other metatarsal b...' '82529'='Closed fracture of other tarsal and m...' '82530'='Open fracture of unspecified bone(s) ...' '82531'='Open fracture of astragalus' '82532'='Open fracture of navicular [scaphoid]...' '82533'='Open fracture of cuboid' '82534'='Open fracture of cuneiform, foot' '82535'='Open fracture of other metatarsal bon...' '82539'='Open fracture of other tarsal and met...' '8260-'='Closed fracture of one or more phalan...' '8261-'='Open fracture of one or more phalange...' '8270-'='Closed other, multiple, and ill-defin...' '8271-'='Open other, multiple, and ill-defined...' '8280-'='Clos mul frac inv bth low lmbs/low w/...' '8281-'='Open mul frac inv bth low lmb/low w/u...' '8290-'='Fracture of unspecified bone, closed' '8291-'='Fracture of unspecified bone, open' '8300-'='Closed dislocation of jaw' '8301-'='Open dislocation of jaw' '83100'='Closed dislocation of shoulder, unspe...' '83101'='Closed dislocation of anterior disloc...' '83102'='Closed dislocation of posterior dislo...' '83103'='Closed dislocation of inferior disloc...' '83104'='Closed dislocation of acromioclavicul...' '83109'='Closed dislocation of other shoulder ...' '83110'='Open dislocation of shoulder, unspeci...' '83111'='Open dislocation of anterior dislocat...' '83112'='Open dislocation of posterior disloca...' '83113'='Open dislocation of inferior dislocat...' '83114'='Open dislocation of acromioclavicular...' '83119'='Open dislocation of other shoulder area' '83200'='Closed dislocation of elbow unspecified' '83201'='Closed dislocation of anterior disloc...' '83202'='Closed dislocation of posterior dislo...' '83203'='Closed dislocation of medial dislocat...' '83204'='Closed dislocation of lateral disloca...' '83209'='Closed dislocation of other elbow area' '83210'='Open dislocation of elbow unspecified' '83211'='Open dislocation of anterior dislocat...' '83212'='Open dislocation of posterior disloca...' '83213'='Open dislocation of medial dislocatio...' '83214'='Open dislocation of lateral dislocati...' '83219'='Open dislocation of other elbow area' '83300'='Closed dislocation of wrist, unspecif...' '83301'='Closed dislocation of radioulnar (joi...' '83302'='Closed dislocation of radiocarpal (jo...' '83303'='Closed dislocation of midcarpal (joint)' '83304'='Closed dislocation of carpometacarpal...' '83305'='Closed dislocation of metacarpal (bon...' '83309'='Closed dislocation of other wrist area' '83310'='Open dislocation of wrist, unspecifie...' '83311'='Open dislocation of radioulnar (joint...' '83312'='Open dislocation of radiocarpal (joint)' '83313'='Open dislocation of midcarpal (joint)' '83314'='Open dislocation of carpometacarpal (...' '83315'='Open dislocation of metacarpal (bone)...' '83319'='Open dislocation of other wrist area' '83400'='Closed dislocation of finger, unspeci...' '83401'='Closed dislocation of metacarpophalan...' '83402'='Closed dislocation of interphalangeal...' '83410'='Open dislocation of finger, unspecifi...' '83411'='Open dislocation of metacarpophalange...' '83412'='Open dislocation of interphalangeal (...' '83500'='Closed dislocation of hip, unspecified' '83501'='Closed posterior dislocation of hip' '83502'='Closed obturator dislocation of hip' '83503'='Closed other anterior dislocation of hip' '83510'='Open dislocation of hip, unspecified' '83511'='Open posterior dislocation of hip' '83512'='Open obturator dislocation of hip' '83513'='Open other anterior dislocation of hip' '8360-'='Tear of medial cartilage or meniscus ...' '8361-'='Tear of lateral cartilage or meniscus...' '8362-'='Other tear of cartilage or meniscus o...' '8363-'='Dislocation of patella, closed' '8364-'='Dislocation of patella, open' '83650'='Dislocation of knee, unspecified' '83651'='Anterior dislocation of tibia, proxim...' '83652'='Posterior dislocation of tibia, proxi...' '83653'='Medial dislocation of tibia, proximal...' '83654'='Lateral dislocation of tibia, proxima...' '83659'='Other closed dislocation of knee' '83660'='Dislocation of knee, unspecified' '83661'='Anterior dislocation of tibia, proxim...' '83662'='Posterior dislocation of tibia, proxi...' '83663'='Medial dislocation of tibia, proximal...' '83664'='Lateral dislocation of tibia, proxima...' '83669'='Other open dislocation of knee' '8370-'='Closed dislocation of ankle' '8371-'='Open dislocation of ankle' '83800'='Closed dislocation of foot, unspecified' '83801'='Closed dislocation of tarsal (bone), ...' '83802'='Closed dislocation of midtarsal (joint)' '83803'='Closed dislocation of tarsometatarsal...' '83804'='Closed dislocation of metatarsal (bon...' '83805'='Closed dislocation of metatarsophalan...' '83806'='Closed dislocation of interphalangeal...' '83809'='Closed dislocation of other foot area' '83810'='Open dislocation of foot, unspecified' '83811'='Open dislocation of tarsal (bone), jo...' '83812'='Open dislocation of midtarsal (joint)' '83813'='Open dislocation of tarsometatarsal (...' '83814'='Open dislocation of metatarsal (bone)...' '83815'='Open dislocation of metatarsophalange...' '83816'='Open dislocation of interphalangeal (...' '83819'='Open dislocation of other foot area' '83900'='Closed dislocation of cervical verteb...' '83901'='Closed dislocation of first cervical ...' '83902'='Closed dislocation of second cervical...' '83903'='Closed dislocation of third cervical ...' '83904'='Closed dislocation of fourth cervical...' '83905'='Closed dislocation of fifth cervical ...' '83906'='Closed dislocation of sixth cervical ...' '83907'='Closed dislocation of seventh cervica...' '83908'='Closed dislocation of multiple cervic...' '83910'='Open dislocation of cervical vertebra...' '83911'='Open dislocation of first cervical ve...' '83912'='Open dislocation of second cervical v...' '83913'='Open dislocation of third cervical ve...' '83914'='Open dislocation of fourth cervical v...' '83915'='Open dislocation of fifth cervical ve...' '83916'='Open dislocation of sixth cervical ve...' '83917'='Open dislocation of seventh cervical ...' '83918'='Open dislocation of multiple cervical...' '83920'='Closed dislocation of lumbar vertebra' '83921'='Closed dislocation of thoracic vertebra' '83930'='Open dislocation of lumbar vertebra' '83931'='Open dislocation of thoracic vertebra' '83940'='Closed dislocation of vertebra, unspe...' '83941'='Closed dislocation of coccyx' '83942'='Closed dislocation of sacrum' '83949'='Closed dislocation of other vertebra' '83950'='Open dislocation of vertebra, unspeci...' '83951'='Open dislocation of coccyx' '83952'='Open dislocation of sacrum' '83959'='Open dislocation of other vertebra' '8396-'='Closed dislocation of other location' '83961'='Closed dislocation of sternum' '83969'='Closed dislocation of other location' '8397-'='Open dislocation of other location' '83971'='Open dislocation of sternum' '83979'='Open dislocation of other location' '8398-'='Closed dislocation of multiple and il...' '8399-'='Open dislocation of multiple and ill-...' '8400-'='Sprains and strains of acromioclavicu...' '8401-'='Sprains and strains of coracoclavicul...' '8402-'='Sprains and strains of coracohumeral ...' '8403-'='Sprains and strains of infraspinatus ...' '8404-'='Sprains and strains of rotator cuff (...' '8405-'='Sprains and strains of subscapularis ...' '8406-'='Sprains and strains of supraspinatus ...' '8407-'='Sprains and strains of superiour glen...' '8408-'='Sprains and strains of other spec sit...' '8409-'='Sprains and strains of unspecified si...' '8410-'='Sprains and strains of radial collate...' '8411-'='Sprains and strains of ulnar collater...' '8412-'='Sprains and strains of radiohumeral (...' '8413-'='Sprains and strains of ulnohumeral (j...' '8418-'='Sprains and strains of other specifie...' '8419-'='Sprains and strains of unspecified si...' '84200'='Sprains and strains of unspecified site' '84201'='Sprains and strains of carpal (joint)' '84202'='Sprains and strains of radiocarpal (j...' '84209'='Sprains and strains of other area of ...' '84210'='Sprains and strains of unspecified site' '84211'='Sprains and strains of carpometacarpa...' '84212'='Sprains and strains of metacarpophala...' '84213'='Sprains and strains of interphalangea...' '84219'='Sprains and strains of other area of ...' '8430-'='Sprains and strains of iliofemoral (l...' '8431-'='Sprains and strains of ischiocapsular...' '8438-'='Sprains and strains of other specifie...' '8439-'='Sprains and strains of unspecified si...' '8440-'='Sprains and strains of lateral collat...' '8441-'='Sprains and strains of medial collate...' '8442-'='Sprains and strains of cruciate ligam...' '8443-'='Sprains and strains of tibiofibular (...' '8448-'='Sprains and strains of other specifie...' '8449-'='Sprains and strains of unspecified si...' '84500'='Sprains and strains of unspecified si...' '84501'='Sprains and strains of deltoid (ligam...' '84502'='Sprains and strains of calcaneofibula...' '84503'='Sprains and strains of tibiofibular (...' '84509'='Sprains and strains of other area of ...' '84510'='Sprains and strains of unspecified si...' '84511'='Sprains and strains of tarsometatarsa...' '84512'='Sprains and strains of metatarsophala...' '84513'='Sprains and strains of interphalangea...' '84519'='Sprains and strains of other area of ...' '8460-'='Sprains and strains of lumbosacral (j...' '8461-'='Sprains and strains of sacroiliac lig...' '8462-'='Sprains and strains of sacrospinatus ...' '8463-'='Sprains and strains of sacrotuberous ...' '8468-'='Sprains and strains of other spec sit...' '8469-'='Sprains and strains of unspecified si...' '8470-'='Sprains and strains of neck' '8471-'='Sprains and strains of thoracic' '8472-'='Sprains and strains of lumbar' '8473-'='Sprains and strains of sacrum' '8474-'='Sprains and strains of coccyx' '8479-'='Sprains and strains of unspecified si...' '8480-'='Sprains and strains of septal cartila...' '8481-'='Sprains and strains of jaw' '8482-'='Sprains and strains of thyroid region' '8483-'='Sprains and strains of ribs' '84840'='Sprains and strains of unspecified site' '84841'='Sprains and strains of sternoclavicul...' '84842'='Sprains and strains of chondrosternal...' '84849'='Sprains and strains of other site' '8485-'='Sprains and strains of pelvis' '8488-'='Other specified sites of sprains and ...' '8489-'='Unspecified site of sprain and strain' '8500-'='Concussion with no loss of consciousness' '8501-'='Concussion with brief loss of conscio...' '85011'='Concussion with LOC of 30 min or less' '85012'='Concussion with LOC of 31 to 59 minutes' '8502-'='Concussion with moderate loss of cons...' '8503-'='Concussion w/prolonged loss of consci...' '8504-'='Concussion w/prolongd loss of conscio...' '8505-'='Concussion with loss of consciousness...' '8509-'='Concussion, loss of consciousness uns...' '85100'='Cortex (cerebr) contus w/o opn intrac...' '85101'='Cortex (cerebr) contus w/o opn intrac...' '85102'='Cortex (cerebr) contus w/o opn intrac...' '85103'='Cortex (cerebr) contus w/o opn intrac...' '85104'='Cortex (cerebr) contus w/o opn intrac...' '85105'='Cortex (cerebr) contus w/o opn intrac...' '85106'='Cortex (cerebr) contus w/o opn intrac...' '85109'='Cortex (cerebrl) contus w/o opn intra...' '85110'='Cortex (cerebr) contus w/opn intracrn...' '85111'='Cortex (cerebr) contus w/opn intracrn...' '85112'='Cortex (cerebr) contus w/opn intracrn...' '85113'='Cortex (cerebr) contus w/opn intracrn...' '85114'='Cortex (cerebr) contus w/opn intracrn...' '85115'='Cortex (cereb) contus w/opn intracrn ...' '85116'='Cortex (cerebr) contus w/opn intracrn...' '85119'='Cortex (cereb) contus w/opn intracrn ...' '85120'='Cortex (cereb) lacerat w/o opn intrac...' '85121'='Cortex (cereb) lacerat w/o opn intrac...' '85122'='Cortex (cereb) lacerat w/o opn intrac...' '85123'='Cortex (cereb) lacerat w/o opn intrac...' '85124'='Cortex (cerebr) lacerat w/o opn intra...' '85125'='Cortex (cereb) lacerat w/o opn intrac...' '85126'='Cortex (cereb) lacerat w/o opn intrac...' '85129'='Cortex (cereb) lacerat w/o opn intrac...' '85130'='Cortex (cerebr) lacerat w/opn intracr...' '85131'='Cortex (cerebr) lacerat w/opn intracr...' '85132'='Cortex (cerebr) lacerat w/opn intracr...' '85133'='Cortex (cereb) lacerat w/opn intracrn...' '85134'='Cortex (cereb) lacerat w/opn intracrn...' '85135'='Cortex (cereb) lacerat w/opn intracr ...' '85136'='Cortex (cereb) lacerat w/opn intracrn...' '85139'='Cortex (cereb) lacerat w/opn intracrn...' '85140'='Cerebellar/brain stem contus w/o opn ...' '85141'='Cerebellar/brain stem contus w/o opn ...' '85142'='Cerebellar/brain stem contus w/o opn ...' '85143'='Cerebellar/brain stem contus w/o opn ...' '85144'='Cerebelr/brain stem contus w/o opn in...' '85145'='Cerebel/brain stem contus w/o opn int...' '85146'='Cerebel/brain stem contus w/o opn int...' '85149'='Cerebel/brain stem contus w/o opn int...' '85150'='Cerebellar/brain stem contus w/opn in...' '85151'='Cerebellar/brain stem contus w/opn in...' '85152'='Cerebellar/brain stem contus w/opn in...' '85153'='Cerebellar/brain stem contus w/opn in...' '85154'='Cerebellar/brain stem contus w/opn in...' '85155'='Cerebellr/brain stem contus w/opn int...' '85156'='Cerebellar/brain stem contus w/opn in...' '85159'='Cerebellar/brain stem contus w/opn in...' '85160'='Cerebel/brain stem lacerat w/o men of...' '85161'='Cerebel/brain stem lacer w/o men of o...' '85162'='Cerebel/brain stem lacer w/o men opn ...' '85163'='Cerebel/brain stem lacer w/o men opn ...' '85164'='Cerebel/brain stem lacer w/o men opn ...' '85165'='Cereb/brain stem lacr w/o men opn int...' '85166'='Cerebl/brain stem lacr w/o men opn in...' '85169'='Cerebel/brain stem lacer w/o men opn ...' '85170'='Cerebellar/brain stem lacerat w/opn i...' '85171'='Cerebellar/brain stem lacerat w/opn i...' '85172'='Cerebellar/brain stem lacerat w/opn i...' '85173'='Cerebellar/brain stem lacerat w/opn i...' '85174'='Cerebellr/brain stem lacerat w/opn in...' '85175'='Cerebellr/brain stem lacer w/opn intr...' '85176'='Cerebelr/brain stem lacer w/opn intra...' '85179'='Cerebellr/brain stem lacer w/opn intr...' '85180'='Ot/unsp cereb lacer/contus w/o men op...' '85181'='Ot/unsp cereb lacer/contus w/o men op...' '85182'='Ot/unsp cereb lacer/contus w/o men op...' '85183'='Ot/unsp cereb lacer/contus w/o men op...' '85184'='Ot/unsp cere lacer/contus w/o men opn...' '85185'='Ot/unsp cer lacr/conts w/o men opn in...' '85186'='Ot/unsp cer lacr/contus w/o men opn i...' '85189'='Ot/unsp cere lacer/contus w/o men opn...' '85190'='Oth/unsp cereb lacerat/contus w/opn i...' '85191'='Oth/unsp cereb lacerat/contus w/opn i...' '85192'='Oth/unsp cereb lacerat/contus w/opn i...' '85193'='Oth/unsp cerebr lacerat/contus w/opn ...' '85194'='Oth/unsp cereb lacer/contus w/opn int...' '85195'='Oth/unsp cere lacer/contus w/opn intr...' '85196'='Oth/unsp cereb lacer/contus w/opn int...' '85199'='Oth/unsp cereb lacer/contus w/opn int...' '85200'='Subarach hem follw inj w/o opn intrac...' '85201'='Subarach hem follw inj w/o opn intrac...' '85202'='Subarach hem follw inj w/o opn intrac...' '85203'='Subarach hem follw inj w/o opn intrac...' '85204'='Subarch hem fol inj w/o opn intrcrn w...' '85205'='Subarach hem fol inj w/o opn intrcrn ...' '85206'='Subarach hem foll inj w/o opn intracr...' '85209'='Subarach hem follw inj w/o opn intrac...' '85210'='Subarach hem foll inj w/opn intrcrn w...' '85211'='Subarach hem follow inj w/opn intracr...' '85212'='Subarach hem follw inj w/opn intrcrn ...' '85213'='Subarach hem follw inj w/opn intrcrn ...' '85214'='Subarach hem foll inj w/opn intrcrn w...' '85215'='Subarach hem follw inj w/opn intrcrn ...' '85216'='Subarach hem foll inj w/opn intrcrn w...' '85219'='Subarach hem follw inj w/opn intrcrn ...' '85220'='Subdur hem follw inj w/o opn intracrn...' '85221'='Subdur hem follw inj w/o opn intracrn...' '85222'='Subdur hem follw inj w/o opn intracrn...' '85223'='Subdur hem foll inj w/o opn intracrn ...' '85224'='Subdur hem fol inj w/o opn intracrn w...' '85225'='Subdur hem follw inj w/o opn intrcrn ...' '85226'='Subdur hem foll inj w/o opn intrcrn w...' '85229'='Subdur hem follw inj w/o opn intracrn...' '85230'='Subdur hem follw inj w/opn intracran ...' '85231'='Subdur hem follw inj w/opn intracran ...' '85232'='Subdur hem follw inj w/opn intracran ...' '85233'='Subdur hem follw inj w/opn intracran ...' '85234'='Subdur hem follw inj w/opn intracrn w...' '85235'='Subdur hem follw inj w/opn intracran ...' '85236'='Subdur hem foll inj w/opn intracrn wn...' '85239'='Subdur hem follw inj w/opn intracran ...' '85240'='Extradur hem follw inj w/o opn intrac...' '85241'='Extradur hem follw inj w/o opn intrac...' '85242'='Extradur hem follw inj w/o opn intrac...' '85243'='Extradur hem follw inj w/o opn intrac...' '85244'='Extradr hem fol inj w/o opn intrcrn w...' '85245'='Extradur hem fol inj w/o opn intrcrn ...' '85246'='Extradr hem fol inj w/o opn intrcrn w...' '85249'='Extradur hem follw inj w/o opn intrac...' '85250'='Extradr hem follw inj w/opn intracrn ...' '85251'='Extradr hem follw inj w/opn intracrn ...' '85252'='Extradr hem follw inj w/opn intracrn ...' '85253'='Extradr hem follw inj w/opn intracrn ...' '85254'='Extradr hem fol inj w/opn intracrn wn...' '85255'='Extradr hem follw inj w/opn intracrn ...' '85256'='Extradr hem fol inj w/opn intracrn wn...' '85259'='Extradr hem follw inj w/opn intracrn ...' '85300'='Ot/uns intrac hem folow inj w/o men o...' '85301'='Ot/uns intra hem folow inj w/o men op...' '85302'='Ot/uns intra hem folow inj w/o men op...' '85303'='Ot/uns intr hem folow inj w/o ment op...' '85304'='Ot/uns intr hem folow inj w/o men opn...' '85305'='Ot/uns int hm folow inj w/o men opn i...' '85306'='Ot/uns int hem folow inj w/o men opn ...' '85309'='Ot/uns int hem folow inj w/o men opn ...' '85310'='Ot/uns int hem folow inj w/opn intra ...' '85311'='Ot/uns int hem folow inj w/opn intrac...' '85312'='Ot/uns int hem folow inj w/opn intra ...' '85313'='Ot/uns intr hem folow inj w/opn intra...' '85314'='Ot/uns intr hem folow inj w/opn intra...' '85315'='Ot/uns intr hem folow inj w/opn intra...' '85316'='Ot/uns intr hem folow inj w/opn intra...' '85319'='Ot/uns intr hem folow inj w/opn intra...' '85400'='Intracrn inj oth/unsp nat w/o ment op...' '85401'='Intracrn inj ot/unsp nat w/o ment opn...' '85402'='Intracrn inj ot/unsp nat w/o ment opn...' '85403'='Intracrn inj ot/unsp nat w/o ment opn...' '85404'='Intracrn inj ot/unsp nat w/o men opn ...' '85405'='Intrac inj ot/unsp nat w/o men opn in...' '85406'='Intrac inj ot/unsp nat w/o men opn in...' '85409'='Intracrn inj ot/uns nat w/o men opn i...' '85410'='Intracrn inj ot/unsp nat w/opn intrac...' '85411'='Intracrn inj ot/unsp nat w/opn intrac...' '85412'='Intracrn inj ot/unsp nat w/opn intrac...' '85413'='Intracrn inj ot/unsp nat w/opn intrac...' '85414'='Intracrn inj ot/unsp nat w/opn intrac...' '85415'='Intracrn inj ot/unsp nat w/opn intrac...' '85416'='Intracrn inj ot/unsp nat w/opn intrac...' '85419'='Intracrn inj ot/unsp nat w/opn intrac...' '8600-'='Pneumothorax w/o mention of open woun...' '8601-'='Pneumothorax with open wound into thorax' '8602-'='Hemothorax w/o mention of open wound ...' '8603-'='Hemothorax with open wound into thorax' '8604-'='Pneumohemothorax w/o mention of open ...' '8605-'='Pneumohemothorax with open wound into...' '86100'='Unspecified inj to heart w/o mention ...' '86101'='Contusion to heart w/o mention of ope...' '86102'='Lacer to heart w/o penetrat hrt chamb...' '86103'='Lacer to heart w/penetrat hrt chamb w...' '86110'='Unspecified injury to heart with open...' '86111'='Contusion to heart with open wound in...' '86112'='Lacerat to heart w/o penetrat hrt cha...' '86113'='Lacerat to heart w/penetrat hrt chamb...' '86120'='Unspecif injury to lung w/o mention o...' '86121'='Contusion to lung without mention of ...' '86122'='Laceration to lung without mention of...' '86130'='Unspecified injury to lung with open ...' '86131'='Contusion to lung with open wound int...' '86132'='Laceration to lung with open wound in...' '8620-'='Injury to diaphragm without mention o...' '8621-'='Injury to diaphragm with open wound i...' '8622-'='Inj to oth spec intrathorac orgn w/o ...' '86221'='Injury to bronchus w/o mention of ope...' '86222'='Injury to esophagus w/o mention of op...' '86229'='Inj to oth intrathorac orgn w/o men o...' '8623-'='Inj to ot spec intrathorac orgn w/opn...' '86231'='Injury to bronchus with open wound in...' '86232'='Injury to esophagus with open wound i...' '86239'='Injury to other intrathoracic organs ...' '8628-'='Inj to mult and unsp intrathor orgn w...' '8629-'='Inj to mult and unsp intrathor orgn w...' '8630-'='Injury to stomach, without mention of...' '8631-'='Injury to stomach, with open wound in...' '86320'='Inj to small intest unsp site w/o men...' '86321'='Injury to duodenum w/o mention of ope...' '86329'='Inj to other small intestine w/o ment...' '86330'='Injury to small intestine, unspec sit...' '86331'='Injury to duodenum with open wound in...' '86339'='Injury to other small intestine with ...' '86340'='Inj to colon unspec site w/o mention ...' '86341'='Inj to ascend [right] colon w/o men o...' '86342'='Inj to transverse colon without menti...' '86343'='Inj to descending [left] colon w/o me...' '86344'='Inj to sigmoid colon without mention ...' '86345'='Injury to rectum without mention of o...' '86346'='Inj to multipl sites in colon/rectm w...' '86349'='Inj to oth colon/rectum w/o mention o...' '86350'='Injury to colon, unspecified site wit...' '86351'='Injury to ascending [right] colon wit...' '86352'='Injury to transverse colon with open ...' '86353'='Injury to descending [left] colon wit...' '86354'='Injury to sigmoid colon with open wou...' '86355'='Injury to rectum with open wound into...' '86356'='Inj to multipl sites in colon/rectm w...' '86359'='Injury to other colon or rectum with ...' '86380'='Inj to gastrointestl tract w/o men op...' '86381'='Inj to head of pancreas w/o mention o...' '86382'='Inj to body of pancreas w/o mention o...' '86383'='Inj to tail of pancreas w/o men of op...' '86384'='Inj to pancreas w/o ment opn wnd into...' '86385'='Injury to appendix without mention of...' '86389'='Inj to oth gastrointest site w/o ment...' '86390'='Inj to gastrointest tract w/opn wound...' '86391'='Injury to head of pancreas with open ...' '86392'='Injury to body of pancreas with open ...' '86393'='Injury to tail of pancreas with open ...' '86394'='Inj to pancreas w/opn wnd into cav, m...' '86395'='Injury to appendix with open wound in...' '86399'='Inj to oth gastrointestinal sites wit...' '86400'='Unspec injury to liver w/o mention of...' '86401'='Hematoma/contusion to liver w/o ment ...' '86402'='Minor laceration to liver w/o mention...' '86403'='Mod laceration to liver w/o mention o...' '86404'='Major laceration to liver w/o mention...' '86405'='Unspec laceration to liver w/o mentio...' '86409'='Other injury to liver w/o mention of ...' '86410'='Unspecified injury to liver with open...' '86411'='Hematoma and contusion to liver with ...' '86412'='Minor laceration to liver with open w...' '86413'='Moderate laceration to liver with ope...' '86414'='Major laceration to liver with open w...' '86415'='Unspecified laceration to liver with ...' '86419'='Other injury to liver with open wound...' '86500'='Unspec inj to spleen without mention ...' '86501'='Hematom w/o ruptur of capsul to splee...' '86502'='Capsul trs w/o maj disrup parench spl...' '86503'='Lacer extend into parench to splen w/...' '86504'='Massiv parenchyml disrup to splen w/o...' '86509'='Other injury to spleen w/o mention of...' '86510'='Unspecified injury to spleen with ope...' '86511'='Hematom w/o ruptur of capsul to splee...' '86512'='Capsul trs w/o maj disrup parench to ...' '86513'='Lacer extend into parenchy to splen w...' '86514'='Massiv parenchym disrup to spleen w/o...' '86519'='Other injury to spleen with open woun...' '86600'='Unspec inj to kidney w/o mention of o...' '86601'='Hemat w/o ruptur of capsul to kidney ...' '86602'='Lacer to kidney w/o mention of open w...' '86603'='Complet disrup of kidney parenchyma w...' '86610'='Unspecified injury to kidney with ope...' '86611'='Hemat w/o ruptur of capsul to kidney ...' '86612'='Laceration to kidney with open wound ...' '86613'='Complete disruption of kidney parench...' '8670-'='Inj to bladder/urethra, w/o mention o...' '8671-'='Injury to bladder and urethra, with o...' '8672-'='Injury to ureter, without mention of ...' '8673-'='Injury to ureter, with open wound int...' '8674-'='Injury to uterus, without mention of ...' '8675-'='Injury to uterus, with open wound int...' '8676-'='Inj oth specif pelvic organs, w/o men...' '8677-'='Inj to oth specific pelvic organs, wi...' '8678-'='Inj to unspec pelvic orgn w/o mention...' '8679-'='Injury to unspecified pelvic organ, w...' '86800'='Inj to unspec intra-abdominl organ w/...' '86801'='Injury to adrenal gland w/o mention o...' '86802'='Inj to bile duct/gallblad w/o mention...' '86803'='Injury to peritoneum w/o mention of o...' '86804'='Injury to retroperitoneum w/o mention...' '86809'='Inj to ot & multip intra-abdomin orgn...' '86810'='Inj to unspec intra-abdominl organ wi...' '86811'='Injury to adrenal gland with open wou...' '86812'='Injury to bile duct and gallbladder w...' '86813'='Injury to peritoneum with open wound ...' '86814'='Injury to retroperitoneum with open w...' '86819'='Inj to oth & multiple intra-abdominl ...' '8690-'='Intern inj to unspec/ill-defin orgn w...' '8691-'='Intern inj to unspec/ill-defin orgn w...' '8700-'='Laceration of skin of eyelid and peri...' '8701-'='Lacerat of eyelid, full-thickness, no...' '8702-'='Laceration of eyelid involving lacrim...' '8703-'='Penetrating wound of orbit, without m...' '8704-'='Penetrating wound of orbit with forei...' '8708-'='Other specified open wounds of ocular...' '8709-'='Unspecified open wound of ocular adnexa' '8710-'='Ocular laceration without prolapse of...' '8711-'='Ocular laceration w/prolapse or expos...' '8712-'='Rupture of eye with partial loss of i...' '8713-'='Avulsion of eye' '8714-'='Unspecified laceration of eye' '8715-'='Penetration of eyeball with magnetic ...' '8716-'='Penetration of eyeball with (nonmagne...' '8717-'='Unspecified ocular penetration' '8719-'='Unspecified open wound of eyeball' '87200'='Open wound of external ear, unspecifi...' '87201'='Open wound of auricle, ear' '87202'='Open wound of auditory canal' '87210'='Open wound of external ear, unspecifi...' '87211'='Open wound of auricle, ear' '87212'='Open wound of auditory canal' '8726-'='Opn wound of oth spec parts of ear, w...' '87261'='Open wound of ear drum' '87262'='Open wound of ossicles' '87263'='Open wound of eustachian tube' '87264'='Open wound of cochlea' '87269'='Open wound of other and multiple sites' '8727-'='Open wound of other specified parts o...' '87271'='Open wound of ear drum' '87272'='Open wound of ossicles' '87273'='Open wound of eustachian tube' '87274'='Open wound of cochlea' '87279'='Open wound of other and multiple sites' '8728-'='Open wound of ear, part unspecif, w/o...' '8729-'='Open wound of ear, part unspecified, ...' '8730-'='Open wound of scalp, without mention ...' '8731-'='Open wound of scalp, complicated' '87320'='Open wound of nose, unspecified site' '87321'='Open wound of nasal septum' '87322'='Open wound of nasal cavity' '87323'='Open wound of nasal sinus' '87329'='Open wound of multiple sites' '87330'='Open wound of nose, unspecified site' '87331'='Open wound of nasal septum' '87332'='Open wound of nasal cavity' '87333'='Open wound of nasal sinus' '87339'='Open wound of multiple sites' '87340'='Open wound of face, unspecified site' '87341'='Open wound of cheek' '87342'='Open wound of forehead' '87343'='Open wound of lip' '87344'='Open wound of jaw' '87349'='Open wound of other and multiple sites' '87350'='Open wound of face, unspecified site' '87351'='Open wound of cheek' '87352'='Open wound of forehead' '87353'='Open wound of lip' '87354'='Open wound of jaw' '87359'='Open wound of other and multiple sites' '87360'='Open wound of mouth, unspecified site' '87361'='Open wound of buccal mucosa' '87362'='Open wound of gum (alveolar process)' '87363'='Open wound of tooth (broken)' '87364'='Open wound of tongue and floor of mouth' '87365'='Open wound of palate' '87369'='Open wound of other and multiple sites' '87370'='Open wound of mouth, unspecified site' '87371'='Open wound of buccal mucosa' '87372'='Open wound of gum (alveolar process)' '87373'='Open wound of tooth (broken)' '87374'='Open wound of tongue and floor of mouth' '87375'='Open wound of palate' '87379'='Open wound of other and multiple sites' '8738-'='Oth and unspec open wound of head w/o...' '8739-'='Other and unspecified open wound of h...' '87400'='Open wound of larynx with trachea' '87401'='Open wound of larynx' '87402'='Open wound of trachea' '87410'='Open wound of larynx with trachea' '87411'='Open wound of larynx' '87412'='Open wound of trachea' '8742-'='Open wound of thyroid gland, without ...' '8743-'='Open wound of thyroid gland, complicated' '8744-'='Open wound of pharynx, without mentio...' '8745-'='Open wound of pharynx, complicated' '8748-'='Other and unspecified parts, without ...' '8749-'='Other and unspecified parts, complicated' '8750-'='Open wound of chest (wall) without me...' '8751-'='Open wound of chest (wall) complicated' '8760-'='Open wound of back without mention of...' '8761-'='Open wound of back complicated' '8770-'='Open wound of buttock without mention...' '8771-'='Open wound of buttock complicated' '8780-'='Open wound of penis, without mention ...' '8781-'='Open wound of penis, complicated' '8782-'='Open wound of scrotum and testes, wit...' '8783-'='Open wound of scrotum and testes, com...' '8784-'='Open wound of vulva, without mention ...' '8785-'='Open wound of vulva, complicated' '8786-'='Open wound of vagina, without mention...' '8787-'='Open wound of vagina, complicated' '8788-'='Opn wnd of oth & unspecif genitl orgn...' '8789-'='Open wound of other and unspecified g...' '8790-'='Open wound of breast, without mention...' '8791-'='Open wound of breast, complicated' '8792-'='Opn wnd of abdominl wall, anterior, w...' '8793-'='Open wound of abdominal wall, anterio...' '8794-'='Opn wnd of abdominal wall, lateral, w...' '8795-'='Open wound of abdominal wall, lateral...' '8796-'='Opn wound of oth & unspec parts of tr...' '8797-'='Open wound of other and unspecified p...' '8798-'='Opn wound(s) (multiple) of unspec sit...' '8799-'='Open wound(s) (multiple) of unspecifi...' '88000'='Open wound of shoulder region without...' '88001'='Open wound of scapular region without...' '88002'='Open wound of axillary region without...' '88003'='Open wound of upper arm without menti...' '88009'='Opn wound of multipl site of shouldr/...' '88010'='Open wound of shoulder region, compli...' '88011'='Open wound of scapular region, compli...' '88012'='Open wound of axillary region, compli...' '88013'='Open wound of upper arm, complicated' '88019'='Open wound of multiple sites of shoul...' '88020'='Open wound of shoulder region with te...' '88021'='Open wound of scapular region with te...' '88022'='Open wound of axillary region with te...' '88023'='Open wound of upper arm with tendon i...' '88029'='Opn wnd of multipl sites of shoulder/...' '88100'='Open wound of forearm, without mentio...' '88101'='Open wound of elbow, without mention ...' '88102'='Open wound of wrist, without mention ...' '88110'='Open wound of forearm, complicated' '88111'='Open wound of elbow, complicated' '88112'='Open wound of wrist, complicated' '88120'='Open wound of forearm with tendon inv...' '88121'='Open wound of elbow with tendon invol...' '88122'='Open wound of wrist with tendon invol...' '8820-'='Opn wound of hand except fingr(s) alo...' '8821-'='Open wound of hand except finger(s) a...' '8822-'='Open wound of hand except finger(s) a...' '8830-'='Open wound of finger(s), without ment...' '8831-'='Open wound of finger(s), complicated' '8832-'='Open wound of finger(s) with tendon i...' '8840-'='Multipl/unspec opn wound of uppr limb...' '8841-'='Multiple and unspecified open wound o...' '8842-'='Multipl/unspec opn wound of upper lim...' '8850-'='Traumat amputatn of thumb (complet) (...' '8851-'='Traumatic amputation of thumb (comple...' '8860-'='Traumat amputat ot fingr(s) (complet)...' '8861-'='Traumat amputat oth fingr(s) (complet...' '8870-'='Trauma amput arm/hnd (compl) (par), u...' '8871-'='Traum amput arm/hnd (compl) (part), u...' '8872-'='Traum ampt arm/hnd (compl) (part) uni...' '8873-'='Traum ampt arm/hnd (compl) (part) uni...' '8874-'='Traum ampt arm/hnd (compl) (part) unl...' '8875-'='Traum ampt arm/hnd (compl) (part) uni...' '8876-'='Traum ampt arm/hnd (compl) (part) bil...' '8877-'='Traum ampt arm/hnd (compl) (part) bil...' '8900-'='Open wound of hip and thigh, without ...' '8901-'='Open wound of hip and thigh, complicated' '8902-'='Open wound of hip and thigh with tend...' '8910-'='Opn wound of knee/leg [except thigh]/...' '8911-'='Open wound of knee, leg [except thigh...' '8912-'='Opn wound of knee/leg [except thigh]/...' '8920-'='Opn wound foot except toe(s) alone w/...' '8921-'='Open wound of foot except toe(s) alon...' '8922-'='Open wound of foot except toe(s) alon...' '8930-'='Open wound of toe(s), without mention...' '8931-'='Open wound of toe(s), complicated' '8932-'='Open wound of toe(s) with tendon invo...' '8940-'='Multipl/unspec opn wnd lowr limb, w/o...' '8941-'='Multiple and unspecified open wound o...' '8942-'='Multipl/unspec opn wound of lower lim...' '8950-'='Traumatic amputation of toe(s), w/o m...' '8951-'='Traumatic amputation of toe(s), compl...' '8960-'='Traumat amput foot, unilateral, witho...' '8961-'='Traumatic amputation of foot, unilate...' '8962-'='Traumat amput foot, bilateral, withou...' '8963-'='Traumatic amputation of foot, bilater...' '8970-'='Traumat amput leg(s), unilateral, bel...' '8971-'='Traumatic amput of leg(s), unilateral...' '8972-'='Traumat amput of leg(s), unilatr, at/...' '8973-'='Traumat amput of leg(s), unilatr, at/...' '8974-'='Traumat amput leg(s), unilat, levl nt...' '8975-'='Traumat amput leg(s), unilaterl, levl...' '8976-'='Traumat amput leg(s), bilaterl [any l...' '8977-'='Traumatic amputation of leg(s), bilat...' '90000'='Injury to carotid artery, unspecified' '90001'='Injury to common carotid artery' '90002'='Injury to external carotid artery' '90003'='Injury to internal carotid artery' '9001-'='Injury to internal jugular vein' '9008-'='Injury to other specified blood vesse...' '90081'='Injury to external jugular vein' '90082'='Injury to multiple blood vessels of h...' '90089'='Injury to other blood vessels of head...' '9009-'='Injury to unspecified bloodvessel of ...' '9010-'='Injury to thoracic aorta' '9011-'='Injury to innominate and subclavian a...' '9012-'='Injury to superior vena cava' '9013-'='Injury to innominate and subclavian v...' '90140'='Injury to pulmonary vessel(s), unspec...' '90141'='Injury to pulmonary artery' '90142'='Injury to pulmonary vein' '9018-'='Injury to other specified blood vesse...' '90181'='Injury to intercostal artery or vein' '90182'='Injury to internal mammary artery or ...' '90183'='Injury to multiple blood vessels of t...' '90189'='Injury to other specified blood vesse...' '9019-'='Injury to unspecified blood vessel of...' '9020-'='Injury to abdominal aorta' '90210'='Injury to inferior vena cava, unspeci...' '90211'='Injury to hepatic veins' '90219'='Injury to other inferior vena cava' '90220'='Injury to celiac and mesenteric arter...' '90221'='Injury to gastric artery' '90222'='Injury to hepatic artery' '90223'='Injury to splenic artery' '90224'='Injury to other specified branches of...' '90225'='Injury to superior mesenteric artery ...' '90226'='Injury to primary branches of superio...' '90227'='Injury to inferior mesenteric artery' '90229'='Injury to other celiac and mesenteric...' '9023-'='Injury to portal and splenic veins' '90231'='Injury to superior mesenteric vein an...' '90232'='Injury to inferior mesenteric vein' '90233'='Injury to portal vein' '90234'='Injury to splenic vein' '90239'='Injury to other portal and splenic veins' '90240'='Injury to renal vessel(s), unspecified' '90241'='Injury to renal artery' '90242'='Injury to renal vein' '90249'='Injury to other renal blood vessels' '90250'='Injury to iliac vessel(s), unspecified' '90251'='Injury to hypogastric artery' '90252'='Injury to hypogastric vein' '90253'='Injury to iliac artery' '90254'='Injury to iliac vein' '90255'='Injury to uterine artery' '90256'='Injury to uterine vein' '90259'='Injury to other iliac blood vessels' '9028-'='Injury to other specified blood vesse...' '90281'='Injury to ovarian artery' '90282'='Injury to ovarian vein' '90287'='Injury to multiple blood vessels of a...' '90289'='Injury to other specified blood vesse...' '9029-'='Injury to unspecified blood vessel of...' '90300'='Injury to axillary vessel(s), unspeci...' '90301'='Injury to axillary artery' '90302'='Injury to axillary vein' '9031-'='Injury to brachial blood vessels' '9032-'='Injury to radial blood vessels' '9033-'='Injury to ulnar blood vessels' '9034-'='Injury to palmar artery' '9035-'='Injury to digital blood vessels' '9038-'='Injury to other specified blood vesse...' '9039-'='Injury to unspecified blood vessel of...' '9040-'='Injury to common femoral artery' '9041-'='Injury to superficial femoral artery' '9042-'='Injury to femoral veins' '9043-'='Injury to saphenous veins' '90440'='Injury to popliteal vessel(s), unspec...' '90441'='Injury to popliteal artery' '90442'='Injury to popliteal vein' '90450'='Injury to tibial vessel(s), unspecified' '90451'='Injury to anterior tibial artery' '90452'='Injury to anterior tibial vein' '90453'='Injury to posterior tibial artery' '90454'='Injury to posterior tibial vein' '9046-'='Injury to deep plantar blood vessels' '9047-'='Injury to other specified blood vesse...' '9048-'='Injury to unspecified blood vessel of...' '9049-'='Injury to unspecified site of blood v...' '9050-'='Late effect of fracture of skull and ...' '9051-'='Late effect of frac of spine and trun...' '9052-'='Late effect of fracture of upper extr...' '9053-'='Late effect of fracture of neck of femur' '9054-'='Late effect of fracture of lower extr...' '9055-'='Late effect of fracture of multiple a...' '9056-'='Late effect of dislocation' '9057-'='Late effect of sprain and strain w/o ...' '9058-'='Late effect of tendon injury' '9059-'='Late effect of traumatic amputation' '9060-'='Late effect of open wound of head, ne...' '9061-'='Late effect of open wound of extrem w...' '9062-'='Late effect of superficial injury' '9063-'='Late effect of contusion' '9064-'='Late effect of crushing' '9065-'='Late effect of burn of eye, face, hea...' '9066-'='Late effect of burn of wrist and hand' '9067-'='Late effect of burn of other extremities' '9068-'='Late effect of burns of other specifi...' '9069-'='Late effect of burn of unspecified site' '9070-'='Late effect of intracranial injury w/...' '9071-'='Late effect of injury to cranial nerve' '9072-'='Late effect of spinal cord injury' '9073-'='Late effec of inj to nerv root/spinal...' '9074-'='Late effec of inj to peripherl nerv o...' '9075-'='Late effec of inj to peripherl nerv o...' '9079-'='Late effect of injury to other and un...' '9080-'='Late effect of internal injury to chest' '9081-'='Late effect of internal injury to int...' '9082-'='Late effect of internal injury to oth...' '9083-'='Late effect of injury to blood vessel...' '9084-'='Late effect of injury to blood vessel...' '9085-'='Late effect of foreign body in orifice' '9086-'='Late effect of certain complications ...' '9089-'='Late effect of unspecified injury' '9090-'='Late effect of poisoning due to drug/...' '9091-'='Late effect of toxic effects of nonme...' '9092-'='Late effect of radiation' '9093-'='Late effect of complications of surgi...' '9094-'='Late effect of certain other external...' '9095-'='Late effect of adverse effect of drug...' '9099-'='Late effect of other and unspecified ...' '9100-'='Abrasion or friction burn without men...' '9101-'='Abrasion or friction burn of face, ne...' '9102-'='Blister of face, neck, and scalp with...' '9103-'='Blister of face, neck, and scalp, inf...' '9104-'='Insect bite of face/neck/scalp,nonven...' '9105-'='Insect bite of face/neck/scalp, nonve...' '9106-'='Superfic fregn body of face/neck/scal...' '9107-'='Superfic fregn body of face/neck/scal...' '9108-'='Oth/unspec superfic injury of face/ne...' '9109-'='Oth/unspec superfic injury of face, n...' '9110-'='Abrasion or friction burn of trunk wi...' '9111-'='Abrasion or friction burn of trunk, i...' '9112-'='Blister of trunk without mention of i...' '9113-'='Blister of trunk, infected' '9114-'='Insect bite of trunk, nonvenomous, wi...' '9115-'='Insect bite of trunk, nonvenomous, in...' '9116-'='Superfic foreign body of trunk w/o ma...' '9117-'='Superfic foreign body of trunk w/o ma...' '9118-'='Other/unspecified superficial injury ...' '9119-'='Other/unspecified superficial injury ...' '9120-'='Abrasion or friction burn of shoulder...' '9121-'='Abrasion or friction burn of shoulder...' '9122-'='Blister of shoulder and upper arm wit...' '9123-'='Blister of shoulder and upper arm, in...' '9124-'='Insect bite of shoulder and upper arm...' '9125-'='Insect bite of shoulder and upper arm...' '9126-'='Superfic fgn body of shoulder/upper a...' '9127-'='Superfic fgn body of shoulder/upper a...' '9128-'='Oth/unspec superficial injury of shou...' '9129-'='Oth/unspec superficial injury of shou...' '9130-'='Abrasion or friction burn of elbow/fo...' '9131-'='Abrasion or friction burn of elbow, f...' '9132-'='Blister of elbow, forearm, and wrist ...' '9133-'='Blister of elbow, forearm, and wrist,...' '9134-'='Insect bite of elbow/forearm/wrist, n...' '9135-'='Insect bite of elbow, forearm, and wr...' '9136-'='Superfic frgn body of elbw/forarm/wri...' '9137-'='Superfic frgn body of elbow/forearm/w...' '9138-'='Oth/unspec superfic injury of elbow/f...' '9139-'='Oth/unspec superficial injury of elbo...' '9140-'='Abrasion or friction burn of hand exc...' '9141-'='Abrasion or friction burn of hand exc...' '9142-'='Blister of hand(s) except finger(s) a...' '9143-'='Blister of hand(s) except finger(s) a...' '9144-'='Insect bite of hand exc finger alone,...' '9145-'='Insect bite of hand exc finger alone,...' '9146-'='Superfic frgn body of hand exc finger...' '9147-'='Superfic frgn body of hand exc finger...' '9148-'='Other and unspecified superficial inj...' '9149-'='Other and unspecified superficial inj...' '9150-'='Abrasion or friction burn of finger(s...' '9151-'='Abrasion or friction burn of finger(s...' '9152-'='Blister of finger(s) w/o mention of i...' '9153-'='Blister of finger(s), infected' '9154-'='Insect bite of finger(s), nonvenomous...' '9155-'='Insect bite of finger(s), nonvenomous...' '9156-'='Superficial foreign body w/o major op...' '9157-'='Superficial foreign body w/o major op...' '9158-'='Other and unspecified superficial inj...' '9159-'='Other and unspecified superficial inj...' '9160-'='Abrasion or friction burn of hip/thig...' '9161-'='Abrasion or friction burn of hip/thig...' '9162-'='Blister of hip, thigh, leg, and ankle...' '9163-'='Blister of hip, thigh, leg, and ankle...' '9164-'='Insect bite of hip/thigh/leg/ankle, n...' '9165-'='Insect bite of hip, thigh, leg, and a...' '9166-'='Superfic frgn bdy of hip/thigh/leg/an...' '9167-'='Superfic frgn body of hip/thigh/leg/a...' '9168-'='Oth/unspec superfic injury of hip/thi...' '9169-'='Oth/unspec superfic injury of hip/thi...' '9170-'='Abrasion or friction burn of foot and...' '9171-'='Abrasion or friction burn of foot and...' '9172-'='Blister of foot and toe(s) w/o mentio...' '9173-'='Blister of foot and toe(s), infected' '9174-'='Insect bite of foot and toe(s), nonve...' '9175-'='Insect bite of foot and toe(s), nonve...' '9176-'='Superfic frgn body of foot/toe w/o op...' '9177-'='Superfic frgn body of foot/toe w/o op...' '9178-'='Other and unspec superficial injury o...' '9179-'='Other and unspec superficial injury o...' '9180-'='Superficial injury of eyelids and per...' '9181-'='Superficial injury of cornea' '9182-'='Superficial injury of conjunctiva' '9189-'='Other and unspecified superficial inj...' '9190-'='Abrasion/friction burn of oth/multipl...' '9191-'='Abrasion/friction burn of other/multi...' '9192-'='Blister of other, multiple, and unspe...' '9193-'='Blister of other, multiple, and unspe...' '9194-'='Insect bite of oth/multipl/unspec sit...' '9195-'='Insect bite of oth/multipl/unspec sit...' '9196-'='Suprfic frgn bdy of oth/mult/unspc si...' '9197-'='Suprfic frgn bdy of oth/mult/unspec s...' '9198-'='Other and unspecified superficial inj...' '9199-'='Other and unspecified superficial inj...' '920--'='Contusion of face, scalp, and neck ex...' '9210-'='Black eye, NOS' '9211-'='Contusion of eyelids and periocular area' '9212-'='Contusion of orbital tissues' '9213-'='Contusion of eyeball' '9219-'='Unspecified contusion of eye' '9220-'='Contusion of breast' '9221-'='Contusion of chest wall' '9222-'='Contusion of abdominal wall' '9223-'='Contusion of back' '92231'='Contusion of back' '92232'='Contusion of buttock' '92233'='Contusion of interscapular region' '9224-'='Contusion of genital organs' '9228-'='Contusion of multiple sites of trunk' '9229-'='Contusion of unspecified part of trunk' '92300'='Contusion of shoulder region' '92301'='Contusion of scapular region' '92302'='Contusion of axillary region' '92303'='Contusion of upper arm' '92309'='Contusion of multiple sites' '92310'='Contusion of forearm' '92311'='Contusion of elbow' '92320'='Contusion of hand(s)' '92321'='Contusion of wrist' '9233-'='Contusion of finger' '9238-'='Contusion of multiple sites of upper ...' '9239-'='Contusion of unspecified part of uppe...' '92400'='Contusion of thigh' '92401'='Contusion of hip' '92410'='Contusion of lower leg' '92411'='Contusion of knee' '92420'='Contusion of foot' '92421'='Contusion of ankle' '9243-'='Contusion of toe' '9244-'='Contusion of multiple sites of lower ...' '9245-'='Contusion of unspecified part of lowe...' '9248-'='Contusion of multiple sites, not else...' '9249-'='Contusion of unspecified site' '9250-'='Crushing injury of face, scalp, and neck' '9251-'='Crushing injury of face and scalp' '9252-'='Crushing injury of neck' '9260-'='Crushing injury of external genitalia' '9261-'='Crushing injury of other specified sites' '92611'='Crushing injury of back' '92612'='Crushing injury of buttock' '92619'='Crushing injury of other' '9268-'='Crushing injury of multiple sites of ...' '9269-'='Crushing injury of unspecified site o...' '92700'='Crushing injury of shoulder region' '92701'='Crushing injury of scapular region' '92702'='Crushing injury of axillary region' '92703'='Crushing injury of upper arm' '92709'='Crushing injury of multiple sites' '92710'='Crushing injury of forearm' '92711'='Crushing injury of elbow' '92720'='Crushing injury of hand(s)' '92721'='Crushing injury of wrist' '9273-'='Crushing injury of finger(s)' '9278-'='Crushing injury of multiple sites of ...' '9279-'='Crushing injury of unspecified site o...' '92800'='Crushing injury of thigh' '92801'='Crushing injury of hip' '92810'='Crushing injury of lower leg' '92811'='Crushing injury of knee' '92820'='Crushing injury of foot' '92821'='Crushing injury of ankle' '9283-'='Crushing injury of toe(s)' '9288-'='Crushing injury of multiple sites of ...' '9289-'='Crushing injury of unspecified site o...' '9290-'='Crushing injury of multiple sites, no...' '9299-'='Crushing injury of unspecified site' '9300-'='Corneal foreign body' '9301-'='Foreign body in conjunctival sac' '9302-'='Foreign body in lacrimal punctum' '9308-'='Foreign body of other and combined si...' '9309-'='Foreign body of unspecified site of eye' '931--'='Foreign body in ear' '932--'='Foreign body in nose' '9330-'='Foreign body in pharynx' '9331-'='Foreign body in larynx' '9340-'='Foreign body in trachea' '9341-'='Foreign body in main bronchus' '9348-'='Foreign body in other specified parts' '9349-'='Foreign body in respiratory tree, uns...' '9350-'='Foreign body in mouth' '9351-'='Foreign body in esophagus' '9352-'='Foreign body in stomach' '936--'='Foreign body in intestine and colon' '937--'='Foreign body in anus and rectum' '938--'='Foreign body in digestive system, uns...' '9390-'='Foreign body in bladder and urethra' '9391-'='Foreign body in uterus, any part' '9392-'='Foreign body in vulva and vagina' '9393-'='Foreign body in penis' '9399-'='Foreign body in unspecified site in g...' '9400-'='Chemical burn of eyelids and periocul...' '9401-'='Other burns of eyelids and periocular...' '9402-'='Alkaline chemical burn of cornea and ...' '9403-'='Acid chemical burn of cornea and conj...' '9404-'='Other burn of cornea and conjunctival...' '9405-'='Burn with resulting rupture and destr...' '9409-'='Unspecified burn of eye and adnexa' '94100'='Unspecified degree burn of face and h...' '94101'='Unspecified degree burn of ear [any p...' '94102'='Unspecified degree burn of eye w/othe...' '94103'='Unspecified degree burn of lip(s)' '94104'='Unspecified degree burn of chin' '94105'='Unspecified degree burn of nose (septum)' '94106'='Unspecified degree burn of scalp [any...' '94107'='Unspecified degree burn of forehead a...' '94108'='Unspecified degree burn of neck' '94109'='Unspec degree burn of multiple sites ...' '94110'='Erythema [first degree] burn of face ...' '94111'='Erythema [first degree] burn of ear [...' '94112'='Erythema [first degree] burn of eye w...' '94113'='Erythema [first degree] burn of lip(s)' '94114'='Erythema [first degree] burn of chin' '94115'='Erythema [first degree] burn of nose ...' '94116'='Erythema [first degree] burn of scalp...' '94117'='Erythema [first degree] burn of foreh...' '94118'='Erythema [first degree] burn of neck' '94119'='Erythema [first deg] burn mult site [...' '94120'='Blist/epiderml loss [2nd degree] burn...' '94121'='Blisters/epidermal loss [2nd degree] ...' '94122'='Blist/epiderml loss [2nd degree] burn...' '94123'='Blisters/epidermal loss [second degre...' '94124'='Blisters/epidermal loss [second degre...' '94125'='Blisters/epidermal loss [second degre...' '94126'='Blisters/epidermal loss [second degre...' '94127'='Blisters/epidermal loss [second degre...' '94128'='Blisters/epidermal loss [second degre...' '94129'='Blist/epiderm loss [2nd deg] burn of ...' '94130'='Full-thick skin loss [3rd deg NOS] bu...' '94131'='Full-thickness skin loss [3rd deg NOS...' '94132'='Full-thick skin loss [3rd deg NOS] bu...' '94133'='Full-thickness skin loss [third degre...' '94134'='Full-thickness skin loss [third degre...' '94135'='Full-thickness skin loss [third degre...' '94136'='Full-thickness skin loss [third degre...' '94137'='Full-thickness skin loss [3rd deg NOS...' '94138'='Full-thickness skin loss [third degre...' '94139'='Full-thick skin los [3rd deg NOS] bur...' '94140'='Nec und tis [deep 3rd deg] burn w/o l...' '94141'='Necrosis [deep 3rd deg] burn w/o loss...' '94142'='Necrosis [deep 3rd deg] burn w/o loss...' '94143'='Necrosis [deep 3rd deg] burn w/o loss...' '94144'='Necrosis [deep 3rd deg] burn w/o loss...' '94145'='Necrosis [deep 3rd deg] burn w/o loss...' '94146'='Necrosis [deep 3rd deg] burn w/o loss...' '94147'='Necrosis [deep 3rd deg] burn w/o loss...' '94148'='Necrosis [deep 3rd deg] burn w/o loss...' '94149'='Nec [deep 3d dg] burn w/o los of mult...' '94150'='Nec [deep 3rd deg] burn with loss of ...' '94151'='Necrosis [deep 3rd deg] burn with los...' '94152'='Nec [deep 3rd deg] burn w/los of prt ...' '94153'='Necrosis [deep 3rd deg] burn with los...' '94154'='Necrosis [deep 3rd deg] burn with los...' '94155'='Necrosis [deep 3rd deg] burn with los...' '94156'='Necrosis [deep 3rd deg] burn with los...' '94157'='Necrosis [deep 3rd deg] burn w/loss o...' '94158'='Necrosis [deep 3rd deg] burn with los...' '94159'='Nec [deep 3rd deg] burn w/los of mul ...' '94200'='Unspecified degree burn of trunk, uns...' '94201'='Unspecified degree burn of breast' '94202'='Unspecified degree burn of chest wall...' '94203'='Unspecified degree burn of abdominal ...' '94204'='Unspecified degree burn of back [any ...' '94205'='Unspecified degree burn of genitalia' '94209'='Unspecified degree burn of other and ...' '94210'='Erythema [first degree] burn of trunk...' '94211'='Erythema [first degree] burn of breast' '94212'='Erythema [first degree] burn of chest...' '94213'='Erythema [first degree] burn of abdom...' '94214'='Erythema [first degree] burn of back ...' '94215'='Erythema [first degree] burn of genit...' '94219'='Erythema [first degree] burn of other...' '94220'='Blister/epidermal loss [2nd degree] b...' '94221'='Blisters, epidermal loss [second degr...' '94222'='Blist/epidermal loss [2nd deg] burn c...' '94223'='Blisters, epidermal loss [2nd degree]...' '94224'='Blisters, epidermal loss [2nd degree]...' '94225'='Blisters, epidermal loss [2nd degree]...' '94229'='Blister/epiderm loss [2nd degree] bur...' '94230'='Full-thick skin loss [3rd deg NOS] bu...' '94231'='Full-thickness skin loss [third degre...' '94232'='Full-thick skin loss [3rd deg NOS] bu...' '94233'='Full-thickness skin loss [3rd deg NOS...' '94234'='Full-thickness skin loss [3rd deg NOS...' '94235'='Full-thickness skin loss [third degre...' '94239'='Full-thick skin los [3rd deg NOS] bur...' '94240'='Nec of und tis [deep 3rd deg] burn w/...' '94241'='Nec of und tiss [deep 3rd deg] burn w...' '94242'='Nec of und tis [deep 3rd deg] burn w/...' '94243'='Nec of und tis [deep 3rd deg] burn w/...' '94244'='Nec of und tiss [deep 3rd deg] burn w...' '94245'='Nec of und tis [deep 3rd deg] burn w/...' '94249'='Nec of und tis [deep 3rd dg] burn w/o...' '94250'='Nec of und tiss [deep 3rd deg] burn w...' '94251'='Necrosis of und tis [deep 3rd deg] bu...' '94252'='Nec of und tiss [deep 3rd deg] burn w...' '94253'='Nec of und tiss [deep 3rd deg] burn w...' '94254'='Nec of und tiss [deep 3rd deg] burn w...' '94255'='Nec of und tiss [deep 3rd deg] burn w...' '94259'='Nec of und tis [deep 3d dg] burn w/lo...' '94300'='Burn of upper limb, unspecified site,...' '94301'='Burn of forearm, unspecified degree' '94302'='Burn of elbow, unspecified degree' '94303'='Burn of upper arm, unspecified degree' '94304'='Burn of axilla, unspecified degree' '94305'='Burn of shoulder, unspecified degree' '94306'='Burn of scapular region, unspecified ...' '94309'='Burn of mult sites of upper limb, exc...' '94310'='Erythema [first degree] burn of upper...' '94311'='Erythema [first degree] burn of forearm' '94312'='Erythema [first degree] burn of elbow' '94313'='Erythema [first degree] burn of upper...' '94314'='Erythema [first degree] burn of axilla' '94315'='Erythema [first degree] burn of shoulder' '94316'='Erythema [first degree] burn of scapu...' '94319'='Erythema [1st degree] burn mult sites...' '94320'='Blist/epiderm loss [2nd degree] burn ...' '94321'='Blisters, epidermal loss [2nd degree]...' '94322'='Blisters, epidermal loss [2nd degree]...' '94323'='Blisters, epidermal loss [2nd degree]...' '94324'='Blisters, epidermal loss [2nd degree]...' '94325'='Blisters, epidermal loss [2nd degree]...' '94326'='Blisters, epidermal loss [2nd degree]...' '94329'='Blis/epider los [2nd deg] burn mult s...' '94330'='Full-thick skin loss [3rd deg NOS] bu...' '94331'='Full-thickness skin loss [third degre...' '94332'='Full-thickness skin loss [third degre...' '94333'='Full-thickness skin loss [third degre...' '94334'='Full-thickness skin loss [third degre...' '94335'='Full-thickness skin loss [third degre...' '94336'='Full-thick skin loss [third degree NO...' '94339'='Full-thick skin loss [3rd deg NOS] bu...' '94340'='Deep nec [deep 3rd deg] burn w/o loss...' '94341'='Deep nec [deep 3rd deg] burn w/o loss...' '94342'='Deep nec [deep 3rd deg] burn w/o loss...' '94343'='Deep nec [deep 3rd deg] burn w/o loss...' '94344'='Deep nec [deep 3rd deg] burn w/o loss...' '94345'='Deep nec [deep 3rd deg] burn w/o loss...' '94346'='Deep nec [deep 3rd deg] burn w/o loss...' '94349'='Deep nec [deep 3rd deg] burn w/o loss...' '94350'='Deep nec [deep 3rd deg] burn with los...' '94351'='Deep nec [deep 3rd deg] burn with los...' '94352'='Deep nec [deep 3rd deg] burn with los...' '94353'='Deep nec [deep 3rd deg] burn with los...' '94354'='Deep nec [deep 3rd deg] burn with los...' '94355'='Deep nec [deep 3rd deg] burn with los...' '94356'='Deep nec [deep 3rd deg] burn with los...' '94359'='Deep nec [deep 3rd deg] burn w/loss o...' '94400'='Unspecified degree burn of hand, unsp...' '94401'='Unspecified degree burn of single dig...' '94402'='Unspecified degree burn of thumb (nail)' '94403'='Unspecified degree burn of two or mor...' '94404'='Unspecified degree burn of two or mor...' '94405'='Unspecified degree burn of palm' '94406'='Unspecified degree burn of back of hand' '94407'='Unspecified degree burn of wrist' '94408'='Unspecified degree burn of multiple s...' '94410'='Erythema [first degree] burn of hand,...' '94411'='Erythema [first degree] burn of singl...' '94412'='Erythema [first degree] burn of thumb' '94413'='Erythema [first degree] burn of two/m...' '94414'='Erythema [first degree] burn of two/m...' '94415'='Erythema [first degree] burn of palm' '94416'='Erythema [first degree] burn of back ...' '94417'='Erythema [first degree] burn of wrist' '94418'='Erythema [first degree] burn of multi...' '94420'='Blisters, epidermal loss [2nd degree]...' '94421'='Blister/epiderm loss [2nd degree] bur...' '94422'='Blisters, epidermal loss [2nd degree]...' '94423'='Blist/epider loss [2nd degree] burn o...' '94424'='Blist/epider loss [2nd degree] burn o...' '94425'='Blisters, epidermal loss [second degr...' '94426'='Blisters, epidermal loss [2nd degree]...' '94427'='Blisters, epidermal loss [second degr...' '94428'='Blisters, epidermal loss [2nd degree]...' '94430'='Full-thick skin loss [3rd deg NOS] bu...' '94431'='Full-thick skin loss [3rd deg NOS] bu...' '94432'='Full-thick skin loss [third degree NO...' '94433'='Full-thick skin loss [3rd deg NOS] bu...' '94434'='Full-thick skin loss [3rd deg NOS] bu...' '94435'='Full-thickness skin loss [third degre...' '94436'='Full-thick skin loss [third degree NO...' '94437'='Full-thickness skin loss [third degre...' '94438'='Full-thick skin los [3d dg NOS] burn ...' '94440'='Necrosis of und tis [deep 3d deg] bur...' '94441'='Necrosis of und tis [deep 3d deg] bur...' '94442'='Necrosis of und tis [deep 3d deg] bur...' '94443'='Nec of und tis [deep 3d dg] burn w/o ...' '94444'='Nec of und tis [deep 3d dg] burn w/o ...' '94445'='Necrosis of und tis [deep 3rd deg] bu...' '94446'='Necrosis of und tis [deep 3d deg] bur...' '94447'='Necrosis of und tis [deep 3rd deg] bu...' '94448'='Nec of un tis [deep 3d dg] brn w/o lo...' '94450'='Nec of und tis [deep 3d dg] burn w/lo...' '94451'='Nec of und tis [deep 3d dg] burn w/lo...' '94452'='Nec of und tis [deep 3d dg] burn w/lo...' '94453'='Nec of und tis [deep 3d dg] burn w/lo...' '94454'='Nec of und tis [deep 3d dg] burn w/lo...' '94455'='Nec of und tis [deep 3d dg] burn w/lo...' '94456'='Nec of und tis [deep 3d dg] burn w/lo...' '94457'='Nec of und tis [deep 3d dg] burn w/lo...' '94458'='Nec of und tis [deep 3d dg] burn w/lo...' '94500'='Unspecified degree burn of leg, unspe...' '94501'='Unspecified degree burn of toe(s) (nail)' '94502'='Unspecified degree burn of foot' '94503'='Unspecified degree burn of ankle' '94504'='Unspecified degree burn of lower leg' '94505'='Unspecified degree burn of knee' '94506'='Unspecified degree burn of thigh [any...' '94509'='Unspecified degree burn of multiple s...' '94510'='Erythema [first degree] burn of leg, ...' '94511'='Erythema [first degree] burn of toe(s...' '94512'='Erythema [first degree] burn of foot' '94513'='Erythema [first degree] burn of ankle' '94514'='Erythema [first degree] burn of lower...' '94515'='Erythema [first degree] burn of knee' '94516'='Erythema [first degree] burn of thigh...' '94519'='Erythema [first degree] burn of multi...' '94520'='Blisters, epidermal loss [2nd degree]...' '94521'='Blisters, epidermal loss [2nd degree]...' '94522'='Blisters, epidermal loss [second degr...' '94523'='Blisters, epidermal loss [second degr...' '94524'='Blisters, epidermal loss [second degr...' '94525'='Blisters, epidermal loss [second degr...' '94526'='Blisters, epidermal loss [second degr...' '94529'='Blisters/epidermal loss [2nd degree] ...' '94530'='Full-thickness skin loss [3rd deg NOS...' '94531'='Full-thickness skin loss [3rd deg NOS...' '94532'='Full-thickness skin loss [third degre...' '94533'='Full-thickness skin loss [third degre...' '94534'='Full-thickness skin loss [3rd deg NOS...' '94535'='Full-thickness skin loss [third degre...' '94536'='Full-thickness skin loss [3rd deg NOS...' '94539'='Full-thick skin loss [third degree NO...' '94540'='Nec of und tiss [deep 3d deg] burn w/...' '94541'='Nec of und tiss [deep 3rd deg] burn w...' '94542'='Nec of und tiss [deep 3rd deg] burn w...' '94543'='Nec of und tiss [deep 3rd deg] burn w...' '94544'='Nec of und tiss [deep 3rd deg] burn w...' '94545'='Nec of und tiss [deep 3rd deg] burn w...' '94546'='Nec of und tiss [deep 3rd deg] burn w...' '94549'='Nec of und tiss [deep 3rd deg] burn w...' '94550'='Nec of und tiss [deep 3rd deg] burn w...' '94551'='Nec of und tiss [deep 3rd deg] burn w...' '94552'='Nec of und tiss [deep 3rd deg] burn w...' '94553'='Nec of und tiss [deep 3rd deg] burn w...' '94554'='Nec of und tiss [deep 3rd deg] burn w...' '94555'='Nec of und tiss [deep 3rd deg] burn w...' '94556'='Nec of und tiss [deep 3rd deg] burn w...' '94559'='Nec of und tis [deep 3d deg] burn wit...' '9460-'='Burns of multiple specified sites, un...' '9461-'='Burns of multiple specified sites, er...' '9462-'='Burns of mult spec sites/blisters/epi...' '9463-'='Burn of mult spec site/full-thick ski...' '9464-'='Burn of mul spec site/deep nec of tis...' '9465-'='Burn of mul spec site/deep nec und ti...' '9470-'='Burn of mouth and pharynx' '9471-'='Burn of larynx, trachea, and lung' '9472-'='Burn of esophagus' '9473-'='Burn of gastrointestinal tract' '9474-'='Burn of vagina and uterus' '9478-'='Burn of other specified sites' '9479-'='Burn of internal organs, unspecified ...' '94800'='Burn [any deg] inv les thn 10% bdy su...' '94810'='Burn [any deg] inv 10-19% body surf, ...' '94811'='Burn [any deg] inv 10-19% body surf, ...' '94820'='Burn [any deg] inv 20-29% bdy surf, 3...' '94821'='Burn [any deg] inv 20-29% body surf, ...' '94822'='Burn [any deg] inv 20-29% body surf, ...' '94830'='Burn [any deg] inv 30-39% bdy surf, 3...' '94831'='Burn [any deg] inv 30-39% bdy surf, 3...' '94832'='Burn [any deg] inv 30-39% bdy surf, 3...' '94833'='Burn [any deg] inv 30-39% bdy surf, 3...' '94840'='Burn [any deg] inv 40-49% bdy surf, 3...' '94841'='Burn [any deg] inv 40-49% bdy surf, 3...' '94842'='Burn [any deg] inv 40-49% bdy surf, 3...' '94843'='Burn [any deg] inv 40-49% bdy surf, 3...' '94844'='Burn [any deg] inv 40-49% bdy surf, 3...' '94850'='Burn [any deg] inv 50-59% bdy surf, 3...' '94851'='Burn [any deg] inv 50-59% bdy surf, 3...' '94852'='Burn [any deg] inv 50-59% bdy surf, 3...' '94853'='Burn [any deg] inv 50-59% bdy surf, 3...' '94854'='Burn [any deg] inv 50-59% bdy surf, 3...' '94855'='Burn [any deg] inv 50-59% bdy surf, 3...' '94860'='Burn [any deg] inv 60-69% bdy surf, 3...' '94861'='Burn [any deg] inv 60-69% bdy surf, 3...' '94862'='Burn [any deg] inv 60-69% bdy surf, 3...' '94863'='Burn [any deg] inv 60-69% bdy surf, 3...' '94864'='Burn [any deg] inv 60-69% bdy surf, 3...' '94865'='Burn [any deg] inv 60-69% bdy surf, 3...' '94866'='Burn [any deg] inv 60-69% bdy surf, 3...' '94870'='Burn [any deg] inv 70-79% bdy surf, 3...' '94871'='Burn [any deg] inv 70-79% bdy surf, 3...' '94872'='Burn [any deg] inv 70-79% bdy surf, 3...' '94873'='Burn [any deg] inv 70-79% bdy surf, 3...' '94874'='Burn [any deg] inv 70-79% bdy surf, 3...' '94875'='Burn [any deg] inv 70-79% bdy surf, 3...' '94876'='Burn [any deg] inv 70-79% bdy surf, 3...' '94877'='Burn [any deg] inv 70-79% bdy surf, 3...' '94880'='Burn [any deg] inv 89-89% bdy surf, 3...' '94881'='Burn [any deg] inv 89-89% bdy surf, 3...' '94882'='Burn [any deg] inv 89-89% bdy surf, 3...' '94883'='Burn [any deg] inv 89-89% bdy surf, 3...' '94884'='Burn [any deg] inv 89-89% bdy surf, 3...' '94885'='Burn [any deg] inv 89-89% bdy surf, 3...' '94886'='Burn [any deg] inv 89-89% bdy surf, 3...' '94887'='Burn [any deg] inv 89-89% bdy surf, 3...' '94888'='Burn [any deg] inv 89-89% bdy surf, 3...' '94890'='Burn [any dg] inv 90%/mor bdy surf, 3...' '94891'='Burn [any deg] inv 90% or mor bdy sur...' '94892'='Burn [any deg] inv 90% or mor bdy sur...' '94893'='Burn [any deg] inv 90% or mor bdy sur...' '94894'='Burn [any deg] inv 90% or mor bdy sur...' '94895'='Burn [any deg] inv 90% or mor bdy sur...' '94896'='Burn [any deg] inv 90% or mor bdy sur...' '94897'='Burn [any deg] inv 90% or mor bdy sur...' '94898'='Burn [any deg] inv 90% or mor bdy sur...' '94899'='Burn [any deg] inv 90% or mor bdy sur...' '9490-'='Burn, unspecified, unspecified degree' '9491-'='Burn, unspecified, erythema [first de...' '9492-'='Burn, unspecified, blisters, epiderma...' '9493-'='Burn, unspecified, full-thickness ski...' '9494-'='Burn, unspec, necrosis [deep 3rd deg]...' '9495-'='Burn, unspec, necrosis [deep 3rd deg]...' '9500-'='Optic nerve injury' '9501-'='Injury to optic chiasm' '9502-'='Injury to optic pathways' '9503-'='Injury to visual cortex' '9509-'='Unspecified optic nerve injury' '9510-'='Injury to oculomotor nerve' '9511-'='Injury to trochlear nerve' '9512-'='Injury to trigeminal nerve' '9513-'='Injury to abducens nerve' '9514-'='Injury to facial nerve' '9515-'='Injury to acoustic nerve' '9516-'='Injury to accessory nerve' '9517-'='Injury to hypoglossal nerve' '9518-'='Injury to other specified cranial nerves' '9519-'='Injury to unspecified cranial nerve' '95200'='C1-C4 level injury with unspecified s...' '95201'='C1-C4 level injury with complete lesi...' '95202'='C1-C4 level injury with anterior cord...' '95203'='C1-C4 level injury with central cord ...' '95204'='C1-C4 level injury with other specifi...' '95205'='C5-C7 level injury with unspecified s...' '95206'='C5-C7 level injury with complete lesi...' '95207'='C5-C7 level injury with anterior cord...' '95208'='C5-C7 level injury with central cord ...' '95209'='C5-C7 level injury with other specifi...' '95210'='T1-T6 level injury with unspecified s...' '95211'='T1-T6 level injury with complete lesi...' '95212'='T1-T6 level injury with anterior cord...' '95213'='T1-T6 level injury with central cord ...' '95214'='T1-T6 level injury with other specifi...' '95215'='T7-T12 level injury with unspecified ...' '95216'='T7-T12 level injury with complete les...' '95217'='T7-T12 level injury with anterior cor...' '95218'='T7-T12 level injury with central cord...' '95219'='T7-T12 level injury with other specif...' '9522-'='Lumbar spinal cord injury' '9523-'='Sacral spinal cord injury' '9524-'='Cauda equina spinal cord injury' '9528-'='Multiple sites of spinal cord injury' '9529-'='Unspecified site of spinal cord injury' '9530-'='Injury to cervical root' '9531-'='Injury to dorsal root' '9532-'='Injury to lumbar root' '9533-'='Injury to sacral root' '9534-'='Injury to brachial plexus' '9535-'='Injury to lumbosacral plexus' '9538-'='Injury to multiple sites' '9539-'='Injury to unspecified site' '9540-'='Injury to cervical sympathetic' '9541-'='Injury to other sympathetic' '9548-'='Injury to other specified nerve(s) of...' '9549-'='Injury to unspecified nerve of trunk' '9550-'='Injury to axillary nerve' '9551-'='Injury to median nerve' '9552-'='Injury to ulnar nerve' '9553-'='Injury to radial nerve' '9554-'='Injury to musculocutaneous nerve' '9555-'='Injury to cutaneous sensory nerve, up...' '9556-'='Injury to digital nerve' '9557-'='Injury to other specified nerve of sh...' '9558-'='Injury to multiple nerves of shoulder...' '9559-'='Injury to unspecified nerve of should...' '9560-'='Injury to sciatic nerve' '9561-'='Injury to femoral nerve' '9562-'='Injury to posterior tibial nerve' '9563-'='Injury to peroneal nerve' '9564-'='Injury to cutaneous sensory nerve, leg' '9565-'='Injury to other specified nerve of pe...' '9568-'='Injury to multiple nerves of pelvic g...' '9569-'='Injury to unspecified nerve of pelvic...' '9570-'='Injury to superficial nerves of head ...' '9571-'='Injury to other specified nerve(s)' '9578-'='Injury to multiple nerves in several ...' '9579-'='Injury to other and unspecifed nerves...' '9580-'='Air embolism' '9581-'='Fat embolism' '9582-'='Secondary and recurrent hemorrhage' '9583-'='Posttraumatic wound infection, not el...' '9584-'='Traumatic shock' '9585-'='Traumatic anuria' '9586-'='Volkmann`s ischemic contracture' '9587-'='Traumatic subcutaneous emphysema' '9588-'='Other early complications of trauma' '95891'='Traumatic compartment syndrome of upper extremity' '95892'='Traumatic compartment syndrome of lower extremity' '9590-'='Face and neck injury, other and unspe...' '95901'='Head injury, unspecified' '95909'='Injury of face and neck' '9591-'='Trunk injury, other and unspecified' '95911'='Trunk, other injury of chest wall' '95912'='Trunk, other injury of abdomen' '95913'='Trunk, fract of corpus cavernosum penis' '95914'='Trunk, other injury of external genitals' '95919'='Other injury of other sites of trunk' '9592-'='Shoulder and upper arm injury, other ...' '9593-'='Elbow, forearm, and wrist injury, oth...' '9594-'='Hand, except finger injury, other and...' '9595-'='Finger injury, other and unspecified' '9596-'='Hip and thigh injury, other and unspe...' '9597-'='Knee, leg, ankle, and foot injury, ot...' '9598-'='Injury to other specified sites, incl...' '9599-'='Injury to unspecified site' '9600-'='Poisoning by penicillins' '9601-'='Poisoning by antifungal antibiotics' '9602-'='Poisoning by chloramphenicol group' '9603-'='Poisoning by erythromycin and other m...' '9604-'='Poisoning by tetracycline group' '9605-'='Poisoning by cephalosporin group' '9606-'='Poisoning by antimycobacterial antibi...' '9607-'='Poisoning by antineoplastic antibiotics' '9608-'='Poisoning by other specified antibiotics' '9609-'='Poisoning by unspecified antibiotic' '9610-'='Poisoning by sulfonamides' '9611-'='Poisoning by arsenical anti-infectives' '9612-'='Poisoning by heavy metal anti-infectives' '9613-'='Poisoning by quinoline and hydroxyqui...' '9614-'='Poisoning by antimalarials/drugs acti...' '9615-'='Poisoning by other antiprotozoal drugs' '9616-'='Poisoning by anthelmintics' '9617-'='Poisoning by antiviral drugs' '9618-'='Poisoning by other antimycobacterial ...' '9619-'='Poisoning by other and unspecified an...' '9620-'='Poisoning by adrenal cortical steroids' '9621-'='Poisoning by androgens and anabolic c...' '9622-'='Poisoning by ovarian hormones and syn...' '9623-'='Poisoning by insulins and antidiabeti...' '9624-'='Poisoning by anterior pituitary hormones' '9625-'='Poisoning by posterior pituitary horm...' '9626-'='Poisoning by parathyroid and parathyr...' '9627-'='Poisoning by thyroid and thyroid deri...' '9628-'='Poisoning by antithyroid agents' '9629-'='Poisoning by oth/unspec hormones and ...' '9630-'='Poisoning by antiallergic and antieme...' '9631-'='Poisoning by antineoplastic and immun...' '9632-'='Poisoning by acidifying agents' '9633-'='Poisoning by alkalizing agents' '9634-'='Poisoning by enzymes, not elsewhere c...' '9635-'='Poisoning by vitamins, not elsewhere ...' '9638-'='Poisoning by other specified systemic...' '9639-'='Poisoning by unspecified systemic agent' '9640-'='Poisoning by iron and its compounds' '9641-'='Poisoning by liver preparations and o...' '9642-'='Poisoning by anticoagulants' '9643-'='Poisoning by vitamin K [phytonadione]' '9644-'='Poisoning by fibrinolysis-affecting d...' '9645-'='Poisoning by anticoagulant antagonist...' '9646-'='Poisoning by gamma globulin' '9647-'='Poisoning by natural blood and blood ...' '9648-'='Poisoning by other specified agents a...' '9649-'='Poisoning by unspecified agents affec...' '96500'='Poisoning by opium (alkaloids), unspe...' '96501'='Poisoning by heroin' '96502'='Poisoning by methadone' '96509'='Poisoning by other' '9651-'='Poisoning by salicylates' '9654-'='Poisoning by aromatic analgesics, not...' '9655-'='Poisoning by pyrazole derivatives' '9656-'='Poisoning by antirheumatics [antiphlo...' '96561'='Poisoning by propionic acid derivatives' '96569'='Poisoning by other antirheumatics' '9657-'='Poisoning by other non-narcotic analg...' '9658-'='Poisoning by other specified analgesi...' '9659-'='Poisoning by unspecified analgesic an...' '9660-'='Poisoning by oxazolidine derivatives' '9661-'='Poisoning by hydantoin derivatives' '9662-'='Poisoning by succinimides' '9663-'='Poisoning by other and unspecified an...' '9664-'='Poisoning by anti-Parkinsonism drugs' '9670-'='Poisoning by barbiturates' '9671-'='Poisoning by chloral hydrate group' '9672-'='Poisoning by paraldehyde' '9673-'='Poisoning by bromine compounds' '9674-'='Poisoning by methaqualone compounds' '9675-'='Poisoning by glutethimide group' '9676-'='Poisoning by mixed sedatives, not els...' '9678-'='Poisoning by other sedatives and hypn...' '9679-'='Poisoning by unspecified sedative or ...' '9680-'='Poisoning by central nervous system m...' '9681-'='Poisoning by halothane' '9682-'='Poisoning by other gaseous anesthetics' '9683-'='Poisoning by intravenous anesthetics' '9684-'='Poisoning by other and unspecified ge...' '9685-'='Poisoning by surface [topical] and in...' '9686-'='Poisoning by peripheral nerve- and pl...' '9687-'='Poisoning by spinal anesthetics' '9689-'='Poisoning by other and unspecified lo...' '9690-'='Poisoning by antidepressants' '9691-'='Poisoning by phenothiazine-based tran...' '9692-'='Poisoning by butyrophenone-based tran...' '9693-'='Poisoning by oth antipsychotics/neuro...' '9694-'='Poisoning by benzodiazepine-based tra...' '9695-'='Poisoning by other tranquilizers' '9696-'='Poisoning by psychodysleptics [halluc...' '9697-'='Poisoning by psychostimulants' '96971'='Poisoning by caffeine' '9698-'='Poisoning by other specified psychotr...' '9699-'='Poisoning by unspecified psychotropic...' '9700-'='Poisoning by analeptics' '9701-'='Poisoning by opiate antagonists' '9708-'='Poisoning by other specified central ...' '9709-'='Poisoning by unspecified central nerv...' '9710-'='Poisoning by parasympathomimetics [ch...' '9711-'='Poisoning by parasympatholytics' '9712-'='Poisoning by sympathomimetics [adrene...' '9713-'='Poisoning by sympatholytics [antiadre...' '9719-'='Poisoning by unspec drug prim affec a...' '9720-'='Poisoning by cardiac rhythm regulators' '9721-'='Poisoning by cardiotonic glycosides a...' '9722-'='Poisoning by antilipemic and antiarte...' '9723-'='Poisoning by ganglion-blocking agents' '9724-'='Poisoning by coronary vasodilators' '9725-'='Poisoning by other vasodilators' '9726-'='Poisoning by other antihypertensive a...' '9727-'='Poisoning by antivaricose drugs, incl...' '9728-'='Poisoning by capillary-active drugs' '9729-'='Poisoning by oth/unspec agents prim a...' '9730-'='Poisoning by antacids and antigastric...' '9731-'='Poisoning by irritant cathartics' '9732-'='Poisoning by emollient cathartics' '9733-'='Poisoning by other cathartics, includ...' '9734-'='Poisoning by digestants' '9735-'='Poisoning by antidiarrheal drugs' '9736-'='Poisoning by emetics' '9738-'='Poisoning by oth/spec agents prim aff...' '9739-'='Poisoning by unspec agent prim affec ...' '9740-'='Poisoning by mercurial diuretics' '9741-'='Poisoning by purine derivative diuretics' '9742-'='Poisoning by carbonic acid anhydrase ...' '9743-'='Poisoning by saluretics' '9744-'='Poisoning by other diuretics' '9745-'='Poisoning by electrolytic, caloric, a...' '9746-'='Poisoning by other mineral salts, not...' '9747-'='Poisoning by uric acid metabolism drugs' '9750-'='Poisoning by oxytocic agents' '9751-'='Poisoning by smooth muscle relaxants' '9752-'='Poisoning by skeletal muscle relaxants' '9753-'='Poisoning by other and unspecified dr...' '9754-'='Poisoning by antitussives' '9755-'='Poisoning by expectorants' '9756-'='Poisoning by anti-common cold drugs' '9757-'='Poisoning by antiasthmatics' '9758-'='Poisoning by other and unspecified re...' '9760-'='Poisoning by local anti-infectives an...' '9761-'='Poisoning by antipruritics' '9762-'='Poisoning by local astringents and lo...' '9763-'='Poisoning by emollients, demulcents, ...' '9764-'='Pois by keratolytics/keratoplastics/o...' '9765-'='Poisoning by eye anti-infectives and ...' '9766-'='Poisoning by anti-infectives/oth drug...' '9767-'='Poisoning by dental drugs topically a...' '9768-'='Poisoning by other agents prim affec ...' '9769-'='Pois by unspec agnt prima affecting s...' '9770-'='Poisoning by dietetics' '9771-'='Poisoning by lipotropic drugs' '9772-'='Poisoning by antidotes and chelating ...' '9773-'='Poisoning by alcohol deterrents' '9774-'='Poisoning by pharmaceutical excipients' '9778-'='Poisoning by other specified drugs an...' '9779-'='Poisoning by unspecified drug or medi...' '9780-'='Poisoning by BCG vaccine' '9781-'='Poisoning by typhoid and paratyphoid ...' '9782-'='Poisoning by cholera vaccine' '9783-'='Poisoning by plague vaccine' '9784-'='Poisoning by tetanus vaccine' '9785-'='Poisoning by diphtheria vaccine' '9786-'='Poisoning by pertussis vaccine, inc c...' '9788-'='Poisoning by other and unspecified ba...' '9789-'='Poisoning by mix bacter vaccs, exc co...' '9790-'='Poisoning by smallpox vaccine' '9791-'='Poisoning by rabies vaccine' '9792-'='Poisoning by typhus vaccine' '9793-'='Poisoning by yellow fever vaccine' '9794-'='Poisoning by measles vaccine' '9795-'='Poisoning by poliomyelitis vaccine' '9796-'='Poisoning by oth/unspecified viral an...' '9797-'='Poisoning by mix viral-rickettsial/ba...' '9799-'='Poisoning by oth/unspecified vaccines...' '9800-'='Toxic effect of ethyl alcohol' '9801-'='Toxic effect of methyl alcohol' '9802-'='Toxic effect of isopropyl alcohol' '9803-'='Toxic effect of fusel oil' '9808-'='Toxic effect of other specified alcohols' '9809-'='Toxic effect of unspecified alcohol' '981--'='Toxic effect of petroleum products' '9820-'='Toxic effect of benzene and homologues' '9821-'='Toxic effect of carbon tetrachloride' '9822-'='Toxic effect of carbon disulfide' '9823-'='Toxic effect of other chlorinated hyd...' '9824-'='Toxic effect of nitroglycol' '9828-'='Toxic effect of other nonpetroleum-ba...' '9830-'='Toxic effect of corrosive aromatics' '9831-'='Toxic effect of acids' '9832-'='Toxic effect of caustic alkalis' '9839-'='Toxic effect of caustic, unspecified' '9840-'='Toxic effect of inorganic lead compounds' '9841-'='Toxic effect of organic lead compounds' '9848-'='Toxic effect of other lead compounds' '9849-'='Toxic effect of unspecified lead comp...' '9850-'='Toxic effect of mercury and its compo...' '9851-'='Toxic effect of arsenic and its compo...' '9852-'='Toxic effect of manganese and its com...' '9853-'='Toxic effect of beryllium and its com...' '9854-'='Toxic effect of antimony and its comp...' '9855-'='Toxic effect of cadmium and its compo...' '9856-'='Toxic effect of chromium' '9858-'='Toxic effect of other specified metals' '9859-'='Toxic effect of unspecified metal' '986--'='Toxic effect of carbon monoxide' '9870-'='Toxic effect of liquefied petroleum g...' '9871-'='Toxic effect of other hydrocarbon gas' '9872-'='Toxic effect of nitrogen oxides' '9873-'='Toxic effect of sulfur dioxide' '9874-'='Toxic effect of freon' '9875-'='Toxic effect of lacrimogenic gas' '9876-'='Toxic effect of chlorine gas' '9877-'='Toxic effect of hydrocyanic acid gas' '9878-'='Toxic effect of other specified gases...' '9879-'='Toxic effect of unspecified gas, fume...' '9880-'='Toxic effect of fish and shellfish' '9881-'='Toxic effect of mushrooms' '9882-'='Toxic effect of berries and other plants' '9888-'='Other specified noxious substances ea...' '9889-'='Unspecified noxious substance eaten a...' '9890-'='Toxic effect of hydrocyanic acid and ...' '9891-'='Toxic effect of strychnine and salts' '9892-'='Toxic effect of chlorinated hydrocarbons' '9893-'='Toxic effect of organophosphate and c...' '9894-'='Toxic effect of other pesticides, not...' '9895-'='Toxic effect of venom' '9896-'='Toxic effect of soaps and detergents' '9897-'='Toxic effect of aflatoxin/other mycot...' '9898-'='Toxic effect of oth substances, chief...' '98981'='Toxic effect of asbestos' '98982'='Toxic effect of latex' '98983'='Toxic effect of silicone' '98984'='Toxic effect of tobacco' '98989'='Toxic effect of other substances, chi...' '9899-'='Toxic effec of unspec substance chief...' '990--'='Effects of radiation, unspecified' '9910-'='Frostbite of face' '9911-'='Frostbite of hand' '9912-'='Frostbite of foot' '9913-'='Frostbite of other and unspecified sites' '9914-'='Immersion foot' '9915-'='Chilblains' '9916-'='Hypothermia' '9918-'='Other specified effects of reduced te...' '9919-'='Unspecified effect of reduced tempera...' '9920-'='Heat stroke and sunstroke' '9921-'='Heat syncope' '9922-'='Heat cramps' '9923-'='Heat exhaustion, anhydrotic' '9924-'='Heat exhaustion due to salt depletion' '9925-'='Heat exhaustion, unspecified' '9926-'='Heat fatigue, transient' '9927-'='Heat edema effects of heat and light' '9928-'='Other specified heat effects' '9929-'='Unspecified' '9930-'='Barotrauma, otitic' '9931-'='Barotrauma, sinus' '9932-'='Other and unspecified effects of high...' '9933-'='Caisson disease' '9934-'='Effects of air pressure caused by exp...' '9938-'='Other specified effects of air pressure' '9939-'='Unspecified effect of air pressure' '9940-'='Effects of lightning' '9941-'='Drowning and nonfatal submersion' '9942-'='Effects of hunger' '9943-'='Effects of thirst' '9944-'='Exhaustion due to exposure' '9945-'='Exhaustion due to excessive exertion' '9946-'='Motion sickness' '9947-'='Asphyxiation and strangulation' '9948-'='Electrocution and nonfatal effects of...' '9949-'='Other effects of external causes' '9950-'='Other anaphylactic shock' '9951-'='Angioneurotic edema' '9952-'='Unspec adverse effect of drug due to ...' '99520'='Unspecified adverse effect of unspecifie...' '99522'='Unspecified adverse effect of anesthesia' '99524'='Failed moderate sedation during procedure' '99527'='Other drug allergy' '99529'='Unspecified adverse effect of other drug...' '9953-'='Allergy, unspecified' '9954-'='Shock due to anesthesia' '9955-'='Child maltreatment syndrome' '99550'='Child abuse, unspecified' '99551'='Child emotional/psychological abuse' '99552'='Child neglect (nutritional)' '99553'='Child sexual abuse' '99554'='Child physical abuse' '99555'='Shaken infant syndrome' '99559'='Other child abuse and neglect' '9956-'='Anaphylactic shock due to adverse foo...' '99560'='Anaphylactic shock due to unspecified...' '99561'='Anaphylactic shock due to peanuts' '99562'='Anaphylactic shock due to crustaceans' '99563'='Anaphylactic shock due to fruits and ...' '99564'='Anaphylactic shock due to tree nuts a...' '99565'='Anaphylactic shock due to fish' '99566'='Anaphylactic shock due to food additives' '99567'='Anaphylactic shock due to milk products' '99568'='Anaphylactic shock due to eggs' '99569'='Anaphylactic shock due to other speci...' '9957-'='Other adverse food reactions, NEC' '9958-'='Other specified adverse effects, NEC' '99580'='Adult maltreatment, unspecified' '99581'='Adult physical abuse' '99582'='Adult emotional/psychological abuse' '99583'='Adult sexual abuse' '99584'='Adult neglect (nutritional)' '99585'='Other adult abuse and neglect' '99589'='Other specified adverse effects' '99590'='Systemic inflammatory response syndrome, unspecified' '99591'='Systemic inflamm resp synd due to inf...' '99594'='Systemic inflamm resp synd due to non-inf' '99600'='Mechanical complication, unspec cardi...' '99601'='Mechanical complication due to cardia...' '99602'='Mechanical complication due to heart ...' '99603'='Mechanical complication due to corona...' '99604'='Mechan complica due to automat implan...' '99609'='Mechan complication othr cardiac devi...' '9961-'='Mechan complicatn of other vascular d...' '9962-'='Mechan complicatn of nervous system d...' '99630'='Mechan complic, unspec genitourinary ...' '99631'='Mechan complic due to urethral [indwe...' '99632'='Mechan complic due to intrauterine co...' '99639'='Mechan complic other genitourinary de...' '9964-'='Mechan complic of internal orthopedic...' '99640'='Unspecified mechanical complication of..' '99641'='Mechanical loosening of prosthetic joint' '99642'='Dislocation of prosthetic joint' '99644'='Peri-prosthetic fracture around prosthet' '99646'='Articular bearing surface wear of prosthetic joint' '99647'='Other mechanical complication of prosthe' '99649'='Other mechanical complication of other..' '9965-'='Mechan complic of oth spec prosthetic...' '99651'='Mechanical complication due to cornea...' '99652'='Mechan complicatn due to graft of oth...' '99653'='Mechanical complication due to ocular...' '99654'='Mechanical complication due to breast...' '99655'='Mech comp due to artificial skin graf...' '99656'='Mechan complic due to peritoneal dial...' '99657'='Mechan complic due to insulin pump' '99659'='Mechan complic due to oth implnt/inte...' '99660'='Infec/inflam reaction due to unspecif...' '99661'='Infec/inflam reaction due to cardiac ...' '99662'='Infec/inflam reaction due to vascular...' '99663'='Infec/inflam reaction due to nervous ...' '99664'='Infec/inflam reaction due to indwelli...' '99665'='Infec/inflam reac due to oth genitour...' '99666'='Infec/inflammatory reaction due to in...' '99667'='Infec/inflam reac due to oth intern o...' '99668'='Infec/inflam reac due to peri dial cath' '99669'='Infec/inflam reac due to oth intern p...' '99670'='Other complications due to unspecifie...' '99671'='Other complications due to heart valv...' '99672'='Other complications due to other card...' '99673'='Other complications due to renal dial...' '99674'='Other complications due to vascular d...' '99675'='Other complications due to nervous sy...' '99676'='Other complications due to genitourin...' '99677'='Other complications due to internal j...' '99678'='Oth complic due to oth internal ortho...' '99679'='Oth complic due to oth internal prost...' '99680'='Complications of transplanted organ, ...' '99681'='Complications of transplanted kidney' '99682'='Complications of transplanted liver' '99683'='Complications of transplanted heart' '99684'='Complications of transplanted lung' '99685'='Complications of transplanted bone ma...' '99686'='Complications of transplanted pancreas' '99689'='Complications of other specified tran...' '99690'='Complications of reattached unspecifi...' '99691'='Complications of reattached forearm' '99692'='Complications of reattached hand' '99693'='Complications of reattached finger(s)' '99694'='Complications of reattached upper ext...' '99695'='Complications of reattached foot and ...' '99696'='Complications of reattached lower ext...' '99699'='Complications of reattached other spe...' '99700'='Nervous system complication, unspecified' '99701'='Central nervous system complication' '99702'='Iatrogenic cerebrovascular infarction...' '99709'='Other nervous system complication' '9971-'='Cardiac complications' '9972-'='Peripheral vascular complications' '9973-'='Respiratory complications' '9974-'='Gastrointestinal complications' '9975-'='Urinary complications' '99760'='Unspecified amputation stump complica...' '99761'='Neuroma of amputation stump' '99762'='Infection (chronic) of amputation stump' '99769'='Other late amputation stump complication' '99779'='Vascular complications of other vessels' '9979-'='Complica affec oth spec body systems,...' '99791'='Hypertension, NEC' '99799'='Other complication affecting specifie...' '9980-'='Postoperative shock' '9981-'='Hemorrhage or hematoma complicating a...' '99811'='Hemorrhage complicating a procedure' '99812'='Hematoma complicating a procedure' '99813'='Seroma complicating a procedure' '9982-'='Accidental puncture or laceration dur...' '99830'='Disruption of wound, unspecified' '99831'='Disruption of internal operation woun...' '99832'='Disruption of external operation woun...' '9984-'='Foreign body accidentally left during...' '9985-'='Postoperative infection' '99851'='Infected postoperative seroma' '99859'='Other postoperative infection' '9986-'='Persistent postoperative fistula' '9987-'='Acute reaction to foreign subst accid...' '9988-'='Other specified complications of proc...' '99881'='Emphysema (subcutaneous) (surgical) r...' '99882'='Contaract fragments in eye following ...' '99883'='Non-healing surgical wound' '99889'='Other specified complications of proc...' '9989-'='Unspecified complication of procedure...' '9990-'='Generalized vaccinia' '9991-'='Air embolism' '9992-'='Other vascular complications' '99931'='Infection due to central venous catheter' '9994-'='Anaphylactic shock due to serum' '9995-'='Other serum reaction' '99952'='Other serum reaction due to vaccination' '9996-'='ABO incompatibility reaction' '9997-'='Rh incompatibility reaction' '9998-'='Other transfusion reaction' '9999-'='Other/unspec complications of medical...' 