/* SAS Input statements for W2.SF.DATA.SF11.D020321.DAT */ options nocenter mergenoby = error validvarname = upcase; options formchar='|-+'; /* Set Vertical, Horizontal, Intersections */ %let w2sf = D:\W2.SF.DATA.SF11.D020321.DAT; PROC FORMAT ; VALUE P1L (default=40) 66 ='SOA II Record' ; VALUE $P2L (default=40) 94 ='1994' ; VALUE $P3L (default=40) 1 ='Quarter 1' 2 ='Quarter 2' 3 ='Quarter 3' 4 ='Quarter 4' ; VALUE $P4L (default=40) 01 ='Week 01' 02 ='Week 02' 03 ='Week 03' 04 ='Week 04' 05 ='Week 05' 06 ='Week 06' 07 ='Week 07' 08 ='Week 08' 09 ='Week 09' 10 ='Week 10' 11 ='Week 11' 12 ='Week 12' 13 ='Week 13' ; VALUE P5L (default=40) 01 ='Week 1' 02 ='Week 2' 03 ='Week 3' 04 ='Week 4' 05 ='Week 5' 06 ='Week 6' 07 ='Week 7' 08 ='Week 8' 09 ='Week 9' 10 ='Week 10' 11 ='Week 11' 12 ='Week 12' 13 ='Week 13' ; VALUE P6L (default=40) 0 ='Interview not late' 1 ='One week late' 2 ='Two weeks late' 3 ='Unknown' ; VALUE P7L (default=40) 00 ='Housing unit; kind unknown' 01 ='House, apartment, flat' 02 ='HU in nontransient hotel, motel, etc.' 03 ='HU-permanent in transient hotel, mote...' /*l, etc.*/ 04 ='HU in rooming house' 05 ='Mobile home or trailer with no perman...' /*ent room added*/ 06 ='Mobile home or trailer with one or mo...' /*re permanent rooms added*/ 07 ='HU not specified above Other Unit = (...' /*08-13)*/ 08 ='Quarters not HU in rooming or boardin...' /*g house*/ 09 ='Unit not permanent in transient hotel...' /*, motel, etc.*/ 10 ='Unoccupied site for mobile home, trai...' /*ler, or tent*/ 11 ='Student quarters in college dormitory' 12 ='Other unit not specified above' 13 ='Other unit; kind unknown' ; VALUE P8L (default=40) 1 ='Yes, phone number given' 2 ='Yes, no phone number given' 3 ='No' 4 ='Unknown' ; VALUE P9L (default=40) 1 ='Male' 2 ='Female' ; VALUE P10L (default=40) 00 ='Under 1 year' 99 ='99 years of age and over' ; VALUE P11L (default=40) 1 ='Under 5 years' 2 ='5-17 years' 3 ='18-24 years' 4 ='25-44 years' 5 ='45-64 years' 6 ='65-69 years' 7 ='70-74 years' 8 ='75 years and over' ; VALUE P12L (default=40) 1 ='Under 6 years' 2 ='6-16 years' 3 ='17-24 years' 4 ='25-34 years' 5 ='35-44 years' 6 ='45-54 years' 7 ='55-64 years' 8 ='65-74 years' 9 ='75 years and over' ; VALUE P13L (default=40) 00 ='Under 1 month' 36 ='Over 3 years' ; VALUE P15L (default=40) 99 ='Unknown' ; VALUE P16L (default=40) 9999 ='Unknown' ; VALUE P17L (default=40) 0 ='Hispanic Origin Known' 1 ='Hispanic Origin Imputed from Referenc...' /*e Person*/ ; VALUE P18L (default=40) 01 ='White' 02 ='Black' 03 ='Indian (American)' 04 ='Eskimo' 05 ='Aleut' 06 ='Chinese' 07 ='Filipino' 08 ='Hawaiian' 09 ='Korean' 10 ='Vietnamese' 11 ='Japanese' 12 ='Asian Indian' 13 ='Samoan' 14 ='Guamanian' 15 ='Other API' 16 ='Other Race' 17 ='Multiple Race' 99 ='Unknown' ; VALUE P19L (default=40) 1 ='White' 2 ='Black' 3 ='Other' ; VALUE P20L (default=40) 1 ='White' 2 ='Non-white' ; VALUE P21L (default=40) 1 ='Black' 2 ='Non-black' ; VALUE P22L (default=40) 00 ='Multiple Hispanic' 01 ='Puerto Rican' 02 ='Cuban' 03 ='Mexican-Mexicano' 04 ='Mexican-American' 05 ='Chicano' 06 ='Other Latin American' 07 ='Other Spanish' 08 ='Spanish, DK type' 09 ='Unknown if Spanish origin' 10 ='Not Spanish origin' ; VALUE P23L (default=40) 0 ='Under 14 years' 1 ='Married-spouse in household' 2 ='Married-spouse not in household' 3 ='Widowed' 4 ='Divorced' 5 ='Separated' 6 ='Never married' 7 ='Unknown' ; VALUE P24L (default=40) 1='Non-veteran' 2='WW I' 3='WW II' 4='Korean War' 5='Vietnam veteran' 6='Post-Vietnam' 7='Other service' 8='Served in Armed Forces, unknown if wa...' /*r veteran*/ 9='Unknown if served in Armed Forces' ; VALUE P25L (default=40) 0='Non-veteran' 1='All service in Guard/Reserve' 2='Some service in Guard/Reserve' 3='Unknown if all service in Guard/Reserve' 4='No active service in Guard/Reserve' 5='Unknown if ever active member in Guar...' /*d/Reserve or served in Armed Forces*/ ; VALUE P26L (default=40) 00='Never attended; kindergarten only' 01='1 year' 02='2 years' 03='3 years' 04='4 years' 05='5 years' 06='6 years' 07='7 years' 08='8 years' 09='9 years' 10='10 years' 11='11 years' 12='12 years' 13='1 year of college' 14='2 years of college' 15='3 years of college' 16='4 years of college' 17='5 years of college' 18='6 years or more of college' 19='Unknown' ; VALUE P27L (default=40) 0='None; kindergarten only' 1='1-8 years (elementary)' 2='9-11 years (high school)' 3='12 years (high school graduate)' 4='1-3 years (college)' 5='4 years (college graduate)' 6='5 or more years (post-college)' 7='Unknown' ; VALUE P28L (default=40) 00 ='Never attended; kindergarten only' 01 ='1 year' 02 ='2 years' 03 ='3 years' 04 ='4 years' 05 ='5 years' 06 ='6 years' 07 ='7 years' 08 ='8 years' 09 ='9 years' 10 ='10 years' 11 ='11 years' 12 ='12 years' 13 ='1 year of college' 14 ='2 years of college' 15 ='3 years of college' 16 ='4 years of college' 17 ='5 years of college' 18 ='6 years or more of college' 19 ='Unknown' ; VALUE P29L (default=40) 0 ='None; kindergarten only' 1 ='1-8 years (elementary)' 2 ='9-11 years (high school)' 3 ='12 years (high school graduate)' 4 ='1-3 years (college)' 5 ='4 years (college graduate)' 6 ='5 or more years (post-college)' 7 ='Unknown' ; VALUE P30L (default=40) 1 ='Less than $20,000' 2 ='$20,000 or more' 3 ='Unknown' ; VALUE P31L (default=40) 00 ='Less than $1,000' 01 ='$1,000-$1,999' 02 ='$2,000-$2,999' 03 ='$3,000-$3,999' 04 ='$4,000-$4,999' 05 ='$5,000-$5,999' 06 ='$6,000-$6,999' 07 ='$7,000-$7,999' 08 ='$8,000-$8,999' 09 ='$9,000-$9,999' 10 ='$10,000-$10,999' 11 ='$11,000-$11,999' 12 ='$12,000-$12,999' 13 ='$13,000-$13,999' 14 ='$14,000-$14,999' 15 ='$15,000-$15,999' 16 ='$16,000-$16,999' 17 ='$17,000-$17,999' 18 ='$18,000-$18,999' 19 ='$19,000-$19,999' 20 ='$20,000-$24,999' 21 ='$25,000-$29,999' 22 ='$30,000-$34,999' 23 ='$35,000-$39,999' 24 ='$40,000-$44,999' 25 ='$45,000-$49,999' 26 ='$50,000 and over' 27 ='Unknown' ; VALUE P32L (default=40) 0 ='Under $5,000' 1 ='$5,000-$6,999' 2 ='$7,000-$9,999' 3 ='$10,000-$14,999' 4 ='$15,000-$19,999' 5 ='$20,000-$24,999' 6 ='$25,000-$34,999' 7 ='$35,000-$49,999' 8 ='$50,000 or more' 9 ='Unknown' ; VALUE P33L (default=40) 1 ='At or above poverty threshold' 2 ='Below poverty threshold' 3 ='Unknown' ; VALUE $P34L (default=40) '&'='Primary individual' '-'='Secondary individual' '0'='Primary family' '1'='1 secondary family' '2'='2 secondary family' '3'='3 secondary family' '4'='4 secondary family' '5'='5 secondary family' '6'='6 secondary family' '7'='7 secondary family' '8'='8 secondary family' '9'='9 secondary family' ; VALUE $P35L (default=40) '&'='Reference person, living alone' '0'='Reference person, 2 or more persons i...' /*n household*/ '1'='Spouse, other spouse NOT in Armed For...' /*ces and living at home*/ '2'='Spouse, other spouse IN Armed Forces ...' /*and living at home*/ '3'='Child of reference person or spouse' '4'='Grandchild of reference person or spouse' '5'='Parent of reference person or spouse' '6'='Other relative' '7'='Child of military family with no elig...' /*ible reference person*/ '9'='DK or refused' ; VALUE P36L (default=40) 1 ='Living alone' 2 ='Living only with non-relative' 3 ='Living with spouse' 4 ='Living with relative - other' ; VALUE P37L (default=40) 9 ='9 or more members' ; VALUE P38L (default=40) 1='Both parents, no other relative' 2='Mother only' 3='Father only' 4='Both parents and other 21+ year old a...' /*dult relative*/ 5='Mother and other 21+ year old adult r...' /*elative*/ 6='Father and other 21+ year old adult r...' /*elative*/ 7='No parent, but one 21+ year old adult...' /* relative*/ 8='No parent, but two or more 21+ year o...' /*ld adult relatives*/ 9='Unknown' 0='Other' ; VALUE P39L (default=40) 1='Working' 2='Keeping house' 3='Going to school' 4='Something else' 5='Unknown' ; VALUE P40L (default=40) 1 ='Excellent' 2 ='Very Good' 3 ='Good' 4 ='Fair' 5 ='Poor' 6 ='Unknown' ; VALUE P41L (default=40) 1 ='Unable to perform major activity' 2 ='Limited in kind/amount major activity' 3 ='Limited in other activities' 4 ='Not limited (includes unknowns)' ; VALUE P42L (default=40) 1='Unable to work' 2='Limited in kind/amount of work' 3='Limited in other activities' 4='Not limited (includes unknowns)' ; VALUE P43L (default=40) 1='Unable to attend school' 2='Attends special school/classes' 3='Needs special school/classes' 4='Limited in school attendance' 5='Limited in other activities' 6='Not limited (includes unknowns)' ; VALUE P44L (default=40) 1='Unable to perform personal care needs' 2='Limited in performing other routine n...' /*eeds*/ 3='Not limited in performing personal or...' /* routine needs*/ 4='Unknown' ; VALUE P45L (default=40) 1='Worked in past 2 weeks' 2='Did not work, has job; not on lay-off...' /* and not looking for work*/ 3='Did not work, has job; looking for work' 4='Did not work, has job; on lay-off' 5='Did not work, has job; on lay-off and...' /* looking for work*/ 6='Did not work, has job; unknown if loo...' /*king or on lay-off*/ 7='Did not work, has no job; looking for...' /* work or on lay-off*/ 8='Not in Labor Force (18+ years)' ; VALUE P46L (default=40) 0='Not in labor force' 1='Private company' 2='Federal Government employee' 3='State Government employee' 4='Local Government employee' 5='Incorporated business' 6='Self-employed' 7='Without pay' 8='Never worked' 9='Unknown' ; VALUE P47L (default=40) 010 ='Agricultural production, crops' 011 ='Agricultural production, livestock' 020 ='Agricultural services, except horticu...' /*ltural*/ 021 ='Horticultural services' 030 ='Agricultural Services, N.E.C.' 031 ='Forestry' 032 ='Fishing, hunting, and trapping' 040 ='Metal mining' 041 ='Coal mining' 042 ='Crude petroleum and natural gas extra...' /*ction*/ 050 ='Nonmetallic mining and quarrying, exc...' /*ept fuel*/ 060 ='Construction' 100 ='Meat products' 101 ='Dairy products' 102 ='Canned and preserved fruits and veget...' /*ables*/ 110 ='Grain mill products' 111 ='Bakery products' 112 ='Sugar and confectionery products' 120 ='Beverage industries' 121 ='Miscellaneous food preparations and k...' /*indred products*/ 122 ='Not specified food industries' 130 ='Tobacco manufactures' 132 ='Knitting mills' 140 ='Dyeing and finishing textiles, except...' /* wool and knit goods*/ 141 ='Floor coverings, except hard surface' 142 ='Yarn, thread, and fabric mills' 150 ='Miscellaneous textile mill products' 151 ='Apparel and accessories, except knit' 152 ='Miscellaneous fabricated textile prod...' /*ucts*/ 160 ='Pulp, paper, and paperboard mills' 161 ='Miscellaneous paper and pulp products' 162 ='Paperboard containers and boxes' 171 ='Newspaper publishing and printing' 172 ='Printing, publishing, and allied indu...' /*stries, except newspapers*/ 180 ='Plastics, synthetics, and resins' 181 ='Drugs' 182 ='Soaps and cosmetics' 190 ='Paints, varnishes, and related products' 191 ='Agricultural chemicals' 192 ='Industrial and miscellaneous chemicals' 200 ='Petroleum refining' 201 ='Miscellaneous petroleum and coal prod...' /*ucts*/ 210 ='Tires and inner tubes' 211 ='Other rubber products, and plastics f...' /*ootwear and belting*/ 212 ='Miscellaneous plastics products' 220 ='Leather tanning and finishing' 221 ='Footwear, except rubber and plastic' 222 ='Leather products, except footwear' 230 ='Logging' 231 ='Sawmills, planing mills, and millwork' 232 ='Wood buildings and mobile homes' 241 ='Miscellaneous wood products' 242 ='Furniture and fixtures' 250 ='Glass and glass products' 251 ='Cement, concrete, gypsum, and plaster...' /* products*/ 252 ='Structural clay products' 261 ='Pottery and related products' 262 ='Miscellaneous nonmetallic mineral and...' /* stone products*/ 270 ='Blast furnaces, steelworks, rolling a...' /*nd finishing mills*/ 271 ='Iron and steel foundries' 272 ='Primary aluminum industries' 280 ='Other primary metal industries' 281 ='Cutlery, hand tools, and other hardware' 282 ='Fabricated structural metal products' 290 ='Screw machine products' 291 ='Metal forgings and stampings' 292 ='Ordnance' 300 ='Miscellaneous fabricated metal products' 301 ='Not specified metal industries' 310 ='Engines and turbines' 311 ='Farm machinery and equipment' 312 ='Construction and material handling ma...' /*chines*/ 320 ='Metalworking machinery' 321 ='Office and accounting machines' 322 ='Electronic computing equipment' 331 ='Machinery, except electrical, n.e.c.' 332 ='Not specified machinery' 340 ='Household appliances' 341 ='Radio, tv, and communication equipment' 342 ='Electrical machinery, equipment, and ...' /*supplies, n.e.c.*/ 350 ='Not specified electrical machinery, e...' /*quipment, and supplies*/ 351 ='Motor vehicles and motor vehicle equi...' /*pment*/ 352 ='Aircraft and parts' 360 ='Ship and boat building and repairing' 361 ='Railroad locomotives and equipment' 362 ='Guided missiles, space vehicles and p...' /*arts*/ 370 ='Cycles and miscellaneous transportati...' /*on equipment*/ 371 ='Scientific and controlling instruments' 372 ='Optical and health services supplies' 380 ='Photographic equipment and supplies' 381 ='Watches, clocks, and clockwork operat...' /*ed devices*/ 382 ='Not specified professional equipment' 390 ='Toys, amusement, and sporting goods' 391 ='Miscellaneous manufacturing industries' 392 ='Not specified manufacturing industries' 400 ='Railroads' 401 ='Bus service and urban transit' 402 ='Taxicab service' 410 ='Trucking service' 411 ='Warehousing and storage' 412 ='U.S. postal service' 420 ='Water transportation' 421 ='Air transportation' 422 ='Pipe lines, except natural gas' 432 ='Services incidental to transportation' 440 ='Radio and television broadcasting' 441 ='Telephone (wire and radio)' 442 ='Telegraph and miscellaneous communica...' /*tion services*/ 450 ='Electric light and power' 451 ='Gas and steam supply systems' 452 ='Electric and gas, and other combinations' 470 ='Water supply and irrigation' 471 ='Sanitary services' 472 ='Not specified utilities' 500 ='Motor vehicles and equipment' 501 ='Furniture and home furnishings' 502 ='Lumber and construction materials' 510 ='Sporting goods, toys, and hobby goods' 511 ='Metals and minerals, except petroleum' 512 ='Electrical goods' 521 ='Hardware, plumbing and heating supplies' 522 ='Not specified electrical and hardware...' /* products*/ 530 ='Machinery, equipment, and supplies' 531 ='Scrap and waste materials' 532 ='Miscellaneous wholesale, durable goods' 540 ='Paper and paper products' 541 ='Drugs, chemicals, and allied products' 542 ='Apparel, fabrics, and notions' 550 ='Groceries and related products' 551 ='Farm products-raw materials' 552 ='Petroleum products' 560 ='Alcoholic beverages' 561 ='Farm supplies' 562 ='Miscellaneous wholesale, nondurable g...' /*oods*/ 571 ='Not specified wholesale trade' 580 ='Lumber and building material retailing' 581 ='Hardware stores' 582 ='Retail nurseries and garden stores' 590 ='Mobile home dealers' 591 ='Department stores' 592 ='Variety stores' 600 ='Miscellaneous general merchandise stores' 601 ='Grocery stores' 602 ='Dairy products stores' 610 ='Retail bakeries' 611 ='Food stores, n.e.c.' 612 ='Motor vehicle dealers' 620 ='Auto and home supply stores' 621 ='Gasoline service stations' 622 ='Miscellaneous vehicle dealers' 623 ='Apparel and accessory stores, except ...' /*shoe*/ 630 ='Shoe stores' 631 ='Furniture and home furnishings stores' 632 ='Household appliance stores' 633 ='Radio, TV and computer stores' 640 ='Music stores' 641 ='Eating and drinking places' 642 ='Drug stores' 650 ='Liquor stores' 651 ='Sporting goods, bicycles, and hobby s...' /*tores*/ 652 ='Book and stationery stores' 660 ='Jewelry stores' 661 ='Sewing, needlework, and piece goods s...' /*tores*/ 662 ='Mail order houses' 670 ='Vending machine operators' 671 ='Direct selling establishments' 672 ='Fuel and ice dealers' 681 ='Retail florists' 682 ='Miscellaneous retail stores' 691 ='Not specified retail trade' 700 ='Banking' 701 ='Savings and loan associations' 702 ='Credit agencies, n.e.c.' 710 ='Security, commodity brOKerage, and in...' /*vestment companies*/ 711 ='Insurance' 712 ='Real estate, including real estate-in...' /*surance-law offices*/ 721 ='Advertising' 722 ='Services to dwellings and other build...' /*ings*/ 730 ='Commercial research, development, and...' /* testing labs*/ 731 ='Personnel supply services' 732 ='Business management and consulting se...' /*rvices*/ 740 ='Computer and data processing services' 741 ='Detective and protective services' 742 ='Business services, n.e.c.' 750 ='Automotive services, except repair' 751 ='Automotive repair shops' 752 ='Electrical repair shops' 760 ='Miscellaneous repair services' 761 ='Private households' 762 ='Hotels and motels' 770 ='Lodging places, except hotels and motels' 771 ='Laundry, cleaning, and garment services' 772 ='Beauty shops' 780 ='Barber shops' 781 ='Funeral service and crematories' 782 ='Shoe repair shops' 790 ='Dressmaking shops' 791 ='Miscellaneous personal services' 800 ='Theaters and motion pictures' 801 ='Video Tape Rental' 802 ='Bowling Centers' 810 ='Miscellaneous entertainment and recre...' /*ation services*/ 812 ='Offices of physicians' 820 ='Offices of dentists' 821 ='Offices of chiropractors' 822 ='Offices of optometrists' 830 ='Offices of health practitioners, n.e.c.' 831 ='Hospitals' 832 ='Nursing and personal care facilities' 840 ='Health services, n.e.c.' 841 ='Legal services' 842 ='Elementary and secondary schools' 850 ='Colleges and universities' 851 ='Business, trade, and vocational schools' 852 ='Libraries' 860 ='Educational services, n.e.c.' 861 ='Job training and vocational rehabilit...' /*ation services*/ 862 ='Child day care services' 863 ='Family Child Care Homes' 870 ='Residential care facilities, without ...' /*nursing*/ 871 ='Social services, n.e.c.' 872 ='Museums, art galleries, and zoos' 873 ='Labor Unions' 880 ='Religious organizations' 881 ='Membership organizations' 882 ='Engineering, architectural, and surve...' /*ying services*/ 890 ='Accounting, auditing, and bookkeeping...' /* services*/ 891 ='Research, Development, and Testing Services' 892 ='Management and Public Relations Services' 893 ='Miscellaneous Professional and Related Services' 900 ='Executive and legislative offices' 901 ='General government, n.e.c.' 910 ='Justice, public order, and safety' 921 ='Public finance, taxation, and monetar...' /*y policy*/ 922 ='Administration of human resources pro...' /*grams*/ 930 ='Administration of environmental quali...' /*ty and housing programs*/ 931 ='Administration of economic programs' 932 ='National security and international a...' /*ffairs*/ 942 ='Armed Forces (excludes reserves and n...' /*ational guard)*/ 990 ='Unknown' 997 ='Refused' 998 ='Unknown' ; VALUE P48L (default=40) 01 ='Agriculture' 02 ='Forestry and fisheries' 10 ='Mining' 20 ='Construction' 30 ='Food and kindred products' 31 ='Textile mill and finished textile pro...' /*ducts*/ 32 ='Printing, publishing and allied indus...' /*tries*/ 33 ='Chemicals and allied products' 34 ='Other nondurable goods' 40 ='Furniture, lumber and wood' 41 ='Primary metal industries' 42 ='Fabricated metal industries, includin...' /*g ordnance*/ 43 ='Machinery, except electrical' 44 ='Electrical machinery, equipment and s...' /*upplies*/ 45 ='Transportation equipment' 46 ='Other and not specified durable goods' 50 ='Railroads' 51 ='Trucking service and warehousing' 52 ='Other transportation' 53 ='Communications' 54 ='Utilities and sanitary' 60 ='Wholesale trade' 61 ='General merchandise stores' 62 ='Food, bakery and dairy stores' 63 ='Automotive dealers and gasoline stations' 64 ='Eating and drinking places' 65 ='Other and not specified retail trade' 70 ='Banking and credit agencies' 71 ='Insurance, real estate, and other fin...' /*ance*/ 75 ='Business services' 76 ='Repair services' 77 ='Private households' 78 ='Other personal services' 79 ='Entertainment and recreation services' 80 ='Hospitals' 81 ='Health services, except hospitals' 82 ='Elementary and secondary schools and ...' /*colleges*/ 83 ='Other educational services' 84 ='Social services, religious and member...' /*ship organizations*/ 85 ='Legal, engineering and other professi...' /*onal services*/ 90 ='Public administration' 95 ='Unknown industry' 96 ='New worker' 97 ='Not in labor force' 98 ='ARMED FORCES (excludes Reserves and N...' /*ational Guard)*/ ; VALUE P49L (default=40) 01 ='Agriculture, forestry and fisheries' 02 ='Mining' 03 ='Construction' 04 ='Manufacturing' 05 ='Transportation, communications and ot...' /*her public utilities*/ 06 ='Wholesale trade' 07 ='Retail trade' 08 ='Finance, insurance, and real estate' 09 ='Business and repair services' 10 ='Personal services' 11 ='Entertainment and recreation services' 12 ='Professional and related services' 13 ='Public administration' 14 ='Unknown (includes new workers)' 15 ='Not in labor force' 16 ='Armed Forces' ; VALUE P50L (default=40) 003 ='Legislators' 004 ='Chief executives and officials, publi...' /*c administration*/ 005 ='Administrators and officials, public ...' /*administration*/ 006 ='Administrators, protective services' 007 ='Financial managers' 008 ='Personnel and labor relations managers' 009 ='Purchasing managers' 013 ='Managers, marketing, advertising and ...' /*public relations*/ 014 ='Administrators, education and related...' /* fields*/ 015 ='Managers, medicine and health' 016 ='Postmasters and Mail Superintendents' 017 ='Managers, Food Serving and Lodging Establishments' 018 ='Managers, Properties and Real Estate' 019 ='Funeral Directors' 021 ='Managers, Service Organizations, N.E.C.' 022 ='Managers and Administrators, N.E.C.' 023 ='Accountants and auditors' 024 ='Underwriters' 025 ='Other financial officers' 026 ='Management analysts' 027 ='Personnel, training, and labor relati...' /*ons specialists*/ 028 ='Purchasing agents and buyers, farm pr...' /*oducts*/ 029 ='Buyers, wholesale and retail, except ...' /*farm products*/ 033 ='Purchasing agents and buyers, n.e.c.' 034 ='Business and promotion agents' 035 ='Construction inspectors' 036 ='Inspectors and compliance officers, e...' /*xcept construction*/ 037 ='Management related occupations, n.e.c.' 043 ='Architects' 044 ='Aerospace engineers' 045 ='Metallurgical and materials engineers' 046 ='Mining engineers' 047 ='Petroleum engineers' 048 ='Chemical engineers' 049 ='Nuclear engineers' 053 ='Civil engineers' 054 ='Agricultural engineers' 055 ='Electrical and electronic engineers' 056 ='Industrial engineers' 057 ='Mechanical engineers' 058 ='Marine engineers and naval architects' 059 ='Engineers, n.e.c.' 063 ='Surveyors and mapping scientists' 064 ='Computer systems analysts and scientists' 065 ='Operations and systems researchers an...' /*d analysts*/ 066 ='Actuaries' 067 ='Statisticians' 068 ='Mathematical scientists, n.e.c.' 069 ='Physicists and astronomers' 073 ='Chemists, except biochemists' 074 ='Atmospheric and space scientists' 075 ='Geologists and geodesists' 076 ='Physical scientists, n.e.c.' 077 ='Agricultural and food scientists' 078 ='Biological and life scientists' 079 ='Forestry and conservation scientists' 083 ='Medical scientists' 084 ='Physicians' 085 ='Dentists' 086 ='Veterinarians' 087 ='Optometrists' 088 ='Podiatrists' 089 ='Health diagnosing practitioners, n.e.c.' 095 ='Registered nurses' 096 ='Pharmacists' 097 ='Dietitians' 098 ='Inhalation therapists' 099 ='Occupational therapists' 103 ='Physical therapists' 104 ='Speech therapists' 105 ='Therapists, n.e.c.' 106 ="Physicians' assistants" 113 ='Earth, environmental, and marine scie...' /*nce teachers*/ 114 ='Biological science teachers' 115 ='Chemistry teachers' 116 ='Physics teachers' 117 ='Natural science teachers, n.e.c.' 118 ='Psychology teachers' 119 ='Economics teachers' 123 ='History teachers' 124 ='Political science teachers' 125 ='Sociology teachers' 126 ='Social science teachers, n.e.c.' 127 ='Engineering teachers' 128 ='Mathematical science teachers' 129 ='Computer science teachers' 133 ='Medical science teachers' 134 ='Health specialties teachers' 135 ='Business, commerce, and marketing tea...' /*chers*/ 136 ='Agriculture and forestry teachers' 137 ='Art, drama, and music teachers' 138 ='Physical education teachers' 139 ='Education teachers' 143 ='English teachers' 144 ='Foreign language teachers' 145 ='Law teachers' 146 ='Social work teachers' 147 ='Theology teachers' 148 ='Trade and industrial teachers' 149 ='Home economics teachers' 153 ='Teachers, postsecondary, n.e.c.' 154 ='Postsecondary teachers, subject not s...' /*pecified*/ 155 ='Teachers, prekindergarten and kinderg...' /*arten*/ 156 ='Teachers, elementary school' 157 ='Teachers, secondary school' 158 ='Teachers, special education' 159 ='Teachers, n.e.c.' 163 ='Counselors, educational and vocational' 164 ='Librarians' 165 ='Archivists and curators' 166 ='Economists' 167 ='Psychologists' 168 ='Sociologists' 169 ='Social scientists, n.e.c.' 173 ='Urban planners' 174 ='Social workers' 175 ='Recreation workers' 176 ='Clergy' 177 ='Religious workers, n.e.c.' 178 ='Lawyers' 179 ='Judges' 183 ='Authors' 184 ='Technical writers' 185 ='Designers' 186 ='Musicians and composers' 187 ='Actors and directors' 188 ='Painters, sculptors, craft-artists, a...' /*nd artist printmakers*/ 189 ='Photographers' 193 ='Dancers' 194 ='Artists, performers, and related work...' /*ers, n.e.c.*/ 195 ='Editors and reporters' 197 ='Public relations specialists' 198 ='Announcers' 199 ='Athletes' 203 ='Health technologists and technicians' 204 ='Dental hygienists' 205 ='Health record technologists and techn...' /*icians*/ 206 ='Radiologic technicians' 207 ='Licensed practical nurses' 208 ='Health technologists and technicians,...' /* n.e.c.*/ 213 ='Electrical and electronic technicians' 214 ='Industrial engineering technicians' 215 ='Mechanical engineering technicians' 216 ='Engineering technicians, n.e.c.' 217 ='Drafting occupations' 218 ='Surveying and mapping technicians' 223 ='Biological technicians' 224 ='Chemical technicians' 225 ='Science technicians, n.e.c.' 226 ='Airplane pilots and navigators' 227 ='Air traffic controllers' 228 ='Broadcast equipment operators' 229 ='Computer programmers' 233 ='Tool programmers, numerical control' 234 ='Legal assistants' 235 ='Technicians, n.e.c.' 243 ='Supervisors and proprietors, sales oc...' /*cupations*/ 253 ='Insurance sales occupations' 254 ='Real estate sales occupations' 255 ='Securities and financial services sal...' /*es occupations*/ 256 ='Advertising and related sales occupat...' /*ions*/ 257 ='Sales occupations, other business ser...' /*vices*/ 258 ='Sales engineers' 259 ='Sales representatives, mining, manufa...' /*cturing, and wholesale*/ 263 ='Sales workers, motor vehicles and boats' 264 ='Sales workers, apparel' 265 ='Sales workers, shoes' 266 ='Sales workers, furniture and home fur...' /*nishings*/ 267 ='Sales workers; radio, television, hi-...' /*fi, and appliances*/ 268 ='Sales workers, hardware and building ...' /*supplies*/ 269 ='Sales workers, parts' 274 ='Sales workers, other commodities' 275 ='Sales counter clerks' 276 ='Cashiers' 277 ='Street and door-to-door sales workers' 278 ='News vendors' 283 ='Demonstrators, promoters and models, ...' /*sales*/ 284 ='Auctioneers' 285 ='Sales support occupations, n.e.c.' 303 ='Supervisors, general office' 304 ='Supervisors, computer equipment opera...' /*tors*/ 305 ='Supervisors, financial records proces...' /*sing*/ 306 ='Chief communications operators' 307 ='Supervisors; distribution, scheduling...' /*, and adjusting clerks*/ 308 ='Computer operators' 309 ='Peripheral equipment operators' 313 ='Secretaries' 314 ='Stenographers' 315 ='Typists' 316 ='Interviewers' 317 ='Hotel clerks' 318 ='Transportation ticket and reservation...' /* agents*/ 319 ='Receptionists' 323 ='Information clerks, n.e.c.' 325 ='Classified-ad clerks' 326 ='Correspondence clerks' 327 ='Order clerks' 328 ='Personnel clerks, except payroll and ...' /*timekeeping*/ 329 ='Library clerks' 335 ='File clerks' 336 ='Records clerks' 337 ='Bookkeepers, accounting, and auditing...' /* clerks*/ 338 ='Payroll and timekeeping clerks' 339 ='Billing clerks' 343 ='Cost and rate clerks' 344 ='Billing, posting, and calculating mac...' /*hine operators*/ 345 ='Duplicating machine operators' 346 ='Mail preparing and paper handling mac...' /*hine operators*/ 347 ='Office machine operators, n.e.c.' 348 ='Telephone operators' 349 ='Telegraphers' 353 ='Communications equipment operators, n...' /*.e.c.*/ 354 ='Postal clerks, except mail carriers' 355 ='Mail carriers, postal service' 356 ='Mail clerks, except postal service' 357 ='Messengers' 359 ='Dispatchers' 363 ='Production coordinators' 364 ='Traffic, shipping, and receiving clerks' 365 ='Stock and inventory clerks' 366 ='Meter readers' 368 ='Weighers, measurers, and checkers' 369 ='Samplers' 373 ='Expediters' 374 ='Material recording, scheduling, and d...' /*istributing clerks, n.e.c.*/ 375 ='Insurance adjusters, examiners, and i...' /*nvestigators*/ 376 ='Investigators and adjusters, except i...' /*nsurance*/ 377 ='Eligibility clerks, social welfare' 378 ='Bill and account collectors' 379 ='General office clerks' 383 ='Bank tellers' 384 ='Proofreaders' 385 ='Data-entry keyers' 386 ='Statistical clerks' 387 ="Teachers' aides" 389 ='Administrative support occupation, n....' /*e.c.*/ 403 ='Launderers and ironers' 404 ='Cooks, private household' 405 ='Housekeepers and butlers' 406 ='Child care workers, private household' 407 ='Private household cleaners and servants' 413 ='Supervisors, firefighting and fire pr...' /*evention occupations*/ 414 ='Supervisors, police and detectives' 415 ='Supervisors, guards' 416 ='Fire inspection and fire prevention o...' /*ccupations*/ 417 ='Firefighting occupations' 418 ='Police and detectives, public service' 423 ='Sheriffs, bailiffs, and other law enf...' /*orcement officers*/ 424 ='Correctional institution officers' 425 ='Crossing guards' 426 ='Guards and police, except public service' 427 ='Protective service occupations, n.e.c.' 433 ='Supervisors, food preparation and ser...' /*vice occupations*/ 434 ='Bartenders' 435 ='Waiters and waitresses' 436 ='Cooks, except short order' 437 ='Short-order Cooks' 438 ='Food counter, fountain and related oc...' /*cupations*/ 439 ='Kitchen workers, food preparation' 443 ="Waiters' and waitresses' assistants" 444 ='Miscellaneous food preparation occupa...' /*tions*/ 445 ='Dental assistants' 446 ='Health aides, except nursing' 447 ='Nursing aides, orderlies, and attendants' 448 ='Supervisors, cleaning and building se...' /*rvice workers*/ 449 ='Maids and housemen' 453 ='Janitors and cleaners' 454 ='Elevator operators' 455 ='Pest control occupations' 456 ='Supervisors, personal service occupat...' /*ions*/ 457 ='Barbers' 458 ='Hairdressers and cosmetologists' 459 ='Attendants, amusement and recreation ...' /*facilities*/ 461 ='Guides' 462 ='Ushers' 463 ='Public Transportation Attendants' 464 ='Baggage Porters and Bellhops' 465 ='Welfare Service Aides' 466 ='Family Child Care Providers' 467 ='Early Childhood Teachers Assistants' 468 ='Child Care Workers, N.E.C.' 469 ='Personal service occupations, n.e.c.' 473 ='Farmers, except horticultural' 474 ='Horticultural specialty farmers' 475 ='Managers, farms, except horticultural' 476 ='Managers, horticultural specialty farms' 477 ='Supervisors, farm workers' 479 ='Farm workers' 483 ='Marine life cultivation workers' 484 ='Nursery workers' 485 ='Supervisors, related agricultural occ...' /*upations*/ 486 ='Groundskeepers and gardeners, except ...' /*farm*/ 487 ='Animal caretakers, except farm' 488 ='Graders and sorters, agricultural pro...' /*ducts*/ 489 ='Inspectors, agricultural products' 494 ='Supervisors, forestry and logging wor...' /*kers*/ 495 ='Forestry workers, except logging' 496 ='Timber cutting and logging occupations' 497 ='Captains and other officers, fishing ...' /*vessels*/ 498 ='Fishers' 499 ='Hunters and trappers' 503 ='Supervisors, mechanics and repairers' 505 ='Automobile mechanics, except apprentices' 506 ='Automobile mechanic apprentices' 507 ='Bus, truck, and stationary engine mec...' /*hanics*/ 508 ='Aircraft engine mechanics' 509 ='Small engine repairers' 514 ='Automobile body and related repairers' 515 ='Aircraft mechanics, except engine' 516 ='Heavy equipment mechanics' 517 ='Farm equipment mechanics' 518 ='Industrial machinery repairers' 519 ='Machinery maintenance occupations' 523 ='Electronic repairers, communications ...' /*and industrial equipment*/ 525 ='Data processing equipment repairers' 526 ='Household appliance and power tool re...' /*pairers*/ 527 ='Telephone line installers and repairers' 529 ='Telephone installers and repairers' 533 ='Miscellaneous electrical and electron...' /*ic equipment repairers*/ 534 ='Heating, air conditioning, and refrig...' /*eration mechanics*/ 535 ='Camera, watch, and musical instrument...' /* repairers*/ 536 ='Locksmiths and safe repairers' 538 ='Office machine repairers' 539 ='Mechanical controls and valve repairers' 543 ='Elevator installers and repairers' 544 ='Millwrights' 547 ='Specified mechanics and repairers, n....' /*e.c.*/ 549 ='Not specified mechanics and repairers' 553 ='Supervisors; brickmasons, stonemasons...' /*, and tile setters*/ 554 ='Supervisors, carpenters and related w...' /*orkers*/ 555 ='Supervisors, electricians and power t...' /*ransmission installers*/ 556 ='Supervisors; painters, paperhangers, ...' /*and plasterers*/ 557 ='Supervisors; plumbers, pipefitters, a...' /*nd steamfitters*/ 558 ='Construction trades supervisors, n.e.c.' 563 ='Brickmasons and stonemasons, except a...' /*pprentices*/ 564 ='Brickmason and stonemason apprentices' 565 ='Tile setters, hard and soft' 566 ='Carpet installers' 567 ='Carpenters, except apprentices' 569 ='Carpenter apprentices' 573 ='Drywall installers' 575 ='Electricians, except apprentices' 576 ='Electrician apprentices' 577 ='Electrical power installers and repai...' /*rers*/ 579 ='Painters, construction and maintenance' 583 ='Paperhangers' 584 ='Plasterers' 585 ='Plumbers, pipefitters, and steamfitte...' /*rs, except apprentices*/ 587 ='Plumber, pipefitter, and steamfitter ...' /*apprentices*/ 588 ='Concrete and terrazzo finishers' 589 ='Glaziers' 593 ='Insulation workers' 594 ='Paving, surfacing, and tamping equipm...' /*ent operators*/ 595 ='Roofers' 596 ='Sheetmetal duct installers' 597 ='Structural metal workers' 598 ='Drillers, earth' 599 ='Construction trades, n.e.c.' 613 ='Supervisors, extractive occupations' 614 ='Drillers, oil well' 615 ='Explosives workers' 616 ='Mining machine operators' 617 ='Mining occupations, n.e.c.' 628 ='Supervisors, Production Occupations' 634 ='Tool and die makers, except apprentices' 635 ='Tool and die maker apprentices' 636 ='Precision assemblers, metal' 637 ='Machinists, except apprentices' 639 ='Machinist apprentices' 643 ='Boilermakers' 644 ='Precision grinders, filers, and tool ...' /*sharpeners*/ 645 ='Patternmakers and model makers, metal' 646 ='Lay-out workers' 647 ='Precious stones and metals workers (j...' /*ewelers)*/ 649 ='Engravers, metal' 653 ='Sheet metal workers, except apprentices' 654 ='Sheet metal worker apprentices' 655 ='Miscellaneous precision metal workers' 656 ='Patternmakers and model makers, wood' 657 ='Cabinet makers and bench carpenters' 658 ='Furniture and wood finishers' 659 ='Miscellaneous precision woodworkers' 666 ='Dressmakers' 667 ='Tailors' 668 ='Upholsterers' 669 ='Shoe repairers' 673 ='Apparel and fabric patternmakers' 674 ='Miscellaneous precision apparel and f...' /*abric workers*/ 675 ='Hand molders and shapers, except jewe...' /*lers*/ 676 ='Patternmakers, lay-out workers, and c...' /*utters*/ 677 ='Optical goods workers' 678 ='Dental laboratory and medical applian...' /*ce technicians*/ 679 ='Bookbinders' 683 ='Electrical and electronic equipment a...' /*ssemblers*/ 684 ='Miscellaneous precision workers, n.e.c.' 686 ='Butchers and meat cutters' 687 ='Bakers' 688 ='Food batchmakers' 689 ='Inspectors, testers, and graders' 693 ='Adjusters and calibrators' 694 ='Water and sewage treatment plant oper...' /*ators*/ 695 ='Power plant operators' 696 ='Stationary engineers' 699 ='Miscellaneous plant and system operators' 703 ='Lathe and turning machine set-up oper...' /*ators*/ 704 ='Lathe and turning machine operators' 705 ='Milling and planing machine operators' 706 ='Punching and stamping press machine o...' /*perators*/ 707 ='Rolling machine operators' 708 ='Drilling and boring machine operators' 709 ='Grinding, abrading, buffing, and poli...' /*shing machine operators*/ 713 ='Forging machine operators' 714 ='Numerical control machine operators' 715 ='Misc. metal, plastic, stone, and glas...' /*s working machine operators*/ 717 ='Fabricating machine operators, n.e.c.' 719 ='Molding and casting machine operators' 723 ='Metal plating machine operators' 724 ='Heat treating equipment operators' 725 ='Miscellaneous metal and plastic proce...' /*ssing machine operators*/ 726 ='Wood lathe, routing, and planing mach...' /*ine operators*/ 727 ='Sawing machine operators' 728 ='Shaping and joining machine operators' 729 ='Nailing and tacking machine operators' 733 ='Miscellaneous woodworking machine ope...' /*rators*/ 734 ='Printing machine operators' 735 ='Photoengravers and lithographers' 736 ='Typesetters and compositors' 737 ='Miscellaneous printing machine operators' 738 ='Winding and twisting machine operators' 739 ='Knitting, looping, taping, and weavin...' /*g machine operators*/ 743 ='Textile cutting machine operators' 744 ='Textile sewing machine operators' 745 ='Shoe machine operators' 747 ='Pressing machine operators' 748 ='Laundering and dry cleaning machine o...' /*perators*/ 749 ='Miscellaneous textile machine operators' 753 ='Cementing and gluing machine operators' 754 ='Packaging and filling machine operators' 755 ='Extruding and forming machine operators' 756 ='Mixing and blending machine operators' 757 ='Separating, filtering, and clarifying...' /* machine operators*/ 758 ='Compressing and compacting machine op...' /*erators*/ 759 ='Painting and paint spraying machine o...' /*perators*/ 763 ='Roasting and baking machine operators...' /*, food*/ 764 ='Washing, cleaning, and pickling machi...' /*ne operators*/ 765 ='Folding machine operators' 766 ='Furnace, kiln, and oven operators, ex...' /*cept food*/ 768 ='Crushing and grinding machine operators' 769 ='Slicing and cutting machine operators' 773 ='Motion picture projectionists' 774 ='Photographic process machine operators' 777 ='Miscellaneous machine operators, n.e.c.' 779 ='Machine operators, not specified' 783 ='Welders and cutters' 784 ='Solderers and brazers' 785 ='Assemblers' 786 ='Hand cutting and trimming occupations' 787 ='Hand molding, casting, and forming oc...' /*cupations*/ 789 ='Hand painting, coating, and decoratin...' /*g occupations*/ 793 ='Hand engraving and printing occupations' 794 ='Hand grinding and polishing occupations' 795 ='Miscellaneous hand working occupations' 796 ='Production inspectors, checkers, and ...' /*examiners*/ 797 ='Production testers' 798 ='Production samplers and weighers' 799 ='Graders and sorters, except agricultural' 803 ='Supervisors, motor vehicle operators' 804 ='Truck drivers, heavy' 805 ='Truck drivers, light' 806 ='Driver-sales workers' 808 ='Bus drivers' 809 ='Taxicab drivers and chauffeurs' 813 ='Parking lot attendants' 814 ='Motor transportation occupations, n.e.c.' 823 ='Railroad conductors and yardmasters' 824 ='Locomotive operating occupations' 825 ='Railroad brake, signal, and switch op...' /*erators*/ 826 ='Rail vehicle operators, n.e.c.' 828 ='Ship captains and mates, except fishi...' /*ng boats*/ 829 ='Sailors and deckhands' 833 ='Marine engineers' 834 ='Bridge, lock, and lighthouse tenders' 843 ='Supervisors, material moving equipmen...' /*t operators*/ 844 ='Operating engineers' 845 ='Longshore equipment operators' 848 ='Hoist and winch operators' 849 ='Crane and tower operators' 853 ='Excavating and loading machine operators' 855 ='Grader, dozer, and scraper operators' 856 ='Industrial truck and tractor equipmen...' /*t operators*/ 859 ='Miscellaneous material moving equipme...' /*nt operators*/ 863 ='Supervisors; handlers, equipment clea...' /*ners, and laborers, n.e.c.*/ 864 ='Helpers, mechanics and repairers' 865 ='Helpers, construction trades' 866 ='Helpers, surveyor' 867 ='Helpers, extractive occupations' 869 ='Construction laborers' 873 ='Production helpers' 875 ='Garbage collectors' 876 ='Stevedores' 877 ='Stock handlers and baggers' 878 ='Machine feeders and offbearers' 883 ='Freight, stock, and material handlers...' /*, n.e.c.*/ 885 ='Garage and service station related oc...' /*cupations*/ 887 ='Vehicle washers and equipment cleaners' 888 ='Hand packers and packagers' 889 ='Laborers, except construction' 905 ='Military occupations' 997 ='Refused' 998 ='Unknown' ; VALUE P51L (default=40) 01 ='Officials and administrators, public ...' /*administration*/ 02 ='Managers and administrators, except p...' /*ublic administration*/ 03 ='Management related occupations' 04 ='Engineers' 05 ='Architects and surveyors' 06 ='Natural, mathematical and computer sc...' /*ientists*/ 07 ='Health diagnosing occupations' 08 ='Health assessment and treating occupa...' /*tions*/ 09 ='Teachers, librarians and counselors' 10 ='Writers, artists, entertainers and at...' /*hletes*/ 11 ='Other professional specialty occupations' 12 ='Health technologists and technicians' 13 ='Technologists, technicians except health' 14 ='Supervisors and proprietors' 15 ='Sales representatives, commodities an...' /*d finance*/ 16 ='Other sales' 17 ='Computer equipment operators' 18 ='Secretaries, stenographers and typists' 19 ='Financial records processing occupations' 20 ='Mail and message distributing' 21 ='Other administrative support' 22 ='Private household occupations' 23 ='Police and firefighters' 24 ='Other protective service occupations' 25 ='Food service' 26 ='Health service' 27 ='Cleaning and building service' 28 ='Personal service' 29 ='Farm operators and managers' 30 ='Farm workers and other agricultural w...' /*orkers*/ 31 ='Forestry and fishing occupations' 32 ='Mechanics and repairers' 33 ='Construction and extractive trades' 34 ='Precision production occupations' 35 ='Machine operators and tenderers, exce...' /*pt precision*/ 36 ='Fabricators, assemblers, inspectors a...' /*nd samplers*/ 37 ='Motor vehicle operators' 38 ='Other transportation, except motor ve...' /*hicles*/ 39 ='Material moving equipment operators' 40 ='Construction laborers' 41 ='Freight, stock and material handlers' 95 ='Unknown occupation' 96 ='New worker' 97 ='Not in labor force' 98 ='Military' ; VALUE P52L (default=40) 01 ='Executive, administrative and manager...' /*ial occupations*/ 02 ='Professional specialty occupations' 03 ='Technicians and related support occup...' /*ations*/ 04 ='Sales occupations' 05 ='Administrative support occupations, i...' /*ncluding clerical*/ 06 ='Private household occupations' 07 ='Protective service occupations' 08 ='Service occupations, except protectiv...' /*e and household*/ 09 ='Farming, forestry and fishing occupat...' /*ions*/ 10 ='Precision production, craft and repai...' /*r occupations*/ 11 ='Machine operators, assemblers and ins...' /*pectors*/ 12 ='Transportation and material moving oc...' /*cupations*/ 13 ='Handlers, equipment cleaners, helpers...' /* and laborers*/ 14 ='Unknown occupations(includes New Work...' /*ers)*/ 15 ='Not in labor force' 16 ='Military' ; VALUE P53L (default=40) 1 ='Self-entirely' 2 ='Self-partly' 3 ='Proxy' 4 ='Unknown' ; VALUE P54L (default=40) 1 ='Condition List 1, Skin and musculoske...' /*letal*/ 2 ='Condition List 2, Impairments' 3 ='Condition List 3, Digestive' 4 ='Condition List 4, Miscellaneous' 5 ='Condition List 5, Circulatory' 6 ='Condition List 6, Respiratory' 7 ='Unknown' ; VALUE P55L (default=40) 99='Unknown' ; VALUE P56L (default=40) 501='Unknown' ; VALUE P57L (default=40) 00 ='None' ; VALUE P58L (default=40) 000 ='None' 366 ='Unknown' ; VALUE P59L (default=40) 0 ='None' 1 ='1-7 days' 2 ='8-30 days' 3 ='31-180 days' 4 ='181-365 days' 5 ='Unknown' ; VALUE P60L (default=40) 000 ='None' 997 ='997 or more visits' 998 ='Unknown' ; VALUE P61L (default=40) 0 ='Never' 1 ='Less than 1 year' 2 ='1 to less than 2 years' 3 ='2 to less than 5 years' 4 ='5 years or more' 5 ='Unknown' ; VALUE P62L (default=40) 1='Less than 1 year' 2='1 yr., less than 5 yrs.' 3='5 yrs., less than 10 yrs.' 4='10 yrs., less than 15 yrs.' 5='15 years or more' 9='DK refused' ; VALUE P63L (default=40) 1='Less than 1 year' 2='1 yr., less than 5 yrs.' 3='5 yrs., less than 10 yrs.' 4='10 yrs., less than 15 yrs.' 5='15 years or more' 9='DK refused' ; VALUE P64L (default=40) 0 ='Permit' 1 ='Area, oversampled for blacks' 2 ='Area, not oversampled for blacks' ; VALUE P65L (default=40) 1 ='Northeast' 2 ='Midwest' 3 ='South' 4 ='West' ; VALUE P66L (default=40) 1='1,000,000 or more' 2='250,000-999,999' 3='100,000-249,999' 4='Under 100,000' ; VALUE P67L (default=40) 1 ='MSA-Self-representing' 3 ='MSA-Nonself-representing' 4 ='Non-MSA-Self-representing' 6 ='Non-MSA-Nonself-representing' ; VALUE P68L (default=40) 1 ='MSA-Central City' 2 ='MSA-Not Central City' 3 ='Non-MSA-Nonfarm' 4 ='Non-MSA-Farm' ; VALUE P69L (default=40) 1='Yes' 2='No' 8='Not ascertained' 9='DK or refused' ; VALUE P70L (default=40) 1='Yes' 2='No' 8='Not ascertained' 9='DK or refused' ; VALUE P71L (default=40) 1='Yes' 2='No' 8='Not ascertained' 9='DK or refused' ; VALUE P72L (default=40) 1='Yes' 2='No' 8='Not ascertained' 9='DK or refused' ; VALUE P73L (default=40) 1='Yes' 2='No' 8='Not ascertained' 9='DK or refused' ; VALUE P74L (default=40) 1='Yes' 2='No' 8='Not ascertained' 9='DK or refused' ; VALUE P75L (default=40) 1='Yes' 2='No' 8='Not ascertained' 9='DK or refused' ; VALUE P76L (default=40) 1='Yes' 2='No' 8='Not ascertained' 9='DK or refused' ; VALUE P77L (default=40) 1='Yes' 2='No' 8='Not ascertained' 9='DK or refused' ; VALUE P78L (default=40) 1='Yes' 2='No' 8='Not ascertained' 9='DK or refused' ; VALUE P79L (default=40) 1='Yes' 2='No' 8='Not ascertained' 9='DK or refused' ; VALUE P80L (default=40) 1 ='Yes' 2 ='No' 8 ='Not ascertained' 9 ='DK or refused' ; VALUE P81L (default=40) 1 ='Yes' 2 ='No' 8 ='Not ascertained' 9 ='DK or refused' ; VALUE P82L (default=40) 1 ='Yes' 2 ='No' 8 ='Not ascertained' 9 ='DK or refused' ; VALUE P83L (default=40) 1 ='Yes' 2 ='No' 8 ='Not ascertained' 9 ='DK or refused' ; VALUE P84L (default=40) 1 ='Yes' 2 ='No' 8 ='Not ascertained' 9 ='DK or refused' ; VALUE P85L (default=40) 1 ='Yes' 2 ='No' 8 ='Not ascertained' 9 ='DK or refused' ; VALUE P86L (default=40) 1 ='Yes' 2 ='No' 8 ='Not ascertained' 9 ='DK or refused' ; VALUE P87L (default=40) 1 ='Yes' 2 ='No' 8 ='Not ascertained' 9 ='DK or refused' ; VALUE P88L (default=40) 1 ='Yes' 2 ='No' 8 ='Not ascertained' 9 ='DK or refused' ; VALUE P89L (default=40) 1 ='Yes' 2 ='No' 8 ='Not ascertained' 9 ='DK or refused' ; VALUE P90L (default=40) 1 ='Yes' 2 ='No' 8 ='Not ascertained' 9 ='DK or refused' ; VALUE P91L (default=40) 1 ='Yes' 2 ='No' 8 ='Not ascertained' 9 ='DK or refused' ; VALUE P92L (default=40) 1 ='Yes' 2 ='No' 8 ='Not ascertained' 9 ='DK or refused' ; VALUE P93L (default=40) 01='Could not afford it' 02='No insurance' 03='Doctor did not accept Medicaid/insura...' /*nce plan*/ 04="Insurance didnt cover" 05='Not serious enough' 06='Wait too long in clinic/office' 07='Difficulty getting an appointment' 08="Doesnt like/trust/ believe in doctors" 09='No doctor available' 10="didnt know where to go" 11='No way to get there' 12='Hours not convenient' 13='Speak a different language' 14='Health of another family member inter...' /*fered*/ 15='Clinic/office not accessible' 16='Other reason' 98='Not ascertained' 99='DK or refused' ; VALUE P94L (default=40) 1='Yes' 2='No' 8='Not ascertained' 9='DK or refused' ; VALUE P95L (default=40) 1 ='Yes' 2 ='No' 8 ='Not ascertained' 9 ='DK or refused' ; VALUE P96L (default=40) 1 ='Yes' 2 ='No' 8 ='Not ascertained' 9 ='DK or refused' ; VALUE P97L (default=40) 1 ='Yes' 2 ='No' 8 ='Not ascertained' 9 ='DK or refused' ; VALUE P98L (default=40) 1 ='Yes' 2 ='No' 8 ='Not ascertained' 9 ='DK or refused' ; VALUE P99L (default=40) 1 ='Yes' 2 ='No' 8 ='Not ascertained' 9 ='DK or refused' ; VALUE P100L (default=40) 1 ='DFS-2 with Disability Phase I' 2 ='DFS-2 without Disability Phase I' 3 ='DFS-3 with Disability Phase I' 4 ='DFS-3 without Disability Phase I' ; VALUE P102L (default=40) 99 ='Unknown' ; VALUE P103L (default=40) 94 ='1994' 95 ='1995' 96 ='1996' ; VALUE P104L (default=40) 99 ='99 years and over' ; VALUE P105L (default=40) 1 ='Complete' 2 ='Partial' ; VALUE P106L (default=40) 1 ='Telephone' 2 ='Personal Visit' 8 ='Not ascertained' ; VALUE P107L (default=40) 2 ='Section A completed' 3 ='Section A not completed' ; VALUE P108L (default=40) 00 ='Less than one year' 97 ='97 years and over' 98 ='Not ascertained' 99 ='DK or refused' ; VALUE P109L (default=40) 1 ='Yes' 2 ='No' 8 ='Not ascertained' 9 ='DK or refused' ; VALUE P110L (default=40) 1 ='Yes' 2 ='No' 8 ='Not ascertained' 9 ='DK or refused' ; VALUE P111L (default=40) 0='Yes, entire home on one floor or level' 1='Yes' 2='No' 8='Not ascertained' 9='DK or refused' ; VALUE P112L (default=40) 1 ='Yes' 2 ='No' 8 ='Not ascertained' 9 ='DK or refused' ; VALUE P113L (default=40) 1 ='Yes' 2 ='No' 8 ='Not ascertained' 9 ='DK or refused' ; VALUE P114L (default=40) 1 ='Yes' 2 ='No' 8 ='Not ascertained' 9 ='DK or refused' ; VALUE P115L (default=40) 1 ='Yes' 2 ='No' 8 ='Not ascertained' 9 ='DK or refused' ; VALUE P116L (default=40) 0 ='Has feature already' 1 ='Needs feature; No or DK if has' 2 ='Does not need; No or DK if has' 8 ='Not ascertained if need; No or DK if has' 9 ='DK or refused; No or DK if has' ; VALUE P117L (default=40) 0 ='Has feature already' 1 ='Needs feature; No or DK if has' 2 ='Does not need; No or DK if has' 8 ='Not ascertained if need; No or DK if has' 9 ='DK or refused; No or DK if has' ; VALUE P118L (default=40) 0 ='Has feature already' 1 ='Needs feature; No or DK if has' 2 ='Does not need; No or DK if has' 8 ='Not ascertained if need; No or DK if has' 9 ='DK or refused; No or DK if has' ; VALUE P119L (default=40) 0 ='Has feature already' 1 ='Needs feature; No or DK if has' 2 ='Does not need; No or DK if has' 8 ='Not ascertained if need; No or DK if has' 9 ='DK or refused; No or