/* 25JUN2009 PROGRAM: INPVAR.SAS PATH: K:\TSB\OPD07 PURPOSE: INPUT STATEMENTS FOR OPD 2007 DATA PUBLIC USE GENERAL INTERNAL FILE ONLY */ INPUT @1 VMONTH 2. /*Month of Visit */ @3 VYEAR 4. /*Year of Visit */ @7 VDAYR 1. /*Day of Week of Visit */ @8 AGE 3. /*Patient age in years */ @11 SEX 1. /*Patient Sex */ @12 ETHUN 2. /*Unimputed ethnicity */ @14 RACEUN 2. /*Unimputed race */ @16 PAYPRIV 1. /*Private insurance */ @17 PAYMCARE 1. /*Medicare */ @18 PAYMCAID 1. /*Medicaid */ @19 PAYWKCMP 1. /*Workers Compensation */ @20 PAYSELF 1. /*Self pay */ @21 PAYNOCHG 1. /*No charge */ @22 PAYOTH 1. /*Other */ @23 PAYDK 1. /*Unknown */ @24 PAYTYPE 2. /*Expected source of payment */ @26 USETOBAC 2. /*Tobacco use */ @28 INJDET 2. /*Is visit related to injury/poisoning/adverse effect? */ @30 INJURY 1. /*Is injury visit related? Recode 2 to 0. */ @31 RFV1 5. /*Reason #1 */ @36 RFV2 5. /*Reason #2 */ @41 RFV3 5. /*Reason #3 */ @31 RFV13D 4. /*Reason #1 */ @36 RFV23D 4. /*Reason #2 */ @41 RFV33D 4. /*Reason #3 */ @46 PRIMCARE 2. /*Is this clinic the patient's primary care provider? */ @48 REFER 2. /*Was patient referred for this visit? */ @50 SENBEFOR 1. /*Have you or anyone in practice seen pat before? */ @51 PASTVIS 2. /*If yes, how many visits in past 12 months? */ @53 MAJOR 2. /*Major reason for visit */ @55 DIAG1 $CHAR5. /*Diagnosis #1-actual */ @60 DIAG2 $CHAR5. /*Diagnosis #2-actual */ @65 DIAG3 $CHAR5. /*Diagnosis #3-actual */ @55 DIAG13D $CHAR3. /*Diagnosis #1-actual */ @60 DIAG23D $CHAR3. /*Diagnosis #2-actual */ @65 DIAG33D $CHAR3. /*Diagnosis #3-actual */ @70 PRDIAG1 2. /*For dx1, is this probable, questionable, or ruleout? */ @72 PRDIAG2 2. /*For dx2, is this probable, questionable, or ruleout? */ @74 PRDIAG3 2. /*For dx3, is this probable, questionable, or ruleout? */ @76 ARTHRTIS 1. /*Does patient now have - Arthritis */ @77 ASTHMA 1. /*Does patient now have - Asthma */ @78 CANCER 1. /*Does patient now have - Cancer */ @79 CASTAGE 2. /*What is the stage of the patient's cancer? */ @81 CEBVD 1. /*Does patient now have - Cerebrovascular diseas */ @82 CHF 1. /*Does patient now have - CHF */ @83 CRF 1. /*Does patient now have - Chronic renal failure */ @84 COPD 1. /*Does patient now have - COPD */ @85 DEPRN 1. /*Does patient now have - Depression */ @86 DIABETES 1. /*Does patient now have - Diabetes */ @87 HYPLIPID 1. /*Does patient now have - Hyperlipidemia */ @88 HTN 1. /*Does patient now have - Hypertension */ @89 IHD 1. /*Does patient now have - Ischemic heart disease */ @90 OBESITY 1. /*Does patient now have - Obesity */ @91 OSTPRSIS 1. /*Does patient now have - Osteoporosis */ @92 NOCHRON 1. /*Does patient now have - None of the listed chronic conditions */ @93 TOTCHRON 2. /*Total # of chronic conditions */ @95 DMP 2. /*Status of patient enrollment in a disease management program */ @97 HTIN 2. /*Vital signs - Height - inches */ @99 WTLB 3. /*Vital signs - Weight - pounds */ @102 BMI 6. /*BMI - calculated for Height and Weight -- xxx.xx format */ @108 TEMPF 4. /*Vital signs - Temperature (Fahrenheit) */ @112 BPSYS 3. /*Vital signs - Systolic blood pressure */ @115 BPDIAS 3. /*Vital signs - Diastolic blood pressure */ @118 DIAGSCRN 1. /*Were diagnostic services ordered or provided? */ @119 BREAST 1. /*Breast exam */ @120 PELVIC 1. /*Pelvic exam */ @121 RECTAL 1. /*Rectal exam */ @122 SKIN 1. /*Skin exam */ @123 DEPRESS 1. /*Depression screening */ @124 ANYIMAGE 1. /*Any imaging */ @125 XRAY 1. /*X-ray */ @126 BONEDENS 1. /*Bone mineral density */ @127 CATSCAN 1. /*CT Scan */ @128 ECHOCARD 1. /*Echocardiogram */ @129 OTHULTRA 1. /*Other ultrasound */ @130 MAMMO 1. /*Mammography */ @131 MRI 1. /*MRI */ @132 PETSCAN 1. /*PET Scan */ @133 OTHIMAGE 1. /*Other imaging */ @134 CBC 1. /*CBC */ @135 ELECTROL 1. /*Electrolytes */ @136 GLUCOSE 1. /*Glucose */ @137 HGBA 1. /*HgbA1C */ @138 CHOLEST 1. /*Lipids/Cholesterol */ @139 PSA 1. /*PSA test */ @140 OTHERBLD 1. /*Other blood test */ @141 SCOPPROC 1. /*Scope procedure */ @142 SIGCOLON 1. /*Sigmoidoscopy/colonoscopy */ @143 SCOPEWI1 $CHAR4. /*Scope write in #1 */ @147 SCOPEWI2 $CHAR4. /*Scope write in #2 */ @143 SCPWI13D $CHAR3. /*Scope write in #1 */ @147 SCPWI23D $CHAR3. /*Scope write in #2 */ @143 SCPWI12D $CHAR2. /*Scope write in #1 */ @147 SCPWI22D $CHAR2. /*Scope write in #2 */ @151 BIOPSY 1. /*Biopsy */ @152 BIOPSYWI $CHAR4. /*Biopsy site */ @156 CHLAMYD 1. /*Chlamydia test */ @157 PAPCONV 1. /*PAP test-conventional */ @158 PAPLIQ 1. /*PAP test-liquid-based */ @159 PAPUNSP 1. /*PAP test-unspecified */ @160 PREGTEST 1. /*Pregnancy test */ @161 HPVDNA 1. /*HPV DNA test */ @162 EKG 1. /*EKG/ECG (electrocardiogram) */ @163 SPIRO 1. /*Spirometry/pulmonary function */ @164 URINE 1. /*Urinalysis */ @165 OTHDIAG 1. /*Other diagnostic/screening test/service */ @166 DIAGSC1 $CHAR4. /*Diagnostic service #1 */ @170 DIAGSC2 $CHAR4. /*Diagnostic service #2 */ @166 DIGSC13D $CHAR3. /*Diagnostic service #1 */ @170 DIGSC23D $CHAR3. /*Diagnostic service #2 */ @166 DIGSC12D $CHAR2. /*Diagnostic service #1 */ @170 DIGSC22D $CHAR2. /*Diagnostic service #2 */ @174 HTTAKE 1. /*Height taken */ @175 WTTAKE 1. /*Weight taken */ @176 TEMPTAKE 1. /*Temperature taken */ @177 BLODPRES 1. /*Blood pressure taken */ @178 TOTDIAG 2. /*Total diag/screening services ordered or provided */ @180 HEALTHED 1. /*Was health education ordered or provided? */ @181 ASTHMAED 1. /*Asthma education */ @182 DIETNUTR 1. /*Diet/nutrition */ @183 EXERCISE 1. /*Exercise */ @184 GRWTHDEV 1. /*Growth/development */ @185 INJPREV 1. /*Injury prevention */ @186 STRESMGT 1. /*Stress management */ @187 TOBACED 1. /*Tobacco use/Exposure */ @188 WTREDUC 1. /*Weight reduction */ @189 OTHLTHED 1. /*Other health education */ @190 TOTHLTED 2. /*Total health education ordered or provided */ @192 NONMED 1. /*Was non-medication therapy ordered or provided? */ @193 CAM 1. /*Complementary alternative medicine */ @194 DME 1. /*Durable medical equipment */ @195 HOMEHLTH 1. /*Home health care */ @196 HOSPICE 1. /*Hospice care */ @197 PT 1. /*Physical therapy */ @198 RADTHER 1. /*Radiation therapy */ @199 SPOCTHER 1. /*Speech/occupational therapy */ @200 PSYCHOTH 1. /*Psychotherapy */ @201 OTHMNTL 1. /*Other mental health counseling */ @202 EXCISION 1. /*Excision */ @203 ORTHO 1. /*Orthopedic care */ @204 WOUND 1. /*Wound care */ @205 OTHPROC 1. /*Other procedure */ @206 OTHPROC1 $CHAR4. /*Procedure 1 - OTHPROC1 */ @210 OTHPROC2 $CHAR4. /*Procedure 2 - OTHPROC2 */ @214 OTHPROC3 $CHAR4. /*Procedure 