/* SAS CODEBOOK FOR 2012 NAMCS COMMUNITY HEALTH CENTER PUBLIC USE FILE INCLUDES VARIABLE LABELS AND FORMAT ASSIGNMENTS */ LABEL VMONTH="Month of visit" VDAYR="Day of week of visit" AGE="Patient age in years" AGER="Patient age recode" AGEDAYS="Age in days for patients less than 1 year" SEX="Patient sex" PREGNANT="Is patient pregnant?" GESTWK="Gestation week" ETHUN="Patient ethnicity - unimputed" RACEUN="Patient race - unimputed" ETHIM="Patient ethnicity - imputed" RACER=" Patient race - imputed" RACERETH="Race/ethnicity - imputed" NOPAY="Expected source of payment for visit: No answer to item" PAYPRIV="Expected source of payment for visit: Private insurance" PAYMCARE="Expected source of payment for visit: Medicare" PAYMCAID="Expected source of payment for visit: Medicaid" PAYWKCMP="Expected source of payment for visit: Workers Compensation" PAYSELF="Expected source of payment for visit: Self-pay" PAYNOCHG="Expected source of payment for visit: No Charge/Charity" PAYOTH="Expected source of payment for visit: Other" PAYDK="Expected source of payment for visit: Unknown" PAYTYPER="Type of payment (recoded from multiple sources using hierarchy)" USETOBAC="Tobacco Use" INJURY="Is visit related to injury/poisoning/adverse effect? Broad recode" INJR1="Is visit related to injury/poisoning? Recoded version #1" INJR2="Is visit related to injury/poisoning? Recoded version #2" INJPOISAD="Is visit related to injury/poisoning/adverse effect? 2012 format" INJPOISADR1="Is visit related to injury/poisoning/adverse effect? 2012 format, recoded version #1" INJPOISADR2="Is visit related to injury/poisoning/adverse effect? 2012 format, recoded version #2" INTENT="Is injury/poisoining unintentional or intentional?" INJDET_TRD="Is visit related to any of the following? Broad recode using 2010 format" INJDETR1_TRD="Is visit related to any of the following? Recoded version #1" INJDETR2_TRD="Is visit related to any of the following? Recoded version #2" RFV1="Patient's reason for visit #1" RFV2="Patient's reason for visit #2" RFV3="Patient's reason for visit #3" RFV13D="Reason for visit #1 - 3 digit" RFV23D="Reason for visit #2 - 3 digit" RFV33D="Reason for visit #3 - 3 digit" PRIMCARE="Are you the patient's primary care physician?" REFER="Was patient referred for visit?" SENBEFOR="Has this patient been seen in your practice before?" PASTVIS="If yes, how many past visits in the last 12 months?" MAJOR="Major reason for this visit" DIAG1="Diagnosis #1" PRDIAG1="Is diagnosis #1 probable, questionable or rule out?" DIAG2="Diagnosis #2" PRDIAG2="Is diagnosis $2 probable, questionable or rule out?" DIAG3="Diagnosis #3" PRDIAG3="Is diagnosis #3 probable, questionable or rule out?" DIAG13D="Diagnosis #1 - 3 digit" DIAG23D="Diagnosis #2 - 3 digit" DIAG33D="Diagnosis #3 - 3 digit" DIAG1R="Diagnosis #1 - numeric recode" DIAG2R="Diagnosis #2 - numeric recode" DIAG3R="Diagnosis #3 - numeric recode" ARTHRTIS="Does patient now have: Arthritis" ASTHMA="Does patient now have: Asthma" ASTH_SEV="Asthma severity" ASTH_CON="Asthma control" CANCER="Does patient now have: Cancer" CASTAGE="Type of cancer" CEBVD="Does patient now have: Cerebrovascular disease" COPD="Does patient now have: COPD" CRF="Does patient now have: Chronic renal failure" CHF="Does patient now have: Congestive heart failure" DEPRN=" Does patient now have: Depression" DIABETES="Does patient now have: Diabetes" HYPLIPID="Does patient now have: Hyperlipidemia" HTN="Does patient now have: Hypertension" IHD="Does patient now have: Ischemic heart disease" OBESITY="Does patient now have: Obesity" OSTPRSIS="Does patient now have: Osteoporosis" NOCHRON="Does patient now have: None of the above" TOTCHRON="Total number of chronic conditions" HTTAKE="Was height taken?" HTIN="Height in inches" WTTAKE="Was weight taken?" WTLB="Weight in pounds" BMI="Body mass index - calculated from height and weight" TEMPTAKE="Was temperature taken?" TEMPF="Temperature (in Fahrenheit) " BLODPRES="Was blood pressure taken?" BPSYS="Systolic blood pressure" BPDIAS="Diastolic blood pressure" SERVICES="Were any services ordered or provided at this visit? (Based on SERVICES item only, does not include vital signs)" BREAST="Breast exam" DEPRESS="Depression Screening" FOOT="Foot exam" PHYSICAL="General physical exam" NEURO="Neurologic" PELVIC="Pelvic exam" RECTAL="Rectal exam" RETINAL="Retinal exam" SKIN="Skin exam" CBC="CBC (complete blood count)" GLUCOSE="Glucose" HGBA="HgbA1C" CHOLEST="Lipid profile" PSA="PSA (prostate specific antigen) test" ANYIMAGE="Any imaging" BONEDENS="Bone mineral density" CATSCAN="CT Scan" ECHOCARD="Echocardiogram" OTHULTRA="Other ultrasound" MAMMO="Mammography" MRI="MRI" XRAY="X-ray" OTHIMAGE="Other imaging" AUDIO="Audiometry" BIOPSY="Biopsy" BIOPROV="Biopsy provided" CARDIAC="Cardiac stress test" CHLAMYD="Chlamydia test" COLON="Colonoscopy" EKG="EKG/ECG" EEG="Electroencephalogram (EEG)" EMG="Electromyogram (EMG)" EXCISION="Excision of tissue" EXCIPROV="Excision of tissue provided" FETAL="Fetal monitoring" HIVTEST="HIV test" HPVDNA="HPV DNA test" PAP="PAP test" PEAK="Peak flow" PREGTEST="Pregnancy test/HCG test" SIGMOID="Sigmoidoscopy" SIGPROV="Sigmoidoscopy provided" SPIRO="Spirometry" TONO="Tonometry" URINE="Urinalysis (UA)" SIGCOLON="Sigmoidoscopy/colonoscopy recoded variable" CSW="Cast/splint/wrap" CAM="Complementary