'V010-'='Contact with or exposure to cholera' 'V011-'='Contact with or exposure to tuberculosis' 'V012-'='Contact with or exposure to poliomyel...' 'V013-'='Contact with or exposure to smallpox' 'V014-'='Contact with or exposure to rubella' 'V015-'='Contact with or exposure to rabies' 'V016-'='Contact with or exposure to venereal ...' 'V0171'='Contact with or exposure to varicella' 'V0179'='Contact with or exposure to other viral..' 'V018-'='Contact with or exposure to other com...' 'V0184'='Contact with or exposure to meningococcus' 'V0189'='Contact with or exp to other communic...' 'V019-'='Contact with or exposure to unspecifi...' 'V020-'='Carrier or suspected carrier of cholera' 'V021-'='Carrier or suspected carrier of typhoid' 'V022-'='Carrier or suspected carrier of amebi...' 'V023-'='Carrier or suspected carrier of other...' 'V024-'='Carrier or suspected carrier of dipht...' 'V025-'='Carrier or suspected carrier of other...' 'V0251'='Carrier or suspected carrier of Group B streptococcus' 'V0253'='Carrier or suspected carrier of Methicillin susceptible Staph...' 'V0254'='Carrier or suspected carrier of Methicillin resistant Staph...' 'V0259'='Other specified bacterial diseases' 'V0260'='Viral hepatitis carrier, unspecified' 'V0261'='Hepatitis B carrier' 'V0262'='Hepatitis C carrier' 'V0269'='Other viral hepatitis carrier' 'V027-'='Carrier or suspected carrier of gonor...' 'V028-'='Carrier or suspected carrier of other...' 'V029-'='Carrier or suspected carrier of oth s...' 'V030-'='Prophylactic vaccination/inoculation ...' 'V031-'='Prophylactic vaccin/inocu agnst typho...' 'V032-'='Prophylactic vaccination/inoculation ...' 'V033-'='Prophylactic vaccination/inoculation ...' 'V034-'='Prophylactic vaccination/inoculation ...' 'V035-'='Prophylactic vaccination/inoculation ...' 'V036-'='Prophylactic vaccination/inoculation ...' 'V037-'='Prophylactic vaccination/inoculation ...' 'V038-'='Prophylactic vaccinatn/inoculatn agns...' 'V0381'='Hemophilus influenza, type B [Hib]' 'V0382'='Prophylactic vaccinatn/inoculatn agns...' 'V0389'='Other specified vaccination' 'V039-'='Prophylactic vaccin/inocu agnst unspe...' 'V040-'='Prophylactic vaccination/inoculation ...' 'V041-'='Prophylactic vaccination/inoculation ...' 'V042-'='Prophylactic vaccination/inoculation ...' 'V043-'='Prophylactic vaccination/inoculation ...' 'V044-'='Prophylactic vaccination/inoculation ...' 'V045-'='Prophylactic vaccination/inoculation ...' 'V046-'='Prophylactic vaccination/inoculation ...' 'V047-'='Prophylactic vaccination/inoculation ...' 'V048-'='Prophylactic vaccination/inoculation ...' 'V0481'='Prophylac vacc/inocula agnst influenz...' 'V0482'='Respiratory syncytial virus (RSV)' 'V0489'='Prophylac vacc/inocula agnst oth viral..' 'V050-'='Prophylac vaccin/inocu agnst arthropo...' 'V051-'='Prophylactic vaccin/inocul agnst oth ...' 'V052-'='Prophylactic vaccination/inoculation ...' 'V053-'='Prophylactic vaccination/inoculation ...' 'V054-'='Prophylactic vaccination/inoculation ...' 'V058-'='Prophylactic vaccinatn/inoculatn agns...' 'V059-'='Prophylactic vaccinatn/inocula agnst ...' 'V060-'='Prophylactic vaccin/inocula agnst cho...' 'V061-'='Prophylactic vaccin/inoculatn agnst d...' 'V062-'='Prophylac vacc/inocula agnst diphth-t...' 'V063-'='Prophylac vacc/inocu agnst diphtheria...' 'V064-'='Prophylactic vaccin/inoculatn agnst m...' 'V065-'='Prophylactic vaccin/inoculatn agnst t...' 'V066-'='Prophylactic vaccin/inoculatn agnst s...' 'V068-'='Prophylactic vaccin/inoculatn agnst o...' 'V069-'='Unspecified combined vaccine' 'V070-'='Isolation' 'V071-'='Desensitization to allergens' 'V072-'='Prophylactic immunotherapy' 'V073-'='Other prophylactic chemotherapy' 'V0731'='Prophylactic fluoride administration' 'V0739'='Other prophylactic chemotherapy' 'V074-'='Postmenopausal hormone replacement th...' 'V0759'='Use of oth agents affecting estro recep..' 'V078-'='Other specified prophylactic measure' 'V079-'='Unspecified prophylactic measure' 'V08--'='Asymptomatic human immunodeficiency v...' 'V090-'='Infection with microorganisms resista...' 'V091-'='Infection resistant to cephalosporins...' 'V092-'='Infection with microorganisms resista...' 'V093-'='Infection with microorganisms resista...' 'V094-'='Infection with microorganisms resista...' 'V095-'='Infc resis quinolnes/fluoroquinolns w...' 'V0950'='Infc resis quinolnes/fluoroquinolns w...' 'V0951'='Infc resis quinolnes/fluoroquinolns w...' 'V096-'='Infection with microorganisms resista...' 'V097-'='Infec resist antimycobactrl agnts w/o...' 'V0970'='Infection resist antimycobactrl agnt ...' 'V0971'='Infec resist antimycobactrl agnt w/re...' 'V0980'='Infection resist to oth spec drugs w/...' 'V0981'='Infection resist to oth spec drugs w/...' 'V0990'='Infec w/drug-resist microorganisms w/...' 'V0991'='Infec w/drug-resist microorganisms w/...' 'V1000'='Personal history of malig neoplsm in ...' 'V1001'='Personal history of malignant neoplas...' 'V1002'='Personal histry of malig neoplsm in o...' 'V1003'='Personal history of malignant neoplas...' 'V1004'='Personal history of malignant neoplas...' 'V1005'='Personal history of malignant neoplas...' 'V1006'='Persnl history of malig neoplm in rec...' 'V1007'='Personal history of malignant neoplas...' 'V1009'='Personal history of malignant neoplas...' 'V101-'='Personal history of malignant neoplas...' 'V1011'='Personal history of malignant neoplas...' 'V1012'='Personal history of malignant neoplas...' 'V1020'='Personal history of malig neoplasm in...' 'V1021'='Personal history of malignant neoplas...' 'V1022'='Persnl histry of malg neop in nasal c...' 'V1029'='Personal history of malignant neoplas...' 'V103-'='Personal history of malignant neoplas...' 'V1040'='Personal history of malig neoplm in f...' 'V1041'='Personal history of malignant neoplas...' 'V1042'='Personal history of malignant neoplas...' 'V1043'='Personal history of malignant neoplas...' 'V1044'='Personal history of malig neoplsm in ...' 'V1045'='Personal history of malig neoplsm in ...' 'V1046'='Personal history of malignant neoplas...' 'V1047'='Personal history of malignant neoplas...' 'V1049'='Personal history of malig neoplasm in...' 'V1050'='Personal history of malignant neoplas...' 'V1051'='Personal history of malignant neoplas...' 'V1052'='Personal history of malignant neoplas...' 'V1053'='Personal hx of malig neoplsm renl pelvis' 'V1059'='Personal history of malignant neoplas...' 'V1060'='Personal history of leukemia, unspeci...' 'V1061'='Personal history of lymphoid leukemia' 'V1062'='Personal history of myeloid leukemia' 'V1063'='Personal history of monocytic leukemia' 'V1069'='Personal history of other' 'V107-'='Personal history of other lymphatic a...' 'V1071'='Personal history of lymphosarcoma and...' 'V1072'='Personal history of Hodgkin`s disease' 'V1079'='Personal history of other' 'V108-'='Personal history of malignant neoplas...' 'V1081'='Personal history of malignant neoplas...' 'V1082'='Personal history of malignant melanom...' 'V1083'='Personal history of other malignant n...' 'V1084'='Personal history of malignant neoplas...' 'V1085'='Personal history of malignant neoplas...' 'V1086'='Personal history of malig neoplsm of ...' 'V1087'='Personal history of malignant neoplas...' 'V1088'='Persnl histry of malig neoplsm of oth...' 'V1089'='Personal history of malignant neoplas...' 'V1090'='Personal history of unspec malignant neo' 'V110-'='Personal history of schizophrenia' 'V111-'='Personal history of affective disorders' 'V112-'='Personal history of neurosis' 'V113-'='Personal history of alcoholism' 'V118-'='Personal history of other mental diso...' 'V119-'='Personal history of unspecified menta...' 'V1200'='Personal history of unspecified infec...' 'V1201'='Personal history of tuberculosis' 'V1202'='Personal history of poliomyelitis' 'V1203'='Personal history of malaria' 'V1204'='Personal history of methicillin resist staph aureus' 'V1209'='Personal history of other infectious ...' 'V121-'='Personal history of nutritional defic...' 'V122-'='Personal history of endocrine/metabol...' 'V1221'='Personal history of gestational diabetes' 'V1229'='Personal history of other endocrine, metab...' 'V123-'='Personal history of diseases of blood...' 'V124-'='Personal history of disorders of nerv...' 'V1240'='Personal history of unspec disorder nervous system' 'V1241'='Personal history of benign neoplasm of the brain' 'V1242'='Personal history of infections of central nervous system' 'V1249'='Personal history Other disorders of nervous system and...' 'V125-'='Personal history of diseases of circu...' 'V1250'='Personal history unspecified circulatory disease' 'V1251'='Personal history Venous thrombosis and embolism' 'V1252'='Personal history of thrombophlebitis' 'V1253'='Personal history of sudden cardiac arrest' 'V1254'='Personal history of transient ischemic attack and cereb..' 'V1255'='Personal history of pulmonary embolism' 'V1259'='Personal history other diseases circulatory systm' 'V126-'='Personal history diseases of respi...' 'V1260'='Personal history unspec disease respiratory systm' 'V1261'='Personal history of pneumonia' 'V1269'='Personal history of other dis respirat system' 'V1270'='Personal history of unspecified diges...' 'V1271'='Personal history of peptic ulcer disease' 'V1272'='Personal history of colonic polyps' 'V1279'='Personal history of other diseases of...' 'V1300'='Personal history of unspecified urina...' 'V1301'='Personal history of urinary calculi' 'V1302'='Personal history of urinary (tract) infection' 'V1303'='Personal history of Nephrotic syndrome' 'V1309'='Personal history of other disorders o...' 'V131-'='Personal history of trophoblastic dis...' 'V132-'='Personal history of other genital sys...' 'V1321'='Personal history of pre-term labor' 'V1322'='Personal history of cervical dysplasia' 'V1324'='Personal history of vulvar dysplasia' 'V1329'='Personal history oth genital sys and obstetric di...' 'V133-'='Personal history of diseases of skin ...' 'V134-'='Personal history of arthritis' 'V1351'='Personal history of pathologic fracture' 'V1359'='Personal history of other musculoskeletal disorders' 'V1361'='Personal history of hypospadias' 'V1365'='Personal history of (corrected) congen malform heart and circ sys' 'V1369'='Personal history of other congenital malformations' 'V137-'='Personal history of perinatal problems' 'V138-'='Personal history of other specified d...' 'V1381'='Personal history of anaphylaxis' 'V1389'='Personal history of other specified diseases' 'V139-'='Personal history of unspecified disease' 'V140-'='Personal history of allergy to penici...' 'V141-'='Personal history of allergy to other ...' 'V142-'='Personal history of allergy to sulfon...' 'V143-'='Personal history of allergy to other ...' 'V144-'='Personal history of allergy to anesth...' 'V145-'='Personal history of allergy to narcot...' 'V146-'='Personal history of allergy to analge...' 'V147-'='Personal history of allergy to serum ...' 'V148-'='Personal history of allergy to other ...' 'V149-'='Personal history of allergy to unspec...' 'V1501'='Personal history of allergy to peanuts' 'V1502'='Personal history of allergy to milk products' 'V1503'='Personal history of allergy to eggs' 'V1504'='Personal history of allergy to seafood' 'V1505'='Personal history of allergy to other food' 'V1506'='Personal history of allergy to insects' 'V1507'='Personal history of allergy to latex' 'V1508'='Personal history of allergy to radiographic dye' 'V1509'='Personal history of oth allergy, oth than med agents' 'V151-'='Personal history of surgery to heart ...' 'V152-'='Personal history of surgery to other ...' 'V1529'='Personal history of surgery to other organs' 'V153-'='Personal history of irradiation' 'V154-'='Personal history of psychological trauma' 'V1541'='History of physical abuse' 'V1542'='History of emotional abuse' 'V1549'='Other psychological trauma' 'V1551'='Personal history of traumatic fracture' 'V1552'='History of traumatic brain injury' 'V1559'='Personal history of other injury' 'V156-'='Personal history of poisoning' 'V157-'='Personal history of contraception' 'V158-'='Other specified personal history pres...' 'V1581'='Personal history of noncompliance wit...' 'V1582'='Personal history of tobacco use' 'V1583'='Underimmunization status' 'V1584'='Exposure to asbestos' 'V1585'='Exposure to pot hazardous bodily fluids' 'V1586'='Exposure to lead' 'V1588'='History of fall' 'V1589'='Personal history of other hazards to ...' 'V159-'='Unspecified personal history presenti...' 'V160-'='Family hx of malignant neoplasm ...' 'V161-'='Family hx of malignant neoplasm ...' 'V162-'='Family hx of malig neop of oth respir...' 'V163-'='Family hx of malignant neoplasm ...' 'V1640'='Family hx of malignant neoplasm gen organ unsp' 'V1641'='Family hx of malignant neoplasm ovary' 'V1642'='Family hx of malignant neoplasm prostate' 'V1649'='Family hx of malignant neoplasm oth genital organs' 'V165-'='Family hx of malignant neoplasm ...' 'V1659'='Family hx of malignant neoplasm other urinary org' 'V166-'='Family history of leukemia' 'V167-'='Family hx of malig neop of oth lympha...' 'V168-'='Family history of other specified mal...' 'V169-'='Family history of unspecified maligna...' 'V170-'='Family history of psychiatric condition' 'V171-'='Family history of stroke (cerebrovasc...' 'V172-'='Family history of other neurological ...' 'V173-'='Family history of ischemic heart disease' 'V1749'='Family history of other cardiovascular diseases' 'V175-'='Family history of asthma' 'V176-'='Family history of other chronic respi...' 'V177-'='Family history of arthritis' 'V178-'='Family history of other musculoskelet...' 'V1789'='Family history of Oth musculoskeletal diseases' 'V180-'='Family history of diabetes mellitus' 'V181-'='Family history of other endocrine and...' 'V1819'='Other endocrine and metabolic diseases' 'V182-'='Family history of anemia' 'V183-'='Family history of other blood disorders' 'V184-'='Family history of mental retardation' 'V185-'='Family history of digestive disorders' 'V1851'='Digestive disorders- Colonic polyps' 'V1859'='Other digestive disorders' 'V1861'='Family history of Polycystic kidney' 'V1869'='Other kidney diseases' 'V187-'='Family history of other genitourinary...' 'V188-'='Family history of infectious and para...' 'V189-'='Genetic disease carrier' 'V190-'='Family history of blindness or visual...' 'V191-'='Family history of other eye disorders' 'V1911'='Family history of glaucoma' 'V192-'='Family history of deafness or hearing...' 'V193-'='Family history of other ear disorders' 'V194-'='Family history of skin conditions' 'V195-'='Family history of congenital anomalies' 'V196-'='Family history of allergic disorders' 'V197-'='Family history of consanguinity' 'V198-'='Family history of other condition' 'V200-'='Health supervision of foundling' 'V201-'='Other healthy infant or child receivi...' 'V202-'='Routine infant or child health check' 'V2031'='Health supervision for newborn under 8 days old' 'V2032'='Health supervision for newborn 8 to 28 days old' 'V210-'='Period of rapid growth in childhood' 'V211-'='Puberty' 'V212-'='Other adolescence development' 'V2130'='Low birth weight status, unspecified' 'V2134'='Low birth weight status, 1500-1999 grams' 'V218-'='Other specified constitutional states...' 'V219-'='Unspecified constitutional state in d...' 'V220-'='Supervision of normal first pregnancy' 'V221-'='Supervision of other normal pregnancy' 'V222-'='Pregnant state, incidental' 'V230-'='Pregnancy with history of infertility' 'V231-'='Pregnancy with history of trophoblast...' 'V232-'='Pregnancy with history of abortion' 'V233-'='Grand multiparity' 'V234-'='Pregnancy with other poor obstetric h...' 'V2341'='Pregnancy with history of pre-term labor' 'V2349'='Pregnancy with other poor obstetric h...' 'V235-'='Pregnancy with other poor reproductiv...' 'V237-'='Insufficient prenatal care' 'V238-'='Other high-risk pregnancy' 'V2381'='Elderly primigravida' 'V2382'='Elderly multigravida' 'V2383'='Young primigravida' 'V2385'='Preg result from assist repro technology' 'V2387'='Pregnancy with inconclusive fetal visibility' 'V2389'='Other high-risk pregnancy' 'V239-'='Unspecified high-risk pregnancy' 'V240-'='Postpartum care immediately after del...' 'V241-'='Lactating mother' 'V242-'='Routine postpartum follow-up' 'V4282'='Peripheral stem cells replaced by transplant' 'V250-'='General counseling and advice for con...' 'V2501'='Prescription of oral contraceptives' 'V2502'='Initiation of other contraceptive mea...' 'V2503'='Encounter for emerg contracept counse...' 'V2504'='Couns, instruct natural fam planning avoid preg' 'V2509'='Other counseling and advice for contr...' 'V251-'='Insertion of intrauterine contracepti...' 'V2511'='Insertion of intrauterine contraceptive device' 'V2512'='Removal of intrauterine contraceptive device' 'V2513'='Removal and reinsertion of intrauterine cont...' 'V252-'='Sterilization' 'V253-'='Menstrual extraction' 'V2540'='Contraceptive surveillance, unspecified' 'V2541'='Contraceptive pill' 'V2542'='Intrauterine contraceptive device' 'V2543'='Implantable subdermal contraceptive' 'V2549'='Other contraceptive method' 'V255-'='Insertion of implantable subdermal co...' 'V258-'='Other specified contraceptive management' 'V259-'='Unspecified contraceptive management' 'V260-'='Tuboplasty or vasoplasty after previo...' 'V261-'='Artificial insemination' 'V2621'='Fertility testing' 'V2629'='Procreative management, other investigat...' 'V2633'='Genetic counseling' 'V264-'='General procreative counseling and ad...' 'V2641'='Procreat cnslng, advice using nat fam plng' 'V2649'='Other procreative mgmt counseling, advice' 'V2651'='Tubal ligation status' 'V2652'='Vasectomy status' 'V2681'='Encountr for assis reprod fert proc cycle' 'V2682'='Encounter for fertility preservation procedure' 'V2689'='Other specified procreative management' 'V269-'='Unspecified procreative management' 'V270-'='Single liveborn' 'V271-'='Single stillborn' 'V272-'='Twins, both liveborn' 'V273-'='Twins, one liveborn and one stillborn' 'V274-'='Twins, both stillborn' 'V275-'='Other multiple birth, all liveborn' 'V276-'='Other multiple birth, some liveborn' 'V277-'='Other multiple birth, all stillborn' 'V279-'='Unspecified outcome of delivery' 'V280-'='Amniocentesis' 'V281-'='Levels in amniotic fluid' 'V282-'='Other screening based on amniocentesis' 'V283-'='Screening for malformation using ultr...' 'V284-'='Screening for fetal growth retardatio...' 'V285-'='Screening for isoimmunization' 'V286-'='Antenatal screening of mother Streptoccocus B' 'V2881'='Encounter for fetal anatomic survey' 'V2889'='Other specified antenatal screening' 'V289-'='Unspecified antenatal screening' 'V290-'='Observation of newborn for suspected ...' 'V291-'='Observation of newborn for suspected ...' 'V292-'='Observation of newborn for suspected ...' 'V298-'='Observation of newborn for other spec...' 'V299-'='Observation of newborn for unspecifie...' 'V3000'='Single liveborn born in hospital del ...' 'V3001'='Single liveborn born in hospital deli...' 'V301-'='Single liveborn born before admission...' 'V3010'='Single liveborn born in hospital deli...' 'V302-'='Single liveborn born outside hospital...' 'V3100'='Twin, mate liveborn born in hospital ...' 'V3101'='Twin, mate liveborn born in hospital ...' 'V311-'='Twin, mate liveborn born before admis...' 'V312-'='Twin, mate liveborn born outside hosp...' 'V3200'='Twin, mate stillborn born in hospital...' 'V3201'='Twin, mate stillborn born in hospital...' 'V321-'='Twin, mate stillborn born before admi...' 'V322-'='Twin, mate stillborn born outside hos...' 'V3300'='Twin, unspecified born in hospital de...' 'V3301'='Twin, unspec Born in hospital deliver...' 'V331-'='Twin, unspecified born before admissi...' 'V332-'='Twin, unspecified born outside hospit...' 'V3400'='Oth mult/mates all livebn born in hos...' 'V3401'='Oth mult/mates all livebn born in hos...' 'V341-'='Oth mult/mates all liveborn born bef ...' 'V342-'='Oth mult/mates all livebn born outsid...' 'V3500'='Oth mult/mates all stillborn born in ...' 'V3501'='Oth mult/mates all stillborn in hosp ...' 'V351-'='Oth mult/mates all stillborn before a...' 'V352-'='Oth mult/mates all stillborn outside ...' 'V3600'='Oth mult/mates live/stillbn born in h...' 'V3601'='Oth mult/mates live/stillbn born in h...' 'V361-'='Oth mult/mates live/stillbn born bef ...' 'V362-'='Oth mult/mates live/stilbn born outsi...' 'V3700'='Oth multiple, unspec born in hospital...' 'V3701'='Oth multiple/unspec born in hosp deli...' 'V371-'='Oth multiple, unspecified born before...' 'V372-'='Oth mult/unspec born outsid hosp/not ...' 'V3900'='Unspecified born in hospital del w/o ...' 'V3901'='Unspecified born in hospital delivere...' 'V391-'='Unspecified born before admission to ...' 'V392-'='Unspec born outside hospital and not ...' 'V400-'='Problems with learning' 'V401-'='Problems with communication [includin...' 'V402-'='Other mental problems' 'V403-'='Other behavioral problems' 'V4039'='Other specified behavioral problem' 'V409-'='Unspecified mental or behavioral problem' 'V410-'='Problems with sight' 'V411-'='Other eye problems' 'V412-'='Problems with hearing' 'V413-'='Other ear problems' 'V414-'='Problems with voice production' 'V415-'='Problems with smell and taste' 'V416-'='Problems with swallowing and mastication' 'V417-'='Problems with sexual function' 'V418-'='Other problems with special functions' 'V419-'='Unspecified problem with special func...' 'V420-'='Kidney transplant' 'V421-'='Heart transplant' 'V422-'='Heart valve transplant' 'V423-'='Skin transplant' 'V424-'='Bone transplant' 'V425-'='Cornea transplant' 'V426-'='Lung transplant' 'V427-'='Liver transplant' 'V428-'='Other specified organ or tissue trans...' 'V4281'='Bone marrow' 'V4283'='Pancreas replaced by transplant' 'V4284'='Intestines replaced by transplant' 'V4289'='Other specified organ or tissue' 'V429-'='Unspecified organ or tissue transplant' 'V430-'='Eye globe replacement' 'V431-'='Lens replacement' 'V432-'='Heart replacement' 'V433-'='Heart valve replacement' 'V434-'='Blood vessel replacement' 'V435-'='Bladder replacement' 'V4360'='Unspecified joint replacement' 'V4361'='Shoulder replacement' 'V4362'='Elbow replacement' 'V4363'='Wrist replacement' 'V4364'='Hip replacement' 'V4365'='Knee replacement' 'V4366'='Ankle replacement' 'V4369'='Other replacement' 'V437-'='Limb replacement' 'V438-'='Other organ or tissue replacement' 'V4381'='Larynx replacement' 'V4382'='Breast replacement' 'V4383'='Artificial skin' 'V4389'='Other organ or tissue replacement' 'V440-'='Tracheostomy' 'V441-'='Gastrostomy' 'V442-'='Ileostomy' 'V443-'='Colostomy' 'V444-'='Other artificial opening of gastroint...' 'V445-'='Cystostomy' 'V4450'='Cystostomy, unspecified' 'V4459'='Other cystostomy' 'V446-'='Other artificial opening of urinary t...' 'V447-'='Artificial vagina' 'V448-'='Other artificial opening status' 'V449-'='Unspecified artificial opening status' 'V4500'='Unspecified cardiac device' 'V4501'='Cardiac pacemaker' 'V4502'='Automatic implantable cardiac defibri...' 'V4509'='Other specified cardiac device' 'V4511'='Renal dialysis status' 'V452-'='Presence of cerebrospinal fluid drain...' 'V453-'='Intestinal bypass or anastomosis status' 'V454-'='Arthrodesis status' 'V455-'='Presence of contraceptive device' 'V4551'='Intrauterine contraceptive device' 'V4552'='Subdermal contraceptive implant' 'V4559'='Other presence of contraceptive devics' 'V456-'='States following surgery of eye and a...' 'V4561'='Cataract extraction status' 'V4569'='Other states following surgery of eye...' 'V4571'='Acquired absence of breast' 'V4572'='Acquired absence of intestine (large)...' 'V4573'='Acquired absence of kidney' 'V4574'='Acquired absence of other parts of uri..' 'V4575'='Acquired absence of stomach' 'V4576'='Acquired absence of lung' 'V4577'='Acquired absence of genital organs' 'V4578'='Acquired absence of eye' 'V4579'='Other acquired absence of organ' 'V458-'='Other postsurgical status' 'V4581'='Aortocoronary bypass status' 'V4582'='Percutaneous transluminal coronary an...' 'V4583'='Breast implant removal status' 'V4584'='Dental restoration status' 'V4585'='Insulin pump status' 'V4586'='Bariatric surgery status' 'V4588'='Status post administr tPA (rtPA) in diff facil w/in last 24hrs...' 'V4589'='Other postsurgical status' 'V460-'='Aspirator' 'V4611'='Dependence on respirator, status' 'V462-'='Supplemental oxygen' 'V463-'='Wheelchair dependence' 'V468-'='Other enabling machines' 'V469-'='Unspecified machine dependence' 'V470-'='Deficiencies of internal organs' 'V471-'='Mechanical and motor problems with in...' 'V472-'='Other cardiorespiratory problems' 'V473-'='Other digestive problems' 'V474-'='Other urinary problems' 'V475-'='Other genital problems' 'V479-'='Unspecified problems with internal or...' 'V480-'='Deficiencies of head' 'V481-'='Deficiencies of neck and trunk' 'V482-'='Mechanical and motor problems with head' 'V483-'='Mechanical and motor problems with ne...' 'V484-'='Sensory problem with head' 'V485-'='Sensory problem with neck and trunk' 'V486-'='Disfigurements of head' 'V487-'='Disfigurements of neck and trunk' 'V488-'='Other problems with head, neck, and t...' 'V489-'='Unspecified problem with head, neck, ...' 'V490-'='Deficiencies of limbs' 'V491-'='Mechanical problems with limbs' 'V492-'='Motor problems with limbs' 'V493-'='Sensory problems with limbs' 'V494-'='Disfigurements of limbs' 'V495-'='Other problems of limbs' 'V4960'='Unspecified level amputation' 'V4961'='Thumb amputation' 'V4962'='Other finger(s) amputation' 'V4963'='Hand amputation' 'V4964'='Wrist amputation' 'V4965'='Below elbow amputation' 'V4966'='Above elbow amputation' 'V4967'='Shoulder amputation' 'V4970'='Unspecified level lower limb amputation' 'V4971'='Great toe amputation' 'V4972'='Other toe(s) amputation' 'V4973'='Foot amputation' 'V4974'='Ankle amputation' 'V4975'='Below knee amputation' 'V4976'='Above knee amputation' 'V4977'='Hip amputation' 'V498-'='Other specified problems influencing ...' 'V4981'='Asymptomatic postmenopausal status (a...' 'V4982'='Dental sealant status' 'V4984'='Bed confinement status' 'V4989'='Other specified conditions influencin...' 'V499-'='Unspecified' 'V500-'='Hair transplant' 'V501-'='Other plastic surgery for unacceptabl...' 'V502-'='Routine or ritual circumcision' 'V503-'='Ear piercing' 'V504-'='Prophylactic organ removal' 'V5041'='Prophylactic breast removal' 'V5042'='Prophylactic ovary removal' 'V5049'='Other prophylactic organ removal' 'V508-'='Oth elective surgery for purpos oth t...' 'V509-'='Unspec electiv surgery for purpos oth...' 'V510-'='Encounter for breast recon following mast' 'V518-'='Other aftercare involving use of plastic surgery' 'V520-'='Fitting and adjustment of artificial ...' 'V521-'='Fitting and adjustment of artificial ...' 'V522-'='Fitting and adjustment of artificial eye' 'V523-'='Fitting and adjustment of dental pros...' 'V524-'='Fitting and adjustment of breast pros...' 'V528-'='Fitting and adjustment of other speci...' 'V529-'='Fitting and adjustment of unspecified...' 'V530-'='Fitting/adjust of devices rel to nerv...' 'V5301'='Fitting and adjustment of cerebral ve...' 'V5302'='Fitting/adj of neuropacemaker (brain)...' 'V5309'='Fitting and adjustment of other devic...' 'V531-'='Fitting and adjustment of spectacles ...' 'V532-'='Fitting and adjustment of hearing aid' 'V533-'='Fitting and adjustment of cardiac device' 'V5331'='Fitting and adjustment of cardiac pac...' 'V5332'='Fitting and adjustment of automatic i...' 'V5339'='Fitting and adjustment of other cardi...' 'V534-'='Fitting and adjustment of orthodontic...' 'V535-'='Fitting and adjustment of ileostomy o...' 'V5351'='Fitting and adjustment of gastric lap band' 'V5359'='Fitting and adjustment of other gastro..' 'V536-'='Fitting and adjustment of urinary dev...' 'V537-'='Fitting and adjustment of orthopedic ...' 'V538-'='Fitting and adjustment of wheelchair' 'V539-'='Fitting and adjustment of other and u...' 'V5391'='Fitting and adjustment of insulin pump' 'V5399'='Fitting and adjustment of other device' 'V540-'='Aftercare inv rem fracture plate/oth ...' 'V5401'='Encountr for remov intnl fixation dev...' 'V5409'='Other aftercare involving internal fix..' 'V5410'='Aftercare traumatic fract of arm, unspec' 'V5411'='Aftercare traumatic fract of upper arm' 'V5412'='Aftercare traumatic fract of lower arm' 'V5413'='Aftercare traumatic fracture of hip' 'V5414'='Aftercare traumatic fracture of leg, unsp' 'V5415'='Aftercare traumatic fracture upper leg' 'V5416'='Aftercare traumatic fracture lower leg' 'V5417'='Aftercare traumatic fract of vertebrae' 'V5419'='Aftercare traumatic fract of other bone' 'V5420'='Aftercare healing path fract arm, unsp' 'V5421'='Aftercare healing path fract upper arm' 'V5422'='Aftercare healing path fract lower arm' 'V5423'='Aftercare healing path fract hip' 'V5424'='Aftercare healing path fract leg, unsp' 'V5425'='Aftercare healing path fract upper leg' 'V5426'='Aftercare healing path fract lower leg' 'V5427'='Aftercare healing path fract vertebrae' 'V5429'='Aftercare healing path fract other bone' 'V548-'='Other orthopedic aftercare' 'V5481'='Aftercare following joint replacement' 'V5489'='Other orthopedic aftercare' 'V549-'='Unspecified orthopedic aftercare' 'V550-'='Attention to tracheostomy' 'V551-'='Attention to gastrostomy' 'V552-'='Attention to ileostomy' 'V553-'='Attention to colostomy' 'V554-'='Attention to other artificial opening...' 'V555-'='Attention to cystostomy' 'V556-'='Attention to other artificial opening...' 'V557-'='Attention to artificial vagina' 'V558-'='Attention to other specified artifici...' 'V559-'='Attention to unspecified artificial o...' 'V560-'='Extracorporeal dialysis' 'V561-'='Fitting and adjustment of dialysis (e...' 'V562-'='Fitting and adjust of peritoneal dial...' 'V568-'='Other dialysis' 'V570-'='Breathing exercises' 'V571-'='Other physical therapy' 'V572-'='Occupational therapy and vocational r...' 'V5721'='Encounter for occupational therapy' 'V5722'='Encounter for vocational therapy' 'V573-'='Speech therapy' 'V574-'='Orthoptic training' 'V578-'='Other specified rehabilitation procedure' 'V5781'='Orthotic training' 'V5789'='Other specified rehabilitation procedure' 'V579-'='Unspecified rehabilitation procedure' 'V580-'='Radiotherapy' 'V581-'='Chemotherapy' 'V5811'='Encounter for antineoplastic chemotherap' 'V5812'='Encounter for antineoplastic immunothera' 'V582-'='Blood transfusion, without reported d...' 'V583-'='Attention to surgical dressings and s...' 'V5830'='Encounter for change or removal of wound...' 'V5831'='Encounter for change or removal of surgi...' 'V5832'='Encounter for removal of sutures' 'V584-'='Other aftercare following surgery' 'V5841'='Encounter for planned post-operative ...' 'V5842'='Aftercare following surgery for neoplasm' 'V5843'='Aftercare following surg for inj and ...' 'V5844'='Aftercare following organ transplant' 'V5849'='Other specified aftercare following s...' 'V585-'='Orthodontics' 'V5861'='Long-term (current) use of anticoagul...' 'V5862'='Long-term (current) use of antibiotics' 'V5863'='Long-term (current) use of antiplatelets/' 'V5864'='Long-term (current) use of NSAID' 'V5865'='Long-term (current) use of steroids' 'V5866'='Long-term (current) use of aspirin' 'V5867'='Long-term (current) use of insulin' 'V5869'='Long-term (current) use of other medi...' 'V5871'='Aftercare following surgery sense org...' 'V5872'='Aftercare following surgery nervous sytm' 'V5873'='Aftercare following surgery circ sys, nec' 'V5874'='Aftercare following surgery resp sys, nec' 'V5875'='Aftercare following surgery teeth, oral ' 'V5876'='Aftercare following surgery genito sys, nec' 'V5877'='Aftercare following surgery skin and sub...' 'V5878'='Aftercare following surgery musculosk...' 'V588-'='Other specified aftercare' 'V5881'='Fitting and adjustment of vascular ca...' 'V5882'='Fitting and adjustment of nonvascular...' 'V5883'='Encounter for therapeutic drug monitor..' 'V5889'='Other specified aftercare' 'V589-'='Unspecified aftercare' 'V5901'='Whole blood donor' 'V5902'='Stem cells blood donor' 'V5909'='Other blood donor' 'V591-'='Skin donor' 'V592-'='Bone donor' 'V593-'='Bone marrow donor' 'V594-'='Kidney donor' 'V595-'='Cornea donor' 'V596-'='Liver donor' 'V5971'='Egg (oocyte)(ovum) donor, under age 35..' 'V598-'='Other specified organ or tissue donor' 'V599-'='Unspecified organ or tissue donor' 'V600-'='Lack of housing' 'V601-'='Inadequate housing' 'V602-'='Inadequate material resources' 'V603-'='Person living alone' 'V604-'='No other household member able to ren...' 'V605-'='Holiday relief care' 'V606-'='Person living in residential institution' 'V608-'='Other specified housing or economic c...' 'V609-'='Unspecified housing or economic circu...' 'V6103'='Family disruption due to divorce or leg...' 'V6106'='Family disruption due to child in foster...' 'V611-'='Marital problems' 'V6110'='Counseling for marital and partner pr...' 'V6111'='Counseling for victim of spousal and ...' 'V6112'='Counseling for perpetrator of spousal...' 'V6120'='Parent-child problem, unspecified' 'V6121'='Child abuse' 'V6129'='Other parent-child problem' 'V613-'='Problems with aged parents or in-laws' 'V614-'='Health problems within family' 'V6141'='Alcoholism in family' 'V6149'='Other health problem within family' 'V615-'='Multiparity' 'V616-'='Illegitimacy or illegitimate pregnancy' 'V617-'='Other unwanted pregnancy' 'V618-'='Other specified family circumstances' 'V619-'='Unspecified family circumstance' 'V620-'='Unemployment' 'V621-'='Adverse effects of work environment' 'V6229'='Other occupational circumstances or mal' 'V623-'='Educational circumstances' 'V624-'='Social maladjustment' 'V625-'='Legal circumstances' 'V626-'='Refusal of treatment for reasons of r...' 'V628-'='Other psychological or physical stres...' 'V6281'='Interpersonal problems, not elsewhere...' 'V6282'='Bereavement, uncomplicated' 'V6283'='Counseling for perpetrator of physica...' 'V6284'='Suicidal ideation' 'V6289'='Other psychological or physical stres...' 'V629-'='Unspecified psychosocial circumstance' 'V630-'='Residence remote from hospital or oth...' 'V631-'='Medical services in home not available' 'V632-'='Person awaiting admission to adequate...' 'V638-'='Other specified reasons for unavailab...' 'V639-'='Unspecified reason for unavailability...' 'V640-'='Vaccination not carried out because o...' 'V6400'='Vaccination not carried out, unspecified' 'V6405'='Vaccination not carried out because of c...' 'V6406'='Vaccination not carried out patient refusal' 'V6409'='Vaccination not carried out other reason' 'V641-'='Surgical/oth proc not carried out bec...' 'V642-'='Surgical/oth proc not carried out bec...' 'V643-'='Procedure not carried out for other r...' 'V650-'='Healthy person accompanying sick person' 'V6511'='Pediatric pre-birth visit for expecting mother' 'V6519'='Other person consult on behalf of another...' 'V652-'='Person feigning illness' 'V653-'='Dietary surveillance and counseling' 'V6540'='Counseling NOS' 'V6541'='Exercise counseling' 'V6542'='Counseling on substance use and abuse' 'V6543'='Counseling on injury prevention' 'V6544'='Human immunodeficiency virus [HIV] co...' 'V6545'='Counseling on other sexually transmit...' 'V6549'='Other specified counseling' 'V655-'='Person with feared complaint in whom ...' 'V658-'='Other reasons for seeking consultation' 'V659-'='Unspecified reason for consultation' 'V660-'='Convalescence following surgery' 'V661-'='Convalescence following radiotherapy' 'V662-'='Convalescence following chemotherapy' 'V663-'='Convalescen followg psychotherapy/oth...' 'V664-'='Convalescence following treatment of ...' 'V665-'='Convalescence following other treatment' 'V666-'='Convalescence following combined trea...' 'V667-'='Convalescence following encounter for...' 'V669-'='Unspecified convalescence' 'V6700'='Examination following surgery, unspecif' 'V6701'='Vaginal pap smear following surgery' 'V6709'='Examination following other surgery' 'V671-'='Examination following radiotherapy' 'V672-'='Examination following chemotherapy' 'V673-'='Examination followg psychotherapy/oth...' 'V674-'='Examination following treatment of fr...' 'V675-'='Examination following other treatment' 'V6751'='Exam followg treatmt w/high-risk medi...' 'V6759'='Examination following other treatment' 'V676-'='Examination following combined treatment' 'V679-'='Unspecified follow-up examination' 'V680-'='Issue of medical certificates' 'V6801'='Disability examination' 'V6809'='Other issue of medical certificates' 'V681-'='Issue of repeat prescriptions' 'V682-'='Request for expert evidence' 'V688-'='Other specified administrative purpose' 'V6881'='Referral of patient without examinati...' 'V6889'='Other specified administrative purpose' 'V689-'='Unspecified administrative purpose' 'V690-'='Lack of physical exercise' 'V691-'='Inappropriate diet and eating habits' 'V692-'='High-risk sexual behavior' 'V693-'='Gambling and betting' 'V694-'='Lack of adequate sleep' 'V698-'='Other problems related to lifestyle' 'V699-'='Problem related to lifestyle, unspeci...' 'V700-'='Routine general medical examination a...' 'V701-'='General psychiatric examination, requ...' 'V702-'='General psychiatric examination, othe...' 'V703-'='Other medical examination for adminis...' 'V704-'='Examination for medicolegal reasons' 'V705-'='Health examination of defined subpopu...' 'V706-'='Health examination in population surveys' 'V707-'='Exam for normal comparison or control...' 'V708-'='Other specified general medical exami...' 'V709-'='Unspecified general medical examination' 'V710-'='Observation for suspected mental cond...' 'V7101'='Adult antisocial behavior' 'V7102'='Childhood or adolescent antisocial be...' 'V7109'='Other suspected mental condition' 'V711-'='Observation for suspected malignant n...' 'V712-'='Observation for suspected tuberculosis' 'V713-'='Observation following accident at work' 'V714-'='Observation following other accident' 'V715-'='Observation following alleged rape or...' 'V716-'='Observation following other inflicted...' 'V717-'='Observation for suspected cardiovascu...' 'V7181'='Observation for abuse and neglect' 'V7183'='Obs and eval for susp expos oth bio agent' 'V7189'='Observation for other spec susp condit..' 'V719-'='Observation for unspecified suspected...' 'V720-'='Examination of eyes and vision' 'V721-'='Examination of ears and hearing' 'V7211'='Encounter for hearing exam following failed hearing screening' 'V7212'='Encounter for hearing conservation and treatment' 'V7219'='Other examination of ears and hearing' 'V722-'='Dental examination' 'V723-'='Gynecological examination' 'V7231'='Routine gynecological examination' 'V7232'='Encounter for Papanicolaou cervical smear..' 'V724-'='Pregnancy examination or test, pregna...' 'V7240'='Pregnancy examination or test, preg unconfirmed' 'V7241'='Pregnancy examination or test, negative result' 'V7242'='Pregnancy examination or test, positive result' 'V725-'='Radiological examination, not elsewhe...' 'V726-'='Laboratory examination' 'V727-'='Diagnostic skin and sensitization tests' 'V728-'='Other specified examinations' 'V7281'='Preoperative cardiovascular examination' 'V7282'='Preoperative respiratory examination' 'V7283'='Other specified preoperative examination' 'V7284'='Preoperative examination, unspecified' 'V7285'='Other specified examination' 'V7286'='Encounter for blood typing' 'V729-'='Unspecified examination' 'V730-'='Special screening examination for pol...' 'V731-'='Special screening examination for sma...' 'V732-'='Special screening examination for mea...' 'V733-'='Special screening examination for rub...' 'V734-'='Special screening examination for yel...' 'V735-'='Special screening exam for other arth...' 'V736-'='Special screening examination for tra...' 'V738-'='Special screening exam for oth spec v...' 'V7381'='Special screening exam, human papillom..' 'V7388'='Special screening exam for other spec...' 'V7389'='Special screening examination for oth...' 'V739-'='Special screening exam for unspec vir...' 'V7398'='Special screening examination for uns...' 'V7399'='Special screening examination for uns...' 'V740-'='Special screening examination for cho...' 'V741-'='Special screening examination for pul...' 'V742-'='Special screening examination for lep...' 'V743-'='Special screening examination for dip...' 'V744-'='Special screening examination for bac...' 'V745-'='Special screening examination for ven...' 'V746-'='Special screening examination for yaws' 'V748-'='Special screeng exam for oth spec bac...' 'V749-'='Special screeng exam for unspec bacte...' 'V750-'='Special screening examination for ric...' 'V751-'='Special screening examination for mal...' 'V752-'='Special screening examination for lei...' 'V753-'='Special screening examination for try...' 'V754-'='Special screening examination for myc...' 'V755-'='Special screening examination for sch...' 'V756-'='Special screening examination for fil...' 'V757-'='Special screening examination for int...' 'V758-'='Special screening exam for other spec...' 'V759-'='Special screening examinatn for unspe...' 'V7260'='Laboratory examination, unspecified' 'V7261'='Antibody response examination' 'V7262'='Laboratory examination ordered as part...' 'V7263'='Pre-procedural laboratory examination' 'V7269'='Other laboratory examination' 'V761-'='Special screening for malignant neopl...' 'V7610'='Breast screening, unspecified' 'V7611'='Screening mammogram for high-risk pat...' 'V7612'='Other screening mammogram for maligna...' 'V7619'='Other screening breast examination fo...' 'V762-'='Special screening for malignant neopl...' 'V763-'='Special screening for malignant neopl...' 'V764-'='Special screening for malignant neopl...' 'V7641'='Special screening for malignant neopl...' 'V7642'='Special screening for malignant neopl...' 'V7643'='Special screening for malignant neopl...' 'V7644'='Special screening for malignant neopl...' 'V7645'='Special screening for malignant neopl, Testis' 'V7646'='Special screening malig neopl of ovary' 'V7647'='Special screening malig neopl of vagina' 'V7649'='Special screening for malignant neopl...' 'V7650'='Special screening for intestine, unsp...' 'V7651'='Special screening malig neopl of colon' 'V7652'='Special screening malig neopl small intestn' 'V7689'='Special screening for other malignant...' 'V769-'='Special screening for unspecified mal...' 'V770-'='Special screening for thyroid disorders' 'V771-'='Special screening for diabetes mellitus' 'V772-'='Special screening for malnutrition' 'V773-'='Special screening for phenylketonuria...' 'V774-'='Special screening for galactosemia' 'V775-'='Special screening for gout' 'V776-'='Special screening for cystic fibrosis' 'V777-'='Special screening for other inborn er...' 'V778-'='Special screening for obesity' 'V7791'='Special screening for lipoid disorders' 'V7799'='Specl screeng for oth/unspc endocr/nu...' 'V780-'='Special screening for iron deficiency...' 'V781-'='Special screening for other and unspe...' 'V782-'='Special screening for sickle-cell dis...' 'V783-'='Special screening for other hemoglobi...' 'V788-'='Special screeng for oth disorders of ...' 'V789-'='Special screening for unspec disordr ...' 'V790-'='Special screening for depression' 'V791-'='Special screening for alcoholism' 'V792-'='Special screening for mental retardation' 'V793-'='Special screening for development han...' 'V798-'='Specl screeng for oth spec mental dis...' 'V799-'='Special screening for unspec mental d...' 'V8009'='Special screening for oth neuro conditions' 'V801-'='Special screening for glaucoma' 'V802-'='Special screening for other eye condi...' 'V803-'='Special screening for ear diseases' 'V810-'='Special screening for ischemic heart ...' 'V811-'='Special screening for hypertension' 'V812-'='Special screening for other/unspec ca...' 'V813-'='Special screening for chronic bronchi...' 'V814-'='Special screening for other and unspe...' 'V815-'='Special screening for nephropathy' 'V816-'='Special screening for other and unspe...' 'V820-'='Special screening for skin conditions' 'V821-'='Special screening for rheumatoid arth...' 'V822-'='Special screening for other rheumatic...' 'V823-'='Special screening for congenital disl...' 'V824-'='Special postnatal screening for chrom...' 'V825-'='Special screening for chemical poison...' 'V826-'='Special screening for multiphasic scr...' 'V8271'='Screening for genetic disease carrier status' 'V8279'='Other genetic screening' 'V8281'='Special screening for osteoporosis' 'V8289'='Special screening for other specified...' 'V829-'='Special screening for unspecified con...' 'V8381'='Cystic fibrosis gene carrier' 'V8389'='Other genetic carrier status' 'V8401'='Genetic suscept to malig neoplasm of breast' 'V8409'='Genetic susceptibility to other malignant neoplasm' 'V8489'='Genetic susceptibility to other disease' 'V851-'='Body Mass Index between 19-24, adult' 'V8522'='Body Mass Index 26.0-26.9, adult' 'V8523'='Body Mass Index 27.0-27.9, adult' 'V8524'='Body Mass Index 28.0-28.9, adult' 'V8525'='Body Mass Index 29.0-29.9, adult' 'V8532'='Body Mass Index 32.0-32.9, adult' 'V8535'='Body Mass Index 35.0-35.9, adult' 'V8539'='Body Mass Index 39.0-39.9, adult' 'V854-'='Body Mass Index 40 and over, adult' 'V8541'='Body Mass Index 40.0-44.9, adult' 'V8542'='Body Mass Index 45.0-49.9, adult' 'V8551'='Body Mass Index, ped, < 5th perc for age' 'V8552'='Body Mass Index, ped, 5th perc to < 85th' 'V8553'='Body Mass Index, ped, 85th per to < 95th' 'V8554'='Body Mass Index, ped, >= 95 perc for age' 'V860-'='Estrogen receptor positive status [ER+]' 'V861-'='Estrogen receptor negative status [ER-]' 'V8709'='Contact w/and (suspected) exposure to other hazardous metals' 'V872-'='Contact w/and (suspected) exposure to other poten hazard chem' 'V8731'='Exposure to mold' 'V8739'='Contact w/and (suspect) expo to oth poten...' 'V8741'='Personal history of antineoplastic chemotherapy' 'V8746'='Personal history of immunosuppression therapy' 'V8801'='Acquired absence of both cervix and uterus' 'V8802'='Acquired absence of uterus with remaining cervical stump' 'V8803'='Acquired absence of cervix with remaining uterus' 'V8901'='Suspected problem with amniotic cavity and membrane not found' 'V8903'='Suspected fetal anomaly not found' 'V8909'='Other suspected maternal and fetal condition not found' 'V9012'='Retained nonmagnetic metal fragments' 'V902-'='Retained plastic fragments' 'V9089'='Other specified retained foreign body' 'V909-'='Retained foreign body, unspecified material' 'V9100'='Twin gestat, unspec num placenta, unspec num amniotic...' 'V9101'='Twin gestat, monochorionic/monoamniotic (1 plac, 1 am...' 'V9102'='Twin gestat, monochorionic/diamniotic (1 placenta, 2 am...' 'V9103'='Twin gestat, dichorionic/diamniotic (2 placentae, 2 amniotic...' 'V990-'='Noncodable diagnosis/insuff info for ...' 'V991-'='Left bef seen/walked out/not seen by ...' 'V992-'='Transferred to another facility, sent...' 'V993-'='HMO will not authorize treatment' 'V997-'=“Diagnosis of ‘none’” 'V998-'='Description not found' '-9 '='Blank diagnosis' ; VALUE $DIAG3DF '001'='(001) Cholera' '002'='(002) Typhoid and paratyphoid fevers' '003'='(003) Other salmonella infections' '004'='(004) Shigellosis' '005'='(005) Other food poisoning (bacterial)' '006'='(006) Amebiasis' '007'='(007) Other protozoal intestinal dise...' '008'='(008) Intestinal infections due to ot...' '009'='(009) Ill-defined intestinal infections' '010'='(010) Primary tuberculous infection' '011'='(011) Pulmonary tuberculosis' '012'='(012) Other respiratory tuberculosis' '013'='(013) Tuberculosis of meninges and ce...' '014'='(014) Tuberculosis of intestine/perit...' '015'='(015) Tuberculosis of bones and joints' '016'='(016) Tuberculosis of genitourinary s...' '017'='(017) Tuberculosis of other organs' '018'='(018) Miliary tuberculosis' '020'='(020) Plague' '021'='(021) Tularemia' '022'='(022) Anthrax' '023'='(023) Brucellosis' '024'='(024) Glanders' '025'='(025) Melioidosis' '026'='(026) Rat-bite fever' '027'='(027) Other zoonotic bacterial diseases' '030'='(030) Leprosy' '031'='(031) Diseases due to other mycobacteria' '032'='(032) Diphtheria' '033'='(033) Whooping cough' '034'='(034) Streptococcal sore throat and s...' '035'='(035) Erysipelas' '036'='(036) Meningococcal infection' '037'='(037) Tetanus' '038'='(038) Septicemia' '039'='(039) Actinomycotic infections' '040'='(040) Other bacterial diseases' '041'='(041) Bacterial infec in conditns cla...' '042'='(042) Human immunodeficiency virus in...' '043'='(043) Human immunodeficiency virus in...' '044'='(044) Other human immunodeficiency vi...' '045'='(045) Acute poliomyelitis' '046'='(046) Slow virus infection of central...' '047'='(047) Meningitis due to enterovirus' '048'='(048) Other enterovirus diseases of c...' '049'='(049) Oth non-arthropod-borne viral d...' '050'='(050) Smallpox' '051'='(051) Cowpox and paravaccinia' '052'='(052) Chickenpox' '053'='(053) Herpes zoster' '054'='(054) Herpes simplex' '055'='(055) Measles' '056'='(056) Rubella' '057'='(057) Other viral exanthemata' '058'='(058) Other human herpesvirus' '060'='(060) Yellow fever' '061'='(061) Dengue' '062'='(062) Mosquito-borne viral encephalitis' '063'='(063) Tick-borne viral encephalitis' '064'='(064) Viral encephalitis transmitted ...' '065'='(065) Arthropod-borne hemorrhagic fever' '066'='(066) Other arthropod-borne viral dis...' '070'='(070) Viral hepatitis' '071'='(071) Rabies' '072'='(072) Mumps' '073'='(073) Ornithosis' '074'='(074) Specific diseases due to Coxsac...' '075'='(075) Infectious mononucleosis' '076'='(076) Trachoma' '077'='(077) Other diseases of conjunctiva d...' '078'='(078) Other diseases due to viruses a...' '079'='(079) Viral infection in conditns cla...' '080'='(080) Louse-borne [epidemic] typhus' '081'='(081) Other typhus' '082'='(082) Tick-borne rickettsioses' '083'='(083) Other rickettsioses' '084'='(084) Malaria' '085'='(085) Leishmaniasis' '086'='(086) Trypanosomiasis' '087'='(087) Relapsing fever' '088'='(088) Other arthropod-borne diseases' '090'='(090) Congenital syphilis' '091'='(091) Early syphilis, symptomatic' '092'='(092) Early syphilis, latent' '093'='(093) Cardiovascular syphilis' '094'='(094) Neurosyphilis' '095'='(095) Other forms of late syphilis, w...' '096'='(096) Late syphilis, latent' '097'='(097) Other and unspecified syphilis' '098'='(098) Gonococcal infections' '099'='(099) Other venereal diseases' '100'='(100) Leptospirosis' '101'='(101) Vincent`s angina' '102'='(102) Yaws' '103'='(103) Pinta' '104'='(104) Other spirochetal infection' '110'='(110) Dermatophytosis' '111'='(111) Dermatomycosis, other and unspe...' '112'='(112) Candidiasis' '114'='(114) Coccidioidomycosis' '115'='(115) Histoplasmosis' '116'='(116) Blastomycotic infection' '117'='(117) Other mycoses' '118'='(118) Opportunistic mycoses' '120'='(120) Schistosomiasis [bilharziasis]' '121'='(121) Other trematode infections' '122'='(122) Echinococcosis' '123'='(123) Other cestode infection' '124'='(124) Trichinosis' '125'='(125) Filarial infection and draconti...' '126'='(126) Ancylostomiasis and necatoriasis' '127'='(127) Other intestinal helminthiases' '128'='(128) Other and unspecified helminthi...' '129'='(129) Intestinal parasitism, unspecified' '130'='(130) Toxoplasmosis' '131'='(131) Trichomoniasis' '132'='(132) Pediculosis and phthirus infest...' '133'='(133) Acariasis' '134'='(134) Other infestation' '135'='(135) Sarcoidosis' '136'='(136) Other and unspecified infectiou...' '137'='(137) Late effects of tuberculosis' '138'='(138) Late effects of acute poliomyel...' '139'='(139) Late effects of other infectiou...' '140'='(140) Malignant neoplasm of lip' '141'='(141) Malignant neoplasm of tongue' '142'='(142) Malignant neoplasm of major sal...' '143'='(143) Malignant neoplasm of gum' '144'='(144) Malignant neoplasm of floor of ...' '145'='(145) Malignant neoplasm of other and...' '146'='(146) Malignant neoplasm of oropharynx' '147'='(147) Malignant neoplasm of nasopharynx' '148'='(148) Malignant neoplasm of hypopharynx' '149'='(149) Malg neoplsm of oth/ill-def sit...' '150'='(150) Malignant neoplasm of esophagus' '151'='(151) Malignant neoplasm of stomach' '152'='(152) Malignant neoplasm of small int...' '153'='(153) Malignant neoplasm of colon' '154'='(154) Malignant neoplasm of rectum/re...' '155'='(155) Malignant neoplasm of liver and...' '156'='(156) Malignant neoplasm of gallbladd...' '157'='(157) Malignant neoplasm of pancreas' '158'='(158) Malignant neoplasm of retroperi...' '159'='(159) Malg neoplsm of oth/ill-def sit...' '160'='(160) Malignant neoplasm of nasal cav...' '161'='(161) Malignant neoplasm of larynx' '162'='(162) Malignant neoplasm of trachea, ...' '163'='(163) Malignant neoplasm of pleura' '164'='(164) Malignant neoplasm of thymus, h...' '165'='(165) Malig neopl of oth/il-def site ...' '170'='(170) Malignant neoplasm of bone and ...' '171'='(171) Malignant neoplasm of connectiv...' '172'='(172) Malignant melanoma of skin' '173'='(173) Other malignant neoplasm of skin' '174'='(174) Malignant neoplasm of female br...' '175'='(175) Malignant neoplasm of male breast' '176'='(176) Kaposi`s sarcoma' '179'='(179) Malignant neoplasm of uterus, p...' '180'='(180) Malignant neoplasm of cervix uteri' '181'='(181) Malignant neoplasm of placenta' '182'='(182) Malignant neoplasm of body of u...' '183'='(183) Malignant neoplasm of ovary and...' '184'='(184) Malignant neoplasm of other and...' '185'='(185) Malignant neoplasm of prostate' '186'='(186) Malignant neoplasm of testis' '187'='(187) Malignant neoplasm of penis and...' '188'='(188) Malignant neoplasm of bladder' '189'='(189) Malignant neoplasm of kidney an...' '190'='(190) Malignant neoplasm of eye' '191'='(191) Malignant neoplasm of brain' '192'='(192) Malignant neoplasm of other and...' '193'='(193) Malignant neoplasm of thyroid g...' '194'='(194) Malignant neoplasm of other end...' '195'='(195) Malignant neoplasm of other and...' '196'='(196) Secondary and unspecified malig...' '197'='(197) Secondary malignant neoplasm of...' '198'='(198) Secondary malignant neoplasm of...' '199'='(199) Malignant neoplasm without spec...' '200'='(200) Lymphosarcoma and reticulosarcoma' '201'='(201) Hodgkin`s disease' '202'='(202) Othr malignant neoplasm of lymp...' '203'='(203) Multiple myeloma and immunoprol...' '204'='(204) Lymphoid leukemia' '205'='(205) Myeloid leukemia' '206'='(206) Monocytic leukemia' '207'='(207) Other specified leukemia' '208'='(208) Leukemia of unspecified cell type' '209'='(209) Neuroendocrine tumors' '210'='(210) Benign neoplasm of lip, oral ca...' '211'='(211) Benign neoplasm of other parts ...' '212'='(212) Benign neoplasm of respiratory ...' '213'='(213) Benign neoplasm of bone and art...' '214'='(214) Lipoma' '215'='(215) Other benign neoplasm of connec...' '216'='(216) Benign neoplasm of skin' '217'='(217) Benign neoplasm of breast' '218'='(218) Uterine leiomyoma' '219'='(219) Other benign neoplasm of uterus' '220'='(220) Benign neoplasm of ovary' '221'='(221) Benign neoplasm of other female...' '222'='(222) Benign neoplasm of male genital...' '223'='(223) Benign neoplasm of kidney and o...' '224'='(224) Benign neoplasm of eye' '225'='(225) Benign neoplasm of brain and ot...' '226'='(226) Benign neoplasm of thyroid gland' '227'='(227) Benign neoplasm of other endocr...' '228'='(228) Hemangioma and lymphangioma, an...' '229'='(229) Benign neoplasm of other and un...' '230'='(230) Carcinoma in situ of digestive ...' '231'='(231) Carcinoma in situ of respirator...' '232'='(232) Carcinoma in situ of skin' '233'='(233) Carcinoma in situ of breast and...' '234'='(234) Carcinoma in situ of other and ...' '235'='(235) Neoplasm of uncert behav of dig...' '236'='(236) Neoplasm of uncertain behavior ...' '237'='(237) Neoplasm of uncert behavior of ...' '238'='(238) Neoplasm of uncert behav of oth...' '239'='(239) Neoplasm of unspecified nature' '240'='(240) Simple and unspecified goiter' '241'='(241) Nontoxic nodular goiter' '242'='(242) Thyrotoxicosis with or without ...' '243'='(243) Congenital hypothyroidism' '244'='(244) Acquired hypothyroidism' '245'='(245) Thyroiditis' '246'='(246) Other disorders of thyroid' '249'='(249) Secondary diabetes mellitus' '250'='(250) Diabetes mellitus' '251'='(251) Other disorders of pancreatic i...' '252'='(252) Disorders of parathyroid gland' '253'='(253) Disorders of pituitary gland an...' '254'='(254) Diseases of thymus gland' '255'='(255) Disorders of adrenal glands' '256'='(256) Ovarian dysfunction' '257'='(257) Testicular dysfunction' '258'='(258) Polyglandular dysfunction and r...' '259'='(259) Other endocrine disorders' '260'='(260) Kwashiorkor' '261'='(261) Nutritional marasmus' '262'='(262) Other severe protein-calorie ma...' '263'='(263) Other and unspecified protein-c...' '264'='(264) Vitamin A deficiency' '265'='(265) Thiamine and niacin deficiency ...' '266'='(266) Deficiency of B-complex components' '267'='(267) Ascorbic acid deficiency' '268'='(268) Vitamin D deficiency' '269'='(269) Other nutritional deficiencies' '270'='(270) Disorders of amino-acid transpo...' '271'='(271) Disorders of carbohydrate trans...' '272'='(272) Disorders of lipoid metabolism' '273'='(273) Disorders of plasma protein met...' '274'='(274) Gout' '275'='(275) Disorders of mineral metabolism' '276'='(276) Disorders of fluid, electrolyte...' '277'='(277) Other and unspecified disorders...' '278'='(278) Obesity and other hyperalimenta...' '279'='(279) Disorders involving the immune ...' '280'='(280) Iron deficiency anemias' '281'='(281) Other deficiency anemias' '282'='(282) Hereditary hemolytic anemias' '283'='(283) Acquired hemolytic anemias' '284'='(284) Aplastic anemia' '285'='(285) Other and unspecified anemias' '286'='(286) Coagulation defects' '287'='(287) Purpura and other hemorrhagic c...' '288'='(288) Diseases of white blood cells' '289'='(289) Other diseases of blood and blo...' '290'='(290) Senile and presenile organic ps...' '291'='(291) Alcoholic psychoses' '292'='(292) Drug psychoses' '293'='(293) Transient organic psychotic con...' '294'='(294) Other organic psychotic conditi...' '295'='(295) Schizophrenic psychoses' '296'='(296) Affective psychoses' '297'='(297) Paranoid states' '298'='(298) Other nonorganic psychoses' '299'='(299) Psychoses with origin specific ...' '300'='(300) Neurotic disorders' '301'='(301) Personality disorders' '302'='(302) Sexual deviations and disorders' '303'='(303) Alcohol dependence syndrome' '304'='(304) Drug dependence' '305'='(305) Nondependent abuse of drugs' '306'='(306) Physiological malfunction arisi...' '307'='(307) Special symptoms or syndromes, ...' '308'='(308) Acute reaction to stress' '309'='(309) Adjustment reaction' '310'='(310) Spec nonpsychotic mental disord...' '311'='(311) Depressive disorder, not elsewh...' '312'='(312) Disturbance of conduct, not els...' '313'='(313) Disturbance of emotions specifi...' '314'='(314) Hyperkinetic syndrome of childhood' '315'='(315) Specific delays in development' '316'='(316) Psychic factors associated with...' '317'='(317) Mild mental retardation' '318'='(318) Other specified mental retardation' '319'='(319) Unspecified mental retardation' '320'='(320) Bacterial meningitis' '321'='(321) Meningitis due to other organisms' '322'='(322) Meningitis of unspecified cause' '323'='(323) Encephalitis, myelitis, and enc...' '324'='(324) Intracranial and intraspinal ab...' '325'='(325) Phlebitis/thrombophlebitis of i...' '326'='(326) Late effects of intracranial ab...' '327'='(327) Organic sleep disorders' '330'='(330) Cerebral degenerations usually ...' '331'='(331) Other cerebral degenerations' '332'='(332) Parkinson`s disease' '333'='(333) Other extrapyramidal disease/ab...' '334'='(334) Spinocerebellar disease' '335'='(335) Anterior horn cell disease' '336'='(336) Other diseases of spinal cord' '337'='(337) Disorders of the autonomic nerv...' '338'='(338) Pain, not elsewhere classified' '339'='(339) Other headache syndromes' '340'='(340) Multiple sclerosis' '341'='(341) Other demyelinating diseases of...' '342'='(342) Hemiplegia' '343'='(343) Infantile cerebral palsy' '344'='(344) Other paralytic syndromes' '345'='(345) Epilepsy' '346'='(346) Migraine' '347'='(347) Cataplexy and narcolepsy' '348'='(348) Other conditions of brain' '349'='(349) Other and unspecified disorders...' '350'='(350) Trigeminal nerve disorders' '351'='(351) Facial nerve disorders' '352'='(352) Disorders of other cranial nerves' '353'='(353) Nerve root and plexus disorders' '354'='(354) Mononeuritis of upper limb and ...' '355'='(355) Mononeuritis of lower limb' '356'='(356) Hereditary and idiopathic perip...' '357'='(357) Inflammatory and toxic neuropathy' '358'='(358) Myoneural disorders' '359'='(359) Muscular dystrophies and other ...' '360'='(360) Disorders of the globe' '361'='(361) Retinal detachments and defects' '362'='(362) Other retinal disorders' '363'='(363) Chorioretinal inflam and scars/...' '364'='(364) Disorders of iris and ciliary body' '365'='(365) Glaucoma' '366'='(366) Cataract' '367'='(367) Disorders of refraction and acc...' '368'='(368) Visual disturbances' '369'='(369) Blindness and low vision' '370'='(370) Keratitis' '371'='(371) Corneal opacity and other disor...' '372'='(372) Disorders of conjunctiva' '373'='(373) Inflammation of eyelids' '374'='(374) Other disorders of eyelids' '375'='(375) Disorders of lacrimal system' '376'='(376) Disorders of the orbit' '377'='(377) Disorders of optic nerve and vi...' '378'='(378) Strabismus and other disorders ...' '379'='(379) Other disorders of eye' '380'='(380) Disorders of external ear' '381'='(381) Nonsuppurative otitis media and...' '382'='(382) Suppurative and unspecified oti...' '383'='(383) Mastoiditis and related conditions' '384'='(384) Other disorders of tympanic mem...' '385'='(385) Other disorders of middle ear a...' '386'='(386) Vertiginous syndromes and othr ...' '387'='(387) Otosclerosis' '388'='(388) Other disorders of ear' '389'='(389) Deafness' '390'='(390) Rheumatic fever without mention...' '391'='(391) Rheumatic fever with heart invo...' '392'='(392) Rheumatic chorea' '393'='(393) Chronic rheumatic pericarditis' '394'='(394) Diseases of mitral valve' '395'='(395) Diseases of aortic valve' '396'='(396) Diseases of mitral and aortic v...' '397'='(397) Diseases of other endocardial s...' '398'='(398) Other rheumatic heart disease' '401'='(401) Essential hypertension' '402'='(402) Hypertensive heart disease' '403'='(403) Hypertensive renal disease' '404'='(404) Hypertensive heart and renal di...' '405'='(405) Secondary hypertension' '410'='(410) Acute myocardial infarction' '411'='(411) Other acute and subacute form o...' '412'='(412) Old myocardial infarction' '413'='(413) Angina pectoris' '414'='(414) Other forms of chronic ischemic...' '415'='(415) Acute pulmonary heart disease' '416'='(416) Chronic pulmonary heart disease' '417'='(417) Other diseases of pulmonary cir...' '420'='(420) Acute pericarditis' '421'='(421) Acute and subacute endocarditis' '422'='(422) Acute myocarditis' '423'='(423) Other diseases of pericardium' '424'='(424) Other diseases of endocardium' '425'='(425) Cardiomyopathy' '426'='(426) Conduction disorders' '427'='(427) Cardiac dysrhythmias' '428'='(428) Heart failure' '429'='(429) Ill-defined descriptions/compli...' '430'='(430) Subarachnoid hemorrhage' '431'='(431) Intracerebral hemorrhage' '432'='(432) Other and unspecified intracran...' '433'='(433) Occlusion and stenosis of prece...' '434'='(434) Occlusion of cerebral arteries' '435'='(435) Transient cerebral ischemia' '436'='(436) Acute but ill-defined cerebrova...' '437'='(437) Other and ill-defined cerebrova...' '438'='(438) Late effects of cerebrovascular...' '440'='(440) Atherosclerosis' '441'='(441) Aortic aneurysm' '442'='(442) Other aneurysm' '443'='(443) Other peripheral vascular disease' '444'='(444) Arterial embolism and thrombosis' '445'='(445) Atheroembolism' '446'='(446) Polyarteritis nodosa and allied...' '447'='(447) Other disorders of arteries and...' '448'='(448) Diseases of capillaries' '451'='(451) Phlebitis and thrombophlebitis' '452'='(452) Portal vein thrombosis' '453'='(453) Other venous embolism and throm...' '454'='(454) Varicose veins of lower extremi...' '455'='(455) Hemorrhoids' '456'='(456) Varicose veins of other sites' '457'='(457) Noninfective disorders of lymph...' '458'='(458) Hypotension' '459'='(459) Other disorders of circulatory ...' '460'='(460) Acute nasopharyngitis [common c...' '461'='(461) Acute sinusitis' '462'='(462) Acute pharyngitis' '463'='(463) Acute tonsillitis' '464'='(464) Acute laryngitis and tracheitis' '465'='(465) Acute upper respiratory infecti...' '466'='(466) Acute bronchitis and bronchiolitis' '470'='(470) Deflected nasal septum' '471'='(471) Nasal polyps' '472'='(472) Chronic pharyngitis and nasopha...' '473'='(473) Chronic sinusitis' '474'='(474) Chronic disease of tonsils and ...' '475'='(475) Peritonsillar abscess' '476'='(476) Chronic laryngitis and laryngot...' '477'='(477) Allergic rhinitis' '478'='(478) Other diseases of upper respira...' '480'='(480) Viral pneumonia' '481'='(481) Pneumococcal pneumonia' '482'='(482) Other bacterial pneumonia' '483'='(483) Pneumonia due to other specifie...' '484'='(484) Pneumonia in infectious disease...' '485'='(485) Bronchopneumonia, organism unsp...' '486'='(486) Pneumonia, organism unspecified' '487'='(487) Influenza' '488'='(488) Influenza due to ident avian inf..' '490'='(490) Bronchitis, not specified as ac...' '491'='(491) Chronic bronchitis' '492'='(492) Emphysema' '493'='(493) Asthma' '494'='(494) Bronchiectasis' '495'='(495) Extrinsic allergic alveolitis' '496'='(496) Chronic airways obstruction, no...' '500'='(500) Coal workers` pneumoconiosis' '501'='(501) Asbestosis' '502'='(502) Pneumoconiosis due to other sil...' '503'='(503) Pneumoconiosis due to other ino...' '504'='(504) Pneumopathy due to inhalation o...' '505'='(505) Pneumoconiosis, unspecified' '506'='(506) Respiratory conditions due to c...' '507'='(507) Pneumonitis due to solids and l...' '508'='(508) Respiratory conds due to other ...' '510'='(510) Empyema' '511'='(511) Pleurisy' '512'='(512) Pneumothorax' '513'='(513) Abscess of lung and mediastinum' '514'='(514) Pulmonary congestion and hypost...' '515'='(515) Postinflammatory pulmonary fibr...' '516'='(516) Other alveolar and parietoalveo...' '517'='(517) Lung involvement in conditions ...' '518'='(518) Other diseases of lung' '519'='(519) Other diseases of respiratory s...' '520'='(520) Disorders of tooth development ...' '521'='(521) Diseases of hard tissues of teeth' '522'='(522) Diseases of pulp and periapical...' '523'='(523) Gingival and periodontal diseases' '524'='(524) Dentofacial anomalies, includin...' '525'='(525) Other diseases/conditions of te...' '526'='(526) Diseases of the jaws' '527'='(527) Diseases of the salivary glands' '528'='(528) Diseases of oral soft tiss, exc...' '529'='(529) Diseases and other conditions o...' '530'='(530) Diseases of esophagus' '531'='(531) Gastric ulcer' '532'='(532) Duodenal ulcer' '533'='(533) Peptic ulcer, site unspecified' '534'='(534) Gastrojejunal ulcer' '535'='(535) Gastritis and duodenitis' '536'='(536) Disorders of function of stomach' '537'='(537) Other disorders of stomach and ...' '540'='(540) Acute appendicitis' '541'='(541) Appendicitis, unqualified' '542'='(542) Other appendicitis' '543'='(543) Other diseases of appendix' '550'='(550) Inguinal hernia' '551'='(551) Other hernia of abdominal cavit...' '552'='(552) Oth hernia of abdom cavity w/ob...' '553'='(553) Oth hernia of abdom cavity w/o ...' '555'='(555) Regional enteritis' '556'='(556) Idiopathic proctocolitis' '557'='(557) Vascular insufficiency of intes...' '558'='(558) Other noninfective gastroenteri...' '560'='(560) Intestinal obstruction without ...' '562'='(562) Diverticula of intestine' '564'='(564) Functional digestive disorders,...' '565'='(565) Anal fissure and fistula' '566'='(566) Abscess of anal and rectal regions' '567'='(567) Peritonitis' '568'='(568) Other disorders of peritoneum' '569'='(569) Other disorders of intestine' '570'='(570) Acute and subacute necrosis of ...' '571'='(571) Chronic liver disease and cirrh...' '572'='(572) Liver abscess and sequelae of c...' '573'='(573) Other disorders of liver' '574'='(574) Cholelithiasis' '575'='(575) Other disorders of gallbladder' '576'='(576) Other disorders of biliary tract' '577'='(577) Diseases of pancreas' '578'='(578) Gastrointestinal hemorrhage' '579'='(579) Intestinal malabsorption' '580'='(580) Acute glomerulonephritis' '581'='(581) Nephrotic syndrome' '582'='(582) Chronic glomerulonephritis' '583'='(583) Nephritis and nephropathy, not ...' '584'='(584) Acute renal failure' '585'='(585) Chronic renal failure' '586'='(586) Renal failure, unspecified' '587'='(587) Renal sclerosis, unspecified' '588'='(588) Disorders resulting from impair...' '589'='(589) Small kidney of unknown cause' '590'='(590) Infections of kidney' '591'='(591) Hydronephrosis' '592'='(592) Calculus of kidney and ureter' '593'='(593) Other disorders of kidney and u...' '594'='(594) Calculus of lower urinary tract' '595'='(595) Cystitis' '596'='(596) Other disorders of bladder' '597'='(597) Urethritis, not sexually transm...' '598'='(598) Urethral stricture' '599'='(599) Other disorders of urethra and ...' '600'='(600) Hyperplasia of prostate' '601'='(601) Inflammatory diseases of prostate' '602'='(602) Other disorders of prostate' '603'='(603) Hydrocele' '604'='(604) Orchitis and epididymitis' '605'='(605) Redundant prepuce and phimosis' '606'='(606) Infertility, male' '607'='(607) Disorders of penis' '608'='(608) Other disorders of male genital...' '610'='(610) Benign mammary dysplasias' '611'='(611) Other disorders of breast' '612'='(612) Deformity and dispropor reconstr breast' '614'='(614) Inflam diseas of ovary/fallop t...' '615'='(615) Inflammatory diseases of uterus...' '616'='(616) Inflammatory disease of cervix,...' '617'='(617) Endometriosis' '618'='(618) Genital prolapse' '619'='(619) Fistula involving female genita...' '620'='(620) Noninflam disorders of ovary/fa...' '621'='(621) Disorders of uterus, not elsewh...' '622'='(622) Noninflammatory disorders of ce...' '623'='(623) Noninflammatory disorders of va...' '624'='(624) Noninflammatory disorders of vu...' '625'='(625) Pain and other symptoms associa...' '626'='(626) Disordr of menstruatn/oth abnm ...' '627'='(627) Menopausal and postmenopausal d...' '628'='(628) Infertility, female' '629'='(629) Other disorders of female genit...' '630'='(630) Hydatidiform mole' '631'='(631) Other abnormal product of conce...' '632'='(632) Missed abortion' '633'='(633) Ectopic pregnancy' '634'='(634) Spontaneous abortion' '635'='(635) Legally induced abortion' '636'='(636) Illegally induced abortion' '637'='(637) Unspecified abortion' '638'='(638) Failed attempted abortion' '639'='(639) Complications following abortio...' '640'='(640) Hemorrhage in early pregnancy' '641'='(641) Antepartum hemorrhage/abruptio ...' '642'='(642) Hypertension complicating pregn...' '643'='(643) Excessive vomiting in pregnancy' '644'='(644) Early or threatened labor' '645'='(645) Prolonged pregnancy' '646'='(646) Other complications of pregnanc...' '647'='(647) Infec/paras cond in mothr clas ...' '648'='(648) Oth cur cond in mothr clas else...' '649'='(649) Oth cond in mothr complica preg...' '650'='(650) Delivery in a completely normal...' '651'='(651) Multiple gestation' '652'='(652) Malposition and malpresentation...' '653'='(653) Disproportion' '654'='(654) Abnormality of organs and soft ...' '655'='(655) Known or suspected fetal abnorm...' '656'='(656) Other fetal and placental probl...' '657'='(657) Polyhydramnios' '658'='(658) Other problems associated w/amn...' '659'='(659) Oth