Instruction Manual Part 4 Classification and Coding Instructions for Death Records The purpose of this manual is to document the specifications for coding and key entry of statistical items that will be tabulated from the death certificate by the National Center for Health Statistics (NCHS). Primarily, these specifications are used by the 54 registration areas of the United States that submit data to NCHS in electronic form through the Vital Statistics Cooperative Program (VSCP). Under the terms of the VSCP contracts with NCHS, the registration area must incorporate NCHS specifications into their own procedures so that the resultant data files meet the needs of both NCHS and the registration area. The manual is in Wordperfect 7 format (124 KB uncompressed and 37 KB bytes compressed, and ASCII (4manual.txt). In the future, a pdf version may also be provided. Questions and comments regarding the format of these files should be addressed to Donna Hoyert, Room 820, MSB/NCHS, 6525 Belcrest Road, Hyattsville, MD 20782. Questions about the content of the manual should be directed to the Data Acquisition and Evaluation Branch, NCHS, P.O. Box 12214, Research Triangle Park, North Carolina 27709. This material is provided by NCHS which is a subunit of CDC/ATSDR. It has been cleared for public distribution by CDC/ATSDR and will be authentic if gotten from CDC/ATSDR takes all effort to assure the authenicity of electronically distributed documents. However, in all instances where the electronic and official agency record differ, the authenicity of the official agency record is controlling.