/* PROGRAM: NAMPHY0510INP PURPOSE: INPUT STATEMENT TO READ 2005-2010 NAMCS PUBLIC USE PHYSICIAN TREND FILE We recommend that you use a MISSOVER option in your INFILE statement. Note that the value of LRECL may equal or exceed the actual file size. We use a value of 999 for convenience. EXAMPLE: INFILE [file reference] MISSOVER LRECL=999; */ INPUT PHYCODE 1-4 /*Physician code */ YEAR 5-8 /*Survey year */ MDDO 9-9 /*Type of doctor: MD or DO */ SPECR 10-11 /*Physician specialty recoded into tabulation strata */ SPECCAT 12-12 /*Physician specialty recoded into primary, surgical, medical categories */ REGION 13-13 /*Geographic region */ MSA 14-14 /*Metropolitan/non-metropolitan status (MSA or not MSA) */ RETYPOFF 15-15 /*Type of office setting */ SOLO 16-17 /*Is this a solo practice? */ EMPSTAT 18-19 /*Employment status of physician - owner, employer or contractor for this office? */ OWNS 20-21 /*Who owns the practice? */ LAB 22-23 /*Is any lab testing performed at the practice? */ PATEVEN 24-25 /*Does physician see patients in office during evenings or on weekends? */ NHVISR 26-27 /*Did physician make nursing home visits during last normal week of practice? */ HOMVISR 28-29 /*Did physician make home visits during last normal week of practice? */ HOSVISR 30-31 /*Did physician make hospital visits during last normal week of practice? */ TELCONR 32-33 /*Did physician do telephone consults during last normal week of practice? */ ECONR 34-35 /*Did physician do email consults during last normal week of practice? */ EBILLREC 36-37 /*Does practice submit claims electronically (electronic billing)? */ EMEDREC 38-39 /*Does practice use EMR/EHR system (not including billing records)? */ EDEMOG 40-41 /*Does practice have a computerized system for patient history & demographic information? */ EPROLST 42-43 /*If practice has comp system for pat history & demo info does it include patient problem list? */ ENNOTES 44-45 /*Does your practice's electonic medical record system include nurse notes? */ EPNOTES 46-47 /*Does your practice have a computerized system for clinical notes? */ EHXFU 48-49 /*If practice has comp system for clinical notes, do they include medical history and follow-up notes? */ EMEDS 50-51 /*If practice has comp system for clinical notes, do they include list of medications patient is taking? */ EALLERG 52-53 /*If clinical notes are included, do they include a comprehensive list of the patients's allergies? */ ECPOE 54-55 /*Does your practice have computerized system for orders for prescriptions? */ EWARN 56-57 /*If pract has comp system for orders for prescriptions, are there warnings of drug interactions/contraindications provided? */ ESCRIP 58-59 /*If pract has comp system for orders for prescriptions, are prescriptions sent electronically to the pharmacy? */ ECTOE 60-61 /*Does your practice have a computerized system for orders for tests? */ EORDER 62-63 /*If pract has comp system for orders for tests, are orders sent electronically? */ ERESULT 64-65 /*Does your practice have a computerized system for viewing lab results? */ ERESEHR 66-67 /*If your practice has comp system for viewing lab results, are results corporated in EMR/EHR? */ ERANGE 68-69 /*If your practice has comp system for viewing lab results, are out of range levels highlighted? */ EIMGRES 70-71 /*Does your practice have a computerized system for viewing imaging results? */ EIMAGE 72-73 /*If pract has comp system for viewing imaging results, are electronic images returned? */ EREMIND 74-75 /*Does your practice have a computerized system for reminders for interventions/tests? */ EIMMREG 76-77 /*Does your practice have a computerized system for electronic reporting to immunization registries? */ EPUBHLTH 78-79 /*Does your practice have a computerized system for public health reporting? */ ENOTDIS 80-81 /*If pract has comp system for public health reporting, are notifiable diseases sent electronically? */ EHRWHO1 82-83 /*If orders for prescriptions/lab tests are submitted electronically, who submits them? - Prescribing physician (unedited) */ EHRWHO2 84-85 /*If orders for prescriptions/lab tests are submitted electronically, who submits them? - Other clinician (unedited) */ EHRWHO3 86-87 /*If orders for prescriptions/lab tests are submitted electronically, who submits them? - Lab technician (unedited) */ EHRWHO4 88-89 /*If orders for prescriptions/lab tests are submitted electronically, who submits them? - Administrative personnel (unedited) */ EHRWHO5 90-91 /*If orders for prescriptions/lab tests are submitted electronically, who submits them? - Other (unedited) */ EHRWHO6 92-93 /*If orders for prescriptions/lab tests are submitted electronically, who submits them? - Not submitted electronically (unedited) */ EHRWHO7 94-95 /*If orders for