/* SAS CODEBOOK FOR 2005-2010 NAMCS PUBLIC USE PHYSICIAN TREND FILE INCLUDES VARIABLE LABELS AND FORMAT ASSIGNMENTS */ LABEL PHYCODE ="Physician code" YEAR ="Survey year" MDDO ="Type of doctor: MD or DO" SPECR ="Physician specialty recoded into tabulation strata" SPECCAT ="Physician specialty recoded into primary, surgical, medical categories" REGION ="Geographic region" MSA ="Metropolitan/non-metropolitan status (MSA or not MSA)" RETYPOFF ="Type of office setting" SOLO ="Is this a solo practice?" EMPSTAT ="Employment status of physician - owner, employer or contractor for this office?" OWNS ="Who owns the practice?" LAB ="Is any lab testing performed at the practice?" PATEVEN ="Does physician see patients in office during evenings or on weekends?" NHVISR ="Did physician make nursing home visits during last normal week of practice?" HOMVISR ="Did physician make home visits during last normal week of practice?" HOSVISR ="Did physician make hospital visits during last normal week of practice?" TELCONR ="Did physician do telephone consults during last normal week of practice?" ECONR ="Did physician do email consults during last normal week of practice?" EBILLREC ="Does practice submit claims electronically (electronic billing)?" EMEDREC ="Does practice use EMR/EHR system (not including billing records)?" EDEMOG ="Does practice have a computerized system for patient history & demographic information?" EPROLST ="If practice has comp system for pat history & demo info does it include patient problem list?" ENNOTES ="Does your practice's electonic medical record system include nurse notes?" EPNOTES ="Does your practice have a computerized system for clinical notes?" EHXFU ="If practice has comp system for clinical notes, do they include medical history and follow-up notes?" EMEDS ="If practice has comp system for clinical notes, do they include list of medications patient is taking?" EALLERG ="If clinical notes are included, do they include a comprehensive list of the patients's allergies?" ECPOE ="Does your practice have computerized system for orders for prescriptions?" EWARN ="If pract has comp system for orders for prescriptions, are there warnings of drug interactions/contraindications provided?" ESCRIP ="If pract has comp system for orders for prescriptions, are prescriptions sent electronically to the pharmacy?" ECTOE ="Does your practice have a computerized system for orders for tests?" EORDER ="If pract has comp system for orders for tests, are orders sent electronically?" ERESULT ="Does your practice have a computerized system for viewing lab results?" ERESEHR ="If your practice has comp system for viewing lab results, are results corporated in EMR/EHR?" ERANGE ="If your practice has comp system for viewing lab results, are out of range levels highlighted?" EIMGRES ="Does your practice have a computerized system for viewing imaging results?" EIMAGE ="If pract has comp system for viewing imaging results, are electronic images returned?" EREMIND ="Does your practice have a computerized system for reminders for interventions/tests?" EIMMREG ="Does your practice have a computerized system for electronic reporting to immunization registries?" EPUBHLTH ="Does your practice have a computerized system for public health reporting?" ENOTDIS ="If pract has comp system for public health reporting, are notifiable diseases sent electronically?" EHRWHO1 ="If orders for prescriptions/lab tests are submitted electronically, who submits them? - Prescribing physician (unedited)" EHRWHO2 ="If orders for prescriptions/lab tests are submitted electronically, who submits them? - Other clinician (unedited)" EHRWHO3 ="If orders for prescriptions/lab tests are submitted electronically, who submits them? - Lab technician (unedited)" EHRWHO4 ="If orders for prescriptions/lab tests are submitted electronically, who submits them? - Administrative personnel (unedited)" EHRWHO5 ="If orders for prescriptions/lab tests are submitted electronically, who submits them? - Other (unedited)" EHRWHO6 ="If orders for prescriptions/lab tests are submitted electronically, who submits them? - Not submitted electronically (unedited)" EHRWHO7 ="If orders for prescriptions/lab tests are submitted electronically, who submits them? - Unknown (unedited)" EHRWHO1R ="If orders for prescriptions/lab tests are submitted electronically, who submits them? - Prescribing physician (edited)" EHRWHO2R ="If orders for prescriptions/lab tests are submitted electronically, who submits them? - Other clinician (edited)" EHRWHO3R ="If orders for prescriptions/lab tests are submitted electronically, who submits them? - Lab technician (edited)" EHRWHO4R ="If orders for prescriptions/lab tests are submitted electronically, who submits them? - Administrative personnel (edited)" EHRWHO5R ="If orders for prescriptions/lab tests are submitted electronically, who submits them? - Other (edited)" EHRWHO6R ="If orders for prescriptions/lab tests are submitted electronically, who submits them? - Not submitted electonically (edited)" EHRWHO7R ="If