alternative medicine" DME="Durable medical equipment" HOMEHLTH="Home health care" MENTAL="Mental health counseling, excluding psychotherapy" PT="Physical therapy" PSYCHOTH="Psychotherapy" RADTHER="Radiation therapy" WOUND="Wound care" ASTHMAED="Asthma education" DIETNUTR="Diet/nutrition" EXERCISE="Exercise" FAMPLAN="Family planning/Contraception" GRWTHDEV="Growth/Development" INJPREV ="Injury prevention" STRESMGT="Stress management" TOBACED="Tobacco use/Exposure" WTREDUC="Weight reduction" OTHSERV="Any write-in procedures reported" PROC1="Write-in procedure code #1" PROC2="Write-in procedure code #2" PROC3="Write-in procedure code #3" PROC4="Write-in procedure code #4" PROC5="Write-in procedure code #5" PROC6="Write-in procedure code #6" PROC7="Write-in procedure code #7" PROC8="Write-in procedure code #8" PROC9="Write-in procedure code #9" PROC13D="Procedure 1 - 3 digit" PROC23D="Procedure 2 - 3 digit" PROC33D="Procedure 3 - 3 digit" PROC43D="Procedure 4 - 3 digit" PROC53D="Procedure 5 - 3 digit" PROC63D="Procedure 6 - 3 digit" PROC73D="Procedure 7 - 3 digit" PROC83D="Procedure 8 - 3 digit" PROC93D="Procedure 9 - 3 digit" PROC12D="Procedure 1 - 2 digit" PROC22D="Procedure 2 - 2 digit" PROC32D="Procedure 3 - 2 digit" PROC42D="Procedure 4 - 2 digit" PROC52D="Procedure 5 - 2 digit" PROC62D="Procedure 6 - 2 digit" PROC72D="Procedure 7 - 2 digit" PROC82D="Procedure 8 - 2 digit" PROC92D="Procedure 9 - 2 digit" PROC1R="Numeric version of write-in procedure code #1" PROC2R="Numeric version of write-in procedure code #2" PROC3R="Numeric version of write-in procedure code #3" PROC4R="Numeric version of write-in procedure code #4" PROC5R="Numeric version of write-in procedure code #5" PROC6R="Numeric version of write-in procedure code #6" PROC7R="Numeric version of write-in procedure code #7" PROC8R="Numeric version of write-in procedure code #8" PROC9R="Numeric version of write-in procedure code #9" EXAM="Were any exams ordered or provided (item derived using ICD-9-CM exam codes)" SERVCNT="Total number of services ordered or provided incuding vital signs" ALLSERV="Were any services ordered or provided including vital signs?" MED="Were any medications/immunizations ordered, supplied, administered or continued?" MED1="Medication #1" MED2="Medication #2" MED3="Medication #3" MED4="Medication #4" MED5="Medication #5" MED6="Medication #6" MED7="Medication #7" MED8="Medication #8" MED9="Medication #9" MED10="Medication #10" NCMED1="Is Medication #1 new or continued?" NCMED2="Is Medication #2 new or continued?" NCMED3="Is Medication #3 new or continued?" NCMED4="Is Medication #4 new or continued?" NCMED5="Is Medication #5 new or continued?" NCMED6="Is Medication #6 new or continued?" NCMED7="Is Medication #7 new or continued?" NCMED8="Is Medication #8 new or continued?" NCMED9="Is Medication #9 new or continued?" NCMED10="Is Medication #10 new or continued" NUMMED="Number of medications coded" NUMNEW="Number of new medications coded" NUMCONT="Number of continuing medications coded" NOPROVID="Providers seen: no answer to item" PHYS="Physician seen" PHYSASST="Physician assistant seen" NPNMW="Nurse practitioner/midwife seen" RNLPN="Registered nurse/LPN seen" MHP="Mental health provider seen" OTHPROV="Other provider seen" PROVNONE="No provider seen" TIMEMD="Time spent with physician in minutes" NODISP="Visit disposition: no answer to item" REFOTHMD="Refer to other physician " RETAPPT="Return at specified time " ERADMHOS="Refer to ER/Admit to hospital" OTHDISP="Other disposition " CHOL="Was blood for total cholesterol test drawn at visit or within past 12 months?" CHOLRES="Most recent result for total cholesterol (mg/dL)" DAYDCHOL="Difference in days between visit date and date of cholesterol lab result" HDL="Was blood for HDL test drawn at visit or within past 12 months? " HDLRES="Most recent result for HDL (mg/dL)" DAYDHDL="Difference in days between visit date and date of HDL lab result" LDL="Was blood for LDL test drawn at visit or within past 12 months?" LDLRES="Most recent result for LDL (mg/dL)/" DAYDLDL="Difference in days between visit date and date of LDL lab result" LIPIDERR="Calculated LDL, NOT TO BE USED FOR ANALYSIS" LDLDIFF="Difference between reported LDL and calculated LDL" TGS="Was blood for triglycerides (TGS) test drawn at visit or within past 12 months?" TGSRES="Most recent result for TGS (mg/dL)" DAYDTGS="Difference in days between visit date and date of TGS lab result" A1C="Was blood for HbA1c test drawn at visit or within past 12 months?" A1CRES="Most recent result for HbA1c" DAYDA1C="Difference in days between visit date and date of HbA1c lab result" FBG="Was blood for fasting blood glucose (FBG) drawn at visit or within past 12 months?" FBGRES="Most recent result for FBG (mg/dL)" DAYDFBG="Difference in days between visit date and date of FBG lab result" AGEFLAG="Was patient age calculated by NCHS during data processing or recorded on instrument?" GESTFL="Was week of gestation calculated by NCHS during data processing?" BDATEFL="Was variable imputed: birth year" SEXFL="Was variable imputed: sex" ETHNICFL="Was variable imputed: ethnicity" RACERFL="Was variable imputed: race" SENBEFL="Was variable imputed: patient seen in practice before" PASTFL="Was variable imputed: number of past visits in last 12 months" TIMEMDFL="Was