DK if has' ; VALUE P120L (default=40) 0 ='Has feature already' 1 ='Needs feature; No or DK if has' 2 ='Does not need; No or DK if has' 8 ='Not ascertained if need; No or DK if has' 9 ='DK or refused; No or DK if has' ; VALUE P121L (default=40) 0 ='Has feature already' 1 ='Needs feature; No or DK if has' 2 ='Does not need; No or DK if has' 8 ='Not ascertained if need; No or DK if has' 9 ='DK or refused; No or DK if has' ; VALUE P122L (default=40) 0 ='Has feature already' 1 ='Needs feature; No or DK if has' 2 ='Does not need; No or DK if has' 8 ='Not ascertained if need; No or DK if has' 9 ='DK or refused; No or DK if has' ; VALUE P123L (default=40) 0 ='Has feature already' 1 ='Needs feature; No or DK if has' 2 ='Does not need; No or DK if has' 8 ='Not ascertained if need; No or DK if has' 9 ='DK or refused; No or DK if has' ; VALUE P124L (default=40) 0 ='Has feature already' 1 ='Needs feature; No or DK if has' 2 ='Does not need; No or DK if has' 8 ='Not ascertained if need; No or DK if has' 9 ='DK or refused; No or DK if has' ; VALUE P125L (default=40) 0 ='Has feature already' 1 ='Needs feature; No or DK if has' 2 ='Does not need; No or DK if has' 8 ='Not ascertained if need; No or DK if...' /* has*/ 9 ='DK or refused; No or DK if has' ; VALUE P126L (default=40) 01 ='Single family house or townhouse, not...' /* part of retirement community*/ 02 ='Single family house, townhouse, or ap...' /*artment that is part of retirement community*/ 03 ='Regular apartment' 04 ='Supervised apartment' 05 ='Group home' 06 ='Halfway house' 07 ='Personal care or board and care home' 08 ='Developmental center' 09 ='Other type of supervised group reside...' /*nce or facility*/ 10 ='Assisted living facility' 11 ='Nursing or convalescent home' 12 ='Retirement home' 13 ='Center for Independent Living' 14 ='Something else' 98 ='Not ascertained' 99 ='DK or refused' ; VALUE P127L (default=40) 0='Yes, single family house, townhouse, ...' /*or apartment that is part of retirement community*/ 1='Yes, other residence types' 2='No' 8='Not ascertained' 9='DK or refused' ; VALUE P128L (default=40) 1='Yes' 2='No' 8='Not ascertained' 9='DK or refused' ; VALUE P129L (default=40) 1='Yes' 2='No' 8='Not ascertained' 9='DK or refused' ; VALUE P130L (default=40) 1='Yes' 2='No' 8='Not ascertained' 9='DK or refused' ; VALUE P131L (default=40) 1='Yes' 2='No' 8='Not ascertained' 9='DK or refused' ; VALUE P132L (default=40) 1='Yes' 2='No' 8='Not ascertained' 9='DK or refused' ; VALUE P133L (default=40) 1='Yes' 2='No' 8='Not ascertained' 9='DK or refused' ; VALUE P134L (default=40) 1='Yes' 2='No' 8='Not ascertained' 9='DK or refused' ; VALUE P135L (default=40) 1='Yes' 2='No' 8='Not ascertained' 9='DK or refused' ; VALUE P136L (default=40) 1='Yes' 2='No' 8='Not ascertained' 9='DK or refused' ; VALUE P137L (default=40) 1='Yes' 2='No' 8='Not ascertained' 9='DK or refused' ; VALUE P138L (default=40) 1='Yes' 2='No' 8='Not ascertained' 9='DK or refused' ; VALUE P139L (default=40) 1='Yes' 2='No' 8='Not ascertained' 9='DK or refused' ; VALUE P140L (default=40) 1='Yes' 2='No' 8='Not ascertained' 9='DK or refused' ; VALUE P141L (default=40) 1='Yes' 2='No' 8='Not ascertained' 9='DK or refused' ; VALUE P142L (default=40) 1 ='Yes' 2 ='No' 8 ='Not ascertained' 9 ='DK or refused' ; VALUE P143L (default=40) 1 ='Yes' 2 ='No' 8 ='Not ascertained' 9 ='DK or refused' ; VALUE P144L (default=40) 97 ='97 times or more' 98 ='Not ascertained' 99 ='DK or refused' ; VALUE P146L (default=40) 00='In Past 12 Mth/Not in Past 12 Mon' 98='Month not ascertained, year known' 99='DK or refused month, year known' ; VALUE P147L (default=40) 98='Not ascertained' 99='DK or refused' ; VALUE P149L (default=40) 00='In Past 12 Mth/Not in Past 12 Mon' 98='Not ascertained' 99='DK or refused' ; VALUE P150L (default=40) 97='Unknown discharge date but within past year' 98='Unknown discharge date but not known to be in past year' 99='DK or refused' ; VALUE P151L (default=40) 00='Less than one month' 97='97 months or more' 98='Not ascertained' 99='DK or refused' ; VALUE P152L (default=40) 00='Less than one week' 98='Not ascertained' 99='DK or refused' ; VALUE P153L (default=40) 1='Yes' 2='No' 9='Unknown if in past year' ; VALUE P154L (default=40) 1='Mentioned' 2='Not mentioned' 3='No one/Free' 8='No sources ascertained' 9='DK or refused for all sources' ; VALUE P155L (default=40) 1='Mentioned' 2='Not mentioned' 3='No one/Free' 8='No sources ascertained' 9='DK or refused for all sources' ; VALUE P156L (default=40) 1='Mentioned' 2='Not mentioned' 3='No one/Free' 8='No sources ascertained' 9='DK or refused for all sources' ; VALUE P157L (default=40) 1='Mentioned' 2='Not mentioned' 3='No one/Free' 8='No sources ascertained' 9='DK or refused for all sources' ; VALUE P158L (default=40) 1='Mentioned' 2='Not mentioned' 3='No one/Free' 8='No sources ascertained' 9='DK or refused for all sources' ; VALUE P159L (default=40) 1='Mentioned' 2='Not mentioned' 3='No one/Free' 8='No sources ascertained' 9='DK or refused for all sources' ; VALUE P160L (default=40) 1='Mentioned' 2='Not mentioned' 3='No one/Free' 8='No sources ascertained' 9='DK or refused for all sources' ; VALUE P161L (default=40) 1='Mentioned' 2='Not mentioned' 3='No one/Free' 8='No sources ascertained' 9='DK or refused for all sources' ; VALUE P162L (default=40) 1='Mentioned' 2='Not mentioned' 3='No one/Free' 8='No sources ascertained' 9='DK or refused for all sources' ; VALUE P163L (default=40) 1='Mentioned' 2='Not mentioned' 3='No one/Free' 8='No sources ascertained' 9='DK or refused for all sources' ; VALUE P164L (default=40) 1='Mentioned' 2='Not mentioned' 3='No one/Free' 8='No sources ascertained' 9='DK or refused for all sources' ; VALUE P165L (default=40) 1='Mentioned' 2='Not mentioned' 3='No one/Free' 8='No sources ascertained' 9='DK or refused for all sources' ; VALUE P166L (default=40) 01 ='Self or family in HH' 02 ='Family not in HH' 03 ='Private health insurance' 04 ='Medicare' 05 ='Medicaid' 06 ='Rehabilitation program' 07 ='Employer' 08 ='School system' 09 ='VA program' 10 ='Other military' 11 ='Other private source' 12 ='Other public source' 13 ='Two or more sources given Unknown whi...' /*ch paid most*/ 33 ='No one or free' 88 ='No source ascertained' 99 ='DK/refused any source' ; VALUE P167L (default=40) 000000 ='None' 999997 ='$999,997 or more' 999998 ='Not ascertained' 999999 ='DK or refused' ; VALUE P168L (default=40) 1='Yes' 2='No' 8='Not ascertained' 9='DK or refused' ; VALUE P169L (default=40) 1='Yes' 2='No' 8='Not ascertained' 9='DK or refused' ; VALUE P170L (default=40) 1 ='Everyday or almost everyday' 2 ='Occasionally' 3 ='Seldom' 4 ='Never' 8 ='Not ascertained' 9 ='DK or refused' ; VALUE P171L (default=40) 1='Yes' 2='No' 8='Not ascertained' 9='DK or refused' ; VALUE P172L (default=40) 0 ='No public system available' 1 ='Yes' 2 ='No' 8 ='Not ascertained' 9 ='DK or refused' ; VALUE P173L (default=40) 0='No public system available' 1='Yes' 2='No' 8='Not ascertained' 9='DK or refused' ; VALUE P174L (default=40) 1='Everyday or almost everyday' 2='Occasionally' 3='Seldom' 8='Not ascertained' 9='DK or refused' ; VALUE P175L (default=40) 1='Yes' 2='No' 8='Not ascertained' 9='DK or refused' ; VALUE P176L (default=40) 1 ='Yes' 2 ='No' 8 ='Not ascertained' 9 ='DK or refused' ; VALUE P177L (default=40) 1 ='Yes' 2 ='No' 8 ='Not ascertained' 9 ='DK or refused' ; VALUE P178L (default=40) 1 ='Yes' 2 ='No' 8 ='Not ascertained' 9 ='DK or refused' ; VALUE P179L (default=40) 1 ='Yes' 2 ='No' 8 ='Not ascertained' 9 ='DK or refused' ; VALUE P180L (default=40) 1 ='Yes' 2 ='No' 8 ='Not ascertained' 9 ='DK or refused' ; VALUE P181L (default=40) 1 ='Yes' 2 ='No' 8 ='Not ascertained' 9 ='DK or refused' ; VALUE P182L (default=40) 1 ='Yes' 2 ='No' 8 ='Not ascertained' 9 ='DK or refused' ; VALUE P183L (default=40) 00 ='None' 14 ='Everyday' 98 ='Not ascertained' 99 ='DK or refused' ; VALUE P184L (default=40) 1='About enough' 2='Too much' 3='Would like to do more' 8='Not ascertained' 9='DK or refused' ; VALUE P185L (default=40) 1 ='Yes' 2 ='No' 8 ='Not ascertained' 9 ='DK or refused' ; VALUE P186L (default=40) 0='No information about employment for t...' /*his person**/ 1='Worked and has data (may not be compl...' /*ete)*/ 2='Worked but no data*' 3='Never worked and has some data' 4='Never worked but has no data*' 8='Not ascertained' 9='DK if ever worked' ; VALUE P187L (default=40) 1='Yes' 2='No' 8='Not ascertained' 9='DK or refused' ; VALUE P188L (default=40) 97 ='97 hours or more' 98 ='Not ascertained' 99 ='DK or refused' ; VALUE P189L (default=40) 98 ='Not ascertained' 99 ='DK or refused' ; VALUE P190L (default=40) 1='Yes' 2='No' 8='Not ascertained' 9='DK or refused' ; VALUE P191L (default=40) 97 ='97 years and over' 98 ='Not ascertained' 99 ='DK or refused' ; VALUE P192L (default=40) 00 ='Less than 1 year' 98 ='Age at retirement not ascertained' 99 ='Age at retirement DK or refused' ; VALUE P193L (default=40) 1='Yes' 2='No' 8='Not ascertained' 9='DK or refused' ; VALUE P194L (default=40) 98 ='Not ascertained' 99 ='DK or refused' ; VALUE P195L (default=40) 98 ='Not ascertained' 99 ='DK or refused' ; VALUE P196L (default=40) 1='Yes' 2='No' 8='Not ascertained' 9='DK or refused' ; VALUE P197L (default=40) 98 ='Not ascertained' 99 ='DK or refused' ; VALUE P198L (default=40) 1='Yes' 2='No' 8='Not ascertained' 9='DK or refused' ; ; VALUE P199L (default=40) 00 ='Less than 1 year' 99 ='Unknown age at retirement' ; VALUE P200L (default=40) 1='Yes' 2='No' 8='Not ascertained' 9='DK or refused' ; VALUE P201L (default=40) 1='Yes' 2='No' 8='Not ascertained' 9='DK or refused' ; VALUE P203L (default=40) 999 ='DK, refused, not ascertained' ; VALUE P204L (default=40) 1='Week' 2='Month' 3='Year' 9='DK, refused, not ascertained' ; VALUE P205L (default=40) 88 ='Less than one dayper month' 99 ='DK/Refused/Not asertained' ; VALUE P206L (default=40) 1 ='Yes' 2 ='No' 8 ='Not ascertained' 9 ='DK or refused' ; VALUE P207L (default=40) 1='Yes' 2='No' 8='Not ascertained' 9='DK or refused' ; VALUE P208L (default=40) 1 ='Yes' 2 ='No' 8 ='Not ascertained' 9 ='DK or refused' ; VALUE P209L (default=40) 1='Yes' 2='No' 8='Not ascertained' 9='DK or refused' ; VALUE P210L (default=40) 1 ='Yes' 2 ='No' 8 ='Not ascertained' 9 ='DK or refused' ; VALUE P211L (default=40) 1='Yes' 2='No' 8='Not ascertained' 9='DK or refused' ; VALUE P212L (default=40) 1 ='Yes' 2 ='No' 8 ='Not ascertained' 9 ='DK or refused' ; VALUE P213L (default=40) 1='Yes' 2='No' 8='Not ascertained' 9='DK or refused' ; VALUE P214L (default=40) 1 ='Yes' 2 ='No' 8 ='Not ascertained' 9 ='DK or refused' ; VALUE P215L (default=40) 1='Yes' 2='No' 8='Not ascertained' 9='DK or refused' ; VALUE P216L (default=40) 1 ='Yes' 2 ='No' 8 ='Not ascertained' 9 ='DK or refused' ; VALUE P217L (default=40) 1='Yes' 2='No' 8='Not ascertained' 9='DK or refused' ; VALUE P218L (default=40) 1 ='Yes' 2 ='No' 8 ='Not ascertained' 9 ='DK or refused' ; VALUE P219L (default=40) 1='Yes' 2='No' 8='Not ascertained' 9='DK or refused' ; VALUE P220L (default=40) 1 ='Yes' 2 ='No' 8 ='Not ascertained' 9 ='DK or refused' ; VALUE P221L (default=40) 1='Yes' 2='No' 8='Not ascertained' 9='DK or refused' ; VALUE P222L (default=40) 1 ='Yes' 2 ='No' 8 ='Not ascertained' 9 ='DK or refused' ; VALUE P223L (default=40) 1='Yes' 2='No' 8='Not ascertained' 9='DK or refused' ; VALUE P224L (default=40) 1 ='Yes' 2 ='No' 8 ='Not ascertained' 9 ='DK or refused' ; VALUE P225L (default=40) 1='Yes' 2='No' 8='Not ascertained' 9='DK or refused' ; VALUE P226L (default=40) 1 ='Yes' 2 ='No' 8 ='Not ascertained' 9 ='DK or refused' ; VALUE P227L (default=40) 1='Yes' 2='No' 8='Not ascertained' 9='DK or refused' ; VALUE P228L (default=40) 1 ='Yes' 2 ='No' 8 ='Not ascertained' 9 ='DK or refused' ; VALUE P229L (default=40) 1='Yes' 2='No' 8='Not ascertained' 9='DK or refused' ; VALUE P230L (default=40) 1 ='Yes' 2 ='No' 8 ='Not ascertained' 9 ='DK or refused' ; VALUE P231L (default=40) 1='Yes' 2='No' 8='Not ascertained' 9='DK or refused' ; VALUE P232L (default=40) 1 ='Yes' 2 ='No' 8 ='Not ascertained' 9 ='DK or refused' ; VALUE P233L (default=40) 1='Yes' 2='No' 8='Not ascertained' 9='DK or refused' ; VALUE P234L (default=40) 1 ='Yes' 2 ='No' 8 ='Not ascertained' 9 ='DK or refused' ; VALUE P235L (default=40) 1='Yes' 2='No' 8='Not ascertained' 9='DK or refused' ; VALUE P236L (default=40) 1 ='Yes' 2 ='No' 8 ='Not ascertained' 9 ='DK or refused' ; VALUE P237L (default=40) 1 ='Yes' 2 ='No' 8 ='Not ascertained' 9 ='DK or refused' ; VALUE P238L (default=40) 1 ='Yes' 2 ='No' 8 ='Not ascertained' 9 ='DK or refused' ; VALUE P239L (default=40) 1 ='Yes' 2 ='No' 8 ='Not ascertained' 9 ='DK or refused' ; VALUE P240L (default=40) 1 ='Yes' 2 ='No' 8 ='Not ascertained' 9 ='DK or refused' ; VALUE P241L (default=40) 1 ='Yes' 2 ='No' 8 ='Not ascertained' 9 ='DK or refused' ; VALUE P242L (default=40) 1 ='Yes' 2 ='No' 8 ='Not ascertained' 9 ='DK or refused' ; VALUE P243L (default=40) 1 ='Yes' 2 ='No' 8 ='Not ascertained' 9 ='DK or refused' ; VALUE P244L (default=40) 1 ='Yes' 2 ='No' 8 ='Not ascertained' 9 ='DK or refused' ; VALUE P245L (default=40) 1 ='Yes' 2 ='No' 8 ='Not ascertained' 9 ='DK or refused' ; VALUE P246L (default=40) 1 ='Yes' 2 ='No' 8 ='Not ascertained' 9 ='DK or refused' ; VALUE P247L (default=40) 1 ='Yes' 2 ='No' 8 ='Not ascertained' 9 ='DK or refused' ; VALUE P248L (default=40) 1='Less than 6 months' 2='6 months, less than 1 year' 3='1 year, less than 2 years' 4='2 years or more' 8='Not ascertained' 9='DK or refused' ; VALUE P249L (default=40) 1 ='Yes' 2 ='No' 8 ='Not ascertained' 9 ='DK or refused' ; VALUE P250L (default=40) 0='Less than 6 months' 1='6 months, less than 1 year' 2='1 year, less than 2 years' 3='2 years, less than 5 years' 4='5 years or more' 5='On and off for less than 2 years' 6='On and off for 2 years, less than 5 y...' /*ears*/ 7='On and off for 5 years or more' 8='Not ascertained' 9='DK or refused' ; VALUE P251L (default=40) 1 ='Yes' 2 ='No' 8 ='Not ascertained' 9 ='DK or refused' ; VALUE P252L (default=40) 1 ='Yes' 2 ='No' 8 ='Not ascertained' 9 ='DK or refused' ; VALUE P253L (default=40) 1='Yes' 2='No' 8='Not ascertained' 9='DK or refused' ; VALUE P254L (default=40) 1='Yes' 2='No' 8='Not ascertained' 9='DK or refused' ; VALUE P255L (default=40) 1 ='Yes' 2 ='No' 8 ='Not ascertained' 9 ='DK or refused' ; VALUE P256L (default=40) 1 ='Yes' 2 ='No' 8 ='Not ascertained' 9 ='DK or refused' ; VALUE P257L (default=40) 1='Employer' 2='Union' 3='Workplace, DK which source' 4='No' 8='Not ascertained' 9='DK or refused' ; VALUE P258L (default=40) 1 ='Covered by one or both' 2 ='Not covered by either' 9 ='Unknown if covered' ; VALUE P259L (default=40) 0 ='Not covered by govt. or private healt...' /*h insurance*/ 1 ='Covered by govt. health programs only' 2 ='Covered by private programs only' 3 ='Covered by both govt. and private hea...' /*lth insurance*/ 4 ='Covered by govt., unknown if covered ...' /*by private health insurance*/ 5 ='Covered by private, unknown if covere...' /*d by govt. health insurance*/ 6 ='Not covered by govt., unknown if cove...' /*red by private health insurance*/ 7 ='Not covered by private, unknown if co...' /*vered by govt. health insurance*/ 9 ='Unknown if covered by either govt. or...' /* private health insurance*/ ; VALUE P260L (default=40) 1 ='Yes' 2 ='No' 8 ='Not ascertained' 9 ='DK or refused' ; VALUE P261L (default=40) 1='Some' 2='A lot' 3='Unable' 8='Not ascertained' 9='DK or refused' ; VALUE P262L (default=40) 00 ='Less than 1 year' 98 ='Not ascertained' 99 ='DK or refused' ; VALUE P263L (default=40) 1 ='Yes' 2 ='No' 8 ='Not ascertained' 9 ='DK or refused' ; VALUE P264L (default=40) 1='Some' 2='A lot' 3='Unable' 8='Not ascertained' 9='DK or refused' ; ; VALUE P265L (default=40) 1 ='Yes' 2 ='No' 8 ='Not ascertained' 9 ='DK or refused' ; VALUE P266L (default=40) 1='Some' 2='A lot' 3='Unable' 8='Not ascertained' 9='DK or refused' ; ; VALUE P267L (default=40) 1 ='Yes' 2 ='No' 8 ='Not ascertained' 9 ='DK or refused' ; VALUE P268L (default=40) 1='Some' 2='A lot' 3='Unable' 8='Not ascertained' 9='DK or refused' ; ; VALUE P269L (default=40) 1 ='Yes' 2 ='No' 8 ='Not ascertained' 9 ='DK or refused' ; VALUE P270L (default=40) 1='Some' 2='A lot' 3='Unable' 8='Not ascertained' 9='DK or refused' ; ; VALUE P271L (default=40) 1 ='Yes' 2 ='No' 8 ='Not ascertained' 9 ='DK or refused' ; VALUE P272L (default=40) 1='Some' 2='A lot' 3='Unable' 8='Not ascertained' 9='DK or refused' ; ; VALUE P273L (default=40) 1 ='Yes' 2 ='No' 8 ='Not ascertained' 9 ='DK or refused' ; VALUE P274L (default=40) 1='Some' 2='A lot' 3='Unable' 8='Not ascertained' 9='DK or refused' ; ; VALUE P275L (default=40) 1 ='Yes' 2 ='No' 8 ='Not ascertained' 9 ='DK or refused' ; VALUE P276L (default=40) 1='Some' 2='A lot' 3='Unable' 8='Not ascertained' 9='DK or refused' ; ; VALUE P277L (default=40) 1 ='Yes' 2 ='No' 8 ='Not ascertained' 9 ='DK or refused' ; VALUE P278L (default=40) 1='Some' 2='A lot' 3='Unable' 8='Not ascertained' 9='DK or refused' ; ; VALUE P279L (default=40) 1='Yes' 2='No' 8='Not ascertained' 9='DK or refused' ; VALUE P280L (default=40) 1='Some' 2='A lot' 3='Unable' 8='Not ascertained' 9='DK or refused' ; ; VALUE P281L (default=40) 00 ='No functional limitations' 10 ='Number of functional limitations' 99 ='DK or refused all questions related t...' /*o functional limitations*/ ; VALUE P282L (default=40) 1 ='Yes' 2 ='No' 3 ="Doesnt do for other reason" 8 ='Not ascertained' 9 ='DK or refused' ; VALUE P283L (default=40) 1='Some' 2='A lot' 3='Unable' 8='Not ascertained' 9='DK or refused' ; VALUE P284L (default=40) 0='Never do without help or equipment' 1='Yes' 2='No' 3='Unable to do activity' 8='Not ascertained' 9='DK or refused' ; VALUE P285L (default=40) 0='Never do without help or equipment' 1='Yes' 2='No' 3='Unable to do activity' 8='Not ascertained' 9='DK or refused' ; VALUE P286L (default=40) 0='Never do without help or equipment' 1='Yes' 2='No' 3='Unable to do activity' 8='Not ascertained' 9='DK or refused' ; VALUE P287L (default=40) 1='Yes' 2='No' 8='Not ascertained' 9='DK or refused' ; VALUE P288L (default=40) 1='Mentioned' 2='Not mentioned' 8='No answer to entire question' 9='DK or refused (entire question)' ; VALUE P289L (default=40) 1='Mentioned' 2='Not mentioned' 8='No answer to entire question' 9='DK or refused (entire question)' ; VALUE P290L (default=40) 1 ='Mentioned' 2 ='Not mentioned' 8 ='No answer to entire question' 9 ='DK or refused (entire question)' ; VALUE P291L (default=40) 0 ='Never do without help' 1 ='Yes' 2 ='No' 8 ='Not ascertained' 9 ='DK or refused' ; VALUE P292L (default=40) 0 ='Never do without help' 1 ='Yes' 2 ='No' 8 ='Not ascertained' 9 ='DK or refused' ; VALUE P293L (default=40) 0 ='Never do without help' 1 ='Yes' 2 ='No' 8 ='Not ascertained' 9 ='DK or refused' ; VALUE P294L (default=40) 1 ='Yes' 2 ='No' 8 ='Not ascertained' 9 ='DK or refused' ; VALUE P295L (default=40) 1 ='Yes' 2 ='No' 8 ='Not ascertained' 9 ='DK or refused' ; VALUE P296L (default=40) 0 ='Never does activity, receives hands-o...' /*n help*/ 1 ='Yes' 2 ='No' 8 ='Not ascertained' 9 ='DK or refused' ; VALUE P297L (default=40) 0 ='Never does activity, receives hands-o...' /*n help*/ 1 ='Yes' 2 ='No' 8 ='Not ascertained' 9 ='DK or refused' ; VALUE P298L (default=40) 0 ='Never does activity, receives hands-o...' /*n help*/ 1 ='Yes' 2 ='No' 8 ='Not ascertained' 9 ='DK or refused' ; VALUE P299L (default=40) 0 ='Never does activity, receives hands-o...' /*n help*/ 1 ='Always' 2 ='Sometimes' 3 ='Rarely' 8 ='Not ascertained' 9 ='DK or refused' ; VALUE P300L (default=40) 1 ='Yes' 2 ='No' 8 ='Not ascertained' 9 ='DK or refused' ; VALUE P301L (default=40) 1 ='Yes' 2 ='No' 8 ='Not ascertained' 9 ='DK or refused' ; VALUE P302L (default=40) 1 ='Yes' 2 ='No' 8 ='Not ascertained' 9 ='DK or refused' ; VALUE P303L (default=40) 1 ='Yes' 2 ='No' 8 ='Not ascertained' 9 ='DK or refused' ; VALUE P304L (default=40) 1 ='Always' 2 ='Sometimes' 3 ='Rarely' 8 ='Not ascertained' 9 ='DK or refused' ; VALUE P305L (default=40) 1 ='Yes' 2 ='No' 8 ='Not ascertained' 9 ='DK or refused' ; VALUE P306L (default=40) 1 ='Everyday' 2 ='2-3 times per week' 3 ='Once a week' 4 ='Less than once a week' 8 ='Not ascertained' 9 ='DK or refused' ; VALUE P307L (default=40) 1 ='Everyday' 2 ='2-3 times per week' 3 ='Once a week' 4 ='Less than once a week' 8 ='Not ascertained' 9 ='DK or refused' ; VALUE P308L (default=40) 1 ='Yes' 2 ='No' 8 ='Not ascertained' 9 ='DK or refused' ; VALUE P309L (default=40) 1 ='Yes' 2 ='No' 8 ='Not ascertained' 9 ='DK or refused' ; VALUE P310L (default=40) 1 ='Yes' 2 ='No' 3 ="Doesnt do for other reason" 8 ='Not ascertained' 9 ='DK or refused' ; VALUE P311L (default=40) 1 ='Some' 2 ='A lot' 3 ='Unable' 8 ='Not ascertained' 9 ='DK or refused' ; VALUE P312L (default=40) 0 ='Never do without help or equipment' 1 ='Yes' 2 ='No' 3 ='Unable to do activity' 8 ='Not ascertained' 9 ='DK or refused' ; VALUE P313L (default=40) 0 ='Never do without help or equipment' 1 ='Yes' 2 ='No' 3 ='Unable to do activity' 8 ='Not ascertained' 9 ='DK or refused' ; VALUE P314L (default=40) 0 ='Never do without help or equipment' 1 ='Yes' 2 ='No' 3 ='Unable to do activity' 8 ='Not ascertained' 9 ='DK or refused' ; VALUE P315L (default=40) 1 ='Yes' 2 ='No' 8 ='Not ascertained' 9 ='DK or refused' ; VALUE P316L (default=40) 1 ='Mentioned' 2 ='Not mentioned' 8 ='No answer to entire question' 9 ='DK or refused (entire question)' ; VALUE P317L (default=40) 1 ='Mentioned' 2 ='Not mentioned' 8 ='No answer to entire question' 9 ='DK or refused (entire question)' ; VALUE P318L (default=40) 1 ='Mentioned' 2 ='Not mentioned' 8 ='No answer to entire question' 9 ='DK or refused (entire question)' ; VALUE P319L (default=40) 1 ='Mentioned' 2 ='Not mentioned' 8 ='No answer to entire question' 9 ='DK or refused (entire question)' ; VALUE P320L (default=40) 1 ='Mentioned' 2 ='Not mentioned' 8 ='No answer to entire question' 9 ='DK or refused (entire question)' ; VALUE P321L (default=40) 0 ='Never do without help' 1 ='Yes' 2 ='No' 8 ='Not ascertained' 9 ='DK or refused' ; VALUE P322L (default=40) 0 ='Never do without help' 1 ='Yes' 2 ='No' 8 ='Not ascertained' 9 ='DK or refused' ; VALUE P323L (default=40) 0 ='Never do without help' 1 ='Yes' 2 ='No' 8 ='Not ascertained' 9 ='DK or refused' ; VALUE P324L (default=40) 1 ='Yes' 2 ='No' 8 ='Not ascertained' 9 ='DK or refused' ; VALUE P325L (default=40) 1 ='Yes' 2 ='No' 8 ='Not ascertained' 9 ='DK or refused' ; VALUE P326L (default=40) 0 ='Never does activity, receives hands-o...' /*n help*/ 1 ='Yes' 2 ='No' 8 ='Not ascertained' 9 ='DK or refused' ; VALUE P327L (default=40) 0 ='Never does activity, receives hands-o...' /*n help*/ 1 ='Yes' 2 ='No' 8 ='Not ascertained' 9 ='DK or refused' ; VALUE P328L (default=40) 0 ='Never does activity, receives hands-o...' /*n help*/ 1 ='Yes' 2 ='No' 8 ='Not ascertained' 9 ='DK or refused' ; VALUE P329L (default=40) 0 ='Never does activity, receives hands-o...' /*n help*/ 1 ='Always' 2 ='Sometimes' 3 ='Rarely' 8 ='Not ascertained' 9 ='DK or refused' ; VALUE P330L (default=40) 1 ='Yes' 2 ='No' 8 ='Not ascertained' 9 ='DK or refused' ; VALUE P331L (default=40) 1 ='Yes' 2 ='No' 8 ='Not ascertained' 9 ='DK or refused' ; VALUE P332L (default=40) 1 ='Yes' 2 ='No' 8 ='Not ascertained' 9 ='DK or refused' ; VALUE P333L (default=40) 1 ='Yes' 2 ='No' 8 ='Not ascertained' 9 ='DK or refused' ; VALUE P334L (default=40) 1 ='Always' 2 ='Sometimes' 3 ='Rarely' 8 ='Not ascertained' 9 ='DK or refused' ; VALUE P335L (default=40) 1 ='Yes' 2 ='No' 8 ='Not ascertained' 9 ='DK or refused' ; VALUE P336L (default=40) 1 ='Everyday' 2 ='2-3 times per week' 3 ='Once a week' 4 ='Stay in night clothes' 8 ='Not ascertained' 9 ='DK or refused' ; VALUE P337L (default=40) 1 ='Everyday' 2 ='2-3 times per week' 3 ='Once a week' 4 ='Less than once a week' 8 ='Not ascertained' 9 ='DK or refused' ; VALUE P338L (default=40) 1 ='Yes' 2 ='No' 8 ='Not ascertained' 9 ='DK or refused' ; VALUE P339L (default=40) 1 ='Yes' 2 ='No' 3 ="Doesnt do for other reason" 8 ='Not ascertained' 9 ='DK or refused' ; VALUE P340L (default=40) 1 ='Some' 2 ='A lot' 3 ='Unable' 8 ='Not ascertained' 9 ='DK or refused' ; VALUE P341L (default=40) 0 ='Never do without help or equipment' 1 ='Yes' 2 ='No' 3 ='Unable to do activity' 8 ='Not ascertained' 9 ='DK or refused' ; VALUE P342L (default=40) 0 ='Never do without help or equipment' 1 ='Yes' 2 ='No' 3 ='Unable to do activity' 8 ='Not ascertained' 9 ='DK or refused' ; VALUE P343L (default=40) 0 ='Never do without help or equipment' 1 ='Yes' 2 ='No' 3 ='Unable to do activity' 8 ='Not ascertained' 9 ='DK or refused' ; VALUE P344L (default=40) 1 ='Yes' 2 ='No' 8 ='Not ascertained' 9 ='DK or refused' ; VALUE P345L (default=40) 1 ='Mentioned' 2 ='Not mentioned' 8 ='No answer to entire question' 9 ='DK or refused (entire question)' ; VALUE P346L (default=40) 1 ='Mentioned' 2 ='Not mentioned' 8 ='No answer to entire question' 9 ='DK or refused (entire question)' ; VALUE P347L (default=40) 1 ='Mentioned' 2 ='Not mentioned' 8 ='No answer to entire question' 9 ='DK or refused (entire question)' ; VALUE P348L (default=40) 1 ='Mentioned' 2 ='Not mentioned' 8 ='No answer to entire question' 9 ='DK or refused (entire question)' ; VALUE P349L (default=40) 0 ='Never do without help' 1 ='Yes' 2 ='No' 8 ='Not ascertained' 9 ='DK or refused' ; VALUE P350L (default=40) 0 ='Never do without help' 1 ='Yes' 2 ='No' 8 ='Not ascertained' 9 ='DK or refused' ; VALUE P351L (default=40) 0 ='Never do without help' 1 ='Yes' 2 ='No' 8 ='Not ascertained' 9 ='DK or refused' ; VALUE P352L (default=40) 1 ='Yes' 2 ='No' 8 ='Not ascertained' 9 ='DK or refused' ; VALUE P353L (default=40) 1 ='Yes' 2 ='No' 8 ='Not ascertained' 9 ='DK or refused' ; VALUE P354L (default=40) 0 ='Never does activity, receives hands-o...' /*n help*/ 1 ='Yes' 2 ='No' 8 ='Not ascertained' 9 ='DK or refused' ; VALUE P355L (default=40) 0 ='Never does activity, receives hands-o...' /*n help*/ 1 ='Yes' 2 ='No' 8 ='Not ascertained' 9 ='DK or refused' ; VALUE P356L (default=40) 0 ='Never does activity, receives hands-o...' /*n help*/ 1 ='Yes' 2 ='No' 8 ='Not ascertained' 9 ='DK or refused' ; VALUE P357L (default=40) 0 ='Never does activity, receives hands-o...' /*n help*/ 1 ='Always' 2 ='Sometimes' 3 ='Rarely' 8 ='Not ascertained' 9 ='DK or refused' ; VALUE P358L (default=40) 1 ='Yes' 2 ='No' 8 ='Not ascertained' 9 ='DK or refused' ; VALUE P359L (default=40) 1 ='Yes' 2 ='No' 8 ='Not ascertained' 9 ='DK or refused' ; VALUE P360L (default=40) 1 ='Yes' 2 ='No' 8 ='Not ascertained' 9 ='DK or refused' ; VALUE P361L (default=40) 1 ='Yes' 2 ='No' 8 ='Not ascertained' 9 ='DK or refused' ; VALUE P362L (default=40) 1 ='Always' 2 ='Sometimes' 3 ='Rarely' 8 ='Not ascertained' 9 ='DK or refused' ; VALUE P363L (default=40) 1 ='Yes' 2 ='No' 8 ='Not ascertained' 9 ='DK or refused' ; VALUE P364L (default=40) 1 ='Yes' 2 ='No' 8 ='Not ascertained' 9 ='DK or refused' ; VALUE P365L (default=40) 1 ='Yes' 2 ='No' 8 ='Not ascertained' 9 ='DK or refused' ; VALUE P366L (default=40) 1 ='Yes' 2 ='No' 8 ='Not ascertained' 9 ='DK or refused' ; VALUE P367L (default=40) 1 ='Yes' 2 ='No' 8 ='Not ascertained' 9 ='DK or refused' ; VALUE P368L (default=40) 1 ='Yes' 2 ='No' 3 ="Doesnt do for other reason" 8 ='Not ascertained' 9 ='DK or refused' ; VALUE P369L (default=40) 1 ='Some' 2 ='A lot' 3 ='Unable' 8 ='Not ascertained' 9 ='DK or refused' ; VALUE P370L (default=40) 0 ='Never do without help or equipment' 1 ='Yes' 2 ='No' 3 ='Unable to do activity' 8 ='Not ascertained' 9 ='DK or refused' ; VALUE P371L (default=40) 0 ='Never do without help or equipment' 1 ='Yes' 2 ='No' 3 ='Unable to do activity' 8 ='Not ascertained' 9 ='DK or refused' ; VALUE P372L (default=40) 0 ='Never do without help or equipment' 1 ='Yes' 2 ='No' 3 ='Unable to do activity' 8 ='Not ascertained' 9 ='DK or refused' ; VALUE P373L (default=40) 1 ='Yes' 2 ='No' 8 ='Not ascertained' 9 ='DK or refused' ; VALUE P374L (default=40) 1 ='Mentioned' 2 ='Not mentioned' 8 ='No answer to entire question' 9 ='DK or refused (entire question)' ; VALUE P375L (default=40) 1 ='Mentioned' 2 ='Not mentioned' 8 ='No answer to entire question' 9 ='DK or refused (entire question)' ; VALUE P376L (default=40) 1 ='Mentioned' 2 ='Not mentioned' 8 ='No answer to entire question' 9 ='DK or refused (entire question)' ; VALUE P377L (default=40) 1 ='Mentioned' 2 ='Not mentioned' 8 ='No answer to entire question' 9 ='DK or refused (entire question)' ; VALUE P378L (default=40) 1 ='Mentioned' 2 ='Not mentioned' 8 ='No answer to entire question' 9 ='DK or refused (entire question)' ; VALUE P379L (default=40) 1 ='Mentioned' 2 ='Not mentioned' 8 ='No answer to entire question' 9 ='DK or refused (entire question)' ; VALUE P380L (default=40) 1 ='Mentioned' 2 ='Not mentioned' 8 ='No answer to entire question' 9 ='DK or refused (entire question)' ; VALUE P381L (default=40) 1 ='Mentioned' 2 ='Not mentioned' 8 ='No answer to entire question' 9 ='DK or refused (entire question)' ; VALUE P382L (default=40) 0 ='Never do without help' 1 ='Yes' 2 ='No' 8 ='Not ascertained' 9 ='DK or refused' ; VALUE P383L (default=40) 0 ='Never do without help' 1 ='Yes' 2 ='No' 8 ='Not ascertained' 9 ='DK or refused' ; VALUE P384L (default=40) 0 ='Never do without help' 1 ='Yes' 2 ='No' 8 ='Not ascertained' 9 ='DK or refused' ; VALUE P385L (default=40) 1 ='Yes' 2 ='No' 8 ='Not ascertained' 9 ='DK or refused' ; VALUE P386L (default=40) 1 ='Yes' 2 ='No' 8 ='Not ascertained' 9 ='DK or refused' ; VALUE P387L (default=40) 0 ='Never does activity, receives hands-o...' /*n help*/ 1 ='Yes' 2 ='No' 8 ='Not ascertained' 9 ='DK or refused' ; VALUE P388L (default=40) 0 ='Never does activity, receives hands-o...' /*n help*/ 1 ='Yes' 2 ='No' 8 ='Not ascertained' 9 ='DK or refused' ; VALUE P389L (default=40) 0 ='Never does activity, receives hands-o...' /*n help*/ 1 ='Yes' 2 ='No' 8 ='Not ascertained' 9 ='DK or refused' ; VALUE P390L (default=40) 0 ='Never does activity, receives hands-o...' /*n help*/ 1 ='Always' 2 ='Sometimes' 3 ='Rarely' 8 ='Not ascertained' 9 ='DK or refused' ; VALUE P391L (default=40) 1 ='Yes' 2 ='No' 8 ='Not ascertained' 9 ='DK or refused' ; VALUE P392L (default=40) 1 ='Yes' 2 ='No' 8 ='Not ascertained' 9 ='DK or refused' ; VALUE P393L (default=40) 1 ='Yes' 2 ='No' 8 ='Not ascertained' 9 ='DK or refused' ; VALUE P394L (default=40) 1 ='Yes' 2 ='No' 8 ='Not ascertained' 9 ='DK or refused' ; VALUE P395L (default=40) 1 ='Always' 2 ='Sometimes' 3 ='Rarely' 8 ='Not ascertained' 9 ='DK or refused' ; VALUE P396L (default=40) 1 ='Yes' 2 ='No' 8 ='Not ascertained' 9 ='DK or refused' ; VALUE P397L (default=40) 1 ='Yes' 2 ='No' 8 ='Not ascertained' 9 ='DK or refused' ; VALUE P398L (default=40) 1 ='Yes' 2 ='No' 8 ='Not ascertained' 9 ='DK or refused' ; VALUE P399L (default=40) 1 ='Everyday' 2 ='2-3 times per week' 3 ='Once a week' 4 ='Less than once a week' 8 ='Not ascertained' 9 ='DK or refused' ; VALUE P400L (default=40) 1 ='Yes' 2 ='No' 3 ="Doesnt do for other reason" 8 ='Not ascertained' 9 ='DK or refused' ; VALUE P401L (default=40) 1 ='Some' 2 ='A lot' 3 ='Unable' 8 ='Not ascertained' 9 ='DK or refused' ; VALUE P402L (default=40) 0 ='Never do without help or equipment' 1 ='Yes' 2 ='No' 3 ='Unable to do activity' 8 ='Not ascertained' 9 ='DK or refused' ; VALUE P403L (default=40) 0 ='Never do without help or equipment' 1 ='Yes' 2 ='No' 3 ='Unable to do activity' 8 ='Not ascertained' 9 ='DK or refused' ; VALUE P404L (default=40) 0 ='Never do without help or equipment' 1 ='Yes' 2 ='No' 3 ='Unable to do activity' 8 ='Not ascertained' 9 ='DK or refused' ; VALUE P405L (default=40) 1 ='Yes' 2 ='No' 8 ='Not ascertained' 9 ='DK or refused' ; VALUE P406L (default=40) 1 ='Mentioned' 2 ='Not mentioned' 8 ='No answer to entire question' 9 ='DK or refused (entire question)' ; VALUE P407L (default=40) 1 ='Mentioned' 2 ='Not mentioned' 8 ='No answer to entire question' 9 ='DK or refused (entire question)' ; VALUE P408L (default=40) 1 ='Mentioned' 2 ='Not mentioned' 8 ='No answer to entire question' 9 ='DK or refused (entire question)' ; VALUE P409L (default=40) 1 ='Mentioned' 2 ='Not mentioned' 8 ='No answer to entire question' 9 ='DK or refused (entire question)' ; VALUE P410L (default=40) 1 ='Mentioned' 2 ='Not mentioned' 8 ='No answer to entire question' 9 ='DK or refused (entire question)' ; VALUE P411L (default=40) 1 ='Mentioned' 2 ='Not mentioned' 8 ='No answer to entire question' 9 ='DK or refused (entire question)' ; VALUE P412L (default=40) 1 ='Mentioned' 2 ='Not mentioned' 8 ='No answer to entire question' 9 ='DK or refused (entire question)' ; VALUE P413L (default=40) 1 ='Mentioned' 2 ='Not mentioned' 8 ='No answer to entire question' 9 ='DK or refused (entire question)' ; VALUE P414L (default=40) 1 ='Mentioned' 2 ='Not mentioned' 8 ='No answer to entire question' 9 ='DK or refused (entire question)' ; VALUE P415L (default=40) 0 ='Never do without help' 1 ='Yes' 2 ='No' 8 ='Not ascertained' 9 ='DK or refused' ; VALUE P416L (default=40) 0 ='Never do without help' 1 ='Yes' 2 ='No' 8 ='Not ascertained' 9 ='DK or refused' ; VALUE P417L (default=40) 0 ='Never do without help' 1 ='Yes' 2 ='No' 8 ='Not ascertained' 9 ='DK or refused' ; VALUE P418L (default=40) 1 ='Yes' 2 ='No' 8 ='Not ascertained' 9 ='DK or refused' ; VALUE P419L (default=40) 1 ='Yes' 2 ='No' 8 ='Not ascertained' 9 ='DK or refused' ; VALUE P420L (default=40) 0 ='Never does activity, receives hands-o...' /*n help*/ 1 ='Yes' 2 ='No' 8 ='Not ascertained' 9 ='DK or refused' ; VALUE P421L (default=40) 0 ='Never does activity, receives hands-o...' /*n help*/ 1 ='Yes' 2 ='No' 8 ='Not ascertained' 9 ='DK or refused' ; VALUE P422L (default=40) 0 ='Never does activity, receives hands-o...' /*n help*/ 1 ='Yes' 2 ='No' 8 ='Not ascertained' 9 ='DK or refused' ; VALUE P423L (default=40) 0 ='Never does activity, receives hands-o...' /*n help*/ 1 ='Always' 2 ='Sometimes' 3 ='Rarely' 8 ='Not ascertained' 9 ='DK or refused' ; VALUE P424L (default=40) 1 ='Yes' 2 ='No' 8 ='Not ascertained' 9 ='DK or refused' ; VALUE P425L (default=40) 1 ='Yes' 2 ='No' 8 ='Not ascertained' 9 ='DK or refused' ; VALUE P426L (default=40) 1 ='Yes' 2 ='No' 8 ='Not ascertained' 9 ='DK or refused' ; VALUE P427L (default=40) 1 ='Yes' 2 ='No' 8 ='Not ascertained' 9 ='DK or refused' ; VALUE P428L (default=40) 1 ='Always' 2 ='Sometimes' 3 ='Rarely' 8 ='Not ascertained' 9 ='DK or refused' ; VALUE P429L (default=40) 1 ='Yes' 2 ='No' 8 ='Not ascertained' 9 ='DK or refused' ; VALUE P430L (default=40) 1 ='Whenever want to' 2 ='Often enough to stretch and change sc...' /*enery*/ 3 ='Often enough for toilet needs' 4 ='Not often enough to use bathroom' 8 ='Not ascertained' 9 ='DK or refused' ; VALUE P431L (default=40) 1 ='Yes' 2 ='No' 3 ="Doesnt do for other reason" 8 ='Not ascertained' 9 ='DK or refused' ; VALUE P432L (default=40) 1 ='Some' 2 ='A lot' 3 ='Unable' 8 ='Not ascertained' 9 ='DK or refused' ; VALUE P433L (default=40) 0 ='Never do without help or equipment' 1 ='Yes' 2 ='No' 3 ='Unable to do activity' 8 ='Not ascertained' 9 ='DK or refused' ; VALUE P434L (default=40) 0 ='Never do without help or equipment' 1 ='Yes' 2 ='No' 3 ='Unable to do activity' 8 ='Not ascertained' 9 ='DK or refused' ; VALUE P435L (default=40) 0 ='Never do without help or equipment' 1 ='Yes' 2 ='No' 3 ='Unable to do activity' 8 ='Not ascertained' 9 ='DK or refused' ; VALUE P436L (default=40) 1 ='Yes' 2 ='No' 8 ='Not ascertained' 9 ='DK or refused' ; VALUE P437L (default=40) 1 ='Mentioned' 2 ='Not mentioned' 8 ='No answer to entire question' 9 ='DK or refused (entire question)' ; VALUE P438L (default=40) 1 ='Mentioned' 2 ='Not mentioned' 8 ='No answer to entire question' 9 ='DK or refused (entire question)' ; VALUE P439L (default=40) 1 ='Mentioned' 2 ='Not mentioned' 8 ='No answer to entire question' 9 ='DK or refused (entire question)' ; VALUE P440L (default=40) 1 ='Mentioned' 2 ='Not mentioned' 8 ='No answer to entire question' 9 ='DK or refused (entire question)' ; VALUE P441L (default=40) 1 ='Mentioned' 2 ='Not mentioned' 8 ='No answer to entire question' 9 ='DK or refused (entire question)' ; VALUE P442L (default=40) 1 ='Mentioned' 2 ='Not mentioned' 8 ='No answer to entire question' 9 ='DK or refused (entire question)' ; VALUE P443L (default=40) 1 ='Mentioned' 2 ='Not mentioned' 8 ='No answer to entire question' 9 ='DK or refused (entire question)' ; VALUE P444L (default=40) 1 ='Mentioned' 2 ='Not mentioned' 8 ='No answer to entire question' 9 ='DK or refused (entire question)' ; VALUE P445L (default=40) 1 ='Mentioned' 2 ='Not mentioned' 8 ='No answer to entire question' 9 ='DK or refused (entire question)' ; VALUE P446L (default=40) 0 ='Never do without help' 1 ='Yes' 2 ='No' 8 ='Not ascertained' 9 ='DK or refused' ; VALUE P447L (default=40) 0 ='Never do without help' 1 ='Yes' 2 ='No' 8 ='Not ascertained' 9 ='DK or refused' ; VALUE P448L (default=40) 0 ='Never do without help' 1 ='Yes' 2 ='No' 8 ='Not ascertained' 9 ='DK or refused' ; VALUE P449L (default=40) 1 ='Yes' 2 ='No' 8 ='Not ascertained' 9 ='DK or refused' ; VALUE P450L (default=40) 1 ='Yes' 2 ='No' 8 ='Not ascertained' 9 ='DK or refused' ; VALUE P451L (default=40) 0 ='Never does activity, receives hands-o...' /*n help*/ 1 ='Yes' 2 ='No' 8 ='Not ascertained' 9 ='DK or refused' ; VALUE P452L (default=40) 0 ='Never does activity, receives hands-o...' /*n help*/ 1 ='Yes' 2 ='No' 8 ='Not ascertained' 9 ='DK or refused' ; VALUE P453L (default=40) 0 ='Never does activity, receives hands-o...' /*n help*/ 1 ='Yes' 2 ='No' 8 ='Not ascertained' 9 ='DK or refused' ; VALUE P454L (default=40) 0 ='Never does activity, receives hands-o...' /*n help*/ 1 ='Always' 2 ='Sometimes' 3 ='Rarely' 8 ='Not ascertained' 9 ='DK or refused' ; VALUE P455L (default=40) 1 ='Yes' 2 ='No' 8 ='Not ascertained' 9 ='DK or refused' ; VALUE P456L (default=40) 1 ='Yes' 2 ='No' 8 ='Not ascertained' 9 ='DK or refused' ; VALUE P457L (default=40) 1 ='Yes' 2 ='No' 8 ='Not ascertained' 9 ='DK or refused' ; VALUE P458L (default=40) 1 ='Yes' 2 ='No' 8 ='Not ascertained' 9 ='DK or refused' ; VALUE P459L (default=40) 1 ='Always' 2 ='Sometimes' 3 ='Rarely' 8 ='Not ascertained' 9 ='DK or refused' ; VALUE P460L (default=40) 1 ='Yes' 2 ='No' 8 ='Not ascertained' 9 ='DK or refused' ; VALUE P461L (default=40) 1 ='Yes' 2 ='No' 3 ="Doesnt do for other reason" 8 ='Not ascertained' 9 ='DK or refused' ; VALUE P462L (default=40) 1 ='Some' 2 ='A lot' 3 ='Unable' 8 ='Not ascertained' 9 ='DK or refused' ; VALUE P463L (default=40) 0 ='Never do without help or equipment' 1 ='Yes' 2 ='No' 3 ='Unable to do activity' 8 ='Not ascertained' 9 ='DK or refused' ; VALUE P464L (default=40) 0 ='Never do without help or equipment' 1 ='Yes' 2 ='No' 3 ='Unable to do activity' 8 ='Not ascertained' 9 ='DK or refused' ; VALUE P465L (default=40) 0 ='Never do without help or equipment' 1 ='Yes' 2 ='No' 3 ='Unable to do activity' 8 ='Not ascertained' 9 ='DK or refused' ; VALUE P466L (default=40) 1 ='Yes' 2 ='No' 8 ='Not ascertained' 9 ='DK or refused' ; VALUE P467L (default=40) 1 ='Mentioned' 2 ='Not mentioned' 8 ='No answer to entire question' 9 ='DK or refused (entire question)' ; VALUE P468L (default=40) 1 ='Mentioned' 2 ='Not mentioned' 8 ='No answer to entire question' 9 ='DK or refused (entire question)' ; VALUE P469L (default=40) 1 ='Mentioned' 2 ='Not mentioned' 8 ='No answer to entire question' 9 ='DK or refused (entire question)' ; VALUE P470L (default=40) 1 ='Mentioned' 2 ='Not mentioned' 8 ='No answer to entire question' 9 ='DK or refused (entire question)' ; VALUE P471L (default=40) 1 ='Mentioned' 2 ='Not mentioned' 8 ='No answer to entire question' 9 ='DK or refused (entire question)' ; VALUE P472L (default=40) 1 ='Mentioned' 2 ='Not mentioned' 8 ='No answer to entire question' 9 ='DK or refused (entire question)' ; VALUE P473L (default=40) 1 ='Mentioned' 2 ='Not mentioned' 8 ='No answer to entire question' 9 ='DK or refused (entire question)' ; VALUE P474L (default=40) 1 ='Mentioned' 2 ='Not mentioned' 8 ='No answer to entire question' 9 ='DK or refused (entire question)' ; VALUE P475L (default=40) 1 ='Mentioned' 2 ='Not mentioned' 8 ='No answer to entire question' 9 ='DK or refused (entire question)' ; VALUE P476L (default=40) 1 ='Mentioned' 2 ='Not mentioned' 8 ='No answer to entire question' 9 ='DK or refused (entire question)' ; VALUE P477L (default=40) 1 ='Mentioned' 2 ='Not mentioned' 8 ='No answer to entire question' 9 ='DK or refused (entire question)' ; VALUE P478L (default=40) 1 ='Mentioned' 2 ='Not mentioned' 8 ='No answer to entire question' 9 ='DK or refused (entire question)' ; VALUE P479L (default=40) 0 ='Never do without help' 1 ='Yes' 2 ='No' 8 ='Not ascertained' 9 ='DK or refused' ; VALUE P480L (default=40) 0 ='Never do without help' 1 ='Yes' 2 ='No' 8 ='Not ascertained' 9 ='DK or refused' ; VALUE P481L (default=40) 0 ='Never do without help' 1 ='Yes' 2 ='No' 8 ='Not ascertained' 9 ='DK or refused' ; VALUE P482L (default=40) 1 ='Yes' 2 ='No' 8 ='Not ascertained' 9 ='DK or refused' ; VALUE P483L (default=40) 1 ='Yes' 2 ='No' 8 ='Not ascertained' 9 ='DK or refused' ; VALUE P484L (default=40) 0 ='Never does activity, receives hands-o...' /*n help*/ 1 ='Yes' 2 ='No' 8 ='Not ascertained' 9 ='DK or refused' ; VALUE P485L (default=40) 0 ='Never does activity, receives hands-o...' /*n help*/ 1 ='Yes' 2 ='No' 8 ='Not ascertained' 9 ='DK or refused' ; VALUE P486L (default=40) 0 ='Never does activity, receives hands-o...' /*n help*/ 1 ='Yes' 2 ='No' 8 ='Not ascertained' 9 ='DK or refused' ; VALUE P487L (default=40) 0 ='Never does activity, receives hands-o...' /*n help*/ 1 ='Always' 2 ='Sometimes' 3 ='Rarely' 8 ='Not ascertained' 9 ='DK or refused' ; VALUE P488L (default=40) 1 ='Yes' 2 ='No' 8 ='Not ascertained' 9 ='DK or refused' ; VALUE P489L (default=40) 1 ='Yes' 2 ='No' 8 ='Not ascertained' 9 ='DK or refused' ; VALUE P490L (default=40) 1 ='Yes' 2 ='No' 8 ='Not ascertained' 9 ='DK or refused' ; VALUE P491L (default=40) 1 ='Yes' 2 ='No' 8 ='Not ascertained' 9 ='DK or refused' ; VALUE P492L (default=40) 1 ='Always' 2 ='Sometimes' 3 ='Rarely' 8 ='Not ascertained' 9 ='DK or refused' ; VALUE P493L (default=40) 1 ='Yes' 2 ='No' 8 ='Not ascertained' 9 ='DK or refused' ; VALUE P494L (default=40) 1 ='Yes' 2 ='No' 8 ='Not ascertained' 9 ='DK or refused' ; VALUE P495L (default=40) 1 ='Yes' 2 ='No' 8 ='Not ascertained' 9 ='DK or refused' ; VALUE P496L (default=40) 1 ='Yes' 2 ='No' 8 ='Not ascertained' 9 ='DK or refused' ; VALUE P497L (default=40) 1 ='Yes' 2 ='No' 8 ='Not ascertained' 9 ='DK or refused' ; VALUE P498L (default=40) 0 ='No known difficulty with any ADLs' 9 ='All ADLs unknown difficulty' ; VALUE P499L (default=40) 0 ="Doesnt use special equipment for any..." /* ADL*/ 9 ='DK or unknown if use special equipmen...' /*t for all ADLs*/ ; VALUE P500L (default=40) 0 ="Doesnt receive help with any ADL" 9 ='DK or unknown if receive help for all...' /* ADLs*/ ; VALUE P501L (default=40) 0 ="Doesnt receive hands-on help with an..." /*y ADL*/ 9 ='DK or unknown if receive hands-on hel...' /*p for all ADLs*/ ; VALUE P502L (default=40) 0 ="Doesnt receive supervision or standb..." /*y help with any ADL*/ 9 ='DK or unknown if receive supervision/...' /*standby help for all ADLs*/ ; VALUE P503L (default=40) 0 ="Doesnt need more help/supervision wi..." /*th any ADL*/ 9 ='DK or unknown if SP needs more help/s...' /*upervision for all ADLs*/ ; VALUE P504L (default=40) 00 ='No Condition' 01 ='Old Age' 02 ='AIDS' 03 ='Cancer (any site or type)' 04 ='Congestive Heart Failure' 05 ='Aneurism' 06 ='Angina, chest pains' 07 ='Arterial disease' 08 ='Coronary heart disease' 09 ='Heart attack or myocardial infarction' 10 ='Heart condition' 11 ='Hypertension or high blood pressure' 12 ='Stroke or cerebrovascular accident' 13 ='Varicose veins' 14 ='Blood clots, phlebitis, embolism, dee...' /*p vein thrombosis, thromboembolism, thrombosis*/ 15 ='Other, unspecified circulatory condit...' /*ions, including poor circulation*/ 18 ='Dental or oral conditions' 21 ='Developmental disabilities' 23 ='Diabetes, diabetes mellitus, any type...' /* of diabetes*/ 24 ='Endocrine conditions' 26 ='Fatigue, exhaustion, tired, chronic f...' /*atigue syndrome*/ 29 ='Gastrointestinal conditions' 30 ='Bladder Incontinence, urinary inconti...' /*nence*/ 31 ='Kidney disease or stones, end stage r...' /*enal disease, kidney failure*/ 32 ='Other, unspecified genitourinary cond...' /*itions*/ 34 ='Medication or drugs, adverse reaction...' /*s to, side effects of*/ 35 ="Alzheimer's disease" 36 ='Senility or senile dementia' 37 ='Other, mental and emotional conditions' 38 ='Osteoarthritis' 39 ='Rheumatoid arthritis' 40 ='Other arthritis' 41 ='Break(s) or fracture(s) of arm(s) inc...' /*luding shoulder and elbow*/ 42 ='Missing arm' 43 ='Other, unspecified including weakness...' /* and paralysis of arm*/ 44 ='Break(s) or fracture(s) of foot/ankle...' /*/toe(s)*/ 45 ='Missing foot/toe(s)' 46 ='Other, unspecified including weakness...' /* and paralysis of foot/ankle/toe(s)*/ 47 ='Break(s) or fracture(s) of hand/wrist...' /*/finger(s)*/ 48 ='Missing hand/finger(s)' 49 ='Other, unspecified including weakness...' /* and paralysis of hand/wrist/finger(s)*/ 50 ='Head injury' 51 ='Other, unspecified head problem' 52 ='Break(s) or fracture(s) of hip(s)' 53 ='Other, unspecified including weakness...' /* of hip(s)*/ 54 ='Break(s) or fracture(s) of leg(s) inc...' /*luding knee*/ 55 ='Missing leg(s) including knee' 56 ='Other, unspecified including weakness...' /* and paralysis of leg(s) including knee*/ 57 ='Break(s) or fracture(s) of neck' 58 ='Other, unspecified including weakness...' /* and paralysis of neck back/spine*/ 59 ='Break(s) or fracture(s) of back/spine' 60 ='Other, unspecified back/spine problem' 61 ='Disc problems, bone spurs, lumbago, s...' /*ciatica*/ 62 ='Muscle spasms, weakness, other back/s...' /*pine problems*/ 63 ='Osteoporosis' 64 ='Pain including migraines, headaches' 65 ='Other paralysis including paraplegia,...' /* quadraplegia*/ 66 ='Skin conditions' 67 ="Parkinson's disease, ALS, amyotrophic..." /* lateral sclerosis, polio, multiple sclerosis*/ 68 ="Dizziness, vertigo, balance, Meniere'..." /*s Disease*/ 69 ='Epilepsy or other seizures (any type)' 70 ='Numbness (any site)' 71 ='Pinched nerve, nerve damage' 72 ='Non-cancerous or not specified cysts,...' /* lumps, tumors any site*/ 73 ='Asthma' 74 ='Bronchitis' 75 ='Emphysema' 76 ='Influenza' 77 ='Pneumonia' 78 ='Other respiratory, lung, or breathing...' /* problems*/ 79 ='Deafness' 80 ='Difficulty hearing' 81 ='Tinnitus, including other and/or unsp...' /*ecified hearing conditions*/ 82 ='Blindness, missing eyes' 83 ='Difficulty seeing' 84 ='Cataracts' 85 ='Glaucoma' 86 ='Vision conditions, other and/or unspe...' /*cified*/ 87 ='Speech disorder(s)' 88 ='Substance abuse, alcohol or drug abus...' /*e or addiction*/ 89 ='Surgery or operations' 90 ='Multiple Chemical Sensitivity' 98 ='Other Condition' 99 ='DK or Refused' ; VALUE P505L (default=40) 00 ='No Condition' 01 ='Old Age' 02 ='AIDS' 03 ='Cancer (any site or type)' 04 ='Congestive Heart Failure' 05 ='Aneurism' 06 ='Angina, chest pains' 07 ='Arterial disease' 08 ='Coronary heart disease' 09 ='Heart attack or myocardial infarction' 10 ='Heart condition' 11 ='Hypertension or high blood pressure' 12 ='Stroke or cerebrovascular accident' 13 ='Varicose veins' 14 ='Blood clots, phlebitis, embolism, dee...' /*p vein thrombosis, thromboembolism, thrombosis*/ 15 ='Other, unspecified circulatory condit...' /*ions, including poor circulation*/ 18 ='Dental or oral conditions' 21 ='Developmental disabilities' 23 ='Diabetes, diabetes mellitus, any type...' /* of diabetes*/ 24 ='Endocrine conditions' 26 ='Fatigue, exhaustion, tired, chronic f...' /*atigue syndrome*/ 29 ='Gastrointestinal conditions' 30 ='Bladder Incontinence, urinary inconti...' /*nence*/ 31 ='Kidney disease or stones, end stage r...' /*enal disease, kidney failure*/ 32 ='Other, unspecified genitourinary cond...' /*itions*/ 34 ='Medication or drugs, adverse reaction...' /*s to, side effects of*/ 35 ="Alzheimer's disease" 36 ='Senility or senile dementia' 37 ='Other, mental and emotional conditions' 38 ='Osteoarthritis' 39 ='Rheumatoid arthritis' 40 ='Other arthritis' 41 ='Break(s) or fracture(s) of arm(s) inc...' /*luding shoulder and elbow*/ 42 ='Missing arm' 43 ='Other, unspecified including weakness...' /* and paralysis of arm*/ 44 ='Break(s) or fracture(s) of foot/ankle...' /*/toe(s)*/ 45 ='Missing foot/toe(s)' 46 ='Other, unspecified including weakness...' /* and paralysis of foot/ankle/toe(s)*/ 47 ='Break(s) or fracture(s) of hand/wrist...' /*/finger(s)*/ 48 ='Missing hand/finger(s)' 49 ='Other, unspecified including weakness...' /* and paralysis of hand/wrist/finger(s)*/ 50 ='Head injury' 51 ='Other, unspecified head problem' 52 ='Break(s) or fracture(s) of hip(s)' 53 ='Other, unspecified including weakness...' /* of hip(s)*/ 54 ='Break(s) or fracture(s) of leg(s) inc...' /*luding knee*/ 55 ='Missing leg(s) including knee' 56 ='Other, unspecified including weakness...' /* and paralysis of leg(s) including knee*/ 57 ='Break(s) or fracture(s) of neck' 58 ='Other, unspecified including weakness...' /* and paralysis of neck back/spine*/ 59 ='Break(s) or fracture(s) of back/spine' 60 ='Other, unspecified back/spine problem' 61 ='Disc problems, bone spurs, lumbago, s...' /*ciatica*/ 62 ='Muscle spasms, weakness, other back/s...' /*pine problems*/ 63 ='Osteoporosis' 64 ='Pain including migraines, headaches' 65 ='Other paralysis including paraplegia,...' /* quadraplegia*/ 66 ='Skin conditions' 67 ="Parkinson's disease, ALS, amyotrophic..." /* lateral sclerosis, polio, multiple sclerosis*/ 68 ="Dizziness, vertigo, balance, Meniere'..." /*s Disease*/ 69 ='Epilepsy or other seizures (any type)' 70 ='Numbness (any site)' 71 ='Pinched nerve, nerve damage' 72 ='Non-cancerous or not specified cysts,...' /* lumps, tumors any site*/ 73 ='Asthma' 74 ='Bronchitis' 75 ='Emphysema' 76 ='Influenza' 77 ='Pneumonia' 78 ='Other respiratory, lung, or breathing...' /* problems*/ 79 ='Deafness' 80 ='Difficulty hearing' 81 ='Tinnitus, including other and/or unsp...' /*ecified hearing conditions*/ 82 ='Blindness, missing eyes' 83 ='Difficulty seeing' 84 ='Cataracts' 85 ='Glaucoma' 86 ='Vision conditions, other and/or unspe...' /*cified*/ 87 ='Speech disorder(s)' 88 ='Substance abuse, alcohol or drug