FAMILY RESOURCES SUPPLEMENT NOTES IMPUTATION CROSS-REFERENCE Data Location Item Flag Location - All resource items allocated 433 (14 year of age and over) - All resource items allocated 434 (Under 14 years of age) 336 Medicare Coverage 442 337 Medicaid Coverage 443 338 Champus Coverage 444 339 Private Health Insurance (HI) 445 340 HI provided-employer/union 446 341 Job or Business (Status) 447 342 35 or more hours worked 450 343 Employed or self-employed 448 (class of worker) 344-350 Salary amount (month) Employed only 451 Employed and self employed 453 351-352 Number of months worked 449 353-360 Self-employment income Self employed only 452 Employed & self employed 453 - 2 - IMPUTATION CROSS-REFERENCE (CONTINUED) Data Location Item Flag Location 361-362 Number of months self-employed 449 363 Social Security/Railroad 435 Retirement (SS/RR) (and amount) 364-367,368 SS/RR Income amount and 436 disability status 369 Supplemental Security Income 437 (SSI) (and amount) 370-373 SSI amount 438 374 Other disability Income Source 454 (and amount) 375-378 Other disability amount 455 379 Pension (and amount) 456 380-385 Pension amount 457 386 Welfare/Public Assistance 439 (and amount) 387 Type of Welfare received 441 388-391 Welfare amount 440 392 Food stamp-family 458 (and amount) 393-396 Food stamp value 459 397 Interest (and amount) 460 398-402 Interest amount 461 403 Dividend (and amount) 462 404-409 Dividend amount 463 410 Other Income source 464 (and amount) 411-415 Other income amount 465 - 3 -