prescriptions/lab tests are submitted electronically, who submits them? - Unknown (unedited) */ EHRWHO1R 96-97 /*If orders for prescriptions/lab tests are submitted electronically, who submits them? - Prescribing physician (edited) */ EHRWHO2R 98-99 /*If orders for prescriptions/lab tests are submitted electronically, who submits them? - Other clinician (edited) */ EHRWHO3R 100-101 /*If orders for prescriptions/lab tests are submitted electronically, who submits them? - Lab technician (edited) */ EHRWHO4R 102-103 /*If orders for prescriptions/lab tests are submitted electronically, who submits them? - Administrative personnel (edited) */ EHRWHO5R 104-105 /*If orders for prescriptions/lab tests are submitted electronically, who submits them? - Other (edited) */ EHRWHO6R 106-107 /*If orders for prescriptions/lab tests are submitted electronically, who submits them? - Not submitted electonically (edited) */ EHRWHO7R 108-109 /*If orders for prescriptions/lab tests are submitted electronically, who submits them? - Unknown (edited) */ PAYHIT 110-111 /*Does your practice have plans to apply for Medicare or Medicaid incentive payments for Meaningful Use of Health IT? */ PAYYR 112-113 /*What year does your practice expect to apply for the meaningful use payments? */ PAYINC 114-115 /*What incentive payment does your practice plan to apply for? */ EMRINS 116-117 /*At your practice, are there plans for installing a new EMR/EHR system within the next 18 months? */ EMRNEW 118-119 /*Are there plans for installing a new EMR system or replacing the current system within the next 3 years? */ PRMCARER 120-121 /*Percent of patient care revenue from Medicare */ PRMAIDR 122-123 /*Percent of patient care revenue from Medicaid */ PRPRVTR 124-125 /*Percent of patient care revenue from private insurance */ PRPATR 126-127 /*Percent of practice revenue from patient payments */ PROTHR 128-129 /*Percent of patient care revenue from other sources */ MANCAREC 130-131 /*How many managed care contracts does this practice have? */ PRMANR 132-133 /*Percent of patient care revenue from managed care contracts */ PCCPROD 134-135 /*Factors taken into account for your patient care compensation: your productivity */ PCCSAT 136-137 /*Factors taken into account for your patient care compensation: patient satisfaction */ PCCQOC 138-139 /*Factors taken into account for your patient care compensation: quality of care */ PCCPPROF 140-141 /*Factors taken into account for your patient care compensation: practice profiling */ MEASPUB 142-143 /*Are performance measures on your practice available to the public? */ PRP4PR 144-145 /*Percent of practice care revenue based on performance-based payments */ REVFFSR 146-147 /*Roughly, what percent of your patient care revenue comes from usual, customary and reasonable fee-for-service? */ REVDISCR 148-149 /*Roughly, what percent of your patient care revenue comes from discounted fee-for-service? */ REVCAPR 150-151 /*Roughly, what percent of your patient care revenue comes from capitation? */ REVCASER 152-153 /*Roughly, what percent of your patient care revenue comes from case rates? */ REVOTHR 154-155 /*Roughly, what percent of your patient care revenue comes from other methods of payment? */ ACEPTNEW 156-157 /*Are you currently accepting 'new' patients into your practice? */ CAPITATE 158-159 /*From those 'new' patients, physician accepts: capitated private insurance */ NOCAP 160-161 /*From those 'new' patients, physician accepts: non-capitated private insurance */ NMEDCARE 162-163 /*From those 'new' patients, physician accepts: Medicare */ NMEDCAID 164-165 /*From those 'new' patients, physician accepts: Medicaid */ NWORKCMP 166-167 /*From those 'new' patients, physician accepts: workers compensation */ NSELFPAY 168-169 /*From those 'new' patients, physician accepts: self-payment */ NNOCHRGE 170-171 /*From those 'new' patients, physician accepts: no charge */ REFMDCAD 172-173 /*Difficulty in referring patients with Medicaid for specialty consultation */ REFMDCAR 174-175 /*Difficulty in referring patients with Medicare specialty consultation */ REFPRIV 176-177 /*Difficulty in referring patients with private insurance for specialty consultation */ REFUNINS 178-179 /*Difficulty in referring uninsured patients for specialty consultation */ SDAPPT 180-182 /*Roughly, what percent of your daily visits are same day appointments? */ SASDAPPT 183-184 /*Does your practice set time aside for same day appointments? */ APPTTIME 185-186 /*On average, about how long does it take to get an appointment for a routine medical exam? */ CCS 187-188 /*Do you offer any type of cervical cancer screening? */ CSTRATM 189-196 /*Clustered PSU stratum marker (masked) */ CPSUM 197-202 /*Clustered PSU marker (masked) */ PHYSWT 203-208 /*Physician weight */ ;