abus...' /*e or addiction*/ 89 ='Surgery or operations' 90 ='Multiple Chemical Sensitivity' 98 ='Other Condition' 99 ='DK or Refused' ; ; ; ; VALUE P506L (default=40) 0 ='No condition' 8 ="Only condition mentioned was 'old age'" 9 ='DK or condition(s) unknown' ; VALUE P507L (default=40) 1 ='Yes' 2 ='No' 8 ='Not ascertained' 9 ='DK or refused' ; VALUE P508L (default=40) 1 ='Daily' 2 ='Several times a week' 3 ='Once a week' 4 ='Less than once a week' 8 ='Not ascertained' 9 ='DK or refused' ; VALUE P509L (default=40) 1 ='Yes' 2 ='No' 8 ='Not ascertained' 9 ='DK or refused' ; VALUE P510L (default=40) 1 ='Yes' 2 ='No' 8 ='Not ascertained' 9 ='DK or refused' ; VALUE P511L (default=40) 1 ='Yes' 2 ='No' 8 ='Not ascertained' 9 ='DK or refused' ; VALUE P512L (default=40) 1 ='Daily' 2 ='Several times a week' 3 ='Once a week' 4 ='Less than once a week' 8 ='Not ascertained' 9 ='DK or refused' ; VALUE P513L (default=40) 1 ='Yes' 2 ='No' 8 ='Not ascertained' 9 ='DK or refused' ; VALUE P514L (default=40) 1 ='Yes' 2 ='No' 8 ='Not ascertained' 9 ='DK or refused' ; VALUE P515L (default=40) 1 ='Yes' 2 ='No' 3 ="Doesnt do for other reason" 8 ='Not ascertained' 9 ='DK or refused' ; VALUE P516L (default=40) 1 ='Yes' 2 ='No' 8 ='Not ascertained' 9 ='DK or refused' ; VALUE P517L (default=40) 1 ='Some' 2 ='A lot' 3 ='Unable' 8 ='Not ascertained' 9 ='DK or refused' ; VALUE P518L (default=40) 0 ='Never do without help' 1 ='Yes' 2 ='No' 3 ='Unable to do activity' 8 ='Not ascertained' 9 ='DK or refused' ; VALUE P519L (default=40) 0 ='Never do without help' 1 ='Yes' 2 ='No' 3 ='Unable to do activity' 8 ='Not ascertained' 9 ='DK or refused' ; VALUE P520L (default=40) 0 ='Never do without help' 1 ='Yes' 2 ='No' 3 ='Unable to do activity' 8 ='Not ascertained' 9 ='DK or refused' ; VALUE P521L (default=40) 1 ='Yes' 2 ='No' 8 ='Not ascertained' 9 ='DK or refused' ; VALUE P522L (default=40) 1 ='Yes' 2 ='No' 8 ='Not ascertained' 9 ='DK or refused' ; VALUE P523L (default=40) 0 ='Never does activity, receives hands-o...' /*n help*/ 1 ='Yes' 2 ='No' 8 ='Not ascertained' 9 ='DK or refused' ; VALUE P524L (default=40) 0 ='Never does activity, receives hands-o...' /*n help*/ 1 ='Yes' 2 ='No' 8 ='Not ascertained' 9 ='DK or refused' ; VALUE P525L (default=40) 0 ='Never does activity, receives hands-o...' /*n help*/ 1 ='Yes' 2 ='No' 8 ='Not ascertained' 9 ='DK or refused' ; VALUE P526L (default=40) 0 ='Never does activity, receives hands-o...' /*n help*/ 1 ='Always' 2 ='Sometimes' 3 ='Rarely' 8 ='Not ascertained' 9 ='DK or refused' ; VALUE P527L (default=40) 1 ='Yes' 2 ='No' 8 ='Not ascertained' 9 ='DK or refused' ; VALUE P528L (default=40) 1 ='Yes' 2 ='No' 8 ='Not ascertained' 9 ='DK or refused' ; VALUE P529L (default=40) 1 ='Yes' 2 ='No' 8 ='Not ascertained' 9 ='DK or refused' ; VALUE P530L (default=40) 1 ='Yes' 2 ='No' 8 ='Not ascertained' 9 ='DK or refused' ; VALUE P531L (default=40) 1 ='Always' 2 ='Sometimes' 3 ='Rarely' 8 ='Not ascertained' 9 ='DK or refused' ; VALUE P532L (default=40) 1 ='Yes' 2 ='No' 8 ='Not ascertained' 9 ='DK or refused' ; VALUE P533L (default=40) 1 ='Yes' 2 ='No' 8 ='Not ascertained' 9 ='DK or refused' ; VALUE P534L (default=40) 1 ='Yes' 2 ='No' 8 ='Not ascertained' 9 ='DK or refused' ; VALUE P535L (default=40) 1 ='Yes' 2 ='No' 8 ='Not ascertained' 9 ='DK or refused' ; VALUE P536L (default=40) 1 ='Always' 2 ='Sometimes' 3 ='Rarely' 4 ='Never' 8 ='Not ascertained' 9 ='DK or refused' ; VALUE P537L (default=40) 1 ='Yes' 2 ='No' 3 ="Doesnt do for other reason" 8 ='Not ascertained' 9 ='DK or refused' ; VALUE P538L (default=40) 1 ='Yes' 2 ='No' 8 ='Not ascertained' 9 ='DK or refused' ; VALUE P539L (default=40) 1 ='Some' 2 ='A lot' 3 ='Unable' 8 ='Not ascertained' 9 ='DK or refused' ; VALUE P540L (default=40) 0 ='Never do without help' 1 ='Yes' 2 ='No' 3 ='Unable to do activity' 8 ='Not ascertained' 9 ='DK or refused' ; VALUE P541L (default=40) 0 ='Never do without help' 1 ='Yes' 2 ='No' 3 ='Unable to do activity' 8 ='Not ascertained' 9 ='DK or refused' ; VALUE P542L (default=40) 0 ='Never do without help' 1 ='Yes' 2 ='No' 3 ='Unable to do activity' 8 ='Not ascertained' 9 ='DK or refused' ; VALUE P543L (default=40) 1 ='Yes' 2 ='No' 8 ='Not ascertained' 9 ='DK or refused' ; VALUE P544L (default=40) 1 ='Yes' 2 ='No' 8 ='Not ascertained' 9 ='DK or refused' ; VALUE P545L (default=40) 0 ='Never does activity, receives hands-o...' /*n help*/ 1 ='Yes' 2 ='No' 8 ='Not ascertained' 9 ='DK or refused' ; VALUE P546L (default=40) 0 ='Never does activity, receives hands-o...' /*n help*/ 1 ='Yes' 2 ='No' 8 ='Not ascertained' 9 ='DK or refused' ; VALUE P547L (default=40) 0 ='Never does activity, receives hands-o...' /*n help*/ 1 ='Yes' 2 ='No' 8 ='Not ascertained' 9 ='DK or refused' ; VALUE P548L (default=40) 0 ='Never does activity, receives hands-o...' /*n help*/ 1 ='Always' 2 ='Sometimes' 3 ='Rarely' 8 ='Not ascertained' 9 ='DK or refused' ; VALUE P549L (default=40) 1 ='Yes' 2 ='No' 8 ='Not ascertained' 9 ='DK or refused' ; VALUE P550L (default=40) 1 ='Yes' 2 ='No' 8 ='Not ascertained' 9 ='DK or refused' ; VALUE P551L (default=40) 1 ='Yes' 2 ='No' 8 ='Not ascertained' 9 ='DK or refused' ; VALUE P552L (default=40) 1 ='Yes' 2 ='No' 8 ='Not ascertained' 9 ='DK or refused' ; VALUE P553L (default=40) 1 ='Always' 2 ='Sometimes' 3 ='Rarely' 8 ='Not ascertained' 9 ='DK or refused' ; VALUE P554L (default=40) 1 ='Yes' 2 ='No' 8 ='Not ascertained' 9 ='DK or refused' ; VALUE P555L (default=40) 1 ='Yes' 2 ='No' 8 ='Not ascertained' 9 ='DK or refused' ; VALUE P556L (default=40) 1 ='Yes' 2 ='No' 8 ='Not ascertained' 9 ='DK or refused' ; VALUE P557L (default=40) 1 ='Always' 2 ='Sometimes' 3 ='Rarely' 4 ='Never' 8 ='Not ascertained' 9 ='DK or refused' ; VALUE P558L (default=40) 1 ='Yes' 2 ='No' 3 ="Doesnt do for other reason" 8 ='Not ascertained' 9 ='DK or refused' ; VALUE P559L (default=40) 1 ='Yes' 2 ='No' 8 ='Not ascertained' 9 ='DK or refused' ; VALUE P560L (default=40) 1 ='Some' 2 ='A lot' 3 ='Unable' 8 ='Not ascertained' 9 ='DK or refused' ; VALUE P561L (default=40) 0 ='Never do without help' 1 ='Yes' 2 ='No' 3 ='Unable to do activity' 8 ='Not ascertained' 9 ='DK or refused' ; VALUE P562L (default=40) 0 ='Never do without help' 1 ='Yes' 2 ='No' 3 ='Unable to do activity' 8 ='Not ascertained' 9 ='DK or refused' ; VALUE P563L (default=40) 0 ='Never do without help' 1 ='Yes' 2 ='No' 3 ='Unable to do activity' 8 ='Not ascertained' 9 ='DK or refused' ; VALUE P564L (default=40) 1 ='Yes' 2 ='No' 8 ='Not ascertained' 9 ='DK or refused' ; VALUE P565L (default=40) 1 ='Yes' 2 ='No' 8 ='Not ascertained' 9 ='DK or refused' ; VALUE P566L (default=40) 0 ='Never does activity, receives hands-o...' /*n help*/ 1 ='Yes' 2 ='No' 8 ='Not ascertained' 9 ='DK or refused' ; VALUE P567L (default=40) 0 ='Never does activity, receives hands-o...' /*n help*/ 1 ='Yes' 2 ='No' 8 ='Not ascertained' 9 ='DK or refused' ; VALUE P568L (default=40) 0 ='Never does activity, receives hands-o...' /*n help*/ 1 ='Yes' 2 ='No' 8 ='Not ascertained' 9 ='DK or refused' ; VALUE P569L (default=40) 0 ='Never does activity, receives hands-o...' /*n help*/ 1 ='Always' 2 ='Sometimes' 3 ='Rarely' 8 ='Not ascertained' 9 ='DK or refused' ; VALUE P570L (default=40) 1 ='Yes' 2 ='No' 8 ='Not ascertained' 9 ='DK or refused' ; VALUE P571L (default=40) 1 ='Yes' 2 ='No' 8 ='Not ascertained' 9 ='DK or refused' ; VALUE P572L (default=40) 1 ='Yes' 2 ='No' 8 ='Not ascertained' 9 ='DK or refused' ; VALUE P573L (default=40) 1 ='Yes' 2 ='No' 8 ='Not ascertained' 9 ='DK or refused' ; VALUE P574L (default=40) 1 ='Always' 2 ='Sometimes' 3 ='Rarely' 8 ='Not ascertained' 9 ='DK or refused' ; VALUE P575L (default=40) 1 ='Yes' 2 ='No' 8 ='Not ascertained' 9 ='DK or refused' ; VALUE P576L (default=40) 1 ='Always' 2 ='Sometimes' 3 ='Rarely' 4 ='Never' 8 ='Not ascertained' 9 ='DK or refused' ; VALUE P577L (default=40) 1 ='Yes' 2 ='No' 3 ="Doesnt do for other reason" 8 ='Not ascertained' 9 ='DK or refused' ; VALUE P578L (default=40) 1 ='Yes' 2 ='No' 8 ='Not ascertained' 9 ='DK or refused' ; VALUE P579L (default=40) 1 ='Some' 2 ='A lot' 3 ='Unable' 8 ='Not ascertained' 9 ='DK or refused' ; VALUE P580L (default=40) 0 ='Never do without help' 1 ='Yes' 2 ='No' 3 ='Unable to do activity' 8 ='Not ascertained' 9 ='DK or refused' ; VALUE P581L (default=40) 0 ='Never do without help' 1 ='Yes' 2 ='No' 3 ='Unable to do activity' 8 ='Not ascertained' 9 ='DK or refused' ; VALUE P582L (default=40) 0 ='Never do without help' 1 ='Yes' 2 ='No' 3 ='Unable to do activity' 8 ='Not ascertained' 9 ='DK or refused' ; VALUE P583L (default=40) 1 ='Yes' 2 ='No' 8 ='Not ascertained' 9 ='DK or refused' ; VALUE P584L (default=40) 1 ='Yes' 2 ='No' 8 ='Not ascertained' 9 ='DK or refused' ; VALUE P585L (default=40) 0 ='Never does activity, receives hands-o...' /*n help*/ 1 ='Yes' 2 ='No' 8 ='Not ascertained' 9 ='DK or refused' ; VALUE P586L (default=40) 0 ='Never does activity, receives hands-o...' /*n help*/ 1 ='Yes' 2 ='No' 8 ='Not ascertained' 9 ='DK or refused' ; VALUE P587L (default=40) 0 ='Never does activity, receives hands-o...' /*n help*/ 1 ='Yes' 2 ='No' 8 ='Not ascertained' 9 ='DK or refused' ; VALUE P588L (default=40) 0 ='Never does activity, receives hands-o...' /*n help*/ 1 ='Always' 2 ='Sometimes' 3 ='Rarely' 8 ='Not ascertained' 9 ='DK or refused' ; VALUE P589L (default=40) 1 ='Yes' 2 ='No' 8 ='Not ascertained' 9 ='DK or refused' ; VALUE P590L (default=40) 1 ='Yes' 2 ='No' 8 ='Not ascertained' 9 ='DK or refused' ; VALUE P591L (default=40) 1 ='Yes' 2 ='No' 8 ='Not ascertained' 9 ='DK or refused' ; VALUE P592L (default=40) 1 ='Yes' 2 ='No' 8 ='Not ascertained' 9 ='DK or refused' ; VALUE P593L (default=40) 1 ='Always' 2 ='Sometimes' 3 ='Rarely' 8 ='Not ascertained' 9 ='DK or refused' ; VALUE P594L (default=40) 1 ='Yes' 2 ='No' 8 ='Not ascertained' 9 ='DK or refused' ; VALUE P595L (default=40) 1 ='Yes' 2 ='No' 3 ="Doesnt do for other reason" 8 ='Not ascertained' 9 ='DK or refused' ; VALUE P596L (default=40) 1 ='Yes' 2 ='No' 8 ='Not ascertained' 9 ='DK or refused' ; VALUE P597L (default=40) 1 ='Some' 2 ='A lot' 3 ='Unable' 8 ='Not ascertained' 9 ='DK or refused' ; VALUE P598L (default=40) 0 ='Never do without help' 1 ='Yes' 2 ='No' 3 ='Unable to do activity' 8 ='Not ascertained' 9 ='DK or refused' ; VALUE P599L (default=40) 0 ='Never do without help' 1 ='Yes' 2 ='No' 3 ='Unable to do activity' 8 ='Not ascertained' 9 ='DK or refused' ; VALUE P600L (default=40) 0 ='Never do without help' 1 ='Yes' 2 ='No' 3 ='Unable to do activity' 8 ='Not ascertained' 9 ='DK or refused' ; VALUE P601L (default=40) 1 ='Yes' 2 ='No' 8 ='Not ascertained' 9 ='DK or refused' ; VALUE P602L (default=40) 1 ='Yes' 2 ='No' 8 ='Not ascertained' 9 ='DK or refused' ; VALUE P603L (default=40) 0 ='Never does activity, receives hands-o...' /*n help*/ 1 ='Yes' 2 ='No' 8 ='Not ascertained' 9 ='DK or refused' ; VALUE P604L (default=40) 0 ='Never does activity, receives hands-o...' /*n help*/ 1 ='Yes' 2 ='No' 8 ='Not ascertained' 9 ='DK or refused' ; VALUE P605L (default=40) 0 ='Never does activity, receives hands-o...' /*n help*/ 1 ='Yes' 2 ='No' 8 ='Not ascertained' 9 ='DK or refused' ; VALUE P606L (default=40) 0 ='Never does activity, receives hands-o...' /*n help*/ 1 ='Always' 2 ='Sometimes' 3 ='Rarely' 8 ='Not ascertained' 9 ='DK or refused' ; VALUE P607L (default=40) 1 ='Yes' 2 ='No' 8 ='Not ascertained' 9 ='DK or refused' ; VALUE P608L (default=40) 1 ='Yes' 2 ='No' 8 ='Not ascertained' 9 ='DK or refused' ; VALUE P609L (default=40) 1 ='Yes' 2 ='No' 8 ='Not ascertained' 9 ='DK or refused' ; VALUE P610L (default=40) 1 ='Yes' 2 ='No' 8 ='Not ascertained' 9 ='DK or refused' ; VALUE P611L (default=40) 1 ='Always' 2 ='Sometimes' 3 ='Rarely' 8 ='Not ascertained' 9 ='DK or refused' ; VALUE P612L (default=40) 1 ='Yes' 2 ='No' 8 ='Not ascertained' 9 ='DK or refused' ; VALUE P613L (default=40) 1 ='Yes' 2 ='No' 8 ='Not ascertained' 9 ='DK or refused' ; VALUE P614L (default=40) 1 ='Always' 2 ='Sometimes' 3 ='Rarely' 4 ='Never' 8 ='Not ascertained' 9 ='DK or refused' ; VALUE P615L (default=40) 1 ='Yes' 2 ='No' 3 ="Doesnt do for other reason" 8 ='Not ascertained' 9 ='DK or refused' ; VALUE P616L (default=40) 1 ='Yes' 2 ='No' 8 ='Not ascertained' 9 ='DK or refused' ; VALUE P617L (default=40) 1 ='Some' 2 ='A lot' 3 ='Unable' 8 ='Not ascertained' 9 ='DK or refused' ; VALUE P618L (default=40) 0 ='Never do without help' 1 ='Yes' 2 ='No' 3 ='Unable to do activity' 8 ='Not ascertained' 9 ='DK or refused' ; VALUE P619L (default=40) 0 ='Never do without help' 1 ='Yes' 2 ='No' 3 ='Unable to do activity' 8 ='Not ascertained' 9 ='DK or refused' ; VALUE P620L (default=40) 0 ='Never do without help' 1 ='Yes' 2 ='No' 3 ='Unable to do activity' 8 ='Not ascertained' 9 ='DK or refused' ; VALUE P621L (default=40) 1 ='Yes' 2 ='No' 8 ='Not ascertained' 9 ='DK or refused' ; VALUE P622L (default=40) 1 ='Yes' 2 ='No' 8 ='Not ascertained' 9 ='DK or refused' ; VALUE P623L (default=40) 0 ='Never does activity, receives hands-o...' /*n help*/ 1 ='Yes' 2 ='No' 8 ='Not ascertained' 9 ='DK or refused' ; VALUE P624L (default=40) 0 ='Never does activity, receives hands-o...' /*n help*/ 1 ='Yes' 2 ='No' 8 ='Not ascertained' 9 ='DK or refused' ; VALUE P625L (default=40) 0 ='Never does activity, receives hands-o...' /*n help*/ 1 ='Yes' 2 ='No' 8 ='Not ascertained' 9 ='DK or refused' ; VALUE P626L (default=40) 0 ='Never does activity, receives hands-o...' /*n help*/ 1 ='Always' 2 ='Sometimes' 3 ='Rarely' 8 ='Not ascertained' 9 ='DK or refused' ; VALUE P627L (default=40) 1 ='Yes' 2 ='No' 8 ='Not ascertained' 9 ='DK or refused' ; VALUE P628L (default=40) 1 ='Yes' 2 ='No' 8 ='Not ascertained' 9 ='DK or refused' ; VALUE P629L (default=40) 1 ='Yes' 2 ='No' 8 ='Not ascertained' 9 ='DK or refused' ; VALUE P630L (default=40) 1 ='Yes' 2 ='No' 8 ='Not ascertained' 9 ='DK or refused' ; VALUE P631L (default=40) 1 ='Always' 2 ='Sometimes' 3 ='Rarely' 8 ='Not ascertained' 9 ='DK or refused' ; VALUE P632L (default=40) 1 ='Yes' 2 ='No' 8 ='Not ascertained' 9 ='DK or refused' ; VALUE P633L (default=40) 1 ='Yes' 2 ='No' 8 ='Not ascertained' 9 ='DK or refused' ; VALUE P634L (default=40) 1 ='Always' 2 ='Sometimes' 3 ='Rarely' 4 ='Never' 8 ='Not ascertained' 9 ='DK or refused' ; VALUE P635L (default=40) 1 ='Yes' 2 ='No' 3 ="Doesnt do for other reason" 8 ='Not ascertained' 9 ='DK or refused' ; VALUE P636L (default=40) 1 ='Yes' 2 ='No' 8 ='Not ascertained' 9 ='DK or refused' ; VALUE P637L (default=40) 1 ='Some' 2 ='A lot' 3 ='Unable' 8 ='Not ascertained' 9 ='DK or refused' ; VALUE P638L (default=40) 0 ='Never do without help' 1 ='Yes' 2 ='No' 3 ='Unable to do activity' 8 ='Not ascertained' 9 ='DK or refused' ; VALUE P639L (default=40) 0 ='Never do without help' 1 ='Yes' 2 ='No' 3 ='Unable to do activity' 8 ='Not ascertained' 9 ='DK or refused' ; VALUE P640L (default=40) 0 ='Never do without help' 1 ='Yes' 2 ='No' 3 ='Unable to do activity' 8 ='Not ascertained' 9 ='DK or refused' ; VALUE P641L (default=40) 1 ='Yes' 2 ='No' 8 ='Not ascertained' 9 ='DK or refused' ; VALUE P642L (default=40) 1 ='Yes' 2 ='No' 8 ='Not ascertained' 9 ='DK or refused' ; VALUE P643L (default=40) 0 ='Never does activity, receives hands-o...' /*n help*/ 1 ='Yes' 2 ='No' 8 ='Not ascertained' 9 ='DK or refused' ; VALUE P644L (default=40) 0 ='Never does activity, receives hands-o...' /*n help*/ 1 ='Yes' 2 ='No' 8 ='Not ascertained' 9 ='DK or refused' ; VALUE P645L (default=40) 0 ='Never does activity, receives hands-o...' /*n help*/ 1 ='Yes' 2 ='No' 8 ='Not ascertained' 9 ='DK or refused' ; VALUE P646L (default=40) 0 ='Never does activity, receives hands-o...' /*n help*/ 1 ='Always' 2 ='Sometimes' 3 ='Rarely' 8 ='Not ascertained' 9 ='DK or refused' ; VALUE P647L (default=40) 1 ='Yes' 2 ='No' 8 ='Not ascertained' 9 ='DK or refused' ; VALUE P648L (default=40) 1 ='Yes' 2 ='No' 8 ='Not ascertained' 9 ='DK or refused' ; VALUE P649L (default=40) 1 ='Yes' 2 ='No' 8 ='Not ascertained' 9 ='DK or refused' ; VALUE P650L (default=40) 1 ='Yes' 2 ='No' 8 ='Not ascertained' 9 ='DK or refused' ; VALUE P651L (default=40) 1 ='Always' 2 ='Sometimes' 3 ='Rarely' 8 ='Not ascertained' 9 ='DK or refused' ; VALUE P652L (default=40) 1 ='Yes' 2 ='No' 8 ='Not ascertained' 9 ='DK or refused' ; VALUE P653L (default=40) 1 ='Yes' 2 ='No' 8 ='Not ascertained' 9 ='DK or refused' ; VALUE P654L (default=40) 1 ='Yes' 2 ='No' 8 ='Not ascertained' 9 ='DK or refused' ; VALUE P655L (default=40) 1 ='Yes' 2 ='No' 8 ='Not ascertained' 9 ='DK or refused' ; VALUE P656L (default=40) 1 ='Yes' 2 ='No' 3 ="Doesnt do for other reason" 8 ='Not ascertained' 9 ='DK or refused' ; VALUE P657L (default=40) 1 ='Yes' 2 ='No' 8 ='Not ascertained' 9 ='DK or refused' ; VALUE P658L (default=40) 1 ='Some' 2 ='A lot' 3 ='Unable' 8 ='Not ascertained' 9 ='DK or refused' ; VALUE P659L (default=40) 0 ='Never do without help' 1 ='Yes' 2 ='No' 3 ='Unable to do activity' 8 ='Not ascertained' 9 ='DK or refused' ; VALUE P660L (default=40) 0 ='Never do without help' 1 ='Yes' 2 ='No' 3 ='Unable to do activity' 8 ='Not ascertained' 9 ='DK or refused' ; VALUE P661L (default=40) 0 ='Never do without help' 1 ='Yes' 2 ='No' 3 ='Unable to do activity' 8 ='Not ascertained' 9 ='DK or refused' ; VALUE P662L (default=40) 1 ='Yes' 2 ='No' 8 ='Not ascertained' 9 ='DK or refused' ; VALUE P663L (default=40) 1 ='Yes' 2 ='No' 8 ='Not ascertained' 9 ='DK or refused' ; VALUE P664L (default=40) 0 ='Never does activity, receives hands-o...' /*n help*/ 1 ='Yes' 2 ='No' 8 ='Not ascertained' 9 ='DK or refused' ; VALUE P665L (default=40) 0 ='Never does activity, receives hands-o...' /*n help*/ 1 ='Yes' 2 ='No' 8 ='Not ascertained' 9 ='DK or refused' ; VALUE P666L (default=40) 0 ='Never does activity, receives hands-o...' /*n help*/ 1 ='Yes' 2 ='No' 8 ='Not ascertained' 9 ='DK or refused' ; VALUE P667L (default=40) 0 ='Never does activity, receives hands-o...' /*n help*/ 1 ='Always' 2 ='Sometimes' 3 ='Rarely' 8 ='Not ascertained' 9 ='DK or refused' ; VALUE P668L (default=40) 1 ='Yes' 2 ='No' 8 ='Not ascertained' 9 ='DK or refused' ; VALUE P669L (default=40) 1 ='Yes' 2 ='No' 8 ='Not ascertained' 9 ='DK or refused' ; VALUE P670L (default=40) 1 ='Yes' 2 ='No' 8 ='Not ascertained' 9 ='DK or refused' ; VALUE P671L (default=40) 1 ='Yes' 2 ='No' 8 ='Not ascertained' 9 ='DK or refused' ; VALUE P672L (default=40) 1 ='Always' 2 ='Sometimes' 3 ='Rarely' 8 ='Not ascertained' 9 ='DK or refused' ; VALUE P673L (default=40) 1 ='Yes' 2 ='No' 8 ='Not ascertained' 9 ='DK or refused' ; VALUE P674L (default=40) 0 ='No known difficulty with any IADLs' 1 ='1 IADL with difficulty' 2 ='2 IADLs with difficulty' 3 ='3 IADLs with difficulty' 4 ='4 IADLs with difficulty' 5 ='5 IADLs with difficulty' 6 ='6 IADLs with difficulty' 7 ='7 IADLs with difficulty' 8 ='8 IADLs with difficulty' 9 ='All IADLs unknown difficulty' ; VALUE P675L (default=40) 0 ="Doesnt receive help with any IADL" 9 ='DK or unknown if receive help for all...' /* IADLs*/ ; VALUE P676L (default=40) 0 ="Doesnt receive hands-on help with an..." /*y IADL*/ 9 ='DK or unknown if receive hands-on hel...' /*p for all IADLs*/ ; VALUE P677L (default=40) 0 ="Doesnt receive supervision or standb..." /*y help with any IADL*/ 9 ='DK or unknown if receive supervision/...' /*standby help for all IADLs*/ ; VALUE P678L (default=40) 0 ="Doesnt need more help/ supervision w..." /*ith any IADL*/ 9 ='DK or unknown if SP needs more help/s...' /*upervision for all IADLs*/ ; VALUE P679L (default=40) 1 ='Difficulty with 1+ ADL and 1+ IADL' 2 ='Difficulty with 1+ ADL only' 3 ='Difficulty with 1+ IADL only' 4 ='No difficulty with ADLs or IADLs' 9 ='Unknown difficulty for all ADLs and I...' /*ADLs*/ ; VALUE P680L (default=40) 00 ='No Condition' 01 ='Old Age' 02 ='AIDS' 03 ='Cancer (any site or type)' 04 ='Congestive Heart Failure' 05 ='Aneurism' 06 ='Angina, chest pains' 07 ='Arterial disease' 08 ='Coronary heart disease' 09 ='Heart attack or myocardial infarction' 10 ='Heart condition' 11 ='Hypertension or high blood pressure' 12 ='Stroke or cerebrovascular accident' 13 ='Varicose veins' 14 ='Blood clots, phlebitis, embolism, dee...' /*p vein thrombosis, thromboembolism, thrombosis*/ 15 ='Other, unspecified circulatory condit...' /*ions, including poor circulation*/ 18 ='Dental or oral conditions' 21 ='Developmental disabilities' 23 ='Diabetes, diabetes mellitus, any type...' /* of diabetes*/ 24 ='Endocrine conditions' 26 ='Fatigue, exhaustion, tired, chronic f...' /*atigue syndrome*/ 29 ='Gastrointestinal conditions' 30 ='Bladder Incontinence, urinary inconti...' /*nence*/ 31 ='Kidney disease or stones, end stage r...' /*enal disease, kidney failure*/ 32 ='Other, unspecified genitourinary cond...' /*itions*/ 34 ='Medication or drugs, adverse reaction...' /*s to, side effects of*/ 35 ="Alzheimer's disease" 36 ='Senility or senile dementia' 37 ='Other, mental and emotional conditions' 38 ='Osteoarthritis' 39 ='Rheumatoid arthritis' 40 ='Other arthritis' 41 ='Break(s) or fracture(s) of arm(s) inc...' /*luding shoulder and elbow*/ 42 ='Missing arm' 43 ='Other, unspecified including weakness...' /* and paralysis of arm*/ 44 ='Break(s) or fracture(s) of foot/ankle...' /*/toe(s)*/ 45 ='Missing foot/toe(s)' 46 ='Other, unspecified including weakness...' /* and paralysis of foot/ankle/toe(s)*/ 47 ='Break(s) or fracture(s) of hand/wrist...' /*/finger(s)*/ 48 ='Missing hand/finger(s)' 49 ='Other, unspecified including weakness...' /* and paralysis of hand/wrist/finger(s)*/ 50 ='Head injury' 51 ='Other, unspecified head problem' 52 ='Break(s) or fracture(s) of hip(s)' 53 ='Other, unspecified including weakness...' /* of hip(s)*/ 54 ='Break(s) or fracture(s) of leg(s) inc...' /*luding knee*/ 55 ='Missing leg(s) including knee' 56 ='Other, unspecified including weakness...' /* and paralysis of leg(s) including knee*/ 57 ='Break(s) or fracture(s) of neck' 58 ='Other, unspecified including weakness...' /* and paralysis of neck back/spine*/ 59 ='Break(s) or fracture(s) of back/spine' 60 ='Other, unspecified back/spine problem' 61 ='Disc problems, bone spurs, lumbago, s...' /*ciatica*/ 62 ='Muscle spasms, weakness, other back/s...' /*pine problems*/ 63 ='Osteoporosis' 64 ='Pain including migraines, headaches' 65 ='Other paralysis including paraplegia,...' /* quadraplegia*/ 66 ='Skin conditions' 67 ="Parkinson's disease, ALS, amyotrophic..." /* lateral sclerosis, polio, multiple sclerosis*/ 68 ="Dizziness, vertigo, balance, Meniere'..." /*s Disease*/ 69 ='Epilepsy or other seizures (any type)' 70 ='Numbness (any site)' 71 ='Pinched nerve, nerve damage' 72 ='Non-cancerous or not specified cysts,...' /* lumps, tumors any site*/ 73 ='Asthma' 74 ='Bronchitis' 75 ='Emphysema' 76 ='Influenza' 77 ='Pneumonia' 78 ='Other respiratory, lung, or breathing...' /* problems*/ 79 ='Deafness' 80 ='Difficulty hearing' 81 ='Tinnitus, including other and/or unsp...' /*ecified hearing conditions*/ 82 ='Blindness, missing eyes' 83 ='Difficulty seeing' 84 ='Cataracts' 85 ='Glaucoma' 86 ='Vision conditions, other and/or unspe...' /*cified*/ 87 ='Speech disorder(s)' 88 ='Substance abuse, alcohol or drug abus...' /*e or addiction*/ 89 ='Surgery or operations' 90 ='Multiple Chemical Sensitivity' 98 ='Other Condition' 99 ='DK or Refused' ; VALUE P681L (default=40) 00 ='No Condition' 01 ='Old Age' 02 ='AIDS' 03 ='Cancer (any site or type)' 04 ='Congestive Heart Failure' 05 ='Aneurism' 06 ='Angina, chest pains' 07 ='Arterial disease' 08 ='Coronary heart disease' 09 ='Heart attack or myocardial infarction' 10 ='Heart condition' 11 ='Hypertension or high blood pressure' 12 ='Stroke or cerebrovascular accident' 13 ='Varicose veins' 14 ='Blood clots, phlebitis, embolism, dee...' /*p vein thrombosis, thromboembolism, thrombosis*/ 15 ='Other, unspecified circulatory condit...' /*ions, including poor circulation*/ 18 ='Dental or oral conditions' 21 ='Developmental disabilities' 23 ='Diabetes, diabetes mellitus, any type...' /* of diabetes*/ 24 ='Endocrine conditions' 26 ='Fatigue, exhaustion, tired, chronic f...' /*atigue syndrome*/ 29 ='Gastrointestinal conditions' 30 ='Bladder Incontinence, urinary inconti...' /*nence*/ 31 ='Kidney disease or stones, end stage r...' /*enal disease, kidney failure*/ 32 ='Other, unspecified genitourinary cond...' /*itions*/ 34 ='Medication or drugs, adverse reaction...' /*s to, side effects of*/ 35 ="Alzheimer's disease" 36 ='Senility or senile dementia' 37 ='Other, mental and emotional conditions' 38 ='Osteoarthritis' 39 ='Rheumatoid arthritis' 40 ='Other arthritis' 41 ='Break(s) or fracture(s) of arm(s) inc...' /*luding shoulder and elbow*/ 42 ='Missing arm' 43 ='Other, unspecified including weakness...' /* and paralysis of arm*/ 44 ='Break(s) or fracture(s) of foot/ankle...' /*/toe(s)*/ 45 ='Missing foot/toe(s)' 46 ='Other, unspecified including weakness...' /* and paralysis of foot/ankle/toe(s)*/ 47 ='Break(s) or fracture(s) of hand/wrist...' /*/finger(s)*/ 48 ='Missing hand/finger(s)' 49 ='Other, unspecified including weakness...' /* and paralysis of hand/wrist/finger(s)*/ 50 ='Head injury' 51 ='Other, unspecified head problem' 52 ='Break(s) or fracture(s) of hip(s)' 53 ='Other, unspecified including weakness...' /* of hip(s)*/ 54 ='Break(s) or fracture(s) of leg(s) inc...' /*luding knee*/ 55 ='Missing leg(s) including knee' 56 ='Other, unspecified including weakness...' /* and paralysis of leg(s) including knee*/ 57 ='Break(s) or fracture(s) of neck' 58 ='Other, unspecified including weakness...' /* and paralysis of neck back/spine*/ 59 ='Break(s) or fracture(s) of back/spine' 60 ='Other, unspecified back/spine problem' 61 ='Disc problems, bone spurs, lumbago, s...' /*ciatica*/ 62 ='Muscle spasms, weakness, other back/s...' /*pine problems*/ 63 ='Osteoporosis' 64 ='Pain including migraines, headaches' 65 ='Other paralysis including paraplegia,...' /* quadraplegia*/ 66 ='Skin conditions' 67 ="Parkinson's disease, ALS, amyotrophic..." /* lateral sclerosis, polio, multiple sclerosis*/ 68 ="Dizziness, vertigo, balance, Meniere'..." /*s Disease*/ 69 ='Epilepsy or other seizures (any type)' 70 ='Numbness (any site)' 71 ='Pinched nerve, nerve damage' 72 ='Non-cancerous or not specified cysts,...' /* lumps, tumors any site*/ 73 ='Asthma' 74 ='Bronchitis' 75 ='Emphysema' 76 ='Influenza' 77 ='Pneumonia' 78 ='Other respiratory, lung, or breathing...' /* problems*/ 79 ='Deafness' 80 ='Difficulty hearing' 81 ='Tinnitus, including other and/or unsp...' /*ecified hearing conditions*/ 82 ='Blindness, missing eyes' 83 ='Difficulty seeing' 84 ='Cataracts' 85 ='Glaucoma' 86 ='Vision conditions, other and/or unspe...' /*cified*/ 87 ='Speech disorder(s)' 88 ='Substance abuse, alcohol or drug abus...' /*e or addiction*/ 89 ='Surgery or operations' 90 ='Multiple Chemical Sensitivity' 98 ='Other Condition' 99 ='DK or Refused' ; ; ; ; VALUE P682L (default=40) 0 ='No condition' 8 ="Only condition mentioned was 'old age'" 9 ='DK or condition(s) unknown' ; VALUE P683L (default=40) 1 ='Yes' 2 ='No' 8 ='Not ascertained' 9 ='DK or refused' ; VALUE P684L (default=40) 1 ='Yes' 2 ='No' 8 ='Not ascertained' 9 ='DK or refused' ; VALUE P685L (default=40) 1 ='Yes' 2 ='No' 8 ='Not ascertained' 9 ='DK or refused' ; VALUE P686L (default=40) 1 ='Mentioned' 2 ='Not mentioned' 8 ='No answer to entire question' 9 ='DK or refused (entire question)' ; VALUE P687L (default=40) 1 ='Mentioned' 2 ='Not mentioned' 8 ='No answer to entire question' 9 ='DK or refused (entire question)' ; VALUE P688L (default=40) 1 ='Mentioned' 2 ='Not mentioned' 8 ='No answer to entire question' 9 ='DK or refused (entire question)' ; VALUE P689L (default=40) 1 ='Mentioned' 2 ='Not mentioned' 8 ='No answer to entire question' 9 ='DK or refused (entire question)' ; VALUE P690L (default=40) 1 ='Yes' 2 ='No' 8 ='Not ascertained' 9 ='DK or refused' ; VALUE P691L (default=40) 1 ='Yes' 2 ='No' 8 ='Not ascertained' 9 ='DK or refused' ; VALUE P692L (default=40) 1 ='Yes, strong enough' 2 ='No, physically difficult' 8 ='Not ascertained' 9 ='DK or refused' ; VALUE P693L (default=40) 1 ='Yes' 2 ='No' 8 ='Not ascertained' 9 ='DK or refused' ; VALUE P694L (default=40) 1 ='Yes' 2 ='No' ; VALUE P695L (default=40) 1 ='1 helper' 2 ='2 helpers' 3 ='3 helpers' 4 ='4 helpers' ; VALUE P696L (default=40) 1 ='Mentioned' 2 ='Not mentioned' 8 ='No answer to entire question' 9 ='DK or refused (entire question)' ; VALUE P697L (default=40) 1 ='Mentioned' 2 ='Not mentioned' 8 ='No answer to entire question' 9 ='DK or refused (entire question)' ; VALUE P698L (default=40) 1 ='Mentioned' 2 ='Not mentioned' 8 ='No answer to entire question' 9 ='DK or refused (entire question)' ; VALUE P699L (default=40) 1 ='Mentioned' 2 ='Not mentioned' 8 ='No answer to entire question' 9 ='DK or refused (entire question)' ; VALUE P700L (default=40) 1 ='Mentioned' 2 ='Not mentioned' 8 ='No answer to entire question' 9 ='DK or refused (entire question)' ; VALUE P701L (default=40) 1 ='Mentioned' 2 ='Not mentioned' 8 ='No answer to entire question' 9 ='DK or refused (entire question)' ; VALUE P702L (default=40) 1 ='Mentioned' 2 ='Not mentioned' 8 ='No answer to entire question' 9 ='DK or refused (entire question)' ; VALUE P703L (default=40) 1 ='Mentioned' 2 ='Not mentioned' 8 ='No answer to entire question' 9 ='DK or refused (entire question)' ; VALUE P704L (default=40) 1 ='Mentioned' 2 ='Not mentioned' 8 ='No answer to entire question' 9 ='DK or refused (entire question)' ; VALUE P705L (default=40) 1 ='Mentioned' 2 ='Not mentioned' 8 ='No answer to entire question' 9 ='DK or refused (entire question)' ; VALUE P706L (default=40) 1 ='Mentioned' 2 ='Not mentioned' 8 ='No answer to entire question' 9 ='DK or refused (entire question)' ; VALUE P707L (default=40) 1 ='Mentioned' 2 ='Not mentioned' 8 ='No answer to entire question' 9 ='DK or refused (entire question)' ; VALUE P708L (default=40) 1 ='Mentioned' 2 ='Not mentioned' 8 ='No answer to entire question' 9 ='DK or refused (entire question)' ; VALUE P709L (default=40) 1 ='Mentioned' 2 ='Not mentioned' 8 ='No answer to entire question' 9 ='DK or refused (entire question)' ; VALUE P710L (default=40) 1 ='Mentioned' 2 ='Not mentioned' 8 ='No answer to entire question' 9 ='DK or refused (entire question)' ; VALUE P711L (default=40) 01 ='Spouse in household' 02 ='Child in household' 03 ='Parent in household' 04 ='Spouse not in household' 05 ='Child not in household' 06 ='Parent not in household' 07 ='Other household relative' 08 ='Non-household relative' 09 ='Household non-relative' 10 ='Friend/neighbor' 11 ='Unpaid volunteer from organization/ b...' /*usiness*/ 12 ='Paid employee of organization/business' 13 ='Paid employee of yours' 14 ='Other' 98 ='Not ascertained' 99 ='DK or refused' ; VALUE P712L (default=40) 1 ='Male' 2 ='Female' 8 ='Not ascertained' 9 ='DK or refused' ; VALUE P713L (default=40) 0 ='Helper is parent/child/spouse or unpa...' /*id volunteer*/ 1 ='Yes' 2 ='No' 8 ='Not ascertained' 9 ='DK or refused' ; VALUE P714L (default=40) 1 ='Mentioned' 2 ='Not mentioned' 3 ='No one/free' 8 ='No answer to entire question' 9 ='DK or refused (entire question)' ; VALUE P715L (default=40) 1 ='Mentioned' 2 ='Not mentioned' 3 ='No one/free' 8 ='No answer to entire question' 9 ='DK or refused (entire question)' ; VALUE P716L (default=40) 1 ='Mentioned' 2 ='Not mentioned' 3 ='No one/free' 8 ='No answer to entire question' 9 ='DK or refused (entire question)' ; VALUE P717L (default=40) 1 ='Mentioned' 2 ='Not mentioned' 3 ='No one/free' 8 ='No answer to entire question' 9 ='DK or refused (entire question)' ; VALUE P718L (default=40) 1 ='Mentioned' 2 ='Not mentioned' 3 ='No one/free' 8 ='No answer to entire question' 9 ='DK or refused (entire question)' ; VALUE P719L (default=40) 1 ='Mentioned' 2 ='Not mentioned' 3 ='No one/free' 8 ='No answer to entire question' 9 ='DK or refused (entire question)' ; VALUE P720L (default=40) 1 ='Mentioned' 2 ='Not mentioned' 3 ='No one/free' 8 ='No answer to entire question' 9 ='DK or refused (entire question)' ; VALUE P721L (default=40) 1 ='Mentioned' 2 ='Not mentioned' 3 ='No one/free' 8 ='No answer to entire question' 9 ='DK or refused (entire question)' ; VALUE P722L (default=40) 1 ='Mentioned' 2 ='Not mentioned' 3 ='No one/free' 8 ='No answer to entire question' 9 ='DK or refused (entire question)' ; VALUE P723L (default=40) 1 ='Mentioned' 2 ='Not mentioned' 3 ='No one/free' 8 ='No answer to entire question' 9 ='DK or refused (entire question)' ; VALUE P724L (default=40) 1 ='Mentioned' 2 ='Not mentioned' 3 ='No one/free' 8 ='No answer to entire question' 9 ='DK or refused (entire question)' ; VALUE P725L (default=40) 1 ='Mentioned' 2 ='Not mentioned' 3 ='No one/free' 8 ='No answer to entire question' 9 ='DK or refused (entire question)' ; VALUE P726L (default=40) 00 ='None' 98 ='Not ascertained' 99 ='DK or refused' ; VALUE P727L (default=40) 98 ='Not ascertained' 99 ='DK or refused' ; VALUE P728L (default=40) 1 ='Mentioned' 2 ='Not mentioned' 8 ='No answer to entire question' 9 ='DK or refused (entire question)' ; VALUE P729L (default=40) 1 ='Mentioned' 2 ='Not mentioned' 8 ='No answer to entire question' 9 ='DK or refused (entire question)' ; VALUE P730L (default=40) 1 ='Mentioned' 2 ='Not mentioned' 8 ='No answer to entire question' 9 ='DK or refused (entire question)' ; VALUE P731L (default=40) 1 ='Mentioned' 2 ='Not mentioned' 8 ='No answer to entire question' 9 ='DK or refused (entire question)' ; VALUE P732L (default=40) 1 ='Mentioned' 2 ='Not mentioned' 8 ='No answer to entire question' 9 ='DK or refused (entire question)' ; VALUE P733L (default=40) 1 ='Mentioned' 2 ='Not mentioned' 8 ='No answer to entire question' 9 ='DK or refused (entire question)' ; VALUE P734L (default=40) 1 ='Mentioned' 2 ='Not mentioned' 8 ='No answer to entire question' 9 ='DK or refused (entire question)' ; VALUE P735L (default=40) 1 ='Mentioned' 2 ='Not mentioned' 8 ='No answer to entire question' 9 ='DK or refused (entire question)' ; VALUE P736L (default=40) 1 ='Mentioned' 2 ='Not mentioned' 8 ='No answer to entire question' 9 ='DK or refused (entire question)' ; VALUE P737L (default=40) 1 ='Mentioned' 2 ='Not mentioned' 8 ='No answer to entire question' 9 ='DK or refused (entire question)' ; VALUE P738L (default=40) 1 ='Mentioned' 2 ='Not mentioned' 8 ='No answer to entire question' 9 ='DK or refused (entire question)' ; VALUE P739L (default=40) 1 ='Mentioned' 2 ='Not mentioned' 8 ='No answer to entire question' 9 ='DK or refused (entire question)' ; VALUE P740L (default=40) 1 ='Mentioned' 2 ='Not mentioned' 8 ='No answer to entire question' 9 ='DK or refused (entire question)' ; VALUE P741L (default=40) 1 ='Mentioned' 2 ='Not mentioned' 8 ='No answer to entire question' 9 ='DK or refused (entire question)' ; VALUE P742L (default=40) 1 ='Mentioned' 2 ='Not mentioned' 8 ='No answer to entire question' 9 ='DK or refused (entire question)' ; VALUE P743L (default=40) 01 ='Spouse in household' 02 ='Child in household' 03 ='Parent in household' 04 ='Spouse not in household' 05 ='Child not in household' 06 ='Parent not in household' 07 ='Other household relative' 08 ='Non-household relative' 09 ='Household non-relative' 10 ='Friend/neighbor' 11 ='Unpaid volunteer from organization/ b...' /*usiness*/ 12 ='Paid employee of organization/business' 13 ='Paid employee of yours' 14 ='Other' 98 ='Not ascertained' 99 ='DK or refused' ; VALUE P744L (default=40) 1 ='Male' 2 ='Female' 8 ='Not ascertained' 9 ='DK or refused' ; VALUE P745L (default=40) 0 ='Helper is parent/child/spouse or unpa...' /*id volunteer*/ 1 ='Yes' 2 ='No' 8 ='Not ascertained' 9 ='DK or refused' ; VALUE P746L (default=40) 1 ='Mentioned' 2 ='Not mentioned' 3 ='No one/free' 8 ='No answer to entire question' 9 ='DK or refused (entire question)' ; VALUE P747L (default=40) 1 ='Mentioned' 2 ='Not mentioned' 3 ='No one/free' 8 ='No answer to entire question' 9 ='DK or refused (entire question)' ; VALUE P748L (default=40) 1 ='Mentioned' 2 ='Not mentioned' 3 ='No one/free' 8 ='No answer to entire question' 9 ='DK or refused (entire question)' ; VALUE P749L (default=40) 1 ='Mentioned' 2 ='Not mentioned' 3 ='No one/free' 8 ='No answer to entire question' 9 ='DK or refused (entire question)' ; VALUE P750L (default=40) 1 ='Mentioned' 2 ='Not mentioned' 3 ='No one/free' 8 ='No answer to entire question' 9 ='DK or refused (entire question)' ; VALUE P751L (default=40) 1 ='Mentioned' 2 ='Not mentioned' 3 ='No one/free' 8 ='No answer to entire question' 9 ='DK or refused (entire question)' ; VALUE P752L (default=40) 1 ='Mentioned' 2 ='Not mentioned' 3 ='No one/free' 8 ='No answer to entire question' 9 ='DK or refused (entire question)' ; VALUE P753L (default=40) 1 ='Mentioned' 2 ='Not mentioned' 3 ='No one/free' 8 ='No answer to entire question' 9 ='DK or refused (entire question)' ; VALUE P754L (default=40) 1 ='Mentioned' 2 ='Not mentioned' 3 ='No one/free' 8 ='No answer to entire question' 9 ='DK or refused (entire question)' ; VALUE P755L (default=40) 1 ='Mentioned' 2 ='Not mentioned' 3 ='No one/free' 8 ='No answer to entire question' 9 ='DK or refused (entire question)' ; VALUE P756L (default=40) 1 ='Mentioned' 2 ='Not mentioned' 3 ='No one/free' 8 ='No answer to entire question' 9 ='DK or refused (entire question)' ; VALUE P757L (default=40) 1 ='Mentioned' 2 ='Not mentioned' 3 ='No one/free' 8 ='No answer to entire question' 9 ='DK or refused (entire question)' ; VALUE P758L (default=40) 00 ='None' 98 ='Not ascertained' 99 ='DK or refused' ; VALUE P759L (default=40) 98 ='Not ascertained' 99 ='DK or refused' ; VALUE P760L (default=40) 1 ='Mentioned' 2 ='Not mentioned' 8 ='No answer to entire question' 9 ='DK or refused (entire question)' ; VALUE P761L (default=40) 1 ='Mentioned' 2 ='Not mentioned' 8 ='No answer to entire question' 9 ='DK or refused (entire question)' ; VALUE P762L (default=40) 1 ='Mentioned' 2 ='Not mentioned' 8 ='No answer to entire question' 9 ='DK or refused (entire question)' ; VALUE P763L (default=40) 1 ='Mentioned' 2 ='Not mentioned' 8 ='No answer to entire question' 9 ='DK or refused (entire question)' ; VALUE P764L (default=40) 1 ='Mentioned' 2 ='Not mentioned' 8 ='No answer to entire question' 9 ='DK or refused (entire question)' ; VALUE P765L (default=40) 1 ='Mentioned' 2 ='Not mentioned' 8 ='No answer to entire question' 9 ='DK or refused (entire question)' ; VALUE P766L (default=40) 1 ='Mentioned' 2 ='Not mentioned' 8 ='No answer to entire question' 9 ='DK or refused (entire question)' ; VALUE P767L (default=40) 1 ='Mentioned' 2 ='Not mentioned' 8 ='No answer to entire question' 9 ='DK or refused (entire question)' ; VALUE P768L (default=40) 1 ='Mentioned' 2 ='Not mentioned' 8 ='No answer to entire question' 9 ='DK or refused (entire question)' ; VALUE P769L (default=40) 1 ='Mentioned' 2 ='Not mentioned' 8 ='No answer to entire question' 9 ='DK or refused (entire question)' ; VALUE P770L (default=40) 1 ='Mentioned' 2 ='Not mentioned' 8 ='No answer to entire question' 9 ='DK or refused (entire question)' ; VALUE P771L (default=40) 1 ='Mentioned' 2 ='Not mentioned' 8 ='No answer to entire question' 9 ='DK or refused (entire question)' ; VALUE P772L (default=40) 1 ='Mentioned' 2 ='Not mentioned' 8 ='No answer to entire question' 9 ='DK or refused (entire question)' ; VALUE P773L (default=40) 1 ='Mentioned' 2 ='Not mentioned' 8 ='No answer to entire question' 9 ='DK or refused (entire question)' ; VALUE P774L (default=40) 1 ='Mentioned' 2 ='Not mentioned' 8 ='No answer to entire question' 9 ='DK or refused (entire question)' ; VALUE P775L (default=40) 01 ='Spouse in household' 02 ='Child in household' 03 ='Parent in household' 04 ='Spouse not in household' 05 ='Child not in household' 06 ='Parent not in household' 07 ='Other household relative' 08 ='Non-household relative' 09 ='Household non-relative' 10 ='Friend/neighbor' 11 ='Unpaid volunteer from organization/ b...' /*usiness*/ 12 ='Paid employee of organization/business' 13 ='Paid employee of yours' 14 ='Other' 98 ='Not ascertained' 99 ='DK or refused' ; VALUE P776L (default=40) 1 ='Male' 2 ='Female' 8 ='Not ascertained' 9 ='DK or refused' ; VALUE P777L (default=40) 0 ='Helper is parent/child/spouse or unpa...' /*id volunteer only*/ 1 ='Yes' 2 ='No' 8 ='Not ascertained' 9 ='DK or refused' ; VALUE P778L (default=40) 1 ='Mentioned' 2 ='Not mentioned' 3 ='No one/free' 8 ='No answer to entire question' 9 ='DK or refused (entire question)' ; VALUE P779L (default=40) 1 ='Mentioned' 2 ='Not mentioned' 3 ='No one/free' 8 ='No answer to entire question' 9 ='DK or refused (entire question)' ; VALUE P780L (default=40) 1 ='Mentioned' 2 ='Not mentioned' 3 ='No one/free' 8 ='No answer to entire question' 9 ='DK or refused (entire question)' ; VALUE P781L (default=40) 1 ='Mentioned' 2 ='Not mentioned' 3 ='No one/free' 8 ='No answer to entire question' 9 ='DK or refused (entire question)' ; VALUE P782L (default=40) 1 ='Mentioned' 2 ='Not mentioned' 3 ='No one/free' 8 ='No answer to entire question' 9 ='DK or refused (entire question)' ; VALUE P783L (default=40) 1 ='Mentioned' 2 ='Not mentioned' 3 ='No one/free' 8 ='No answer to entire question' 9 ='DK or refused (entire question)' ; VALUE P784L (default=40) 1 ='Mentioned' 2 ='Not mentioned' 3 ='No one/free' 8 ='No answer to entire question' 9 ='DK or refused (entire question)' ; VALUE P785L (default=40) 1 ='Mentioned' 2 ='Not mentioned' 3 ='No one/free' 8 ='No answer to entire question' 9 ='DK or refused (entire question)' ; VALUE P786L (default=40) 1 ='Mentioned' 2 ='Not mentioned' 3 ='No one/free' 8 ='No answer to entire question' 9 ='DK or refused (entire question)' ; VALUE P787L (default=40) 1 ='Mentioned' 2 ='Not mentioned' 3 ='No one/free' 8 ='No answer to entire question' 9 ='DK or refused (entire question)' ; VALUE P788L (default=40) 1 ='Mentioned' 2 ='Not mentioned' 3 ='No one/free' 8 ='No answer to entire question' 9 ='DK or refused (entire question)' ; VALUE P789L (default=40) 1 ='Mentioned' 2 ='Not mentioned' 3 ='No one/free' 8 ='No answer to entire question' 9 ='DK or refused (entire question)' ; VALUE P790L (default=40) 00 ='None' 98 ='Not ascertained' 99 ='DK or refused' ; VALUE P791L (default=40) 98 ='Not ascertained' 99 ='DK or refused' ; VALUE P792L (default=40) 1 ='Mentioned' 2 ='Not mentioned' 8 ='No answer to entire question' 9 ='DK or refused (entire question)' ; VALUE P793L (default=40) 1 ='Mentioned' 2 ='Not mentioned' 8 ='No answer to entire question' 9 ='DK or refused (entire question)' ; VALUE P794L (default=40) 1 ='Mentioned' 2 ='Not mentioned' 8 ='No answer to entire question' 9 ='DK or refused (entire question)' ; VALUE P795L (default=40) 1 ='Mentioned' 2 ='Not mentioned' 8 ='No answer to entire question' 9 ='DK or refused (entire question)' ; VALUE P796L (default=40) 1 ='Mentioned' 2 ='Not mentioned' 8 ='No answer to entire question' 9 ='DK or refused (entire question)' ; VALUE P797L (default=40) 1 ='Mentioned' 2 ='Not mentioned' 8 ='No answer to entire question' 9 ='DK or refused (entire question)' ; VALUE P798L (default=40) 1 ='Mentioned' 2 ='Not mentioned' 8 ='No answer to entire question' 9 ='DK or refused (entire question)' ; VALUE P799L (default=40) 1 ='Mentioned' 2 ='Not mentioned' 8 ='No answer to entire question' 9 ='DK or refused (entire question)' ; VALUE P800L (default=40) 1 ='Mentioned' 2 ='Not mentioned' 8 ='No answer to entire question' 9 ='DK or refused (entire question)' ; VALUE P801L (default=40) 1 ='Mentioned' 2 ='Not mentioned' 8 ='No answer to entire question' 9 ='DK or refused (entire question)' ; VALUE P802L (default=40) 1 ='Mentioned' 2 ='Not mentioned' 8 ='No answer to entire question' 9 ='DK or refused (entire question)' ; VALUE P803L (default=40) 1 ='Mentioned' 2 ='Not mentioned' 8 ='No answer to entire question' 9 ='DK or refused (entire question)' ; VALUE P804L (default=40) 1 ='Mentioned' 2 ='Not mentioned' 8 ='No answer to entire question' 9 ='DK or refused (entire question)' ; VALUE P805L (default=40) 1 ='Mentioned' 2 ='Not mentioned' 8 ='No answer to entire question' 9 ='DK or refused (entire question)' ; VALUE P806L (default=40) 1 ='Mentioned' 2 ='Not mentioned' 8 ='No answer to entire question' 9 ='DK or refused (entire question)' ; VALUE P807L (default=40) 01 ='Spouse in household' 02 ='Child in household' 03 ='Parent in household' 04 ='Spouse not in household' 05 ='Child not in household' 06 ='Parent not in household' 07 ='Other household relative' 08 ='Non-household relative' 09 ='Household non-relative' 10 ='Friend/neighbor' 11 ='Unpaid volunteer from organization/ b...' /*usiness*/ 12 ='Paid employee of organization/business' 13 ='Paid employee of yours' 14 ='Other' 98 ='Not ascertained' 99 ='DK or refused' ; VALUE P808L (default=40) 1 ='Male' 2 ='Female' 8 ='Not ascertained' 9 ='DK or refused' ; VALUE P809L (default=40) 0 ='Helper is parent/child/spouse or unpa...' /*id volunteer*/ 1 ='Yes' 2 ='No' 8 ='Not ascertained' 9 ='DK or refused' ; VALUE P810L (default=40) 1 ='Mentioned' 2 ='Not mentioned' 3 ='No one/free' 8 ='No answer to entire question' 9 ='DK or refused (entire question)' ; VALUE P811L (default=40) 1 ='Mentioned' 2 ='Not mentioned' 3 ='No one/free' 8 ='No answer to entire question' 9 ='DK or refused (entire question)' ; VALUE P812L (default=40) 1 ='Mentioned' 2 ='Not mentioned' 3 ='No one/free' 8 ='No answer to entire question' 9 ='DK or refused (entire question)' ; VALUE P813L (default=40) 1 ='Mentioned' 2 ='Not mentioned' 3 ='No one/free' 8 ='No answer to entire question' 9 ='DK or refused (entire question)' ; VALUE P814L (default=40) 1 ='Mentioned' 2 ='Not mentioned' 3 ='No one/free' 8 ='No answer to entire question' 9 ='DK or refused (entire question)' ; VALUE P815L (default=40) 1 ='Mentioned' 2 ='Not mentioned' 3 ='No one/free' 8 ='No answer to entire question' 9 ='DK or refused (entire question)' ; VALUE P816L (default=40) 1 ='Mentioned' 2 ='Not mentioned' 3 ='No one/free' 8 ='No answer to entire question' 9 ='DK or refused (entire question)' ; VALUE P817L (default=40) 1 ='Mentioned' 2 ='Not mentioned' 3 ='No one/free' 8 ='No answer to entire question' 9 ='DK or refused (entire question)' ; VALUE P818L (default=40) 1 ='Mentioned' 2 ='Not mentioned' 3 ='No one/free' 8 ='No answer to entire question' 9 ='DK or refused (entire question)' ; VALUE P819L (default=40) 1 ='Mentioned' 2 ='Not mentioned' 3 ='No one/free' 8 ='No answer to entire question' 9 ='DK or refused (entire question)' ; VALUE P820L (default=40) 1 ='Mentioned' 2 ='Not mentioned' 3 ='No one/free' 8 ='No answer to entire question' 9 ='DK or refused (entire question)' ; VALUE P821L (default=40) 1 ='Mentioned' 2 ='Not mentioned' 3 ='No one/free' 8 ='No answer to entire question' 9 ='DK or refused (entire question)' ; VALUE P822L (default=40) 00 ='None' 98 ='Not ascertained' 99 ='DK or refused' ; VALUE P823L (default=40) 98 ='Not ascertained' 99 ='DK or refused' ; VALUE P824L (default=40) 1 ='All unpaid or informal help' 2 ='Both paid and unpaid/ informal help' 3 ='All paid help' 9 ='Unknown if at least some of help paid' ; VALUE P825L (default=40) 0 ='No paid help' 1 ='Yes' 2 ='No' 9 ='Unknown' ; VALUE P826L (default=40) 0 ='No paid help' 1 ='Yes' 2 ='No' 9 ='Unknown' ; VALUE P827L (default=40) 0 ='No paid help' 1 ='Yes' 2 ='No' 9 ='Unknown' ; VALUE P828L (default=40) 0 ='No paid help' 1 ='Yes' 2 ='No' 9 ='Unknown' ; VALUE P829L (default=40) 1 ='First helper' 2 ='Second helper' 3 ='Third helper' 4 ='Fourth helper' 8 ='Unknown which helper' ; VALUE P830L (default=40) 1 ='No specific data about any helper was...' /* given**/ ; VALUE P831L (default=40) 1 ='Very satisfied' 2 ='Somewhat satisfied' 3 ='Somewhat dissatisfied' 4 ='Very dissatisfied' 8 ='Not ascertained' 9 ='DK or refused' ; VALUE P832L (default=40) 1 ='Very satisfied' 2 ='Somewhat satisfied' 3 ='Somewhat dissatisfied' 4 ='Very dissatisfied' 8 ='Not ascertained' 9 ='DK or refused' ; VALUE P833L (default=40) 1 ='Very satisfied' 2 ='Somewhat satisfied' 3 ='Somewhat dissatisfied' 4 ='Very dissatisfied' 8 ='Not ascertained' 9 ='DK or refused' ; VALUE P834L (default=40) 1 ='Very satisfied' 2 ='Somewhat satisfied' 3 ='Somewhat dissatisfied' 4 ='Very dissatisfied' 8 ='Not ascertained' 9 ='DK or refused' ; VALUE P835L (default=40) 1 ='Very satisfied' 2 ='Somewhat satisfied' 3 ='Somewhat dissatisfied' 4 ='Very dissatisfied' 8 ='Not ascertained (includes helpers who...' /* were present so question was not asked)*/ 9 ='DK or refused' ; VALUE P836L (default=40) 1 ='Very satisfied' 2 ='Somewhat satisfied' 3 ='Somewhat dissatisfied' 4 ='Very dissatisfied' 8 ='Not ascertained (includes helpers who...' /* were present so question was not asked)*/ 9 ='DK or refused' ; VALUE P837L (default=40) 1 ='Very satisfied' 2 ='Somewhat satisfied' 3 ='Somewhat dissatisfied' 4 ='Very dissatisfied' 8 ='Not ascertained (includes helpers who...' /* were present so question was not asked)*/ 9 ='DK or refused' ; VALUE P838L (default=40) 1 ='Yes' 2 ='No' 8 ='Not ascertained' 9 ='DK or refused' ; VALUE P839L (default=40) 1 ='Household member - Related' 2 ='Household member - Unrelated' 3 ='Non Household member - Related' 4 ='Non Household member - Unrelated' 8 ='Not ascertained' 9 ='DK or refused' ; VALUE P840L (default=40) 1 ='Yes' 2 ='No' 8 ='Not ascertained' 9 ='DK or refused' ; VALUE P841L (default=40) 1 ='Household member - Related' 2 ='Household member - Unrelated' 3 ='Non Household member - Related' 4 ='Non Household member - Unrelated' 8 ='Not ascertained' 9 ='DK or refused' ; VALUE P842L (default=40) 1 ='Yes' 2 ='No' 8 ='Not ascertained' 9 ='DK or refused' ; VALUE P843L (default=40) 1 ='Mentioned' 2 ='Not mentioned' 8 ='No answer to entire question' 9 ='DK or refused (entire question)' ; VALUE P844L (default=40) 1 ='Mentioned' 2 ='Not mentioned' 8 ='No answer to entire question' 9 ='DK or refused (entire question)' ; VALUE P845L (default=40) 1 ='Mentioned' 2 ='Not mentioned' 8 ='No answer to entire question' 9 ='DK or refused (entire question)' ; VALUE P846L (default=40) 1 ='Mentioned' 2 ='Not mentioned' 8 ='No answer to entire question' 9 ='DK or refused (entire question)' ; VALUE P847L (default=40) 1 ='Mentioned' 2 ='Not mentioned' 8 ='No answer to entire question' 9 ='DK or refused (entire question)' ; VALUE P848L (default=40) 1 ='Mentioned' 2 ='Not mentioned' 8 ='No answer to entire question' 9 ='DK or refused (entire question)' ; VALUE P849L (default=40) 1 ='Mentioned' 2 ='Not mentioned' 8 ='No answer to entire question' 9 ='DK or refused (entire question)' ; VALUE