indica for care/interv rel ...' '660'='(660) Obstructed labor' '661'='(661) Abnormality of forces of labor' '662'='(662) Long labor' '663'='(663) Umbilical cord complications' '664'='(664) Trauma to perineum and vulva du...' '665'='(665) Other obstetrical trauma' '666'='(666) Postpartum hemorrhage' '667'='(667) Retained placenta or membranes,...' '668'='(668) Complic of the adminis of anest...' '669'='(669) Other complicatns of labor/deli...' '670'='(670) Major puerperal infection' '671'='(671) Venous complications in pregnan...' '672'='(672) Pyrexia of unknown origin durin...' '673'='(673) Obstetrical pulmonary embolism' '674'='(674) Oth and unspec complic of puerp...' '675'='(675) Infections of the breast and ni...' '676'='(676) Oth disordr of breast asso w/ch...' '680'='(680) Carbuncle and furuncle' '681'='(681) Cellulitis and abscess of finge...' '682'='(682) Other cellulitis and abscess' '683'='(683) Acute lymphadenitis' '684'='(684) Impetigo' '685'='(685) Pilonidal cyst' '686'='(686) Other local infections of skin ...' '690'='(690) Erythematosquamous dermatosis' '691'='(691) Atopic dermatitis and related c...' '692'='(692) Contact dermatitis and other ec...' '693'='(693) Dermatitis due to substances ta...' '694'='(694) Bullous dermatoses' '695'='(695) Erythematous conditions' '696'='(696) Psoriasis and similar disorders' '697'='(697) Lichen' '698'='(698) Pruritus and related conditions' '700'='(700) Corns and callosities' '701'='(701) Other hypertrophic and atrophic...' '702'='(702) Other dermatoses' '703'='(703) Diseases of nail' '704'='(704) Diseases of hair and hair folli...' '705'='(705) Disorders of sweat glands' '706'='(706) Diseases of sebaceous glands' '707'='(707) Chronic ulcer of skin' '708'='(708) Urticaria' '709'='(709) Other disorders of skin and sub...' '710'='(710) Diffuse diseases of connective ...' '711'='(711) Arthropathy associated with inf...' '712'='(712) Crystal arthropathies' '713'='(713) Arthropathy assoc w/other disor...' '714'='(714) Rheumatoid arthritis and oth in...' '715'='(715) Osteoarthrosis and allied disor...' '716'='(716) Other and unspecified arthropat...' '717'='(717) Internal derangement of knee' '718'='(718) Other derangement of joint' '719'='(719) Other and unspecified disorder ...' '720'='(720) Ankylosing spondylitis and othr...' '721'='(721) Spondylosis and allied disorders' '722'='(722) Intervertebral disc disorders' '723'='(723) Other disorders of cervical region' '724'='(724) Other and unspecified disorders...' '725'='(725) Polymyalgia rheumatica' '726'='(726) Peripheral enthesopathies and a...' '727'='(727) Other disorders of synovium, te...' '728'='(728) Disorders of muscle, ligament, ...' '729'='(729) Other disorders of soft tissues' '730'='(730) Osteomyelitis/periostitis/othr ...' '731'='(731) Osteitis deformans/osteopathies...' '732'='(732) Osteochondropathies' '733'='(733) Other disorders of bone and car...' '734'='(734) Flat foot' '735'='(735) Acquired deformities of toe' '736'='(736) Other acquired deformities of l...' '737'='(737) Curvature of spine' '738'='(738) Other acquired deformity' '739'='(739) Nonallopathic lesions, not else...' '740'='(740) Anencephalus and similar anomalies' '741'='(741) Spina bifida' '742'='(742) Other congenital anomalies of n...' '743'='(743) Congenital anomalies of eye' '744'='(744) Congenital anomalies of ear, fa...' '745'='(745) Bulbus cordis anomalies/anomali...' '746'='(746) Other congenital anomalies of h...' '747'='(747) Other congenital anomalies of c...' '748'='(748) Congenital anomalies of respira...' '749'='(749) Cleft palate and cleft lip' '750'='(750) Other congenital anomalies of u...' '751'='(751) Other congenital anomalies of d...' '752'='(752) Congenital anomalies of genital...' '753'='(753) Congenital anomalies of urinary...' '754'='(754) Certain congenital musculoskele...' '755'='(755) Other congenital anomalies of l...' '756'='(756) Other congenital musculoskeleta...' '757'='(757) Congenital anomalies of the int...' '758'='(758) Chromosomal anomalies' '759'='(759) Other and unspecified congenita...' '760'='(760) Fetus/newbrn affec by maternl c...' '761'='(761) Fetus or newborn affectd by mat...' '762'='(762) Fetus/newbrn affec by complicat...' '763'='(763) Fetus/newbrn affectd by oth com...' '764'='(764) Slow fetal growth and fetal mal...' '765'='(765) Disorders relat to short gestat...' '766'='(766) Disorders relating to long gest...' '767'='(767) Birth trauma' '768'='(768) Intrauterine hypoxia and birth ...' '769'='(769) Respiratory distress syndrome' '770'='(770) Other respiratory conditions of...' '771'='(771) Infections specific to the peri...' '772'='(772) Fetal and neonatal hemorrhage' '773'='(773) Hemolytic disease of fetus or n...' '774'='(774) Other perinatal jaundice' '775'='(775) Endocrine and metabolic disturb...' '776'='(776) Hematological disorders of fetu...' '777'='(777) Perinatal disorders of digestiv...' '778'='(778) Cond involv the integument/temp...' '779'='(779) Oth/ill-defined conditions orig...' '780'='(780) General symptoms' '781'='(781) Symptoms involving nervous and ...' '782'='(782) Symptoms involving skin and oth...' '783'='(783) Symptoms concerning nutrition/m...' '784'='(784) Symptoms involving head and neck' '785'='(785) Symptoms involving cardiovascul...' '786'='(786) Symptoms involving respiratory ...' '787'='(787) Symptoms involving digestive sy...' '788'='(788) Symptoms involving urinary system' '789'='(789) Other symptoms involving abdome...' '790'='(790) Nonspecific findings on examina...' '791'='(791) Nonspecific findings on examina...' '792'='(792) Nonspecific abnormal findings i...' '793'='(793) Nonspec abnm findgs on radiolog...' '794'='(794) Nonspecific abnormal results of...' '795'='(795) Nonspecific abnormal histologic...' '796'='(796) Other nonspecific abnormal find...' '797'='(797) Senility without mention of psy...' '798'='(798) Sudden death, cause unknown' '799'='(799) Other ill-defined and unknown c...' '800'='(800) Fracture of vault of skull' '801'='(801) Fracture of base of skull' '802'='(802) Fracture of face bones' '803'='(803) Other and unqualified skull fra...' '804'='(804) Multiple fractures involving sk...' '805'='(805) Fracture of vertebral column w/...' '806'='(806) Fracture of vertebral column wi...' '807'='(807) Fracture of rib(s), sternum, la...' '808'='(808) Fracture of pelvis' '809'='(809) Ill-defined fractures of bones ...' '810'='(810) Fracture of clavicle' '811'='(811) Fracture of scapula' '812'='(812) Fracture of humerus' '813'='(813) Fracture of radius and ulna' '814'='(814) Fracture of carpal bone(s)' '815'='(815) Fracture of metacarpal bone(s)' '816'='(816) Fracture of one or more phalang...' '817'='(817) Multiple fractures of hand bones' '818'='(818) Ill-defined fractures of upper ...' '819'='(819) Mult frac inv both uppr limbs/u...' '820'='(820) Fracture of neck of femur' '821'='(821) Fracture of other and unspecifi...' '822'='(822) Fracture of patella' '823'='(823) Fracture of tibia and fibula' '824'='(824) Fracture of ankle' '825'='(825) Fracture of one or more tarsal ...' '826'='(826) Fracture of one or more phalang...' '827'='(827) Other, multiple, and ill-define...' '828'='(828) Mul frac inv bth low limbs/low ...' '829'='(829) Fracture of unspecified bones' '830'='(830) Dislocation of jaw' '831'='(831) Dislocation of shoulder' '832'='(832) Dislocation of elbow' '833'='(833) Dislocation of wrist' '834'='(834) Dislocation of finger' '835'='(835) Dislocation of hip' '836'='(836) Dislocation of knee' '837'='(837) Dislocation of ankle' '838'='(838) Dislocation of foot' '839'='(839) Other, multiple, and ill-define...' '840'='(840) Sprains and strains of shoulder...' '841'='(841) Sprains and strains of elbow an...' '842'='(842) Sprains and strains of wrist an...' '843'='(843) Sprains and strains of hip and ...' '844'='(844) Sprains and strains of knee and...' '845'='(845) Sprains and strains of ankle an...' '846'='(846) Sprains and strains of sacroili...' '847'='(847) Sprains and strains of other an...' '848'='(848) Other and ill-defined sprains a...' '850'='(850) Concussion' '851'='(851) Cerebral laceration and contusion' '852'='(852) Subarachnoid/subdural/extradura...' '853'='(853) Other and unspecified intracran...' '854'='(854) Intracranial injury of other an...' '860'='(860) Traumatic pneumothorax and hemo...' '861'='(861) Injury to heart and lung' '862'='(862) Injury to other and unspecified...' '863'='(863) Injury to gastrointestinal tract' '864'='(864) Injury to liver' '865'='(865) Injury to spleen' '866'='(866) Injury to kidney' '867'='(867) Injury to pelvic organs' '868'='(868) Injury to other intra-abdominal...' '869'='(869) Internal injury to unspecified ...' '870'='(870) Open wound of ocular adnexa' '871'='(871) Open wound of eyeball' '872'='(872) Open wound of ear' '873'='(873) Other open wound of head' '874'='(874) Open wound of neck' '875'='(875) Open wound of chest (wall)' '876'='(876) Open wound of back' '877'='(877) Open wound of buttock' '878'='(878) Open wound of genital organs, i...' '879'='(879) Open wound of other and unspeci...' '880'='(880) Open wound of shoulder and uppe...' '881'='(881) Open wound of elbow, forearm, a...' '882'='(882) Open wound of hand except finge...' '883'='(883) Open wound of finger(s)' '884'='(884) Multiple and unspecified open w...' '885'='(885) Traumatic amputation of thumb' '886'='(886) Traumatic amputation of other f...' '887'='(887) Traumatic amputation of arm and...' '890'='(890) Open wound of hip and thigh' '891'='(891) Open wound of knee, leg [except...' '892'='(892) Open wound of foot except toe(s...' '893'='(893) Open wound of toe(s) alone' '894'='(894) Multiple and unspecified open w...' '895'='(895) Traumatic amputation of toe(s)' '896'='(896) Traumatic amputation of foot' '897'='(897) Traumatic amputation of leg(s)' '900'='(900) Injury to blood vessels of head...' '901'='(901) Injury to blood vessels of thorax' '902'='(902) Injury to blood vessels of abdo...' '903'='(903) Injury to blood vessels of uppe...' '904'='(904) Injury to blood vessels of lowe...' '905'='(905) Late effects of musculoskeletal...' '906'='(906) Late effects of injuries to ski...' '907'='(907) Late effects of injuries to the...' '908'='(908) Late effects of other and unspe...' '909'='(909) Late effects of other and unspe...' '910'='(910) Superficial injury of face, nec...' '911'='(911) Superficial injury of trunk' '912'='(912) Superficial injury of shoulder ...' '913'='(913) Superficial injury of elbow, fo...' '914'='(914) Superficial injury of hand(s) e...' '915'='(915) Superficial injury of finger(s)' '916'='(916) Superficial injury of hip, thig...' '917'='(917) Superficial injury of foot and ...' '918'='(918) Superficial injury of eye and a...' '919'='(919) Superficial injury of other, mu...' '920'='(920) Contusion of face, scalp, and n...' '921'='(921) Contusion of eye and adnexa' '922'='(922) Contusion of trunk' '923'='(923) Contusion of upper limb' '924'='(924) Contusion of lower limb and of ...' '925'='(925) Crushing injury of face, scalp,...' '926'='(926) Crushing injury of trunk' '927'='(927) Crushing injury of upper limb' '928'='(928) Crushing injury of lower limb' '929'='(929) Crushing injury of multiple and...' '930'='(930) Foreign body on external eye' '931'='(931) Foreign body in ear' '932'='(932) Foreign body in nose' '933'='(933) Foreign body in pharynx and larynx' '934'='(934) Foreign body in trachea, bronch...' '935'='(935) Foreign body in mouth, esophagu...' '936'='(936) Foreign body in intestine and c...' '937'='(937) Foreign body in anus and rectum' '938'='(938) Foreign body in digestive syste...' '939'='(939) Foreign body in genitourinary t...' '940'='(940) Burn confined to eye and adnexa' '941'='(941) Burn of face, head, and neck' '942'='(942) Burn of trunk' '943'='(943) Burn of upper limb, except wris...' '944'='(944) Burn of wrist(s) and hand(s)' '945'='(945) Burn of lower limb(s)' '946'='(946) Burns of multiple specified sites' '947'='(947) Burn of internal organs' '948'='(948) Burns classified according to e...' '949'='(949) Burn, unspecified' '950'='(950) Injury to optic nerve and pathways' '951'='(951) Injury to other cranial nerve(s)' '952'='(952) Spinal cord injury without evid...' '953'='(953) Injury to nerve roots and spina...' '954'='(954) Injury to other nerve(s) of tru...' '955'='(955) Injury to peripheral nerve(s) o...' '956'='(956) Injury to peripheral nerve(s) o...' '957'='(957) Injury to other and unspecified...' '958'='(958) Certain early complications of ...' '959'='(959) Injury, other and unspecified' '960'='(960) Poisoning by antibiotics' '961'='(961) Poisoning by other anti-infectives' '962'='(962) Poisoning by hormones and synth...' '963'='(963) Poisoning by primarily systemic...' '964'='(964) Poisoning by agents primarily a...' '965'='(965) Poisoning by analgesics, antipy...' '966'='(966) Poisoning by anticonvulsants an...' '967'='(967) Poisoning by sedatives and hypn...' '968'='(968) Poison by oth central nervous s...' '969'='(969) Poisoning by psychotropic agents' '970'='(970) Poisoning by central nervous sy...' '971'='(971) Poison by drugs primarily affec...' '972'='(972) Poison by agents primarily affe...' '973'='(973) Poison by agents primarily affe...' '974'='(974) Poisoning by water, mineral, an...' '975'='(975) Poison by agnt pri actg on smoo...' '976'='(976) Pois by agnts affct skin/muc me...' '977'='(977) Poisoning by other and unspecif...' '978'='(978) Poisoning by bacterial vaccines' '979'='(979) Poisoning by other vaccines and...' '980'='(980) Toxic effect of alcohol' '981'='(981) Toxic effect of petroleum products' '982'='(982) Toxic effect of solvents other ...' '983'='(983) Toxic effect of corrosive aroma...' '984'='(984) Toxic effect of lead and its co...' '985'='(985) Toxic effect of other metals' '986'='(986) Toxic effect of carbon monoxide' '987'='(987) Toxic effect of other gases, fu...' '988'='(988) Toxic effect of noxious substan...' '989'='(989) Toxic effect of other substance...' '990'='(990) Effects of radiation, unspecified' '991'='(991) Effects of reduced temperature' '992'='(992) Effects of heat and light' '993'='(993) Effects of air pressure' '994'='(994) Effects of other external causes' '995'='(995) Certain adverse effects, not el...' '996'='(996) Complications peculiar to certa...' '997'='(997) Complicatns affectg spec body s...' '998'='(998) Other complications of procedur...' '999'='(999) Complications of medical care, ...' 'V01'='(V01) Contact with or exposure to com...' 'V02'='(V02) Carrier or suspected carrier of...' 'V03'='(V03) Need for prophylac vacc/inocula...' 'V04'='(V04) Need for prophylac vacc/inocula...' 'V05'='(V05) Need for oth prophylac vacc/ino...' 'V06'='(V06) Need for prophylactic vacc/inoc...' 'V07'='(V07) Need for isolation and other pr...' 'V08'='(V08) Asymptomatic human immunodefici...' 'V09'='(V09) Infection with drug-resistant m...' 'V10'='(V10) Personal history of malignant n...' 'V11'='(V11) Personal history of mental diso...' 'V12'='(V12) Personal history of certain oth...' 'V13'='(V13) Personal history of other diseases' 'V14'='(V14) Personal history of allergy to ...' 'V15'='(V15) Other personal history presenti...' 'V16'='(V16) Family history of malignant neo...' 'V17'='(V17) Family history of certain chron...' 'V18'='(V18) Family history of certain other...' 'V19'='(V19) Family history of other conditions' 'V20'='(V20) Health supervision of infant or...' 'V21'='(V21) Constitutional states in develo...' 'V22'='(V22) Normal pregnancy' 'V23'='(V23) Supervision of high-risk pregnancy' 'V24'='(V24) Postpartum care and examination' 'V25'='(V25) Contraceptive management' 'V26'='(V26) Procreative management' 'V27'='(V27) Outcome of delivery' 'V28'='(V28) Antenatal screening' 'V29'='(V29) Observ/evaluatn of newbrn/infan...' 'V30'='(V30) Singleton' 'V31'='(V31) Twin, mate liveborn' 'V32'='(V32) Twin, mate stillborn' 'V33'='(V33) Twin, unspecified' 'V34'='(V34) Other multiple, mates all liveborn' 'V35'='(V35) Other multiple, mates all still...' 'V36'='(V36) Other multiple, mates live- and...' 'V37'='(V37) Other multiple, unspecified' 'V39'='(V39) Unspecified' 'V40'='(V40) Mental and behavioral problems' 'V41'='(V41) Problems with special senses an...' 'V42'='(V42) Organ or tissue replaced by tra...' 'V43'='(V43) Organ or tissue replaced by oth...' 'V44'='(V44) Artificial opening status' 'V45'='(V45) Other postsurgical states' 'V46'='(V46) Other dependence on machines' 'V47'='(V47) Other problems with internal or...' 'V48'='(V48) Problems with head, neck, and t...' 'V49'='(V49) Problems with limbs and other p...' 'V50'='(V50) Elective surgery for purposes o...' 'V51'='(V51) Aftercare involving the use of ...' 'V52'='(V52) Fitting and adjustment of prost...' 'V53'='(V53) Fitting and adjustment of other...' 'V54'='(V54) Other orthopedic aftercare' 'V55'='(V55) Attention to artificial openings' 'V56'='(V56) Aftercare involving intermitten...' 'V57'='(V57) Care involving use of rehabilit...' 'V58'='(V58) Other and unspecified aftercare' 'V59'='(V59) Donors' 'V60'='(V60) Housing, household, and economi...' 'V61'='(V61) Other family circumstances' 'V62'='(V62) Other psychosocial circumstances' 'V63'='(V63) Unavailability of other medical...' 'V64'='(V64) Persons encountering hlth serv ...' 'V65'='(V65) Other persons seeking consultat...' 'V66'='(V66) Convalescence' 'V67'='(V67) Follow-up examination' 'V68'='(V68) Encounters for administrative p...' 'V69'='(V69) Problems related to lifestyle' 'V70'='(V70) General medical examination' 'V71'='(V71) Observation and evaluation for ...' 'V72'='(V72) Special investigations and exam...' 'V73'='(V73) Special screening examination f...' 'V74'='(V74) Special screening exam for bact...' 'V75'='(V75) Special screening examination f...' 'V76'='(V76) Special screening for malignant...' 'V77'='(V77) Spec screeng for endocrine/nutr...' 'V78'='(V78) Special screening for disorders...' 'V79'='(V79) Spec screening for mental disor...' 'V80'='(V80) Special screening for neurologi...' 'V81'='(V81) Spec screen for cardiovascu/res...' 'V83'='(V83) Genetic carrier status' 'V82'='(V82) Special screening for other con...' 'V84'='(V84) Genetic susceptibility to disease' 'V85'='(V85) Body mass index' 'V86'='(V86) Estrogen receptor status' 'V87'='(V87) Other specified personal exposu...' 'V88'='(V88) Acquired absence oth organs and...' 'V89'='(V89) Other suspected conditions not found' 'V90'='(V90) Retained foreign body' 'V91'='(V91) Multiple placenta gestation status' 'V99'='(V99) Uncodable, entry of `none`, lef...' '-9 '='Blank' ; VALUE PRDIAGF 1='Dx is probable, questionable, or ruleout' 2='Dx is not probable, questionable, ruleout' -7='No diagnosis entered' ; VALUE NOYES1F 0='Box is not marked' 1='Box is marked' ; VALUE NOYES2F 0='No' 1='Yes' ; VALUE ASTHSEVF 1='Intermittent' 2='Mild persistent' 3='Moderate persistent' 4='Severe persistent' 5='Other - Specify' 6='None recorded' -7='Not applicable' -9='Blank' ; VALUE ASTHCONF 1='Well controlled' 2='Not well controlled' 3='Very poorly controlled' 4='Other - Specify' 5='None recorded' -7='Not applicable' -9='Blank' ; VALUE CASTAGEF 0='In situ' 1='Stage I' 2='Stage II' 3='Stage III' 4='Stage IV' -7='Not applicable' -8='Unknown stage' -9='Blank' ; VALUE TOTCHRONF -9 = 'Entire item blank' ; VALUE $PROCF '-9 '='Blank' '0001'='Therapeutic ultrasound of vessels of ...' '0003'='Therapeutic ultrasnd periph vasc vess...' '0009'='Other therapeutic ultrasound' '0010'='Implantation of chemotherapeutic agent' '0012'='Administration of inhaled nitric oxide' '0013'='Injection or infusion of nesiritide' '0018'='Infusion of immunosupp antibody therapy' '0021'='Intravascular imag of extracran cere vess' '0022'='Intravascular imaging of intrathoracic vessels' '0023'='Intravascular imaging of peripheral vessels' '0024'='Intravascular imaging of coronary vessels' '0028'='Intravascular imaging, other specified vessel(s)' '0029'='Intravascular imaging, unspecified vessel(s)' '0031'='Computer assisted surgery with CT/CTA' '0040'='Procedure on single vessel' '0045'='Insertion of one vascular stent' '0050'='Implan card resynch pacemaker w/o men...' '0051'='Implan/replace card resynch pacemaker, pulse gen' '0053'='Implan card resynch defibrill, tot sys..' '0054'='Implan/replace card resynch defib pulse gen de..' '0063'='Percutaneous insertion carotid artery ..' '0066'='Percutaneous transluminal coronary angio..' '0068'='Intravascular pressure measurement of periph...' '0094'='Intraoperative neurophysiologic monitoring' '010-'='Cranial puncture' '0101'='Cisternal puncture' '0102'='Ventriculopuncture through previously...' '0109'='Other cranial puncture' '0110'='Intrancranial pressure monitoring' '0111'='Closed biopsy of cerebral meninges' '0112'='Open biopsy of cerebral meninges' '0113'='Closed biopsy of brain' '0114'='Open biopsy of brain' '0115'='Biopsy of skull' '0118'='Other diagnostic procedures on brain ...' '0119'='Other diagnostic procedures on skull' '012-'='Craniotomy and craniectomy' '0121'='Incision and drainage of cranial sinus' '0122'='Removal of intracranial neurostimulator' '0123'='Reopening of craniotomy site' '0124'='Other craniotomy' '0125'='Other craniectomy' '013-'='Incision of brain and cerebral meninges' '0131'='Incision of cerebral meninges' '0132'='Lobotomy and tractotomy' '0139'='Other incision of brain' '014-'='Operations on thalamus and globus pal...' '0141'='Operations on thalamus' '0142'='Operations on globus pallidus' '015-'='Other excision or destruction of brain..' '0151'='Excision of lesion or tissue of cereb...' '0152'='Hemispherectomy' '0153'='Lobectomy of brain' '0159'='Other excision/destruction of brain ...' '016-'='Excision of lesion of skull' '020-'='Cranioplasty' '0201'='Opening of cranial suture' '0202'='Elevation of skull fracture fragments' '0203'='Formation of cranial bone flap' '0204'='Bone graft to skull' '0205'='Insertion of skull plate' '0206'='Other cranial osteoplasty' '0207'='Removal of skull plate' '021-'='Repair of cerebral meninges' '0211'='Simple suture of dura mater of brain' '0212'='Other repair of cerebral meninges' '0213'='Ligation of meningeal vessel' '0214'='Choroid plexectomy' '022-'='Ventriculostomy' '023-'='Extracranial ventricular shunt' '0231'='Ventricular shunt to structure in head..' '0232'='Ventricular shunt to circulatory system' '0233'='Ventricular shunt to thoracic cavity' '0234'='Ventricular shunt to abdominal cavity...' '0235'='Ventricular shunt to urinary system' '0239'='Other operations to establish drainage..' '024-'='Revision, removal, and irrigation of ...' '0241'='Irrigation of ventricular shunt' '0242'='Replacement of ventricular shunt' '0243'='Removal of ventricular shunt' '029-'='Other operations on skull, brain, and...' '0291'='Lysis of cortical adhesions' '0292'='Repair of brain' '0293'='Implantation of intracranial neurosti...' '0294'='Insertion or replacement of skull ton...' '0295'='Removal of skull tongs or halo tracti...' '0296'='Insertion of sphenoidal electrodes' '0299'='Other operations on skull, brain, and...' '030-'='Exploration and decompression of spin...' '0301'='Removal of foreign body from spinal c...' '0302'='Reopening of laminectomy site' '0309'='Other exploration and decompression o...' '031-'='Division of intraspinal nerve root' '032-'='Chordotomy' '0321'='Percutaneous chordotomy' '0329'='Other chordotomy' '033-'='Diagnostic procedures on spinal cord ...' '0331'='Spinal tap' '0332'='Biopsy of spinal cord or spinal meninges' '0339'='Oth diagnostic procedures on spinal c...' '034-'='Excision or destruction of lesion of ...' '035-'='Plastic operations on spinal cord str...' '0351'='Repair of spinal meningocele' '0352'='Repair of spinal myelomeningocele' '0353'='Repair of vertebral fracture' '0359'='Other repair and plastic operations o...' '036-'='Lysis of adhesions of spinal cord and...' '037-'='Shunt of spinal theca' '0371'='Spinal subarachnoid-peritoneal shunt' '0372'='Spinal subarachnoid-ureteral shunt' '0379'='Other shunt of spinal theca' '038-'='Injection of destructive agent into s...' '0390'='Insertn of catheter into spinal canal...' '0391'='Injection of anesthetic into spinal c...' '0392'='Injection of other agent into spinal ...' '0393'='Insertion or replacement of spinal ne...' '0394'='Removal of spinal neurostimulator' '0395'='Spinal blood patch' '0396'='Percutaneous denervation of facet' '0397'='Revision of spinal thecal shunt' '0398'='Removal of spinal thecal shunt' '0399'='Other operations on spinal cord and s...' '040-'='Incision, division, and excision of c...' '0401'='Excision of acoustic neuroma' '0402'='Division of trigeminal nerve' '0403'='Division or crushing of other cranial...' '0404'='Other incision of cranial and periphe...' '0405'='Gasserian ganglionectomy' '0406'='Other cranial or peripheral ganglione...' '0407'='Other excision or avulsion of cranial...' '041-'='Diagnostic procedures on peripheral n...' '0411'='Closed biopsy of cranial or periphera...' '0412'='Open biopsy of cranial or peripheral ...' '0419'='Other diag procedures on cranial/peri...' '042-'='Destruction of cranial and peripheral...' '043-'='Suture of cranial and peripheral nerves' '044-'='Lysis of adhesions and decompressn of...' '0441'='Decompression of trigeminal nerve root' '0442'='Other cranial nerve decompression' '0443'='Release of carpal tunnel' '0444'='Release of tarsal tunnel' '0449'='Oth peripheral nerve/ganglion decompr...' '045-'='Cranial or peripheral nerve graft' '046-'='Transposition of cranial and peripher...' '047-'='Other cranial or peripheral neuroplasty' '0471'='Hypoglossal-facial anastomosis' '0472'='Accessory-facial anastomosis' '0473'='Accessory-hypoglossal anastomosis' '0474'='Other anastomosis of cranial or perip...' '0475'='Revision of previous repair of crania...' '0476'='Repair of old traumatic injury of cra...' '0479'='Other neuroplasty' '0480'='Peripheral nerve injection, not other...' '0481'='Injection of anesthetic into peripher...' '0489'='Injection of other agent, except neur...' '049-'='Other operations on cranial and perip...' '0491'='Neurectasis' '0492'='Implantation or replacement of periph...' '0493'='Removal of peripheral neurostimulator' '0499'='Other operations on cranial and perip...' '050-'='Division of sympathetic nerve or gang...' '051-'='Diagnostic procedures on sympathetic ...' '0511'='Biopsy of sympathetic nerve or ganglion' '0519'='Other diagnostic procedures on sympat...' '052-'='Sympathectomy' '0521'='Sphenopalatine ganglionectomy' '0522'='Cervical sympathectomy' '0523'='Lumbar sympathectomy' '0524'='Presacral sympathectomy' '0525'='Periarterial sympathectomy' '0529'='Other sympathectomy and ganglionectomy' '053-'='Injection into sympathetic nerve or g...' '0531'='Injection of anesthetic into sympathe...' '0532'='Injection of neurolytic agent into sy...' '0539'='Other injection into sympathetic nerv...' '058-'='Other operations on sympathetic nerve...' '0581'='Repair of sympathetic nerve or ganglion' '0589'='Other operations on sympathetic nerve...' '059-'='Other operations on nervous system' '060-'='Incision of thyroid field' '0601'='Aspiration of thyroid field' '0602'='Reopening of wound of thyroid field' '0609'='Other incision of thyroid field' '061-'='Diagnostic procedures on thyroid and ...' '0611'='Closed [percutaneous] [needle] biopsy...' '0612'='Open biopsy of thyroid gland' '0613'='Biopsy of parathyroid gland' '0619'='Other diagnostic procedures on thyroi...' '062-'='Unilateral thyroid lobectomy' '063-'='Other partial thyroidectomy' '0631'='Excision of lesion of thyroid' '0639'='Other partial thyroidectomy' '064-'='Complete thyroidectomy' '0650'='Substernal thyroidectomy, not otherwi...' '0651'='Partial substernal thyroidectomy' '0652'='Complete substernal thyroidectomy' '066-'='Excision of lingual thyroid' '067-'='Excision of thyroglossal duct or tract' '068-'='Parathyroidectomy' '0681'='Complete parathyroidectomy' '0689'='Other parathyroidectomy' '069-'='Other operations on thyroid (region) ...' '0691'='Division of thyroid isthmus' '0692'='Ligation of thyroid vessels' '0693'='Suture of thyroid gland' '0694'='Thyroid tissue reimplantation' '0695'='Parathyroid tissue reimplantation' '0698'='Other operations on thyroid glands' '0699'='Other operations on parathyroid glands' '0700'='Exploration of adrenal field, not oth...' '0701'='Unilateral exploration of adrenal field' '0702'='Bilateral exploration of adrenal field' '071-'='Diag procs on adrenl gland/pituitary ...' '0711'='Closed [percutaneous] [needle] biopsy...' '0712'='Open biopsy of adrenal gland' '0713'='Biopsy of pituitary gland, transfront...' '0714'='Biopsy of pituitary gland, transsphen...' '0715'='Biopsy of pituitary gland, unspecifie...' '0716'='Biopsy of thymus' '0717'='Biopsy of pineal gland' '0719'='Oth diag procs on adrenl glnd/pituita...' '072-'='Partial adrenalectomy' '0721'='Excision of lesion of adrenal gland' '0722'='Unilateral adrenalectomy' '0729'='Other partial adrenalectomy' '073-'='Bilateral adrenalectomy' '074-'='Other operations on adrenal glands, n...' '0741'='Incision of adrenal gland' '0742'='Division of nerves to adrenal glands' '0743'='Ligation of adrenal vessels' '0744'='Repair of adrenal gland' '0745'='Reimplantation of adrenal tissue' '0749'='Other operations on adrenal glands, n...' '075-'='Operations on pineal gland' '0751'='Exploration of pineal field' '0752'='Incision of pineal gland' '0753'='Partial excision of pineal gland' '0754'='Total excision of pineal gland' '0759'='Other operations on pineal gland' '076-'='Hypophysectomy' '0761'='Partial excision of pituitary gland, ...' '0762'='Partial excision of pituitary gland, ...' '0763'='Partial excision of pituitary gland, ...' '0764'='Total excision of pituitary gland, tr...' '0765'='Total excision of pituitary gland, tr...' '0768'='Total excision of pituitary gland, ot...' '0769'='Total excision of pituitary gland, un...' '077-'='Other operations on hypophysis' '0771'='Exploration of pituitary fossa' '0772'='Incision of pituitary gland' '0779'='Other operations on hypophysis' '0780'='Thymectomy, not otherwise specified' '0781'='Partial excision of thymus' '0782'='Total excision of thymus' '079-'='Other operations on thymus' '0791'='Exploration of thymus field' '0792'='Incision of thymus' '0793'='Repair of thymus' '0794'='Transplantation of thymus' '0799'='Other operations on thymus' '080-'='Incision of eyelid' '0801'='Incision of lid margin' '0802'='Severing of blepharorrhaphy' '0809'='Other incision of eyelid' '081-'='Diagnostic procedures on eyelid' '0811'='Biopsy of eyelid' '0819'='Other diagnostic procedures on eyelid' '0820'='Removal of lesion of eyelid, not othe...' '0821'='Excision of chalazion' '0822'='Excision of other minor lesion of eyelid' '0823'='Excision of major lesion of eyelid, p...' '0824'='Excision of major lesion of eyelid, f...' '0825'='Destruction of lesion of eyelid' '083-'='Repair of blepharoptosis and lid retr...' '0831'='Rep of blepharoptosis by frontalis mu...' '0832'='Rep of blepharoptosis by frontalis mu...' '0833'='Rep of blepharoptosis by resect/advan...' '0834'='Repair of blepharoptosis by other lev...' '0835'='Repair of blepharoptosis by tarsal te...' '0836'='Repair of blepharoptosis by other tec...' '0837'='Reduction of overcorrection of ptosis' '0838'='Correction of lid retraction' '084-'='Repair of entropion or ectropion' '0841'='Repair of entropion or ectropion by t...' '0842'='Repair of entropion or ectropion by s...' '0843'='Repair of entropion or ectropion with...' '0844'='Repair of entropion or ectropion with...' '0849'='Other repair of entropion or ectropion' '085-'='Other adjustment of lid position' '0851'='Canthotomy' '0852'='Blepharorrhaphy' '0859'='Other adjustment of lid position' '086-'='Reconstruction of eyelid with flaps o...' '0861'='Reconstruction of eyelid with skin fl...' '0862'='Reconstruction of eyelid with mucous ...' '0863'='Reconstruction of eyelid with hair fo...' '0864'='Reconstruction of eyelid with tarsoco...' '0869'='Other reconstruction of eyelid with f...' '0870'='Reconstruction of eyelid, not otherwi...' '0871'='Reconstruction of eyelid involv lid m...' '0872'='Other reconstruction of eyelid, parti...' '0873'='Reconstruction of eyelid involving li...' '0874'='Other reconstruction of eyelid, full-...' '088-'='Other repair of eyelid' '0881'='Linear repair of laceration of eyelid...' '0882'='Repair of laceration involving lid ma...' '0883'='Other repair of laceration of eyelid,...' '0884'='Repair of laceration involving lid ma...' '0885'='Other repair of laceration of eyelid,...' '0886'='Lower eyelid rhytidectomy' '0887'='Upper eyelid rhytidectomy' '0889'='Other eyelid repair' '089-'='Other operations on eyelids' '0891'='Electrosurgical epilation of eyelid' '0892'='Cryosurgical epilation of eyelid' '0893'='Other epilation of eyelid' '0899'='Other operations on eyelids' '090-'='Incision of lacrimal gland' '091-'='Diagnostic procedures on lacrimal system' '0911'='Biopsy of lacrimal gland' '0912'='Biopsy of lacrimal sac' '0919'='Other diagnostic procedures on lacrim...' '0920'='Excision of lacrimal gland, not other...' '0921'='Excision of lesion of lacrimal gland' '0922'='Other partial dacryoadenectomy' '0923'='Total dacryoadenectomy' '093-'='Other operations on lacrimal gland' '094-'='Manipulation of lacrimal passage' '0941'='Probing of lacrimal punctum' '0942'='Probing of lacrimal canaliculi' '0943'='Probing of nasolacrimal duct' '0944'='Intubation of nasolacrimal duct' '0949'='Other manipulation of lacrimal passage' '095-'='Incision of lacrimal sac and passages' '0951'='Incision of lacrimal punctum' '0952'='Incision of lacrimal canaliculi' '0953'='Incision of lacrimal sac' '0959'='Other incision of lacrimal passages' '096-'='Excision of lacrimal sac and passage' '097-'='Repair of canaliculus and punctum' '0971'='Correction of everted punctum' '0972'='Other repair of punctum' '0973'='Repair of canaliculus' '098-'='Fistulization of lacrimal tract to na...' '0981'='Dacryocystorhinostomy [DCR]' '0982'='Conjunctivocystorhinostomy' '0983'='Conjunctivorhinostomy with insertion ...' '099-'='Other operations on lacrimal system' '0991'='Obliteration of lacrimal punctum' '0999'='Other operations on lacrimal system' '100-'='Removal of embedded foreign body from...' '101-'='Other incision of conjunctiva' '102-'='Diagnostic procedures on conjunctiva' '1021'='Biopsy of conjunctiva' '1029'='Other diagnostic procedures on conjun...' '103-'='Excision or destruction of lesion or ...' '1031'='Excision of lesion or tissue of conju...' '1032'='Destruction of lesion of conjunctiva' '1033'='Other destructive procedures on conju...' '104-'='Conjunctivoplasty' '1041'='Repair of symblepharon with free graft' '1042'='Reconstruction of conjunctival cul-de...' '1043'='Other reconstruction of conjunctival ...' '1044'='Other free graft to conjunctiva' '1049'='Other conjunctivoplasty' '105-'='Lysis of adhesions of conjunctiva and...' '106-'='Repair of laceration of conjunctiva' '109-'='Other operations on conjunctiva' '1091'='Subconjunctival injection' '1099'='Other operations on conjunctiva' '110-'='Magnetic removal of embedded foreign ...' '111-'='Incision of cornea' '112-'='Diagnostic procedures on cornea' '1121'='Scraping of cornea for smear or culture' '1122'='Biopsy of cornea' '1129'='Other diagnostic procedures on cornea' '113-'='Excision of pterygium' '1131'='Transposition of pterygium' '1132'='Excision of pterygium with corneal graft' '1139'='Other excision of pterygium' '114-'='Excision or destruction of tissue or ...' '1141'='Mechanical removal of corneal epithelium' '1142'='Thermocauterization of corneal lesion' '1143'='Cryotherapy of corneal lesion' '1149'='Other removal or destruction of corne...' '115-'='Repair of cornea' '1151'='Suture of corneal laceration' '1152'='Repair of postoperative wound dehisce...' '1153'='Repair of corneal laceration or wound...' '1159'='Other repair of cornea' '1160'='Corneal transplant, not otherwise spe...' '1161'='Lamellar keratoplasty with autograft' '1162'='Other lamellar keratoplasty' '1163'='Penetrating keratoplasty with autograft' '1164'='Other penetrating keratoplasty' '1169'='Other corneal transplant' '117-'='Other reconstructive and refractive s...' '1171'='Keratomeleusis' '1172'='Keratophakia' '1173'='Keratoprosthesis' '1174'='Thermokeratoplasty' '1175'='Radial keratotomy' '1176'='Epikeratophakia' '1179'='Other reconstructive and refractive s...' '119-'='Other operations on cornea' '1191'='Tattooing of cornea' '1192'='Removal of artificial implant from co...' '1199'='Other operations on cornea' '1200'='Rem of intraoculr frgn bdy frm ant se...' '1201'='Rem of intraoculr frgn bdy frm ant se...' '1202'='Rem of intraoculr frgn bdy frm ant se...' '121-'='Iridotomy and simple iridectomy' '1211'='Iridotomy with transfixion' '1212'='Other iridotomy' '1213'='Excision of prolapsed iris' '1214'='Other iridectomy' '122-'='Diag proc on iris, ciliary body, scle...' '1221'='Diagnostic aspiration of anterior cha...' '1222'='Biopsy of iris' '1229'='Oth diag procs on iris/ciliary body/s...' '123-'='Iridoplasty and coreoplasty' '1231'='Lysis of goniosynechiae' '1232'='Lysis of other anterior synechiae' '1233'='Lysis of posterior synechiae' '1234'='Lysis of corneovitreal adhesions' '1235'='Coreoplasty' '1239'='Other iridoplasty' '1240'='Rem of lesion of anterior segment of ...' '1241'='Destruction of lesion of iris, nonexc...' '1242'='Excision of lesion of iris' '1243'='Destruction of lesion of ciliary body...' '1244'='Excision of lesion of ciliary body' '125-'='Facilitation of intraocular circulation' '1251'='Goniopuncture without goniotomy' '1252'='Goniotomy without goniopuncture' '1253'='Goniotomy with goniopuncture' '1254'='Trabeculotomy ab externo' '1255'='Cyclodialysis' '1259'='Other facilitation of intraocular cir...' '126-'='Scleral fistulization' '1261'='Trephination of sclera with iridectomy' '1262'='Thermocauterization of sclera with ir...' '1263'='Iridencleisis and iridotasis' '1264'='Trabeculectomy ab externo' '1265'='Other scleral fistulization with irid...' '1266'='Postoperative revision of scleral fis...' '1267'='Insertion of aqueous drainage device' '1269'='Other fistulizing procedure' '127-'='Other procedures for relief of elevat...' '1271'='Cyclodiathermy' '1272'='Cyclocryotherapy' '1273'='Cyclophotocoagulation' '1274'='Diminution of ciliary body, not other...' '1279'='Other glaucoma procedures' '128-'='Operations on sclera' '1281'='Suture of laceration of sclera' '1282'='Repair of scleral fistula' '1283'='Revisn of operatve wound of ant seg, ...' '1284'='Excision or destruction of lesion of ...' '1285'='Repair of scleral staphyloma with graft' '1286'='Other repair of scleral staphyloma' '1287'='Scleral reinforcement with graft' '1288'='Other scleral reinforcement' '1289'='Other operations on sclera' '129-'='Other operations on iris, ciliary bod...' '1291'='Therapeutic evacuation of anterior ch...' '1292'='Injection into anterior chamber' '1293'='Rem or destruc of epithelial downgrow...' '1297'='Other operations on iris' '1298'='Other operations on ciliary body' '1299'='Other operations on anterior chamber' '1300'='Removal of foreign body from lens, no...' '1301'='Removal of foreign body from lens wit...' '1302'='Removal of foreign body from lens wit...' '131-'='Intracapsular extraction of lens' '1311'='Intracapsular extraction of lens by t...' '1319'='Other intracapsular extraction of lens' '132-'='Extracapsular extraction of lens by l...' '133-'='Extracapsular extraction of lens by s...' '134-'='Extracapsular extractn of lens by fra...' '1341'='Phacoemulsification and aspiration of...' '1342'='Mechan phacofragmentatn/aspiratn of c...' '1343'='Mechan phacofragmentatn/oth aspiratio...' '135-'='Other extracapsular extraction of lens' '1351'='Extracapsular extraction of lens by t...' '1359'='Other extracapsular extraction of lens' '136-'='Other cataract extraction' '1364'='Discission of secondary membrane [aft...' '1365'='Excision of secondary membrane [after...' '1366'='Mechanical fragmentation of secondary...' '1369'='Other cataract extraction' '1370'='Insertion of pseudophakos, not otherw...' '1371'='Insertn of intraocul lens prosthes at...' '1372'='Secondary insertion of intraocular le...' '138-'='Removal of implanted lens' '1390'='Operations on lens, not elsewhere cls...' '1391'='Implant intraocular telescope prosthesis' '1400'='Rem of frgn body from post seg of eye...' '1401'='Rem of frgn body from post seg of eye...' '1402'='Rem of frgn body from post seg of eye...' '141-'='Diag procedures on retina/choroid/vit...' '1411'='Diagnostic aspiration of vitreous' '1419'='Oth diagnos procs on retina/choroid/v...' '142-'='Destruction of lesion of retina and c...' '1421'='Destruction of chorioretinal lesion b...' '1422'='Destruction of chorioretinal lesion b...' '1423'='Destruction of chorioretinal lesion b...' '1424'='Destruction of chorioretinal lesion b...' '1425'='Destruc of chorioretinal lesion by ph...' '1426'='Destruction of chorioretinal lesion b...' '1427'='Destruc of chorioretinal lesion by im...' '1429'='Other destruction of chorioretinal le...' '143-'='Repair of retinal tear' '1431'='Repair of retinal tear by diathermy' '1432'='Repair of retinal tear by cryotherapy' '1433'='Repair of retinal tear by xenon arc p...' '1434'='Repair of retinal tear by laser photo...' '1435'='Repair of retinal tear by photocoagul...' '1439'='Other repair of retinal tear' '144-'='Repair of retinal detachment with scl...' '1441'='Scleral buckling with implant' '1449'='Other scleral buckling' '145-'='Other repair of retinal detachment' '1451'='Repair of retinal detachment with dia...' '1452'='Repair of retinal detachment with cry...' '1453'='Repair of retinal detachment with xen...' '1454'='Repair of retinal detachment with las...' '1455'='Repair of retinal detachment w/photoc...' '1459'='Other repair of retinal detachment' '146-'='Removal of surgically implanted mater...' '147-'='Operations on vitreous' '1471'='Removal of vitreous, anterior approach' '1472'='Other removal of vitreous' '1473'='Mechanical vitrectomy by anterior app...' '1474'='Other mechanical vitrectomy' '1475'='Injection of vitreous substitute' '1479'='Other operations on vitreous' '149-'='Other operations on retina, choroid, ...' '150-'='Diagnostic procedures on extraocular ...' '1501'='Biopsy of extraocular muscle or tendon' '1509'='Other diagnostic procedures on extrao...' '151-'='Operatns on one extraocular muscle in...' '1511'='Recession of one extraocular muscle' '1512'='Advancement of one extraocular muscle' '1513'='Resection of one extraocular muscle' '1519'='Oth operatns on one extraoculr muscle...' '152-'='Other operations on one extraocular m...' '1521'='Lengthening procedure on one extraocu...' '1522'='Shortening procedure on one extraocul...' '1529'='Other operations on one extraocular m...' '153-'='Operatn on 2/mor extraoculr muscls in...' '154-'='Oth operations on two or more extraoc...' '155-'='Transposition of extraocular muscles' '156-'='Revision of extraocular muscle surgery' '157-'='Repair of injury of extraocular muscle' '159-'='Other operations on extraocular muscl...' '160-'='Orbitotomy' '1601'='Orbitotomy with bone flap' '1602'='Orbitotomy with insertion of orbital ...' '1609'='Other orbitotomy' '161-'='Removal of penetrating foreign body f...' '162-'='Diagnostic procedures on orbit and ey...' '1621'='Ophthalmoscopy' '1622'='Diagnostic aspiration of orbit' '1623'='Biopsy of eyeball and orbit' '1629'='Other diagnostic procedures on orbit ...' '163-'='Evisceration of eyeball' '1631'='Rem of ocular contents w/synchronous ...' '1639'='Other evisceration of eyeball' '164-'='Enucleation of eyeball' '1641'='Enucleatn of eyeball w/synchron impln...' '1642'='Enucleation of eyeball with other syn...' '1649'='Other enucleation of eyeball' '165-'='Exenteration of orbital contents' '1651'='Exenteration of orbit with removal of...' '1652'='Exenteration of orbit with therapeuti...' '1659'='Other exenteration of orbit' '166-'='Secondary procedures after removal of...' '1661'='Secondary insertion of ocular implant' '1662'='Revision and reinsertion of ocular im...' '1663'='Revision of enucleation socket with g...' '1664'='Other revision of enucleation socket' '1665'='Secondary graft to exenteration cavity' '1666'='Other revision of exenteration cavity' '1669'='Other secondary procedures after remo...' '167-'='Removal of ocular or orbital implant' '1671'='Removal of ocular implant' '1672'='Removal of orbital implant' '168-'='Repair of injury of eyeball and orbit' '1681'='Repair of wound of orbit' '1682'='Repair of rupture of eyeball' '1689'='Other repair of injury of eyeball or ...' '169-'='Other operations on orbit and eyeball' '1691'='Retrobulbar injection of therapeutic ...' '1692'='Excision of lesion of orbit' '1693'='Excision of lesion of eye, unspecifie...' '1698'='Other operations on orbit' '1699'='Other operations on eyeball' '1713'='Laparo repair inguinal hernia w/graft...' '1724'='Laparo bilat repair of inguinal hernia..' '1733'='Laparoscopic right hemicolectomy' '1734'='Laparoscopic resection of transverse colon' '1736'='Laparoscopic sigmoidectomy' '1739'='Other laparoscopic part exc large intest' '1741'='Open robotic assisted procedure' '1742'='Laparoscopic robotic assisted procedure' '1744'='Endoscopic robot-assisted procedure' '1749'='Other and unspec robotic assisted procedure' '1756'='Atherectomy of other non-coronary vessel(s)' '1762'='Laser interstitial thermal therapy [LITT] of lesion...' '180-'='Incision of external ear' '1801'='Piercing of ear lobe' '1802'='Incision of external auditory canal' '1809'='Other incision of external ear' '181-'='Diagnostic procedures on external ear' '1811'='Otoscopy' '1812'='Biopsy of external ear' '1819'='Other diagnostic procedures on extern...' '182-'='Excision or destruction of lesion of ...' '1821'='Excision of preauricular sinus' '1829'='Excision or destruction of other lesi...' '183-'='Other excision of external ear' '1831'='Radical excision of lesion of externa...' '1839'='Other excision of external ear' '184-'='Suture of laceration of external ear' '185-'='Surgical correction of prominent ear' '186-'='Reconstruction of external auditory c...' '187-'='Other plastic repair of external ear' '1871'='Construction of auricle of ear' '1872'='Reattachment of amputated ear' '1879'='Other plastic repair of external ear' '189-'='Other operations on external ear' '190-'='Stapes mobilization' '191-'='Stapedectomy' '1911'='Stapedectomy with incus replacement' '1919'='Other stapedectomy' '192-'='Revision of stapedectomy' '1921'='Revision of stapedectomy with incus r...' '1929'='Other revision of stapedectomy' '193-'='Other operations on ossicular chain' '194-'='Myringoplasty' '195-'='Other tympanoplasty' '1952'='Type II tympanoplasty' '1953'='Type III tympanoplasty' '1954'='Type IV tympanoplasty' '1955'='Type V tympanoplasty' '199-'='Other repair of middle ear' '200-'='Myringotomy' '2001'='Myringotomy with insertion of tube' '2009'='Other myringotomy' '201-'='Removal of tympanostomy tube' '202-'='Incision of mastoid and middle ear' '2021'='Incision of mastoid' '2022'='Incision of petrous pyramid air cells' '2023'='Incision of middle ear' '203-'='Diagnostic procedures on middle and i...' '2031'='Electrocochleography' '2032'='Biopsy of middle and inner ear' '2039'='Other diagnostic procedures on middle...' '204-'='Mastoidectomy' '2041'='Simple mastoidectomy' '2042'='Radical mastoidectomy' '2049'='Other mastoidectomy' '205-'='Other excision of middle ear' '2051'='Excision of lesion of middle ear' '2059'='Other excision of middle ear' '206-'='Fenestration of inner ear' '2061'='Fenestration of inner ear (initial)' '2062'='Revision of fenestration of inner ear' '207-'='Incision, excision, and destruction o...' '2071'='Endolymphatic shunt' '2072'='Injection into inner ear' '2079'='Other incision, excision, and destruc...' '208-'='Operations on Eustachian tube' '209-'='Other operations on inner and middle ear' '2091'='Tympanosympathectomy' '2092'='Revision of mastoidectomy' '2093'='Repair of oval and round windows' '2094'='Injection of tympanum' '2095'='Implantation of electromagnetic heari...' '2096'='Implantatn/replacemt of cochlear pros...' '2097'='Implantatn/replacemt of cochlear pros...' '2098'='Implantatn/replacemt of cochlear pros...' '2099'='Other operations on middle and inner ear' '2100'='Control of epistaxis, not otherwise s...' '2101'='Control of epistaxis by anterior nasa...' '2102'='Control of epistaxis by posterior (an...' '2103'='Control of epistaxis by cauterization...' '2104'='Control of epistaxis by ligation of e...' '2105'='Control of epistaxis by ligation of t...' '2106'='Control of epistaxis by ligation of t...' '2107'='Cntrl of epistaxis by excisn of mucos...' '2109'='Control of epistaxis by other means' '211-'='Incision of nose' '212-'='Diagnostic procedures on nose' '2121'='Rhinoscopy' '2122'='Biopsy of nose' '2129'='Other diagnostic procedures on nose' '2130'='Excision or destruction of lesion of ...' '2131'='Local excision or destruction of intr...' '2132'='Local excision or destruction of othe...' '214-'='Resection of nose' '215-'='Submucous resection of nasal septum' '216-'='Turbinectomy' '2161'='Turbinectomy by diathermy or cryosurgery' '2162'='Fracture of the turbinates' '2169'='Other turbinectomy' '217-'='Reduction of nasal fracture' '2171'='Closed reduction of nasal fracture' '2172'='Open reduction of nasal fracture' '218-'='Repair and plastic operations on the ...' '2181'='Suture of laceration of nose' '2182'='Closure of nasal fistula' '2183'='Total nasal reconstruction' '2184'='Revision rhinoplasty' '2185'='Augmentation rhinoplasty' '2186'='Limited rhinoplasty' '2187'='Other rhinoplasty' '2188'='Other septoplasty' '2189'='Other repair and plastic operations o...' '219-'='Other operations on nose' '2191'='Lysis of adhesions of nose' '2199'='Other operations on nose' '2200'='Aspiration and lavage of nasal sinus,...' '2201'='Puncture of nasal sinus for aspiratio...' '2202'='Aspiration or lavage of nasal sinus t...' '221-'='Diagnostic procedures on nasal sinus' '2211'='Closed [endoscopic] [needle] biopsy o...' '2212'='Open biopsy of nasal sinus' '2219'='Other diagnostic procedures on nasal ...' '222-'='Intranasal antrotomy' '223-'='External maxillary antrotomy' '2231'='Radical maxillary antrotomy' '2239'='Other external maxillary antrotomy' '224-'='Frontal sinusotomy and sinusectomy' '2241'='Frontal sinusotomy' '2242'='Frontal sinusectomy' '2250'='Sinusotomy, not otherwise specified' '2251'='Ethmoidotomy' '2252'='Sphenoidotomy' '2253'='Incision of multiple nasal sinuses' '2260'='Sinusectomy, not otherwise specified' '2261'='Excision of lesion of maxillary sinus...' '2262'='Excision of lesion of maxillary sinus...' '2263'='Ethmoidectomy' '2264'='Sphenoidectomy' '227-'='Repair of nasal sinus' '2271'='Closure of nasal sinus fistula' '2279'='Other repair of nasal sinus' '229-'='Other operations on nasal sinuses' '230-'='Forceps extraction of tooth' '2301'='Extraction of deciduous tooth' '2309'='Extraction of other tooth' '231-'='Surgical removal of tooth' '2311'='Removal of residual root' '2319'='Other surgical extraction of tooth' '232-'='Restoration of tooth by filling' '233-'='Restoration of tooth by inlay' '234-'='Other dental restoration' '2341'='Application of crown' '2342'='Insertion of fixed bridge' '2343'='Insertion of removable bridge' '2349'='Other dental restoration' '235-'='Implantation of tooth' '236-'='Prosthetic dental implant' '2370'='Root canal, not otherwise specified' '2371'='Root canal therapy with irrigation' '2372'='Root canal therapy with apicoectomy' '2373'='Apicoectomy' '240-'='Incision of gum or alveolar bone' '241-'='Diagnostic procedures on teeth, gums,...' '2411'='Biopsy of gum' '2412'='Biopsy of alveolus' '2419'='Other diagnostic procedures on teeth,...' '242-'='Gingivoplasty' '243-'='Other operations on gum' '2431'='Excision of lesion or tissue of gum' '2432'='Suture of laceration of gum' '2439'='Other operations on gum' '244-'='Excision of dental lesion of jaw' '245-'='Alveoloplasty' '246-'='Exposure of tooth' '247-'='Application of orthodontic appliance' '248-'='Other orthodontic operation' '249-'='Other dental operations' '2491'='Extension or deepening of buccolabial...' '2499'='Other dental operations' '250-'='Diagnostic procedures on tongue' '2501'='Closed [needle] biopsy of tongue' '2502'='Open biopsy of tongue' '2509'='Other diagnostic procedures on tongue' '251-'='Excision or destruction of lesion or ...' '252-'='Partial glossectomy' '253-'='Complete glossectomy' '254-'='Radical glossectomy' '255-'='Repair of tongue and glossoplasty' '2551'='Suture of laceration of tongue' '2559'='Other repair and plastic operations o...' '259-'='Other operations on tongue' '2591'='Lingual frenotomy' '2592'='Lingual frenectomy' '2593'='Lysis of adhesions of tongue' '2594'='Other glossotomy' '2599'='Other operations on tongue' '260-'='Incision of salivary gland or duct' '261-'='Diagnostic procedures on salivary gla...' '2611'='Closed [needle] biopsy of salivary gl...' '2612'='Open biopsy of salivary gland or duct' '2619'='Other diagnostic procedures on saliva...' '262-'='Excision of lesion of salivary gland' '2621'='Marsupialization of salivary gland cyst' '2629'='Other excision of salivary gland lesion' '2630'='Sialoadenectomy, not otherwise specified' '2631'='Partial sialoadenectomy' '2632'='Complete sialoadenectomy' '264-'='Repair of salivary gland or duct' '2641'='Suture of laceration of salivary gland' '2642'='Closure of salivary fistula' '2649'='Other repair and plastic operations o...' '269-'='Other operations on salivary gland or...' '2691'='Probing of salivary duct' '2699'='Other operations on salivary gland or...' '270-'='Drainage of face and floor of mouth' '271-'='Incision of palate' '272-'='Diagnostic procedures on oral cavity' '2721'='Biopsy of bony palate' '2722'='Biopsy of uvula and soft palate' '2723'='Biopsy of lip' '2724'='Biopsy of mouth, unspecified structure' '2729'='Other diagnostic procedures on oral c...' '273-'='Excision of lesion or tissue of bony ...' '2731'='Local excision or destruction of lesi...' '2732'='Wide excision or destruction of lesio...' '274-'='Excision of other parts of mouth' '2741'='Labial frenectomy' '2742'='Wide excision of lesion of lip' '2743'='Other excision of lesion or tissue of...' '2749'='Other excision of mouth' '275-'='Plastic repair of mouth' '2751'='Suture of laceration of lip' '2752'='Suture of laceration of other part of...' '2753'='Closure of fistula of mouth' '2754'='Repair of cleft lip' '2755'='Full-thickness skin graft to lip and ...' '2756'='Other skin graft to lip and mouth' '2757'='Attachment of pedicle or flap graft t...' '2759'='Other plastic repair of mouth' '276-'='Palatoplasty' '2761'='Suture of laceration of palate' '2762'='Correction of cleft palate' '2763'='Revision of cleft palate repair' '2769'='Other plastic repair of palate' '277-'='Operations on uvula' '2771'='Incision of uvula' '2772'='Excision of uvula' '2773'='Repair of uvula' '2779'='Other operations on uvula' '279-'='Other operations on mouth and face' '2791'='Labial frenotomy' '2792'='Incision of mouth, unspecified structure' '2799'='Other operations on oral cavity' '280-'='Incision and drainage of tonsil and p...' '281-'='Diagnostic procedures on tonsils and ...' '2811'='Biopsy of tonsils and adenoids' '2819'='Other diagnostic procedures on tonsil...' '282-'='Tonsillectomy without adenoidectomy' '283-'='Tonsillectomy with adenoidectomy' '284-'='Excision of tonsil tag' '285-'='Excision of lingual tonsil' '286-'='Adenoidectomy without tonsillectomy' '287-'='Control of hemorrhage after tonsillec...' '289-'='Other operations on tonsils and adenoids' '2891'='Removal of foreign body from tonsil a...' '2892'='Excision of lesion of tonsil and adenoid' '2899'='Other operations on tonsils and adenoids' '290-'='Pharyngotomy' '291-'='Diagnostic procedures on pharynx' '2911'='Pharyngoscopy' '2912'='Pharyngeal biopsy' '2919'='Other diagnostic procedures on pharynx' '292-'='Excision of branchial cleft cyst or v...' '293-'='Excision or destruction of lesion or ...' '2931'='Cricopharyngeal myotomy' '2932'='Pharyngeal diverticulectomy' '2933'='Pharyngectomy (partial)' '2939'='Other excision or destruction of lesi...' '294-'='Plastic operation on pharynx' '295-'='Other repair of pharynx' '2951'='Suture of laceration of pharynx' '2952'='Closure of branchial cleft fistula' '2953'='Closure of other fistula of pharynx' '2954'='Lysis of pharyngeal adhesions' '2959'='Other repair of pharynx' '299-'='Other operations on pharynx' '2991'='Dilation of pharynx' '2992'='Division of glossopharyngeal nerve' '2999'='Other operations on pharynx' '300-'='Excision or destruction of lesion or ...' '3001'='Marsupialization of laryngeal cyst' '3009'='Other excision or destruction of lesi...' '301-'='Hemilaryngectomy' '302-'='Other partial laryngectomy' '3021'='Epiglottidectomy' '3022'='Vocal cordectomy' '3029'='Other partial laryngectomy' '303-'='Complete laryngectomy' '304-'='Radical laryngectomy' '310-'='Injection of larynx' '311-'='Temporary tracheostomy' '312-'='Permanent tracheostomy' '3121'='Mediastinal tracheostomy' '3129'='Other permanent tracheostomy' '313-'='Other incision of larynx or trachea' '314-'='Diagnostic procedures on larynx and t...' '3141'='Tracheoscopy through artificial stoma' '3142'='Laryngoscopy and other tracheoscopy' '3143'='Closed [endoscopic] biopsy of larynx' '3144'='Closed [endoscopic] biopsy of trachea' '3145'='Open biopsy of larynx or trachea' '3148'='Other diagnostic procedures on larynx' '3149'='Other diagnostic procedures on trachea' '315-'='Local excision or destruction of lesi...' '316-'='Repair of larynx' '3161'='Suture of laceration of larynx' '3162'='Closure of fistula of larynx' '3163'='Revision of laryngostomy' '3164'='Repair of laryngeal fracture' '3169'='Other repair of larynx' '317-'='Repair and plastic operations on trachea' '3171'='Suture of laceration of trachea' '3172'='Closure of external fistula of trachea' '3173'='Closure of other fistula of trachea' '3174'='Revision of tracheostomy' '3175'='Reconstruction of trachea/constructio...' '3179'='Other repair and plastic operations o...' '319-'='Other operations on larynx and trachea' '3191'='Division of laryngeal nerve' '3192'='Lysis of adhesions of trachea or larynx' '3193'='Replacement of laryngeal or tracheal ...' '3194'='Injection of locally-acting therapeut...' '3195'='Tracheoesophageal fistulization' '3198'='Other operations on larynx' '3199'='Other operations on trachea' '320-'='Local excision or destruction of lesi...' '3201'='Endoscopic excision or destruction of...' '3209'='Oth local excision or destruction of ...' '321-'='Other excision of bronchus' '322-'='Local excision or destruction of lesi...' '3221'='Plication of emphysematous bleb' '3222'='Lung volume reduction surgery' '3228'='Endoscopic excision or destruction of...' '3229'='Other local excision or destruction o...' '323-'='Segmental resection of lung' '3239'='Other and unspec segmental resection of lung' '324-'='Lobectomy of lung' '3249'='Other lobectomy of lung' '325-'='Complete pneumonectomy' '326-'='Radical dissection of thoracic struct...' '329-'='Other excision of lung' '330-'='Incision of bronchus' '331-'='Incision of lung' '332-'='Diagnostic procedures on lung and bro...' '3321'='Bronchoscopy through artificial stoma' '3322'='Fiber-optic bronchoscopy' '3323'='Other bronchoscopy' '3324'='Closed [endoscopic] biopsy of bronchus' '3325'='Open biopsy of bronchus' '3326'='Closed [percutaneous] [needle] biopsy...' '3327'='Closed endoscopic biopsy of lung' '3328'='Open biopsy of lung' '3329'='Other diagnostic procedures on lung a...' '333-'='Surgical collapse of lung' '3331'='Destruction of phrenic nerve for coll...' '3332'='Artificial pneumothorax for collapse ...' '3333'='Pneumoperitoneum for collapse of lung' '3334'='Thoracoplasty' '3339'='Other surgical collapse of lung' '334-'='Repair and plastic operation on lung ...' '3341'='Suture of laceration of bronchus' '3342'='Closure of bronchial fistula' '3343'='Closure of laceration of lung' '3348'='Other repair and plastic operations o...' '3349'='Other repair and plastic operations o...' '335-'='Lung transplantation, not otherwise s...' '3351'='Unilateral lung transplantation' '3352'='Bilateral lung transplantation' '336-'='Combined heart-lung transplantation' '339-'='Other operations on lung and bronchus' '3391'='Bronchial dilation' '3392'='Ligation of bronchus' '3393'='Puncture of lung' '3398'='Other operations on bronchus' '3399'='Other operations on lung' '340-'='Incision of chest wall and pleura' '3401'='Incision of chest wall' '3402'='Exploratory thoracotomy' '3403'='Reopening of recent thoracotomy site' '3404'='Insertion of intercostal catheter for...' '3405'='Creation of pleuroperitoneal shunt' '3409'='Other incision of pleura' '341-'='Incision of mediastinum' '342-'='Diag procs on chest wall, pleura, med...' '3421'='Transpleural thoracoscopy' '3422'='Mediastinoscopy' '3423'='Biopsy of chest wall' '3424'='Pleural biopsy' '3425'='Closed [percutaneous] [needle] biopsy...' '3426'='Open mediastinal biopsy' '3427'='Biopsy of diaphragm' '3428'='Other diagnostic proceds on chest wal...' '3429'='Other diagnostic procedures on medias...' '343-'='Excision or destruction of lesion or ...' '344-'='Excision or destruction of lesion of ...' '345-'='Pleurectomy' '3451'='Decortication of lung' '3459'='Other excision of pleura' '346-'='Scarification of pleura' '347-'='Repair of chest wall' '3471'='Suture of laceration of chest wall' '3472'='Closure of thoracostomy' '3473'='Closure of other fistula of thorax' '3474'='Repair of pectus deformity' '3479'='Other repair of chest wall' '348-'='Operations on diaphragm' '3481'='Excision of lesion or tissue of diaph...' '3482'='Suture of laceration of diaphragm' '3483'='Closure of fistula of diaphragm' '3484'='Other repair of diaphragm' '3485'='Implantation of diaphragmatic pacemaker' '3489'='Other operations on diaphragm' '349-'='Other operations on thorax' '3491'='Thoracentesis' '3492'='Injection into thoracic cavity' '3493'='Repair of pleura' '3499'='Other operations on thorax' '3500'='Closed heart valvotomy, unspecified v...' '3501'='Closed heart valvotomy, aortic valve' '3502'='Closed heart valvotomy, mitral valve' '3503'='Closed heart valvotomy, pulmonary valve' '3504'='Closed heart valvotomy, tricuspid valve' '3510'='Open heart valvuloplasty without repl...' '3511'='Open heart valvuloplasty of aortic va...' '3512'='Open heart valvuloplasty of mitral va...' '3513'='Open heart valvuloplasty of pulmonary...' '3514'='Open heart valvuloplasty of tricuspid...' '3520'='Replacement of unspecified heart valve' '3521'='Replacement of aortic valve with tiss...' '3522'='Other replacement of aortic valve' '3523'='Replacement of mitral valve with tiss...' '3524'='Other replacement of mitral valve' '3525'='Replacement of pulmonary valve with t...' '3526'='Other replacement of pulmonary valve' '3527'='Replacement of tricuspid valve with t...' '3528'='Other replacement of tricuspid valve' '353-'='Operations on structures adjacent to ...' '3531'='Operations on papillary muscle' '3532'='Operations on chordae tendineae' '3533'='Annuloplasty' '3534'='Infundibulectomy' '3535'='Operations on trabeculae carneae cordis' '3539'='Operations on other structures adjace...' '354-'='Production of septal defect in heart' '3541'='Enlargement of existing atrial septal...' '3542'='Creation of septal defect in heart' '3550'='Repair of unspecified septal defect o...' '3551'='Repair of atrial septal defect with p...' '3552'='Repair of atrial septal defect with p...' '3553'='Repair of ventricular septal defect w...' '3554'='Repair of endocardial cushion defect ...' '3560'='Repair of unspecified septal defect o...' '3561'='Repair of atrial septal defect with t...' '3562'='Repair of ventricular septal defect w...' '3563'='Repair of endocardial cushion defect ...' '3570'='Other and unspecified repair of unspe...' '3571'='Other and unspecified repair of atria...' '3572'='Other and unspecified repair of ventr...' '3573'='Other and unspecified repair of endoc...' '358-'='Total repair of certain congenital ca...' '3581'='Total repair of tetralogy of Fallot' '3582'='Total repair of total anomalous pulmo...' '3583'='Total repair of truncus arteriosus' '3584'='Total correctn of transpositn of grea...' '359-'='Other operations on valves and septa ...' '3591'='Interatrial transposition of venous r...' '3592'='Creation of conduit between right ven...' '3593'='Creation of conduit between left vent...' '3594'='Creation of conduit between atrium an...' '3595'='Revision of corrective procedure on h...' '3596'='Percutaneous valvuloplasty' '3598'='Other operations on septa of heart' '3599'='Other operations on valves of heart' '360-'='Removal of coronary artery obstructio...' '3601'='Single vessel PTCA/coronary atherecto...' '3602'='Single vessel PTCA/coronary atherecto...' '3603'='Open chest coronary artery angioplasty' '3604'='Intracoronary artery thrombolytic inf...' '3605'='Mult vess PTCA/coronary atherectomy w...' '3606'='Insertion of coronary artety stent(s)' '3607'='Insertion of drug-eluting coronary art..' '3609'='Other removal of coronary artery obst...' '3610'='Aortocoronary bypass for heart revasc...' '3611'='Aortocoronary bypass of one coronary ...' '3612'='Aortocoronary bypass of two coronary ...' '3613'='Aortocoronary bypass of three coronar...' '3614'='Aortocoronary bypass of four or more ...' '3615'='Single internal mammary-coronary arte...' '3616'='Double internal mammary-coronary arte...' '3619'='Other bypass anastomosis for heart re...' '362-'='Heart revascularization by arterial i...' '3631'='Open chest transmyocardial revascular...' '3634'='Percutaneous transmyocardial revascul...' '3639'='Other heart revascularization' '3632'='Other transmyocardial revascularization' '369-'='Other operations on vessels of heart' '3691'='Repair of aneurysm of coronary vessel' '3699'='Other operations on vessels of heart' '370-'='Pericardiocentesis' '3710'='Incision of heart, not otherwise spec...' '3711'='Cardiotomy' '3712'='Pericardiotomy' '372-'='Diagnostic procedures on heart and pe...' '3720'='Non-invasive programmed electrical stim...' '3721'='Right heart cardiac catheterization' '3722'='Left heart cardiac catheterization' '3723'='Combined right and left heart cardiac...' '3724'='Biopsy of pericardium' '3725'='Biopsy of heart' '3726'='Cardiac electrophysiologic stimulatio...' '3727'='Cardiac mapping' '3729'='Other diagnostic procedures on heart ...' '373-'='Pericardiectomy and excision of lesio...' '3731'='Pericardiectomy' '3732'='Excision of aneurysm of heart' '3733'='Excision or destruction of other lesi...' '3734'='Catheter ablation of lesion or tissue...' '374-'='Repair of heart and pericardium' '375-'='Heart replacement procedures' '3751'='Heart transplantation' '376-'='Implantation of heart assist system' '3761'='Implant of pulsation balloon' '3762'='Implant of other heart assist system' '3763'='Replacement and repair of heart assis...' '3764'='Removal of heart assist system' '3765'='Implant of external, pulsatile heart ...' '3766'='Implant of an implantable, pulsatile ...' '3770'='Initial insertion of lead [electrode]...' '3771'='Initial insertion of transvenous lead...' '3772'='Initial insertn of transvenous leads ...' '3773'='Initial insertion of transvenous lead...' '3774'='Insertion or replacement of epicardia...' '3775'='Revision of lead [electrode]' '3776'='Replacement of transvenous atrial and...' '3777'='Removal of lead(s) [electrode] withou...' '3778'='Insertion of temporary transvenous pa...' '3779'='Revision or relocation of pacemaker p...' '3780'='Insertion of permanent pacemaker/init...' '3781'='Initial insertion of single-chamber d...' '3782'='Initial insertion of single-chamber d...' '3783'='Initial insertion of dual-chamber device' '3785'='Replac of any pacemaker device w/sing...' '3786'='Replac of pacemaker device w/single-c...' '3787'='Replacement of any type pacemaker dev...' '3789'='Revision or removal of pacemaker device' '379-'='Other operations on heart and pericar...' '3791'='Open chest cardiac massage' '3792'='Injection of therapeutic substance in...' '3793'='Injection of therapeutic substance in...' '3794'='Implant/replac of autom cardioverter/...' '3795'='Implantatn of automatic cardioverter/...' '3796'='Implant of autom cardioverter/defibri...' '3797'='Replacemnt of automatic cardioverter/...' '3798'='Replacemt autom cardioverter/defibril...' '3799'='Other operations on heart and pericar...' '3800'='Incision of vessel, unspecified site' '3801'='Incision of intracranial vessels' '3802'='Incision of other vessels of head and...' '3803'='Incision of upper limb vessels' '3804'='Incision of aorta' '3805'='Incision of other thoracic vessels' '3806'='Incision of abdominal arteries' '3807'='Incision of abdominal veins' '3808'='Incision of lower limb arteries' '3809'='Incision of lower limb veins' '3810'='Endarterectomy of unspecified site' '3811'='Endarterectomy of intracranial vessels' '3812'='Endarterectomy of other vessels of he...' '3813'='Endarterectomy of upper limb vessels' '3814'='Endarterectomy of aorta' '3815'='Endarterectomy of other thoracic vessels' '3816'='Endarterectomy of abdominal arteries' '3818'='Endarterectomy of lower limb arteries' '382-'='Diagnostic procedures on blood vessels' '3821'='Biopsy of blood vessel' '3822'='Percutaneous angioscopy' '3823'='Intravascular spectroscopy' '3824'='Intravascular imaging of coronary ves...' '3825'='Intravascular imaging of non-coronary...' '3829'='Other diagnostic procedures on blood ...' '3830'='Resection of vessel with anastomosis,...' '3831'='Resection of intracranial vessels wit...' '3832'='Resection of other vessels of head an...' '3833'='Resection of upper limb vessels with ...' '3834'='Resection of aorta with anastomosis' '3835'='Resection of other thoracic vessels w...' '3836'='Resection of abdominal arteries with ...' '3837'='Resection of abdominal veins with ana...' '3838'='Resection of lower limb arteries with...' '3839'='Resection of lower limb veins with an...' '3840'='Resection of vessel with replacement,...' '3841'='Resection of intracranial vessels wit...' '3842'='Resection of other vessels of head an...' '3843'='Resection of upper limb vessels with ...' '3844'='Resection of aorta with replacement' '3845'='Resection of other thoracic vessels w...' '3846'='Resection of abdominal arteries with ...' '3847'='Resection of abdominal veins with rep...' '3848'='Resection of lower limb arteries with...' '3849'='Resection of lower limb veins with re...' '3850'='Ligation and stripping of varicose ve...' '3851'='Ligation and stripping of varicose in...' '3852'='Ligation and stripping of varicose ot...' '3853'='Ligation and stripping of varicose up...' '3855'='Ligation and stripping of varicose ot...' '3857'='Ligation and stripping of abdominal v...' '3859'='Ligation and stripping of lower limb ...' '3860'='Other excision of vessel, unspecified...' '3861'='Other excision of intracranial vessels' '3862'='Other excision of other vessels of he...' '3863'='Other excision of upper limb vessels' '3864'='Other excision of aorta' '3865'='Other excision of other thoracic vessels' '3866'='Other excision of abdominal arteries' '3867'='Other excision of abdominal veins' '3868'='Other excision of lower limb arteries' '3869'='Other excision of lower limb veins' '387-'='Interruption of the vena cava' '3880'='Other surgical occlusion of vessels, ...' '3881'='Other surgical occlusion of intracran...' '3882'='Other surgical occlusion of other ves...' '3883'='Other surgical occlusion of upper lim...' '3884'='Other surgical occlusion of aorta' '3885'='Other surgical occlusion of other tho...' '3886'='Other surgical occlusion of abdominal...' '3887'='Other surgical occlusion of abdominal...' '3888'='Other surgical occlusion of lower lim...' '3889'='Other surgical occlusion of lower lim...' '389-'='Puncture of vessel' '3891'='Arterial catheterization' '3892'='Umbilical vein catheterization' '3893'='Venous catheterization, not elsewhere...' '3894'='Venous cutdown' '3895'='Venous catheterization for renal dial...' '3897'='Central venous cath placement w/guidance' '3898'='Other puncture of artery' '3899'='Other puncture of vein' '390-'='Systemic to pulmonary artery shunt' '391-'='Intra-abdominal venous shunt' '392-'='Other shunt or vascular bypass' '3921'='Caval-pulmonary artery anastomosis' '3922'='Aorta-subclavian-carotid bypass' '3923'='Other intrathoracic vascular shunt or...' '3924'='Aorta-renal bypass' '3925'='Aorta-iliac-femoral bypass' '3926'='Other intra-abdominal vascular shunt ...' '3927'='Arteriovenostomy for renal dialysis' '3928'='Extracranial-intracranial (EC-IC) vas...' '3929'='Other (peripheral) vascular shunt or ...' '3930'='Suture of unspecified blood vessel' '3931'='Suture of artery' '3932'='Suture of vein' '394-'='Revision of vascular procedure' '3941'='Control of hemorrhage following vascu...' '3942'='Revision of arteriovenous shunt for r...' '3943'='Removal of arteriovenous shunt for re...' '3949'='Other revision of vascular procedure' '395-'='Other repair of vessels' '3950'='Angioplasty or atherectomy of non-cor...' '3951'='Clipping of aneurysm' '3952'='Other repair of aneurysm' '3953'='Repair of arteriovenous fistula' '3954'='Re-entry operation (aorta)' '3955'='Reimplantation of aberrant renal vessel' '3956'='Repair of blood vessel with tissue pa...' '3957'='Repair of blood vessel with synthetic...' '3958'='Repair of blood vessel with unspecifi...' '3959'='Other repair of vessel' '396-'='Extracorporeal circulatn/procedures a...' '3961'='Extracorporeal circulation auxiliary ...' '3962'='Hypothermia (systemic) incidental to ...' '3963'='Cardioplegia' '3964'='Intraoperative cardiac pacemaker' '3965'='Extracorporeal membrane oxygenation [...' '3966'='Percutaneous cardiopulmonary bypass' '3971'='Endovascular implantation of graft in abdominal aorta' '3979'='Other endovascular repair (of aneurys...' '398-'='Operations on carotid body and other ...' '3990'='Insert of non-coronary artery stent ...' '3991'='Freeing of vessel' '3992'='Injection of sclerosing agent into vein' '3993'='Insertion of vessel-to-vessel cannula' '3994'='Replacement of vessel-to-vessel cannula' '3995'='Hemodialysis' '3996'='Total body perfusion' '3997'='Other perfusion' '3998'='Control of hemorrhage, not otherwise ...' '3999'='Other operations on vessels' '400-'='Incision of lymphatic structures' '401-'='Diagnostic procedures on lymphatic st...' '4011'='Biopsy of lymphatic structure' '4019'='Other diagnostic procedures on lympha...' '402-'='Simple excision of lymphatic structure' '4021'='Excision of deep cervical lymph node' '4022'='Excision of internal mammary lymph node' '4023'='Excision of axillary lymph node' '4024'='Excision of inguinal lymph node' '4029'='Simple excision of other lymphatic st...' '403-'='Regional lymph node excision' '4040'='Radical neck dissection, not otherwis...' '4041'='Radical neck dissection, unilateral' '4042'='Radical neck dissection, bilateral' '4050'='Radical excision of lymph nodes, not ...' '4051'='Radical excision of axillary lymph nodes' '4052'='Radical excision of periaortic lymph ...' '4053'='Radical excision of iliac lymph nodes' '4054'='Radical groin dissection' '4059'='Radical excision of other lymph nodes' '406-'='Operations on thoracic duct' '4061'='Cannulation of thoracic duct' '4062'='Fistulization of thoracic duct' '4063'='Closure of fistula of thoracic duct' '4064'='Ligation of thoracic duct' '4069'='Other operations on thoracic duct' '409-'='Other operations on lymphatic structures' '4100'='Bone marrow transplant, not otherwise...' '4101'='Autologous bone marrow transplant' '4102'='Allogeneic bone marrow transplant wit...' '4103'='Allogeneic bone marrow transplant wit...' '4104'='Autologous hematopoietic stem cell tr...' '411-'='Puncture of spleen' '412-'='Splenotomy' '413-'='Diagnostic procedures on bone marrow ...' '4131'='Biopsy of bone marrow' '4132'='Closed [aspiration] [percutaneous] bi...' '4133'='Open biopsy of spleen' '4138'='Other diagnostic procedures on bone m...' '4139'='Other diagnostic procedures on spleen' '414-'='Excision or destruction of lesion or ...' '4141'='Marsupialization of splenic cyst' '4142'='Excision of lesion or tissue of spleen' '4143'='Partial splenectomy' '415-'='Total splenectomy' '419-'='Other operations on spleen and bone m...' '4191'='Aspiration of bone marrow from donor ...' '4192'='Injection into bone marrow' '4193'='Excision of accessory spleen' '4194'='Transplantation of spleen' '4195'='Repair and plastic operations on spleen' '4198'='Other operations on bone marrow' '4199'='Other operations on spleen' '420-'='Esophagotomy' '4201'='Incision of esophageal web' '4209'='Other incision of esophagus' '4210'='Esophagostomy, not otherwise specified' '4211'='Cervical esophagostomy' '4212'='Exteriorization of esophageal pouch' '4219'='Other external fistulization of esoph...' '422-'='Diagnostic procedures on esophagus' '4221'='Operative esophagoscopy by incision' '4222'='Esophagoscopy through artificial stoma' '4223'='Other esophagoscopy' '4224'='Closed [endoscopic] biopsy of esophagus' '4225'='Open biopsy of esophagus' '4229'='Other diagnostic procedures on esophagus' '423-'='Local excision or destruction of lesi...' '4231'='Local excision of esophageal divertic...' '4232'='Local excision of other lesion or tis...' '4233'='Endoscopic excision/destruction of le...' '4239'='Other destruction of lesion or tissue...' '4240'='Esophagectomy, not otherwise specified' '4241'='Partial esophagectomy' '4242'='Total esophagectomy' '425-'='Intrathoracic anastomosis of esophagus' '4251'='Intrathoracic esophagoesophagostomy' '4252'='Intrathoracic esophagogastrostomy' '4253'='Intrathorac esophageal anastomosis w/...' '4254'='Other intrathoracic esophagoenterostomy' '4255'='Intrathoracic esophageal anastomosis ...' '4256'='Other intrathoracic esophagocolostomy' '4258'='Intrathoracic esophageal anastomosis ...' '4259'='Other intrathoracic anastomosis of es...' '426-'='Antesternal anastomosis of esophagus' '4261'='Antesternal esophagoesophagostomy' '4262'='Antesternal esophagogastrostomy' '4263'='Antesternal esophageal anastomosis w/...' '4264'='Other antesternal esophagoenterostomy' '4265'='Antesternal esophageal anastomosis wi...' '4266'='Other antesternal esophagocolostomy' '4268'='Other antesternal esophageal anastomo...' '4269'='Other antesternal anastomosis of esop...' '427-'='Esophagomyotomy' '428-'='Other repair of esophagus' '4281'='Insertion of permanent tube into esop...' '4282'='Suture of laceration of esophagus' '4283'='Closure of esophagostomy' '4284'='Repair of esophageal fistula, not els...' '4285'='Repair of esophageal stricture' '4286'='Production of subcutaneous tunnel w/o...' '4287'='Other graft of esophagus' '4289'='Other repair of esophagus' '429-'='Other operations on esophagus' '4291'='Ligation of esophageal varices' '4292'='Dilation of esophagus' '4299'='Other operations on esophagus' '430-'='Gastrotomy' '431-'='Gastrostomy' '4311'='Percutaneous [endoscopic] gastrostomy...' '4319'='Other gastrostomy' '433-'='Pyloromyotomy' '434-'='Local excision or destruction of lesi...' '4341'='Endoscopic excision or destruction of...' '4342'='Local excision of other lesion or tis...' '4349'='Other destruction of lesion or tissue...' '435-'='Partial gastrectomy with anastomosis ...' '436-'='Partial gastrectomy with anastomosis ...' '437-'='Partial gastrectomy with anastomosis ...' '438-'='Other partial gastrectomy' '4381'='Partial gastrectomy with jejunal tran...' '4389'='Other partial gastrectomy' '439-'='Total gastrectomy' '4391'='Total gastrectomy with intestinal int...' '4399'='Other total gastrectomy' '4400'='Vagotomy, not otherwise specified' '4401'='Truncal vagotomy' '4402'='Highly selective vagotomy' '4403'='Other selective vagotomy' '441-'='Diagnostic procedures on stomach' '4411'='Transabdominal gastroscopy' '4412'='Gastroscopy through artificial stoma' '4413'='Other gastroscopy' '4414'='Closed [endoscopic] biopsy of stomach' '4415'='Open biopsy of stomach' '4419'='Other diagnostic procedures on stomach' '442-'='Pyloroplasty' '4421'='Dilation of pylorus by incision' '4422'='Endoscopic dilation of pylorus' '4429'='Other pyloroplasty' '443-'='Gastroenterostomy without