3 - OTHPROC3 */ @218 OTHPROC4 $CHAR4. /*Procedure 4 - OTHPROC4 */ @206 OTHPR13D $CHAR3. /*Procedure 1 - OTHPROC1 */ @210 OTHPR23D $CHAR3. /*Procedure 2 - OTHPROC2 */ @214 OTHPR33D $CHAR3. /*Procedure 3 - OTHPROC3 */ @218 OTHPR43D $CHAR3. /*Procedure 4 - OTHPROC4 */ @206 OTHPR12D $CHAR2. /*Procedure 1 - OTHPROC1 */ @210 OTHPR22D $CHAR2. /*Procedure 2 - OTHPROC2 */ @214 OTHPR32D $CHAR2. /*Procedure 3 - OTHPROC3 */ @218 OTHPR42D $CHAR2. /*Procedure 4 - OTHPROC4 */ @222 TOTNONMED 2. /*Total number of non-medication treatments */ @224 MED 1. /*Was medication ordered or provided? */ @225 MED1 $CHAR5. /*Medication 1 */ @230 MED2 $CHAR5. /*Medication 2 */ @235 MED3 $CHAR5. /*Medication 3 */ @240 MED4 $CHAR5. /*Medication 4 */ @245 MED5 $CHAR5. /*Medication 5 */ @250 MED6 $CHAR5. /*Medication 6 */ @255 MED7 $CHAR5. /*Medication 7 */ @260 MED8 $CHAR5. /*Medication 8 */ @265 NCMED1 2. /*Was medication 1 new or continued? */ @267 NCMED2 2. /*Was medication 2 new or continued? */ @269 NCMED3 2. /*Was medication 3 new or continued? */ @271 NCMED4 2. /*Was medication 4 new or continued? */ @273 NCMED5 2. /*Was medication 5 new or continued? */ @275 NCMED6 2. /*Was medication 6 new or continued? */ @277 NCMED7 2. /*Was medication 7 new or continued? */ @279 NCMED8 2. /*Was medication 8 new or continued? */ @281 NUMNEW 1. /*Number of new medications coded */ @282 NUMCONT 1. /*Number of continuing medications coded */ @283 NUMMED 1. /*Number of medications coded */ @284 NOPROVID 1. /*No answer to provider item */ @285 PHYS 1. /*Physician seen */ @286 PHYSASST 1. /*Physician assistant seen */ @287 NPNMW 1. /*Nurse pract/Midwife seen */ @288 RNLPN 1. /*RN/LPN seen */ @289 MHP 1. /*Mental health provider */ @290 OTHPROV 1. /*Other provider seen */ @291 NODISP 1. /*No answer to disposition item */ @292 NOFU 1. /*No follow up */ @293 RETPRN 1. /*Return PRN */ @294 REFOTHMD 1. /*Refer to other MD */ @295 RETAPPT 1. /*Return, appt. */ @296 TELEPHON 1. /*Telephone follow up */ @297 REFERED 1. /*Refer to emergency department */ @298 ADMITHOS 1. /*Admit to hospital */ @299 OTHDISP 1. /*Other disposition */ @300 PATWT 6. /*Patient visit weight */ @306 REGION 1. /*Geographic region */ @307 MSA 1. /*MSA or non-MSA area */ @308 OWNER 1. /*Hospital ownership */ @309 BLANK 2. /*Reserved for possible future use */ @311 HOSPCODE 3. /*Physician code */ @314 CLINTYPE 2. /*Clinic type */ @316 PATCODE 3. /*Patient code */ @319 BDATEFL 1. /*Birth date imputed? */ @320 SEXFL 1. /*Sex imputed? */ @321 ETHNICFL 1. /*Ethnicity imputed? */ @322 RACEFL 1. /*Race imputed? */ @323 SENBEFL 1. /*Seen before imputed? */ @324 PASTFL 1. /*Past visits imputed? */ @325 DRUGID1 $CHAR6. /*Medication #1 - Drug ID */ @331 PRESCR1 1. /*Prescription status code */ @332 CONTSUB1 1. /*Controlled status code */ @333 COMSTAT1 1. /*Composition status code */ @334 RX1CAT1 $CHAR3. /*For RX1, MULTUM drug category #1 - most detailed level (can be either Level 1,2 or 3) */ @337 RX1CAT2 $CHAR3. /*For RX1, MULTUM drug category #2 - most detailed level (can be either Level 1,2 or 3) */ @340 RX1CAT3 $CHAR3. /*For RX1, MULTUM drug category #3 - most detailed level (can be either Level 1,2 or 3) */ @343 RX1CAT4 $CHAR3. /*For RX1, MULTUM drug category #4 - most detailed level (can be either Level 1,2 or 3) */ @346 RX1V1C1 $CHAR3. /*For RX1, level 1 of MULTUM drug category #1 (broad level) */ @349 RX1V1C2 $CHAR3. /*For RX1, level 1 of MULTUM drug category #2 (broad level) */ @352 RX1V1C3 $CHAR3. /*For RX1, level 1 of MULTUM drug category #3 (broad level) */ @355 RX1V1C4 $CHAR3. /*For RX1, level 1 of MULTUM drug category #4 (broad level) */ @358 RX1V2C1 $CHAR3. /*For RX1, level 2 of MULTUM drug category #1 (intermediate level) */ @361 RX1V2C2 $CHAR3. /*For RX1, level 2 of MULTUM drug category #2 (intermediate level) */ @364 RX1V2C3 $CHAR3. /*For RX1, level 2 of MULTUM drug category #3 (intermediate level) */ @367 RX1V2C4 $CHAR3. /*For RX1, level 2 of MULTUM drug category #4 (intermediate level) */ @370 RX1V3C1 $CHAR3. /*For RX1, level 3 of MULTUM drug category #1 (detailed level) */ @373 RX1V3C2 $CHAR3. /*For RX1, level 3 of MULTUM drug category #2 (detailed level) */ @376 RX1V3C3 $CHAR3. /*For RX1, level 3 of MULTUM drug category #3 (detailed level) */ @379 RX1V3C4 $CHAR3. /*For RX1, level 3 of MULTUM drug category #4 (detailed level) */ @382 DRUGID2 $CHAR6. /*Medication #2 - Drug ID */ @388 PRESCR2 1. /*Prescription status code */ @389 CONTSUB2 1. /*Controlled status code */ @390 COMSTAT2 1. /*Composition status code */ @391 RX2CAT1 $CHAR3. /*For RX2, MULTUM drug category #1 - most detailed level (can be either Level 1,2 or 3) */ @394 RX2CAT2 $CHAR3. /*For RX2, MULTUM drug category #2 - most detailed level (can be either Level 1,2 or 3) */ @397 RX2CAT3 $CHAR3. /*For RX2, MULTUM drug category #3 - most detailed level (can be either Level 1,2 or 3) */ @400 RX2CAT4 $CHAR3. /*For RX2, MULTUM drug category #4 - most detailed level (can be either Level 1,2 or 3) */ @403 RX2V1C1 $CHAR3. /*For RX2, level 1 of MULTUM drug category #1 (broad level) */ @406 RX2V1C2 $CHAR3. /*For RX2, level 1 of MULTUM drug category #2 (broad level) */ @409 RX2V1C3 $CHAR3. /*For RX2, level 1 of MULTUM drug category #3 (broad level) */ @412 RX2V1C4 $CHAR3. /*For RX2, level 1 of MULTUM drug category #4 (broad level) */ @415 RX2V2C1 $CHAR3. /*For RX2, level 2 of MULTUM drug category #1 (intermediate level) */ @418 RX2V2C2 $CHAR3. /*For RX2, level 2 of MULTUM drug category #2 (intermediate level) */ @421 RX2V2C3 $CHAR3. /*For RX2, level 2 of MULTUM drug category #3 (intermediate level) */ @424 RX2V2C4 $CHAR3. /*For RX2, level 2 of MULTUM drug category #4 (intermediate level) */ @427 RX2V3C1 $CHAR3. /*For RX2, level 3 of MULTUM drug category #1 (detailed level) */ @430 RX2V3C2 $CHAR3. /*For RX2, level 3 of MULTUM drug category #2 (detailed level) */ @433 RX2V3C3 $CHAR3. /*For RX2, level 3 of MULTUM drug category #3 (detailed level) */ @436 RX2V3C4 $CHAR3. /*For RX2, level 3 of MULTUM drug category #4 (detailed level) */ @439 DRUGID3 $CHAR6. /*Medication #3 - Drug ID */ @445 PRESCR3 1. /*Prescription status code */ @446 CONTSUB3 1. /*Controlled status code */ @447 COMSTAT3 1. /*Composition status code */ @448 RX3CAT1 $CHAR3. /*For RX3, MULTUM drug category #1 - most detailed level (can be either Level 1,2 or 3) */ @451 RX3CAT2 $CHAR3. /*For RX3, MULTUM drug category #2 - most detailed level (can be either Level 1,2 or 3) */ @454 RX3CAT3 $CHAR3. /*For RX3, MULTUM drug