variable imputed: time spent with physician" PHYCODE="Provider marker" PATCODE="Sequential numbering of visit records per physician" SPECR_14="Physician specialty - 14 groups" SPECR_17="Physician specialty - 17 groups" SPECR17_SPECCAT ="Physician specialty - 17 groups with detail on type of specialty" SPECCAT ="Type of specialty (Primary, Medical, Surgical)" MDDO="Type of doctor (MD or DO)" RETYPOFFR="Type of office setting for this visit - recoded" SOLO="Type of practice (solo/nonsolo)" EMPSTAT="Ownership status of physician" OWNSR_CHC="Who owns the practice? - recoded" PATEVEN="Do you see patients during the evening or on weekends at the office?" NHVISR="During last normal week of practice, did you make any nursing home visits?" HOMVISR="During last normal week of practice, did you make any home visits?" HOSVISR="During last normal week of practice, did you make any hospital visits?" TELCONR="During last normal week of practice, did you have any telephone consults with patients?" ECONR="During last normal week of practice, did you have any internet/email consults with patients?" EBILLREC="Does your practice submit any claims electronically (electronic billing)?" EINS="Do you or your staff verify an individual patient's insurance eligibility electronically?" EINSHOW="How do you or your staff electronically verify an individual patient's insurance eligibility?" EINSFAST="When you electronically verify patient's insurance eligibility, do you usually get results back before patient leaves office?" EMEDREC="Does your practice use electronic medical or health records (EMR/EHR)? Does not include billing record systems." EMRINS="Are there plans for installing new EMR system or replacing current system within next 18 months?" MUINC="Plans to apply for Medicare and Medicaid meaningful use of health IT incentives?" INTENDYR="Year expected to apply for meaningful use payments" EDEMOG="Does practice have computerized capability: recording patient history and demographic info" EDEMOGR="Does practice have computerized capability: recording patient history and demographic info - RECODED" EPROLST="If computerized patient history and demographic info, does it include patient problem lists?" EPROLSTR="If computerized patient history and demographic info, does it include patient problem lists? - RECODED" EVITAL="Does practice have computerized capability: recording and charting vital signs" EVITALR="Does practice have computerized capability: recording and charting vital signs - RECODED" ESMOKE="Does practice have computerized capability: recording patient smoking status" ESMOKER="Does practice have computerized capability: recording patient smoking status - RECODED" EPNOTES="Does practice have computerized capability: recording clinical notes" EPNOTESR="Does practice have computerized capability: recording clinical notes - RECODED" EMEDALG="If clinical notes are included, do they include list of patient's medications and allergies?" EMEDALGR="If clinical notes are included, do they include list of patient's medications and allergies? - RECODED" ECPOE="Does practice have computerized capability: ordering prescriptions" ECPOER="Does practice have computerized capability: ordering prescriptions - RECODED" ESCRIP="If computerized orders for prescriptions are included, are prescriptions sent electronically to pharmacy?" ESCRIPR="If computerized orders for prescriptions are included, are prescriptions sent electronically to pharmacy?" EWHOPRACP="When orders for prescriptions are submitted electronically, submitted by: prescribing practitioner" EWHOOTHP="When orders for prescriptions are submitted electronically, submitted by: other practitioner" EWHOUNKP="When orders for prescriptions are submitted electronically, submitted by: unknown " EWHOREFP="When orders for prescriptions are submitted electronically, submitted by: refused to answer" EWARN="If orders for prescriptions submitted electronically, warnings of drug interactions/contraindications provided?" EWARNR="If orders for prescriptions submitted electronically, warnings of drug interactions/contraindications provided? - RECODED" EREMIND="Does practice have computerized capability: providing reminders for interventions or screening tests?" EREMINDR="Does practice have computerized capability: providing reminders for interventions or screening tests? - RECODED" ESETS="Does practice have computerized capability: providing standard order sets related to condition or procedure?" ESETSR="Does practice have computerized capability: providing standard order sets related to condition or procedure? - RECODED" ECTOE="Does practice have computerized capability: ordering lab tests?" ECTOER="Does practice have computerized capability: ordering lab tests? - RECODED" EORDER="If orders for tests are included, are results sent electronically?" EORDERR="If orders for tests are included, are results sent electronically? - RECODED" EWHOPRACL="When orders for lab tests are submitted electronically, submitted by: prescribing practitioner" EWHOOTHL="When orders for lab tests are submitted electronically, submitted by: other practitioner" EWHOUNKL="When orders for lab tests are submitted electronically, submitted by: unknown" EWHOREFL="When orders for lab tests are submitted electronically, submitted by: refused