gastrectomy' '4431'='High gastric bypass' '4432'='Percutaneous [endoscopic] gastrojejunostomy' '4438'='Laparoscopic gastroenterostomy' '4439'='Other gastroenterostomy' '4440'='Suture of peptic ulcer, not otherwise...' '4441'='Suture of gastric ulcer site' '4442'='Suture of duodenal ulcer site' '4443'='Endoscopic control of gastric or duod...' '4444'='Transcatheter embolization for gastri...' '4449'='Other control of hemorrhage of stomac...' '445-'='Revision of gastric anastomosis' '446-'='Other repair of stomach' '4461'='Suture of laceration of stomach' '4462'='Closure of gastrostomy' '4463'='Closure of other gastric fistula' '4464'='Gastropexy' '4465'='Esophagogastroplasty' '4466'='Oth proc for creatn of esophagogastri...' '4467'='Laparoscopic proc for creatn of esoph...' '4468'='Laparoscopic gastroplasty' '4469'='Other repair of stomach' '449-'='Other operations on stomach' '4491'='Ligation of gastric varices' '4492'='Intraoperative manipulation of stomach' '4493'='Insertion of gastric bubble (balloon)' '4494'='Removal of gastric bubble (balloon)' '4495'='Laparoscopic gastric restrictive procedure' '4498'='(Lapar) adj of size of adj gastr rest dev' '4499'='Other operations on stomach' '4500'='Incision of intestine, not otherwise ...' '4501'='Incision of duodenum' '4502'='Other incision of small intestine' '4503'='Incision of large intestine' '451-'='Diagnostic procedures on small intestine' '4511'='Transabdominal endoscopy of small int...' '4512'='Endoscopy of small intestine through ...' '4513'='Other endoscopy of small intestine' '4514'='Closed [endoscopic] biopsy of small i...' '4515'='Open biopsy of small intestine' '4516'='Esophagogastroduodenoscopy [EGD] with...' '4519'='Other diagnostic procedures on small ...' '452-'='Diagnostic procedures on large intestine' '4521'='Transabdominal endoscopy of large int...' '4522'='Endoscopy of large intestine through ...' '4523'='Colonoscopy' '4524'='Flexible sigmoidoscopy' '4525'='Closed [endoscopic] biopsy of large i...' '4526'='Open biopsy of large intestine' '4527'='Intestinal biopsy, site unspecified' '4528'='Other diagnostic procedures on large ...' '4529'='Other diagnostic procedures on intest...' '4530'='Endoscopic excision or destruction of...' '4531'='Other local excision of lesion of duo...' '4532'='Other destruction of lesion of duodenum' '4533'='Local excisn of lesion/tissue of smal...' '4534'='Other destruction of lesion of small ...' '454-'='Local excision/destruction of lesion/...' '4541'='Excision of lesion or tissue of large...' '4542'='Endoscopic polypectomy of large intes...' '4543'='Endoscopic destruction of oth lesion/...' '4549'='Other destruction of lesion of large ...' '4550'='Isolation of intestinal segment, not ...' '4551'='Isolation of segment of small intestine' '4552'='Isolation of segment of large intestine' '456-'='Other excision of small intestine' '4561'='Multiple segmental resection of small...' '4562'='Other partial resection of small inte...' '4563'='Total removal of small intestine' '457-'='Partial excision of large intestine' '4571'='Multiple segmental resection of large...' '4572'='Cecectomy' '4573'='Right hemicolectomy' '4574'='Resection of transverse colon' '4575'='Left hemicolectomy' '4576'='Sigmoidectomy' '4579'='Other partial excision of large intes...' '458-'='Total intra-abdominal colectomy' '4590'='Intestinal anastomosis, not otherwise...' '4591'='Small-to-small intestinal anastomosis' '4592'='Anastomosis of small intestine to rec...' '4593'='Other small-to-large intestinal anast...' '4594'='Large-to-large intestinal anastomosis' '4595'='Anastomosis to anus' '460-'='Exteriorization of intestine' '4601'='Exteriorization of small intestine' '4602'='Resection of exteriorized segment of ...' '4603'='Exteriorization of large intestine' '4604'='Resection of exteriorized segment of ...' '4610'='Colostomy, not otherwise specified' '4611'='Temporary colostomy' '4613'='Permanent colostomy' '4614'='Delayed opening of colostomy' '4620'='Ileostomy, not otherwise specified' '4621'='Temporary ileostomy' '4622'='Continent ileostomy' '4623'='Other permanent ileostomy' '4624'='Delayed opening of ileostomy' '463-'='Other enterostomy' '4631'='Delayed opening of other enterostomy' '4632'='Percutaneous (endoscopic) jejunostomy...' '4639'='Other enterostomy' '4640'='Revision of intestinal stoma, not oth...' '4641'='Revision of stoma of small intestine' '4642'='Repair of pericolostomy hernia' '4643'='Other revision of stoma of large inte...' '4650'='Closure of intestinal stoma, not othe...' '4651'='Closure of stoma of small intestine' '4652'='Closure of stoma of large intestine' '4660'='Fixation of intestine, not otherwise ...' '4661'='Fixation of small intestine to abdomi...' '4662'='Other fixation of small intestine' '4663'='Fixation of large intestine to abdomi...' '4664'='Other fixation of large intestine' '467-'='Other repair of intestine' '4671'='Suture of laceration of duodenum' '4672'='Closure of fistula of duodenum' '4673'='Suture of laceration of small intesti...' '4674'='Closure of fistula of small intestine...' '4675'='Suture of laceration of large intestine' '4676'='Closure of fistula of large intestine' '4679'='Other repair of intestine' '4680'='Intra-abdominal manipulation of intes...' '4681'='Intra-abdominal manipulation of small...' '4682'='Intra-abdominal manipulation of large...' '4685'='Dilation of intestine' '469-'='Other operations on intestines' '4691'='Myotomy of sigmoid colon' '4692'='Myotomy of other parts of colon' '4693'='Revision of anastomosis of small inte...' '4694'='Revision of anastomosis of large inte...' '4695'='Local perfusion of small intestine' '4696'='Local perfusion of large intestine' '4699'='Other operations on intestines' '470-'='Appendectomy' '4701'='Laparoscopic appendectomy' '4709'='Other appendectomy' '471-'='Incidental appendectomy' '4711'='Laparoscopic incidental appendectomy' '4719'='Other incidental appendectomy' '472-'='Drainage of appendiceal abscess' '4791'='Appendicostomy' '4792'='Closure of appendiceal fistula' '4799'='Other appendicostomy' '480-'='Proctotomy' '481-'='Proctostomy' '482-'='Diagnostic procedures on rectum/recto...' '4821'='Transabdominal proctosigmoidoscopy' '4822'='Proctosigmoidoscopy through artificia...' '4823'='Rigid proctosigmoidoscopy' '4824'='Closed [endoscopic] biopsy of rectum' '4825'='Open biopsy of rectum' '4826'='Biopsy of perirectal tissue' '4829'='Other diagnostic procedures on rectum...' '483-'='Local excision or destruction of lesi...' '4831'='Radical electrocoagulation of rectal ...' '4832'='Other electrocoagulation of rectal le...' '4833'='Destruction of rectal lesion or tissu...' '4834'='Destruction of rectal lesion or tissu...' '4835'='Local excision of rectal lesion or ti...' '4836'='[Endoscopic] polypectomy of rectum' '484-'='Pull-through resection of rectum' '4841'='Soave submucosal resection of rectum' '4849'='Other pull-through resection of rectum' '485-'='Abdominoperineal resection of rectum' '486-'='Other resection of rectum' '4861'='Transsacral rectosigmoidectomy' '4862'='Anterior resection of rectum with syn...' '4863'='Other anterior resection of rectum' '4864'='Posterior resection of rectum' '4865'='Duhamel resection of rectum' '4869'='Other resection of rectum' '487-'='Repair of rectum' '4871'='Suture of laceration of rectum' '4872'='Closure of proctostomy' '4873'='Closure of other rectal fistula' '4874'='Rectorectostomy' '4875'='Abdominal proctopexy' '4876'='Other proctopexy' '4879'='Other repair of rectum' '488-'='Incision or excision of perirectal ti...' '4881'='Incision of perirectal tissue' '4882'='Excision of perirectal tissue' '489-'='Other operations on rectum and perire...' '4891'='Incision of rectal stricture' '4892'='Anorectal myectomy' '4893'='Repair of perirectal fistula' '4899'='Other operations on rectum and perire...' '490-'='Incision or excision of perianal tissue' '4901'='Incision of perianal abscess' '4902'='Other incision of perianal tissue' '4903'='Excision of perianal skin tags' '4904'='Other excision of perianal tissue' '491-'='Incision or excision of anal fistula' '4911'='Anal fistulotomy' '4912'='Anal fistulectomy' '492-'='Diagnostic procedures on anus and per...' '4921'='Anoscopy' '4922'='Biopsy of perianal tissue' '4923'='Biopsy of anus' '4929'='Other diagnostic procedures on anus a...' '493-'='Local excision or destruction of othe...' '4931'='Endoscopic excision or destruction of...' '4939'='Other local excision or destruction o...' '494-'='Procedures on hemorrhoids' '4941'='Reduction of hemorrhoids' '4942'='Injection of hemorrhoids' '4943'='Cauterization of hemorrhoids' '4944'='Destruction of hemorrhoids by cryothe...' '4945'='Ligation of hemorrhoids' '4946'='Excision of hemorrhoids' '4947'='Evacuation of thrombosed hemorrhoids' '4949'='Other procedures on hemorrhoids' '495-'='Division of anal sphincter' '4951'='Left lateral anal sphincterotomy' '4952'='Posterior anal sphincterotomy' '4959'='Other anal sphincterotomy' '496-'='Excision of anus' '497-'='Repair of anus' '4971'='Suture of laceration of anus' '4972'='Anal cerclage' '4973'='Closure of anal fistula' '4974'='Gracilis muscle transplant for anal i...' '4979'='Other repair of anal sphincter' '499-'='Other operations on anus' '4991'='Incision of anal septum' '4992'='Insertion of subcutaneous electrical ...' '4993'='Other incision of anus' '4994'='Reduction of anal prolapse' '4995'='Control of (postoperative) hemorrhage...' '4999'='Other operations on anus' '500-'='Hepatotomy' '501-'='Diagnostic procedures on liver' '5011'='Closed (percutaneous) [needle] biopsy...' '5012'='Open biopsy of liver' '5019'='Other diagnostic procedures on liver' '502-'='Local excision or destruction of live...' '5021'='Marsupialization of lesion of liver' '5022'='Partial hepatectomy' '5029'='Other destruction of lesion of liver' '503-'='Lobectomy of liver' '504-'='Total hepatectomy' '505-'='Liver transplant' '5051'='Auxiliary liver transplant' '5059'='Other transplant of liver' '506-'='Repair of liver' '5061'='Closure of laceration of liver' '5069'='Other repair of liver' '509-'='Other operations on liver' '5091'='Percutaneous aspiration of liver' '5092'='Extracorporeal hepatic assistance' '5093'='Localized perfusion of liver' '5094'='Other injection of therapeutic substa...' '5099'='Other operations of liver' '510-'='Cholecystotomy and cholecystostomy' '5101'='Percutaneous aspiration of gallbladder' '5102'='Trocar cholecystostomy' '5103'='Other cholecystostomy' '5104'='Other cholecystotomy' '5110'='Endoscopic retrograde cholangiopancre...' '5111'='Endoscopic retrograde cholangiography...' '5112'='Percutaneous biopsy of gallbladder or...' '5113'='Open biopsy of gallbladder or bile ducts' '5114'='Other closed biopsy of biliary duct o...' '5115'='Pressure measurement of sphincter of ...' '5119'='Other diagnostic procedures on biliar...' '512-'='Cholecystectomy' '5122'='Cholecystectomy' '5123'='Laparoscopic cholecystectomy' '5124'='Laparoscopic partial cholecystectomy' '513-'='Anastomosis of gallbladder or bile duct' '5131'='Anastomosis of gallbladder to hepatic...' '5132'='Anastomosis of gallbladder to intestine' '5133'='Anastomosis of gallbladder to pancreas' '5134'='Anastomosis of gallbladder to stomach' '5135'='Other gallbladder anastomosis' '5136'='Choledochoenterostomy' '5137'='Anastomosis of hepatic duct to gastro...' '5139'='Other bile duct anastomosis' '514-'='Incision of bile duct for relief of o...' '5141'='Common duct exploration for removal o...' '5142'='Common duct exploration for relief of...' '5143'='Insertion of choledochohepatic tube f...' '5149'='Incision of other bile ducts for reli...' '515-'='Other incision of bile duct' '5151'='Exploration of common duct' '5159'='Incision of other bile duct' '516-'='Loc excis/destruc of lesn/tiss of bil...' '5161'='Excision of cystic duct remnant' '5162'='Excision of ampulla of Vater (w/reimp...' '5163'='Other excision of common duct' '5164'='Endoscopic excis/destruc of lesn of b...' '5169'='Excision of other bile duct' '517-'='Repair of bile ducts' '5171'='Simple suture of common bile duct' '5172'='Choledochoplasty' '5179'='Repair of other bile ducts' '518-'='Other operations on biliary ducts and...' '5181'='Dilation of sphincter of Oddi' '5182'='Pancreatic sphincterotomy' '5183'='Pancreatic sphincteroplasty' '5184'='Endoscopic dilation of ampulla and bi...' '5185'='Endoscopic sphincterotomy and papillo...' '5186'='Endoscopic insertion of nasobiliary d...' '5187'='Endoscopic insertion of stent (tube) ...' '5188'='Endoscopic removal of stone(s) from b...' '5189'='Other operations on sphincter of Oddi' '519-'='Other operations on biliary tract' '5191'='Repair of laceration of gallbladder' '5192'='Closure of cholecystostomy' '5193'='Closure of other biliary fistula' '5194'='Revision of anastomosis of biliary tract' '5195'='Removal of prosthetic device from bil...' '5196'='Percutaneous extraction of common duc...' '5198'='Other percutaneous procedures on bili...' '5199'='Other operations on biliary tract' '520-'='Pancreatotomy' '5201'='Drainage of pancreatic cyst by catheter' '5209'='Other pancreatotomy' '521-'='Diagnostic procedures on pancreas' '5211'='Closed [aspiration] [needle] [percuta...' '5212'='Open biopsy of pancreas' '5213'='Endoscopic retrograde pancreatography...' '5214'='Closed [endoscopic] biopsy of pancrea...' '5219'='Other diagnostic procedures on pancreas' '522-'='Local excision or destruction of panc...' '5221'='Endoscopic excisn/destruc of lesion/t...' '5222'='Oth excis/destruc of lesion/tissue of...' '523-'='Marsupialization of pancreatic cyst' '524-'='Internal drainage of pancreatic cyst' '525-'='Partial pancreatectomy' '5251'='Proximal pancreatectomy' '5252'='Distal pancreatectomy' '5253'='Radical subtotal pancreatectomy' '5259'='Other partial pancreatectomy' '526-'='Total pancreatectomy' '527-'='Radical pancreaticoduodenectomy' '5280'='Pancreatic transplant, not otherwise ...' '5281'='Reimplantation of pancreatic tissue' '5282'='Homotransplant of pancreas' '5283'='Heterotransplant of pancreas' '529-'='Other operations on pancreas' '5292'='Cannulation of pancreatic duct' '5293'='Endoscopic insertion of stent (tube) ...' '5294'='Endoscopic removal of stone(s) from p...' '5295'='Other repair of pancreas' '5296'='Anastomosis of pancreas' '5297'='Endoscopic insertion of nasopancreati...' '5298'='Endoscopic dilation of pancreatic duct' '5299'='Other operations on pancreas' '5300'='Unilateral repair of inguinal hernia,...' '5301'='Repair of direct inguinal hernia' '5302'='Repair of indirect inguinal hernia' '5303'='Repair of direct inguinal hernia with...' '5304'='Repair of indirect inguinal hernia wi...' '5305'='Repair of inguinal hernia w/graft or ...' '5310'='Bilateral repair of inguinal hernia, ...' '5311'='Bilateral repair of direct inguinal h...' '5312'='Bilateral repair of indirect inguinal...' '5313'='Bilateral repair of inguinal hernia, ...' '5314'='Bilateral repair of direct inguinal h...' '5315'='Bilateral repair of indirect inguinal...' '5316'='Bilat rep of inguinal hernia one dir/...' '5317'='Bilat inguinal hernia repair w graft/...' '532-'='Unilateral repair of femoral hernia' '5321'='Unilateral repair of femoral hernia w...' '5329'='Other unilateral femoral herniorrhaphy' '533-'='Bilateral repair of femoral hernia' '5331'='Bilateral repair of femoral hernia wi...' '5339'='Other bilateral femoral herniorrhaphy' '534-'='Repair of umbilical hernia' '5341'='Repair of umbilical hernia with prost...' '5342'='Laparo repair of umbil hernia with graf..' '5343'='Other laparoscopic umbilical herniorrhaphy' '5349'='Other umbilical herniorrhaphy' '535-'='Repair of oth hernia of anter abdom w...' '5351'='Incisional hernia repair' '5359'='Repair of other hernia of anterior ab...' '536-'='Repair of oth hernia of anterior abdo...' '5361'='Incisional hernia repair with prosthesis' '5362'='Laparo incisional hernia repair w/graft...' '5363'='Oth laparo repair of other hernia of ant...' '5369'='Repair of other hernia of anterior ab...' '537-'='Repair of diaphragmatic hernia, abdom...' '5371'='Laparoscopic repair of diaphragmatic hernia, ab approach' '5380'='Repair of diaphragmatic hernia w/thor...' '5381'='Plication of the diaphragm' '5382'='Repair of parasternal hernia' '539-'='Other hernia repair' '540-'='Incision of abdominal wall' '541-'='Laparotomy' '5411'='Exploratory laparotomy' '5412'='Reopening of recent laparotomy site' '5419'='Other laparotomy' '542-'='Diagnostic procedures of abdominal re...' '5421'='Laparoscopy' '5422'='Biopsy of abdominal wall or umbilicus' '5423'='Biopsy of peritoneum' '5424'='Closed [percutaneous] [needle] biopsy...' '5425'='Peritoneal lavage' '5429'='Other diagnostic procedures on abdomi...' '543-'='Excision/destructn of lesion/tissue o...' '544-'='Excision or destruction of peritoneal...' '5451'='laparoscopic lysis of peritoneal adhes..' '5459'='Other lysis of peritoneal adhesions' '546-'='Suture of abdominal wall and peritoneum' '5461'='Reclosure of postoperative disruption...' '5462'='Delayed closure of granulating abdomi...' '5463'='Other suture of abdominal wall' '5464'='Suture of peritoneum' '547-'='Other repair of abdominal wall and pe...' '5471'='Repair of gastroschisis' '5472'='Other repair of abdominal wall' '5473'='Other repair of peritoneum' '5474'='Other repair of omentum' '5475'='Other repair of mesentery' '549-'='Other operations of abdominal region' '5491'='Percutaneous abdominal drainage' '5492'='Removal of foreign body from peritone...' '5493'='Creation of cutaneoperitoneal fistula' '5494'='Creation of peritoneovascular shunt' '5495'='Incision of peritoneum' '5496'='Injection of air into peritoneal cavity' '5497'='Injec of locally-acting therapeut sub...' '5498'='Peritoneal dialysis' '5499'='Other operations of abdominal region' '550-'='Nephrotomy and nephrostomy' '5501'='Nephrotomy' '5502'='Nephrostomy' '5503'='Percutaneous nephrostomy without frag...' '5504'='Percutaneous nephrostomy with fragmen...' '551-'='Pyelotomy and pyelostomy' '5511'='Pyelotomy' '5512'='Pyelostomy' '552-'='Diagnostic procedures on kidney' '5521'='Nephroscopy' '5522'='Pyeloscopy' '5523'='Closed [percutaneous] [needle] biopsy...' '5524'='Open biopsy of kidney' '5529'='Other diagnostic procedures on kidney' '553-'='Local excision or destruction of lesi...' '5531'='Marsupialization of kidney lesion' '5539'='Other local destruction or excision o...' '554-'='Partial nephrectomy' '555-'='Complete nephrectomy' '5551'='Nephroureterectomy' '5552'='Nephrectomy of remaining kidney' '5553'='Removal of transplanted or rejected k...' '5554'='Bilateral nephrectomy' '556-'='Transplant of kidney' '5561'='Renal autotransplantation' '5569'='Other kidney transplantation' '557-'='Nephropexy' '558-'='Other repair of kidney' '5581'='Suture of laceration of kidney' '5582'='Closure of nephrostomy and pyelostomy' '5583'='Closure of other fistula of kidney' '5584'='Reduction of torsion of renal pedicle' '5585'='Symphysiotomy for horseshoe kidney' '5586'='Anastomosis of kidney' '5587'='Correction of ureteropelvic junction' '5589'='Other repair of kidney' '559-'='Other operations on kidney' '5591'='Decapsulation of kidney' '5592'='Percutaneous aspiration of kidney (pe...' '5593'='Replacement of nephrostomy tube' '5594'='Replacement of pyelostomy tube' '5595'='Local perfusion of kidney' '5596'='Other injection of therapeutic substa...' '5597'='Implantation or replacement of mechan...' '5598'='Removal of mechanical kidney' '5599'='Other operations on kidney' '560-'='Transurethral removal of obstruction ...' '561-'='Ureteral meatotomy' '562-'='Ureterotomy' '563-'='Diagnostic procedures on ureter' '5631'='Ureteroscopy' '5632'='Closed percutaneous biopsy of ureter' '5633'='Closed endoscopic biopsy of ureter' '5634'='Open biopsy of ureter' '5635'='Endoscopy (cystoscopy) (looposcopy)of...' '5639'='Other diagnostic procedures on ureter' '5640'='Ureterectomy, not otherwise specified' '5641'='Partial ureterectomy' '5642'='Total ureterectomy' '565-'='Cutaneous uretero-ileostomy' '5651'='Formation of cutaneous uretero-ileostomy' '5652'='Revision of cutaneous uretero-ileostomy' '566-'='Other external urinary diversion' '5661'='Formation of other cutaneous ureteros...' '5662'='Revision of other cutaneous ureterostomy' '567-'='Other anastomosis or bypass of ureter' '5671'='Urinary diversion to intestine' '5672'='Revision of ureterointestinal anastom...' '5673'='Nephrocystanastomosis, not otherwise ...' '5674'='Ureteroneocystostomy' '5675'='Transureteroureterostomy' '5679'='Other anastomosis or bypass of ureter' '568-'='Repair of ureter' '5681'='Lysis of intraluminal adhesions of ur...' '5682'='Suture of laceration of ureter' '5683'='Closure of ureterostomy' '5684'='Closure of other fistula of ureter' '5685'='Ureteropexy' '5686'='Removal of ligature from ureter' '5689'='Other repair of ureter' '569-'='Other operations on ureter' '5691'='Dilation of ureteral meatus' '5692'='Implantation of electronic ureteral s...' '5693'='Replacement of electronic ureteral st...' '5694'='Removal of electronic ureteral stimul...' '5695'='Ligation of ureter' '5699'='Other operations on ureter' '570-'='Transurethral clearance of bladder' '571-'='Cystotomy and cystostomy' '5711'='Percutaneous aspiration of bladder' '5712'='Lysis of intraluminal adhesions with ...' '5717'='Percutaneous cystostomy' '5718'='Other suprapubic cystostomy' '5719'='Other cystotomy' '572-'='Vesicostomy' '5721'='Vesicostomy' '5722'='Revision or closure of vesicostomy' '573-'='Diagnostic procedures on bladder' '5731'='Cystoscopy through artificial stoma' '5732'='Other cystoscopy' '5733'='Closed [transurethral] biopsy of bladder' '5734'='Open biopsy of bladder' '5739'='Other diagnostic procedures on bladder' '574-'='Transurethral excision or destruction...' '5741'='Transurethral lysis of intraluminal a...' '5749'='Oth transurethral excisn/destruc of l...' '575-'='Other excision or destruction of blad...' '5751'='Excision of urachus' '5759'='Open excision or destruction of other...' '576-'='Partial cystectomy' '577-'='Total cystectomy' '5771'='Radical cystectomy' '5779'='Other total cystectomy' '578-'='Other repair of urinary bladder' '5781'='Suture of laceration of bladder' '5782'='Closure of cystostomy' '5783'='Repair of fistula involving bladder a...' '5784'='Repair of other fistula of bladder' '5785'='Cystourethroplasty and plastic repair...' '5786'='Repair of bladder exstrophy' '5787'='Reconstruction of urinary bladder' '5788'='Other anastomosis of bladder' '5789'='Other repair of bladder' '579-'='Other operations on bladder' '5791'='Sphincterotomy of bladder' '5792'='Dilation of bladder neck' '5793'='Control of (postoperative) hemorrhage...' '5794'='Insertion of indwelling urinary catheter' '5795'='Replacement of indwelling urinary cat...' '5796'='Implantation of electronic bladder st...' '5797'='Replacement of electronic bladder sti...' '5798'='Removal of electronic bladder stimulator' '5799'='Other operations on bladder' '580-'='Urethrotomy' '581-'='Urethral meatotomy' '582-'='Diagnostic procedures on urethra' '5821'='Perineal urethroscopy' '5822'='Other urethroscopy' '5823'='Biopsy of urethra' '5824'='Biopsy of periurethral tissue' '5829'='Other diagnostic procedures on urethr...' '583-'='Excision or destruction of lesion or ...' '5831'='Endoscopic excision or destruction of...' '5839'='Other local excision or destruction o...' '584-'='Repair of urethra' '5841'='Suture of laceration of urethra' '5842'='Closure of urethrostomy' '5843'='Closure of other fistula of urethra' '5844'='Reanastomosis of urethra' '5845'='Repair of hypospadias or epispadias' '5846'='Other reconstruction of urethra' '5847'='Urethral meatoplasty' '5849'='Other repair of urethra' '585-'='Release of urethral stricture' '586-'='Dilation of urethra' '589-'='Other operations on urethra and periu...' '5891'='Incision of periurethral tissue' '5892'='Excision of periurethral tissue' '5893'='Implantation of artificial urinary sp...' '5899'='Other operations on urethra and periu...' '5900'='Retroperitoneal dissection, not other...' '5901'='Ureterolysis w free/repositn ureter f...' '5902'='Other lysis of perirenal or periurete...' '5903'='Laparo lysis of perirenal or periurete..' '5909'='Other incision of perirenal or periur...' '591-'='Incision of perivesical tissue' '5911'='Lysis of perivesical adhesions' '5919'='Other incision of perivesical tissue' '592-'='Diagnostic procedures on perirenal an...' '5921'='Biopsy of perirenal or perivesical ti...' '5929'='Oth diag proc on perirenal tiss/periv...' '593-'='Plication of urethrovesical junction' '594-'='Suprapubic sling operation' '595-'='Retropubic urethral suspension' '596-'='Paraurethral suspension' '597-'='Other repair of urinary stress incont...' '5971'='Levator muscle operation for urethrov...' '5972'='Injection of implant into urethra and...' '5979'='Other repair of urinary stress incont...' '598-'='Ureteral catheterization' '599-'='Other operations on urinary system' '5991'='Excision of perirenal or perivesical ...' '5992'='Other operations on perirenal or peri...' '5993'='Replacement of ureterostomy tube' '5994'='Replacement of cystostomy tube' '5995'='Ultrasonic fragmentation of urinary s...' '5999'='Other operations on urinary system' '600-'='Incision of prostate' '601-'='Diagnostic procedures on prostate and...' '6011'='Closed [percutaneous] [needle] biopsy...' '6012'='Open biopsy of prostate' '6013'='Closed [percutaneous] biopsy of semin...' '6014'='Open biopsy of seminal vesicles' '6015'='Biopsy of periprostatic tissue' '6018'='Other diagnostic procedures on prosta...' '6019'='Other diagnostic procedures on semina...' '602-'='Transurethral prostatectomy' '6021'='Transurethral guided laser induced pr...' '6029'='Other transurethral prostatectomy' '603-'='Suprapubic prostatectomy' '604-'='Retropubic prostatectomy' '605-'='Radical prostatectomy' '606-'='Other prostatectomy' '6061'='Local excision of lesion of prostate' '6062'='Perineal prostatectomy' '6069'='Other prostatectomy' '607-'='Operations on seminal vesicles' '6071'='Percutaneous aspiration of seminal ve...' '6072'='Incision of seminal vesicle' '6073'='Excision of seminal vesicle' '6079'='Other operations on seminal vesicles' '608-'='Incision or excision of periprostatic...' '6081'='Incision of periprostatic tissue' '6082'='Excision of periprostatic tissue' '609-'='Other operations on prostate' '6091'='Percutaneous aspiration of prostate' '6092'='Injection into prostate' '6093'='Repair of prostate' '6094'='Control of (postoperative) hemorrhage...' '6095'='Transurethral balloon dilation of the...' '6096'='Transur destr prost tissue by microwa...' '6097'='Other transur destr prost tissue by o...' '6099'='Other operations on prostate' '610-'='Incision and drainage of scrotum and ...' '611-'='Diagnostic procedures on scrotum and ...' '6111'='Biopsy of scrotum or tunica vaginalis' '6119'='Other diagnostic procedures on scrotu...' '612-'='Excision of hydrocele (of tunica vagi...' '613-'='Excision or destruction of lesion or ...' '614-'='Repair of scrotum and tunica vaginalis' '6141'='Suture of laceration of scrotum and t...' '6142'='Repair of scrotal fistula' '6149'='Other repair of scrotum and tunica va...' '619-'='Other operations on scrotum and tunic...' '6191'='Percutaneous aspiration of tunica vag...' '6192'='Excision of lesion of tunica vaginali...' '6199'='Other operations on scrotum and tunic...' '620-'='Incision of testis' '621-'='Diagnostic procedures on testes' '6211'='Closed [percutaneous] [needle] biopsy...' '6212'='Open biopsy of testis' '6219'='Other diagnostic procedures on testes' '622-'='Excision or destruction of testicular...' '623-'='Unilateral orchiectomy' '624-'='Bilateral orchiectomy' '6241'='Removal of both testes at same operat...' '6242'='Removal of remaining testis' '625-'='Orchiopexy' '626-'='Repair of testes' '6261'='Suture of laceration of testis' '6269'='Other repair of testis' '627-'='Insertion of testicular prosthesis' '629-'='Other operations on testes' '6291'='Aspiration of testis' '6292'='Injection of therapeutic substance in...' '6299'='Other operations on testes' '630-'='Diagnostic procedures on spermatic co...' '6301'='Biopsy of spermatic cord, epididymis,...' '6309'='Oth diag procedures on spermatic cord...' '631-'='Excision of varicocele and hydrocele ...' '632-'='Excision of cyst of epididymis' '633-'='Excision of other lesion or tissue of...' '634-'='Epididymectomy' '635-'='Repair of spermatic cord and epididymis' '6351'='Suture of laceration of spermatic cor...' '6352'='Reduction of torsion of testis or spe...' '6353'='Transplantation of spermatic cord' '6359'='Other repair of spermatic cord and ep...' '636-'='Vasotomy' '6370'='Male sterilization procedure, not oth...' '6371'='Ligation of vas deferens' '6372'='Ligation of spermatic cord' '6373'='Vasectomy' '638-'='Repair of vas deferens and epididymis' '6381'='Suture of laceration of vas deferens ...' '6382'='Reconstruction of surgically divided ...' '6383'='Epididymovasostomy' '6384'='Removal of ligature from vas deferens' '6385'='Removal of valve from vas deferens' '6389'='Other repair of vas deferens and epid...' '639-'='Other operation on spermatic cord, ep...' '6391'='Aspiration of spermatocele' '6392'='Epididymotomy' '6393'='Incision of spermatic cord' '6394'='Lysis of adhesions of spermatic cord' '6395'='Insertion of valve in vas deferens' '6399'='Other operation on spermatic cord, ep...' '640-'='Circumcision' '641-'='Diagnostic procedures on the penis' '6411'='Biopsy of penis' '6419'='Other diagnostic procedures on penis' '642-'='Local excision or destruction of lesi...' '643-'='Amputation of penis' '644-'='Repair and plastic operation on penis' '6441'='Suture of laceration of penis' '6442'='Release of chordee' '6443'='Construction of penis' '6444'='Reconstruction of penis' '6445'='Replantation of penis' '6449'='Other repair of penis' '645-'='Operations for sex transformation, no...' '649-'='Other operations on male genital organs' '6491'='Dorsal or lateral slit of prepuce' '6492'='Incision of penis' '6493'='Division of penile adhesions' '6494'='Fitting of external prosthesis of penis' '6495'='Insertion or replacement of non-infla...' '6496'='Removal of internal prosthesis of penis' '6497'='Insertion or replacement of inflatabl...' '6498'='Other operations on penis' '6499'='Other operations on male genital organs' '650-'='Oophorotomy' '6501'='laparoscopic oophorotomy' '651-'='Diagnostic procedures on ovaries' '6511'='Aspiration biopsy of ovary' '6512'='Other biopsy of ovary' '6513'='laparoscopic biopsy of ovary' '6519'='Other diagnostic procedures on ovaries' '652-'='Local excision or destruction of ovar...' '6521'='Marsupialization of ovarian cyst' '6522'='Wedge resection of ovary' '6525'='Other laparo loc excis or dest of ovary' '6529'='Other local excision or destruction o...' '6531'='Laparoscopic unilateral oophorectomy' '6539'='Other unilateral oophorectomy' '6541'='Laparos Unilateral salpingo-oophorectomy' '6549'='Other unilateral salpingo-oophorectomy' '655-'='Bilateral oophorectomy' '6551'='Removal of both ovaries at same opera...' '6552'='Removal of remaining ovary' '6553'='Laparo removal of both ovaries same op epi' '656-'='Bilateral salpingo-oophorectomy' '6561'='Removal of both ovaries and tubes at ...' '6562'='Removal of remaining ovary and tube' '6563'='Laparos removal of ovaries and tubes ...' '657-'='Repair of ovary' '6571'='Simple suture of ovary' '6572'='Reimplantation of ovary' '6573'='Salpingo-oophoroplasty' '6579'='Other repair of ovary' '658-'='Lysis of adhesions of ovary and fallo...' ‘6581’=’Lysis of adhesions of ovary and fallopian tube’ '6589'='Other lysis of adhesions of ovary and fallopian tube' '659-'='Other operations on ovary' '6591'='Aspiration of ovary' '6592'='Transplantation of ovary' '6593'='Manual rupture of ovarian cyst' '6594'='Ovarian denervation' '6595'='Release of torsion of ovary' '6599'='Other operations on ovary' '660-'='Salpingotomy and salpingostomy' '6601'='Salpingotomy' '6602'='Salpingostomy' '661-'='Diagnostic procedures on fallopian tubes' '6611'='Biopsy of fallopian tube' '6619'='Other diagnostic procedures on fallop...' '662-'='Bilateral endoscopic destruction or o...' '6621'='Bilateral endoscopic ligation and cru...' '6622'='Bilateral endoscopic ligation and div...' '6629'='Oth bilateral endoscopic destructn/oc...' '663-'='Other bilateral destruction or occlus...' '6631'='Other bilateral ligation and crushing...' '6632'='Other bilateral ligation and division...' '6639'='Other bilateral destruction or occlus...' '664-'='Total unilateral salpingectomy' '665-'='Total bilateral salpingectomy' '6651'='Removal of both fallopian tubes at sa...' '6652'='Removal of remaining fallopian tube' '666-'='Other salpingectomy' '6661'='Excision or destruction of lesion of ...' '6662'='Salpingectomy with removal of tubal p...' '6663'='Bilateral partial salpingectomy, not ...' '6669'='Other partial salpingectomy' '667-'='Repair of fallopian tube' '6671'='Simple suture of fallopian tube' '6672'='Salpingo-oophorostomy' '6673'='Salpingo-salpingostomy' '6674'='Salpingo-uterostomy' '6679'='Other repair of fallopian tube' '668-'='Insufflation of fallopian tube' '669-'='Other operations on fallopian tubes' '6691'='Aspiration of fallopian tube' '6692'='Unilateral destruction or occlusion o...' '6693'='Implantation or replacement of prosth...' '6694'='Removal of prosthesis of fallopian tube' '6695'='Insufflation of therapeutic agent int...' '6696'='Dilation of fallopian tube' '6697'='Burying of fimbriae in uterine wall' '6699'='Other operations on fallopian tubes' '670-'='Dilation of cervical canal' '671-'='Diagnostic procedures on cervix' '6711'='Endocervical biopsy' '6712'='Other cervical biopsy' '6719'='Other diagnostic procedures on cervix' '672-'='Conization of cervix' '673-'='Other excision or destruction of lesi...' '6731'='Marsupialization of cervical cyst' '6732'='Destruction of lesion of cervix by ca...' '6733'='Destruction of lesion of cervix by cr...' '6739'='Other excision or destruction of lesi...' '674-'='Amputation of cervix' '6751'='Transabdominal cerclage of cervix' '6759'='Other repair of internal cervical os' '676-'='Other repair of cervix' '6761'='Suture of laceration of cervix' '6762'='Repair of fistula of cervix' '6769'='Other repair of cervix' '680-'='Hysterotomy' '681-'='Diagnostic procedures on uterus and s...' '6811'='Digital examination of uterus' '6812'='Hysteroscopy' '6813'='Open biopsy of uterus' '6814'='Open biopsy of uterine ligaments' '6815'='Closed biopsy of uterine ligaments' '6816'='Closed biopsy of uterus' '6819'='Other diagnostic procedures on uterus...' '682-'='Excision or destruction of lesion or ...' '6821'='Division of endometrial synechiae' '6822'='Incision or excision of congenital se...' '6823'='Endometrial ablation' '6829'='Other excision or destruction of lesi...' '683-'='Subtotal abdominal hysterectomy' '6831'='Laparoscopic supracervical hysterectomy (LSH)' '6841'='Laparoscopic total abdominal hysterectomy' '6849'='Other and unsp total abdom hysterectomy' '685-'='Vaginal hysterectomy' '6851'='Laparo assist vagin hysterectomy (LAVH)' '6859'='Other vaginal hysterectomy' '6861'='Laparo radical abdominal hysterectomy' '6869'='Other and unspecified radical abdom hysterectomy' '687-'='Radical vaginal hysterectomy' '688-'='Pelvic evisceration' '689-'='Other and unspecified hysterectomy' '690-'='Dilation and curettage of uterus' '6901'='Dilation and curettage for terminatio...' '6902'='Dilation and curettage following deli...' '6909'='Other dilation and curettage' '691-'='Excis/destruc of lesion/tissue of ute...' '6919'='Other excision or destruction of uter...' '692-'='Repair of uterine supporting structures' '6921'='Interposition operation' '6922'='Other uterine suspension' '6923'='Vaginal repair of chronic inversion o...' '6929'='Other repair of uterus and supporting...' '693-'='Paracervical uterine denervation' '694-'='Uterine repair' '6941'='Suture of laceration of uterus' '6942'='Closure of fistula of uterus' '6949'='Other repair of uterus' '695-'='Aspiration curettage of uterus' '6951'='Aspiration curettage of uterus for te...' '6952'='Aspiration curettage following delive...' '6959'='Other aspiration curettage of uterus' '696-'='Menstrual extraction or regulation' '697-'='Insertion of intrauterine contracepti...' '699-'='Other operations on uterus, cervix, a...' '6991'='Insertion of therapeutic device into ...' '6992'='Artificial insemination' '6993'='Insertion of laminaria' '6994'='Manual replacement of inverted uterus' '6995'='Incision of cervix' '6996'='Removal of cerclage material from cervix' '6997'='Removal of other penetrating foreign ...' '6998'='Other operations on supporting struct...' '6999'='Other operations on cervix and uterus' '700-'='Culdocentesis' '701-'='Incision of vagina and cul-de-sac' '7011'='Hymenotomy' '7012'='Culdotomy' '7013'='Lysis of intraluminal adhesions of va...' '7014'='Other vaginotomy' '702-'='Diagnostic procedures on vagina and c...' '7021'='Vaginoscopy' '7022'='Culdoscopy' '7023'='Biopsy of cul-de-sac' '7024'='Vaginal biopsy' '7029'='Other diagnostic procedures on vagina...' '703-'='Local excision or destruction of vagi...' '7031'='Hymenectomy' '7032'='Excision or destruction of lesion of ...' '7033'='Excision or destruction of lesion of ...' '704-'='Obliteration and total excision of va...' '7050'='Repair of cystocele and rectocele' '7051'='Repair of cystocele' '7052'='Repair of rectocele' '7053'='Repair cystoc and rectocele w/ graft or pros' '7054'='Repair of cystocele with graft or prosthesis' '7055'='Repair of rectocele with graft or prosthesis' '706-'='Vaginal construction and reconstruction' '7061'='Vaginal construction' '7062'='Vaginal reconstruction' '707-'='Other repair of vagina' '7071'='Suture of laceration of vagina' '7072'='Repair of colovaginal fistula' '7073'='Repair of rectovaginal fistula' '7074'='Repair of other vaginoenteric fistula' '7075'='Repair of other fistula of vagina' '7076'='Hymenorrhaphy' '7077'='Vaginal suspension and fixation' '7079'='Other repair of vagina' '708-'='Obliteration of vaginal vault' '709-'='Other operations on vagina and cul-de...' '7091'='Other operations on vagina' '7092'='Other operations on cul-de-sac' '710-'='Incision of vulva and perineum' '7101'='Lysis of vulvar adhesions' '7109'='Other incision of vulva and perineum' '711-'='Diagnostic procedures on vulva' '7111'='Biopsy of vulva' '7119'='Other diagnostic procedures on vulva' '712-'='Operations on Bartholin`s gland' '7121'='Percutaneous aspiration of Bartholin`...' '7122'='Incision of Bartholin`s gland (cyst)' '7123'='Marsupialization of Bartholin`s gland...' '7124'='Excision or other destruction of Bart...' '7129'='Other operations on Bartholin`s gland' '713-'='Other local excision or destruction o...' '714-'='Operations on clitoris' '715-'='Radical vulvectomy' '716-'='Other vulvectomy' '7161'='Unilateral vulvectomy' '7162'='Bilateral vulvectomy' '717-'='Repair of vulva and perineum' '7171'='Suture of laceration of vulva or peri...' '7172'='Repair of fistula of vulva or perineum' '7179'='Other repair of vulva and perineum' '718-'='Other operations on vulva' '719-'='Other operations on female genital or...' '720-'='Low forceps operation' '721-'='Low forceps operation with episiotomy' '722-'='Mid forceps operation' '7221'='Mid forceps operation with episiotomy' '7229'='Other mid forceps operation' '723-'='High forceps operation' '7231'='High forceps operation with episiotomy' '7239'='Other high forceps operation' '724-'='Forceps rotation of fetal head' '725-'='Breech extraction' '7251'='Partial breech extraction with forcep...' '7252'='Other partial breech extraction' '7253'='Total breech extraction with forceps ...' '7254'='Other total breech extraction' '726-'='Forceps application to aftercoming head' '727-'='Vacuum extraction' '7271'='Vacuum extraction with episiotomy' '7279'='Other vacuum extraction' '728-'='Other specified instrumental delivery' '729-'='Unspecified instrumental delivery' '730-'='Artificial rupture of membranes' '7301'='Induction of labor by artificial rupt...' '7309'='Other artificial rupture of membranes' '731-'='Other surgical induction of labor' '732-'='Internal and combined version and ext...' '7321'='Internal and combined version without...' '7322'='Internal and combined version with ex...' '733-'='Failed forceps' '734-'='Medical induction of labor' '735-'='Manually assisted delivery' '7351'='Manual rotation of fetal head' '7359'='Other manually assisted delivery' '736-'='Episiotomy' '738-'='Operations on fetus to facilitate del...' '739-'='Other operations assisting delivery' '7391'='External version' '7392'='Replacement of prolapsed umbilical cord' '7393'='Incision of cervix to assist delivery' '7394'='Pubiotomy to assist delivery' '7399'='Other operations assisting delivery' '740-'='Classical cesarean section' '741-'='Low cervical cesarean section' '742-'='Extraperitoneal cesarean section' '743-'='Removal of extratubal ectopic pregnancy' '744-'='Cesarean section of other specified type' '749-'='Cesarean section of unspecified type' '7491'='Hysterotomy to terminate pregnancy' '7499'='Other cesarean section of unspecified...' '750-'='Intra-amniotic injection for abortion' '751-'='Diagnostic amniocentesis' '752-'='Intrauterine transfusion' '753-'='Other intrauterine operations on fetu...' '7531'='Amnioscopy' '7532'='Fetal EKG (scalp)' '7533'='Fetal blood sampling and biopsy' '7534'='Fetal monitoring, not otherwise speci...' '7535'='Other diagnostic procedures on fetus ...' '7536'='Correction of fetal defect' '7537'='Amnioinfusion' '754-'='Manual removal of retained placenta' '7550'='Rep of current obstetric laceratn of ...' '7551'='Repair of current obstetric laceratio...' '7552'='Repair of current obstetric laceratio...' '756-'='Repair of other current obstetric lac...' '7561'='Repair of current obstetric laceratio...' '7562'='Repair of current obstetric laceratio...' '7569'='Repair of other current obstetric lac...' '757-'='Manual exploration of uterine cavity,...' '758-'='Obstetric tamponade of uterus or vagina' '759-'='Other obstetric operations' '7591'='Evacuation of obstetrical incisional ...' '7592'='Evacuation of other hematoma of vulva...' '7593'='Surgical correction of inverted uterus' '7594'='Manual replacement of inverted uterus' '7599'='Other obstetric operations' '760-'='Incision of facial bone without division' '7601'='Sequestrectomy of facial bone' '7609'='Other incision of facial bone' '761-'='Diagnostic procedures on facial bones...' '7611'='Biopsy of facial bone' '7619'='Other diagnostic procedures on facial...' '762-'='Local excision or destruction of lesi...' '763-'='Partial ostectomy of facial bone' '7631'='Partial mandibulectomy' '7639'='Partial ostectomy of other facial bone' '764-'='Excision and reconstruction of facial...' '7641'='Total mandibulectomy with synchronous...' '7642'='Other total mandibulectomy' '7643'='Other reconstruction of mandible' '7644'='Total ostectomy of oth facial bone w/...' '7645'='Other total ostectomy of other facial...' '7646'='Other reconstruction of other facial ...' '765-'='Temporomandibular arthroplasty' '766-'='Other facial bone repair and orthogna...' '7661'='Closed osteoplasty [osteotomy] of man...' '7662'='Open osteoplasty [osteotomy] of mandi...' '7663'='Osteoplasty [osteotomy] of body of ma...' '7664'='Other orthognathic surgery on mandible' '7665'='Segmental osteoplasty [osteotomy] of ...' '7666'='Total osteoplasty [osteotomy] of maxilla' '7667'='Reduction genioplasty' '7668'='Augmentation genioplasty' '7669'='Other facial bone repair' '7670'='Reduction of facial fracture, not oth...' '7671'='Closed reduction of malar and zygomat...' '7672'='Open reduction of malar and zygomatic...' '7673'='Closed reduction of maxillary fracture' '7674'='Open reduction of maxillary fracture' '7675'='Closed reduction of mandibular fracture' '7676'='Open reduction of mandibular fracture' '7677'='Open reduction of alveolar fracture' '7678'='Other closed reduction of facial frac...' '7679'='Other open reduction of facial fracture' '769-'='Other operations on facial bones and ...' '7691'='Bone graft to facial bone' '7692'='Insertion of synthetic implant in fac...' '7693'='Closed reduction of temporomandibular...' '7694'='Open reduction of temporomandibular d...' '7695'='Other manipulation of temporomandibul...' '7696'='Injection of therapeutic substance in...' '7697'='Removal of internal fixation device f...' '7699'='Other operations on facial bones and ...' '7700'='Sequestrectomy of unspecified site' '7701'='Sequestrectomy of scapula, clavicle, ...' '7702'='Sequestrectomy of humerus' '7703'='Sequestrectomy of radius and ulna' '7704'='Sequestrectomy of carpals and metacar...' '7705'='Sequestrectomy of femur' '7706'='Sequestrectomy of patella' '7707'='Sequestrectomy of tibia and fibula' '7708'='Sequestrectomy of tarsals and metatar...' '7709'='Sequestrectomy of other bone' '7710'='Other incision of unspecified site wi...' '7711'='Oth incis of scapula/clavicle/thorax ...' '7712'='Other incision of humerus without div...' '7713'='Other incision of radius and ulna wit...' '7714'='Other incision of carpals and metacar...' '7715'='Other incision of femur without division' '7716'='Other incision of patella without div...' '7717'='Other incision of tibia and fibula wi...' '7718'='Other incision of tarsals and metatar...' '7719'='Other incision of other bone without ...' '7720'='Wedge osteotomy of unspecified site' '7721'='Wedge osteotomy of scapula/clavicle/t...' '7722'='Wedge osteotomy of humerus' '7723'='Wedge osteotomy of radius and ulna' '7724'='Wedge osteotomy of carpals and metaca...' '7725'='Wedge osteotomy of femur' '7726'='Wedge osteotomy of patella' '7727'='Wedge osteotomy of tibia and fibula' '7728'='Wedge osteotomy of tarsals and metata...' '7729'='Wedge osteotomy of other bone' '7730'='Other division of bone, unspecified site' '7731'='Other division of scapula/clavicle/th...' '7732'='Other division of humerus' '7733'='Other division of radius and ulna' '7734'='Other division of carpals and metacar...' '7735'='Other division of femur' '7736'='Other division of patella' '7737'='Other division of tibia and fibula' '7738'='Other division of tarsals and metatar...' '7739'='Other division of other bone' '7740'='Biopsy of bone, unspecified site' '7741'='Biopsy of scapula, clavicle, and thor...' '7742'='Biopsy of humerus' '7743'='Biopsy of radius and ulna' '7744'='Biopsy of carpals and metacarpals' '7745'='Biopsy of femur' '7746'='Biopsy of patella' '7747'='Biopsy of tibia and fibula' '7748'='Biopsy of tarsals and metatarsals' '7749'='Biopsy of other bone' '775-'='Excision and repair of bunion and oth...' '7751'='Bunionectomy w/soft tissue correctn/o...' '7752'='Bunionectomy with soft tissue correct...' '7753'='Other bunionectomy with soft tissue c...' '7754'='Excision or correction of bunionette' '7756'='Repair of hammer toe' '7757'='Repair of claw toe' '7758'='Other excision, fusion and repair of ...' '7759'='Other bunionectomy' '7760'='Local excision of lesion or tissue of...' '7761'='Local excision of lesion/tissue of sc...' '7762'='Local excision of lesion or tissue of...' '7763'='Local excision of lesion or tissue of...' '7764'='Local excision of lesion or tissue of...' '7765'='Local excision of lesion or tissue of...' '7766'='Local excision of lesion or tissue of...' '7767'='Local excision of lesion or tissue of...' '7768'='Local excision of lesion or tissue of...' '7769'='Local excision of lesion or tissue of...' '7770'='Excision of unspecified site for graft' '7771'='Excision of scapula, clavicle, and th...' '7772'='Excision of humerus for graft' '7773'='Excision of radius and ulna for graft' '7774'='Excision of carpals and metacarpals f...' '7775'='Excision of femur for graft' '7776'='Excision of patella for graft' '7777'='Excision of tibia and fibula for graft' '7778'='Excision of tarsals and metatarsals f...' '7779'='Excision of other bone for graft' '7780'='Partial ostectomy of unspecified site' '7781'='Partial ostectomy of scapula, clavicl...' '7782'='Partial ostectomy of humerus' '7783'='Partial ostectomy of radius and ulna' '7784'='Partial ostectomy of carpals and meta...' '7785'='Partial ostectomy of femur' '7786'='Partial ostectomy of patella' '7787'='Partial ostectomy of tibia and fibula' '7788'='Partial ostectomy of tarsals and meta...' '7789'='Partial ostectomy of other site' '779-'='Total ostectomy of unspecified site' '7791'='Total ostectomy of scapula, clavicle,...' '7792'='Total ostectomy of humerus' '7793'='Total ostectomy of radius and ulna' '7794'='Total ostectomy of carpals and metaca...' '7795'='Total ostectomy of femur' '7796'='Total ostectomy of patella' '7797'='Total ostectomy of tibia and fibula' '7798'='Total ostectomy of tarsals and metata...' '7799'='Total ostectomy of other site' '7800'='Bone graft of unspecified site' '7801'='Bone graft of scapula, clavicle, and ...' '7802'='Bone graft of humerus' '7803'='Bone graft of radius and ulna' '7804'='Bone graft of carpals and metacarpals' '7805'='Bone graft of femur' '7806'='Bone graft of patella' '7807'='Bone graft of tibia and fibula' '7808'='Bone graft of tarsals and metatarsals' '7809'='Bone graft of other site' '7810'='Application of external fixation devi...' '7811'='Applicatn of external fixatn dev for ...' '7812'='Application of external fixation devi...' '7813'='Application of external fixation devi...' '7814'='Applicatn of external fixatn device f...' '7815'='Application of external fixation devi...' '7816'='Application of external fixation devi...' '7817'='Application of external fixation devi...' '7818'='Applicatn of external fixatn device f...' '7819'='Application of external fixation devi...' '7820'='Limb shortening of unspecified site' '7822'='Limb shortening of humerus' '7823'='Limb shortening of radius and ulna' '7824'='Limb shortening of carpals and metaca...' '7825'='Limb shortening of femur' '7827'='Limb shortening of tibia and fibula' '7828'='Limb shortening of tarsals and metata...' '7829'='Limb shortening of other' '7830'='Limb lengthening of unspecified site' '7832'='Limb lengthening of humerus' '7833'='Limb lengthening of radius and ulna' '7834'='Limb lengthening of carpals and metac...' '7835'='Limb lengthening of femur' '7837'='Limb lengthening of tibia and fibula' '7838'='Limb lengthening of tarsals and metat...' '7839'='Limb lengthening of other' '7840'='Other repair or plastic operations on...' '7841'='Other repair or plastic operations on...' '7842'='Other repair or plastic operations on...' '7843'='Other repair or plastic operations on...' '7844'='Other repair or plastic operations on...' '7845'='Other repair or plastic operations on...' '7846'='Other repair or plastic operations on...' '7847'='Other repair or plastic operations on...' '7848'='Other repair or plastic operations on...' '7849'='Other repair or plastic operations on...' '7850'='Internal fixation of unspecified site...' '7851'='Intern fixatn of scapula/clavicle/tho...' '7852'='Internal fixation of humerus without ...' '7853'='Internal fixation of radius and ulna ...' '7854'='Internal fixation of carpals/metacarp...' '7855'='Internal fixation of femur without fr...' '7856'='Internal fixation of patella without ...' '7857'='Internal fixation of tibia and fibula...' '7858'='Internal fixation of tarsals/metatars...' '7859'='Internal fixation of other bone witho...' '7860'='Removal of implanted devices from bon...' '7861'='Removal of implanted devices from sca...' '7862'='Removal of implanted devices from hum...' '7863'='Removal of implanted devices from rad...' '7864'='Removal of implanted devices from car...' '7865'='Removal of implanted devices from femur' '7866'='Removal of implanted devices from pat...' '7867'='Removal of implanted devices from tib...' '7868'='Removal of implanted devices from tar...' '7869'='Removal of implanted devices from oth...' '7870'='Osteoclasis of unspecified site' '7871'='Osteoclasis of scapula, clavicle, and...' '7872'='Osteoclasis of humerus' '7873'='Osteoclasis of radius and ulna' '7874'='Osteoclasis of carpals and metacarpals' '7875'='Osteoclasis of femur' '7876'='Osteoclasis of patella' '7877'='Osteoclasis of tibia and fibula' '7878'='Osteoclasis of tarsals and metatarsals' '7879'='Osteoclasis of other' '7880'='Diagnostic procedures on bone, unspec...' '7881'='Diagnostic procedures on scapula, cla...' '7882'='Diagnostic procedures on humerus' '7883'='Diagnostic procedures on radius and ulna' '7884'='Diagnostic procedures on carpals and ...' '7885'='Diagnostic procedures on femur' '7886'='Diagnostic procedures on patella' '7887'='Diagnostic procedures on tibia and fi...' '7888'='Diagnostic procedures on tarsals and ...' '7889'='Diagnostic procedures on other bone' '7890'='Insertion of bone growth stimulator t...' '7891'='Insertion of bone growth stimulator t...' '7892'='Insertion of bone growth stimulator t...' '7893'='Insertion of bone growth stimulator t...' '7894'='Insertion of bone growth stimulator t...' '7895'='Insertion of bone growth stimulator t...' '7896'='Insertion of bone growth stimulator t...' '7897'='Insertion of bone growth stimulator t...' '7898'='Insertion of bone growth stimulator t...' '7899'='Insertion of bone growth stimulator t...' '7900'='Closed reduction of fracture to unspe...' '7901'='Closed reduction of fracture to humer...' '7902'='Closed reduction of fracture to radiu...' '7903'='Closed reduc of frac to carpals/metac...' '7904'='Closed reductn of frac to phalanges o...' '7905'='Closed reduction of fracture to femur...' '7906'='Closed reductn of frac to tibia and f...' '7907'='Closed reduc of frac to tarsals/metat...' '7908'='Closed reduc of frac to phalanges of ...' '7909'='Closed reduc of frac to othr specifie...' '7910'='Closed reduction of fracture to unspe...' '7911'='Closed reduction of fracture to humer...' '7912'='Closed reduction of fracture to radiu...' '7913'='Clos reductn of frac to carpals/metac...' '7914'='Clos reductn of frac to phalanges of ...' '7915'='Closed reduction of fracture to femur...' '7916'='Closed reduction of fracture to tibia...' '7917'='Clos reductn of frac to tarsals/metat...' '7918'='Closed reduction of frac to phalanges...' '7919'='Closed reduction of frac to oth spec ...' '7920'='Open reduction of fracture to unspec ...' '7921'='Open reduction of fracture to humerus...' '7922'='Open reduction of fracture to radius/...' '7923'='Open reduction of frac to carpal/meta...' '7924'='Open reductn of frac to phalanges of ...' '7925'='Open reduction of fracture to femur w...' '7926'='Open reduction of fracture to tibia/f...' '7927'='Open reductn of frac to tarsals/metat...' '7928'='Open reduction of frac to phalanges o...' '7929'='Open reduction of fracture to oth spe...' '7930'='Open reduction of fracture to unspec ...' '7931'='Open reduction of fracture to humerus...' '7932'='Open reduction of fracture to radius/...' '7933'='Open reductn of frac to carpals/metac...' '7934'='Open reduction of frac to phalanges o...' '7935'='Open reduction of fracture to femur w...' '7936'='Open reduction of fracture to tibia/f...' '7937'='Open reductn of frac to tarsals/metat...' '7938'='Open reduction of frac to phalanges o...' '7939'='Open reduction of fracture to oth spe...' '7940'='Closed reduction of separated epiphys...' '7941'='Closed reduction of separated epiphys...' '7942'='Closed reduction of separated epiphys...' '7945'='Closed reduction of separated epiphys...' '7946'='Closed reduction of separated epiphys...' '7949'='Closed reduction of separated epiphys...' '7950'='Open reduction of separated epiphysis...' '7951'='Open reduction of separated epiphysis...' '7952'='Open reduction of separated epiphysis...' '7955'='Open reduction of separated epiphysis...' '7956'='Open reduction of separated epiphysis...' '7959'='Open reduction of separated epiphysis...' '7960'='Debridement of open fracture to unspe...' '7961'='Debridement of open fracture to humerus' '7962'='Debridement of open fracture to radiu...' '7963'='Debridement of open fracture to carpa...' '7964'='Debridement of open fracture to phala...' '7965'='Debridement of open fracture to femur' '7966'='Debridement of open fracture to tibia...' '7967'='Debridement of open fracture to tarsa...' '7968'='Debridement of open fracture to phala...' '7969'='Debridement of open fracture to other...' '7970'='Closed reduction of dislocation of un...' '7971'='Closed reduction of dislocation of sh...' '7972'='Closed reduction of dislocation of elbow' '7973'='Closed reduction of dislocation of wrist' '7974'='Closed reduction of dislocation of ha...' '7975'='Closed reduction of dislocation of hip' '7976'='Closed reduction of dislocation of knee' '7977'='Closed reduction of dislocation of ankle' '7978'='Closed reduction of dislocation of fo...' '7979'='Closed reduction of dislocation of ot...' '798-'='Open reduction of dislocation of unsp...' '7981'='Open reduction of dislocation of shou...' '7982'='Open reduction of dislocation of elbow' '7983'='Open reduction of dislocation of wrist' '7984'='Open reduction of dislocation of hand...' '7985'='Open reduction of dislocation of hip' '7986'='Open reduction of dislocation of knee' '7987'='Open reduction of dislocation of ankle' '7988'='Open reduction of dislocation of foot...' '7989'='Open reduction of dislocation of othe...' '7990'='Unspecified operation on bone injury,...' '7991'='Unspecified operation on humerus' '7992'='Unspecified operation on radius and ulna' '7993'='Unspecified operation on carpals and ...' '7994'='Unspecified operation on phalanges of...' '7995'='Unspecified operation on femur' '7996'='Unspecified operation on tibia and fi...' '7997'='Unspecified operation on tarsals and ...' '7998'='Unspecified operation on phalanges of...' '7999'='Unspecified operation on other specif...' '8000'='Arthrotomy for removal of prosthesis,...' '8001'='Arthrotomy for removal of prosthesis,...' '8002'='Arthrotomy for removal of prosthesis,...' '8003'='Arthrotomy for removal of prosthesis,...' '8004'='Arthrotomy for removal of prosthesis,...' '8005'='Arthrotomy for removal of prosthesis,...' '8006'='Arthrotomy for removal of prosthesis,...' '8007'='Arthrotomy for removal of prosthesis,...' '8008'='Arthrotomy for removal of prosthesis,...' '8009'='Arthrotomy for removal of prosthesis,...' '8010'='Other arthrotomy, unspecified site' '8011'='Other arthrotomy, shoulder' '8012'='Other arthrotomy, elbow' '8013'='Other arthrotomy, wrist' '8014'='Other arthrotomy, hand and finger' '8015'='Other arthrotomy, hip' '8016'='Other arthrotomy, knee' '8017'='Other arthrotomy, ankle' '8018'='Other arthrotomy, foot and toe' '8019'='Other arthrotomy, other specified sites' '8020'='Arthroscopy, unspecified site' '8021'='Arthroscopy, shoulder' '8022'='Arthroscopy, elbow' '8023'='Arthroscopy, wrist' '8024'='Arthroscopy, hand and finger' '8025'='Arthroscopy, hip' '8026'='Arthroscopy, knee' '8027'='Arthroscopy, ankle' '8028'='Arthroscopy, foot and toe' '8029'='Arthroscopy, other specified sites' '8030'='Biopsy of joint structure, unspecifie...' '8031'='Biopsy of joint structure, shoulder' '8032'='Biopsy of joint structure, elbow' '8033'='Biopsy of joint structure, wrist' '8034'='Biopsy of joint structure, hand and f...' '8035'='Biopsy of joint structure, hip' '8036'='Biopsy of joint structure, knee' '8037'='Biopsy of joint structure, ankle' '8038'='Biopsy of joint structure, foot and toe' '8039'='Biopsy of joint structure, other spec...' '8040'='Division of joint capsule, ligament, ...' '8041'='Division of joint capsule, ligament, ...' '8042'='Division of joint capsule, ligament, ...' '8043'='Division of joint capsule, ligament, ...' '8044'='Division of joint capsule, ligament, ...' '8045'='Division of joint capsule, ligament, ...' '8046'='Division of joint capsule, ligament, ...' '8047'='Division of joint capsule, ligament, ...' '8048'='Division of joint capsule, ligament, ...' '8049'='Division of joint capsule/ligament/ca...' '8050'='Excision or destruction of interverte...' '8051'='Excision of intervertebral disc' '8052'='Intervertebral chemonucleolysis' '8059'='Other destruction of intervertebral disc' '806-'='Excision of semilunar cartilage of knee' '8070'='Synovectomy, unspecified site' '8071'='Synovectomy, shoulder' '8072'='Synovectomy, elbow' '8073'='Synovectomy, wrist' '8074'='Synovectomy, hand and finger' '8075'='Synovectomy, hip' '8076'='Synovectomy, knee' '8077'='Synovectomy, ankle' '8078'='Synovectomy, foot and toe' '8079'='Synovectomy, other specified sites' '8080'='Othr local excisn/destructn of lesion...' '8081'='Other local excision or destruction o...' '8082'='Other local excision or destruction o...' '8083'='Other local excision or destruction o...' '8084'='Other local excision or destruc of le...' '8085'='Other local excision or destruction o...' '8086'='Other local excision or destruction o...' '8087'='Other local excision or destruction o...' '8088'='Other local excision or destructn of ...' '8089'='Oth local excis/destruc of lesion of ...' '8090'='Other excision of joint, unspecified ...' '8091'='Other excision of joint, shoulder' '8092'='Other excision of joint, elbow' '8093'='Other excision of joint, wrist' '8094'='Other excision of joint, hand and finger' '8095'='Other excision of joint, hip' '8096'='Other excision of joint, knee' '8097'='Other excision of joint, ankle' '8098'='Other excision of joint, foot and toe' '8099'='Other excision of joint, other specif...' '8100'='Spinal fusion, not otherwise specified' '8101'='Atlas-axis spinal fusion' '8102'='Other cervical fusion, anterior techn...' '8103'='Other cervical fusion, posterior tech...' '8104'='Dorsal and dorsolumbar fusion, anteri...' '8105'='Dorsal and dorsolumbar fusion, poster...' '8106'='Lumbar and lumbosacral fusion, anteri...' '8107'='Lumbar and lumbosacral fusion, latera...' '8108'='Lumbar and lumbosacral fusion, poster...' '8109'='Refusion of spine, any level or techn...' '811-'='Arthrodesis of foot and ankle' '8111'='Ankle fusion' '8112'='Triple arthrodesis' '8113'='Subtalar fusion' '8114'='Midtarsal fusion' '8115'='Tarsometatarsal fusion' '8116'='Metatarsophalangeal fusion' '8117'='Other fusion of foot' '8120'='Arthrodesis of unspecified joint' '8121'='Arthrodesis of hip' '8122'='Arthrodesis of knee' '8123'='Arthrodesis of shoulder' '8124'='Arthrodesis of elbow' '8125'='Carporadial fusion' '8126'='Metacarpocarpal fusion' '8127'='Metacarpophalangeal fusion' '8128'='Interphalangeal fusion' '8129'='Arthrodesis of other specified joints' '8132'='Refusion of other cervical spine, anterior...' '8140'='Repair of hip, not elsewhere classified' '8142'='Five-in-one repair of knee' '8143'='Triad knee repair' '8144'='Patellar stabilization' '8145'='Other repair of the cruciate ligaments' '8146'='Other repair of the collateral ligaments' '8147'='Other repair of knee' '8149'='Other repair of ankle' '815-'='Joint replacement of lower extremity' '8151'='Total hip replacement' '8152'='Partial hip replacement' '8153'='Revision of hip replacement' '8154'='Total knee replacement' '8155'='Revision of knee replacement' '8156'='Total ankle replacement' '8157'='Replacement of joint of foot and toe' '8159'='Revisn of joint replacemt of lower ex...' '8161'='360 degree spinal fusion, single inci...' '8162'='Fusion or refusion of 2-3 vertebrae' '8163'='Fusion or refusion of 4-8 vertebrae' '8166'='Kyphoplasty' '817-'='Arthroplasty and repair of hand, fing...' '8171'='Arthroplasty of metacarpophalangl/int...' '8172'='Arthroplasty of metacarpophlngl/inter...' '8173'='Total wrist replacement' '8174'='Arthroplasty of carpocarpal or carpom...' '8175'='Arthroplasty of carpocarpal/carpometa...' '8179'='Other repair of hand, fingers and wrist' '8180'='Total shoulder replacement' '8181'='Partial shoulder replacement' '8182'='Repair of recurrent dislocation of sh...' '8183'='Other repair of shoulder' '8184'='Total elbow replacement' '8185'='Other repair of elbow' '819-'='Other operations on joint structures' '8191'='Arthrocentesis' '8192'='Injection of therapeutic substance in...' '8193'='Suture of capsule or ligament of uppe...' '8194'='Suture of capsule or ligament of ankl...' '8195'='Suture of capsule or ligament of othe...' '8196'='Other repair of joint' '8197'='Revision of joint replacement of uppe...' '8198'='Other diagnostic procedures on joint ...' '8199'='Other operations on joint structures' '820-'='Incision of muscle, tendon, fascia, a...' '8201'='Exploration of tendon sheath of hand' '8202'='Myotomy of hand' '8203'='Bursotomy of hand' '8204'='Incision and drainage of palmar or th...' '8209'='Other incision of soft tissue of hand' '821-'='Division of muscle, tendon, and fasci...' '8211'='Tenotomy of hand' '8212'='Fasciotomy of hand' '8219'='Other division of soft tissue of hand' '822-'='Excision of lesion of muscle, tendon,...' '8221'='Excision of lesion of tendon sheath o...' '8222'='Excision of lesion of muscle of hand' '8229'='Excision of other lesion of soft tiss...' '823-'='Other excision of soft tissue of hand' '8231'='Bursectomy of hand' '8232'='Excision of tendon of hand for graft' '8233'='Other tenonectomy of hand' '8234'='Excision of muscle or fascia of hand ...' '8235'='Other fasciectomy of hand' '8236'='Other myectomy of hand' '8239'='Other excision of soft tissue of hand' '824-'='Suture of muscle, tendon, and fascia ...' '8241'='Suture of tendon sheath of hand' '8242'='Delayed suture of flexor tendon of hand' '8243'='Delayed suture of other tendon of hand' '8244'='Other suture of flexor tendon of hand' '8245'='Other suture of other tendon of hand' '8246'='Suture of muscle or fascia of hand' '825-'='Transplantation of muscle and tendon ...' '8251'='Advancement of tendon of hand' '8252'='Recession of tendon of hand' '8253'='Reattachment of tendon of hand' '8254'='Reattachment of muscle of hand' '8255'='Other change in hand muscle or tendon...' '8256'='Other hand tendon transfer or transpl...' '8257'='Other hand tendon transposition' '8258'='Other hand muscle transfer or transpl...' '8259'='Other hand muscle transposition' '826-'='Reconstruction of thumb' '8261'='Pollicization operation carrying over...' '8269'='Other reconstruction of thumb' '827-'='Plastic operation on hand with graft ...' '8271'='Tendon pulley reconstruction' '8272'='Plastic operation on hand with graft ...' '8279'='Plastic operation on hand with other ...' '828-'='Other plastic operations on hand' '8281'='Transfer of finger, except thumb' '8282'='Repair of cleft hand' '8283'='Repair of macrodactyly' '8284'='Repair of mallet finger' '8285'='Other tenodesis of hand' '8286'='Other tenoplasty of hand' '8289'='Other plastic operations on hand' '829-'='Other operations on muscle, tendon, a...' '8291'='Lysis of adhesions of hand' '8292'='Aspiration of bursa of hand' '8293'='Aspiration of other soft tissue of hand' '8294'='Injection of therapeutic substance in...' '8295'='Injection of therapeutic substance in...' '8296'='Oth injectn of local-actng therapeu s...' '8299'='Other operations on muscle, tendon, a...' '830-'='Incision of muscle, tendon, fascia, a...' '8301'='Exploration of tendon sheath' '8302'='Myotomy' '8303'='Bursotomy' '8309'='Other incision of soft tissue' '831-'='Division of muscle, tendon, and fascia' '8311'='Achillotenotomy' '8312'='Adductor tenotomy of hip' '8313'='Other tenotomy' '8314'='Fasciotomy' '8319'='Other division of soft tissue' '832-'='Diagnostic procedures on muscle/tendo...' '8321'='Biopsy of soft tissue' '8329'='Oth diagnostc procedure on muscle/ten...' '833-'='Excision of lesion of muscle, tendon,...' '8331'='Excision of lesion of tendon sheath' '8332'='Excision of lesion of muscle' '8339'='Excision of lesion of other soft tissue' '834-'='Other excision of muscle, tendon, and...' '8341'='Excision of tendon for graft' '8342'='Other tenonectomy' '8343'='Excision of muscle or fascia for graft' '8344'='Other fasciectomy' '8345'='Other myectomy' '8349'='Other excision of soft tissue' '835-'='Bursectomy' '836-'='Suture of muscle, tendon, and fascia' '8361'='Suture of tendon sheath' '8362'='Delayed suture of tendon' '8363'='Rotator cuff repair' '8364'='Other suture of tendon' '8365'='Other suture of muscle or fascia' '837-'='Reconstruction of muscle and tendon' '8371'='Advancement of tendon' '8372'='Recession of tendon' '8373'='Reattachment of tendon' '8374'='Reattachment of muscle' '8375'='Tendon transfer or transplantation' '8376'='Other tendon transposition' '8377'='Muscle transfer or transplantation' '8379'='Other muscle transposition' '838-'='Other plastic operations on muscle, t...' '8381'='Tendon graft' '8382'='Graft of muscle or fascia' '8383'='Tendon pulley reconstruction' '8384'='Release of clubfoot, not elsewhere cl...' '8385'='Other change in muscle or tendon length' '8386'='Quadricepsplasty' '8387'='Other plastic operations on muscle' '8388'='Other plastic operations on tendon' '8389'='Other plastic operations on fascia' '839-'='Other operations on muscle, tendon, f...' '8391'='Lysis of adhesions of muscle, tendon,...' '8392'='Insertion or replacement of skeletal ...' '8393'='Removal of skeletal muscle stimulator' '8394'='Aspiration of bursa' '8395'='Aspiration of other soft tissue' '8396'='Injection of therapeutic substance in...' '8397'='Injection of therapeutic substance in...' '8398'='Injectn of local-actng therapeutic su...' '8399'='Other operations on muscle, tendon, f...' '8400'='Upper limb amputation, not otherwise ...' '8401'='Amputation and disarticulation of finger' '8402'='Amputation and disarticulation of thumb' '8403'='Amputation through hand' '8404'='Disarticulation of wrist' '8405'='Amputation through forearm' '8406'='Disarticulation of elbow' '8407'='Amputation through humerus' '8408'='Disarticulation of shoulder' '8409'='Interthoracoscapular amputation' '8410'='Lower limb amputation, not otherwise ...' '8411'='Amputation of toe' '8412'='Amputation through foot' '8413'='Disarticulation of ankle' '8414'='Amputation of ankle through malleoli ...' '8415'='Other amputation below knee' '8416'='Disarticulation of knee' '8417'='Amputation above knee' '8418'='Disarticulation of hip' '8419'='Abdominopelvic amputation' '842-'='Reattachment of extremity' '8421'='Thumb reattachment' '8422'='Finger reattachment' '8423'='Forearm, wrist, or hand reattachment' '8424'='Upper arm reattachment' '8425'='Toe reattachment' '8426'='Foot reattachment' '8427'='Lower leg or ankle reattachment' '8428'='Thigh reattachment' '8429'='Other reattachment' '843-'='Revision of amputation stump' '8440'='Implantatn/fitting of prosthetic limb...' '8441'='Fitting of prosthesis of upper arm an...' '8442'='Fitting of prosthesis of lower arm an...' '8443'='Fitting of prosthesis of arm, not oth...' '8444'='Implantation of prosthetic device of arm' '8445'='Fitting of prosthesis above knee' '8446'='Fitting of prosthesis below knee' '8447'='Fitting of prosthesis of leg, not oth...' '8448'='Implantation of prosthetic device of leg' '8451'='Insertn of interbody spinal fusion device' '849-'='Other operations on musculoskeletal s...' '8491'='Amputation, not otherwise specified' '8492'='Separation of equal conjoined twins' '8493'='Separation of unequal conjoined twins' '8499'='Other operations on musculoskeletal s...' '850-'='Mastotomy' '851-'='Diagnostic procedures on breast' '8511'='Closed [percutaneous] [needle] biopsy...' '8512'='Open biopsy of breast' '8519'='Other diagnostic procedures on breast' '8520'='Excision or destruction of breast tis...' '8521'='Local excision of lesion of breast' '8522'='Resection of quadrant of breast' '8523'='Subtotal mastectomy' '8524'='Excision of ectopic breast tissue' '8525'='Excision of nipple' '853-'='Reduction mammoplasty and subcutaneou...' '8531'='Unilateral reduction mammoplasty' '8532'='Bilateral reduction mammoplasty' '8533'='Unilateral subcutaneous mammectomy wi...' '8534'='Other unilateral subcutaneous mammectomy' '8535'='Bilateral subcutaneous mammectomy wit...' '8536'='Other bilateral subcutaneous mammectomy' '854-'='Mastectomy' '8541'='Unilateral simple mastectomy' '8542'='Bilateral simple mastectomy' '8543'='Unilateral extended simple mastectomy' '8544'='Bilateral extended simple mastectomy' '8545'='Unilateral radical mastectomy' '8546'='Bilateral radical mastectomy' '8547'='Unilateral extended radical mastectomy' '8548'='Bilateral extended radical mastectomy' '8550'='Augmentation mammoplasty, not otherwi...' '8551'='Unilateral injection into breast for ...' '8552'='Bilateral injection into breast for a...' '8553'='Unilateral breast implant' '8554'='Bilateral breast implant' '8555'='Fat graft to breast' '856-'='Mastopexy' '8570'='Total reconstruction of breast, not...' '8579'='Other total reconstruction of breast' '858-'='Other repair and plastic operations o...' '8581'='Suture of laceration of breast' '8582'='Split-thickness graft to breast' '8583'='Full-thickness graft to breast' '8584'='Pedicle graft to breast' '8585'='Muscle flap graft to breast' '8586'='Transposition of nipple' '8587'='Other repair or reconstruction of nipple' '8589'='Other mammoplasty' '859-'='Other operations on the breast' '8591'='Aspiration of breast' '8592'='Injection of therapeutic agent into b...' '8593'='Revision of implant of breast' '8594'='Removal of implant of breast' '8595'='Insertion of breast tissue expander' '8596'='Removal of breast tissue expander' '8599'='Other operations on the breast' '860-'='Incision of skin and subcutaneous tissue' '8601'='Aspiration of skin and subcutaneous t...' '8602'='Injection or tattooing of skin lesion...' '8603'='Incision of pilonidal sinus or cyst' '8604'='Other incision with drainage of skin ...' '8605'='Incision with removal of foreign body...' '8606'='Insertion of totally implantable infu...' '8607'='Insertion of totally implantable vasc...' '8609'='Other incision of skin and subcutaneo...' '861-'='Diagnostic procedures on skin and sub...' '8611'='Biopsy of skin and subcutaneous tissue' '8619'='Other diagnostic procedures on skin a...' '862-'='Excisn/destruc of lesion/tissue of sk...' '8621'='Excision of pilonidal cyst or sinus' '8622'='Excisional debridement of wound, infe...' '8623'='Removal of nail, nail bed, or nail fold' '8624'='Chemosurgery of skin' '8625'='Dermabrasion' '8626'='Ligation of dermal appendage' '8627'='Debridement of nail, nail bed, or nai...' '8628'='Nonexcisional debridement of wound, i...' '863-'='Oth local excisn/destruc of lesn/tiss...' '864-'='Radical excision of skin lesion' '865-'='Suture of skin and subcutaneous tissue' '8651'='Replantation of scalp' '8659'='Suture of skin and subcutaneous tissu...' '8660'='Free skin graft, not otherwise specified' '8661'='Full-thickness skin graft to hand' '8662'='Other skin graft to hand' '8663'='Full-thickness skin graft to other sites' '8664'='Hair transplant' '8665'='Heterograft to skin' '8666'='Homograft to skin' '8667'='Dermal regenerative graft' '8669'='Other skin graft to other sites' '8670'='Pedicle or flap graft, not otherwise ...' '8671'='Cutting and preparation of pedicle gr...' '8672'='Advancement of pedicle graft' '8673'='Attachment of pedicle or flap graft t...' '8674'='Attachment of pedicle or flap graft t...' '8675'='Revision of pedicle or flap graft' '868-'='Other repair and reconstruction of sk...' '8681'='Repair for facial weakness' '8682'='Facial rhytidectomy' '8683'='Size reduction plastic operation' '8684'='Relaxation of scar or web contracture...' '8685'='Correction of syndactyly' '8686'='Onychoplasty' '8689'='Other repair and reconstruction of sk...' '869-'='Other operations on skin and subcutan...' '8691'='Excision of skin for graft' '8692'='Electrolysis and other epilation of skin' '8693'='Insertion of tissue expander' '8694'='Insert/replace single array neur pulse..' '8696'='Insert/replace other neurostim pulse gen' '8697'='Insert/replace single array rechargeable neuro...' '8698'='Insert/replace dual array rechargeable neuro....' '8699'='Other operations on skin and subcutan...' '870-'='Soft tissue x-ray of face, head, and ...' '8701'='Pneumoencephalogram' '8702'='Other contrast radiogram of brain and...' '8703'='Computerized axial tomography of head' '8704'='Other tomography of head' '8705'='Contrast dacryocystogram' '8706'='Contrast radiogram of nasopharynx' '8707'='Contrast laryngogram' '8708'='Cervical lymphangiogram' '8709'='Other soft tissue x-ray of face, head...' '871-'='Other x-ray of face, head, and neck' '8711'='Full-mouth x-ray of teeth' '8712'='Other dental x-ray' '8713'='Temporomandibular contrast arthrogram' '8714'='Contrast radiogram of orbit' '8715'='Contrast radiogram of sinus' '8716'='Other x-ray of facial bones' '8717'='Other x-ray of skull' '872-'='X-ray of spine' '8721'='Contrast myelogram' '8722'='Other x-ray of cervical spine' '8723'='Other x-ray of thoracic spine' '8724'='Other x-ray of lumbosacral spine' '8729'='Other x-ray of spine' '873-'='Soft tissue x-ray of thorax' '8731'='Endotracheal bronchogram' '8732'='Other contrast bronchogram' '8733'='Mediastinal pneumogram' '8734'='Intrathoracic lymphangiogram' '8735'='Contrast radiogram of mammary ducts' '8736'='Xerography of breast' '8737'='Other mammography' '8738'='Sinogram of chest wall' '8739'='Other soft tissue x-ray of chest wall' '874-'='Other x-ray of thorax' '8741'='Computerized axial tomography of thorax' '8742'='Other tomography of thorax' '8743'='X-ray of ribs, sternum, and clavicle' '8744'='Routine chest x-ray, so described' '8749'='Other chest x-ray' '875-'='Biliary tract x-ray' '8751'='Percutaneous hepatic cholangiogram' '8752'='Intravenous cholangiogram' '8753'='Intraoperative cholangiogram' '8754'='Other cholangiogram' '8759'='Other biliary tract x-ray' '876-'='Other x-ray of digestive system' '8761'='Barium swallow' '8762'='Upper GI series' '8763'='Small bowel series' '8764'='Lower GI series' '8765'='Other x-ray of intestine' '8766'='Contrast pancreatogram' '8769'='Other digestive tract x-ray' '877-'='X-ray of urinary system' '8771'='Computerized axial tomography of kidney' '8772'='Other nephrotomogram' '8773'='Intravenous pyelogram' '8774'='Retrograde pyelogram' '8775'='Percutaneous pyelogram' '8776'='Retrograde cystourethrogram' '8777'='Other cystogram' '8778'='Ileal conduitogram' '8779'='Other x-ray of the urinary system' '878-'='X-ray of female genital organs' '8781'='X-ray of gravid uterus' '8782'='Gas contrast hysterosalpingogram' '8783'='Opaque dye contrast hysterosalpingogram' '8784'='Percutaneous hysterogram' '8785'='Other x-ray of fallopian tubes and ut...' '8789'='Other x-ray of female genital organs' '879-'='X-ray of male genital organs' '8791'='Contrast seminal vesiculogram' '8792'='Other x-ray of prostate and seminal v...' '8793'='Contrast epididymogram' '8794'='Contrast vasogram' '8795'='Other x-ray of epididymis and vas def...' '8799'='Other x-ray of male genital organs' '880-'='Soft tissue x-ray of abdomen' '8801'='Computerized axial tomography of abdomen' '8802'='Other abdomen tomography' '8803'='Sinogram of abdominal wall' '8804'='Abdominal lymphangiogram' '8809'='Other soft tissue x-ray of abdominal ...' '881-'='Other x-ray of abdomen' '8811'='Pelvic opaque dye contrast radiography' '8812'='Pelvic gas contrast radiography' '8813'='Other peritoneal pneumogram' '8814'='Retroperitoneal fistulogram' '8815'='Retroperitoneal pneumogram' '8816'='Other retroperitoneal x-ray' '8819'='Other x-ray of abdomen' '882-'='Skeletal x-ray of extremities and pelvis' '8821'='Skeletal x-ray of shoulder and upper arm' '8822'='Skeletal x-ray of elbow and forearm' '8823'='Skeletal x-ray of wrist and hand' '8824'='Skeletal x-ray of upper limb, not oth...' '8825'='Pelvimetry' '8826'='Other skeletal x-ray of pelvis and hip' '8827'='Skeletal x-ray of thigh, knee, and lo...' '8828'='Skeletal x-ray of ankle and foot' '8829'='Skeletal x-ray of lower limb, not oth...' '883-'='Other x-ray' '8831'='Skeletal series' '8832'='Contrast arthrogram' '8833'='Other skeletal x-ray' '8834'='Lymphangiogram of upper limb' '8835'='Other soft tissue x-ray of upper limb' '8836'='Lymphangiogram of lower limb' '8837'='Other soft tissue x-ray of lower limb' '8838'='Other computerized axial tomography' '8839'='X-ray, other and unspecified' '8840'='Arteriography using contrast material...' '8841'='Arteriography of cerebral arteries' '8842'='Aortography' '8843'='Arteriography of pulmonary arteries' '8844'='Arteriography of other intrathoracic ...' '8845'='Arteriography of renal arteries' '8846'='Arteriography of