category #3 - most detailed level (can be either Level 1,2 or 3) */ @457 RX3CAT4 $CHAR3. /*For RX3, MULTUM drug category #4 - most detailed level (can be either Level 1,2 or 3) */ @460 RX3V1C1 $CHAR3. /*For RX3, level 1 of MULTUM drug category #1 (broad level) */ @463 RX3V1C2 $CHAR3. /*For RX3, level 1 of MULTUM drug category #2 (broad level) */ @466 RX3V1C3 $CHAR3. /*For RX3, level 1 of MULTUM drug category #3 (broad level) */ @469 RX3V1C4 $CHAR3. /*For RX3, level 1 of MULTUM drug category #4 (broad level) */ @472 RX3V2C1 $CHAR3. /*For RX3, level 2 of MULTUM drug category #1 (intermediate level) */ @475 RX3V2C2 $CHAR3. /*For RX3, level 2 of MULTUM drug category #2 (intermediate level) */ @478 RX3V2C3 $CHAR3. /*For RX3, level 2 of MULTUM drug category #3 (intermediate level) */ @481 RX3V2C4 $CHAR3. /*For RX3, level 2 of MULTUM drug category #4 (intermediate level) */ @484 RX3V3C1 $CHAR3. /*For RX3, level 3 of MULTUM drug category #1 (detailed level) */ @487 RX3V3C2 $CHAR3. /*For RX3, level 3 of MULTUM drug category #2 (detailed level) */ @490 RX3V3C3 $CHAR3. /*For RX3, level 3 of MULTUM drug category #3 (detailed level) */ @493 RX3V3C4 $CHAR3. /*For RX3, level 3 of MULTUM drug category #4 (detailed level) */ @496 DRUGID4 $CHAR6. /*Medication #4 - Drug ID */ @502 PRESCR4 1. /*Prescription status code */ @503 CONTSUB4 1. /*Controlled status code */ @504 COMSTAT4 1. /*Composition status code */ @505 RX4CAT1 $CHAR3. /*For RX4, MULTUM drug category #1 - most detailed level (can be either Level 1,2 or 3) */ @508 RX4CAT2 $CHAR3. /*For RX4, MULTUM drug category #2 - most detailed level (can be either Level 1,2 or 3) */ @511 RX4CAT3 $CHAR3. /*For RX4, MULTUM drug category #3 - most detailed level (can be either Level 1,2 or 3) */ @514 RX4CAT4 $CHAR3. /*For RX4, MULTUM drug category #4 - most detailed level (can be either Level 1,2 or 3) */ @517 RX4V1C1 $CHAR3. /*For RX4, level 1 of MULTUM drug category #1 (broad level) */ @520 RX4V1C2 $CHAR3. /*For RX4, level 1 of MULTUM drug category #2 (broad level) */ @523 RX4V1C3 $CHAR3. /*For RX4, level 1 of MULTUM drug category #3 (broad level) */ @526 RX4V1C4 $CHAR3. /*For RX4, level 1 of MULTUM drug category #4 (broad level) */ @529 RX4V2C1 $CHAR3. /*For RX4, level 2 of MULTUM drug category #1 (intermediate level) */ @532 RX4V2C2 $CHAR3. /*For RX4, level 2 of MULTUM drug category #2 (intermediate level) */ @535 RX4V2C3 $CHAR3. /*For RX4, level 2 of MULTUM drug category #3 (intermediate level) */ @538 RX4V2C4 $CHAR3. /*For RX4, level 2 of MULTUM drug category #4 (intermediate level) */ @541 RX4V3C1 $CHAR3. /*For RX4, level 3 of MULTUM drug category #1 (detailed level) */ @544 RX4V3C2 $CHAR3. /*For RX4, level 3 of MULTUM drug category #2 (detailed level) */ @547 RX4V3C3 $CHAR3. /*For RX4, level 3 of MULTUM drug category #3 (detailed level) */ @550 RX4V3C4 $CHAR3. /*For RX4, level 3 of MULTUM drug category #4 (detailed level) */ @553 DRUGID5 $CHAR6. /*Medication #5 - Drug ID */ @559 PRESCR5 1. /*Prescription status code */ @560 CONTSUB5 1. /*Controlled status code */ @561 COMSTAT5 1. /*Composition status code */ @562 RX5CAT1 $CHAR3. /*For RX5, MULTUM drug category #1 - most detailed level (can be either Level 1,2 or 3) */ @565 RX5CAT2 $CHAR3. /*For RX5, MULTUM