to answer" ERESULT="Does practice have computerized capability: viewing lab results" ERESULTR="Does practice have computerized capability: viewing lab results - RECODED" EGRAPH="If viewing lab results included, can EHR/EMR automatically graph a specific patient’s lab results over time?" EGRAPHR="If viewing lab results included, can EHR/EMR automatically graph a specific patient’s lab results over time? - RECODED" EIMGRES="Does practice have computerized capability: viewing imaging results" EIMGRESR="Does practice have computerized capability: viewing imaging results - RECODED" EQOC="Does practice have computerized capability: viewing data on quality of care measures" EQOCR="Does practice have computerized capability: viewing data on quality of care measures - RECODED" ECQM="Does practice have computerized capability: reporting clinical quality measures to federal or state agencies" ECQMR="Does practice have computerized capability: reporting clinical quality measures to federal or state agencies - RECODED" EGENLIST="Does practice have computerized capability: generating lists of patients with particular health conditions" EGENLISTR="Does practice have computerized capability: generating lists of patients with particular health conditions - RECODED" EIMMREG="Does practice have computerized capability: electronic reporting to immunization registries" EIMMREGR="Does practice have computerized capability: electronic reporting to immunization registries - RECODED" EMUREP="If reporting to immunization registries, are they in standards specified by Meaningful Use criteria" EMUREPR="If reporting to immunization registries, are they in standards specified by Meaningful Use criteria - RECODED" ESUM="Does practice have computerized capability: providing patients with clinical summaries for each visit" ESUMR="Does practice have computerized capability: providing patients with clinical summaries for each visit - RECODED" EMSG="Does practice have computerized capability: exchanging secure messages with patients" EMSGR="Does practice have computerized capability: exchanging secure messages with patients - RECODED" EHLTHINFO="Does practice have computerized capability: providing patients with an electronic copy of their health information" EHLTHINFOR="Does practice have computerized capability: providing patients with an electronic copy of their health information - RECODED" ESHARE="Does practice share any patient health information electronically (not fax) with other providers?" ESHAREEHR="How does practice electronically share patient health information: EMR/EHR" ESHAREWEB="How does practice electronically share patient health information: Web portal (separate from EHR/EMR)" ESHAREOTH="How does practice electronically share patient health information: other electronic method" ESHAREUNK="How does practice electronically share patient health information: unknown" ESHAREREF="How does practice electronically share patient health information: refused to question" LABRES1="Share lab results electronically (not fax) with: hospitals with which you are affiliated " LABRES2="Share lab results electronically (not fax) with: ambulatory providers inside your office/group " LABRES3="Share lab results electronically (not fax) with: hospitals with which you are not affiliated " LABRES4="Share lab results electronically (not fax) with: ambulatory providers outside your office/group " LABRESUNK="Share lab results electronically (not fax) with: unknown " LABRESREF="Share lab results electronically (not fax) with: refused to answer" IMAGREP1="Share imaging reports electronically (not fax) with: hospitals with which you are affiliated" IMAGREP2="Share imaging reports electronically (not fax) with: ambulatory providers inside your office/group" IMAGREP3="Share imaging reports electronically (not fax) with: hospitals with which you are not affiliated" IMAGREP4="Share imaging reports electronically (not fax) with: ambulatory providers outside your office/group" IMAGREPUNK="Share imaging reports electronically (not fax) with: unknown" IMAGREPREF="Share imaging reports electronically (not fax) with: refused to answer" PTPROB1="Share patient problem lists electronically (not fax) with: hospitals with which you are affiliated" PTPROB2="Share patient problem lists electronically (not fax) with: ambulatory providers inside your office/group" PTPROB3="Share patient problem lists electronically (not fax) with: hospitals with which you are not affiliated" PTPROB4="Share patient problem lists electronically (not fax) with: ambulatory providers outside your office/group" PTPROBUNK="Share patient problem lists electronically (not fax) with: unknown " PTPROBREF="Share patient problem lists electronically (not fax) with: refused to answer" MEDLIST1="Share medication lists electronically (not fax) with: hospitals with which you are affiliated" MEDLIST2="Share medication lists electronically (not fax) with: ambulatory providers inside your office/group" MEDLIST3="Share medication lists electronically (not fax) with: hospitals with which you are not affiliated" MEDLIST4="Share medication lists electronically (not fax) with: ambulatory providers outside your office/group" MEDLISTUNK="Share medication lists electronically (not fax) with: unknown" MEDLISTREF="Share medication