placenta' '8847'='Arteriography of other intra-abdomina...' '8848'='Arteriography of femoral and other lo...' '8849'='Arteriography of other specified sites' '8850'='Angiocardiography, not otherwise spec...' '8851'='Angiocardiography of venae cavae' '8852'='Angiocardiography of right heart stru...' '8853'='Angiocardiography of left heart struc...' '8854'='Combined right and left heart angioca...' '8855'='Coronary arteriography using a single...' '8856'='Coronary arteriography using two cath...' '8857'='Other and unspecified coronary arteri...' '8858'='Negative-contrast cardiac roentgenogr...' '8860'='Phlebography using contrast material,...' '8861'='Phlebography of veins of head and nec...' '8862'='Phlebography of pulmonary veins using...' '8863'='Phlebography of oth intrathoracic vei...' '8864'='Phlebography of portal venous system ...' '8865'='Phlebography of oth intra-abdom veins...' '8866'='Phlebography of femoral/oth low extre...' '8867'='Phlebography of other specified sites...' '8868'='Impedance phlebography' '887-'='Diagnostic ultrasound' '8871'='Diagnostic ultrasound of head and neck' '8872'='Diagnostic ultrasound of heart' '8873'='Diagnostic ultrasound of other sites ...' '8874'='Diagnostic ultrasound of digestive sy...' '8875'='Diagnostic ultrasound of urinary system' '8876'='Diagnostic ultrasound of abdomen and ...' '8877'='Diagnostic ultrasound of peripheral v...' '8878'='Diagnostic ultrasound of gravid uterus' '8879'='Other diagnostic ultrasound' '888-'='Thermography' '8881'='Cerebral thermography' '8882'='Ocular thermography' '8883'='Bone thermography' '8884'='Muscle thermography' '8885'='Breast thermography' '8886'='Blood vessel thermography' '8889'='Thermography of other sites' '8890'='Diagnostic imaging, not elsewhere cla...' '8891'='Magnetic resonance imaging of brain a...' '8892'='Magnetic resonance imaging of chest a...' '8893'='Magnetic resonance imaging of spinal ...' '8894'='Magnetic resonance imaging of musculo...' '8895'='Magnetic resonance imaging of pelvis,...' '8897'='Magnetic resonance imaging of other a...' '8898'='Bone mineral density studies' '890-'='Diagnostic interview, consultation, a...' '8901'='Interview and evaluation, described a...' '8902'='Interview and evaluation, described a...' '8903'='Interview and evaluation, described a...' '8904'='Other interview and evaluation' '8905'='Diagnostic interview and evaluation, ...' '8906'='Consultation, described as limited' '8907'='Consultation, described as comprehensive' '8908'='Other consultation' '8909'='Consultation, not otherwise specified' '8910'='Intracarotid amobarbital test' '8911'='Tonometry' '8912'='Nasal function study' '8913'='Neurologic examination' '8914'='Electroencephalogram' '8915'='Other nonoperative neurologic functio...' '8916'='Transillumination of newborn skull' '8917'='Polysomnogram' '8918'='Other sleep disorder function tests' '8919'='Video and radio-telemetered electroen...' '892-'='Anatomic and physiologic measurements...' '8921'='Urinary manometry' '8922'='Cystometrogram' '8923'='Urethral sphincter electromyogram' '8924'='Uroflowmetry [UFR]' '8925'='Urethral pressure profile [UPP]' '8926'='Gynecological examination' '8929'='Other nonoperative genitourinary syst...' '893-'='Other anatomic and physiologic measur...' '8931'='Dental examination' '8932'='Esophageal manometry' '8933'='Digital examination of enterostomy stoma' '8934'='Digital examination of rectum' '8935'='Transillumination of nasal sinuses' '8936'='Manual examination of breast' '8937'='Vital capacity determination' '8938'='Other nonoperative respiratory measur...' '8939'='Other nonoperative measurements and e...' '894-'='Cardiac stress tests and pacemaker ch...' '8941'='Cardiovascular stress test using trea...' '8942'='Masters` two-step stress test' '8943'='Cardiovascular stress test using bicy...' '8944'='Other cardiovascular stress test' '8945'='Artificial pacemaker rate check' '8946'='Artificial pacemaker artifact wave fo...' '8947'='Artificial pacemaker electrode impeda...' '8948'='Artificial pacemaker voltage or amper...' '8949'='Auto implant cardioverter/defib check' '8950'='Ambulatory cardiac monitoring' '8951'='Rhythm electrocardiogram' '8952'='Electrocardiogram' '8953'='Vectorcardiogram (with ECG)' '8954'='Electrographic monitoring' '8955'='Phonocardiogram with ECG lead' '8956'='Carotid pulse tracing with ECG lead' '8957'='Apexcardiogram (with ECG lead)' '8958'='Plethysmogram' '8959'='Other nonoperative cardiac and vascul...' '896-'='Circulatory monitoring' '8961'='Systemic arterial pressure monitoring' '8962'='Central venous pressure monitoring' '8963'='Pulmonary artery pressure monitoring' '8964'='Pulmonary artery wedge monitoring' '8965'='Measurement of systemic arterial bloo...' '8966'='Measurement of mixed venous blood gases' '8967'='Monitoring of cardiac output by oxyge...' '8968'='Monitoring of cardiac output by other...' '8969'='Monitoring of coronary blood flow' '897-'='General physical examination' '898-'='Autopsy' '900-'='Microscopic exam of specimen from ner...' '9001'='Bacterial smear from nervous system a...' '9002'='Culture of specimen from nervous syst...' '9003'='Culture and sensitivity from nervous ...' '9004'='Parasitology of specimen from nervous...' '9005'='Toxicology of specimen from nervous s...' '9006'='Cell block/Papanicolaou smear from ne...' '9009'='Other microscopic examination from ne...' '901-'='Microscopic exam of specimen from end...' '9011'='Bacterial smear from endocrine gland,...' '9012'='Culture from endocrine gland, not els...' '9013'='Culture and sensitivity from endocrin...' '9014'='Parasitology from endocrine gland, no...' '9015'='Toxicology from endocrine gland, not ...' '9016'='Cell block/Papanicolaou smear frm end...' '9019'='Other microscopic exam from endocrine...' '902-'='Microscopic examination of specimen f...' '9021'='Bacterial smear of specimen from eye' '9022'='Culture of specimen from eye' '9023'='Culture and sensitivity of specimen f...' '9024'='Parasitology of specimen from eye' '9025'='Toxicology of specimen from eye' '9026'='Cell block and Papanicolaou smear of ...' '9029'='Other microscopic examination of spec...' '903-'='Microscopic examination of specimen f...' '9031'='Bacterial smear from ear, nose, throa...' '9032'='Culture from ear, nose, throat, and l...' '9033'='Culture and sensitivity from ear, nos...' '9034'='Parasitology from ear, nose, throat, ...' '9035'='Toxicology from ear, nose, throat, an...' '9036'='Cell block and Papanicolaou smear fro...' '9039'='Other microscopic examination from ea...' '904-'='Micro exam of specimen from trachea/b...' '9041'='Bacter smear frm trachea/bronchus/ple...' '9042'='Culture from trachea/bronchus/pleura/...' '9043'='Culture and sensitivity from trachea/...' '9044'='Parasitology from trachea/bronchus/pl...' '9045'='Toxiclgy frm trachea/bronchus/pleura/...' '9046'='Cell block/Pap smear frm trachea/bron...' '9049'='Oth microscopic exam from trachea/bro...' '905-'='Microscopic examination of blood' '9051'='Bacterial smear of blood' '9052'='Culture of blood' '9053'='Culture and sensitivity of blood' '9054'='Parasitology of blood' '9055'='Toxicology of blood' '9056'='Cell block and Papanicolaou smear of ...' '9059'='Other microscopic examination of blood' '906-'='Microscopic examination of specimen f...' '9061'='Bacterial smear from spleen and of bo...' '9062'='Culture from spleen and of bone marrow' '9063'='Culture and sensitivity from spleen a...' '9064'='Parasitology from spleen and of bone ...' '9065'='Toxicology from spleen and of bone ma...' '9066'='Cell block and Papanicolaou smear fro...' '9069'='Other microscopic examination from sp...' '907-'='Microscopic examination of specimen f...' '9071'='Bacterial smear from lymph node and o...' '9072'='Culture from lymph node and of lymph' '9073'='Culture and sensitivity from lymph no...' '9074'='Parasitology from lymph node and of l...' '9075'='Toxicology from lymph node and of lymph' '9076'='Cell block and Papanicolaou smear fro...' '9079'='Other microscopic examination from ly...' '908-'='Micro exam of specimen frm upper gast...' '9081'='Bacterial smear from upper gastrointe...' '9082'='Culture from upper gastrointestinal t...' '9083'='Culture/sensitivity from upper gastro...' '9084'='Parasitology from upper gastrointesti...' '9085'='Toxicology from upper gastrointestina...' '9086'='Cell block/Pap smear frm uppr gastroi...' '9089'='Oth microscopic exam from upper gastr...' '909-'='Micro exam of specimen from lower gas...' '9091'='Bacterial smear from lower gastrointe...' '9092'='Culture from lower gastrointestinal t...' '9093'='Culture and sensitivity from lower ga...' '9094'='Parasitology from lower gastrointesti...' '9095'='Toxicology from lower gastrointestina...' '9096'='Cell block/Pap smear from lower gastr...' '9099'='Other microscopic exam from lower gas...' '910-'='Microscopic exam of specimen from liv...' '9101'='Bacterial smear from liver, biliary t...' '9102'='Culture from liver, biliary tract, an...' '9103'='Culture and sensitivity from liver, b...' '9104'='Parasitology from liver, biliary trac...' '9105'='Toxicology from liver, biliary tract,...' '9106'='Cell block/Papanicolaou smear from li...' '9109'='Other microscopic examination from li...' '911-'='Microscopic examination of peritoneal...' '9111'='Bacterial smear of peritoneal and ret...' '9112'='Culture of peritoneal and retroperito...' '9113'='Culture and sensitivity of peritoneal...' '9114'='Parasitology of peritoneal and retrop...' '9115'='Toxicology of peritoneal and retroper...' '9116'='Cell block/Pap smear of peritoneal/re...' '9119'='Oth microscopic exam of peritoneal an...' '912-'='Micro exam of spec frm kidny/uretr/pe...' '9121'='Bacterial smear from kidney/ureter/pe...' '9122'='Culture from kidney, ureter, perirena...' '9123'='Cultur/sensitiv frm kidney/ureter/per...' '9124'='Parasitology from kidney/ureter/perir...' '9125'='Toxicology from kidney/ureter/periren...' '9126'='Cell block/Pap smear frm kidny/uretr/...' '9129'='Oth micro exam from kidney/ureter/per...' '913-'='Micr exam spec blddr/urethr/prost/sem...' '9131'='Bac smear frm blddr/urethr/prost/sem ...' '9132'='Culture frm blddr/urethr/prost/sem ve...' '9133'='Cult/sens frm blddr/urethr/prost/sem ...' '9134'='Parasitol frm blddr/urethr/prost/sem ...' '9135'='Toxicolgy frm blddr/urethr/prost/sem ...' '9136'='Cell blk/Pap smr fr blddr/ureth/prst/...' '9139'='Oth micr exam frm blddr/urethr/prost/...' '914-'='Microscopic examination of specimen f...' '9141'='Bacterial smear of specimen from fema...' '9142'='Culture of specimen from female genit...' '9143'='Culture and sensitivity of specimen f...' '9144'='Parasitology of specimen from female ...' '9145'='Toxicology of specimen from female ge...' '9146'='Cell block/Papanicolaou smear of spec...' '9149'='Other microscopic examination of spec...' '915-'='Microscopic exam of specimn frm muscu...' '9151'='Bacterial smear from musculoskeletal ...' '9152'='Culture from musculoskeletal system a...' '9153'='Culture and sensitivity from musculos...' '9154'='Parasitology from musculoskeletal sys...' '9155'='Toxicology from musculoskeletal syste...' '9156'='Cell block/Papanicolaou smear frm mus...' '9159'='Other microscopic exam from musculosk...' '916-'='Microscopic examination of specimen f...' '9161'='Bacterial smear of specimen from skin...' '9162'='Culture of specimen from skin and oth...' '9163'='Culture and sensitivity of specimen f...' '9164'='Parasitology of specimen from skin an...' '9165'='Toxicology of specimen from skin and ...' '9166'='Cell block/Pap smear of specimen from...' '9169'='Other microscopic exam of specimen fr...' '917-'='Microscopic examination of specimen f...' '9171'='Bacterial smear of specimen from oper...' '9172'='Culture of specimen from operative wound' '9173'='Culture and sensitivity of specimen f...' '9174'='Parasitology of specimen from operati...' '9175'='Toxicology of specimen from operative...' '9176'='Cell block/Papanicolaou smear of spec...' '9179'='Other microscopic examination of spec...' '918-'='Microscopic examination of specimen f...' '9181'='Bacterial smear of specimen from othe...' '9182'='Culture of specimen from other site' '9183'='Culture and sensitivity of specimen f...' '9184'='Parasitology of specimen from other site' '9185'='Toxicology of specimen from other site' '9186'='Cell block and Papanicolaou smear of ...' '9189'='Other microscopic examination of spec...' '919-'='Microscopic examination of specimen f...' '9191'='Bacterial smear of specimen from unsp...' '9192'='Culture of specimen from unspecified ...' '9193'='Culture and sensitivity of specimen f...' '9194'='Parasitology of specimen from unspeci...' '9195'='Toxicology of specimen from unspecifi...' '9196'='Cell block and Papanicolaou smear of ...' '9199'='Other microscopic examination of spec...' '920-'='Radioisotope scan and function study' '9201'='Thyroid scan and radioisotope functio...' '9202'='Liver scan and radioisotope function ...' '9203'='Renal scan and radioisotope function ...' '9204'='Gastrointestinal scan and radioisotop...' '9205'='Cardiovascular/hematopoietic scan and...' '9209'='Other radioisotope function studies' '921-'='Other radioisotope scan' '9211'='Cerebral scan' '9212'='Scan of other sites of head' '9213'='Parathyroid scan' '9214'='Bone scan' '9215'='Pulmonary scan' '9216'='Scan of lymphatic system' '9217'='Placental scan' '9218'='Total body scan' '9219'='Scan of other sites' '922-'='Therapeutic radiology and nuclear med...' '9221'='Superficial radiation' '9222'='Orthovoltage radiation' '9223'='Radioisotopic teleradiotherapy' '9224'='Teleradiotherapy using photons' '9225'='Teleradiotherapy using electrons' '9226'='Teleradiotherapy of other particulate...' '9227'='Implantation or insertion of radioact...' '9228'='Injection or instillation of radioiso...' '9229'='Other radiotherapeutic procedure' '9230'='Stereotactic radiosurgery, not oth spec' '9231'='Single source photon radiosurgery' '9239'='Stereotactic radiosurgery, not else clas' '9241'='Intra-operative electron radiation therapy' '930-'='Diagnostic physical therapy' '9301'='Functional evaluation' '9302'='Orthotic evaluation' '9303'='Prosthetic evaluation' '9304'='Manual testing of muscle function' '9305'='Range of motion testing' '9306'='Measurement of limb length' '9307'='Body measurement' '9308'='Electromyography' '9309'='Other diagnostic physical therapy pro...' '931-'='Physical therapy exercises' '9311'='Assisting exercise' '9312'='Other active musculoskeletal exercise' '9313'='Resistive exercise' '9314'='Training in joint movements' '9315'='Mobilization of spine' '9316'='Mobilization of other joints' '9317'='Other passive musculoskeletal exercise' '9318'='Breathing exercise' '9319'='Exercise/not elsewhere classified' '932-'='Other physical therapy musculoskeleta...' '9321'='Manual and mechanical traction' '9322'='Ambulation and gait training' '9323'='Fitting of orthotic device' '9324'='Training in use of prosthetic or orth...' '9325'='Forced extension of limb' '9326'='Manual rupture of joint adhesions' '9327'='Stretching of muscle or tendon' '9328'='Stretching of fascia' '9329'='Other forcible correction of deformity' '933-'='Other physical therapy therapeutic pr...' '9331'='Assisted exercise in pool' '9332'='Whirlpool treatment' '9333'='Other hydrotherapy' '9334'='Diathermy' '9335'='Other heat therapy' '9336'='Cardiac retraining' '9337'='Prenatal training' '9338'='Combined physical therapy without men...' '9339'='Other physical therapy' '934-'='Skeletal traction and other traction' '9341'='Spinal traction using skull device' '9342'='Other spinal traction' '9343'='Intermittent skeletal traction' '9344'='Other skeletal traction' '9345'='Thomas` splint traction' '9346'='Other skin traction of limbs' '935-'='Other immobilization, pressure, and a...' '9351'='Application of plaster jacket' '9352'='Application of neck support' '9353'='Application of other cast' '9354'='Application of splint' '9355'='Dental wiring' '9356'='Application of pressure dressing' '9357'='Application of other wound dressing' '9358'='Application of pressure trousers' '9359'='Other immobilization, pressure, and a...' '936-'='Osteopathic manipulative treatment' '9361'='Osteopathic manipulative treatment fo...' '9362'='Osteopathic manip treatmt using high-...' '9363'='Osteopathic manip treatmt using low-v...' '9364'='Osteopathic manipulativ treatmt using...' '9365'='Osteopathic manipulative treatment us...' '9366'='Osteopathic manipulative treatment to...' '9367'='Other specified osteopathic manipulat...' '937-'='Speech and reading rehabilitation and...' '9371'='Dyslexia training' '9372'='Dysphasia training' '9373'='Esophageal speech training' '9374'='Speech defect training' '9375'='Other speech training and therapy' '9376'='Training in use of lead dog for the b...' '9377'='Training in braille or Moon' '9378'='Other rehabilitation for the blind' '938-'='Other rehabilitation therapy' '9381'='Recreation therapy' '9382'='Educational therapy' '9383'='Occupational therapy' '9384'='Music therapy' '9385'='Vocational rehabilitation' '9389'='Rehabilitation, not elsewhere classified' '9390'='Continuous positive airway pressure [...' '9391'='Intermittent positive pressure breath...' '9393'='Nonmechanical methods of resuscitation' '9394'='Respiratory medication administered b...' '9395'='Hyperbaric oxygenation' '9396'='Other oxygen enrichment' '9397'='Decompression chamber' '9398'='Other control of atmospheric pressure...' '9399'='Other respiratory procedures' '940-'='Psychologic evaluation and testing' '9401'='Administration of intelligence test' '9402'='Administration of psychologic test' '9403'='Character analysis' '9408'='Other psychologic evaluation and testing' '9409'='Psychologic mental status determinati...' '941-'='Psychiatric interviews, consultations...' '9411'='Psychiatric mental status determination' '9412'='Routine psychiatric visit, not otherw...' '9413'='Psychiatric commitment evaluation' '9419'='Other psychiatric interview and evalu...' '942-'='Psychiatric somatotherapy' '9421'='Narcoanalysis' '9422'='Lithium therapy' '9423'='Neuroleptic therapy' '9424'='Chemical shock therapy' '9425'='Other psychiatric drug therapy' '9426'='Subconvulsive electroshock therapy' '9427'='Other electroshock therapy' '9429'='Other psychiatric somatotherapy' '943-'='Individual psychotherapy' '9431'='Psychoanalysis' '9432'='Hypnotherapy' '9433'='Behavior therapy' '9434'='Individual therapy for psychosexual d...' '9435'='Crisis intervention' '9436'='Play psychotherapy' '9437'='Exploratory verbal psychotherapy' '9438'='Supportive verbal psychotherapy' '9439'='Other individual psychotherapy' '944-'='Other psychotherapy and counselling' '9441'='Group therapy for psychosexual dysfun...' '9442'='Family therapy' '9443'='Psychodrama' '9444'='Other group therapy' '9445'='Drug addiction counselling' '9446'='Alcoholism counselling' '9449'='Other counselling' '945-'='Referral for psychologic rehabilitation' '9451'='Referral for psychotherapy' '9452'='Referral for psychiatric aftercare:' '9453'='Referral for alcoholism rehabilitation' '9454'='Referral for drug addiction rehabilit...' '9455'='Referral for vocational rehabilitation' '9459'='Referral for other psychologic rehabi...' '946-'='Alcohol and drug rehabilitation and d...' '9461'='Alcohol rehabilitation' '9462'='Alcohol detoxification' '9463'='Alcohol rehabilitation and detoxifica...' '9464'='Drug rehabilitation' '9465'='Drug detoxification' '9466'='Drug rehabilitation and detoxification' '9467'='Combined alcohol and drug rehabilitation' '9468'='Combined alcohol and drug detoxification' '9469'='Combined alcohol and drug rehabilitat...' '950-'='General and subjective eye examination' '9501'='Limited eye examination' '9502'='Comprehensive eye examination' '9503'='Extended ophthalmologic work-up' '9504'='Eye examination under anesthesia' '9505'='Visual field study' '9506'='Color vision study' '9507'='Dark adaptation study' '9509'='Eye examination, not otherwise specified' '951-'='Examinations of form and structure of...' '9511'='Fundus photography' '9512'='Fluorescein angiography or angioscopy...' '9513'='Ultrasound study of eye' '9514'='X-ray study of eye' '9515'='Ocular motility study' '9516'='P32 and other tracer studies of eye' '952-'='Objective functional tests of eye' '9521'='Electroretinogram [ERG]' '9522'='Electro-oculogram [EOG]' '9523'='Visual evoked potential [VEP]' '9524'='Electronystagmogram [ENG]' '9525'='Electromyogram of eye [EMG]' '9526'='Tonography, provocative tests, and ot...' '953-'='Special vision services' '9531'='Fitting and dispensing of spectacles' '9532'='Prescription, fitting, and dispensing...' '9533'='Dispensing of other low vision aids' '9534'='Ocular prosthetics' '9535'='Orthoptic training' '9536'='Ophthalmologic counselling and instru...' '954-'='Nonoperative procedures related to he...' '9541'='Audiometry' '9542'='Clinical test of hearing' '9543'='Audiological evaluation' '9544'='Clinical vestibular function tests' '9545'='Rotation tests' '9546'='Other auditory and vestibular functio...' '9547'='Hearing examination, not otherwise sp...' '9548'='Fitting of hearing aid' '9549'='Other nonoperative procedures related...' '960-'='Nonoperative intubation of gastrointe...' '9601'='Insertion of nasopharyngeal airway' '9602'='Insertion of oropharyngeal airway' '9603'='Insertion of esophageal obturator airway' '9604'='Insertion of endotracheal tube' '9605'='Other intubation of respiratory tract' '9606'='Insertion of Sengstaken tube' '9607'='Insertion of other (naso-)gastric tube' '9608'='Insertion of (naso-)intestinal tube' '9609'='Insertion of rectal tube' '961-'='Other nonoperative insertion' '9611'='Packing of external auditory canal' '9614'='Vaginal packing' '9615'='Insertion of vaginal mold' '9616'='Other vaginal dilation' '9617'='Insertion of vaginal diaphragm' '9618'='Insertion of other vaginal pessary' '9619'='Rectal packing' '962-'='Nonoperative dilation and manipulation' '9621'='Dilation of frontonasal duct' '9622'='Dilation of rectum' '9623'='Dilation of anal sphincter' '9624'='Dilation and manipulation of enterost...' '9625'='Therapeutic distention of bladder' '9626'='Manual reduction of rectal prolapse' '9627'='Manual reduction of hernia' '9628'='Manual reduction of enterostomy prolapse' '9629'='Reduction of intussusception of alimentary..' '963-'='Nonopera alimentary tract irrigatn/cl...' '9631'='Gastric cooling' '9632'='Gastric freezing' '9633'='Gastric lavage' '9634'='Other irrigation of (naso-)gastric tube' '9635'='Gastric gavage' '9636'='Irrigation of gastrostomy or enterostomy' '9637'='Proctoclysis' '9638'='Removal of impacted feces' '9639'='Other transanal enema' '964-'='Nonopera irrig/clean/local instil of ...' '9641'='Irrigation of cholecystostomy and oth...' '9642'='Irrigation of pancreatic tube' '9643'='Digestive tract instillation, except ...' '9644'='Vaginal douche' '9645'='Irrigation of nephrostomy and pyelostomy' '9646'='Irrigation of ureterostomy and ureter...' '9647'='Irrigation of cystostomy' '9648'='Irrigation of other indwelling urinar...' '9649'='Other genitourinary instillation' '965-'='Other nonoperative irrigation and cle...' '9651'='Irrigation of eye' '9652'='Irrigation of ear' '9653'='Irrigation of nasal passages' '9654'='Dental scaling, polishing, and debrid...' '9655'='Tracheostomy toilette' '9656'='Other lavage of bronchus and trachea' '9657'='Irrigation of vascular catheter' '9658'='Irrigation of wound catheter' '9659'='Other irrigation of wound' '966-'='Enteral infusion of concentrated nutr...' '9670'='Continuous mechanical ventilation of ...' '9671'='Continuous mechanical ventilatn for l...' '9672'='Continuous mechanical ventilation for...' '970-'='Nonoperative replacement of gastroint...' '9701'='Replacement of (naso-)gastric or esop...' '9702'='Replacement of gastrostomy tube' '9703'='Replacement of tube or enterostomy de...' '9704'='Replacement of tube or enterostomy de...' '9705'='Replacement of stent (tube) in biliar...' '971-'='Nonoperatv replacemnt of musculoskel/...' '9711'='Replacement of cast on upper limb' '9712'='Replacement of cast on lower limb' '9713'='Replacement of other cast' '9714'='Replacement of other device for muscu...' '9715'='Replacement of wound catheter' '9716'='Replacement of wound packing or drain' '972-'='Other nonoperative replacement' '9721'='Replacement of nasal packing' '9722'='Replacement of dental packing' '9723'='Replacement of tracheostomy tube' '9724'='Replacement and refitting of vaginal ...' '9725'='Replacement of other vaginal pessary' '9726'='Replacement of vaginal or vulvar pack...' '9729'='Other nonoperative replacements' '973-'='Nonoperative removal of therapeutic d...' '9731'='Removal of eye prosthesis' '9732'='Removal of nasal packing' '9733'='Removal of dental wiring' '9734'='Removal of dental packing' '9735'='Removal of dental prosthesis' '9736'='Removal of other external mandibular ...' '9737'='Removal of tracheostomy tube' '9738'='Removal of sutures from head and neck' '9739'='Removal of other therapeutic device f...' '974-'='Nonoperative removal of therapeutic d...' '9741'='Removal of thoracotomy tube or pleura...' '9742'='Removal of mediastinal drain' '9743'='Removal of sutures from thorax' '9749'='Removal of other device from thorax' '975-'='Nonoperative removal of therapeutic d...' '9751'='Removal of gastrostomy tube' '9752'='Removal of tube from small intestine' '9753'='Removal of tube from large intestine ...' '9754'='Removal of cholecystostomy tube' '9755'='Removal of T-tube, other bile duct tu...' '9756'='Removal of pancreatic tube or drain' '9759'='Removal of other device from digestiv...' '976-'='Nonoperative removal of therapeutic d...' '9761'='Removal of pyelostomy and nephrostomy...' '9762'='Removal of ureterostomy tube and uret...' '9763'='Removal of cystostomy tube' '9764'='Removal of other urinary drainage device' '9765'='Removal of urethral stent' '9769'='Removal of other device from urinary ...' '977-'='Nonoperative removal of therapeutic d...' '9771'='Removal of intrauterine contraceptive...' '9772'='Removal of intrauterine pack' '9773'='Removal of vaginal diaphragm' '9774'='Removal of other vaginal pessary' '9775'='Removal of vaginal or vulvar packing' '9779'='Removal of other device from genital ...' '978-'='Other nonoperative removal of therape...' '9781'='Removal of retroperitoneal drainage d...' '9782'='Removal of peritoneal drainage device' '9783'='Removal of abdominal wall sutures' '9784'='Removal of sutures from trunk, not el...' '9785'='Removal of packing from trunk, not el...' '9786'='Removal of other device from abdomen' '9787'='Removal of other device from trunk' '9788'='Removal of external immobilization de...' '9789'='Removal of other therapeutic device' '980-'='Rem of intraluminal frgn body from di...' '9801'='Removal of intraluminal foreign body ...' '9802'='Rem of intraluminal foreign body from...' '9803'='Rem of intraluminl frgn bdy frm stoma...' '9804'='Rem of intraluminal foreign body from...' '9805'='Rem of intraluminal foreign body from...' '981-'='Removal of intraluminal frgn body fro...' '9811'='Removal of intraluminal foreign body ...' '9812'='Removal of intraluminal foreign body ...' '9813'='Removal of intraluminal foreign body ...' '9814'='Removal of intraluminal foreign body ...' '9815'='Rem of intraluminal frgn body from tr...' '9816'='Removal of intraluminal foreign body ...' '9817'='Removal of intraluminal foreign body ...' '9818'='Rem of intraluminal frgn body from ar...' '9819'='Removal of intraluminal foreign body ...' '9820'='Removal of foreign body, not otherwis...' '9821'='Removal of superficial foreign body f...' '9822'='Removal of other foreign body w/o inc...' '9823'='Removal of foreign body from vulva wi...' '9824'='Removal of foreign body from scrotum ...' '9825'='Rem of oth frgn body w/o incision fro...' '9826'='Removal of foreign body from hand wit...' '9827'='Removal of foreign body without incis...' '9828'='Removal of foreign body from foot wit...' '9829'='Removal of foreign body without incis...' '985-'='Extracorporeal shockwave lithotripsy ...' '9851'='Extracorporeal shockwave lithotripsy ...' '9852'='Extracorporeal shockwave lithotripsy ...' '9859'='Extracorporeal shockwave lithotripsy ...' '990-'='Perioperativ autologous trnsfusn of w...' '9900'='Perioperativ autologous trnsfusn of whole..' '9901'='Exchange transfusion' '9902'='Transfusion of previously collected a...' '9903'='Other transfusion of whole blood' '9904'='Transfusion of packed cells' '9905'='Transfusion of platelets' '9906'='Transfusion of coagulation factors' '9907'='Transfusion of other serum' '9908'='Transfusion of blood expander' '9909'='Transfusion of other substance' '991-'='Injection or infusion of therapeutic ...' '9910'='Inject or infusion of thrombolytic agent' '9911'='Injection of Rh immune globulin' '9912'='Immunization for allergy' '9913'='Immunization for autoimmune disease' '9914'='Injection of gamma globulin' '9915'='Parenteral infusion of concentrated n...' '9916'='Injection of antidote' '9917'='Injection of insulin' '9918'='Injection or infusion of electrolytes' '9919'='Injection of anticoagulant' '9920'='Injection or infusion of platelet inhibitor' '9921'='Injection of antibiotic' '9922'='Injection of other anti-infective' '9923'='Injection of steroid' '9924'='Injection of other hormone' '9925'='Injection or infusion of cancer chemo...' '9926'='Injection of tranquilizer' '9927'='Iontophoresis' '9928'='Injectn/infusn of biol response modif...' '9929'='Injectn/infusn of oth therapeutic or ...' '993-'='Prophylactic vaccinatn/inoculatn agns...' '9931'='Vaccination against cholera' '9932'='Vaccination against typhoid and parat...' '9933'='Vaccination against tuberculosis' '9934'='Vaccination against plague' '9935'='Vaccination against tularemia' '9936'='Administration of diphtheria toxoid' '9937'='Vaccination against pertussis' '9938'='Administration of tetanus toxoid' '9939'='Administration of diphtheria-tetanus-...' '994-'='Prophylactic vaccinatn/inoculatn agai...' '9941'='Administration of poliomyelitis vaccine' '9942'='Vaccination against smallpox' '9943'='Vaccination against yellow fever' '9944'='Vaccination against rabies' '9945'='Vaccination against measles' '9946'='Vaccination against mumps' '9947'='Vaccination against rubella' '9948'='Administration of measles-mumps-rubel...' '995-'='Other vaccination and inoculation' '9951'='Prophylactic vaccination against the ...' '9952'='Prophylactic vaccination against infl...' '9953'='Prophylactc vaccinatn agnst arthropod...' '9954'='Prophylactc vaccinatn agnst oth arthr...' '9955'='Prophylactic administration of vaccin...' '9956'='Administration of tetanus antitoxin' '9957'='Administration of botulism antitoxin' '9958'='Administration of other antitoxins' '9959'='Other vaccination and inoculation' '9960'='Cardiopulmonary resuscitation, not ot...' '9961'='Atrial cardioversion' '9962'='Other electric countershock of heart' '9963'='Closed chest cardiac massage' '9964'='Carotid sinus stimulation' '9969'='Other conversion of cardiac rhythm' '997-'='Therapeutic apheresis' '9971'='Therapeutic plasmapheresis' '9972'='Therapeutic leukopheresis' '9973'='Therapeutic erythrocytapheresis' '9974'='Therapeutic plateletpheresis' '9977'='Application or admin of adhesion barrier substance' '9979'='Other therapeutic apheresis' '998-'='Miscellaneous physical procedures' '9981'='Hypothermia (central) (local)' '9982'='Ultraviolet light therapy' '9983'='Other phototherapy' '9984'='Isolation' '9985'='Hyperthermia for treatment of cancer' '9986'='Non-invasive placement of bone growth...' '9988'='Therapeutic photopheresis' '999-'='Other miscellaneous procedures' '9991'='Acupuncture for anesthesia' '9992'='Other acupuncture' '9993'='Rectal massage (for levator spasm)' '9994'='Prostatic massage' '9995'='Stretching of foreskin' '9996'='Collection of sperm for artificial in...' '9997'='Fitting of denture' '9998'='Extraction of milk from lactating breast' '9999'='Other miscellaneous procedures' ; VALUE $PROC3DF '-9 '='Blank' '000'='00.0:Therapeutic ultrasound' '001'='00.1:Pharmaceuticals' '002'='00.2:Intravascular imaging of blood vessels' '003'='00.3:Computer assisted surgery (CAS)' '004'='00.4:Adjunct vascular system procedures' '005'='00.5:Other cardiovascular procedures' '006'='00.6:Procedures on blood vessels' '010'='01.0:Cranial puncture' '011'='01.1:Diagnostic procedures on skull/b...' '012'='01.2:Craniotomy and craniectomy' '013'='01.3:Incision of brain and cerebral m...' '014'='01.4:Operations on thalamus and globu...' '015'='01.5:Other excision or destruction of...' '016'='01.6:Excision of lesion of skull' '020'='02.0:Cranioplasty' '021'='02.1:Repair of cerebral meninges' '022'='02.2:Ventriculostomy' '023'='02.3:Extracranial ventricular shunt' '024'='02.4:Revision, removal, and irrigatio...' '029'='02.9:Other operations on skull, brain...' '030'='03.0:Exploration and decompression of...' '031'='03.1:Division of intraspinal nerve root' '032'='03.2:Chordotomy' '033'='03.3:Diagnostic procedrs spinal cord/...' '034'='03.4:Excision or destructn of lesion ...' '035'='03.5:Plastic operations on spinal cor...' '036'='03.6:Lysis of adhesions of spinal cor...' '037'='03.7:Shunt of spinal theca' '038'='03.8:Injection of destructive agent i...' '039'='03.9:Other operations on spinal cord ...' '040'='04.0:Incision/division/excision of cr...' '041'='04.1:Diagnostic procedures on periphe...' '042'='04.2:Destruction of cranial and perip...' '043'='04.3:Suture of cranial and peripheral...' '044'='04.4:Lysis of adhesions/decompression...' '045'='04.5:Cranial or peripheral nerve graft' '046'='04.6:Transposition of cranial and per...' '047'='04.7:Other cranial or peripheral neur...' '048'='04.8:Injection into peripheral nerve' '049'='04.9:Other operations on cranial and ...' '050'='05.0:Division of sympathetic nerve or...' '051'='05.1:Diagnostic procedures on sympath...' '052'='05.2:Sympathectomy' '053'='05.3:Injection into sympathetic nerve...' '058'='05.8:Other operations on sympathetic ...' '059'='05.9:Other operations on nervous system' '060'='06.0:Incision of thyroid field' '061'='06.1:Diagnostic procedures on thyroid...' '062'='06.2:Unilateral thyroid lobectomy' '063'='06.3:Other partial thyroidectomy' '064'='06.4:Complete thyroidectomy' '065'='06.5:Substernal thyroidectomy' '066'='06.6:Excision of lingual thyroid' '067'='06.7:Excision of thyroglossal duct or...' '068'='06.8:Parathyroidectomy' '069'='06.9:Other operations on thyroid [reg...' '070'='07.0:Exploration of adrenal field' '071'='07.1:Diag procs adrenal glands/pituit...' '072'='07.2:Partial adrenalectomy' '073'='07.3:Bilateral adrenalectomy' '074'='07.4:Other operations on adrenal glan...' '075'='07.5:Operations on pineal gland' '076'='07.6:Hypophysectomy' '077'='07.7:Other operations on hypophysis' '078'='07.8:Thymectomy' '079'='07.9:Other operations on thymus' '080'='08.0:Incision of eyelid' '081'='08.1:Diagnostic procedures on eyelid' '082'='08.2:Excision or destruction of lesio...' '083'='08.3:Repair of blepharoptosis and lid...' '084'='08.4:Repair of entropion or ectropion' '085'='08.5:Other adjustment of lid position' '086'='08.6:Reconstruction of eyelid with fl...' '087'='08.7:Other reconstruction of eyelid' '088'='08.8:Other repair of eyelid' '089'='08.9:Other operations on eyelids' '090'='09.0:Incision of lacrimal gland' '091'='09.1:Diagnostic procedures on lacrima...' '092'='09.2:Excision of lesion or tissue of ...' '093'='09.3:Other operations on lacrimal gland' '094'='09.4:Manipulation of lacrimal passage' '095'='09.5:Incision of lacrimal sac and pas...' '096'='09.6:Excision of lacrimal sac and pas...' '097'='09.7:Repair of canaliculus and punctum' '098'='09.8:Fistulization of lacrimal tract ...' '099'='09.9:Other operations on lacrimal system' '100'='10.0:Removal embedded foreign body fr...' '101'='10.1:Other incision of conjunctiva' '102'='10.2:Diagnostic procedures on conjunc...' '103'='10.3:Excision or destruction of lesio...' '104'='10.4:Conjunctivoplasty' '105'='10.5:Lysis of adhesions of conjunctiv...' '106'='10.6:Repair of laceration of conjunctiva' '109'='10.9:Other operations on conjunctiva' '110'='11.0:Magnetic removal of embedded for...' '111'='11.1:Incision of cornea' '112'='11.2:Diagnostic procedures on cornea' '113'='11.3:Excision of pterygium' '114'='11.4:Excision or destruction of tissu...' '115'='11.5:Repair of cornea' '116'='11.6:Corneal transplant' '117'='11.7:Other reconstructive and refract...' '119'='11.9:Other operations on cornea' '120'='12.0:Removal of intraocular foreign b...' '121'='12.1:Iridotomy and simple iridectomy' '122'='12.2:Diag procedrs iris/ciliary body/...' '123'='12.3:Iridoplasty and coreoplasty' '124'='12.4:Excision or destruction of lesio...' '125'='12.5:Facilitation of intraocular circ...' '126'='12.6:Scleral fistulization' '127'='12.7:Other procedures for relief elev...' '128'='12.8:Operations on sclera' '129'='12.9:Other operations on iris, ciliar...' '130'='13.0:Removal of foreign body from lens' '131'='13.1:Intracapsular extraction of lens' '132'='13.2:Extracapsular extraction of lens...' '133'='13.3:Extracapslr extractn lens--simpl...' '134'='13.4:Extracapslr extractn lens--fragm...' '135'='13.5:Other extracapsular extraction o...' '136'='13.6:Other cataract extraction' '137'='13.7:Insertion of prosthetic lens [ps...' '138'='13.8:Removal of implanted lens' '139'='13.9:Other operations on lens' '140'='14.0:Removal foreign body posterior s...' '141'='14.1:Diag procedrs on retina/choroid/...' '142'='14.2:Destruction of lesion of retina ...' '143'='14.3:Repair of retinal tear' '144'='14.4:Rep of retinal detachment w/scle...' '145'='14.5:Other repair of retinal detachment' '146'='14.6:Remvl surgic implantd material f...' '147'='14.7:Operations on vitreous' '149'='14.9:Other operations on retina, chor...' '150'='15.0:Diagnostic procedures on extraoc...' '151'='15.1:Operatns extraocular musc involv...' '152'='15.2:Other operations on one extraocu...' '153'='15.3:Operatns 2/more extraoc muscls i...' '154'='15.4:Other operations on 2/more extra...' '155'='15.5:Transposition of extraocular mus...' '156'='15.6:Revision of extraocular muscle s...' '157'='15.7:Repair of injury of extraocular ...' '159'='15.9:Other operations on extraocular ...' '160'='16.0:Orbitotomy' '161'='16.1:Removal of penetrating foreign b...' '162'='16.2:Diagnostic procedures on orbit a...' '163'='16.3:Evisceration of eyeball' '164'='16.4:Enucleation of eyeball' '165'='16.5:Exenteration of orbital contents' '166'='16.6:Secondary procedures after remov...' '167'='16.7:Removal of ocular or orbital imp...' '168'='16.8:Repair of injury of eyeball and ...' '169'='16.9:Other operations on orbit and ey...' '171'='17.1:Laparo unilat repair of inguin hernia' '172'='17.2:Laparo bilat repair of inguin hernia' '173'='17.3:Laparo part excis of large intestine' '174'='17.4:Robotic assisted procedures' '175'='17.5:Additional cardiovascular procedures' '176'='17.6:Laser interstitial thermal therapy...' '180'='18.0:Incision of external ear' '181'='18.1:Diagnostic procedures on externa...' '182'='18.2:Excision or destruction of lesio...' '183'='18.3:Other excision of external ear' '184'='18.4:Suture of laceration of external...' '185'='18.5:Surgical correction of prominent...' '186'='18.6:Reconstruction of external audit...' '187'='18.7:Other plastic repair of external...' '189'='18.9:Other operations on external ear' '190'='19.0:Stapes mobilization' '191'='19.1:Stapedectomy' '192'='19.2:Revision of stapedectomy' '193'='19.3:Other operations on ossicular chain' '194'='19.4:Myringoplasty' '195'='19.5:Other tympanoplasty' '196'='19.6:Revision of tympanoplasty' '199'='19.9:Other repair of middle ear' '200'='20.0:Myringotomy' '201'='20.1:Removal of tympanostomy tube' '202'='20.2:Incision of mastoid and middle ear' '203'='20.3:Diagnostic procedures on middle ...' '204'='20.4:Mastoidectomy' '205'='20.5:Other excision of middle ear' '206'='20.6:Fenestration of inner ear' '207'='20.7:Incision, excision, and destruct...' '208'='20.8:Operations on eustachian tube' '209'='20.9:Other operations on inner and mi...' '210'='21.0:Control of epistaxis' '211'='21.1:Incision of nose' '212'='21.2:Diagnostic procedures on nose' '213'='21.3:Local excision or destruction of...' '214'='21.4:Resection of nose' '215'='21.5:Submucous resection of nasal septum' '216'='21.6:Turbinectomy' '217'='21.7:Reduction of nasal fracture' '218'='21.8:Repair and plastic operations on...' '219'='21.9:Other operations on nose' '220'='22.0:Aspiration and lavage of nasal s...' '221'='22.1:Diagnostic procedures on nasal s...' '222'='22.2:Intranasal antrotomy' '223'='22.3:External maxillary antrotomy' '224'='22.4:Frontal sinusotomy and sinusectomy' '225'='22.5:Other nasal sinusotomy' '226'='22.6:Other nasal sinusectomy' '227'='22.7:Repair of nasal sinus' '229'='22.9:Other operations on nasal sinuses' '230'='23.0:Forceps extraction of tooth' '231'='23.1:Surgical removal of tooth' '232'='23.2:Restoration of tooth by filling' '233'='23.3:Restoration of tooth by inlay' '234'='23.4:Other dental restoration' '235'='23.5:Implantation of tooth' '236'='23.6:Prosthetic dental implant' '237'='23.7:Apicoectomy and root canal therapy' '240'='24.0:Incision of gum or alveolar bone' '241'='24.1:Diagnostic procedures on teeth, ...' '242'='24.2:Gingivoplasty' '243'='24.3:Other operations on gum' '244'='24.4:Excision of dental lesion of jaw' '245'='24.5:Alveoloplasty' '246'='24.6:Exposure of tooth' '247'='24.7:Application of orthodontic appli...' '248'='24.8:Other orthodontic operation' '249'='24.9:Other dental operations' '250'='25.0:Diagnostic procedures on tongue' '251'='25.1:Excision or destruction of lesio...' '252'='25.2:Partial glossectomy' '253'='25.3:Complete glossectomy' '254'='25.4:Radical glossectomy' '255'='25.5:Repair of tongue and glossoplasty' '259'='25.9:Other operations on tongue' '260'='26.0:Incision of salivary gland or duct' '261'='26.1:Diagnostic procedures on salivar...' '262'='26.2:Excision of lesion of salivary g...' '263'='26.3:Sialoadenectomy' '264'='26.4:Repair of salivary gland or duct' '269'='26.9:Other operations on salivary gla...' '270'='27.0:Drainage of face and floor of mouth' '271'='27.1:Incision of palate' '272'='27.2:Diagnostic procedures on oral ca...' '273'='27.3:Excision of lesion or tissue of ...' '274'='27.4:Excision of other parts of mouth' '275'='27.5:Plastic repair of mouth' '276'='27.6:Palatoplasty' '277'='27.7:Operations on uvula' '279'='27.9:Other operations on mouth and face' '280'='28.0:Incision and drainage of tonsil/...' '281'='28.1:Diagnostic procedures on tonsils...' '282'='28.2:Tonsillectomy without adenoidectomy' '283'='28.3:Tonsillectomy with adenoidectomy' '284'='28.4:Excision of tonsil tag' '285'='28.5:Excision of lingual tonsil' '286'='28.6:Adenoidectomy without tonsillectomy' '287'='28.7:Control of hemorrhage after tons...' '289'='28.9:Other operations on tonsils and ...' '290'='29.0:Pharyngotomy' '291'='29.1:Diagnostic procedures on pharynx' '292'='29.2:Excision of branchial cleft cyst...' '293'='29.3:Excision or destruction of lesio...' '294'='29.4:Plastic operation on pharynx' '295'='29.5:Other repair of pharynx' '299'='29.9:Other operations on pharynx' '300'='30.0:Excision or destruction of lesio...' '301'='30.1:Hemilaryngectomy' '302'='30.2:Other partial laryngectomy' '303'='30.3:Complete laryngectomy' '304'='30.4:Radical laryngectomy' '310'='31.0:Injection of larynx' '311'='31.1:Temporary tracheostomy' '312'='31.2:Permanent tracheostomy' '313'='31.3:Other incision of larynx or trachea' '314'='31.4:Diagnostic procedures on larynx ...' '315'='31.5:Local excision or destruction of...' '316'='31.6:Repair of larynx' '317'='31.7:Repair and plastic operations on...' '319'='31.9:Other operations on larynx and t...' '320'='32.0:Local excision or destruction of...' '321'='32.1:Other excision of bronchus' '322'='32.2:Local excision or destruction of...' '323'='32.3:Segmental resection of lung' '324'='32.4:Lobectomy of lung' '325'='32.5:Complete pneumonectomy' '326'='32.6:Radical dissection of thoracic s...' '329'='32.9:Other excision of lung' '330'='33.0:Incision of bronchus' '331'='33.1:Incision of lung' '332'='33.2:Diagnostic procedures on lung an...' '333'='33.3:Surgical collapse of lung' '334'='33.4:Repair and plastic operation on ...' '335'='33.5:Lung transplant' '336'='33.6:Combined heart-lung transplantation' '339'='33.9:Other operations on lung and bro...' '340'='34.0:Incision of chest wall and pleura' '341'='34.1:Incision of mediastinum' '342'='34.2:Diag procedures on chest wall/pl...' '343'='34.3:Excision or destruction of lesio...' '344'='34.4:Excision or destruction of lesio...' '345'='34.5:Pleurectomy' '346'='34.6:Scarification of pleura' '347'='34.7:Repair of chest wall' '348'='34.8:Operations on diaphragm' '349'='34.9:Other operations on thorax' '350'='35.0:Closed heart valvotomy' '351'='35.1:Open heart valvuloplasty without...' '352'='35.2:Replacement of heart valve' '353'='35.3:Operations on structures adjacen...' '354'='35.4:Production of septal defect in h...' '355'='35.5:Repair of atrial and ventricular...' '356'='35.6:Repair of atrial and ventricular...' '357'='35.7:Other and unspecified repair of ...' '358'='35.8:Total repair of certain congenit...' '359'='35.9:Other operations on valves and s...' '360'='36.0:Removal of coronary artery obstr...' '361'='36.1:Bypass anastomosis for heart rev...' '362'='36.2:Heart revascularization by arter...' '363'='36.3:Other heart revascularization' '369'='36.9:Other operations on vessels of h...' '370'='37.0:Pericardiocentesis' '371'='37.1:Cardiotomy and pericardiotomy' '372'='37.2:Diagnostic procedures on heart a...' '373'='37.3:Pericardiectomy and excision of ...' '374'='37.4:Repair of heart and pericardium' '375'='37.5:Heart transplantation' '376'='37.6:Implantation of heart assist system' '377'='37.7:Insertn/revisn/replace and rem p...' '378'='37.8:Insertion/replacement/removal/re...' '379'='37.9:Other operations on heart and pe...' '380'='38.0:Incision of vessel' '381'='38.1:Endarterectomy' '382'='38.2:Diagnostic procedures on blood v...' '383'='38.3:Resection of vessel with anastom...' '384'='38.4:Resection of vessel with replace...' '385'='38.5:Ligation and stripping of varico...' '386'='38.6:Other excision of vessels' '387'='38.7:Interruption of the vena cava' '388'='38.8:Other surgical occlusion of vessels' '389'='38.9:Puncture of vessel' '390'='39.0:Systemic to pulmonary artery shunt' '391'='39.1:Intra-abdominal venous shunt' '392'='39.2:Other shunt or vascular bypass' '393'='39.3:Suture of vessel' '394'='39.4:Revision of vascular procedure' '395'='39.5:Other repair of vessels' '396'='39.6:Extracorporeal circulation/proce...' '397'='39.7:Periarterial sympathectomy' '398'='39.8:Operations on carotid body and o...' '399'='39.9:Other operations on vessels' '400'='40.0:Incision of lymphatic structures' '401'='40.1:Diagnostic procedures on lymphat...' '402'='40.2:Simple excision of lymphatic str...' '403'='40.3:Regional lymph node excision' '404'='40.4:Radical excision of cervical lym...' '405'='40.5:Radical excision of other lymph ...' '406'='40.6:Operations on thoracic duct' '409'='40.9:Other operations on lymphatic st...' '410'='41.0:Operations on bone marrow and sp...' '411'='41.1:Puncture of spleen' '412'='41.2:Splenotomy' '413'='41.3:Diagnostic procedures on bone ma...' '414'='41.4:Excision or destruction of lesio...' '415'='41.5:Total splenectomy' '419'='41.9:Other operations on spleen and b...' '420'='42.0:Esophagotomy' '421'='42.1:Esophagostomy' '422'='42.2:Diagnostic procedures on esophagus' '423'='42.3:Local excision or destruction of...' '424'='42.4:Excision of esophagus' '425'='42.5:Intrathoracic anastomosis of eso...' '426'='42.6:Antesternal anastomosis of esoph...' '427'='42.7:Esophagomyotomy' '428'='42.8:Other repair of esophagus' '429'='42.9:Other operations on esophagus' '430'='43.0:Gastrotomy' '431'='43.1:Gastrostomy' '433'='43.3:Pyloromyotomy' '434'='43.4:Local excision or destruction of...' '435'='43.5:Partial gastrectomy with anastom...' '436'='43.6:Partial gastrectomy with anastom...' '437'='43.7:Partial gastrectomy with anastom...' '438'='43.8:Other partial gastrectomy' '439'='43.9:Total gastrectomy' '440'='44.0:Vagotomy' '441'='44.1:Diagnostic procedures on stomach' '442'='44.2:Pyloroplasty' '443'='44.3:Gastroenterostomy without gastre...' '444'='44.4:Control of hemorrhage/suture of ...' '445'='44.5:Revision of gastric anastomosis' '446'='44.6:Other repair of stomach' '449'='44.9:Other operations on stomach' '450'='45.0:Enterotomy' '451'='45.1:Diagnostic procedures on small i...' '452'='45.2:Diagnostic procedures on large i...' '453'='45.3:Local excision or destruction le...' '454'='45.4:Local excision or destruction le...' '455'='45.5:Isolation of intestinal segment' '456'='45.6:Other excision of small intestine' '457'='45.7:Partial excision of large intestine' '458'='45.8:Total intra-abdominal colectomy' '459'='45.9:Intestinal anastomosis' '460'='46.0:Exteriorization of intestine' '461'='46.1:Colostomy' '462'='46.2:Ileostomy' '463'='46.3:Other enterostomy' '464'='46.4:Revision of intestinal stoma' '465'='46.5:Closure of intestinal stoma' '466'='46.6:Fixation of intestine' '467'='46.7:Other repair of intestine' '468'='46.8:Intra-abdominal manipulation of ...' '469'='46.9:Other operations on intestines' '470'='47.0:Appendectomy' '471'='47.1:Incidental appendectomy' '472'='47.2:Drainage of appendiceal abscess' '479'='47.9:Other operations on appendix' '480'='48.0:Proctotomy' '481'='48.1:Proctostomy' '482'='48.2:Diag procedures on rectum/rectos...' '483'='48.3:Local excision or destruction of...' '484'='48.4:Pull-through resection of rectum' '485'='48.5:Abdominoperineal resection of re...' '486'='48.6:Other resection of rectum' '487'='48.7:Repair of rectum' '488'='48.8:Incision or excision of perirect...' '489'='48.9:Other operations on rectum and p...' '490'='49.0:Incision or excision of perianal...' '491'='49.1:Incision or excision of anal fis...' '492'='49.2:Diagnostic procedures on anus an...' '493'='49.3:Local excision/destruction of ot...' '494'='49.4:Procedures on hemorrhoids' '495'='49.5:Division of anal sphincter' '496'='49.6:Excision of anus' '497'='49.7:Repair of anus' '499'='49.9:Other operations on anus' '500'='50.0:Hepatotomy' '501'='50.1:Diagnostic procedures on liver' '502'='50.2:Local excision or destruction of...' '503'='50.3:Lobectomy of liver' '504'='50.4:Total hepatectomy' '505'='50.5:Liver transplant' '506'='50.6:Repair of liver' '509'='50.9:Other operations on liver' '510'='51.0:Cholecystotomy and cholecystostomy' '511'='51.1:Diagnostic procedures on biliary...' '512'='51.2:Cholecystectomy' '513'='51.3:Anastomosis of gallbladder or bi...' '514'='51.4:Incision of bile duct for relief...' '515'='51.5:Other incision of bile duct' '516'='51.6:Local excisn/destructn lesion/ti...' '517'='51.7:Repair of bile ducts' '518'='51.8:Other operations on biliary duct...' '519'='51.9:Other operations on biliary tract' '520'='52.0:Pancreatotomy' '521'='52.1:Diagnostic procedures on pancreas' '522'='52.2:Local excision/destruction of pa...' '523'='52.3:Marsupialization of pancreatic cyst' '524'='52.4:Internal drainage of pancreatic ...' '525'='52.5:Partial pancreatectomy' '526'='52.6:Total pancreatectomy' '527'='52.7:Radical pancreaticoduodenectomy' '528'='52.8:Transplant of pancreas' '529'='52.9:Other operations on pancreas' '530'='53.0:Unilateral repair of inguinal he...' '531'='53.1:Bilateral repair of inguinal hernia' '532'='53.2:Unilateral repair of femoral hernia' '533'='53.3:Bilateral repair of femoral hernia' '534'='53.4:Repair of umbilical hernia' '535'='53.5:Repr oth hernia of ant abdominal...' '536'='53.6:Repair oth hernia of ant abdomin...' '537'='53.7:Repair of diaphragmatic hernia, ...' '538'='53.8:Repair of diaphragmatic hernia, ...' '539'='53.9:Other hernia repair' '540'='54.0:Incision of abdominal wall' '541'='54.1:Laparotomy' '542'='54.2:Diagnostic procedures of abdomin...' '543'='54.3:Excisn/destruc of lesion/tissue ...' '544'='54.4:Excision or destruction of perit...' '545'='54.5:Lysis of peritoneal adhesions' '546'='54.6:Suture of abdominal wall and per...' '547'='54.7:Other repair of abdominal wall a...' '549'='54.9:Other operations of abdominal re...' '550'='55.0:Nephrotomy and nephrostomy' '551'='55.1:Pyelotomy and pyelostomy' '552'='55.2:Diagnostic procedures on kidney' '553'='55.3:Local excision or destruction of...' '554'='55.4:Partial nephrectomy' '555'='55.5:Complete nephrectomy' '556'='55.6:Transplant of kidney' '557'='55.7:Nephropexy' '558'='55.8:Other repair of kidney' '559'='55.9:Other operations on kidney' '560'='56.0:Transurethral rem of obstructn f...' '561'='56.1:Ureteral meatotomy' '562'='56.2:Ureterotomy' '563'='56.3:Diagnostic procedures on ureter' '564'='56.4:Ureterectomy' '565'='56.5:Cutaneous uretero-ileostomy' '566'='56.6:Other external urinary diversion' '567'='56.7:Other anastomosis or bypass of u...' '568'='56.8:Repair of ureter' '569'='56.9:Other operations on ureter' '570'='57.0:Transurethral clearance of bladder' '571'='57.1:Cystotomy and cystostomy' '572'='57.2:Vesicostomy' '573'='57.3:Diagnostic procedures on bladder' '574'='57.4:Transurethral excision or destru...' '575'='57.5:Other excision or destruction of...' '576'='57.6:Partial cystectomy' '577'='57.7:Total cystectomy' '578'='57.8:Other repair of urinary bladder' '579'='57.9:Other operations on bladder' '580'='58.0:Urethrotomy' '581'='58.1:Urethral meatotomy' '582'='58.2:Diagnostic procedures on urethra' '583'='58.3:Excision or destruction of lesio...' '584'='58.4:Repair of urethra' '585'='58.5:Release of urethral stricture' '586'='58.6:Dilation of urethra' '589'='58.9:Other operations on urethra and ...' '590'='59.0:Dissection of retroperitoneal ti...' '591'='59.1:Incision of perivesical tissue' '592'='59.2:Diagnostic procedures on periren...' '593'='59.3:Plication of urethrovesical junc...' '594'='59.4:Suprapubic sling operation' '595'='59.5:Retropubic urethral suspension' '596'='59.6:Paraurethral suspension' '597'='59.7:Other repair of urinary stress i...' '598'='59.8:Ureteral catheterization' '599'='59.9:Other operations on urinary system' '600'='60.0:Incision of prostate' '601'='60.1:Diagnostic procedures on prostat...' '602'='60.2:Transurethral prostatectomy' '603'='60.3:Suprapubic prostatectomy' '604'='60.4:Retropubic prostatectomy' '605'='60.5:Radical prostatectomy' '606'='60.6:Other prostatectomy' '607'='60.7:Operations on seminal vesicles' '608'='60.8:Incision or excision of peripros...' '609'='60.9:Other operations on prostate' '610'='61.0:Incision and drainage of scrotum...' '611'='61.1:Diagnostic procedures on scrotum...' '612'='61.2:Excision of hydrocele [of tunica...' '613'='61.3:Excision or destruction of lesio...' '614'='61.4:Repair of scrotum and tunica vag...' '619'='61.9:Other operations on scrotum and ...' '620'='62.0:Incision of testis' '621'='62.1:Diagnostic procedures on testes' '622'='62.2:Excision or destruction of testi...' '623'='62.3:Unilateral orchiectomy' '624'='62.4:Bilateral orchiectomy' '625'='62.5:Orchiopexy' '626'='62.6:Repair of testes' '627'='62.7:Insertion of testicular prosthesis' '629'='62.9:Other operations on testes' '630'='63.0:Diag procs spermatic cord, epidi...' '631'='63.1:Excision of varicocele and hydro...' '632'='63.2:Excision of cyst of epididymis' '633'='63.3:Excision of oth lesion/tissue of...' '634'='63.4:Epididymectomy' '635'='63.5:Re pair of spermatic cord and ep...' '636'='63.6:Vasotomy' '637'='63.7:Vasectomy and ligation of vas de...' '638'='63.8:Repair of vas deferens and epidi...' '639'='63.9:Other operations on spermatic co...' '640'='64.0:Circumcision' '641'='64.1:Diagnostic procedures on the penis' '642'='64.2:Local excision or destruction of...' '643'='64.3:Amputation of penis' '644'='64.4:Repair and plastic operation on ...' '645'='64.5:Operations for sex transformatio...' '649'='64.9:Other operations on male genital...' '650'='65.0:Oophorotomy' '651'='65.1:Diagnostic procedures on ovaries' '652'='65.2:Local excision or destruction of...' '653'='65.3:Unilateral oophorectomy' '654'='65.4:Unilateral salpingo-oophorectomy' '655'='65.5:Bilateral oophorectomy' '656'='65.6:Bilateral salpingo-oophorectomy' '657'='65.7:Repair of ovary' '658'='65.8:Lysis of adhesions of ovary and ...' '659'='65.9:Other operations on ovary' '660'='66.0:Salpingotomy' '661'='66.1:Diagnostic procedures on fallopi...' '662'='66.2:Bilateral endoscopic destruction...' '663'='66.3:Other bilateral destruction/occl...' '664'='66.4:Total unilateral salpingectomy' '665'='66.5:Total bilateral salpingectomy' '666'='66.6:Other salpingectomy' '667'='66.7:Repair of fallopian tube' '668'='66.8:Insufflation of fallopian tube' '669'='66.9:Other operations on fallopian tubes' '670'='67.0:Dilation of cervical canal' '671'='67.1:Diagnostic procedures on cervix' '672'='67.2:Conization of cervix' '673'='67.3:Other excision or destruction of...' '674'='67.4:Amputation of cervix' '675'='67.5:Repair of internal cervical os' '676'='67.6:Other repair of cervix' '680'='68.0:Hysterotomy' '681'='68.1:Diagnostic procedures on uterus ...' '682'='68.2:Excision or destruction of lesio...' '683'='68.3:Subtotal abdominal hysterectomy' '684'='68.4:Total abdominal hysterectomy' '685'='68.5:Vaginal hysterectomy' '686'='68.6:Radical abdominal hysterectomy' '687'='68.7:Radical vaginal hysterectomy' '688'='68.8:Pelvic evisceration' '689'='68.9:Other and unspecified hysterectomy' '690'='69.0:Dilation and curettage of uterus' '691'='69.1:Excision/destruction lesion/tiss...' '692'='69.2:Repair of uterine supporting str...' '693'='69.3:Paracervical uterine denervation' '694'='69.4:Uterine repair' '695'='69.5:Aspiration curettage of uterus' '696'='69.6:Menstrual extraction or regulation' '697'='69.7:Insertion of intrauterine contra...' '699'='69.9:Other operations on uterus/cervi...' '700'='70.0:Culdocentesis' '701'='70.1:Incision of vagina and cul-de-sac' '702'='70.2:Diagnostic procedures on vagina ...' '703'='70.3:Local excision or destruction of...' '704'='70.4:Obliteration and total excision ...' '705'='70.5:Repair of cystocele and rectocele' '706'='70.6:Vaginal construction and reconst...' '707'='70.7:Other repair of vagina' '708'='70.8:Obliteration of vaginal vault' '709'='70.9:Other operations on vagina and c...' '710'='71.0:Incision of vulva and perineum' '711'='71.1:Diagnostic procedures on vulva' '712'='71.2:Operations on Bartholin`s gland' '713'='71.3:Other local excision or destruct...' '714'='71.4:Operations on clitoris' '715'='71.5:Radical vulvectomy' '716'='71.6:Other vulvectomy' '717'='71.7:Repair of vulva and perineum' '718'='71.8:Other operations on vulva' '719'='71.9:Other operations on female genit...' '720'='72.0:Low forceps operation' '721'='72.1:Low forceps operation with episi...' '722'='72.2:Mid forceps operation' '723'='72.3:High forceps operation' '724'='72.4:Forceps rotation of fetal head' '725'='72.5:Breech extraction' '726'='72.6:Forceps application to aftercomi...' '727'='72.7:Vacuum extraction' '728'='72.8:Other specified instrumental del...' '729'='72.9:Unspecified instrumental delivery' '730'='73.0:Artificial rupture of membranes' '731'='73.1:Other surgical induction of labor' '732'='73.2:Internal and combined version an...' '733'='73.3:Failed forceps' '734'='73.4:Medical induction of labor' '735'='73.5:Manually assisted delivery' '736'='73.6:Episiotomy' '738'='73.8:Operations on fetus to facilitat...' '739'='73.9:Other operations assisting delivery' '740'='74.0:Classical cesarean section' '741'='74.1:Low cervical cesarean section' '742'='74.2:Extraperitoneal cesarean section' '743'='74.3:Removal of intraperitoneal embryo' '744'='74.4:Cesarean section of other specif...' '749'='74.9:Cesarean section of unspecified ...' '750'='75.0:Intra-amniotic injection for abo...' '751'='75.1:Diagnostic amniocentesis' '752'='75.2:Intrauterine transfusion' '753'='75.3:Other intrauterine operations on...' '754'='75.4:Manual removal of retained placenta' '755'='75.5:Repair of current obstetric lace...' '756'='75.6:Repair of other current obstetri...' '757'='75.7:Manual exploration of uterine ca...' '758'='75.8:Obstetric tamponade of uterus or...' '759'='75.9:Other obstetric operations' '760'='76.0:Incision of facial bone without ...' '761'='76.1:Diagnostic procedures on facial ...' '762'='76.2:Local excision or destruction of...' '763'='76.3:Partial ostectomy of facial bone' '764'='76.4:Excision and reconstruction of f...' '765'='76.5:Temporomandibular arthroplasty' '766'='76.6:Other facial bone repair and ort...' '767'='76.7:Reduction of facial fracture' '769'='76.9:Other operations on facial bones...' '770'='77.0:Sequestrectomy, except facial bones' '771'='77.1:Other incision of bone, except f...' '772'='77.2:Wedge osteotomy, except facial b...' '773'='77.3:Other division of bone, except f...' '774'='77.4:Biopsy of bone, except facial bones' '775'='77.5:Excision and repair of bunion an...' '776'='77.6:Local excision of lesion/tissue ...' '777'='77.7:Excision of bone for graft, exce...' '778'='77.8:Other partial ostectomy, except ...' '779'='77.9:Total ostectomy, except facial b...' '780'='78.0:Bone graft, except facial bones' '781'='78.1:Periosteal suture excpt facial b...' '782'='78.2:Epiphyseal stapling / Limb short...' '783'='78.3:Oth chang bone lngth excpt facia...' '784'='78.4:Oth repair/plastic operations on...' '785'='78.5:Internal fixatn bone excpt facia...' '786'='78.6:Removal of implanted devices fro...' '787'='78.7:Osteoclasis, except facial bones' '788'='78.8:Diagnostic procedures on bone, e...' '789'='78.9:Insertion of bone growth stimulator' '790'='79.0:Closed reduction of fracture wit...' '791'='79.1:Closed reduction of fracture wit...' '792'='79.2:Open reductn fracture excpt faci...' '793'='79.3:Open reductn of fracture with in...' '794'='79.4:Closed reduction of separated ep...' '795'='79.5:Open reduction of separated epip...' '796'='79.6:Debridement of open fracture site' '797'='79.7:Closed reduction of dislocation,...' '798'='79.8:Open reduction of dislocation, e...' '799'='79.9:Unspecified operation on bone in...' '800'='80.0:Arthrotomy for removal of prosth...' '801'='80.1:Other arthrotomy' '802'='80.2:Arthroscopy' '803'='80.3:Biopsy of joint structure' '804'='80.4:Division of joint capsule, ligam...' '805'='80.5:Excision or destruction of inter...' '806'='80.6:Excision of semilunar cartilage ...' '807'='80.7:Synovectomy' '808'='80.8:Other local excision or destruct...' '809'='80.9:Other excision of joint' '810'='81.0:Spinal fusion' '811'='81.1:Arthrodesis of foot and ankle' '812'='81.2:Arthrodesis of other joint' '813'='81.3:Refusion of spine' '814'='81.4:Other repair of lower extremity' '815'='81.5:Joint replacement of lower extre...' '816'='81.6:Other procedures on spine' '817'='81.7:Arthroplasty and repair of hand,...' '818'='81.8:Arthroplasty and repair of shoul...' '819'='81.9:Other operations on joint struct...' '820'='82.0:Incision of muscle, tendon, fasc...' '821'='82.1:Division of muscle, tendon, and ...' '822'='82.2:Excision of lesion of muscle, te...' '823'='82.3:Other excision of soft tissue of...' '824'='82.4:Suture of muscle, tendon, and fa...' '825'='82.5:Transplantation of muscle and te...' '826'='82.6:Reconstruction of thumb' '827'='82.7:Plastic operation on hand with g...' '828'='82.8:Other plastic operations on hand' '829'='82.9:Other operations on muscle, tend...' '830'='83.0:Incision of muscle, tendon, fasc...' '831'='83.1:Division of muscle, tendon, and ...' '832'='83.2:Diag procedrs on muscle/tendon/f...' '833'='83.3:Excision of lesion of muscle, te...' '834'='83.4:Other excision of muscle, tendon...' '835'='83.5:Bursectomy' '836'='83.6:Suture of muscle, tendon, and fa...' '837'='83.7:Reconstruction of muscle and tendon' '838'='83.8:Other plastic operations on musc...' '839'='83.9:Other operations on muscle, tend...' '840'='84.0:Amputation of upper limb' '841'='84.1:Amputation of lower limb' '842'='84.2:Reattachment of extremity' '843'='84.3:Revision of amputation stump' '844'='84.4:Implantation or fitting of prost...' '845'='84.5:Implantn oth musculo devices, subst' '849'='84.9:Other operations on musculoskele...' '850'='85.0:Mastotomy' '851'='85.1:Diagnostic procedures on breast' '852'='85.2:Excision or destruction of breas...' '853'='85.3:Reduction mammoplasty and subcut...' '854'='85.4:Mastectomy' '855'='85.5:Augmentation mammoplasty' '856'='85.6:Mastopexy' '857'='85.7:Total reconstruction of breast' '858'='85.8:Other repair and plastic operati...' '859'='85.9:Other operations on the breast' '860'='86.0:Incision of skin and subcutaneou...' '861'='86.1:Diagnostic procedures on skin an...' '862'='86.2:Excision/destruction of lesion/t...' '863'='86.3:Oth local excisn/destructn lesio...' '864'='86.4:Radical excision of skin lesion' '865'='86.5:Suture of skin and subcutaneous ...' '866'='86.6:Free skin graft' '867'='86.7:Pedicle grafts or flaps' '868'='86.8:Other repair and reconstruction ...' '869'='86.9:Other operations on skin and sub...' '870'='87.0:Soft tissue x-ray of face, head,...' '871'='87.1:Other x-ray of face, head, and neck' '872'='87.2:X-ray of spine' '873'='87.3:Soft tissue x-ray of thorax' '874'='87.4:Other x-ray of thorax' '875'='87.5:Biliary tract x-ray' '876'='87.6:Other x-ray of digestive system' '877'='87.7:X-ray of urinary system' '878'='87.8:X-ray of female genital organs' '879'='87.9:X-ray of male genital organs' '880'='88.0:Soft tissue x-ray of abdomen' '881'='88.1:Other x-ray of abdomen' '882'='88.2:Skeletal x-ray of extremities an...' '883'='88.3:Other x-ray' '884'='88.4:Arteriography using contrast mat...' '885'='88.5:Angiocardiography using contrast...' '886'='88.6:Phlebography' '887'='88.7:Diagnostic ultrasound' '888'='88.8:Thermography' '889'='88.9:Other diagnostic imaging' '890'='89.0:Diagnostic interview, consultati...' '891'='89.1:Anatomc/physiologc measures/manu...' '892'='89.2:Anatomc/physiologc measures/manu...' '893'='89.3:Other anatomic and physiologic m...' '894'='89.4:Cardiac stress tests and pacemak...' '895'='89.5:Other nonoperative cardiac and v...' '896'='89.6:Circulatory monitoring' '897'='89.7:General physical examination' '898'='89.8:Autopsy' '900'='90.0:Microscopic exam specimen from n...' '901'='90.1:Microscopic exam of specimen frm...' '902'='90.2:Microscopic examination of speci...' '903'='90.3:Microscopic exam of specimen fro...' '904'='90.4:Micro exam trach/bronch/pleura/l...' '905'='90.5:Microscopic examination of blood' '906'='90.6:Microscopic exam of specimen fro...' '907'='90.7:Microscopic examination of speci...' '908'='90.8:Micro exam specimen from upper g...' '909'='90.9:Micro exam specimen from lower g...' '910'='91.0:Micro exam of specimen from live...' '911'='91.1:Micro exam of peritoneal and ret...' '912'='91.2:Micro exam kidney/ureter/periren...' '913'='91.3:Micro exm bladr/urthra/prstat/se...' '914'='91.4:Micro examination of specimen fr...' '915'='91.5:Micro exam spec from musculoskel...' '916'='91.6:Microscopic exam of specimen fro...' '917'='91.7:Microscopic examination of speci...' '918'='91.8:Microscopic examination of speci...' '919'='91.9:Microscopic examination of speci...' '920'='92.0:Radioisotope scan and function s...' '921'='92.1:Other radioisotope scan' '922'='92.2:Therapeutic radiology and nuclea...' '923'='92.3:Stereotactic radiosurgery' '930'='93.0:Diagnostic physical therapy' '931'='93.1:Physical therapy exercises' '932'='93.2:Other physical therapy musculosk...' '933'='93.3:Other physical therapy therapeut...' '934'='93.4:Skeletal traction and other trac...' '935'='93.5:Other immobilization, pressure, ...' '936'='93.6:Osteopathic manipulative treatment' '937'='93.7:Speech and reading rehabilitatio...' '938'='93.8:Other rehabilitation therapy' '939'='93.9:Respiratory therapy' '940'='94.0:Psychologic evaluation and testing' '941'='94.1:Psychiatric interviews, consulta...' '942'='94.2:Psychiatric somatotherapy' '943'='94.3:Individual psychotherapy' '944'='94.4:Other psychotherapy and counselling' '945'='94.5:Referral for psychologic rehabil...' '946'='94.6:Alcohol and drug rehabilitation ...' '950'='95.0:General and subjective eye exami...' '951'='95.1:Examinations of form and structu...' '952'='95.2:Objective functional tests of eye' '953'='95.3:Special vision services' '954'='95.4:Nonoperative procedures related ...' '960'='96.0:Nonoperative intubation gastroin...' '961'='96.1:Other nonoperative insertion' '962'='96.2:Nonoperative dilation and manipu...' '963'='96.3:Nonoperatv alimentary tract irri...' '964'='96.4:Nonop irrgatn/clean/local instil...' '965'='96.5:Other nonoperative irrigation an...' '966'='96.6:Enteral infusion of concentrated...' '967'='96.7:/ Other continuous mechanical ve...' '970'='97.0:Nonoperative replacement of gast...' '971'='97.1:Nonop replacemt musculoskeletal/...' '972'='97.2:Other nonoperative replacement' '973'='97.3:Nonoperative removal of therapeu...' '974'='97.4:Nonoperative removal of therapeu...' '975'='97.5:Nonoperative removal of therapeu...' '976'='97.6:Nonoperative removal of therapeu...' '977'='97.7:Nonoperative removal of therapeu...' '978'='97.8:Other nonoperative removal of th...' '980'='98.0:Remvl intraluminal foreign body ...' '981'='98.1:Remvl intraluminal foreign body ...' '982'='98.2:Removal of other foreign body wi...' '985'='98.5:Extracorperal shockwave lithotri...' '990'='99.0:Transfusion of blood and blood c...' '991'='99.1:Injection/infusion of therapeuti...' '992'='99.2:Injection/infusion of oth therap...' '993'='99.3:Prophylac vaccinatn/inoculatn ag...' '994'='99.4:Prophylac vaccinatn/inoculatn ag...' '995'='99.5:Other vaccination and inoculation' '996'='99.6:Conversion of cardiac rhythm' '997'='99.7:Therapeutic apheresis' '998'='99.8:Miscellaneous physical procedures' '999'='99.9:Other miscellaneous procedures' ; VALUE $PROC2DF '-9'='Blank' '00'='00:Procedures and interventns, NEC' '01'='01:Incision and excision of skull, br...' '02'='02:Other operations on skull, brain, ...' '03'='03:Operations on spinal cord and spin...' '04'='04:Operations on cranial and peripher...' '05'='05:Operations on sympathetic nerves o...' '06'='06:Operations on thyroid and parathyr...' '07'='07:Operations on other endocrine glands' '08'='08:Operations on eyelids' '09'='09:Operations on lacrimal system' '10'='10:Operations on conjunctiva' '11'='11:Operations on cornea' '12'='12:Operations on iris, ciliary body, ...' '13'='13:Operations on lens' '14'='14:Operations on retina, choroid, vit...' '15'='15:Operations on extraocular muscles' '16'='16:Operations on orbit and eyeball' '17'='17:Other miscellaenous procedures' '18'='18:Operations on external ear' '19'='19:Reconstructive operations on middl...' '20'='20:Other operations on middle and inn...' '21'='21:Operations on nose' '22'='22:Operations on nasal sinuses' '23'='23:Removal and restoration of teeth' '24'='24:Other operations on teeth, gums, a...' '25'='25:Operations on tongue' '26'='26:Operations on salivary glands and ...' '27'='27:Other operations on mouth and face' '28'='28:Operations on tonsils and adenoids' '29'='29:Operations on pharynx' '30'='30:Excision of larynx' '31'='31:Other operations on larynx and tra...' '32'='32:Excision of lung and bronchus' '33'='33:Other operations on lung and bronchus' '34'='34:Operations on chest wall, pleura, ...' '35'='35:Operations on valves and septa of ...' '36'='36:Operations on vessels of heart' '37'='37:Other operations on heart and peri...' '38'='38:Incision, excision, and occlusion ...' '39'='39:Other operations on vessels' '40'='40:Operations on lymphatic system' '41'='41:Operations on bone marrow and spleen' '42'='42:Operations on esophagus' '43'='43:Incision and excision of stomach' '44'='44:Other operations on stomach' '45'='45:Incision, excision, and anastomosi...' '46'='46:Other operations on intestine' '47'='47:Operations on appendix' '48'='48:Operations on rectum, rectosigmoid...' '49'='49:Operations on anus' '50'='50:Operations on liver' '51'='51:Operations on gallbladder and bili...' '52'='52:Operations on pancreas' '53'='53:Repair of hernia' '54'='54:Other operations on abdominal region' '55'='55:Operations on kidney' '56'='56:Operations on ureter' '57'='57:Operations on urinary bladder' '58'='58:Operations on urethra' '59'='59:Other operations on urinary tract' '60'='60:Operations on prostate and seminal...' '61'='61:Operations on scrotum and tunica v...' '62'='62:Operations on testes' '63'='63:Operations on spermatic cord, epid...' '64'='64:Operations on penis' '65'='65:Operations on ovary' '66'='66:Operations on fallopian tubes' '67'='67:Operations on cervix' '68'='68:Other incision and excision of uterus' '69'='69:Other operations on uterus and sup...' '70'='70:Operations on vagina and cul-de-sac' '71'='71:Operations on vulva and perineum' '72'='72:Forceps, vacuum, and breech delivery' '73'='73:Other procedures inducing or assis...' '74'='74:Cesarean section and removal of fetus' '75'='75:Other obstetric operations' '76'='76:Operations on facial bones and joints' '77'='77:Incision, excision, and division o...' '78'='78:Other operations on bones, except ...' '79'='79:Reduction of fracture and dislocation' '80'='80:Incision and excision of joint str...' '81'='81:Repair and plastic operations on j...' '82'='82:Operations on muscle, tendon, and ...' '83'='83:Operations on muscle, tendon, fasc...' '84'='84:Other procedures on musculoskeleta...' '85'='85:Operations on the breast' '86'='86:Operations on skin and subcutaneou...' '87'='87:Diagnostic radiology' '88'='88:Other diagnostic radiology and rel...' '89'='89:Interview, evaluation, consultatio...' '90'='90:Microscopic examination I' '91'='91:Microscopic examination II' '92'='92:Nuclear medicine' '93'='93:Physical therapy/respiratory thera...' '94'='94:Procedures related to the psyche' '95'='95:Ophthalmologic and otologic diagno...' '96'='96:Nonoperative intubation and irriga...' '97'='97:Replacement and removal of therape...' '98'='98:Nonoperative removal of foreign body' '99'='99:Other nonoperative procedures' ; VALUE HTINF 72 ='72 inches (capped value for females)' 77 ='77 inches (capped value for males)' -9 = 'Blank' ; VALUE WTLBF 350 = '350 lbs. or more' -9 = 'Blank' ; VALUE TEMPFF -9 = 'Blank' 600 = '60.0' 601 = '60.1' 602 = '60.2' 603 = '60.3' 604 = '60.4' 605 = '60.5' 606 = '60.6' 607 = '60.7' 608 = '60.8' 609 = '60.9' 610 = '61.0' 611 = '61.1' 612 = '61.2' 613 = '61.3' 614 = '61.4' 615 = '61.5' 616 = '61.6' 617 = '61.7' 618 = '61.8' 619 = '61.9' 620 = '62.0' 621 = '62.1' 622 = '62.2' 623 = '62.3' 624 = '62.4' 625 = '62.5' 626 = '62.6' 627 = '62.7' 628 = '62.8' 629 = '62.9' 630 = '63.0' 631 = '63.1' 632 = '63.2' 633 = '63.3' 634 = '63.4' 635 = '63.5' 636 = '63.6' 637 = '63.7' 638 = '63.8' 639 = '63.9' 640 = '64.0' 641 = '64.1' 642 = '64.2' 643 = '64.3' 644 = '64.4' 645 = '64.5' 646 = '64.6' 647 = '64.7' 648 = '64.8' 649 = '64.9' 650 = '65.0' 651 = '65.1' 652 = '65.2' 653 = '65.3' 654 = '65.4' 655 = '65.5' 656 = '65.6' 657 = '65.7' 658 = '65.8' 659 = '65.9' 660 = '65.0' 661 = '66.1' 662 = '66.2' 663 = '66.3' 664 = '66.4' 665 = '66.5' 666 = '66.6' 667 = '66.7' 668 = '66.8' 669 = '66.9' 670 = '67.0' 671 = '67.1' 672 = '67.2' 673 = '67.3' 674 = '67.4' 675 = '67.5' 676 = '67.6' 677 = '67.7' 678 = '67.8' 679 = '67.9' 680 = '68.0' 681 = '68.1' 682 = '68.2' 683 = '68.3' 684 = '68.4' 685 = '68.5' 686 = '68.6' 687 = '68.7' 688 = '68.8' 689 = '68.9' 690 = '69.0' 691 = '69.1' 692 = '69.2' 693 = '69.3' 694 = '69.4' 695 = '69.5' 696 = '69.6' 697 = '69.7' 698 = '69.8' 699 = '69.9' 700 = '70.0' 701 = '70.1' 702 = '70.2' 703 = '70.3' 704 = '70.4' 705 = '70.5' 706 = '70.6' 707 = '70.7' 708 = '70.8' 709 = '70.9' 710 = '71.0' 711 = '71.1' 712 = '71.2' 713 = '71.3' 714 = '71.4' 715 = '71.5' 716 = '71.6' 717 = '71.7' 718 = '71.8' 719 = '71.9' 720 = '72.0' 721 = '72.1' 722 = '72.2' 723 = '72.3' 724 = '72.4' 725 = '72.5' 726 = '72.6' 727 = '72.7' 728 = '72.8' 729 = '72.9' 730 = '73.0' 731 = '73.1' 732 = '73.2' 733 = '73.3' 734 = '73.4' 735 = '73.5' 736 = '73.6' 737 = '73.7' 738 = '73.8' 739 = '73.9' 740 = '74.0' 741 = '74.1' 742 = '74.2' 743 = '74.3' 744 = '74.4' 745 = '74.5' 746 = '74.6' 747 = '74.7' 748 = '74.8' 749 = '74.9' 750 = '75.0' 751 = '75.1' 752 = '75.2' 753 = '75.3' 754 = '75.4' 755 = '75.5' 756 = '75.6' 757 = '75.7' 758 = '75.8' 759 = '75.9' 760 = '76.0' 761 = '76.1' 762 = '76.2' 763 = '76.3' 764 = '76.4' 765 = '76.5' 766 = '76.6' 767 = '76.7' 768 = '76.8' 769 = '76.9' 770 = '77.0' 771 = '77.1' 772 = '77.2' 773 = '77.3' 774 = '77.4' 775 = '77.5' 776 = '77.6' 777 = '77.7' 778 = '77.8' 779 = '77.9' 780 = '78.0' 781 = '78.1' 782 = '78.2' 783 = '78.3' 784 = '78.4' 785 = '78.5' 786 = '78.6' 787 = '78.7' 788 = '78.8' 789 = '78.9' 790 = '79.0' 791 = '79.1' 792 = '79.2' 793 = '79.3' 794 = '79.4' 795 = '79.5' 796 = '79.6' 797 = '79.7' 798 = '79.8' 799 = '79.9' 800 = '80.0' 801 = '80.1' 802 = '80.2' 803 = '80.3' 804 = '80.4' 805 = '80.5' 806 = '80.6' 807 = '80.7' 808 = '80.8' 809 = '80.9' 810 = '81.0' 811 = '81.1' 812 = '81.2' 813 = '81.3' 814 = '81.4' 815 = '81.5' 816 = '81.6' 817 = '81.7' 818 = '81.8' 819 = '81.9' 820 = '82.0' 821 = '82.1' 822 = '82.2' 823 = '82.3' 824 = '82.4' 825 = '82.5' 826 = '82.6' 827 = '82.7' 828 = '82.8' 829 = '82.9' 830 = '83.0' 831 = '83.1' 832 = '83.2' 833 = '83.3' 834 = '83.4' 835 = '83.5' 836 = '83.6' 837 = '83.7' 838 = '83.8' 839 = '83.9' 840 = '84.0' 841 = '84.1' 842 = '84.2' 843 = '84.3' 844 = '84.4' 845 = '84.5' 846 = '84.6' 847 = '84.7' 848 = '84.8' 849 = '84.9' 850 = '85.0' 851 = '85.1' 852 = '85.2' 853 = '85.3' 854 = '85.4' 855 = '85.5' 856 = '85.6' 857 = '85.7' 858 = '85.8' 859 = '85.9' 860 = '86.0' 861 = '86.1' 862 = '86.2' 863 = '86.3' 864 = '86.4' 865 = '86.5' 866 = '86.6' 867 = '86.7' 868 = '86.8' 869 = '86.9' 870 = '87.0' 871 = '87.1' 872 = '87.2' 873 = '87.3' 874 = '87.4' 875 = '87.5' 876 = '87.6' 877 = '87.7' 878 = '87.8' 879 = '87.9' 880 = '88.0' 881 = '88.1' 882 = '88.2' 883 = '88.3' 884 = '88.4' 885 = '88.5' 886 = '88.6' 887 = '88.7' 888 = '88.8' 889 = '88.9' 890 = '89.0' 891 = '89.1' 892 = '89.2' 893 = '89.3' 894 = '89.4' 895 = '89.5' 896 = '89.6' 897 = '89.7' 898 = '89.8' 899 = '89.9' 900 = '90.0' 901 = '90.1' 902 = '90.2' 903 = '90.3' 904 = '90.4' 905 = '90.5' 906 = '90.6' 907 = '90.7' 908 = '90.8' 909 = '90.9' 910 = '91.0' 911 = '91.1' 912 = '91.2' 913 = '91.3' 914 = '91.4' 915 = '91.5' 916 = '91.6' 917 = '91.7' 918 = '91.8' 919 = '91.9' 920 = '92.0' 921 = '92.1' 922 = '92.2' 923 = '92.3' 924 = '92.4' 925 = '92.5' 926 = '92.6' 927 = '92.7' 928 = '92.8' 929 = '92.9' 930 = '93.0' 931 = '93.1' 932 = '93.2' 933 = '93.3' 934 = '93.4' 935 = '93.5' 936 = '93.6' 937 = '93.7' 938 = '93.8' 939 = '93.9' 940 = '94.0' 941 = '94.1' 942 = '94.2' 943 = '94.3' 944 = '94.4' 945 = '94.5' 946 = '94.6' 947 = '94.7' 948 = '94.8' 949 = '94.9' 950 = '95.0' 951 = '95.1' 952 = '95.2' 953 = '95.3' 954 = '95.4' 955 = '95.5' 956 = '95.6' 957 = '95.7' 958 = '95.8' 959 = '95.9' 960 = '96.0' 961 = '96.1' 962 = '96.2' 963 = '96.3' 964 = '96.4' 965 = '96.5' 966 = '96.6' 967 = '96.7' 968 = '96.8' 969 = '96.9' 970 = '97.0' 971 = '97.1' 972 = '97.2' 973 = '97.3' 974 = '97.4' 975 = '97.5' 976 = '97.6' 977 = '97.7' 978 = '97.8' 979 = '97.9' 980 = '98.0' 981 = '98.1' 982 = '98.2' 983 = '98.3' 984 = '98.4' 985 = '98.5' 986 = '98.6' 987 = '98.7' 988 = '98.8' 989 = '98.9' 990 = '99.0' 991 = '99.1' 992 = '99.2' 993 = '99.3' 994 = '99.4' 995 = '99.5' 996 = '99.6' 997 = '99.7' 998 = '99.8' 999 = '99.9' 1000 = '100.0' 1001 = '100.1' 1002 = '100.2' 1003 = '100.3' 1004 = '100.4' 1005 = '100.5' 1006 = '100.6' 1007 = '100.7' 1008 = '100.8' 1009 = '100.9' 1010 = '100.0' 1011 = '101.1' 1012 = '101.2' 1013 = '101.3' 1014 = '101.4' 1015 = '101.5' 1016 = '101.6' 1017 = '101.7' 1018 = '101.8' 1019 = '101.9' 1020 = '102.0' 1021 = '102.1' 1022 = '102.2' 1023 = '102.3' 1024 = '102.4' 1025 = '102.5' 1026 = '102.6' 1027 = '102.7' 1028 = '102.8' 1029 = '102.9' 1030 = '103.0' 1031 = '103.1' 1032 = '103.2' 1033 = '103.3' 1034 = '103.4' 1035 = '103.5' 1036 = '103.6' 1037 = '103.7' 1038 = '103.8' 1039 = '103.9' 1040 = '104.0' 1041 = '104.1' 1042 = '104.2' 1043 = '104.3' 1044 = '104.4' 1045 = '104.5' 1046 = '104.6' 1047 = '104.7' 1048 = '104.8' 1049 = '104.9' 1050 = '105.0' 1051 = '105.1' 1052 = '105.2' 1053 = '105.3' 1054 = '105.4' 1055 = '105.5' 1056 = '105.6' 1057 = '105.7' 1058 = '105.8' 1059 = '105.9' 1060 = '106.0' 1061 = '106.1' 1062 = '106.2' 1063 = '106.3' 1064 = '106.4' 1065 = '106.5' 1066 = '106.6' 1067 = '106.7' 1068 = '106.8' 1069 = '106.9' 1070 = '107.0' 1071 = '107.1' 1072 = '107.2' 1073 = '107.3' 1074 = '107.4' 1075 = '107.5' 1076 = '107.6' 1077 = '107.7' 1078 = '107.8' 1079 = '107.9' 1080 = '108.0' 1081 = '108.1' 1082 = '108.2' 1083 = '108.3' 1084 = '108.4' 1085 = '108.5' 1086 = '108.6' 1087 = '108.7' 1088 = '108.8' 1089 = '108.9' 1090 = '109.0' 1091 = '109.1' 1092 = '109.2' 1093 = '109.3' 1094 = '109.4' 1095 = '109.5' 1096 = '109.6' 1097 = '109.7' 1098 = '109.8' 1099 = '109.9' 1100 = '110.0' 1101 = '110.1' 1102 = '110.2' 1103 = '110.3' 1104 = '110.4' 1105 = '110.5' 1106 = '110.6' 1107 = '110.7' 1108 = '110.8' 1109 = '110.9' 1110 = '111.0' 1111 = '111.1' 1112 = '111.2' ; VALUE BMIF -9 = 'Missing data' -7 = 'Not calculated' ; VALUE BPSYSF -9 = 'Blank' ; VALUE BPDIASF 998 = 'P, PALP, DOPP or DOPPLER' -9 = 'Blank' ; VALUE BIOPROVF 1 ='Yes' 2 ='No' -7 ='Not applicable' -8 ='Unknown' -9 ='Blank' ; VALUE SIGCOLONF 0 ='No' 1 ='Yes (from procedure write-ins and checkboxes)' ; VALUE EXAMF 0 ='No' 1 ='Yes (from ICD-9-CM exam codes' ; VALUE NOCHRONF 0 ='No' 1 ='Yes' 2 ='Entire item blank' ; VALUE SERVICEF 0 ='No services were reported' 1 ='At least one service was reported' 2 ='Entire item blank' ; VALUE NCMEDF 1 = 'New' 2 = 'Continued' 3 = 'Both New and Continued marked' -7 = 'Not applicable' -8 = 'Unknown' -9 = 'Blank' ; VALUE MEDF 0 ='No medications were reported' 1 ='At least one medication was reported' 2 ='Entire item blank' ; VALUE $MEDCODF '-9 '='NO ENTRY MADE' '00001'='RYZOLT' '00002'='TAMIFLU' '00004'='LIDODERM PATCH' '00006'='NEPHRON' '00007'='TMP-SMZ DS' '00008'='VIACTIV' '00009'='BICILLIN L-A' '00012'='IPOL' '00013'='MYCOPHENOLATE MOFETIL' '00017'='SIROLIMUS' '00019'='HAWTHORN' '00021'='LOTRONEX' '00022'='PREVNAR' '00027'='SYNAGIS' '00029'='DOSTINEX' '00032'='EXCEDRIN MIGRAINE' '00033'='HYCAMTIN' '00037'='ACEON' '00039'='SONATA' '00040'='SOY' '00042'='PROTONIX' '00046'='ANTITHROMBIN III' '00048'='MOBIC' '00052'='SILDENAFIL CITRATE' '00053'='TAMSULOSIN HYDROCHLORIDE' '00054'='COMTAN' '00058'='MINERAL SUPPLEMENT' '00059'='RHO IMMUNE GLOBULIN' '00060'='THERMAZENE' '00061'='BISMUTH' '00068'='CLEOMYCIN' '00069'='AURODEX' '00071'='CERTAVITE' '00073'='LUXIQ' '00076'='TRILEPTAL' '00078'='AGGRENOX' '00080'='CARBIDOPA-LEVODOPA' '00081'='EXELON' '00084'='PREGABALIN' '00086'='HISTOFREEZER' '00091'='ACT' '00092'='ESTROSTEP FE' '00096'='OSTEO-BIFLEX' '00099'='ALOCRIL' '00101'='ISOSORBIDE DINITRATE' '00102'='ISOSORBIDE MONONITRATE' '00106'='ORLISTAT' '00107'='ROSIGLITAZONE MALEATE' '00108'='CURASOL' '00109'='URSODIOL' '00112'='MEDERMA' '00113'='ANDROGEL' '00114'='DILTIA XT' '00115'='EDEX' '00117'='CRANBERRY' '00122'='GATORADE' '00123'='NICOTINE' '00124'='POLY-TUSSIN' '00125'='AVELOX' '00132'='CAL-MAG' '00141'='VITAMIN E & D' '00148'='PROLIXIN D' '00150'='NICODERM CQ PATCH' '00151'='TUSSIN' '00154'='CHILDREN`S IBUPROFEN' '00159'='KALETRA' '00161'='BISOPROLOL' '00163'='A/T/S' '00167'='NOVOLIN N' '00168'='TRIMO-SAN' '00169'='KETOROLAC TROMETHAMINE' '00172'='OPHTHALMIC OINTMENT' '00176'='PREDNISOLONE ACETATE' '00177'='SALT WATER' '00184'='KEPPRA' '00187'='OPHTHALMIC DROPS' '00192'='SPECTRAVITE' '00195'='TEMOZOLOMIDE' '00198'='ENOXAPARIN SODIUM' '00200'='MEPERIDINE HCL' '00202'='PENCICLOVIR' '00206'='ACTONEL' '00208'='CELECOXIB' '00209'='GLUCOVANCE' '00211'='LEVALL 5.0' '00213'='PANTOPRAZOLE SODIUM' '00217'='TEMODAR' '00218'='CARBAMIDE PEROXIDE' '00219'='DYCLONINE HCL' '00221'='CHINESE HERBAL MEDS' '00223'='ACCUTANE' '00233'='CONCERTA' '00234'='ETIDRONATE DISODIUM' '00237'='VANIQA' '00238'='ZOLMITRIPTAN' '00239'='FEMHRT' '00243'='CLINAC-OC' '00244'='GLUTAMINE' '00245'='ACETA' '00247'='PEGINTERFERON ALFA-2B' '00251'='VICODIN ES' '00253'='LISPRO' '00254'='CARTIA XT' '00259'='FML' '00260'='ACETAMINOPHEN' '00261'='GRANISETRON HCL' '00265'='ACETAMINOPHEN NO. 2' '00267'='LIQUID TEARS' '00268'='MOMETASONE FUROATE' '00270'='ACETAMINOPHEN NO. 3' '00273'='PROVIGIL' '00274'='QVAR' '00280'='ACETAMINOPHEN W/CODEINE' '00282'='VISUDYNE' '00283'='ACETAMINOPHEN W/OXYCODONE' '00287'='CENESTIN' '00288'='ACETASOL' '00292'='TEVETEN' '00293'='AMLACTIN' '00295'='ACETAZOLAMIDE' '00296'='PENLAC' '00297'='PLEXION' '00298'='VERSICLEAR' '00299'='BENZADERM' '00303'='ZICAM' '00305'='ACETIC ACID' '00311'='BUPAP' '00312'='COMBIPATCH' '00313'='DIGITEK' '00316'='LEFLUNOMIDE' '00317'='NICOTROL INHALER' '00318'='SARAFEM' '00320'='ACETONE' '00321'='JUICE PLUS+' '00323'='PRENATE ADVANCE' '00324'='SEMPREX-D' '00329'='DTAP-HEPB-IPV' '00332'='XOPENEX HFA' '00333'='LODRANE 24D' '00336'='BIOIDENTICAL HORMONE' '00337'='DTAP/IPV/HIB' '00338'='ACETYLCYSTEINE' '00339'='FEROCON' '00341'='TDAP' '00346'='CHOLEAST' '00351'='VALTURNA' '00352'='HEALTHY COLON' '00353'='ACIDIFYING AGENT' '00356'='COMPOUND HORMONES' '00358'='FLORINEF' '00359'='HBPV' '00361'='FLOVENT HFA' '00365'='ACETYL-L-CARNITINE' '00367'='CONCEPT OB' '00369'='PREFERA OB' '00371'='PHENERGAN SUPPOSITORIES' '00377'='CETAPHIL LOTION' '00387'='JOLESSA' '00391'='CEFADIN' '00407'='FOLNATE' '00418'='MVD COCKTAIL' '00475'='ACTIFED' '00486'='ACTIVASE' '00515'='ADAPT' '00525'='ADEFLOR' '00535'='ADENOSINE' '00540'='ADIPEX' '00570'='ADRIAMYCIN' '00597'='ADVIL' '00598'='AEROBID' '00645'='AFRIN' '00780'='ALBUTEIN' '00785'='ALCAINE' '00790'='ALCOHOL' '00825'='ALDACTAZIDE' '00830'='ALDACTONE' '00845'='ALDOMET' '00880'='ALKA-SELTZER' '00905'='ALKALOL' '00915'='ALKERAN' '00976'='ALLERGAN' '00980'='ALLERGY RELIEF OR SHOTS' '01001'='CLARITIN D' '01002'='NEXIUM' '01003'='ANAPROX DS' '01006'='FERRIMIN' '01007'='TIKOSYN' '01008'='ZONEGRAN' '01012'='BUDESONIDE' '01017'='BACTRIM DS' '01018'='MONSEL`S SOLUTION' '01019'='NIFEDICAL XL' '01020'='OPTIVAR' '01021'='BUTORPHANOL TARTRATE' '01022'='METOPROLOL TARTRATE' '01028'='CODEINE COUGH SYRUP' '01029'='EFFEXOR XR' '01030'='ALLOPURINOL' '01034'='ADVAIR DISKUS' '01036'='GEODON' '01037'='GLUCOTROL XL' '01038'='HALDOL DECANOATE' '01041'='RABEPRAZOLE SODIUM' '01042'='REPAGLINIDE' '01043'='ZIPRASIDONE HCL' '01044'='Z-PAK' '01047'='IRBESARTAN' '01050'='TOLTERODINE TARTRATE' '01051'='VISICOL' '01055'='ORAPRED' '01056'='ACTIVELLA' '01057'='DETROL LA' '01062'='RHINOCORT AQUA' '01063'='TEGRETOL XR' '01064'='WELLBUTRIN SR' '01067'='ALLERX' '01070'='ALMORA' '01072'='TRIPTANS' '01073'='MAXALT-MLT' '01076'='STARLIX' '01081'='RESPAHIST' '01082'='BENZACLIN' '01083'='BIESTROGEN' '01084'='LUMIGAN' '01086'='MSM' '01087'='PROTOPIC' '01093'='BOTOX' '01094'='CARDIZEM CD' '01096'='CLINDAGEL' '01101'='ESTRIOL CREAM' '01104'='LOESTRIN FE' '01106'='LUTEIN' '01111'='TRAVATAN' '01116'='ZYVOX' '01117'='AXERT' '01119'='INDERAL LA' '01121'='LESCOL XL' '01124'='ULTRACET' '01127'='CARAC' '01139'='PUMPKIN SEED OIL' '01144'='OLUX' '01146'='CHROMIUM PICOLINATE' '01147'='LUSTRA AF' '01153'='VAGIFEM' '01154'='XYLOCAINE/MARCAINE' '01161'='ACCURETIC' '01163'='PRIMSOL' '01166'='WELCHOL' '01167'='KRISTALOSE' '01168'='COSAMIN DS' '01169'='AGRYLIN' '01171'='AROMASIN' '01176'='GENGRAF' '01187'='SUFENTANIL CITRATE' '01188'='MYOXIN' '01189'='BIAXIN XL' '01193'='HALOPERIDOL DECONATE' '01195'='ALUM' '01196'='MOXIFLOXACIN' '01201'='STROVITE FORTE' '01206'='COENZYME Q10' '01207'='LITHIUM CARBONATE' '01211'='PULMICORT RESPULES' '01212'='ESTROVAN' '01214'='LANTUS' '01216'='OXCARBAZEPINE' '01221'='ALUMINUM ACETATE' '01222'='NORDITROPIN' '01223'='ALUMINUM CHLORIDE' '01224'='ACUVITE' '01225'='ALUMINUM HYDROXIDE' '01226'='ALOPRIM' '01228'='BECLOMETHASONE DIPROPIONATE' '01230'='ALUMINUM HYDROXIDE-MAGNESIUM TRISILICAT' '01232'='MVF' '01233'='RAPAMUNE' '01234'='RITALIN-SR' '01235'='ALUMINUM MAGNESIUM HYDROXIDE' '01236'='VERAPAMIL SR' '01237'='5-FLUOROURACIL' '01242'='CEFAZOLIN SODIUM' '01246'='RIZATRIPTAN BENZOATE' '01249'='METADATE CD' '01250'='ALUMINUM-MAGNESIUM HYDROX W/SIMETHICONE' '01251'='PROFEN FORTE' '01252'='VITAMAX' '01253'='ALUM/MAG HYDROX/SIMETHI' '01257'='BARRIER OINTMENT' '01259'='MILK THISTLE' '01264'='DEPACON' '01266'='INSULIN GLARGINE' '01267'='HUMALOG MIX 75/25' '01268'='LORCET PLUS' '01271'='POSACONAZOLE' '01274'='TRIZIVIR' '01275'='ZONISAMIDE' '01276'='BIOTIN FORTE' '01277'='MEGAVITAMINS' '01278'='METROLOTION' '01281'='ADDERALL XR' '01282'='LATANOPROST' '01284'='NOREL DM' '01285'='ZOMETA' '01287'='ASP' '01290'='AMANTADINE' '01292'='CALCIUM POLYCARBOPHIL' '01296'='PAPAIN' '01297'='NICOTINE GUM' '01299'='BABY POWDER' '01300'='ENTACAPONE' '01302'='NICOTINE INHALER' '01307'='DORZOLAMIDE AND TIMOLOL' '01308'='METHYLERGONOVINE MALEATE' '01310'='PARICALCITOL' '01450'='AMINOPHYLLINE' '01530'='AMITRIPTYLINE' '01535'='AMITRIPTYLINE HCL W/PERPHENAZINE' '01550'='AMMENS' '01628'='AMOXAPINE' '01630'='AMOXICILLIN' '01635'='AMOXICILLIN TRIHYDRATE' '01640'='AMOXIL' '01660'='AMPHETAMINE' '01670'='AMPHOJEL' '01678'='AMPHOTERICIN' '01685'='AMPICILLIN' '01690'='AMPICILLIN TRIHYDRATE' '01738'='ANABOLIC AGENT' '01755'='ANACIN' '01770'='ANALBALM' '01775'='ANALGESIC' '01835'='ANAPHYLATIC SHOCK DRUG KIT' '01838'='ANAPROX' '01840'='ANASPAZ' '01865'='ANCEF' '01983'='ANESTHETIC' '01995'='ANEXSIA' '02011'='RONDEC-DM ORAL DROPS' '02012'='DRYVAX' '02013'='BENICAR' '02014'='BEXTRA' '02016'='CLARINEX' '02018'='FOCALIN' '02019'='FORADIL AEROLIZER' '02022'='PEDIACARE COUGH-COLD LIQUID' '02023'='SUPARTZ' '02026'='YASMIN' '02027'='GLUCAGEN' '02029'='ADVICOR' '02031'='ELIDEL CREAM' '02033'='GYNODIOL' '02035'='ANOCAINE' '02037'='LEVETIRACETAM' '02038'='LO-OGESTREL' '02039'='DTAP-HIB' '02042'='DUONEB' '02047'='AUGMENTIN ES' '02054'='TRIMETHOPRIM SULFATE/POLYMYXIN B SULFAT' '02059'='AZMACORT' '02060'='DIAMOX SEQUELS' '02061'='GUAIFENESIN/PSEUDOEPHEDRINE' '02064'='INVANZ' '02066'='NOTUSS' '02067'='ACTIQ' '02074'='LUPRON' '02075'='ANTABUSE' '02076'='MAPAP' '02077'='MEROPENEM' '02079'='NITROGLYCERIN SUBLINGUAL' '02080'='ANTACID' '02081'='PONARIS' '02083'='UNITHROID' '02092'='MUPIROCIN CALCIUM OINTMENT' '02095'='ANTALGESIC' '02097'='GASTROCROM' '02099'='DEPAKOTE ER' '02102'='GATIFLOXACIN' '02103'='LEVALBUTEROL HCL' '02104'='MAGNESIUM HYDROXIDE' '02107'='ZALEPLON' '02108'='COLAZAL' '02116'='ERYCIN' '02117'='PLAN B' '02119'='LEXAPRO' '02125'='ANTIACID' '02128'='BENZONATATE' '02129'='CLORAZEPATE DIPOTASSIUM' '02131'='ESOMEPRAZOLE MAGNESIUM' '02132'='LORCET-HD' '02135'='ANTI-ITCH' '02137'='ZYPREXA ZYDIS' '02140'='THIAMINE HCL' '02141'='HRT' '02143'='FOLTX' '02144'='ORTHO-EVRA' '02145'='REBIF' '02146'='ADOXA' '02147'='METHYLIN' '02148'='SOLARAZE' '02152'='KENALOG/LIDOCAINE' '02153'='VITAMIN B12/FOLIC ACID' '02154'='ENTOCORT EC' '02156'='GLEEVEC' '02158'='ANTIBIOTIC AGENT' '02164'='VITAMIN E & A' '02165'='ANTICOAGULANT' '02168'='BLACK COHOSH' '02169'='ICAR' '02173'='BORAGE OIL' '02174'='CLARIPEL' '02176'='ALPHA LIPOIC ACID' '02186'='ORTHO EVRA' '02187'='ALPHAGAN P' '02188'='DEXEDRINE SPANSULES' '02189'='GLUCOPHAGE XR' '02191'='ZYRTEC-D 12 HOUR TABLETS' '02195'='ANTIPYRINE' '02198'='VITAMIN A & C & E' '02203'='ABILIFY' '02204'='BILBERRY EXTRACT' '02206'='ECONOPRED PLUS' '02207'='ROBAXIN-750' '02209'='NOVOLOG' '02213'='ELIDEL' '02214'='NULEV' '02217'='ARANESP' '02223'='ZETIA' '02226'='FROVA' '02228'='MALARONE' '02231'='ADALAT CC' '02232'='BENEFIBER' '02233'='EMERGEN-C' '02234'='TAZTIA XT' '02236'='TRIEST' '02237'='CLORPRES' '02239'='DOVE SOAP' '02243'='BICALUTAMIDE' '02244'='CALAN SR' '02247'='FLOXIN OTIC' '02249'='PEPCID AC' '02250'='ANTIVERT' '02254'='ANAGRELIDE' '02256'='ESCITALOPRAM OXALATE' '02259'='NEULASTA' '02261'='VORICONAZOLE' '02268'='RETIN-A MICRO GEL' '02271'='RITALIN LA' '02278'='NATREXONE HCL' '02279'='PULMICORT' '02280'='APRI' '02281'='CHICKEN POX VACCINE' '02282'='5-HYDROXYTRYPTOPHAN' '02289'='HUMULIN N PREFILLED' '02290'='CERVIDIL' '02292'='VENOFER' '02293'='VALCYTE' '02299'='SENNA-GEN' '02304'='TWINRIX' '02310'='ANUSOL' '02311'='PIOGLITAZONE HCL' '02312'='CABERGOLINE' '02314'='LORTAB ELIXIR' '02315'='ANUSOL-HC' '02316'='PAXIL CR' '02319'='SYMAX-SL' '02333'='ROXICODONE' '02335'='APAP' '02336'='FIBER-LAX' '02340'='APAP W/CODEINE' '02347'='CALMOSEPTINE' '02349'='LIDOCAINE W/MARCAINE' '02351'='FEMARA' '02353'='CALCIUM AND VITAMIN C' '02358'='PROCTOSOL' '02359'='VIREAD' '02364'='CALCITRATE' '02367'='NUVARING' '02368'='BAG BALM' '02369'='KENALOG/XYLOCAINE' '02371'='SCALPICIN SOLUTION' '02373'='ZELNORM' '02376'='MULTIVITAMIN W/D' '02378'='APOGEN' '02379'='TRIPLE PASTE' '02382'='PERIOSTAT' '02384'='DOC-Q-LACE' '02396'='VARICELLA VIRUS VACCINE' '02397'='PLATELET INHIBITOR' '02405'='APRESOLINE' '02470'='AQUAPHOR' '02555'='ARGININE' '02575'='ARISTOCORT' '02580'='ARISTOCORT A' '02615'='ARISTOSPAN' '02627'='ARMOUR THYROID' '02630'='ARNICA' '02645'='ARTANE' '02660'='ARTHRITIS PAIN FORMULA' '02705'='ASCORBIC ACID' '02725'='ASCRIPTIN' '02805'='ASPIRIN' '02875'='ATARAX' '02900'='ATIVAN' '02935'='ATROPINE & PHENOBARBITAL' '02940'='ATROPINE' '02950'='ATROPINE SULFATE' '02982'='ATROVENT' '02987'='AUGMENTIN 125' '02995'='AURALGAN' '03001'='VAQTA' '03002'='AVODART' '03003'='CORTISPORIN OINTMENT' '03007'='HEPSERA' '03012'='DEPAKOTE SPRINKLE' '03013'='DILANTIN INFATABS' '03019'='REYATAZ' '03026'='ZANFEL' '03028'='NITROSPRAY' '03034'='EPOPROSTENOL SODIUM' '03036'='FLOLAN' '03039'='IMODIUM A-D' '03041'='OVIDE' '03044'='RENAL CAPS' '03046'='NEPRO' '03048'='RELPAX' '03050'='AVEENO' '03055'='AVEENO LOTION' '03057'='MEGESTROL ACETATE' '03063'='MI-ACID GELCAPS' '03068'='LEXAPRIL' '03069'='NYSTOP' '03070'='AVENTYL HCL' '03071'='OXYTROL' '03072'='A+D OINTMENT' '03080'='STRATTERA' '03081'='AMOXICILLIN AND CLAVULANATE POTASSIUM' '03084'='SYSTANE' '03089'='ATACAND HCT' '03091'='AZELASTINE HCL' '03092'='CHOLESTENE' '03093'='MSM W/GLUCOSAMINE' '03098'='VOLTAREN XR' '03099'='CILOSTAZOL' '03101'='AXID' '03102'='FOLGARD' '03104'='METROCREAM' '03105'='AVANDAMET' '03106'='ONE A DAY VITAMIN' '03108'='ZYMAR' '03109'='AUGMENTIN XR' '03112'='GAMMALINOLENIC ACID' '03113'='AYGESTIN' '03115'='AYR SALINE MIST' '03116'='URSO' '03119'='ZOLEDRONATE' '03122'='GINGER' '03123'='AZATHIOPRINE' '03126'='BOWEL PREP' '03127'='CARDIZEM LA' '03129'='DIPROLENE AF' '03131'='DUAC' '03132'='FINACEA' '03133'='PHYTO-ESTROGEN' '03134'='RESTASIS' '03137'='BROVEX' '03138'='CIPRO XR' '03139'='HECTOROL' '03141'='LISINOPRIL/HCTZ' '03142'='NIFEDIPINE ER' '03146'='FLUSTAT' '03148'='AVIANE' '03156'='BUPROPION SR' '03159'='ONE A DAY VITAMINS MEN' '03161'='MICROGESTIN FE' '03162'='PEGASYS' '03178'='HYLAGEN' '03179'='PEDIARIX' '03180'='LEVITRA' '03181'='METAGLIP' '03182'='NEOPOLYDEX' '03183'='TUMS E-X' '03184'='WELLBUTRIN XL' '03185'='XANAX XR' '03187'='CRESTOR' '03188'='MUCINEX' '03189'='ORTHO-TRICYCLEN LO' '03192'='VIGAMOX' '03194'='AVAR' '03197'='CIPRODEX' '03198'='CLENIA' '03201'='MEMANTINE' '03208'='ALAVERT' '03211'='CIALIS' '03214'='STALEVO' '03219'='ELIGARD' '03222'='MICARDIS HCT' '03225'='AZULFIDINE' '03226'='ENALAPRIL MALEATE' '03227'='EVOXAC' '03228'='AVINZA' '03229'='RED YEAST RICE' '03232'='PORTIA' '03234'='TERAZOL 3' '03236'='TERAZOL 7' '03237'='ATOMOXETINE HCL' '03238'='BONTRIL SR' '03241'='TESTIM' '03243'='VERELAN PM' '03247'='COLESEVELAM HCI' '03250'='B COMPLEX' '03251'='RANITIDINE HCI' '03252'='AMNESTEEM' '03253'='GREEN TEA EXTRACT' '03255'='B COMPLEX #100' '03262'='FE-TINIC' '03264'='FIBER CHOICE' '03267'='INDOCIN SR' '03269'='SEASONALE' '03272'='METOPROLOL SUCCINATE' '03273'='NOVOLIN R' '03276'='SUBOXONE' '03277'='XYREM' '03279'='AMPHETAMINE SALT COMBO' '03282'='CANASA' '03283'='CEFDINIR' '03286'='KARIVA' '03287'='OVACE' '03291'='TRI-MIX' '03294'='ASPARTAME' '03296'='IVERMECTIN' '03305'='B VITAMINS W/C' '03306'='NOVALOG' '03309'='PROVENTIL HFA' '03312'='CORAL CALCIUM DAILY' '03318'='HEPARIN SODIUM' '03319'='TRAMADOL HCL' '03327'='BIMATOPROST' '03328'='ENALAPRIL/HCTZ' '03329'='FERRLECIT' '03332'='BENADRYL ALLERGY' '03354'='L-LYSINE' '03355'='B-12' '03358'='ZINC LOZENGES' '03359'='MODAFINIL' '03362'='TREXALL' '03368'='LINEZOLID' '03371'='ALTEPLASE' '03374'='ISOVUE-M 300' '03379'='KENALOG IN ORABASE' '03380'='LODRANE 12 D' '03381'='MELOXICAM' '03386'='AQUAPHILIC' '03392'='TYLENOL ELIXIR' '03395'='BACID' '03396'='SALMETEROL XINAFOATE' '03399'='BROMELAINS' '03404'='PROLINE' '03410'='BACITRACIN' '03411'='FLAX SEED' '03412'='LODINE XL' '03420'='BACITRACIN-POLYMYXIN' '03421'='DARBEPOETIN ALFA' '03423'='BACLOFEN' '03427'='HUMIRA' '03428'='EMTRICITABINE' '03430'='BACTRIM' '03432'='SULFAMETIN' '03433'='CORTANE-B' '03434'='HYOSCYAMINE' '03438'='BACTROBAN' '03439'='EMEND' '03442'='SILVASORB' '03443'='AQUACEL AG' '03480'='BALNEOL LOTION' '03518'='BANCAP HC' '03590'='BARIUM' '03675'='BC' '03700'='BECLOMETHASONE' '03709'='BECONASE' '03740'='BEELITH' '03800'='BELLADONNA' '03805'='BELLADONNA ALKALOIDS W/PHENOBARBITAL' '03825'='BELLADONNA W/PHENOBARBITAL' '03850'='BELLERGAL-S' '03900'='BEN-GAY' '03903'='BENA-D' '03905'='BENADRYL' '03975'='BENOXINATE' '04000'='BENTYL' '04002'='CALCIUM-MAGNESIUM-ZINC SUPPLEMENT' '04003'='BISMATROL' '04011'='NAMENDA' '04012'='ALTOPREV' '04014'='ARIPIPRAZOLE' '04016'='AZO CRANBERRY' '04020'='BENZAC' '04021'='BENICAR HCT' '04022'='BENEPROTEIN INSTANT PROTEIN POWDER' '04023'='BISOPROLOL/HCTZ' '04029'='CEROVITE TABLETS' '04037'='LODOXAMIDE' '04039'='CEROVITE SR' '04041'='ALBUTEROL/ATROVENT' '04042'='SPIRIVA' '04043'='SYMBYAX' '04049'='CULTURELLE' '04051'='CYMBALTA' '04055'='DESLORATADINE' '04058'='DIALYVITE' '04059'='DOCUSATE -SENNA' '04063'='FERREX' '04067'='FIBER TABLETS' '04068'='XOLAIR' '04070'='BENZOIN' '04071'='FORTEO' '04072'='NASAL SALINE' '04073'='FOLABEE' '04076'='GERIATON LIQUID' '04077'='GERI-LANTA' '04079'='GLYCOLAX' '04087'='ICAR-C' '04088'='BENZOYL PEROXIDE' '04092'='EYE-VITE' '04094'='LACLOTION' '04095'='BENZYL' '04097'='LEXIVA' '04098'='L-GLUTAMINE' '04101'='MAXI VISION WHOLE BODY FORMULA' '04105'='BEROCCA-C' '04109'='KETEK' '04113'='FORTAMET' '04114'='VYTORIN' '04120'='BETADINE' '04121'='NOVAREL' '04122'='AFEDITAB CR' '04124'='CENTANY' '04127'='MYTAB GAS' '04129'='MYCELEX TROCHES' '04133'='PROBIOTICA' '04136'='NOVOLOG MIX 70/30' '04138'='UROXATRAL' '04141'='ANTICHOLINERGIC' '04143'='CATAPRES-TTS-1' '04144'='POLY-IRON 150 CAPSULES' '04146'='EZETIMIBE' '04151'='PROSTAT 64' '04156'='SPECTRACEF' '04158'='LACTASE ENZYME' '04161'='OAT BRAN' '04162'='FLUMIST' '04164'='PRUNE JUICE' '04168'='REFRESH TEARS' '04170'='BETAMETHASONE' '04172'='GABA' '04175'='METFORMIN HYDROCHLORIDE ER' '04176'='SENNA-S' '04178'='TESSALON' '04179'='THERAPEUTIC M' '04181'='TMG TABLETS' '04182'='UTA' '04188'='BETA-VAL' '04190'='BETHANECHOL' '04194'='BUFFERED ASPIRIN' '04196'='CADUET' '04197'='CALCARB 600 WITH VITAMIN D' '04199'='CALCIUM MAGNESIUM CHELATED' '04200'='CALCIUM ZINC MAGNESIUM' '04201'='CALTRATE PLUS' '04207'='CATAPLEX G' '04212'='COENZYME (UNSPECIFIED)' '04213'='COLON CLENZ' '04221'='CEREFOLIN' '04223'='COLOSTROM' '04224'='CORTIZONE-5' '04226'='DECONAMINE' '04230'='BICHLORACETIC ACID' '04231'='VP-16' '04232'='CARBINOXAMINE MALEATE' '04235'='BICILLIN' '04236'='DEEP SEA NASAL SPRAY' '04238'='ELESTAT' '04240'='BICILLIN C-R' '04242'='FERREX 150 FORTE' '04243'='FIBER TAB' '04244'='FLORAJEN' '04246'='FLORASTOR' '04249'='ALOXI' '04256'='HYDROCODONE GF' '04257'='GARLIQUE' '04264'='ZAGAM' '04266'='GARLIC OIL' '04267'='PROMOTE' '04268'='TEARS RENEWED SOLUTION' '04269'='THEREMS-M' '04273'='VOSPIRE ER' '04277'='RIBASPHERE' '04278'='RISPERDAL CONSTA' '04282'='ZEMPLAR' '04288'='SENNALAX' '04292'='SENSIPAR' '04294'='SYMAX SR' '04299'='TURMERIC' '04305'='REFRESH LIQUIGEL' '04307'='SENNOSIDES' '04311'='Q-TUSSIN' '04315'='BIOFLAVONOIDS' '04316'='ARIXTRA' '04317'='ALMACONE TABLETS' '04320'='ATENOLOL/CHLORTHALIDONE' '04322'='BIOFREEZE' '04324'='BISAC-EVAC' '04327'='BOUDREAUX`S BUTT PASTE' '04331'='ST. JOSEPH ASPIRIN' '04333'='GENERLAC' '04339'='HERBAL DRUG (UNSPECIFIED)' '04343'='HOUSE SUPPLEMENT/SHAKE' '04344'='HYPROMELLOSE' '04345'='BIOTIN' '04351'='JANTOVEN' '04356'='MEGA OMEGA FISH OIL SOFTGELS' '04367'='NASCOBAL' '04368'='CONTRACEPTIVE AGENT' '04369'='NEUROBOOST' '04370'='BISACODYL' '04376'='OSTEOSHIELD' '04379'='POLYSACCHARIDE-IRON COMPLEX' '04380'='BISCO LAX' '04383'='PROCTOZONE HC CREAM' '04386'='ACULAR LS' '04391'='PROACTAZYME' '04393'='TRUVADA' '04396'='POLYCARBOPHIL' '04404'='PRELIEF' '04406'='ABREVA' '04414'='VITAMIN/FLUORIDE' '04418'='VITE E CREAM' '04421'='ERTAPENEM' '04422'='BABY SHAMPOO' '04423'='LETROZOLE' '04424'='TRIFLURIDINE' '04434'='BI-EST' '04437'='URELLE' '04440'='BISMUTH SUBSALICYLATE' '04442'='MIGRELIEF' '04443'='ALENOL' '04446'='LYCOPENE' '04448'='AMMONIUM LACTATE' '04451'='CANDIDA ALBICANS SKIN TEST ANTIGEN' '04454'='NASAL STEROID' '04455'='OREGANO OIL' '04461'='KERALAC LOTION' '04462'='KERALAC NAIL GEL' '04463'='LORTUSS DM' '04464'='CHAMOMILE' '04471'='FASLODEX' '04477'='N-ACETYLCYSTEINE' '04478'='BLEOMYCIN' '04485'='BLEPHAMIDE' '04486'='VELCADE' '04489'='METADATE' '04491'='SYMBICORT' '04494'='IMIQUIMOD' '04499'='FOLBEE' '04503'='PEDIATEX' '04505'='BLISTEX' '04511'='BLOCADREN' '04512'='TRINESSA' '04514'='TRISPRINTEC' '04519'='MAXIPHEN DM' '04529'='METHYLPREDNISOLONE SODIUM SUCCINATE' '04536'='ABX OINTMENT' '04538'='TALWIN NX' '04541'='TYLENOL INFANTS' '04544'='HYDROCORTISONE VALERATE' '04548'='BETAPACE AF' '04556'='SEVELAMER HYDROCHLORIDE' '04561'='RAZADYNE' '04562'='CALCIPOTRIENE' '04564'='DIABETES MEDICATION' '04569'='INNOPRAN XL' '04571'='ISTALOL' '04573'='PEXEVA' '04576'='DULOXETINE' '04578'='L-ARGININE' '04580'='BONINE' '04581'='POLICOSANOL' '04585'='BONTRIL PDM' '04589'='TIOTROPIUM BROMIDE' '04594'='COPEGUS' '04595'='BORIC ACID' '04606'='RESTYLANE' '04607'='ERTACZO' '04608'='SODIUM HYALURONATE' '04611'='DOCETAXEL' '04614'='CRYSELLE' '04615'='FLETCHER`S CASTORIA' '04617'='ACCUNEB' '04621'='ASTRAGALUS' '04622'='EXEMESTANE' '04627'='TRAVOPROST' '04628'='B-PLEX' '04631'='EPZICOM' '04632'='FOSAMPRENAVIR CALCIUM' '04633'='B6-PYRIDOXINE' '04639'='BREEZEE MIST' '04642'='OYST-CAL' '04649'='MYFORTIC' '04652'='RISEDRONATE SODIUM' '04654'='TRACLEER' '04659'='GALANTAMINE' '04662'='ROSAVASTATIN CALCIUM' '04664'='MIRENA' '04668'='BREXIN' '04670'='BRICANYL' '04674'='NATEGLINIDE' '04676'='CAMPATH' '04677'='DALTEPARIN SODIUM' '04679'='STATINS' '04683'='NARATRIPTAN HYDROCHLORIDE' '04803'='BROMFED' '04808'='BROMOCRIPTINE' '04845'='BROMPHENIRAMINE' '04873'='BRONCHODILATOR' '05004'='PROTOMAX' '05006'='ZYFLAMEND' '05008'='EVOCLIN' '05009'='HALFLYTELY' '05010'='BUFFERIN' '05012'='PRESERVISION' '05014'='SALEX' '05021'='SIMILASON' '05024'='BUMEX' '05029'='DOLGIC' '05033'='LUNESTA' '05035'='BUPIVACAINE' '05037'='OCUSOFT' '05038'='SINUS RINSE KIT' '05049'='GR8-DOPHILUS' '05051'='VESICARE' '05053'='BURROW`S OTIC' '05054'='SUBUTEX' '05056'='ZEGERID' '05059'='BENACOL' '05066'='CAMPRAL' '05067'='MOVE FREE MSM' '05070'='BUTABARBITAL' '05071'='TARCEVA' '05072'='BONIVA' '05073'='PETADOLEX' '05074'='ENABLEX' '05077'='RIMANTADINE' '05078'='THISILYN' '05079'='HOMOCYSTEINE FACTORS' '05081'='OXYIR' '05082'='PREGNENOLONE' '05083'='PROLACTIN RIA' '05085'='BUTAL' '05088'='LIPITROL' '05090'='NEVANAC' '05094'='BASA' '05095'='BUTALBITAL' '05097'='LYRICA' '05098'='BUTALBITAL W/AC' '05099'='CLOTRIMAZOLE-BETAMETHASONE DIPROPRIONAT' '05102'='CHOLEST-OFF' '05103'='BUTALBITAL W/CODEINE' '05106'='GLIPIZIDE ER' '05108'='BUTATRAN' '05109'='ALDEX' '05116'='CARDIOTEK RX' '05117'='FLOXACILLIN' '05121'='LUMICAINE' '05122'='METHYLIN ER' '05123'='PRENATE ELITE' '05124'='ENPRESSE' '05126'='OVIDREL' '05127'='MONONESSA' '05128'='ALOE VESTA' '05129'='ALOE VESTA ANTIFUNGAL' '05133'='RENAX' '05141'='AVASTATIN' '05142'='ERBITUX' '05143'='ROSE HIP VITAMIN C' '05147'='PROTON-PUMP INHIBITOR' '05148'='TYPHIM VI' '05153'='FOLBIC TABLETS' '05157'='ESTRATEST H.S.' '05161'='XELOX' '05162'='BYETTA' '05164'='NIRAVAM' '05169'='POLYVENT' '05173'='CLARAVIS' '05174'='ANTARA' '05176'='AVASTIN' '05178'='FOSRENOL' '05180'='ELECARE' '05187'='ORTHOVISC' '05190'='FACTIVE' '05194'='DUTASTERIDE' '05197'='LOSARTAN-HCTZ' '05206'='GOODY`S POWDER' '05207'='CEFUROXIME AXETIL' '05212'='FROVATRIPTAN' '05218'='CICLOPIROX' '05223'='HOMATROPINE-HYDROCODONE' '05227'='ED-A-HIST DM' '05237'='VANTAS' '05240'='ISOTRETINOIN' '05242'='VANOS' '05244'='ROZEREM' '05245'='ZMAX' '05250'='CAFERGOT' '05252'='DIGESTIVE ADVANTAGE' '05256'='BLUE-GREEN ALGAE' '05258'='CHLORAPREP' '05259'='OMACOR' '05261'='SOLIFENACIN' '05264'='ASMANEX TWISTHALER' '05265'='CAFFEINE' '05266'='SANCTURA' '05268'='SIMPLY SLEEP' '05269'='INSPRA' '05271'='METANX' '05272'='FORMOTEROL' '05276'='ZOLAR' '05277'='DEPO-MEDROL W/ LIDOCAINE' '05278'='OCUVITE LUTEIN' '05279'='ALIMTA' '05281'='CHLORELLA' '05283'='COLISTIMETHATE' '05284'='COLISTIN' '05287'='ESSIAC TEA' '05289'='INDOLE-3-CARBINOL' '05291'='LIDOCAINE/PRILOCAINE' '05296'='PEGFILGRASTIM' '05306'='POLYMEM SILVER' '05308'='MUCINEX DM' '05312'='BEVACIZUMAB' '05314'='CATHFLO ACTIVASE' '05316'='CETUXIMAB' '05317'='PALONOSETRON' '05320'='CALAMINE' '05321'='TRASTUZUMAB' '05324'='EPLERENONE' '05327'='SPRINTEC' '05328'='BALANCED B' '05329'='CAMILA' '05331'='COMMIT' '05332'='ESTROGEL' '05333'='NORTREL' '05335'='CALAMINE LOTION' '05336'='VFEND' '05337'='LOFIBRA' '05338'='FLUTICASON-SALMETEROL' '05342'='ETANERCEPT' '05344'='FLUOR-A-DAY' '05347'='CALAN' '05348'='NATALCARE PLUS' '05349'='NEOMYCIN SULFATE' '05351'='ORTHO MICRONOR' '05375'='CALCIFEROL' '05393'='CALCITONIN' '05395'='CALCIUM ACETATE' '05405'='CALCIUM CARBONATE' '05415'='CALCIUM' '05430'='CALCIUM GLUCONATE' '05435'='CALCIUM GLUCONATE W/VITAMIN D' '05453'='CALCIUM SALTS/VITAMIN D' '05465'='CALCIUM-D' '05470'='CALCIUM, PHOSPHATE & VITAMIN D' '05541'='CALTRATE W/VITAMIN D' '05543'='CALTRO' '05565'='CAMPHO-PHENIQUE' '05595'='CANTHARIDIN' '05598'='CANTHARONE' '05630'='CAPEX' '05640'='CAPITAL W/CODEINE' '05645'='CAPITROL' '05648'='CAPOTEN' '05663'='CARAFATE' '05680'='CARBAMAZEPINE' '05695'='CARBOCAINE' '05758'='CARDIAC AGENT' '05789'='CARDIZEM' '05810'='CARISOPRODOL' '05820'='CARMOL' '05830'='CAROID' '05860'='CASCARA' '05870'='CASCARA SAGRADA' '05885'='CASTOR OIL' '05895'='CATAPRES' '05955'='CECLOR' '05975'='CEENU' '05983'='CEFADROXIL' '05985'='CEFADYL' '05993'='CEFTIN' '05995'='CEFAZOLIN' '06002'='AMBIEN CR' '06004'='FOCALIN XR' '06005'='CELESTONE' '06006'='SYNTEST H.S.' '06008'='EXJADE' '06009'='FOLFOX' '06011'='FOLFIRI' '06014'='ERRIN' '06015'='CELESTONE SOLUSPAN' '06016'='TAB-A-VITE' '06017'='AMLODIPINE/BENAZEPRIL' '06019'='SYMLIN' '06021'='ABRAXANE' '06024'='R-CHOP' '06030'='CELONTIN' '06038'='AMITIZA' '06044'='CATAPRES-TTS-2' '06045'='FEMRING' '06048'='PEMETREXED' '06053'='COMBGEN' '06054'='FORTICAL' '06057'='NATTOKINASE' '06061'='ACTOPLUS MET' '06062'='CEPHADYN' '06064'='GLYBURIDE/METFORMIN' '06066'='LIP BALM' '06067'='RETINOL' '06068'='ANASTROZOLE' '06073'='VIDAZA' '06074'='ZOLEDRONIC ACID' '06076'='GOLD BOND MEDICATED BABY POWDER' '06077'='IVIG' '06081'='GANIRELIX' '06082'='MENOPUR' '06084'='TRIGLIDE' '06088'='SCULPTRA' '06089'='XIFAXAN' '06093'='TACLONEX' '06094'='XIBROM' '06096'='KCL/5 DEXTROSE/LACTATED RINGER`S' '06100'='CENTRUM' '06101'='TYLENOL COLD' '06102'='BIDIL' '06104'='DARIFENACIN' '06106'='PERINDOPRIL' '06108'='GARDASIL' '06109'='YAZ' '06110'='CEPACOL' '06116'='ZYLET' '06117'='DEX GG TR' '06118'='AZILECT' '06121'='RANEXA' '06122'='RIFAXIMIN' '06123'='TARGRETIN' '06124'='VINATE GT' '06125'='CEPHALEXIN' '06126'='AVANDARYL' '06128'='CEPHALOSPORINS' '06129'='ADACEL' '06135'='CEPHULAC' '06137'='HUMAN MENOPAUSAL GONADOTROPIN' '06138'='BOOSTRIX' '06144'='PROQUAD' '06147'='TYGACIL' '06149'='FERROGELS FORTE' '06151'='VITAMIN B-6 & B-12' '06153'='DEXPAK' '06154'='FLUZINAMIDE' '06159'='ACTOSPLUS MET' '06161'='EZETIMIBE & SIMVASTATIN' '06162'='CEFUROXIME' '06164'='LEVEMIR' '06166'='ALFUZOSIN' '06167'='APREPITANT' '06168'='NEXAVAR' '06170'='CERUMENEX' '06171'='TRELSTAR' '06172'='DAYTRANA' '06173'='ROTATEQ' '06176'='OLOPATADINE' '06180'='CETACAINE' '06181'='LIMBREL' '06182'='TYSABRI' '06184'='VUSION' '06186'='TOBRAMYCIN W/DEXAMETHASONE' '06191'='ATOPICLAIR' '06192'='CHANTIX' '06193'='JANUVIA' '06194'='REVATIO' '06196'='SOLODYN' '06197'='TRETIN-X' '06202'='RIVASTIGMINE' '06204'='CIPROXIN' '06208'='D-RIBOSE' '06209'='EXCEDRIN TENSION HEADACHE' '06210'='CETAPHIL' '06212'='CLARINEX-D' '06213'='DILT-XR' '06214'='CAREZZ CREAM' '06216'='LENALIDOMIDE' '06219'='DESOGESTREL' '06221'='DECAVAC' '06223'='ACAMPROSATE' '06227'='GAMUNEX' '06229'='DAPTOMYCIN' '06236'='ATRIPLA' '06237'='CERAVE' '06238'='ORACEA' '06242'='LEVSIN/SL' '06247'='FLECAINIDE' '06248'='EQUETRO' '06249'='SALONPAS' '06251'='ZELAPAR' '06253'='JUNEL FE' '06258'='ZOSTER VACCINE LIVE' '06261'='LESSINA' '06269'='DAPTACEL' '06278'='FAZACLO' '06289'='ALINIA' '06291'='TELMISARTAN' '06292'='ACTIMMUNE' '06294'='CHEMOTHERAPY' '06295'='CHEL-IRON' '06302'='OLMESARTAN' '06303'='HYDROXYCUT' '06308'='FENUGREEK' '06309'='QUINARETIC' '06311'='SUTENT' '06312'='EMSAM' '06314'='EXPECTA' '06318'='CHERATUSSIN' '06323'='TRIDERM' '06324'='CLOBAZAM' '06374'='CHILDREN`S TYLENOL' '06390'='CHLOR-PHENTERMINE' '06400'='CHLOR-TRIMETON' '06440'='CHLORAL HYDRATE' '06455'='CHLORAMBUCIL' '06470'='CHLORASEPTIC' '06495'='CHLORDIAZEPOXIDE' '06500'='CHLORDIAZEPOXIDE HCL W/CLIDINIUM BROMID' '06580'='CHLOROQUINE' '06590'='CHLOROTHIAZIDE' '06605'='CHLORPHENIRAMINE' '06620'='CHLORPROMAZINE' '06635'='CHLORTAB-4' '06645'='CHLORTHALIDONE' '06661'='CHLORZOXAZONE' '06705'='CHOLESTEROL' '06710'='CHOLESTYRAMINE RESIN DRIED' '06720'='CHOLINE' '06765'='CHORIONIC GONADOTROPIN' '06780'='CHROMAGEN' '06798'='CHROMIUM' '06800'='CHRONULAC SYRUP' '06815'='CIMETIDINE' '06839'='CIPRO' '06860'='CITRATE OF MAGNESIA' '06865'='CITRIC ACID' '06895'='CLEAR EYES' '06905'='CLEOCIN' '06913'='CLEOCIN T' '06920'='CLINDAMYCIN' '06925'='CLINDAMYCIN (PHOSPHATE)' '06935'='CLINORIL' '06968'='CLODERM' '06975'='CLOMID' '06980'='CLONAZEPAM' '06985'='CLONIDINE' '06988'='CLONIDINE HCL W/CHLORTHALIDONE' '06990'='CLONOPIN' '06993'='CLORAZEPATE' '06995'='CLORAZINE' '07001'='OSELTAMIVIR' '07002'='FONDAPARINUX' '07003'='CLOTRIMAZOLE' '07006'='VAZOBID' '07009'='DUETACT' '07014'='KEROL' '07016'='MENACTRA' '07017'='NEURAGEN' '07018'='ORENCIA' '07023'='PROBIOTIC ACIDAPHILES' '07024'='VECTIBIX' '07031'='SULFAZINE' '07035'='ENDUR-ACIN' '07040'='CO TINIC' '07049'='APIDRA' '07058'='ESTROVEN' '07061'='REVLIMID' '07069'='ENJUVIA' '07071'='CYCLOSERINE' '07072'='TEA TREE OIL' '07075'='COAL TAR' '07076'='INVEGA' '07079'='BROVANA' '07081'='BUDEPRION SR' '07084'='CYTRA-K' '07088'='D-MANNOSE' '07093'='DESONATE' '07096'='FLUTICASONE PROPIONATE' '07099'='CALCIUM CITRATE W/VITAMIN D' '07106'='CINNAMON' '07113'='FETRIN' '07114'='FLEX-A-MIN COMPLETE' '07117'='OPANA' '07127'='GREEN SOURCE' '07133'='LUCENTIS' '07137'='EXFORGE' '07141'='ZOSTAVAX' '07144'='PROAIR HFA' '07145'='COCONUT OIL' '07150'='COD LIVER OIL' '07152'='EUFLEXA' '07153'='ARB' '07159'='FOSAMAX PLUS D' '07162'='SORAFENIB' '07166'='DERMOTIC OIL' '07167'='SEASONIQUE' '07168'='ALCORTIN' '07170'='BENAZEPRIL-HYDROCHLOROTHIAZIDE' '07171'='LAMISIL AT' '07176'='UMECTA' '07177'='FLORA-Q' '07180'='CODEINE' '07182'='PATADAY' '07183'='JANUMET' '07185'='CODEINE PHOSPHATE' '07190'='CODEINE SULFATE' '07191'='MAG 64' '07193'='MAGIC BULLET' '07203'='GUMMIVITES' '07206'='PEPCID COMPLETE' '07207'='FEMCON FE' '07208'='IODORAL' '07209'='VIVITROL' '07211'='SPRYCEL' '07212'='TINDAMAX' '07213'='TYKERB' '07218'='GLUMETZA' '07223'='OPANA ER' '07228'='THERA-M' '07229'='BUDEPRION XL' '07232'='LUTERA' '07233'='MIMYX' '07234'='KELNOR' '07235'='SYMAX DUOTAB' '07237'='DEPLIN' '07239'='ICAPS AREDS' '07241'='DILOTAB' '07246'='OTOGESIC HC SOLUTION' '07250'='COGENTIN' '07251'='PERCOCET 10' '07252'='PERCOCET 7.5' '07257'='VERAMYST' '07260'='PROTEINEX' '07263'='QUALAQUIN' '07265'='COLACE' '07266'='RENA-VITE' '07269'='SANDOSOURCE PEPTIDE' '07270'='COLBENEMID' '07272'='SENSI-CARE' '07275'='COLCHICINE' '07280'='COLCHICUM' '07282'='TACTINAL' '07283'='TANDEM PLUS' '07284'='NEUPRO' '07289'='ZIANA' '07292'='TRIPLE MAGNESIUM COMPLEX' '07293'='COLD RELIEF' '07294'='V-C FORTE' '07298'='VISION ESSENTIALS' '07300'='COLD TABLET' '07315'='COLESTID' '07331'='PHENADOZ' '07334'='PROSTATE HEALTH' '07348'='SUPER B-50 COMPLEX' '07349'='TEKTURNA' '07352'='TRAVATAN Z' '07358'='NIFEDIAC CC' '07362'='CADEXOMER IODINE' '07366'='VITAMIN D3' '07371'='CARBOXYMETHYLCELLULOSE' '07383'='C-PHEN' '07388'='ENDOMENTRIN' '07389'='ENTECAVIR' '07392'='VALGANCICLOVIR' '07393'='CLINDAMYCIN TOPICAL' '07398'='ALTABAX' '07401'='HUMAN PAPILLOMAVIRUS VACCINE' '07403'='PROMACET' '07406'='VYVANSE' '07409'='COBAL-1000' '07412'='ASA' '07419'='PROGESTERONE-BIESTROGEN' '07422'='SACCHAROMYCES BOULARDII' '07431'='AMRIX' '07438'='ABVD' '07450'='PREZISTA' '07454'='AZOR' '07457'='ORAL REHYDRATION SALTS' '07463'='DIUREX' '07470'='COMPAZINE' '07473'='BENADRYL CREAM' '07474'='INFANRIX' '07475'='LOPRIL' '07476'='SIMPLY THICK' '07477'='NEEVO' '07478'='COMPOUND W' '07479'='TRIANT-HC' '07481'='XYZAL' '07486'='J-MAX' '07491'='LEVACET' '07492'='LIDOCAINE/MAALOX/BENADRYL COMPOUND' '07494'='LOVAZA' '07499'='CATAPRES-TTS-3' '07517'='VITA-LEA' '07518'='SF5000 PLUS' '07533'='CLIMARA PRO' '07534'='ETONOGESTREL' '07539'='OPTIVE' '07542'='CHROMELIN' '07543'='CONJUGATED ESTROGENS' '07546'='MENOSTAR' '07549'='CURCUMIN' '07551'='ERLOTINIB' '07552'='ISOMETHEPTENE' '07554'='OCUGUARD' '07563'='CYSTONE' '07567'='HYDROCERIN' '07569'='BRAVELLE' '07571'='FLULAVAL' '07572'='HYALURONIC ACID' '07573'='MMR VACCINE' '07576'='ALIGN' '07581'='BIOSIL' '07586'='VINPOCETINE' '07592'='ACCUHIST' '07599'='ELETONE' '07601'='POLYMYCIN' '07607'='SARAPIN' '07608'='ALLI' '07622'='FLUARIX' '07633'='QUASENSE' '07635'='PRENATAL PLUS' '07639'='IMPLANON' '07642'='SULFAC' '07643'='TROMETHAMINE' '07652'='ETHINYL ESTRADIOL-NORETHINDRONE' '07660'='CORDRAN' '07670'='CORGARD' '07680'='CORICIDIN' '07682'='CHLORTUSSIN' '07688'='INSULIN ASPART' '07693'='CALCIUM, MAGNESIUM AND VITAMIN D' '07702'='PERFOROMIST' '07706'='MYCOPHENOLIC ACID' '07755'='CORTAID' '07760'='CORTEF' '07770'='CORTENEMA' '07793'='CORTISOL' '07795'='CORTISONE' '07913'='COUGH FORMULA' '07920'='COUGH SYRUP' '07930'='COUMADIN' '07960'='CPA' '07997'='CREON' '08002'='NORA-BE' '08004'='ELESTRIN' '08006'='TAMSULOSIN' '08007'='BCP' '08009'='INSULIN N' '08015'='CROMOLYN' '08023'='JUVEDERM' '08031'='BALZIVA' '08032'='BYSTOLIC' '08033'='LYBREL' '08039'='RADIESSE' '08041'='BIONECT' '08042'='DIGEX' '08043'='SERUM' '08045'='MVI' '08046'='LOHIST' '08047'='LIALDA' '08049'='M-END DM' '08058'='PRENATAL' '08067'='BICARB' '08071'='VISINE TEARS' '08074'='PIPERACILLIN TAZOBACTAM' '08076'='NORGESTIMATE EE' '08077'='ESOMEPRAZOLE' '08080'='CYANO' '08082'='BOSWELLIN' '08084'='LIDOGEL' '08086'='BLEACH BATH' '08089'='METOPROLOL/HYDROCHLOROTHIAZIDE' '08090'='CYANOCOBALAMIN' '08092'='MONOPRIL HCT' '08099'='PALIVIZUMAB' '08102'='IODOQUINOL' '08104'='TORISEL' '08105'='CYANOJECT' '08107'='PRIALT' '08111'='SINUS COCKTAIL' '08112'='BROMHIST DROPS' '08116'='SIMCOR' '08131'='CERON-DM' '08132'='LEVA-PAK' '08135'='CYCLOCORT' '08137'='BALSALAZIDE' '08138'='TWINJECT' '08139'='5-AMINOSALICYLATES' '08140'='CYCLOGYL' '08141'='DELTA D3' '08146'='MALIC ACI' '08147'='MICRO-K' '08149'='ADVAIR' '08151'='FLECTOR' '08153'='CYCLOPHOSPHAMIDE' '08156'='DIVIGEL' '08157'='COMBIGAN' '08159'='VARDENAFIL' '08161'='ROSUVASTATIN' '08164'='ALA HIST' '08165'='ACULAR' '08167'='SULFACET-R' '08169'='CORTISPORIN TC OTIC' '08174'='ERYTHROMYCIN BENZOYL PEROXIDE' '08177'='ONE A DAY WOMENS FORMULA' '08179'='SANCTURA XR' '08180'='CYPROHEPTADINE' '08181'='DILTIAZEM CD' '08183'='DEXAPHEN' '08185'='DICLOFENAC XR' '08187'='CHILDREN CLARITIN' '08188'='ACTIVIA' '08190'='CYSTEX' '08191'='GLIPIZIDE/METFORMIN' '08194'='ALLERTEC' '08195'='CYSTO-CONRAY' '08196'='ECZEMA CREAM' '08197'='TREXIMET' '08199'='PRIMAL DEFENSE' '08202'='ALBUTEROL/IPRATROPIUM' '08203'='OMNARIS' '08204'='TADALAFIL' '08205'='CYSTOSPAZ' '08208'='SALINE GARGLES' '08209'='MUCINEX D' '08211'='GEL TEARS' '08212'='SEROQUEL XR' '08217'='POMEGRANATE JUICE' '08219'='SUDOGEST' '08220'='DILAUDID W/PHENERGAN' '08221'='ATEROX' '08224'='CITRANATAL' '08227'='SALINE EYE DROPS' '08228'='CHLORPHENIRAMINE/HYDROCODONE' '08230'='CYTOMEL' '08234'='PRISTIQ' '08240'='CYTOSAR' '08241'='VITAMINS E, C, D, B, B12' '08243'='TRIPLE FLEX' '08245'='CYTOXAN' '08246'='OXYCODONE ER' '08247'='IODOFORM' '08249'='PATANASE' '08251'='MASTISOL' '08252'='EFFEXIN' '08253'='RETINAVITES' '08254'='SUDAFED PE' '08255'='NIACIN SR' '08257'='JOINT SUPPORT' '08258'='NIASPAN ER' '08260'='EVAMIST' '08261'='ALVESCO' '08264'='FLURA DROPS' '08267'='HELICOBACTER PYLORI VACCINE' '08279'='PROSTATE MEDICATION' '08283'='ATRALIN GEL' '08284'='DABIGATRAN' '08288'='AMINO COMPLETE' '08293'='SITAGLIPTIN' '08297'='HYALGAN' '08303'='BACITRACIN ZINC' '08306'='PHENYTOIN SODIUM EXTENDED' '08308'='SENNA PLUS' '08315'='D-10' '08324'='CHOLESTACARE' '08326'='EXCEDRIN EXTRA STRENGTH' '08329'='ULTRAM ER' '08331'='PENTAMIDINE' '08337'='RESVERATROL' '08341'='CALCIUM CARBONATE W/VIT D' '08342'='DACARBAZINE' '08343'='OCEAN NASAL SPRAY' '08346'='DIET PILLS' '08347'='ADVIL PM' '08348'='TENUATE DOSPAN' '08350'='DAILY MULTIPLE VITAMIN' '08351'='IRON SULFATE' '08357'='TRIPLE MIX DS' '08361'='PAMINE FORTE' '08371'='VZV VACCINE' '08374'='STRIANT' '08378'='VARENICLINE' '08384'='BLOOD PRESSURE MEDICATION' '08385'='DALLERGY' '08387'='THERALOGIX PROSTATE 2.2' '08388'='CLOBEX SPRAY' '08390'='DALMANE' '08394'='LOPRESSOR HCT' '08395'='DALOLONE' '08396'='5 FU CREAM' '08398'='RIBAPAK' '08399'='OLUX E FOAM' '08400'='DANAZOL' '08401'='OSTEOMATRIX' '08407'='SUPER CALCIUM 1200' '08412'='HEP A+B COMBO' '08413'='LACTAID' '08418'='POLYMYXIN B SULFATE DROPS' '08419'='IQUIX' '08423'='PENTACEL' '08426'='DOXYLAMINE' '08429'='RHOPHYLAC' '08432'='NOVOLOG FLEXPEN' '08435'='IXEMPRA' '08437'='OMNIPRED' '08439'='FLORICET' '08440'='DAPSONE' '08448'='PEDIATRIC MULTIVITAMINS' '08451'='MOISTURIZING CREAM OTC' '08452'='TUSSIONEX PENNKINETIC' '08461'='SOURCE CF CHEWABLES' '08462'='AQUADEKS' '08464'='ENSURE PLUS' '08468'='ROCEPHIN W/LIDOCAINE' '08470'='DARVOCET-N' '08472'='VAZOTAB' '08473'='CLINDA-DERM' '08475'='DARVON' '08476'='DHA' '08478'='COREG CR' '08481'='ADIPEX-P' '08483'='RADIAPLEXRX' '08492'='NETIPOT' '08501'='METHYLCOBALAMIN' '08513'='OPHTHALMIC SOLUTION' '08517'='BLINK TEARS' '08518'='BACTERIAL VACCINE' '08521'='RECLIPSEN' '08522'='RECLAST' '08527'='DARUNAVIR' '08534'='YEAST CREAM' '08535'='DDAVP' '08536'='THALLIUM' '08537'='H20' '08544'='MANGOSTEEN' '08546'='ESTER-C' '08547'='PCV' '08550'='FSH' '08551'='A/B OTIC' '08552'='PEG 3350' '08553'='HIB-PRP-T' '08554'='VIVOTIF BERNA' '08561'='CENTURY' '08563'='RIVOTRIL' '08565'='DEBROX' '08567'='BIOTENE' '08574'='FLUOROQUINOLONES' '08575'='DECADERM' '08576'='YOGURT' '08581'='TAXANE' '08585'='DECADRON' '08587'='MYCAMINE' '08588'='FLEXPEN' '08589'='PRED + NE' '08591'='ISENTRESS' '08592'='NEBIVOLOL' '08597'='SUPPRELIN' '08603'='SKIN CREAM' '08605'='DECADRON-LA' '08607'='BISPHOSPHONATES' '08609'='NAC' '08619'='RALTEGRAVIR' '08620'='THYROGEN' '08621'='NATURE-THROID' '08636'='GADOBENATE' '08639'='FULVESTRANT' '08641'='PERFUSIA' '08642'='GYMNEMA' '08646'='DIM PLUS' '08648'='PRILOCAIN' '08661'='OMALIZUMAB' '08663'='TAZAROTENE' '08665'='DECONEX' '08666'='CHILDRENS VITAMINS' '08667'='IBANDRONATE' '08670'='DECONGESTANT' '08671'='RU-HIST FORTE' '08678'='BRINZOLAMIDE' '08681'='ETRAVIRINE' '08702'='MITRAZOL' '08745'='DELESTROGEN' '08750'='DELFEN' '08753'='DELSYM' '08770'='DELTASONE' '08835'='DEPAKENE' '08836'='DEPAKOTE' '08860'='DEPO-ESTRADIOL' '08865'='DEPO-MEDROL' '08870'='DEPO-PROVERA' '08880'='DEPO-TESTOSTERONE' '08965'='DERMAREX' '08995'='DERMOLIN' '09003'='CALCIUM CITRATE W MAG' '09010'='DESENEX' '09014'='MARCAINE/DEPO-MEDROL' '09015'='DESFERAL' '09020'='DESIPRAMINE' '09025'='DESITIN' '09030'='DESO-CREME' '09033'='DESOWEN' '09037'='FALCON EYE DROPS' '09038'='TOPICAL SKIN CREAM' '09041'='BLACK CHERRY' '09042'='OLIVE LEAF EXTRACT' '09051'='REISHI' '09056'='PUVA' '09059'='ACAI' '09075'='DEXAMETHASONE' '09090'='DEXAMETHASONE SODIUM' '09091'='MIRACLE MIX W/NYSTATIN' '09095'='DEXAMETHASONE SODIUM PHOSPHATE' '09098'='OCP' '09104'='5-FU/LV' '09105'='DMSO COCKTAIL' '09106'='IBS MED' '09108'='DTAP-POLIO' '09109'='PREVIDENT' '09114'='KALEXATE' '09119'='ALAHIST DM' '09120'='DEXEDRINE' '09122'='ULORIC' '09128'='BIAFINE' '09129'='LOCOID LIPOCREAM' '09137'='PIMECROLIMUS' '09139'='ARANELLE' '09141'='GELNIQUE' '09146'='MULTIVITAMIN FOR HER' '09149'='INSULIN R' '09151'='STEROID' '09152'='VERIPRED' '09153'='ULESFIA' '09156'='COVARYX' '09162'='EPI-SHUGARCAINE' '09167'='COMPOUND MEDICATION' '09170'='DEXTROAMPHETAMINE' '09175'='DEXTROSE' '09176'='VITRASE' '09181'='TOPICAL ANESTHETIC' '09182'='ENOXACIN' '09183'='6-MP' '09184'='XYLITOL' '09194'='DHT' '09199'='LACOSAMIDE' '09201'='AXONA' '09202'='ACUVAIL' '09207'='SELZENTRY' '09211'='H1N1 INFLUENZA VACCINE' '09213'='ESZOPICLONE' '09215'='CHOLESTEROL MED' '09216'='BESIVANCE' '09217'='CLOBUTINOL' '09218'='THERACRAN' '09223'='EFFIENT' '09224'='HEMATOMA BLOCK' '09226'='POTASSIUM CHLORIDE W/MAGNESIUM SULFATE' '09227'='ENFAMIL LIPIL' '09230'='CEFTRIAXONE W/LIDOCAINE' '09231'='HEADACHE MED' '09237'='DEXLANSOPRAZOLE' '09249'='BANZEL' '09251'='MITOTANE' '09252'='APLENZIN' '09253'='EPIPEN JR' '09257'='NILOTINIB' '09260'='CHERRY EXTRACT' '09261'='NYAMYC' '09265'='MILLIPRED' '09268'='DEXAMETHASONE/LIDOCAINE' '09269'='ATRAC-TAIN CREAM' '09274'='FLU/COLD MEDICATION' '09279'='DUREZOL' '09281'='SALMON OIL' '09282'='SALT TABLETS' '09284'='ACID REDUCER' '09286'='NUCYNTA' '09287'='HUMALOG MIX 50/50' '09289'='ONCOVITE' '09291'='DALLERGY PE' '09293'='DIVALPROEX ER' '09296'='KEPPRA XR' '09297'='VALSARTAN/HYDROCHLOROTHIAZIDE' '09299'='CALCIUM-CHOLECALCIFEROL' '09301'='ANXIOLYTIC' '09302'='DEFLUX' '09305'='DIAMOX' '09311'='INTEGRA F' '09318'='MYCOLOG II' '09319'='DOCOSAHEXAENOIC' '09326'='METFORMIN ER' '09333'='SEPTA' '09334'='PALIPERIDONE' '09337'='CICLESONIDE' '09344'='PACKED RED BLOOD CELLS' '09347'='SODIUM SULAMYD' '09353'='MULTAQ' '09357'='PROSTATE VITAMIN' '09360'='ACETAMINOPHEN/ISOMETHEPTENE' '09361'='PRENATAL AD' '09362'='CENTRUM CARDIO' '09364'='DROSPIRENONE/ETHINYL ESTRADIOL' '09366'='ANTIBACTERIAL SOAP' '09367'='SIMILAC ADVANCE' '09368'='KRILL OIL' '09370'='DIAZEPAM' '09374'='SPRIX' '09377'='Z-PACK' '09378'='MAALOX MAX' '09384'='DEXMETHYLPHENIDATE' '09386'='PROMETHEGAN' '09388'='THERA-EAR OTIC DROP' '09391'='SAPHRIS' '09394'='SSRI' '09396'='INTUNIV' '09398'='PRENATAL DHA TABS' '09399'='ADVIL ALLERGY SINUS' '09404'='VORTEX' '09407'='TASIGNA' '09408'='FOSINOPRIL/HCTZ' '09409'='VITAMIN B & D' '09414'='ZANAMIVIR' '09418'='MAALOX ADVANCED MAXIMUM STRENGTH' '09421'='PHYTALOE' '09426'='MULTIVITAMIN SENIOR' '09431'='EEMT HS' '09432'='EFLORNITHINE' '09433'='DICLOXACILLIN' '09436'='WHEY PROTEIN' '09438'='OMEGA 3/6/9' '09441'='TUMS ULTRA' '09444'='ONGLYZA' '09446'='EES' '09447'='OSMOPREP' '09448'='CONGESTAC' '09449'='VECTICAL' '09450'='NEILMED SINUS RINSE' '09451'='MUCINEX MAX STRENGTH' '09453'='FELODIPINE ER' '09455'='DICYCLOMINE' '09458'='VITAMIN B-6/C' '09461'='FLINTSTONES PLUS IRON CHEW' '09462'='TRANXENE T' '09473'='MYLANTA/VISCOUS XYLOCAINE' '09489'='DIET-EASE APPETITE CNTRL' '09490'='DIETHYL-PROPION' '09499'='MEPIVACAINE' '09502'='FUSILEV' '09503'='UTIRA-C' '09505'='TRI-SPRINTEC' '09515'='SUCRAID' '09518'='SEPTOCAINE' '09533'='VISCOELASTIC GEL' '09536'='NATAZIA' '09538'='MIGRALEVE' '09540'='DIGITOXIN' '09545'='DIGOXIN' '09557'='MICAFUNGIN' '09558'='CETROPINE' '09559'='AHIST' '09561'='HONEY' '09562'='DEXTROMETHORPHAN/GUAIFENSIN' '09567'='PHOSPHA' '09569'='SMZ TMP DS' '09571'='NIACIN CR' '09576'='POTASSIUM CITRATE' '09577'='NYQUIL' '09579'='DESOGESTREL ETHINYL-ESTRADIOL' '09582'='OXYCODONE CR' '09583'='LANTUS SOLOSTAR' '09585'='DILANTIN' '09586'='ANIMI-3' '09587'='BUPROPION XL' '09589'='PROPRANOLOL ER' '09597'='KINRIX' '09598'='EYE LUBRICANT' '09599'='RANIBIZUMAB' '09600'='DILAUDID' '09601'='RENVELA' '09602'='VITAMIN C AND VITAMIN D3' '09603'='RAMELTEON' '09606'='KAPIDEX' '09608'='ALLERCLEAR' '09614'='ZOLPIDEM' '09615'='DILOCAINE' '09616'='VOSOL' '09618'='ASTEPRO' '09619'='TELMISARTAN/HCTZ' '09621'='NIFEDIPINE XL' '09624'='CLOBETASOL PROPIONATE' '09626'='JUNEL' '09627'='AZURETTE' '09628'='JOLIVETTE' '09629'='TILIA FE' '09632'='BREVOXYL WASH' '09637'='NECON 777' '09639'='LATISSE' '09640'='DIMENHYDRINATE' '09643'='EPICERAM CREAM' '09645'='EPIDUO' '09647'='OCELLA' '09648'='RELISTOR' '09651'='ACETAMINOPHEN-TRAMADOL' '09652'='TRILIPIX' '09654'='FENOGLIDE' '09655'='IV FLUIDS' '09663'='IOTHALAMATE' '09677'='HYDRA BALM' '09681'='CITRANATAL ASSURE' '09682'='ALENDRONATE/CHOLECALCIFEROL' '09684'='D-HIST' '09686'='TETRIX' '09687'='TESTOSTERONE CYPIONATE' '09688'='OSTEOFLEX' '09689'='HUMALOG INSULIN PUMP' '09690'='DIMETAPP' '09691'='CIMZIA' '09701'='DIGESTIVE ENZYMES' '09702'='AZO' '09703'='THYROID DESICCATED' '09709'='LATRIX' '09711'='LEVOCARNITINE' '09716'='KETOCONAZOLE SHAMPOO' '09718'='EXENATIDE' '09721'='UBIDECARENONE' '09722'='CHOLECALCIFEROL' '09723'='INTELENCE' '09729'='MALATHION' '09732'='INSULIN PUMP' '09733'='CORVITE' '09734'='ASPIRIN/ACETAMINOPHEN/CAFFEINE' '09735'='DIOCTYL SODIUM SULFOSUCCINATE' '09737'='IBUDONE' '09739'='BORTEZOMIB' '09741'='FEROSUL' '09743'='M-CLEAR WC' '09744'='RELAGARD' '09751'='HYDROCODONE/IBUPROFEN' '09752'='SULFAMETHAZOLE TRIMETHOPRIM' '09753'='THYROID STIMULATING HORMONE' '09756'='WAL-ZYR' '09757'='ACZONE' '09759'='FLEX PROTEX' '09760'='KETOTIFEN FUMARATE' '09770'='DIONIN' '09772'='TOVIAZ' '09781'='ACANYA GEL' '09783'='INSULIN 70/30' '09784'='NASOGEL' '09791'='VENTOLIN\ATROVENT' '09795'='EXFORGE HCT' '09796'='TRELSTAR LA' '09797'='RAPAFLO' '09801'='AZASITE' '09804'='HYOMAX' '09806'='LETAIRIS' '09807'='POLY HIST FORTE' '09809'='ASPIR-LOW' '09811'='ACETASOL HC' '09813'='MOVIPREP' '09827'='GADOBENATE DIMEGLUMINE' '09829'='SANCUSO' '09834'='DITROPAN XL' '09837'='LIPOFEN' '09843'='FERROSOL' '09847'='SITZ BATH' '09848'='ACELLULAR PERTUSSIS' '09850'='DIPHENHYDRAMINE' '09853'='GLIPIZIDE XL' '09854'='SAVELLA' '09856'='ROTARIX' '09857'='NITROPATCH' '09858'='VITAL-D RX' '09861'='NUVIGIL' '09862'='GAS RELIEF' '09863'='MIACALCIN NASAL' '09867'='POTASSIUM BICARBONATE' '09868'='MUCUS RELIEF DM' '09869'='AMLODIPINE/ATORVASTATIN' '09871'='ESTRADIOL PATCH' '09872'='FACET INJECTION' '09874'='WART REMOVER OTC' '09875'='DIPHENHYDRAMINE HCL 22 GA' '09880'='DIPHENOXYLATE HCL & ATROPINE SULFATE' '09882'='DEXTROMETHORPHAN' '09887'='LOTION' '09888'='INSULIN DETEMIR' '09892'='MOXATAG' '09895'='DIPHTHERIA ANTITOXIN' '09900'='DIPHTHERIA TETANUS TOXOIDS' '09910'='VIMPAT' '09911'='SINUS MEDICATION' '09913'='ZOVIA' '09914'='EAR WAX REMOVAL' '09915'='DIPROSONE' '09917'='SLEEP AID' '09918'='ORTHO INJECTIONS' '09919'='HYPERCARE' '09920'='DIPYRIDAMOLE' '09924'='DRONEDARONE' '09928'='DASATINIB' '09931'='ETHINYL ESTRADIOL/LEVONORGESTREL' '09934'='PROMACTA' '09936'='DILTAIZEM ER' '09938'='CENTRUM WOMENS' '09939'='METOZOLV ODT' '09944'='RANOLAZINE' '09946'='LOTEPREDNOL ETABONATE' '09951'='IV ANTIBIOTICS' '09952'='ABIRATERONE' '09954'='DIVALPROEX' '09957'='ALAWAY EYE DROPS' '09958'='RIVAROXABAN' '09964'='DIASTAT ACUDIAL' '09968'='APRISO' '09974'='BOTULINUM' '09978'='LUVOX CR' '09979'='SODIUM POLYSTYRENE SULFONATE' '09986'='RHODIOLA' '09990'='DIPHTHERIA TETNUS TOXOIDS PERTUSSIS' '09993'='DIPHTHERIA TOXOID' '09995'='DITROPAN' '09996'='VIVA DHA' '09998'='NEWMANS NIPPLE CREAM' '10004'='LUBRICANT DROPS' '10006'='DYSPORT' '10008'='RENAL GEL' '10011'='CERVARIX' '10017'='BENZEFOAM' '10018'='VEREGEN' '10019'='NEOSALUS' '10020'='DIURETIC' '10023'='OCULAR NUTRITION' '10025'='DIURIL' '10026'='GLUCOSAMINE AND CHONDROITIN W MSM' '10028'='INVEGA SUSTENNA' '10033'='MULTIVITAMIN W/ LUTEIN' '10039'='IMMUNE-RX' '10044'='L-THEANINE' '10046'='VIVELLE-DOT' '10053'='SE-NATAL' '10058'='ASPIRIN/SALICYLAMIDE/CAFFEINE' '10061'='ZENPEP' '10062'='PENTOSAN' '10064'='UBIQUINONE' '10070'='BUDEPRION' '10071'='EQUATE' '10072'='TICLID' '10073'='INSULIN SLIDING SCALE' '10077'='DIMETHICONE' '10087'='DOCUSATE' '10089'='DOCUSATE CALCIUM' '10092'='IPV' '10096'='FERAHEME' '10098'='BENDAMUSTINE' '10101'='VINEGAR WASH' '10103'='HIBERIX' '10105'='DOLACET' '10107'='CORZALL PLUS' '10108'='SUMAVEL' '10109'='ZIPSOR' '10113'='NERVE BLOCK' '10118'='OPC-3' '10121'='DULERA' '10123'='VICTOZA' '10125'='EVEROLIMUS' '10127'='DOLOMITE' '10130'='DOLOPHINE' '10135'='DEXILANT' '10145'='DOMEBORO' '10147'='CYCLIZINE' '10152'='AK-POLY-BAC' '10159'='CERON' '10166'='BUPRENORPHINE-NALOXONE' '10169'='MCV4' '10179'='CLINDAMYCIN/BENZOYL GEL' '10181'='LISDEXAMFETAMINE' '10191'='INFUSION THERAPY' '10192'='SALINE FLUSH' '10202'='BEPREVE' '10204'='BUTALBITAL-ACETAMINOPHEN' '10206'='GAVILYTE-N' '10208'='MULTIGEN PLUS' '10209'='MAXARON FORTE' '10210'='DONNATAL' '10214'='ESTRADIOL/MEDROXYPROGESTERONE' '10216'='HPV VACCINE' '10217'='NPLATE' '10219'='VITEX' '10223'='REPREXAIN' '10228'='CEVIMELINE' '10231'='NEOMYCIN/POLYMYXIN B/HYDROCORTISONE' '10232'='ZYCLARA' '10238'='BUTALBITAL-ASA-CAFFEINE-CODEINE' '10239'='BPM-PSEUDO' '10242'='D-VI-SOL' '10244'='TRIBENZOR' '10246'='INSULIN LISPRO MIX' '10248'='FEXOFENADINE-PSEUDOEPHEDRINE' '10251'='TROSPIUM' '10256'='NICOTINE POLACRILEX' '10260'='CARBOPLATIN/PACLITAXEL' '10261'='LYSTEDA' '10262'='HYDROCORTISONE-PRAMOXINE' '10266'='GLUTATHIONE' '10268'='HYLATOPIC FOAM' '10269'='CLARIFOAM' '10270'='VENACURA' '10272'='STELARA' '10277'='TANDEM' '10281'='TREANDA' '10282'='TIROSINT' '10286'='ATELVIA' '10290'='ECASA' '10292'='MELQUIN HP' '10296'='METHYLSULFONYLMETHANE' '10298'='PROPHYLACTIC ANTIBODIES' '10299'='IMMUNOGLOBULIN' '10301'='VITAMIN D2' '10302'='PAIN PATCH' '10304'='JALYN' '10306'='GIANVI' '10307'='NASAL IRRIGATION' '10309'='AMPYRA' '10311'='ZIRGAN' '10316'='PCV 13' '10319'='PRASCION' '10322'='HYDROCHLOROTHIAZIDE/TRIAMTERENE' '10325'='DOXEPIN' '10337'='ADALIMUMAB' '10338'='OLEPTRO' '10344'='BROMDAY' '10346'='BUTTERBUR' '10347'='VITAMIN B3' '10351'='CENTRUM ULTRA MENS' '10355'='DOXYCYCLINE' '10356'='PRADAXA' '10359'='ACTEMRA' '10362'='CORDYCEPS' '10368'='LEVOCETIRIZINE DIHYDROCHLORIDE' '10369'='FLEX-A-MIN' '10380'='DRAMAMINE' '10381'='G-CSF' '10386'='BUTRANS' '10389'='DEXTROAMPHETAMINE/AMPHETAMINE' '10393'='LORATADINE-PSEUDOEPHEDRINE' '10408'='LIRAGLUTIDE' '10412'='AMYLASE/LIPASE/PROTEASE' '10413'='AFINITOR' '10414'='KIONEX' '10415'='MILNACIPRAN' '10422'='OMEGA FATTY ACIDS' '10435'='ORBIVAN' '10437'='PRASUGREL' '10440'='DRISDOL' '10441'='AKTEN' '10451'='ONABOTULINUMTOXINA' '10466'='AZELAIC ACID' '10467'='DEX 4' '10471'='ZYMAXID' '10476'='INTEGRA PLUS' '10478'='VIMOVO' '10479'='SAXAGLIPTIN' '10481'='EXALL' '10485'='DRIXORAL' '10499'='MARCAINE/CELESTONE SOLUSPAN' '10506'='FEBUXOSTAT' '10508'='ZENCHENT' '10509'='COLCRYS' '10510'='CALCITRENE' '10515'='THEROBEC PLUS' '10518'='DRYSOL' '10520'='FERUMOXYTOL' '10522'='LURIDE CHEWABLE' '10525'='DSS' '10527'='NATURAL SUPPLEMENT' '10528'='PRORENAL' '10529'='ARTHROZYME' '10575'='DULCOLAX' '10630'='DUOFILM' '10800'='DURICEF' '10815'='DYAZIDE' '10825'='DYCLONE' '10845'='DYNAPEN' '10865'='DYRENIUM' '10875'='E.E.S.' '10905'='E-MYCIN' '10925'='EAR DROPS' '10970'='ECONOPRED' '10975'='ECOTRIN' '10985'='EDECRIN' '11009'='TWYNSTA' '11012'='INCONTINENCE MEDICATION' '11014'='PENNSAID' '11016'='MOXEZA' '11021'='BP 8' '11023'='BEYAZ' '11025'='EFUDEX' '11028'='URIBEL' '11031'='MACA EXTRACT' '11035'='CAMBIA' '11036'='RHIZINATE' '11041'='GILENYA' '11044'='SILENOR' '11051'='LIVALO' '11053'='PRODIN' '11054'='BENADRYL/W MAALOX' '11065'='ELAVIL' '11066'='XGEVA' '11071'='DIFLUPREDNATE' '11077'='VOTRIENT' '11078'='GRALISE' '11086'='CHIA SEED' '11096'='BESIFLOXACIN' '11097'='SOY BASED INFANT FORMULA' '11098'='ADCIRCA' '11103'='FERRONATE' '11104'='BP FOLINATAL PLUS B' '11105'='CALCIO DEL MAR' '11111'='DHE' '11113'='FORTESTA' '11119'='LASTACAFT' '11120'='ELDOQUIN' '11121'='TAPENTADOL' '11123'='TRILYTE' '11128'='PROLIA' '11130'='ELECTROLYTE' '11132'='PROVENGE' '11136'='EZFE' '11141'='L-METHYLFOLATE' '11142'='LATUDA' '11143'='VIIBRYD' '11147'='REFISSA' '11151'='HORIZANT' '11152'='ELOCON' '11154'='EDARBI' '11159'='BACILLUS CALMETTE-GUERIN' '11160'='CLEARLAX' '11169'='BIFERA' '11177'='MACULAR HEALTH' '11182'='BUTCHERS BROOM' '11184'='TREZIX' '11188'='TELAPREVIR' '11194'='NARCOTIC' '11203'='NOVOFINE' '11209'='TRIFLEX' '11213'='MENVEO' '11216'='ZARAH' '11218'='SUPREP' '11221'='CLOFARABINE' '11226'='TRAJENTA' '11227'='GILDESS FE' '11228'='QUINAPRIL-HCTZ' '11229'='EXALGO' '11232'='HALAVEN' '11234'='DENOSUMAB' '11252'='ALUM MAG SIMETHICONE' '11253'='BETA GLUCAN' '11257'='SAFYRAL' '11258'='KOMBIGLYZE XR' '11261'='LORYNA' '11264'='ZYTIGA' '11267'='MEDICAL MARIJUANA' '11275'='PRENATABS' '11276'='POLY-VI-FLOR WITH IRON AND FLUORIDE' '11278'='INCIVEK' '11294'='LAMIVUDINE-ZIDOVUDINE' '11297'='SOOTHE XP' '11303'='FANAPT' '11304'='PRENATE ESSENTIAL' '11306'='WHEAT DEXTRIN' '11314'='HAIR VITAMINS' '11315'='END-A-KOFF' '11324'='OCUTABS' '11325'='ENDEP' '11337'='IPILIMUMAB' '11339'='HIZENTRA' '11353'='DALIRESP' '11354'='BUDESONIDE-FORMOTEROL' '11360'='ENFAMIL W/IRON' '11364'='PHOSPHATIDYLSERINE' '11371'='OSTEO-MINS' '11374'='DRENAMIN' '11381'='ULTIMATECARE COMBO' '11385'='DESVENLAFAXINE' '11390'='ENSURE' '11393'='XARELTO' '11395'='ENTEX' '11399'='OLMESARTAN-HYDROCHLOROTHIAZIDE' '11402'='ZUTRIPRO' '11404'='AMTURNIDE' '11433'='ENZYME' '11450'='EPHEDRINE' '11525'='EPIFRIN' '11535'='EPINEPHRICAINE' '11540'='EPINEPHRINE' '11548'='EPIPEN' '11549'='EPITOL' '11555'='EPPY' '11575'='EPSOM SALT' '11615'='ERGOCALCIFEROL' '11640'='ERGOTAMINE' '11654'='ERYGEL' '11658'='ERY-TAB' '11660'='ERYTHROCIN' '11665'='ERYTHROMYCIN' '11668'='ERYTHROMYCIN OPHTHALMIC' '11669'='ERYTHROMYCIN W/SULFISOXAZOLE' '11688'='ESGIC' '11690'='ESIDRIX' '11700'='ESKALITH' '11725'='ESTINYL' '11730'='ESTIVIN' '11738'='ESTRA' '11740'='ESTRACE' '11745'='ESTRADIOL' '11765'='ESTRATEST' '11800'='ESTROGEN' '11850'='ETHAMBUTOL' '11880'='ETHINYL ESTRADIOL' '11898'='ETHOSUXAMIDE' '11915'='ETHYL CHLORIDE' '11920'='ETRAFON' '11945'='EUCERIN' '11960'='EURAX' '12000'='MERREM' '12001'='ACANYA' '12003'='ADAPALENE-BENZOYL PEROXIDE' '12006'='MICROGESTIN' '12007'='MIDAZOLAM' '12008'='MORPHINE ER' '12009'='ALENDRONATE' '12010'='ALDEX D' '12011'='NEXPLANON' '12013'='NICOTINE PATCH' '12016'='NORETHINDRONE' '12017'='NORGESTREL/ETHINYL ESTRADIOL' '12019'='AMILORIDE/HYDROCHLOROTHIAZIDE' '12021'='AMLODIPINE/VALSARTAN' '12023'='ORAPRED ODT' '12025'='EX-LAX' '12026'='OSYCO' '12027'='COLD MEDICATION' '12028'='OXYCODONE' '12029'='OXYBUTYNIN' '12031'='OXYMETAZOLINE' '12032'='ARBINOXA' '12033'='PAIN MEDICATIONS' '12034'='PANTOPRAZOLE' '12035'='EXCEDRIN' '12036'='PARAGARD' '12038'='PAROXETINE CR' '12039'='ASCORBATE CALCIUM-BIOFLAVONOID' '12042'='ASPIR 81' '12045'='EXNA-R' '12046'='PERCOCET' '12047'='ATRALIN' '12049'='AXIRON' '12053'='PNV-DHA' '12054'='POLIO VACCINE' '12056'='POLYMYXIN B-TRIMETHOPRIM' '12057'='TUBERCULIN PURIFIED PROTEIN DERIVATIVE' '12058'='BAKING SODA' '12061'='J-COF DHC' '12062'='BIRTH CONTROL PILLS' '12063'='BREZE' '12064'='BROMFENAC' '12067'='CALCIDOL' '12068'='ECONAC' '12069'='CARTEOLOL' '12071'='CHERATUSSIN AC' '12073'='CHILDRENS TYLENOL COLD AND COUGH' '12074'='CHLO TUSS' '12077'='PROBIOTIC' '12079'='PROCALCIN' '12081'='PROCTOSOL HC' '12082'='PROMETHAZINE DM' '12083'='CLARITHROMYCIN ER' '12084'='CLOBEX' '12086'='PSEUDOEPHEDRINE/APAP/DM' '12087'='ROBITUSSIN D' '12088'='ROBITUSSIN DM' '12090'='ROMYCIN' '12091'='RONDEC' '12092'='RONDEC DM' '12093'='LIV-PRO' '12094'='CUTAR' '12096'='SALINE MIST' '12097'='MEGA RED' '12098'='SALVAX DUO' '12099'='SAMSCA' '12101'='SELENIUM SULFIDE' '12102'='SIMPLY SALINE' '12103'='DEXASOL' '12104'='SINUS RINSE' '12105'='SMOKING CESSATION' '12106'='SYSTANE ULTRA' '12107'='SYNVISC-ONE' '12108'='DILTIAZEM ER' '12109'='DINITROCHLOROBENZENE' '12111'='DOCUPRENE' '12112'='TRADJENTA' '12114'='ENTOCORT' '12115'='METAFEN' '12116'='FESOTERODINE' '12117'='FIRMAGON' '12118'='VENLAFAXINE ER' '12119'='GASTRO COMPLETE' '12121'='WART STICK' '12122'='GUAIFENESIN DM' '12123'='ZYRTEC-D' '12124'='HYOMAX SL' '12126'='INTEGRA' '12127'='NAGLAZYME' '12129'='KAPVAY' '12131'='LEVULAN KERASTICK' '12132'='TESTOPEL' '12135'='AK-SPORE HC' '12137'='VESTURA' '12139'='VISTRA' '12140'='FASTIN' '12142'='ASPERDRINK' '12144'='ZETONNA' '12145'='ZOLPIDEM CR' '12146'='BIDEX' '12147'='CORDRAN SP' '12149'='CORTISPORIN' '12152'='BYDUREON' '12153'='EPIVIR HBV' '12154'='ESCITALOPRAM' '12157'='LEVOCETIRIZINE' '12158'='LEUPROLIDE' '12161'='MOMETASONE' '12162'='PRILOSEC OTC' '12164'='LOVASTATIN-NIACIN' '12166'='MIFEPRISTONE' '12168'='PEDIADERM TA' '12171'='NORGESTIMATE-ETHINYL ESTRADIOL' '12172'='NORTREL 7/7/7' '12173'='POLY HIST DHC' '12174'='PRENAPLUS' '12176'='PREPARATION H' '12177'='RHINOFLEX' '12178'='SESTAMIBI' '12179'='METFORMIN-SITAGLIPTIN' '12180'='STAXYN' '12181'='ALIGN PROBIOTIC' '12182'='BUPROBAN' '12183'='CHLORPHENIRAMINE-CODEINE' '12184'='COMFYDE' '12186'='D-VERT' '12187'='PYRIL D' '12188'='FOLBIC' '12189'='GARLIC' '12191'='LEVALBUTEROL' '12192'='LOSEASONIQUE' '12193'='FELDENE' '12194'='PANLOR' '12195'='SALINE NASAL SPRAY' '12196'='SULFAMETHOXAZOLE-TRIMETHOPRIM' '12197'='SUMATRIPTAN-NAPROXEN' '12198'='CORICIDIN HBP' '12199'='CORTIZONE-10' '12200'='EDARBYCLOR' '12201'='FLAVOMAX' '12202'='FORMOTEROL-MOMETASONE' '12203'='EPANOVA' '12209'='EPIDURAL' '12210'='LORZONE' '12211'='OMEPRAZOLE-SODIUM BICARBONATE' '12212'='COMPAZINE-BENADRYAL' '12213'='TEROCIN' '12214'='INTUNIV ER' '12215'='KAON-CL' '12216'='HEPARIN PORCINE' '12217'='FOSAPREPITANT' '12218'='LUSTRA-ULTRA' '12219'='NATURAL BALANCE TEAR' '12221'='LIDOCAIN/OXYMETAZOLINE' '12222'='VIRASAL' '12227'='ZIOPTAN' '12228'='KUVAN' '12229'='PHENYLADE' '12230'='OFATUMUMAB' '12231'='RYNEX DM' '12234'='OZURDEX' '12236'='CAMPHOR-MENTHOL' '12238'='XIAFLEX' '12239'='NEXA SELECT' '12241'='TRIANEX' '12242'='KBCGL CREAM' '12243'='SUBSYS' '12244'='VSL#3' '12245'='FENOPROFEN' '12246'='REZYST IM' '12247'='LIDOCAINE/MARCAINE/KENALOG' '12248'='CANDICYN' '12249'='GENERESS FE' '12251'='ULTRA FAT BURNER' '12252'='LIPODOX' '12253'='NEEM OIL' '12254'='IVACAFTOR' '12255'='FEOSOL' '12256'='MORE MILK PLUS SPECIAL BLEND' '12257'='ARMODAFINIL' '12258'='SULCONAZOLE NITRATE' '12259'='EYLEA' '12261'='QNASL' '12262'='FOLITAB 500' '12263'='ONFI' '12264'='PHENYLEPHRINE-TROPICAMIDE' '12266'='MEGACE ES' '12267'='PROTOCEL' '12268'='BELOTERO BALANCE' '12269'='PERLANE' '12271'='ACTIVE Q' '12272'='TEFLARO' '12273'='R-EPOCH' '12276'='ARZERRA' '12277'='DUEXIS' '12278'='MOZOBIL' '12279'='CLINDAREACH PLEDGET' '12280'='ARALAST' '12281'='JAKAFI' '12282'='YERVOY' '12283'='CRIZOTINIB' '12284'='CINRYZE' '12285'='FER-IN-SOL' '12286'='TERIFLUNOMIDE' '12287'='CETIRIZINE-PSEUDOEPHEDRINE' '12289'='TEKAMLO' '12291'='ASTRINGYN' '12292'='CARFILZOMIB' '12293'='ALITRETINOIN' '12296'='OMNITROPE' '12297'='ESTROGEN BLOCKER' '12298'='FRESHKOTE' '12299'='DYMISTA' '12300'='FERGON' '12301'='INTERMEZZO' '12302'='EUFLEXXA' '12303'='JINTELI' '12304'='ORSYTHIA' '12306'='HOLY BASIL' '12307'='BITTER MELON' '12308'='APHTHASOL' '12311'='STRIBILD' '12313'='QSYMIA' '12316'='JENTADUETO' '12318'='MYRBETRIQ' '12319'='MEPERITAB' '12321'='ADRIAMYCIN/TAXOTERE' '12322'='IROSPAN' '12324'='PICATO' '12326'='TRI-DEX' '12327'='SYEDA' '12328'='FLO-PRED' '12329'='OMECLAMOX-PAK' '12330'='PERTUZUMAB' '12332'='ALUVEA' '12333'='AMLEXANOX' '12334'='ANURX-HC' '12335'='BEPOTASTINE' '12336'='BICLORA' '12338'='BI-ZETS' '12339'='BLUE POPPY' '12342'='BRILINTA' '12343'='CALMME' '12344'='CERIVASTATIN' '12345'='FERO-GRAD-500' '12346'='EDLUAR' '12348'='ENLYTE' '12351'='EUGERIX-B' '12352'='FIBROPLEX' '12353'='FLORAX' '12354'='KALBITOR' '12355'='OTOZIN' '12356'='PIRFENIDONE' '12357'='THUJA' '12358'='TROLAMINE SALICYLATE CREAM' '12360'='XALKORI' '12361'='PYCNOGENOL' '12364'='RASPBERRY KETONE' '12365'='FERRALET' '12366'='ALISKIREN-VALSARTAN' '12368'='EFFER-K' '12369'='FOLIVAN-F' '12371'='SIMPONI' '12372'='SUNFLOWER OIL' '12373'='TIOCONAZOLE' '12374'='TOPIRAGEN' '12376'='VALRUBICIN' '12377'='VEMMA' '12379'='ANTIHISTAMINE-DECONGESTANT' '12384'='AURAX' '12386'='BENFOTIAMINE' '12387'='BLACK CURRANT SEED OIL' '12388'='B-NEXA' '12389'='BRAIN & MEMORY POWER BOOST' '12390'='CAYSTON' '12391'='CYCLOSET' '12392'='FOLFIRINOX' '12393'='FOLPLEX' '12394'='GELCAIR' '12395'='IBEROGAST' '12396'='LINAGLIPTIN' '12397'='LYSIPLEX' '12398'='MARSHMALLOW ROOT' '12399'='MATZIM LA' '12401'='NAVSTEL' '12402'='NUEDEXTA' '12404'='REPLESTA' '12406'='RESTORA' '12407'='TRIGOFEN' '12409'='ACETAMINOPHEN/IBUPROFEN' '12410'='FERRO' '12411'='VILAZODONE' '12413'='AFLURIA' '12414'='AZEO-PANGEN' '12415'='FERRO-SEQUEL' '12416'='BENADRYL/DECADRON/ZANTAC/ALOXI' '12417'='EPIKLOR' '12418'='GABADONE' '12419'='GEMTUZUMAB' '12420'='NEURPATH-B' '12422'='PYGEUM' '12423'='RE FAC-X' '12424'='REZIRA' '12427'='ACETYL-GLUTATHIONE' '12429'='BRENTUXIMAB' '12431'='MEXICHLOR PSE DM' '12432'="PAU D'ARCO" '12433'='PARVOVIRUS ANTIBODY' '12434'='PHARMAGABA' '12435'='PHENOCANE' '12437'='SYMLINPEN' '12438'='IMPERIAL CHI' '12439'='LACHESIS' '12441'='ABRAXANE/CISPLATIN/AVASTIN' '12442'='BETA-SITOSTEROL' '12444'='XENAZINE' '12445'='ZEMAIRA' '12446'='ALSUMA' '12447'='AMBROXOL' '12449'='GAMMAPLEX' '12450'='FERRONEX' '12451'='HISTRELIN' '12452'='NOXAFIL' '12453'='PHYTOMEGA' '12455'='VICTRELIS' '12456'='EPINASTINE' '12465'='FERROUS FUMARATE' '12480'='FERROUS GLUCONATE' '12490'='FERROUS SULFATE' '12521'='FIBERCON' '12550'='FIORINAL' '12565'='FIORINAL NO. 3' '12570'='FIORINAL W/CODEINE' '12585'='FLAGYL' '12620'='FLEET ENEMA' '12635'='FLEXERIL' '12650'='FLEXON' '12665'='FLORINEF ACETATE' '12683'='FLUIDIL' '12690'='FLUOCINOLONE' '12705'='FLUONID' '12735'='FLUORIDE' '12755'='FLUORITAB' '12763'='FLUOROMETHOLONE' '12770'='FLUOROURACIL' '12780'='FLUPHENAZINE' '12810'='FLURAZEPAM' '12815'='FLURESS' '12825'='FLUROSYN' '12830'='FLUZONE' '12847'='FML FORTE OPHTHALMIC' '12865'='FOLIC ACID' '12878'='FOLTRIN' '12880'='FOLVITE' '12915'='FORMALDEHYDE' '12920'='FORMALIN' '13055'='FUMASORB' '13105'='FURADANTIN' '13118'='FUROSEMIDE' '13155'='GAMASTAN' '13205'='GARAMYCIN' '13215'='GASTROGRAFIN' '13220'='GAVISCON' '13310'='GENOPTIC' '13320'='GENTAMICIN' '13455'='GERITOL' '13515'='GINSENG' '13535'='GLUCAGON' '13540'='GLUCOLA' '13550'='GLUCOSE' '13553'='GLUCOTROL' '13648'='GLYCOFED' '13655'='GLYCOPYRROLATE' '13775'='GRANULEX' '13785'='GRIFULVIN' '13790'='GRIS-PEG' '13800'='GRISEOFULVIN' '13810'='GUAIACOL' '13830'='GUAIFENESIN & DEXTROMETHORPHAN HBR' '13835'='GUAIFENESIN' '13838'='GUAIFENESIN W/CODEINE' '13875'='GUIATUSS' '13880'='GUIATUSS A.C. SYRUP' '13885'='GUIATUSSIN' '13930'='GYNE-LOTRIMIN' '13999'='HALCION' '14000'='HALDOL' '14035'='HALOG' '14040'='HALOPERIDOL' '14080'='HC' '14090'='HEAD & SHOULDERS' '14190'='HEMORRHOIDAL HC' '14203'='HEMOSTATIC AGENT' '14217'='HEP-FLUSH' '14240'='HEPARIN' '14245'='HEPARIN LOCK FLUSH SOLUTION' '14340'='HEXADROL' '14370'='HEXAVITAMIN' '14415'='HIBICLENS' '14440'='HIPREX' '14489'='HISTAFED C' '14645'='HOMATROPINE' '14683'='HORMONE' '14713'='HUMAN CHORIONIC GONADOTROPIN' '14727'='HUMULIN' '14730'='HURRICAINE' '14770'='HYCODAN' '14840'='HYDRALAZINE' '14850'='HYDRALAZINE THIAZIDE' '14875'='HYDREA' '14903'='HYDROCORT' '14930'='HYDROCHLOROTHIAZIDE' '14953'='HYDROCO' '14955'='HYDROCODONE' '14965'='HYDROCORTISONE' '14970'='HYDROCORTISONE IODOCHLORHYDROXYQUIN' '14975'='HYDROCORTISONE W/NEOMYCIN' '14985'='HYDRODIURIL' '14990'='HYDROGEN PEROXIDE' '15005'='HYDROMORPHONE' '15040'='HYDROQUINONE' '15065'='HYDROXY-PROGESTERONE' '15070'='HYDROXYCHLOROQUINE' '15090'='HYDROXYUREA' '15100'='HYDROXYZINE' '15105'='HYDROXYZINE PAMOATE' '15115'='HYGROTON' '15215'='HYPERSAL' '15240'='HYPOTEARS' '15263'='HYREX-105' '15290'='HYTINIC' '15305'='HYTONE' '15307'='HYTRIN' '15320'='HYZINE' '15375'='IBERET-FOLIC-500' '15395'='IBUPROFEN' '15400'='ICHTHAMMOL' '15455'='ICY HOT ANALGESIC BALM' '15495'='ILOTYCIN' '15515'='IMFERON' '15520'='IMIPRAMINE' '15535'='IMMUGLOBIN' '15540'='IMMUNE SERUM GLOBULIN' '15545'='IMODIUM' '15555'='IMURAN' '15575'='INDERAL' '15590'='INDOCIN' '15600'='INDOMETHACIN' '15606'='INFALYTE' '15630'='INH' '15655'='INOSITOL' '15678'='INSULATARD NPH' '15680'='INSULIN' '15685'='INTAL' '15730'='IODINE' '15805'='IOPIDINE' '15835'='IRCON' '15865'='IRON & B COMPLEX PLUS' '15870'='IRON PREPARATION' '15875'='IRON DEXTRAN' '15885'='IRON W/VITAMIN C' '15910'='IRRIGATING SOLUTION' '15990'='ISONIAZID' '16003'='ISOPHANE INSULIN SUSPENSION' '16020'='ISOPROPYL ALCOHOL' '16075'='ISOPTO HYOSCINE' '16090'='ISOPTO TEARS' '16095'='ISORDIL' '16105'='ISOSORBIDE' '16210'='K-LOR' '16245'='K-PHOS' '16268'='K-TAB' '16270'='K-Y STERILE LUBRICATING JELLY' '16365'='KAOPECTATE' '16440'='KAY CIEL' '16455'='KAYEXALATE' '16475'='KEFLEX' '16480'='KEFLIN' '16485'='KEFZOL' '16505'='KENALOG' '16520'='KERALYT' '16523'='KERASOL' '16525'='KERI' '16590'='KETAMINE' '16605'='KETOSTIX' '16650'='KLARON' '16710'='KLOR-CON' '16720'='KLORVESS' '16728'='KLOTRIX' '16800'='KONSYL' '16845'='KU-ZYME' '16895'='L-THYROXINE' '16915'='LACRI-LUBE' '16950'='LACTINEX' '16955'='LACTOBACILLUS ACIDOPHILUS' '16970'='LACTOSE' '16975'='LACTULOSE' '17050'='LANESTRIN' '17070'='LANOLIN' '17075'='LANOLINE' '17115'='LANOXIN' '17165'='LASIX' '17243'='LAXATIVE' '17265'='LECITHIN' '17320'='LEUCOVORIN' '17322'='LEUKOVORIN CALCIUM' '17325'='LEUKERAN' '17345'='LEVODOPA' '17365'='LEVOTHROID' '17370'='LEVOTHYROXINE' '17375'='LEVSIN' '17390'='LEVSINEX' '17440'='LIBRAX' '17450'='LIBRIUM' '17460'='LICORICE COMPOUND' '17465'='LIDA-MANTLE' '17475'='LIDEX' '17485'='LIDOCAINE' '17490'='LIDOCAINE HCL' '17495'='LIDOCAINE HCL W/EPINEPHRINE' '17530'='LIMBITROL' '17540'='LINCOCIN' '17545'='LINCOMYCIN' '17548'='LINDANE' '17560'='LIORESAL' '17563'='LIOTHYRONINE SODIUM' '17595'='LIPODERM' '17600'='LIPOFLAVONOID' '17705'='LISTERINE' '17715'='LITHIUM' '17725'='LITHOBID' '17750'='LIVER EXTRACT' '17816'='LO-SAL' '17825'='LO/OVRAL' '17833'='LOCAL ANESTHETIC' '17834'='LOCOID' '17838'='LODRANE' '17840'='LOESTRIN' '17850'='LOFENE' '17865'='LOMOTIL' '17875'='LONITEN' '17878'='LONOX' '17880'='LOPERAMIDE' '17883'='LOPID' '17885'='LOPRESSOR' '17888'='LORAZEPAM' '17889'='LOPURIN' '17925'='LOTRIMIN' '17940'='LOXAPINE' '17945'='LOXITANE' '17975'='LUBRIDERM' '18010'='LUGOL` SOLUTION' '18020'='LURIDE DROPS' '18050'='LYSINE' '18055'='LYSODREN' '18100'='M-M-R' '18125'='MAALOX' '18130'='MACRODANTIN' '18180'='MAGNESIA' '18189'='MAGNESIUM CARBONATE' '18190'='MAGNESIUM CHLORIDE' '18195'='MAGNESIUM CITRATE' '18200'='MAGNESIUM GLUCONATE' '18205'='MAGNESIUM OXIDE' '18215'='MAGNESIUM SULFATE' '18223'='MAGONATE' '18345'='MANNITOL' '18395'='MARCAINE' '18498'='MAXAIR' '18515'='MAXIDEX' '18520'='MAXITROL' '18523'='MAXZIDE' '18540'='MEASLES VIRUS VACCINE' '18552'='MEBENDAZOLE' '18555'='MECLIZINE' '18558'='MECLOMEN' '18640'='MEDROL' '18643'='MEDROXYPROGESTERONE' '18655'='MEGACE' '18663'='MEGESTROL' '18664'='MELANEX' '18670'='MELLARIL' '18685'='MELPHALAN' '18695'='MENEST' '18745'='MENTHOL' '18750'='MENTHOLATUM' '18760'='MEPERIDINE' '18795'='MEPROBAMATE' '18820'='MERCAPTOPURINE' '18915'='MESANTOIN' '18920'='MESTINON' '18930'='METAMUCIL' '18945'='METAPROTERENOL' '18985'='METHADONE' '19005'='METHAMPHETAMINE' '19025'='METHAZOLAMIDE' '19035'='METHENAMINE' '19040'='METHENAMINE MANDELATE' '19070'='METHOCARBAMOL' '19090'='METHOTREXATE' '19105'='METHOXSALEN' '19110'='METHSCOPOLAMINE' '19130'='METHYL SALICYLATE' '19140'='METHYLCELLULOSE' '19155'='METHYLDOPA' '19175'='METHYLPHENIDATE' '19180'='METHYLPREDNISOLONE' '19185'='METHYLTESTOSTERONE' '19208'='METOCLOPRAMIDE' '19210'='METOLAZONE' '19215'='METOPIRONE' '19218'='METOPROLOL' '19231'='METRO' '19233'='METRONIDAZOLE' '19242'='MEVACOR' '19255'='MEXATE' '19280'='MICATIN' '19290'='MICONAZOLE' '19320'='MICRONOR' '19343'='MIDAMOR' '19350'='MIDOL' '19360'='MIDRIN' '19375'='MILK OF MAGNESIA' '19445'='MINERAL OIL' '19455'='MINIPRESS' '19460'='MINOCIN' '19465'='MINOCYCLINE' '19478'='MINOXIDIL' '19508'='MIOTIC AGENT' '19550'='MITHRAMYCIN' '19590'='MOBISYL' '19618'='MODURETIC' '19635'='MICONAZOLE NITRATE' '19650'='MORPHINE' '19675'='MOTRIN' '19680'='MOUTHWASH' '19685'='MOUTHWASH & GARGLE' '19699'='MS CONTIN' '19715'='MUCOMYST' '19775'='MULTI-V' '19785'='MULTI-VITAMIN' '19815'='MULTIPLE VITAMIN' '19825'='MULTIPLE VITAMINS' '19830'='MULTIPLE VITAMINS W/IRON' '19840'='MULTIVITAMIN' '19853'='MULTIVITAMIN/FLUORIDE' '19865'='MULTIVITAMIN/MULTIMINERAL' '19870'='MULTIVITAMINS & MINERALS' '19948'='MUSCLE RELAXANT' '19960'='MUTAMYCIN' '20010'='MYCELEX' '20055'='MYCOLOG' '20060'='MYCOSTATIN' '20065'='MYDFRIN' '20075'='MYDRIACYL' '20080'='MYLANTA' '20095'='MYLICON' '20135'='MYSOLINE' '20175'='NAFCILLIN' '20185'='NAFTIN' '20255'='NAPHAZOLINE' '20260'='NAPHCON' '20270'='NAPHCON-A' '20285'='NAPROSYN' '20290'='NAPROXEN' '20315'='NARDIL' '20320'='NASAHIST' '20325'='NASAL DECONGESTANT' '20338'='NASALIDE' '20435'='NAVANE' '20595'='NEO-SYNEPHRINE' '20690'='NEOMYCIN' '20693'='NEOMYCIN-POLYMYXIN B' '20730'='NEOSPORIN' '20798'='NEPHROCAPS' '20805'='NEPTAZANE' '20835'='NEUTRA-PHOS' '20855'='NEUTROGENA' '20875'='NIAC' '20885'='NIACIN' '20890'='NIACINAMIDE' '21010'='NIFEREX' '21025'='NIFEREX-150' '21030'='NIFEREX-150 FORTE' '21090'='NIPRIDE' '21125'='NITRO T.D.' '21130'='NITRO-BID' '21135'='NITROCAP' '21143'='NITRO-DUR' '21145'='NITROFURANTOIN' '21150'='NITROFURAZONE' '21155'='NITROGEN' '21160'='NITROGLYCERIN' '21176'='NITROLINGUAL' '21185'='NITROSTAT' '21195'='NITROUS OXIDE' '21203'='NIZORAL' '21225'='NOLVADEX' '21228'='NORDETTE' '21280'='NORFLEX' '21373'='NORMODYNE' '21390'='NORPACE' '21400'='NORPRAMIN' '21403'='NORTRIPTYLINE' '21405'='NOSE DROPS' '21493'='NOVENE DH' '21513'='NTG' '21530'='NU-IRON' '21550'='NUBAIN' '21585'='NUPERCAINAL' '21590'='NUPERCAINE' '21620'='NUTRAMIGEN' '21695'='NYSTATIN' '21701'='NYSTATIN W/TRIAMCINOLONE' '21750'='OCEAN MIST' '21765'='OGEN' '21785'='OLIVE OIL' '21800'='ONCOVIN' '21845'='OPHTHETIC' '21860'='OPIUM' '21925'='ORABASE' '22055'='ORNADE' '22065'='ORPHENADRINE' '22090'='ORTHO-NOVUM' '22110'='OS-CAL' '22160'='OTIC DROPS' '22210'='OVCON' '22215'='OVRAL' '22242'='OXAZEPAM' '22270'='OXSORALEN' '22287'='OXYBUTYNIN CHLORIDE' '22303'='OXYCODONE HCL' '22305'='OXYCODONE HCL & ACETAMINOPHEN' '22306'='OXYCODONE W/APAP' '22315'='OXYGEN' '22323'='OXYMETAZOLINE HCL' '22335'='OXYQUINOLINE' '22338'='OXYSTAT' '22348'='OYSCO 500' '22350'='OYSTER SHELL & VITAMIN D' '22520'='PAMELOR' '22525'='PAMINE' '22630'='PANCREASE' '22640'='PANCREATIN' '22643'='PANCRELIPASE' '22675'='PANOXYL' '22725'='PANTOTHENIC ACID' '22810'='PARAFON FORTE' '22875'='PARLODEL' '22885'='PARNATE' '22945'='PAVABID' '23120'='PEDIALYTE' '23208'='PENECORT' '23210'='PENICILLAMINE' '23215'='PENICILLIN' '23220'='PENICILLIN G' '23225'='PENICILLIN V' '23228'='PENICILLIN V POTASSIUM' '23230'='PENICILLIN VK' '23285'='PENTAZOCINE' '23340'='PEPPERMINT OIL' '23370'='PEPTO-BISMOL' '23385'='PERCOCET-5' '23390'='PERCODAN' '23430'='PERI-COLACE' '23440'='PERIACTIN' '23523'='PERPHENAZINE' '23524'='PERPHENAZINE W/AMITRIPTYLINE' '23535'='PERSANTINE' '23560'='PERTUSSIN' '23585'='PETROLATUM' '23610'='PHAZYME' '23680'='PHENAPHEN W/CODEINE' '23715'='PHENAZOPYRIDINE' '23745'='PHENDIMETRAZINE' '23755'='PHENERGAN' '23790'='PHENERGAN VC EXPECTORANT W/CODEINE' '23792'='PHENERGEN W/DEXTROMETHORPHAN' '23795'='PHENERGAN-D' '23798'='PHENERGAN W/CODEINE' '23845'='PHENOBARBITAL' '23935'='PHENOL' '23970'='PHENTERMINE' '24015'='PHENYLEPHRINE' '24045'='PHENYTOIN' '24110'='PHOSPHACAL-D' '24115'='PHOSPHALJEL' '24140'='PHRENILIN' '24154'='PHYSIOLYTE' '24175'='PHYTONADIONE' '24185'='PILO' '24195'='PILOCARPINE' '24255'='PITOCIN' '24300'='PLAQUENIL' '24330'='PLATINOL' '24355'='PNEUMOVAX' '24405'='POLIOMYELITIS VACCINE' '24410'='POLLEN ANTIGEN' '24411'='POLOCAINE' '24415'='POLY-VI-FLOR' '24418'='POLY-VI-FLOR W/IRON' '24420'='POLY-VI-SOL' '24435'='POLYCILLIN' '24470'='POLYMYXIN' '24510'='POLYSPORIN' '24520'='POLYTRACIN' '24525'='POLYVITAMIN' '24530'='POLYVITAMIN DROPS' '24543'='POLYVITAMIN W/IRON' '24550'='PONSTEL' '24575'='PORTAGEN' '24590'='POT CHLOR' '24645'='POTASSIUM CARBONATE' '24650'='POTASSIUM' '24653'='POTASSIUM CHLORIDE' '24670'='POTASSIUM CHLORIDE 20 MEQ D5-W' '24685'='UROCIT-K' '24695'='POTASSIUM GLUCONATE' '24710'='POTASSIUM IODIDE' '24730'='POTASSIUM PHOSPHATE' '24750'='POTASSIUM 99' '24795'='PRAMOSONE' '24805'='PRAZOSIN' '24830'='PRE-NATAL VITAMINS' '24850'='PRED FORTE' '24885'='PREDNISOLONE' '24890'='PREDNISONE' '24950'='PREMARIN' '24960'='PREMARIN VAGINAL' '24975'='PRENATAL FORMULA (VITAMINS)' '24985'='PRENATAL W/FOLIC ACID' '24988'='PRENATAL W/FOLIC ACID & IRON' '25040'='PRIMATENE MIST' '25055'='PRIMIDONE' '25060'='PRIMOLINE' '25078'='PRINIVIL' '25113'='PRO-CORT M' '25140'='PROBEN-C' '25150'='PROBENECID' '25155'='PROBENECID W/COLCHICINE' '25185'='PROCAINE' '25213'='PROCARDIA' '25220'='PROCHLORPERAZINE' '25240'='PROCTOCORT' '25243'='PROCTOCREAM-HC' '25250'='PROCTOFOAM' '25255'='PROCTOFOAM-HC' '25305'='PROGESTERONE' '25328'='PROLASTIN' '25330'='PROLIXIN' '25358'='PROMETH' '25365'='PROMETHAZINE' '25375'='PROMETHAZINE COMPOUND W/CODEINE' '25410'='PROMETHAZINE HCL VC EXPECTORANT' '25415'='PROMETHAZINE HCL W/CODEINE EXPECTORANT' '25430'='PROMETHAZINE VC W/CODEINE' '25432'='PROMETHAZINE W/CODEINE' '25433'='PROMETHAZINE W/DM' '25485'='PROPARACAINE' '25510'='PROPOXYPHENE' '25530'='PROPOXYPHENE HCL W/ACETAMINOPHEN' '25550'='PROPYLENE GLYCOL' '25560'='PROPYLTHIOURACIL' '25565'='PROREX' '25570'='PROSOBEE' '25580'='PROSTIGMIN' '25595'='PROTAMINE SULFATE' '25635'='PROVAL' '25638'='PROVENTIL' '25640'='PROVERA' '25674'='PROZAC' '25695'='PSEUDOEPHEDRINE' '25705'='PSORIASIS CREAM' '25750'='PURINETHOL' '25800'='PYRAZINAMIDE' '25810'='PYRIDIUM' '25815'='PYRIDIUM PLUS' '25820'='PYRIDOSTIGMINE' '25825'='PYRIDOXINE HCL' '25965'='QUESTRAN' '26035'='QUINIDINE' '26045'='QUININE SULFATE' '26090'='RABIES VACCINE' '26105'='RAGWEED & RELATED POLLENS ALLERGENIC' '26199'='RECOMBIVAX-HB' '26255'='REGLAN' '26280'='REGULOID' '26287'='REHYDRALYTE' '26320'='RENACIDIN' '26445'='RESPIROL' '26450'='RESPITAL' '26453'='RESTORIL' '26475'='RETIN-A' '26510'='RHEUMATREX' '26685'='RIBOFLAVIN' '26695'='RID' '26715'='RIFAMPIN' '26730'='RIMSO-50' '26760'='RITALIN' '26785'='ROBAXIN' '26805'='ROBINUL' '26810'='ROBINUL FORTE' '26830'='ROBITUSSIN' '26835'='ROBITUSSIN A-C SYRUP' '26840'='ROBITUSSIN-CF' '26850'='ROBITUSSIN-DAC SYRUP' '26870'='ROCALTROL' '26883'='ROGAINE' '26958'='ROXICET' '27070'='RUBBING ALCOHOL' '27085'='RUBRAMIN PC' '27130'='RUTIN' '27190'='RYNATAN' '27300'='SALAGEN' '27340'='SALICYLATE' '27345'='SALICYLIC ACID' '27360'='SALIGEL' '27368'='SALINE' '27405'='SALSALATE' '27423'='SANDIMMUNE SANDOPAK' '27435'='SANOREX' '27445'='SANTYL' '27458'='SARENIN' '27459'='SARNA' '27545'='SCOPOLAMINE' '27708'='SEDATIVE' '27725'='SELENIUM' '27730'='SELSUN' '27735'='SELSUN BLUE' '27760'='SENNA EXTRACT' '27770'='SENNA' '27785'='SENOKOT' '27795'='SENOKOT S' '27816'='SENSORCAINE' '27835'='SEPTRA' '27840'='SEPTRA DS' '27855'='SERAX' '27960'='SIGTAB' '27985'='SILVADENE' '27995'='SILVER NITRATE' '28015'='SILVER SULFADIAZINE' '28030'='SIMETHICONE' '28035'='SIMILAC' '28045'='SIMRON' '28080'='SINEMET' '28085'='SINEQUAN' '28170'='SINUTAB EXTRA STRENGTH' '28350'='SKELAXIN' '28358'='SKIN PREPARATION' '28366'='SLO-NIACIN' '28390'='SLOW-K' '28391'='SLOW-MAG' '28450'='SODIUM BENZOATE' '28455'='SODIUM BICARBONATE' '28495'='SODIUM CHLORIDE' '28595'='SODIUM FLUORIDE' '28640'='SODIUM MORRHUATE' '28650'='SODIUM NITRITE' '28665'='SODIUM PHOSPHATE' '28740'='SOLARCAINE' '28790'='SOLU-CORTEF' '28800'='SOLU-MEDROL' '28815'='SOMA COMPOUND' '28825'='SOMA' '28865'='SOOTHE EYE' '28910'='SORBITOL' '29115'='SPEN-HISTINE ELIXIR' '29250'='SPIRONOLACTONE' '29255'='SPIRONOLACTONE W/HYDROCHLOROTHIAZIDE' '29275'='SSKI' '29285'='STADOL' '29290'='STANBACK ANALGESIC' '29365'='STELAZINE' '29435'='STERAPRED' '29488'='STERILE WATER FOR IRRIGATION' '29498'='STEROID(S)' '29513'='STIMATE' '29533'='STOOL SOFTENER' '29581'='STRESS TABLETS' '29650'='SUBY`S SOLUTION G' '29660'='SUCCINYLCHOLINE' '29695'='SUCROSE' '29705'='SUDAFED' '29760'='SUFEDRIN' '29785'='SULAMYD SODIUM' '29815'='SULFACETAMID' '29825'='SULFADIAZINE' '29840'='SULFAMETHOXAZOLE' '29843'='SULFAMETHOX W/TRIMETHOPRIM' '29845'='SULFAMYLON' '29865'='SULFASALAZINE' '29955'='SULFUR' '29980'='SULFUR SOAP' '29998'='SULINDAC' '30018'='SUMACAL' '30030'='SUNSCREEN' '30100'='SUPER B COMPLEX W/C LIVER IRON & B-12' '30160'='SURBEX W/C' '30185'='SURFACAINE' '30220'='SURGILUBE' '30275'='SWEET OIL' '30305'='SYMMETREL' '30330'='SYNALAR' '30395'='SYNTHROID' '30420'='T CAINE' '30472'='T/SAL' '30495'='TAGAMET' '30513'='TALACEN' '30515'='TALC' '30535'='TALWIN' '30553'='TAMOXIFEN' '30585'='TAPAZOLE' '30590'='TAR' '30630'='TAVIST' '30635'='TAXOL' '30655'='TEARS NATURALE' '30730'='TEGRETOL' '30756'='TEMAZEPAM' '30775'='TENAX' '30777'='TENEX' '30781'='TENORETIC' '30782'='TENORMIN' '30785'='TENSILON' '30790'='TENUATE' '30800'='TERAZOL' '30805'='TERBUTALINE' '30850'='TERRAMYCIN' '30880'='TESSALON PERLE' '30915'='TESTOSTERONE' '30930'='TESTOSTERONE ENANTHATE' '30950'='TESTOSTERONE PROPIONATE' '30972'='TESTOSTERONE/ESTRADIOL' '31000'='TETANUS ANTITOXIN' '31005'='TETANUS DIPHTHERIA TOXOID' '31010'='TETANUS IMMUNE GLOBULIN' '31015'='TETANUS TOXOID' '31025'='TETRACAINE' '31045'='TETRACYCLINE' '31050'='TETRACYCLINE HCL' '31058'='TETRAHYDROZOLINE HCL' '31120'='THEO-DUR' '31219'='THEOPHENYLLINE' '31235'='THEOPHYLLINE' '31324'='THERAGENERIX' '31325'='THERAGRAN' '31335'='THERAGRAN-M' '31390'='THERAPEUTIC MULTIVITAMIN' '31400'='THERAPEUTIC VITAMIN & MINERAL -' '31408'='THERAVIM' '31418'='THERI-CARE' '31455'='THIAMINE' '31480'='THIMEROSAL' '31542'='THIOTHIXENE' '31543'='THIORIDAZINE' '31550'='THORAZINE' '31588'='THROAT PREPARATION' '31600'='THYMOL' '31630'='THYROID' '31650'='TICARCILLIN' '31655'='TIGAN' '31658'='TIMOLOL' '31660'='TIMOPTIC' '31670'='TINACTIN' '31723'='TOBRADEX' '31725'='TOBRAMYCIN' '31728'='TOBREX OPHTHALMIC' '31740'='TOFRANIL' '31760'='TOLECTIN' '31927'='TRANDATE' '31939'='TRANSDERM-SCOP' '31945'='TRANXENE' '31975'='TRAVASOL' '31997'='TRAZODONE' '32013'='TRENTAL' '32017'='TREXAN' '32140'='TRI-VI-FLOR' '32145'='TRI-VI-SOL' '32190'='TRIAM' '32195'='TRIAMCINOLONE' '32200'='TRIAMCINOLONE ACETONIDE' '32210'='TRIAMCINOLONE NYSTATIN' '32245'='TRIAMINIC' '32270'='TRIAMOLONE 40' '32273'='TRIAMTERENE' '32300'='TRICHLORMETHIAZIDE' '32310'='TRICHLOROACETIC ACID' '32323'='TRICHOMONACIDE' '32345'='TRIDESILON' '32363'='TRIFLUOPERAZINE' '32390'='TRIHEXYPHENIDYL' '32395'='TRILAFON' '32421'='TRIMAGEL' '32423'='TRIMETHOPRIM W/SULFASOXAZOLE' '32433'='TRIMPEX' '32438'='TRIMETHOPRIM' '32515'='TRIPLE ANTIBIOTIC' '32543'='TRIPLEX' '32555'='TRIPROLIDINE W/PSEUDOEPHEDRINE' '32610'='TRIVITAMIN DROPS' '32658'='TROPICAMIDE' '32660'='TRYPTOPHAN' '32710'='TUCKS' '32735'='TUMS' '32835'='TUSSEX COUGH SYRUP' '32855'='TUSSIONEX' '32905'='TYLENOL' '32915'='TYLENOL NO. 2' '32920'='TYLENOL NO. 3' '32925'='TYLENOL NO. 4' '32930'='TYLENOL W/CODEINE' '32935'='TYLENOL W/CODEINE ELIXIR' '32945'='TYLOX' '32960'='TYPHOID VACCINE' '33068'='ULTRACEF' '33092'='UNASYN' '33170'='UNISOM' '33180'="UNNA'S GELATIN PASTE" '33190'='URACEL' '33215'='UREA' '33218'='UREACIN' '33225'='URECHOLINE' '33240'='UREX' '33280'='URISED' '33365'='UROGESIC' '33448'='VACCINATION' '33530'='VALERIAN' '33550'='VALISONE' '33555'='VALIUM' '33573'='VALPROIC ACID' '33575'='VANCERIL' '33580'='VANCOCIN' '33588'='VANCOMYCIN' '33610'='VANQUISH' '33670'='VASELINE' '33677'='VASERETIC' '33685'='VASOCIDIN' '33780'='VEETIDS' '33843'='VENTOLIN' '33858'='VERAPAMIL' '33895'='VERMOX' '34085'='VIBRA' '34090'='VIBRAMYCIN' '34103'='VICKS VAPORUB' '34110'='VICODIN' '34120'='VICON FORTE' '34158'='VINBLASTINE' '34160'='VINCRISTINE' '34248'='VIROPTIC' '34260'='VISINE' '34263'='VISKEN' '34270'='VISTARIL' '34285'='VITA IRON' '34350'='VITALITY-E' '34360'='VITAMIN A' '34370'='VITAMIN A & D' '34425'='VITAMIN B COMPLEX' '34430'='VITAMIN B COMPLEX B-12 W/C' '34445'='VITAMIN B COMPLEX W/B-12' '34450'='VITAMIN B COMPLEX W/VITAMIN C' '34455'='VITAMIN B-1' '34460'='VITAMIN B-1 & B-12' '34470'='VITAMIN B-1 & B-12 W/IRON' '34495'='VITAMIN B-12' '34505'='VITAMIN B-2' '34510'='VITAMIN B-6' '34520'='VITAMIN C' '34525'='VITAMIN C & E' '34560'='VITAMIN CHEWABLE CHILDRENS' '34565'='VITAMIN D' '34570'='VITAMIN D-2 IN OIL' '34575'='VITAMIN E' '34585'='VITAMIN E NATURAL' '34623'='VITAMIN K' '34625'='VITAMIN(S)' '34628'='VITAMINS AND MINERALS' '34675'='VITRON-C' '34685'='VIVACTIL' '34725'='VOLTAREN' '34745'='VOSOL HC' '34775'='WARFARIN' '34790'='WATER DISTILLED' '34855'='WESTCORT' '34856'='WESTHROID' '34865'='WETTING & SOAKING' '34875'='WHEAT GERM OIL' '34920'='WITCH HAZEL' '35023'='XANAX' '35025'='XERAC AC' '35050'='XEROFOAM DRESSING' '35060'='XYLOCAINE' '35080'='XYLOCAINE HCL W/EPINEPHRINE' '35085'='XYLOCAINE VISCOUS' '35105'='YEAST' '35110'='YELLOW FEVER VACCINE' '35150'='ZARONTIN' '35155'='ZAROXOLYN' '35165'='ZEASORB MEDICATED' '35224'='ZESTRIL' '35240'='ZINC' '35245'='ZINC GLUCONATE' '35250'='ZINC OXIDE' '35260'='ZINC SULFATE' '35265'='ZINC SULFATE COMPOUND' '35310'='ZINCON' '35341'='ZOVIRAX' '35344'='ZWOLFE' '35350'='ZYLOPRIM' '35415'='ANTIDEPRESSANT AGENT' '35425'='ANTIDIARRHEAL AGENT' '35435'='ANTIEPILEPSY AGENT' '35440'='ANTIFLATULENT AGENT' '35445'='ANTIFUNGAL AGENT' '35450'='ANTIHISTAMINE' '35460'='ANTIINFLAMMATORY AGENT' '35470'='ANTIMALARIAL AGENT' '35475'='ANTINAUSEANT AGENT' '35490'='ANTIPRURITIC AGENT' '35495'='ANTIPYRETIC AGENT' '35510'='ANTIVIRAL AGENT' '35540'='DEPATESONE' '35595'='TRIMETHOPRIM/SULFAMETHOXAZOLE' '35600'='VANCENASE' '40150'='ASPIR-10' '40185'='BAYER ASPIRIN' '40250'='BUTALBITAL/ASPIRIN/CAFFEINE' '40280'='CALCIUM PHOSPHATE' '40285'='CALTRATE' '40395'='CITROTEIN' '40455'='CYCLOPENTOLATE' '40460'='CYTOTEC' '40520'='DESYREL' '40540'='DEXTROSE SODIUM CHLORIDE' '40555'='DEXTROSE W/POTASSIUM