/* SAS CODEBOOK FOR 2003 NAMCS PUBLIC USE FILE INCLUDES VARIABLE LABELS AND FORMAT ASSIGNMENTS */ LABEL VMONTH="Month of visit" VYEAR="Year of visit" VDAYR="Day of week of visit - recoded" AGE="Patient age in years" SEX="Patient sex" ETHNIC="Patient ethnicity" RACE="Patient race" USETOBAC="Does patient use tobacco?" PAYTYPE="Primary expected source of payment" RFV1="Patient's reason for visit #1" RFV2="Patient's reason for visit #2" RFV3="Patient's reason for visit #3" RFV13D="Patient's reason for visit #1 - broad" RFV23D="Patient's reason for visit #2 - broad" RFV33D="Patient's reason for visit #3 - broad" PRIMCARE="Are you the patient's primary care physician?" REFER="Was patient referred for this visit?" SENBEFOR="Have you/anyone in practice seen patient before?" PASTVIS="How many past visits in last 12 months?" MAJOR="Major reason for visit" EPISODE="Episode of care" SHARE="Do other physicians share care for problem?" INJURY="Is visit related to injury, poisoning..." CAUSE1="Cause of injury #1" CAUSE2="Cause of injury #2" CAUSE3="Cause of injury #3" CAUSE13D="Cause of injury #1 - broad" CAUSE23D="Cause of injury #2 - broad" CAUSE33D="Cause of injury #3 - broad" VCAUSE="Cause of injury-verbatim text" DIAG1="Physician's diagnosis #1" DIAG2="Physician's diagnosis #2" DIAG3="Physician's diagnosis #3" DIAG13D="Physician's diagnosis #1 - broad" DIAG23D="Physician's diagnosis #2 - broad" DIAG33D="Physician's diagnosis #3 - broad" PRDIAG1="Is DIAG1 probable, questionable, or ruleout?" PRDIAG2="Is DIAG2 probable, questionable, or ruleout?" PRDIAG3="Is DIAG3 probable, questionable, or ruleout?" DIAGSCRN="Were diagnostic services ordered or provided?" GENMEDXM="General medical exam" OTHREXAM="Other exam" EXAMWI1="Exam write-in #1 - 4 digit" EXAMWI2="Exam write-in #2 - 4 digit" EXMWI13D="Exam write-in #1 - 3 digit" EXMWI23D="Exam write-in #2 - 3 digit" EXMWI12D="Exam write-in #1 - 2 digit" EXMWI22D="Exam write-in #2 - 2 digit" TEMPTAKE="Temperature" TEMPF="Termerature reading" BLODPRES="Blood pressure" BPSYS="Blood presure - systolic" BPDIAS="Blood pressure - diasotolic" URINE="Urinalysis" URINECX="Urine culture" PAP="Pap test" CERVCX="Cervical culture" PSA="PSA test" HEMATOCR="Hematocrit/hemoglobin" CBC="CBC" CHOLEST="Lipids/Cholesterol test" GLUCOSE="Glucose" HGBA="HGBA1C" ELECTROL="Electrolytes" OTHBLOOD="Other blood test" PREGTEST="Pregnancy test" EKG="EKG" THROATCX="Throat culture" STOOLCX="Stool culture" XRAY="X-ray" MAMMO="Mammogram" OTHIMAGE="Other imaging" SCOPPROC="Scope procedure" SCOPEWI1="Scope procedure write-in #1 - 4 digit" SCOPEWI2="Scope procedure write-in #2 - 4 digit" SCPWI13D="Scope procedure write-in #1 - 3 digit" SCPWI23D="Scope procedure write-in #2 - 3 digit" SCPWI12D="Scope procedure write-in #1 - 2 digit" SCPWI22D="Scope procedure write-in #2 - 2 digit" OTHDIAG="Other diagnostic service" DIAGSC1="Diag/Screen service write-in #1 - 4 digit" DIAGSC2="Diag/Screen service write-in #2 - 4 digit" DIGSC13D="Diag/Screen service write-in #1 - 3 digit" DIGSC23D="Diag/Screen service write-in #2 - 3 digit" DIGSC12D="Diag/Screen