lists electronically (not fax) with: refused to answer" ALGLIST1="Share medication allergy lists electronically (not fax) with: hospitals with which you are affiliated" ALGLIST2="Share medication allergy lists electronically (not fax) with: ambulatory providers inside your office/group" ALGLIST3="Share medication allergy lists electronically (not fax) with: hospitals with which you are not affiliated" ALGLIST4="Share medication allergy lists electronically (not fax) with: ambulatory providers outside your office/group" ALGLISTUNK="Share medication allergy lists electronically (not fax) with: unknown" ALGLISTREF="Share medication allergy lists electronically (not fax) with: refused to answer" SUMREC="Do you share any of the previously mentioned types of information using a Summary Care Record?" CONSULTOUT="When referring patient to provider outside your office/group, do you receive report back with results of consultation?" CONSULTOUTE="If you receive report back, do you receive it electronically (not fax)?" CONSULTIN="When seeing patient referred by provider outside your office/group, do you receive history and reason for consultation?" CONSULTINE="If you receive history and reason for consultation, do you receive it electronically (not fax)?" INPTINFO="When your patient is discharged from inpatient setting, do you receive info you need to continue managing patient?" INPTINFOT="If information is received when patient is discharged, is information timely, available when needed? " INPTINFOE="If information is received when patient is discharged, is information received electronically (not fax)?" PRMCARER="Percent of patient care revenue from Medicare" PRMAIDR="Percent of patient care revenue from Medicaid" PRPRVTR="Percent of patient care revenue from private insurance" PRPATR="Percent of patient revenue from patient payments" PROTHR="Percent of patient revenue from other" PRMANR="Percent of patient care revenue from managed care contracts" REVFFSR="Percent of patient care revenue from fee-for-service" REVCAPR="Percent of patient care revenue from capitation" REVCASER="Percent of patient care revenue from case rates" REVOTHR="Percent of patient care revenue from other" ACEPTNEW="Are you currently accepting new patients into your practice?" CAPITATE="Type of payments accepted from new patients: capitated private insurance" NOCAP="Type of payments accepted from new patients: non-capitated private insurance" PRIVATE="Type of payment accepted - private insurance (capitated or non-capitated)" NMEDCARE="Type of payments accepted from new patients: Medicare" NMEDCAID="Type of payments accepted from new patients: Medicaid" NWORKCMP="Type of payments accepted from new patients: WOrkers Compensation" NSELFPAY="Type of payments accepted from new patients: Self-pay" NNOCHRGE="Type of payments accepted from new patients: No charge/Charity" PHYSCOMP="Which of the following methods best describes your basic compensation?" COMPPROD="Considered in determing compensation: factors that reflect your own productivity" COMPSAT="Considered in determing compensation: results of satisfaction surveys from patients" COMPQUAL="Considered in determing compensation: specific measures of quality" COMPDROF="Considered in determing compensation: results of practice profiling" COMPFIN="Considered in determing compensation: overall financial performance of practice" COMPUNK="Considered in determing compensation: unknown" COMPREF="Considered in determing compensation: refused to answer" SDAPPT="Roughly, what percent of your daily visits are same day appointments?" SASDAPPT="Does your practice set time aside for same day appointments?" APPTTIME="On average, about how long does it take to get appointment for routine medical exam" REGIONOFF="Region where majority of physician's sampled visits occurred" DIVISIONOFF="Census division where majority of physician's sampled visits occurred" FIPSSTOFF="State where majority of physician's sampled visits occurred" MSA="Metropolitan Statistical Area Status of physician location" DRUGID1="Medication #1 - Drug ID" PRESCR1="Prescription status code" CONTSUB1="Controlled status code" COMSTAT1="Composition status code" RX1CAT1="For RX1, MULTUM drug category #1 - detailed" RX1CAT2="For RX1, MULTUM drug category #2 - detailed" RX1CAT3="For RX1, MULTUM drug category #3 - detailed" RX1CAT4="For RX1, MULTUM drug category #4 - detailed" RX1V1C1="For RX1, level 1 of MULTUM drug category #1" RX1V1C2="For RX1, level 1 of MULTUM drug category #2" RX1V1C3="For RX1, level 1 of MULTUM drug category #3" RX1V1C4="For RX1, level 1 of MULTUM drug category #4" RX1V2C1="For RX1, level 2 of MULTUM drug category #1" RX1V2C2="For RX1, level 2 of MULTUM drug category #2" RX1V2C3="For RX1, level 2 of MULTUM drug category #3" RX1V2C4="For RX1, level 2 of MULTUM drug category #4" RX1V3C1="For RX1, level 3 of MULTUM drug category #1" RX1V3C2="For RX1, level 3 of MULTUM drug category #2" RX1V3C3="For RX1, level 3 of MULTUM drug category #3" RX1V3C4="For RX1, level 3 of MULTUM drug category #4" DRUGID2="Medication #2 - Drug ID" PRESCR2="Prescription status code for medication 2" CONTSUB2="Controlled status code for medication 2" COMSTAT2="Composition status code for medication 2" RX2CAT1="For RX2, MULTUM drug category #1 - detailed" RX2CAT2="For RX2, MULTUM drug