drug category #2 - most detailed level (can be either Level 1,2 or 3) */ @568 RX5CAT3 $CHAR3. /*For RX5, MULTUM drug category #3 - most detailed level (can be either Level 1,2 or 3) */ @571 RX5CAT4 $CHAR3. /*For RX5, MULTUM drug category #4 - most detailed level (can be either Level 1,2 or 3) */ @574 RX5V1C1 $CHAR3. /*For RX5, level 1 of MULTUM drug category #1 (broad level) */ @577 RX5V1C2 $CHAR3. /*For RX5, level 1 of MULTUM drug category #2 (broad level) */ @580 RX5V1C3 $CHAR3. /*For RX5, level 1 of MULTUM drug category #3 (broad level) */ @583 RX5V1C4 $CHAR3. /*For RX5, level 1 of MULTUM drug category #4 (broad level) */ @586 RX5V2C1 $CHAR3. /*For RX5, level 2 of MULTUM drug category #1 (intermediate level) */ @589 RX5V2C2 $CHAR3. /*For RX5, level 2 of MULTUM drug category #2 (intermediate level) */ @592 RX5V2C3 $CHAR3. /*For RX5, level 2 of MULTUM drug category #3 (intermediate level) */ @595 RX5V2C4 $CHAR3. /*For RX5, level 2 of MULTUM drug category #4 (intermediate level) */ @598 RX5V3C1 $CHAR3. /*For RX5, level 3 of MULTUM drug category #1 (detailed level) */ @601 RX5V3C2 $CHAR3. /*For RX5, level 3 of MULTUM drug category #2 (detailed level) */ @604 RX5V3C3 $CHAR3. /*For RX5, level 3 of MULTUM drug category #3 (detailed level) */ @607 RX5V3C4 $CHAR3. /*For RX5, level 3 of MULTUM drug category #4 (detailed level) */ @610 DRUGID6 $CHAR6. /*Medication #6 - Drug ID */ @616 PRESCR6 1. /*Prescription status code */ @617 CONTSUB6 1. /*Controlled status code */ @618 COMSTAT6 1. /*Composition status code */ @619 RX6CAT1 $CHAR3. /*For RX6, MULTUM drug category #1 - most detailed level (can be either Level 1,2 or 3) */ @622 RX6CAT2 $CHAR3. /*For RX6, MULTUM drug category #2 - most detailed level (can be either Level 1,2 or 3) */ @625 RX6CAT3 $CHAR3. /*For RX6, MULTUM drug category #3 - most detailed level (can be either Level 1,2 or 3) */ @628 RX6CAT4 $CHAR3. /*For RX6, MULTUM drug category #4 - most detailed level (can be either Level 1,2 or 3) */ @631 RX6V1C1 $CHAR3. /*For RX6, level 1 of MULTUM drug category #1 (broad level) */ @634 RX6V1C2 $CHAR3. /*For RX6, level 1 of MULTUM drug category #2 (broad level) */ @637 RX6V1C3 $CHAR3. /*For RX6, level 1 of MULTUM drug category #3 (broad level) */ @640 RX6V1C4 $CHAR3. /*For RX6, level 1 of MULTUM drug category #4 (broad level) */ @643 RX6V2C1 $CHAR3. /*For RX6, level 2 of MULTUM drug category #1 (intermediate level) */ @646 RX6V2C2 $CHAR3. /*For RX6, level 2 of MULTUM drug category #2 (intermediate level) */ @649 RX6V2C3 $CHAR3. /*For RX6, level 2 of MULTUM drug category #3 (intermediate level) */ @652 RX6V2C4 $CHAR3. /*For RX6, level 2 of MULTUM drug category #4 (intermediate level) */ @655 RX6V3C1 $CHAR3. /*For RX6, level 3 of MULTUM drug category #1 (detailed level) */ @658 RX6V3C2 $CHAR3. /*For RX6, level 3 of MULTUM drug category #2 (detailed level) */ @661 RX6V3C3 $CHAR3. /*For RX6, level 3 of MULTUM drug category #3 (detailed level) */ @664 RX6V3C4 $CHAR3. /*For RX6, level 3 of MULTUM drug category #4 (detailed level) */ @667 DRUGID7 $CHAR6. /*Medication #7 - Drug ID */ @673 PRESCR7 1. /*Prescription status code */ @674 CONTSUB7 1. /*Controlled status code */ @675 COMSTAT7 1. /*Composition status code */ @676 RX7CAT1 $CHAR3. /*For