service write-in #1 - 2 digit" DIGSC22D="Diag/Screen service write-in #2 - 2 digit" THERPREV="Was couns/educ/therapy ordered or provided?" ASTHMAED="Asthma education" DIETNUTR="Diet/nutrition" EXERCISE="Exercise" GRWTHDEV="Growth/development" MENTLHLT="Mental health/Stress management" PHYSIOTH="Physiotherapy" PSYCHOTH="Psychotherapy" TOBACCO="Tobacco use/exposure" WTREDUC="Weight reduction" OTHCET="Other counseling/education/therapy" AMB="Were surgical procedures ord/sched or perf?" AMB1="Surgical procedure #1 - 4 digit" AMB13D="Surgical procedure #1 - 3 digit" AMB12D="Surgical procedure #1 - 2 digit" ORDPERF1="Surg procedure #1 - ord/sched or perf?" AMB2="Surgical procedure #2 - 4 digit" AMB23D="Surgical procedure #2 - 3 digit" AMB22D="Surgical procedure #2 - 2 digit" ORDPERF2="Surg procedure #2 - ord/sched or perf?" MED="Were medications/injections ordered/provided?" MED1="Med #1" MED2="Med #2" MED3="Med #3" MED4="Med #4" MED5="Med #5" MED6="Med #6" MED7="Med #7" MED8="Med #8" NUMMED="Number of medications" NODISP="Visit disposition: no answer to item" NOFU="No follow-up planned" RETPRN="Return if needed, P.R.N." REFOTHMD="Referred to another physician" RETAPPT="Return at specified time" TELEPHON="Telephone follow-up planned" ADMITHOS="Admit to hospital" OTHDISP="Other disposition" NOPROVID="Providers seen: no answer to item" PHYS="Physician seen" RN="Registered nurse seen" LPN="Licensed practical nurse seen" MEDNURSE="Medical/nursing asst seen" NPNMW="Nurse pract/Midwife seen" PHYSASST="Physician assistant seen" MEDTECH="Medical technician seen" OTHPROV="Other provider seen" TIMEMD="Time spent with physician" PATWT="Patient visit weight" REGION="Geographic region" MSA="MSA or non-MSA area" SPEC="Physician specialty" MDDO="Type of physician - MD or DO" PHYCODE="Physician code" PATCODE="Patient code" BDATEFL="Was birth date imputed?" SEXFL="Was sex imputed?" ETHNICFL="Was ethnicity imputed?" RACEFL="Was race imputed?" SENBEFL="Was patient seen before imputed?" PASTFL="Was number of past visits imputed?" TIMEMDFL="Was time spent with physician imputed?" GEN1="Generic code for medication #1" PRESCR1="Prescription status code for medication #1" CONTSUB1="Controlled status code for medication #1" COMSTAT1="Composition status code for medication #1" DRUG1CL1="NDC code #1 for medication #1" DRUG1CL2="NDC code #2 for medication #1" DRUG1CL3="NDC code #3 for medication #1" DRG1ING1="Ingredient code #1 for medication #1" DRG1ING2="Ingredient code #2 for medication #1" DRG1ING3="Ingredient code #3 for medication #1" DRG1ING4="Ingredient code #4 for medication #1" DRG1ING5="Ingredient code #5 for medication #1" GEN2="Generic code for medication #2" PRESCR2="Prescription status code for medication #2" CONTSUB2="Controlled status code for medication #2" COMSTAT2="Composition status code for medication #2" DRUG2CL1="NDC code #1 for medication #2" DRUG2CL2="NDC code #2 for medication #2" DRUG2CL3="NDC code #3 for medication #2" DRG2ING1="Ingredient code #1 for medication #2" DRG2ING2="Ingredient code #2 for medication #2" DRG2ING3="Ingredient