[Chart: Persons with doctor visit in last year, 1980-95]

Persons with doctor visits in last year: 1980-95

Year Percent Year Percent
1995 79.1 1987 76.2
1994 78.8 1986 76.0
1993 78.6 1985 75.4
1992 78.0 1984 75.2
1991 78.5 1983 74.7
1990 77.9 1982 75.4
1989 77.4 1981 74.3
1988 76.7 1980 74.9
NOTE: Crude rate; the following detailed table is age adjusted.
SOURCE: Data compiled by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, National Center for Health Statistics.

For more data on doctor visits, see Interval since last physician contact, according to selected patient characteristics: United States, 1964, 1990, and 1995.

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