RX7, MULTUM drug category #1 - most detailed level (can be either Level 1,2 or 3) */ @679 RX7CAT2 $CHAR3. /*For RX7, MULTUM drug category #2 - most detailed level (can be either Level 1,2 or 3) */ @682 RX7CAT3 $CHAR3. /*For RX7, MULTUM drug category #3 - most detailed level (can be either Level 1,2 or 3) */ @685 RX7CAT4 $CHAR3. /*For RX7, MULTUM drug category #4 - most detailed level (can be either Level 1,2 or 3) */ @688 RX7V1C1 $CHAR3. /*For RX7, level 1 of MULTUM drug category #1 (broad level) */ @691 RX7V1C2 $CHAR3. /*For RX7, level 1 of MULTUM drug category #2 (broad level) */ @694 RX7V1C3 $CHAR3. /*For RX7, level 1 of MULTUM drug category #3 (broad level) */ @697 RX7V1C4 $CHAR3. /*For RX7, level 1 of MULTUM drug category #4 (broad level) */ @700 RX7V2C1 $CHAR3. /*For RX7, level 2 of MULTUM drug category #1 (intermediate level) */ @703 RX7V2C2 $CHAR3. /*For RX7, level 2 of MULTUM drug category #2 (intermediate level) */ @706 RX7V2C3 $CHAR3. /*For RX7, level 2 of MULTUM drug category #3 (intermediate level) */ @709 RX7V2C4 $CHAR3. /*For RX7, level 2 of MULTUM drug category #4 (intermediate level) */ @712 RX7V3C1 $CHAR3. /*For RX7, level 3 of MULTUM drug category #1 (detailed level) */ @715 RX7V3C2 $CHAR3. /*For RX7, level 3 of MULTUM drug category #2 (detailed level) */ @718 RX7V3C3 $CHAR3. /*For RX7, level 3 of MULTUM drug category #3 (detailed level) */ @721 RX7V3C4 $CHAR3. /*For RX7, level 3 of MULTUM drug category #4 (detailed level) */ @724 DRUGID8 $CHAR6. /*Medication #8 - Drug ID */ @730 PRESCR8 1. /*Prescription status code */ @731 CONTSUB8 1. /*Controlled status code */ @732 COMSTAT8 1. /*Composition status code */ @733 RX8CAT1 $CHAR3. /*For RX8, MULTUM drug category #1 - most detailed level (can be either Level 1,2 or 3) */ @736 RX8CAT2 $CHAR3. /*For RX8, MULTUM drug category #2 - most detailed level (can be either Level 1,2 or 3) */ @739 RX8CAT3 $CHAR3. /*For RX8, MULTUM drug category #3 - most detailed level (can be either Level 1,2 or 3) */ @742 RX8CAT4 $CHAR3. /*For RX8, MULTUM drug category #4 - most detailed level (can be either Level 1,2 or 3) */ @745 RX8V1C1 $CHAR3. /*For RX8, level 1 of MULTUM drug category #1 (broad level) */ @748 RX8V1C2 $CHAR3. /*For RX8, level 1 of MULTUM drug category #2 (broad level) */ @751 RX8V1C3 $CHAR3. /*For RX8, level 1 of MULTUM drug category #3 (broad level) */ @754 RX8V1C4 $CHAR3. /*For RX8, level 1 of MULTUM drug category #4 (broad level) */ @757 RX8V2C1 $CHAR3. /*For RX8, level 2 of MULTUM drug category #1 (intermediate level) */ @760 RX8V2C2 $CHAR3. /*For RX8, level 2 of MULTUM drug category #2 (intermediate level) */ @763 RX8V2C3 $CHAR3. /*For RX8, level 2 of MULTUM drug category #3 (intermediate level) */ @766 RX8V2C4 $CHAR3. /*For RX8, level 2 of MULTUM drug category #4 (intermediate level) */ @769 RX8V3C1 $CHAR3. /*For RX8, level 3 of MULTUM drug category #1 (detailed level) */ @772 RX8V3C2 $CHAR3. /*For RX8, level 3 of MULTUM drug category #2 (detailed level) */ @775 RX8V3C3 $CHAR3. /*For RX8, level 3 of MULTUM drug category #3 (detailed level) */ @778 RX8V3C4 $CHAR3. /*For RX8, level 3 of MULTUM drug category #4 (detailed level) */ @781 EMROPD 2. /*Does your OPD use electronic medical records (EMR) (not including billing