P850L (default=40) 1 ='Mentioned' 2 ='Not mentioned' 8 ='No answer to entire question' 9 ='DK or refused (entire question)' ; VALUE P851L (default=40) 1 ='Mentioned' 2 ='Not mentioned' 8 ='No answer to entire question' 9 ='DK or refused (entire question)' ; VALUE P852L (default=40) 1 ='Mentioned' 2 ='Not mentioned' 8 ='No answer to entire question' 9 ='DK or refused (entire question)' ; VALUE P853L (default=40) 1 ='Mentioned' 2 ='Not mentioned' 8 ='No answer to entire question' 9 ='DK or refused (entire question)' ; VALUE P854L (default=40) 1 ='Mentioned' 2 ='Not mentioned' 8 ='No answer to entire question' 9 ='DK or refused (entire question)' ; VALUE P855L (default=40) 1 ='Mentioned' 2 ='Not mentioned' 8 ='No answer to entire question' 9 ='DK or refused (entire question)' ; VALUE P856L (default=40) 1 ='Helped with this activity' 2 ='Did not help with this activity' 3 ='Unknown if helped with this activity' ; VALUE P857L (default=40) 1 ='Helped with this activity' 2 ='Did not help with this activity' 3 ='Unknown if helped with this activity' ; VALUE P858L (default=40) 1 ='Helped with this activity' 2 ='Did not help with this activity' 3 ='Unknown if helped with this activity' ; VALUE P859L (default=40) 1 ='Helped with this activity' 2 ='Did not help with this activity' 3 ='Unknown if helped with this activity' ; VALUE P860L (default=40) 1 ='Helped with this activity' 2 ='Did not help with this activity' 3 ='Unknown if helped with this activity' ; VALUE P861L (default=40) 1 ='Helped with this activity' 2 ='Did not help with this activity' 3 ='Unknown if helped with this activity' ; VALUE P862L (default=40) 1 ='Helped with this activity' 2 ='Did not help with this activity' 3 ='Unknown if helped with this activity' ; VALUE P863L (default=40) 1 ='Helped with this activity' 2 ='Did not help with this activity' 3 ='Unknown if helped with this activity' ; VALUE P864L (default=40) 1 ='Helped with this activity' 2 ='Did not help with this activity' 3 ='Unknown if helped with this activity' ; VALUE P865L (default=40) 1 ='Helped with this activity' 2 ='Did not help with this activity' 3 ='Unknown if helped with this activity' ; VALUE P866L (default=40) 1 ='Helped with this activity' 2 ='Did not help with this activity' 3 ='Unknown if helped with this activity' ; VALUE P867L (default=40) 1 ='Helped with this activity' 2 ='Did not help with this activity' 3 ='Unknown if helped with this activity' ; VALUE P868L (default=40) 1 ='Helped with this activity' 2 ='Did not help with this activity' 3 ='Unknown if helped with this activity' ; VALUE P869L (default=40) 1 ='Helped with this activity' 2 ='Did not help with this activity' 3 ='Unknown if helped with this activity' ; VALUE P870L (default=40) 1 ='Helped with this activity' 2 ='Did not help with this activity' 3 ='Unknown if helped with this activity' ; VALUE P871L (default=40) 1 ='Helped with this activity' 2 ='Did not help with this activity' 3 ='Unknown if helped with this activity' ; VALUE P872L (default=40) 1 ='Helped with this activity' 2 ='Did not help with this activity' 3 ='Unknown if helped with this activity' ; VALUE P873L (default=40) 1 ='Helped with this activity' 2 ='Did not help with this activity' 3 ='Unknown if helped with this activity' ; VALUE P874L (default=40) 1 ='Helped with this activity' 2 ='Did not help with this activity' 3 ='Unknown if helped with this activity' ; VALUE P875L (default=40) 1 ='Helped with this activity' 2 ='Did not help with this activity' 3 ='Unknown if helped with this activity' ; VALUE P876L (default=40) 1 ='Helped with this activity' 2 ='Did not help with this activity' 3 ='Unknown if helped with this activity' ; VALUE P877L (default=40) 1 ='Helped with this activity' 2 ='Did not help with this activity' 3 ='Unknown if helped with this activity' ; VALUE P878L (default=40) 1 ='Helped with this activity' 2 ='Did not help with this activity' 3 ='Unknown if helped with this activity' ; VALUE P879L (default=40) 1 ='Helped with this activity' 2 ='Did not help with this activity' 3 ='Unknown if helped with this activity' ; VALUE P880L (default=40) 1 ='Helped with this activity' 2 ='Did not help with this activity' 3 ='Unknown if helped with this activity' ; VALUE P881L (default=40) 1 ='Helped with this activity' 2 ='Did not help with this activity' 3 ='Unknown if helped with this activity' ; VALUE P882L (default=40) 1 ='Helped with this activity' 2 ='Did not help with this activity' 3 ='Unknown if helped with this activity' ; VALUE P883L (default=40) 1 ='Helped with this activity' 2 ='Did not help with this activity' 3 ='Unknown if helped with this activity' ; VALUE P884L (default=40) 1 ='Helped with this activity' 2 ='Did not help with this activity' 3 ='Unknown if helped with this activity' ; VALUE P885L (default=40) 1 ='Helped with this activity' 2 ='Did not help with this activity' 3 ='Unknown if helped with this activity' ; VALUE P886L (default=40) 1 ='Helped with this activity' 2 ='Did not help with this activity' 3 ='Unknown if helped with this activity' ; VALUE P887L (default=40) 1 ='Helped with this activity' 2 ='Did not help with this activity' 3 ='Unknown if helped with this activity' ; VALUE P888L (default=40) 1 ='Helped with this activity' 2 ='Did not help with this activity' 3 ='Unknown if helped with this activity' ; VALUE P889L (default=40) 1 ='Helped with this activity' 2 ='Did not help with this activity' 3 ='Unknown if helped with this activity' ; VALUE P890L (default=40) 1 ='Helped with this activity' 2 ='Did not help with this activity' 3 ='Unknown if helped with this activity' ; VALUE P891L (default=40) 1 ='Helped with this activity' 2 ='Did not help with this activity' 3 ='Unknown if helped with this activity' ; VALUE P892L (default=40) 1 ='Helped with this activity' 2 ='Did not help with this activity' 3 ='Unknown if helped with this activity' ; VALUE P893L (default=40) 1 ='Helped with this activity' 2 ='Did not help with this activity' 3 ='Unknown if helped with this activity' ; VALUE P894L (default=40) 1 ='Helped with this activity' 2 ='Did not help with this activity' 3 ='Unknown if helped with this activity' ; VALUE P895L (default=40) 1 ='Helped with this activity' 2 ='Did not help with this activity' 3 ='Unknown if helped with this activity' ; VALUE P896L (default=40) 1 ='Helped with this activity' 2 ='Did not help with this activity' 3 ='Unknown if helped with this activity' ; VALUE P897L (default=40) 1 ='Helped with this activity' 2 ='Did not help with this activity' 3 ='Unknown if helped with this activity' ; VALUE P898L (default=40) 1 ='Helped with this activity' 2 ='Did not help with this activity' 3 ='Unknown if helped with this activity' ; VALUE P899L (default=40) 1 ='Helped with this activity' 2 ='Did not help with this activity' 3 ='Unknown if helped with this activity' ; VALUE P900L (default=40) 1 ='Helped with this activity' 2 ='Did not help with this activity' 3 ='Unknown if helped with this activity' ; VALUE P901L (default=40) 1 ='Helped with this activity' 2 ='Did not help with this activity' 3 ='Unknown if helped with this activity' ; VALUE P902L (default=40) 1 ='Helped with this activity' 2 ='Did not help with this activity' 3 ='Unknown if helped with this activity' ; VALUE P903L (default=40) 1 ='Helped with this activity' 2 ='Did not help with this activity' 3 ='Unknown if helped with this activity' ; VALUE P904L (default=40) 1 ='Helped with this activity' 2 ='Did not help with this activity' 3 ='Unknown if helped with this activity' ; VALUE P905L (default=40) 1 ='Helped with this activity' 2 ='Did not help with this activity' 3 ='Unknown if helped with this activity' ; VALUE P906L (default=40) 1 ='Helped with this activity' 2 ='Did not help with this activity' 3 ='Unknown if helped with this activity' ; VALUE P907L (default=40) 1 ='Helped with this activity' 2 ='Did not help with this activity' 3 ='Unknown if helped with this activity' ; VALUE P908L (default=40) 1 ='Helped with this activity' 2 ='Did not help with this activity' 3 ='Unknown if helped with this activity' ; VALUE P909L (default=40) 1 ='Helped with this activity' 2 ='Did not help with this activity' 3 ='Unknown if helped with this activity' ; VALUE P910L (default=40) 1 ='Helped with this activity' 2 ='Did not help with this activity' 3 ='Unknown if helped with this activity' ; VALUE P911L (default=40) 1 ='Helped with this activity' 2 ='Did not help with this activity' 3 ='Unknown if helped with this activity' ; VALUE P912L (default=40) 1 ='Helped with this activity' 2 ='Did not help with this activity' 3 ='Unknown if helped with this activity' ; VALUE P913L (default=40) 1 ='Helped with this activity' 2 ='Did not help with this activity' 3 ='Unknown if helped with this activity' ; VALUE P914L (default=40) 1 ='Helped with this activity' 2 ='Did not help with this activity' 3 ='Unknown if helped with this activity' ; VALUE P915L (default=40) 1 ='Helped with this activity' 2 ='Did not help with this activity' 3 ='Unknown if helped with this activity' ; VALUE P916L (default=40) 0 ='None' 1 ='One or two' 2 ='Three to five' 3 ='Six to nine' 4 ='Ten or more' 8 ='Not ascertained' 9 ='DK or refused' ; VALUE P917L (default=40) 1 ='All of the time' 2 ='Most of the time' 3 ='Some of the time' 4 ='Rarely' 5 ='Never' 8 ='Not ascertained' 9 ='DK or refused' ; VALUE P918L (default=40) 1 ='Yes' 2 ='No' 8 ='Not ascertained' 9 ='DK or refused' ; VALUE P919L (default=40) 1 ='Yes' 2 ='No' 8 ='Not ascertained' 9 ='DK or refused' ; VALUE P920L (default=40) 1 ='Yes' 2 ='No' 8 ='Not ascertained' 9 ='DK or refused' ; VALUE P921L (default=40) 1 ='Yes' 2 ='No' 8 ='Not ascertained' 9 ='DK or refused' ; VALUE P922L (default=40) 1 ='Yes' 2 ='No' 8 ='Not ascertained' 9 ='DK or refused' ; VALUE P923L (default=40) 1 ='Yes' 2 ='No' 8 ='Not ascertained' 9 ='DK or refused' ; VALUE P924L (default=40) 1 ='Yes' 2 ='No' 8 ='Not ascertained' 9 ='DK or refused' ; VALUE P925L (default=40) 1 ='Yes' 2 ='No' 8 ='Not ascertained' 9 ='DK or refused' ; VALUE P926L (default=40) 1 ='Yes' 2 ='No' 8 ='Not ascertained' 9 ='DK or refused' ; VALUE P927L (default=40) 1 ='Mentioned' 2 ='Not mentioned' 8 ='No answer to entire question' 9 ='DK or refused (entire question)' ; VALUE P928L (default=40) 1 ='Mentioned' 2 ='Not mentioned' 8 ='No answer to entire question' 9 ='DK or refused (entire question)' ; VALUE P929L (default=40) 1 ='Mentioned' 2 ='Not mentioned' 8 ='No answer to entire question' 9 ='DK or refused (entire question)' ; VALUE P930L (default=40) 1 ='Mentioned' 2 ='Not mentioned' 8 ='No answer to entire question' 9 ='DK or refused (entire question)' ; VALUE P931L (default=40) 1 ='Mentioned' 2 ='Not mentioned' 8 ='No answer to entire question' 9 ='DK or refused (entire question)' ; VALUE P932L (default=40) 1 ='Mentioned' 2 ='Not mentioned' 8 ='No answer to entire question' 9 ='DK or refused (entire question)' ; VALUE P933L (default=40) 1 ='Mentioned' 2 ='Not mentioned' 8 ='No answer to entire question' 9 ='DK or refused (entire question)' ; VALUE P934L (default=40) 1 ='Mentioned' 2 ='Not mentioned' 8 ='No answer to entire question' 9 ='DK or refused (entire question)' ; VALUE P935L (default=40) 1 ='Mentioned' 2 ='Not mentioned' 8 ='No answer to entire question' 9 ='DK or refused (entire question)' ; VALUE P936L (default=40) 1 ='Mentioned' 2 ='Not mentioned' 8 ='No answer to entire question' 9 ='DK or refused (entire question)' ; VALUE P937L (default=40) 1 ='Mentioned' 2 ='Not mentioned' 8 ='No answer to entire question' 9 ='DK or refused (entire question)' ; VALUE P938L (default=40) 00 ='No problems' 90 ='Inapp./No prescription medication taken' 91 ='Always uses medicine as prescribed' 98 ='Experienced problems, unknown what pr...' /*oblems*/ 99 ='Unknown if experienced problems' ; VALUE P939L (default=40) 1 ='Receive help' 2 ='Uses all by self' 8 ='Not ascertained' 9 ='DK or refused' ; VALUE P940L (default=40) 1 ='Yes' 2 ='No' 8 ='Not ascertained' 9 ='DK or refused' ; VALUE P941L (default=40) 1 ='Mentioned' 2 ='Not mentioned' 8 ='No answer to entire question' 9 ='DK or refused (entire question)' ; VALUE P942L (default=40) 1 ='Mentioned' 2 ='Not mentioned' 8 ='No answer to entire question' 9 ='DK or refused (entire question)' ; VALUE P943L (default=40) 1 ='Mentioned' 2 ='Not mentioned' 8 ='No answer to entire question' 9 ='DK or refused (entire question)' ; VALUE P944L (default=40) 1 ='Yes' 2 ='No' 8 ='Not ascertained' 9 ='DK or refused' ; VALUE P945L (default=40) 1 ='General practitioner' 2 ='Internist' 3 ='Family doctor' 4 ='DK specialty/title' 8 ='Not ascertained' 9 ='DK or refused which seen most often' ; VALUE P946L (default=40) 1 ='Yes' 2 ='No' 8 ='Not ascertained' 9 ='DK or refused' ; VALUE P947L (default=40) 00 ='None' 97 ='97 or more times' 98 ='Not ascertained' 99 ='DK or refused' ; VALUE P948L (default=40) 1 ='Excellent' 2 ='Good' 3 ='Fair' 4 ='Poor' 8 ='Not ascertained' 9 ='DK or refused' ; VALUE P949L (default=40) 1 ='Yes' 2 ='No' 8 ='Not ascertained' 9 ='DK or refused' ; VALUE P950L (default=40) 1 ='Yes' 2 ='No' 8 ='Not ascertained' 9 ='DK or refused' ; VALUE P951L (default=40) 00 ='None' 98 ='Not ascertained' 99 ='DK or refused' ; VALUE P952L (default=40) 00 ='None' 97 ='97 times or more' 98 ='Not ascertained' 99 ='DK or refused' ; VALUE P953L (default=40) 1 ='Mentioned' 2 ='Not mentioned' 3 ='No one/Free' 8 ='No answer to entire question' 9 ='DK or refused (entire question)' ; VALUE P954L (default=40) 1 ='Mentioned' 2 ='Not mentioned' 3 ='No one/Free' 8 ='No answer to entire question' 9 ='DK or refused (entire question)' ; VALUE P955L (default=40) 1 ='Mentioned' 2 ='Not mentioned' 3 ='No one/Free' 8 ='No answer to entire question' 9 ='DK or refused (entire question)' ; VALUE P956L (default=40) 1 ='Mentioned' 2 ='Not mentioned' 3 ='No one/Free' 8 ='No answer to entire question' 9 ='DK or refused (entire question)' ; VALUE P957L (default=40) 1 ='Mentioned' 2 ='Not mentioned' 3 ='No one/Free' 8 ='No answer to entire question' 9 ='DK or refused (entire question)' ; VALUE P958L (default=40) 1 ='Mentioned' 2 ='Not mentioned' 3 ='No one/Free' 8 ='No answer to entire question' 9 ='DK or refused (entire question)' ; VALUE P959L (default=40) 1 ='Mentioned' 2 ='Not mentioned' 3 ='No one/Free' 8 ='No answer to entire question' 9 ='DK or refused (entire question)' ; VALUE P960L (default=40) 1 ='Mentioned' 2 ='Not mentioned' 3 ='No one/Free' 8 ='No answer to entire question' 9 ='DK or refused (entire question)' ; VALUE P961L (default=40) 1 ='Mentioned' 2 ='Not mentioned' 3 ='No one/Free' 8 ='No answer to entire question' 9 ='DK or refused (entire question)' ; VALUE P962L (default=40) 1 ='Mentioned' 2 ='Not mentioned' 3 ='No one/Free' 8 ='No answer to entire question' 9 ='DK or refused (entire question)' ; VALUE P963L (default=40) 1 ='Mentioned' 2 ='Not mentioned' 3 ='No one/Free' 8 ='No answer to entire question' 9 ='DK or refused (entire question)' ; VALUE P964L (default=40) 1 ='Mentioned' 2 ='Not mentioned' 3 ='No one/Free' 8 ='No answer to entire question' 9 ='DK or refused (entire question)' ; VALUE P965L (default=40) 01 ='Self or family in HH' 02 ='Family not in HH' 03 ='Private health insurance' 04 ='Medicare' 05 ='Medicaid' 06 ='Rehabilitation program' 07 ='Employer' 08 ='School system' 09 ='VA Program' 10 ='Other military' 11 ='Other private source' 12 ='Other public source' 13 ='Two or more sources given; unknown wh...' /*ich paid most*/ 33 ='No one/Free' 88 ='No source ascertained' 99 ='DK/refused any source' ; VALUE P966L (default=40) 00000 ='None' 99997 ='99997 or more dollars paid' 99998 ='Not ascertained' 99999 ='DK or refused' ; VALUE P967L (default=40) 1 ='Yes' 2 ='No' 8 ='Not ascertained' 9 ='DK or refused' ; VALUE P968L (default=40) 1 ='Mentioned' 2 ='Not mentioned' 8 ='No answer to entire question' 9 ='DK or refused (entire question)' ; VALUE P969L (default=40) 1 ='Mentioned' 2 ='Not mentioned' 8 ='No answer to entire question' 9 ='DK or refused (entire question)' ; VALUE P970L (default=40) 1 ='Mentioned' 2 ='Not mentioned' 8 ='No answer to entire question' 9 ='DK or refused (entire question)' ; VALUE P971L (default=40) 1 ='Mentioned' 2 ='Not mentioned' 8 ='No answer to entire question' 9 ='DK or refused (entire question)' ; VALUE P972L (default=40) 1 ='Mentioned' 2 ='Not mentioned' 8 ='No answer to entire question' 9 ='DK or refused (entire question)' ; VALUE P973L (default=40) 1 ='Mentioned' 2 ='Not mentioned' 8 ='No answer to entire question' 9 ='DK or refused (entire question)' ; VALUE P974L (default=40) 1 ='Mentioned' 2 ='Not mentioned' 8 ='No answer to entire question' 9 ='DK or refused (entire question)' ; VALUE P975L (default=40) 1 ='Mentioned' 2 ='Not mentioned' 8 ='No answer to entire question' 9 ='DK or refused (entire question)' ; VALUE P976L (default=40) 1 ='Mentioned' 2 ='Not mentioned' 8 ='No answer to entire question' 9 ='DK or refused (entire question)' ; VALUE P977L (default=40) 1 ='Mentioned' 2 ='Not mentioned' 8 ='No answer to entire question' 9 ='DK or refused (entire question)' ; VALUE P978L (default=40) 1 ='Mentioned' 2 ='Not mentioned' 8 ='No answer to entire question' 9 ='DK or refused (entire question)' ; VALUE P979L (default=40) 1 ='Yes' 2 ='No' 8 ='Not ascertained' 9 ='DK or refused' ; VALUE P980L (default=40) 1 ='Yes' 2 ='No' 8 ='Not ascertained' 9 ='DK or refused' ; VALUE P981L (default=40) 00 ='None' 98 ='Not ascertained' 99 ='DK or refused' ; VALUE P982L (default=40) 00 ='None' 97 ='97 times or more' 98 ='Not ascertained' 99 ='DK or refused' ; VALUE P983L (default=40) 1 ='Mentioned' 2 ='Not mentioned' 3 ='No one/Free' 8 ='No answer to entire question' 9 ='DK or refused (entire question)' ; VALUE P984L (default=40) 1 ='Mentioned' 2 ='Not mentioned' 3 ='No one/Free' 8 ='No answer to entire question' 9 ='DK or refused (entire question)' ; VALUE P985L (default=40) 1 ='Mentioned' 2 ='Not mentioned' 3 ='No one/Free' 8 ='No answer to entire question' 9 ='DK or refused (entire question)' ; VALUE P986L (default=40) 1 ='Mentioned' 2 ='Not mentioned' 3 ='No one/Free' 8 ='No answer to entire question' 9 ='DK or refused (entire question)' ; VALUE P987L (default=40) 1 ='Mentioned' 2 ='Not mentioned' 3 ='No one/Free' 8 ='No answer to entire question' 9 ='DK or refused (entire question)' ; VALUE P988L (default=40) 1 ='Mentioned' 2 ='Not mentioned' 3 ='No one/Free' 8 ='No answer to entire question' 9 ='DK or refused (entire question)' ; VALUE P989L (default=40) 1 ='Mentioned' 2 ='Not mentioned' 3 ='No one/Free' 8 ='No answer to entire question' 9 ='DK or refused (entire question)' ; VALUE P990L (default=40) 1 ='Mentioned' 2 ='Not mentioned' 3 ='No one/Free' 8 ='No answer to entire question' 9 ='DK or refused (entire question)' ; VALUE P991L (default=40) 1 ='Mentioned' 2 ='Not mentioned' 3 ='No one/Free' 8 ='No answer to entire question' 9 ='DK or refused (entire question)' ; VALUE P992L (default=40) 1 ='Mentioned' 2 ='Not mentioned' 3 ='No one/Free' 8 ='No answer to entire question' 9 ='DK or refused (entire question)' ; VALUE P993L (default=40) 1 ='Mentioned' 2 ='Not mentioned' 3 ='No one/Free' 8 ='No answer to entire question' 9 ='DK or refused (entire question)' ; VALUE P994L (default=40) 1 ='Mentioned' 2 ='Not mentioned' 3 ='No one/Free' 8 ='No answer to entire question' 9 ='DK or refused (entire question)' ; VALUE P995L (default=40) 01 ='Self or family in HH' 02 ='Family not in HH' 03 ='Private health insurance' 04 ='Medicare' 05 ='Medicaid' 06 ='Rehabilitation program' 07 ='Employer' 08 ='School system' 09 ='VA Program' 10 ='Other military' 11 ='Other private source' 12 ='Other public source' 13 ='Two or more sources given; unknown wh...' /*ich paid most*/ 33 ='No one/Free' 88 ='No source ascertained' 99 ='DK/refused any source' ; VALUE P996L (default=40) 00000 ='None' 99997 ='99997 or more dollars paid' 99998 ='Not ascertained' 99999 ='DK or refused' ; VALUE P997L (default=40) 1 ='Yes' 2 ='No' 8 ='Not ascertained' 9 ='DK or refused' ; VALUE P998L (default=40) 1 ='Mentioned' 2 ='Not mentioned' 8 ='No answer to entire question' 9 ='DK or refused (entire question)' ; VALUE P999L (default=40) 1 ='Mentioned' 2 ='Not mentioned' 8 ='No answer to entire question' 9 ='DK or refused (entire question)' ; VALUE P1000L (default=40) 1 ='Mentioned' 2 ='Not mentioned' 8 ='No answer to entire question' 9 ='DK or refused (entire question)' ; VALUE P1001L (default=40) 1 ='Mentioned' 2 ='Not mentioned' 8 ='No answer to entire question' 9 ='DK or refused (entire question)' ; VALUE P1002L (default=40) 1 ='Mentioned' 2 ='Not mentioned' 8 ='No answer to entire question' 9 ='DK or refused (entire question)' ; VALUE P1003L (default=40) 1 ='Mentioned' 2 ='Not mentioned' 8 ='No answer to entire question' 9 ='DK or refused (entire question)' ; VALUE P1004L (default=40) 1 ='Mentioned' 2 ='Not mentioned' 8 ='No answer to entire question' 9 ='DK or refused (entire question)' ; VALUE P1005L (default=40) 1 ='Mentioned' 2 ='Not mentioned' 8 ='No answer to entire question' 9 ='DK or refused (entire question)' ; VALUE P1006L (default=40) 1 ='Mentioned' 2 ='Not mentioned' 8 ='No answer to entire question' 9 ='DK or refused (entire question)' ; VALUE P1007L (default=40) 1 ='Mentioned' 2 ='Not mentioned' 8 ='No answer to entire question' 9 ='DK or refused (entire question)' ; VALUE P1008L (default=40) 1 ='Mentioned' 2 ='Not mentioned' 8 ='No answer to entire question' 9 ='DK or refused (entire question)' ; VALUE P1009L (default=40) 1 ='Yes' 2 ='No' 8 ='Not ascertained' 9 ='DK or refused' ; VALUE P1010L (default=40) 1 ='Yes' 2 ='No' 8 ='Not ascertained' 9 ='DK or refused' ; VALUE P1011L (default=40) 00 ='None' 98 ='Not ascertained' 99 ='DK or refused' ; VALUE P1012L (default=40) 00 ='None' 97 ='97 times or more' 98 ='Not ascertained' 99 ='DK or refused' ; VALUE P1013L (default=40) 1 ='Mentioned' 2 ='Not mentioned' 3 ='No one/Free' 8 ='No answer to entire question' 9 ='DK or refused (entire question)' ; VALUE P1014L (default=40) 1 ='Mentioned' 2 ='Not mentioned' 3 ='No one/Free' 8 ='No answer to entire question' 9 ='DK or refused (entire question)' ; VALUE P1015L (default=40) 1 ='Mentioned' 2 ='Not mentioned' 3 ='No one/Free' 8 ='No answer to entire question' 9 ='DK or refused (entire question)' ; VALUE P1016L (default=40) 1 ='Mentioned' 2 ='Not mentioned' 3 ='No one/Free' 8 ='No answer to entire question' 9 ='DK or refused (entire question)' ; VALUE P1017L (default=40) 1 ='Mentioned' 2 ='Not mentioned' 3 ='No one/Free' 8 ='No answer to entire question' 9 ='DK or refused (entire question)' ; VALUE P1018L (default=40) 1 ='Mentioned' 2 ='Not mentioned' 3 ='No one/Free' 8 ='No answer to entire question' 9 ='DK or refused (entire question)' ; VALUE P1019L (default=40) 1 ='Mentioned' 2 ='Not mentioned' 3 ='No one/Free' 8 ='No answer to entire question' 9 ='DK or refused (entire question)' ; VALUE P1020L (default=40) 1 ='Mentioned' 2 ='Not mentioned' 3 ='No one/Free' 8 ='No answer to entire question' 9 ='DK or refused (entire question)' ; VALUE P1021L (default=40) 1 ='Mentioned' 2 ='Not mentioned' 3 ='No one/Free' 8 ='No answer to entire question' 9 ='DK or refused (entire question)' ; VALUE P1022L (default=40) 1 ='Mentioned' 2 ='Not mentioned' 3 ='No one/Free' 8 ='No answer to entire question' 9 ='DK or refused (entire question)' ; VALUE P1023L (default=40) 1 ='Mentioned' 2 ='Not mentioned' 3 ='No one/Free' 8 ='No answer to entire question' 9 ='DK or refused (entire question)' ; VALUE P1024L (default=40) 1 ='Mentioned' 2 ='Not mentioned' 3 ='No one/Free' 8 ='No answer to entire question' 9 ='DK or refused (entire question)' ; VALUE P1025L (default=40) 01 ='Self or family in HH' 02 ='Family not in HH' 03 ='Private health insurance' 04 ='Medicare' 05 ='Medicaid' 06 ='Rehabilitation program' 07 ='Employer' 08 ='School system' 09 ='VA Program' 10 ='Other military' 11 ='Other private source' 12 ='Other public source' 13 ='Two or more sources given; unknown wh...' /*ich paid most*/ 33 ='No one/Free' 88 ='No source ascertained' 99 ='DK/refused any source' ; VALUE P1026L (default=40) 00000 ='None' 99997 ='99997 or more dollars paid' 99998 ='Not ascertained' 99999 ='DK or refused' ; VALUE P1027L (default=40) 1 ='Yes' 2 ='No' 8 ='Not ascertained' 9 ='DK or refused' ; VALUE P1028L (default=40) 1 ='Mentioned' 2 ='Not mentioned' 8 ='No answer to entire question' 9 ='DK or refused (entire question)' ; VALUE P1029L (default=40) 1 ='Mentioned' 2 ='Not mentioned' 8 ='No answer to entire question' 9 ='DK or refused (entire question)' ; VALUE P1030L (default=40) 1 ='Mentioned' 2 ='Not mentioned' 8 ='No answer to entire question' 9 ='DK or refused (entire question)' ; VALUE P1031L (default=40) 1 ='Mentioned' 2 ='Not mentioned' 8 ='No answer to entire question' 9 ='DK or refused (entire question)' ; VALUE P1032L (default=40) 1 ='Mentioned' 2 ='Not mentioned' 8 ='No answer to entire question' 9 ='DK or refused (entire question)' ; VALUE P1033L (default=40) 1 ='Mentioned' 2 ='Not mentioned' 8 ='No answer to entire question' 9 ='DK or refused (entire question)' ; VALUE P1034L (default=40) 1 ='Mentioned' 2 ='Not mentioned' 8 ='No answer to entire question' 9 ='DK or refused (entire question)' ; VALUE P1035L (default=40) 1 ='Mentioned' 2 ='Not mentioned' 8 ='No answer to entire question' 9 ='DK or refused (entire question)' ; VALUE P1036L (default=40) 1 ='Mentioned' 2 ='Not mentioned' 8 ='No answer to entire question' 9 ='DK or refused (entire question)' ; VALUE P1037L (default=40) 1 ='Mentioned' 2 ='Not mentioned' 8 ='No answer to entire question' 9 ='DK or refused (entire question)' ; VALUE P1038L (default=40) 1 ='Mentioned' 2 ='Not mentioned' 8 ='No answer to entire question' 9 ='DK or refused (entire question)' ; VALUE P1039L (default=40) 1 ='Yes' 2 ='No' 8 ='Not ascertained' 9 ='DK or refused' ; VALUE P1040L (default=40) 1 ='Yes' 2 ='No' 8 ='Not ascertained' 9 ='DK or refused' ; VALUE P1041L (default=40) 1 ='Mentioned' 2 ='Not mentioned' 8 ='No answer to entire question' 9 ='DK or refused (entire question)' ; VALUE P1042L (default=40) 1 ='Mentioned' 2 ='Not mentioned' 8 ='No answer to entire question' 9 ='DK or refused (entire question)' ; VALUE P1043L (default=40) 1 ='Mentioned' 2 ='Not mentioned' 8 ='No answer to entire question' 9 ='DK or refused (entire question)' ; VALUE P1044L (default=40) 1 ='Yes' 2 ='No' 3 ='Never filled forms/ applications' 8 ='Not ascertained' 9 ='DK or refused' ; VALUE P1045L (default=40) 1 ='Mentioned' 2 ='Not mentioned' 8 ='No answer to entire question' 9 ='DK or refused (entire question)' ; VALUE P1046L (default=40) 1 ='Mentioned' 2 ='Not mentioned' 8 ='No answer to entire question' 9 ='DK or refused (entire question)' ; VALUE P1047L (default=40) 1 ='Mentioned' 2 ='Not mentioned' 8 ='No answer to entire question' 9 ='DK or refused (entire question)' ; VALUE P1048L (default=40) 1 ='Mentioned' 2 ='Not mentioned' 8 ='No answer to entire question' 9 ='DK or refused (entire question)' ; VALUE P1049L (default=40) 1 ='Mentioned' 2 ='Not mentioned' 8 ='No answer to entire question' 9 ='DK or refused (entire question)' ; VALUE P1050L (default=40) 1 ='Mentioned' 2 ='Not mentioned' 8 ='No answer to entire question' 9 ='DK or refused (entire question)' ; VALUE P1051L (default=40) 1 ='Married, spouse in HH' 2 ='Married, spouse not in HH' 3 ='Widowed' 4 ='Divorced' 5 ='Separated' 6 ='Never married' 8 ='Not ascertained' 9 ='DK or refused' ; VALUE P1052L (default=40) 00 ='Less than 1 year' 97 ='97 years and over' 98 ='Not ascertained' 99 ='DK or refused' ; VALUE P1053L (default=40) 0 ='Less than 1 year' 1 ='1-4 years' 2 ='5-9 years' 3 ='10-14 years' 4 ='15-19 years' 5 ='20 years and over' 7 ='Unknown how long married' 8 ='Not married' 9 ='Unknown current marital status' ; VALUE P1054L (default=40) 00 ='Less than 1 year' 97 ='97 years and over' 98 ='Not ascertained' 99 ='DK or refused' ; VALUE P1055L (default=40) 0 ='Less than 1 year' 1 ='1-4 years' 2 ='5-9 years' 3 ='10-14 years' 4 ='15-19 years' 5 ='20 years and over' 7 ='Unknown how long widowed, divorced, o...' /*r separated*/ 8 ='Not widowed, divorced, or separated' 9 ='Unknown current marital status' ; VALUE P1056L (default=40) 01 ='SP only' 97 ='97 or more household members' 98 ='Not ascertained' 99 ='DK or refused' ; VALUE P1057L (default=40) 1 ='Male' 2 ='Female' 8 ='Not ascertained' ; VALUE P1058L (default=40) 01 ='Husband' 02 ='Wife' 03 ='Natural father' 04 ='Stepfather' 05 ='Adoptive father' 06 ='Foster father' 07 ='Natural mother' 08 ='Stepmother' 09 ='Adoptive mother' 10 ='Foster mother' 11 ='Male parent, unknown type' 12 ='Female parent, unknown type' 13 ='Natural son' 14 ='Stepson' 15 ='Adopted son' 16 ='Foster son' 17 ='Natural daughter' 18 ='Stepdaughter' 19 ='Adopted daughter' 20 ='Foster daughter' 21 ='Male child, unknown type' 22 ='Female child, unknown type' 23 ='Full brother' 24 ='Half brother' 25 ='Stepbrother' 26 ='Adoptive brother' 27 ='Full sister' 28 ='Half sister' 29 ='Step sister' 30 ='Adoptive sister' 31 ='Unknown sibling type' 32 ='Grandfather' 33 ='Grandmother' 34 ='Grandson' 35 ='Granddaughter' 36 ='Uncle' 37 ='Aunt' 38 ='Nephew' 39 ='Niece' 40 ='Father-in-law' 41 ='Mother-in-law' 42 ='Son-in-law' 43 ='Daughter-in-law' 44 ='Brother-in-law' 45 ='Sister-in-law' 46 ='Cousin' 47 ='Not related' 55 ='Unknown male' 66 ='Unknown female' 97 ='Family members, unknown relationship ...' /*and gender*/ 98 ='Not ascertained' 99 ='DK or refused' ; VALUE P1059L (default=40) 1 ='Male' 2 ='Female' 8 ='Not ascertained' ; VALUE P1060L (default=40) 01 ='Husband' 02 ='Wife' 03 ='Natural father' 04 ='Stepfather' 05 ='Adoptive father' 06 ='Foster father' 07 ='Natural mother' 08 ='Stepmother' 09 ='Adoptive mother' 10 ='Foster mother' 11 ='Male parent, unknown type' 12 ='Female parent, unknown type' 13 ='Natural son' 14 ='Stepson' 15 ='Adopted son' 16 ='Foster son' 17 ='Natural daughter' 18 ='Stepdaughter' 19 ='Adopted daughter' 20 ='Foster daughter' 21 ='Male child, unknown type' 22 ='Female child, unknown type' 23 ='Full brother' 24 ='Half brother' 25 ='Stepbrother' 26 ='Adoptive brother' 27 ='Full sister' 28 ='Half sister' 29 ='Stepsister' 30 ='Adoptive sister' 31 ='Unknown sibling type' 32 ='Grandfather' 33 ='Grandmother' 34 ='Grandson' 35 ='Granddaughter' 36 ='Uncle' 37 ='Aunt' 38 ='Nephew' 39 ='Niece' 40 ='Father-in-law' 41 ='Mother-in-law' 42 ='Son-in-law' 43 ='Daughter-in-law' 44 ='Brother-in-law' 45 ='Sister-in-law' 46 ='Cousin' 47 ='Not related' 55 ='Unknown male' 66 ='Unknown female' 97 ='Family members, unknown relationship ...' /*and gender*/ 98 ='Not ascertained' 99 ='DK or refused' ; VALUE P1061L (default=40) 1 ='Male' 2 ='Female' 8 ='Not ascertained' ; VALUE P1062L (default=40) 01 ='Husband' 02 ='Wife' 03 ='Natural father' 04 ='Stepfather' 05 ='Adoptive father' 06 ='Foster father' 07 ='Natural mother' 08 ='Stepmother' 09 ='Adoptive mother' 10 ='Foster mother' 11 ='Male parent, unknown type' 12 ='Female parent, unknown type' 13 ='Natural son' 14 ='Stepson' 15 ='Adopted son' 16 ='Foster son' 17 ='Natural daughter' 18 ='Stepdaughter' 19 ='Adopted daughter' 20 ='Foster daughter' 21 ='Male child, unknown type' 22 ='Female child, unknown type' 23 ='Full brother' 24 ='Half brother' 25 ='Stepbrother' 26 ='Adoptive brother' 27 ='Full sister' 28 ='Half sister' 29 ='Stepsister' 30 ='Adoptive sister' 31 ='Unknown sibling type' 32 ='Grandfather' 33 ='Grandmother' 34 ='Grandson' 35 ='Granddaughter' 36 ='Uncle' 37 ='Aunt' 38 ='Nephew' 39 ='Niece' 40 ='Father-in-law' 41 ='Mother-in-law' 42 ='Son-in-law' 43 ='Daughter-in-law' 44 ='Brother-in-law' 45 ='Sister-in-law' 46 ='Cousin' 47 ='Not related' 55 ='Unknown male' 66 ='Unknown female' 97 ='Family members, unknown relationship ...' /*and gender*/ 98 ='Not ascertained' 99 ='DK or refused' ; VALUE P1063L (default=40) 1 ='Male' 2 ='Female' 8 ='Not ascertained' ; VALUE P1064L (default=40) 01 ='Husband' 02 ='Wife' 03 ='Natural father' 04 ='Stepfather' 05 ='Adoptive father' 06 ='Foster father' 07 ='Natural mother' 08 ='Stepmother' 09 ='Adoptive mother' 10 ='Foster mother' 11 ='Male parent, unknown type' 12 ='Female parent, unknown type' 13 ='Natural son' 14 ='Stepson' 15 ='Adopted son' 16 ='Foster son' 17 ='Natural daughter' 18 ='Stepdaughter' 19 ='Adopted daughter' 20 ='Foster daughter' 21 ='Male child, unknown type' 22 ='Female child, unknown type' 23 ='Full brother' 24 ='Half brother' 25 ='Stepbrother' 26 ='Adoptive brother' 27 ='Full sister' 28 ='Half sister' 29 ='Stepsister' 30 ='Adoptive sister' 31 ='Unknown sibling type' 32 ='Grandfather' 33 ='Grandmother' 34 ='Grandson' 35 ='Granddaughter' 36 ='Uncle' 37 ='Aunt' 38 ='Nephew' 39 ='Niece' 40 ='Father-in-law' 41 ='Mother-in-law' 42 ='Son-in-law' 43 ='Daughter-in-law' 44 ='Brother-in-law' 45 ='Sister-in-law' 46 ='Cousin' 47 ='Not related' 55 ='Unknown male' 66 ='Unknown female' 97 ='Family members, unknown relationship ...' /*and gender*/ 98 ='Not ascertained' 99 ='DK or refused' ; VALUE P1065L (default=40) 1 ='Male' 2 ='Female' 8 ='Not ascertained' ; VALUE P1066L (default=40) 01 ='Husband' 02 ='Wife' 03 ='Natural father' 04 ='Stepfather' 05 ='Adoptive father' 06 ='Foster father' 07 ='Natural mother' 08 ='Stepmother' 09 ='Adoptive mother' 10 ='Foster mother' 11 ='Male parent, unknown type' 12 ='Female parent, unknown type' 13 ='Natural son' 14 ='Stepson' 15 ='Adopted son' 16 ='Foster son' 17 ='Natural daughter' 18 ='Stepdaughter' 19 ='Adopted daughter' 20 ='Foster daughter' 21 ='Male child, unknown type' 22 ='Female child, unknown type' 23 ='Full brother' 24 ='Half brother' 25 ='Stepbrother' 26 ='Adoptive brother' 27 ='Full sister' 28 ='Half sister' 29 ='Stepsister' 30 ='Adoptive sister' 31 ='Unknown sibling type' 32 ='Grandfather' 33 ='Grandmother' 34 ='Grandson' 35 ='Granddaughter' 36 ='Uncle' 37 ='Aunt' 38 ='Nephew' 39 ='Niece' 40 ='Father-in-law' 41 ='Mother-in-law' 42 ='Son-in-law' 43 ='Daughter-in-law' 44 ='Brother-in-law' 45 ='Sister-in-law' 46 ='Cousin' 47 ='Not related' 55 ='Unknown male' 66 ='Unknown female' 97 ='Family members, unknown relationship ...' /*and gender*/ 98 ='Not ascertained' 99 ='DK or refused' ; VALUE P1067L (default=40) 1 ='Male' 2 ='Female' 8 ='Not ascertained' ; VALUE P1068L (default=40) 01 ='Husband' 02 ='Wife' 03 ='Natural father' 04 ='Stepfather' 05 ='Adoptive father' 06 ='Foster father' 07 ='Natural mother' 08 ='Stepmother' 09 ='Adoptive mother' 10 ='Foster mother' 11 ='Male parent, unknown type' 12 ='Female parent, unknown type' 13 ='Natural son' 14 ='Stepson' 15 ='Adopted son' 16 ='Foster son' 17 ='Natural daughter' 18 ='Stepdaughter' 19 ='Adopted daughter' 20 ='Foster daughter' 21 ='Male child, unknown type' 22 ='Female child, unknown type' 23 ='Full brother' 24 ='Half brother' 25 ='Stepbrother' 26 ='Adoptive brother' 27 ='Full sister' 28 ='Half sister' 29 ='Stepsister' 30 ='Adoptive sister' 31 ='Unknown sibling type' 32 ='Grandfather' 33 ='Grandmother' 34 ='Grandson' 35 ='Granddaughter' 36 ='Uncle' 37 ='Aunt' 38 ='Nephew' 39 ='Niece' 40 ='Father-in-law' 41 ='Mother-in-law' 42 ='Son-in-law' 43 ='Daughter-in-law' 44 ='Brother-in-law' 45 ='Sister-in-law' 46 ='Cousin' 47 ='Not related' 55 ='Unknown male' 66 ='Unknown female' 97 ='Family members, unknown relationship ...' /*and gender*/ 98 ='Not ascertained' 99 ='DK or refused' ; VALUE P1069L (default=40) 1 ='Male' 2 ='Female' 8 ='Not ascertained' ; VALUE P1070L (default=40) 01 ='Husband' 02 ='Wife' 03 ='Natural father' 04 ='Stepfather' 05 ='Adoptive father' 06 ='Foster father' 07 ='Natural mother' 08 ='Stepmother' 09 ='Adoptive mother' 10 ='Foster mother' 11 ='Male parent, unknown type' 12 ='Female parent, unknown type' 13 ='Natural son' 14 ='Stepson' 15 ='Adopted son' 16 ='Foster son' 17 ='Natural daughter' 18 ='Stepdaughter' 19 ='Adopted daughter' 20 ='Foster daughter' 21 ='Male child, unknown type' 22 ='Female child, unknown type' 23 ='Full brother' 24 ='Half brother' 25 ='Stepbrother' 26 ='Adoptive brother' 27 ='Full sister' 28 ='Half sister' 29 ='Stepsister' 30 ='Adoptive sister' 31 ='Unknown sibling type' 32 ='Grandfather' 33 ='Grandmother' 34 ='Grandson' 35 ='Granddaughter' 36 ='Uncle' 37 ='Aunt' 38 ='Nephew' 39 ='Niece' 40 ='Father-in-law' 41 ='Mother-in-law' 42 ='Son-in-law' 43 ='Daughter-in-law' 44 ='Brother-in-law' 45 ='Sister-in-law' 46 ='Cousin' 47 ='Not related' 55 ='Unknown male' 66 ='Unknown female' 97 ='Family members, unknown relationship ...' /*and gender*/ 98 ='Not ascertained' 99 ='DK or refused' ; VALUE P1071L (default=40) 1 ='Male' 2 ='Female' 8 ='Not ascertained' ; VALUE P1072L (default=40) 01 ='Husband' 02 ='Wife' 03 ='Natural father' 04 ='Stepfather' 05 ='Adoptive father' 06 ='Foster father' 07 ='Natural mother' 08 ='Stepmother' 09 ='Adoptive mother' 10 ='Foster mother' 11 ='Male parent, unknown type' 12 ='Female parent, unknown type' 13 ='Natural son' 14 ='Stepson' 15 ='Adopted son' 16 ='Foster son' 17 ='Natural daughter' 18 ='Stepdaughter' 19 ='Adopted daughter' 20 ='Foster daughter' 21 ='Male child, unknown type' 22 ='Female child, unknown type' 23 ='Full brother' 24 ='Half brother' 25 ='Stepbrother' 26 ='Adoptive brother' 27 ='Full sister' 28 ='Half sister' 29 ='Stepsister' 30 ='Adoptive sister' 31 ='Unknown sibling type' 32 ='Grandfather' 33 ='Grandmother' 34 ='Grandson' 35 ='Granddaughter' 36 ='Uncle' 37 ='Aunt' 38 ='Nephew' 39 ='Niece' 40 ='Father-in-law' 41 ='Mother-in-law' 42 ='Son-in-law' 43 ='Daughter-in-law' 44 ='Brother-in-law' 45 ='Sister-in-law' 46 ='Cousin' 47 ='Not related' 55 ='Unknown male' 66 ='Unknown female' 97 ='Family members, unknown relationship ...' /*and gender*/ 98 ='Not ascertained' 99 ='DK or refused' ; VALUE P1073L (default=40) 0 ='No members related to SP' ; VALUE P1074L (default=40) 1 ='Yes, SP lives with spouse' 2 ='No, SP does not live with spouse' ; VALUE P1075L (default=40) 1 ='Yes, SP lives with son' 2 ='No, SP does not live with son' ; VALUE P1076L (default=40) 1 ='Yes, SP lives with daughter' 2 ='No, SP does not live with daughter' ; VALUE P1077L (default=40) 1 ='Yes, SP lives with parent/in-law' 2 ='No, SP does not live with parent/in-law' ; VALUE P1078L (default=40) 1 ='Yes, SP lives with sibling/in-law' 2 ='No, SP does not live with sibling/in-law' ; VALUE P1079L (default=40) 1 ='Yes, SP lives with grandchild' 2 ='No, SP does not live with grandchild' ; VALUE P1080L (default=40) 1 ='Yes, SP lives with grandparents' 2 ='No, SP does not live with grandparents' ; VALUE P1081L (default=40) 1 ='Yes, SP lives with other relative' 2 ='No, SP does not live with other relative' ; VALUE P1082L (default=40) 1 ='Yes, SP lives with non-relative' 2 ='No, SP does not live with non-relative' ; VALUE P1083L (default=40) 1 ='Alone' 2 ='With spouse only' 3 ='With spouse and other relatives' 4 ='With other relatives only' 5 ='With non-relatives only' 9 ='Unknown' ; VALUE P1084L (default=40) 1 ='One generation' 2 ='Two generations' 3 ='Three generations' 4 ='Four generations' 5 ='Five or more generations' 8 ='No related household members (Include...' /*s lives alone, no other family members specified, and 1+ related persons in HH)*/ 9 ='Unknown' ; VALUE P1085L (default=40) 00 ='None' 97 ='97 sons or more' 98 ='Not ascertained' 99 ='DK or refused' ; VALUE P1086L (default=40) 00 ='None' 98 ='Not ascertained' 99 ='DK or refused' ; VALUE P1087L (default=40) 0 ='No living sons or daughters' 1 ='Living sons only' 2 ='Living daughters only' 3 ='Both living sons and daughters' 9 ='Unknown if living sons/daughters' ; VALUE P1088L (default=40) 00 ='None' 99 ='Unknown' ; VALUE P1090L (default=40) 97 ='97 or more minutes, hours, days' 99 ='DK, refused, not ascertained' ; VALUE P1091L (default=40) 1 ='Minutes' 2 ='Hours' 3 ='Days' 9 ='DK, refused, not ascertained' ; VALUE P1092L (default=40) 00 ='Less than one hour' 97 ='97 hours or more' 99 ='DK, refused, or not ascertained' ; VALUE P1094L (default=40) 00 ='Less than once a year/never' 97 ='97 or more times' 99 ='DK, refused, not ascertained' ; VALUE P1095L (default=40) 0 ='Less than once a year/never' 1 ='Day' 2 ='Week' 3 ='Month' 4 ='Year' 9 ='DK, refused, not ascertained' ; VALUE P1096L (default=40) 00 ='Less than once per month' 91 ='91 or more times per month' 99 ='DK, refused, or not ascertained' ; ; VALUE P1097L (default=40) 00 ='Less than once a year/never' 97 ='97 or more times' 99 ='DK, refused, not ascertained' ; VALUE P1098L (default=40) 0 ='Less than once a year/never' 1 ='Day' 2 ='Week' 3 ='Month' 4 ='Year' 9 ='DK, refused, not ascertained' ; VALUE P1099L (default=40) 00 ='Less than once per month' 91 ='91 or more times per month' 99 ='DK, refused, or not ascertained' ; ; VALUE P1100L (default=40) 00 ='Less than once a year/never' 97 ='97 or more times' 99 ='DK, refused, not ascertained' ; VALUE P1101L (default=40) 0 ='Less than once a year/never' 1 ='Day' 2 ='Week' 3 ='Month' 4 ='Year' 9 ='DK, refused, not ascertained' ; VALUE P1102L (default=40) 00 ='Less than once per month' 91 ='91 or more times per month' 99 ='DK, refused, or not ascertained' ; VALUE P1103L (default=40) 1 ='Yes' 2 ='No' 8 ='Not ascertained' 9 ='DK or refused' ; VALUE P1104L (default=40) 1 ='Yes' 2 ='No' 8 ='Not ascertained' 9 ='DK or refused' ; VALUE P1105L (default=40) 1 ='Yes' 2 ='No' 8 ='Not ascertained' 9 ='DK or refused' ; VALUE P1106L (default=40) 1 ='Yes' 2 ='No' 8 ='Not ascertained' 9 ='DK or refused' ; VALUE P1107L (default=40) 00 ='None' 97 ='97 or more brothers' 98 ='Not ascertained' 99 ='DK or refused' ; VALUE P1108L (default=40) 00 ='None' 97 ='97 or more sisters' 98 ='Not ascertained' 99 ='DK or refused' ; VALUE P1109L (default=40) 0 ='No living children or siblings' 1 ='Living children only' 2 ='Living siblings only' 3 ='Both living children and siblings' 9 ='Unknown if living children/siblings' ; VALUE P1110L (default=40) 1 ='Yes' 2 ='No' 8 ='Not ascertained' 9 ='DK or refused' ; VALUE P1111L (default=40) 1 ='Yes' 2 ='No' 8 ='Not ascertained' 9 ='DK or refused' ; VALUE P1112L (default=40) 0 ='No living parents' 1 ='Mother living, father dead/unknown' 2 ='Father living, mother dead/unknown' 3 ='Mother and father living' 4 ='Mother dead, father unknown' 5 ='Father dead, mother unknown' 9 ='DK if either living' ; VALUE P1114L (default=40) 00 ='No other family' 97 ='97 or more' 99 ='DK, refused, not ascertained' ; VALUE P1115L (default=40) 0 ='No other family' 1 ='Minutes' 2 ='Hours' 3 ='Days' 9 ='DK, refused, not ascertained' ; VALUE P1116L (default=40) 00 ='Less than one hour' 97 ='97 or more hours' 98 ='No other family' 99 ='DK, refused, or not ascertained' ; VALUE P1118L (default=40) 00 ='Less than once a year/never' 97 ='97 or more times' 99 ='DK, refused, not ascertained' ; VALUE P1119L (default=40) 0 ='Less than once a year/never' 1 ='Day' 2 ='Week' 3 ='Month' 4 ='Year' 9 ='DK, refused, not ascertained' ; VALUE P1120L (default=40) 00 ='Less than once per month' 91 ='91 or more times per month' 99 ='DK, refused, or not ascertained' ; ; VALUE P1121L (default=40) 00 ='Less than once a year/never' 97 ='97 or more times' 99 ='DK, refused, not ascertained' ; VALUE P1122L (default=40) 0 ='Less than once a year/never' 1 ='Day' 2 ='Week' 3 ='Month' 4 ='Year' 9 ='DK, refused, not ascertained' ; VALUE P1123L (default=40) 00 ='Less than once per month' 91 ='91 or more times per month' 99 ='DK, refused, or not ascertained' ; ; VALUE P1124L (default=40) 00 ='Less than once a year/never' 97 ='97 or more times' 99 ='DK, refused, not ascertained' ; VALUE P1125L (default=40) 0 ='Less than once a year/never' 1 ='Day' 2 ='Week' 3 ='Month' 4 ='Year' 9 ='DK, refused, not ascertained' ; VALUE P1126L (default=40) 00 ='Less than once per month' 91 ='91 or more times per month' 99 ='DK, refused, or not ascertained' ; VALUE P1127L (default=40) 1 ='Yes' 2 ='No' 8 ='Not ascertained' 9 ='DK or refused' ; VALUE P1128L (default=40) 1 ='Yes' 2 ='No' 8 ='Not ascertained' 9 ='DK or refused' ; VALUE P1129L (default=40) 1 ='Yes' 2 ='No' 8 ='Not ascertained' 9 ='DK or refused' ; VALUE P1130L (default=40) 1 ='Yes' 2 ='No' 8 ='Not ascertained' 9 ='DK or refused' ; VALUE P1131L (default=40) 1 ='Yes' 2 ='No' 8 ='Not ascertained' 9 ='DK or refused' ; VALUE P1132L (default=40) 1 ='Yes' 2 ='No' 8 ='Not ascertained' 9 ='DK or refused' ; VALUE P1133L (default=40) 1 ='Yes' 2 ='No' 8 ='Not ascertained' 9 ='DK or refused' ; VALUE P1134L (default=40) 1 ='Yes' 2 ='No' 8 ='Not ascertained' 9 ='DK or refused' ; VALUE P1135L (default=40) 1 ='Yes' 2 ='No' 8 ='Not ascertained' 9 ='DK or refused' ; VALUE P1136L (default=40) 1 ='Yes' 2 ='No' 8 ='Not ascertained' 9 ='DK or refused' ; VALUE P1137L (default=40) 1 ='Yes' 2 ='No' 8 ='Not ascertained' 9 ='DK or refused' ; VALUE P1138L (default=40) 1 ='Yes' 2 ='No' 8 ='Not ascertained' 9 ='DK or refused' ; VALUE P1139L (default=40) 1 ='Yes' 2 ='No' 8 ='Not ascertained' 9 ='DK or refused' ; VALUE P1140L (default=40) 1 ='Yes' 2 ='No' 8 ='Not ascertained' 9 ='DK or refused' ; VALUE P1141L (default=40) 1 ='Yes' 2 ='No' 8 ='Not ascertained' 9 ='DK or refused' ; VALUE P1142L (default=40) 1 ='Yes' 2 ='No' 8 ='Not ascertained' 9 ='DK or refused' ; VALUE P1143L (default=40) 98 ='Not ascertained' 99 ='DK or refused' ; VALUE P1144L (default=40) 1 ='Yes' 2 ='No' 8 ='Not ascertained' 9 ='DK or refused' ; ; VALUE P1145L (default=40) 1 ='Yes' 2 ='No' 8 ='Not ascertained' 9 ='DK or refused' ; VALUE P1146L (default=40) 1 ='Yes' 2 ='No' 8 ='Not ascertained' 9 ='DK or refused' ; ; VALUE P1147L (default=40) 1 ='Yes' 2 ='No' 8 ='Not ascertained' 9 ='DK or refused' ; VALUE P1148L (default=40) 1 ='Yes' 2 ='No' 8 ='Not ascertained' 9 ='DK or refused' ; VALUE P1149L (default=40) 1 ='Yes' 2 ='No' 8 ='Not ascertained' 9 ='DK or refused' ; ; VALUE P1150L (default=40) 1 ='Yes' 2 ='No' 8 ='Not ascertained' 9 ='DK or refused' ; VALUE P1151L (default=40) 1 ='Yes' 2 ='No' 8 ='Not ascertained' 9 ='DK or refused' ; ; VALUE P1152L (default=40) 1 ='Yes' 2 ='No' 8 ='Not ascertained' 9 ='DK or refused' ; VALUE P1153L (default=40) 1 ='Yes' 2 ='No' 8 ='Not ascertained' 9 ='DK or refused' ; VALUE P1154L (default=40) 1 ='Yes' 2 ='No' 8 ='Not ascertained' 9 ='DK or refused' ; ; VALUE P1155L (default=40) 1 ='Yes' 2 ='No' 8 ='Not ascertained' 9 ='DK or refused' ; VALUE P1156L (default=40) 1 ='Yes' 2 ='No' 8 ='Not ascertained' 9 ='DK or refused' ; VALUE P1157L (default=40) 1 ='Yes' 2 ='No' 8 ='Not ascertained' 9 ='DK or refused' ; ; VALUE P1158L (default=40) 1 ='Yes' 2 ='No' 8 ='Not ascertained' 9 ='DK or refused' ; VALUE P1159L (default=40) 1 ='Yes' 2 ='No' 8 ='Not ascertained' 9 ='DK or refused' ; VALUE P1160L (default=40) 1 ='Yes' 2 ='No' 8 ='Not ascertained' 9 ='DK or refused' ; ; VALUE P1161L (default=40) 1 ='Yes' 2 ='No' 8 ='Not ascertained' 9 ='DK or refused' ; VALUE P1162L (default=40) 1 ='Yes' 2 ='No' 8 ='Not ascertained' 9 ='DK or refused' ; ; VALUE P1163L (default=40) 1 ='Yes' 2 ='No' 8 ='Not ascertained' 9 ='DK or refused' ; VALUE P1164L (default=40) 1 ='Yes' 2 ='No' 8 ='Not ascertained' 9 ='DK or refused' ; ; VALUE P1165L (default=40) 1 ='Yes' 2 ='No' 8 ='Not ascertained' 9 ='DK or refused' ; VALUE P1166L (default=40) 1 ='Yes' 2 ='No' 8 ='Not ascertained' 9 ='DK or refused' ; ; VALUE P1167L (default=40) 1 ='Yes' 2 ='No' 8 ='Not ascertained' 9 ='DK or refused' ; VALUE P1168L (default=40) 1 ='Yes' 2 ='No' 8 ='Not ascertained' 9 ='DK or refused' ; VALUE P1169L (default=40) 1 ='Mentioned' 2 ='Not mentioned' 8 ='No answer to entire question' 9 ='DK or refused (entire question)' ; VALUE P1170L (default=40) 1 ='Mentioned' 2 ='Not mentioned' 8 ='No answer to entire question' 9 ='DK or refused (entire question)' ; VALUE P1171L (default=40) 1 ='Mentioned' 2 ='Not mentioned' 8 ='No answer to entire question' 9 ='DK or refused (entire question)' ; VALUE P1172L (default=40) 1 ='Mentioned' 2 ='Not mentioned' 8 ='No answer to entire question' 9 ='DK or refused (entire question)' ; VALUE P1173L (default=40) 1 ='Mentioned' 2 ='Not mentioned' 8 ='No answer to entire question' 9 ='DK or refused (entire question)' ; VALUE P1174L (default=40) 1 ='Mentioned' 2 ='Not mentioned' 8 ='No answer to entire question' 9 ='DK or refused (entire question)' ; VALUE P1175L (default=40) 1 ='Mentioned' 2 ='Not mentioned' 8 ='No answer to entire question' 9 ='DK or refused (entire question)' ; VALUE P1176L (default=40) 1 ='Mentioned' 2 ='Not mentioned' 8 ='No answer to entire question' 9 ='DK or refused (entire question)' ; VALUE P1177L (default=40) 1 ='Mentioned' 2 ='Not mentioned' 8 ='No answer to entire question' 9 ='DK or refused (entire question)' ; VALUE P1178L (default=40) 1 ='Mentioned' 2 ='Not mentioned' 8 ='No answer to entire question' 9 ='DK or refused (entire question)' ; VALUE P1179L (default=40) 1 ='Mentioned' 2 ='Not mentioned' 8 ='No answer to entire question' 9 ='DK or refused (entire question)' ; VALUE P1180L (default=40) 1 ='Mentioned' 2 ='Not mentioned' 8 ='No answer to entire question' 9 ='DK or refused (entire question)' ; VALUE P1181L (default=40) 98 ='No answer to entire question' 99 ='DK or refused (entire question)' ; VALUE P1182L (default=40) 00 ='No known conditions reported' 99 ='DK or unknown for all conditions' ; VALUE P1183L (default=40) 1 ='Yes' 2 ='No' 8 ='Not ascertained' 9 ='DK or refused' ; VALUE P1184L (default=40) 1 ='Yes' 2 ='No' 8 ='Not ascertained' 9 ='DK or refused' ; VALUE P1185L (default=40) 1 ='Yes' 2 ='No' 8 ='Not ascertained' 9 ='DK or refused' ; VALUE P1186L (default=40) 1 ='Excellent' 2 ='Very good' 3 ='Good' 4 ='Fair' 5 ='Poor' 8 ='Not ascertained' 9 ='DK or refused' ; VALUE P1187L (default=40) 0 ='Proxy respondent' 1 ='All of the time' 2 ='Some of the time' 3 ='A little of the time' 4 ='None of the time' 8 ='Not ascertained' 9 ='DK or refused' ; VALUE P1188L (default=40) 1 ='More active' 2 ='Less active' 3 ='About the same' 8 ='Not ascertained' 9 ='DK or refused' ; VALUE P1189L (default=40) 1 ='Yes' 2 ='No' 8 ='Not ascertained' 9 ='DK or refused' ; VALUE P1190L (default=40) 9 ='DK or refused' ; VALUE P1191L (default=40) 00 ='0 inches' 99 ='DK or refused' ; VALUE P1192L 99999 ='DK or refused' ; VALUE P1193L (default=40) 000 ='Proxy respondent' 998 ='Not ascertained' 999 ='DK or refused' ; VALUE P1194L (default=40) 0000 ='Proxy respondent' 9999 ='DK, refused, or unknown' ; ; ; VALUE P1195L (default=40) 1 ='Yes' 2 ='No' 8 ='Not ascertained' 9 ='DK or refused' ; VALUE P1196L (default=40) 1 ='Everyday' 2 ='Some days' 3 ='Not at all' 8 ='Not ascertained' 9 ='DK or refused' ; VALUE P1197L (default=40) 0 ='Never smoked' 1 ='Current smoker' 2 ='Former smoker' 3 ='Unknown if current/former smoker' 9 ='Unknown if ever smoked' ; VALUE