code #3 for medication #2" DRG2ING4="Ingredient code #4 for medication #2" DRG2ING5="Ingredient code #5 for medication #2" GEN3="Generic code for medication #3" PRESCR3="Prescription status code for medication #3" CONTSUB3="Controlled status code for medication #3" COMSTAT3="Composition status code for medication #3" DRUG3CL1="NDC code #3 for medication #3" DRUG3CL2="NDC code #2 for medication #3" DRUG3CL3="NDC code #3 for medication #3" DRG3ING1="Ingredient code #1 for medication #3" DRG3ING2="Ingredient code #2 for medication #3" DRG3ING3="Ingredient code #3 for medication #3" DRG3ING4="Ingredient code #4 for medication #3" DRG3ING5="Ingredient code #5 for medication #3" GEN4="Generic code for medication #4" PRESCR4="Prescription status code for medication #4" CONTSUB4="Controlled status code for medication #4" COMSTAT4="Composition status code for medication #4" DRUG4CL1="NDC code #1 for medication #4" DRUG4CL2="NDC code #2 for medication #4" DRUG4CL3="NDC code #3 for medication #4" DRG4ING1="Ingredient code #1 for medication #4" DRG4ING2="Ingredient code #2 for medication #4" DRG4ING3="Ingredient code #3 for medication #4" DRG4ING4="Ingredient code #4 for medication #4" DRG4ING5="Ingredient code #5 for medication #4" GEN5="Generic code for medication #5" PRESCR5="Prescription status code for medication #5" CONTSUB5="Controlled status code for medication #5" COMSTAT5="Composition status code for medication #5" DRUG5CL1="NDC code #1 for medication #5" DRG5ING1="Ingredient code #1 for medication #5" DRG5ING2="Ingredient code #2 for medication #5" DRG5ING3="Ingredient code #3 for medication #5" DRG5ING4="Ingredient code #4 for medication #5" DRG5ING5="Ingredient #5" DRUG5CL2="NDC code #2 for medication #5" DRUG5CL3="NDC code #3 for medication #5" GEN6="Generic code for medication #6" PRESCR6="Prescription status code for medication #6" CONTSUB6="Controlled status code for medication #6" COMSTAT6="Composition status code for medication #6" DRUG6CL1="NDC code #1 for medication #6" DRUG6CL2="NDC code #2 for medication #6" DRUG6CL3="NDC code #3 for medication #6" DRG6ING1="Ingredient code #1 for medication #6" DRG6ING2="Ingredient code #2 for medication #6" DRG6ING3="Ingredient code #3 for medication #6" DRG6ING4="Ingredient code #4 for medication #6" DRG6ING5="Ingredient code #5 for medication #6" GEN7="Generic code for medication #7" PRESCR7="Prescription status code for medication #7" CONTSUB7="Controlled status code for medication #7" COMSTAT7="Composition status code for medication #7" DRUG7CL1="NDC code #1 for medication #7" DRUG7CL2="NDC code #2 for medication #7" DRUG7CL3="NDC code #3 for medication #7" DRG7ING1="Ingredient code #1 for medication #7" DRG7ING2="Ingredient code #2 for medication #7" DRG7ING3="Ingredient code #3 for medication #7" DRG7ING4="Ingredient code #4 for medication #7" DRG7ING5="Ingredient code #5 for medication #7" GEN8="Generic code for medication #8" PRESCR8="Prescription status code for medication #8" CONTSUB8="Controlled status code for medication #8" COMSTAT8="Composition status code for