CHL' '40580'='DIABETA' '40585'='DIHYDROERGOTOXINE MESYLATE' '40605'='DIPHENOXY/ATROP' '40610'='DIPHENOXYLATE' '40615'='DIPROLENE' '40635'='DOCUSATE SOD & CASANTHRANOL' '40735'='ESTROGENS' '40755'='FOLEX' '40770'='GEL CLEAN' '40845'='HYDROCHLOR/RESERPINE/HYDRAL' '40850'='HYDROFLUMETHAZIDE' '40908'='L-TRYPTOPHANE' '40950'='LOPROX' '40955'='LOZOL' '40985'='METRONID' '41115'='MULTI VIT' '41150'='NASALCROM' '41200'='NOSTRIL' '41310'='POLY-VI-SOL W/IRON' '41315'='POLYETHYLENE GLYCOL' '41330'='PRAMASONE' '41345'='PREDAIR' '41420'='ROXANOL' '41470'='SLOW FE' '41505'='SPECTAZOLE' '41600'='TESTRADIOL' '41610'='THEO-24' '41685'='TRI-VI-SOL W/IRON' '41770'='WELLCOVORIN' '41780'='ZANTAC' '41800'='HCTZ' '41820'='GLYCERIN SUPPOSITORIES' '41830'='PSYLLIUM' '41840'='HYOSCINE' '41850'='KCL' '41855'='NPH INSULIN' '41860'='FOLATE' '41865'='MOM' '41875'='CAPTOPRIL' '41895'='HUMULIN INSULIN' '41905'='THYROXINE' '42143'='TRACE ELEMENTS' '42425'='GOLYTELY' '42705'='MINIZIDE' '42730'='MUCOSOL' '42800'='NORMAL SALINE' '42985'='PROPRANOLOL' '50035'='MICRONASE' '60035'='ACLOVATE' '60040'='ADALAT' '60080'='AMINOCAPROIC ACID' '60085'='ANGIOVIST' '60115'='AUGMENTIN' '60125'='AUGMENTIN 500' '60150'='BACITRACIN OPHTHALMIC' '60175'='BENZAMYCIN' '60180'='BENZTROPINE MESYLATE' '60185'='BETAGAN LIQUIFILM' '60195'='BETAMETHASONE SOD PHOSPHATE' '60200'='BETAMETHASONE VALERATE' '60205'='BETOPTIC' '60270'='BUSPAR' '60290'='CAPOZIDE' '60325'='CITRUCEL' '60340'='CO-GESIC' '60355'='COLYTE' '60370'='CORDARONE' '60385'='CORTISPORIN OPHTHALMIC' '60405'='DEXACIDIN' '60435'='DHS ZINC' '60485'='DORYX' '60535'='ERYCETTE' '60545'='ESTRADERM' '60550'='EYE DROPS' '60555'='EYE WASH' '60565'='FENTANYL CITRATE' '60595'='FIORICET' '60615'='GAMMAGARD' '60640'='GENTAMICIN OPHTHALMIC' '60665'='GLYCERIN' '60700'='HIB-VAX' '60705'='HIGH POTENCY VITAMINS/MINERALS' '60735'='INFLUENZA VIRUS VACC' '60750'='IOPHEN' '60765'='ISOVUE' '60775'='K-DUR' '60790'='KLONOPIN' '60795'='LACHYDRIN' '60800'='LACTATED RINGER`S' '60815'='LEVLEN' '60835'='LOTRISONE' '60870'='MARINOL' '60900'='METH CHOLINE' '60905'='METHYLDOPA W/HCTZ' '60940'='MSIR' '60955'='MURO TEARS' '60995'='NALOXONE HCL' '61025'='NICORETTE' '61035'='NIX' '61045'='NOVOLIN' '61080'='OMNIPAQUE' '61135'='PEDIACARE' '61140'='PEDIAPRED' '61160'='PEPCID' '61185'='PIPERACILLIN' '61245'='PROPRANOLOL HCL' '61260'='PSORCON' '61295'='ROCEPHIN' '61305'='RYMED' '61330'='SECTRAL' '61380'='STUART PRENATAL' '61385'='SULFACETAMIDE SODIUM' '61405'='TAMBOCOR' '61440'='TEMOVATE' '61475'='TOLAZAMIDE' '61495'='TOPICORT' '61565'='VASOTEC' '61570'='VERSED' '61605'='WELLBUTRIN' '61610'='ZYDONE' '61615'='MAXIMUM STRENGTH ANACIN-3' '61625'='TRIAMTERENE W/HCTZ' '89009'='ANUCORT-HC' '89010'='BETAMETHASONE DIPROPIONATE' '89012'='BROMFED-DM' '89014'='BUPIVACAINE W/EPINEPHRINE' '89017'='CHILDREN`S ADVIL' '89018'='CLINDAMYCIN HCL' '89019'='CLONIDINE HCL' '89020'='CYCLOBENZAPRINE HCL' '89025'='DOXEPIN HCL' '89028'='ERYTHROMYCIN ETHYLSUCCINATE' '89029'='ERYTHROMYCIN STEARATE' '89031'='ESTRADIOL VALERATE' '89032'='EULEXIN' '89035'='FLUOCINONIDE' '89037'='HUMULIN 70/30' '89038'='HYDROCODONE BITARTRATE W/APAP' '89039'='HYDROCODONE W/ACETAMINOPHEN' '89040'='HYDROCORTISONE ACETATE' '89041'='HYDROCORTISONE SOD SUCCINATE' '89042'='HYDROXYPROGESTERONE CAPROATE' '89045'='LIDOCAINE HCL VISCOUS' '89049'='METHYLPREDNISOLONE ACETATE' '89050'='MOTRIN IB' '89053'='NITROFURANTOIN MACROCRYSTALS' '89056'='OS-CAL 500+D' '89060'='PHOTOPLEX' '89061'='POLYTRIM' '89062'='PRAZOSIN HCL' '89066'='PRELONE' '89067'='PROCARDIA XL' '89068'='PROCHLORPERAZINE EDISYLATE' '89069'='PROCHLORPERAZINE MALEATE' '89074'='ROWASA' '89076'='SUPRAX' '89080'='TIMOLOL MALEATE' '89081'='TOBRAMYCIN SULFATE' '89082'='TUSSI-R-GEN' '91000'='ALBUTEROL SULFATE' '91002'='AMILORIDE HCL' '91003'='ANTIPYRINE W/BENZOCAINE' '91009'='BUTALBITAL/APAP/CAFFAINE' '91013'='DIPENTUM' '91014'='DOXORUBICIN HCL' '91015'='DOXYCYCLINE HYCLATE' '91018'='ETHAMOLIN' '91027'='GUAIFENESIN AC' '91029'='HYDROXYZINE HCL' '91031'='ISOPTIN S.R.' '91034'='LOTRIMIN AF' '91035'='LUPRON DEPOT' '91039'='NIFEDIPINE' '91040'='ONE TOUCH TEST STRIPS' '91043'='PRILOSEC' '91052'='SSD' '91058'='VERELAN' '91061'='ACYCLOVIR' '91062'='ALPRAZOLAM' '91063'='ATENOLOL' '91064'='AZTREONAM' '91066'='BUSPIRONE HCL' '91068'='CEFTAZIDIME' '91069'='CEFTRIAXONE' '91070'='CEFUROXIME SODIUM' '91072'='DILTIAZEM HCL' '91074'='ENALAPRIL' '91078'='FLECAINIDE ACETATE' '91079'='FLUOXETINE' '91080'='FLUTAMIDE' '91081'='GLIPIZIDE' '91084'='IPRATROPIUM BROMIDE' '91085'='KETOCONAZOLE' '91086'='LEUPROLIDE ACETATE' '91087'='LEVAMISOLE HCL' '91088'='LOVASTATIN' '91089'='METHIMAZOLE' '91090'='MEXILETINE' '91091'='MISOPROSTOL' '91092'='MITOMYCIN-C' '91094'='NORFLOXACIN' '91096'='OMEPRAZOLE' '91099'='RANITIDINE' '91102'='TRETINOIN' '92000'='ACCUPRIL' '92003'='ALTACE' '92006'='BIAXIN' '92007'='BREVOXYL' '92008'='BROMADINE' '92012'='CARDURA' '92013'='CEPTAZ' '92015'='CILOXAN' '92016'='CLOZARIL' '92017'='CUTIVATE' '92018'='DESOXIMETASONE' '92019'='DEXTRAN' '92024'='DURAGESIC' '92025'='DYNACIRC' '92027'='EMGEL' '92030'='FLAREX' '92031'='FLOXIN' '92033'='FLUPHENAZINE DECANOATE' '92038'='GENTAMICIN SULFATE' '92041'='HYDROCODONE COMPOUND' '92042'='HYDROMET' '92043'='HYOSCYAMINE SULFATE' '92051'='LODINE' '92052'='LOTENSIN' '92055'='MIACALCIN' '92057'='MONOPRIL' '92059'='MURO 128' '92061'='NASACORT' '92063'='NEOMYCIN/POLYMYXIN/DEXAMETH' '92070'='ORAMORPH SR' '92073'='PLENDIL' '92076'='PRAVACHOL' '92078'='PROCRIT' '92080'='PROSOM' '92085'='ROBITUSSIN PEDIATRIC' '92088'='SULFACETAMIDE W/PREDNISOLONE' '92091'='THEOCHRON' '92095'='TROPHAMINE' '92100'='ULTRAVATE' '92104'='ZEASORB-AF' '92105'='ZOFRAN' '92106'='AZT' '92107'='BENAZEPRIL' '92109'='CEFACLOR' '92110'='CEFIXIME' '92111'='CIPROFLOXACIN' '92112'='CLARITHROMYCIN' '92113'='CLOFAZIMINE' '92114'='CLOMIPHENE' '92115'='CLOZAPINE' '92116'='DICLOFENAC' '92117'='DIDANOSINE' '92119'='DOXACURIUM' '92120'='DOXAZOSIN MESYLATE' '92122'='EPOETIN ALFA' '92123'='ESTAZOLAM' '92124'='ETODOLAC' '92125'='FELODIPINE' '92126'='FLUTICASONE' '92128'='FOSINOPRIL' '92129'='GANCICLOVIR' '92130'='HALOBETASOL' '92131'='HEPATITIS B VACCINE' '92134'='LEVONORGESTREL' '92135'='MESALAMINE' '92137'='METROGEL' '92138'='NADOLOL' '92139'='NORGESTREL' '92140'='OFLOXACIN' '92141'='ONDANSETRON' '92143'='PENTOXIFYLLINE' '92145'='PIROXICAM' '92146'='PRAVASTAN' '92149'='QUINAPRIL' '92150'='RAMIPRIL' '92152'='TERCONAZOLE' '92154'='ANAFRANIL' '92155'='ANSAID' '92156'='DIFLUCAN' '92157'='ELIMITE' '92159'='MINITRAN' '92160'='PRINZIDE' '92161'='TORADOL' '92162'='TRIPHASIL' '92163'='ZESTORETIC' '92164'='LISINOPRIL' '92176'='EXELDERM' '92179'='HUMIBID DM' '92180'='LORTAB' '92187'='PRENATE' '92190'='ZEPHREX' '93007'='AK-TROL' '93009'='ALBUMIN' '93010'='ALIMENTUM' '93012'='ALLENT' '93014'='ALLERGY MEDICATION' '93016'='ANALPRAM HC' '93017'='ANDROGYN' '93020'='AQUA GLYCOLIC' '93022'='ARTIFICIAL TEAR SOLUTION' '93023'='ASACOL' '93024'='ASPERCREME' '93029'='BETA CAROTENE' '93030'='BLEPH-10' '93035'='CARBIDOPA' '93036'='CARDENE' '93037'='CARNITINE' '93038'='CEFZIL' '93041'='CITRACAL' '93042'='CONDYLOX' '93044'='CRESYLATE' '93046'='DERMA-SMOOTHE' '93047'='DEXATRIM' '93048'='DILACOR-XR' '93049'='DIPHEN' '93057'='ENULOSE' '93059'='EPOGEN' '93062'='FISH OIL' '93064'='FLEXALL' '93065'='GAS-X' '93067'='GENTAK' '93068'='GLYCOLIC ACID' '93069'='GLYNASE' '93078'='INFED' '93080'='ISMO' '93087'='LEVOXINE' '93089'='LORCET' '93090'='MACROBID' '93097'='MOISTUREL' '93098'='MONODOX' '93101'='NASAL SPRAY' '93102'='NESTAB' '93104'='NEUPOGEN' '93105'='NICODERM' '93106'='NICOTINE TRANDERMAL SYSTEM' '93107'='NICOTROL' '93109'='NUTRITIONAL SUPPLEMENT' '93113'='OCUVITE' '93116'='ORAGEL' '93120'='PEDIASURE' '93121'='PERIDEX' '93124'='PINDOLOL' '93127'='PROSCAR' '93131'='REFRESH' '93132'='RELAFEN' '93133'='REPLENS' '93136'='RHOGAM' '93141'='SEROPHENE' '93144'='SLEEPING PILL' '93147'='STAHIST' '93152'='TAC' '93156'='TOPROL XL' '93164'='VAGISIL' '93165'='VAGISTAT' '93166'='VANTIN' '93167'='VARICELLA-ZOSTER IMMUNE GLOBULIN' '93169'='VERRUSOL' '93172'='VIVOTIF' '93179'='ZITHROMAX' '93181'='ZOCOR' '93182'='ZOLADEX' '93183'='ZOLOFT' '93185'='ZOSTRIX' '93186'='ANTIHYPERTENSIVE AGENT' '93187'='NORVASC' '93188'='NALTREXONE' '93189'='ACTINEX' '93190'='FLUOROCAINE' '93191'='ASTEMIZOLE' '93193'='SERTRALINE' '93197'='RYTHMOL' '93199'='ASTHMA MEDICATION' '93200'='ACTIGALL' '93202'='CYCLOSPORINE' '93203'='LABETALOL' '93204'='SELEGILINE' '93208'='JEVITY' '93210'='FIBER SUPPLEMENT' '93211'='AMIODARONE' '93212'='PAXIL' '93213'='GEMFIBROZIL' '93214'='AZITHROMYCIN' '93215'='FLUCONAZOLE' '93218'='ORTHO-CEPT' '93220'='KETOROLAC' '93222'='SPORANOX' '93223'='CISPLATIN' '93224'='CLARITIN' '93225'='ETOPOSIDE' '93226'='ERYTHROPOIETIN' '93230'='DYNACIN' '93231'='IMITREX' '93236'='DRY EYE THERAPY' '93237'='SIMVASTATIN' '93238'='BETAPACE' '93239'='FLURBIPROFEN' '93243'='LAMISIL' '93245'='HALFPRIN' '93246'='RIFABUTIN' '93248'='SUMATRIPTAN' '93252'='PHENTOLAMINE' '93256'='PNEUMOCOCCAL VACCINE' '93257'='LORATADINE' '93258'='CARBOPLATIN' '93261'='CISAPRIDE' '93262'='MIDAZOLAM HCL' '93301'='MEZLOCILLIN' '93302'='STREPTOKINASE' '93303'='CEFOTAXIME' '93304'='NEPHRO-VITE' '93305'='GLYBURIDE' '93307'='ENGERIX-B' '93308'='DAKIN`S SOLUTION' '93309'='BENZODIAZEPINES' '93311'='PEDVAX HIB' '93312'='KETOPROFEN' '93315'='PROPAFENONE' '93316'='MEFLOQUINE' '93325'='EMLA' '93326'='INJECTION' '93327'='ITRACONAZOLE' '93330'='ASPARAGINASE' '93337'='PROPOFOL' '93338'='DEMECLOCYCLINE' '93341'='FELBATOL' '93344'='SOAP' '93345'='DIPRIVAN' '93347'='AMBIEN' '93348'='PHOSLO' '93352'='FAMOTIDINE' '93353'='PROGESTIN' '93355'='BUPROPION' '93356'='ANTIGEN' '93360'='PENETREX' '93361'='TACRINE' '93362'='TICLOPIDINE' '93363'='DESOGEN' '93365'='MITOXANTRONE' '93368'='DUODERM' '93371'='MIDODRINE' '93372'='BETASERON' '93373'='UROCIT K' '93383'='IMMUNIZATION' '93385'='LOGEN' '93386'='GI COCKTAIL' '93387'='CEFOXITIN' '93392'='TAXOTERE' '93394'='AEROSOL THERAPY' '93395'='INHALER' '93396'='AMLODIPINE' '93397'='BALMEX' '93398'='URO-MAG' '93399'='OXAPROZIN' '93400'='NEBULIZER' '93403'='ITCH-X' '93404'='SUCRALFATE' '93405'='SANDOSTATIN' '93408'='THALIDOMIDE' '93417'='CEFPROZIL' '93419'='TRIAZOLAM' '93422'='FLUNISOLIDE' '93424'='FLUDROCORTISONE ACETATE' '93427'='INSECT/BUG REPELLANT' '93428'='MYCOBUTIN' '93429'='INJECTION (EPIDURAL)' '93433'='ALPROSTADIL' '93437'='THIAZIDE' '93440'='CONDOMS' '93442'='HAEMOPHILUS B CONJUGATE VACCINE' '93446'='BETAXOLOL' '93447'='EMOLLIENT / LOTION / CREAM /MOISTURIZER' '93449'='RABIES IMMUNE GLOBULIN' '93450'='APRODINE' '93451'='CLOMIPRAMINE' '93452'='ANTISEBORRHEIC AGENT' '93455'='PERTUSSIS IMMUNE GLOBULIN' '93980'='MEDICATION(S) - CONTINUE/MONITOR/REVIEW' '94001'='SOTALOL' '94002'='BENZONATE' '94004'='PAROXETINE' '94005'='TUBERCULIN MEDICATION' '94007'='ENEMA' '94008'='DURATUSS' '94010'='PENTASA' '94011'='CATAFLAM' '94014'='VENLAFAXINE' '94016'='ZIAC' '94018'='BABY OIL' '94022'='BREWERS YEAST' '94025'='DERMATOP' '94029'='NULYTELY' '94031'='IMDUR' '94034'='ORTHO-TRICYCLEN' '94035'='ZOLPIDEM TARTRATE' '94043'='TYLENOL ALLERGY SINUS' '94044'='AMINO ACID(S)' '94045'='BEANO' '94048'='METROGEL VAGINAL' '94049'='OYSTER SHELL CALCIUM' '94051'='SOLAQUIN FORTE' '94052'='TRIAMETERNE' '94053'='BETA BLOCKER' '94054'='ACE INHIBITOR' '94058'='COLLAGEN' '94059'='DOVONEX' '94060'='EPILYT' '94066'='PROSTAGLANDIN E1' '94068'='PIRBUTEROL ACETATE' '94069'='URSODEOXYCHOLIC ACID' '94070'='EFFEXOR' '94071'='INDAPAMIDE' '94072'='NSAID' '94073'='OCUFLOX' '94074'='PULMOZYME' '94075'='SEREVENT' '94079'='CORTICOSTEROID(S)' '94080'='DESMOPRESSIN' '94081'='DIVALPROEX SODIUM' '94089'='ICAPS' '94092'='ADEKS' '94093'='DORNASE ALFA' '94099'='NEURONTIN' '94100'='NIZATIDINE' '94101'='OXISTAT' '94103'='QUININE' '94104'='RISPERIDONE' '94109'='TERFENADINE' '94110'='LOZENGES' '94113'='DIFLUNISAL' '94114'='GABAPENTIN' '94116'='HUMULIN R' '94117'='LOVENOX' '94119'='NORETHINDRONE ACETATE' '94123'='BECONASE AQ' '94124'='CHOLESTYRAMINE' '94125'='ALEVE' '94126'='DEMADEX' '94127'='DAYPRO' '94128'='DAYQUIL' '94129'='DOXY' '94131'='GARLIC PILL' '94132'='VITAMIN B5' '94133'='TERAZOSIN' '94134'='DESONIDE' '94137'='SULFA' '94139'='CEFPODOXIME' '94143'='DEPO INJECTION' '94145'='OINTMENT' '94146'='PENICILLIN G BENZATHINE' '94149'='ESGIC PLUS' '94150'='FLUDARA' '94151'='FLUDARABINE' '94152'='DNASE' '94153'='ZONALON' '94154'='LESCOL' '94155'='MEDIPLAST' '94157'='LIVOSTIN' '94158'='RISPERDAL' '94160'='KYTRIL' '94163'='ALOE VERA' '94167'='ED A-HIST' '94172'='IMMUNOSUPPRESIVE DRUG' '94173'='ACEBUTOLOL' '94174'='RHINOCORT' '94175'='ANTIBACTERIAL AGENT' '94177'='AREDIA' '94179'='NABUMETONE' '94182'='FLU-SHIELD' '94183'='FUNGI NAIL' '94188'='FENTANYL' '94189'='FLUMAZENIL' '94190'='MG' '94191'='MONISTAT' '94192'='HIV MEDICATION' '94194'='ESTRAMUSTINE' '94195'='RECEPTIN' '94196'='OCTREOTIDE' '95002'='BETAGEN' '95003'='ECONAZOLE' '95005'='FLONASE' '95014'='QUINACRINE' '95016'='ADDERALL' '95017'='FAMVIR' '95018'='NASAL WASH' '95020'='NICARDIPINE' '95021'='ARTHRITIS MEDICATION' '95023'='CHILDRENS MOTRIN' '95024'='FLUVOXAMINE' '95025'='LUVOX' '95032'='NITRATES' '95033'='MAC' '95036'='BUPRENORPHINE' '95044'='ROBITUSSIN W/ CODEINE' '95045'='TYLENOL PM' '95046'='AMYLASE' '95047'='ATOVAQUONE' '95050'='ULTRAM' '95054'='ACTHIB' '95057'='DTAP' '95061'='PAPAYA ENZYME' '95062'='STROVITE' '95064'='ZIDOVUDINE' '95067'='INTERFERON' '95069'='PROTEGRA' '95071'='ZERIT' '95072'='BENZTROPINE' '95073'='BION TEARS' '95074'='DIMETAPP DM' '95080'='SERZONE' '95082'='PAMIDRONATE' '95086'='LIQUID NITROGEN' '95087'='PROPHYLAXIS' '95088'='ESTROPIPATE' '95089'='METAXALONE' '95092'='PRAVASTATIN' '95095'='LARIAM' '95097'='CARDIOLITE' '95100'='PROTEIN SUPPLEMENT' '95101'='T-GEL SHAMPOO' '95106'='DANDRUFF SHAMPOO' '95111'='GLUCOPHAGE' '95112'='HYPERTONIC SALINE' '95114'='TRUSOPT' '95115'='NUTROPIN' '95116'='CAPSAICIN' '95118'='HEPATITIS A VACCINE' '95119'='MULTIVITAMIN W/ IRON' '95122'='PREVACID' '95130'='ULTRASE' '95132'='PAREMYD' '95133'='METFORMIN' '95136'='THEO' '95137'='ALFALFA' '95140'='FLUVASTATIN' '95141'='NEFAZODONE' '95142'='PREMPRO' '95144'='LOTREL' '95145'='MENINGOCOCCAL VACCINE' '95147'='VAGINAL CREAM' '95148'='HEPATITIS C VACCINE' '95149'='ZOSYN' '95152'='COZAAR' '95154'='QUERCETIN' '95155'='FLAX SEED OIL' '95157'='COLESTIPOL' '95160'='CLIMARA' '95162'='MECHLORETHAMINE' '95164'='DORZOLAMIDE' '95168'='HISTINEX HC' '95171'='HYZAAR' '95173'='LEVBID' '95174'='PROGRAF' '95177'='FINASTERIDE' '95178'='FIORICET/ CODEINE' '95180'='GLUCERNA' '95181'='LAMICTAL' '95182'='VARIVAX' '95183'='FOSAMAX' '95184'='CLIDINIUM BROMIDE' '95186'='ESMOLOL' '95189'='UNIVASC' '95191'='EPIVIR' '95192'='CASODEX' '96003'='PERMETHRIN' '96004'='PHRENILIN FORTE' '96005'='ALENDRONATE SODIUM' '96006'='AZELEX' '96007'='CETIRIZINE' '96008'='HUMULIN N' '96009'='BENZOCAINE' '96010'='VAPORIZER' '96013'='PALGIC' '96020'='LEVOXYL' '96021'='TSH' '96022'='ZYRTEC' '96024'='CLOBETASOL' '96027'='DOCUSATE SODIUM' '96028'='ACETAMINOPHEN-HYDROCODONE' '96029'='ALBENDAZOLE' '96031'='DRONABINOL' '96033'='LEVOBUNOLOL' '96034'='RIFAPENTINE' '96038'='MUPIROCIN' '96041'='TRAMADOL' '96042'='NEORAL' '96043'='VALTREX' '96044'='NASAREL' '96045'='DEMEROL' '96046'='GOUT MEDICATION' '96049'='HEPATITIS VACCINE' '96050'='HOMEOPATHICS' '96054'='NAVELBINE' '96055'='LEVOTHYROID' '96058'='PRECOSE' '96065'='GEMCITABINE' '96066'='NORVIR' '96068'='TRIAZ' '96070'='CEDAX' '96072'='TIAZAC' '96076'='FLUCYTOSINE' '96083'='NAPRELAN' '96084'='OPCON-A' '96086'='SULAR' '96087'='VIBRA-TABS' '96091'='FLOVENT' '96094'='ACARBOSE' '96095'='ETOMIDATE' '96102'='EC-NAPROSYN' '96105'='TEGADERM' '96107'='BUMETANIDE' '96109'='OXYCONTIN' '96110'='CARNITOR' '96111'='AYR NASAL GEL' '96112'='VEXOL' '96115'='SALMETEROL' '96119'='CAVERJECT' '96122'='REMERON' '96123'='ZEBETA' '96124'='HAVRIX' '96125'='MELATONIN' '96128'='AVONEX' '96130'='LANSOPRAZOLE' '96131'='COVERA HS' '96133'='ADAPALENE' '96135'='PHENERGAN DM' '96136'='CORMAX' '96137'='DHEA' '96138'='AMARYL' '96141'='VIVELLE' '96144'='ACCOLATE' '96147'='CELLCEPT' '96151'='PEPTAMEN' '96152'='RILUTEK' '96156'='VITAFOL' '96157'='AEROCHAMBER' '96161'='DIFLORASONE DIACETATE' '96164'='BETIMOL' '96165'='ELMIRON' '96166'='RENOVA' '96167'='XALATAN' '96168'='MAVIK' '96169'='ACIDOPHILUS' '96171'='MENTAX' '96172'='OXANDROLONE' '96173'='ZYPREXA' '96174'='ALLEGRA' '96176'='DIFFERIN' '96177'='IMMUNO THERAPY' '97002'='OLANZAPINE' '97004'='CEFOTETAN' '97008'='AQUASOL' '97010'='GAMMA GLOBULIN' '97011'='MIGRAINE AGENT' '97012'='PACLITAXEL' '97013'='PREVALITE' '97015'='TOPOTECAN' '97016'='ARICEPT' '97017'='HUMALOG' '97018'='MOEXIPRIL' '97019'='SAW PALMETTO' '97020'='LIPITOR' '97021'='MUSE' '97024'='ZYFLO' '97027'='FLINTSTONES VITAMINS' '97028'='ALPHAGAN' '97033'='REZULIN' '97034'='ZYBAN' '97035'='ASTELIN' '97036'='DIOVAN' '97037'='PATANOL' '97038'='GEMZAR' '97045'='LEVAQUIN' '97047'='MAGNESIUM' '97048'='NILANDRON' '97049'='TOPAMAX' '97052'='VIRAMUNE' '97055'='ESTROSTEP' '97056'='MIRTAZAPINE' '97060'='FAMCICLOVIR' '97065'='MULTIPLE VITAMIN WITH CALCIUM' '97066'='PANCREATIC ENZYME' '97068'='DEXTROSTAT' '97069'='LEXXEL' '97073'='LOSARTAN' '97074'='PRENATAL ULTRA' '97075'='GENTEAL' '97078'='ANDRODERM PATCHES' '97079'='CAMPTOSAR' '97081'='FRAGMIN' '97085'='TORSEMIDE' '97086'='ALESSE' '97089'='GUANFACINE' '97092'='TRANDOLAPRIL' '97097'='LIQUIBID-D' '97098'='PRAMIPEXOLE' '97099'='GENERAL ANESTHESIC' '97100'='IFEX' '97101'='NIFEREX FORTE' '97103'='ALA-CORT' '97105'='COMBIVENT' '97109'='REVIA' '97111'='TARKA' '97113'='ZANAFLEX' '97114'='TAURINE' '97120'='NISOLDIPINE' '97126'='FLOMAX' '97129'='ST JOHNS WORT' '97130'='TACROLIMUS' '97135'='VALACYCLOVIR' '97136'='LAMOTRIGINE' '97138'='TUSSIN DM' '97141'='COMBIVIR' '97142'='COREG' '97145'='AVAPRO' '97146'='ESTRING' '97148'='MITOMYCIN' '97150'='REQUIP' '97151'='CHONDROITIN SULFATE' '97152'='MIRAPEX' '97153'='COMVAX' '97154'='VINEGAR' '97155'='TIMOPTIC XE' '97157'='ATORVASTATIN' '97158'='BEPERDIL' '97159'='CALCITRIOL' '97163'='LEVOFLOXACIN' '97164'='WATER PILL' '97168'='SEROQUEL' '97170'='CENTRUM SILVER' '97174'='BABY ASPIRIN' '97178'='PULMICORT TURBUHALER' '97179'='DENAVIR' '97181'='OXY IR' '98001'='MAG-OX' '98006'='ARTHROTEC' '98008'='CARVEDILOL' '98010'='NASONEX' '98013'='BEE POLLEN' '98017'='PROPECIA' '98018'='VANICREAM' '98020'='MARTHRITIC' '98022'='ZOMIG' '98025'='MONUROL' '98026'='ACNE MEDICATION' '98030'='ECHINACEA' '98033'='ALDARA' '98036'='NORCO' '98038'='SINGULAIR' '98041'='VIAGRA' '98043'='VICOPROFEN' '98046'='MICROZIDE' '98047'='NORITATE' '98048'='ALORA' '98049'='DONEPEZIL HCL' '98051'='OS-CAL +D' '98053'='PREVPAC' '98054'='TAZORAC' '98055'='FOLLISTIM' '98056'='GONAL-F' '98057'='HYALAGAN' '98058'='OXANDRIN' '98062'='REPRONEX' '98065'='DETROL' '98069'='EAR WASH' '98071'='THERAFLU' '98072'='ZAFIRLUKAST' '98073'='DOMPERIDONE' '98075'='CALCIUM CITRATE' '98078'='ADVIL COLD AND SINUS' '98080'='RESINOL' '98083'='AZOPT' '98085'='NIASPAN' '98086'='PLAVIX' '98089'='TERBINAFINE' '98090'='ARIMIDEX' '98091'='CHEMET' '98092'='DOXIL' '98093'='MONTELUKAST' '98095'='SUSTIVA' '98096'='TOBI' '98097'='AMERGE' '98098'='COSOPT' '98099'='GINKGO' '98100'='MIGRANAL' '98101'='PRANDIN' '98103'='XELODA' '98106'='ANZEMET' '98107'='IRINOTECAN' '98109'='CHLORHEXIDINE GLUCONATE' '98111'='SORIATANE' '98112'='AVITA' '98114'='CARBATROL' '98115'='CELEXA' '98116'='GABITRIL' '98117'='FENOFIBRATE' '98125'='MYCOPHENLATE' '98126'='FLUVIRIN' '98129'='ROTASHIELD' '98130'='BOOST' '98131'='TOPIRAMATE' '98132'='OXALIPLATIN' '98135'='NEUMEGA' '98136'='PROMETRIUM' '98139'='TIZANIDINE' '98141'='VALSARTAN' '98142'='ALREX' '98143'='COPAXONE' '98144'='KADIAN' '98146'='EFAVIRENZ' '98151'='GENOTROPIN' '98153'='PERIOGARD' '98156'='MAXALT' '98158'='TRICOR' '98159'='ACETOHYDROXAMIC ACID' '98160'='ARAVA' '98161'='CAPECITABINE' '98164'='LOTEMAX' '98167'='GRAPESEED EXTRACT' '99002'='CELEBREX' '99005'='REMICADE' '99006'='RENAGEL' '99007'='ROPIVACAINE HCL' '99008'='ALLEGRA D' '99010'='MIRCETTE' '99013'='NASACORT AQ' '99014'='OMNICEF' '99015'='ORTHO-NOVUM 7/7/7' '99016'='PRIMROSE OIL' '99017'='RIBAVIRIN' '99018'='ROTAVIRUS VACCINE' '99019'='SYNVISC' '99020'='SEROTONIN' '99023'='CORTISPORIN OTIC' '99025'='ACITRETIN' '99026'='GLUCOSAMINE' '99027'='LID SCRUB' '99028'='TYLENOL ARTHRITIS' '99029'='PREDNISOLONE ACETATE OPHTHALMIC' '99030'='AVANDIA' '99031'='ATACAND' '99033'='CLOPIDOGREL' '99036'='GLUCOSAMINE CHONDROITIN' '99039'='LOTENSIN HCT' '99041'='MAXIFED' '99042'='PACERONE' '99043'='PROAMATINE' '99046'='RITUXAN' '99048'='SODIUM SULFACETAMIDE AND SULFUR' '99049'='XENICAL' '99051'='AVALIDE' '99055'='FLUROX' '99056'='GLIMEPIRIDE' '99057'='HEMOCYTE PLUS' '99059'='MICARDIS' '99060'='MICRO-K 10' '99066'='SINEMET CR' '99067'='VIOXX' '99071'='AK-CIDE' '99073'='CIPRO HC' '99074'='CITALOPRAM' '99075'='ENBREL' '99076'='GLUCOSAMINE SULFATE' '99080'='MIRALAX' '99081'='MULTIVITAMINS W/ FOLIC ACID' '99084'='RELAXIN' '99088'='ZIAGEN' '99089'='ACIPHEX' '99090'='ACTOS' '99094'='BI-MIX' '99095'='HERCEPTIN' '99098'='NITROQUICK' '99099'='PLETAL' '99100'='PREDNICARBATE' '99101'='QUETIAPINE FUMARATE' '99102'='THERATEARS' '99104'='TUSSI-12' '99106'='XOPENEX' '99107'='ZADITOR' '99108'='BETA AGONIST' '99114'='ENDOCET' '99117'='LIDOCAINE BICARBONATE' '99118'='NECON' '99119'='NITROPASTE' '99123'='MORPHINE SULFATE' '99124'='NASAL DROPS' '99128'='LIPASE' '99129'='Q-PAP' '99130'='SINEX' '99132'='EVISTA' '99133'='ALBUTEROL' '99137'='HERBS' '99138'='KELP' '99139'='MAGIC MOUTHWASH' '99142'='PRENATAL VITAMINS W/ IRON' '99144'='RACEMIC EPINEPHRINE' '99145'='UROGESIC BLUE' '99146'='VITAPLEX' '99148'='ARMIDEX' '99150'='B-50' '99152'='EVENING PRIMROSE OIL' '99153'='FLEXTRA-DS' '99155'='L-CARNITINE' '99156'='LIPID LOWERING AGENT' '99157'='LOPIDINE' '99161'='ROPINIROLE HCL' '99167'='COQ-10' '99168'='CREATINE' '99170'='DR. SMITH`S OINTMENT' '99171'='NETTLE' '99172'='NOVOLIN 70/30' '99182'='RICOLA' '99184'='TRIVORA' '99185'='UNIRECTIC' '99189'='CALCIUM W/ VITAMIN D' '99190'='CORTIC' '99192'='NORGESIC FORTE' '99193'='SAM-E' '99197'='DOLASETRON MESYLATE' '99198'='EMADINE' '99201'='ORTHO-CYCLEN' '99202'='PRENATAL VITAMINS W/ CALCIUM' '99203'='RITUXIMAB' '99205'='TETRABENAZINE' '99206'='ACETYLSALICYLIC ACID' '99207'='BRIMONIDINE' '99210'='CARTIA' '99211'='CITRACAL + D' '99212'='CORTISONE ACETATE' '99213'='DIASTAT' '99214'='DIOVAN HCT' '99215'='ENTEX LA' '99216'='FEXOFENADINE' '99218'='FORMULA SUPPLEMENT' '99219'='GINKGO BILOBA' '99221'='GOSERELIN' '99223'='LEVORA' '99224'='OMEGA-3' '99225'='RALOXIFENE' '99227'='UNIRETIC' '99999'='ILLEGIBLE' ; VALUE NOPAYF 0 ='One or more categories marked' 1 ='No categories marked' ; VALUE TIMEMDF 000 ='0 minutes' 001 ='1 minute' 002 ='2 minutes' 003 ='3 minutes' 004 ='4 minutes' 005 ='5 minutes' 006 ='6 minutes' 007 ='7 minutes' 008 ='8 minutes' 009 ='9 minutes' 010 ='10 minutes' 011 ='11 minutes' 012 ='12 minutes' 013 ='13 minutes' 014 ='14 minutes' 015 ='15 minutes' 016 ='16 minutes' 017 ='17 minutes' 018 ='18 minutes' 019 ='19 minutes' 020 ='20 minutes' 021 ='21 minutes' 022 ='22 minutes' 023 ='23 minutes' 024 ='24 minutes' 025 ='25 minutes' 026 ='26 minutes' 027 ='27 minutes' 028 ='28 minutes' 029 ='29 minutes' 030 ='30 minutes' 031 ='31 minutes' 032 ='32 minutes' 033 ='33 minutes' 034 ='34 minutes' 035 ='35 minutes' 036 ='36 minutes' 037 ='37 minutes' 038 ='38 minutes' 039 ='39 minutes' 040 ='40 minutes' 041 ='41 minutes' 042 ='42 minutes' 043 ='43 minutes' 044 ='44 minutes' 045 ='45 minutes' 046 ='46 minutes' 047 ='47 minutes' 048 ='48 minutes' 049 ='49 minutes' 050 ='50 minutes' 051 ='51 minutes' 052 ='52 minutes' 053 ='53 minutes' 054 ='54 minutes' 055 ='55 minutes' 056 ='56 minutes' 057 ='57 minutes' 058 ='58 minutes' 059 ='59 minutes' 060 ='1 hour' 061 ='1 hour and 1 minute' 062 ='1 hour and 2 minutes' 063 ='1 hour and 3 minutes' 064 ='1 hour and 4 minutes' 065 ='1 hour and 5 minutes' 066 ='1 hour and 6 minutes' 067 ='1 hour and 7 minutes' 068 ='1 hour and 8 minutes' 069 ='1 hour and 9 minutes' 070 ='1 hour and 10 minutes' 071 ='1 hour and 11 minutes' 072 ='1 hour and 12 minutes' 073 ='1 hour and 13 minutes' 074 ='1 hour and 14 minutes' 075 ='1 hour and 15 minutes' 076 ='1 hour and 16 minutes' 077 ='1 hour and 17 minutes' 078 ='1 hour and 18 minutes' 079 ='1 hour and 19 minutes' 080 ='1 hour and 20 minutes' 081 ='1 hour and 21 minutes' 082 ='1 hour and 22 minutes' 083 ='1 hour and 23 minutes' 084 ='1 hour and 24 minutes' 085 ='1 hour and 25 minutes' 086 ='1 hour and 26 minutes' 087 ='1 hour and 27 minutes' 088 ='1 hour and 28 minutes' 089 ='1 hour and 29 minutes' 090 ='1 hour and 30 minutes' 091 ='1 hour and 31 minutes' 092 ='1 hour and 32 minutes' 093 ='1 hour and 33 minutes' 094 ='1 hour and 34 minutes' 095 ='1 hour and 35 minutes' 096 ='1 hour and 36 minutes' 097 ='1 hour and 37 minutes' 098 ='1 hour and 38 minutes' 099 ='1 hour and 39 minutes' 100 ='1 hour and 40 minutes' 101 ='1 hour and 41 minutes' 102 ='1 hour and 42 minutes' 103 ='1 hour and 43 minutes' 104 ='1 hour and 44 minutes' 105 ='1 hour and 45 minutes' 106 ='1 hour and 46 minutes' 107 ='1 hour and 47 minutes' 108 ='1 hour and 48 minutes' 109 ='1 hour and 49 minutes' 110 ='1 hour and 50 minutes' 111 ='1 hour and 51 minutes' 112 ='1 hour and 52 minutes' 113 ='1 hour and 53 minutes' 114 ='1 hour and 54 minutes' 115 ='1 hour and 55 minutes' 116 ='1 hour and 56 minutes' 117 ='1 hour and 57 minutes' 118 ='1 hour and 58 minutes' 119 ='1 hour and 59 minutes' 120 ='2 hours' 121 ='2 hours and 1 minute' 122 ='2 hours and 2 minutes' 123 ='2 hours and 3 minutes' 124 ='2 hours and 4 minutes' 125 ='2 hours and 5 minutes' 126 ='2 hours and 6 minutes' 127 ='2 hours and 7 minutes' 128 ='2 hours and 8 minutes' 129 ='2 hours and 9 minutes' 130 ='2 hours and 10 minutes' 131 ='2 hours and 11 minutes' 132 ='2 hours and 12 minutes' 133 ='2 hours and 13 minutes' 134 ='2 hours and 14 minutes' 135 ='2 hours and 15 minutes' 136 ='2 hours and 16 minutes' 137 ='2 hours and 17 minutes' 138 ='2 hours and 18 minutes' 139 ='2 hours and 19 minutes' 140 ='2 hours and 20 minutes' 141 ='2 hours and 21 minutes' 142 ='2 hours and 22 minutes' 143 ='2 hours and 23 minutes' 144 ='2 hours and 24 minutes' 145 ='2 hours and 25 minutes' 146 ='2 hours and 26 minutes' 147 ='2 hours and 27 minutes' 148 ='2 hours and 28 minutes' 149 ='2 hours and 29 minutes' 150 ='2 hours and 30 minutes' 151 ='2 hours and 31 minutes' 152 ='2 hours and 32 minutes' 153 ='2 hours and 33 minutes' 154 ='2 hours and 34 minutes' 155 ='2 hours and 35 minutes' 156 ='2 hours and 36 minutes' 157 ='2 hours and 37 minutes' 158 ='2 hours and 38 minutes' 159 ='2 hours and 39 minutes' 160 ='2 hours and 40 minutes' 161 ='2 hours and 41 minutes' 162 ='2 hours and 42 minutes' 163 ='2 hours and 43 minutes' 164 ='2 hours and 44 minutes' 165 ='2 hours and 45 minutes' 166 ='2 hours and 46 minutes' 167 ='2 hours and 47 minutes' 168 ='2 hours and 48 minutes' 169 ='2 hours and 49 minutes' 170 ='2 hours and 50 minutes' 171 ='2 hours and 51 minutes' 172 ='2 hours and 52 minutes' 173 ='2 hours and 53 minutes' 174 ='2 hours and 54 minutes' 175 ='2 hours and 55 minutes' 176 ='2 hours and 56 minutes' 177 ='2 hours and 57 minutes' 178 ='2 hours and 58 minutes' 179 ='2 hours and 59 minutes' 180 ='3 hours' 181 ='3 hours and 1 minute' 182 ='3 hours and 2 minutes' 183 ='3 hours and 3 minutes' 184 ='3 hours and 4 minutes' 185 ='3 hours and 5 minutes' 186 ='3 hours and 6 minutes' 187 ='3 hours and 7 minutes' 188 ='3 hours and 8 minutes' 189 ='3 hours and 9 minutes' 190 ='3 hours and 10 minutes' 191 ='3 hours and 11 minutes' 192 ='3 hours and 12 minutes' 193 ='3 hours and 13 minutes' 194 ='3 hours and 14 minutes' 195 ='3 hours and 15 minutes' 196 ='3 hours and 16 minutes' 197 ='3 hours and 17 minutes' 198 ='3 hours and 18 minutes' 199 ='3 hours and 19 minutes' 200 ='3 hours and 20 minutes' 201 ='3 hours and 21 minutes' 202 ='3 hours and 22 minutes' 203 ='3 hours and 23 minutes' 204 ='3 hours and 24 minutes' 205 ='3 hours and 25 minutes' 206 ='3 hours and 26 minutes' 207 ='3 hours and 27 minutes' 208 ='3 hours and 28 minutes' 209 ='3 hours and 29 minutes' 210 ='3 hours and 30 minutes' 211 ='3 hours and 31 minutes' 212 ='3 hours and 32 minutes' 213 ='3 hours and 33 minutes' 214 ='3 hours and 34 minutes' 215 ='3 hours and 35 minutes' 216 ='3 hours and 36 minutes' 217 ='3 hours and 37 minutes' 218 ='3 hours and 38 minutes' 219 ='3 hours and 39 minutes' 220 ='3 hours and 40 minutes' 221 ='3 hours and 41 minutes' 222 ='3 hours and 42 minutes' 223 ='3 hours and 43 minutes' 224 ='3 hours and 44 minutes' 225 ='3 hours and 45 minutes' 226 ='3 hours and 46 minutes' 227 ='3 hours and 47 minutes' 228 ='3 hours and 48 minutes' 229 ='3 hours and 49 minutes' 230 ='3 hours and 50 minutes' 231 ='3 hours and 51 minutes' 232 ='3 hours and 52 minutes' 233 ='3 hours and 53 minutes' 234 ='3 hours and 54 minutes' 235 ='3 hours and 55 minutes' 236 ='3 hours and 56 minutes' 237 ='3 hours and 57 minutes' 238 ='3 hours and 58 minutes' 239 ='3 hours and 59 minutes' 240 ='4 hours' ; VALUE $DRUGIDF 'a07001'='FOLIC ACID;NIACIN;VITAMIN E;PYRIDOXINE;CYANOCOBALAMIN' 'a07002'='CHOLECALCIFEROL-CALCIUM CITRATE' 'a07003'='MULTIVITAMIN-LUTEIN' 'a07022'='ZINC;VITAMIN A;VITAMIN E;RIBOFLAVIN;ASCORBIC ACID' 'a07027'='CALCIUM;MAGNESIUM;CHOLECALCIFEROL' 'a07032'='HYPERICUM 3X-TOPICAL ANESTHETICS' 'a07044'='DIETARY SUPPLEMENT-PROTEIN' 'a07050'='ANGIOTENSIN II RECEPTOR BLOCKERS' 'a07061'='XANTHAN GUM' 'a07065'='CURCUMIN' 'a07068'='ETHYL-APOVINCAMINATE' 'a10001'='ACACIA GUM;HYDROCORTISONE;LEVONORGESTREL;NEOMYCIN;POLYMYXIN B SULFATE' 'a10047'='BENZOPHENONE;LANOLIN TOPICAL;MINERAL OIL;PEG-4 DILAURATE' 'a10049'='BENZYL ALCOHOL;DIMETHICONE;PETROLATUM TOPICAL' 'a10051'='BENZYL ALCOHOL;SOYBEAN OIL;STARCH TOPICAL' 'a10067'='ASCORBIC ACID;BIOTIN;FOLIC ACID;VITAMIN B COMPLEX;ZINC ACETATE' 'a10068'='ASCORBIC ACID;BIOTIN;VITAMIN B COMPLEX' 'a10083'='BALSAM PERU TOPICAL;BENZOCAINE TOPICAL;BISMUTH ANTI-DIARRHEA;RESORCINOL TOPICAL' 'a10096'='ASPIRIN-BUFFERS' 'a10114'='CALCIUM REPLACEMENT;ERGOCALCIFEROL;PHOSPHORUS' 'a10125'='CALCIUM REPLACEMENT-ERGOCALCIFEROL' 'a10127'='CALCIUM REPLACEMENT-CHOLECALCIFEROL' 'a10133'='CALCIUM ION;CHLORIDE ION;MAGNESIUM ANTACIDS;POTASSIUM ION;SODIUM ION' 'a10136'='CALCIUM ION;CHOLECALCIFEROL;IRON PREPARATIONS;VITAMIN A;VITAMIN B COMPLEX' 'a10150'='CANTHARIDIN;PODOPHYLLUM RESIN TOPICAL;SALICYLIC ACID TOPICAL' 'a10155'='CARMELLOSE;GELATIN;MINERAL OIL;PECTIN' 'a10156'='ALGINIC ACID;BORIC ACID TOPICAL;CARMELLOSE;GLYCERIN TOPICAL;PROPYLENE GLYCOL' 'a10160'='CASEIN;COCONUT OIL;MAGNESIUM AMINO ACIDS CHELATE;SUCROSE;TAPIOCA' 'a10162'='CASEIN;CORN OIL;LECITHIN;MULTIVITAMIN;SODIUM ION' 'a10163'='CASEIN;MULTIVITAMIN;SAFFLOWER OIL;SOYBEAN OIL;SUCROSE' 'a10172'='CETEARETH;PETROLATUM TOPICAL;PROPYLENE GLYCOL;SORBITOL' 'a10176'='AMMONIUM LACTATE TOPICAL;CETYL ALCOHOL;GLYCERYL;MINERAL OIL;PARABENS' 'a10194'='CHLOROBUTANOL;EPINEPHRINE;SODIUM BISULFITE;SODIUM CHLORIDE' 'a10227'='CAJEPUT;COTTONSEED OIL;EUCALYPTUS OIL;PEPPERMINT;PINE OIL' 'a10245'='DEXTROSE-POTASSIUM REPLACEMENT SOLUTIONS' 'a10254'='DEXTROSE;LACTATED RINGERS;POTASSIUM CHLORIDE' 'a10266'='DEXTROSE;POTASSIUM CHLORIDE;STERILE WATER' 'a10267'='DEXTROSE-SODIUM CHLORIDE' 'a10289'='ALOE VERA TOPICAL;DIMETHICONE;ETHANOL;GLYCERIN TOPICAL;MICONAZOLE TOPICAL' 'a10290'='ALOE VERA TOPICAL;DIMETHICONE;ETHANOL;GLYCERIN TOPICAL;PETROLATUM TOPICAL' 'a10300'='ASCORBIC ACID;ELECTROLYTES;MINERALS;VITAMIN B COMPLEX' 'a10301'='ELECTROLYTES-RICE' 'a10304'='ELECTROLYTES-POLYETHYLENE GLYCOL 3350' 'a10312'='ETHANOL;EUCALYPTUS OIL;MENTHOL TOPICAL;METHYL SALICYLATE TOPICAL;THYMOL' 'a10313'='BENZOIN TOPICAL;CAMPHOR TOPICAL;EUCALYPTUS OIL;MENTHOL TOPICAL;THYMOL' 'a10318'='EUCALYPTUS OIL;MENTHOL TOPICAL;PHENOL TOPICAL;SALICYLIC ACID TOPICAL;ZINC SULFATE' 'a10329'='FOOD SUPPLEMENT;MINERALS;MULTIVITAMIN' 'a10336'='CALCIUM CARBONATE;CITRIC ACID;GLUCONIC ACID;MAGNESIUM CARBONATE;MAGNESIUM CITRATE' 'a10337'='GLYCERYL;LANOLIN TOPICAL;MINERAL OIL;PROPYLENE GLYCOL' 'a10338'='GLYCINE-IMMUNE GLOBULIN INTRAMUSCULAR' 'a10340'='FENNEL;GLYCYRRHIZA;SENNA;SUCROSE;SULFUR TOPICAL' 'a10362'='HYDROCORTISONE TOPICAL;IODOCHLORHYDROXYQUIN;PRAMOXINE TOPICAL' 'a10363'='HYDROCORTISONE TOPICAL-IODOCHLORHYDROXYQUIN' 'a10379'='IRON PREPARATIONS-VITAMIN B COMPLEX' 'a10383'='IRON PREPARATIONS-VITAMINS' 'a10385'='ETHINYL ESTRADIOL;IRON PREPARATIONS;NORETHINDRONE' 'a10387'='CALCIUM CARBONATE;FOLIC ACID;IRON PREPARATIONS;MULTIVITAMIN;NIACIN' 'a10391'='CYANOCOBALAMIN;FOLIC ACID;IRON PREPARATIONS' 'a10394'='ASCORBIC ACID;CYANOCOBALAMIN;FOLIC ACID;IRON PREPARATIONS;LIVER DERIVATIVE COMPLEX' 'a10399'='FOLIC ACID;IRON PREPARATIONS;MULTIVITAMIN' 'a10406'='CYANOCOBALAMIN;IRON PREPARATIONS;NIACIN;RIBOFLAVIN' 'a10419'='ASCORBIC ACID;ERGOCALCIFEROL;IRON PREPARATIONS;VITAMIN A' 'a10421'='CYANOCOBALAMIN;IRON PREPARATIONS;PYRIDOXINE;RIBOFLAVIN;THIAMINE' 'a10432'='CYANOCOBALAMIN;IRON PREPARATIONS;THIAMINE' 'a10435'='ASCORBIC ACID-IRON PREPARATIONS' 'a10438'='FLUORIDE;IRON PREPARATIONS;MULTIVITAMIN' 'a10439'='DOCUSATE-IRON PREPARATIONS' 'a10442'='IRON PREPARATIONS-MULTIVITAMIN' 'a10452'='LACTOSE-NORETHINDRONE' 'a10453'='LACTOSE-MOMETASONE NASAL' 'a10454'='EPLERENONE-LACTOSE' 'a10455'='LACTOSE-TROSPIUM' 'a10456'='LEMON OIL;MENTHOL;PEPPERMINT;THYME' 'a10459'='CALCIUM ACETATE;MAGNESIUM ACETATE;PASSION FLOWER POWER;VALERIAN' 'a10462'='ACETAMINOPHEN;ALUMINUM HYDROXIDE;ASPIRIN;CAFFEINE;MAGNESIUM ANTACIDS' 'a10463'='ALUMINUM HYDROXIDE;DIPHENHYDRAMINE TOPICAL;LIDOCAINE;MAGNESIUM ANTACIDS' 'a10464'='ASPIRIN;CALCIUM CARBONATE;MAGNESIUM ANTACIDS' 'a10465'='ALUMINUM HYDROXIDE;ASPIRIN;MAGNESIUM ANTACIDS' 'a10471'='CALCIUM CARBONATE-MAGNESIUM ANTACIDS' 'a10472'='ALUMINUM HYDROXIDE;CALCIUM CARBONATE;MAGNESIUM ANTACIDS' 'a10474'='ALUMINUM HYDROXIDE-MAGNESIUM ANTACIDS' 'a10475'='ALUMINUM HYDROXIDE;MAGNESIUM ANTACIDS;SIMETHICONE' 'a10499'='ACRYLATE COPOLYMER;CARBOMER 940;METHYLPARABEN;PROPYLENE GLYCOL' 'a10500'='ALLANTOIN TOPICAL;ALLIUM CEPA;METHYLPARABEN;POLYETHYLENE GLYCOL 3350;SORBIC ACID' 'a10502'='GLYCERIN TOPICAL;METHYLPARABEN;MINERAL OIL;STERILE WATER' 'a10511'='MINERALS-VITAMINS' 'a10512'='LECITHIN;MINERALS;SOY PROTEIN;VITAMINS;WATER' 'a10530'='MINERALS-MULTIVITAMIN' 'a10533'='CAMPHOR TOPICAL;ISOPROPYL ALCOHOL TOPICAL;MENTHOL TOPICAL;METHYL SALICYLATE TOPICAL;MUSTARD OIL' 'a10547'='GLYCERIN TOPICAL;LACTIC ACID TOPICAL;OLEIC ACID;PROPYLENE GLYCOL' 'a10566'='BUTYL METHOXYDIBEZOYL METHANE-PADIMATE O' 'a10588'='MINERAL OIL-PEANUT OIL' 'a10623'='ASPARTAME;MANNITOL;NICOTINE;PHENYLALANINE' 'a10627'='ALTEPLASE;ARGININE;PHOSPHORIC ACID;POLYSORBATE' 'a10638'='PHOSPHORUS;POTASSIUM REPLACEMENT SOLUTIONS;SODIUM CHLORIDE' 'a10660'='ISOPROPYL ALCOHOL TOPICAL;PROPYLENE GLYCOL;SODIUM LAURYL SULFATE;SORBITOL;STEARYL ALCOHOL' 'a10664'='HP GUAR;POLYETHYLENE GLYCOL 3350;PROPYLENE GLYCOL;SODIUM BORATE TOPICAL' 'a10678'='CARBOHYDRATES;MULTIVITAMIN;PROTEIN SUPPLEMENT' 'a10685'='PEG-150;QUATERNIUM;SODIUM LAURETH-13 CARBOX;SODIUM TRIDECETH SULFATE' 'a10697'='GINSENG;MEADOWFOAM OIL;PETROLATUM TOPICAL;SAFFLOWER OIL;SESAME OIL' 'a10704'='BALSAM PERU TOPICAL;MINERAL OIL;SILICONE;ZINC TOPICAL AGENTS, EXTERNAL USE' 'a10710'='CITRIC ACID;MAGNESIUM OXIDE;SODIUM CARBONATE' 'a10713'='ASCORBIC ACID;ERGOCALCIFEROL;PYRIDOXINE;SODIUM FLUORIDE;VITAMIN A' 'a10715'='MULTIVITAMIN-SODIUM FLUORIDE' 'a10716'='ERTAPENEM;SODIUM BICARBONATE;SODIUM HYDROXIDE' 'a10726'='POLYETHYLENE GLYCOL 3350;POTASSIUM CHLORIDE;SODIUM BICARBONATE;SODIUM CHLORIDE;SODIUM SULFATE' 'a10729'='ALLANTOIN TOPICAL;COAL TAR TOPICAL;SALICYLIC ACID TOPICAL;SQUALENE' 'a10730'='HORSETAIL;MANGANESE SULFATE;STEARIC ACID' 'a10732'='CORN STARCH TOPICAL;LANOLIN TOPICAL;PETROLEUM;STEARYL ALCOHOL;ZINC OXIDE TOPICAL' 'a10738'='AMPICILLIN-SULBACTIN SODIUM' 'a10750'='BORIC ACID TOPICAL;TALC;ZINC TOPICAL AGENTS, EXTERNAL USE' 'a10753'='TALC-ZINC OXIDE TOPICAL' 'a10785'='CALCIUM CARBONATE;CHOLECALCIFEROL;VITAMIN K' 'a10801'='BENZOCAINE TOPICAL;EPINEPHRINE TOPICAL;ZINC TOPICAL AGENTS, EXTERNAL USE' 'a10826'='CALAMINE TOPICAL;RESORCINOL TOPICAL;ZINC TOPICAL AGENTS, EXTERNAL USE' 'a10834'='CYANOCOBALAMIN;FOLIC ACID;VITAMIN B' 'a10840'='ASCORBIC ACID;FOLIC ACID;VITAMIN B COMPLEX;VITAMIN E;ZINC' 'a10843'='D-BIOTIN;FOLIC ACID;INOSITOL;VITAMIN B COMPLEX' 'a10848'='ASCORBIC ACID;CALCIUM ACETATE;FOLIC ACID;VITAMIN A;VITAMIN B COMPLEX' 'a10849'='ASCORBIC ACID;FOLIC ACID;VITAMIN B COMPLEX' 'a10851'='ASCORBIC ACID;CHOLECALCIFEROL;VITAMIN A;VITAMIN B COMPLEX;VITAMIN E' 'a10871'='IRON-VITAMINS' 'a10872'='CHORIONIC GONADOTROPIN (HCG);FOLLICLE STIMULATING HORMONE;LEUTENIZING HORMONE' 'a10873'='FOLLICLE STIMULATING HORMONE-LEUTENIZING HORMONE' 'a10874'='CHONDROITIN;GLUCOSAMINE;HYALURONIC ACID;METHYLSULFONYLMETHANE' 'a10875'='GLUCOSAMINE-METHYLSULFONYL-METHANE' 'a10878'='HYDROXYQUINOLINE TOPICAL;LANOLIN TOPICAL;PETROLEUM' 'a10879'='PENICILLIN (OBSOLETE)-PENICILLIN G BENZATHINE' 'a10880'='ADENOSYL-TRIPHOSPHATE-METHIONINE' 'a10881'='DOCOSAHEXAENOIC ACID-EICOSAPENTAENOIC ACID' 'a10897'='HOMATROPINE METHYL BROMIDE-HYDROCODONE' 'a10899'='ESTRADIOL;ESTRIOL;ESTRONE' 'a10900'='ESTRADIOL-ESTRIOL' 'a10903'='ASCORBIC ACID;COPPER GLUCONATE;LUTEIN;VITAMIN E;ZINC' 'a10904'='BETA-CAROTENE;BILBERRY;LUTEIN;LYCOPENE;VITAMIN E' 'a10906'='LUTEIN;MULTIVITAMIN;ZEAXANTHIN' 'a10910'='BUPIVACAINE-XYLOCAINE' 'a10911'='TRIAMCINOLONE-XYLOCAINE' 'a10914'='LYSINE;MAGNESIUM;SELENIUM;ZINC' 'a10915'='CALCIUM ACETATE;CHOLECALCIFEROL;COPPER GLUCONATE;MAGNESIUM;ZINC' 'a10922'='BLACK COHOSH;BORIC ACID TOPICAL;ISOFLAVONES;KAVA;MULTIVITAMIN' 'a10928'='BENZONATATE-PARABENS' 'a10941'='CITRIC ACID;COLLAGEN PROTEIN;POTASSIUM SORBATE;TRYPTOPHAN;WATER' 'a10950'='CHORIOGONADOTROPIN ALFA;MANNITOL;ORTHOPHOSPHORIC ACID' 'a10956'='CHLORPHENIRAMINE-HYDROCODONE POLISTIREX' 'a10958'='BELLAFOLINE;ERGOTAMINE;PHENOBARBITAL' 'a10960'='ALUMINUM CHLORHYDRATE;MENTHOL TOPICAL;UNDECYLENIC ACID TOPICAL' 'a10961'='BUROW`S SOLUTION;CAMPHOR TOPICAL;MENTHOL TOPICAL;PHENOL TOPICAL' 'a10962'='BENZOCAINE TOPICAL;BUTYL AMINOBENZOATE;TETRACAINE TOPICAL' 'a10963'='ALOE VERA TOPICAL;MENTHOL TOPICAL;SALICYLIC ACID TOPICAL;TEA TREE OIL;VITAMIN E TOPICAL' 'a10968'='MINERAL OIL;MINERAL WAX;PETROLATUM TOPICAL;WOOLWAX ALCOHOL' 'a10972'='ACETIC ACID TOPICAL;HYDROCORTISONE OTIC;PROPYLENE GLYCOL DIACETATE;SODIUM ACETATE' 'a10978'='DIPHTHERIA TOXOID;FILAMENTOUS HEMAGGLUTININ;PERTACTIN;PERTUSSIS, ACELLULAR;TETANUS TOXOID' 'a10982'='ZINC CITRATE-ZINC GLUCONATE' 'a10986'='MULTIVITAMIN-WHEY' 'a10988'='L-METHYLFOLATE;METHYLCOBALAMIN;PYRIDOXINE' 'a10991'='CHICORY ROOT EXTRACT-LACTOBACILLUS GG' 'a10995'='CALCIUM ACETATE-MAGNESIUM' 'a11002'='BETAINE;DICALCIUM PHOSPHATE;MANGANESE SULFATE' 'a11003'='ALLANTOIN TOPICAL;CALCIUM LACTATE;CHOLINE BITARTRATE;PORCINE STOMACH' 'a11004'='ALOE VERA TOPICAL;BLACK WALNUT;CASCARA SAGRADA;RHUBARB;SENNA' 'a11006'='FLAVOCOXID-MALTODEXTRIN' 'a11015'='ILEX-MENTHOL TOPICAL' 'a11020'='ASCORBIC ACID;CALCIUM SULFATE;CHOLECALCIFEROL;VITAMIN A;VITAMIN E' 'a11021'='CALCIUM AMINO ACID CHELATE;CALCIUM CITRATE;MICROCRYSTALLINE HYDROXYAPATITE' 'a11022'='AMYLASE;CELLULASE;GLUCOAMYLASE;LIPASE;PROTEASE' 'a11027'='ACETAMINOPHEN-MISCELLANEOUS ANALGESICS' 'a11030'='CONTRACEPTIVES-NORETHINDRONE' 'a11031'='MISCELLANEOUS UNCATEGORIZED AGENTS-PHENTOLAMINE' 'a11040'='ARGININE-CEFTAZIDIME' 'a11041'='CIPROFLOXACIN-DEXAMETHASONE' 'a11042'='CIPROFLOXACIN-HYDROCORTISONE' 'a11076'='BUTALBITAL-CODEINE' 'a11087'='CYCLOPHOSPHAMIDE;DOXORUBICIN;MITOMYCIN' 'a11114'='ACETAMINOPHEN-PHENYLPROPANOLAMINE' 'a11126'='BUPIVACAINE-LIDOCAINE' 'a11127'='BUPIVACAINE;LIDOCAINE;TRIAMCINOLONE' 'a11134'='LIDOCAINE-TRIAMCINOLONE' 'a11135'='LIDOCAINE-METHYLPREDNISOLONE TOPICAL' 'a11151'='ATROPINE;HYOSCYAMINE;METHENAMINE;METHYLENE BLUE;PHENYL SALICYLATE' 'a11156'='HYOSCYAMINE;METHENAMINE;METHYLENE BLUE;PHENYL SALICYLATE;SODIUM PHOSPHATE' 'a11157'='METHENAMINE-SODIUM SALICYLATE' 'a11159'='HYOSCYAMINE;METHENAMINE;METHYLENE BLUE;PHENYL SALICYLATE;SODIUM BIPHOSPHATE' 'a11163'='POLYMYXIN B SULFATE-TRIMETHOPRIM' 'a11165'='ALPROSTADIL-PRAZOSIN' 'a11166'='DORZOLAMIDE OPHTHALMIC-TIMOLOL' 'a11190'='ASPIRIN;CAFFEINE;CINNAMEDRINE' 'a11198'='ATROPINE;CHLORPHENIRAMINE;HYOSCYAMINE;PHENYLEPHRINE;PHENYLPROPANOLAMINE' 'a11204'='ATROPINE;HYOSCYAMINE;PHENAZOPYRIDINE;SCOPOLAMINE' 'a11252'='CHLORPHENIRAMINE;ETHANOL;PHENYLPROPANOLAMINE' 'a11259'='AMMONIUM CHLORIDE-DEXTROMETHORPHAN' 'a11261'='AMMONIUM CHLORIDE;DEXTROMETHORPHAN;GUAIFENESIN;SODIUM CITRATE' 'a11284'='ETHINYL ESTRADIOL;FERROUS FUMARATE;NORETHINDRONE' 'a11285'='FLUOROURACIL;IRINOTECAN;LEUCOVORIN' 'a11286'='FLUOROURACIL;LEUCOVORIN;OXALIPLATIN' 'a11287'='FLUOROURACIL;MITOXANTRONE;VINCRISTINE' 'a11291'='CYANOCOBALAMIN;FOLIC ACID;PYRIDOXINE' 'a11292'='ARGININE;CYANOCOBALAMIN;FOLIC ACID;PYRIDOXINE' 'a11293'='BETAINE;CYANOCOBALAMIN;FOLIC ACID;PYRIDOXINE' 'a11294'='CYANOCOBALAMIN-FOLIC ACID' 'a11300'='FOLIC ACID-MULTIVITAMIN' 'a11303'='FOLIC ACID-IRON POLYSACCHARIDE' 'a11315'='INSULIN-INSULIN ISOPHANE' 'a11319'='MANNITOL-PEMETREXED' 'a11320'='AZACITIDINE-MANNITOL' 'a11325'='NEOMYCIN-POLYMYXIN B SULFATE' 'a11328'='BACITRACIN TOPICAL;NEOMYCIN;POLYMYXIN B SULFATE' 'a11330'='BACITRACIN OPHTHALMIC;HYDROCORTISONE OPHTHALMIC;NEOMYCIN;POLYMYXIN B SULFATE' 'a11331'='DEXAMETHASONE OPHTHALMIC;NEOMYCIN;POLYMYXIN B SULFATE' 'a11332'='HYDROCORTISONE OTIC;NEOMYCIN;POLYMYXIN B SULFATE' 'a11345'='NEOMYCIN-POLYMYXIN B OPHTHALMIC' 'a11350'='ERGOCALCIFEROL;NIACIN;RIBOFLAVIN;THIAMINE;VITAMIN A' 'a11354'='ASCORBIC ACID;NIACIN;RIBOFLAVIN;THIAMINE;VITAMIN E' 'a11355'='CYANOCOBALAMIN;NIACIN;PYRIDOXINE;RIBOFLAVIN' 'a11356'='ASCORBIC ACID;CYANOCOBALAMIN;NIACIN;PYRIDOXINE;RIBOFLAVIN' 'a11357'='CYANOCOBALAMIN;NIACIN;PYRIDOXINE;RIBOFLAVIN;THIAMINE' 'a11358'='ASCORBIC ACID;NIACIN;PYRIDOXINE;RIBOFLAVIN;THIAMINE' 'a11360'='DEXPANTHENOL;NIACIN;PYRIDOXINE;RIBOFLAVIN;THIAMINE' 'a11361'='NIACIN;PYRIDOXINE;RIBOFLAVIN;THIAMINE' 'a11370'='MULTIVITAMIN-NIACIN' 'a11394'='BACITRACIN TOPICAL-POLYMYXIN B SULFATE' 'a11396'='DEXAMETHASONE OPHTHALMIC;NEOMYCIN OPHTHALMIC;POLYMYXIN B SULFATE' 'a11400'='DEXTRAN 1;HYDROXYPROPYL METHYLCELLULOSE OPHTHALMIC;POTASSIUM CHLORIDE;SODIUM BICARBONATE;SODIUM CHLORIDE' 'a11411'='BENZTHIAZIDE-RESERPINE' 'a11413'='VITAMIN A-VITAMIN E' 'a11415'='ERGOCALCIFEROL;RIBOFLAVIN;THIAMINE;VITAMIN A;VITAMIN E' 'a11416'='ASCORBIC ACID;VITAMIN A;VITAMIN E' 'a11420'='CYANOCOBALAMIN;PYRIDOXINE;RIBOFLAVIN;VITAMIN A' 'a11421'='CYANOCOBALAMIN;PYRIDOXINE;RIBOFLAVIN;THIAMINE;VITAMIN A' 'a11424'='ERGOCALCIFEROL;PYRIDOXINE;RIBOFLAVIN;THIAMINE;VITAMIN A' 'a11429'='ASCORBIC ACID;ERGOCALCIFEROL;RIBOFLAVIN;THIAMINE;VITAMIN A' 'a11431'='ASCORBIC ACID;CHOLECALCIFEROL;FLUORIDE;VITAMIN A' 'a11432'='ASCORBIC ACID;ERGOCALCIFEROL;VITAMIN A' 'a11436'='CHOLECALCIFEROL-VITAMIN A' 'a11437'='ALLANTOIN TOPICAL;ALOE VERA TOPICAL;CALAMINE TOPICAL;CHOLECALCIFEROL;VITAMIN A' 'a11440'='ASCORBIC ACID-VITAMIN E' 'a11441'='CHOLECALCIFEROL-VITAMIN E' 'a11446'='ASCORBIC ACID;CYANOCOBALAMIN;PYRIDOXINE;RIBOFLAVIN;THIAMINE' 'a11447'='CYANOCOBALAMIN;L-METHYLFOLATE;PYRIDOXINE;RIBOFLAVIN' 'a11456'='CYANOCOBALAMIN-PYRIDOXINE' 'a11458'='PANCREATIN-PYRIDOXINE' 'a11461'='MAGNESIUM OXIDE-PYRIDOXINE' 'a11465'='CYANOCOBALAMIN-THIAMINE' 'a11471'='CALCIUM CARBONATE;CALCIUM CITRATE;MAGNESIUM CITRATE;MAGNESIUM OXIDE' 'a11472'='CALCIUM CARBONATE-CHOLECALCIFEROL' 'a11473'='CALCIUM CARBONATE;MAGNESIUM GLUCONATE;MAGNESIUM OXIDE' 'a11475'='ASCORBIC ACID-CALCIUM ACETATE' 'a11477'='FLUORIDE-MULTIVITAMIN' 'a11479'='CHONDROITIN;GLUCOSAMINE;MANGANESE SULFATE' 'a11489'='BENZALKONIUM CHLORIDE TOPICAL;DEXTRAN, HIGH MOLECULAR WEIGHT;HYDROXYPROPYL METHYLCELLULOSE OPHTHALMIC;SODIUM CHLORIDE' 'a11493'='SODIUM CHLORIDE-STERILE WATER' 'a11501'='SODIUM BICARBONATE-SODIUM CHLORIDE NASAL' 'a11511'='ALOE VERA TOPICAL;CYSTEINE;GRAPE SEED OIL;MULTIVITAMIN;SELENIUM' 'a11513'='CHOLINE;INOSITOL;METHIONINE' 'a11518'='CONJUGATED ESTROGENS-PROGESTERONE' 'a11520'='NYSTATIN-TRIAMCINOLONE' 'a11523'='NYSTATIN TOPICAL-TRIAMCINOLONE' 'a11524'='EDETATE DISODIUM-UREA TOPICAL' 'a11549'='EDETATE DISODIUM-RIFAXIMIN' 'a11556'='PROMETHAZINE-PSEUDOEPHEDRINE' 'a11558'='NAPHAZOLINE OPHTHALMIC-PHENIRAMINE' 'a11567'='BENZOCAINE TOPICAL;CHLOROXYLENOL TOPICAL;RESORCINOL TOPICAL;SALICYLIC ACID TOPICAL' 'a11568'='BENZOCAINE TOPICAL-TRICLOSAN TOPICAL' 'a11576'='ANTIPYRINE OTIC-BENZOCAINE TOPICAL' 'a11585'='BENZOCAINE TOPICAL-RESORCINOL TOPICAL' 'a11608'='BALSAM PERU TOPICAL;BORIC ACID TOPICAL;CASTOR OIL;PETROLATUM TOPICAL;ZINC OXIDE TOPICAL' 'a11612'='GLYCERIN TOPICAL;HYDROCORTISONE TOPICAL;MINERAL OIL;PETROLATUM TOPICAL' 'a11613'='ALLANTOIN TOPICAL;CAMPHOR TOPICAL;LANOLIN TOPICAL;MINERAL OIL;PHENOL TOPICAL' 'a11614'='MINERAL OIL-PETROLATUM TOPICAL' 'a11615'='LANOLIN TOPICAL;MINERAL OIL;PETROLATUM TOPICAL' 'a11621'='AMMONIUM LACTATE TOPICAL-MINERAL OIL' 'a11630'='HAEMOPHILUS B CONJUGATE VACCINE (OBSOLETE)-HEPATITIS B VACCINE' 'a11631'='DIPHTHERIA TOXOID;HAEMOPHILUS B CONJUGATE VACCINE (OBSOLETE);PERTUSSIS, ACELLULAR;TETANUS TOXOID' 'a11632'='HEPATITIS A VACCINE (OBSOLETE)-HEPATITIS B VACCINE' 'a11646'='DEXTRAN, LOW MOLECULAR WEIGHT-HYDROXYPROPYL METHYLCELLULOSE OPHTHALMIC' 'a11648'='CHLORHEXIDINE TOPICAL-ISOPROPYL ALCOHOL TOPICAL' 'a11649'='CHLORHEXIDINE TOPICAL-OCULAR LUBRICANT' 'a11651'='ALOE VERA TOPICAL-BENZOYL PEROXIDE TOPICAL' 'a11657'='BENZALKONIUM CHLORIDE TOPICAL;CHLOROXYLENOL TOPICAL;HYDROCORTISONE TOPICAL;PRAMOXINE TOPICAL' 'a11660'='ETHANOL-SALICYLIC ACID TOPICAL' 'a11667'='ISOPROPYL ALCOHOL TOPICAL;SALICYLIC ACID TOPICAL;SODIUM THIOSULFATE TOPICAL' 'a11671'='LACTIC ACID TOPICAL-SALICYLIC ACID TOPICAL' 'a11684'='BENZALKONIUM CHLORIDE TOPICAL-BROMFENAC' 'a11685'='BENZALKONIUM CHLORIDE TOPICAL-CYANOCOBALAMIN NASAL' 'a11686'='ALBUMIN HUMAN-PACLITAXEL' 'a11687'='IODINE-IOPAMIDOL' 'a11689'='DEXTRAN 1-METHYLCELLULOSE' 'a11692'='AMYLASE;LIPASE;PROTEASE' 'a11693'='AMYLASE-PAPAIN TOPICAL' 'a11702'='CHOLECALCIFEROL-MULTIVITAMIN' 'a11703'='CALCIUM ACETATE-CHOLECALCIFEROL' 'a11705'='CALCIUM ACETATE-MULTIVITAMIN' 'a11706'='CETYLPYRIDINIUM TOPICAL-ETHANOL' 'a11707'='CETYLPYRIDINIUM TOPICAL;ETHANOL;MENTHOL TOPICAL' 'a11714'='MICONAZOLE TOPICAL;PETROLATUM TOPICAL;ZINC OXIDE TOPICAL' 'a11715'='MENTHOL TOPICAL-ZINC OXIDE TOPICAL' 'a11717'='BETAMETHASONE TOPICAL-CLOTRIMAZOLE TOPICAL' 'a11730'='BUDESONIDE NASAL-FORMOTEROL' 'a11731'='CAMPHOR TOPICAL;MENTHOL TOPICAL;PETROLATUM TOPICAL' 'a11732'='LANOLIN TOPICAL-PETROLATUM TOPICAL' 'a11738'='CAMPHOR TOPICAL;MENTHOL TOPICAL;PHENOL TOPICAL' 'a11741'='CAMPHOR TOPICAL;MENTHOL TOPICAL;METHYL SALICYLATE TOPICAL' 'a11748'='BACITRACIN TOPICAL-POLYMYXIN B OPHTHALMIC' 'a11750'='CHLOROXYLENOL TOPICAL;HYDROCORTISONE OTIC;PRAMOXINE OTIC' 'a11756'='CAPECITABINE-OXALIPLATIN' 'a11759'='CETEARETH;DIMETHICONE;GLYCERIN TOPICAL;HYALURONIC ACID' 'a11761'='MANNITOL;PHENYLALANINE;SELEGILINE' 'a11764'='DIPHTHERIA TOXOID;PERTACTIN;TETANUS TOXOID' 'a50000'='UNDETERMINED' 'a50035'='ACETONE' 'a50155'='ALUMINUM PHOSPHATE' 'a50675'='BROMELAINS' 'a50770'='CALCIUM REPLACEMENT' 'a50860'='CANTHARIDIN' 'a51185'='CHOLESTEROL' 'a51209'='CHROMIUM' 'a51330'='COCONUT OIL' 'a51475'='CYCLOMETHYCAINE' 'a51495'='CYCLOTHIAZIDE' 'a51675'='DEXTROSE' 'a51740'='DIETARY SUPPLEMENT' 'a51817'='DIMETHICONE' 'a52023'='ELECTROLYTES' 'a52358'='FOOD SUPPLEMENT' 'a52535'='HAMAMELIS WATER' 'a52775'='INFANT FORMULA' 'a52885'='IRON PREPARATIONS' 'a52968'='KELP' 'a52973'='L-TRYPTOPHANE' 'a52990'='LACTOSE' 'a53175'='MAGNESIUM ANTACIDS' 'a53298'='MEGLUMINE' 'a53315'='MENINGOCOCCAL VACCINE' 'a53723'='MINERALS' 'a53735'='MITHRAMYCIN' 'a53940'='NITROGEN' 'a54015'='OINTMENT HYDROPHILIC' 'a54030'='OLIVE OIL' 'a54148'='OXYQUINOLONE' 'a54175'='PANTOTHENIC ACID' 'a54325'='PERTUSSIS IMMUNE GLOBULIN' 'a54555'='PNEUMOCOCCAL VACCINE' 'a54575'='POLIO VACCINE' 'a54585'='POLLEN ANTIGEN' 'a54650'='POTASSIUM CARBONATE' 'a54655'='POTASSIUM REPLACEMENT SOLUTIONS' 'a54735'='POTASSIUM ACIDIFYING' 'a54895'='PROPYLENE GLYCOL' 'a54922'='PROTEIN SUPPLEMENT' 'a55115'='RINGERS LACTATED' 'a55120'='ROSA GALLICA EXTRACT' 'a55135'='RUTIN' 'a55168'='SARALASIN' 'a55330'='SODIUM FLUORIDE' 'a55510'='SUCCINLYCHOLINE' 'a55520'='SUCROSE' 'a55645'='TALC' 'a55815'='THYMOL' 'a56198'='VITAMIN K' 'a56214'='WHEAT GERM' 'a56265'='ZINC TOPICAL AGENTS, EXTERNAL USE' 'a56340'='VITAMIN B' 'a56345'='VITAMIN B COMPLEX' 'a56685'='THYPOID VACCINE' 'a56740'='INTERFERON BETA' 'a56765'='TICONAZOLE' 'a57001'='BLOOD SUGAR DIAGNOSTIC' 'a57014'='ERYTHROPOIETIN' 'a57024'='MAGNESIUM ION' 'a57050'='HYDROACTIVE DRESSING' 'a57092'='RECOMBINANT HUMAN DEOXYRIBONUCLEASE' 'a57154'='CD4' 'a57158'='TECHNETIUM' 'a57194'='HYPERTONIC SALINE' 'a57204'='HEPATITIS C VACCINE' 'a57210'='QUERCETIN' 'a59603'='HEPATITIS VACCINE' 'a59611'='THYROID STIMULATING HORMONE' 'a59632'='DEHYDROEPIANDROSTERENE' 'a59717'='ANDROGENS' 'a59812'='DOMPERIDONE' 'a59813'='FOLLITROPIN BETA' 'a59814'='FOLLITROPIN ALPHA' 'a59835'='RECOMBINANT HUMAN INTERLEUKIN ELEVEN' 'a59841'='GRAPESEED' 'a70009'='HYALURONIC ACID' 'a70010'='SEROTONIN' 'a70048'='OIL OF EVENING PRIMROSE' 'a70071'='DOCOSAHEXAENOIC ACID' 'a70105'='HAWTHORN' 'a70113'='PERINDOPRIL ERBUMINE' 'a70116'='SOY' 'a70123'='BISMUTH' 'a70159'='SILVER' 'a70223'='FERRIMIN' 'a70295'='PUMPKIN SEED OIL' 'a70385'='SILYBUM' 'a70479'='BORAGE OIL' 'a70480'='ALPHA LIPOICACID' 'a70484'='CARBOXYMETHYLCELLULOSE SODIUM' 'a70491'='HYOSCYNAMINE SULFATE' 'a70521'='GRIFFONIA SIMPLICIFOLIA' 'a70607'='OXYQUINOLONE SULFATE' 'a70699'='LYCOPENE' 'a70700'='GAMMA LINOLENIC ACID' 'a70725'='ASPARTAME' 'a70747'='PROLINE' 'a70759'='ALFALFA' 'a70795'='L-GLUTAMINE' 'a70799'='MAGNESIUM' 'a70832'='OAT BRAN' 'a70836'='GAMMA-AMINOBUTRYIC ACID' 'a70859'='BOVINE COLOSTRUM' 'a70892'='SILICONE (LIQUID)' 'a70996'='PREGNENOLONE' 'a70998'='ACETYLSALICYLIC ACID' 'a71002'='FLOXACILLIN' 'a71008'='TECHNETIUM TC 99M MERTIATIDE INJECTION' 'a71021'='HISTERLIN' 'a71037'='POLY-LACTIC ACID' 'a71048'='FLUZINAMIDE' 'a71058'='D-RIBOSE' 'c00002'='AMEBICIDES' 'c00007'='ANTIVIRAL AGENTS' 'c00009'='CEPHALOSPORINS' 'c00012'='MISCELLANEOUS ANTIBIOTICS' 'c00017'='URINARY ANTI-INFECTIVES' 'c00025'='MISCELLANEOUS ANTINEOPLASTICS' 'c00026'='MITOTIC INHIBITORS' 'c00027'='RADIOPHARMACEUTICALS' 'c00033'='IMMUNE GLOBULINS' 'c00039'='MISCELLANEOUS BIOLOGICALS' 'c00040'='CARDIOVASCULAR AGENTS' 'c00042'='ANGIOTENSIN CONVERTING ENZYME INHIBITORS' 'c00045'='ANTIANGINAL AGENTS' 'c00049'='DIURETICS' 'c00051'='MISCELLANEOUS CARDIOVASCULAR AGENTS' 'c00055'='ANTIHYPERTENSIVE COMBINATIONS' 'c00058'='ANALGESICS' 'c00059'='MISCELLANEOUS ANALGESICS' 'c00060'='NARCOTIC ANALGESICS' 'c00061'='NONSTEROIDAL ANTI-INFLAMMATORY AGENTS' 'c00065'='ANTIEMETIC;ANTIVERTIGO AGENTS' 'c00070'='MISCELLANEOUS ANXIOLYTICS, SEDATIVES AND HYPNOTICS' 'c00072'='GENERAL ANESTHETICS' 'c00076'='MISCELLANEOUS ANTIDEPRESSANTS' 'c00080'='MISCELLANEOUS CENTRAL NERVOUS SYSTEM AGENTS' 'c00082'='ANTICOAGULANTS' 'c00085'='MISCELLANEOUS COAGULATION MODIFIERS' 'c00087'='GASTROINTESTINAL AGENTS' 'c00088'='ANTACIDS' 'c00089'='ANTICHOLINERGICS;ANTISPASMODICS' 'c00090'='ANTIDIARRHEALS' 'c00091'='DIGESTIVE ENZYMES' 'c00095'='LAXATIVES' 'c00096'='MISCELLANEOUS GI AGENTS' 'c00097'='HORMONES;HORMONE MODIFIERS' 'c00099'='ANTIDIABETIC AGENTS' 'c00100'='MISCELLANEOUS HORMONES' 'c00102'='CONTRACEPTIVES' 'c00105'='MISCELLANEOUS AGENTS' 'c00109'='LOCAL INJECTABLE ANESTHETICS' 'c00110'='MISCELLANEOUS UNCATEGORIZED AGENTS' 'c00115'='NUTRITIONAL PRODUCTS' 'c00117'='MINERALS AND ELECTROLYTES' 'c00118'='ORAL NUTRITIONAL SUPPLEMENTS' 'c00119'='VITAMINS' 'c00120'='VITAMIN AND MINERAL COMBINATIONS' 'c00123'='ANTIHISTAMINES' 'c00124'='ANTITUSSIVES' 'c00127'='DECONGESTANTS' 'c00129'='MISCELLANEOUS RESPIRATORY AGENTS' 'c00131'='ANTIASTHMATIC COMBINATIONS' 'c00132'='UPPER RESPIRATORY COMBINATIONS' 'c00133'='TOPICAL AGENTS' 'c00135'='ANTISEPTIC AND GERMICIDES' 'c00138'='TOPICAL STEROIDS' 'c00139'='TOPICAL ANESTHETICS' 'c00140'='MISCELLANEOUS TOPICAL AGENTS' 'c00143'='TOPICAL ACNE AGENTS' 'c00156'='THIAZIDE DIURETICS' 'c00168'='OPHTHALMIC LUBRICANTS AND IRRIGATIONS' 'c00169'='MISCELLANEOUS OPHTHALMIC AGENTS' 'c00172'='MISCELLANEOUS OTIC AGENTS' 'c00174'='MISCELLANEOUS ANTIHYPERLIPIDEMIC AGENTS' 'c00177'='MISCELLANEOUS ANTIVIRALS' 'c00178'='SKELETAL MUSCLE RELAXANTS' 'c00187'='MISCELLANEOUS SEX HORMONES' 'c00193'='ANTIMIGRAINE AGENTS' 'c00194'='ANTIGOUT AGENTS' 'c00208'='SSRI ANTIDEPRESSANTS' 'c00219'='NUTRACEUTICAL PRODUCTS' 'c00220'='HERBAL PRODUCTS' 'c00248'='TOPICAL EMOLLIENTS' 'c00254'='IMMUNOLOGIC AGENTS' 'c00266'='MISCELLANEOUS GENITOURINARY TRACT AGENTS' 'c00269'='MISCELLANEOUS VAGINAL AGENTS' 'c00290'='TOPICAL ANTIBIOTICS' 'c00292'='TOPICAL ANTIFUNGALS' 'c00296'='INHALED CORTICOSTEROIDS' 'c00301'='GLUCOCORTICOIDS' 'c00320'='SMOKING CESSATION AGENTS' 'c00355'='FUNCTIONAL BOWEL DISORDER AGENTS' 'c00361'='MISCELLANEOUS METABOLIC AGENTS' 'c00363'='PROBIOTICS' 'c00424'='ESTROGEN RECEPTOR ANTAGONISTS' 'c00899'='PHARMACEUTICAL AID' 'c07002'='ANTIFUNGALS-ANTISEPTIC AND GERMICIDES' 'c07003'='URINARY ANTI-INFECTIVES-URINARY ANTISPASMODICS' 'd00001'='ACYCLOVIR' 'd00002'='AMIODARONE' 'd00003'='AMPICILLIN' 'd00004'='ATENOLOL' 'd00006'='CAPTOPRIL' 'd00007'='CEFAZOLIN' 'd00008'='CEFOTAXIME' 'd00009'='CEFTAZIDIME' 'd00011'='CIPROFLOXACIN' 'd00012'='CODEINE' 'd00013'='ENALAPRIL' 'd00014'='GENTAMICIN' 'd00015'='IBUPROFEN' 'd00016'='LABETALOL' 'd00017'='MEPERIDINE' 'd00018'='NADOLOL' 'd00019'='NAPROXEN' 'd00020'='QUINIDINE' 'd00021'='RANITIDINE' 'd00022'='WARFARIN' 'd00023'='ALLOPURINOL' 'd00024'='AZATHIOPRINE' 'd00026'='FENOPROFEN' 'd00027'='HALOPERIDOL' 'd00028'='KETOPROFEN' 'd00029'='NAFCILLIN' 'd00030'='PENTAMIDINE' 'd00031'='PROBENECID' 'd00032'='PROPRANOLOL' 'd00033'='SULINDAC' 'd00034'='ZIDOVUDINE' 'd00035'='CHLOROQUINE' 'd00036'='CYCLOPHOSPHAMIDE' 'd00037'='DOXYCYCLINE' 'd00038'='FLUCYTOSINE' 'd00039'='INDOMETHACIN' 'd00040'='OXAZEPAM' 'd00041'='TETRACYCLINE' 'd00043'='CLINDAMYCIN' 'd00044'='CLONIDINE' 'd00045'='DILTIAZEM' 'd00046'='ERYTHROMYCIN' 'd00047'='RIFAMPIN' 'd00048'='VERAPAMIL' 'd00049'='ACETAMINOPHEN' 'd00050'='METHADONE' 'd00051'='NIFEDIPINE' 'd00052'='CEFTRIAXONE' 'd00054'='TOLMETIN' 'd00055'='CEFOTETAN' 'd00056'='CEFUROXIME' 'd00057'='PIPERACILLIN' 'd00058'='CARBAMAZEPINE' 'd00059'='LIDOCAINE' 'd00060'='METHOTREXATE' 'd00061'='LITHIUM' 'd00064'='CHLORPROMAZINE' 'd00066'='GANCICLOVIR' 'd00067'='AZTREONAM' 'd00068'='ETHAMBUTOL' 'd00069'='TOBRAMYCIN' 'd00070'='FUROSEMIDE' 'd00071'='FLUCONAZOLE' 'd00072'='CEFIXIME' 'd00073'='CEFPROZIL' 'd00077'='AMPHOTERICIN B' 'd00078'='DIDANOSINE' 'd00079'='CYCLOSPORINE' 'd00080'='CEFADROXIL' 'd00081'='CEFACLOR' 'd00083'='VALPROIC ACID' 'd00084'='PREDNISOLONE' 'd00085'='RIBAVIRIN' 'd00086'='AMANTADINE' 'd00088'='AMOXICILLIN' 'd00089'='AMOXICILLIN-CLAVULANATE' 'd00091'='AZITHROMYCIN' 'd00094'='CEFOXITIN' 'd00095'='CEFPODOXIME' 'd00096'='CEPHALEXIN' 'd00097'='CLARITHROMYCIN' 'd00098'='DAPSONE' 'd00099'='ENOXACIN' 'd00100'='GRISEOFULVIN' 'd00101'='ISONIAZID' 'd00102'='ITRACONAZOLE' 'd00103'='KETOCONAZOLE' 'd00106'='METHENAMINE' 'd00108'='METRONIDAZOLE' 'd00109'='MEZLOCILLIN' 'd00110'='MINOCYCLINE' 'd00112'='NITROFURANTOIN' 'd00113'='NORFLOXACIN' 'd00114'='OFLOXACIN' 'd00116'='PENICILLIN' 'd00117'='PYRAZINAMIDE' 'd00118'='SULFADIAZINE' 'd00119'='SULFAMETHOXAZOLE' 'd00121'='TICARCILLIN' 'd00123'='TRIMETHOPRIM' 'd00124'='SULFAMETHOXAZOLE-TRIMETHOPRIM' 'd00125'='VANCOMYCIN' 'd00128'='ACEBUTOLOL' 'd00132'='HYDRALAZINE' 'd00133'='METHYLDOPA' 'd00134'='METOPROLOL' 'd00135'='MINOXIDIL' 'd00136'='NITROPRUSSIDE' 'd00137'='PINDOLOL' 'd00138'='PRAZOSIN' 'd00139'='TIMOLOL' 'd00140'='CIMETIDINE' 'd00141'='FAMOTIDINE' 'd00142'='THEOPHYLLINE' 'd00143'='PHENYTOIN' 'd00144'='NORTRIPTYLINE' 'd00145'='DESIPRAMINE' 'd00146'='AMITRIPTYLINE' 'd00147'='CHLORAL HYDRATE' 'd00148'='DIAZEPAM' 'd00149'='LORAZEPAM' 'd00150'='COLCHICINE' 'd00153'='DICLOXACILLIN' 'd00154'='MEBENDAZOLE' 'd00158'='QUINACRINE' 'd00161'='ACETAZOLAMIDE' 'd00164'='ADENOSINE' 'd00168'='ALPRAZOLAM' 'd00169'='AMILORIDE' 'd00170'='ASPIRIN' 'd00174'='ATROPINE' 'd00175'='BENZTROPINE' 'd00177'='BLEOMYCIN' 'd00178'='BROMOCRIPTINE' 'd00179'='BUMETANIDE' 'd00180'='BUPIVACAINE' 'd00181'='BUPROPION' 'd00182'='BUSPIRONE' 'd00184'='CARBIDOPA' 'd00185'='CARBOPLATIN' 'd00186'='CEPHALOTHIN' 'd00187'='CEPHAPIRIN' 'd00188'='CHLORAMBUCIL' 'd00189'='CHLORDIAZEPOXIDE' 'd00190'='CHLOROTHIAZIDE' 'd00191'='CHLORPHENIRAMINE' 'd00192'='CHLORTHALIDONE' 'd00193'='CHOLESTYRAMINE' 'd00195'='CISPLATIN' 'd00197'='CLONAZEPAM' 'd00198'='CLORAZEPATE' 'd00199'='CLOZAPINE' 'd00200'='CROMOLYN' 'd00201'='CYTARABINE' 'd00202'='DACARBAZINE' 'd00204'='DANAZOL' 'd00206'='DEXAMETHASONE' 'd00207'='DEXTROMETHORPHAN' 'd00208'='DIFLUNISAL' 'd00209'='DIGITOXIN' 'd00210'='DIGOXIN' 'd00211'='DIHYDROERGOTAMINE' 'd00212'='DIPHENHYDRAMINE' 'd00213'='DIPYRIDAMOLE' 'd00214'='DISOPYRAMIDE' 'd00217'='DOXEPIN' 'd00218'='DOXORUBICIN' 'd00220'='EDROPHONIUM' 'd00222'='ERGOTAMINE' 'd00223'='EPOETIN ALFA' 'd00224'='ESMOLOL' 'd00227'='ETHOSUXIMIDE' 'd00230'='ETOPOSIDE' 'd00231'='FELODIPINE' 'd00233'='FENTANYL' 'd00234'='FLECAINIDE' 'd00235'='FLUOROURACIL' 'd00236'='FLUOXETINE' 'd00237'='FLUPHENAZINE' 'd00238'='FLURAZEPAM' 'd00239'='FLURBIPROFEN' 'd00240'='FLUTAMIDE' 'd00241'='FOLIC ACID' 'd00242'='FOSINOPRIL' 'd00245'='GEMFIBROZIL' 'd00246'='GLIPIZIDE' 'd00248'='GLYBURIDE' 'd00252'='HEPARIN' 'd00253'='HYDROCHLOROTHIAZIDE' 'd00254'='HYDROCORTISONE' 'd00255'='HYDROMORPHONE' 'd00257'='IFOSFAMIDE' 'd00259'='IMIPRAMINE' 'd00260'='INDAPAMIDE' 'd00262'='INSULIN' 'd00265'='IPRATROPIUM' 'd00268'='ISOSORBIDE DINITRATE' 'd00269'='ISOSORBIDE MONONITRATE' 'd00270'='ISRADIPINE' 'd00272'='KETAMINE' 'd00273'='KETOROLAC' 'd00275'='LEUCOVORIN' 'd00276'='LEVAMISOLE' 'd00277'='LEVODOPA' 'd00278'='LEVOTHYROXINE' 'd00279'='LINCOMYCIN' 'd00280'='LOVASTATIN' 'd00282'='MANNITOL' 'd00283'='MECLOFENAMATE' 'd00284'='MEDROXYPROGESTERONE' 'd00285'='MEFENAMIC ACID' 'd00286'='MEFLOQUINE' 'd00287'='MELPHALAN' 'd00288'='MEPROBAMATE' 'd00289'='MERCAPTOPURINE' 'd00290'='METHIMAZOLE' 'd00292'='METHSUXIMIDE' 'd00293'='METHYLPREDNISOLONE' 'd00295'='METHYLTESTOSTERONE' 'd00298'='METOCLOPRAMIDE' 'd00299'='METOLAZONE' 'd00300'='MEXILETINE' 'd00301'='MIDAZOLAM' 'd00303'='MISOPROSTOL' 'd00305'='MITOMYCIN' 'd00306'='MITOXANTRONE' 'd00308'='MORPHINE' 'd00310'='NABUMETONE' 'd00311'='NALOXONE' 'd00312'='NEOMYCIN' 'd00313'='NEOSTIGMINE' 'd00314'='NIACIN' 'd00315'='NICARDIPINE' 'd00316'='NICOTINE' 'd00321'='NITROGLYCERIN' 'd00322'='NIZATIDINE' 'd00325'='OMEPRAZOLE' 'd00328'='OXYBUTYNIN' 'd00329'='OXYCODONE' 'd00333'='PENICILLAMINE' 'd00334'='PENTAZOCINE' 'd00336'='PENTOXIFYLLINE' 'd00337'='PHENAZOPYRIDINE' 'd00340'='PHENOBARBITAL' 'd00343'='PIROXICAM' 'd00344'='POLYMYXIN B SULFATE' 'd00345'='POTASSIUM CHLORIDE' 'd00346'='POVIDONE IODINE TOPICAL' 'd00348'='PRAVASTATIN' 'd00350'='PREDNISONE' 'd00352'='PRIMIDONE' 'd00355'='PROCHLORPERAZINE' 'd00358'='PROPAFENONE' 'd00360'='PROPOXYPHENE' 'd00361'='PROPYLTHIOURACIL' 'd00362'='PROTAMINE' 'd00363'='PYRIDOSTIGMINE' 'd00365'='QUINAPRIL' 'd00366'='QUININE' 'd00367'='RESERPINE' 'd00370'='OCTREOTIDE' 'd00371'='SOTALOL' 'd00373'='SPIRONOLACTONE' 'd00374'='STREPTOKINASE' 'd00377'='SUCRALFATE' 'd00378'='SUFENTANIL' 'd00379'='SULFASALAZINE' 'd00381'='TAMOXIFEN' 'd00384'='TEMAZEPAM' 'd00386'='TERAZOSIN' 'd00387'='TERFENADINE' 'd00389'='THIORIDAZINE' 'd00391'='THIOTHIXENE' 'd00393'='TOLAZAMIDE' 'd00395'='TRAZODONE' 'd00396'='TRIAMTERENE' 'd00397'='TRIAZOLAM' 'd00400'='VINBLASTINE' 'd00401'='VINCRISTINE' 'd00402'='VITAMIN A' 'd00405'='VITAMIN E' 'd00409'='RIBOFLAVIN' 'd00412'='PYRIDOXINE' 'd00413'='CYANOCOBALAMIN' 'd00417'='BIOFLAVONOIDS' 'd00425'='CALCIUM CARBONATE' 'd00426'='ASCORBIC ACID' 'd00427'='POTASSIUM PHOSPHATE-SODIUM PHOSPHATE' 'd00428'='FLUORIDE' 'd00438'='SODIUM CHLORIDE' 'd00439'='CITRIC ACID-POTASSIUM CITRATE' 'd00440'='SODIUM BICARBONATE' 'd00468'='MAGNESIUM SULFATE' 'd00472'='TROMETHAMINE' 'd00475'='SODIUM PHOSPHATE' 'd00485'='IODINE TOPICAL' 'd00488'='LYSINE' 'd00491'='LEVOCARNITINE' 'd00496'='INOSITOL' 'd00497'='OMEGA-3 POLYUNSATURATED FATTY ACIDS' 'd00512'='FILGRASTIM' 'd00514'='TICLOPIDINE' 'd00521'='ALTEPLASE' 'd00524'='ANTITHROMBIN III' 'd00528'='AMINOCAPROIC ACID' 'd00529'='TRANEXAMIC ACID' 'd00534'='ESTRONE' 'd00537'='ESTRADIOL' 'd00541'='CONJUGATED ESTROGENS' 'd00543'='ESTROPIPATE' 'd00550'='PROGESTERONE' 'd00554'='HYDROXYPROGESTERONE' 'd00555'='NORETHINDRONE' 'd00557'='LEVONORGESTREL' 'd00558'='TESTOSTERONE' 'd00563'='FINASTERIDE' 'd00566'='OXANDROLONE' 'd00569'='CLOMIPHENE' 'd00570'='UROFOLLITROPIN' 'd00571'='MENOTROPINS' 'd00572'='CHORIONIC GONADOTROPIN (HCG)' 'd00575'='HISTRELIN' 'd00577'='SOMATROPIN' 'd00578'='ARGININE' 'd00583'='DESMOPRESSIN' 'd00584'='OXYTOCIN' 'd00587'='METHYLERGONOVINE' 'd00589'='DINOPROSTONE TOPICAL' 'd00592'='METYRAPONE' 'd00593'='GLUCAGON' 'd00595'='GLUCOSE' 'd00598'='CALCITONIN' 'd00599'='ETIDRONATE' 'd00601'='PAMIDRONATE' 'd00608'='FLUDROCORTISONE' 'd00609'='CORTISONE' 'd00620'='TRIAMCINOLONE' 'd00626'='DEXAMETHASONE TOPICAL' 'd00628'='BETAMETHASONE' 'd00640'='METHAZOLAMIDE' 'd00645'='HYDROFLUMETHIAZIDE' 'd00646'='TRICHLORMETHIAZIDE' 'd00649'='ETHACRYNIC ACID' 'd00651'='UREA TOPICAL' 'd00652'='GLYCERIN' 'd00653'='ISOSORBIDE' 'd00655'='THYROID DESICCATED' 'd00658'='LIOTHYRONINE' 'd00683'='LIDOCAINE TOPICAL' 'd00688'='BEPRIDIL' 'd00689'='AMLODIPINE' 'd00695'='PAPAVERINE' 'd00699'='EPINEPHRINE' 'd00700'='EPHEDRINE' 'd00704'='PHENYLEPHRINE' 'd00708'='CARTEOLOL' 'd00709'='BISOPROLOL' 'd00717'='GUANFACINE' 'd00726'='DOXAZOSIN' 'd00728'='RAMIPRIL' 'd00730'='BENAZEPRIL' 'd00732'='LISINOPRIL' 'd00733'='PHENTOLAMINE' 'd00743'='SODIUM POLYSTYRENE SULFONATE' 'd00744'='COLESTIPOL' 'd00746'='SIMVASTATIN' 'd00749'='ALBUTEROL' 'd00750'='METAPROTERENOL' 'd00752'='TERBUTALINE' 'd00755'='PIRBUTEROL' 'd00758'='AMINOPHYLLINE' 'd00760'='BECLOMETHASONE' 'd00762'='ACETYLCYSTEINE' 'd00767'='PHENYLPROPANOLAMINE' 'd00769'='PSEUDOEPHEDRINE' 'd00771'='NAPHAZOLINE OPHTHALMIC' 'd00772'='OXYMETAZOLINE NASAL' 'd00773'='TETRAHYDROZOLINE OPHTHALMIC' 'd00775'='ALPHA 1-PROTEINASE INHIBITOR' 'd00780'='CLEMASTINE' 'd00785'='BROMPHENIRAMINE' 'd00787'='PROMETHAZINE' 'd00790'='CYPROHEPTADINE' 'd00794'='ASTEMIZOLE' 'd00796'='BENZONATATE' 'd00797'='GUAIFENESIN' 'd00799'='IODINATED GLYCEROL' 'd00800'='POTASSIUM IODIDE' 'd00801'='CAFFEINE' 'd00803'='AMPHETAMINE' 'd00804'='DEXTROAMPHETAMINE' 'd00805'='METHAMPHETAMINE' 'd00806'='PHENTERMINE' 'd00809'='PHENDIMETRAZINE' 'd00810'='DIETHYLPROPION' 'd00811'='MAZINDOL' 'd00813'='BENZOCAINE TOPICAL' 'd00817'='HYDROXYCHLOROQUINE' 'd00824'='OPIUM' 'd00833'='OXYMORPHONE' 'd00838'='BUTORPHANOL' 'd00839'='NALBUPHINE' 'd00840'='BUPRENORPHINE' 'd00842'='SALSALATE' 'd00843'='SODIUM SALICYLATE' 'd00848'='DICLOFENAC' 'd00851'='ETODOLAC' 'd00853'='OXAPROZIN' 'd00855'='PERPHENAZINE' 'd00858'='CYCLIZINE' 'd00859'='MECLIZINE' 'd00861'='DIMENHYDRINATE' 'd00862'='TRIMETHOBENZAMIDE' 'd00866'='DRONABINOL' 'd00867'='ONDANSETRON' 'd00874'='AMOXAPINE' 'd00875'='PROTRIPTYLINE' 'd00876'='CLOMIPRAMINE' 'd00880'='SERTRALINE' 'd00883'='PHENELZINE' 'd00884'='TRANYLCYPROMINE' 'd00890'='TRIFLUOPERAZINE' 'd00897'='LOXAPINE' 'd00900'='METHYLPHENIDATE' 'd00902'='ERGOLOID MESYLATES' 'd00907'='HYDROXYZINE' 'd00910'='ZOLPIDEM' 'd00915'='ESTAZOLAM' 'd00923'='BUTABARBITAL' 'd00933'='PROPOFOL' 'd00934'='NITROUS OXIDE' 'd00941'='MEPHENYTOIN' 'd00957'='DOXACURIUM' 'd00960'='CARISOPRODOL' 'd00962'='CHLORZOXAZONE' 'd00963'='CYCLOBENZAPRINE' 'd00964'='METAXALONE' 'd00965'='METHOCARBAMOL' 'd00966'='ORPHENADRINE' 'd00967'='BACLOFEN' 'd00970'='TRIHEXYPHENIDYL' 'd00976'='SELEGILINE' 'd00978'='ALUMINUM HYDROXIDE' 'd00982'='MAGNESIUM HYDROXIDE' 'd00985'='HYOSCYAMINE' 'd00986'='SCOPOLAMINE' 'd00988'='BELLADONNA' 'd00989'='METHSCOPOLAMINE' 'd00991'='CLIDINIUM' 'd00992'='GLYCOPYRROLATE' 'd00999'='DICYCLOMINE' 'd01002'='PANCRELIPASE' 'd01003'='PANCREATIN' 'd01005'='URSODIOL' 'd01008'='MAGNESIUM CITRATE' 'd01010'='CASCARA SAGRADA' 'd01012'='PHENOLPHTHALEIN' 'd01013'='SENNA' 'd01014'='CASTOR OIL' 'd01015'='BISACODYL' 'd01017'='POLYCARBOPHIL' 'd01018'='PSYLLIUM' 'd01019'='MINERAL OIL' 'd01021'='DOCUSATE' 'd01023'='POLYETHYLENE GLYCOL 3350 WITH ELECTROLYTES' 'd01024'='LACTULOSE' 'd01025'='LOPERAMIDE' 'd01026'='BISMUTH SUBSALICYLATE' 'd01027'='SIMETHICONE' 'd01031'='MESALAMINE' 'd01032'='OLSALAZINE' 'd01068'='DEMECLOCYCLINE' 'd01070'='OXYTETRACYCLINE' 'd01097'='RIFABUTIN' 'd01101'='CYCLOSERINE' 'd01105'='IODOQUINOL' 'd01113'='COLISTIMETHATE' 'd01115'='BACITRACIN' 'd01120'='ATOVAQUONE' 'd01121'='CLOFAZIMINE' 'd01133'='IMMUNE GLOBULIN INTRAVENOUS' 'd01135'='IMMUNE GLOBULIN INTRAMUSCULAR' 'd01136'='HEPATITIS B IMMUNE GLOBULIN' 'd01137'='TETANUS IMMUNE GLOBULIN' 'd01138'='VARICELLA ZOSTER IMMUNE GLOBULIN' 'd01139'='RHO (D) IMMUNE GLOBULIN' 'd01142'='DIPHTHERIA ANTITOXIN' 'd01147'='RABIES VACCINE (OBSOLETE)' 'd01148'='RABIES IMMUNE GLOBULIN, HUMAN' 'd01156'='TYPHOID VACCINE, INACTIVATED' 'd01158'='HAEMOPHILUS B CONJUGATE VACCINE (OBSOLETE)' 'd01159'='MEASLES VIRUS VACCINE' 'd01163'='POLIOVIRUS VACCINE, INACTIVATED' 'd01164'='INFLUENZA VIRUS VACCINE, INACTIVATED' 'd01165'='YELLOW FEVER VACCINE' 'd01166'='HEPATITIS B VACCINE (OBSOLETE)' 'd01168'='TETANUS TOXOID' 'd01171'='TUBERCULIN PURIFIED PROTEIN DERIVATIVE' 'd01185'='APRACLONIDINE OPHTHALMIC' 'd01187'='LEVOBUNOLOL OPHTHALMIC' 'd01191'='PILOCARPINE OPHTHALMIC' 'd01199'='HOMATROPINE OPHTHALMIC' 'd01200'='TROPICAMIDE OPHTHALMIC' 'd01201'='CYCLOPENTOLATE OPHTHALMIC' 'd01208'='SULFACETAMIDE SODIUM OPHTHALMIC' 'd01215'='TRIFLURIDINE OPHTHALMIC' 'd01217'='TETRACAINE' 'd01218'='PROPARACAINE OPHTHALMIC' 'd01219'='FLUORESCEIN OPHTHALMIC' 'd01222'='SODIUM HYALURONATE OPHTHALMIC' 'd01225'='BORIC ACID TOPICAL' 'd01226'='HYDROXYPROPYL METHYLCELLULOSE OPHTHALMIC' 'd01227'='BOTULINUM TOXIN TYPE A (OBSOLETE)' 'd01231'='CHLORHEXIDINE TOPICAL' 'd01232'='CARBAMIDE PEROXIDE TOPICAL' 'd01233'='NYSTATIN' 'd01235'='TIOCONAZOLE TOPICAL' 'd01236'='CLOTRIMAZOLE' 'd01238'='TERCONAZOLE TOPICAL' 'd01241'='CLINDAMYCIN TOPICAL' 'd01242'='NONOXYNOL 9 TOPICAL' 'd01244'='TRETINOIN TOPICAL' 'd01245'='ISOTRETINOIN' 'd01246'='BENZOYL PEROXIDE TOPICAL' 'd01257'='NITROFURAZONE TOPICAL' 'd01258'='MAFENIDE TOPICAL' 'd01259'='SILVER SULFADIAZINE TOPICAL' 'd01263'='PYRITHIONE ZINC TOPICAL' 'd01265'='SULFACETAMIDE SODIUM TOPICAL' 'd01266'='CHLOROXINE TOPICAL' 'd01267'='MUPIROCIN TOPICAL' 'd01271'='ECONAZOLE TOPICAL' 'd01272'='CICLOPIROX TOPICAL' 'd01274'='TOLNAFTATE TOPICAL' 'd01275'='SULCONAZOLE TOPICAL' 'd01277'='NAFTIFINE TOPICAL' 'd01278'='LINDANE TOPICAL' 'd01279'='PERMETHRIN TOPICAL' 'd01280'='CROTAMITON TOPICAL' 'd01282'='ALCLOMETASONE TOPICAL' 'd01283'='AMCINONIDE TOPICAL' 'd01288'='CLOBETASOL TOPICAL' 'd01289'='CLOCORTOLONE TOPICAL' 'd01290'='DESONIDE TOPICAL' 'd01291'='DESOXIMETASONE TOPICAL' 'd01292'='DIFLORASONE TOPICAL' 'd01293'='FLUOCINOLONE TOPICAL' 'd01294'='FLUOCINONIDE TOPICAL' 'd01295'='FLURANDRENOLIDE TOPICAL' 'd01296'='FLUTICASONE' 'd01297'='HALCINONIDE TOPICAL' 'd01298'='HALOBETASOL TOPICAL' 'd01301'='DIBUCAINE TOPICAL' 'd01303'='PRAMOXINE TOPICAL' 'd01305'='DYCLONINE TOPICAL' 'd01307'='SALICYLIC ACID TOPICAL' 'd01309'='PODOFILOX TOPICAL' 'd01313'='TRICHLOROACETIC ACID TOPICAL' 'd01315'='COLLAGENASE TOPICAL' 'd01316'='MASOPROCOL TOPICAL' 'd01319'='HYDROQUINONE TOPICAL' 'd01320'='FORMALDEHYDE TOPICAL' 'd01321'='CAPSAICIN TOPICAL' 'd01322'='ALUMINUM CHLORIDE HEXAHYDRATE TOPICAL' 'd01325'='ARNICA TOPICAL' 'd01330'='THIMEROSAL TOPICAL' 'd01335'='SODIUM HYPOCHLORITE TOPICAL' 'd01338'='PHYSIOLOGICAL IRRIGATING SOLUTION' 'd01339'='MECHLORETHAMINE' 'd01341'='LOMUSTINE' 'd01346'='FLUDARABINE' 'd01348'='MEGESTROL' 'd01351'='ESTRAMUSTINE' 'd01353'='LEUPROLIDE' 'd01354'='GOSERELIN' 'd01373'='HYDROXYUREA' 'd01376'='PACLITAXEL' 'd01378'='MITOTANE' 'd01379'='ASPARAGINASE ESCHERICHIA COLI' 'd01382'='ETHANOLAMINE OLEATE' 'd01384'='MORRHUATE SODIUM' 'd01385'='BETA-CAROTENE' 'd01387'='ALPROSTADIL' 'd01389'='DISULFIRAM' 'd01393'='HYALURONIDASE' 'd01394'='PROCAINE' 'd01396'='PRILOCAINE' 'd01398'='MEPIVACAINE' 'd01402'='DEFEROXAMINE' 'd01406'='NALTREXONE' 'd01407'='FLUMAZENIL' 'd01417'='SUCCIMER' 'd01423'='POTASSIUM CITRATE' 'd01427'='BETHANECHOL' 'd01431'='DIMETHYL SULFOXIDE' 'd01433'='ACETOHYDROXAMIC ACID' 'd01445'='BARIUM SULFATE' 'd01456'='IOHEXOL' 'd01461'='IOPAMIDOL' 'd01473'='DIATRIZOATE' 'd01475'='IOTHALAMATE' 'd02376'='ALBUMIN HUMAN' 'd02377'='DEXTRAN-1' 'd03007'='MEASLES;MUMPS;RUBELLA VIRUS VACCINE' 'd03008'='INTERFERON GAMMA-1B' 'd03034'='NORGESTREL' 'd03041'='ENOXAPARIN' 'd03050'='LORATADINE' 'd03052'='HYDROCHLOROTHIAZIDE-TRIAMTERENE' 'd03054'='AMYLASE' 'd03061'='BUTALBITAL' 'd03066'='CITRIC ACID' 'd03071'='DIPHENOXYLATE' 'd03075'='HYDROCODONE' 'd03077'='ISOMETHEPTENE MUCATE' 'd03080'='LIPASE' 'd03096'='SODIUM BENZOATE' 'd03098'='SODIUM CITRATE' 'd03110'='DIPHTH;PERTUSSIS, ACEL;TETANUS (OBSOLETE)' 'd03125'='DIHYDROTACHYSTEROL' 'd03126'='CALCITRIOL' 'd03128'='ERGOCALCIFEROL' 'd03129'='CHOLECALCIFEROL' 'd03130'='THIAMINE' 'd03133'='HYDROXOCOBALAMIN' 'd03135'='PHYTONADIONE' 'd03137'='CALCIUM-VITAMIN D' 'd03140'='MULTIVITAMIN' 'd03141'='MULTIVITAMIN WITH IRON' 'd03145'='MULTIVITAMIN WITH MINERALS' 'd03148'='MULTIVITAMIN, PRENATAL' 'd03149'='ASCORBIC ACID-FERROUS SULFATE' 'd03154'='DOXYLAMINE' 'd03157'='PAROXETINE' 'd03158'='RIMANTADINE' 'd03159'='CHOLINE' 'd03160'='SUMATRIPTAN' 'd03162'='ETHANOL' 'd03165'='PIPERACILLIN-TAZOBACTAM' 'd03166'='CISAPRIDE' 'd03170'='FELBAMATE' 'd03171'='GRANISETRON' 'd03176'='TACRINE' 'd03180'='RISPERIDONE' 'd03181'='VENLAFAXINE' 'd03182'='GABAPENTIN' 'd03183'='FLUVASTATIN' 'd03189'='TORSEMIDE' 'd03190'='OXICONAZOLE TOPICAL' 'd03191'='TERBINAFINE TOPICAL' 'd03192'='ZINC OXIDE TOPICAL' 'd03193'='AMILORIDE-HYDROCHLOROTHIAZIDE' 'd03195'='MICONAZOLE TOPICAL' 'd03197'='BETAMETHASONE TOPICAL' 'd03200'='ERYTHROMYCIN TOPICAL' 'd03202'='KETOCONAZOLE TOPICAL' 'd03203'='MINOXIDIL TOPICAL' 'd03204'='FLUOROURACIL TOPICAL' 'd03205'='HYDROCORTISONE TOPICAL' 'd03206'='TRIAMCINOLONE TOPICAL' 'd03208'='METRONIDAZOLE TOPICAL' 'd03210'='SELENIUM SULFIDE TOPICAL' 'd03211'='CIPROFLOXACIN OPHTHALMIC' 'd03214'='KETOROLAC OPHTHALMIC' 'd03220'='FLURBIPROFEN OPHTHALMIC' 'd03221'='PREDNISOLONE OPHTHALMIC' 'd03222'='TOBRAMYCIN OPHTHALMIC' 'd03225'='PREDNICARBATE TOPICAL' 'd03226'='SALIVA SUBSTITUTES' 'd03227'='FLUOROMETHOLONE OPHTHALMIC' 'd03228'='LODOXAMIDE OPHTHALMIC' 'd03229'='LEVOCABASTINE OPHTHALMIC' 'd03233'='VITAMIN E TOPICAL' 'd03238'='ETHINYL ESTRADIOL-NORETHINDRONE' 'd03241'='ETHINYL ESTRADIOL-NORGESTREL' 'd03242'='ETHINYL ESTRADIOL-LEVONORGESTREL' 'd03244'='CONJUGATED ESTROGENS-METHYLTESTOSTERONE' 'd03245'='ESTERIFIED ESTROGENS-METHYLTESTOSTERONE' 'd03247'='HYDROCHLOROTHIAZIDE-SPIRONOLACTONE' 'd03256'='HYDRALAZINE;HYDROCHLOROTHIAZIDE;RESERPINE' 'd03257'='HYDRALAZINE-HYDROCHLOROTHIAZIDE' 'd03258'='ATENOLOL-CHLORTHALIDONE' 'd03263'='HYDROCHLOROTHIAZIDE-METHYLDOPA' 'd03264'='HYDROCHLOROTHIAZIDE-METOPROLOL' 'd03265'='BENAZEPRIL-HYDROCHLOROTHIAZIDE' 'd03266'='HYDROCHLOROTHIAZIDE-LISINOPRIL' 'd03267'='CHLORTHALIDONE-CLONIDINE' 'd03268'='POLYTHIAZIDE-PRAZOSIN' 'd03280'='EPHEDRINE;PHENOBARBITAL;THEOPHYLLINE' 'd03289'='ACETAMINOPHEN-PSEUDOEPHEDRINE' 'd03292'='IBUPROFEN-PSEUDOEPHEDRINE' 'd03296'='ACETAMINOPHEN-CHLORPHENIRAMINE' 'd03297'='ACETAMINOPHEN-PHENYLTOLOXAMINE' 'd03298'='CHLORPHENIRAMINE-PSEUDOEPHEDRINE' 'd03299'='CHLORPHENIRAMINE-PHENYLPROPANOLAMINE' 'd03300'='CHLORPHENIRAMINE-PHENYLEPHRINE' 'd03301'='BROMPHENIRAMINE-PSEUDOEPHEDRINE' 'd03302'='BROMPHENIRAMINE-PHENYLPROPANOLAMINE' 'd03311'='BROMPHENIRAMINE-PHENYLEPHRINE' 'd03313'='CHLORPHENIRAMINE;PHENYLEPHRINE;PYRILAMINE' 'd03314'='CHLORPHENIRAMINE;PHENYLEPHRINE;PPA' 'd03316'='PSEUDOEPHEDRINE-TRIPROLIDINE' 'd03317'='PHENYLEPHRINE-PROMETHAZINE' 'd03318'='PHENIRAMINE;PPA;PYRILAMINE' 'd03320'='ACETAMINOPHEN;CHLORPHENIRAMINE;PSE' 'd03331'='ACETAMINOPHEN;CHLORPHENIRAMINE;PHENYLEPHRINE' 'd03338'='CHLORPHENIRAMINE;METHSCOPOLAMINE;PE' 'd03340'='HOMATROPINE-HYDROCODONE' 'd03342'='ACETAMINOPHEN;DEXTROMETHORPHAN;PSE' 'd03347'='ACETAMINOPHEN;CHLORPHENIRAMINE;DM;PSE' 'd03352'='HYDROCODONE-PSEUDOEPHEDRINE' 'd03356'='CHLORPHENIRAMINE-HYDROCODONE' 'd03357'='CODEINE-PROMETHAZINE' 'd03359'='CHLORPHENIRAMINE-DEXTROMETHORPHAN' 'd03360'='DEXTROMETHORPHAN-PROMETHAZINE' 'd03361'='CHLORPHENIRAMINE;HYDROCODONE;PHENYLEPHRINE' 'd03363'='CODEINE;PSEUDOEPHEDRINE;TRIPROLIDINE' 'd03364'='CODEINE;PHENYLEPHRINE;PROMETHAZINE' 'd03368'='BROMPHENIRAMINE;DEXTROMETHORPHAN;PSE' 'd03369'='CHLORPHENIRAMINE;DEXTROMETHORP;PHENYLEPHRINE' 'd03370'='CHLORPHENIRAMINE;DEXTROMETHORPHAN;PSE' 'd03372'='BROMPHENIRAMINE;DEXTROMETHORPHAN;PPA' 'd03379'='GUAIFENESIN-PSEUDOEPHEDRINE' 'd03381'='GUAIFENESIN-PHENYLEPHRINE' 'd03382'='GUAIFENESIN-PHENYLPROPANOLAMINE' 'd03383'='GUAIFENESIN;PHENYLEPHRINE;PPA' 'd03388'='ETHINYL ESTRADIOL-ETHYNODIOL' 'd03389'='ESTRADIOL-TESTOSTERONE' 'd03393'='CODEINE-GUAIFENESIN' 'd03394'='CODEINE-IODINATED GLYCEROL' 'd03396'='GUAIFENESIN-HYDROCODONE' 'd03398'='CODEINE;GUAIFENESIN;PSEUDOEPHEDRINE' 'd03400'='DEXTROMETHORPHAN-GUAIFENESIN' 'd03403'='GUAIFENESIN;HYDROCODONE;PHENYLEPHRINE' 'd03408'='DEXTROMETHORPHAN;GUAIFENESIN;PHENYLEPHRINE' 'd03409'='DEXTROMETHORPHAN;GUAIFENESIN;PSEUDOEPHEDRINE' 'd03411'='DEXTROMETHORPHAN;GUAIFENESIN;PPA' 'd03416'='CHLORPHENIRAMINE;HYDROCODONE;PSE' 'd03423'='ACETAMINOPHEN-CODEINE' 'd03425'='ACETAMINOPHEN;BUTALBITAL;CAFFEINE;CODEINE' 'd03426'='ASPIRIN;BUTALBITAL;CAFFEINE;CODEINE' 'd03428'='ACETAMINOPHEN-HYDROCODONE' 'd03431'='ACETAMINOPHEN-OXYCODONE' 'd03432'='ASPIRIN-OXYCODONE' 'd03434'='ACETAMINOPHEN-PROPOXYPHENE' 'd03437'='ACETAMINOPHEN;ASPIRIN;CAFFEINE;SALICYLAMIDE' 'd03439'='ACETAMINOPHEN;ASPIRIN;CAFFEINE' 'd03445'='ACETAMINOPHEN-DIPHENHYDRAMINE' 'd03447'='ASPIRIN;CAFFEINE;SALICYLAMIDE' 'd03449'='ASPIRIN-CAFFEINE' 'd03455'='ACETAMINOPHEN;BUTALBITAL;CAFFEINE' 'd03456'='ACETAMINOPHEN-BUTALBITAL' 'd03457'='ASPIRIN;BUTALBITAL;CAFFEINE' 'd03459'='APAP;DICHLORALPHENAZONE;ISOMETHEPTENE' 'd03462'='AMITRIPTYLINE-CHLORDIAZEPOXIDE' 'd03463'='AMITRIPTYLINE-PERPHENAZINE' 'd03469'='ASPIRIN-CARISOPRODOL' 'd03472'='ASPIRIN;CAFFEINE;ORPHENADRINE' 'd03473'='CARBIDOPA-LEVODOPA' 'd03474'='ALUMINUM HYDROXIDE-MAGNESIUM HYDROXIDE' 'd03478'='AL HYDROXIDE;MG HYDROXIDE;SIMETHICONE' 'd03485'='ATROPINE;HYOSCYAMINE;PB;SCOPOLAMINE' 'd03490'='ATROPINE-PHENOBARBITAL' 'd03492'='CHLORDIAZEPOXIDE-CLIDINIUM' 'd03496'='DOCUSATE-SENNA' 'd03498'='CASANTHRANOL-DOCUSATE' 'd03502'='CASCARA SAGRADA-PHENOLPHTHALEIN' 'd03506'='ATROPINE-DIPHENOXYLATE' 'd03509'='ERYTHROMYCIN-SULFISOXAZOLE' 'd03523'='HYDROXYAMPHETAMINE-TROPICAMIDE OPHTHALMIC' 'd03524'='BACITRACIN;NEOMYCIN;POLYMYXIN B TOPICAL' 'd03525'='GRAMICIDIN;NEOMYCIN;POLYMYXIN B OPHTHALMIC' 'd03536'='DEXAMETHASONE-TOBRAMYCIN OPHTHALMIC' 'd03541'='PREDNISOLONE-SULFACETAMIDE SODIUM OPHTHALMIC' 'd03542'='FLUORESCEIN-PROPARACAINE OPHTHALMIC' 'd03546'='HYDROCORTISONE-PRAMOXINE TOPICAL' 'd03555'='HYDROCORTISONE-NEOMYCIN TOPICAL' 'd03561'='BETAMETHASONE-CLOTRIMAZOLE TOPICAL' 'd03562'='NYSTATIN-TRIAMCINOLONE TOPICAL' 'd03566'='CAPTOPRIL-HYDROCHLOROTHIAZIDE' 'd03569'='CARBINOXAMINE' 'd03570'='CARBINOXAMINE-PSEUDOEPHEDRINE' 'd03577'='CARBINOXAMINE;DEXTROMETHORPHAN;PSE' 'd03593'='CALCIUM CARBONATE-MAGNESIUM CARBONATE' 'd03600'='POTASSIUM BICARBONATE' 'd03618'='HYOSCYAMINE;METHENAM;M-BLUE;PHENYL SALICYL' 'd03621'='BENOXINATE OPHTHALMIC' 'd03622'='BENOXINATE-FLUORESCEIN OPHTHALMIC' 'd03623'='ACETIC ACID TOPICAL' 'd03624'='ANTIPYRINE OTIC' 'd03625'='ACETIC ACID-HYDROCORTISONE OTIC' 'd03627'='ANTIPYRINE-BENZOCAINE OTIC' 'd03640'='BUDESONIDE NASAL' 'd03641'='PETROLATUM TOPICAL' 'd03644'='LACTOBACILLUS ACIDOPHILUS' 'd03646'='LACTOBACILLUS ACIDOPHILUS AND BULGARICUS' 'd03647'='ISOPROPYL ALCOHOL TOPICAL' 'd03648'='OPHTHALMIC IRRIGATION, INTRAOCULAR' 'd03649'='BENZOIN TOPICAL' 'd03650'='CANDIDA ALBICANS EXTRACT' 'd03652'='COLCHICINE-PROBENECID' 'd03653'='CALAMINE TOPICAL' 'd03655'='LIDOCAINE-PRILOCAINE TOPICAL' 'd03656'='ETHYL CHLORIDE TOPICAL' 'd03660'='MULTIVITAMIN WITH IRON AND FLUORIDE' 'd03663'='LECITHIN' 'd03664'='PHENOL TOPICAL' 'd03665'='MENTHOL TOPICAL' 'd03668'='METHYL SALICYLATE TOPICAL' 'd03669'='METHYL SALICYLATE-MENTHOL TOPICAL' 'd03676'='NALOXONE-PENTAZOCINE' 'd03680'='ASPIRIN;CITRIC ACID;SODIUM BICARBONATE' 'd03682'='ACETAMINOPHEN-PENTAZOCINE' 'd03687'='ALUMINUM ACETATE TOPICAL' 'd03688'='ALUMINUM SULFATE TOPICAL' 'd03689'='CALCIUM ACETATE' 'd03690'='ALUMINUM SULFATE-CALCIUM ACETATE TOPICAL' 'd03692'='BENZYLPENICILLOYL-POLYLYSINE' 'd03693'='ICHTHAMMOL TOPICAL' 'd03702'='SULFUR TOPICAL' 'd03703'='COAL TAR TOPICAL' 'd03707'='ALOE VERA TOPICAL' 'd03708'='LANOLIN-MINERAL OIL TOPICAL' 'd03713'='CAMPHOR-PHENOL TOPICAL' 'd03718'='TRACE ELEMENTS' 'd03735'='TRIETHANOLAMINE POLYPEPTIDE OLEATE OTIC' 'd03740'='ENALAPRIL-HYDROCHLOROTHIAZIDE' 'd03744'='BISOPROLOL-HYDROCHLOROTHIAZIDE' 'd03751'='DEXBROMPHENIRAMINE-PSEUDOEPHEDRINE' 'd03752'='TACROLIMUS' 'd03754'='ACRIVASTINE-PSEUDOEPHEDRINE' 'd03756'='BACITRACIN TOPICAL' 'd03759'='SALMETEROL' 'd03761'='LANOLIN TOPICAL' 'd03768'='OCULAR LUBRICANT' 'd03770'='EMOLLIENTS, TOPICAL' 'd03773'='STAVUDINE' 'd03774'='DOXEPIN TOPICAL' 'd03775'='FAMCICLOVIR' 'd03780'='DESOGESTREL' 'd03781'='ETHINYL ESTRADIOL-NORGESTIMATE' 'd03782'='DESOGESTREL-ETHINYL ESTRADIOL' 'd03783'='BUPIVACAINE-EPINEPHRINE' 'd03784'='EPINEPHRINE-LIDOCAINE' 'd03788'='CALCIPOTRIENE TOPICAL' 'd03790'='POTASSIUM PHOSPHATE' 'd03796'='MAGNESIUM CHLORIDE' 'd03797'='MAGNESIUM OXIDE' 'd03798'='MAGNESIUM GLUCONATE' 'd03804'='FLUVOXAMINE' 'd03805'='DORZOLAMIDE OPHTHALMIC' 'd03806'='ALBENDAZOLE' 'd03807'='METFORMIN' 'd03808'='NEFAZODONE' 'd03809'='LAMOTRIGINE' 'd03810'='VINORELBINE' 'd03812'='DALTEPARIN' 'd03814'='RIMEXOLONE OPHTHALMIC' 'd03818'='LORATADINE-PSEUDOEPHEDRINE' 'd03819'='CONJUGATED ESTROGENS-MEDROXYPROGESTERONE' 'd03820'='HEPATITIS A VACCINE (OBSOLETE)' 'd03821'='LOSARTAN' 'd03822'='FERROUS GLUCONATE' 'd03823'='IRON POLYSACCHARIDE' 'd03824'='FERROUS SULFATE' 'd03825'='NISOLDIPINE' 'd03826'='TRAMADOL' 'd03827'='CETIRIZINE' 'd03828'='LANSOPRAZOLE' 'd03829'='AMLODIPINE-BENAZEPRIL' 'd03830'='HYDROCHLOROTHIAZIDE-LOSARTAN' 'd03831'='NILUTAMIDE' 'd03832'='VARICELLA VIRUS VACCINE' 'd03833'='DIVALPROEX SODIUM' 'd03835'='MOEXIPRIL' 'd03836'='ACITRETIN' 'd03838'='VALACYCLOVIR' 'd03839'='MYCOPHENOLATE MOFETIL' 'd03842'='EPOPROSTENOL' 'd03846'='ACARBOSE' 'd03847'='CARVEDILOL' 'd03848'='AZELAIC ACID TOPICAL' 'd03849'='ALENDRONATE' 'd03850'='BICALUTAMIDE' 'd03857'='BENZOYL PEROXIDE-ERYTHROMYCIN TOPICAL' 'd03858'='LAMIVUDINE' 'd03862'='MAGNESIUM AMINO ACIDS CHELATE' 'd03864'='GLIMEPIRIDE' 'd03866'='CALCIUM CITRATE' 'd03869'='RILUZOLE' 'd03873'='ANASTROZOLE' 'd03874'='CEFTIBUTEN' 'd03884'='TROLAMINE SALICYLATE TOPICAL' 'd03894'='KAOLIN-PECTIN' 'd03896'='AMYLASE;CELLULASE;LIPASE;PROTEASE' 'd03897'='LACTASE' 'd03898'='SODIUM CHLORIDE, HYPERTONIC, OPHTHALMIC' 'd03904'='BALSAM PERU;CASTOR OIL;TRYPSIN TOPICAL' 'd03908'='APAP;CHLORPHENIRAMINE;DEXTROMETHORPHAN;PPA' 'd03911'='CHLORPHENIRAMINE;METHSCOPOLAMINE;PSE' 'd03922'='ACETAMINOPHEN-CAFFEINE' 'd03927'='BACITRACIN OPHTHALMIC' 'd03963'='BACITRACIN;HC;NEOMYCIN;POLYMYXIN B OPHTHALMIC' 'd03965'='BACITRACIN-POLYMYXIN B OPHTHALMIC' 'd03968'='DEXAMETHASONE OPHTHALMIC' 'd03971'='EPINEPHRINE OPHTHALMIC' 'd03973'='ERYTHROMYCIN OPHTHALMIC' 'd03974'='GENTAMICIN OPHTHALMIC' 'd03975'='GLYCERIN OPHTHALMIC' 'd03977'='OFLOXACIN OPHTHALMIC' 'd03979'='SCOPOLAMINE OPHTHALMIC' 'd03984'='RITONAVIR' 'd03986'='GANCICLOVIR OPHTHALMIC' 'd03990'='CARBAMIDE PEROXIDE OTIC' 'd03994'='COLLOIDAL OATMEAL TOPICAL' 'd03998'='STERILE WATER' 'd04002'='PIPERONYL BUTOXIDE-PYRETHRINS TOPICAL' 'd04003'='HYDROGEN PEROXIDE TOPICAL' 'd04004'='DOXORUBICIN LIPOSOMAL' 'd04008'='TRANDOLAPRIL' 'd04009'='DOCETAXEL' 'd04010'='GEMCITABINE' 'd04011'='INTERFERON BETA-1A' 'd04012'='TERBINAFINE' 'd04014'='TOPOTECAN' 'd04015'='ADAPALENE TOPICAL' 'd04017'='LATANOPROST OPHTHALMIC' 'd04025'='MIRTAZAPINE' 'd04026'='IRINOTECAN' 'd04027'='MEROPENEM' 'd04029'='NEVIRAPINE' 'd04032'='SULFACETAMIDE SODIUM-SULFUR TOPICAL' 'd04035'='AMPHETAMINE-DEXTROAMPHETAMINE' 'd04037'='TIMOLOL OPHTHALMIC' 'd04038'='BETAXOLOL OPHTHALMIC' 'd04040'='FEXOFENADINE' 'd04043'='FOLLICLE STIMULATING HORMONE' 'd04047'='MIDODRINE' 'd04048'='BRIMONIDINE OPHTHALMIC' 'd04049'='AMMONIUM LACTATE TOPICAL' 'd04050'='OLANZAPINE' 'd04051'='ROPIVACAINE' 'd04052'='PENTOSAN POLYSULFATE SODIUM' 'd04053'='ZAFIRLUKAST' 'd04054'='PENCICLOVIR TOPICAL' 'd04056'='ZINC GLUCONATE' 'd04057'='ZINC SULFATE' 'd04058'='MELATONIN' 'd04063'='BUTENAFINE TOPICAL' 'd04065'='TRANDOLAPRIL-VERAPAMIL' 'd04066'='ALBUTEROL-IPRATROPIUM' 'd04068'='AZELASTINE NASAL' 'd04086'='SODIUM NITRITE' 'd04090'='LACTIC ACID TOPICAL' 'd04093'='HYDROCORTISONE-IODOQUINOL TOPICAL' 'd04099'='DONEPEZIL' 'd04101'='IVERMECTIN' 'd04102'='TIZANIDINE' 'd04103'='ZILEUTON' 'd04105'='ATORVASTATIN' 'd04106'='FOSFOMYCIN' 'd04107'='AMLEXANOX TOPICAL' 'd04108'='SPARFLOXACIN' 'd04109'='LEVOFLOXACIN' 'd04111'='GLATIRAMER' 'd04112'='CABERGOLINE' 'd04113'='VALSARTAN' 'd04115'='TOPIRAMATE' 'd04117'='OLOPATADINE OPHTHALMIC' 'd04120'='CAFFEINE-ERGOTAMINE' 'd04121'='TAMSULOSIN' 'd04122'='TROGLITAZONE' 'd04125'='IMIQUIMOD TOPICAL' 'd04126'='ANAGRELIDE' 'd04134'='POLYMYXIN B OPHTHALMIC' 'd04138'='TAZAROTENE TOPICAL' 'd04140'='CERIVASTATIN' 'd04141'='HYDROCHLOROTHIAZIDE-MOEXIPRIL' 'd04142'='CHROMIUM PICOLINATE' 'd04145'='PRAMIPEXOLE' 