P1198L (default=40) 0 ='Never smoked' 1 ='Current smoker-everyday' 2 ='Current smoker-some days' 3 ='Former smoker' 4 ='Unknown if current/former smoker' 9 ='Unknown if ever smoked' ; VALUE P1199L (default=40) 00 ='Less than 1 year' 97 ='97 or more years' 98 ='Not ascertained' 99 ='DK or refused' ; VALUE P1200L (default=40) 1 ='Yes' 2 ='No' 8 ='Not ascertained' 9 ='DK or refused' ; VALUE P1201L (default=40) 000 ='Every day' 999 ='DK or refused' ; VALUE P1202L (default=40) 0 ='Every day' 1 ='Week' 2 ='Month' 3 ='Year' 9 ='DK or refused' ; VALUE P1203L (default=40) 00 ='Everyday' 88 ='Less than one day per month' 99 ='DK, refused, not ascertained' ; VALUE P1204L (default=40) 97 ='97 or more drinks per day' 98 ='Not ascertained' 99 ='DK or refused' ; VALUE P1205L (default=40) 1 ='Yes' 2 ='No' 8 ='Not ascertained' 9 ='DK or refused' ; VALUE P1206L (default=40) 1 ='Frequently' 2 ='Sometimes' 3 ='Rarely' 8 ='Not ascertained' 9 ='DK or refused' ; VALUE P1207L (default=40) 1 ='Yes' 2 ='No' 8 ='Not ascertained' 9 ='DK or refused' ; VALUE P1208L (default=40) 1 ='Frequently' 2 ='Sometimes' 3 ='Rarely' 8 ='Not ascertained' 9 ='DK or refused' ; VALUE P1209L (default=40) 1 ='Yes' 2 ='No' 8 ='Not ascertained' 9 ='DK or refused' ; VALUE P1210L (default=40) 1 ='Frequently' 2 ='Sometimes' 3 ='Rarely' 8 ='Not ascertained' 9 ='DK or refused' ; VALUE P1211L (default=40) 1 ='Yes' 2 ='No' 8 ='Not ascertained' 9 ='DK or refused' ; VALUE P1212L (default=40) 1 ='Frequently' 2 ='Sometimes' 3 ='Rarely' 8 ='Not ascertained' 9 ='DK or refused' ; VALUE P1213L (default=40) 1 ='Yes' 2 ='No' 8 ='Not ascertained' 9 ='DK or refused' ; VALUE P1214L (default=40) 1 ='Frequently' 2 ='Sometimes' 3 ='Rarely' 8 ='Not ascertained' 9 ='DK or refused' ; VALUE P1215L (default=40) 1 ='Yes' 2 ='No' 8 ='Not ascertained' 9 ='DK or refused' ; VALUE P1216L (default=40) 1 ='Frequently' 2 ='Sometimes' 3 ='Rarely' 8 ='Not ascertained' 9 ='DK or refused' ; VALUE P1217L (default=40) 0 ='Self, unassisted' 1 ='Proxy in same household' 2 ='Proxy not in same household' 3 ='Assistant in same household' 4 ='Assistant not in same household' 9 ='Proxy/assistant with unknown residenc...' /*e; Type of respondent unknown or not ascertained*/ ; VALUE P1218L (default=40) 00 ='Parent' 01 ='Spouse' 02 ='Son/Daughter' 03 ='Son-in-law/Daughter-in-law' 04 ='Grandchild/Great grandchild' 05 ='Brother/Sister' 06 ='Brother-in-law/Sister-in-law' 07 ='Aunt/Uncle/Cousin' 08 ='Niece/Nephew' 09 ='Other relative' 10 ='Roommate/Friend/Neighbor' 11 ='Other non-relative' 98 ='Not ascertained' ; VALUE P1219L (default=40) 00 ='Parent' 01 ='Spouse' 02 ='Son/Daughter' 03 ='Son-in-law/Daughter-in-law' 04 ='Grandchild/Great grandchild' 05 ='Brother/Sister' 06 ='Brother-in-law/Sister-in-law' 07 ='Aunt/Uncle/Cousin' 08 ='Niece/Nephew' 09 ='Other relative' 10 ='Roommate/Friend/ Neighbor' 11 ='Other non-relative' 98 ='Not ascertained' ; VALUE P1220L (default=40) 1 ='Yes' 2 ='No' 8 ='Not ascertained' 9 ='DK or refused' ; VALUE P1221L (default=40) 1 ='Yes' 2 ='No' 8 ='Not ascertained' ; VALUE P1222L (default=40) 1 ='Yes' 2 ='No' 8 ='Not ascertained' ; VALUE P1223L (default=40) 1 ='Yes' 2 ='No' 8 ='Not ascertained' ; VALUE P1224L (default=40) 1 ='Yes' 2 ='No' 8 ='Not ascertained' ; VALUE P1225L (default=40) 1 ='Yes' 2 ='No' 8 ='Not ascertained' ; VALUE P1226L (default=40) 1 ='Yes' 2 ='No' 8 ='Not ascertained' ; VALUE P1227L (default=40) 1 ='Yes' 2 ='No' 8 ='Not ascertained' ; VALUE P1228L (default=40) 1 ='Yes' 2 ='No' 8 ='Not ascertained' ; VALUE P1229L (default=40) 1 ='Yes' 2 ='No' 8 ='Not ascertained' ; VALUE P1230L (default=40) 1 ='Yes' 2 ='No' 8 ='Not ascertained' ; Value R1827L /* WAVE 2 INTERVIEW ELIGIBILITY STATUS */ 1 = 'SP eligible for Wave 2 interview' 2 = 'SP ineligible for Wave 2 interview' ; Value R1828L /* WAVE 2 LOCATING STATUS */ 1 = 'SP located' 2 = 'SP not located' 3 = 'SP inelig for W2 intv, locating not attempted' ; Value R1829L /* WAVE 2 INTERVIEW OUTCOME */ 1 = 'Interviewed at Wave 2' 2 = 'Not interviewed at Wave 2' 3 = 'Ineligible for Wave 2 interview' ; Value R1830L /* WAVE 2 INTERVIEW DATA LOCATION */ 1 = 'SPs W2 data provided on the Survivor file' 2 = 'SPs W2 data provided on the Proxy Decedent file' ; Value R1831L 99 = 'Date unknown' ; Value R1833L 9999 = 'Date unknown' ; Value R1837L 99 = 'Date unknown' ; Value R1839L 9999 = 'Date unknown' ; Value R1843L /* INTERVIEW MODE */ 1 = 'CATI interview' 2 = 'SAQ interview' ; Value R1844L /* INTERVIEW COMPLETION STATUS */ 1 = Complete interview 2 = Partial interview ; Value R1845L /* INTERVIEW INSTRUMENT */ 1 = 'Survivor, non-institutionalized' 2 = 'Survivor, institutionalized' 3 = 'Proxy decedent' ; Value R1846l /* SAMPLE PERSON'S VITAL STATUS */ 1 = 'Alive' 2 = 'Deceased' 3 = 'Unknown' ; Value R1847L 99 = 'Date unknown' ; Value R1849L 9999 = 'Date unknown' ; Value R1827L /* WAVE 2 INTERVIEW ELIGIBILITY STATUS */ 1 = 'SP eligible for Wave 2 interview' 2 = 'SP ineligible for Wave 2 interview' ; VALUE R1853L /* RESPONDENT TYPE */ 1 = 'Self respondent, unassisted' 2 = 'Self respondent, assisted' 3 = 'Proxy respondent' ; VALUE R1854L /* WAVE 2 REINTERVIEW OUTCOME STATUS: */ 1 = 'CATI interview, complete, live SP, self respondent (with and without assistance)' 2 = 'CATI interview, complete, live SP, proxy respondent' 3 = 'CATI interview, complete, deceased SP, proxy respondent' 4 = 'CATI interview, partial, live SP, self respondent (with and without assistance)' 5 = 'CATI interview, partial, live SP, proxy respondent' 6 = 'CATI interview, partial, deceased SP, proxy respondent' 7 = 'SAQ interview, live SP, self respondent (with and without assistance)' 8 = 'SAQ interview, live SP, proxy respondent' 9 = 'SAQ interview, deceased SP, proxy respondent' 10 = 'Final refusal, live SP, self respondent' 11 = 'Final refusal, live SP, proxy respondent' 12 = 'Final refusal, deceased SP, proxy respondent' 13 = 'Final language barrier, live SP, no proxy available' 14 = 'Final incapacitated, live SP, no proxy available' 15 = 'Final unavailable throughout interview period, self respondent' 16 = 'Final unavailable throughout interview period, proxy respondent' 17 = 'Final unlocatable SP' 18 = 'Final unlocatable proxy, live SP' 19 = 'Final unlocatable proxy, deceased SP' 20 = 'Final non-interview report' 21 = 'Ineligible for Wave 2 interview' ; VALUE R1856L /* SAMPLE PERSON'S SEX* */ 1 = 'Male' 2 = 'Female' ; VALUE R1857L /* SAMPLE PERSON'S AGE */ 99 = '99+ years of age' ; VALUE R1859L /* RESIDENTIAL STATUS */ 1 = 'Community dwelling SP' 2 = 'Institutionalized SP' 99 = 'Dont Know' ; VALUE R1861L /* TYPE OF RESIDENCE */ 01 = 'Single family house or townhouse, not part of a retirement community' 02 = 'Single family house or townhouse or apartment, part of a retirement community' 03 = 'Regular apartment' 04 = 'Nursing home' 05 = 'Convalescent or rest home' 06 = 'Retirement home' 07 = 'Supervised apartment' 08 = 'Personal care or board and care home' 09 = 'Assisted living facility' 10 = 'Some other type of group residence or facility' 11 = 'Something else' 93 = 'SAQ legitimate skip, question excluded from SAQ' 94 = 'Missing after break off of finalized partials (CATI)' 95 = 'Missing (CATI) because of program error' 96 = 'Missing (SAQ)' 97 = 'Refused' 99 = 'Dont know' ; VALUE R1863L /* TYPE OF RESIDENCE - RECODE TO MATCH VARIABLE IN LOCATION 431* */ 01 = 'Single family house or townhouse, not part of a retirement community' 02 = 'Single family house or townhouse or apartment, that is part of a retirement community' 03 = 'Regular apartment' 04 = 'Supervised apartment' 07 = 'Personal care or board and care home' 09 = 'Some other type of group residence or facility' 10 = 'Assisted living facility' 11 = 'Nursing home, convalescent or rest home' 12 = 'Retirement home' 14 = 'Something else' 93 = 'SAQ legitimate skip, question excluded from SAQ' 94 = 'Missing after break off of finalized partials (CATI)' 95 = 'Missing (CATI) because of program error' 96 = 'Missing (SAQ)' 97 = 'Refused' 99 = 'Dont Know' ; VALUE R1865L /* SAMPLE PERSON'S MIGRATION STATUS */ 1 = 'State of residence changed since baseline SOA II interview' 2 = 'No change in state of residence' 97 = 'Refused' 99 = 'Dont know' . 'Ineligible for Wave 2 interview; Not interviewed at Wave 2; SP deceased' ; VALUE $RESCODE '93' = "SAQ Leg. Skip" '993' = "SAQ Leg. Skip" '9993' = "SAQ Leg. Skip" '99993' = "SAQ Leg. Skip" '999993' = "SAQ Leg. Skip" '94' = "Missing-Breakoff" '994' = "Missing-Breakoff" '9994' = "Missing-Breakoff" '99994' = "Missing-Breakoff" '999994' = "Missing-Breakoff" '95' = "Missing-CATI Error" '995' = "Missing-CATI Error" '9995' = "Missing-CATI Error" '99995' = "Missing-CATI Error" '999995' = "Missing-CATI Error" '96' = "Missing (SAQ)" '996' = "Missing (SAQ)" '9996' = "Missing (SAQ)" '99996' = "Missing (SAQ)" '999996' = "Missing (SAQ)" '97' = "Refused" '997' = "Refused" '9997' = "Refused" '99997' = "Refused" '999997' = "Refused" '98' = "Ineligible for Wave 2; Proxy Decedent interview" '998' = "Ineligible for Wave 2; Proxy Decedent interview" '9998' = "Ineligible for Wave 2; Proxy Decedent interview" '99998' = "Ineligible for Wave 2; Proxy Decedent interview" '999998' = "Ineligible for Wave 2; Proxy Decedent interview" '99' = "Dont Know" '999' = "Dont Know" '9999' = "Dont Know" '99999' = "Dont Know" '999999' = "Dont Know" ; VALUE HELP 93 = "SAQ Leg. Skip" 94 = "Missing-Breakoff" 95 = "Missing-CATI Error" 96 = "Missing (SAQ)" 97 = "Refused" 98 = "Ineligible for Wave 2; Proxy Decedent interview" 99 = "Dont Know" 1 = "Helper #1" 2 = "Helper #2" 3 = "Helper #3" 4 = "Helper #4" ; VALUE Q138Q 93 = "SAQ Leg. Skip" 94 = "Missing-Breakoff" 95 = "Missing-CATI Error" 96 = "Missing (SAQ)" 97 = "Refused" 98 = "Ineligible for Wave 2; Proxy Decedent interview" 99 = "Dont Know" 1 = "Yes" 2 = "No" 3 = "Nt Mrrd Lst Intw" ; VALUE Q181Q 93 = "SAQ Leg. Skip" 94 = "Missing-Breakoff" 95 = "Missing-CATI Error" 96 = "Missing (SAQ)" 97 = "Refused" 98 = "Ineligible for Wave 2; Proxy Decedent interview" 99 = "Dont Know" 1 = "Spouse Died" 2 = "Divorced" 3 = "Separated" 4 = "Other" ; VALUE R2047L /* Recode W2 MARITAL STATUS (CATI) */ 1= 'Married' 2= 'Widowed' 3= 'Divorced' 4= 'Separated' 5= 'Unmarried - unknown' 6= 'Never married' 7= 'Unknown' 93= 'SAQ Leg. Skip' 94= 'Missing-Breakoff' 95= 'Missing-CATI Error' 96= 'Missing (SAQ)' 97= 'Refused' 98= 'Ineligible for Wave 2; Proxy Decedent interview' 99= 'Dont Know' ; VALUE R2049L /* Recode W2 MARITAL STATUS (SAQ) */ 1= 'Married' 2= 'Widowed' 3= 'Divorced' 4= 'Separated' 5= 'Unmarried - unknown' 6= 'Never married' 7= 'Unknown' 93= 'SAQ Leg. Skip' 94= 'Missing-Breakoff' 95= 'Missing-CATI Error' 96= 'Missing (SAQ)' 97= 'Refused' 98= 'Ineligible for Wave 2; Proxy Decedent interview' 99= 'Dont Know' ; VALUE R2051L /* Recode NUMBER OF PERSONS IN HH INCLUDING SP* */ 93= 'SAQ Leg. Skip' 94= 'Missing-Breakoff' 95= 'Missing-CATI Error' 96= 'Missing (SAQ)' 97= 'Refused' 98= 'Ineligible for Wave 2; Proxy Decedent interview' 99= 'Dont Know' ; VALUE Q197Q 93 = "SAQ Leg. Skip" 94 = "Missing-Breakoff" 95 = "Missing-CATI Error" 96 = "Missing (SAQ)" 97 = "Refused" 98 = "Ineligible for Wave 2; Proxy Decedent interview" 99 = "Dont Know" 1 = "Husband" 2 = "Wife" 3 = "Biological Fthr" 4 = "Stepfather" 5 = "Adoptive Father" 6 = "Foster Father" 7 = "Biological Mthr" 8 = "Stepmother" 9 = "Adoptive Mother" 10 = "Foster Mother" 11 = "Unknwn M Prnt Tp" 12 = "Unknwn F Prnt Tp" 13 = "Biological Son" 14 = "Stepson" 15 = "Adopted Son" 16 = "Foster Son" 17 = "Biolgcal Dghtr" 18 = "Stepdaughter" 19 = "Adopted Daughter" 20 = "Foster Daughter" 21 = "Unknwn M Chld Tp" 22 = "Unknwn F Chld Tp" 23 = "Full Brother" 24 = "Half Brother" 25 = "Stepbrother" 26 = "Adopted Brother" 27 = "Full Sister" 28 = "Half Sister" 29 = "Stepsister" 30 = "Adopted Sister" 31 = "Unknwn Sblng Tp" 32 = "Grandfather" 33 = "Grandmother" 34 = "Grandson" 35 = "Granddaughter" 36 = "Uncle" 37 = "Aunt" 38 = "Nephew" 39 = "Niece" 40 = "Father-In-Law" 41 = "Mother-In-Law" 42 = "Son-In-Law" 43 = "Daughter-In-Law" 44 = "Brother-In-Law" 45 = "Sister-In-Law" 46 = "Cousin" 47 = "Not Related" 48 = "Sample Person" 49 = "Fthr N/Elswr Spc" 50 = "Mthr N/Elswr Spc" 51 = "Uknn Prt Tp N/Sp" 52 = "Son N/Elswhr Spc" 53 = "Dhtr N/Elswr Spc" 54 = "Uknn Chd Tp N/Sp" 55 = "Brtr N/Elswr Spc" 56 = "Sstr N/Elswr Spc" 57 = "Inlw N/Elswr Spc" 58 = "Other Relative" ; VALUE Q198Q 93 = "SAQ Leg. Skip" 94 = "Missing-Breakoff" 95 = "Missing-CATI Error" 96 = "Missing (SAQ)" 97 = "Refused" 98 = "Ineligible for Wave 2; Proxy Decedent interview" 99 = "Dont Know" 1 = "Male" 2 = "Female" ; VALUE R2163L 93 = "SAQ Leg. Skip" 94 = "Missing-Breakoff" 95 = "Missing-CATI Error" 96 = "Missing (SAQ)" 97 = "Refused" 98 = "Ineligible for Wave 2; Proxy Decedent interview" 99 = "Dont Know" ; VALUE R2165L 00 = 'SP lives alone' 01 = 'Yes' 02 = 'No' 93 = "SAQ Leg. Skip" 94 = "Missing-Breakoff" 95 = "Missing-CATI Error" 96 = "Missing (SAQ)" 97 = "Refused" 98 = "Ineligible for Wave 2; Proxy Decedent interview" 99 = "Dont Know" ; VALUE Q204Q 93 = "SAQ Leg. Skip" 94 = "Missing-Breakoff" 95 = "Missing-CATI Error" 96 = "Missing (SAQ)" 97 = "Refused" 98 = "Ineligible for Wave 2; Proxy Decedent interview" 99 = "Dont Know" 1 = "Weeks" 2 = "Months" 3 = "Years" ; VALUE Q205Q 93 = "SAQ Leg. Skip" 94 = "Missing-Breakoff" 95 = "Missing-CATI Error" 96 = "Missing (SAQ)" 97 = "Refused" 98 = "Ineligible for Wave 2; Proxy Decedent interview" 99 = "Dont Know" 1 = "Excellent" 2 = "Very Good" 3 = "Good" 4 = "Fair" 5 = "Poor" ; VALUE Q206Q 93 = "SAQ Leg. Skip" 94 = "Missing-Breakoff" 95 = "Missing-CATI Error" 96 = "Missing (SAQ)" 97 = "Refused" 98 = "Ineligible for Wave 2; Proxy Decedent interview" 99 = "Dont Know" 1 = "Better" 2 = "About the Same" 3 = "Worse" ; VALUE R2209L /* Recode ANY LIVING SONS/DAUGHTERS* */ 0 = 'No living sons or daughters' 1 = 'Living sons only' 2 = 'Living daughters only' 3 = 'Both living sons and daughters' 93 = "SAQ Leg. Skip" 94 = "Missing-Breakoff" 95 = "Missing-CATI Error" 96 = "Missing (SAQ)" 97 = "Refused" 98 = "Ineligible for Wave 2; Proxy Decedent interview" 99 = "Dont Know" ; VALUE Q215Q 93 = "SAQ Leg. Skip" 94 = "Missing-Breakoff" 95 = "Missing-CATI Error" 96 = "Missing (SAQ)" 97 = "Refused" 98 = "Ineligible for Wave 2; Proxy Decedent interview" 99 = "Dont Know" 1 = "Minutes" 2 = "Hours" 3 = "Days" ; VALUE R2218L 0 = "Less than one hour" 993 = "SAQ Leg. Skip" 994 = "Missing-Breakoff" 995 = "Missing-CATI Error" 996 = "Missing (SAQ)" 997 = "Refused" 998 = "Ineligible for Wave 2; Proxy Decedent interview" 999 = "Dont Know" ; VALUE R2226L 00 = "Less than once per month" 93 = "SAQ Leg. Skip" 94 = "Missing-Breakoff" 95 = "Missing-CATI Error" 96 = "Missing (SAQ)" 97 = "Refused" 98 = "Ineligible for Wave 2; Proxy Decedent interview" 99 = "Dont Know" ; VALUE Q217Q 93 = "SAQ Leg. Skip" 94 = "Missing-Breakoff" 95 = "Missing-CATI Error" 96 = "Missing (SAQ)" 97 = "Refused" 98 = "Ineligible for Wave 2; Proxy Decedent interview" 99 = "Dont Know" 1 = "Day" 2 = "Week" 3 = "Month" 4 = "Year" ; VALUE R2243L 0 = 'No living children or siblings' 1 = 'Living children only' 2 = 'Living siblings only' 3 = 'Both living children and siblings' 93 = "SAQ Leg. Skip" 94 = "Missing-Breakoff" 95 = "Missing-CATI Error" 96 = "Missing (SAQ)" 97 = "Refused" 98 = "Ineligible for Wave 2; Proxy Decedent interview" 99 = "Dont Know" ; VALUE Q22BQ 93 = "SAQ Leg. Skip" 94 = "Missing-Breakoff" 95 = "Missing-CATI Error" 96 = "Missing (SAQ)" 97 = "Refused" 98 = "Ineligible for Wave 2; Proxy Decedent interview" 99 = "Dont Know" 1 = "Self" 2 = "Spouse" ; VALUE Q22CQ 93 = "SAQ Leg. Skip" 94 = "Missing-Breakoff" 95 = "Missing-CATI Error" 96 = "Missing (SAQ)" 97 = "Refused" 98 = "Ineligible for Wave 2; Proxy Decedent interview" 99 = "Dont Know" 1 = "Sp's Hlth Deteri" 2 = "Sp's Hlth Improv" 3 = "Spous's Hlth Det" 4 = "Spous's Hlth Imp" 5 = "Diff Climate" 6 = "Sp Moved to Inst" 7 = "Spous Mov to Ins" 8 = "Spouse Died" 9 = "Divorc/Sep/Remar" 10 = "Closer to Child" 11 = "To Live W/Child" 12 = "Close Liv W/ Rel" 13 = "Change In People" 14 = "Smaller Home" 15 = "Financial Reason" 16 = "Struct Limitatn" 17 = "Bettr/Safr Neigh" 18 = "Retirement Home" 19 = "Close Hlth Facil" 20 = "Other Reasons" ; VALUE Q22Q 93 = "SAQ Leg. Skip" 94 = "Missing-Breakoff" 95 = "Missing-CATI Error" 96 = "Missing (SAQ)" 97 = "Refused" 98 = "Ineligible for Wave 2; Proxy Decedent interview" 99 = "Dont Know" 1 = "Yes" 2 = "No" ; VALUE Q234Q 93 = "SAQ Leg. Skip" 94 = "Missing-Breakoff" 95 = "Missing-CATI Error" 96 = "Missing (SAQ)" 97 = "Refused" 98 = "Ineligible for Wave 2; Proxy Decedent interview" 99 = "Don¬T Know" 1 = "About Enough" 2 = "Too Much" 3 = "Wld Lk to Do Mre" ; VALUE Q239Q 93 = "SAQ Leg. Skip" 94 = "Missing-Breakoff" 95 = "Missing-CATI Error" 96 = "Missing (SAQ)" 97 = "Refused" 98 = "Ineligible for Wave 2; Proxy Decedent interview" 99 = "Dont Know" 1 = "Lv as Ofn Wld Lk" 2 = "Lv Ofn/Dpd Tsrtn" 3 = "Prvnt Lv Wld Lk" ; VALUE Q248Q 93 = "SAQ Leg. Skip" 94 = "Missing-Breakoff" 95 = "Missing-CATI Error" 96 = "Missing (SAQ)" 97 = "Refused" 98 = "Ineligible for Wave 2; Proxy Decedent interview" 99 = "Dont Know" 1 = "Some" 2 = "A Lot" 3 = "Unable" ; VALUE R2421L 00 = "Doesnt need more help/ supervision with any IADL" 93 = "SAQ Leg. Skip" 94 = "Missing-Breakoff" 95 = "Missing-CATI Error" 96 = "Missing (SAQ)" 97 = "Refused" 98 = "Ineligible for Wave 2; Proxy Decedent interview" 99 = "Dont Know" ; VALUE Q251Q 93 = "SAQ Leg. Skip" 94 = "Missing-Breakoff" 95 = "Missing-CATI Error" 96 = "Missing (SAQ)" 97 = "Refused" 98 = "Ineligible for Wave 2; Proxy Decedent interview" 99 = "Dont Know" 1 = "Easier" 2 = "Harder" 3 = "Remnd the Same" ; VALUE Q255Q 93 = "SAQ Leg. Skip" 94 = "Missing-Breakoff" 95 = "Missing-CATI Error" 96 = "Missing (SAQ)" 97 = "Refused" 98 = "Ineligible for Wave 2; Proxy Decedent interview" 99 = "Dont Know" 1 = "Yes" 2 = "No" 3 = "Dsnt Do/Otr Rsn" ; VALUE R2477L 0 = 'Did not receive help' 1 = 'Did receive help' 93 = "SAQ Leg. Skip" 94 = "Missing-Breakoff" 95 = "Missing-CATI Error" 96 = "Missing (SAQ)" 97 = "Refused" 98 = "Ineligible for Wave 2; Proxy Decedent interview" 99 = "Dont Know" ; VALUE R2479L 0 = 'No helper listed' 1 = 'Helper listed' 93 = "SAQ Leg. Skip" 94 = "Missing-Breakoff" 95 = "Missing-CATI Error" 96 = "Missing (SAQ)" 97 = "Refused" 98 = "Ineligible for Wave 2; Proxy Decedent interview" 99 = "Dont Know" ; VALUE Q378Q 93 = "SAQ Leg. Skip" 94 = "Missing-Breakoff" 95 = "Missing-CATI Error" 96 = "Missing (SAQ)" 97 = "Refused" 98 = "Ineligible for Wave 2; Proxy Decedent interview" 99 = "Dont Know" 1 = "Spouse In HH" 2 = "Child In HH" 3 = "Parent In HH" 4 = "Spouse Not In HH" 5 = "Child Not In HH" 6 = "Parent Not In HH" 7 = "Otr Rltv/Hh" 8 = "Otr Rltv Not/Hh" 9 = "Non-Rltv In HH" 10 = "Friend/Neighbor" 11 = "Unpd Vltr Org/Bs" 12 = "Pd Empl/Org/Bsns" 13 = "Pd Emp of Yours" 14 = "Other" ; VALUE Q396Q 93 = "SAQ Leg. Skip" 94 = "Missing-Breakoff" 95 = "Missing-CATI Error" 96 = "Missing (SAQ)" 97 = "Refused" 98 = "Ineligible for Wave 2; Proxy Decedent interview" 99 = "Dont Know" 1 = "One" 2 = "Both" ; VALUE R2647L 0 = 'Did not wear glasses or contacts at baseline' 1 = 'Did wear glasses or contacts at baseline' 93 = "SAQ Leg. Skip" 94 = "Missing-Breakoff" 95 = "Missing-CATI Error" 96 = "Missing (SAQ)" 97 = "Refused" 98 = "Ineligible for Wave 2; Proxy Decedent interview" 99 = "Dont Know" ; VALUE Q402Q 93 = "SAQ Leg. Skip" 94 = "Missing-Breakoff" 95 = "Missing-CATI Error" 96 = "Missing (SAQ)" 97 = "Refused" 98 = "Ineligible for Wave 2; Proxy Decedent interview" 99 = "Dont Know" 1 = "Better" 2 = "Worse" 3 = "About the Same" ; VALUE Q412Q 93 = "SAQ Leg. Skip" 94 = "Missing-Breakoff" 95 = "Missing-CATI Error" 96 = "Missing (SAQ)" 97 = "Refused" 98 = "Ineligible for Wave 2; Proxy Decedent interview" 99 = "Dont Know" 1 = "Better" 2 = "Worse" 3 = "About the Same" 5 = "No Ostprss/Bsln" ; VALUE Q415Q 93 = "SAQ Leg. Skip" 94 = "Missing-Breakoff" 95 = "Missing-CATI Error" 96 = "Missing (SAQ)" 97 = "Refused" 98 = "Ineligible for Wave 2; Proxy Decedent interview" 99 = "Dont Know" 1 = "Better" 2 = "Worse" 3 = "About the Same" 5 = "No Diabetes/Bsln" ; VALUE Q418Q 93 = "SAQ Leg. Skip" 94 = "Missing-Breakoff" 95 = "Missing-CATI Error" 96 = "Missing (SAQ)" 97 = "Refused" 98 = "Ineligible for Wave 2; Proxy Decedent interview" 99 = "Dont Know" 1 = "Better" 2 = "Worse" 3 = "About the Same" 5 = "No Arthrts/Bsln" ; VALUE Q421Q 93 = "SAQ Leg. Skip" 94 = "Missing-Breakoff" 95 = "Missing-CATI Error" 96 = "Missing (SAQ)" 97 = "Refused" 98 = "Ineligible for Wave 2; Proxy Decedent interview" 99 = "Dont Know" 1 = "Better" 2 = "Worse" 3 = "About the Same" 5 = "No Brch/Ephys/Bs" ; VALUE Q424Q 93 = "SAQ Leg. Skip" 94 = "Missing-Breakoff" 95 = "Missing-CATI Error" 96 = "Missing (SAQ)" 97 = "Refused" 98 = "Ineligible for Wave 2; Proxy Decedent interview" 99 = "Dont Know" 1 = "Better" 2 = "Worse" 3 = "About the Same" 5 = "No Asthma/Bsln" ; VALUE Q427Q 93 = "SAQ Leg. Skip" 94 = "Missing-Breakoff" 95 = "Missing-CATI Error" 96 = "Missing (SAQ)" 97 = "Refused" 98 = "Ineligible for Wave 2; Proxy Decedent interview" 99 = "Dont Know" 1 = "Better" 2 = "Worse" 3 = "About the Same" 5 = "No Hyprtnsn/Bsln" ; VALUE Q431Q 93 = "SAQ Leg. Skip" 94 = "Missing-Breakoff" 95 = "Missing-CATI Error" 96 = "Missing (SAQ)" 97 = "Refused" 98 = "Ineligible for Wave 2; Proxy Decedent interview" 99 = "Dont Know" 1 = "Better" 2 = "Worse" 3 = "About the Same" 5 = "No Heart Ds/Bsln" ; VALUE Q438Q 93 = "SAQ Leg. Skip" 94 = "Missing-Breakoff" 95 = "Missing-CATI Error" 96 = "Missing (SAQ)" 97 = "Refused" 98 = "Ineligible for Wave 2; Proxy Decedent interview" 99 = "Dont Know" 1 = "Better" 2 = "Worse" 3 = "About the Same" 5 = "No Cancer/Bsln" ; VALUE Q446Q 93 = "SAQ Leg. Skip" 94 = "Missing-Breakoff" 95 = "Missing-CATI Error" 96 = "Missing (SAQ)" 97 = "Refused" 98 = "Ineligible for Wave 2; Proxy Decedent interview" 99 = "Dont Know" 1 = "Excellent" 2 = "Very Good" 3 = "Good" 4 = "Fair" 5 = "Poor" ; VALUE Q449Q 93 = "SAQ Leg. Skip" 94 = "Missing-Breakoff" 95 = "Missing-CATI Error" 96 = "Missing (SAQ)" 97 = "Refused" 98 = "Ineligible for Wave 2; Proxy Decedent interview" 99 = "Dont Know" 1 = "All of the Time" 2 = "Some of the Tm" 3 = "Lttl of the Time" 4 = "None of the Time" ; VALUE Q455Q 93 = "SAQ Leg. Skip" 94 = "Missing-Breakoff" 95 = "Missing-CATI Error" 96 = "Missing (SAQ)" 97 = "Refused" 98 = "Ineligible for Wave 2; Proxy Decedent interview" 99 = "Dont Know" 1 = "More Active" 2 = "Less Active" 3 = "About the Same" ; VALUE Q459Q 93 = "SAQ Leg. Skip" 94 = "Missing-Breakoff" 95 = "Missing-CATI Error" 96 = "Missing (SAQ)" 97 = "Refused" 98 = "Ineligible for Wave 2; Proxy Decedent interview" 99 = "Dont Know" 1 = "Tried to Ls Wt" 2 = "Dd Not Try/Ls Wt" ; VALUE Q464Q 93 = "SAQ Leg. Skip" 94 = "Missing-Breakoff" 95 = "Missing-CATI Error" 96 = "Missing (SAQ)" 97 = "Refused" 98 = "Ineligible for Wave 2; Proxy Decedent interview" 99 = "Dont Know" 1 = "Per Week" 2 = "Per Month" 3 = "Per Year" ; VALUE Q467Q 93 = "SAQ Leg. Skip" 94 = "Missing-Breakoff" 95 = "Missing-CATI Error" 96 = "Missing (SAQ)" 97 = "Refused" 98 = "Ineligible for Wave 2; Proxy Decedent interview" 99 = "Dont Know" 1 = "None" 2 = "1 - 2 Servings" 3 = "3 - 4 Servings" 4 = "5 or More" ; VALUE Q476Q 93 = "SAQ Leg. Skip" 94 = "Missing-Breakoff" 95 = "Missing-CATI Error" 96 = "Missing (SAQ)" 97 = "Refused" 98 = "Ineligible for Wave 2; Proxy Decedent interview" 99 = "Dont Know" 1 = "W/In the Pst Yr" 2 = "1 to 2 Years Ago" 3 = "Over 2 Years Ago" 4 = "Never Had Mamgrm" ; VALUE Q477Q 93 = "SAQ Leg. Skip" 94 = "Missing-Breakoff" 95 = "Missing-CATI Error" 96 = "Missing (SAQ)" 97 = "Refused" 98 = "Ineligible for Wave 2; Proxy Decedent interview" 99 = "Dont Know" 1 = "Dr Nt Sgst/Rcmnd" 2 = "Expnsv/Cnnt Afrd" 3 = "N/Cv Mcr/Mcd/Otr" 4 = "Nt Gttn Arnd To" 5 = "Nt Knw Need Oftn" 6 = "Uncfrtbl/Unplsnt" 7 = "Nt Knw Whr to Gt" 8 = "Nt Hve Plc to Go" 9 = "Nt Like Prsn/Plc" 10 = "Trnsprtn Prblms" 11 = "Appntmnt Schdld" 12 = "Other" 13 = "Do Not Feel I Nd" ; VALUE Q478Q 93 = "SAQ Leg. Skip" 94 = "Missing-Breakoff" 95 = "Missing-CATI Error" 96 = "Missing (SAQ)" 97 = "Refused" 98 = "Ineligible for Wave 2; Proxy Decedent interview" 99 = "Dont Know" 1 = "W/In the Past Yr" 2 = "1 to 2 Years Ago" 3 = "Over 2 Years Ago" 4 = "Nvr Hd Prstt Exm" ; VALUE R2878L 1 = 'Word list #1' 2 = 'Word list #2' 3 = 'Word list #3' 4 = 'Word list #4' 93 = "SAQ Leg. Skip" 94 = "Missing-Breakoff" 95 = "Missing-CATI Error" 96 = "Missing (SAQ)" 97 = "Refused" 98 = "Ineligible for Wave 2; Proxy Decedent interview" 99 = "Dont Know" ; VALUE R2880L 0 = 'No words recalled at all' 1 = 'Yes, recalled Word 1' 2 = 'No, did not recall Word 1' 93 = "SAQ Leg. Skip" 94 = "Missing-Breakoff" 95 = "Missing-CATI Error" 96 = "Missing (SAQ)" 97 = "Refused" 98 = "Ineligible for Wave 2; Proxy Decedent interview" 99 = "Dont Know" ; VALUE R2882L 0 = 'No words recalled at all' 1 = 'Yes, recalled Word 2' 2 = 'No, did not recall Word 2' 93 = "SAQ Leg. Skip" 94 = "Missing-Breakoff" 95 = "Missing-CATI Error" 96 = "Missing (SAQ)" 97 = "Refused" 98 = "Ineligible for Wave 2; Proxy Decedent interview" 99 = "Dont Know" ; VALUE R2884L 0 = 'No words recalled at all' 1 = 'Yes, recalled Word 3' 2 = 'No, did not recall Word 3' 93 = "SAQ Leg. Skip" 94 = "Missing-Breakoff" 95 = "Missing-CATI Error" 96 = "Missing (SAQ)" 97 = "Refused" 98 = "Ineligible for Wave 2; Proxy Decedent interview" 99 = "Dont Know" ; VALUE R2886L 0 = 'No words recalled at all' 1 = 'Yes, recalled Word 4' 2 = 'No, did not recall Word 4' 93 = "SAQ Leg. Skip" 94 = "Missing-Breakoff" 95 = "Missing-CATI Error" 96 = "Missing (SAQ)" 97 = "Refused" 98 = "Ineligible for Wave 2; Proxy Decedent interview" 99 = "Dont Know" ; VALUE R2888L 0 = 'No words recalled at all' 1 = 'Yes, recalled Word 5' 2 = 'No, did not recall Word 5' 93 = "SAQ Leg. Skip" 94 = "Missing-Breakoff" 95 = "Missing-CATI Error" 96 = "Missing (SAQ)" 97 = "Refused" 98 = "Ineligible for Wave 2; Proxy Decedent interview" 99 = "Dont Know" ; VALUE R2890L 0 = 'No words recalled at all' 1 = 'Yes, recalled Word 6' 2 = 'No, did not recall Word 6' 93 = "SAQ Leg. Skip" 94 = "Missing-Breakoff" 95 = "Missing-CATI Error" 96 = "Missing (SAQ)" 97 = "Refused" 98 = "Ineligible for Wave 2; Proxy Decedent interview" 99 = "Dont Know" ; VALUE R2892L 0 = 'No words recalled at all' 1 = 'Yes, recalled Word 7' 2 = 'No, did not recall Word 7' 93 = "SAQ Leg. Skip" 94 = "Missing-Breakoff" 95 = "Missing-CATI Error" 96 = "Missing (SAQ)" 97 = "Refused" 98 = "Ineligible for Wave 2; Proxy Decedent interview" 99 = "Dont Know" ; VALUE R2894L 0 = 'No words recalled at all' 1 = 'Yes, recalled Word 8' 2 = 'No, did not recall Word 8' 93 = "SAQ Leg. Skip" 94 = "Missing-Breakoff" 95 = "Missing-CATI Error" 96 = "Missing (SAQ)" 97 = "Refused" 98 = "Ineligible for Wave 2; Proxy Decedent interview" 99 = "Dont Know" ; VALUE R2896L 0 = 'No words recalled at all' 1 = 'Yes, recalled Word 9' 2 = 'No, did not recall Word 9' 93 = "SAQ Leg. Skip" 94 = "Missing-Breakoff" 95 = "Missing-CATI Error" 96 = "Missing (SAQ)" 97 = "Refused" 98 = "Ineligible for Wave 2; Proxy Decedent interview" 99 = "Dont Know" ; VALUE R2898L 0 = 'No words recalled at all' 1 = 'Yes, recalled Word 10' 2 = 'No, did not recall Word 10' 93 = "SAQ Leg. Skip" 94 = "Missing-Breakoff" 95 = "Missing-CATI Error" 96 = "Missing (SAQ)" 97 = "Refused" 98 = "Ineligible for Wave 2; Proxy Decedent interview" 99 = "Dont Know" ; VALUE R2900L 0 = 'No words recalled' 1 = '1 word recalled' 2 = '2 words recalled' 3 = '3 words recalled' 4 = '4 words recalled' 5 = '5 words recalled' 6 = '6 words recalled' 7 = '7 words recalled' 8 = '8 words recalled' 9 = '9 words recalled' 10 = '10 words recalled' 93 = "SAQ Leg. Skip" 94 = "Missing-Breakoff" 95 = "Missing-CATI Error" 96 = "Missing (SAQ)" 97 = "Refused" 98 = "Ineligible for Wave 2; Proxy Decedent interview" 99 = "Dont Know" ; VALUE Q491Q 93 = "SAQ Leg. Skip" 94 = "Missing-Breakoff" 95 = "Missing-CATI Error" 96 = "Missing (SAQ)" 97 = "Refused" 98 = "Ineligible for Wave 2; Proxy Decedent interview" 99 = "Dont Know" 1 = "Month correct" 5 = "Month incorrect" ; VALUE Q492Q 93 = "SAQ Leg. Skip" 94 = "Missing-Breakoff" 95 = "Missing-CATI Error" 96 = "Missing (SAQ)" 97 = "Refused" 98 = "Ineligible for Wave 2; Proxy Decedent interview" 99 = "Dont Know" 1 = "Date correct" 5 = "Date incorrect" ; VALUE Q493Q 93 = "SAQ Leg. Skip" 94 = "Missing-Breakoff" 95 = "Missing-CATI Error" 96 = "Missing (SAQ)" 97 = "Refused" 98 = "Ineligible for Wave 2; Proxy Decedent interview" 99 = "Dont Know" 1 = "Year correct" 5 = "Year incorrect" ; VALUE Q494Q 93 = "SAQ Leg. Skip" 94 = "Missing-Breakoff" 95 = "Missing-CATI Error" 96 = "Missing (SAQ)" 97 = "Refused" 98 = "Ineligible for Wave 2; Proxy Decedent interview" 99 = "Dont Know" 1 = "Day correct" 5 = "Day incorrect" ; value Q496Q 1 = "Proceed with Word Recall" 93 = "SAQ Leg. Skip" 94 = "Missing-Breakoff" 95 = "Missing-CATI Error" 96 = "Missing (SAQ)" 97 = "Refused" 98 = "Ineligible for Wave 2; Proxy Decedent interview" 99 = "Dont Know" ; VALUE Q499Q 93 = "SAQ Leg. Skip" 94 = "Missing-Breakoff" 95 = "Missing-CATI Error" 96 = "Missing (SAQ)" 97 = "Refused" 98 = "Ineligible for Wave 2; Proxy Decedent interview" 99 = "Dont Know" 1 = "Correct" 5 = "Incorrect" 9 = "Start Over" ; VALUE Q510Q 93 = "SAQ Leg. Skip" 94 = "Missing-Breakoff" 95 = "Missing-CATI Error" 96 = "Missing (SAQ)" 97 = "Refused" 98 = "Ineligible for Wave 2; Proxy Decedent interview" 99 = "Don¬T Know" 1 = "Scssrs/Shrs Only" 5 = "Not Correct" ; VALUE Q511Q 93 = "SAQ Leg. Skip" 94 = "Missing-Breakoff" 95 = "Missing-CATI Error" 96 = "Missing (SAQ)" 97 = "Refused" 98 = "Ineligible for Wave 2; Proxy Decedent interview" 99 = "Dont Know" 1 = "Name Kind Cactus" 5 = "Not Correct" ; VALUE Q512Q 93 = "SAQ Leg. Skip" 94 = "Missing-Breakoff" 95 = "Missing-CATI Error" 96 = "Missing (SAQ)" 97 = "Refused" 98 = "Ineligible for Wave 2; Proxy Decedent interview" 99 = "Dont Know" 1 = "Lst Nme Crrct" 5 = "Not Correct" ; VALUE Q519Q 93 = "SAQ Leg. Skip" 94 = "Missing-Breakoff" 95 = "Missing-CATI Error" 96 = "Missing (SAQ)" 97 = "Refused" 98 = "Ineligible for Wave 2; Proxy Decedent interview" 99 = "Dont Know" 1 = "Never" 2 = "A Few Times" 3 = "Mst/All the Tm" 4 = "Inappropriate" ; VALUE Q523Q 93 = "SAQ Leg. Skip" 94 = "Missing-Breakoff" 95 = "Missing-CATI Error" 96 = "Missing (SAQ)" 97 = "Refused" 98 = "Ineligible for Wave 2; Proxy Decedent interview" 99 = "Dont Know" 1 = "Improved" 2 = "Not Much Changed" 3 = "Gotten Worse" ; VALUE Q524Q 93 = "SAQ Leg. Skip" 94 = "Missing-Breakoff" 95 = "Missing-CATI Error" 96 = "Missing (SAQ)" 97 = "Refused" 98 = "Ineligible for Wave 2; Proxy Decedent interview" 99 = "Dont Know" 1 = "Much Improved" 2 = "A Bit Improved" ; VALUE Q525Q 93 = "SAQ Leg. Skip" 94 = "Missing-Breakoff" 95 = "Missing-CATI Error" 96 = "Missing (SAQ)" 97 = "Refused" 98 = "Ineligible for Wave 2; Proxy Decedent interview" 99 = "Dont Know" 4 = "A Bit Worse" 5 = "Much Worse" ; VALUE Q528Q 93 = "SAQ Leg. Skip" 94 = "Missing-Breakoff" 95 = "Missing-CATI Error" 96 = "Missing (SAQ)" 97 = "Refused" 98 = "Ineligible for Wave 2; Proxy Decedent interview" 99 = "Dont Know" 4 = "Much Worse" 5 = "A Bit Worse" ; VALUE Q590Q 93 = "SAQ Leg. Skip" 94 = "Missing-Breakoff" 95 = "Missing-CATI Error" 96 = "Missing (SAQ)" 97 = "Refused" 98 = "Ineligible for Wave 2; Proxy Decedent interview" 99 = "Dont Know" 1 = "1" 2 = "2" 3 = "3-4" 4 = "5 or More" 5 = "None" ; VALUE Q603Q 93 = "SAQ Leg. Skip" 94 = "Missing-Breakoff" 95 = "Missing-CATI Error" 96 = "Missing (SAQ)" 97 = "Refused" 98 = "Ineligible for Wave 2; Proxy Decedent interview" 99 = "Dont Know" 1 = "Slf/Fml In Hshld" 2 = "Fmly Nt In Hshld" 3 = "Pvt Health Ins" 4 = "Medicare" 5 = "Medicaid" 6 = "Va Pgm/Otr Mltry" 7 = "Admn On Aging" 8 = "Otr Prvt Src" 9 = "Otr Public Src" ; VALUE Q612Q 93 = "SAQ Leg. Skip" 94 = "Missing-Breakoff" 95 = "Missing-CATI Error" 96 = "Missing (SAQ)" 97 = "Refused" 98 = "Ineligible for Wave 2; Proxy Decedent interview" 99 = "Dont Know" 1 = "One Eye" 2 = "Both Eyes" ; VALUE Q619Q 93 = "SAQ Leg. Skip" 94 = "Missing-Breakoff" 95 = "Missing-CATI Error" 96 = "Missing (SAQ)" 97 = "Refused" 98 = "Ineligible for Wave 2; Proxy Decedent interview" 99 = "Dont Know" 1 = "Improved" 2 = "Stayed the Same" 3 = "Got Worse" ; VALUE Q624Q 93 = "SAQ Leg. Skip" 94 = "Missing-Breakoff" 95 = "Missing-CATI Error" 96 = "Missing (SAQ)" 97 = "Refused" 98 = "Ineligible for Wave 2; Proxy Decedent interview" 99 = "Dont Know" 1 = "Years" 2 = "Months" ; VALUE Q632Q 93 = "SAQ Leg. Skip" 94 = "Missing-Breakoff" 95 = "Missing-CATI Error" 96 = "Missing (SAQ)" 97 = "Refused" 98 = "Ineligible for Wave 2; Proxy Decedent interview" 99 = "Dont Know" 1 = "Cld Not Afford" 2 = "No Mdcr/Mdcd/Otr" 3 = "Dr Not Acpt Cvrg" 4 = "Prblm Nt Srs" 5 = "Wt Lng Clnc/Offc" 6 = "Dffclt Gtng Appt" 7 = "Nt Lk/Tst/Blv Dr" 8 = "No Doctor Avlbl" 9 = "Nt Knw Whr to Go" 10 = "No Way Get There" 11 = "Hours Not Cnvnt" 12 = "Spk A Dffrnt Lng" 13 = "Hlth of Fmly Mbr" 14 = "Otr Rson (Spcfy)" ; VALUE Q633Q 93 = "SAQ Leg. Skip" 94 = "Missing-Breakoff" 95 = "Missing-CATI Error" 96 = "Missing (SAQ)" 97 = "Refused" 98 = "Ineligible for Wave 2; Prox Decedent interview" 99 = "Dont Know" 1 = "Very Satisfied" 2 = "Smwhat Satsfied" 3 = "Smwhat Dissated" 4 = "Vry Dissatisfied" ; VALUE Q690Q 93 = "SAQ Leg. Skip" 94 = "Missing-Breakoff" 95 = "Missing-CATI Error" 96 = "Missing (SAQ)" 97 = "Refused" 98 = "Ineligible for Wave 2; Prox Decedent interview" 99 = "Dont Know" 1 = "All" 2 = "Some" 3 = "None" ; VALUE Q699Q 93 = "SAQ Leg. Skip" 94 = "Missing-Breakoff" 95 = "Missing-CATI Error" 96 = "Missing (SAQ)" 97 = "Refused" 98 = "Ineligible for Wave 2; Proxy Decedent interview" 99 = "Dont Know" 1 = "Less Than $500" 2 = "$500 - $999" 3 = "$1,000 - $2,999" 4 = "$3,000 OR MORE" ; VALUE Q707Q 93 = "SAQ Leg. Skip" 94 = "Missing-Breakoff" 95 = "Missing-CATI Error" 96 = "Missing (SAQ)" 97 = "Refused" 98 = "Ineligible for Wave 2; Proxy Decedent interview" 99 = "Dont Know" 1 = "> $25,000" 2 = "< $25,000" 3 = "= $25,000" ; VALUE R3442L 93 = "SAQ Leg. Skip" 94 = "Missing-Breakoff" 95 = "Missing-CATI Error" 96 = "Missing (SAQ)" 97 = "Refused" 98 = "Ineligible for Wave 2; Proxy Decedent interview" 99 = "Dont Know" 1 = 'Less than $5,000' 2 = '$5,000 - $9,999' 3 = '$10,000 - $24,999' 4 = '$25,000 - $49,999' 5 = '$50,000 - $99,999' 6 = '100,000 or more' ; VALUE R3444L 93 = "SAQ Leg. Skip" 94 = "Missing-Breakoff" 95 = "Missing-CATI Error" 96 = "Missing (SAQ)" 97 = "Refused" 98 = "Ineligible for Wave 2; Proxy Decedent interview" 99 = "Dont Know" 1 = 'Less than $1,000' 2 = '$1,000 - $1,999' 3 = '$2,000 - $2,999' 4 = '$3,000 - $3,999' 5 = '$4,000 - $4,999' 6 = '$5,000 - $5,999' 7 = '$6,000 - $6,999' 8 = '$7,000 - $7,999' 9 = '$8,000 - $8,999' 10 = '$9,000 - $9,999' 11 = '$10,000 - $10,999' 12 = '$11,000 - $11,999' 13 = '$12,000 - $12,999' 14 = '$13,000 - $13,999' 15 = '$14,000 - $14,999' 16 = '$15,000 - $15,999' 17 = '$16,000 - $16,999' 18 = '$17,000 - $17,999' 19 = '$18,000 - $18,999' 20 = '$19,000 - $19,999' 21 = '$20,000 - $24,999' 22 = '$25,000 - $29,999' 23 = '$30,000 - $34,999' 24 = '$35,000 - $39,999' 25 = '$40,000 - $44,999' 26 = '$45,000 - $49,999' 27 = '$50,000 - $99,999' 28 = '$100,000 or more' ; VALUE Q720Q 93 = "SAQ Leg. Skip" 94 = "Missing-Breakoff" 95 = "Missing-CATI Error" 96 = "Missing (SAQ)" 97 = "Refused" 98 = "Ineligible for Wave 2; Proxy Decedent interview" 99 = "Dont Know" 1 = "Owned By R/Spous" 2 = "Owned Othr In HH" 3 = "Rented For Money" 4 = "Ocpd W/O Pmt/Rnt" 5 = "Not Own/Rnt Home" ; VALUE Q752Q 93 = "SAQ Leg. Skip" 94 = "Missing-Breakoff" 95 = "Missing-CATI Error" 96 = "Missing (SAQ)" 97 = "Refused" 98 = "Ineligible for Wave 2; Proxy Decedent interview" 99 = "Dont Know" 1 = "Increased" 2 = "Decreased" ; VALUE Q753Q 93 = "SAQ Leg. Skip" 94 = "Missing-Breakoff" 95 = "Missing-CATI Error" 96 = "Missing (SAQ)" 97 = "Refused" 98 = "Ineligible for Wave 2; Proxy Decedent interview" 99 = "Dont Know" 1 = "Sm Mny Left Over" 2 = "Jst Engh Eds Mt" 3 = "Nt Engh Eds Mt" ; VALUE Q167Q 93 = "SAQ Leg. Skip" 94 = "Missing-Breakoff" 95 = "Missing-CATI Error" 96 = "Missing (SAQ)" 97 = "Refused" 98 = "Ineligible for Wave 2; Proxy Decedent interview" 99 = "Dont Know" 1 = "Yes" 2 = "No" 3 = "Askd Q13B-Chg No" ; VALUE Q175Q 93 = "SAQ Leg. Skip" 94 = "Missing-Breakoff" 95 = "Missing-CATI Error" 96 = "Missing (SAQ)" 97 = "Refused" 98 = "Ineligible for Wave 2; Proxy Decedent interview" 99 = "Dont Know" 1 = "Self/Fm In Hshld" 2 = "Fmly Nt In Hshld" 3 = "Pvt Health Ins" 4 = "Medicare" 5 = "Medicaid" 6 = "Va Pgm/Otr Mltry" 7 = "Other Prvt Src" 8 = "Other Public Src" ; VALUE Q754Q 93 = "SAQ Leg. Skip" 94 = "Missing-Breakoff" 95 = "Missing-CATI Error" 96 = "Missing (SAQ)" 97 = "Refused" 98 = "Ineligible for Wave 2; Proxy Decedent interview" 99 = "Dont Know" 1 = "Not At All Lkly" 2 = "Somewhat Unlkly" 3 = "Somewhat Likely" 4 = "Very Likely" ; VALUE Q833Q 93 = "SAQ Leg. Skip" 94 = "Missing-Breakoff" 95 = "Missing-CATI Error" 96 = "Missing (SAQ)" 97 = "Refused" 98 = "Ineligible for Wave 2; Proxy Decedent interview" 99 = "Dont Know" 1 = "Yes" 2 = "No" 3 = "No Brthrs/Sstrs" ; VALUE R3468L 93 = "SAQ Leg. Skip" 94 = "Missing-Breakoff" 95 = "Missing-CATI Error" 96 = "Missing (SAQ)" 97 = "Refused" 98 = "Ineligible for Wave 2; Proxy Decedent interview" 99 = "Dont Know" 1 = "Living" 2 = "Deceased" 8 = "Not ascertained" 9 = "Dont Know or Refused" ; VALUE R3472L 993 = "SAQ Leg. Skip" 994 = "Missing-Breakoff" 995 = "Missing-CATI Error" 996 = "Missing (SAQ)" 997 = "Refused" 998 = "Ineligible for Wave 2; Proxy Decedent interview" 999 = "Dont Know" 1 = '0-17 years' 2 = '18-49 years' 3 = '50-59 years' 4 = '60-69 years' 5 = '70-79 years' 6 = '80-89 years' 7 = '90 years and over' ; VALUE R3528L 993 = "SAQ Leg. Skip" 994 = "Missing-Breakoff" 995 = "Missing-CATI Error" 996 = "Missing (SAQ)" 997 = "Refused" 998 = "Ineligible for Wave 2; Proxy Decedent interview" 999 = "Dont Know" 1 = '0-17 years' 2 = '18-49 years' 3 = '50-64 years' 4 = '65-74 years' 5 = '75 years and over' ; VALUE R3599L 93 = "SAQ Leg. Skip" 94 = "Missing-Breakoff" 95 = "Missing-CATI Error" 96 = "Missing (SAQ)" 97 = "Refused" 98 = "Ineligible for Wave 2; Proxy Decedent interview" 99 = "Dont Know" 1 = 'Northeast' 2 = 'Midwest' 3 = 'South' 4 = 'West' ; VALUE Q880Q 93 = "SAQ Leg. Skip" 94 = "Missing-Breakoff" 95 = "Missing-CATI Error" 96 = "Missing (SAQ)" 97 = "Refused" 98 = "Ineligible for Wave 2; Proxy Decedent interview" 99 = "Dont Know" 1 = "Sf Rspn W/O Astn" 2 = "Sf Rspn W/Astn" 3 = "Proxy" ; VALUE Q881Q 93 = "SAQ Leg. Skip" 94 = "Missing-Breakoff" 95 = "Missing-CATI Error" 96 = "Missing (SAQ)" 97 = "Refused" 98 = "Ineligible for Wave 2; Proxy Decedent interview" 99 = "Dont Know" 0 = "Parent" 1 = "Spouse" 2 = "Son/Daughter" 3 = "Sn/Lw/Dghter/Lw" 4 = "Grdchd/Gt Grdchd" 5 = "Brother/Sister" 6 = "Brthr/Lw/Str/Lw" 7 = "Aunt/Uncle/Csin" 8 = "Niece/Nephew" 9 = "Other Relative" 10 = "Rmte/Frnd/Nghbr" 11 = "Otr Non-Relative" ; VALUE Q885Q 93 = "SAQ Leg. Skip" 94 = "Missing-Breakoff" 95 = "Missing-CATI Error" 96 = "Missing (SAQ)" 97 = "Refused" 98 = "Ineligible for Wave 2; Proxy Decedent interview" 99 = "DON¬T KNOW" 1 = "W/In Past Week" 2 = "One-Two Wks Ago" 3 = "Two Wks-One Mth" 4 = "> One Month Ago" ; VALUE Q892Q 93 = "SAQ Leg. Skip" 94 = "Missing-Breakoff" 95 = "Missing-CATI Error" 96 = "Missing (SAQ)" 97 = "Refused" 98 = "Ineligible for Wave 2; Proxy Decedent interview" 99 = "DON¬T KNOW" 1 = "Very Cooperative" 2 = "Smwt Cooperative" 3 = "Not Cooperative" ; VALUE Q893Q 93 = "SAQ Leg. Skip" 94 = "Missing-Breakoff" 95 = "Missing-CATI Error" 96 = "Missing (SAQ)" 97 = "Refused" 98 = "Ineligible for Wave 2; Proxy Decedent interview" 99 = "Dont Know" 1 = "Very Interested" 2 = "Smwt Interested" 3 = "Not Interested" ; VALUE Q895Q 93 = "SAQ Leg. Skip" 94 = "Missing-Breakoff" 95 = "Missing-CATI Error" 96 = "Missing (SAQ)" 97 = "Refused" 98 = "Ineligible for Wave 2; Proxy Decedent interview" 99 = "Dont Know" 1 = "English" 2 = "Spanish" 3 = "Other" ; VALUE Q896Q 93 = "SAQ Leg. Skip" 94 = "Missing-Breakoff" 95 = "Missing-CATI Error" 96 = "Missing (SAQ)" 97 = "Refused" 98 = "Ineligible for Wave 2; Proxy Decedent interview" 99 = "Dont Know" 1 = "Very Tiring" 2 = "A Little Tiring" 3 = "Not Tiring" ; VALUE RES10X 9999999993 = "SAQ Leg. Skip" 9999999994 = "Missing-Breakoff" 9999999995 = "Missing-CATI Error" 9999999996 = "Missing (SAQ)" 9999999997 = "Refused" 9999999998 = "Ineligible for Wave 2; Proxy Decedent interview" 9999999999 = "Dont Know" ; VALUE RES3X 993 = "SAQ Leg. Skip" 994 = "Missing-Breakoff" 995 = "Missing-CATI Error" 996 = "Missing (SAQ)" 997 = "Refused" 998 = "Ineligible for Wave 2; Proxy Decedent interview" 999 = "Dont Know" ; VALUE RES4XB 9993 = "SAQ Leg. Skip" 9994 = "Missing-Breakoff" 9995 = "Missing-CATI Error" 9996 = "Missing (SAQ)" 9997 = "Refused" 9998 = "Ineligible for Wave 2; Proxy Decedent interview" 9999 = "Dont Know" 0 = "Always together" ; VALUE RESCODE 93 = "SAQ Leg. Skip" 993 = "SAQ Leg. Skip" 9993 = "SAQ Leg. Skip" 99993 = "SAQ Leg. Skip" 999993 = "SAQ Leg. Skip" 94 = "Missing-Breakoff" 994 = "Missing-Breakoff" 9994 = "Missing-Breakoff" 99994 = "Missing-Breakoff" 999994 = "Missing-Breakoff" 95 = "Missing-CATI Error" 995 = "Missing-CATI Error" 9995 = "Missing-CATI Error" 99995 = "Missing-CATI Error" 999995 = "Missing-CATI Error" 96 = "Missing (SAQ)" 996 = "Missing (SAQ)" 9996 = "Missing (SAQ)" 99996 = "Missing (SAQ)" 999996 = "Missing (SAQ)" 97 = "Refused" 997 = "Refused" 9997 = "Refused" 99997 = "Refused" 999997 = "Refused" 98 = "Ineligible for Wave 2; Proxy Decedent interview" 998 = "Ineligible for Wave 2; Proxy Decedent interview" 9998 = "Ineligible for Wave 2; Proxy Decedent interview" 99998 = "Ineligible for Wave 2; Proxy Decedent interview" 999998 = "Ineligible for Wave 2; Proxy Decedent interview" 99 = "Dont Know" 999 = "Dont Know" 9999 = "Dont Know" 99999 = "Dont Know" 999999 = "Dont Know" ; VALUE MSCDE2L 93 = "SAQ Leg. Skip" 94 = "Missing-Breakoff" 95 = "Missing-CATI Error" 96 = "Missing (SAQ)" 97 = "Refused" 98 = "Ineligible for Wave 2; Proxy Decedent interview" 99 = "Dont Know" ; VALUE MSCDE3L 993 = "SAQ Leg. Skip" 994 = "Missing-Breakoff" 995 = "Missing-CATI Error" 996 = "Missing (SAQ)" 997 = "Refused" 998 = "Ineligible for Wave 2; Proxy Decedent interview" 999 = "Dont Know" ; VALUE MSCDE4L 9993 = "SAQ Leg. Skip" 9994 = "Missing-Breakoff" 9995 = "Missing-CATI Error" 9996 = "Missing (SAQ)" 9997 = "Refused" 9998 = "Ineligible for Wave 2; Proxy Decedent interview" 9999 = "Dont Know" ; run; data w2sf11 ; length SF1 3 SF3 $2 SF5 $1 SF6 $3 SF9 $2 SF11 $2 SF13 $2 SF15 $2 SF19 3 SF21 3 SF22 3 SF24 3 SF25 3 SF27 3 SF29 3 SF30 3 SF31 3 SF34 3 SF36 4 SF40 3 SF41 3 SF43 3 SF44 3 SF45 3 SF46 3 SF48 3 SF49 3 SF50 3 SF51 3 SF53 3 SF54 3 SF56 3 SF57 3 SF58 3 SF60 3 SF61 3 SF62 $1 SF63 $1 SF64 3 SF65 3 SF67 3 SF68 3 SF69 3 SF70 3 SF71 3 SF72 3 SF73 3 SF74 3 SF75 3 SF76 3 SF77 3 SF80 3 SF82 3 SF84 3 SF87 3 SF89 3 SF91 3 SF92 3 SF93 3 SF95 3 SF98 3 SF100 3 SF102 3 SF104 3 SF106 3 SF108 3 SF111 3 SF112 3 SF115 3 SF116 3 SF118 3 SF120 3 SF122 3 SF124 3 SF127 3 SF129 3 SF132 3 SF134 3 SF137 3 SF139 3 SF144 3 SF145 3 SF172 4 SF178 3 SF179 3 SF182 3 SF183 3 SF185 3 SF186 3 SF187 3 SF201 4 SF207 8 SF351 3 SF352 3 SF353 3 SF354 3 SF355 3 SF356 3 SF357 3 SF358 3 SF359 3 SF360 3 SF361 3 SF362 3 SF363 3 SF364 3 SF365 3 SF366 3 SF367 3 SF368 3 SF369 3 SF370 3 SF371 3 SF372 3 SF373 3 SF374 3 SF375 3 SF377 3 SF378 3 SF379 3 SF380 3 SF381 3 SF382 3 SF390 3 SF391 3 SF393 3 SF395 3 SF398 3 SF400 3 SF401 3 SF411 3 SF412 3 SF414 3 SF415 3 SF416 3 SF417 3 SF418 3 SF419 3 SF420 3 SF421 3 SF422 3 SF423 3 SF424 3 SF425 3 SF426 3 SF427 3 SF428 3 SF429 3 SF430 3 SF431 3 SF433 3 SF434 3 SF435 3 SF436 3 SF437 3 SF438 3 SF439 3 SF440 3 SF441 3 SF442 3 SF443 3 SF444 3 SF445 3 SF446 3 SF447 3 SF448 3 SF449 3 SF450 3 SF452 3 SF454 3 SF456 3 SF458 3 SF460 3 SF462 3 SF464 3 SF465 3 SF466 3 SF467 3 SF468 3 SF469 3 SF470 3 SF471 3 SF472 3 SF473 3 SF474 3 SF475 3 SF476 3 SF477 3 SF479 4 SF485 3 SF486 3 SF491 3 SF492 3 SF493 3 SF494 3 SF495 3 SF496 3 SF497 3 SF498 3 SF499 3 SF500 3 SF501 3 SF502 3 SF503 3 SF504 3 SF506 3 SF507 3 SF508 3 SF509 3 SF510 3 SF512 3 SF514 3 SF515 3 SF517 3 SF519 3 SF520 3 SF522 3 SF524 3 SF525 3 SF527 3 SF528 3 SF530 3 SF532 3 SF533 3 SF534 3 SF537 3 SF538 3 SF541 3 SF542 3 SF543 3 SF544 3 SF545 3 SF546 3 SF547 3 SF548 3 SF549 3 SF550 3 SF551 3 SF552 3 SF553 3 SF554 3 SF555 3 SF556 3 SF557 3 SF558 3 SF559 3 SF560 3 SF561 3 SF562 3 SF563 3 SF564 3 SF565 3 SF566 3 SF567 3 SF568 3 SF569 3 SF570 3 SF571 3 SF572 3 SF573 3 SF574 3 SF575 3 SF576 3 SF577 3 SF578 3 SF579 3 SF580 3 SF581 3 SF582 3 SF583 3 SF584 3 SF585 3 SF586 3 SF587 3 SF588 3 SF589 3 SF590 3 SF591 3 SF592 3 SF593 3 SF594 3 SF601 3 SF602 3 SF603 3 SF605 3 SF606 3 SF607 3 SF609 3 SF610 3 SF611 3 SF613 3 SF614 3 SF615 3 SF617 3 SF618 3 SF619 3 SF621 3 SF622 3 SF623 3 SF625 3 SF626 3 SF627 3 SF629 3 SF630 3 SF631 3 SF633 3 SF634 3 SF635 3 SF637 3 SF638 3 SF639 3 SF641 3 SF644 3 SF645 3 SF646 3 SF647 3 SF648 3 SF649 3 SF650 3 SF651 3 SF652 3 SF653 3 SF654 3 SF655 3 SF656 3 SF657 3 SF658 3 SF659 3 SF660 3 SF661 3 SF662 3 SF663 3 SF664 3 SF665 3 SF666 3 SF667 3 SF668 3 SF669 3 SF670 3 SF671 3 SF673 3 SF674 3 SF675 3 SF676 3 SF677 3 SF678 3 SF679 3 SF680 3 SF681 3 SF682 3 SF683 3 SF684 3 SF685 3 SF686 3 SF687 3 SF688 3 SF689 3 SF690 3 SF691 3 SF692 3 SF693 3 SF694 3 SF695 3 SF696 3 SF697 3 SF698 3 SF699 3 SF700 3 SF701 3 SF703 3 SF704 3 SF705 3 SF706 3 SF707 3 SF708 3 SF709 3 SF710 3 SF711 3 SF712 3 SF713 3 SF714 3 SF715 3 SF716 3 SF717 3 SF718 3 SF719 3 SF720 3 SF721 3 SF722 3 SF723 3 SF724 3 SF725 3 SF726 3 SF727 3 SF728 3 SF729 3 SF730 3 SF731 3 SF733 3 SF734 3 SF735 3 SF736 3 SF737 3 SF738 3 SF739 3 SF740 3 SF741 3 SF742 3 SF743 3 SF744 3 SF745 3 SF746 3 SF747 3 SF748 3 SF749 3 SF750 3 SF751 3 SF752 3 SF753 3 SF754 3 SF755 3 SF756 3 SF757 3 SF758 3 SF759 3 SF760 3 SF761 3 SF762 3 SF763 3 SF764 3 SF766 3 SF767 3 SF768 3 SF769 3 SF770 3 SF771 3 SF772 3 SF773 3 SF774 3 SF775 3 SF776 3 SF777 3 SF778 3 SF779 3 SF780 3 SF781 3 SF782 3 SF783 3 SF784 3 SF785 3 SF786 3 SF787 3 SF788 3 SF789 3 SF790 3 SF791 3 SF792 3 SF793 3 SF794 3 SF795 3 SF796 3 SF798 3 SF799 3 SF800 3 SF801 3 SF802 3 SF803 3 SF804 3 SF805 3 SF806 3 SF807 3 SF808 3 SF809 3 SF810 3 SF811 3 SF812 3 SF813 3 SF814 3 SF815 3 SF816 3 SF817 3 SF818 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SF1475 3 SF1476 3 SF1477 3 SF1478 3 SF1479 3 SF1480 3 SF1481 3 SF1483 4 SF1488 3 SF1489 3 SF1490 3 SF1491 3 SF1492 3 SF1493 3 SF1494 3 SF1495 3 SF1496 3 SF1497 3 SF1498 3 SF1499 3 SF1501 3 SF1502 3 SF1503 3 SF1504 3 SF1505 3 SF1506 3 SF1507 3 SF1508 3 SF1509 3 SF1510 3 SF1511 3 SF1512 3 SF1541 3 SF1542 3 SF1544 3 SF1545 3 SF1547 3 SF1548 3 SF1551 3 SF1552 3 SF1554 3 SF1555 3 SF1557 3 SF1558 3 SF1560 3 SF1561 3 SF1563 3 SF1564 3 SF1566 3 SF1567 3 SF1569 3 SF1570 3 SF1572 3 SF1573 3 SF1575 3 SF1576 3 SF1577 3 SF1578 3 SF1579 3 SF1580 3 SF1581 3 SF1582 3 SF1583 3 SF1584 3 SF1585 3 SF1586 3 SF1588 3 SF1590 3 SF1592 3 SF1593 3 SF1595 3 SF1597 3 SF1598 3 SF1600 3 SF1602 3 SF1603 3 SF1605 3 SF1607 3 SF1608 3 SF1610 3 SF1612 3 SF1613 3 SF1615 3 SF1616 3 SF1617 3 SF1618 3 SF1619 3 SF1621 3 SF1623 3 SF1624 3 SF1625 3 SF1626 3 SF1627 3 SF1629 3 SF1630 3 SF1632 3 SF1634 3 SF1635 3 SF1637 3 SF1639 3 SF1640 3 SF1642 3 SF1644 3 SF1645 3 SF1647 3 SF1651 3 SF1652 3 SF1653 3 SF1654 3 SF1655 3 SF1656 3 SF1657 3 SF1658 3 SF1659 3 SF1660 3 SF1661 3 SF1662 3 SF1663 3 SF1664 3 SF1665 3 SF1666 3 SF1668 3 SF1669 3 SF1671 3 SF1672 3 SF1673 3 SF1675 3 SF1676 3 SF1677 3 SF1678 3 SF1680 3 SF1681 3 SF1682 3 SF1684 3 SF1685 3 SF1686 3 SF1687 3 SF1689 3 SF1690 3 SF1691 3 SF1692 3 SF1694 3 SF1695 3 SF1696 3 SF1697 3 SF1699 3 SF1700 3 SF1701 3 SF1703 3 SF1704 3 SF1705 3 SF1707 3 SF1708 3 SF1709 3 SF1711 3 SF1712 3 SF1713 3 SF1714 3 SF1715 3 SF1716 3 SF1717 3 SF1718 3 SF1719 3 SF1720 3 SF1721 3 SF1722 3 SF1723 3 SF1724 3 SF1725 3 SF1727 3 SF1729 3 SF1730 3 SF1731 3 SF1741 3 SF1742 3 SF1743 3 SF1744 3 SF1745 3 SF1746 3 SF1748 4 SF1753 3 SF1756 4 SF1760 3 SF1763 4 SF1767 3 SF1768 3 SF1769 3 SF1770 3 SF1771 3 SF1773 3 SF1774 3 SF1777 3 SF1778 3 SF1780 3 SF1791 3 SF1792 3 SF1793 3 SF1794 3 SF1795 3 SF1796 3 SF1797 3 SF1798 3 SF1799 3 SF1800 3 SF1801 3 SF1802 3 SF1811 3 SF1812 3 SF1814 3 SF1816 3 SF1817 3 SF1818 3 SF1819 3 SF1820 3 SF1821 3 SF1822 3 SF1823 3 SF1824 3 SF1825 3 SF1826 3 SF1827 3 SF1828 3 SF1829 3 SF1830 3 SF1831 3 SF1833 4 SF1837 3 SF1839 4 SF1843 3 SF1844 3 SF1845 3 SF1846 3 SF1847 3 SF1849 4 SF1853 3 SF1854 3 SF1856 3 SF1857 3 SF1859 3 SF1861 3 SF1863 3 SF1865 3 SF1867 3 SF1869 3 SF1871 4 SF1875 3 SF1877 3 SF1879 3 SF1881 3 SF1883 3 SF1885 3 SF1887 3 SF1889 3 SF1891 3 SF1893 3 SF1895 3 SF1897 3 SF1899 3 SF1901 3 SF1903 3 SF1905 3 SF1907 3 SF1909 3 SF1911 3 SF1913 3 SF1915 3 SF1917 3 SF1919 3 SF1921 3 SF1923 3 SF1925 3 SF1927 3 SF1929 3 SF1931 3 SF1933 3 SF1935 3 SF1937 3 SF1939 3 SF1941 4 SF1945 3 SF1947 4 SF1951 3 SF1953 3 SF1955 3 SF1957 3 SF1959 3 SF1961 3 SF1963 3 SF1965 3 SF1967 3 SF1969 3 SF1971 3 SF1973 3 SF1975 3 SF1977 3 SF1979 4 SF1983 3 SF1985 4 SF1989 3 SF1991 3 SF1993 3 SF1995 3 SF1997 3 SF1999 3 SF2001 3 SF2003 3 SF2005 3 SF2007 3 SF2009 3 SF2011 3 SF2013 3 SF2015 3 SF2017 3 SF2019 4 SF2023 3 SF2025 4 SF2029 3 SF2031 3 SF2033 4 SF2037 3 SF2039 3 SF2041 3 SF2043 4 SF2047 3 SF2049 3 SF2051 3 SF2053 3 SF2055 3 SF2057 3 SF2060 4 SF2064 3 SF2066 3 SF2068 3 SF2071 4 SF2075 3 SF2077 3 SF2079 3 SF2082 4 SF2086 3 SF2088 3 SF2090 3 SF2093 4 SF2097 3 SF2099 3 SF2101 3 SF2104 4 SF2108 3 SF2110 3 SF2112 3 SF2115 4 SF2119 3 SF2121 3 SF2123 3 SF2126 4 SF2130 3 SF2132 3 SF2134 3 SF2137 4 SF2141 3 SF2143 3 SF2145 3 SF2148 4 SF2152 3 SF2154 3 SF2156 3 SF2159 4 SF2163 3 SF2165 3 SF2167 3 SF2169 3 SF2171 3 SF2173 3 SF2175 3 SF2177 3 SF2179 3 SF2181 3 SF2183 3 SF2185 3 SF2187 3 SF2189 3 SF2191 3 SF2193 3 SF2195 3 SF2197 3 SF2199 3 SF2201 3 SF2203 3 SF2205 3 SF2207 3 SF2209 3 SF2211 3 SF2213 3 SF2216 3 SF2218 3 SF2221 3 SF2224 3 SF2226 3 SF2228 3 SF2231 3 SF2233 3 SF2235 3 SF2237 3 SF2239 3 SF2241 3 SF2243 3 SF2245 3 SF2247 3 SF2249 3 SF2251 3 SF2253 3 SF2255 3 SF2257 3 SF2259 3 SF2261 3 SF2263 3 SF2265 3 SF2267 3 SF2269 3 SF2271 3 SF2273 3 SF2275 3 SF2277 3 SF2279 3 SF2281 3 SF2283 3 SF2285 3 SF2287 3 SF2289 3 SF2291 3 SF2293 3 SF2295 3 SF2297 3 SF2299 3 SF2301 3 SF2303 3 SF2305 3 SF2307 3 SF2309 3 SF2311 3 SF2313 3 SF2315 3 SF2317 3 SF2319 3 SF2321 3 SF2323 3 SF2325 3 SF2327 3 SF2329 3 SF2331 3 SF2333 3 SF2335 3 SF2337 