medication #8" DRUG8CL1="NDC code #1 for medication #8" DRUG8CL2="NDC code #2 for medication #8" DRUG8CL3="NDC code #3 for medication #8" DRG8ING1="Ingredient code #1 for medication #8" DRG8ING2="Ingredient code #2 for medication #8" DRG8ING3="Ingredient code #3 for medication #8" DRG8ING4="Ingredient code #4 for medication #8" DRG8ING5="Ingredient code #5 for medication #8" RETYPOFF="Type of office setting" SOLO="Is this a solo practice?" EMPSTAT="Employment status of physician" OWNS="Who owns this practice?" LAB="Is lab testing performed at office?" HOMVISR="Did phys make home visits last full wk prac?" HOSVISR="Did phys make hosp visits last full wk prac?" TELCONR="Did phys do tel consults last full wk prac?" ECONR="Did phys do email consults last full wk prac?" EMEDREC="Does practice use electronic medical records?" EBILLREC="Does practice submit claims electronically?" PRMCARER="Percent of patient care revenue from Medicare" PRMAIDR="Percent of patient care revenue from Medicaid" PRPRVTR="Percent of pat care revenue from private ins" PROTHR="Percent of pat care revenue from other source" MANCAREC="How many managed care contracts?" PRMANR="Percent of pat care revenue from managed care" ACEPTNEW="Is physician currently accepting new patients" CAPITATE="For new patients, phys accepts: capitated pay" NOCAP="For new patients, phys accepts: non-capitated" NMEDCARE="For new patients, phys accepts: Medicare" NMEDCAID="For new patients, phys accepts: Medicaid" NWORKCMP="For new patients, phys accepts: workers comp" NSELFPAY="For new patients, phys accepts: self-pay" NNOCHRGE="For new patients, phys accepts: no charge" REFMDCAD="Difficulty referring Medicaid pat for consult" REFMDCAR="Difficulty referring Medicare pat for consult" REFPRIV="Difficulty referring priv insur pat for cons" REFUNINS="Difficulty referring uninsured pat for cons" RACER="Race recode" SPECR="Physician specialty recode" AGEDAYS="Age in days for patients less than one year" AGER="Age recode" CAUSE1R="Cause of Injury #1 - numeric recode" CAUSE2R="Cause of injury #2 - numeric recode" CAUSE3R="Cause of injury #3 - numeric recode" INTENTR="Intentionality of Injury - based on E-code" DIAG1R="Physician's diagnosis #1 - numeric recode" DIAG2R="Physician's diagnosis #2 - numeric recode" DIAG3R="Physician's diagnosis #3 - numeric recode" EXAMWI1R="Exam write-in #1 - recode" EXAMWI2R="Exam write-in #2 - recode" SCOPWI1R="Scope procedure write-in #1 - recode" SCOPWI2R="Scope procedure write-in #2 - recode" DIAGSC1R="Other diag/screen serv #1 - numeric recode" DIAGSC2R="Other diag/screen serv #2 - numeric recode" AMB1R="Surgical procedure #1 - numeric recode" AMB2R="Surgical procedure #2 - numeric recode" WHOCOMP="Who completed the Patient Record Forms?" SETTYPE="Setting type" YEAR="Survey year 2003" CSTRATM="Clustered PSU stratum marker (masked)" CPSUM="Clustered PSU marker (masked)" ; FORMAT VMONTH VMONTHF. VDAYR VDAYRF. AGE AGEF. SEX SEXF. ETHNIC ETHNICF. RACE RACEF. USETOBAC BYESNOUF. PAYTYPE PAYTYPEF. RFV1 RFV2 RFV3 RFVF. RFV13D RFV23D RFV33D RFV3DF. PRIMCARE BYESNOUF. REFER