orders for prescriptions/lab tests are submitted electronically, who submits them? - Unknown (edited)" PAYHIT ="Does your practice have plans to apply for Medicare or Medicaid incentive payments for Meaningful Use of Health IT?" PAYYR ="What year does your practice expect to apply for the meaningful use payments?" PAYINC ="What incentive payment does your practice plan to apply for?" EMRINS ="At your practice, are there plans for installing a new EMR/EHR system within the next 18 months?" EMRNEW ="Are there plans for installing a new EMR system or replacing the current system within the next 3 years?" PRMCARER ="Percent of patient care revenue from Medicare" PRMAIDR ="Percent of patient care revenue from Medicaid" PRPRVTR ="Percent of patient care revenue from private insurance" PRPATR ="Percent of practice revenue from patient payments" PROTHR ="Percent of patient care revenue from other sources" MANCAREC ="How many managed care contracts does this practice have?" PRMANR ="Percent of patient care revenue from managed care contracts" PCCPROD ="Factors taken into account for your patient care compensation: your productivity" PCCSAT ="Factors taken into account for your patient care compensation: patient satisfaction" PCCQOC ="Factors taken into account for your patient care compensation: quality of care" PCCPPROF ="Factors taken into account for your patient care compensation: practice profiling" MEASPUB ="Are performance measures on your practice available to the public?" PRP4PR ="Percent of practice care revenue based on performance-based payments" REVFFSR ="Roughly, what percent of your patient care revenue comes from usual, customary and reasonable fee-for-service?" REVDISCR ="Roughly, what percent of your patient care revenue comes from discounted fee-for-service?" REVCAPR ="Roughly, what percent of your patient care revenue comes from capitation?" REVCASER ="Roughly, what percent of your patient care revenue comes from case rates?" REVOTHR ="Roughly, what percent of your patient care revenue comes from other methods of payment?" ACEPTNEW ="Are you currently accepting 'new' patients into your practice?" CAPITATE ="From those 'new' patients, physician accepts: capitated private insurance" NOCAP ="From those 'new' patients, physician accepts: non-capitated private insurance" NMEDCARE ="From those 'new' patients, physician accepts: Medicare" NMEDCAID ="From those 'new' patients, physician accepts: Medicaid" NWORKCMP ="From those 'new' patients, physician accepts: workers compensation" NSELFPAY ="From those 'new' patients, physician accepts: self-payment" NNOCHRGE ="From those 'new' patients, physician accepts: no charge" REFMDCAD ="Difficulty in referring patients with Medicaid for specialty consultation" REFMDCAR ="Difficulty in referring patients with Medicare specialty consultation" REFPRIV ="Difficulty in referring patients with private insurance for specialty consultation" REFUNINS ="Difficulty in referring uninsured patients for specialty consultation" SDAPPT ="Roughly, what percent of your daily visits are same day appointments?" SASDAPPT ="Does your practice set time aside for same day appointments?" APPTTIME ="On average, about how long does it take to get an appointment for a routine medical exam?" CCS ="Do you offer any type of cervical cancer screening?" CSTRATM ="CSTRATM (Clustered stratum marker) -- masked." CPSUM ="CPSUM (Clustered PSU marker)-- masked." PHYSWT ="Physician weight" ; FORMAT MDDO MDDOF. SPECR SPECRF. SPECCAT SPECCATF. REGION REGIONF. MSA MSAF. RETYPOFF RETYPOFFF. SOLO SOLOF. EMPSTAT EMPSTATF. OWNS OWNSF. LAB LABF. PATEVEN PATEVENF. NHVISR NHVISRF. HOMVISR HOMVISRF. HOSVISR HOSVISRF. TELCONR TELCONRF. ECONR ECONRF. EBILLREC EBILRECF. EMEDREC EMEDRECF. EDEMOG EDEMOGF. EPROLST EPROLSTF. ENNOTES ENNOTESF. EPNOTES EPNOTESF. EHXFU EHXFUF. EMEDS EMEDSF. EALLERG EALLERGF. ECPOE ECPOEF. EWARN EWARNF. ESCRIP ESCRIPF. ECTOE ECTOEF. EORDER EORDERF. ERESULT ERESULTF. ERESEHR ERESEHRF. ERANGE ERANGEF. EIMGRES EIMGRESF. EIMAGE EIMAGEF. EREMIND EREMINDF. EIMMREG EIMMREGF. EPUBHLTH EPUBHLTHF. ENOTDIS ENOTDISF. EHRWHO1 EHRWHO1F. EHRWHO2 EHRWHO2F. EHRWHO3 EHRWHO3F. EHRWHO4 EHRWHO4F. EHRWHO5 EHRWHO5F. EHRWHO6 EHRWHO6F. EHRWHO7 EHRWHO7F. EHRWHO1R EHRWHO1RF. EHRWHO2R EHRWHO2RF. EHRWHO3R EHRWHO3RF. EHRWHO4R EHRWHO4RF. EHRWHO5R EHRWHO5RF. EHRWHO6R EHRWHO6RF. EHRWHO7R EHRWHO7RF. PAYHIT PAYHITF. PAYYR PAYYRF. PAYINC PAYINCF. EMRINS EMRINSF. EMRNEW EMRNEWF. PRMCARER PRMCARERF. PRMAIDR PRMAIDRF. PRPRVTR PRPRVTRF. PRPATR PRPATRF. PROTHR PROTHRF. MANCAREC MANCARECF. PRMANR PRMANRF. PCCPROD PCCPRODF. PCCSAT PCCSATF. PCCQOC PCCQOCF. PCCPPROF PCCPPROFF. MEASPUB MEASPUBF. PRP4PR PRP4PRF. REVFFSR REVFFSRF. REVDISCR REVDISCRF. REVCAPR REVCAPRF. REVCASER REVCASERF. REVOTHR REVOTHERRF. ACEPTNEW ACEPTNEWF. CAPITATE CAPITATEF. NOCAP NOCAPF. NMEDCARE NMEDCAREF. NMEDCAID NMEDCAIDF. NWORKCMP NWORKCMPF. NSELFPAY NSELFPAYF. NNOCHRGE NNOCHRGEF. REFMDCAD REFMDCADF. REFMDCAR REFMDCARF. REFPRIV REFPRIVF. REFUNINS REFUNINSF. SDAPPT SDAPPTF. SASDAPPT SASDAPPTF. APPTTIME APPTTIMEF. CCS CCSF. ;