category #2 - detailed" RX2CAT3="For RX2, MULTUM drug category #3 - detailed" RX2CAT4="For RX2, MULTUM drug category #4 - detailed" RX2V1C1="For RX2, level 1 of MULTUM drug category #1" RX2V1C2="For RX2, level 1 of MULTUM drug category #2" RX2V1C3="For RX2, level 1 of MULTUM drug category #3" RX2V1C4="For RX2, level 1 of MULTUM drug category #4" RX2V2C1="For RX2, level 2 of MULTUM drug category #1" RX2V2C2="For RX2, level 2 of MULTUM drug category #2" RX2V2C3="For RX2, level 2 of MULTUM drug category #3" RX2V2C4="For RX2, level 2 of MULTUM drug category #4" RX2V3C1="For RX2, level 3 of MULTUM drug category #1" RX2V3C2="For RX2, level 3 of MULTUM drug category #2" RX2V3C3="For RX2, level 3 of MULTUM drug category #3" RX2V3C4="For RX2, level 3 of MULTUM drug category #4" DRUGID3="Medication #3 - Drug ID" PRESCR3="Prescription status code for medication 3" CONTSUB3="Controlled status code for medication 3" COMSTAT3="Composition status code for medication 3" RX3CAT1="For RX3, MULTUM drug category #1 - detailed" RX3CAT2="For RX3, MULTUM drug category #2 - detailed" RX3CAT3="For RX3, MULTUM drug category #3 - detailed" RX3CAT4="For RX3, MULTUM drug category #4 - detailed" RX3V1C1="For RX3, level 1 of MULTUM drug category #1" RX3V1C2="For RX3, level 1 of MULTUM drug category #2" RX3V1C3="For RX3, level 1 of MULTUM drug category #3" RX3V1C4="For RX3, level 1 of MULTUM drug category #4" RX3V2C1="For RX3, level 2 of MULTUM drug category #1" RX3V2C2="For RX3, level 2 of MULTUM drug category #2" RX3V2C3="For RX3, level 2 of MULTUM drug category #3" RX3V2C4="For RX3, level 2 of MULTUM drug category #4" RX3V3C1="For RX3, level 3 of MULTUM drug category #1" RX3V3C2="For RX3, level 3 of MULTUM drug category #2" RX3V3C3="For RX3, level 3 of MULTUM drug category #3" RX3V3C4="For RX3, level 3 of MULTUM drug category #4" DRUGID4="Medication #4 - Drug ID" PRESCR4="Prescription status code for medication 4" CONTSUB4="Controlled status code for medication 4" COMSTAT4="Composition status code for medication 4" RX4CAT1="For RX4, MULTUM drug category #1 - detailed" RX4CAT2="For RX4, MULTUM drug category #2 - detailed" RX4CAT3="For RX4, MULTUM drug category #3 - detailed" RX4CAT4="For RX4, MULTUM drug category #4 - detailed" RX4V1C1="For RX4, level 1 of MULTUM drug category #1" RX4V1C2="For RX4, level 1 of MULTUM drug category #2" RX4V1C3="For RX4, level 1 of MULTUM drug category #3" RX4V1C4="For RX4, level 1 of MULTUM drug category #4" RX4V2C1="For RX4, level 2 of MULTUM drug category #1" RX4V2C2="For RX4, level 2 of MULTUM drug category #2" RX4V2C3="For RX4, level 2 of MULTUM drug category #3" RX4V2C4="For RX4, level 2 of MULTUM drug category #4" RX4V3C1="For RX4, level 3 of MULTUM drug category #1" RX4V3C2="For RX4, level 3 of MULTUM drug category #2" RX4V3C3="For RX4, level 3 of MULTUM drug category #3" RX4V3C4="For RX4, level 3 of MULTUM drug category #4" DRUGID5="Medication #5 - Drug ID" PRESCR5="Prescription status code for medication 5" CONTSUB5="Controlled status code for medication 5" COMSTAT5="Composition status code for medication 5" RX5CAT1="For RX5, MULTUM drug category #1 - detailed" RX5CAT2="For RX5, MULTUM drug category #2 - detailed" RX5CAT3="For RX5, MULTUM drug category #3 - detailed" RX5CAT4="For RX5, MULTUM drug category #4 - detailed" RX5V1C1="For RX5, level 1 of MULTUM drug category #1" RX5V1C2="For RX5, level 1 of MULTUM drug category #2" RX5V1C3="For RX5, level 1 of MULTUM drug category #3" RX5V1C4="For RX5, level 1 of MULTUM drug category #4" RX5V2C1="For RX5, level 2 of MULTUM drug category #1" RX5V2C2="For RX5, level 2 of MULTUM drug category #2" RX5V2C3="For RX5, level 2 of MULTUM drug category #3" RX5V2C4="For RX5, level 2 of MULTUM drug category #4" RX5V3C1="For RX5, level 3 of MULTUM drug category #1" RX5V3C2="For RX5, level 3 of MULTUM drug category #2" RX5V3C3="For RX5, level 3 of MULTUM drug category #3" RX5V3C4="For RX5, level 3 of MULTUM drug category #4" DRUGID6="Medication #6 - Drug ID" PRESCR6="Prescription status code for medication 6" CONTSUB6="Controlled status code for medication 6" COMSTAT6="Composition status code for medication 6" RX6CAT1="For RX6, MULTUM drug category #1 - detailed" RX6CAT2="For RX6, MULTUM drug category #2 - detailed" RX6CAT3="For RX6, MULTUM drug category #3 - detailed" RX6CAT4="For RX6, MULTUM drug category #4 - detailed" RX6V1C1="For RX6, level 1 of MULTUM drug category #1" RX6V1C2="For RX6, level 1 of MULTUM drug category #2" RX6V1C3="For RX6, level 1 of MULTUM drug category #3" RX6V1C4="For RX6, level 1 of MULTUM drug category #4" RX6V2C1="For RX6, level 2 of MULTUM drug category #1" RX6V2C2="For RX6, level 2 of MULTUM drug category #2" RX6V2C3="For RX6, level 2 of MULTUM drug category #3" RX6V2C4="For RX6, level 2 of MULTUM drug category #4" RX6V3C1="For RX6, level 3 of MULTUM drug category #1" RX6V3C2="For RX6, level 3 of MULTUM drug category #2" RX6V3C3="For RX6, level 3 of MULTUM drug category #3" RX6V3C4="For RX6, level 3 of MULTUM drug category #4" DRUGID7="Medication #7 - Drug ID" PRESCR7="Prescription status code for medication 7" CONTSUB7="Controlled status code for medication 7" COMSTAT7="Composition status code for medication 7" RX7CAT1="For RX7, MULTUM drug category #1 - detailed" RX7CAT2="For RX7, MULTUM drug category #2 - detailed" RX7CAT3="For RX7, MULTUM drug