REFERF. SENBEFOR SENBEFOF. PASTVIS PASTVISF. MAJOR MAJORF. EPISODE EPISODEF. SHARE BYESNOUF. INJURY INJURYF. CAUSE1 CAUSE2 CAUSE3 $CAUSEF. CAUSE13D CAUSE23D CAUSE33D $CAUSE3F. DIAG1 DIAG2 DIAG3 $DIAGF. DIAG13D DIAG23D DIAG33D $DIAG3DF. PRDIAG1 PRDIAG2 PRDIAG3 PRDIAGF. DIAGSCRN DIAGSCRF. GENMEDXM OTHREXAM NOYESF. EXAMWI1 EXAMWI2 $PROCF. EXMWI13D EXMWI23D $PROC3DF. EXMWI12D EXMWI22D $PROC2DF. TEMPTAKE NOYESF. TEMPF TEMPFF. BLODPRES NOYESF. BPSYS BPSYSF. BPDIAS BPDIASF. URINE URINECX PAP CERVCX PSA HEMATOCR CBC CHOLEST GLUCOSE HGBA ELECTROL OTHBLOOD PREGTEST EKG THROATCX STOOLCX XRAY MAMMO OTHIMAGE SCOPPROC NOYESF. SCOPEWI1 SCOPEWI2 $PROCF. SCPWI13D SCPWI23D $PROC3DF. SCPWI12D SCPWI22D $PROC2DF. OTHDIAG OTHDIAGF. DIAGSC1 DIAGSC2 $PROCF. DIGSC13D DIGSC23D $PROC3DF. DIGSC12D DIGSC22D $PROC2DF. THERPREV THERPREF. ASTHMAED DIETNUTR EXERCISE GRWTHDEV MENTLHLT PHYSIOTH PSYCHOTH TOBACCO WTREDUC OTHCET NOYESF. AMB AMBF. AMB1 $PROCF. AMB13D $PROC3DF. AMB12D $PROC2DF. ORDPERF1 ORDPERF. AMB2 $PROCF. AMB23D $PROC3DF. AMB22D $PROC2DF. ORDPERF2 ORDPERF. MED MEDF. MED1 MED2 MED3 MED4 MED5 MED6 MED7 MED8 $MEDCODF. NODISP NODISPF. NOFU RETPRN REFOTHMD RETAPPT TELEPHON ADMITHOS OTHDISP NOPROVID PHYS RN LPN MEDNURSE NPNMW PHYSASST MEDTECH OTHPROV NOYESF. TIMEMD TIMEMDF. REGION REGIONF. MSA MSAF. SPEC $SPECF. MDDO MDDOF. BDATEFL SEXFL ETHNICFL RACEFL SENBEFL PASTFL TIMEMDFL IMPUTF. GEN1 $GENCODF. PRESCR1 PRESCRF. CONTSUB1 CONTSUBF. COMSTAT1 COMSTATF. DRUG1CL1 DRUG1CL2 DRUG1CL3 $DRUGCLF. DRG1ING1 DRG1ING2 DRG1ING3 DRG1ING4 DRG1ING5 GEN2 $GENCODF. PRESCR2 PRESCRF. CONTSUB2 CONTSUBF. COMSTAT2 COMSTATF. DRUG2CL1 DRUG2CL2 DRUG2CL3 $DRUGCLF. DRG2ING1 DRG2ING2 DRG2ING3 DRG2ING4 DRG2ING5 GEN3 $GENCODF. PRESCR3 PRESCRF. CONTSUB3 CONTSUBF. COMSTAT3 COMSTATF. DRUG3CL1 DRUG3CL2 DRUG3CL3 $DRUGCLF. DRG3ING1 DRG3ING2 DRG3ING3 DRG3ING4 DRG3ING5 GEN4 $GENCODF. PRESCR4 PRESCRF. CONTSUB4 CONTSUBF. COMSTAT4 COMSTATF. DRUG4CL1 DRUG4CL2 DRUG4CL3 $DRUGCLF. DRG4ING1 DRG4ING2 DRG4ING3 DRG4ING4 DRG4ING5 GEN5 $GENCODF. PRESCR5 PRESCRF. CONTSUB5 CONTSUBF. COMSTAT5 COMSTATF. DRUG5CL1 DRUG5CL2 DRUG5CL3 $DRUGCLF. DRG5ING1 DRG5ING2 DRG5ING3 DRG5ING4 DRG5ING5 GEN6 $GENCODF. PRESCR6 PRESCRF. CONTSUB6 CONTSUBF. COMSTAT6 COMSTATF. DRUG6CL1 DRUG6CL2 DRUG6CL3 $DRUGCLF. DRG6ING1 DRG6ING2 DRG6ING3 DRG6ING4 DRG6ING5 $GENCODF. GEN7 $GENCODF. PRESCR7 PRESCRF. CONTSUB7 CONTSUBF. COMSTAT7 COMSTATF. DRUG7CL1 DRUG7CL2 DRUG7CL3 $DRUGCLF. DRG7ING1 DRG7ING2 DRG7ING3 DRG7ING4 DRG7ING5 $GENCODF. GEN8 $GENCODF. PRESCR8 PRESCRF. CONTSUB8 CONTSUBF. COMSTAT8 COMSTATF. DRUG8CL1 DRUG8CL2 DRUG8CL3 $DRUGCLF. DRG8ING1 DRG8ING2 DRG8ING3 DRG8ING4 DRG8ING5 $GENCODF. RETYPOFF RETYPOF. SOLO SOLOF. EMPSTAT EMPSTATF. OWNS OWNSF. LAB LABF. HOMVISR HOSVISR TELCONR ECONR ECONRF. EMEDREC EBILLREC EMEDRECF. PRMCARER PRMAIDR PRPRVTR PROTHR PRMCAREF. MANCAREC MANCARCF. PRMANR PRMCAREF. ACEPTNEW CAPITATE NOCAP NMEDCARE NMEDCAID NWORKCMP NSELFPAY NNOCHRGE EMEDRECF. REFMDCAD REFMDCAR REFPRIV REFUNINS REFMDCAF. SETTYPE SETTYPF. RACER RACERF. SPECR SPECRF. AGEDAYS AGEDAYSF. AGER AGERF. WHOCOMP WHOCOMPF. INTENTR INTENTRF. ;