'd04156'='LETROZOLE' 'd04159'='SORBITOL' 'd04160'='SODIUM BIPHOSPHATE-SODIUM PHOSPHATE' 'd04168'='ACETAMINOPHEN;DIPHENHYDRAMINE;PSEUDOEPHEDRINE' 'd04190'='PAPAIN TOPICAL' 'd04192'='COLISTIN;HC;NEOMYCIN;THONZONIUM OTIC' 'd04196'='BACITRACIN;HC;NEOMYCIN;POLYMYXIN B TOPICAL' 'd04197'='HYDROCORTISONE;NEOMYCIN;POLYMYXIN B TOPICAL' 'd04208'='SILVER NITRATE TOPICAL' 'd04209'='METHOXSALEN TOPICAL' 'd04214'='DOLASETRON' 'd04215'='ROPINIROLE' 'd04219'='LAMIVUDINE-ZIDOVUDINE' 'd04220'='QUETIAPINE' 'd04221'='TIAGABINE' 'd04222'='IRBESARTAN' 'd04223'='MOMETASONE NASAL' 'd04225'='HYDROCODONE-IBUPROFEN' 'd04228'='ACETIC ACID OTIC' 'd04233'='TRIAMCINOLONE NASAL' 'd04237'='DEXAMETHASONE-LIDOCAINE' 'd04240'='HYLAN G-F 20' 'd04242'='SODIUM CHLORIDE NASAL' 'd04245'='HYDROCHLOROTHIAZIDE-IRBESARTAN' 'd04248'='METHYLCELLULOSE' 'd04253'='ZOLMITRIPTAN' 'd04255'='RITUXIMAB' 'd04256'='CEFDINIR' 'd04258'='CLOPIDOGREL' 'd04261'='RALOXIFENE' 'd04266'='EPROSARTAN' 'd04267'='REPAGLINIDE' 'd04269'='ACETAMINOPHEN;CAFFEINE;DIHYDROCODEINE' 'd04270'='FEXOFENADINE-PSEUDOEPHEDRINE' 'd04271'='DICLOFENAC-MISOPROSTOL' 'd04272'='AMOXICILLIN;CLARITHROMYCIN;LANSOPRAZOLE' 'd04275'='BECLOMETHASONE NASAL' 'd04276'='BUDESONIDE' 'd04279'='FLUNISOLIDE NASAL' 'd04281'='EMEDASTINE OPHTHALMIC' 'd04283'='FLUTICASONE NASAL' 'd04284'='FLUTICASONE TOPICAL' 'd04285'='NARATRIPTAN' 'd04286'='FENOFIBRATE' 'd04289'='MONTELUKAST' 'd04292'='LOTEPREDNOL OPHTHALMIC' 'd04293'='HYDROCHLOROTHIAZIDE-VALSARTAN' 'd04294'='TOLTERODINE' 'd04298'='PHENYLEPHRINE TOPICAL' 'd04299'='SILDENAFIL' 'd04300'='RISEDRONATE' 'd04301'='BRINZOLAMIDE OPHTHALMIC' 'd04305'='SACROSIDASE' 'd04311'='CAPECITABINE' 'd04312'='PARICALCITOL' 'd04317'='DIPHTHERIA TOXOID' 'd04318'='PERTUSSIS, ACELLULAR' 'd04322'='CANDESARTAN' 'd04323'='PALIVIZUMAB' 'd04327'='RIFAPENTINE' 'd04328'='RIZATRIPTAN' 'd04329'='SODIUM HYALURONATE' 'd04331'='THALIDOMIDE' 'd04332'='CITALOPRAM' 'd04342'='INFLIXIMAB' 'd04344'='ROTAVIRUS VACCINE' 'd04349'='LEFLUNOMIDE' 'd04355'='EFAVIRENZ' 'd04356'='VALRUBICIN' 'd04357'='TRASTUZUMAB' 'd04363'='SEVELAMER' 'd04364'='TELMISARTAN' 'd04365'='ETANERCEPT' 'd04369'='INSULIN REGULAR' 'd04370'='INSULIN ISOPHANE' 'd04374'='INSULIN ISOPHANE-INSULIN REGULAR' 'd04375'='ESTRADIOL-NORETHINDRONE' 'd04376'='ABACAVIR' 'd04377'='THYROTROPIN ALFA' 'd04378'='MODAFINIL' 'd04380'='CELECOXIB' 'd04382'='CILOSTAZOL' 'd04385'='ALITRETINOIN TOPICAL' 'd04387'='SODIUM FERRIC GLUCONATE COMPLEX' 'd04395'='CLOTRIMAZOLE TOPICAL' 'd04397'='FLUORIDE TOPICAL' 'd04399'='NYSTATIN TOPICAL' 'd04406'='TYPHOID VACCINE, LIVE' 'd04411'='GARLIC' 'd04412'='GINSENG' 'd04413'='GINKGO' 'd04416'='VALERIAN' 'd04417'='CREATINE' 'd04418'='GLUCOSAMINE' 'd04419'='CHONDROITIN' 'd04420'='CHONDROITIN-GLUCOSAMINE' 'd04426'='RED YEAST RICE' 'd04427'='LEVALBUTEROL' 'd04429'='ORLISTAT' 'd04432'='CARBONYL IRON' 'd04433'='ROFECOXIB' 'd04434'='ROSIGLITAZONE' 'd04435'='DOXERCALCIFEROL' 'd04436'='MALATHION TOPICAL' 'd04441'='KETOTIFEN OPHTHALMIC' 'd04442'='PIOGLITAZONE' 'd04443'='ZANAMIVIR' 'd04445'='CARBETAPENTANE;CHLORPHENIRAMINE;PHENYLEPHRINE' 'd04446'='PHENYLEPHRINE-PYRILAMINE' 'd04447'='GANIRELIX' 'd04448'='RABEPRAZOLE' 'd04451'='TEMOZOLOMIDE' 'd04452'='ZALEPLON' 'd04453'='SIROLIMUS' 'd04459'='DOFETILIDE' 'd04460'='ENTACAPONE' 'd04461'='EXEMESTANE' 'd04462'='OSELTAMIVIR' 'd04469'='BEE POLLEN' 'd04470'='CRANBERRY' 'd04472'='BLACK COHOSH' 'd04476'='BILBERRY' 'd04481'='ROYAL JELLY' 'd04487'='PEPPERMINT' 'd04497'='ASPIRIN-DIPYRIDAMOLE' 'd04499'='LEVETIRACETAM' 'd04500'='MOXIFLOXACIN' 'd04501'='AMINOLEVULINIC ACID TOPICAL' 'd04503'='NEDOCROMIL OPHTHALMIC' 'd04504'='GATIFLOXACIN' 'd04507'='BEXAROTENE' 'd04509'='HYDROCHLOROTHIAZIDE-QUINAPRIL' 'd04510'='INSULIN LISPRO-INSULIN LISPRO PROTAMINE' 'd04512'='CEVIMELINE' 'd04513'='OXCARBAZEPINE' 'd04514'='PANTOPRAZOLE' 'd04516'='ALOSETRON' 'd04521'='NETTLES' 'd04523'='UBIQUINONE' 'd04527'='ZONISAMIDE' 'd04532'='MELOXICAM' 'd04533'='VERTEPORFIN' 'd04534'='LINEZOLID' 'd04535'='ARTICAINE-EPINEPHRINE' 'd04537'='RIVASTIGMINE' 'd04538'='INSULIN GLARGINE' 'd04539'='FOSINOPRIL-HYDROCHLOROTHIAZIDE' 'd04540'='GEMTUZUMAB' 'd04541'='AZELASTINE OPHTHALMIC' 'd04547'='ATOVAQUONE-PROGUANIL' 'd04557'='CLOBAZAM' 'd04572'='FORMOTEROL' 'd04597'='TETRABENAZINE' 'd04611'='FLUTICASONE-SALMETEROL' 'd04661'='LIDOCAINE OPHTHALMIC' 'd04674'='DIPHTH;HAEMOPHILUS;PERTUSSIS;TETANUS;POLIO' 'd04675'='DIPHTHERIA;PERTUSSIS,ACEL;TETANUS;POLIO' 'd04685'='HEPATITIS A-HEPATITIS B VACCINE' 'd04695'='COLESEVELAM' 'd04696'='TRIPTORELIN' 'd04697'='INSULIN ASPART' 'd04700'='BALSALAZIDE' 'd04702'='DOCOSANOL TOPICAL' 'd04703'='GLYBURIDE-METFORMIN' 'd04704'='EFLORNITHINE TOPICAL' 'd04707'='LEVOFLOXACIN OPHTHALMIC' 'd04708'='ZOLEDRONIC ACID' 'd04711'='CANDESARTAN-HYDROCHLOROTHIAZIDE' 'd04717'='LOPINAVIR-RITONAVIR' 'd04718'='MIFEPRISTONE' 'd04721'='ESTRADIOL-MEDROXYPROGESTERONE' 'd04722'='DICLOFENAC TOPICAL' 'd04723'='CALCIUM CARBONATE;FAMOTIDINE;MG HYDROXIDE' 'd04725'='IRON SUCROSE' 'd04726'='5-HYDROXYTRYPTOPHAN' 'd04727'='ABACAVIR;LAMIVUDINE;ZIDOVUDINE' 'd04732'='TRYPTOPHAN' 'd04737'='HYDROCHLOROTHIAZIDE-TELMISARTAN' 'd04739'='RIMABOTULINUMTOXINB' 'd04740'='TACROLIMUS TOPICAL' 'd04742'='BENZOYL PEROXIDE-CLINDAMYCIN TOPICAL' 'd04743'='NATEGLINIDE' 'd04746'='PEGINTERFERON ALFA-2B' 'd04747'='ZIPRASIDONE' 'd04749'='ESOMEPRAZOLE' 'd04750'='GALANTAMINE' 'd04753'='TRAVOPROST OPHTHALMIC' 'd04754'='BIMATOPROST OPHTHALMIC' 'd04755'='VALGANCICLOVIR' 'd04756'='ALEMTUZUMAB' 'd04757'='ALMOTRIPTAN' 'd04758'='IMATINIB' 'd04760'='DROSPIRENONE-ETHINYL ESTRADIOL' 'd04764'='CETIRIZINE-PSEUDOEPHEDRINE' 'd04766'='ACETAMINOPHEN-TRAMADOL' 'd04767'='CEFDITOREN' 'd04771'='DARBEPOETIN ALFA' 'd04772'='ETONOGESTREL' 'd04773'='ETHINYL ESTRADIOL-ETONOGESTREL' 'd04774'='TENOFOVIR' 'd04776'='FROVATRIPTAN' 'd04777'='DEXMETHYLPHENIDATE' 'd04778'='VALDECOXIB' 'd04779'='ETHINYL ESTRADIOL-NORELGESTROMIN' 'd04782'='BOSENTAN' 'd04783'='ERTAPENEM' 'd04784'='PIMECROLIMUS TOPICAL' 'd04785'='DESLORATADINE' 'd04786'='FONDAPARINUX' 'd04787'='LOVASTATIN-NIACIN' 'd04788'='DUTASTERIDE' 'd04790'='PEGFILGRASTIM' 'd04797'='ALFUZOSIN' 'd04798'='TEGASEROD' 'd04799'='FULVESTRANT' 'd04801'='OLMESARTAN' 'd04803'='VORICONAZOLE' 'd04806'='SODIUM OXYBATE' 'd04811'='OXALIPLATIN' 'd04812'='ESCITALOPRAM' 'd04814'='ADEFOVIR' 'd04815'='EPLERENONE' 'd04819'='BUPRENORPHINE-NALOXONE' 'd04820'='METFORMIN-ROSIGLITAZONE' 'd04823'='GLIPIZIDE-METFORMIN' 'd04824'='EZETIMIBE' 'd04825'='ARIPIPRAZOLE' 'd04826'='NITAZOXANIDE' 'd04827'='ATOMOXETINE' 'd04828'='TERIPARATIDE' 'd04829'='TIOTROPIUM' 'd04831'='SMALLPOX VACCINE' 'd04832'='DIPHTHERIA;HEPB;PERTUSSIS,ACEL;POLIO;TETANUS' 'd04835'='ADALIMUMAB' 'd04836'='CYCLOSPORINE OPHTHALMIC' 'd04839'='INSULIN ASPART-INSULIN ASPART PROTAMINE' 'd04844'='CAMPHOR-MENTHOL TOPICAL' 'd04848'='INULIN' 'd04849'='ELETRIPTAN' 'd04851'='ROSUVASTATIN' 'd04855'='APREPITANT' 'd04857'='GATIFLOXACIN OPHTHALMIC' 'd04859'='GEMIFLOXACIN' 'd04860'='MOXIFLOXACIN OPHTHALMIC' 'd04863'='CHLORPHENIRAMINE;IBUPROFEN;PSEUDOEPHEDRINE' 'd04871'='BORTEZOMIB' 'd04877'='CARBIDOPA;ENTACAPONE;LEVODOPA' 'd04878'='HYDROCHLOROTHIAZIDE-OLMESARTAN' 'd04881'='OMALIZUMAB' 'd04882'='ATAZANAVIR' 'd04884'='EMTRICITABINE' 'd04888'='PALONOSETRON' 'd04893'='VARDENAFIL' 'd04894'='DAPTOMYCIN' 'd04896'='TADALAFIL' 'd04898'='EPINASTINE OPHTHALMIC' 'd04899'='MEMANTINE' 'd04900'='SALICYLIC ACID-UREA TOPICAL' 'd04901'='FOSAMPRENAVIR' 'd04905'='BROMPHENIRAMINE;DEXTROMETHORPH;PHENYLEPHRINE' 'd04914'='ESTRADIOL-LEVONORGESTREL' 'd04915'='SERTACONAZOLE TOPICAL' 'd04917'='FLUOXETINE-OLANZAPINE' 'd04920'='PNEUMOCOCCAL 7-VALENT CONJUGATE VACCINE' 'd04929'='TROSPIUM' 'd04933'='TELITHROMYCIN' 'd04935'='TINIDAZOLE' 'd04986'='ACAMPROSATE' 'd05044'='BETAMETHASONE-CALCIPOTRIENE TOPICAL' 'd05047'='PEMETREXED' 'd05048'='AMLODIPINE-ATORVASTATIN' 'd05049'='CALCITRIOL TOPICAL' 'd05101'='CETUXIMAB' 'd05214'='BEVACIZUMAB' 'd05217'='MYCOPHENOLIC ACID' 'd05218'='CINACALCET' 'd05234'='HYALURONAN' 'd05265'='NEBIVOLOL' 'd05278'='INSULIN GLULISINE' 'd05283'='BRIMONIDINE-TIMOLOL OPHTHALMIC' 'd05294'='RIFAXIMIN' 'd05303'='CHLORPHENIRAMINE-CODEINE' 'd05332'='PITCHER PLANT' 'd05337'='PNEUMOCOCCAL 23-POLYVALENT VACCINE' 'd05338'='DIPHTHERIA-TETANUS TOXOIDS (DT) PED' 'd05343'='HAEMOPHILUS B CONJUGATE (PRP-T) VACCINE' 'd05348'='EZETIMIBE-SIMVASTATIN' 'd05350'='POLYETHYLENE GLYCOL 3350' 'd05351'='ACETAMINOPHEN;PHENYLTOLOXAMINE;SALICYLAMIDE' 'd05352'='EMTRICITABINE-TENOFOVIR' 'd05354'='ABACAVIR-LAMIVUDINE' 'd05355'='DULOXETINE' 'd05357'='IBANDRONATE' 'd05361'='CARBETAPENTANE-GUAIFENESIN' 'd05366'='ACETAMINOPHEN;DEXTROMETHORPHAN;DOXYLAMINE' 'd05395'='LANTHANUM CARBONATE' 'd05399'='AMOXICILLIN;CLARITHROMYCIN;OMEPRAZOLE' 'd05412'='ERLOTINIB' 'd05413'='SOLIFENACIN' 'd05414'='NATALIZUMAB' 'd05421'='ESZOPICLONE' 'd05422'='DARIFENACIN' 'd05423'='CLOFARABINE' 'd05424'='ZICONOTIDE' 'd05425'='LOTEPREDNOL-TOBRAMYCIN OPHTHALMIC' 'd05428'='GADOBENATE DIMEGLUMINE' 'd05432'='MENINGOCOCCAL CONJUGATE VACCINE' 'd05433'='DIGESTIVE ENZYMES;HYOSCYAMINE;PHENYLTOLOXAMIN' 'd05436'='INSULIN DETEMIR' 'd05465'='CICLESONIDE' 'd05471'='ALPHA-D-GALACTOSIDASE' 'd05473'='DESLORATADINE-PSEUDOEPHEDRINE' 'd05487'='MICAFUNGIN' 'd05488'='PRAMLINTIDE' 'd05508'='PREGABALIN' 'd05518'='BROMFENAC OPHTHALMIC' 'd05525'='ENTECAVIR' 'd05526'='ALENDRONATE-CHOLECALCIFEROL' 'd05529'='EXENATIDE' 'd05537'='TIGECYCLINE' 'd05539'='DEXCHLORPHENIRAMINE;METHSCOPOLAMINE;PSE' 'd05540'='HYDRALAZINE-ISOSORBIDE DINITRATE' 'd05543'='DAPSONE TOPICAL' 'd05578'='RAMELTEON' 'd05612'='RASAGILINE' 'd05626'='EVEROLIMUS' 'd05633'='NEPAFENAC OPHTHALMIC' 'd05634'='GALSULFASE' 'd05635'='METFORMIN-PIOGLITAZONE' 'd05645'='MEASLES;MUMPS;RUBELLA;VARICELLA VIRUS VACCINE' 'd05646'='SACCHAROMYCES BOULARDII LYO' 'd05647'='FERRIC SUBSULFATE TOPICAL' 'd05649'='CEFTRIAXONE-LIDOCAINE' 'd05651'='SODIUM HYALURONATE TOPICAL' 'd05657'='M-CRESYL ACETATE OTIC' 'd05659'='DEFERASIROX' 'd05674'='GLIMEPIRIDE-ROSIGLITAZONE' 'd05690'='FERROUS FUMARATE-IRON POLYSACCHARIDE' 'd05691'='SORAFENIB' 'd05694'='ABATACEPT' 'd05696'='LENALIDOMIDE' 'd05702'='METHYLSULFONYLMETHANE' 'd05703'='CHONDROITIN;GLUCOSAMINE;METHYLSULFONYLMETHANE' 'd05704'='IMMUNE GLOBULIN SUBCUTANEOUS' 'd05717'='SUNITINIB' 'd05719'='RANOLAZINE' 'd05736'='LUBIPROSTONE' 'd05748'='BREWER`S YEAST' 'd05770'='OMEPRAZOLE-SODIUM BICARBONATE' 'd05773'='L-METHYLFOLATE' 'd05776'='IODINE' 'd05781'='TETANUS;DIPHTH;PERTUSS (TDAP) ADULT;ADOL' 'd05782'='DIPHTHERIA;TETANUS;PERTUSSIS (DTAP) PED' 'd05807'='VARENICLINE' 'd05813'='ZOSTER VACCINE LIVE' 'd05817'='HUMAN PAPILLOMAVIRUS VACCINE' 'd05819'='DIPHENHYDRAMINE-IBUPROFEN' 'd05825'='DARUNAVIR' 'd05831'='DASATINIB' 'd05835'='RANIBIZUMAB OPHTHALMIC' 'd05842'='LEVOLEUCOVORIN' 'd05847'='EFAVIRENZ;EMTRICITABINE;TENOFOVIR' 'd05848'='ROTIGOTINE' 'd05851'='LEVOCETIRIZINE' 'd05853'='POSACONAZOLE' 'd05856'='GLIMEPIRIDE-PIOGLITAZONE' 'd05864'='COMPLEMENT C1 ESTERASE INHIBITOR' 'd05866'='GUAR GUM' 'd05879'='PANITUMUMAB' 'd05893'='ARFORMOTEROL' 'd05896'='SITAGLIPTIN' 'd05899'='CICLESONIDE NASAL' 'd05973'='CLINDAMYCIN-TRETINOIN TOPICAL' 'd05982'='SINECATECHINS TOPICAL' 'd06008'='BENZYL ALCOHOL TOPICAL' 'd06032'='FLUOCINOLONE OTIC' 'd06214'='COLLAGEN' 'd06297'='PALIPERIDONE' 'd06370'='TURMERIC' 'd06507'='CINNAMON' 'd06635'='MILNACIPRAN' 'd06662'='AMLODIPINE-VALSARTAN' 'd06663'='LISDEXAMFETAMINE' 'd06665'='ALISKIREN' 'd06672'='LAPATINIB' 'd06720'='METFORMIN-SITAGLIPTIN' 'd06831'='RETAPAMULIN TOPICAL' 'd06836'='TEMSIROLIMUS' 'd06841'='AMBRISENTAN' 'd06842'='ARMODAFINIL' 'd06848'='LUTEIN' 'd06851'='AZITHROMYCIN OPHTHALMIC' 'd06852'='MARAVIROC' 'd06857'='ACETIC;ANTIPYRINE;BENZOCAINE;POLYCOS OTIC' 'd06860'='OXYGEN' 'd06867'='BIOTIN' 'd06905'='AMLODIPINE-OLMESARTAN' 'd07048'='RALTEGRAVIR' 'd07051'='IXABEPILONE' 'd07057'='NILOTINIB' 'd07063'='BROMPHENIRAMINE-DIPHENHYDRAMINE' 'd07068'='SAPROPTERIN' 'd07069'='RUFINAMIDE' 'd07076'='ETRAVIRINE' 'd07080'='FOSAPREPITANT' 'd07110'='NIACIN-SIMVASTATIN' 'd07113'='DESVENLAFAXINE' 'd07121'='BENDAMUSTINE' 'd07127'='BROMPHENIRAMINE;DIHYDROCODEINE;PSE' 'd07130'='NAPROXEN-SUMATRIPTAN' 'd07132'='OLOPATADINE NASAL' 'd07134'='CERTOLIZUMAB' 'd07135'='METHYLNALTREXONE' 'd07137'='DABIGATRAN' 'd07162'='FESOTERODINE' 'd07298'='DIFLUPREDNATE OPHTHALMIC' 'd07308'='ANTIPYRINE;BENZOCAINE;ZINC ACETATE OTIC' 'd07315'='GLUTAMINE' 'd07320'='ROMIPLOSTIM' 'd07347'='BIFIDOBACTERIUM INFANTIS' 'd07349'='LACOSAMIDE' 'd07351'='CARBETAPENTANE;PSEUDOEPHEDRINE;PYRILAMINE' 'd07354'='SILODOSIN' 'd07356'='RIVAROXABAN' 'd07357'='ELTROMBOPAG' 'd07371'='FENOFIBRIC ACID' 'd07372'='PLERIXAFOR' 'd07373'='D-XYLITOL' 'd07382'='ADAPALENE-BENZOYL PEROXIDE TOPICAL' 'd07395'='DEXLANSOPRAZOLE' 'd07396'='USTEKINUMAB' 'd07397'='FEBUXOSTAT' 'd07400'='BIFIDOBACTERIUM-LACTOBACILLUS' 'd07409'='PRASUGREL' 'd07411'='DEGARELIX' 'd07435'='GOLIMUMAB' 'd07440'='AMLODIPINE;HYDROCHLOROTHIAZIDE;VALSARTAN' 'd07441'='ILOPERIDONE' 'd07447'='TOLVAPTAN' 'd07448'='BESIFLOXACIN OPHTHALMIC' 'd07453'='TAPENTADOL' 'd07458'='DRONEDARONE' 'd07459'='FERUMOXYTOL' 'd07464'='INFLUENZA VIRUS VACCINE, H1N1, INACTIVATED' 'd07466'='LIRAGLUTIDE' 'd07467'='SAXAGLIPTIN' 'd07473'='ASENAPINE' 'd07478'='TAFLUPROST OPHTHALMIC' 'd07482'='BEPOTASTINE OPHTHALMIC' 'd07486'='ALISKIREN-VALSARTAN' 'd07496'='TOCILIZUMAB' 'd07499'='PAZOPANIB' 'd07505'='COPPER' 'd07509'='OFATUMUMAB' 'd07510'='CHLOPHEDIANOL;DEXBROMPHENIRAMINE;PE' 'd07519'='HEME IRON POLYPEPTIDE-IRON POLYSACCHARIDE' 'd07521'='ECALLANTIDE' 'd07525'='DIHYDROCODEINE;PHENYLEPHRINE;PYRILAMINE' 'd07546'='DALFAMPRIDINE' 'd07548'='COLLAGENASE CLOSTRIDIUM HISTOLYTICUM' 'd07565'='IPILIMUMAB' 'd07586'='PNEUMOCOCCAL 13-VALENT CONJUGATE VACCINE' 'd07631'='ESOMEPRAZOLE-NAPROXEN' 'd07634'='DUTASTERIDE-TAMSULOSIN' 'd07637'='PITAVASTATIN' 'd07638'='SIPULEUCEL-T' 'd07640'='DENOSUMAB' 'd07645'='ONABOTULINUMTOXINA' 'd07646'='ABOBOTULINUMTOXINA' 'd07660'='FORMOTEROL-MOMETASONE' 'd07668'='AMLODIPINE;HYDROCHLOROTHIAZIDE;OLMESARTAN' 'd07670'='ALCAFTADINE OPHTHALMIC' 'd07678'='ALISKIREN-AMLODIPINE' 'd07684'='ROFLUMILAST' 'd07685'='CARBOXYMETHYLCELLULOSE' 'd07691'='MAGNESIUM;POTASSIUM;SODIUM SULFATES' 'd07692'='FINGOLIMOD' 'd07697'='DROSPIRENONE;ETHINYL ESTRADIOL;LEVOMEFOLATE' 'd07705'='LURASIDONE' 'd07706'='CEFTAROLINE' 'd07707'='DEXTROMETHORPHAN-QUINIDINE' 'd07709'='METFORMIN-SAXAGLIPTIN' 'd07716'='ERIBULIN' 'd07721'='TICAGRELOR' 'd07725'='ALISKIREN;AMLODIPINE;HYDROCHLOROTHIAZIDE' 'd07727'='PENICILLIN G BENZATHINE' 'd07740'='VILAZODONE' 'd07754'='AZILSARTAN' 'd07764'='FAMOTIDINE-IBUPROFEN' 'd07766'='ABIRATERONE' 'd07767'='LINAGLIPTIN' 'd07774'='BOCEPREVIR' 'd07777'='TELAPREVIR' 'd07799'='BRENTUXIMAB VEDOTIN' 'd07800'='CRIZOTINIB' 'd07812'='RUXOLITINIB' 'd07815'='AFLIBERCEPT OPHTHALMIC' 'd07817'='CAPSAICIN;LIDOCAINE;MENTHOL;METHYL SALIC TOP' 'd07818'='AZILSARTAN-CHLORTHALIDONE' 'd07819'='LACTOBACILLUS CASEI-OMEGA-3 FATTY ACIDS' 'd07820'='CHLOPHEDIANOL-CHLORCYCLIZINE' 'd07822'='INGENOL TOPICAL' 'd07825'='LINAGLIPTIN-METFORMIN' 'd07854'='ASCORBIC ACID-CARBONYL IRON' 'd07868'='AZELASTINE-FLUTICASONE NASAL' 'd07874'='PERTUZUMAB' 'd07876'='MIRABEGRON' 'd07881'='PHENTERMINE-TOPIRAMATE' 'd07882'='CARFILZOMIB' 'd07899'='COBICISTAT;ELVITEGRAVIR;EMTRICITABINE;TENOFOV' 'd07905'='TERIFLUNOMIDE' 'd07912'='CHLORPHENIRAMINE;CODEINE;PHENYLEPHRINE' 'd07917'='CALCIUM;FOLIC ACID;GINGER;PYRIDOXINE' 'n00002'='RED YEAST RICE-UBIQUINONE' 'n00011'='LIDOCAINE;BELLADONNA;ALUMINUM HYDROXIDE-MAGNESIUM HYDROXIDE' 'n08004'='BIRTH CONTROL PILLS' 'n08012'='PACKED RED BLOOD CELLS' 'n08013'='CALCIUM HYDROXYLAPATITE' 'n08014'='MASTISOL' 'n08027'='BOSWELLIC ACID' 'n08028'='CHLORINE BLEACH' 'n08029'='CODEINE;ACETAMINOPHEN;CAFFEINE;BUTALBITAL' 'n08034'='BROMPHENIRAMINE;DEXAMETHASONE;DIPHENHYDRAMINE' 'n08038'='CHASTEBERRY' 'n08041'='5-AMINOSALICYLATES' 'n08045'='MALIC ACID' 'n08050'='BIFIDUS REGULARIS' 'n08053'='ECZEMA CREAM' 'n08054'='BARLEY GRASS;OAT GRASS;BIFIDOBACTERIUM BIFIDUM;LACTOBACILLUS ACIDOPHILUS;LACTOBACILLUS BULGARICUS;LACTOBACILLUS CASEI;LACTOBACILLUS RHAMNOSUS;IRON;CALCIUM;PROTIEN' 'n08058'='POMEGRANATE JUICE' 'n08059'='PROMETHAZINE;HYDROMORPHONE HYDROCHLORIDE' 'n08067'='VITAMIN B;VITAMIN E;ASCORBIC ACID;ERGOCALCIFEROL' 'n08069'='IDOFORM' 'n08073'='HELICOBACTER PYLORI VACCINE' 'n08079'='PROSTATE MEDICATION' 'n08081'='DABIGATRAN' 'n08083'='AMINO ACIDS' 'n08099'='VITAMIN AND MINERAL COMBINATIONS' 'n08105'='RESVERATROL' 'n08119'='VITAMIN E;SELENIUM;LYCOPENE;CHOLECALCIFEROL;ISOFLAVONES' 'n08138'='LIDOCAINE-CEFTRIAXONE' 'n08152'='CALCIUM;ZINC;MAGNESIUM;VITAMIN D;BORON;MANGANESE;COPPER' 'n08191'='PRUNE JUICE' 'n08201'='POLYETHYLENE GLYCOL 400' 'n08202'='BACTERIAL VACCINE' 'n08207'='THALLIUM' 'n08208'='H2O' 'n08212'='MANGOSTEEN' 'n08223'='FLUOROQUINOLONES' 'n08227'='PREDNISONE-NOREPINEPHRINE' 'n08236'='BISPHOSPHONATES' 'n08237'='N-ACETYL-CYSTEINE' 'n08239'='GRANULOCYTE COLONY-STIMULATING FACTOR' 'n08242'='GYMNEMA SYLVESTRE' 'n08243'='VITAMIN E-BIORESPONSE-DIM COMPLEX' 'n09002'='CALCIUM CITRATE-MAGNESIUM' 'n09012'='BUPIVACAINE-METHYLPREDNISOLONE' 'n09032'='BLACK CHERRY' 'n09033'='OLIVE LEAF EXTRACT' 'n09039'='GANODERMA LUCIDUM' 'n09044'='PSORALENS' 'n09046'='ACAI' 'n09069'='LIDOCAINE OPHTHALMIC;DIPHENHYDRAMINE;NYSTATIN' 'n09080'='FLUOROURACIL-LEUCOVORIN' 'n09081'='DIMETHYL SULFOXIDE;HEPARIN;CORTISONE;POTASSIUM BICARBONATE' 'n09100'='CAPRYLIDENE' 'n09106'='CLOBUTINOL' 'n09109'='POTASSIUM CHLORIDE-MAGNESIUM SULFATE' 'n09114'='CHERRY EXTRACT' 'n09122'='POLYSACCHARIDE' 'n09127'='ACETAMINOPHEN-ISOMETHEPTENE MUCATE' 'n09128'='CORDYCEPS MYCELIUM' 'n09143'='PHYTALOE' 'n09147'='WHEY PROTEIN ISOLATE' 'n09148'='OMEGA-3 POLYUNSATURATED FATTY ACIDS;OMEGA-6 POLYUNSATURATED FATTY ACIDS;OMEGA-9 POLYUNSATURATED FATTY ACIDS' 'n09150'='SODIUM CHLORIDE-SODIUM BICARBONATE' 'n09155'='ALUMINUM HYDROXIDE-MAGNESIUM HYDROXIDE-LIDOCAINE' 'n09159'='PHENYLEPHRINE OPHTHALMIC-TROPICAMIDE OPHTHALMIC' 'n09185'='MISCELLANEOUS ANTIBIOTICS' 'n09186'='ABIRATERONE' 'n09189'='RIVAROXABAN' 'n09199'='RHODIOLA ROOT' 'n09204'='MUPIROCIN TOPICAL;BETAMETHASONE TOPICAL;MICONAZOLE TOPICAL;IBUPROFEN' 'n10014'='PACLITAXEL-CARBOPLATIN' 'n10015'='GLUTATHIONE' 'n10022'='BETAMETHASONE-BUPIVACAINE' 'n11002'='DIPHENHYDRAMINE-ALUMINUM HYDROXIDE-MAGNESIUM HYDROXIDE' 'n11008'='CANNABIS (MEDICAL MARIJUANA)' 'n12001'='ASCORBIC ACID-BIOFLAVONOIDS' 'n12002'='DINITROCHLOROBENZENE' 'n12003'='COMFYDE' 'n12006'='PROCHLORPERAZINE-DIPHENHYDRAMINE' 'n12007'='LIDOCAINE-OXYMETAZOLINE NASAL' 'n12009'='KETAMINE;BACLOFEN;CYCLOBENZAPRINE;GABAPENTIN;LIDOCAINE' 'n12010'='NEEM OIL' 'n12011'='IVACAFTOR' 'n12012'='ETOPOSIDE;PREDNISONE;CYCLOPHOSPHAMIDE;VINCRISTINE;DOXORUBICIN;RITUXIMAB' 'n12013'='DOCETAXEL-PACLITAXEL' 'n12014'='PIRFENIDONE' 'n12015'='ACETAMINOPHEN-IBUPROFEN' 'n12016'='BLACK CURRANT SEED OIL' 'n12017'='FLUOROURACIL;OXALIPLATIN;IRINOTECAN;LEUCOVORIN' 'n12018'='MARSHMALLOW ROOT' 'n12019'='DIPHENHYDRAMINE;RANITIDINE;DEXAMETHASONE;PALONOSETRON' 'n12020'='PSEUDOEPHEDRINE;CHLORPHENIRAMINE;DEXTROMETHORPHAN' 'n12021'='PACLITAXEL;CISPLATIN;BEVACIZUMAB' 'n12022'='BETA-SITOSTEROL' 'n12023'='AMBROXOL' ' '='NA - No drug mentioned' ; VALUE PRESCRF 1 ='Prescription drug' 2 ='Nonprescription drug' 3 ='Undetermined' 4 ='Illicit' 5 ='Both Prescription and Over-The-Counter' .='N/A - No drug mentioned' ; VALUE CONTSUBF 1 ='Schedule I (research only)' 2 ='Schedule II' 3 ='Schedule III' 4 ='Schedule IV' 5 ='Schedule V' 6 ='No control' 7 ='Undetermined' 8 ='Multiple schedules' .='N/A - No drug mentioned' ; VALUE COMSTATF 1 ='Single entity drug' 2 ='Combination drug' 3 ='Undetermined' . ='N/A - No drug mentioned' ; VALUE $RXCATF '001'='Anti-infectives' '002'='Anti-infectives; amebicides' '003'='Anti-infectives; anthelmintics' '004'='Anti-infectives; anti-fungals' '005'='Anti-infectives; antimalarial agents' '235'='Anti-infectives; antifungals; polyenes' '236'='Anti-infectives; antifungals; azole antifungals' '237'='Anti-infectives; antifungals; miscellaneous antifungals' '310'='Anti-infectives; antifungals; echinocandins' '238'='Anti-infectives; antimalarial agents; antimalarial quinolones' '239'='Anti-infectives; antimalarial agents; miscellaneous antimalarials' '328'='Anti-infectives; antimalarial agents; antimalarial combinations' '230'='Anti-infectives; antituberculosis agents; aminosalicylates' '231'='Anti-infectives; antituberculosis agents; thiocarbamide derivatives' '232'='Anti-infectives; antituberculosis agents; rifamycin derivatives' '233'='Anti-infectives; antituberculosis agents; streptomyces derivatives' '234'='Anti-infectives; antituberculosis agents; miscellaneous' '329'='Anti-infectives; antituberculosis agents; antituberculosis combinations' '457'='Anti-infectives; antituberculosis agents; hydrazide derivatives' '007'='Anti-infectives; antiviral agents' '175'='Anti-infectives; antiviral agents; protease inhibitors' '176'='Anti-infectives; antiviral agents; NRTIs' '177'='Anti-infectives; antiviral agents; miscellaneous antivirals' '227'='Anti-infectives; antiviral agents; NNRTIs' '228'='Anti-infectives; antiviral agents; adamantane antivirals' '229'='Anti-infectives; antiviral agents; purine nucleosides' '281'='Anti-infectives; antiviral agents; neuraminidase inhibitors' '327'='Anti-infectives; antiviral agents; antiviral combinations' '330'='Anti-infectives; antiviral agents; antiviral interferons' '364'='Anti-infectives; antiviral agents; antiviral chemokine receptor antagonist' '366'='Anti-infectives; antiviral agents; integrase strand transfer inhibitor' '008'='Anti-infectives; carbapenems' '009'='Anti-infectives; cephalosporins' '159'='Anti-infectives; cephalosporins; first generation cephalosporins' '160'='Anti-infectives; cephalosporins; second generation cephalosporins' '161'='Anti-infectives; cephalosporins; third generation cephalosporins' '162'='Anti-infectives; cephalosporins; fourth generation cephalosporins' '379'='Anti-infectives; cephalosporins; fifth generation cephalosporins' '010'='Anti-infectives; leprostatics' '304'='Anti-infectives; macrolide derivatives; macrolides' '305'='Anti-infectives; macrolide derivatives; ketolides' '012'='Anti-infectives; miscellaneous antibiotics' '013'='Anti-infectives; penicillins' '222'='Anti-infectives; penicillins; penicillinase resistant penicillins' '223'='Anti-infectives; penicillins; antipseudomonal penicillins' '224'='Anti-infectives; penicillins; aminopenicillins' '225'='Anti-infectives; penicillins; beta-lactamase inhibitors' '226'='Anti-infectives; penicillins; natural penicillins' '014'='Anti-infectives; quinolones' '015'='Anti-infectives; sulfanomides' '016'='Anti-infectives; tetracyclines' '017'='Anti-infectives; urinary anti-infectives' '018'='Anti-infectives; aminoglycosides' '240'='Anti-infectives; lincomycin derivatives' '315'='Anti-infectives; glycylcyclines' '406'='Anti-infectives; glycopeptide antibiotics' '020'='Antineoplastics' '021'='Antineoplastics; alkylating agents' '022'='Antineoplastics; antineoplastic antibiotics' '023'='Antineoplastics; antimetabolites' '024'='Antineoplastics; antineoplastic hormones' '025'='Antineoplastics; miscellaneous antineoplastics' '026'='Antineoplastics; mitotic inhibitors' '323'='Antineoplastics; antineoplastic monoconal antibodies' '324'='Antineoplastics; antineoplastic interferons' '343'='Antineoplastics; tyrosine kinase inhibitors' '383'='Antineoplastics; antineoplastic detoxifying agents' '397'='Antineoplastics; multikinase inhibitors' '398'='Antineoplastics; BCR-ABL tyrosine kinase inhibitors' '399'='Antineoplastics; CD52 monoclonal antibodies' '400'='Antineoplastics; CD33 monoclonal antibodies' '401'='Antineoplastics; CD20 monoclonal antibodies' '402'='Antineoplastics; VEGF/VEGFR inhibitors' '403'='Antineoplastics; MTOR inhibitors' '404'='Antineoplastics; EGFR inhibitors' '405'='Antineoplastics; HER2 inhibitors' '408'='Antineoplastics; Histone deacetylase inhibitors' '429'='Antineoplastics; Trifunctional monoclonal antibodies' '431'='Antineoplastics; Anti-CTLA-4 monoclonal antibodies' '447'='Antineoplastics; CD30 monoclonal antibodies' '449'='Antineoplastics; Hedgehog pathway inhibitors' '454'='Antineoplastics; proteasome inhibitors' '030'='Biologicals; antitoxins and antivenins' '034'='Biologicals; in vivo diagnostic biologicals' '036'='Biologicals; erythropoiesis-stimulating agents' '390'='Biologicals; hematopoietic stem cell mobilizer' '040'='Cardiovascular agents' '041'='Cardiovascular agents; agents for hypertensive emergencies' '042'='Cardiovascular agents; angiotensin converting enzyme inhibitors' '043'='Cardiovascular agents; antiadrenergic agents, peripherally acting' '044'='Cardiovascular agents; antiadrenergic agents, centrally acting' '045'='Cardiovascular agents; antianginal agents' '046'='Cardiovascular agents; antiarrhythmic agents' '047'='Cardiovascular agents; beta-adrenergic blocking agents' '274'='Cardiovas agents; beta-adrenergic blocking; cardioselective beta blockers' '275'='Cardiovas agents; beta-adrenergic blocking; non-cardioselective beta blockers' '048'='Cardiovascular agents; calcium channel blocking agents' '049'='Cardiovascular agents; diuretics' '154'='Cardiovascular agents; diuretics; loop diuretics' '155'='Cardiovascular agents; diuretics; potassium-sparing diuretics' '156'='Cardiovascular agents; diuretics; thiazide and thiazide-like diuretics' '157'='Cardiovascular agents; diuretics; carbonic anhydrase inhibitors' '158'='Cardiovascular agents; diuretics; miscellaneous diuretics' '050'='Cardiovascular agents; intropic agents' '051'='Cardiovascular agents; miscellaneous cardiovascular agents' '052'='Cardiovascular agents; peripheral vasodilators' '053'='Cardiovascular agents; vasodilators' '054'='Cardiovascular agents; vasopressors' '055'='Cardiovascular agents; antihypertensive combinations' '056'='Cardiovascular agents; angiotensin II inhibitors' '303'='Cardiovascular agents; agents for pulmonary hypertension' '319'='Cardiovascular agents; vasopressin antagonists' '325'='Cardiovascular agents; sclerosing agents' '340'='Cardiovascular agents; aldosterone receptor agonists' '342'='Cardiovascular agents; renin inhibitors' '385'='Cardiovascular agents; antiarrhythmic agents; group I antiarrhythmics' '386'='Cardiovascular agents; antiarrhythmic agents; group II antiarrhythmics' '387'='Cardiovascular agents; antiarrhythmic agents; group III antiarrhythmics' '388'='Cardiovascular agents; antiarrhythmic agents; group IV antiarrhythmics' '389'='Cardiovascular agents; antiarrhythmic agents; group V antiarrhythmics' '396'='Cardiovascular agents; prostaglandin D2 antagonists' '430'='Cardiovascular agents; anticholinergic chronotropic agents' '433'='Cardiovascular agents; catecholamines' '057'='Central nervous system agents' '058'='CNS; Analgesics' '059'='CNS; analgesics; miscellaneous' '060'='CNS; analgesics; narcotic' '061'='CNS; analgesics; NSAID' '062'='CNS; analgesics; salicylates' '063'='CNS; analgesics; analgesic combinations' '191'='CNS; analgesics; narcotic analgesic combinations' '193'='CNS; analgesics; antimigraine agents' '278'='CNS; analgesics; Cox-2 inhibitors' '064'='CNS; Anticonvulsants' '199'='CNS; Anticonvulsants; Hydantoin anticonvulsants' '200'='CNS; Anticonvulsants; Succinimide anticonvulsants' '201'='CNS; Anticonvulsants; Barbiturate anticonvulsants' '202'='CNS; Anticonvulsants; oxazolidinedione anticonvulsants' '203'='CNS; Anticonvulsants; Benzodiazepine anticonvulsants' '204'='CNS; Anticonvulsants; Miscellaneous anticonvulsants' '311'='CNS; Anticonvulsants; Dibenzapine anticonvulsants' '345'='CNS; Anticonvulsants; Fatty acid derivate anticonvulsants' '346'='CNS; Anticonvulsants; Gamma-aminobutyric acid reuptake inhibitors' '347'='CNS; Anticonvulsants; Gamma-aminobutyric acid analogs' '348'='CNS; Anticonvulsants; Triazine anticonvulsants' '349'='CNS; Anticonvulsants; Carbamate anticonvulsants' '350'='CNS; Anticonvulsants; Pyrrolidine anticonvulsants' '351'='CNS; Anticonvulsants; Carbonic anhydrase inhibitor anticonvulsants' '352'='CNS; Anticonvulsants; Urea anticonvulsants' '446'='CNS; Anticonvulsants; Neuronal potasssium channel openers' '065'='CNS; Antiemetic/antivertigo agents' '195'='CNS; Antiemetic/antivertigo agents; 5HT3 receptor agonists' '196'='CNS; Antiemetic/antivertigo agents; phenothiazine antiemetics' '197'='CNS; Antiemetic/antivertigo agents; anticholinergic antiemetics' '198'='CNS; Antiemetic/antivertigo agents; miscellaneous antiemetics' '066'='CNS; Anti-Parkinson agents' '205'='CNS; Anti-Parkinson agents; anticholinergic anti-Parkinson agents' '206'='CNS; Anti-Parkinson agents; miscellaneous anti-Parkinson agents' '276'='CNS; Anti-Parkinson agents; dopaminergic anti-Parkinson agents' '067'='CNS; Anxiolytics, sedatives, and hypnotics' '068'='CNS; Anxiolytics, sedatives, and hypnotics; barbiturates' '069'='CNS; Anxiolytics, sedatives, and hypnotics; benzodiazepines' '070'='CNS; Anxiolytics, sedatives, and hypnotics; miscellaneous' '071'='CNS; CNS stimulants' '072'='CNS; General anesthetics' '074'='CNS; Muscle relaxants; neuromuscular blocking agents' '178'='CNS; Muscle relaxants; skeletal muscle relaxants' '179'='CNS; Muscle relaxants; muscle relaxants combinations' '080'='CNS; Miscellaneous CNS agents' '253'='CNS; Anorexiants' '312'='CNS; Cholinergic agonists' '313'='CNS; Cholinesterase inhibitors' '378'='CNS; Drugs used in alcohol dependence' '082'='Coagulation modifiers; anticoagulants' '084'='Coagulation modifiers; heparin antagonists' '085'='Coagulation modifiers; misc coagulation modifiers' '086'='Coagulation modifiers; thrombolytics' '384'='Coagulation modifiers; platelet-stimulating agents' '261'='Coagulation modifiers; anticoagulants; heparins' '262'='Coagulation modifiers; anticoagulants; coumarins and indandiones' '283'='Coagulation modifiers; anticoagulants; thrombin inhibitors' '285'='Coagulation modifiers; anticoagulants; factor Xa inhibitors' '211'='Coagulation modifiers; antiplatelet agents; platelet aggregation inhibitors' '212'='Coagulation modifiers; antiplatelet agents; glycoprotein platelet inhibitors' '463'='Coagulation modifiers; antiplatelet agents; protease-activated receptor-1 antagonists' '087'='Gastrointestinal agents' '088'='Gastrointestinal agents; antacids' '090'='Gastrointestinal agents; antidiarrheals' '091'='Gastrointestinal agents; digestive enzymes' '092'='Gastrointestinal agents; gallstone solubilizing agents' '093'='Gastrointestinal agents; GI stimulants' '094'='Gastrointestinal agents; H2 antagonists' '095'='Gastrointestinal agents; laxatives' '096'='Gastrointestinal agents; miscellaneous GI agents' '272'='Gastrointestinal agents; proton pump inhibitors' '277'='Gastrointestinal agents; 5-aminosalicylates' '354'='Gastrointestinal agents; H. pylori eradication agents' '355'='Gastrointestinal agents; functional bowel disorder agents' '089'='Gastrointestinal agents; functional bowel disorder agents; anticholinergics/antispasmodics' '356'='Gastrointestinal agents; functional bowel disorder agents; serotoninergic neurocenteric modulators' '362'='Gastrointestinal agents; functional bowel disorder agents; chloride channel activators' '375'='Gastrointestinal agents; functional bowel disorder agents; peripheral opioid receptor antagonists' '097'='Hormones' '098'='Hormones; adrenal cortical steroids' '300'='Hormones; adrenal cortical steroids; corticotropin' '301'='Hormones; adrenal cortical steroids; glucocorticoids' '302'='Hormones; adrenal cortical steroids; mineralocorticoids' '100'='Hormones; miscellaneous hormones' '101'='Hormones; sex hormones' '102'='Hormones; sex hormones; contraceptives' '182'='Hormones; sex hormones; androgens and anabolic steroids' '183'='Hormones; sex hormones; estrogens' '184'='Hormones; sex hormones; gonadotropins' '185'='Hormones; sex hormones; progestins' '186'='Hormones; sex hormones; sex hormone combinations' '187'='Hormones; sex hormones; miscellaneous' '279'='Hormones; sex hormones; gonadotropin releasing hormones and analogs' '288'='Hormones; sex hormones; 5-alpha-reductase inhibitor' '103'='Hormones; thyroid drugs' '295'='Hormones; growth hormones' '318'='Hormones; insulin-like growth factor' '357'='Hormones; growth hormone receptor blockers' '377'='Hormones; prolactin inhibitors' '410'='Hormones; adrenal corticosteroid inhibitors' '411'='Hormones; calcitonin' '413'='Hormones; antigonadotropic agents' '414'='Hormones; antidiuretic hormones' '416'='Hormones; somatostatin and somatostatin analogs' '417'='Hormones; selective estrogen receptor modulators' '418'='Hormones; parathyroid hormone and analogs' '419'='Hormones; gonadotropin-releasing hormone antagonists' '420'='Hormones; antiandrogens' '422'='Hormones; antithyroid agents' '423'='Hormones; aromatase inhibitors' '424'='Hormones; estrogen receptor antagonists' '426'='Hormones; synthetic ovulation stimulants' '428'='Progesterone receptor modulators' '105'='Miscellaneous agents' '106'='Miscellaneous agents; antidotes' '107'='Miscellaneous agents; chelating agents' '108'='Miscellaneous agents; cholinergic muscle stimulants' '109'='Miscellaneous agents; local injectable anesthetics' '110'='Miscellaneous agents; miscellaneous uncategorized agents' '111'='Miscellaneous agents; psoralens' '114'='Miscellaneous agents; illicit (street) drugs' '192'='Miscellaneous agents; antirheumatics' '270'='Miscellaneous agents; antipsoriatics' '284'='Miscellaneous agents; viscosupplementation agents' '320'='Miscellaneous agents; smoking cessation products' '460'='Miscellaneous agents; phosphate binders' '113'='Genitourinary tract agents' '263'='Genitourinary tract agents; impotence agents' '264'='Genitourinary tract agents; antispasmodics' '265'='Genitourinary tract agents; urinary pH modifiers' '266'='Genitourinary tract agents; miscellaneous' '412'='Genitourinary tract agents; uterotonic agents' '427'='Genitourinary tract agents; tocolytic agents' '115'='Nutritional products' '116'='Nutritional products; iron products' '117'='Nutritional products; minerals and electrolytes' '118'='Nutritional products; oral nutritional supplements' '119'='Nutritional products; vitamins' '120'='Nutritional products; vitamin and mineral combinations' '121'='Nutritional products; intravenous nutritional products' '122'='Respiratory agents' '123'='Respiratory agents; antihistamines' '124'='Respiratory agents; antitussives' '126'='Respiratory agents; bronchodilators; methylxanthines' '180'='Respiratory agents; bronchodilators; adrenergic bronchodilators' '181'='Respiratory agents; bronchodilators; bronchodilator combinations' '299'='Respiratory agents; bronchodilators; anticholinergic bronchodilators' '127'='Respiratory agents; decongestants' '128'='Respiratory agents; expectorants' '129'='Respiratory agents; miscellaneous respiratory agents' '130'='Respiratory agents; respiratory inhalant products' '296'='Respiratory agents; respiratory inhalant products; inhaled corticosteroids' '297'='Respiratory agents; respiratory inhalant products; mucolytics' '298'='Respiratory agents; respiratory inhalant products; mast cell stabilizers' '407'='Respiratory agents; respiratory inhalant products; inhaled anti-infectives' '131'='Respiratory agents; antiasthmatic combinations' '132'='Respiratory agents; upper respiratory combinations' '243'='Respiratory agents; leukotriene modifiers' '273'='Respiratory agents; lung surfactants' '435'='Respiratory agents; selective phosphodiesterase-4 inhibitors' '133'='Topical agents' '134'='Topical agents; anorectal preparations' '135'='Topical agents; antiseptics and germicides' '136'='Topical agents; dermatological agents' '137'='Topical agents; dermatological agents; topical anti-infectives' '138'='Topical agents; dermatological agents; topical steroids' '139'='Topical agents; dermatological agents; topical anesthetics' '140'='Topical agents; dermatological agents; miscellaneous topical agents' '141'='Topical agents; dermatological agents; topical steroids with anti-infectives' '143'='Topical agents; dermatological agents; topical acne agents' '144'='Topical agents; dermatological agents; topical antipsoriatics' '248'='Topical agents; dermatological agents; topical emollients' '290'='Topical agents; dermatological agents; topical antibiotics' '291'='Topical agents; dermatological agents; topical antivirals' '292'='Topical agents; dermatological agents; topical anti-infectives' '380'='Topical agents; dermatological agents; topical debriding agents' '381'='Topical agents; dermatological agents; topical depigmenting agents' '382'='Topical agents; dermatological agents; topical antihistamines' '394'='Topical agents; dermatological agents; topical astringents' '395'='Topical agents; dermatological agents; topical keratolytics' '448'='Topical agents; dermatological agents; topical non-steroidal anti-inflammatories' '450'='Topical agents; dermatological agents; topical antineoplastics' '451'='Topical agents; dermatological agents; topical photochemotherapeutics' '453'='Topical agents; dermatological agents; topical rubefacient' '461'='Topical agents; dermatological agents; topical anti-rosacea agents' '146'='Topical agents; mouth and throat products' '147'='Topical agents; ophthalmic preparations' '163'='Topical agents; ophthalmic preparations; ophthalmic anti-infectives' '164'='Topical agents; ophthalmic preparations; ophthalmic glaucoma agents' '165'='Topical agents; ophthalmic preparations; ophthalmic steroids' '166'='Topical agents; ophthalmic preparations; ophthalmic steroids with anti-infectives' '167'='Topical agents; ophthalmic preparations; ophthalmic anti-inflammatory agents' '168'='Topical agents; ophthalmic preparations; ophthalmic lubricants and irrigations' '169'='Topical agents; ophthalmic preparations; miscellaneous' '267'='Topical agents; ophthalmic preparations; ophthalmic antihistamines and decongestants' '286'='Topical agents; ophthalmic preparations; mydriatics' '287'='Topical agents; ophthalmic preparations; ophthalmic anesthetics' '321'='Topical agents; ophthalmic preparations; diagnostic agents' '322'='Topical agents; ophthalmic preparations; surgical agents' '353'='Topical agents; ophthalmic preparations; anti-angiogenic ophthalmic agents' '170'='Topical agents; otic preparations; otic anti-infectives' '171'='Topical agents; otic preparations; otic steroids with anti-infectives' '172'='Topical agents; otic preparations; miscellaneous otic agents' '370'='Topical agents; otic preparations; otic steroids' '392'='Topical agents; otic preparations; Otic anesthetics' '393'='Topical agents; otic preparations; cerumenolytics' '150'='Topical agents; sterile irrigating solutions' '149'='Topical agents; vaginal preprations; spermicides' '268'='Topical agents; vaginal preprations; vaginal anti-infectives' '269'='Topical agents; vaginal preparations; miscellaneous vaginal agents' '244'='Topical agents; nasal preparations; nasal lubricants and irrigations' '245'='Topical agents; nasal preparations; nasal steroids' '246'='Topical agents; nasal preparations; nasal antihistamines and decongestants' '247'='Topical agents; nasal preparations' '344'='Topical agents; nasal preparations; nasal anti-infectives' '218'='Alternative medicines' '219'='Alternative medicines; nutraceutical products' '220'='Alternative medicines; herbal products' '363'='Alternative medicines; probiotics' '242'='Psychotherapeutic agents' '249'='Psychotherapeutic agents; antidepressants' '076'='Psychotherapeutic agents; antidepressants; miscellaneous antidepressants' '208'='Psychotherapeutic agents; antidepressants; SSRI antidepressants' '209'='Psychotherapeutic agents; antidepressants; tricyclic antidepressants' '250'='Psychotherapeutic agents; antidepressants; monoamine oxidase inhibitors' '306'='Psychotherapeutic agents; antidepressants; phenylpiperazine antidepressants' '307'='Psychotherapeutic agents; antidepressants; tetracyclic antidepressants' '308'='Psychotherapeutic agents; antidepressants; SSNRI antidepressants' '077'='Psychotherapeutic agents; antipsychotics; miscellaneous antipsychotic agents' '079'='Psychotherapeutic agents; antipsychotics; psychotherapeutic combinations' '210'='Psychotherapeutic agents; antipsychotics; phenothiazine antipsychotics' '280'='Psychotherapeutic agents; antipsychotics; thioxanthenes' '341'='Psychotherapeutic agents; antipsychotics; atypical antipsychotics' '254'='Immunological agents' '033'='Immunological agents; immune globulins' '037'='Immunological agents; toxoids' '039'='Immunological agents; miscellaneous biologicals' '441'='Immunological agents; immunosuppressive agents; calcineurin inhibitors' '442'='Immunological agents; immunosuppressive agents; TNF alfa inhibitors' '443'='Immunological agents; immunosuppressive agents; interleukin inhibitors' '444'='Immunological agents; immunosuppressive agents; selective immunosupressants' '445'='Immunological agents; immunosuppressive agents; Other immunosupressants' '257'='Immunological agents; immunosuppressive monoclonal antibodies' '434'='Immunological agents; sphingosine 1-phosphate receptor modulators' '436'='Immunological agents; BLyS-specific inhibitors' '437'='Immunological agents; immunostimulants;' '031'='Immunological agents; immunostimulants; bacterial vaccines' '032'='Immunological agents; immunostimulants; colony stimulating factors' '038'='Immunological agents; immunostimulants; viral vaccines' '256'='Immunological agents; immunostimulants; interferons' '432'='Immunological agents; immunostimulatns; vaccine combinations' '438'='Immunological agents; immunostimulatns; interleukins' '439'='Immunological agents; immunostimulatns; other immunostimulants' '440'='Immunological agents; immunostimulatns; therapeutic vaccines' '027'='Radiologic agents; radiopharmaceuticals' '338'='Radiologic agents; radiopharmaceuticals; diagnostic radiopharmaceuticals' '339'='Radiologic agents; radiopharmaceuticals; therapeutic radiopharmaceuticals' '112'='Radiologic agents; radiocontrast agents' '333'='Radiologic agents; radiocontrast agents; miscellaneous iodinated contrast media' '334'='Radiologic agents; radiocontrast agents; lymphatic staining agents' '335'='Radiologic agents; radiocontrast agents; magnetic resonance imaging contrast media' '336'='Radiologic agents; radiocontrast agents; non-iodinated contrast media' '337'='Radiologic agents; radiocontrast agents; ultrasound contrast media' '368'='Radiologic agents; radiocontrast agents; non-ionic iodinated contrast media' '369'='Radiologic agents; radiocontrast agents; ionic iodinated contrast media' '464'='Radiologic agents; radiocontrast agents; miscellaneous diagnostic dyes' '332'='Radiologic agents; radiologic adjuncts' '374'='Radiologic agents; radiologic adjuncts; cardiac stressing agents' '376'='Radiologic agents; radiologic adjuncts; radiologic conjugating agents' '358'='Metabolic agents' '173'='Metabolic agents; antihyperlipidemic agents; HMG-CoA reductase inhibitors' '174'='Metabolic agents; antihyperlipidemic agents; miscellaneous antihyperlipidemic agents' '241'='Metabolic agents; antihyperlipidemic agents; fibric acid derivatives' '252'='Metabolic agents; antihyperlipidemic agents; bile acid sequestrants' '316'='Metabolic agents; antihyperlipidemic agents; cholesterol absorption inhibitors' '317'='Metabolic agents; antihyperlipidemic agents; antihyperlipidemic combinations' '099'='Metabolic agents; antidiabetic agents' '213'='Metabolic agents; antidiabetic agents; sulfonylureas' '214'='Metabolic agents; antidiabetic agents; biquanides' '215'='Metabolic agents; antidiabetic agents; insulin' '216'='Metabolic agents; antidiabetic agents; alpha-glucosidase inhibitors' '271'='Metabolic agents; antidiabetic agents; thiazolidinediones' '282'='Metabolic agents; antidiabetic agents; meglitinides' '309'='Metabolic agents; antidiabetic agents; miscellaneous antidiabetic agents' '314'='Metabolic agents; antidiabetic agents; antidiabetic combinations' '371'='Metabolic agents; antidiabetic agents; dipeptidyl peptidase 4 inhibitors' '372'='Metabolic agents; antidiabetic agents; amylin analogs' '373'='Metabolic agents; antidiabetic agents; incretin mimetics' '458'='Metabolic agents; antidiabetic agents; SGLT-2 inhibitors' '289'='Metabolic agents; antihyperuricemic agents' '293'='Metabolic agents; glucose elevating agents' '194'='Metabolic agents; antigout agents' '359'='Metabolic agents; pheripherally acting anti-obesity agents' '360'='Metabolic agents; lysosomal enzymes' '361'='Metabolic agents; miscellaneous metabolic agents' '217'='Metabolic agents; bone resorption inhibitors; bisphosphonates' '415'='Metabolic agents; miscellaneous bone resorption inhibitors' '452'='Metabolic agents: CFTR potentiators' '459'='Metabolic agents: Urea cycle disorder agents' '462'='Allergenics' '153'='Plasma expanders' '365'='Medical gases' '899'='Pharmaceutical aids' ' '='Not applicable' ; VALUE $DRGLV1F '001'='Anti-infectives' '020'='Antineoplastics' '028'='Biologicals' '040'='Cardiovascular agents' '057'='Central nervous system agents' '081'='Coagulation modifiers' '087'='Gastrointestinal agents' '097'='Hormones' '105'='Miscellaneous agents' '113'='Genitourinary tract agents' '115'='Nutritional products' '122'='Respiratory agents' '133'='Topical agents' '153'='Plasma expanders' '218'='Alternative medicines' '242'='Psychotherapeutic agents' '254'='Immunological agents' '331'='Radiologic agents' '358'='Metabolic agents' '365'='Medical gases' '462'='Allergenics' '899'='Pharmaceutical aids' ' '='Not applicable' ; VALUE $DRGLV2F '002'='Anti-infectives; amebicides' '003'='Anti-infectives; anthelmintics' '004'='Anti-infectives; antifungals' '005'='Anti-infectives; antimalarial agents' '006'='Anti-infectives; antituberculosis agents' '007'='Anti-infectives; antiviral agents' '008'='Anti-infectives; carbapenems' '009'='Anti-infectives; cephalosporins' '010'='Anti-infectives; leprostatics' '011'='Anti-infectives; macrolide derivatives' '012'='Anti-infectives; miscellaneous antibiotics' '013'='Anti-infectives; penicillins' '014'='Anti-infectives; quinolones' '015'='Anti-infectives; sulfanomides' '016'='Anti-infectives; tetracyclines' '017'='Anti-infectives; urinary anti-infectives' '018'='Anti-infectives; aminoglycosides' '240'='Anti-infectives; lincomycin derivatives' '315'='Anti-infectives; glycylcyclines' '406'='Anti-infectives; glycopeptide antibiotics' '021'='Antineoplastics; alkylating agents' '022'='Antineoplastics; antineoplastic antibiotics' '023'='Antineoplastics; antimetabolites' '024'='Antineoplastics; antineoplastic hormones' '025'='Antineoplastics; miscellaneous antineoplastics' '026'='Antineoplastics; mitotic inhibitors' '323'='Antineoplastics; antineoplastic monoconal antibodies' '324'='Antineoplastics; antineoplastic interferons' '343'='Antineoplastics; tyrosine kinase inhibitors' '383'='Antineoplastics; antineoplastic detoxifying agents' '397'='Antineoplastics; multikinase inhibitors' '398'='Antineoplastics; BCR-ABL tyrosine kinase inhibitors' '399'='Antineoplastics; CD52 monoclonal antibodies' '400'='Antineoplastics; CD33 monoclonal antibodies' '401'='Antineoplastics; CD20 monoclonal antibodies' '402'='Antineoplastics; VEGF/VEGFR inhibitors' '403'='Antineoplastics; MTOR inhibitors' '404'='Antineoplastics; EGFR inhibitors' '405'='Antineoplastics; HER2 inhibitors' '408'='Antineoplastics; histone deacetylase inhibitors' '431'='Antineoplastics; anti-CTLA-4 monoclonal antibodies' '447'='Antineoplastics; CD30 monoclonal antibodies' '449'='Antineoplastics; Hedgehog pathway inhibitors' '454'='Antineoplastics; proteasome inhibitors' '030'='Biologicals; antitoxins and antivenins' '032'='Biologicals; colony stimulating factors' '034'='Biologicals; in vivo diagnostic biologicals' '036'='Biologicals; erythropoiesis-stimulating agents' '390'='Biologicals; hematopoietic stem cell mobilizer' '041'='Cardiovascular agents; agents for hypertensive emergencies' '042'='Cardiovascular agents; angiotensin converting enzyme inhibitors' '043'='Cardiovascular agents; antiadrenergic agents, peripherally acting' '044'='Cardiovascular agents; antiadrenergic agents, centrally acting' '045'='Cardiovascular agents; antianginal agents' '046'='Cardiovascular agents; antiarrhythmic agents' '047'='Cardiovascular agents; beta-adrenergic blocking agents' '048'='Cardiovascular agents; calcium channel blocking agents' '049'='Cardiovascular agents; diuretics' '050'='Cardiovascular agents; intropic agents' '051'='Cardiovascular agents; miscellaneous cardiovascular agents' '052'='Cardiovascular agents; peripheral vasodilators' '053'='Cardiovascular agents; vasodilators' '054'='Cardiovascular agents; vasopressors' '055'='Cardiovascular agents; antihypertensive combinations' '056'='Cardiovascular agents; angiotensin II inhibitors' '303'='Cardiovascular agents; agents for pulmonary hypertension' '319'='Cardiovascular agents; vasopressin antagonists' '325'='Cardiovascular agents; sclerosing agents' '340'='Cardiovascular agents; aldosterone receptor agonists' '342'='Cardiovascular agents; renin inhibitors' '396'='Cardiovascular agents; prostaglandin D2 antagonists' '430'='Cardiovascular agents; anticholinergic chronotropic agents' '433'='Cardiovascular agents; catecholamines' '058'='CNS; Analgesics' '064'='CNS; Anticonvulsants' '065'='CNS; Antiemetic/antivertigo agents' '066'='CNS; Anti-Parkinson agents' '067'='CNS; Anxiolytics, sedatives, and hypnotics' '071'='CNS; CNS stimulants' '072'='CNS; General anesthetics' '073'='CNS; Muscle relaxants' '080'='CNS; Miscellaneous CNS agents' '253'='CNS; Anorexiants' '312'='CNS; Anticholinergic agents' '313'='CNS; Cholinesterase inhibitors' '378'='CNS; Drugs used in alcohol dependence' '082'='Coagulation modifiers; anticoagulants' '083'='Coagulation modifiers; antiplatelet agents' '084'='Coagulation modifiers; heparin antagonists' '085'='Coagulation modifiers; misc coagulation modifiers' '086'='Coagulation modifiers; thrombolytics' '384'='Coagulation modifiers; platelet-stimulating agents' '088'='Gastrointestinal agents; antacids' '090'='Gastrointestinal agents; antidiarrheals' '091'='Gastrointestinal agents; digestive enzymes' '092'='Gastrointestinal agents; gallstone solubilizing agents' '093'='Gastrointestinal agents; GI stimulants' '094'='Gastrointestinal agents; H2 antagonists' '095'='Gastrointestinal agents; laxatives' '096'='Gastrointestinal agents; miscellaneous GI agents' '272'='Gastrointestinal agents; proton pump inhibitors' '277'='Gastrointestinal agents; 5-aminosalicylates' '089'='Gastrointestinal agents; anticholinergics/antispasmodics' '355'='Gastrointestinal agents; functional bowel disorder agents' '354'='Gastrointestinal agents; H. pylori eradication agents' '098'='Hormones; adrenal cortical steroids' '100'='Hormones; miscellaneous hormones' '101'='Hormones; sex hormones' '103'='Hormones; thyroid drugs' '288'='5-alpha-reductase inhibitors' '295'='Hormones; growth hormones' '377'='Hormones; prolactin inhibitors' '410'='Hormones; adrenal corticosteroid inhibitors' '411'='Hormones; calcitonin' '413'='Hormones; antigonadotropic agents' '414'='Hormones; antidiuretic hormones' '416'='Hormones; somatostatin and somatostatin analogs' '417'='Hormones; selective estrogen receptor modulators' '418'='Hormones; parathyroid hormone and analogs' '419'='Hormones; gonadotropin-releasing hormone antagonists' '420'='Hormones; antiandrogens' '422'='Hormones; antithyroid agents' '423'='Hormones; aromatase inhibitors' '424'='Hormones; estrogen receptor antagonists' '426'='Hormones; synthetic ovulation stimulants' '428'='Progesterone receptor modulators' '106'='Miscellaneous agents; antidotes' '107'='Miscellaneous agents; chelating agents' '108'='Miscellaneous agents; cholinergic muscle stimulants' '109'='Miscellaneous agents; local injectable anesthetics' '110'='Miscellaneous agents; miscellaneous uncategorized agents' '111'='Miscellaneous agents; psoralens' '114'='Miscellaneous agents; illicit (street) drugs' '192'='Miscellaneous agents; antirheumatics' '270'='Miscellaneous agents; antipsoriatics' '284'='Miscellaneous agents; viscosupplementation agents' '320'='Miscellaneous agents; smoking cessation products' '460'='Miscellaneous agents; phosphate binders' '105'='Miscellaneous agents' '263'='Genitourinary tract agents; impotence agents' '264'='Genitourinary tract agents; antispasmodics' '265'='Genitourinary tract agents; urinary pH modifiers' '266'='Genitourinary tract agents; miscellaneous' '412'='Genitourinary tract agents; uterotonic agents' '427'='Genitourinary tract agents; tocolytic agents' '116'='Nutritional products; iron products' '117'='Nutritional products; minerals and electrolytes' '118'='Nutritional products; oral nutritional supplements' '119'='Nutritional products; vitamins' '120'='Nutritional products; vitamin and mineral combinations' '121'='Nutritional products; intravenous nutritional products' '115'='Nutritional products' '123'='Respiratory agents; antihistamines' '124'='Respiratory agents; antitussives' '125'='Respiratory agents; bronchodilators' '127'='Respiratory agents; decongestants' '128'='Respiratory agents; expectorants' '129'='Respiratory agents; miscellaneous respiratory agents' '130'='Respiratory agents; respiratory inhalant products' '131'='Respiratory agents; antiasthmatic combinations' '132'='Respiratory agents; upper respiratory combinations' '243'='Respiratory agents; leukotriene modifiers' '273'='Respiratory agents; lung surfactants' '435'='Respiratory agents; selective phosphodiesterase-4 inhibitors' '134'='Topical agents; anorectal preparations' '133'='Topical agents' '135'='Topical agents; antiseptics and germicides' '136'='Topical agents; dermatological agents' '146'='Topical agents; mouth and throat products' '147'='Topical agents; ophthalmic preparations' '148'='Topical agents; otic preparations' '150'='Topical agents; sterile irrigating solutions' '151'='Topical agents; vaginal preprations' '247'='Topical agents; nasal preparations' '219'='Alternative medicines; nutraceutical products' '220'='Alternative medicines; herbal products' '363'='Alternative medicines; probiotics' '249'='Psychotherapeutic agents; antidepressants' '251'='Psychotherapeutic agents; antipsychotics' '031'='Immunological agents; bacterial vaccines' '033'='Immunological agents; immune globulins' '037'='Immunological agents; toxoids' '038'='Immunological agents; viral vaccines' '039'='Immunological agents; miscellaneous biologicals' '104'='Immunological agents; immunosuppressive agents' '256'='Immunological agents; interferons' '257'='Immunological agents; immunosuppressive monoclonal antibodies' '434'='Immunological agents; sphingosine 1-phosphate receptor modulators' '436'='Immunological agents; BLyS-specific inhibitors' '437'='Immunological agents; immunostimulants' '027'='Radiologic agents; radiopharmaceuticals' '112'='Radiologic agents; radiocontrast agents' '332'='Radiologic agents; radiologic adjuncts' '019'='Metabolic agents; antihyperlipidemia agents' '099'='Metabolic agents; antidiabetic agents' '361'='Metabolic agents; miscellaneous metabolic agents' '194'='Metabolic agents; antigout agents' '289'='Metabolic agents; antihyperuricemic agents' '293'='Metabolic agents; glucose elevating agents' '359'='Metabolic agents; pheripherally acting anti-obesity agents' '360'='Metabolic agents; lysosomal enzymes' '409'='Metabolic agents; bone resorption inhibitors' '415'='Metabolic agents; bone resorption inhibitors; miscellaneous bone resorption inhibitors' '452'='Metabolic agents: CFTR potentiators' '459'='Metabolic agents: Urea cycle disorder agents' '365'='Medical gases' '899'='Pharmaceutical aid' '999'='Could not be determined' ' '='Not applicable' ; VALUE $DRGLV3F '235'='Anti-infectives; antifungals; polyenes' '236'='Anti-infectives; antifungals; azole antifungals' '237'='Anti-infectives; antifungals; miscellaneous antifungals' '310'='Anti-infectives; antifungals; echinocandins' '238'='Anti-infectives; antimalarial agents; antimalarial quinolones' '239'='Anti-infectives; antimalarial agents; miscellaneous antimalarials' '328'='Anti-infectives; antimalarial agents; antimalarial combinations' '230'='Anti-infectives; antituberculosis agents; aminosalicylates' '231'='Anti-infectives; antituberculosis agents; thiocarbamide derivatives' '232'='Anti-infectives; antituberculosis agents; rifamycin derivatives' '233'='Anti-infectives; antituberculosis agents; streptomyces derivatives' '234'='Anti-infectives; antituberculosis agents; miscellaneous' '329'='Anti-infectives; antituberculosis agents; antituberculosis combinations' '457'='Anti-infectives; antituberculosis agents; hydrazide derivatives' '175'='Anti-infectives; antiviral agents; protease inhibitors' '176'='Anti-infectives; antiviral agents; NRTIs' '177'='Anti-infectives; antiviral agents; miscellaneous antivirals' '227'='Anti-infectives; antiviral agents; NNRTIs' '228'='Anti-infectives; antiviral agents; adamantane antivirals' '229'='Anti-infectives; antiviral agents; purine nucleosides' '281'='Anti-infectives; antiviral agents; neuraminidase inhibitors' '327'='Anti-infectives; antiviral agents; antiviral combinations' '330'='Anti-infectives; antiviral agents; antiviral interferons' '364'='Anti-infectives; antiviral agents; antiviral chemokine receptor antagonist' '366'='Anti-infectives; antiviral agents; integrase strand transfer inhibitor' '159'='Anti-infectives; cephalosporins; first generation cephalosporins' '160'='Anti-infectives; cephalosporins; second generation cephalosporins' '161'='Anti-infectives; cephalosporins; third generation cephalosporins' '162'='Anti-infectives; cephalosporins; fourth generation cephalosporins' '379'='Anti-infectives; cephalosporins; fifth generation cephalosporins' '304'='Anti-infectives; macrolide derivatives; macrolides' '305'='Anti-infectives; macrolide derivatives; ketolides' '013'='Anti-infectives; penicillins' '222'='Anti-infectives; penicillins; penicillinase resistant penicillins' '223'='Anti-infectives; penicillins; antipseudomonal penicillins' '224'='Anti-infectives; penicillins; aminopenicillins' '225'='Anti-infectives; penicillins; beta-lactamase inhibitors' '226'='Anti-infectives; penicillins; natural penicillins' '274'='Cardiovas agents; beta-adrenergic blocking; cardioselective beta blockers' '275'='Cardiovas agents; beta-adrenergic blocking; non-cardioselective beta blockers' '154'='Cardiovascular agents; diuretics; loop diuretics' '155'='Cardiovascular agents; diuretics; potassium-sparing diuretics' '156'='Cardiovascular agents; diuretics; thiazide and thiazide-like diuretics' '157'='Cardiovascular agents; diuretics; carbonic anhydrase inhibitors' '158'='Cardiovascular agents; diuretics; miscellaneous diuretics' '385'='Cardiovascular agents; antiarrhythmic agents; Group 1 antiarrhythmics' '386'='Cardiovascular agents; antiarrhythmic agents; group II antiarrhythmics' '387'='Cardiovascular agents; antiarrhythmic agents; group III antiarrhythmics' '388'='Cardiovascular agents; antiarrhythmic agents; group IV antiarrhythmics' '389'='Cardiovascular agents; antiarrhythmic agents; group V antiarrhythmics' '059'='CNS; analgesics; miscellaneous analgesics' '060'='CNS; Analgesics; Narcotic' '061'='CNS; Analgesics; NSAID' '062'='CNS; Analgesics; Salicylates' '063'='CNS; Analgesics; Analgesic combinations' '191'='CNS; Analgesics; Narcotic analgesic combinations' '193'='CNS; Analgesics; Antimigraine agents' '278'='CNS; Analgesics; Cox-2 inhibitors' '199'='CNS; Anticonvulsants; Hydantoin anticonvulsants' '200'='CNS; Anticonvulsants; Succinimide anticonvulsants' '201'='CNS; Anticonvulsants; Barbiturate anticonvulsants' '202'='CNS; Anticonvulsants; oxazolidinedione anticonvulsants' '203'='CNS; Anticonvulsants; Benzodiazepine anticonvulsants' '204'='CNS; Anticonvulsants; Miscellaneous anticonvulsants' '311'='CNS; Anticonvulsants; Dibenzapine anticonvulsants' '345'='CNS; Anticonvulsants; Fatty acid derivate anticonvulsants' '346'='CNS; Anticonvulsants; Gamma-aminobutyric acid reuptake inhibitors' '347'='CNS; Anticonvulsants; Gamma-aminobutyric acid analogs' '348'='CNS; Anticonvulsants; Triazine anticonvulsants' '349'='CNS; Anticonvulsants; Carbamate anticonvulsants' '350'='CNS; Anticonvulsants; Pyrrolidine anticonvulsants' '351'='CNS; Anticonvulsants; Carbonic anhydrase inhibitor anticonvulsants' '352'='CNS; Anticonvulsants; Urea anticonvulsants' '446'='CNS; Anticonvulsants; Neuronal potasssium channel openers' '195'='CNS; Antiemetic/antivertigo agents; 5HT3 receptor agonists' '196'='CNS; Antiemetic/antivertigo agents; phenothiazine antiemetics' '197'='CNS; Antiemetic/antivertigo agents; anticholinergic antiemetics' '198'='CNS; Antiemetic/antivertigo agents; miscellaneous antiemetics' '066'='CNS; Anti-Parkinson agents' '205'='CNS; Anti-Parkinson agents; anticholinergic anti-Parkinson agents' '206'='CNS; Anti-Parkinson agents; miscellaneous anti-Parkinson agents' '276'='CNS; Anti-Parkinson agents; dopaminergic anti-Parkinson agents' '068'='CNS; Anxiolytics, sedatives, hypnotics; barbiturates' '069'='CNS; Anxiolytics, sedatives, hypnotics; benzodiazepines' '070'='CNS; Anxiolytics, sedatives, hypnotics; miscellaneous' '074'='CNS; Muscle relaxants; neuromuscular blocking agents' '178'='CNS; Muscle relaxants; skeletal muscle relaxants' '179'='CNS; Muscle relaxants; muscle relaxants combinations' '261'='Coagulation modifiers; anticoagulants; heparins' '262'='Coagulation modifiers; anticoagulants; coumarins and indandiones' '283'='Coagulation modifiers; anticoagulants; thrombin inhibitors' '285'='Coagulation modifiers; anticoagulants; factor Xa inhibitors' '211'='Coagulation modifiers; antiplatelet agents; platelet aggregation inhibitors' '212'='Coagulation modifiers; antiplatelet agents; glycoprotein platelet inhibitors' '463'='Coagulation modifiers; antiplatelet agents; protease-activated receptor-1 antagonists' '089'='Gastrointestinal agents; functional bowel disorders; anticholinergics/antispasmodics' '356'='Gastrointestinal agents; functional bowel disorder agents; serotoninergic neurocenteric modulators' '362'='Gastrointestinal agents; functional bowel disorder agents; chloride channel activators' '375'='Gastrointestinal agents; functional bowel disorder agents; peripheral opioid receptor antagonists' '300'='Hormones; adrenal cortical steroids; corticotropin' '301'='Hormones; adrenal cortical steroids; glucocorticoids' '302'='Hormones; adrenal cortical steroids; mineralocorticoids' '102'='Hormones; sex hormones; contraceptives' '182'='Hormones; sex hormones; androgens and anabolic steroids' '183'='Hormones; sex hormones; estrogens' '184'='Hormones; sex hormones; gonadotropins' '185'='Hormones; sex hormones; progestins' '186'='Hormones; sex hormones; sex hormone combinations' '187'='Hormones; sex hormones; miscellaneous' '279'='Hormones; sex hormones; gonadotropin releasing hormones and analogs' '288'='Hormones; sex hormones; 5-alpha-reductase inhibitor' '263'='Genitourinary tract agents; impotence agents' '264'='Genitourinary tract agents; antispasmodics' '265'='Genitourinary tract agents; urinary pH modifiers' '266'='Genitourinary tract agents: miscellaneous genitourinary tract agents' '412'='Genitourinary tract agents: uterotonic agents' '427'='Genitourinary tract agents: tocolytic agents' '126'='Respiratory agents; bronchodilators; methylxanthines' '180'='Respiratory agents; bronchodilators; adrenergic bronchodilators' '181'='Respiratory agents; bronchodilators; bronchodilator combinations' '296'='Respiratory agents; respiratory inhalant products; inhaled corticosteroids' '297'='Respiratory agents; respiratory inhalant products; mucolytics' '298'='Respiratory agents; respiratory inhalant products; mast cell stabilizers' '299'='Respiratory agents; bronchodilators; anticholinergic bronchodilators' '407'='Respiratory agents; respiratory inhalant products; inhaled anti-infectives' '133'='Topical agents' '136'='Topical agents; dermatological agents' '137'='Topical agents; dermatological agents; topical anti-infectives' '138'='Topical agents; dermatological agents; topical steroids' '139'='Topical agents; dermatological agents; topical anesthetics' '140'='Topical agents; dermatological agents; miscellaneous topical agents' '141'='Topical agents; dermatological agents; topical steroids with anti-infectives' '143'='Topical agents; dermatological agents; topical acne agents' '144'='Topical agents; dermatological agents; topical antipsoriatics' '248'='Topical agents; dermatological agents; topical emollients' '290'='Topical agents; dermatological agents; topical antibiotics' '291'='Topical agents; dermatological agents; topical antivirals' '292'='Topical agents; dermatological agents; topical anti-infectives' '146'='Topical agents; mouth and throat products' '380'='Topical agents; dermatological agents; topical debriding agents' '381'='Topical agents; dermatological agents; topical depigmenting agents' '382'='Topical agents; dermatological agents; topical antihistamines' '394'='Topical agents; dermatological agents; topical astringents' '395'='Topical agents; dermatological agents; topical keratolytics' '448'='Topical agents; dermatological agents; topical non-steroidal anti-inflammatories' '450'='Topical agents; dermatological agents; topical antineoplastics' '451'='Topical agents; dermatological agents; topical photochemotherapeutics' '453'='Topical agents; dermatological agents; topical rubefacient' '461'='Topical agents; dermatological agents; topical anti-rosacea agents' '147'='Topical agents; ophthalmic preparations' '163'='Topical agents; ophthalmic preparations; ophthalmic anti-infectives' '164'='Topical agents; ophthalmic preparations; ophthalmic glaucoma agents' '165'='Topical agents; ophthalmic preparations; ophthalmic steroids' '166'='Topical agents; ophthalmic preparations; ophthalmic steroids with anti-infectives' '167'='Topical agents; ophthalmic preparations; ophthalmic anti-inflammatory agents' '168'='Topical agents; ophthalmic preparations; ophthalmic lubricants and irrigations' '169'='Topical agents; ophthalmic preparations; miscellaneous' '267'='Topical agents; ophthalmic preparations; ophthalmic antihistamines and decongestants' '286'='Topical agents; ophthalmic preparations; mydriatics' '287'='Topical agents; ophthalmic preparations; ophthalmic anesthetics' '321'='Topical agents; ophthalmic preparations; diagnostic agents' '322'='Topical agents; ophthalmic preparations; surgical agents' '353'='Topical agents; ophthalmic preparations; anti-angiogenic ophthalmic agents' '170'='Topical agents; otic preparations; otic anti-infectives' '171'='Topical agents; otic preparations; otic steroids with anti-infectives' '172'='Topical agents; otic preparations; miscellaneous otic agents' '370'='Topical agents; otic preparations; otic steroids' '392'='Topical agents; otic preparations; Otic anesthetics' '393'='Topical agents; otic preparations; cerumenolytics' '149'='Topical agents; vaginal preprations; spermicides' '268'='Topical agents; vaginal preprations; vaginal anti-infectives' '269'='Topical agents; vaginal preparations; miscellaneous vaginal agents' '244'='Topical agents; nasal preparations; nasal lubricants and irrigations' '245'='Topical agents; nasal preparations; nasal steroids' '246'='Topical agents; nasal preparations; nasal antihistamines and decongestants' '247'='Topical agents; nasal preparations' '344'='Topical agents; nasal preparations; nasal anti-infectives' '076'='Psychotherapeutic agents; antidepressants; miscellaneous' '208'='Psychotherapeutic agents; antidepressants; SSRI antidepressants' '209'='Psychotherapeutic agents; antidepressants; tricyclic antidepressants' '250'='Psychotherapeutic agents; antidepressants; monoamine oxidase inhibitors' '306'='Psychotherapeutic agents; antidepressants; phenylpiperazine antidepressants' '307'='Psychotherapeutic agents; antidepressants; tetracyclic antidepressants' '308'='Psychotherapeutic agents; antidepressants; SSNRI antidepressants' '077'='Psychotherapeutic agents; antipsychotics; miscellaneous antipsychotic agents' '079'='Psychotherapeutic agents; antipsychotics; psychotherapeutic combinations' '210'='Psychotherapeutic agents; antipsychotics; phenothiazine antipsychotics' '280'='Psychotherapeutic agents; antipsychotics; thioxanthenes' '341'='Psychotherapeutic agents; antipsychotics; atypical antipsychotics' '441'='Immunologic agents; immunosuppressive agents; calcineurin inhibitors' '442'='Immunologic agents; immunosuppressive agents; TNF alfa inhibitors' '443'='Immunologic agents; immunosuppressive agents; interleukin inhibitors' '444'='Immunologic agents; immunosuppressive agents; selective immunosuppressants' '445'='Immunologic agents; immunosuppressive agents; Other immunosuppressants' '031'='Immunologic agents; immunostimulants; bacterial vaccines' '032'='Immunologic agents; immunostimulants; colony stimulating factors' '038'='Immunologic agents; immunostimulants; viral vaccines' '256'='Immunologic agents; immunostimulants; interferons' '432'='Immunologic agents; iImmunostimulants; vaccine combinations' '438'='Immunologic agents; immunostimulants; interleukins' '439'='Immunologic agents; immunostimulants; other immunostimulants' '440'='Immunologic agents; immunostimulants; therapeutic vaccines' '338'='Radiologic agents; radiopharmaceuticals; diagnostic radiopharmaceuticals' '339'='Radiologic agents; radiopharmaceuticals; therapeutic radiopharmaceuticals' '333'='Radiologic agents; radiocontrast agents; misc iodinated contrast media' '334'='Radiologic agents; radiocontrast agents; lymphatic staining agents' '335'='Radiologic agents; radiocontrast agents; magnetic resonance imaging contrast media' '336'='Radiologic agents; radiocontrast agents; non-iodinated contrast media' '337'='Radiologic agents; radiocontrast agents; ultrasound contrast media' '368'='Radiologic agents; radiocontrast agents; non-ionic iodinated contrast media' '369'='Radiologic agents; radiocontrast agents; ionic iodinated contrast media' '464'='Radiologic agents; radiocontrast agents; miscellaneous diagnostic dyes' '374'='Radiologic agents; radiologic adjuncts; cardiac stressing agents' '376'='Radiologic agents; radiologic adjuncts; radiologic conjugating agents' '361'='Metabolic agents; miscellaneous metabolic agents' '173'='Metabolic agents; antihyperlipidemic agents; HMG-CoA reductase inhibitors' '174'='Metabolic agents; antihyperlipidemic agents; miscellaneous antihyperlipidemic agents' '241'='Metabolic agents; antihyperlipidemic agents; fibric acid derivatives' '252'='Metabolic agents; antihyperlipidemic agents; bile acid sequestrants' '316'='Metabolic agents; antihyperlipidemic agents; cholesterol absorption inhibitors' '317'='Metabolic agents; antihyperlipidemic agents; antihyperlipidemic combinations' '213'='Metabolic agents; antidiabetic agents; sulfonylureas' '214'='Metabolic agents; antidiabetic agents; biquanides' '215'='Metabolic agents; antidiabetic agents; insulin' '216'='Metabolic agents; antidiabetic agents; alpha-glucosidase inhibitors' '271'='Metabolic agents; antidiabetic agents; thiazolidinediones' '282'='Metabolic agents; antidiabetic agents; meglitinides' '309'='Metabolic agents; antidiabetic agents; miscellaneous antidiabetic agents' '314'='Metabolic agents; antidiabetic agents; antidiabetic combinations' '371'='Metabolic agents; antidiabetic agents; dipeptidyl peptidase 4 inhibitors' '372'='Metabolic agents; antidiabetic agents; amylin analogs' '373'='Metabolic agents; antidiabetic agents; incretin mimetics' '458'='Metabolic agents; antidiabetic agents; SGLT-2 inhibitors' '217'='Metabolic agents; bone resorption inhibitors; bisphosphonates' '415'='Metabolic agents; bone resorption inhibitors; misc bone resorption inhibitors' '899'='Pharmaceutical aids' '999'='Could not be determined' ' '='Not applicable' ; VALUE DAYDIFF -700='N/A, provider not asked' -800='Unknown' -900='Blank' ; VALUE LDLDIF -999='Blank' ; VALUE CHOLF 1='Yes' 2='None found' -7='N/A, provider not asked' -9='Blank' ; VALUE RESULTF -7='N/A, provider not asked' -8='Unknown' -9='Blank' ; VALUE HDLRESF 100='100 mg/dL or higher' -7='N/A, provider not asked' -8='Unknown' -9='Blank' ; VALUE CHOLRESF 350='350 mg/dL or higher' -7='N/A, provider not asked' -8='Unknown' -9='Blank' ; VALUE LDLRESF 300='300 mg/dL or higher' -7='N/A, provider not asked' -8='Unknown' -9='Blank' ; VALUE A1CRESF 12.9='12.9% or higher' -7='N/A, provider not asked' -8='Unknown' -9='Blank' ; VALUE TGSRESF 400='400 mg/dL or higher' -7='N/A, provider not asked' -8='Unknown' -9='Blank' ; VALUE FBGRESF 500='500 mg/dL or higher' -7='N/A, provider not asked' -8='Unknown' -9='Blank' ; VALUE LIPIDERRF -999 ='Blank' ; VALUE AGEFLAGF 0 ='Calculated by NCHS' 1 ='Entered by respondent' -9 ='Birthdate imputed' ; VALUE GESTFLF 0 ='Calculated by NCHS' 1 ='Not calculated by NCHS' ; VALUE SPECR14F 01 ='General/family practice' 03 ='Internal medicine' 04 ='Pediatrics' 05 ='General surgery' 06 ='Obstetrics and gynecology' 07 ='Orthopedic surgery' 08 ='Cardiovascular diseases' 09 ='Dermatology' 10 ='Urology' 11 ='Psychiatry' 12 ='Neurology' 13 ='Ophthalmology' 14 ='Otolaryngology' 15 ='Other specialties' ; VALUE SPECR17F 01 ='General/family practice' 03 ='Internal medicine' 04 ='Pediatrics' 05 ='General surgery' 06 ='Obstetrics and gynecology' 07 ='Orthopedic surgery' 08 ='Cardiovascular diseases' 09 ='Dermatology' 10 ='Urology' 11 ='Psychiatry' 12 ='Neurology' 13 ='Ophthalmology' 14 ='Otolaryngology' 15 ='Other specialties' 19 ='Oncology' 20 ='Allergy' 21 ='Pulmonology' ; VALUE SPECRCATF 1.1='General/Family practice/Primary care specialty' 1.2='General/Family practice/Surgical care specialty' 1.3='General/Family practice/Medical care specialty' 3.1='Internal medicine/Primary care specialty' 3.2='Internal medicine/Surgical care specialty' 3.3='Internal medicine/Medical care specialty' 4.1='Pediatrics/Primary care specialty' 4.2='Pediatrics/Surgical care specialty' 4.3='Pediatrics/Medical care specialty' 5.1='General surgery/Primary care specialty' 5.2='General surgery/Surgical care specialty' 5.3='General surgery/Medical care specialty' 6.1='Ob-gyn/Primary care specialty' 6.2='Ob-gyn/Surgical care specialty' 6.3='Ob-gyn/Medical care specialty' 7.1='Orthopedic surgery/Primary care specialty' 7.2='Orthopedic surgery/Surgical care specialty' 7.3='Orthopedic surgery/Medical care specialty' 8.1='Cardiovascular diseases/Primary care specialty' 8.2='Cardiovascular diseases/Surgical care specialty' 8.3='Cardiovascular diseases/Medical care specialty' 9.1='Dermatology/Primary care specialty' 9.2='Dermatology/Surgical care specialty' 9.3='Dermatology/Medical care specialty' 10.1='Urology/Primary care specialty' 10.2='Urology/Surgical care specialty' 10.3='Urology/Medical care specialty' 11.1='Psychiatry/Primary care specialty' 11.2='Psychiatry/Surgical care specialty' 11.3='Psychiatry/Medical care specialty' 12.1='Neurology/Primary care specialty' 12.2='Neurology/Surgical care specialty' 12.3='Neurology/Medical care specialty' 13.1='Ophthalmology/Primary care specialty' 13.2='Ophthalmology/Surgical care specialty' 13.3='Ophthalmology/Medical care specialty' 14.1='Otolaryngology/Primary care specialty' 14.2='Otolaryngology/Surgical care specialty' 14.3='Otolaryngology/Medical care specialty' 15.1='Other Specialty/Primary care specialty' 15.2='Other Specialty/Surgical care specialty' 15.3='Other Specialty/Medical care specialty' 19.1='Oncology/Primary care specialty' 19.2='Oncology/Surgical care specialty' 19.3='Oncology/Medical care specialty' 20.1='Allergy/Primary care specialty' 20.2='Allergy/Surgical care specialty' 20.3='Allergy/Medical care specialty' 21.1='Pulmonology/Primary care specialty' 21.2='Pulmonology/Surgical care specialty' 21.3='Pulmonology/Medical care specialty' ; VALUE SPECCATF 1 = 'Primary care specialty' 2 = 'Surgical care specialty' 3 = 'Medical care specialty' ; VALUE MDDOF 1 ='M.D. - Doctor of Medicine' 2 ='D.O. - Doctor of Osteopathy' ; VALUE RETYPORF 1 ='Private solo or group practice' 2 ='Other' ; VALUE SOLOF 1 ='Solo' 2 ='Non-solo' -6 ='Refused to answer' -8 ='Unknown' -9 ='Blank' ; VALUE EMPSTATF 1 ='Full-owner' 2 ='Part-owner' 3 ='Employee' 4 ='Contractor' -6 ='Refused to answer' -8 ='Unknown' -9 ='Blank' ; VALUE OWNSRF 1 ='Physician or physician group' 2 ='Medical/academic health center; Community health center; other hospital' 3 ='Insurance company, health plan, or HMO; other health corporation; other' -6 ='Refused to answer' -8 ='Unknown' -9 ='Blank' ; VALUE PATEVENF 1 ='Yes' 2 ='No' -6 ='Refused to answer' -8 ='Unknown' -9 ='Blank' ; VALUE ECONRF 0 ='No' 1 ='Yes' -6 ='Refused to answer' -8 ='Unknown' -9 ='Blank' ; VALUE EBILRECF 1 ='Yes' 2 ='No' -6 ='Refused to answer' -8 ='Unknown' -9 ='Blank' ; VALUE EMEDRECF 1 ='Yes, all electronic' 2 ='Yes, part paper, part electronic' 3 ='No' -6 ='Refused to answer' -8 ='Unknown' -9 ='Blank' ; VALUE EINSF 1='Yes' 2='No' -6 ='Refused to answer' -8 ='Unknown' -9 ='Blank' ; VALUE EINSHOWF 1 ='Yes, with a stand-alone practice mgt system' 2 ='Yes, with an EMR/EHR system' 3 ='Yes, using another electronic system' -6 ='Refused to answer' -7 ='Not applicable' -8 ='Unknown' -9 ='Blank' ; VALUE EINSFASTF 1='Yes' 2='No' -6 ='Refused to answer' -7 ='Not applicable' -8 ='Unknown' -9 ='Blank' ; VALUE ACEPTNEWF 1='Yes' 2='No' -6='Refused to answer' -8='Unknown' -9='Blank' ; VALUE CAPITF 1='Yes' 2='No' -6='Refused to answer' -7='Not applicable' -8='Unknown' -9='Blank' ; VALUE EMRINSF 1 ='Yes' 2 ='No' 3 ='Maybe' -6 ='Refused to answer' -8 ='Unknown' -9 ='Blank' ; VALUE MUINCF 1='Yes, we already applied' 2='Yes, we intend to apply' 3='Uncertain if we will apply' 4='No, we will not apply' -6 ='Refused to answer' -8 ='Unknown' -9 ='Blank' ; VALUE PRMCAREF 1 ='0-25 percent' 2 ='26-50 percent' 3 ='51-75 percent' 4 ='76-100 percent' -6 ='Refused to answer' -7 ='Not applicable' -8 ='Unknown' -9 ='Blank' ; VALUE INTENDYRF 1 ='2012' 2 ='2013 or later' -7 ='Not applicable' -8 ='Unknown' -9 ='Blank' ; VALUE EDEMOGF 1 ='Yes, used routinely' 2 ='Yes, but NOT used routinely' 3 ='Yes, but turned off/not used' 4 ='No' -6 ='Refused to answer' -8 ='Unknown' -9 ='Blank' ; VALUE EDEMOGRF 1 ='Yes' 2 ='No' 4 ='Yes, but turned off/not used' -6 ='Refused to answer' -8 ='Unknown' -9 ='Blank' ; vALUE EMEDALGF 1 ='Yes, used routinely' 2 ='Yes, but NOT used routinely' 3 ='Yes, but turned off/not used' 4 ='No' -6 ='Refused to answer' -7 ='Not applicable' -8 ='Unknown' -9 ='Blank' ; vALUE EMEDALGRF 1 ='Yes' 2 ='No' 4 ='Yes, but turned off/not used' -6 ='Refused to answer' -7 ='Not applicable' -8 ='Unknown' -9 ='Blank' ; VALUE EWHOPRACF 0 ='Box is not marked' 1 ='Box is marked' -7 ='Not applicable' -9 ='Entire item blank' ; VALUE ESHAREF 1 ='Yes' 2 ='No' -6 ='Refused to answer' -8 ='Unknown' -9 ='Blank' ; VALUE SUMRECF 1 ='Yes' 2 ='No' -6 ='Refused to answer' -7 ='Not applicable' -8 ='Unknown' -9 ='Blank' ; VALUE CONSULTF 1 ='Yes, routinely' 2 ='Yes, but NOT routinely' 3 ='No' -6 ='Refused to answer' -7 ='Does not apply' -8 ='Unknown' -9 ='Blank' ; VALUE SETTYPF 1 = 'NAMCS' 2 = 'NHAMCS - OPD' 3 = 'NHAMCS - ED' ; VALUE SDAPPTF -6='Refused to answer' -9 = 'Blank' ; VALUE SASDAPPTF 1 = 'Yes' 2 = 'No' -6 = 'Refused to answer' -8 = "Don't know" -9 = 'Blank' ; ; VALUE APPTTIMEF 1 = 'Within 1 week' 2 = '1-2 weeks' 3 = '3-4 weeks' 4 = '1-2 months' 5 = '3 or more months' 6 = 'Do not provide routine exams' -6 = 'Refused to answer' -8 = "Don't know" -9 = 'Blank' ; VALUE PHYSCOMPF 1='Fixed salary' 2='Share of practice billings or workload' 3='Mix of salary and share of billings or other measures of performance' 4='Shift, hourly or other time-based payment' 5='Other' -6='Refused to answer' -8="Don't know" -9='Blank' ; VALUE REGIONF 1 ='Northeast' 2 ='Midwest' 3 ='South' 4 ='West' ; VALUE MSAF 1 ='MSA (Metropolitan Statistical Area)' 2 ='Non-MSA' ; VALUE DIVISIONF 1 ='New England' 2 ='Middle Atlantic' 3 ='East North Central' 4 ='West North Central' 5 ='South Atlantic' 6 ='East South Central' 7 ='West South Central' 8 ='Mountain' 9 ='Pacific' ; VALUE FIPSSTF 01='Alabama' 02='Alaska' 04='Arizona' 05='Arkansas' 06='California' 08='Colorado' 09='Connecticut' 10='Delaware' 11='District of Columbia' 12='Florida' 13='Georgia' 15='Hawaii' 16='Idaho' 17='Illinois' 18='Indiana' 19='Iowa' 20='Kansas' 21='Kentucky' 22='Louisiana' 23='Maine' 24='Maryland' 25='Massachusetts' 26='Michigan' 27='Minnesota' 28='Mississippi' 29='Missouri' 30='Montana' 31='Nebraska' 32='Nevada' 33='New Hampshire' 34='New Jersey' 35='New Mexico' 36='New York' 37='North Carolina' 38='North Dakota' 39='Ohio' 40='Oklahoma' 41='Oregon' 42='Pennsylvania' 44='Rhode Island' 45='South Carolina' 46='South Dakota' 47='Tennessee' 48='Texas' 49='Utah' 50='Vermont' 51='Virginia' 53='Washington' 54='West Virginia' 55='Wisconsin' 56='Wyoming' 91='New_Eng_Div_Remainder' 92='WNC_Div_Remainder' 93='So_Atlantic_Div_Remainder' 94='Mount_Div_Remainder' 95='Pac_Div_Remainder' ; VALUE IMPUTF 0 ='Not imputed' 1 ='Imputed' ;