3 SF2339 3 SF2341 3 SF2343 3 SF2345 3 SF2347 3 SF2349 3 SF2351 3 SF2353 3 SF2355 3 SF2357 3 SF2359 3 SF2361 3 SF2363 3 SF2365 3 SF2367 3 SF2369 3 SF2371 3 SF2373 3 SF2375 3 SF2377 3 SF2379 3 SF2381 3 SF2383 3 SF2385 3 SF2387 3 SF2389 3 SF2391 3 SF2393 3 SF2395 3 SF2397 3 SF2399 3 SF2401 3 SF2403 3 SF2405 3 SF2407 3 SF2409 3 SF2411 3 SF2413 3 SF2415 3 SF2417 3 SF2419 3 SF2421 3 SF2423 3 SF2425 3 SF2427 3 SF2429 3 SF2431 3 SF2433 3 SF2435 3 SF2437 3 SF2439 3 SF2441 3 SF2443 3 SF2445 3 SF2447 3 SF2449 3 SF2451 3 SF2453 3 SF2455 3 SF2457 3 SF2459 3 SF2461 3 SF2463 3 SF2465 3 SF2467 3 SF2469 3 SF2471 3 SF2473 3 SF2475 3 SF2477 3 SF2479 3 SF2481 3 SF2483 3 SF2485 3 SF2487 3 SF2489 3 SF2491 3 SF2493 3 SF2495 3 SF2497 3 SF2499 3 SF2501 3 SF2503 3 SF2505 3 SF2507 3 SF2509 3 SF2511 3 SF2513 3 SF2515 3 SF2517 3 SF2519 3 SF2521 3 SF2523 3 SF2525 3 SF2527 3 SF2529 3 SF2531 3 SF2533 3 SF2535 3 SF2537 3 SF2539 3 SF2541 3 SF2543 3 SF2545 3 SF2547 3 SF2549 3 SF2551 3 SF2553 3 SF2555 3 SF2557 3 SF2559 3 SF2561 3 SF2563 3 SF2565 3 SF2567 3 SF2569 3 SF2571 3 SF2573 3 SF2575 3 SF2577 3 SF2579 3 SF2581 3 SF2583 3 SF2585 3 SF2587 3 SF2589 3 SF2591 3 SF2593 3 SF2595 3 SF2597 3 SF2599 3 SF2601 3 SF2603 3 SF2605 3 SF2607 3 SF2609 3 SF2611 3 SF2613 3 SF2615 3 SF2617 3 SF2619 3 SF2621 3 SF2623 3 SF2625 3 SF2627 3 SF2629 3 SF2631 3 SF2633 3 SF2635 3 SF2637 3 SF2639 3 SF2641 3 SF2643 3 SF2645 3 SF2647 3 SF2649 3 SF2651 3 SF2653 3 SF2655 3 SF2657 3 SF2659 3 SF2661 3 SF2663 3 SF2665 3 SF2667 3 SF2669 3 SF2671 3 SF2673 3 SF2675 3 SF2677 3 SF2679 3 SF2681 3 SF2683 3 SF2685 3 SF2687 3 SF2689 3 SF2691 3 SF2693 3 SF2695 3 SF2697 3 SF2699 3 SF2701 3 SF2703 3 SF2705 3 SF2707 3 SF2709 3 SF2711 3 SF2713 3 SF2715 3 SF2717 3 SF2719 3 SF2721 3 SF2723 3 SF2725 3 SF2727 3 SF2729 3 SF2731 3 SF2733 3 SF2735 3 SF2737 3 SF2739 3 SF2741 3 SF2743 3 SF2745 3 SF2747 3 SF2749 3 SF2751 3 SF2753 3 SF2755 3 SF2757 3 SF2759 3 SF2761 3 SF2763 3 SF2765 3 SF2767 3 SF2769 3 SF2771 3 SF2773 3 SF2775 3 SF2777 3 SF2779 3 SF2781 3 SF2783 3 SF2785 3 SF2787 3 SF2789 3 SF2791 3 SF2793 3 SF2795 3 SF2797 3 SF2799 3 SF2801 3 SF2803 3 SF2805 3 SF2807 3 SF2809 3 SF2811 3 SF2813 3 SF2815 3 SF2817 3 SF2819 3 SF2821 3 SF2823 3 SF2825 3 SF2828 4 SF2832 3 SF2834 3 SF2836 3 SF2838 3 SF2840 3 SF2843 3 SF2845 3 SF2848 3 SF2850 3 SF2852 3 SF2854 3 SF2856 3 SF2858 3 SF2860 3 SF2862 3 SF2864 3 SF2866 3 SF2868 3 SF2870 3 SF2872 3 SF2874 3 SF2876 3 SF2878 3 SF2880 3 SF2882 3 SF2884 3 SF2886 3 SF2888 3 SF2890 3 SF2892 3 SF2894 3 SF2896 3 SF2898 3 SF2900 3 SF2902 3 SF2904 3 SF2906 3 SF2908 3 SF2910 6 SF2920 3 SF2922 6 SF2932 3 SF2934 6 SF2944 3 SF2946 6 SF2956 3 SF2958 3 SF2960 3 SF2962 3 SF2964 3 SF2966 3 SF2968 3 SF2970 3 SF2972 3 SF2974 3 SF2976 3 SF2978 3 SF2980 3 SF2982 3 SF2984 3 SF2986 3 SF2988 3 SF2990 3 SF2992 3 SF2994 3 SF2996 3 SF2998 3 SF3000 3 SF3002 3 SF3004 3 SF3006 3 SF3008 3 SF3010 3 SF3012 3 SF3014 3 SF3016 3 SF3018 3 SF3020 3 SF3022 3 SF3024 3 SF3026 3 SF3028 3 SF3030 3 SF3032 3 SF3034 3 SF3036 3 SF3038 3 SF3040 3 SF3042 3 SF3044 3 SF3046 3 SF3048 3 SF3050 3 SF3052 3 SF3055 3 SF3057 3 SF3059 3 SF3061 3 SF3063 3 SF3065 3 SF3067 3 SF3069 3 SF3071 3 SF3073 3 SF3075 3 SF3077 3 SF3079 3 SF3081 3 SF3084 3 SF3086 3 SF3088 3 SF3090 3 SF3092 3 SF3094 3 SF3096 3 SF3098 3 SF3100 3 SF3102 3 SF3104 3 SF3106 3 SF3108 3 SF3110 3 SF3112 3 SF3114 3 SF3116 3 SF3118 3 SF3120 3 SF3122 3 SF3124 3 SF3126 3 SF3128 3 SF3130 3 SF3132 3 SF3134 3 SF3136 3 SF3138 3 SF3140 3 SF3142 3 SF3144 3 SF3146 3 SF3148 3 SF3150 3 SF3152 3 SF3154 3 SF3156 3 SF3158 3 SF3160 3 SF3162 3 SF3164 3 SF3166 3 SF3168 3 SF3170 3 SF3172 3 SF3174 3 SF3176 3 SF3178 3 SF3180 3 SF3182 3 SF3184 3 SF3186 3 SF3188 3 SF3190 3 SF3192 3 SF3194 3 SF3196 3 SF3198 3 SF3200 3 SF3202 3 SF3204 3 SF3206 3 SF3208 3 SF3210 3 SF3212 3 SF3214 3 SF3216 3 SF3218 3 SF3220 3 SF3222 3 SF3224 3 SF3226 3 SF3228 3 SF3230 3 SF3232 3 SF3234 3 SF3236 3 SF3238 3 SF3240 3 SF3242 3 SF3244 3 SF3246 3 SF3248 3 SF3250 3 SF3252 3 SF3254 3 SF3256 3 SF3258 3 SF3260 3 SF3262 3 SF3264 3 SF3266 3 SF3268 3 SF3270 3 SF3272 3 SF3274 3 SF3276 3 SF3278 3 SF3280 3 SF3282 3 SF3284 3 SF3286 3 SF3288 3 SF3290 3 SF3292 3 SF3294 3 SF3296 3 SF3298 3 SF3300 3 SF3302 3 SF3304 3 SF3306 3 SF3308 3 SF3310 3 SF3312 3 SF3314 3 SF3316 3 SF3318 3 SF3320 3 SF3322 3 SF3324 3 SF3326 3 SF3328 3 SF3330 3 SF3332 3 SF3334 3 SF3336 3 SF3338 3 SF3340 3 SF3342 3 SF3344 3 SF3346 3 SF3348 3 SF3350 3 SF3352 3 SF3354 3 SF3356 3 SF3358 3 SF3360 3 SF3362 3 SF3364 3 SF3366 3 SF3368 3 SF3370 3 SF3372 3 SF3374 3 SF3376 3 SF3378 3 SF3380 3 SF3382 3 SF3384 3 SF3386 3 SF3388 3 SF3390 3 SF3392 3 SF3394 3 SF3396 3 SF3398 3 SF3400 3 SF3402 3 SF3404 3 SF3406 3 SF3408 3 SF3410 3 SF3412 3 SF3414 3 SF3416 3 SF3418 3 SF3420 3 SF3422 3 SF3424 3 SF3426 3 SF3428 3 SF3430 3 SF3432 3 SF3434 3 SF3436 3 SF3438 3 SF3440 3 SF3442 3 SF3444 3 SF3446 3 SF3448 3 SF3450 3 SF3452 3 SF3454 3 SF3456 3 SF3458 3 SF3460 3 SF3462 3 SF3464 3 SF3466 3 SF3468 3 SF3470 3 SF3472 3 SF3475 3 SF3477 3 SF3479 3 SF3481 3 SF3483 3 SF3485 3 SF3487 3 SF3489 3 SF3491 3 SF3493 3 SF3495 3 SF3497 3 SF3499 3 SF3502 3 SF3504 3 SF3506 3 SF3508 3 SF3510 3 SF3512 3 SF3514 3 SF3516 3 SF3518 3 SF3520 3 SF3522 3 SF3524 3 SF3526 3 SF3528 3 SF3531 3 SF3533 3 SF3535 3 SF3537 3 SF3539 3 SF3541 3 SF3543 3 SF3545 3 SF3547 3 SF3549 3 SF3551 3 SF3554 3 SF3556 3 SF3558 3 SF3560 3 SF3562 3 SF3564 3 SF3566 3 SF3568 3 SF3570 3 SF3572 3 SF3574 3 SF3577 3 SF3579 3 SF3581 3 SF3583 3 SF3585 3 SF3587 3 SF3589 3 SF3591 3 SF3593 3 SF3595 3 SF3597 3 SF3599 3 SF3601 3 SF3603 3 SF3605 3 SF3607 3 SF3609 3 SF3611 3 SF3613 3 SF3615 3 SF3617 3 SF3619 3 SF3621 3 SF3623 3 SF3625 3 SF3627 3 SF3629 3 SF3631 3 SF3633 3 SF3635 3 SF3637 3 SF3639 3 SF3641 3 SF3643 3 SF3645 3 SF3647 3 SF3649 3 SF3651 3 SF3653 3 SF3655 3 SF3657 3 SF3659 3 ; label SF1 = "RECORD TYPE " SF3 = "PROCESSING YEAR " SF5 = "PROCESSING QUARTER " SF6 = "RANDOM RECODE OF PSU NUMBER " SF9 = "WEEK - CENSUS CODE" SF11 = "SEGMENT NUMBER " SF13 = "HOUSEHOLD NUMBER " SF15 = "PERSON NUMBER " SF19 = "PROCESSING WEEK CODE (NUMBD WITHIN QTR) " SF21 = "LATE INTERVIEW (OR LAST ATTEMPT) FLAG " SF22 = "TYPE OF LIVING QUARTERS: " SF24 = "HAS TELEPHONE " SF25 = "SEX " SF27 = "AGE " SF29 = "AGE RECODE #1 " SF30 = "AGE RECODE #2 " SF31 = "AGE RECODE #3 " SF34 = "BIRTH MONTH " SF36 = "BIRTH YEAR " SF40 = "HISPANIC ORIGIN IMPUTED FLAG " SF41 = "MAIN RACIAL BACKGROUND - REPORTED " SF43 = "RACE RECODE 1 " SF44 = "RACE RECODE 2 " SF45 = "RACE RECODE 3 " SF46 = "HISPANIC ORIGIN " SF48 = "MARITAL STATUS " SF49 = "VETERAN STATUS " SF50 = "ACTV GUARD/RESERVE STATUS FOR ACTV DUTY " SF51 = "EDUCATION OF INDIVIDUAL-COMPLETED YEARS " SF53 = "EDUCATION OF INDIVIDUAL RECODE " SF54 = "HIGHEST ED RESP ADULT FAM MEMBER-DETAIL " SF56 = "HIGHEST ED OF RESP ADULT FAM MEMBER " SF57 = "FAMILY INCOME $20,000 OR MORE " SF58 = "FAMILY INCOME " SF60 = "FAMILY INCOME RECODE " SF61 = "NHIS POVERTY INDEX* " SF62 = "FAMILY RELATIONSHIP TYPE OF FAMILY " SF63 = "FAMILY RELSHIP RELATIONSHIP TO REF PERS " SF64 = "FAMILY RELATIONSHIP RECODE " SF65 = "SIZE OF FAMILY* " SF67 = "SIZE OF FAMILY RECODE " SF68 = "PARENT/OTHR ADULT REL (< 25 NVR MARRIED) " SF69 = "MAJOR ACTIVITY (18+ YEARS OLD) " SF70 = "HEALTH STATUS " SF71 = "ACTIVITY LIMITATION STATUS*- (ALL AGES) " SF72 = "ACTV LIMIT STAT BY ABLE WORK 18-69 " SF73 = "LIMITATION OF SCHOOL ACTIVITIES " SF74 = "NEEDS HELP WITH PERSONAL CARE " SF75 = "EMPLOYMENT STATUS IN PAST 2 WEEKS " SF76 = "CLASS OF WORKER " SF77 = "INDUSTRY DETAIL CODE " SF80 = "INDUSTRY RECODE 1 " SF82 = "INDUSTRY RECODE 2 " SF84 = "OCCUPATION DETAIL CODE " SF87 = "OCCUPATION RECODE 1 " SF89 = "OCCUPATION RECODE 2 " SF91 = "RESPONDENT FOR CORE " SF92 = "CONDITION LIST ASSIGNED AND ASKED " SF93 = "HEIGHT WITHOUT SHOES (18+ YEARS) " SF95 = "WEIGHT WITHOUT SHOES (18+ YEARS) " SF98 = "TOTAL RESTRICTED ACTV DAYS IN PAST 2 WKS " SF100 = "BED DAYS IN PAST TWO WEEKS " SF102 = "WORK-LOSS DAYS IN PAST TWO WEEKS " SF104 = "SCHOOL-LOSS DAYS IN PAST TWO WEEKS " SF106 = "OTHER DAYS OF RESTRICTED ACTV PAST 2 WKS " SF108 = "BED DAYS IN PAST 12 MONTHS " SF111 = "BED DAYS IN PAST 12 MONTHS - RECODE " SF112 = "DOCTOR VISITS IN PAST 12 MONTHS " SF115 = "INTERVAL SINCE LAST DOCTOR VISIT " SF116 = "NUMBER OF CONDITIONS " SF118 = "NUMBER OF ACUTE INCIDENCE CONDITIONS " SF120 = "NUMBER OF TWO-WEEK DOCTOR VISITS " SF122 = "NUM SHORT-STAY HOSP EPISODES PAST 12 MON " SF124 = "SHORT-STAY HOSP EPISODE DAYS PAST 12 MON " SF127 = "SHORT-STAY HSP EPISODES PAST 12 EXCL DLV " SF129 = "SHORT-STAY HSP EPSD DAYS PAST 12 EXC DLV " SF132 = "NUM SHORT-STAY HOSP DISCH PAST 6 MONS " SF134 = "DAYS SHORT-STAY HOSP/12 MON/DIS/6 MON " SF137 = "NUM SHORT-STAY HOSP DIS 6 MON EXCL DELV " SF139 = "DAYS SHRT-STY HSP/12 MON/DIS/6 MON/EX DL " SF144 = "YEARS LIVED IN STATE PRESENT RESIDENCE " SF145 = "YEARS LIVED IN UNITED STATES " SF172 = "ANNUAL BASIC WGHT BEFR AGE-SEX-RACE ADJ " SF178 = "TYPE OF SUBSTRATUM " SF179 = "FULL SAMPLE STRATUM IDENTIFIER " SF182 = "REGION " SF183 = "GEOGRAPHIC DISTRIBUTION " SF185 = "TYPE OF PSU " SF186 = "MSA - NON-MSA RESIDENCE " SF187 = "PSEUDO PSU CODES " SF201 = "FINAL ANNUAL SOA II WEIGHT " SF207 = "SOA II CHRON COND PREVL & INCIDENCE FCTR " SF351 = "FREQUENTLY DEPRESSED OR ANXIOUS " SF352 = "TROUBLE MAKING OR KEEPING FRIENDS " SF353 = "TROUBLE GETTING ALONG IN SOCIAL SETTINGS " SF354 = "TROUBLE CONCENTRATING LONG ENOUGH TO FIN " SF355 = "SERIOUS TROUBLE WITH DAY-TO-DAY STRESSES " SF356 = "FREQ CONFUSED, DISORIENTED, OR FORGETFUL " SF357 = "HAVE PHOBIAS OR UNREASONABLE FEARS " SF358 = "PAST 12 MONTHS, PROBS INTERFERED W/ LIFE " SF359 = "HAVE SCHIZOPHRENIA IN PAST 12 MOS " SF360 = "HAVE PARANOID DISORDER IN PAST 12 MOS " SF361 = "HAVE BIPOLAR DISORDER IN PAST 12 MOS " SF362 = "MAJOR DEPRESSION 2+ WEEKS PAST 12 MON " SF363 = "ANTISOCIAL, OBS-COMPULSIVE, OTHR PAST 12 " SF364 = "ALZHEIMERS OR OTHER SENILITY PAST 12 MON " SF365 = "HAVE ALCOHOL ABUSE DISORDER PAST 12 MON " SF366 = "HAVE DRUG ABUSE DISORDER IN PAST 12 MON " SF367 = "ANY OTHER MENT/EMOTNL DISORDER PST 12 MO " SF368 = "PRESCR ONGOING MENTAL/EMOTNL CND 12 MON " SF369 = "UNABLE/LIMITED WORK BECAUSE MENTAL PROBS " SF370 = "TROUBLE FIND/KEEP JOB BCS MENTAL PROBS " SF371 = "RECEIVED SERVICES FR MENTAL HEALTH COMM " SF372 = "RESP CONSIDER THIS PERS HAVE DISABILITY " SF373 = "RESP THINKS OTHR CONSIDER PERS HAV DISAB " SF374 = "NEEDED CARE BUT NOT ABLE TO GET IT " SF375 = "MAIN REASON DIDNT GET CARE " SF377 = "LACK OF INSURANCE OR MONEY A REASON " SF378 = "DELAYED SEEKING MED CARE BECAUSE OF COST " SF379 = "NEEDED DENTAL CARE BUT COULD NOT GET IT " SF380 = "NEEDED PRES MED BUT COULD NOT GET THEM " SF381 = "NEEDED EYEGLASSES BUT COULD NOT GET THEM " SF382 = "NEEDED MENT HLTH CARE BUT COULDNT GET IT " SF390 = "QUESTIONNAIRE RECEIVED " SF391 = "INTERVIEW MONTH " SF393 = "INTERVIEW YEAR " SF395 = "DAYS BETWEEN NHIS CORE AND SOA II INTV " SF398 = "RECALCULATED SOA II AGE " SF400 = "COMPLETION STATUS " SF401 = "MODE OF INTERVIEW " SF411 = "SECTION A STATUS " SF412 = "HOW LONG LIVED HERE " SF414 = "NECESSARY TO USE STAIRS TO ENTER HOME " SF415 = "MORE THAN ONE FLOOR OR LEVEL " SF416 = "BATH, BED, KITCHEN ON SAME FLOOR/LEVEL " SF417 = "DIFFICULTY ENTERING OR LEAVING YOUR HOME " SF418 = "DIFFICULTY WITH DOORS IN YOUR HOME " SF419 = "DIFFICULTY WITH CABINETS IN YOUR HOME " SF420 = "DIFFICULTY USING BATHROOM IN YOUR HOME " SF421 = "RESIDENCE HAVE/NEED WIDENED DOORWAY/HALL " SF422 = "RES HAVE/NEED RAMPS OR STREET LEVEL ENTR " SF423 = "DOES RESIDENCE HAVE/NEED RAILINGS " SF424 = "DOES RES HAVE/NEED AUTOMATIC/EASY DOORS " SF425 = "DOES RES HAVE/NEED ACCESSIBLE PARKING " SF426 = "DOES RESIDENCE HAVE/NEED BATHROOM MODS " SF427 = "DOES RESIDENCE HAVE/NEED KITCHEN MODS " SF428 = "DOES RES HAVE/NEED ELEVATOR OR LIFT " SF429 = "DOES RES HAVE/NEED ALERTING DEVICES " SF430 = "DOES RES HAVE/NEED OTHER SPECL FEATURES " SF431 = "TYPE OF RESIDENCE " SF433 = "PRIMARILY/EXCLUSIVELY SERVES ELDERLY " SF434 = "SERVICES ROUTINELY PROVIDED(USED OR NOT) " SF435 = "GROUP MEALS FOR RESIDENTS " SF436 = "HOUSEKEEPING OR MAID SERVICE " SF437 = "NURSING OR MEDICAL CARE " SF438 = "SUPERVISION OF SELF- ADMINISTERED MEDS " SF439 = "HELP WITH BATHING, EATING, DRESSING " SF440 = "HELP WITH WALKING OR GETTING ABOUT " SF441 = "HELP WITH SHOPPING " SF442 = "PLANNED SOCIAL ACTIVITIES OR TRIPS " SF443 = "EDUCATIONAL OR TRAINING PROGRAMS " SF444 = "HELP WITH LAUNDRY " SF445 = "HELP WITH MONEY MANAGEMENT " SF446 = "TRANSPORTATION " SF447 = "PROTECTIVE OVERSIGHT " SF448 = "PLANNING MOVE TO RCV SERVICES/ASSISTANCE " SF449 = "EVER RESIDENT OR PATIENT IN NURSING HOME " SF450 = "NUMBER OF TIMES RESIDENT OR PATIENT " SF452 = "MONTH ADMITTED FIRST TIME " SF454 = "YEAR ADMITTED FIRST TIME " SF456 = "MONTH DISCHARGED LAST TIME " SF458 = "YEAR DISCHARGED LAST TIME " SF460 = "LEN TIME NH, LAST TIME/THIS TIME " SF462 = "WEEKS IN NURSING HOME IN PAST 12 MONTHS " SF464 = "ANY PART OF LAST STAY IN PAST 12 MONTHS " SF465 = "SELF OR FAMILY IN HH " SF466 = "FAMILY NOT IN HH " SF467 = "PRIVATE HEALTH INSURANCE " SF468 = "MEDICARE " SF469 = "MEDICAID " SF470 = "REHABILITATION PROGRAM " SF471 = "EMPLOYER " SF472 = "SCHOOL SYSTEM " SF473 = "VA PROGRAM " SF474 = "OTHER MILITARY " SF475 = "OTHER PRIVATE SOURCE " SF476 = "OTHER PUBLIC SOURCE " SF477 = "PAYOR OF MOST OF NURSING HOME COSTS " SF479 = "AMOUNT PAID BY YOU/FAMILY (NON-REIMB) " SF485 = "CURRENTLY ON NH WAITING LIST " SF486 = "CURRENTLY ON NH WAITING LIST (DFS-2) " SF491 = "FREQUENCY OF DRIVING " SF492 = "NEVER DRIVE BECAUSE OF IMPAIRMENT/HEALTH " SF493 = "USED PUBLIC TRANSPORTATION " SF494 = "PUBLIC TRANS USE LIMITED DUE TO IMPAIRMT " SF495 = "FREQUENCY PUB TRANS USE PAST 12 MON " SF496 = "DIFF PUB TRANS DUE HEALTH 12 MON " SF497 = "GET TOGETHER WITH FRIENDS OR NEIGHBORS " SF498 = "TALK ON PHONE WITH FRIENDS OR NEIGHBORS " SF499 = "GET TOGETHER WITH RELATIVES " SF500 = "TALK ON TELEPHONE WITH RELATIVES " SF501 = "GO TO CHURCH OR TEMPLE SERVICES " SF502 = "GO TO MOVIES, SPORTS EVENTS, ETC. " SF503 = "GO OUT TO EAT AT RESTAURANT " SF504 = "DAYS LEFT THE HOUSE IN PAST TWO WEEKS " SF506 = "PRESENT SOCIAL ACTV ENOUGH, TOO MUCH " SF507 = "HAVE YOU EVER WORKED " SF508 = "WORK HISTORY RECODE " SF509 = "DO YOU NOW WORK " SF510 = "USUAL HOURS PER WEEK AT WORK " SF512 = "YEAR STOPPED LAST JOB " SF514 = "RETIRED FROM JOB OR BUSINESS " SF515 = "AGE AT LAST RETIREMENT " SF517 = "NUMBER OF YEARS SINCE LAST RETIREMENT " SF519 = "RETIRED DUE TO IMPAIRMENT OR DISABILITY " SF520 = "YEAR STOP WORKING AT YOUR LAST JOB " SF522 = "YEAR LAST WORK AT A JOB " SF524 = "RETIRED ON DISABILITY " SF525 = "AGE WHEN RETIRED ON DISABILITY " SF527 = "RETIRED FROM A JOB OR BUSINESS " SF528 = "AGE WHEN RETIRED THE LAST TIME " SF530 = "TIME SINCE LAST RETIRED " SF532 = "RETIRED BECAUSE OF ONGOING HEALTH PROB " SF533 = "UNPAID VOLUNTEER WORK " SF534 = "NUMBER OF UNITS DAYS DID VOLUNTEER WORK " SF537 = "TIME UNITS DAYS DID VOLUNTEER WORK: " SF538 = "DAYS PER MON VOL WORKED IN PAST 12 MON " SF541 = "USED TRACHEOTOMY TUBE DURING PAST 12 MON " SF542 = "USED TRACHEOTOMY TUBE IN PAST TWO WEEKS " SF543 = "USED RESPIRATOR DURING PAST 12 MONTHS " SF544 = "USED RESPIRATOR IN PAST TWO WEEKS " SF545 = "USED OSTOMY BAG DURING PAST 12 MONTHS " SF546 = "USED OSTOMY BAG IN PAST TWO WEEKS " SF547 = "USED CATHETERIZATION EQUIP PAST 12 MON " SF548 = "USED CATHETERIZATION EQUIP PAST TWO WKS " SF549 = "USED GLUCOSE MONITOR DURING PAST 12 MON " SF550 = "USED GLUCOSE MONITOR IN PAST TWO WEEKS " SF551 = "USED DIABETIC EQUIP DURING PAST 12 MON " SF552 = "USED DIABETIC EQUIPMENT IN PAST TWO WKS " SF553 = "USED INHALER DURING PAST 12 MONTHS " SF554 = "USED INHALER IN PAST TWO WEEKS " SF555 = "USED NEBULIZER DURING PAST 12 MON " SF556 = "USED NEBULIZER IN PAST TWO WEEKS " SF557 = "USED HEARING AID DURING PAST 12 MONTHS " SF558 = "USED HEARING AID IN PAST TWO WEEKS " SF559 = "USED CRUTCHES DURING PAST 12 MON " SF560 = "USED CRUTCHES IN PAST TWO WEEKS " SF561 = "USED CANE DURING PAST 12 MON " SF562 = "USED CANE IN PAST TWO WEEKS " SF563 = "USED WALKER DURING PAST 12 MON " SF564 = "USED WALKER IN PAST TWO WEEKS " SF565 = "USED WHEELCHAIR DURING PAST 12 MON " SF566 = "USED WHEELCHAIR IN PAST TWO WEEKS " SF567 = "USED SCOOTER DURING PAST 12 MON " SF568 = "USED SCOOTER IN PAST TWO WEEKS " SF569 = "USED FEEDING TUBE DURING PAST 12 MONTHS " SF570 = "USED FEEDING TUBE IN PAST TWO WEEKS " SF571 = "SHUNT TO DRAIN FLUID " SF572 = "ARTIFICIAL JOINT " SF573 = "LENS IMPLANT " SF574 = "PIN, SCREW, NAIL, WIRE, ROD, PLATE " SF575 = "ARTIFICIAL HEART VALVE " SF576 = "PACEMAKER " SF577 = "SILICONE IMPLANT " SF578 = "INFUSION PUMP " SF579 = "CATHETER " SF580 = "ORGAN IMPLANT " SF581 = "COCHLEAR IMPLANT " SF582 = "COVERED BY MEDICARE (LAST MONTH) " SF583 = "HOW LONG COVERED BY MEDICARE " SF584 = "COVERED BY MEDICAID (LAST MONTH) " SF585 = "HOW LONG COVERED BY MEDICAID " SF586 = "COVERED OTH PUB ASSIST PAY HLTH L MON " SF587 = "COV MIL HLTH CARE (VA, CHAMPUS, CHAMP-VA " SF588 = "WAS THIS CHAMPUS OR CHAMP-VA " SF589 = "COV ANY OTH MIL HEALTH CARE LAST MON " SF590 = "COV BY INDIAN HEALTH SERVICE (LAST MON) " SF591 = "COV PRIV HEALTH INSURANCE (LAST MONTH) " SF592 = "PRIV HEALTH INSUR OBTAINED THROUGH WORK " SF593 = "MEDICARE AND/OR PRIVATE HEALTH INSURANCE " SF594 = "PUBLIC AND/OR PRIVATE HEALTH INSURANCE " SF601 = "DIFFICULTY WALKING FOR A QUARTER-MILE " SF602 = "HOW MUCH DIFFICULTY WALKING QUARTER MILE " SF603 = "LENGTH OF TIME DIFF WALKING QTR MILE " SF605 = "ANY DIFFICULTY WALKING UP 10 STEPS " SF606 = "HOW MUCH DIFFICULTY WALKING UP 10 STEPS " SF607 = "LENGTH OF TIME DIFF WALKING UP STEPS " SF609 = "ANY DIFFICULTY STANDING FOR TWO HOURS " SF610 = "HOW MUCH DIFFICULTY STANDING " SF611 = "LENGTH OF TIME WITH DIFFICULTY STANDING " SF613 = "ANY DIFFICULTY SITTING FOR TWO HOURS " SF614 = "HOW MUCH DIFFICULTY SITTING " SF615 = "LENGTH OF TIME WITH DIFFICULTY SITTING " SF617 = "ANY DIFF STOOPING/ CROUCHING/KNEELING " SF618 = "HOW MUCH DIFF STOOPING/ CROUCHING/KNEEL " SF619 = "LENGTH OF TIME DIFF STOOPING/CRCH/KNEEL " SF621 = "ANY DIFF REACHING UP OVER YOUR HEAD " SF622 = "HOW MUCH DIFFICULTY REACHING OVER HEAD " SF623 = "LENGTH OF TIME DIFF REACHING OVER HEAD " SF625 = "DIFF REACHING OUT AS IF TO SHAKE HANDS " SF626 = "HOW MUCH DIFFICULTY REACHING OUT " SF627 = "LENGTH OF TIME WITH DIFF REACHING OUT " SF629 = "DIFF USING FINGERS TO GRASP/HANDLE " SF630 = "HOW MUCH DIFF USING FINGERS TO GRASP " SF631 = "LENGTH OF TIME WITH DIFF USING FINGERS " SF633 = "ANY DIFF LIFTING OR CARRYING 25 POUNDS " SF634 = "HOW MUCH DIFFICULTY LIFTING 25 POUNDS " SF635 = "LENGTH OF TIME WITH DIFFICULTY LIFTING " SF637 = "ANY DIFF LIFTING OR CARRYING 10 POUNDS " SF638 = "HOW MUCH DIFFICULTY LIFTING 10 POUNDS " SF639 = "LENGTH OF TIME DIFF LIFTING 10 LBS " SF641 = "NUM ACTV SAMPLE PERSON HAS ANY DIFF " SF644 = "HAVE DIFFICULTY BATHING OR SHOWERING " SF645 = "HOW MUCH DIFFICULTY BATHING/SHOWERING " SF646 = "VERY TIRING " SF647 = "TAKE A LONG TIME " SF648 = "VERY PAINFUL " SF649 = "SPECIAL EQIP FOR BATHING OR SHOWERING " SF650 = "STOOL, SEAT OR CHAIR " SF651 = "HANDBAR OR RAIL " SF652 = "OTHER " SF653 = "VERY TIRING " SF654 = "TAKE A LONG TIME " SF655 = "VERY PAINFUL " SF656 = "RECEIVE HELP WHEN BATHING OR SHOWERING " SF657 = "IS THIS HANDS-ON HELP " SF658 = "VERY TIRING " SF659 = "TAKE A LONG TIME " SF660 = "VERY PAINFUL " SF661 = "HOW OFTEN HAVE HANDS-ON HELP WHEN BATHNG " SF662 = "NEED (MORE) HANDS-ON HELP WHEN BATHING " SF663 = "SOMEONE SPRVS/STAYS NEAR WHEN BATHING " SF664 = "IS THIS SUPERVISORY HELP " SF665 = "IS THIS STANDBY HELP " SF666 = "HOW OFTEN HAVE SPRVSN/STANDBY HELP BATH " SF667 = "NEED (MORE) SPRSVN/STANDBY HELP BATH " SF668 = "HOW OFTEN HAVE COMPLETE BATH " SF669 = "HOW OFTEN HAVE PARTIAL BATH " SF670 = "DISCOMFORT PAST MON FROM INFREQUENT BATH " SF671 = "BURN OR SCALD PAST MONTH FROM HOT WATER " SF673 = "HAVE DIFFICULTY DRESSING " SF674 = "HOW MUCH DIFFICULTY DRESSING " SF675 = "VERY TIRING " SF676 = "TAKE A LONG TIME " SF677 = "VERY PAINFUL " SF678 = "USE SPEC EQUIP OR AIDS FOR DRESSING " SF679 = "SPECIAL CLOTHES " SF680 = "SPECIAL FASTENERS " SF681 = "CORD, STRING, ZIPPER PULL " SF682 = "ORTHOPEDIC SHOES " SF683 = "OTHER " SF684 = "VERY TIRING " SF685 = "TAKE A LONG TIME " SF686 = "VERY PAINFUL " SF687 = "RECEIVE HELP WHEN DRESSING " SF688 = "IS THIS HANDS-ON HELP " SF689 = "VERY TIRING " SF690 = "TAKE A LONG TIME " SF691 = "VERY PAINFUL " SF692 = "HOW OFTEN HAVE HANDS-ON HELP DRESSING " SF693 = "NEED (MORE) HANDS-ON HELP WHEN DRESSING " SF694 = "SOMEONE SPRVS/STAYS NEAR DRESSING " SF695 = "IS THIS SUPERVISORY HELP " SF696 = "IS THIS STANDBY HELP " SF697 = "HOW OFTEN HAVE SPRVSN/STANDBY DRESSING " SF698 = "NEED (MORE) SPRVSN/STANDBY DRESSING " SF699 = "HOW OFTEN GET DRESSED FOR THE DAY " SF700 = "HOW OFTEN CHANGE NIGHT CLOTHES " SF701 = "DISCOMFORT PST MON INFREQ CHANGE CLOTHES " SF703 = "HAVE DIFFICULTY EATING " SF704 = "HOW MUCH DIFFICULTY EATING " SF705 = "VERY TIRING " SF706 = "TAKE A LONG TIME " SF707 = "VERY PAINFUL " SF708 = "USE SPECIAL EQUIPMENT OR AIDS FOR EATING " SF709 = "OVERSIZED EATING EQUIPMENT " SF710 = "BED OR LAP TRAY " SF711 = "COVERED CUP/MODIFIED BOWL " SF712 = "OTHER " SF713 = "VERY TIRING " SF714 = "TAKE A LONG TIME " SF715 = "VERY PAINFUL " SF716 = "RECEIVE HELP WHEN EATING " SF717 = "IS THIS HANDS-ON HELP " SF718 = "VERY TIRING " SF719 = "TAKE A LONG TIME " SF720 = "VERY PAINFUL " SF721 = "HOW OFTEN HAVE HANDS-ON HELP WHEN EATING " SF722 = "NEED (MORE) HANDS-ON HELP WHEN EATING " SF723 = "SOMEONE SPRVS/STAYS NEAR WHEN EATING " SF724 = "IS THIS SUPERVISORY HELP " SF725 = "IS THIS STANDBY HELP " SF726 = "HOW OFTEN HAVE SPRVS/STANDBY EATING " SF727 = "NEED (MORE) SPRVSN/STANDBY EATING " SF728 = "UNABLE TO EAT PAST MON LACK OF HELP " SF729 = "LOST WEIGHT DUE TO DIET IN PAST MONTH " SF730 = "LOST WEIGHT NOT DUE TO DIET IN PAST MON " SF731 = "BEEN DEHYDRATED IN PAST MONTH " SF733 = "HAVE DIFF GETTING IN/OUT OF BED/CHAIRS " SF734 = "HOW MUCH DIFF GETTING IN/OUT BED/CHRS " SF735 = "VERY TIRING " SF736 = "TAKE A LONG TIME " SF737 = "VERY PAINFUL " SF738 = "USE SPEC EQUIP GETTING IN/OUT BED/CHR " SF739 = "CANE OR WALKING STICK " SF740 = "WALKER " SF741 = "EXTRA/SPECIAL CUSHIONS " SF742 = "SPECIAL RAISING SEAT CHAIR/LIFT CHAIR " SF743 = "HOSPITAL BED " SF744 = "TRAPEZE/SLING " SF745 = "RAMP " SF746 = "OTHER " SF747 = "VERY TIRING " SF748 = "TAKE A LONG TIME " SF749 = "VERY PAINFUL " SF750 = "RECEIVE HELP WHEN GET IN/OUT BED/CHAIRS " SF751 = "IS THIS HANDS-ON HELP " SF752 = "VERY TIRING " SF753 = "TAKE A LONG TIME " SF754 = "VERY PAINFUL " SF755 = "HOW OFTEN HANDS-ON GET IN/OUT BED/CHR " SF756 = "NEED (MORE) HANDS-ON GETT IN/OUT BED " SF757 = "SOMEONE SPRVSS/STAYS NEAR IN/OUT BED/CHR " SF758 = "IS THIS SUPERVISORY HELP " SF759 = "IS THIS STANDBY HELP " SF760 = "HOW OFTEN SPRVSN/STANDBY GET IN/OUT BED " SF761 = "NEED (MORE) SPRVS/STANDBY GET IN/OUT BED " SF762 = "STAY IN BED ALL OR MOST OF TIME " SF763 = "STAY IN CHAIR ALL OR MOST OF TIME " SF764 = "HOW OFTEN GET OUT OF BED " SF766 = "HAVE DIFFICULTY WALKING " SF767 = "HOW MUCH DIFFICULTY WALKING " SF768 = "VERY TIRING " SF769 = "TAKE A LONG TIME " SF770 = "VERY PAINFUL " SF771 = "USE SPEC EQUIP OR AIDS FOR WALKING " SF772 = "CANE OR WALKING STICK " SF773 = "WALKER " SF774 = "CRUTCH OR CRUTCHES " SF775 = "WHEELCHAIR " SF776 = "ARTIFICIAL LEG " SF777 = "BRACE " SF778 = "GUIDE DOG " SF779 = "OXYGEN/SPECIAL BREATHING EQUIPMENT " SF780 = "OTHER " SF781 = "VERY TIRING " SF782 = "TAKE A LONG TIME " SF783 = "VERY PAINFUL " SF784 = "RECEIVE HELP WHEN WALKING " SF785 = "IS THIS HANDS-ON HELP " SF786 = "VERY TIRING " SF787 = "TAKE A LONG TIME " SF788 = "VERY PAINFUL " SF789 = "HOW OFTEN HANDS-ON HELP WHEN WALKING " SF790 = "NEED (MORE) HANDS-ON HELP WHEN WALKING " SF791 = "SOMEONE SPRVS/STAYS NEAR WHEN WALKING " SF792 = "IS THIS SUPERVISORY HELP " SF793 = "IS THIS STANDBY HELP " SF794 = "HOW OFTEN SPRVS/STANDBY WHEN WALKING " SF795 = "NEED (MORE) SPRVS/STANDBY HELP WALKING " SF796 = "HOW OFTEN MOVE AROUND HOUSE/APARTMENT/RM " SF798 = "HAVE DIFFICULTY GETTING OUTSIDE " SF799 = "HOW MUCH DIFFICULTY GETTING OUTSIDE " SF800 = "VERY TIRING " SF801 = "TAKE A LONG TIME " SF802 = "VERY PAINFUL " SF803 = "USE SPEC EQUIP FOR GETTING OUTSIDE " SF804 = "CANE OR WALKING STICK " SF805 = "WALKER " SF806 = "CRUTCH OR CRUTCHES " SF807 = "WHEELCHAIR " SF808 = "ARTIFICIAL LEG " SF809 = "BRACE " SF810 = "GUIDE DOG " SF811 = "OXYGEN/SPECIAL BREATHING EQUIPMENT " SF812 = "OTHER " SF813 = "VERY TIRING " SF814 = "TAKE A LONG TIME " SF815 = "VERY PAINFUL " SF816 = "RECEIVE HELP WHEN GETTING OUTSIDE " SF817 = "IS THIS HANDS-ON HELP " SF818 = "VERY TIRING " SF819 = "TAKE A LONG TIME " SF820 = "VERY PAINFUL " SF821 = "HOW OFTEN HANDS-ON HELP GETTING OUTSIDE " SF822 = "NEED (MORE) HANDS-ON GETTING OUTSIDE " SF823 = "SOMEONE SPRVS/STAYS NEAR GETTING OUTSIDE " SF824 = "IS THIS SUPERVISORY HELP " SF825 = "IS THIS STANDBY HELP " SF826 = "HOW OFTEN SPRVS/STANDBY GETTING OUTSIDE " SF827 = "NEED (MORE) SPRVS/STANDBY GET OUTSIDE " SF829 = "HAVE DIFFICULTY USING TOILET " SF830 = "HOW MUCH DIFFICULTY USING TOILET " SF831 = "VERY TIRING " SF832 = "TAKE A LONG TIME " SF833 = "VERY PAINFUL " SF834 = "USE SPEC EQUIP FOR USING THE TOILET " SF835 = "CANE OR WALKING STICK " SF836 = "WALKER " SF837 = "CRUTCH OR CRUTCHES " SF838 = "WHEELCHAIR " SF839 = "ARTIFICIAL LEG " SF840 = "BRACE " SF841 = "GUIDE DOG " SF842 = "BED PAN " SF843 = "RAISED TOILET SEAT " SF844 = "SPECIAL TOILET/ PORTABLE TOILET " SF845 = "HAND HOLDS/RAILS NEAR TOILET " SF846 = "OTHER " SF847 = "VERY TIRING " SF848 = "TAKE A LONG TIME " SF849 = "VERY PAINFUL " SF850 = "RECEIVE HELP WHEN USING THE TOILET " SF851 = "IS THIS HANDS-ON HELP " SF852 = "VERY TIRING " SF853 = "TAKE A LONG TIME " SF854 = "VERY PAINFUL " SF855 = "HOW OFTEN HANDS-ON HELP WHEN USE TOILET " SF856 = "NEED (MORE) HANDS-ON HELP USING TOILET " SF857 = "SOMEONE SPRVS/STAYS NEAR WHEN USE TOILET " SF858 = "IS THIS SUPERVISORY HELP " SF859 = "IS THIS STANDBY HELP " SF860 = "HOW OFTEN SPRVS/STANDBY WHEN USE TOILET " SF861 = "NEED (MORE) SPRVS/STANDBY USING TOILET " SF862 = "DISCOMFORT PAST MON BCS NO HELP W/TOILET " SF863 = "WET/SOILED SELF PAST MONTH BCS NO HELP " SF864 = "ANY RASH/IRRITATION PAST MONTH AS RESULT " SF865 = "USED BEDPAN PAST MONTH BCS NO HELP " SF866 = "NUMBER OF ADLS SAMPLE PERSON HAS DIFF " SF867 = "NUMBER ADLS SAMPLE PERS USES SPEC EQIP " SF868 = "NUMBER OF ADLS SP RCV HELP FROM ANOTHER " SF869 = "NUMBER ADLS SP RECEIVE HANDS-ON HELP " SF870 = "NUMBER ADLS SP RECEIVES SPRVS/STANDBY " SF871 = "NUMBER ADLS SP NEEDS MORE HELP " SF873 = "1ST CONDITION THAT CAUSES DIFF IN ADLS " SF875 = "2ND CONDITION THAT CAUSES DIFF IN ADLS " SF877 = "3RD CONDITION THAT CAUSES DIFF IN ADLS " SF879 = "4TH CONDITION THAT CAUSES DIFF IN ADLS " SF881 = "5TH CONDITION THAT CAUSES DIFF IN ADLS " SF883 = "NUMBER COND LISTED AS CAUSING ADL DIFF " SF884 = "HAVE DIFFICULTY CONTROLLING BOWELS " SF885 = "HOW FREQ HAVE DIFF CONTROLLING BOWELS " SF886 = "USE COLOSTOMY/DEVICE HLP BOWEL MOVEMENTS " SF887 = "NEED HELP IN CARING FOR THIS DEVICE " SF888 = "HAVE DIFFICULTY CONTROLLING URINATION " SF889 = "HOW FREQ HAVE DIFF CONTROLLING URINATION " SF890 = "USE URINARY CATH HELP CONTROL URINATION " SF891 = "NEED HELP IN CARING FOR THIS DEVICE " SF901 = "HAVE DIFFICULTY PREPARING MEALS " SF902 = "SOMEONE ELSE REGULARLY PREPARES MEALS " SF903 = "HOW MUCH DIFFICULTY PREPARING MEALS " SF904 = "VERY TIRING " SF905 = "TAKE A LONG TIME " SF906 = "VERY PAINFUL " SF907 = "RECEIVE HELP WHEN PREPARING MEALS " SF908 = "IS THIS HANDS-ON HELP " SF909 = "VERY TIRING " SF910 = "TAKE A LONG TIME " SF911 = "VERY PAINFUL " SF912 = "HOW OFTEN HANDS-ON HELP PREPARE MEALS " SF913 = "NEED (MORE) HANDS-ON HELP PREPARE MEALS " SF914 = "SOMEONE SPRVS/STAYS NEAR PREPARING MEALS " SF915 = "IS THIS SUPERVISORY HELP " SF916 = "IS THIS STANDBY HELP " SF917 = "HOW OFTEN SPRVS/STANDBY PREPARING MEALS " SF918 = "NEED (MORE) SPRVS/STANDBY PREPARE MEALS " SF919 = "DISCOMFORT PAST MON WHEN HUNGRY " SF920 = "UNABLE FOLLOW SPECIAL DIET IN PAST MON " SF921 = "UNABLE TO EAT PREFERRED FOOD PAST MON " SF922 = "HOW OFTEN PREPARE OWN MEALS " SF924 = "HAVE DIFFICULTY SHOPPING FOR GROCERIES " SF925 = "SOMEONE ELSE REGULARLY SHOPS " SF926 = "HOW MUCH DIFFICULTY SHOPPING " SF927 = "VERY TIRING " SF928 = "TAKE A LONG TIME " SF929 = "VERY PAINFUL " SF930 = "RECEIVE HELP WHEN SHOPPING FOR GROCERIES " SF931 = "IS THIS HANDS-ON HELP " SF932 = "VERY TIRING " SF933 = "TAKE A LONG TIME " SF934 = "VERY PAINFUL " SF935 = "HOW OFTEN HANDS-ON HELP WITH SHOPPING " SF936 = "NEED (MORE) HANDS-ON HELP WITH SHOPPING " SF937 = "SOMEONE SPRVS/STAYS NEAR WHEN SHOPPING " SF938 = "IS THIS SUPERVISORY HELP " SF939 = "IS THIS STANDBY HELP " SF940 = "HOW OFTEN SPRVS/STANDBY SHOP GROCERIES " SF941 = "NEED (MORE) SPRVS/STANDBY HELP SHOPPING " SF942 = "UNABLE TO FOLLOW SPECIAL DIET PAST MON " SF943 = "MISSED A MEAL PAST MONTH BSE UNABLE SHOP " SF944 = "HOW OFTEN SHOP FOR GROCERIES " SF946 = "HAVE DIFFICULTY MANAGING MONEY " SF947 = "SOMEONE ELSE REGULARLY MANAGES MONEY " SF948 = "HOW MUCH DIFFICULTY MANAGING MONEY " SF949 = "VERY TIRING " SF950 = "TAKE A LONG TIME " SF951 = "VERY PAINFUL " SF952 = "DO YOU RECEIVE HELP WHEN MANAGING MONEY " SF953 = "IS THIS HANDS-ON HELP " SF954 = "VERY TIRING " SF955 = "TAKE A LONG TIME " SF956 = "VERY PAINFUL " SF957 = "HOW OFTEN HANDS-ON HELP MANAGING MONEY " SF958 = "NEED (MORE) HANDS-ON HELP MANAGING MONEY " SF959 = "SOMEONE SPRVS/STAYS NEAR MANAGING MONEY " SF960 = "IS THIS SUPERVISORY HELP " SF961 = "IS THIS STANDBY HELP " SF962 = "HOW OFTEN SPRVS/STANDBY MANAGING MONEY " SF963 = "NEED (MORE) SPRVS/STANDBY MANAGING MONEY " SF964 = "HOW OFTEN MANAGE YOUR MONEY " SF966 = "HAVE DIFFICULTY USING THE TELEPHONE " SF967 = "SOMEONE ELSE REG USES THE PHONE FOR YOU " SF968 = "HOW MUCH DIFFICULTY USING TELEPHONE " SF969 = "VERY TIRING " SF970 = "TAKE A LONG TIME " SF971 = "VERY PAINFUL " SF972 = "RECEIVE HELP WHEN USING THE TELEPHONE " SF973 = "IS THIS HANDS-ON HELP " SF974 = "VERY TIRING " SF975 = "TAKE A LONG TIME " SF976 = "VERY PAINFUL " SF977 = "HOW OFTEN HANDS-ON HELP WITH TELEPHONE " SF978 = "NEED (MORE) HANDS-ON HELP WITH TELEPHONE " SF979 = "SOMEONE SPRVS/STAYS NEAR WHN USING PHONE " SF980 = "IS THIS SUPERVISORY HELP " SF981 = "IS THIS STANDBY HELP " SF982 = "HOW OFTEN SPRVS/STANDBY HELP USING PHONE " SF983 = "NEED (MORE) SPRVS/STANDBY USING PHONE " SF985 = "HAVE DIFFICULTY DOING HEAVY HOUSEWORK " SF986 = "SOMEONE ELSE REG DOES HEAVY HOUSEWORK " SF987 = "HOW MUCH DIFF DOING HEAVY HOUSEWORK " SF988 = "VERY TIRING " SF989 = "TAKE A LONG TIME " SF990 = "VERY PAINFUL " SF991 = "RECEIVE HELP WHEN DOING HEAVY HOUSEWORK " SF992 = "IS THIS HANDS-ON HELP " SF993 = "VERY TIRING " SF994 = "TAKE A LONG TIME " SF995 = "VERY PAINFUL " SF996 = "HOW OFTEN HANDS-ON HELP HEAVY HOUSEWORK " SF997 = "NEED (MORE) HANDS-ON HELP HEAVY HOUSEWRK " SF998 = "SOMEONE SPRVS/STAYS NEAR HEAVY HOUSEWORK " SF999 = "IS THIS SUPERVISORY HELP " SF1000 = "IS THIS STANDBY HELP " SF1001 = "HOW OFTEN SPRVS/STANDBY HEAVY HOUSEWORK " SF1002 = "NEED (MORE) SPRVS/STANDBY HEAVY HOUSEWRK " SF1003 = "DISTRESS PAST MN BCS UNABLE WASH CLOTHES " SF1004 = "HOW OFTEN DO HEAVY HOUSEWORK " SF1006 = "HAVE DIFFICULTY DOING LIGHT HOUSEWORK " SF1007 = "SOMEONE ELSE REG DOES LIGHT HOUSEWORK " SF1008 = "HOW MUCH DIFF DOING LIGHT HOUSEWORK " SF1009 = "VERY TIRING " SF1010 = "TAKE A LONG TIME " SF1011 = "VERY PAINFUL " SF1012 = "RECEIVE HELP WHEN DOING LIGHT HOUSEWORK " SF1013 = "IS THIS HANDS-ON HELP " SF1014 = "VERY TIRING " SF1015 = "TAKE A LONG TIME " SF1016 = "VERY PAINFUL " SF1017 = "HOW OFTEN HANDS-ON HELP LIGHT HOUSEWORK " SF1018 = "NEED (MORE) HANDS-ON HELP LIGHT HOUSEWRK " SF1019 = "SOMEONE SPRVS/STAYS NEAR LIGHT HOUSEWORK " SF1020 = "IS THIS SUPERVISORY HELP " SF1021 = "IS THIS STANDBY HELP " SF1022 = "HOW OFTEN SPRVS/STANDBY LIGHT HOUSEWORK " SF1023 = "NEED (MORE) SPRVS/STANDBY LIGHT HOUSEWRK " SF1024 = "DISTRESS PAST MN BCS UNABLE TO DO DISHES " SF1025 = "HOW OFTEN DO LIGHT HOUSEWORK " SF1027 = "HAVE DIFF GETTING TO OUTSIDE PLACES " SF1028 = "SOMEONE ELSE REG GOES TO OUTSIDE PLACES " SF1029 = "HOW MUCH DIFF GETTING TO OUTSIDE PLACES " SF1030 = "VERY TIRING " SF1031 = "TAKE A LONG TIME " SF1032 = "VERY PAINFUL " SF1033 = "RECEIVE HELP GETTING TO OUTSIDE PLACES " SF1034 = "IS THIS HANDS-ON HELP " SF1035 = "VERY TIRING " SF1036 = "TAKE A LONG TIME " SF1037 = "VERY PAINFUL " SF1038 = "HOW OFTEN HANDS-ON GET OUTSIDE PLACES " SF1039 = "NEED (MORE) HANDS-ON WITH OUTSIDE PLACES " SF1040 = "SOMEONE SPRVS/STAYS NEAR GET OUTSIDE PLC " SF1041 = "IS THIS SUPERVISORY HELP " SF1042 = "IS THIS STANDBY HELP " SF1043 = "HOW OFTEN SPRVS/STANDBY GET OUTSIDE PLC " SF1044 = "NEED (MORE) SPRVS/STANDBY GET OUTSIDE PL " SF1045 = "MISSED MED APPT PAST MN UNABLE GET THERE " SF1046 = "LACKED TRANS TO RECL PLACES PAST MON " SF1047 = "RAN OUT FOOD PAST MN UNABLE GET TO STORE " SF1049 = "HAVE DIFFICULTY MANAGING MEDICATION " SF1050 = "SOMEONE ELSE REG MANAGES MEDICATION " SF1051 = "HOW MUCH DIFFICULTY MANAGING MEDICATION " SF1052 = "VERY TIRING " SF1053 = "TAKE A LONG TIME " SF1054 = "VERY PAINFUL " SF1055 = "DO YOU RECEIVE HELP MANAGING MEDICATION " SF1056 = "IS THIS HANDS-ON HELP " SF1057 = "VERY TIRING " SF1058 = "TAKE A LONG TIME " SF1059 = "VERY PAINFUL " SF1060 = "HOW OFTEN HANDS-ON WITH MANAGING MED " SF1061 = "NEED MORE HANDS-ON WITH MANAGING MED " SF1062 = "SOMEONE SPRVS/STAYS NEAR MANAGING MED " SF1063 = "IS THIS SUPERVISORY HELP " SF1064 = "IS THIS STANDBY HELP " SF1065 = "HOW OFTEN SPRVS/STANDBY MANAGING MED " SF1066 = "NEED MORE SPRVS/STANDBY MANAGING MED " SF1067 = "NUMBER IADLS SAMPLE PERSON HAS ANY DIFF " SF1068 = "NUMBER IADLS SP RECEIVES HELP " SF1069 = "NUMBER IADLS SP RECEIVES HANDS-ON HELP " SF1070 = "NUMBER IADLS SP RCVS SUPERVISORY/STANDBY " SF1071 = "NUMBER IADLS SP NEEDS MORE HELP " SF1072 = "SUMMARY OF ADL AND IADL DIFFICULTY " SF1074 = "1ST COND THAT CAUSES DIFFICULTY IN IADLS " SF1076 = "2ND COND THAT CAUSES DIFFICULTY IN IADLS " SF1078 = "3RD COND THAT CAUSES DIFFICULTY IN IADLS " SF1080 = "4TH COND THAT CAUSES DIFFICULTY IN IADLS " SF1082 = "5TH COND THAT CAUSES DIFFICULTY IN IADLS " SF1084 = "NUMBER COND LISTED CAUSING IADL DIFF " SF1085 = "HAVE YOU FALLEN IN PAST TWELVE MONTHS " SF1086 = "FALLEN MORE THAN ONCE IN PAST 12 MONTHS " SF1087 = "INJURED FROM FALL(S) " SF1088 = "FRACTURE " SF1089 = "BRUISE, CUT, SCRAPE " SF1090 = "LOST CONSCIOUSNESS " SF1091 = "OTHER " SF1092 = "FALL BECAUSE NO HELP GETTING AROUND " SF1093 = "FALL BECAUSE FELT DIZZY " SF1094 = "PRIM HELPER STRONG ENOUGH HELP ADLS " SF1095 = "SP NEEDS SUPERVISION TO ENSURE SAFETY " SF1099 = "SP RECEIVES HELP/SPRVSN 1+ ADLS/IADLS " SF1100 = "NUMBER OF HELPERS LISTED " SF1101 = "BATHING OR SHOWERING " SF1102 = "DRESSING " SF1103 = "EATING " SF1104 = "GETTING IN/OUT OF BED/CHAIRS " SF1105 = "WALKING " SF1106 = "GETTING OUTSIDE " SF1107 = "USING THE TOILET " SF1108 = "PREPARING OWN MEALS " SF1109 = "SHOPPING FOR GROCERIES " SF1110 = "MANAGING MONEY " SF1111 = "USING THE TELEPHONE " SF1112 = "DOING HEAVY HOUSEWORK " SF1113 = "DOING LIGHT HOUSEWORK " SF1114 = "GET TO PLACES OUTSIDE WALKING DISTANCE " SF1115 = "MANAGING MEDICATIONS " SF1116 = "BEST DESCRIPTION OF 1ST HELPER " SF1118 = "SEX OF 1ST HELPER " SF1119 = "IS 1ST HELPER PAID " SF1120 = "SELF/FAMILY IN HOUSEHOLD " SF1121 = "FAMILY NOT IN HOUSEHOLD " SF1122 = "PRIVATE HEALTH INSURANCE " SF1123 = "MEDICARE " SF1124 = "MEDICAID " SF1125 = "REHABILITATION PROGRAM " SF1126 = "EMPLOYER " SF1127 = "SCHOOL SYSTEM " SF1128 = "VA PROGRAM " SF1129 = "OTHER MILITARY " SF1130 = "OTHER PRIVATE SOURCE " SF1131 = "OTHER PUBLIC SOURCE " SF1132 = "DAYS 1ST HELPER HELPED PAST TWO WEEKS " SF1134 = "NUMBER OF HOURS PER DAY " SF1136 = "BATHING OR SHOWERING " SF1137 = "DRESSING " SF1138 = "EATING " SF1139 = "GETTING IN/OUT OF BED/CHAIRS " SF1140 = "WALKING " SF1141 = "GETTING OUTSIDE " SF1142 = "USING THE TOILET " SF1143 = "PREPARING OWN MEALS " SF1144 = "SHOPPING FOR GROCERIES " SF1145 = "MANAGING MONEY " SF1146 = "USING THE TELEPHONE " SF1147 = "DOING HEAVY HOUSEWORK " SF1148 = "DOING LIGHT HOUSEWORK " SF1149 = "GET TO PLACES OUTSIDE WALKING DISTANCE " SF1150 = "MANAGING MEDICATIONS " SF1151 = "BEST DESCRIPTION OF 2ND HELPER " SF1153 = "SEX OF 2ND HELPER " SF1154 = "IS 2ND HELPER PAID " SF1155 = "SELF/FAMILY IN HOUSEHOLD " SF1156 = "FAMILY NOT IN HOUSEHOLD " SF1157 = "PRIVATE HEALTH INSURANCE " SF1158 = "MEDICARE " SF1159 = "MEDICAID " SF1160 = "REHABILITATION PROGRAM " SF1161 = "EMPLOYER " SF1162 = "SCHOOL SYSTEM " SF1163 = "VA PROGRAM " SF1164 = "OTHER MILITARY " SF1165 = "OTHER PRIVATE SOURCE " SF1166 = "OTHER PUBLIC SOURCE " SF1167 = "DAYS 2ND HELPER HELPED IN PAST TWO WEEKS " SF1169 = "NUMBER OF HOURS PER DAY " SF1171 = "BATHING OR SHOWERING " SF1172 = "DRESSING " SF1173 = "EATING " SF1174 = "GETTING IN/OUT OF BED/CHAIRS " SF1175 = "WALKING " SF1176 = "GETTING OUTSIDE " SF1177 = "USING THE TOILET " SF1178 = "PREPARING OWN MEALS " SF1179 = "SHOPPING FOR GROCERIES " SF1180 = "MANAGING MONEY " SF1181 = "USING THE TELEPHONE " SF1182 = "DOING HEAVY HOUSEWORK " SF1183 = "DOING LIGHT HOUSEWORK " SF1184 = "GET TO PLACES OUTSIDE WALKING DISTANCE " SF1185 = "MANAGING MEDICATIONS " SF1186 = "BEST DESCRIPTION OF 3RD HELPER " SF1188 = "SEX OF 3RD HELPER " SF1189 = "IS 3RD HELPER PAID " SF1190 = "SELF/FAMILY IN HOUSEHOLD " SF1191 = "FAMILY NOT IN HOUSEHOLD " SF1192 = "PRIVATE HEALTH INSURANCE " SF1193 = "MEDICARE " SF1194 = "MEDICAID " SF1195 = "REHABILITATION PROGRAM " SF1196 = "EMPLOYER " SF1197 = "SCHOOL SYSTEM " SF1198 = "VA PROGRAM " SF1199 = "OTHER MILITARY " SF1200 = "OTHER PRIVATE SOURCE " SF1201 = "OTHER PUBLIC SOURCE " SF1202 = "DAYS 3RD HELPER HELPED IN PAST TWO WEEKS " SF1204 = "NUMBER OF HOURS PER DAY " SF1206 = "BATHING OR SHOWERING " SF1207 = "DRESSING " SF1208 = "EATING " SF1209 = "GETTING IN/OUT OF BED/CHAIRS " SF1210 = "WALKING " SF1211 = "GETTING OUTSIDE " SF1212 = "USING THE TOILET " SF1213 = "PREPARING OWN MEALS " SF1214 = "SHOPPING FOR GROCERIES " SF1215 = "MANAGING MONEY " SF1216 = "USING THE TELEPHONE " SF1217 = "DOING HEAVY HOUSEWORK " SF1218 = "DOING LIGHT HOUSEWORK " SF1219 = "GET TO PLACES OUTSIDE WALKING DISTANCE " SF1220 = "MANAGING MEDICATIONS " SF1221 = "BEST DESCRIPTION OF 4TH HELPER " SF1223 = "SEX OF 4TH HELPER " SF1224 = "IS 4TH HELPER PAID " SF1225 = "SELF/FAMILY IN HOUSEHOLD " SF1226 = "FAMILY NOT IN HOUSEHOLD " SF1227 = "PRIVATE HEALTH INSURANCE " SF1228 = "MEDICARE " SF1229 = "MEDICAID " SF1230 = "REHABILITATION PROGRAM " SF1231 = "EMPLOYER " SF1232 = "SCHOOL SYSTEM " SF1233 = "VA PROGRAM " SF1234 = "OTHER MILITARY " SF1235 = "OTHER PRIVATE SOURCE " SF1236 = "OTHER PUBLIC SOURCE " SF1237 = "DAYS 4TH HELPER HELPED IN PAST TWO WEEKS " SF1239 = "NUMBER OF HOURS PER DAY " SF1241 = "SUMMARY OF HELPER PAYMENT STATUS " SF1242 = "FAMILY IN HOUSEHOLD PAYS FOR HELP? " SF1243 = "FAMILY NOT IN HOUSEHOLD PAYS FOR HELP? " SF1244 = "PRIV INSUR/OTHR PRIV SRCE PAYS FOR HELP? " SF1245 = "PUBLIC SOURCE PAYS FOR ANY HELP? " SF1251 = "WHICH HELPER HELPS MOST " SF1252 = "HELPER DUMMY RECORD FLAG " SF1253 = "HELPERS SCHEDULE " SF1254 = "AMOUNT OF HELPERS ASSISTANCE " SF1255 = "HELPERS WILLINGNESS TO FOLLOW REQUESTS " SF1256 = "HELPERS ABILITY TO MEET YOUR NEEDS " SF1257 = "HELPERS RELIABILITY " SF1258 = "HELPERS TRUSTWORTHINESS " SF1259 = "HOW HELPER TREATS YOU " SF1260 = "SOMEONE TO TAKE CARE (FEW DAYS) " SF1261 = "THIS PERSON IS " SF1262 = "SOMEONE TO TAKE CARE (FEW WEEKS) " SF1263 = "THIS PERSON IS " SF1264 = "ANY PROBLEMS FROM BEING HOME ALONE " SF1265 = "FALL " SF1266 = "OTHER ACCIDENT OR INJURY " SF1267 = "INCONTINENCE - NO REMINDERS " SF1268 = "INCONTINENCE - UNABLE TO REACH TOILET " SF1269 = "CONFINEMENT TO BED OR CHAIRS " SF1270 = "HUNGER OR THIRST " SF1271 = "FIRE ON STOVE/LEFT STOVE ON " SF1272 = "FELL ASLEEP WHILE SMOKING " SF1273 = "GOT LOST/WANDERED OFF " SF1274 = "FORGOT MEDICATIONS " SF1275 = "TOOK WRONG DOSE OF MED (TOO MUCH/LITTLE) " SF1276 = "FEAR " SF1277 = "OTHER " SF1278 = "BATHING OR SHOWERING - HELPER #1 " SF1279 = "BATHING OR SHOWERING - HELPER #2 " SF1280 = "BATHING OR SHOWERING - HELPER #3 " SF1281 = "BATHING OR SHOWERING - HELPER #4 " SF1282 = "DRESSING - HELPER #1 " SF1283 = "DRESSING - HELPER #2 " SF1284 = "DRESSING - HELPER #3 " SF1285 = "DRESSING - HELPER #4 " SF1286 = "EATING - HELPER #1 " SF1287 = "EATING - HELPER #2 " SF1288 = "EATING - HELPER #3 " SF1289 = "EATING - HELPER #4 " SF1290 = "GET IN/OUT BED/CHAIRS - HELPER #1 " SF1291 = "GET IN/OUT BED/CHAIRS - HELPER #2 " SF1292 = "GET IN/OUT BED/CHAIRS - HELPER #3 " SF1293 = "GET IN/OUT BED/CHAIRS - HELPER #4 " SF1294 = "WALKING - HELPER #1 " SF1295 = "WALKING - HELPER #2 " SF1296 = "WALKING - HELPER #3 " SF1297 = "WALKING - HELPER #4 " SF1298 = "GETTING OUTSIDE - HELPER #1 " SF1299 = "GETTING OUTSIDE - HELPER #2 " SF1300 = "GETTING OUTSIDE - HELPER #3 " SF1301 = "GETTING OUTSIDE - HELPER #4 " SF1302 = "USING/GETTING TO THE TOILET - HELPER #1 " SF1303 = "USING/GETTING TO THE TOILET - HELPER #2 " SF1304 = "USING/GETTING TO THE TOILET - HELPER #3 " SF1305 = "USING/GETTING TO THE TOILET - HELPER #4 " SF1306 = "PREPARING YOUR OWN MEALS - HELPER #1 " SF1307 = "PREPARING YOUR OWN MEALS - HELPER #2 " SF1308 = "PREPARING YOUR OWN MEALS - HELPER #3 " SF1309 = "PREPARING YOUR OWN MEALS - HELPER #4 " SF1310 = "SHOPPING FOR GROCERIES - HELPER #1 " SF1311 = "SHOPPING FOR GROCERIES - HELPER #2 " SF1312 = "SHOPPING FOR GROCERIES - HELPER #3 " SF1313 = "SHOPPING FOR GROCERIES - HELPER #4 " SF1314 = "MANAGING YOUR MONEY - HELPER #1 " SF1315 = "MANAGING YOUR MONEY - HELPER #2 " SF1316 = "MANAGING YOUR MONEY - HELPER #3 " SF1317 = "MANAGING YOUR MONEY - HELPER #4 " SF1318 = "USING THE TELEPHONE - HELPER #1 " SF1319 = "USING THE TELEPHONE - HELPER #2 " SF1320 = "USING THE TELEPHONE - HELPER #3 " SF1321 = "USING THE TELEPHONE - HELPER #4 " SF1322 = "DOING HEAVY HOUSEWORK - HELPER #1 " SF1323 = "DOING HEAVY HOUSEWORK - HELPER #2 " SF1324 = "DOING HEAVY HOUSEWORK - HELPER #3 " SF1325 = "DOING HEAVY HOUSEWORK - HELPER #4 " SF1326 = "DOING LIGHT HOUSEWORK - HELPER #1 " SF1327 = "DOING LIGHT HOUSEWORK - HELPER #2 " SF1328 = "DOING LIGHT HOUSEWORK - HELPER #3 " SF1329 = "DOING LIGHT HOUSEWORK - HELPER #4 " SF1330 = "GETTING TO PLACES - HELPER #1 " SF1331 = "GETTING TO PLACES - HELPER #2 " SF1332 = "GETTING TO PLACES - HELPER #3 " SF1333 = "GETTING TO PLACES - HELPER #4 " SF1334 = "MANAGING YOUR MEDICATIONS - HELPER #1 " SF1335 = "MANAGING YOUR MEDICATIONS - HELPER #2 " SF1336 = "MANAGING YOUR MEDICATIONS - HELPER #3 " SF1337 = "MANAGING YOUR MEDICATIONS - HELPER #4 " SF1351 = "NUMBER PRES MED SUPPOSED TO TAKE " SF1352 = "TAKE MEDICINE AS PRESCRIBED " SF1353 = "DIDNT GET AT FIRST DUE TO COST " SF1354 = "DIDNT GET ENTIRE PRES DUE TO COST " SF1355 = "DIDNT REFILL DUE TO COST " SF1356 = "USE LESS OFTEN DUE TO COST " SF1357 = "SOMETIMES FORGET TO USE " SF1358 = "DONT USE AS PRES DUE TO SIDE EFFECTS " SF1359 = "CANNOT PICK UP OR HAVE DELIVERED " SF1360 = "DONT USE BECAUSE DONT NEED " SF1361 = "EXPER PROBS BCSE MED NOT TAKEN AS PRES " SF1362 = "PAIN/DISCOMFORT " SF1363 = "DIZZINESS/FAINTING " SF1364 = "DISORIENTATION " SF1365 = "OVERDOSE/WITHDRAWAL " SF1366 = "CHANGES IN BP, BREATHING, VITAL SIGNS " SF1367 = "CONDITION FOR WHICH PRESCRIBED WORSENED " SF1368 = "OTHER CONDITION(S) GOT WORSE " SF1369 = "HAD TO BE ADMITTED TO HOSPITAL " SF1370 = "HAD TO GO TO DOCTOR/ EMERGENCY ROOM " SF1371 = "DRUG REACTION " SF1372 = "OTHER " SF1373 = "NUMBER PROBS EXPER BY NOT TAKING AS PRES " SF1375 = "RECEIVE HELP USING MEDICATIONS " SF1376 = "NEED (MORE) HELP W/ MED (NON-FINANCIAL) " SF1377 = "ORDERING/SHOPPING/ GETTING MEDICINE(S) " SF1378 = "REMINDER/MONITORING/ MEASURING MEDICINES " SF1379 = "OTHER " SF1380 = "GENERAL PRAC, INTERNIST, OR FAMILY DOC " SF1381 = "WHICH SEEN MORE - GP, INTERN OR FAM DOC " SF1382 = "HAVE SEEN THIS PROVIDER IN PAST 12 MON " SF1383 = "HOW OFTEN SEEN IN PAST 3 MONTHS " SF1385 = "OVERALL RATING OF REGULAR PROVIDER " SF1387 = "RECV SERV VISITING NURSE PAST 12 MON " SF1388 = "NEEDED SERV VISITING NURSE PAST 12 MON " SF1389 = "RCV SERV VISIT NURSE HOW MANY OF 12 MON " SF1391 = "TOTAL TIMES RCV SERV VISIT NURSE 12 MON " SF1393 = "SELF OR FAMILY IN HH " SF1394 = "FAMILY NOT IN HH " SF1395 = "PRIVATE HEALTH INSURANCE " SF1396 = "MEDICARE " SF1397 = "MEDICAID " SF1398 = "REHABILITATION PROGRAM " SF1399 = "EMPLOYER " SF1400 = "SCHOOL SYSTEM " SF1401 = "VA PROGRAM " SF1402 = "OTHER MILITARY " SF1403 = "OTHER PRIVATE SOURCE " SF1404 = "OTHER PUBLIC SOURCE " SF1405 = "WHO PAID MOST VISIT NURSE PAST 12 MONTHS " SF1407 = "AMT PAID YOU/FAMILY VISIT NRS PAST 12 MN " SF1412 = "RCV SERV FROM VISITING NURSE LAST MONTH " SF1413 = "DIDNT NEED SERVICES " SF1414 = "VISITING NURSE THINKS NO LONGER NEEDED " SF1415 = "TOO EXPENSIVE/CANT AFFORD " SF1416 = "INSURANCE DOESNT COVER " SF1417 = "INSURANCE NO LONGER COVERS " SF1418 = "NO LONGER ON MEDICAID " SF1419 = "VISITING NURSE NOT AVAILABLE " SF1420 = "DIDNT LIKE VISITING NURSE " SF1421 = "TRANSPORTATION PROBLEMS " SF1422 = "COULD NOT TAKE TIME OFF WORK " SF1423 = "OTHER " SF1425 = "RCV SERV PERS ATTDT PAST 12 MONTHS " SF1426 = "RCV SERV PERS ATTDT PAST 12 MONTHS " SF1427 = "RCV SERV PERS ATTDT HOW MANY OF 12 MON " SF1429 = "TOTAL TIMES RCV SERV PERS ATTDT 12 MON " SF1431 = "SELF OR FAMILY IN HH " SF1432 = "FAMILY NOT IN HH " SF1433 = "PRIVATE HEALTH INSURANCE " SF1434 = "MEDICARE " SF1435 = "MEDICAID " SF1436 = "REHABILITATION PROGRAM " SF1437 = "EMPLOYER " SF1438 = "SCHOOL SYSTEM " SF1439 = "VA PROGRAM " SF1440 = "OTHER MILITARY " SF1441 = "OTHER PRIVATE SOURCE " SF1442 = "OTHER PUBLIC SOURCE " SF1443 = "WHO PAID MOST PERS ATTDT PAST 12 MONTHS " SF1445 = "AMT PAID YOU/FAM PERS ATTDT PAST 12 MN " SF1450 = "RCV SERV FROM PERS ATTDT LAST MONTH " SF1451 = "DIDNT NEED SERVICES " SF1452 = "PERS CARE ATTD THINKS NO LONGER NEEDED " SF1453 = "TOO EXPENSIVE/CANT AFFORD " SF1454 = "INSURANCE DOESNT COVER " SF1455 = "INSURANCE NO LONGER COVERS " SF1456 = "NO LONGER ON MEDICAID " SF1457 = "PERSONAL CARE ATTENDANT NOT AVAILABLE " SF1458 = "DIDNT LIKE PERSONAL CARE ATTENDANT " SF1459 = "TRANSPORTATION PROBLEMS " SF1460 = "COULD NOT TAKE TIME OFF WORK " SF1461 = "OTHER " SF1463 = "RCV SERV ADULT DAY CARE CTR LAST MONTH " SF1464 = "NEEDED ADULT DAY CARE CTR PAST 12 MON " SF1465 = "RCV SERV ADULT DAY CARE HOW MANY 12 MON " SF1467 = "TOTAL TIMES ADULT DAY CARE 12 MON " SF1469 = "SELF OR FAMILY IN HH " SF1470 = "FAMILY NOT IN HH " SF1471 = "PRIVATE HEALTH INSURANCE " SF1472 = "MEDICARE " SF1473 = "MEDICAID " SF1474 = "REHABILITATION PROGRAM " SF1475 = "EMPLOYER " SF1476 = "SCHOOL SYSTEM " SF1477 = "VA PROGRAM " SF1478 = "OTHER MILITARY " SF1479 = "OTHER PRIVATE SOURCE " SF1480 = "OTHER PUBLIC SOURCE " SF1481 = "WHO PAID MOST ADULT DAY CARE PAST 12 MON " SF1483 = "AMT PAID YOU/FAMILY ADULT DAY 12 MON " SF1488 = "RCV SERV FROM ADULT DAY CARE LAST MONTH " SF1489 = "DIDNT NEED SERVICES " SF1490 = "ADULT DAY CARE THINKS NO LONGER NEEDED " SF1491 = "TOO EXPENSIVE/CANT AFFORD " SF1492 = "INSURANCE DOESNT COVER " SF1493 = "INSURANCE NO LONGER COVERS " SF1494 = "NO LONGER ON MEDICAID " SF1495 = "ADULT DAY CARE CENTER NOT AVAILABLE " SF1496 = "DIDNT LIKE ADULT DAY CARE CENTER " SF1497 = "TRANSPORTATION PROBLEMS " SF1498 = "COULD NOT TAKE TIME OFF WORK " SF1499 = "OTHER " SF1501 = "WAIT LIST VISIT NRS, PERS CARE, ADLT DAY " SF1502 = "WAIT LIST FOR ANY A-N IN SECTION I DFS-2 " SF1503 = "VISITING NURSE " SF1504 = "PERSONAL CARE ATTENDANT " SF1505 = "ADULT DAY CARE " SF1506 = "NEED HELP FILLING INSUR FORMS/BNFTS APPS " SF1507 = "NO ONE " SF1508 = "HOUSEHOLD MEMBER " SF1509 = "FRIEND/OTHER RELATIVE NOT IN HOUSEHOLD " SF1510 = "PAID CAREGIVER " SF1511 = "VOLUNTEER FROM ORGANIZATION " SF1512 = "OTHER " SF1541 = "PRESENT MARITAL STATUS " SF1542 = "HOW LONG MARRIED TO CURRENT SPOUSE " SF1544 = "LENGTH OF TIME MARRIED TO CURRENT SPOUSE " SF1545 = "HOW LONG WIDOWED/DIVORCED/ SEPARATED " SF1547 = "LENGTH OF TIME WIDOWED/ DIVORCED/SEPARAT " SF1548 = "NUMBER OF PERSONS IN HH " SF1551 = "SEX - 2ND PERSON IN HOUSEHOLD " SF1552 = "RELATIONSHIP TO SP - 2ND IN HOUSEHOLD " SF1554 = "SEX - 3RD PERSON IN HOUSEHOLD " SF1555 = "RELATIONSHIP TO SP - 3RD IN HOUSEHOLD " SF1557 = "SEX - 4TH PERSON IN HOUSEHOLD " SF1558 = "RELATIONSHIP TO SP - 4TH IN HOUSEHOLD " SF1560 = "SEX - 5TH PERSON IN HOUSEHOLD " SF1561 = "RELATIONSHIP TO SP - 5TH IN HOUSEHOLD " SF1563 = "SEX - 6TH PERSON IN HOUSEHOLD " SF1564 = "RELATIONSHIP TO SP - 6TH IN HOUSEHOLD " SF1566 = "SEX - 7TH PERSON IN HOUSEHOLD " SF1567 = "RELATIONSHIP TO SP - 7TH IN HOUSEHOLD " SF1569 = "SEX - 8TH PERSON IN HOUSEHOLD " SF1570 = "RELATIONSHIP TO SP - 8TH IN HOUSEHOLD " SF1572 = "SEX - 9TH PERSON IN HOUSEHOLD " SF1573 = "RELATIONSHIP TO SP - 9TH IN HOUSEHOLD " SF1575 = "NUMBER PERSONS IN HH RELATED TO SP " SF1576 = "SPOUSE " SF1577 = "SON " SF1578 = "DAUGHTER " SF1579 = "PARENT/IN-LAW " SF1580 = "SIBLING/IN-LAW " SF1581 = "GRANDCHILD " SF1582 = "GRANDPARENTS " SF1583 = "OTHER RELATIVE " SF1584 = "NON-RELATIVE " SF1585 = "GENERAL HOUSEHOLD COMPOSITION " SF1586 = "NUM KNOWN GENERATIONS IN HH (NOT INC SP) " SF1588 = "NUM OF LIVING SONS (INCL STEP/ADOPTED) " SF1590 = "NUM LIVING DAUGHTERS (INCL STEP/ADOPTED) " SF1592 = "ANY LIVING SONS/DAUGHTERS " SF1593 = "TOTAL NUMBER OF LIVING CHILDREN " SF1595 = "NUM TIME UNITS HOW QUICK CHILD GET HOME " SF1597 = "TIME UNITS HOW QUICK CHILD GET HOME " SF1598 = "RESPONSE TIME OF CHILDREN " SF1600 = "NUM OF TIME UNITS HOW OFTEN SEE CHILDREN " SF1602 = "TIME UNITS HOW OFTEN SEE CHILDREN " SF1603 = "HOW OFTEN SEE CHILDREN " SF1605 = "NUM TIME UNITS HOW OFTEN TALK PHONE CHLD " SF1607 = "TIME UNITS HOW OFTEN TALK PHONE CHLD " SF1608 = "HOW OFTEN TALK ON PHONE WITH CHILDREN " SF1610 = "NUM TIME UNITS HOW OFTEN GET MAIL CHILD " SF1612 = "TIME UNITS HOW OFTEN GET MAIL CHILD " SF1613 = "HOW OFTEN GET MAIL FROM CHILDREN " SF1615 = "CHILD(REN) ROUTINELY GIVE MONEY PAY BILL " SF1616 = "OTHERS IN HOUSEHOLD (BESIDES SPOUSE) " SF1617 = "LIVE TOGETHER TO SHARE LIVING EXPENSES " SF1618 = "LIVE TOGETHER BECAUSE HEALTH/PHYSCL PROB " SF1619 = "NUM LIVING BROTHERS (INCL STEP/ADOPTED) " SF1621 = "NUM LIVING SISTERS (INCL STEP/ADOPTED) " SF1623 = "ANY LIVING CHILDREN/SIBLINGS " SF1624 = "MOTHER STILL LIVING " SF1625 = "FATHER STILL LIVING " SF1626 = "LIVING STATUS OF PARENTS " SF1627 = "NUM TIME UNIT HOW QUICK FAM MEM GET HOME " SF1629 = "TIME UNITS HOW QUICK FAM MEM GET HOME " SF1630 = "RESPONSE TIME OF FAMILY " SF1632 = "FREQUENCY HOW OFTEN SEE FAMILY " SF1634 = "TIME UNITS