records)? */ @783 EDEMOGO 2. /*Does your OPD have a computerized system for patient demographic information? */ @785 EPROLSTO 2. /*If yes, does this include patient problem lists? */ @787 ECPOEO 2. /*Does your OPD have a computerized system for orders for prescriptions? */ @789 EWARNO 2. /*If yes, are there warnings of drug interactions or contraindications provided? */ @791 ESCRIPO 2. /*If yes, are prescriptions sent electronically to the pharmacy? */ @793 ECTOEO 2. /*Does your OPD have a computerized system for orders for tests? */ @795 EORDERO 2. /*If yes, are orders sent electronically? */ @797 ERESULTO 2. /*Does your OPD have a computerized system for viewing of lab results? */ @799 ERANGEO 2. /*If yes, are out of range values highlighted? */ @801 EIMGRESO 2. /*Does your OPD have a computerized system for viewing of imaging results? */ @803 EIMAGEO 2. /*If yes, are electronic images returned? */ @805 EPNOTESO 2. /*Does your OPD have a computerized system for clinical notes? */ @807 EHXFUO 2. /*If yes, do they include medical history and follow-up notes? */ @809 EREMINDO 2. /*Does your OPD have a computerized system for reminders for guideline-based interventions and/or screening tests? */ @811 EPUBHTHO 2. /*Does your OPD have a computerized system for public health reporting? */ @813 ENOTDISO 2. /*If yes, are notifiable diseases sent electronically? */ @815 EMRNEWO 2. /*Are there plans for installing a new EMR system or replacing the current system within the next 3 years? */ @817 CCS 2. /*Does this clinic offer any type of cervical cancer screening? */ @819 ETHIM 1. /*Imputed ethnicity */ @820 RACEIM 1. /*Imputed race */ @821 RACER 1. /*Race recode */ @822 RACEETH 1. /*Race ethnicity */ @823 AGEDAYS 3. /*Age in days for patients less than one year */ @826 AGER 1. /*Age recode */ @827 DIAG1R 6. /*Diagnosis #1 - numeric recode */ @833 DIAG2R 6. /*Diagnosis #2 - numeric recode */ @839 DIAG3R 6. /*Diagnosis #3 - numeric recode */ @845 SCOPWI1R 4. /*Scope write-in #1 numeric recode */ @849 SCOPWI2R 4. /*Scope write-in #2 numeric recode */ @853 BIOPSYWIR 4. /*Biopsy write-in numeric recode */ @857 DIAGSC1R 4. /*All other diag/screening services #1 - num recode */ @861 DIAGSC2R 4. /*All other diag/screening services #2 - numeric recode */ @865 OTHPROC1R 4. /*Non-surgical procedure 1 - numeric recode - becomes OTHPROC1 */ @869 OTHPROC2R 4. /*Non-surgical procedure 2 - numeric recode - becomes OTHPROC2 */ @873 OTHPROC3R 4. /*Ambulatory surgical procedure #1 - numeric recode - becomes OTHPROC3 */ @877 OTHPROC4R 4. /*Ambulatory surgical procedure #2 - numeric recode - OTHPROC4 */ @881 WHOCOMP 2. /*Who completed the Patient Record Forms? */ @883 SETTYPE 1. /*Setting type */ @884 YEAR 4. /*Year (2007) */ @888 CSTRATM 8. /*Clustered CSTRATM – masked. */ @896 CPSUM 6. /*Clustered CPSUM -- masked. */ @902 OPDWT 6. /*OPD Weight */ @908 PCTPOVR 2. /*Recoded percent of population below the poverty level in patient's ZIP code */ @910 HINCOMER 2. /*Recoded median household income in patient's ZIP code */ @912 PBAMORER 2. /*Recoded percent of population 25 years and over with BA degree or higher in patient's ZIP code */ @914 URBANRUR 2. /*Recoded urban-rural classification (combines cat 5 and 6) */ ;