category #3 - detailed" RX7CAT4="For RX7, MULTUM drug category #4 - detailed" RX7V1C1="For RX7, level 1 of MULTUM drug category #1" RX7V1C2="For RX7, level 1 of MULTUM drug category #2" RX7V1C3="For RX7, level 1 of MULTUM drug category #3" RX7V1C4="For RX7, level 1 of MULTUM drug category #4" RX7V2C1="For RX7, level 2 of MULTUM drug category #1" RX7V2C2="For RX7, level 2 of MULTUM drug category #2" RX7V2C3="For RX7, level 2 of MULTUM drug category #3" RX7V2C4="For RX7, level 2 of MULTUM drug category #4" RX7V3C1="For RX7, level 3 of MULTUM drug category #1" RX7V3C2="For RX7, level 3 of MULTUM drug category #2" RX7V3C3="For RX7, level 3 of MULTUM drug category #3" RX7V3C4="For RX7, level 3 of MULTUM drug category #4" DRUGID8="Medication #8 - Drug ID" PRESCR8="Prescription status code for medication 8" CONTSUB8="Controlled status code for medication 8" COMSTAT8="Composition status code for medication 8" RX8CAT1="For RX8, MULTUM drug category #1 - detailed" RX8CAT2="For RX8, MULTUM drug category #2 - detailed" RX8CAT3="For RX8, MULTUM drug category #3 - detailed" RX8CAT4="For RX8, MULTUM drug category #4 - detailed" RX8V1C1="For RX8, level 1 of MULTUM drug category #1" RX8V1C2="For RX8, level 1 of MULTUM drug category #2" RX8V1C3="For RX8, level 1 of MULTUM drug category #3" RX8V1C4="For RX8, level 1 of MULTUM drug category #4" RX8V2C1="For RX8, level 2 of MULTUM drug category #1" RX8V2C2="For RX8, level 2 of MULTUM drug category #2" RX8V2C3="For RX8, level 2 of MULTUM drug category #3" RX8V2C4="For RX8, level 2 of MULTUM drug category #4" RX8V3C1="For RX8, level 3 of MULTUM drug category #1" RX8V3C2="For RX8, level 3 of MULTUM drug category #2" RX8V3C3="For RX8, level 3 of MULTUM drug category #3" RX8V3C4="For RX8, level 3 of MULTUM drug category #4" DRUGID9="Drug ID for medication #9" PRESCR9="Prescription status code for medication #9" CONTSUB9="Controlled substance code for medication #9" COMSTAT9="Composition status code for medication #9" RX9CAT1="For RX9, MULTUM drug category #1 - detailed" RX9CAT2="For RX9, MULTUM drug category #2 - detailed" RX9CAT3="For RX9, MULTUM drug category #3 - detailed" RX9CAT4="For RX9, MULTUM drug category #4 - detailed" RX9V1C1="For RX9, level 1 of MULTUM drug category #1" RX9V1C2="For RX9, level 1 of MULTUM drug category #2" RX9V1C3="For RX9, level 1 of MULTUM drug category #3" RX9V1C4="For RX9, level 1 of MULTUM drug category #4" RX9V2C1="For RX9, level 2 of MULTUM drug category #1" RX9V2C2="For RX9, level 2 of MULTUM drug category #2" RX9V2C3="For RX9, level 2 of MULTUM drug category #3" RX9V2C4="For RX9, level 2 of MULTUM drug category #4" RX9V3C1="For RX9, level 3 of MULTUM drug category #1" RX9V3C2="For RX9, level 3 of MULTUM drug category #2" RX9V3C3="For RX9, level 3 of MULTUM drug category #3" RX9V3C4="For RX9, level 3 of MULTUM drug category #4" DRUGID10="Drug ID for medication #10" PRESCR10="Prescription status code for medication #10" CONTSUB10="Controlled substance code for medication #10" COMSTAT10="Composition status code for medication #10" RX10CAT1="For RX10, MULTUM drug category #1 - detailed" RX10CAT2="For RX10, MULTUM drug category #2 - detailed" RX10CAT3="For RX10, MULTUM drug category #3 - detailed" RX10CAT4="For RX10, MULTUM drug category #4 - detailed" RX10V1C1="For RX10, level 1 of MULTUM drug categor #1" RX10V1C2="For RX10, level 1 of MULTUM drug categor #2" RX10V1C3="For RX10, level 1 of MULTUM drug categor #3" RX10V1C4="For RX10, level 1 of MULTUM drug categor #4" RX10V2C1="For RX10, level 2 of MULTUM drug categor #1" RX10V2C2="For RX10, level 2 of MULTUM drug categor #2" RX10V2C3="For RX10, level 2 of MULTUM drug categor #3" RX10V2C4="For RX10, level 2 of MULTUM drug categor #4" RX10V3C1="For RX10, level 3 of MULTUM drug categor #1" RX10V3C2="For RX10, level 3 of MULTUM drug categor #2" RX10V3C3="For RX10, level 3 of MULTUM drug categor #3" RX10V3C4="For RX10, level 3 of MULTUM drug categor #4" CSTRATM="Masked sampling stratum from which primary sampling unit (CHC clinic) was selected " CPSUM="Masked primary sampling unit (CHC clinic) marker" YEAR="Survey year" SETTYPE="Survey identifier" PATWT="Patient visit weight used for national, regional, and divisional estimates" PATWTST="Patient visit weight used for state estimates" PHYSWT="Weight used for physician-level estimates based on responding in-scope physicians seeing patients" SMPROV="Type of sampled provider" TIMECHC="Time spent with non-physician clinician" TIMECHCFL="Was time spent with non-physician clinician imputed?" ; FORMAT VMONTH VMONTHF. VDAYR VDAYRF. AGE AGEF. AGEDAYS AGEDAYSF. AGER AGERF. SEX SEXF. PREGNANT PREGNANTF. GESTWK GESTWKF. ETHUN ETHUNF. RACEUN RACEUNF. ETHIM ETHIMF. RACER RACERF. RACERETH RACERETHF. PAYTYPER PAYTYPERF. USETOBAC USETOBAF. INJURY INJURYF. INJR1 INJR2 INJURYF. INJPOISAD INJPOISADR1 INJPOISADR2 INJPOISADF. INTENT INTENTF. INJDET_TRD INJDETR1_TRD INJDETR2_TRD INJDETF. RFV1 RFV2 RFV3 RFVF. RFV13D RFV23D RFV33D RFV3DF. PRIMCARE PRIMCAREF. REFER REFERF. SENBEFOR SENBEFOF. PASTVIS PASTVISF. MAJOR MAJORF. DIAG1 DIAG2 DIAG3 $DIAGF. DIAG13D DIAG23D DIAG33D $DIAG3DF. PRDIAG1 PRDIAG2 PRDIAG3 PRDIAGF. NOCHRON NOCHRONF. TOTCHRON SERVCNT TOTCHRONF. SERVICES ALLSERV SERVICEF. WTLB WTLBF. HTIN HTINF. TEMPF TEMPFF. BMI BMIF. BPSYS BPSYSF. BPDIAS BPDIASF. ASTH_SEV ASTHSEVF. ASTH_CON ASTHCONF. CASTAGE CASTAGEF. SIGCOLON SIGCOLONF. EXAM EXAMF. BIOPROV SIGPROV EXCIPROV BIOPROVF. NOPAY NOPAYF. ARTHRTIS ASTHMA CANCER CRF CHF COPD CEBVD HYPLIPID DEPRN DIABETES HTN IHD OBESITY OSTPRSIS PAYPRIV PAYMCARE PAYMCAID PAYWKCMP PAYSELF PAYNOCHG PAYOTH PAYDK BREAST DEPRESS FOOT PELVIC PHYSICAL NEURO RECTAL RETINAL SKIN ANYIMAGE XRAY BONEDENS CATSCAN ECHOCARD OTHULTRA MAMMO MRI OTHIMAGE CBC GLUCOSE HGBA CHOLEST PSA AUDIO BIOPSY CARDIAC CHLAMYD COLON EKG EMG EEG EXCISION FETAL HIVTEST HPVDNA PAP PEAK PREGTEST SIGMOID SPIRO TONO URINE HTTAKE WTTAKE TEMPTAKE BLODPRES CSW CAM DME HOMEHLTH MENTAL PT PSYCHOTH RADTHER WOUND ASTHMAED DIETNUTR EXERCISE FAMPLAN GRWTHDEV INJPREV STRESMGT TOBACED WTREDUC OTHSERV NOYES2F. PROC1 PROC2 PROC3 PROC4 PROC5 PROC6 PROC7 PROC8 PROC9 $PROCF. PROC13D PROC23D PROC33D PROC43D PROC53D PROC63D PROC73D PROC83D PROC93D $PROC3DF. PROC12D PROC22D PROC32D PROC42D PROC52D PROC62D PROC72D PROC82D PROC92D $PROC2DF. MED MEDF. MED1 MED2 MED3 MED4 MED5 MED6 MED7 MED8 MED9 MED10 $MEDCODF. NCMED1 NCMED2 NCMED3 NCMED4 NCMED5 NCMED6 NCMED7 NCMED8 NCMED9 NCMED10 NCMEDF. NODISP NOPAYF. NOPROVID NOPAYF. REFOTHMD RETAPPT ERADMHOS OTHDISP PHYS RNLPN NPNMW PHYSASST MHP OTHPROV PROVNONE NOYES2F. TIMEMD TIMEMDF. CHOL HDL LDL TGS A1C FBG CHOLF. CHOLRES HDLRES LDLRES TGSRES A1CRES FBGRES RESULTF. DAYDCHOL DAYDHDL DAYDLDL DAYDTGS DAYDA1C DAYDFBG DAYDIFF. LIPIDERR LIPIDERRF. LDLDIFF LDLDIF. AGEFLAG AGEFLAGF. GESTFL GESTFLF. BDATEFL SEXFL RACERFL ETHNICFL SENBEFL PASTFL TIMEMDFL IMPUTF. SPECR_14 SPECR14F. SPECR_17 SPECR17F. SPECR17_SPECCAT SPECRCATF. SPECCAT SPECCATF. MDDO MDDOF. REGIONOFF REGIONF. DIVISIONOFF DIVISIONF. FIPSSTOFF FIPSSTF. MSA MSAF. DRUGID1 DRUGID2 DRUGID3 DRUGID4 DRUGID5 DRUGID6 DRUGID7 DRUGID8 DRUGID9 DRUGID10 $DRUGIDF. PRESCR1 PRESCR2 PRESCR3 PRESCR4 PRESCR5 PRESCR6 PRESCR7 PRESCR8 PRESCR9 PRESCR10 PRESCRF. CONTSUB1 CONTSUB2 CONTSUB3 CONTSUB4 CONTSUB5 CONTSUB6 CONTSUB7 CONTSUB8 CONTSUB9 CONTSUB10 CONTSUBF. COMSTAT1 COMSTAT2 COMSTAT3 COMSTAT4 COMSTAT5 COMSTAT6 COMSTAT7 COMSTAT8 COMSTAT9 COMSTAT10 COMSTATF. RX1CAT1 RX1CAT2 RX1CAT3 RX1CAT4 $RXCATF. RX1V1C1 RX1V1C2 RX1V1C3 RX1V1C4 $DRGLV1F. RX1V2C1 RX1V2C2 RX1V2C3 RX1V2C4 $DRGLV2F. RX1V3C1 RX1V3C2 RX1V3C3 RX1V3C4 $DRGLV3F. RX2CAT1 RX2CAT2 RX2CAT3 RX2CAT4 $RXCATF. RX2V1C1 RX2V1C2 RX2V1C3 RX2V1C4 $DRGLV1F. RX2V2C1 RX2V2C2 RX2V2C3 RX2V2C4 $DRGLV2F. RX2V3C1 RX2V3C2 RX2V3C3 RX2V3C4 $DRGLV3F. RX3CAT1 RX3CAT2 RX3CAT3 RX3CAT4 $RXCATF. RX3V1C1 RX3V1C2 RX3V1C3 RX3V1C4 $DRGLV1F. RX3V2C1 RX3V2C2 RX3V2C3 RX3V2C4 $DRGLV2F. RX3V3C1 RX3V3C2 RX3V3C3 RX3V3C4 $DRGLV3F. RX4CAT1 RX4CAT2 RX4CAT3 RX4CAT4 $RXCATF. RX4V1C1 RX4V1C2 RX4V1C3 RX4V1C4 $DRGLV1F. RX4V2C1 RX4V2C2 RX4V2C3 RX4V2C4 $DRGLV2F. RX4V3C1 RX4V3C2 RX4V3C3 RX4V3C4 $DRGLV3F. RX5CAT1 RX5CAT2 RX5CAT3 RX5CAT4 $RXCATF. RX5V1C1 RX5V1C2 RX5V1C3 RX5V1C4 $DRGLV1F. RX5V2C1 RX5V2C2 RX5V2C3 RX5V2C4 $DRGLV2F. RX5V3C1 RX5V3C2 RX5V3C3 RX5V3C4 $DRGLV3F. RX6CAT1 RX6CAT2 RX6CAT3 RX6CAT4 $RXCATF. RX6V1C1 RX6V1C2 RX6V1C3 RX6V1C4 $DRGLV1F. RX6V2C1 RX6V2C2 RX6V2C3 RX6V2C4 $DRGLV2F. RX6V3C1 RX6V3C2 RX6V3C3 RX6V3C4 $DRGLV3F. RX7CAT1 RX7CAT2 RX7CAT3 RX7CAT4 $RXCATF. RX7V1C1 RX7V1C2 RX7V1C3 RX7V1C4 $DRGLV1F. RX7V2C1 RX7V2C2 RX7V2C3 RX7V2C4 $DRGLV2F. RX7V3C1 RX7V3C2 RX7V3C3 RX7V3C4 $DRGLV3F. RX8CAT1 RX8CAT2 RX8CAT3 RX8CAT4 $RXCATF. RX8V1C1 RX8V1C2 RX8V1C3 RX8V1C4 $DRGLV1F. RX8V2C1 RX8V2C2 RX8V2C3 RX8V2C4 $DRGLV2F. RX8V3C1 RX8V3C2 RX8V3C3 RX8V3C4 $DRGLV3F. RX9CAT1 RX9CAT2 RX9CAT3 RX9CAT4 $RXCATF. RX9V1C1 RX9V1C2 RX9V1C3 RX9V1C4 $DRGLV1F. RX9V2C1 RX9V2C2 RX9V2C3 RX9V2C4 $DRGLV2F. RX9V3C1 RX9V3C2 RX9V3C3 RX9V3C4 $DRGLV3F. RX10CAT1 RX10CAT2 RX10CAT3 RX10CAT4 $RXCATF. RX10V1C1 RX10V1C2 RX10V1C3 RX10V1C4 $DRGLV1F. RX10V2C1 RX10V2C2 RX10V2C3 RX10V2C4 $DRGLV2F. RX10V3C1 RX10V3C2 RX10V3C3 RX10V3C4 $DRGLV3F. RETYPOFFR RETYPORF. SOLO SOLOF. EMPSTAT EMPSTATF. OWNSR_CHC OWNSRF. PATEVEN PATEVENF. HOMVISR HOSVISR TELCONR ECONR NHVISR ECONRF. EMEDREC EMEDRECF. EBILLREC EBILRECF. EINS EINSF. EINSHOW EINSHOWF. EINSFAST EINSFASTF. ACEPTNEW ACEPTNEWF. EMRINS EMRINSF. MUINC MUINCF. PRMCARER PRMAIDR PRPRVTR PRPATR PROTHR PRMANR REVCASER REVFFSR REVCAPR REVOTHR PRMCAREF. CAPITATE NOCAP PRIVATE NMEDCARE NMEDCAID NWORKCMP NSELFPAY NNOCHRGE CAPITF. INTENDYR INTENDYRF. EWHOPRACP EWHOOTHP EWHOUNKP EWHOREFP EWHOPRACL EWHOOTHL EWHOUNKL EWHOREFL ESHAREEHR ESHAREWEB ESHAREOTH ESHAREUNK ESHAREREF LABRES1 LABRES2 LABRES3 LABRES4 LABRESUNK LABRESREF IMAGREP1 IMAGREP2 IMAGREP3 IMAGREP4 IMAGREPUNK IMAGREPREF PTPROB1 PTPROB2 PTPROB3 PTPROB4 PTPROBUNK PTPROBREF MEDLIST1 MEDLIST2 MEDLIST3 MEDLIST4 MEDLISTUNK MEDLISTREF ALGLIST1 ALGLIST2 ALGLIST3 ALGLIST4 ALGLISTUNK ALGLISTREF COMPPROD COMPSAT COMPQUAL COMPDROF COMPFIN COMPUNK COMPREF EWHOPRACF. EDEMOGR EVITALR ESMOKER EPNOTESR ECPOER EREMINDR ESETSR ECTOER ERESULTR EIMGRESR EQOCR ECQMR EGENLISTR EIMMREGR ESUMR EMSGR EHLTHINFOR EDEMOGRF. EPROLSTR EMEDALGR ESCRIPR EWARNR EORDERR EGRAPHR EMUREPR EMEDALGRF. EDEMOG EVITAL ESMOKE EPNOTES ECPOE EREMIND ESETS ECTOE ERESULT EIMGRES EQOC ECQM EGENLIST EIMMREG ESUM EMSG EHLTHINFO EDEMOGF. EPROLST EMEDALG ESCRIP EWARN EORDER EGRAPH EMUREP EMEDALGF. ESHARE ESHAREF. SUMREC SUMRECF. CONSULTOUT CONSULTOUTE CONSULTIN CONSULTINE INPTINFO INPTINFOT INPTINFOE CONSULTF. PHYSCOMP PHYSCOMPF. SETTYPE SETTYPF. SDAPPT SDAPPTF. SASDAPPT SASDAPPTF. APPTTIME APPTTIMEF. SMPROV SMPROVF. TIMECHC TIMECHCF. TIMECHCFL TIMECHCFLF. ;