HOW OFTEN SEE FAMILY " SF1635 = "HOW OFTEN SEE FAMILY (NOT SPSE/CHLD) " SF1637 = "NUM TIME UNIT TALK PHONE FAM (NOT SPS/C) " SF1639 = "TIME UNITS TALK PHONE FAM (NOT SPS/C) " SF1640 = "HOW OFTEN TALK PHONE FAM (NOT SPS/CHILD) " SF1642 = "NUM TIME UNITS MAIL FAM (NOT SPS/CHLD) " SF1644 = "TIME UNITS MAIL FAM (NOT SPS/CHLD) " SF1645 = "HOW OFTEN GET MAIL FAMILY (NOT SPSE/CH) " SF1647 = "FAM MEM (N SPS/CHD) ROUT GIVE MONEY BLLS " SF1651 = "CATARACTS " SF1652 = "GLAUCOMA " SF1653 = "BLINDNESS IN BOTH EYES " SF1654 = "BLINDNESS IN ONE EYE " SF1655 = "TROUB SEE EVEN W/GLASSES (ONE/BOTH EYES) " SF1656 = "USE EYEGLASSES " SF1657 = "WERE EYEGLASSES PRESCRIBED FOR YOU " SF1658 = "USE CONTACT LENSES " SF1659 = "EVER HAD OPERATION FOR CATARACTS " SF1660 = "HAVE LENS IMPLANT " SF1661 = "USE MAGNIFYING GLASS READ/DO CLOSE WORK " SF1662 = "DEAFNESS IN BOTH EARS " SF1663 = "DEAFNESS IN ONE EAR " SF1664 = "OTHER TROUB HEARING WITH ONE/BOTH EARS " SF1665 = "EVER HAD BROKEN HIP " SF1666 = "YEAR BROKEN HIP FIRST NOTICED/OCCURRED " SF1668 = "EVER HAD OSTEOPOROSIS " SF1669 = "YEAR OSTEOPOROSIS FIRST NOTICED/OCCURRED " SF1671 = "DOCTOR SAID YOU HAD OSTEOPOROSIS " SF1672 = "EVER HAD DIABETES " SF1673 = "YEAR DIABETES FIRST NOTICED OR OCCURRED " SF1675 = "DOCTOR SAID YOU HAD DIABETES " SF1676 = "STILL HAVE DIABETES " SF1677 = "EVER HAD ARTHRITIS " SF1678 = "YEAR ARTHRITIS FIRST NOTICED OR OCCURRED " SF1680 = "DOCTOR SAID YOU HAD ARTHRITIS " SF1681 = "EVER HAD CHRONIC BRONCHITIS OR EMPHYSEMA " SF1682 = "YEAR CHRON BRONCH/EMPHYSEMA FRST NOTICED " SF1684 = "DOC SAID HAD CHRONIC BRONCHITIS OR EMPHS " SF1685 = "STILL HAVE CHRONIC BRONCH OR EMPHYSEMA " SF1686 = "EVER HAD ASTHMA " SF1687 = "YEAR ASTHMA FIRST NOTICED OR OCCURRED " SF1689 = "DOCTOR SAID YOU HAD ASTHMA " SF1690 = "STILL HAVE ASTHMA " SF1691 = "EVER HAD HYPERTENSION " SF1692 = "YEAR HYPERTENSION FIRST NOTICED/OCCURRED " SF1694 = "DOCTOR SAID YOU HAD HYPERTENSION " SF1695 = "STILL HAVE HYPERTENSION " SF1696 = "EVER HAD HEART DISEASE " SF1697 = "YEAR HEART DISEASE FIRST NOTICED/OCCURRD " SF1699 = "DOCTOR SAID YOU HAD HEART DISEASE " SF1700 = "EVER HAD ANY OTHER HEART DISEASE " SF1701 = "YEAR OTHER HEART DIS FRST NOTICED/OCCURD " SF1703 = "DOCTOR SAID YOU HAD OTHER HEART DISEASE " SF1704 = "EVER HAD STROKE OR CVA " SF1705 = "YEAR STROKE OR CVA FIRST NOTICED/OCCURRD " SF1707 = "DOCTOR SAID YOU HAD STROKE OR CVA " SF1708 = "EVER HAD CANCER OF ANY KIND " SF1709 = "YEAR CANCER FIRST NOTICED OR OCCURRED " SF1711 = "DOCTOR SAID YOU HAD CANCER " SF1712 = "STILL HAVE CANCER " SF1713 = "COLON/RECTAL/BOWEL " SF1714 = "SKIN (MELANOMA) " SF1715 = "SKIN (NON-MELANOMA) " SF1716 = "SKIN (UNKNOWN TYPE) " SF1717 = "UTERINE/OVARIAN " SF1718 = "PROSTATE " SF1719 = "STOMACH " SF1720 = "LEUKEMIA " SF1721 = "BREAST " SF1722 = "CERVICAL " SF1723 = "LUNG " SF1724 = "OTHER " SF1725 = "NUMBER OF TYPES OF CANCER MENTIONED " SF1727 = "NUMBER OF CONDITIONS REPORTED EVER HAD " SF1729 = "SOMETIMES HAVE TROUBLE WITH DIZZINESS " SF1730 = "DIZZINESS PREVENT YOU FROM DOING THINGS " SF1731 = "TROUBLE BITING/CHEWING FOOD " SF1741 = "SELF-RATED HEALTH " SF1742 = "HOW OFTEN FELT SAD/DEPRESSED PAST 12 MON " SF1743 = "LEVEL OF ACTIVITY COMPARED TO ONE YR AGO " SF1744 = "REGULAR EXERCISE ROUTINE " SF1745 = "FEET HEIGHT WITHOUT SHOES " SF1746 = "INCHES HEIGHT WITHOUT SHOES " SF1748 = "HEIGHT WITHOUT SHOES " SF1753 = "WEIGHT WITHOUT SHOES LBS " SF1756 = "WEIGHT WITHOUT SHOES KILOGRAMS " SF1760 = "USUAL WEIGHT AGE 50 " SF1763 = "WEIGHT AT AGE 50 " SF1767 = "EVER SMOKED 100 CIGARETTES " SF1768 = "NOW SMOKE CIGARETTES " SF1769 = "CURRENT SMOKER I " SF1770 = "CURRENT SMOKER II " SF1771 = "YEARS OF CIGARETTE SMOKING " SF1773 = "HAD AT LEAST ONE ALCOHOLIC DRINK PAST YR " SF1774 = "NUM TIME UNITS AVG DRINKING IN PAST YEAR " SF1777 = "TIME UNITS AVG DRINKING IN PAST YEAR " SF1778 = "NUM DAYS RESP DRANK ALCOHOL BEV PST YEAR " SF1780 = "NUMBER OF DRINKS ON DAYS THAT YOU DRANK " SF1791 = "USED SENIOR CENTER - PAST 12 MON " SF1792 = "HOW OFTEN USED SENIOR CENTER " SF1793 = "USED SPECIAL TRANS - PAST 12 MONTHS " SF1794 = "HOW OFTEN USED SPECIAL TRANSPORTATION " SF1795 = "USED MEAL DELIVERY SERVICE - PAST 12 MON " SF1796 = "HOW OFTEN USED MEAL DELIVERY SERVICE " SF1797 = "USED SENIOR CTR MEAL SERV - PAST 12 MON " SF1798 = "HOW OFTEN USED SENIOR CENTER MEAL SERV " SF1799 = "USED HOMEMAKER SERVICE - PAST 12 MONTHS " SF1800 = "HOW OFTEN USED HOMEMAKER SERVICE " SF1801 = "USED INFO & REFERRAL SERV - PAST 12 MON " SF1802 = "HOW OFTEN USED INFORMATION SERVICES " SF1811 = "SELF/PROXY STATUS " SF1812 = "ASSISTANTS RELATIONSHIP TO SP " SF1814 = "PROXYS RELATIONSHIP TO SP " SF1816 = "PROXY/ASSISTANT LIVES WITH SP " SF1817 = "SP IS HOSPITALIZED " SF1818 = "SP IS INSTITUTIONALIZED " SF1819 = "SP HAS HEARING PROBLEM " SF1820 = "SP HAS SPEECH PROBLEM " SF1821 = "SP HAS LANGUAGE PROBLEM " SF1822 = "SP HAS POOR MEMORY, SENILITY, CONFUSION " SF1823 = "SP HAS ALZHEIMERS " SF1824 = "SP HAS OTHER MENTAL CONDITION " SF1825 = "SP HAS OTHER PHYSICAL ILLNESS/DISABILITY " SF1826 = "OTHER NON-HEALTH REASON " SF1827 = "WAVE 2 INTERVIEW ELIGIBILITY STATUS " SF1828 = "WAVE 2 LOCATING STATUS " SF1829 = "WAVE 2 INTERVIEW OUTCOME " SF1830 = "WAVE 2 INTERVIEW DATA LOCATION " SF1831 = "MONTH OF WAVE 2 INTERVIEW - INITIAL " SF1833 = "YEAR OF WAVE 2 INTERVIEW - INITIAL " SF1837 = "MONTH OF WAVE 2 INTERVIEW - FINAL " SF1839 = "YEAR OF WAVE 2 INTERVIEW - FINAL " SF1843 = "INTERVIEW MODE " SF1844 = "INTERVIEW COMPLETION STATUS " SF1845 = "INTERVIEW INSTRUMENT " SF1846 = "SP'S VITAL STATUS " SF1847 = "MONTH SP LAST KNOWN ALIVE " SF1849 = "YEAR SP LAST KNOWN ALIVE " SF1853 = "RESPONDENT TYPE " SF1854 = "WAVE 2 REINTERVIEW OUTCOME STATUS " SF1856 = "SP'S SEX " SF1857 = "SP'S AGE AT BASELINE SOA II " SF1859 = "RESIDENTIAL STATUS " SF1861 = "TYPE OF RESIDENCE " SF1863 = "TYPE OF RESIDENCE (RECODE TO MATCH S431) " SF1865 = "SP'S MIGRATION STATUS " SF1867 = "MOVED SINCE LAST INTERVIEW " SF1869 = "MONTH OF LAST MOVE " SF1871 = "YEAR OF LAST MOVE " SF1875 = "WHY MOVE:SP'S HEALTH DETERIORATED " SF1877 = "WHY MOVE:SP'S HEALTH IMPROVED " SF1879 = "WHY MOVE:SPOUSE'S HEALTH DETERIORATED " SF1881 = "WHY MOVE:SPOUSE'S HEALTH IMPROVED " SF1883 = "WHY MOVE:GO TO A DIFFERENT CLIMATE " SF1885 = "WHY MOVE:SP MOVED TO A NURSING HOME " SF1887 = "WHY MOVE:SPOUSE MOVED TO A NURSING HOME " SF1889 = "WHY MOVE:SPOUSE DIED " SF1891 = "WHY MOVE:DIVORCED/SEPARATED FROM SPOUSE " SF1893 = "WHY MOVE:LIVE CLOSER TO CHILD/CHILDREN " SF1895 = "WHY MOVE:TO LIVE WITH CHILD/CHILDREN " SF1897 = "WHY MOVE:LIVE WITH OR CLOSER TO RELATIVE " SF1899 = "WHY MOVE:CHANGE IN PEOPLE LIVE/HELP SP " SF1901 = "WHY MOVE:GO TO SMALLER HOUSE/APARTMENT " SF1903 = "WHY MOVE:FOR FINANCIAL REASONS " SF1905 = "WHY MOVE:STRUCTURAL LIMITS OF OLD PLACE " SF1907 = "WHY MOVE:GO TO BETTER/SAFER NEIGHBORHOOD " SF1909 = "WHY MOVE:GO TO RETIREMENT HOME/COMMUNITY " SF1911 = "WHY MOVE:GET CLOSER TO A HEALTH FACILITY " SF1913 = "WHY MOVE:OTHER REASONS " SF1915 = "MAIN REASON FOR MOVING " SF1917 = "NECESSARY TO USE STEPS OR STAIRS " SF1919 = "BATHROOM/BEDROOM/KITCHEN SAME FLOOR " SF1921 = "RESIDENCE PROVIDES SERVICES " SF1923 = "RESIDENCE PROVIDES GROUP MEALS " SF1925 = "RESIDENCE PROVIDES NURSING CARE " SF1927 = "RESIDENCE PROVIDES HELP W/SHOPPING " SF1929 = "TYPE OF PRIVACY:SEPARATE BATHROOM " SF1931 = "TYPE OF PRIVACY:LOCKABLE ROOM DOORS " SF1933 = "TYPE OF PRIVACY:KITCHEN FACILITIES " SF1935 = "RESIDENT IN NURSING HOME " SF1937 = "HOW OFTEN RESIDENT OF NURSING HOME " SF1939 = "MONTH 1ST ADMITTED TO NURSING HOME " SF1941 = "YEAR 1ST ADMITTED TO NURSING HOME " SF1945 = "MONTH DISCHARGED FROM NURSING HOME " SF1947 = "YEAR DISCHARGED FROM NURSING HOME " SF1951 = "MONTHS SPENT IN NURSING HOME " SF1953 = "NURSING HOME PAID BY SELF/FAMILY IN HH " SF1955 = "NURSING HOME PAID BY FAMILY NOT IN HH " SF1957 = "NURSING HOME PAID BY PRIVATE INSURANCE " SF1959 = "NURSING HOME PAID FOR BY MEDICARE " SF1961 = "NURSING HOME PAID FOR BY MEDICAID " SF1963 = "NURSING HOME PAID FOR BY VA PROGRAM " SF1965 = "NURSING HOME PAID BY PRIVATE SOURCE " SF1967 = "NURSING HOME PAID BY PUBLIC SOURCE " SF1969 = "NURSING HOME PAID FOR BY NO ONE/FREE " SF1971 = "WHO PAYS MOST FOR NURSING HOME " SF1973 = "RESIDENT IN CONVALESCENT HOME,ETC " SF1975 = "HOW OFTEN RESIDENT OF CONVALESCENT HOME " SF1977 = "MONTH 1ST ADMITTED TO CONVALESCENT HOME " SF1979 = "YEAR 1ST ADMITTED TO CONVALESCENT HOME " SF1983 = "MONTH DISCHARGED FROM CONVALESCENT HOME " SF1985 = "YEAR DISCHARGED FROM CONVALESCENT HOME " SF1989 = "MONTHS SPENT IN CONVALESCENT HOME " SF1991 = "CONVLSCNT HOME PAID BY SELF/FAMILY IN HH " SF1993 = "CONVALSCNT HOME PAID BY FAMILY NOT IN HH " SF1995 = "CONVLSCNT HOME PAID BY PRIVATE INSURANCE " SF1997 = "CONVALESCENT HOME PAID FOR BY MEDICARE " SF1999 = "CONVALESCENT HOME PAID FOR BY MEDICAID " SF2001 = "CONVALESCENT HOME PAID BY VA PROGRAM " SF2003 = "CONVALESCENT HOME PAID BY PRIVATE SOURCE " SF2005 = "CONVALESCENT HOME PAID BY PUBLIC SOURCE " SF2007 = "CONVALESCENT HOME PAID BY NO ONE/FREE " SF2009 = "WHO WILL PAY MOST FOR CONVALESCENT HOME " SF2011 = "ARE YOU STILL MARRIED " SF2013 = "MARRIED TO SAME PERSON " SF2015 = "SPOUSE DIED/SEPARATED/DIVORCED " SF2017 = "MONTH WIDOWED/DIVORCED/SEPARATED " SF2019 = "YEAR WIDOWED/DIVORCED SEPARATED " SF2023 = "MONTH REMARRIED " SF2025 = "YEAR REMARRIED " SF2029 = "GOT MARRIED SINCE LAST INTERVIEW " SF2031 = "MONTH GOT MARRIED " SF2033 = "YEAR GOT MARRIED " SF2037 = "ARE YOU STILL MARRIED " SF2039 = "SPOUSE DIE/DIVORCED/SEPARATED " SF2041 = "MONTH MARRIAGE ENDED " SF2043 = "YEAR MARRIAGE ENDED " SF2047 = "RECODE W2 MARITAL STATUS (CATI) " SF2049 = "RECODE W2 MARITAL STATUS (SAQ) " SF2051 = "RECODE NUMBER OF PERSONS IN HH INCLUDING SP " SF2053 = "2ND HH MEMBER'S RELATIONSHIP TO SP " SF2055 = "SEX OF 2ND PERSON IN HH " SF2057 = "AGE OF 2ND PERSON IN HH " SF2060 = "YEAR 2ND PERSON BEGAN LIVING WITH SP " SF2064 = "3RD HH MEMBER'S RELATIONSHIP TO SP " SF2066 = "SEX OF 3RD PERSON IN HH " SF2068 = "AGE OF 3RD PERSON IN HH " SF2071 = "YEAR 3RD PERSON BEGAN LIVING WITH SP " SF2075 = "4TH HH MEMBER'S RELATIONSHIP TO SP " SF2077 = "SEX OF 4TH PERSON IN HH " SF2079 = "AGE OF 4TH PERSON IN HH " SF2082 = "YEAR 4TH PERSON BEGAN LIVING WITH SP " SF2086 = "5TH HH MEMBER'S RELATIONSHIP TO SP " SF2088 = "SEX OF 5TH PERSON IN HH " SF2090 = "AGE OF 5TH PERSON IN HH " SF2093 = "YEAR 5TH PERSON BEGAN LIVING WITH SP " SF2097 = "6TH HH MEMBER'S RELATIONSHIP TO SP " SF2099 = "SEX OF 6TH PERSON IN HH " SF2101 = "AGE OF 6TH PERSON IN HH " SF2104 = "YEAR 6TH PERSON BEGAN LIVING WITH SP " SF2108 = "7TH HH MEMBER'S RELATIONSHIP TO SP " SF2110 = "SEX OF 7TH PERSON IN HH " SF2112 = "AGE OF 7TH PERSON IN HH " SF2115 = "YEAR 7TH PERSON BEGAN LIVING WITH SP " SF2119 = "8TH HH MEMBER'S RELATIONSHIP TO SP " SF2121 = "SEX OF 8TH PERSON IN HH " SF2123 = "AGE OF 8TH PERSON IN HH " SF2126 = "YEAR 8TH PERSON BEGAN LIVING WITH SP " SF2130 = "9TH HH MEMBER'S RELATIONSHIP TO SP " SF2132 = "SEX OF 9TH PERSON IN HH " SF2134 = "AGE OF 9TH PERSON IN HH " SF2137 = "YEAR 9TH PERSON BEGAN LIVING WITH SP " SF2141 = "10TH HH MEMBER'S RELATIONSHIP TO SP " SF2143 = "SEX OF 10TH PERSON IN HH " SF2145 = "AGE OF 10TH PERSON IN HH " SF2148 = "YEAR 10TH PERSON BEGAN LIVING W/ SP " SF2152 = "11TH HH MEMBER'S RELATIONSHIP TO SP " SF2154 = "SEX OF 11TH PERSON IN HH " SF2156 = "AGE OF 11TH PERSON IN HH " SF2159 = "YEAR 11TH PERSON BEGAN LIVING W/ SP " SF2163 = "RECODE NUMBER OF PERSONS IN HH RELATED TO SP " SF2165 = "RECODE SP LIVES W/SPECIFIED RELATIVES: SPOUSE " SF2167 = "RECODE SP LIVES W/SPECIFIED RELATIVES: SON " SF2169 = "RECODE SP LIVES W/SPECIFIED RELATIVES: SON IN-LAW " SF2171 = "RECODE SP LIVES W/SPECIFIED RELATIVES: DAUGTHER " SF2173 = "RECODE SP LIVES W/SPECIFIED RELATIVES: DAUGTHER IN-LAW " SF2175 = "RECODE SP LIVES W/SPECIFIED RELATIVES: PARENT/IN-LAW PARENT " SF2177 = "RECODE SP LIVES W/SPECIFIED RELATIVES: SIBLING/IN-LAW SIBLING" SF2179 = "RECODE SP LIVES W/SPECIFIED RELATIVES: GRANDCHILD " SF2181 = "RECODE SP LIVES W/SPECIFIED RELATIVES: OTHER RELATIVE " SF2183 = "RECODE SP LIVES W/SPECIFIED RELATIVES: NON-RELATIVE " SF2185 = "SPOUSE RESIDES IN CARE FACILITY " SF2187 = "TIME SPOUSE SPENT IN CARE FACILITY " SF2189 = "WEEKS/MONTHS/YEARS IN CARE FACILITY " SF2191 = "SPOUSE'S HEALTH " SF2193 = "SPOUSE'S HEALTH SINCE LAST INTERVIEW " SF2195 = "SPOUSE'S HEALTH OVER MARRIAGE " SF2197 = "SP LIVES W/SOMEONE TO SAVE EXPENSES " SF2199 = "ROOMMATE NEEDS TO SAVE EXPENSES " SF2201 = "OTHERS LIVE W/SP DUE TO SP'S HEALTH " SF2203 = "ROOMMATE HAS PHYSICAL PROBLEM " SF2205 = "HOW MANY LIVING SONS " SF2207 = "HOW MANY LIVING DAUGHTERS " SF2209 = "RECODE ANY LIVING SONS/DAUGHTERS " SF2211 = "RECODE TOTAL NUMBER OF LIVING CHILDREN " SF2213 = "HOW QUICKLY CAN CHILDREN GET HOME " SF2216 = "MINUTES/HOURS/DAYS TO GET HOME " SF2218 = "RECODE RESPONSE TIME OF CHILDREN " SF2221 = "HOW OFTEN SEE CHILDREN " SF2224 = "TIMES SEE KIDS A DAY/WEEK/MONTH/YEAR " SF2226 = "RECODE HOW OFTEN SEE CHILDREN " SF2228 = "HOW OFTEN TALK ON PHONE " SF2231 = "TIME ON PHONE A DAY/WEEK/MONTH/YEAR " SF2233 = "RECODE HOW OFTEN TALK ON PHONE W/CHILDREN " SF2235 = "CHILDREN GIVE MONEY FOR EXPENSES " SF2237 = "GIVE MONEY TO CHILDREN FOR EXPENSES " SF2239 = "HOW MANY LIVING BROTHERS " SF2241 = "HOW MANY LIVING SISTERS " SF2243 = "RECODE ANY LIVING CHILDREN/SIBLINGS " SF2245 = "DO GARDENING/YARD WORK FOR OTHERS " SF2247 = "DO SHOPPING FOR OTHERS " SF2249 = "PROVIDE TRANSPORTATION FOR OTHERS " SF2251 = "VISIT HOMEBOUND FRIEND FOR OTHERS " SF2253 = "PROVIDE CHILD CARE FOR OTHERS " SF2255 = "DO HOUSEHOLD TASKS FOR OTHERS " SF2257 = "GET TOGETHER SOCIALLY WITH FRIENDS " SF2259 = "TALK TO FRIENDS ON TELEPHONE " SF2261 = "GET TOGETHER WITH RELATIVES " SF2263 = "TALK TO RELATIVES ON TELEPHONE " SF2265 = "GO TO CHURCH/TEMPLE/PLACE OF WORSHIP " SF2267 = "GO TO SHOW/MOVIE/SPORTING EVENT... " SF2269 = "GO OUT TO EAT AT A RESTAURANT " SF2271 = "HOW MANY DAYS LEFT HOME " SF2273 = "PRESENT SOCIAL ACTIVITIES " SF2275 = "DID YOU GO TO A SENIOR CENTER " SF2277 = "ABLE OR PREVENTED TO LEAVE HOUSE " SF2279 = "TRANSPORTATION PROBLEMS PREVENT LEAVING " SF2281 = "SP'S OWN HEALTH PROBLEMS PREVENT LEAVING " SF2283 = "SP'S OWN MENTAL PROBLEMS PREVENT LEAVING " SF2285 = "SPOUSE'S HEALTH PROBLEMS PREVENT LEAVING " SF2287 = "SPOUSE'S MENTAL PROBLEMS PREVENT LEAVING " SF2289 = "OTHER HH MEMBER'S HEALTH PREVENT LEAVING " SF2291 = "OTHER HH MEMBER'S MENTAL PREVENT LEAVING " SF2293 = "CONCERN ABOUT SAFETY PREVENTS LEAVING " SF2295 = "BAD WEATHER PREVENTS LEAVING " SF2297 = "NO PLACE TO GO PREVENTS LEAVING " SF2299 = "NO ONE TO GO WITH PREVENTS LEAVING " SF2301 = "NO TIME PREVENTS LEAVING HOME " SF2303 = "PROVIDING CHILD CARE PRVNTS LEAVING HOME " SF2305 = "FINANCIAL REASONS PREVENTS LEAVING HOME " SF2307 = "OTHER REASON PREVENTS LEAVING HOME " SF2309 = "DIFFICULTY WALKING QUARTER OF A MILE " SF2311 = "HOW MUCH DIFFICULTY WALKING 1/4 MILE " SF2313 = "DIFFICULTY WALKING 10 STAIRS NO REST " SF2315 = "HOW MUCH DIFFICULTY WALKING 10 STAIRS " SF2317 = "DIFFICULTY STOOPING / CROUCHING " SF2319 = "HOW MUCH DIFFICULTY STOOPING,ETC " SF2321 = "DIFFICULTY REACHING UP OVER YOUR HEAD " SF2323 = "HOW MUCH DIFFICULTY REACHING UP " SF2325 = "DIFFICULTY REACHING OUT/SHAKING HANDS " SF2327 = "HOW MUCH DIFFICULTY REACHING OUT " SF2329 = "DIFFICULTY USING FINGERS TO GRASP " SF2331 = "HOW MUCH DIFFICULTY USING FINGERS GRASP " SF2333 = "DIFFICULTY LIFTING/CARRYING 10LBS " SF2335 = "HOW MUCH DIFFICULTY LIFTING 10LBS " SF2337 = "RECODE NUMBER OF NAGI ACTIVITIES WITH WHICH SP HAS DIFFICULTY (1a - g) " SF2339 = "RECODE NUMBER OF NAGI ACTIVITIES SP IS UNABLE TO PERFORM (2a - g) " SF2341 = "DUE TO HEALTH, DIFFICULTY BATHING " SF2343 = "HOW MUCH DIFFICULTY BATHING " SF2345 = "DUE TO HEALTH, DIFFICULTY DRESSING " SF2347 = "HOW MUCH DIFFICULTY DRESSING " SF2349 = "DUE TO HEALTH, DIFFICULTY EATING " SF2351 = "HOW MUCH DIFFICULTY EATING " SF2353 = "DUE TO HEALTH, DIFFICULTY IN/OUT BED " SF2355 = "HOW MUCH DIFFICULTY GET IN/OUT OF BED " SF2357 = "DUE TO HEALTH, DIFFICULTY WALKING " SF2359 = "HOW MUCH DIFFICULTY WALKING " SF2361 = "DUE TO HEALTH, DIFFICULTY USING TOILET " SF2363 = "HOW MUCH DIFFICULTY USING TOILET " SF2365 = "RECODE NUMBER OF ADL ACTVITIES WITH WHICH SP HAS DIFFICULTY (3a - f) " SF2367 = "RECODE NUMBER OF ADL ACTVITIES SP IS UNABLE TO PERFORM (4) " SF2369 = "OFTEN TROUBLED WITH PAIN " SF2371 = "DIFFICULTY CONTROLLING URINATION " SF2373 = "ANY DIFFICULTY W/ PREPARING OWN MEAL " SF2375 = "HOW MUCH DIFFICULTY PREPARING MEALS " SF2377 = "RECEIVE HANDS ON HELP PREPARING MEALS " SF2379 = "ANY DIFFICULTY W/ PERSONAL SHOPPING " SF2381 = "HOW MUCH DIFFICULTY W/ SHOPPING " SF2383 = "RECEIVE HANDS ON HELP SHOPPING " SF2385 = "ANY DIFFICULTY W/ MANAGING MONEY " SF2387 = "HOW MUCH DIFFICULTY MANAGING MONEY " SF2389 = "RECEIVE HANDS ON HELP MANAGING MONEY " SF2391 = "ANY DIFFICULTY W/ USING TELEPHONE " SF2393 = "HOW MUCH DIFFICULTY USING TELEPHONE " SF2395 = "RECEIVE HANDS ON HELP USING TELEPHONE " SF2397 = "ANY DIFFICULTY DOING HEAVY HOUSEWORK " SF2399 = "HOW MUCH DIFFICULTY WITH HEAVY HOUSEWORK " SF2401 = "RECEIVE HANDS ON HELP HEAVY HOUSEWORK " SF2403 = "ANY DIFFICULTY DOING LIGHT HOUSEWORK " SF2405 = "HOW MUCH DIFFICULTY WITH LIGHT HOUSEWORK " SF2407 = "RECEIVE HANDS ON HELP LIGHT HOUSEWORK " SF2409 = "ANY DIFFICULTY MANAGING MEDICATION " SF2411 = "HOW MUCH DIFFICULTY MANAGING MEDICATION " SF2413 = "RECEIVE HANDS ON HELP MANAGING MEDS " SF2415 = "RECODE NUMBER OF IADL ACTIVITIES WITH WHICH SP HAS ANY DIFFICULTY - CATI (11g - m) " SF2417 = "RECODE NUMBER OF IADL ACTIVITIES SP IS UNABLE TO PERFORM - CATI (12) " SF2419 = "RECODE NUMBER OF IADL ACTIVITIES WITH WHICH SP RECEIVES HELP FROM ANOTHER PERSON - CATI (13) " SF2421 = "RECODE NUMBER OF IADL ACTIVITIES WITH WHICH SP HAS ANY DIFFICULTY - SAQ (23a,c,e,g,i,k) " SF2423 = "RECODE NUMBER OF IADL ACTIVITIES SP IS UNABLE TO PERFORM - SAQ (23b,d,f,h,j,l) " SF2425 = "RECODE NUMBER OF IADL ACTIVITIES WITH WHICH SP RECEIVES HELP FROM ANOTHER PERSON - SAQ (24) " SF2427 = "EASIER OR HARDER TO WALK 1/4 MILE " SF2429 = "EASIER OR HARDER TO WALK 10 STEPS " SF2431 = "EASIER/HARDER SINCE LAST TIME TO BATH " SF2433 = "EASIER/HARDER THAN BEFORE: IN/OUT OF BED " SF2435 = "HAVE YOU FALLEN " SF2437 = "FALLEN MORE THAN ONCE " SF2439 = "INJURED FROM FALL(S) " SF2441 = "INJURY FROM FALL:FRACTURE " SF2443 = "INJURY FROM FALL:BRUISE, CUT, OR SCRAPE " SF2445 = "INJURY FROM FALL:LOST CONSCIOUSNESS " SF2447 = "INJURY FROM FALL:OTHER " SF2449 = "FELL BECAUSE OF DIZZINESS " SF2451 = "RECEIVE HELP BATHING OR SHOWERING " SF2453 = "RECEIVE HELP DRESSING " SF2455 = "RECEIVE HELP EATING " SF2457 = "RECEIVE HELP GETTING IN/OUT OF BED/CHAIR " SF2459 = "RECEIVE HELP WALKING " SF2461 = "RECEIVE HELP USING THE TOILET " SF2463 = "RECEIVE HELP PREPARING MEALS " SF2465 = "RECEIVE HELP SHOPPING " SF2467 = "RECEIVE HELP MANAGING MONEY " SF2469 = "RECEIVE HELP USING THE TELEPHONE " SF2471 = "RECEIVE HELP DOING HEAVY HOUSEWORK " SF2473 = "RECEIVE HELP DOING LIGHT HOUSEWORK " SF2475 = "RECEIVE HELP MANAGING MEDICATION " SF2477 = "RECODE SP RECEIVES HELP WITH ANY ACTIVITY " SF2479 = "WHO USUALLY HELPS YOU (1ST HELPER) RECODE " SF2481 = "WHO USUALLY HELPS YOU (2ND HELPER) RECODE " SF2483 = "WHO USUALLY HELPS YOU (3RD HELPER) RECODE " SF2485 = "WHO USUALLY HELPS YOU (4TH HELPER) RECODE " SF2487 = "RECODE NUMBER OF HELPERS LISTED " SF2489 = "FIRST HELPER HELPS W/BATHING/SHOWERING " SF2491 = "FIRST HELPER HELPS W/DRESSING " SF2493 = "FIRST HELPER HELPS W/EATING " SF2495 = "FIRST HELPER HELPS W/GETTING IN/OUT BED " SF2497 = "FIRST HELPER HELPS W/WALKING " SF2499 = "FIRST HELPER HELPS W/USE OF TOILET " SF2501 = "FIRST HELPER HELPS W/PREPARING OWN MEALS " SF2503 = "FIRST HELPER HELPS W/SHOPPING " SF2505 = "FIRST HELPER HELPS W/MANAGING YOUR MONEY " SF2507 = "FIRST HELPER HELPS W/USING THE TELEPHONE " SF2509 = "FIRST HELPER HELPS W/HEAVY HOUSEWORK " SF2511 = "FIRST HELPER HELPS W/LIGHT HOUSEWORK " SF2513 = "FIRST HELPER HELPS W/TAKING MEDICATIONS " SF2515 = "TYPE OF FIRST HELPER " SF2517 = "GENDER OF FIRST HELPER " SF2519 = "IS FIRST HELPER PAID " SF2521 = "HOW MANY DAYS HELPED BY 1ST HELPER " SF2523 = "SECOND HELPER HELPS W/BATHING/SHOWERING " SF2525 = "SECOND HELPER HELPS W/DRESSING " SF2527 = "SECOND HELPER HELPS W/EATING " SF2529 = "SECOND HELPER HELPS W/GETTING IN/OUT BED " SF2531 = "SECOND HELPER HELPS W/WALKING " SF2533 = "SECOND HELPER HELPS W/USE OF TOILET " SF2535 = "SECOND HELPER HELPS W/PREPARING OWN MEAL " SF2537 = "SECOND HELPER HELPS W/SHOPPING " SF2539 = "SECOND HELPER HELPS W/MANAGING MONEY " SF2541 = "SECOND HELPER HELPS W/USE OF TELEPHONE " SF2543 = "SECOND HELPER HELPS W/HEAVY HOUSEWORK " SF2545 = "SECOND HELPER HELPS W/LIGHT HOUSEWORK " SF2547 = "SECOND HELPER HELPS W/MANAGING MEDS " SF2549 = "TYPE OF SECOND HELPER " SF2551 = "GENDER OF SECOND HELPER " SF2553 = "IS SECOND HELPER PAID " SF2555 = "HOW MANY DAYS HELPED BY 2ND HELPER " SF2557 = "THIRD HELPER HELPS W/BATHING/SHOWERING " SF2559 = "THIRD HELPER HELPS W/DRESSING " SF2561 = "THIRD HELPER HELPS W/EATING " SF2563 = "THIRD HELPER HELPS W/GETTING IN/OUT BED " SF2565 = "THIRD HELPER HELPS W/WALKING " SF2567 = "THIRD HELPER HELPS W/USE OF TOILET " SF2569 = "THIRD HELPER HELPS W/PREPARING OWN MEALS " SF2571 = "THIRD HELPER HELPS W/SHOPPING " SF2573 = "THIRD HELPER HELPS W/MANAGING YOUR MONEY " SF2575 = "THIRD HELPER HELPS W/USING THE TELEPHONE " SF2577 = "THIRD HELPER HELPS W/HEAVY HOUSEWORK " SF2579 = "THIRD HELPER HELPS W/LIGHT HOUSEWORK " SF2581 = "THIRD HELPER HELPS W/MANAGING MEDS " SF2583 = "TYPE OF THIRD HELPER " SF2585 = "GENDER OF THIRD HELPER " SF2587 = "IS THIRD HELPER PAID " SF2589 = "HOW MANY DAYS HELPED BY 3RD HELPER " SF2591 = "FOURTH HELPER HELPS W/BATHING/SHOWERING " SF2593 = "FOURTH HELPER HELPS W/DRESSING " SF2595 = "FOURTH HELPER HELPS W/EATING " SF2597 = "FOURTH HELPER HELPS W/GETTING IN/OUT BED " SF2599 = "FOURTH HELPER HELPS W/WALKING " SF2601 = "FOURTH HELPER HELPS W/USE OF TOILET " SF2603 = "FOURTH HELPER HELPS W/PREPARING MEALS " SF2605 = "FOURTH HELPER HELPS W/SHOPPING " SF2607 = "FOURTH HELPER HELPS W/MANAGING MONEY " SF2609 = "FOURTH HELPER HELPS W/USE OF TELEPHONE " SF2611 = "FOURTH HELPER HELPS W/HEAVY HOUSEWORK " SF2613 = "FOURTH HELPER HELPS W/LIGHT HOUSEWORK " SF2615 = "FOURTH HELPER HELPS W/MANAGING MEDS " SF2617 = "TYPE OF FOURTH HELPER " SF2619 = "GENDER OF FOURTH HELPER " SF2621 = "IS FOURTH HELPER PAID " SF2623 = "HOW MANY DAYS HELPED BY 4TH HELPER " SF2625 = "WHO HELPS THE MOST (HELPER NUMBER) " SF2627 = "DO YOU HAVE CATARACTS " SF2629 = "CATARACTS IN ONE OR BOTH EYES " SF2631 = "SAQ NOW HAVE CATARACTS IN ONE EYE " SF2633 = "SAQ NOW HAVE CATARACTS IN BOTH EYES " SF2635 = "DO YOU HAVE GLAUCOMA " SF2637 = "BLINDNESS " SF2639 = "BLINDNESS IN ONE OR BOTH EYES " SF2641 = "SAQ NOW HAVE BLINDNESS IN ONE EYE " SF2643 = "SAQ NOW HAVE BLINDNESS IN BOTH EYES " SF2645 = "TROUBLE SEEING " SF2647 = "RECODE USE GLASSES OR CONTACTS AT BASELINE " SF2649 = "USE GLASSES OR CONTACTS " SF2651 = "IS VISION BETTER/WORSE/SAME " SF2653 = "NOW HAVE DEAFNESS " SF2655 = "DEAFNESS IN ONE OR BOTH EARS " SF2657 = "SAQ NOW HAVE DEAFNESS IN ONE EAR " SF2659 = "SAQ NOW HAVE DEAFNESS IN BOTH EARS " SF2661 = "ANY OTHER TROUBLE HEARING " SF2663 = "USE A HEARING AID " SF2665 = "IS HEARING BETTER/ WORSE/SAME " SF2667 = "TOOTH OR MOUTH PROBLEMS " SF2669 = "HAD A BROKEN HIP " SF2671 = "HAVE OSTEOPOROSIS " SF2673 = "IS OSTEOPOROSIS BETTER/WORSE/SAME " SF2675 = "NOW HAVE DIABETES " SF2677 = "UNDER CARE FOR DIABETES " SF2679 = "DIABETES BETTER/WORSE/SAME " SF2681 = "NOW HAVE ARTHRITIS " SF2683 = "ARTHRITIS BETTER/WORSE/SAME " SF2685 = "HAVE BRONCHITIS/EMPHYSEMA " SF2687 = "BRONCHITIS BETTER/WORSE/SAME " SF2689 = "NOW HAVE ASTHMA " SF2691 = "ASTHMA BETTER/WORSE/SAME " SF2693 = "HAVE HYPERTENSION " SF2695 = "UNDER CARE FOR HYPERTENSION " SF2697 = "HYPERTENSION BETTER/WORSE/SAME " SF2699 = "HAVE HEART DISEASE " SF2701 = "HEART ATTACK SINCE LAST INTERVIEW " SF2703 = "UNDER CARE FOR HEART CONDITION " SF2705 = "HEART CONDITION BETTER/WORSE/SAME " SF2707 = "HAD A STROKE SINCE LAST INTERVIEW " SF2709 = "DO YOU NOW HAVE CANCER " SF2711 = "RECODE NUMBER OF CONDITIONS REPORTED " SF2713 = "KIND OF CANCER:COLON/RECTAL/BOWEL " SF2715 = "KIND OF CANCER:SKIN - MELANOMA " SF2717 = "KIND OF CANCER:SKIN - NONMELANOMA " SF2719 = "KIND OF CANCER:SKIN - UNKNOWN TYPE " SF2721 = "KIND OF CANCER:UTERINE/OVARIAN " SF2723 = "KIND OF CANCER:PROSTATE " SF2725 = "KIND OF CANCER:STOMACH " SF2727 = "KIND OF CANCER:LEUKEMIA " SF2729 = "KIND OF CANCER:BREAST " SF2731 = "KIND OF CANCER:CERVICAL " SF2733 = "KIND OF CANCER:LUNG " SF2735 = "KIND OF CANCER:LIVER " SF2737 = "KIND OF CANCER:PANCREATIC " SF2739 = "KIND OF CANCER:KIDNEY " SF2741 = "KIND OF CANCER:LYMPHOMA " SF2743 = "KIND OF CANCER:OTHER " SF2745 = "COLON/RECTAL CANCER BETTER/WORSE/SAME " SF2747 = "MELANOMA SKIN CANCER BETTER/WORSE/SAME " SF2749 = "NONMELANOMA SKIN CANCER BETTER/WRSE/SAME " SF2751 = "UNKNWN TYP SKIN CANCER BETTER/WORSE/SAME " SF2753 = "UTERINE/OVARIAN CANCER BETTER/WORSE/SAME " SF2755 = "PROSTATE CANCER BETTER/WORSE/SAME " SF2757 = "STOMACH CANCER BETTER/WORSE/SAME " SF2759 = "LEUKEMIA BETTER/WORSE/SAME " SF2761 = "BREAST CANCER BETTER/WORSE/SAME " SF2763 = "CERVICAL CANCER BETTER/WORSE/SAME " SF2765 = "LUNG CANCER BETTER/WORSE/SAME " SF2767 = "OTHER CANCER BETTER/WORSE/SAME " SF2769 = "RECODE NUMBER OF CANCER TYPES MENTIONED (FEMALE SPs) " SF2771 = "RECODE NUMBER OF CANCER TYPES MENTIONED (MALE SPs) " SF2773 = "EVER TOLD HAD OSTEOPOROSIS " SF2775 = "EVER TOLD HAVE ARTHRITIS " SF2777 = "HAVE PAIN OR CRAMPS IN LEGS AT NIGHT " SF2779 = "HAVE PERSISTENT SWELLING IN FEET/ANKLES " SF2781 = "HAVE SHORTNESS OF BREATH WHILE AWAKE " SF2783 = "HAVE PERSISTENT DIZZINESS " SF2785 = "HAVE PROBLEMS WITH BALANCE " SF2787 = "HAVE BACK PAIN OR PROBLEMS " SF2789 = "HAVE CORNS/BUNIONS/INGROWN TOENAILS " SF2791 = "SP'S GENERAL HEALTH " SF2793 = "SP'S HEALTH SINCE LAST INTERVIEW " SF2795 = "WHY HLTH IMPRVD:SURGERY/PROCEDURE " SF2797 = "WHY HLTH IMPRVD:PHYSICAL THERAPY " SF2799 = "WHY HLTH IMPRVD:MEDS/VITAMINS " SF2801 = "WHY HLTH IMPRVD:EXERCISE " SF2803 = "WHY HLTH IMPRVD:DIET " SF2805 = "WHY HLTH IMPRVD:CHANGE IN HEALTH CARE " SF2807 = "WHY HLTH IMPRVD: SPOUSE MOVED/DIED " SF2809 = "WHY HLTH IMPRVD:MOVED TO BETTER CLIMATE " SF2811 = "WHY HLTH IMPRVD:ATTITUDE/STRESS MGMT " SF2813 = "WHY HLTH IMPRVD:FAMILY CARING FOR SP NOW " SF2815 = "WHY HLTH IMPRVD:CONDITION CURED/IMPROVED " SF2817 = "WHY HLTH IMPRVD:OTHER SPECIFY " SF2819 = "HOW OFTEN FELT SAD OR DEPRESSED " SF2821 = "PHYSICAL ACTIVITY MORE/LESS/SAME " SF2823 = "FOLLOW REGULAR PHYSICAL ROUTINE " SF2825 = "WEIGHT WITHOUT SHOES " SF2828 = "RECODE WEIGHT WITHOUT SHOES(KILOGRAMS) (1 DECIMAL IMPLIED) " SF2832 = "LOST 10 LBS SINCE LAST INTERVIEW " SF2834 = "TRIED TO LOSE WEIGHT " SF2836 = "SURGERY/ILLNESS/MEDICINE A FACTOR " SF2838 = "AT LEAST ONE DRINK IN PAST YEAR " SF2840 = "AVERAGE NUMBER OF DRINKING DAYS " SF2843 = "DRINKING DAYS PER WEEKS/MONTH/YEAR " SF2845 = "RECODE NUMBER OF DAYS DRANK ALCOHOLIC BEVERAGE(S) IN PAST YEAR " SF2848 = "NUMBER OF DRINKS ON THOSE DAYS " SF2850 = "ILLNESS/CONDITION CHANGED EATING " SF2852 = "SERVINGS OF FRUIT PER DAY " SF2854 = "SERVINGS OF VEGETABLES PER DAY " SF2856 = "DO YOU TAKE VITAMINS " SF2858 = "DO YOU TAKE ASPIRIN " SF2860 = "MEALS ON WHEELS DELIVERED TO HOME " SF2862 = "EAT AT SENIOR CENTER/FACILITY " SF2864 = "CHOLESTEROL CHECKED " SF2866 = "HAD FLU SHOT " SF2868 = "LAST TIME HAD MAMMOGRAM " SF2870 = "WHY HAVEN'T HAD MAMMOGRAM " SF2872 = "LAST TIME HAD PROSTATE EXAM " SF2874 = "HOW IS MEMORY " SF2876 = "MEMORY OF 10 RANDOM WORDS " SF2878 = "RECODE RANDOM WORD LIST " SF2880 = "1ST WORD ON RECALL LIST " SF2882 = "2ND WORD ON RECALL LIST " SF2884 = "3RD WORD ON RECALL LIST " SF2886 = "4TH WORD ON RECALL LIST " SF2888 = "5TH WORD ON RECALL LIST " SF2890 = "6TH WORD ON RECALL LIST " SF2892 = "7TH WORD ON RECALL LIST " SF2894 = "8TH WORD ON RECALL LIST " SF2896 = "9TH WORD ON RECALL LIST " SF2898 = "10TH WORD ON RECALL LIST " SF2900 = "RECODE SCORE OF 10 WORD MEMORY TEST " SF2902 = "MEMORY OF MONTH " SF2904 = "MEMORY OF DAY " SF2906 = "MEMORY OF YEAR " SF2908 = "MEMORY OF DAY OF THE WEEK " SF2910 = "SECONDS TO COUNT BACK FROM 20 " SF2920 = "1ST COUNT BACK FROM 20 " SF2922 = "SECS TO COUNT BACK FROM 20:2ND SET " SF2932 = "2ND COUNT BACK FROM 20 " SF2934 = "SECS TO COUNT BACK FROM 86:1ST SET " SF2944 = "1ST COUNT BACK FROM 86 " SF2946 = "SECS TO COUNT BACK FROM 86:2ND SET " SF2956 = "2ND COUNT BACK FROM 86 " SF2958 = "WHAT IS USED TO CUT PAPER:SCISSORS " SF2960 = "WHAT IS NAME OF DESERT PLANT:CACTUS " SF2962 = "WHO IS THE PRESIDENT:CLINTON " SF2964 = "WHO IS THE VICE PRESIDENT:GORE " SF2966 = "DID SP RECEIVE ASSISTANCE " SF2968 = "SP'S MEMORY REPORTED BY PROXY " SF2970 = "SP'S MEMORY OF FRIENDS/FAMILY " SF2972 = "MUCH/BIT IMPROVED MEMORY FRIENDS/FAMILY " SF2974 = "MUCH/BIT WORSE MEMORY FRIENDS/FAMILY " SF2976 = "SP AT REMEMBERING RECENT EVENTS " SF2978 = "MUCH/BIT IMPROVED MEMORY RECENT EVENTS " SF2980 = "MUCH/BIT WORSE MEMORY RECENT EVENTS " SF2982 = "SP AT RECALLING CONVERSATIONS DAYS LATER " SF2984 = "MUCH/BIT IMPROVED RECALLING DAYS LATER " SF2986 = "MUCH/BIT WORSE RECALLING DAYS LATER " SF2988 = "SP AT REMEMBERING ADDRESS/PHONE " SF2990 = "MUCH/BIT IMPROVED REMEMBER ADDRESS/PHONE " SF2992 = "MUCH/BIT WORSE REMEMBERING ADDRESS/PHONE " SF2994 = "SP AT REMEMBERING DAY/MONTH " SF2996 = "MUCH/BIT IMPROVED REMEMBERING DAY/MONTH " SF2998 = "MUCH/BIT WORSE REMEMBERING DAY/MONTH " SF3000 = "SP AT KNOWING WHERE THINGS ARE KEPT " SF3002 = "MUCH/BIT IMPROVED KNOW WHERE THINGS KEPT " SF3004 = "MUCH/BIT WORSE KNOWING WHERE THINGS KEPT " SF3006 = "SP AT MAKING DECISIONS " SF3008 = "MUCH/BIT IMPROVED MAKING DECISIONS " SF3010 = "MUCH/BIT WORSE MAKING DECISIONS " SF3012 = "SP AT HANDLING MONEY FOR SHOPPING " SF3014 = "MUCH/BIT IMPROVED HANDLING MONEY SHOP " SF3016 = "MUCH/BIT WORSE HANDLING MONEY SHOPPING " SF3018 = "SP AT HANDLING FINANCIAL MATTERS " SF3020 = "MUCH/BIT IMPROVED AT FINANCIAL MATTERS " SF3022 = "MUCH/BIT WORSE AT FINANCIAL MATTERS " SF3024 = "SP EVER LOST IN FAMILIAR AREA " SF3026 = "SP EVER WANDER OFF " SF3028 = "SP CAN BE LEFT ALONE FOR AN HOUR " SF3030 = "SP SEE/HEAR THINGS NOT THERE " SF3032 = "HAVE A DOCTOR WHO YOU SEE REGULARLY " SF3034 = "SEEN DOCTOR IN PAST 12 MONTHS " SF3036 = "TIMES SEEN DOCTOR IN PAST 3 MONTHS " SF3038 = "GO TO SPECIFIC CLINIC/CENTER/OFFICE " SF3040 = "SEEN DOCTOR AT THIS PLACE IN PAST 12 MOS " SF3042 = "TIMES SEEN DOCTOR IN PAST 3 MONTHS " SF3044 = "SEEN MEDICAL SPECIALIST IN PAST 12 MONTH " SF3046 = "HOW MANY SPECIALISTS SEEN IN PAST 3 MOS " SF3048 = "BEEN A HOSPITAL PATIENT OVERNIGHT " SF3050 = "HOW OFTEN BEEN A PATIENT OVERNIGHT " SF3052 = "HOW MANY NIGHTS IN HOSPITAL " SF3055 = "RECEIVED CARE IN HOME " SF3057 = "RECEIVED SKILLED NURSING CARE " SF3059 = "RECEIVED PHYSICAL THERAPY " SF3061 = "RECEIVED OCCUPATIONAL THERAPY " SF3063 = "RECEIVED SPEECH THERAPY " SF3065 = "RECEIVED DIALYSIS " SF3067 = "RECEIVED TUBE FEEDING " SF3069 = "RECEIVED PERSONAL ASSISTANT SERVICES " SF3071 = "RECEIVED HOMEMAKER/COMPANION SERVICES " SF3073 = "RECEIVED OXYGEN / RESPIRATORY THERAPY " SF3075 = "RECEIVED HOSPICE CARE " SF3077 = "OTHER CARE SERVICES RECEIVED " SF3079 = "RECEIVED SERVICES IN PAST 3 MONTHS " SF3081 = "TIMES RECEIVED CARE SERVICES RECENTLY " SF3084 = "HOME HLTH SRVC PAID BY:SELF/FAMILY IN HH " SF3086 = "HOME HLTH SRVC PAID BY:NON-HH FAMILY " SF3088 = "HOME HLTH SRVC PAID BY:PRIVATE INSURANCE " SF3090 = "HOME HEALTH SERVICES PAID BY:MEDICARE " SF3092 = "HOME HEALTH SERVICES PAID BY:MEDICAID " SF3094 = "HOME HEALTH SERVICE PAID BY:VA PROGRAM " SF3096 = "HOME HLTH SERVICE PAID BY:ADMIN ON AGING " SF3098 = "HOME HLTH SERVICE PAID BY:PRIVATE SOURCE " SF3100 = "HOME HLTH SERVICE PAID BY:PUBLIC SOURCE " SF3102 = "HOME HEALTH SERVICE PAID BY:NO ONE/FREE " SF3104 = "WHO PAID MOST FOR HOME HEALTH SERVICES " SF3106 = "MEDICARE PAID ALL/PART OF HOME SERVICES " SF3108 = "NEED MORE HOME HEALTH SERVICES " SF3110 = "WHY NOT GET SRVCS NEEDED:PROVIDER " SF3112 = "WHY NOT GET SRVCS NEEDED:NO REFERRAL " SF3114 = "WHY NOT GET SRVCS NEEDED:CANNOT AFFORD " SF3116 = "WHY NOT GET SRVCS NEEDED:NO COVERAGE " SF3118 = "WHY NOT GET SRVCS NEEDED:COVERAGE DONE " SF3120 = "WHY NOT GET SRVCS NEEDED:NOT ON MEDICAID " SF3122 = "WHY NOT GET SRVCS NEEDED:NO PROVIDER " SF3124 = "WHY NOT GET SRVCS NEEDED:DIDN'T LIKE PRV " SF3126 = "WHY NOT GET SERVICES NEEDED:OTHER " SF3128 = "NEED SERVICES SINCE LAST INTERVIEW " SF3130 = "WHY DIDN'T GET SRVCS:NO PROVIDER " SF3132 = "WHY DIDN'T GET SRVCS:PROVIDER DECISION " SF3134 = "WHY DIDN'T GET SRVCS:NO REFERRAL " SF3136 = "WHY DIDN'T GET SRVCS:CANNOT AFFORD " SF3138 = "WHY DIDN'T GET SRVCS:NO COVERAGE " SF3140 = "WHY DIDN'T GET SRVCS:COVERAGE RAN OUT " SF3142 = "WHY DIDN'T GET SRVCS:NOT ON MEDICAID " SF3144 = "WHY DIDN'T GET SRVCS:NO HOME HEALTH SRVC " SF3146 = "WHY DIDN'T GET SRVCS:DIDN'T LIKE PROVDER " SF3148 = "WHY DIDN'T GET SRVCS:INSTITUTIONALIZED " SF3150 = "WHY DIDN'T GET SERVICES:OTHER " SF3152 = "EVER HAD HEART SURGERY/CORONARY BYPASS " SF3154 = "EVER HAD CORONARY/BALLOON ANGIOPLASTY " SF3156 = "EVER HAD CORONARY CATHETERIZATION " SF3158 = "EVER HAD SURGERY TO INSERT PACEMAKER " SF3160 = "EVER HAD SURGERY TO INSERT HEART VALVE " SF3162 = "EVER HAD CHEMOTHERAPY " SF3164 = "EVER HAD RADIATION THERAPY " SF3166 = "EVER HAD SURGERY FOR CANCER " SF3168 = "EVER HAD HIP REPLACEMENT SURGERY " SF3170 = "EVER HAD KNEE REPLACEMENT SURGERY " SF3172 = "EVER HAD FOOT SURGERY " SF3174 = "EVER HAD A HERNIA OPERATION " SF3176 = "EVER HAD KIDNEY DIALYSIS " SF3178 = "EVER HAD A KIDNEY TRANSPLANT " SF3180 = "EVER HAD A STRESS TEST " SF3182 = "EVER HAD CATARACT SURGERY " SF3184 = "CATARACT SURGERY ON ONE OR BOTH EYES " SF3186 = "EVER HAD A HYSTERECTOMY " SF3188 = "HEART SURGERY SINCE LAST INTERVIEW " SF3190 = "ANGIOPLASTY SINCE LAST INTERVIEW " SF3192 = "CORONRY CATHETERIZATION SINCE LAST INTVW " SF3194 = "SURGERY FOR PACEMAKER SINCE LAST INTVW " SF3196 = "INSERT HEART VALVE SINCE LAST INTERVIEW " SF3198 = "CHEMOTHERAPY SINCE LAST INTERVIEW " SF3200 = "RADIATION THERAPY SINCE LAST INTERVIEW " SF3202 = "CANCER SURGERY SINCE LAST INTERVIEW " SF3204 = "HIP SURGERY SINCE LAST INTERVIEW " SF3206 = "KNEE SURGERY SINCE LAST INTERVIEW " SF3208 = "FOOT SURGERY SINCE LAST INTERVIEW " SF3210 = "HERNIA OPERATION SINCE LAST INTERVIEW " SF3212 = "KIDNEY DIALYSIS SINCE LAST INTERVIEW " SF3214 = "KIDNEY TRANSPLANT SINCE LAST INTERVIEW " SF3216 = "STRESS TEST SINCE LAST INTERVIEW " SF3218 = "CATARACT SURGERY SINCE LAST INTERVIEW " SF3220 = "DUE TO HEART SURGERY:PAIN BET/WORSE/SAME " SF3222 = "HEART SURGERY IMPROVE PHYSICAL ACTIVITY " SF3224 = "DUE TO ANGIOPLASTY:PAIN BETTE/WORSE/SAME " SF3226 = "ANGIOPLASTY IMPROVE PHYSICAL ACTIVITIES " SF3228 = "HIP SURGERY IMPROVE PHYSICAL ACTIVITIES " SF3230 = "KNEE SURGERY IMPROVE PHYSICAL ACTIVITIES " SF3232 = "CATARACT SURGERY IMPROVE VISION " SF3234 = "EVER TAKE FEMALE HORMONE PILLS " SF3236 = "HOW LONG TOOK PILLS " SF3238 = "MONTHS/YEARS TOOK PILLS " SF3240 = "CURRENTLY TAKING HORMONE PILLS " SF3242 = "NEEDED BUT DID NOT GET DENTAL CARE " SF3244 = "NEEDED BUT DID NOT GET VISION CARE " SF3246 = "NEEDED BUT DID NOT GET HEARING CARE " SF3248 = "NEEDED BUT DID NOT GET RX MEDICATION " SF3250 = "NEEDED BUT DID NOT GET MEDICAL CARE " SF3252 = "NEEDED BUT DID NOT GET MEDICAL EQUIPMENT " SF3254 = "LAST TIME/MAIN REASON NO DENTAL CARE " SF3256 = "LAST TIME/MAIN REASON NO VISION CARE " SF3258 = "LAST TIME/MAIN REASON NO HEARING CARE " SF3260 = "LAST TIME/MAIN REASON NO RX MEDS " SF3262 = "LAST TIME/MAIN RSN NO OTHER MEDICAL CARE " SF3264 = "LAST TIME/MAIN RSN NO MEDIC EQUIPT/SUPPL " SF3266 = "HOW SATISFIED WITH SERVICES " SF3268 = "RECODE COVERED BY MEDICARE AT BASELINE " SF3270 = "COVERED BY MEDICARE " SF3272 = "OTHER GOVT HEALTH PROGRAMS:MEDICAID " SF3274 = "OTHER GOVT HEALTH PROGRAMS:MILITARY " SF3276 = "OTHER GOVT HEALTH PROGRAMS:OTHER " SF3278 = "RECODE CURRENTLY COVERED BY MEDICARE/MEDICAID " SF3280 = "DO YOU HAVE PRIVATE INSURANCE " SF3282 = "RECODE COUNT OF PRIVATE HEALTH INSURANCE PLANS " SF3284 = "SIGNED UP WITH HMO " SF3286 = "HMO HAS REQUIRED DOCTOR " SF3288 = "WHY JOIN HMO:LESS EXPENSIVE/NO PREMIUM " SF3290 = "WHY JOIN HMO:BETTER BENEFITS OR COVERAGE " SF3292 = "WHY JOIN HMO:PRESCRIPTIONS ARE PAID FOR " SF3294 = "WHY JOIN HMO:DOCTOR JOINED/WAS IN PLAN " SF3296 = "WHY JOIN HMO:DOCTOR(S) WANTED IN PLAN " SF3298 = "WHY JOIN HMO:DOCTORS W/GOOD REPUTATION " SF3300 = "WHY JOIN HMO:CONVENIENT LOCATION " SF3302 = "WHY JOIN HMO:HMO WAS RECOMMENDED " SF3304 = "WHY JOIN HMO:INFORMATION FROM SALES/MAIL " SF3306 = "WHY JOIN HMO:OFFERED BY EMPLOYER/UNION " SF3308 = "WHY JOIN HMO:OTHER, SPECIFY " SF3310 = "WOULD YOU RECOMMEND HMO PLAN " SF3312 = "HAVE PRIVATE HEALTH INSURANCE " SF3314 = "RECODE COUNT OF PRIVATE HEALTH INSURANCE PLANS THROUGH EMPLOYER " SF3316 = "RECODE COUNT OF PHI PLANS THAT SUPPLEMENT MEDICARE " SF3318 = "COVERED BY PLAN PAYS NURSING HOME " SF3320 = "PLANS PAY ALL/SOME/NONE REGULAR CHECKUPS " SF3322 = "PLANS PAY ALL/SOME/NONE PREVENTIVE CARE " SF3324 = "PLANS PAY ALL/SOME/NONE HOSPITAL STAY " SF3326 = "PLANS PAY ALL/SOME/NONE RX MEDICATION " SF3328 = "PLANS PAY ALL/SOME/NONE DENTAL CARE " SF3330 = "PAYS FOR WHEELCHAIR:SELF/FAMILY IN HH " SF3332 = "PAYS FOR WHEELCHAIR:FAMILY NOT IN HH " SF3334 = "PAYS FOR WHEELCHAIR:PRIVATE INSURANCE " SF3336 = "PAYS FOR WHEELCHAIR:MEDICARE " SF3338 = "PAYS FOR WHEELCHAIR:MEDICAID " SF3340 = "PAYS FOR WHEELCHAIR:VA PROGRAM " SF3342 = "PAYS FOR WHEELCHAIR:OTHER PRIVATE SOURCE " SF3344 = "PAYS FOR WHEELCHAIR:OTHER PUBLIC SOURCE " SF3346 = "PAYS FOR WHEELCHAIR:NO ONE/FREE " SF3348 = "PAYS FOR WALKER:SELF/FAMILY IN HH " SF3350 = "PAYS FOR WALKER:FAMILY NOT IN HH " SF3352 = "PAYS FOR WALKER:PRIVATE HEALTH INSURANCE " SF3354 = "PAYS FOR WALKER:MEDICARE " SF3356 = "PAYS FOR WALKER:MEDICAID " SF3358 = "PAYS FOR WALKER:VA PROGRAM " SF3360 = "PAYS FOR WALKER:OTHER PRIVATE SOURCE " SF3362 = "PAYS FOR WALKER:OTHER PUBLIC SOURCE " SF3364 = "PAYS FOR WALKER:NO ONE/FREE " SF3366 = "PAYS FOR BED:SELF/FAMILY IN HH " SF3368 = "PAYS FOR BED:FAMILY NOT IN HH " SF3370 = "PAYS FOR BED:PRIVATE HEALTH INSURANCE " SF3372 = "PAYS FOR BED:MEDICARE " SF3374 = "PAYS FOR BED:MEDICAID " SF3376 = "PAYS FOR BED:VA PROGRAM/OTHER MILITARY " SF3378 = "PAYS FOR BED:OTHER PRIVATE SOURCE " SF3380 = "PAYS FOR BED:OTHER PUBLIC SOURCE " SF3382 = "PAYS FOR BED:NO ONE/FREE " SF3384 = "PAYS FOR OXYGEN:SELF/FAMILY IN HH " SF3386 = "PAYS FOR OXYGEN:FAMILY NOT IN HH " SF3388 = "PAYS FOR OXYGEN:PRIVATE HEALTH INSURANCE " SF3390 = "PAYS FOR OXYGEN:MEDICARE " SF3392 = "PAYS FOR OXYGEN:MEDICAID " SF3394 = "PAYS FOR OXYGEN:VA PROGRAM/OTHR MILITARY " SF3396 = "PAYS FOR OXYGEN:OTHER PRIVATE SOURCE " SF3398 = "PAYS FOR OXYGEN:OTHER PUBLIC SOURCE " SF3400 = "PAYS FOR OXYGEN:NO ONE/FREE " SF3402 = "PROBLEMS GETTING/MAINTAINING DEVICE " SF3404 = "HOW MUCH SPENT ON MEDICAL CARE " SF3406 = "DID SELF OR SPOUSE DO INCOME SECTION " SF3408 = "CURRENT INCOME FROM JOB OR BUSINESS " SF3410 = "CURRENT INCOME FROM SS/RAILROAD RETRMENT " SF3412 = "CURRENT INCOME FROM SSI " SF3414 = "CURRENT INCOME FROM VETERANS BENEFITS " SF3416 = "CURRENT INCOME FROM OTHR RETIRE/SURVIVOR " SF3418 = "CURRENT INCOME FROM DISABILITY PENSION " SF3420 = "CURRENT INCOME FROM WELFARE " SF3422 = "CURRENT INCOME FROM INTEREST " SF3424 = "CURRENT INCOME FROM IRA OR KEOGH ACCOUNT " SF3426 = "CURRENT INCOME FROM DIVIDEND INCOME " SF3428 = "CURRENT INCOME FROM OTHER SOURCE " SF3430 = "RECODE NUMBER OF INCOME SOURCES " SF3432 = "INCOME MORE OR LESS THAN 25,000 " SF3434 = "INCOME MORE THAN $10,000 " SF3436 = "INCOME MORE THAN $5,000 " SF3438 = "INCOME MORE THAN $50,000 " SF3440 = "INCOME MORE THAN $100,000 " SF3442 = "RECODE TOTAL INCOME (CATEGORICAL) " SF3444 = "RECODE TOTAL INCOME (CATEGORICAL) " SF3446 = "RECEIVE FOOD STAMPS " SF3448 = "PRIMARY RESIDENCE " SF3450 = "HAVE A MORTGAGE " SF3452 = "OWN TRANSPORTATION EQUIPMENT " SF3454 = "INCOME CHANGED SINCE LAST INTERVIEW " SF3456 = "INCOME INCREASED/DECREASED " SF3458 = "MONEY AT THE END OF THE MONTH " SF3460 = "MEDICAL COSTS USE UP SAVINGS IN NXT 5 YR " SF3462 = "RECODE SP ANSWERED CHILDHOOD MODULE " SF3464 = "HEALTH AS A CHILD " SF3466 = "EVER CONFINED TO BED/HOME " SF3468 = "FATHER'S VITAL STATUS AT BASELINE " SF3470 = "IS FATHER STILL LIVING " SF3472 = "HOW OLD FATHER WAS WHEN DIED " SF3475 = "DAD'S DEATH CAUSED BY HEART ATTCK/STROKE " SF3477 = "DAD'S DEATH CAUSED BY CANCER " SF3479 = "DAD'S DEATH CAUSED BY INFECTIOUS DISEASE " SF3481 = "DAD'S DEATH CAUSED BY ACCIDENT/VIOLENCE " SF3483 = "DAD'S DEATH CAUSED BY PNEUMONIA " SF3485 = "DAD'S DEATH CAUSED BY EMPHYSEMA,ETC. " SF3487 = "DAD'S DEATH CAUSED BY DIABETES " SF3489 = "DAD'S DEATH CAUSED BY OLD AGE " SF3491 = "DAD'S DEATH CAUSED BY OTHER (SPECIFY) " SF3493 = "FATHER'S HEALTH " SF3495 = "MOM'S VITAL STATUS AT BASELINE " SF3497 = "IS MOTHER STILL LIVING " SF3499 = "MOTHER'S AGE AT DEATH " SF3502 = "MOM'S DEATH CAUSED BY HEART ATTCK/STROKE " SF3504 = "MOM'S DEATH CAUSED BY CANCER " SF3506 = "MOM'S DEATH CAUSED BY INFECTIOUS DISEASE " SF3508 = "MOM'S DEATH CAUSED BY ACCIDENT/VIOLENCE " SF3510 = "MOM'S DEATH CAUSED BY PNEUMONIA " SF3512 = "MOM'S DEATH CAUSED BY BIRTH COMPLICATNS " SF3514 = "MOM'S DEATH CAUSED BY EMPHYSEMA,ETC. " SF3516 = "MOM'S DEATH CAUSED BY DIABETES " SF3518 = "MOM'S DEATH CAUSED BY OLD AGE " SF3520 = "MOM'S DEATH CAUSED BY OTHER (SPECIFY) " SF3522 = "MOTHER'S HEALTH " SF3524 = "BROTHERS/SISTERS STILL LIVING " SF3526 = "HOW MANY SIBLINGS HAVE DIED " SF3528 = "HOW OLD WAS SIBLING WHEN HE/SHE DIED " SF3531 = "SIBLING DIED DUE TO HEART ATTACK/STROKE " SF3533 = "SIBLING DIED DUE TO CANCER " SF3535 = "SIBLING DIED DUE TO INFECTIOUS DISEASE " SF3537 = "SIBLING DIED DUE TO ACCIDENT/VIOLENCE " SF3539 = "SIBLING DIED DUE TO PNEUMONIA " SF3541 = "SIBLING DIED DUE TO BIRTH COMPLICATIONS " SF3543 = "SIBLING DIED DUE TO EMPHYSEMA,ETC " SF3545 = "SIBLING DIED DUE TO DIABETES " SF3547 = "SIBLING DIED DUE TO OLD AGE " SF3549 = "SIBLING DIED DUE TO OTHER (SPECIFY) " SF3551 = "AGE OF YOUNGEST SIBLING AT DEATH " SF3554 = "YOUNGEST SIB DIED DUE TO HEART ATTACK " SF3556 = "YOUNGEST SIB DIED DUE TO CANCER " SF3558 = "YOUNGEST SIB DIED DUE TO DISEASE " SF3560 = "YOUNGEST SIB DIED DUE TO ACCIDENT " SF3562 = "YOUNGEST SIB DIED DUE TO PNEUMONIA " SF3564 = "YOUNGEST SIB DIED DUE TO BIRTH COMPLCTNS " SF3566 = "YOUNGEST SIB DIED DUE TO EMPHYSEMA,ETC. " SF3568 = "YOUNGEST SIB DIED DUE TO DIABETES " SF3570 = "YOUNGEST SIB DIED DUE TO OLD AGE " SF3572 = "YOUNGEST SIB DIED DUE TO OTHER (SPECIFY) " SF3574 = "AGE OF NEXT YOUNGEST SIBLING AT DEATH " SF3577 = "NXT YOUNGST SIB DIED DUE TO HEART ATTACK " SF3579 = "NEXT YOUNGEST SIB DIED DUE TO CANCER " SF3581 = "NEXT YOUNGEST SIB DIED DUE TO DISEASE " SF3583 = "NEXT YOUNGEST SIB DIED DUE TO ACCIDENT " SF3585 = "NEXT YOUNGEST SIB DIED DUE TO PNEUMONIA " SF3587 = "NEXT YNGST SIB DIED FROM BIRTH COMPLCTNS " SF3589 = "NXT YNGST SIB DIED DUE TO EMPHYSEMA,ETC. " SF3591 = "NEXT YOUNGEST SIB DIED DUE TO DIABETES " SF3593 = "NEXT YOUNGEST SIB DIED DUE TO OLD AGE " SF3595 = "NEXT YNGST SIB DIED FROM OTHER (SPECIFY) " SF3597 = "WAS FATHER BORN IN US " SF3599 = "RECODE STATE IN WHICH FATHER WAS BORN (REGION) " SF3601 = "WAS MOTHER BORN IN US " SF3603 = "RECODE STATE IN WHICH MOTHER WAS BORN (REGION) " SF3605 = "FATHER ATTEND 8 YEARS OF SCHOOL " SF3607 = "MOTHER ATTEND 8 YEARS OF SCHOOL " SF3609 = "SELF/ASSISTANCE/PROXY " SF3611 = "ASSISTANT'S RELATIONSHIP TO RESPONDENT " SF3613 = "ASSISTANT LIVES WITH RESPONDENT " SF3615 = "RELATIONSHIP OF PROXY TO SP " SF3617 = "PROXY LIVES WITH SP " SF3619 = "WHEN PROXY LAST SAW SP " SF3621 = "WHY PROXY: SP WAS HOSPITALIZED " SF3623 = "WHY PROXY: SP INSTITUTIONALIZED " SF3625 = "WHY PROXY: SP HAS HEARING PROBLEM " SF3627 = "WHY PROXY: SP HAS SPEECH PROBLEM " SF3629 = "WHY PROXY: SP HAS LANGUAGE PROBLEM " SF3631 = "WHY PROXY: SP HAS POOR MEMORY " SF3633 = "WHY PROXY: SP HAS ALZHEIMERS " SF3635 = "WHY PROXY: SP HAS MENTAL CONDITION " SF3637 = "WHY PROXY: SP HAS PHYSICAL ILLNESS " SF3639 = "WHY PROXY: OTHER NON-HEALTH REASON " SF3641 = "WHY PROXY: SP DECEASED " SF3643 = "RESPONDENT INTELLECTUALLY CAPABLE " SF3645 = "RESPONDENT'S ANSWERS REASONABLE " SF3647 = "RESPONDENT UNDERSTOOD QUESTIONS " SF3649 = "HOW COOPERATIVE IN ANSWERING " SF3651 = "HOW INTERESTED IN INTERVIEW " SF3653 = "HOW TIRING DID INTERVIEW SEEM " SF3655 = "RESPONDENT HAVE DIFFICULTY HEARING " SF3657 = "RESP'S HEARING AFFECTED INTERVIEW " SF3659 = "LANGUAGE USED IN INTERVIEW " ; infile "&w2sf" lrecl=3660 pad ; input SF1 1 - 2 SF3 $ 3 - 4 SF5 $ 5 - 5 SF6 $ 6 - 8 SF9 $ 9 - 10 SF11 $ 11 - 12 SF13 $ 13 - 14 SF15 $ 15 - 16 SF19 19 - 20 SF21 21 - 21 SF22 22 - 23 SF24 24 - 24 SF25 25 - 25 SF27 27 - 28 SF29 29 - 29 SF30 30 - 30 SF31 31 - 32 SF34 34 - 35 SF36 36 - 39 SF40 40 - 40 SF41 41 - 42 SF43 43 - 43 SF44 44 - 44 SF45 45 - 45 SF46 46 - 47 SF48 48 - 48 SF49 49 - 49 SF50 50 - 50 SF51 51 - 52 SF53 53 - 53 SF54 54 - 55 SF56 56 - 56 SF57 57 - 57 SF58 58 - 59 SF60 60 - 60 SF61 61 - 61 SF62 $ 62 - 62 SF63 $ 63 - 63 SF64 64 - 64 SF65 65 - 66 SF67 67 - 67 SF68 68 - 68 SF69 69 - 69 SF70 70 - 70 SF71 71 - 71 SF72 72 - 72 SF73 73 - 73 SF74 74 - 74 SF75 75 - 75 SF76 76 - 76 SF77 77 - 79 SF80 80 - 81 SF82 82 - 83 SF84 84 - 86 SF87 87 - 88 SF89 89 - 90 SF91 91 - 91 SF92 92 - 92 SF93 93 - 94 SF95 95 - 97 SF98 98 - 99 SF100 100 - 101 SF102 102 - 103 SF104 104 - 105 SF106 106 - 107 SF108 108 - 110 SF111 111 - 111 SF112 112 - 114 SF115 115 - 115 SF116 116 - 117 SF118 118 - 119 SF120 120 - 121 SF122 122 - 123 SF124 124 - 126 SF127 127 - 128 SF129 129 - 131 SF132 132 - 133 SF134 134 - 136 SF137 137 - 138 SF139 139 - 141 SF144 144 - 144 SF145 145 - 145 SF172 172 - 177 SF178 178 - 178 SF179 179 - 181 SF182 182 - 182 SF183 183 - 183 SF185 185 - 185 SF186 186 - 186 SF187 187 - 189 SF201 201 - 206 SF207 207 - 217 SF351 351 - 351 SF352 352 - 352 SF353 353 - 353 SF354 354 - 354 SF355 355 - 355 SF356 356 - 356 SF357 357 - 357 SF358 358 - 358 SF359 359 - 359 SF360 360 - 360 SF361 361 - 361 SF362 362 - 362 SF363 363 - 363 SF364 364 - 364 SF365 365 - 365 SF366 366 - 366 SF367 367 - 367 SF368 368 - 368 SF369 369 - 369 SF370 370 - 370 SF371 371 - 371 SF372 372 - 372 SF373 373 - 373 SF374 374 - 374 SF375 375 - 376 SF377 377 - 377 SF378 378 - 378 SF379 379 - 379 SF380 380 - 380 SF381 381 - 381 SF382 382 - 382 SF390 390 - 390 SF391 391 - 392 SF393 393 - 394 SF395 395 - 397 SF398 398 - 399 SF400 400 - 400 SF401 401 - 401 SF411 411 - 411 SF412 412 - 413 SF414 414 - 414 SF415 415 - 415 SF416 416 - 416 SF417 417 - 417 SF418 418 - 418 SF419 419 - 419 SF420 420 - 420 SF421 421 - 421 SF422 422 - 422 SF423 423 - 423 SF424 424 - 424 SF425 425 - 425 SF426 426 - 426 SF427 427 - 427 SF428 428 - 428 SF429 429 - 429 SF430 430 - 430 SF431 431 - 432 SF433 433 - 433 SF434 434 - 434 SF435 435 - 435 SF436 436 - 436 SF437 437 - 437 SF438 438 - 438 SF439 439 - 439 SF440 440 - 440 SF441 441 - 441 SF442 442 - 442 SF443 443 - 443 SF444 444 - 444 SF445 445 - 445 SF446 446 - 446 SF447 447 - 447 SF448 448 - 448 SF449 449 - 449 SF450 450 - 451 SF452 452 - 453 SF454 454 - 455 SF456 456 - 457 SF458 458 - 459 SF460 460 - 461 SF462 462 - 463 SF464 464 - 464 SF465 465 - 465 SF466 466 - 466 SF467 467 - 467 SF468 468 - 468 SF469 469 - 469 SF470 470 - 470 SF471 471 - 471 SF472 472 - 472 SF473 473 - 473 SF474 474 - 474 SF475 475 - 475 SF476 476 - 476 SF477 477 - 478 SF479 479 - 484 SF485 485 - 485 SF486 486 - 486 SF491 491 - 491 SF492 492 - 492 SF493 493 - 493 SF494 494 - 494 SF495 495 - 495 SF496 496 - 496 SF497 497 - 497 SF498 498 - 498 SF499 499 - 499 SF500 500 - 500 SF501 501 - 501 SF502 502 - 502 SF503 503 - 503 SF504 504 - 505 SF506 506 - 506 SF507 507 - 507 SF508 508 - 508 SF509 509 - 509 SF510 510 - 511 SF512 512 - 513 SF514 514 - 514 SF515 515 - 516 SF517 517 - 518 SF519 519 - 519 SF520 520 - 521 SF522 522 - 523 SF524 524 - 524 SF525 525 - 526 SF527 527 - 527 SF528 528 - 529 SF530 530 - 531 SF532 532 - 532 SF533 533 - 533 SF534 534 - 536 SF537 537 - 537 SF538 538 - 539 SF541 541 - 541 SF542 542 - 542 SF543 543 - 543 SF544 544 - 544 SF545 545 - 545 SF546 546 - 546 SF547 547 - 547 SF548 548 - 548 SF549 549 - 549 SF550 550 - 550 SF551 551 - 551 SF552 552 - 552 SF553 553 - 553 SF554 554 - 554 SF555 555 - 555 SF556 556 - 556 SF557 557 - 557 SF558 558 - 558 SF559 559 - 559 SF560 560 - 560 SF561 561 - 561 SF562 562 - 562 SF563 563 - 563 SF564 564 - 564 SF565 565 - 565 SF566 566 - 566 SF567 567 - 567 SF568 568 - 568 SF569 569 - 569 SF570 570 - 570 SF571 571 - 571 SF572 572 - 572 SF573 573 - 573 SF574 574 - 574 SF575 575 - 575 SF576 576 - 576 SF577 577 - 577 SF578 578 - 578 SF579 579 - 579 SF580 580 - 580 SF581 581 - 581 SF582 582 - 582 SF583 583 - 583 SF584 584 - 584 SF585 585 - 585 SF586 586 - 586 SF587 587 - 587 SF588 588 - 588 SF589 589 - 589 SF590 590 - 590 SF591 591 - 591 SF592 592 - 592 SF593 593 - 593 SF594 594 - 594 SF601 601 - 601 SF602 602 - 602 SF603 603 - 604 SF605 605 - 605 SF606 606 - 606 SF607 607 - 608 SF609 609 - 609 SF610 610 - 610 SF611 611 - 612 SF613 613 - 613 SF614 614 - 614 SF615 615 - 616 SF617 617 - 617 SF618 618 - 618 SF619 619 - 620 SF621 621 - 621 SF622 622 - 622 SF623 623 - 624 SF625 625 - 625 SF626 626 - 626 SF627 627 - 628 SF629 629 - 629 SF630 630 - 630 SF631 631 - 632 SF633 633 - 633 SF634 634 - 634 SF635 635 - 636 SF637 637 - 637 SF638 638 - 638 SF639 639 - 640 SF641 641 - 642 SF644 644 - 644 SF645 645 - 645 SF646 646 - 646 SF647 647 - 647 SF648 648 - 648 SF649 649 - 649 SF650 650 - 650 SF651 651 - 651 SF652 652 - 652 SF653 653 - 653 SF654 654 - 654 SF655 655 - 655 SF656 656 - 656 SF657 657 - 657 SF658 658 - 658 SF659 659 - 659 SF660 660 - 660 SF661 661 - 661 SF662 662 - 662 SF663 663 - 663 SF664 664 - 664 SF665 665 - 665 SF666 666 - 666 SF667 667 - 667 SF668 668 - 668 SF669 669 - 669 SF670 670 - 670 SF671 671 - 671 SF673 673 - 673 SF674 674 - 674 SF675 675 - 675 SF676 676 - 676 SF677 677 - 677 SF678 678 - 678 SF679 679 - 679 SF680 680 - 680 SF681 681 - 681 SF682 682 - 682 SF683 683 - 683 SF684 684 - 684 SF685 685 - 685 SF686 686 - 686 SF687 687 - 687 SF688 688 - 688 SF689 689 - 689 SF690 690 - 690 SF691 691 - 691 SF692 692 - 692 SF693 693 - 693 SF694 694 - 694 SF695 695 - 695 SF696 696 - 696 SF697 697 - 697 SF698 698 - 698 SF699 699 - 699 SF700 700 - 700 SF701 701 - 701 SF703 703 - 703 SF704 704 - 704 SF705 705 - 705 SF706 706 - 706 SF707 707 - 707 SF708 708 - 708 SF709 709 - 709 SF710 710 - 710 SF711 711 - 711 SF712 712 - 712 SF713 713 - 713 SF714 714 - 714 SF715 715 - 715 SF716 716 - 716 SF717 717 - 717 SF718 718 - 718 SF719 719 - 719 SF720 720 - 720 SF721 721 - 721 SF722 722 - 722 SF723 723 - 723 SF724 724 - 724 SF725 725 - 725 SF726 726 - 726 SF727 727 - 727 SF728 728 - 728 SF729 729 - 729 SF730 730 - 730 SF731 731 - 731 SF733 733 - 733 SF734 734 - 734 SF735 735 - 735 SF736 736 - 736 SF737 737 - 737 SF738 738 - 738 SF739 739 - 739 SF740 740 - 740 SF741 741 - 741 SF742 742 - 742 SF743 743 - 743 SF744 744 - 744 SF745 745 - 745 SF746 746 - 746 SF747 747 - 747 SF748 748 - 748 SF749 749 - 749 SF750 750 - 750 SF751 751 - 751 SF752 752 - 752 SF753 753 - 753 SF754 754 - 754 SF755 755 - 755 SF756 756 - 756 SF757 757 - 757 SF758 758 - 758 SF759 759 - 759 SF760 760 - 760 SF761 761 - 761 SF762 762 - 762 SF763 763 - 763 SF764 764 - 764 SF766 766 - 766 SF767 767 - 767 SF768 768 - 768 SF769 769 - 769 SF770 770 - 770 SF771 771 - 771 SF772 772 - 772 SF773 773 - 773 SF774 774 - 774 SF775 775 - 775 SF776 776 - 776 SF777 777 - 777 SF778 778 - 778 SF779 779 - 779 SF780 780 - 780 SF781 781 - 781 SF782 782 - 782 SF783 783 - 783 SF784 784 - 784 SF785 785 - 785 SF786 786 - 786 SF787 787 - 787 SF788 788 - 788 SF789 789 - 789 SF790 790 - 790 SF791 791 - 791 SF792 792 - 792 SF793 793 - 793 SF794 794 - 794 SF795 795 - 795 SF796 796 - 796 SF798 798 - 798 SF799 799 - 799 SF800 800 - 800 SF801 801 - 801 SF802 802 - 802 SF803 803 - 803 SF804 804 - 804 SF805 805 - 805 SF806 806 - 806 SF807 807 - 807 SF808 808 - 808 SF809 809 - 809 SF810 810 - 810 SF811 811 - 811 SF812 812 - 812 SF813 813 - 813 SF814 814 - 814 SF815 815 - 815 SF816 816 - 816 SF817 817 - 817 SF818 818 - 818 SF819 819 - 819 SF820 820 - 820 SF821 821 - 821 SF822 822 - 822 SF823 823 - 823 SF824 824 - 824 SF825 825 - 825 SF826 826 - 826 SF827 827 - 827 SF829 829 - 829 SF830 830 - 830 SF831 831 - 831 SF832 832 - 832 SF833 833 - 833 SF834 834 - 834 SF835 835 - 835 SF836 836 - 836 SF837 837 - 837 SF838 838 - 838 SF839 839 - 839 SF840 840 - 840 SF841 841 - 841 SF842 842 - 842 SF843 843 - 843 SF844 844 - 844 SF845 845 - 845 SF846 846 - 846 SF847 847 - 847 SF848 848 - 848 SF849 849 - 849 SF850 850 - 850 SF851 851 - 851 SF852 852 - 852 SF853 853 - 853 SF854 854 - 854 SF855 855 - 855 SF856 856 - 856 SF857 857 - 857 SF858 858 - 858 SF859 859 - 859 SF860 860 - 860 SF861 861 - 861 SF862 862 - 862 SF863 863 - 863 SF864 864 - 864 SF865 865 - 865 SF866 866 - 866 SF867 867 - 867 SF868 868 - 868 SF869 869 - 869 SF870 870 - 870 SF871 871 - 871 SF873 873 - 874 SF875 875 - 876 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3344- 3345 SF3346 3346- 3347 SF3348 3348- 3349 SF3350 3350- 3351 SF3352 3352- 3353 SF3354 3354- 3355 SF3356 3356- 3357 SF3358 3358- 3359 SF3360 3360- 3361 SF3362 3362- 3363 SF3364 3364- 3365 SF3366 3366- 3367 SF3368 3368- 3369 SF3370 3370- 3371 SF3372 3372- 3373 SF3374 3374- 3375 SF3376 3376- 3377 SF3378 3378- 3379 SF3380 3380- 3381 SF3382 3382- 3383 SF3384 3384- 3385 SF3386 3386- 3387 SF3388 3388- 3389 SF3390 3390- 3391 SF3392 3392- 3393 SF3394 3394- 3395 SF3396 3396- 3397 SF3398 3398- 3399 SF3400 3400- 3401 SF3402 3402- 3403 SF3404 3404- 3405 SF3406 3406- 3407 SF3408 3408- 3409 SF3410 3410- 3411 SF3412 3412- 3413 SF3414 3414- 3415 SF3416 3416- 3417 SF3418 3418- 3419 SF3420 3420- 3421 SF3422 3422- 3423 SF3424 3424- 3425 SF3426 3426- 3427 SF3428 3428- 3429 SF3430 3430- 3431 SF3432 3432- 3433 SF3434 3434- 3435 SF3436 3436- 3437 SF3438 3438- 3439 SF3440 3440- 3441 SF3442 3442- 3443 SF3444 3444- 3445 SF3446 3446- 3447 SF3448 3448- 3449 SF3450 3450- 3451 SF3452 3452- 3453 SF3454 3454- 3455 SF3456 3456- 3457 SF3458 3458- 3459 SF3460 3460- 3461 SF3462 3462- 3463 SF3464 3464- 3465 SF3466 3466- 3467 SF3468 3468- 3469 SF3470 3470- 3471 SF3472 3472- 3474 SF3475 3475- 3476 SF3477 3477- 3478 SF3479 3479- 3480 SF3481 3481- 3482 SF3483 3483- 3484 SF3485 3485- 3486 SF3487 3487- 3488 SF3489 3489- 3490 SF3491 3491- 3492 SF3493 3493- 3494 SF3495 3495- 3496 SF3497 3497- 3498 SF3499 3499- 3501 SF3502 3502- 3503 SF3504 3504- 3505 SF3506 3506- 3507 SF3508 3508- 3509 SF3510 3510- 3511 SF3512 3512- 3513 SF3514 3514- 3515 SF3516 3516- 3517 SF3518 3518- 3519 SF3520 3520- 3521 SF3522 3522- 3523 SF3524 3524- 3525 SF3526 3526- 3527 SF3528 3528- 3530 SF3531 3531- 3532 SF3533 3533- 3534 SF3535 3535- 3536 SF3537 3537- 3538 SF3539 3539- 3540 SF3541 3541- 3542 SF3543 3543- 3544 SF3545 3545- 3546 SF3547 3547- 3548 SF3549 3549- 3550 SF3551 3551- 3553 SF3554 3554- 3555 SF3556 3556- 3557 SF3558 3558- 3559 SF3560 3560- 3561 SF3562 3562- 3563 SF3564 3564- 3565 SF3566 3566- 3567 SF3568 3568- 3569 SF3570 3570- 3571 SF3572 3572- 3573 SF3574 3574- 3576 SF3577 3577- 3578 SF3579 3579- 3580 SF3581 3581- 3582 SF3583 3583- 3584 SF3585 3585- 3586 SF3587 3587- 3588 SF3589 3589- 3590 SF3591 3591- 3592 SF3593 3593- 3594 SF3595 3595- 3596 SF3597 3597- 3598 SF3599 3599- 3600 SF3601 3601- 3602 SF3603 3603- 3604 SF3605 3605- 3606 SF3607 3607- 3608 SF3609 3609- 3610 SF3611 3611- 3612 SF3613 3613- 3614 SF3615 3615- 3616 SF3617 3617- 3618 SF3619 3619- 3620 SF3621 3621- 3622 SF3623 3623- 3624 SF3625 3625- 3626 SF3627 3627- 3628 SF3629 3629- 3630 SF3631 3631- 3632 SF3633 3633- 3634 SF3635 3635- 3636 SF3637 3637- 3638 SF3639 3639- 3640 SF3641 3641- 3642 SF3643 3643- 3644 SF3645 3645- 3646 SF3647 3647- 3648 SF3649 3649- 3650 SF3651 3651- 3652 SF3653 3653- 3654 SF3655 3655- 3656 SF3657 3657- 3658 SF3659 3659- 3660 ; FORMAT SF1 P1L. ; FORMAT SF3 $P2L. ; FORMAT SF5 $P3L. ; FORMAT SF9 $P4L. ; FORMAT SF19 P5L. ; FORMAT SF21 P6L. ; FORMAT SF22 P7L. ; FORMAT SF24 P8L. ; FORMAT SF25 P9L. ; FORMAT SF27 P10L. ; FORMAT SF29 P11L. ; FORMAT SF30 P12L. ; FORMAT SF31 P13L. ; FORMAT SF34 P15L. ; FORMAT SF36 P16L. ; FORMAT SF40 P17L. ; FORMAT SF41 P18L. ; FORMAT SF43 P19L. ; FORMAT SF44 P20L. ; FORMAT SF45 P21L. ; FORMAT SF46 P22L. ; FORMAT SF48 P23L. ; FORMAT SF49 P24L. ; FORMAT SF50 P25L. ; FORMAT SF51 P26L. ; FORMAT SF53 P27L. ; FORMAT SF54 P28L. ; FORMAT SF56 P29L. ; FORMAT SF57 P30L. ; FORMAT SF58 P31L. ; FORMAT SF60 P32L. ; FORMAT SF61 P33L. ; FORMAT SF62 $P34L. ; FORMAT SF63 $P35L. ; FORMAT SF64 P36L. ; FORMAT SF67 P37L. ; FORMAT SF68 P38L. ; FORMAT SF69 P39L. ; FORMAT SF70 P40L. ; FORMAT SF71 P41L. ; FORMAT SF72 P42L. ; FORMAT SF73 P43L. ; FORMAT SF74 P44L. ; FORMAT SF75 P45L. ; FORMAT SF76 P46L. ; FORMAT SF77 P47L. ; FORMAT SF80 P48L. ; FORMAT SF82 P49L. ; FORMAT SF84 P50L. ; FORMAT SF87 P51L. ; FORMAT SF89 P52L. ; FORMAT SF91 P53L. ; FORMAT SF92 P54L. ; FORMAT SF93 P55L. ; FORMAT SF95 P56L. ; FORMAT SF98 P57L. ; FORMAT SF100 P57L. ; FORMAT SF102 P57L. ; FORMAT SF104 P57L. ; FORMAT SF106 P57L. ; FORMAT SF108 P58L. ; FORMAT SF111 P59L. ; FORMAT SF112 P60L. ; FORMAT SF115 P61L. ; FORMAT SF144 P62L. ; FORMAT SF145 P63L. ; FORMAT SF178 P64L. ; FORMAT SF182 P65L. ; FORMAT SF183 P66L. ; FORMAT SF185 P67L. ; FORMAT SF186 P68L. ; FORMAT SF351 P69L. ; FORMAT SF352 P70L. ; FORMAT SF353 P71L. ; FORMAT SF354 P72L. ; FORMAT SF355 P73L. ; FORMAT SF356 P74L. ; FORMAT SF357 P75L. ; FORMAT SF358 P76L. ; FORMAT SF359 P77L. ; FORMAT SF360 P78L. ; FORMAT SF361 P79L. ; FORMAT SF362 P80L. ; FORMAT SF363 P81L. ; FORMAT SF364 P82L. ; FORMAT SF365 P83L. ; FORMAT SF366 P84L. ; FORMAT SF367 P85L. ; FORMAT SF368 P86L. ; FORMAT SF369 P87L. ; FORMAT SF370 P88L. ; FORMAT SF371 P89L. ; FORMAT SF372 P90L. ; FORMAT SF373 P91L. ; FORMAT SF374 P92L. ; FORMAT SF375 P93L. ; FORMAT SF377 P94L. ; FORMAT SF378 P95L. ; FORMAT SF379 P96L. ; FORMAT SF380 P97L. ; FORMAT SF381 P98L. ; FORMAT SF382 P99L. ; FORMAT SF390 P100L. ; FORMAT SF391 P102L. ; FORMAT SF393 P103L. ; FORMAT SF398 P104L. ; FORMAT SF400 P105L. ; FORMAT SF401 P106L. ; FORMAT SF411 P107L. ; FORMAT SF412 P108L. ; FORMAT SF414 P109L. ; FORMAT SF415 P110L. ; FORMAT SF416 P111L. ; FORMAT SF417 P112L. ; FORMAT SF418 P113L. ; FORMAT SF419 P114L. ; FORMAT SF420 P115L. ; FORMAT SF421 P116L. ; FORMAT SF422 P117L. ; FORMAT SF423 P118L. ; FORMAT SF424 P119L. ; FORMAT SF425 P120L. ; FORMAT SF426 P121L. ; FORMAT SF427 P122L. ; FORMAT SF428 P123L. ; FORMAT SF429 P124L. ; FORMAT SF430 P125L. ; FORMAT SF431 P126L. ; FORMAT SF433 P127L. ; FORMAT SF434 P128L. ; FORMAT SF435 P129L. ; FORMAT SF436 P130L. ; FORMAT SF437 P131L. ; FORMAT SF438 P132L. ; FORMAT SF439 P133L. ; FORMAT SF440 P134L. ; FORMAT SF441 P135L. ; FORMAT SF442 P136L. ; FORMAT SF443 P137L. ; FORMAT SF444 P138L. ; FORMAT SF445 P139L. ; FORMAT SF446 P140L. ; FORMAT SF447 P141L. ; FORMAT SF448 P142L. ; FORMAT SF449 P143L. ; FORMAT SF450 P144L. ; FORMAT SF452 P146L. ; FORMAT SF454 P147L. ; FORMAT SF456 P149L. ; FORMAT SF458 P150L. ; FORMAT SF460 P151L. ; FORMAT SF462 P152L. ; FORMAT SF464 P153L. ; FORMAT SF465 P154L. ; FORMAT SF466 P155L. ; FORMAT SF467 P156L. ; FORMAT SF468 P157L. ; FORMAT SF469 P158L. ; FORMAT SF470 P159L. ; FORMAT SF471 P160L. ; FORMAT SF472 P161L. ; FORMAT SF473 P162L. ; FORMAT SF474 P163L. ; FORMAT SF475 P164L. ; FORMAT SF476 P165L. ; FORMAT SF477 P166L. ; FORMAT SF479 P167L. ; FORMAT SF485 P168L. ; FORMAT SF486 P169L. ; FORMAT SF491 P170L. ; FORMAT SF492 P171L. ; FORMAT SF493 P172L. ; FORMAT SF494 P173L. ; FORMAT SF495 P174L. ; FORMAT SF496 P175L. ; FORMAT SF497 P176L. ; FORMAT SF498 P177L. ; FORMAT SF499 P178L. ; FORMAT SF500 P179L. ; FORMAT SF501 P180L. ; FORMAT SF502 P181L. ; FORMAT SF503 P182L. ; FORMAT SF504 P183L. ; FORMAT SF506 P184L. ; FORMAT SF507 P185L. ; FORMAT SF508 P186L. ; FORMAT SF509 P187L. ; FORMAT SF510 P188L. ; FORMAT SF512 P189L. ; FORMAT SF514 P190L. ; FORMAT SF515 P191L. ; FORMAT SF517 P192L. ; FORMAT SF519 P193L. ; FORMAT SF520 P194L. ; FORMAT SF522 P195L. ; FORMAT SF524 P196L. ; FORMAT SF525 P197L. ; FORMAT SF527 P198L. ; FORMAT SF528 P197L. ; FORMAT SF530 P199L. ; FORMAT SF532 P200L. ; FORMAT SF533 P201L. ; FORMAT SF534 P203L. ; FORMAT SF537 P204L. ; FORMAT SF538 P205L. ; FORMAT SF541 P206L. ; FORMAT SF542 P207L. ; FORMAT SF543 P208L. ; FORMAT SF544 P209L. ; FORMAT SF545 P210L. ; FORMAT SF546 P211L. ; FORMAT SF547 P212L. ; FORMAT SF548 P213L. ; FORMAT SF549 P214L. ; FORMAT SF550 P215L. ; FORMAT SF551 P216L. ; FORMAT SF552 P217L. ; FORMAT SF553 P218L. ; FORMAT SF554 P219L. ; FORMAT SF555 P220L. ; FORMAT SF556 P221L. ; FORMAT SF557 P222L. ; FORMAT SF558 P223L. ; FORMAT SF559 P224L. ; FORMAT SF560 P225L. ; FORMAT SF561 P226L. ; FORMAT SF562 P227L. ; FORMAT SF563 P228L. ; FORMAT SF564 P229L. ; FORMAT SF565 P230L. ; FORMAT SF566 P231L. ; FORMAT SF567 P232L. ; FORMAT SF568 P233L. ; FORMAT SF569 P234L. ; FORMAT SF570 P235L. ; FORMAT SF571 P236L. ; FORMAT SF572 P237L. ; FORMAT SF573 P238L. ; FORMAT SF574 P239L. ; FORMAT SF575 P240L. ; FORMAT SF576 P241L. ; FORMAT SF577 P242L. ; FORMAT SF578 P243L. ; FORMAT SF579 P244L. ; FORMAT SF580 P245L. ; FORMAT SF581 P246L. ; FORMAT SF582 P247L. ; FORMAT SF583 P248L. ; FORMAT SF584 P249L. ; FORMAT SF585 P250L. ; FORMAT SF586 P251L. ; FORMAT SF587 P252L. ; FORMAT SF588 P253L. ; FORMAT SF589 P254L. ; FORMAT SF590 P255L. ; FORMAT SF591 P256L. ; FORMAT SF592 P257L. ; FORMAT SF593 P258L. ; FORMAT SF594 P259L. ; FORMAT SF601 P260L. ; FORMAT SF602 P261L. ; FORMAT SF603 P262L. ; FORMAT SF605 P263L. ; FORMAT SF606 P264L. ; FORMAT SF607 P262L. ; FORMAT SF609 P265L. ; FORMAT SF610 P266L. ; FORMAT SF611 P262L. ; FORMAT SF613 P267L. ; FORMAT SF614 P268L. ; FORMAT SF615 P262L. ; FORMAT SF617 P269L. ; FORMAT SF618 P270L. ; FORMAT SF619 P262L. ; FORMAT SF621 P271L. ; FORMAT SF622 P272L. ; FORMAT SF623 P262L. ; FORMAT SF625 P273L. ; FORMAT SF626 P274L. ; FORMAT SF627 P262L. ; FORMAT SF629 P275L. ; FORMAT SF630 P276L. ; FORMAT SF631 P262L. ; FORMAT SF633 P277L. ; FORMAT SF634 P278L. ; FORMAT SF635 P262L. ; FORMAT SF637 P279L. ; FORMAT SF638 P280L. ; FORMAT SF639 P262L. ; FORMAT SF641 P281L. ; FORMAT SF644 P282L. ; FORMAT SF645 P283L. ; FORMAT SF646 P284L. ; FORMAT SF647 P285L. ; FORMAT SF648 P286L. ; FORMAT SF649 P287L. ; FORMAT SF650 P288L. ; FORMAT SF651 P289L. ; FORMAT SF652 P290L. ; FORMAT SF653 P291L. ; FORMAT SF654 P292L. ; FORMAT SF655 P293L. ; FORMAT SF656 P294L. ; FORMAT SF657 P295L. ; FORMAT SF658 P296L. ; FORMAT SF659 P297L. ; FORMAT SF660 P298L. ; FORMAT SF661 P299L. ; FORMAT SF662 P300L. ; FORMAT SF663 P301L. ; FORMAT SF664 P302L. ; FORMAT SF665 P303L. ; FORMAT SF666 P304L. ; FORMAT SF667 P305L. ; FORMAT SF668 P306L. ; FORMAT SF669 P307L. ; FORMAT SF670 P308L. ; FORMAT SF671 P309L. ; FORMAT SF673 P310L. ; FORMAT SF674 P311L. ; FORMAT SF675 P312L. ; FORMAT SF676 P313L. ; FORMAT SF677 P314L. ; FORMAT SF678 P315L. ; FORMAT SF679 P316L. ; FORMAT SF680 P317L. ; FORMAT SF681 P318L. ; FORMAT SF682 P319L. ; FORMAT SF683 P320L. ; FORMAT SF684 P321L. ; FORMAT SF685 P322L. ; FORMAT SF686 P323L. ; FORMAT SF687 P324L. ; FORMAT SF688 P325L. ; FORMAT SF689 P326L. ; FORMAT SF690 P327L. ; FORMAT SF691 P328L. ; FORMAT SF692 P329L. ; FORMAT SF693 P330L. ; FORMAT SF694 P331L. ; FORMAT SF695 P332L. ; FORMAT SF696 P333L. ; FORMAT SF697 P334L. ; FORMAT SF698 P335L. ; FORMAT SF699 P336L. ; FORMAT SF700 P337L. ; FORMAT SF701 P338L. ; FORMAT SF703 P339L. ; FORMAT SF704 P340L. ; FORMAT SF705 P341L. ; FORMAT SF706 P342L. ; FORMAT SF707 P343L. ; FORMAT SF708 P344L. ; FORMAT SF709 P345L. ; FORMAT SF710 P346L. ; FORMAT SF711 P347L. ; FORMAT SF712 P348L. ; FORMAT SF713 P349L. ; FORMAT SF714 P350L. ; FORMAT SF715 P351L. ; FORMAT SF716 P352L. ; FORMAT SF717 P353L. ; FORMAT SF718 P354L. ; FORMAT SF719 P355L. ; FORMAT SF720 P356L. ; FORMAT SF721 P357L. ; FORMAT SF722 P358L. ; FORMAT SF723 P359L. ; FORMAT SF724 P360L. ; FORMAT SF725 P361L. ; FORMAT SF726 P362L. ; FORMAT SF727 P363L. ; FORMAT SF728 P364L. ; FORMAT SF729 P365L. ; FORMAT SF730 P366L. ; FORMAT SF731 P367L. ; FORMAT SF733 P368L. ; FORMAT SF734 P369L. ; FORMAT SF735 P370L. ; FORMAT SF736 P371L. ; FORMAT SF737 P372L. ; FORMAT SF738 P373L. ; FORMAT SF739 P374L. ; FORMAT SF740 P375L. ; FORMAT SF741 P376L. ; FORMAT SF742 P377L. ; FORMAT SF743 P378L. ; FORMAT SF744 P379L. ; FORMAT SF745 P380L. ; FORMAT SF746 P381L. ; FORMAT SF747 P382L. ; FORMAT SF748 P383L. ; FORMAT SF749 P384L. ; FORMAT SF750 P385L. ; FORMAT SF751 P386L. ; FORMAT SF752 P387L. ; FORMAT SF753 P388L. ; FORMAT SF754 P389L. ; FORMAT SF755 P390L. ; FORMAT SF756 P391L. ; FORMAT SF757 P392L. ; FORMAT SF758 P393L. ; FORMAT SF759 P394L. ; FORMAT SF760 P395L. ; FORMAT SF761 P396L. ; FORMAT SF762 P397L. ; FORMAT SF763 P398L. ; FORMAT SF764 P399L. ; FORMAT SF766 P400L. ; FORMAT SF767 P401L. ; FORMAT SF768 P402L. ; FORMAT SF769 P403L. ; FORMAT SF770 P404L. ; FORMAT SF771 P405L. ; FORMAT SF772 P406L. ; FORMAT SF773 P407L. ; FORMAT SF774 P408L. ; FORMAT SF775 P409L. ; FORMAT SF776 P410L. ; FORMAT SF777 P411L. ; FORMAT SF778 P412L. ; FORMAT SF779 P413L. ; FORMAT SF780 P414L. ; FORMAT SF781 P415L. ; FORMAT SF782 P416L. ; FORMAT SF783 P417L. ; FORMAT SF784 P418L. ; FORMAT SF785 P419L. ; FORMAT SF786 P420L. ; FORMAT SF787 P421L. ; FORMAT SF788 P422L. ; FORMAT SF789 P423L. ; FORMAT SF790 P424L. ; FORMAT SF791 P425L. ; FORMAT SF792 P426L. ; FORMAT SF793 P427L. ; FORMAT SF794 P428L. ; FORMAT SF795 P429L. ; FORMAT SF796 P430L. ; FORMAT SF798 P431L. ; FORMAT SF799 P432L. ; FORMAT SF800 P433L. ; FORMAT SF801 P434L. ; FORMAT SF802 P435L. ; FORMAT SF803 P436L. ; FORMAT SF804 P437L. ; FORMAT SF805 P438L. ; FORMAT SF806 P439L. ; FORMAT SF807 P440L. ; FORMAT SF808 P441L. ; FORMAT SF809 P442L. ; FORMAT SF810 P443L. ; FORMAT SF811 P444L. ; FORMAT SF812 P445L. ; FORMAT SF813 P446L. ; FORMAT SF814 P447L. ; FORMAT SF815 P448L. ; FORMAT SF816 P449L. ; FORMAT SF817 P450L. ; FORMAT SF818 P451L. ; FORMAT SF819 P452L. ; FORMAT SF820 P453L. ; FORMAT SF821 P454L. ; FORMAT SF822 P455L. ; FORMAT SF823 P456L. ; FORMAT SF824 P457L. ; FORMAT SF825 P458L. ; FORMAT SF826 P459L. ; FORMAT SF827 P460L. ; FORMAT SF829 P461L. ; FORMAT SF830 P462L. ; FORMAT SF831 P463L. ; FORMAT SF832 P464L. ; FORMAT SF833 P465L. ; FORMAT SF834 P466L. ; FORMAT SF835 P467L. ; FORMAT SF836 P468L. ; FORMAT SF837 P469L. ; FORMAT SF838 P470L. ; FORMAT SF839 P471L. ; FORMAT SF840 P472L. ; FORMAT SF841 P473L. ; FORMAT SF842 P474L. ; FORMAT SF843 P475L. ; FORMAT SF844 P476L. ; FORMAT SF845 P477L. ; FORMAT SF846 P478L. ; FORMAT SF847 P479L. ; FORMAT SF848 P480L. ; FORMAT SF849 P481L. ; FORMAT SF850 P482L. ; FORMAT SF851 P483L. ; FORMAT SF852 P484L. ; FORMAT SF853 P485L. ; FORMAT SF854 P486L. ; FORMAT SF855 P487L. ; FORMAT SF856 P488L. ; FORMAT SF857 P489L. ; FORMAT SF858 P490L. ; FORMAT SF859 P491L. ; FORMAT SF860 P492L. ; FORMAT SF861 P493L. ; FORMAT SF862 P494L. ; FORMAT SF863 P495L. ; FORMAT SF864 P496L. ; FORMAT SF865 P497L. ; FORMAT SF866 P498L. ; FORMAT SF867 P499L. ; FORMAT SF868 P500L. ; FORMAT SF869 P501L. ; FORMAT SF870 P502L. ; FORMAT SF871 P503L. ; FORMAT SF873 P504L. ; FORMAT SF875 P505L. ; FORMAT SF877 P505L. ; FORMAT SF879 P505L. ; FORMAT SF881 P505L. ; FORMAT SF883 P506L. ; FORMAT SF884 P507L. ; FORMAT SF885 P508L. ; FORMAT SF886 P509L. ; FORMAT SF887 P510L. ; FORMAT SF888 P511L. ; FORMAT SF889 P512L. ; FORMAT SF890 P513L. ; FORMAT SF891 P514L. ; FORMAT SF901 P515L. ; FORMAT SF902 P516L. ; FORMAT SF903 P517L. ; FORMAT SF904 P518L. ; FORMAT SF905 P519L. ; FORMAT SF906 P520L. ; FORMAT SF907 P521L. ; FORMAT SF908 P522L. ; FORMAT SF909 P523L. ; FORMAT SF910 P524L. ; FORMAT SF911 P525L. ; FORMAT SF912 P526L. ; FORMAT SF913 P527L. ; FORMAT SF914 P528L. ; FORMAT SF915 P529L. ; FORMAT SF916 P530L. ; FORMAT SF917 P531L. ; FORMAT SF918 P532L. ; FORMAT SF919 P533L. ; FORMAT SF920 P534L. ; FORMAT SF921 P535L. ; FORMAT SF922 P536L. ; FORMAT SF924 P537L. ; FORMAT SF925 P538L. ; FORMAT SF926 P539L. ; FORMAT SF927 P540L. ; FORMAT SF928 P541L. ; FORMAT SF929 P542L. ; FORMAT SF930 P543L. ; FORMAT SF931 P544L. ; FORMAT SF932 P545L. ; FORMAT SF933 P546L. ; FORMAT SF934 P547L. ; FORMAT SF935 P548L. ; FORMAT SF936 P549L. ; FORMAT SF937 P550L. ; FORMAT SF938 P551L. ; FORMAT SF939 P552L. ; FORMAT SF940 P553L. ; FORMAT SF941 P554L. ; FORMAT SF942 P555L. ; FORMAT SF943 P556L. ; FORMAT SF944 P557L. ; FORMAT SF946 P558L. ; FORMAT SF947 P559L. ; FORMAT SF948 P560L. ; FORMAT SF949 P561L. ; FORMAT SF950 P562L. ; FORMAT SF951 P563L. ; FORMAT SF952 P564L. ; FORMAT SF953 P565L. ; FORMAT SF954 P566L. ; FORMAT SF955 P567L. ; FORMAT SF956 P568L. ; FORMAT SF957 P569L. ; FORMAT SF958 P570L. ; FORMAT SF959 P571L. ; FORMAT SF960 P572L. ; FORMAT SF961 P573L. ; FORMAT SF962 P574L. ; FORMAT SF963 P575L. ; FORMAT SF964 P576L. ; FORMAT SF966 P577L. ; FORMAT SF967 P578L. ; FORMAT SF968 P579L. ; FORMAT SF969 P580L. ; FORMAT SF970 P581L. ; FORMAT SF971 P582L. ; FORMAT SF972 P583L. ; FORMAT SF973 P584L. ; FORMAT SF974 P585L. ; FORMAT SF975 P586L. ; FORMAT SF976 P587L. ; FORMAT SF977 P588L. ; FORMAT SF978 P589L. ; FORMAT SF979 P590L. ; FORMAT SF980 P591L. ; FORMAT SF981 P592L. ; FORMAT SF982 P593L. ; FORMAT SF983 P594L. ; FORMAT SF985 P595L. ; FORMAT SF986 P596L. ; FORMAT SF987 P597L. ; FORMAT SF988 P598L. ; FORMAT SF989 P599L. ; FORMAT SF990 P600L. ; FORMAT SF991 P601L. ; FORMAT SF992 P602L. ; FORMAT SF993 P603L. ; FORMAT SF994 P604L. ; FORMAT SF995 P605L. ; FORMAT SF996 P606L. ; FORMAT SF997 P607L. ; FORMAT SF998 P608L. ; FORMAT SF999 P609L. ; FORMAT SF1000 P610L. ; FORMAT SF1001 P611L. ; FORMAT SF1002 P612L. ; FORMAT SF1003 P613L. ; FORMAT SF1004 P614L. ; FORMAT SF1006 P615L. ; FORMAT SF1007 P616L. ; FORMAT SF1008 P617L. ; FORMAT SF1009 P618L. ; FORMAT SF1010 P619L. ; FORMAT SF1011 P620L. ; FORMAT SF1012 P621L. ; FORMAT SF1013 P622L. ; FORMAT SF1014 P623L. ; FORMAT SF1015 P624L. ; FORMAT SF1016 P625L. ; FORMAT SF1017 P626L. ; FORMAT SF1018 P627L. ; FORMAT SF1019 P628L. ; FORMAT SF1020 P629L. ; FORMAT SF1021 P630L. ; FORMAT SF1022 P631L. ; FORMAT SF1023 P632L. ; FORMAT SF1024 P633L. ; FORMAT SF1025 P634L. ; FORMAT SF1027 P635L. ; FORMAT SF1028 P636L. ; FORMAT SF1029 P637L. ; FORMAT SF1030 P638L. ; FORMAT SF1031 P639L. ; FORMAT SF1032 P640L. ; FORMAT SF1033 P641L. ; FORMAT SF1034 P642L. ; FORMAT SF1035 P643L. ; FORMAT SF1036 P644L. ; FORMAT SF1037 P645L. ; FORMAT SF1038 P646L. ; FORMAT SF1039 P647L. ; FORMAT SF1040 P648L. ; FORMAT SF1041 P649L. ; FORMAT SF1042 P650L. ; FORMAT SF1043 P651L. ; FORMAT SF1044 P652L. ; FORMAT SF1045 P653L. ; FORMAT SF1046 P654L. ; FORMAT SF1047 P655L. ; FORMAT SF1049 P656L. ; FORMAT SF1050 P657L. ; FORMAT SF1051 P658L. ; FORMAT SF1052 P659L. ; FORMAT SF1053 P660L. ; FORMAT SF1054 P661L. ; FORMAT SF1055 P662L. ; FORMAT SF1056 P663L. ; FORMAT SF1057 P664L. ; FORMAT SF1058 P665L. ; FORMAT SF1059 P666L. ; FORMAT SF1060 P667L. ; FORMAT SF1061 P668L. ; FORMAT SF1062 P669L. ; FORMAT SF1063 P670L. ; FORMAT SF1064 P671L. ; FORMAT SF1065 P672L. ; FORMAT SF1066 P673L. ; FORMAT SF1067 P674L. ; FORMAT SF1068 P675L. ; FORMAT SF1069 P676L. ; FORMAT SF1070 P677L. ; FORMAT SF1071 P678L. ; FORMAT SF1072 P679L. ; FORMAT SF1074 P680L. ; FORMAT SF1076 P681L. ; FORMAT SF1078 P681L. ; FORMAT SF1080 P681L. ; FORMAT SF1082 P681L. ; FORMAT SF1084 P682L. ; FORMAT SF1085 P683L. ; FORMAT SF1086 P684L. ; FORMAT SF1087 P685L. ; FORMAT SF1088 P686L. ; FORMAT SF1089 P687L. ; FORMAT SF1090 P688L. ; FORMAT SF1091 P689L. ; FORMAT SF1092 P690L. ; FORMAT SF1093 P691L. ; FORMAT SF1094 P692L. ; FORMAT SF1095 P693L. ; FORMAT SF1099 P694L. ; FORMAT SF1100 P695L. ; FORMAT SF1101 P696L. ; FORMAT SF1102 P697L. ; FORMAT SF1103 P698L. ; FORMAT SF1104 P699L. ; FORMAT SF1105 P700L. ; FORMAT SF1106 P701L. ; FORMAT SF1107 P702L. ; FORMAT SF1108 P703L. ; FORMAT SF1109 P704L. ; FORMAT SF1110 P705L. ; FORMAT SF1111 P706L. ; FORMAT SF1112 P707L. ; FORMAT SF1113 P708L. ; FORMAT SF1114 P709L. ; FORMAT SF1115 P710L. ; FORMAT SF1116 P711L. ; FORMAT SF1118 P712L. ; FORMAT SF1119 P713L. ; FORMAT SF1120 P714L. ; FORMAT SF1121 P715L. ; FORMAT SF1122 P716L. ; FORMAT SF1123 P717L. ; FORMAT SF1124 P718L. ; FORMAT SF1125 P719L. ; FORMAT SF1126 P720L. ; FORMAT SF1127 P721L. ; FORMAT SF1128 P722L. ; FORMAT SF1129 P723L. ; FORMAT SF1130 P724L. ; FORMAT SF1131 P725L. ; FORMAT SF1132 P726L. ; FORMAT SF1134 P727L. ; FORMAT SF1136 P728L. ; FORMAT SF1137 P729L. ; FORMAT SF1138 P730L. ; FORMAT SF1139 P731L. ; FORMAT SF1140 P732L. ; FORMAT SF1141 P733L. ; FORMAT SF1142 P734L. ; FORMAT SF1143 P735L. ; FORMAT SF1144 P736L. ; FORMAT SF1145 P737L. ; FORMAT SF1146 P738L. ; FORMAT SF1147 P739L. ; FORMAT SF1148 P740L. ; FORMAT SF1149 P741L. ; FORMAT SF1150 P742L. ; FORMAT SF1151 P743L. ; FORMAT SF1153 P744L. ; FORMAT SF1154 P745L. ; FORMAT SF1155 P746L. ; FORMAT SF1156 P747L. ; FORMAT SF1157 P748L. ; FORMAT SF1158 P749L. ; FORMAT SF1159 P750L. ; FORMAT SF1160 P751L. ; FORMAT SF1161 P752L. ; FORMAT SF1162 P753L. ; FORMAT SF1163 P754L. ; FORMAT SF1164 P755L. ; FORMAT SF1165 P756L. ; FORMAT SF1166 P757L. ; FORMAT SF1167 P758L. ; FORMAT SF1169 P759L. ; FORMAT SF1171 P760L. ; FORMAT SF1172 P761L. ; FORMAT SF1173 P762L. ; FORMAT SF1174 P763L. ; FORMAT SF1175 P764L. ; FORMAT SF1176 P765L. ; FORMAT SF1177 P766L. ; FORMAT SF1178 P767L. ; FORMAT SF1179 P768L. ; FORMAT SF1180 P769L. ; FORMAT SF1181 P770L. ; FORMAT SF1182 P771L. ; FORMAT SF1183 P772L. ; FORMAT SF1184 P773L. ; FORMAT SF1185 P774L. ; FORMAT SF1186 P775L. ; FORMAT SF1188 P776L. ; FORMAT SF1189 P777L. ; FORMAT SF1190 P778L. ; FORMAT SF1191 P779L. ; FORMAT SF1192 P780L. ; FORMAT SF1193 P781L. ; FORMAT SF1194 P782L. ; FORMAT SF1195 P783L. ; FORMAT SF1196 P784L. ; FORMAT SF1197 P785L. ; FORMAT SF1198 P786L. ; FORMAT SF1199 P787L. ; FORMAT SF1200 P788L. ; FORMAT SF1201 P789L. ; FORMAT SF1202 P790L. ; FORMAT SF1204 P791L. ; FORMAT SF1206 P792L. ; FORMAT SF1207 P793L. ; FORMAT SF1208 P794L. ; FORMAT SF1209 P795L. ; FORMAT SF1210 P796L. ; FORMAT SF1211 P797L. ; FORMAT SF1212 P798L. ; FORMAT SF1213 P799L. ; FORMAT SF1214 P800L. ; FORMAT SF1215 P801L. ; FORMAT SF1216 P802L. ; FORMAT SF1217 P803L. ; FORMAT SF1218 P804L. ; FORMAT SF1219 P805L. ; FORMAT SF1220 P806L. ; FORMAT SF1221 P807L. ; FORMAT SF1223 P808L. ; FORMAT SF1224 P809L. ; FORMAT SF1225 P810L. ; FORMAT SF1226 P811L. ; FORMAT SF1227 P812L. ; FORMAT SF1228 P813L. ; FORMAT SF1229 P814L. ; FORMAT SF1230 P815L. ; FORMAT SF1231 P816L. ; FORMAT SF1232 P817L. ; FORMAT SF1233 P818L. ; FORMAT SF1234 P819L. ; FORMAT SF1235 P820L. ; FORMAT SF1236 P821L. ; FORMAT SF1237 P822L. ; FORMAT SF1239 P823L. ; FORMAT SF1241 P824L. ; FORMAT SF1242 P825L. ; FORMAT SF1243 P826L. ; FORMAT SF1244 P827L. ; FORMAT SF1245 P828L. ; FORMAT SF1251 P829L. ; FORMAT SF1252 P830L. ; FORMAT SF1253 P831L. ; FORMAT SF1254 P832L. ; FORMAT SF1255 P833L. ; FORMAT SF1256 P834L. ; FORMAT SF1257 P835L. ; FORMAT SF1258 P836L. ; FORMAT SF1259 P837L. ; FORMAT SF1260 P838L. ; FORMAT SF1261 P839L. ; FORMAT SF1262 P840L. ; FORMAT SF1263 P841L. ; FORMAT SF1264 P842L. ; FORMAT SF1265 P843L. ; FORMAT SF1266 P844L. ; FORMAT SF1267 P845L. ; FORMAT SF1268 P846L. ; FORMAT SF1269 P847L. ; FORMAT SF1270 P848L. ; FORMAT SF1271 P849L. ; FORMAT SF1272 P850L. ; FORMAT SF1273 P851L. ; FORMAT SF1274 P852L. ; FORMAT SF1275 P853L. ; FORMAT SF1276 P854L. ; FORMAT SF1277 P855L. ; FORMAT SF1278 P856L. ; FORMAT SF1279 P857L. ; FORMAT SF1280 P858L. ; FORMAT SF1281 P859L. ; FORMAT SF1282 P860L. ; FORMAT SF1283 P861L. ; FORMAT SF1284 P862L. ; FORMAT SF1285 P863L. ; FORMAT SF1286 P864L. ; FORMAT SF1287 P865L. ; FORMAT SF1288 P866L. ; FORMAT SF1289 P867L. ; FORMAT SF1290 P868L. ; FORMAT SF1291 P869L. ; FORMAT SF1292 P870L. ; FORMAT SF1293 P871L. ; FORMAT SF1294 P872L. ; FORMAT SF1295 P873L. ; FORMAT SF1296 P874L. ; FORMAT SF1297 P875L. ; FORMAT SF1298 P876L. ; FORMAT SF1299 P877L. ; FORMAT SF1300 P878L. ; FORMAT SF1301 P879L. ; FORMAT SF1302 P880L. ; FORMAT SF1303 P881L. ; FORMAT SF1304 P882L. ; FORMAT SF1305 P883L. ; FORMAT SF1306 P884L. ; FORMAT SF1307 P885L. ; FORMAT SF1308 P886L. ; FORMAT SF1309 P887L. ; FORMAT SF1310 P888L. ; FORMAT SF1311 P889L. ; FORMAT SF1312 P890L. ; FORMAT SF1313 P891L. ; FORMAT SF1314 P892L. ; FORMAT SF1315 P893L. ; FORMAT SF1316 P894L. ; FORMAT SF1317 P895L. ; FORMAT SF1318 P896L. ; FORMAT SF1319 P897L. ; FORMAT SF1320 P898L. ; FORMAT SF1321 P899L. ; FORMAT SF1322 P900L. ; FORMAT SF1323 P901L. ; FORMAT SF1324 P902L. ; FORMAT SF1325 P903L. ; FORMAT SF1326 P904L. ; FORMAT SF1327 P905L. ; FORMAT SF1328 P906L. ; FORMAT SF1329 P907L. ; FORMAT SF1330 P908L. ; FORMAT SF1331 P909L. ; FORMAT SF1332 P910L. ; FORMAT SF1333 P911L. ; FORMAT SF1334 P912L. ; FORMAT SF1335 P913L. ; FORMAT SF1336 P914L. ; FORMAT SF1337 P915L. ; FORMAT SF1351 P916L. ; FORMAT SF1352 P917L. ; FORMAT SF1353 P918L. ; FORMAT SF1354 P919L. ; FORMAT SF1355 P920L. ; FORMAT SF1356 P921L. ; FORMAT SF1357 P922L. ; FORMAT SF1358 P923L. ; FORMAT SF1359 P924L. ; FORMAT SF1360 P925L. ; FORMAT SF1361 P926L. ; FORMAT SF1362 P927L. ; FORMAT SF1363 P928L. ; FORMAT SF1364 P929L. ; FORMAT SF1365 P930L. ; FORMAT SF1366 P931L. ; FORMAT SF1367 P932L. ; FORMAT SF1368 P933L. ; FORMAT SF1369 P934L. ; FORMAT SF1370 P935L. ; FORMAT SF1371 P936L. ; FORMAT SF1372 P937L. ; FORMAT SF1373 P938L. ; FORMAT SF1375 P939L. ; FORMAT SF1376 P940L. ; FORMAT SF1377 P941L. ; FORMAT SF1378 P942L. ; FORMAT SF1379 P943L. ; FORMAT SF1380 P944L. ; FORMAT SF1381 P945L. ; FORMAT SF1382 P946L. ; FORMAT SF1383 P947L. ; FORMAT SF1385 P948L. ; FORMAT SF1387 P949L. ; FORMAT SF1388 P950L. ; FORMAT SF1389 P951L. ; FORMAT SF1391 P952L. ; FORMAT SF1393 P953L. ; FORMAT SF1394 P954L. ; FORMAT SF1395 P955L. ; FORMAT SF1396 P956L. ; FORMAT SF1397 P957L. ; FORMAT SF1398 P958L. ; FORMAT SF1399 P959L. ; FORMAT SF1400 P960L. ; FORMAT SF1401 P961L. ; FORMAT SF1402 P962L. ; FORMAT SF1403 P963L. ; FORMAT SF1404 P964L. ; FORMAT SF1405 P965L. ; FORMAT SF1407 P966L. ; FORMAT SF1412 P967L. ; FORMAT SF1413 P968L. ; FORMAT SF1414 P969L. ; FORMAT SF1415 P970L. ; FORMAT SF1416 P971L. ; FORMAT SF1417 P972L. ; FORMAT SF1418 P973L. ; FORMAT SF1419 P974L. ; FORMAT SF1420 P975L. ; FORMAT SF1421 P976L. ; FORMAT SF1422 P977L. ; FORMAT SF1423 P978L. ; FORMAT SF1425 P979L. ; FORMAT SF1426 P980L. ; FORMAT SF1427 P981L. ; FORMAT SF1429 P982L. ; FORMAT SF1431 P983L. ; FORMAT SF1432 P984L. ; FORMAT SF1433 P985L. ; FORMAT SF1434 P986L. ; FORMAT SF1435 P987L. ; FORMAT SF1436 P988L. ; FORMAT SF1437 P989L. ; FORMAT SF1438 P990L. ; FORMAT SF1439 P991L. ; FORMAT SF1440 P992L. ; FORMAT SF1441 P993L. ; FORMAT SF1442 P994L. ; FORMAT SF1443 P995L. ; FORMAT SF1445 P996L. ; FORMAT SF1450 P997L. ; FORMAT SF1451 P998L. ; FORMAT SF1452 P999L. ; FORMAT SF1453 P1000L. ; FORMAT SF1454 P1001L. ; FORMAT SF1455 P1002L. ; FORMAT SF1456 P1003L. ; FORMAT SF1457 P1004L. ; FORMAT SF1458 P1005L. ; FORMAT SF1459 P1006L. ; FORMAT SF1460 P1007L. ; FORMAT SF1461 P1008L. ; FORMAT SF1463 P1009L. ; FORMAT SF1464 P1010L. ; FORMAT SF1465 P1011L. ; FORMAT SF1467 P1012L. ; FORMAT SF1469 P1013L. ; FORMAT SF1470 P1014L. ; FORMAT SF1471 P1015L. ; FORMAT SF1472 P1016L. ; FORMAT SF1473 P1017L. ; FORMAT SF1474 P1018L. ; FORMAT SF1475 P1019L. ; FORMAT SF1476 P1020L. ; FORMAT SF1477 P1021L. ; FORMAT SF1478 P1022L. ; FORMAT SF1479 P1023L. ; FORMAT SF1480 P1024L. ; FORMAT SF1481 P1025L. ; FORMAT SF1483 P1026L. ; FORMAT SF1488 P1027L. ; FORMAT SF1489 P1028L. ; FORMAT SF1490 P1029L. ; FORMAT SF1491 P1030L. ; FORMAT SF1492 P1031L. ; FORMAT SF1493 P1032L. ; FORMAT SF1494 P1033L. ; FORMAT SF1495 P1034L. ; FORMAT SF1496 P1035L. ; FORMAT SF1497 P1036L. ; FORMAT SF1498 P1037L. ; FORMAT SF1499 P1038L. ; FORMAT SF1501 P1039L. ; FORMAT SF1502 P1040L. ; FORMAT SF1503 P1041L. ; FORMAT SF1504 P1042L. ; FORMAT SF1505 P1043L. ; FORMAT SF1506 P1044L. ; FORMAT SF1507 P1045L. ; FORMAT SF1508 P1046L. ; FORMAT SF1509 P1047L. ; FORMAT SF1510 P1048L. ; FORMAT SF1511 P1049L. ; FORMAT SF1512 P1050L. ; FORMAT SF1541 P1051L. ; FORMAT SF1542 P1052L. ; FORMAT SF1544 P1053L. ; FORMAT SF1545 P1054L. ; FORMAT SF1547 P1055L. ; FORMAT SF1548 P1056L. ; FORMAT SF1551 P1057L. ; FORMAT SF1552 P1058L. ; FORMAT SF1554 P1059L. ; FORMAT SF1555 P1060L. ; FORMAT SF1557 P1061L. ; FORMAT SF1558 P1062L. ; FORMAT SF1560 P1063L. ; FORMAT SF1561 P1064L. ; FORMAT SF1563 P1065L. ; FORMAT SF1564 P1066L. ; FORMAT SF1566 P1067L. ; FORMAT SF1567 P1068L. ; FORMAT SF1569 P1069L. ; FORMAT SF1570 P1070L. ; FORMAT SF1572 P1071L. ; FORMAT SF1573 P1072L. ; FORMAT SF1575 P1073L. ; FORMAT SF1576 P1074L. ; FORMAT SF1577 P1075L. ; FORMAT SF1578 P1076L. ; FORMAT SF1579 P1077L. ; FORMAT SF1580 P1078L. ; FORMAT SF1581 P1079L. ; FORMAT SF1582 P1080L. ; FORMAT SF1583 P1081L. ; FORMAT SF1584 P1082L. ; FORMAT SF1585 P1083L. ; FORMAT SF1586 P1084L. ; FORMAT SF1588 P1085L. ; FORMAT SF1590 P1086L. ; FORMAT SF1592 P1087L. ; FORMAT SF1593 P1088L. ; FORMAT SF1595 P1090L. ; FORMAT SF1597 P1091L. ; FORMAT SF1598 P1092L. ; FORMAT SF1600 P1094L. ; FORMAT SF1602 P1095L. ; FORMAT SF1603 P1096L. ; FORMAT SF1605 P1097L. ; FORMAT SF1607 P1098L. ; FORMAT SF1608 P1099L. ; FORMAT SF1610 P1100L. ; FORMAT SF1612 P1101L. ; FORMAT SF1613 P1102L. ; FORMAT SF1615 P1103L. ; FORMAT SF1616 P1104L. ; FORMAT SF1617 P1105L. ; FORMAT SF1618 P1106L. ; FORMAT SF1619 P1107L. ; FORMAT SF1621 P1108L. ; FORMAT SF1623 P1109L. ; FORMAT SF1624 P1110L. ; FORMAT SF1625 P1111L. ; FORMAT SF1626 P1112L. ; FORMAT SF1627 P1114L. ; FORMAT SF1629 P1115L. ; FORMAT SF1630 P1116L. ; FORMAT SF1632 P1118L. ; FORMAT SF1634 P1119L. ; FORMAT SF1635 P1120L. ; FORMAT SF1637 P1121L. ; FORMAT SF1639 P1122L. ; FORMAT SF1640 P1123L. ; FORMAT SF1642 P1124L. ; FORMAT SF1644 P1125L. ; FORMAT SF1645 P1126L. ; FORMAT SF1647 P1127L. ; FORMAT SF1651 P1128L. ; FORMAT SF1652 P1129L. ; FORMAT SF1653 P1130L. ; FORMAT SF1654 P1131L. ; FORMAT SF1655 P1132L. ; FORMAT SF1656 P1133L. ; FORMAT SF1657 P1134L. ; FORMAT SF1658 P1135L. ; FORMAT SF1659 P1136L. ; FORMAT SF1660 P1137L. ; FORMAT SF1661 P1138L. ; FORMAT SF1662 P1139L. ; FORMAT SF1663 P1140L. ; FORMAT SF1664 P1141L. ; FORMAT SF1665 P1142L. ; FORMAT SF1666 P1143L. ; FORMAT SF1668 P1144L. ; FORMAT SF1669 P1143L. ; FORMAT SF1671 P1145L. ; FORMAT SF1672 P1146L. ; FORMAT SF1673 P1143L. ; FORMAT SF1675 P1147L. ; FORMAT SF1676 P1148L. ; FORMAT SF1677 P1149L. ; FORMAT SF1678 P1143L. ; FORMAT SF1680 P1150L. ; FORMAT SF1681 P1151L. ; FORMAT SF1682 P1143L. ; FORMAT SF1684 P1152L. ; FORMAT SF1685 P1153L. ; FORMAT SF1686 P1154L. ; FORMAT SF1687 P1143L. ; FORMAT SF1689 P1155L. ; FORMAT SF1690 P1156L. ; FORMAT SF1691 P1157L. ; FORMAT SF1692 P1143L. ; FORMAT SF1694 P1158L. ; FORMAT SF1695 P1159L. ; FORMAT SF1696 P1160L. ; FORMAT SF1697 P1143L. ; FORMAT SF1699 P1161L. ; FORMAT SF1700 P1162L. ; FORMAT SF1701 P1143L. ; FORMAT SF1703 P1163L. ; FORMAT SF1704 P1164L. ; FORMAT SF1705 P1143L. ; FORMAT SF1707 P1165L. ; FORMAT SF1708 P1166L. ; FORMAT SF1709 P1143L. ; FORMAT SF1711 P1167L. ; FORMAT SF1712 P1168L. ; FORMAT SF1713 P1169L. ; FORMAT SF1714 P1170L. ; FORMAT SF1715 P1171L. ; FORMAT SF1716 P1172L. ; FORMAT SF1717 P1173L. ; FORMAT SF1718 P1174L. ; FORMAT SF1719 P1175L. ; FORMAT SF1720 P1176L. ; FORMAT SF1721 P1177L. ; FORMAT SF1722 P1178L. ; FORMAT SF1723 P1179L. ; FORMAT SF1724 P1180L. ; FORMAT SF1725 P1181L. ; FORMAT SF1727 P1182L. ; FORMAT SF1729 P1183L. ; FORMAT SF1730 P1184L. ; FORMAT SF1731 P1185L. ; FORMAT SF1741 P1186L. ; FORMAT SF1742 P1187L. ; FORMAT SF1743 P1188L. ; FORMAT SF1744 P1189L. ; FORMAT SF1745 P1190L. ; FORMAT SF1746 P1191L. ; FORMAT SF1748 P1192L. ; FORMAT SF1753 P1193L. ; FORMAT SF1756 P1194L. ; FORMAT SF1760 P1193L. ; FORMAT SF1763 P1194L. ; FORMAT SF1767 P1195L. ; FORMAT SF1768 P1196L. ; FORMAT SF1769 P1197L. ; FORMAT SF1770 P1198L. ; FORMAT SF1771 P1199L. ; FORMAT SF1773 P1200L. ; FORMAT SF1774 P1201L. ; FORMAT SF1777 P1202L. ; FORMAT SF1778 P1203L. ; FORMAT SF1780 P1204L. ; FORMAT SF1791 P1205L. ; FORMAT SF1792 P1206L. ; FORMAT SF1793 P1207L. ; FORMAT SF1794 P1208L. ; FORMAT SF1795 P1209L. ; FORMAT SF1796 P1210L. ; FORMAT SF1797 P1211L. ; FORMAT SF1798 P1212L. ; FORMAT SF1799 P1213L. ; FORMAT SF1800 P1214L. ; FORMAT SF1801 P1215L. ; FORMAT SF1802 P1216L. ; FORMAT SF1811 P1217L. ; FORMAT SF1812 P1218L. ; FORMAT SF1814 P1219L. ; FORMAT SF1816 P1220L. ; FORMAT SF1817 P1221L. ; FORMAT SF1818 P1222L. ; FORMAT SF1819 P1223L. ; FORMAT SF1820 P1224L. ; FORMAT SF1821 P1225L. ; FORMAT SF1822 P1226L. ; FORMAT SF1823 P1227L. ; FORMAT SF1824 P1228L. ; FORMAT SF1825 P1229L. ; FORMAT SF1826 P1230L. ; FORMAT SF1827 R1827L. ; FORMAT SF1828 R1828L. ; FORMAT SF1829 R1829L. ; FORMAT SF1830 R1830L. ; FORMAT SF1831 R1831l. ; FORMAT SF1833 R1833l. ; FORMAT SF1837 R1837l. ; FORMAT SF1839 R1839l. ; FORMAT SF1843 R1843L. ; FORMAT SF1844 R1844L. ; FORMAT SF1845 R1845L. ; FORMAT SF1846 R1846L. ; FORMAT SF1847 R1847L. ; FORMAT SF1849 R1849L. ; FORMAT SF1827 R1827L. ; FORMAT SF1853 R1853L. ; FORMAT SF1854 R1854L. ; FORMAT SF1856 R1856L. ; FORMAT SF1857 R1857L. ; FORMAT SF1859 R1859L. ; FORMAT SF1861 R1861L. ; FORMAT SF1863 R1863L. ; FORMAT SF1865 R1865L. ; FORMAT SF1867 Q22Q. ; FORMAT SF1869 RESCODE. ; FORMAT SF1871 RESCODE. ; FORMAT SF1875 Q22Q. ; FORMAT SF1877 Q22Q. ; FORMAT SF1879 Q22Q. ; FORMAT SF1881 Q22Q. ; FORMAT SF1883 Q22Q. ; FORMAT SF1885 Q22Q. ; FORMAT SF1887 Q22Q. ; FORMAT SF1889 Q22Q. ; FORMAT SF1891 Q22Q. ; FORMAT SF1893 Q22Q. ; FORMAT SF1895 Q22Q. ; FORMAT SF1897 Q22Q. ; FORMAT SF1899 Q22Q. ; FORMAT SF1901 Q22Q. ; FORMAT SF1903 Q22Q. ; FORMAT SF1905 Q22Q. ; FORMAT SF1907 Q22Q. ; FORMAT SF1909 Q22Q. ; FORMAT SF1911 Q22Q. ; FORMAT SF1913 Q22Q. ; FORMAT SF1915 Q22CQ. ; FORMAT SF1917 Q22Q. ; FORMAT SF1919 Q22Q. ; FORMAT SF1921 Q22Q. ; FORMAT SF1923 Q22Q. ; FORMAT SF1925 Q22Q. ; FORMAT SF1927 Q22Q. ; FORMAT SF1929 Q22Q. ; FORMAT SF1931 Q22Q. ; FORMAT SF1933 Q22Q. ; FORMAT SF1935 Q167Q. ; FORMAT SF1937 RESCODE. ; FORMAT SF1939 RESCODE. ; FORMAT SF1941 RESCODE. ; FORMAT SF1945 RESCODE. ; FORMAT SF1947 RESCODE. ; FORMAT SF1951 RESCODE. ; FORMAT SF1953 Q22Q. ; FORMAT SF1955 Q22Q. ; FORMAT SF1957 Q22Q. ; FORMAT SF1959 Q22Q. ; FORMAT SF1961 Q22Q. ; FORMAT SF1963 Q22Q. ; FORMAT SF1965 Q22Q. ; FORMAT SF1967 Q22Q. ; FORMAT SF1969 Q22Q. ; FORMAT SF1971 Q175Q. ; FORMAT SF1973 Q167Q. ; FORMAT SF1975 RESCODE. ; FORMAT SF1977 RESCODE. ; FORMAT SF1979 RESCODE. ; FORMAT SF1983 RESCODE. ; FORMAT SF1985 RESCODE. ; FORMAT SF1989 RESCODE. ; FORMAT SF1991 Q22Q. ; FORMAT SF1993 Q22Q. ; FORMAT SF1995 Q22Q. ; FORMAT SF1997 Q22Q. ; FORMAT SF1999 Q22Q. ; FORMAT SF2001 Q22Q. ; FORMAT SF2003 Q22Q. ; FORMAT SF2005 Q22Q. ; FORMAT SF2007 Q22Q. ; FORMAT SF2009 Q175Q. ; FORMAT SF2011 Q138Q. ; FORMAT SF2013 Q22Q. ; FORMAT SF2015 Q181Q. ; FORMAT SF2017 RESCODE. ; FORMAT SF2019 RESCODE. ; FORMAT SF2023 RESCODE. ; FORMAT SF2025 RESCODE. ; FORMAT SF2029 Q22Q. ; FORMAT SF2031 RESCODE. ; FORMAT SF2033 RESCODE. ; FORMAT SF2037 Q22Q. ; FORMAT SF2039 Q181Q. ; FORMAT SF2041 RESCODE. ; FORMAT SF2043 RESCODE. ; FORMAT SF2047 R2047L. ; FORMAT SF2049 R2049L. ; FORMAT SF2051 R2051L. ; FORMAT SF2053 Q197Q. ; FORMAT SF2055 Q198Q. ; FORMAT SF2057 RES3X. ; FORMAT SF2060 RES4XB. ; FORMAT SF2064 Q197Q. ; FORMAT SF2066 Q198Q. ; FORMAT SF2068 RES3X. ; FORMAT SF2071 RES4XB. ; FORMAT SF2075 Q197Q. ; FORMAT SF2077 Q198Q. ; FORMAT SF2079 RES3X. ; FORMAT SF2082 RES4XB. ; FORMAT SF2086 Q197Q. ; FORMAT SF2088 Q198Q. ; FORMAT SF2090 RES3X. ; FORMAT SF2093 RES4XB. ; FORMAT SF2097 Q197Q. ; FORMAT SF2099 Q198Q. ; FORMAT SF2101 RES3X. ; FORMAT SF2104 RES4XB. ; FORMAT SF2108 Q197Q. ; FORMAT SF2110 Q198Q. ; FORMAT SF2112 RES3X. ; FORMAT SF2115 RES4XB. ; FORMAT SF2119 Q197Q. ; FORMAT SF2121 Q198Q. ; FORMAT SF2123 RES3X. ; FORMAT SF2126 RES4XB. ; FORMAT SF2130 Q197Q. ; FORMAT SF2132 Q198Q. ; FORMAT SF2134 RES3X. ; FORMAT SF2137 RES4XB. ; FORMAT SF2141 Q197Q. ; FORMAT SF2143 Q198Q. ; FORMAT SF2145 RES3X. ; FORMAT SF2148 RES4XB. ; FORMAT SF2152 Q197Q. ; FORMAT SF2154 Q198Q. ; FORMAT SF2156 RES3X. ; FORMAT SF2159 RES4XB. ; FORMAT SF2163 R2163L. ; FORMAT SF2165 R2165L. ; FORMAT SF2167 R2165L. ; FORMAT SF2169 R2165L. ; FORMAT SF2171 R2165L. ; FORMAT SF2173 R2165L. ; FORMAT SF2175 R2165L. ; FORMAT SF2177 R2165L. ; FORMAT SF2179 R2165L. ; FORMAT SF2181 R2165L. ; FORMAT SF2183 R2165L. ; FORMAT SF2185 Q22Q. ; FORMAT SF2187 RESCODE. ; FORMAT SF2189 Q204Q. ; FORMAT SF2191 Q205Q. ; FORMAT SF2193 Q206Q. ; FORMAT SF2195 Q206Q. ; FORMAT SF2197 Q22Q. ; FORMAT SF2199 Q22Q. ; FORMAT SF2201 Q22Q. ; FORMAT SF2203 Q22Q. ; FORMAT SF2205 RESCODE. ; FORMAT SF2207 RESCODE. ; FORMAT SF2209 R2209L. ; FORMAT SF2211 R2051L. ; FORMAT SF2213 RESCODE. ; FORMAT SF2216 Q215Q. ; FORMAT SF2218 R2218L. ; FORMAT SF2221 RESCODE. ; FORMAT SF2224 Q217Q. ; FORMAT SF2226 R2226L. ; FORMAT SF2228 RESCODE. ; FORMAT SF2231 Q217Q. ; FORMAT SF2233 R2226L. ; FORMAT SF2235 Q22Q. ; FORMAT SF2237 Q22Q. ; FORMAT SF2239 RESCODE. ; FORMAT SF2241 RESCODE. ; FORMAT SF2243 R2243L. ; FORMAT SF2245 Q22Q. ; FORMAT SF2247 Q22Q. ; FORMAT SF2249 Q22Q. ; FORMAT SF2251 Q22Q. ; FORMAT SF2253 Q22Q. ; FORMAT SF2255 Q22Q. ; FORMAT SF2257 Q22Q. ; FORMAT SF2259 Q22Q. ; FORMAT SF2261 Q22Q. ; FORMAT SF2263 Q22Q. ; FORMAT SF2265 Q22Q. ; FORMAT SF2267 Q22Q. ; FORMAT SF2269 Q22Q. ; FORMAT SF2271 RESCODE. ; FORMAT SF2273 Q234Q. ; FORMAT SF2275 Q22Q. ; FORMAT SF2277 Q239Q. ; FORMAT SF2279 Q22Q. ; FORMAT SF2281 Q22Q. ; FORMAT SF2283 Q22Q. ; FORMAT SF2285 Q22Q. ; FORMAT SF2287 Q22Q. ; FORMAT SF2289 Q22Q. ; FORMAT SF2291 Q22Q. ; FORMAT SF2293 Q22Q. ; FORMAT SF2295 Q22Q. ; FORMAT SF2297 Q22Q. ; FORMAT SF2299 Q22Q. ; FORMAT SF2301 Q22Q. ; FORMAT SF2303 Q22Q. ; FORMAT SF2305 Q22Q. ; FORMAT SF2307 Q22Q. ; FORMAT SF2309 Q22Q. ; FORMAT SF2313 Q22Q. ; FORMAT SF2317 Q22Q. ; FORMAT SF2321 Q22Q. ; FORMAT SF2325 Q22Q. ; FORMAT SF2329 Q22Q. ; FORMAT SF2333 Q22Q. ; FORMAT SF2311 Q248Q. ; FORMAT SF2315 Q248Q. ; FORMAT SF2319 Q248Q. ; FORMAT SF2323 Q248Q. ; FORMAT SF2327 Q248Q. ; FORMAT SF2331 Q248Q. ; FORMAT SF2335 Q248Q. ; FORMAT SF2337 MSCDE2L. ; FORMAT SF2339 MSCDE2L. ; FORMAT SF2341 Q255Q. ; FORMAT SF2345 Q255Q. ; FORMAT SF2349 Q255Q. ; FORMAT SF2353 Q255Q. ; FORMAT SF2357 Q255Q. ; FORMAT SF2361 Q255Q. ; FORMAT SF2343 Q248Q. ; FORMAT SF2347 Q248Q. ; FORMAT SF2351 Q248Q. ; FORMAT SF2355 Q248Q. ; FORMAT SF2359 Q248Q. ; FORMAT SF2363 Q248Q. ; FORMAT SF2365 MSCDE2L. ; FORMAT SF2367 MSCDE2L. ; FORMAT SF2369 Q22Q. ; FORMAT SF2371 Q22Q. ; FORMAT SF2373 Q255Q. ; FORMAT SF2379 Q255Q. ; FORMAT SF2385 Q255Q. ; FORMAT SF2391 Q255Q. ; FORMAT SF2397 Q255Q. ; FORMAT SF2403 Q255Q. ; FORMAT SF2409 Q255Q. ; FORMAT SF2375 Q248Q. ; FORMAT SF2381 Q248Q. ; FORMAT SF2387 Q248Q. ; FORMAT SF2393 Q248Q. ; FORMAT SF2399 Q248Q. ; FORMAT SF2405 Q248Q. ; FORMAT SF2411 Q248Q. ; FORMAT SF2377 Q22Q. ; FORMAT SF2383 Q22Q. ; FORMAT SF2389 Q22Q. ; FORMAT SF2395 Q22Q. ; FORMAT SF2401 Q22Q. ; FORMAT SF2407 Q22Q. ; FORMAT SF2413 Q22Q. ; FORMAT SF2415 MSCDE2L. ; FORMAT SF2417 MSCDE2L. ; FORMAT SF2419 MSCDE2L. ; FORMAT SF2421 R2421L. ; FORMAT SF2423 R2421L. ; FORMAT SF2425 R2421L. ; FORMAT SF2427 Q251Q. ; FORMAT SF2429 Q251Q. ; FORMAT SF2431 Q251Q. ; FORMAT SF2433 Q251Q. ; FORMAT SF2435 Q22Q. ; FORMAT SF2437 Q22Q. ; FORMAT SF2439 Q22Q. ; FORMAT SF2441 Q22Q. ; FORMAT SF2443 Q22Q. ; FORMAT SF2445 Q22Q. ; FORMAT SF2447 Q22Q. ; FORMAT SF2449 Q22Q. ; FORMAT SF2451 Q22Q. ; FORMAT SF2453 Q22Q. ; FORMAT SF2455 Q22Q. ; FORMAT SF2457 Q22Q. ; FORMAT SF2459 Q22Q. ; FORMAT SF2461 Q22Q. ; FORMAT SF2463 Q22Q. ; FORMAT SF2465 Q22Q. ; FORMAT SF2467 Q22Q. ; FORMAT SF2469 Q22Q. ; FORMAT SF2471 Q22Q. ; FORMAT SF2473 Q22Q. ; FORMAT SF2475 Q22Q. ; FORMAT SF2477 R2477L. ; FORMAT SF2479 R2479L. ; FORMAT SF2481 R2479L. ; FORMAT SF2483 R2479L. ; FORMAT SF2485 R2479L. ; FORMAT SF2487 MSCDE2L. ; FORMAT SF2489 Q22Q. ; FORMAT SF2491 Q22Q. ; FORMAT SF2493 Q22Q. ; FORMAT SF2495 Q22Q. ; FORMAT SF2497 Q22Q. ; FORMAT SF2499 Q22Q. ; FORMAT SF2501 Q22Q. ; FORMAT SF2503 Q22Q. ; FORMAT SF2505 Q22Q. ; FORMAT SF2507 Q22Q. ; FORMAT SF2509 Q22Q. ; FORMAT SF2511 Q22Q. ; FORMAT SF2513 Q22Q. ; FORMAT SF2515 Q378Q. ; FORMAT SF2517 Q198Q. ; FORMAT SF2519 Q22Q. ; FORMAT SF2521 RESCODE. ; FORMAT SF2523 Q22Q. ; FORMAT SF2525 Q22Q. ; FORMAT SF2527 Q22Q. ; FORMAT SF2529 Q22Q. ; FORMAT SF2531 Q22Q. ; FORMAT SF2533 Q22Q. ; FORMAT SF2535 Q22Q. ; FORMAT SF2537 Q22Q. ; FORMAT SF2539 Q22Q. ; FORMAT SF2541 Q22Q. ; FORMAT SF2543 Q22Q. ; FORMAT SF2545 Q22Q. ; FORMAT SF2547 Q22Q. ; FORMAT SF2549 Q378Q. ; FORMAT SF2551 Q198Q. ; FORMAT SF2553 Q22Q. ; FORMAT SF2555 RESCODE. ; FORMAT SF2557 Q22Q. ; FORMAT SF2559 Q22Q. ; FORMAT SF2561 Q22Q. ; FORMAT SF2563 Q22Q. ; FORMAT SF2565 Q22Q. ; FORMAT SF2567 Q22Q. ; FORMAT SF2569 Q22Q. ; FORMAT SF2571 Q22Q. ; FORMAT SF2573 Q22Q. ; FORMAT SF2575 Q22Q. ; FORMAT SF2577 Q22Q. ; FORMAT SF2579 Q22Q. ; FORMAT SF2581 Q22Q. ; FORMAT SF2583 Q378Q. ; FORMAT SF2585 Q198Q. ; FORMAT SF2587 Q22Q. ; FORMAT SF2589 RESCODE. ; FORMAT SF2591 Q22Q. ; FORMAT SF2593 Q22Q. ; FORMAT SF2595 Q22Q. ; FORMAT SF2597 Q22Q. ; FORMAT SF2599 Q22Q. ; FORMAT SF2601 Q22Q. ; FORMAT SF2603 Q22Q. ; FORMAT SF2605 Q22Q. ; FORMAT SF2607 Q22Q. ; FORMAT SF2609 Q22Q. ; FORMAT SF2611 Q22Q. ; FORMAT SF2613 Q22Q. ; FORMAT SF2615 Q22Q. ; FORMAT SF2617 Q378Q. ; FORMAT SF2619 Q198Q. ; FORMAT SF2621 Q22Q. ; FORMAT SF2623 RESCODE. ; FORMAT SF2625 HELP. ; FORMAT SF2627 Q22Q. ; FORMAT SF2629 Q396Q. ; FORMAT SF2631 Q22Q. ; FORMAT SF2633 Q22Q. ; FORMAT SF2635 Q22Q. ; FORMAT SF2637 Q22Q. ; FORMAT SF2639 Q396Q. ; FORMAT SF2641 Q22Q. ; FORMAT SF2643 Q22Q. ; FORMAT SF2647 R2647L. ; FORMAT SF2649 Q22Q. ; FORMAT SF2645 Q22Q. ; FORMAT SF2651 Q402Q. ; FORMAT SF2653 Q22Q. ; FORMAT SF2655 Q396Q. ; FORMAT SF2657 Q22Q. ; FORMAT SF2659 Q22Q. ; FORMAT SF2661 Q22Q. ; FORMAT SF2663 Q22Q. ; FORMAT SF2665 Q402Q. ; FORMAT SF2667 Q22Q. ; FORMAT SF2669 Q22Q. ; FORMAT SF2671 Q22Q. ; FORMAT SF2673 Q412Q. ; FORMAT SF2675 Q22Q. ; FORMAT SF2677 Q22Q. ; FORMAT SF2679 Q415Q. ; FORMAT SF2681 Q22Q. ; FORMAT SF2683 Q418Q. ; FORMAT SF2685 Q22Q. ; FORMAT SF2687 Q421Q. ; FORMAT SF2689 Q22Q. ; FORMAT SF2691 Q424Q. ; FORMAT SF2693 Q22Q. ; FORMAT SF2695 Q22Q. ; FORMAT SF2697 Q427Q. ; FORMAT SF2699 Q22Q. ; FORMAT SF2701 Q22Q. ; FORMAT SF2703 Q22Q. ; FORMAT SF2705 Q431Q. ; FORMAT SF2707 Q22Q. ; FORMAT SF2709 Q22Q. ; FORMAT SF2711 MSCDE2L. ; FORMAT SF2713 Q22Q. ; FORMAT SF2715 Q22Q. ; FORMAT SF2717 Q22Q. ; FORMAT SF2719 Q22Q. ; FORMAT SF2721 Q22Q. ; FORMAT SF2723 Q22Q. ; FORMAT SF2725 Q22Q. ; FORMAT SF2727 Q22Q. ; FORMAT SF2729 Q22Q. ; FORMAT SF2731 Q22Q. ; FORMAT SF2733 Q22Q. ; FORMAT SF2735 Q22Q. ; FORMAT SF2737 Q22Q. ; FORMAT SF2739 Q22Q. ; FORMAT SF2741 Q22Q. ; FORMAT SF2743 Q22Q. ; FORMAT SF2745 Q438Q. ; FORMAT SF2747 Q438Q. ; FORMAT SF2749 Q438Q. ; FORMAT SF2751 Q438Q. ; FORMAT SF2753 Q438Q. ; FORMAT SF2755 Q438Q. ; FORMAT SF2757 Q438Q. ; FORMAT SF2759 Q438Q. ; FORMAT SF2761 Q438Q. ; FORMAT SF2763 Q438Q. ; FORMAT SF2765 Q438Q. ; FORMAT SF2767 Q438Q. ; FORMAT SF2769 MSCDE2L. ; FORMAT SF2771 MSCDE2L. ; FORMAT SF2773 Q22Q. ; FORMAT SF2775 Q22Q. ; FORMAT SF2777 Q22Q. ; FORMAT SF2779 Q22Q. ; FORMAT SF2781 Q22Q. ; FORMAT SF2783 Q22Q. ; FORMAT SF2785 Q22Q. ; FORMAT SF2787 Q22Q. ; FORMAT SF2789 Q22Q. ; FORMAT SF2791 Q446Q. ; FORMAT SF2793 Q206Q. ; FORMAT SF2795 Q22Q. ; FORMAT SF2797 Q22Q. ; FORMAT SF2799 Q22Q. ; FORMAT SF2801 Q22Q. ; FORMAT SF2803 Q22Q. ; FORMAT SF2817 Q22Q. ; FORMAT SF2805 Q22Q. ; FORMAT SF2807 Q22Q. ; FORMAT SF2809 Q22Q. ; FORMAT SF2811 Q22Q. ; FORMAT SF2813 Q22Q. ; FORMAT SF2815 Q22Q. ; FORMAT SF2819 Q449Q. ; FORMAT SF2821 Q455Q. ; FORMAT SF2823 Q22Q. ; FORMAT SF2825 RES3X. ; FORMAT SF2832 Q22Q. ; FORMAT SF2834 Q459Q. ; FORMAT SF2836 Q22Q. ; FORMAT SF2838 Q22Q. ; FORMAT SF2840 RESCODE. ; FORMAT SF2843 Q464Q. ; FORMAT SF2848 RESCODE. ; FORMAT SF2850 Q22Q. ; FORMAT SF2852 Q467Q. ; FORMAT SF2854 Q467Q. ; FORMAT SF2856 Q22Q. ; FORMAT SF2858 Q22Q. ; FORMAT SF2860 Q22Q. ; FORMAT SF2862 Q22Q. ; FORMAT SF2864 Q22Q. ; FORMAT SF2866 Q22Q. ; FORMAT SF2868 Q476Q. ; FORMAT SF2870 Q477Q. ; FORMAT SF2872 Q478Q. ; FORMAT SF2874 Q446Q. ; FORMAT SF2876 Q496Q. ; FORMAT SF2828 MSCDE4L. ; FORMAT SF2845 MSCDE3L. ; FORMAT SF2878 R2878L. ; FORMAT SF2880 R2880L. ; FORMAT SF2882 R2882L. ; FORMAT SF2884 R2884L. ; FORMAT SF2886 R2886L. ; FORMAT SF2888 R2888L. ; FORMAT SF2890 R2890L. ; FORMAT SF2892 R2892L. ; FORMAT SF2894 R2894L. ; FORMAT SF2896 R2896L. ; FORMAT SF2898 R2898L. ; FORMAT SF2900 R2900L. ; FORMAT SF2902 Q491Q. ; FORMAT SF2904 Q492Q. ; FORMAT SF2906 Q493Q. ; FORMAT SF2908 Q494Q. ; FORMAT SF2910 RES10X. ; FORMAT SF2920 Q499Q. ; FORMAT SF2922 RES10X. ; FORMAT SF2932 Q499Q. ; FORMAT SF2934 RES10X. ; FORMAT SF2944 Q499Q. ; FORMAT SF2946 RES10X. ; FORMAT SF2956 Q499Q. ; FORMAT SF2958 Q510Q. ; FORMAT SF2960 Q511Q. ; FORMAT SF2962 Q512Q. ; FORMAT SF2964 Q512Q. ; FORMAT SF2966 Q519Q. ; FORMAT SF2968 Q446Q. ; FORMAT SF2970 Q523Q. ; FORMAT SF2972 Q524Q. ; FORMAT SF2974 Q525Q. ; FORMAT SF2976 Q523Q. ; FORMAT SF2978 Q524Q. ; FORMAT SF2980 Q528Q. ; FORMAT SF2982 Q523Q. ; FORMAT SF2984 Q524Q. ; FORMAT SF2986 Q525Q. ; FORMAT SF2988 Q523Q. ; FORMAT SF2990 Q524Q. ; FORMAT SF2992 Q525Q. ; FORMAT SF2994 Q523Q. ; FORMAT SF2996 Q524Q. ; FORMAT SF2998 Q525Q. ; FORMAT SF3000 Q523Q. ; FORMAT SF3002 Q524Q. ; FORMAT SF3004 Q525Q. ; FORMAT SF3006 Q523Q. ; FORMAT SF3008 Q524Q. ; FORMAT SF3010 Q525Q. ; FORMAT SF3012 Q523Q. ; FORMAT SF3014 Q524Q. ; FORMAT SF3016 Q525Q. ; FORMAT SF3018 Q523Q. ; FORMAT SF3020 Q524Q. ; FORMAT SF3022 Q525Q. ; FORMAT SF3024 Q22Q. ; FORMAT SF3026 Q22Q. ; FORMAT SF3028 Q22Q. ; FORMAT SF3030 Q22Q. ; FORMAT SF3032 Q22Q. ; FORMAT SF3034 Q22Q. ; FORMAT SF3036 RESCODE. ; FORMAT SF3038 Q22Q. ; FORMAT SF3040 Q22Q. ; FORMAT SF3042 RESCODE. ; FORMAT SF3044 Q22Q. ; FORMAT SF3046 Q590Q. ; FORMAT SF3048 Q22Q. ; FORMAT SF3050 RESCODE. ; FORMAT SF3052 RES3X. ; FORMAT SF3055 Q22Q. ; FORMAT SF3057 Q22Q. ; FORMAT SF3059 Q22Q. ; FORMAT SF3061 Q22Q. ; FORMAT SF3063 Q22Q. ; FORMAT SF3065 Q22Q. ; FORMAT SF3067 Q22Q. ; FORMAT SF3069 Q22Q. ; FORMAT SF3071 Q22Q. ; FORMAT SF3077 Q22Q. ; FORMAT SF3073 Q22Q. ; FORMAT SF3075 Q22Q. ; FORMAT SF3079 Q22Q. ; FORMAT SF3081 RES3X. ; FORMAT SF3084 Q22Q. ; FORMAT SF3086 Q22Q. ; FORMAT SF3088 Q22Q. ; FORMAT SF3090 Q22Q. ; FORMAT SF3092 Q22Q. ; FORMAT SF3094 Q22Q. ; FORMAT SF3096 Q22Q. ; FORMAT SF3098 Q22Q. ; FORMAT SF3100 Q22Q. ; FORMAT SF3102 Q22Q. ; FORMAT SF3104 Q603Q. ; FORMAT SF3106 Q22Q. ; FORMAT SF3108 Q22Q. ; FORMAT SF3110 Q22Q. ; FORMAT SF3112 Q22Q. ; FORMAT SF3114 Q22Q. ; FORMAT SF3116 Q22Q. ; FORMAT SF3118 Q22Q. ; FORMAT SF3120 Q22Q. ; FORMAT SF3122 Q22Q. ; FORMAT SF3124 Q22Q. ; FORMAT SF3126 Q22Q. ; FORMAT SF3128 Q22Q. ; FORMAT SF3130 Q22Q. ; FORMAT SF3132 Q22Q. ; FORMAT SF3134 Q22Q. ; FORMAT SF3136 Q22Q. ; FORMAT SF3138 Q22Q. ; FORMAT SF3140 Q22Q. ; FORMAT SF3142 Q22Q. ; FORMAT SF3144 Q22Q. ; FORMAT SF3146 Q22Q. ; FORMAT SF3148 Q22Q. ; FORMAT SF3150 Q22Q. ; FORMAT SF3152 Q22Q. ; FORMAT SF3154 Q22Q. ; FORMAT SF3156 Q22Q. ; FORMAT SF3158 Q22Q. ; FORMAT SF3160 Q22Q. ; FORMAT SF3162 Q22Q. ; FORMAT SF3164 Q22Q. ; FORMAT SF3166 Q22Q. ; FORMAT SF3168 Q22Q. ; FORMAT SF3170 Q22Q. ; FORMAT SF3172 Q22Q. ; FORMAT SF3174 Q22Q. ; FORMAT SF3176 Q22Q. ; FORMAT SF3178 Q22Q. ; FORMAT SF3180 Q22Q. ; FORMAT SF3182 Q22Q. ; FORMAT SF3184 Q612Q. ; FORMAT SF3186 Q22Q. ; FORMAT SF3188 Q22Q. ; FORMAT SF3190 Q22Q. ; FORMAT SF3192 Q22Q. ; FORMAT SF3194 Q22Q. ; FORMAT SF3196 Q22Q. ; FORMAT SF3198 Q22Q. ; FORMAT SF3200 Q22Q. ; FORMAT SF3202 Q22Q. ; FORMAT SF3204 Q22Q. ; FORMAT SF3206 Q22Q. ; FORMAT SF3208 Q22Q. ; FORMAT SF3210 Q22Q. ; FORMAT SF3212 Q22Q. ; FORMAT SF3214 Q22Q. ; FORMAT SF3216 Q22Q. ; FORMAT SF3218 Q22Q. ; FORMAT SF3220 Q619Q. ; FORMAT SF3222 Q619Q. ; FORMAT SF3224 Q619Q. ; FORMAT SF3226 Q619Q. ; FORMAT SF3228 Q619Q. ; FORMAT SF3230 Q619Q. ; FORMAT SF3232 Q619Q. ; FORMAT SF3234 Q22Q. ; FORMAT SF3236 RESCODE. ; FORMAT SF3238 Q624Q. ; FORMAT SF3240 Q22Q. ; FORMAT SF3242 Q22Q. ; FORMAT SF3244 Q22Q. ; FORMAT SF3246 Q22Q. ; FORMAT SF3248 Q22Q. ; FORMAT SF3250 Q22Q. ; FORMAT SF3252 Q22Q. ; FORMAT SF3254 Q632Q. ; FORMAT SF3256 Q632Q. ; FORMAT SF3258 Q632Q. ; FORMAT SF3260 Q632Q. ; FORMAT SF3262 Q632Q. ; FORMAT SF3264 Q632Q. ; FORMAT SF3266 Q633Q. ; FORMAT SF3268 Q22Q. ; FORMAT SF3270 Q22Q. ; FORMAT SF3272 Q22Q. ; FORMAT SF3274 Q22Q. ; FORMAT SF3276 Q22Q. ; FORMAT SF3278 Q22Q. ; FORMAT SF3280 Q22Q. ; FORMAT SF3282 MSCDE2L. ; FORMAT SF3284 Q22Q. ; FORMAT SF3286 Q22Q. ; FORMAT SF3288 Q22Q. ; FORMAT SF3290 Q22Q. ; FORMAT SF3292 Q22Q. ; FORMAT SF3294 Q22Q. ; FORMAT SF3296 Q22Q. ; FORMAT SF3298 Q22Q. ; FORMAT SF3300 Q22Q. ; FORMAT SF3302 Q22Q. ; FORMAT SF3304 Q22Q. ; FORMAT SF3306 Q22Q. ; FORMAT SF3308 Q22Q. ; FORMAT SF3310 Q22Q. ; FORMAT SF3312 Q22Q. ; FORMAT SF3314 MSCDE2L. ; FORMAT SF3316 MSCDE2L. ; FORMAT SF3318 Q22Q. ; FORMAT SF3320 Q690Q. ; FORMAT SF3322 Q690Q. ; FORMAT SF3324 Q690Q. ; FORMAT SF3326 Q690Q. ; FORMAT SF3328 Q690Q. ; FORMAT SF3330 Q22Q. ; FORMAT SF3332 Q22Q. ; FORMAT SF3334 Q22Q. ; FORMAT SF3336 Q22Q. ; FORMAT SF3338 Q22Q. ; FORMAT SF3340 Q22Q. ; FORMAT SF3342 Q22Q. ; FORMAT SF3344 Q22Q. ; FORMAT SF3346 Q22Q. ; FORMAT SF3348 Q22Q. ; FORMAT SF3350 Q22Q. ; FORMAT SF3352 Q22Q. ; FORMAT SF3354 Q22Q. ; FORMAT SF3356 Q22Q. ; FORMAT SF3358 Q22Q. ; FORMAT SF3360 Q22Q. ; FORMAT SF3362 Q22Q. ; FORMAT SF3364 Q22Q. ; FORMAT SF3366 Q22Q. ; FORMAT SF3368 Q22Q. ; FORMAT SF3370 Q22Q. ; FORMAT SF3372 Q22Q. ; FORMAT SF3374 Q22Q. ; FORMAT SF3376 Q22Q. ; FORMAT SF3378 Q22Q. ; FORMAT SF3380 Q22Q. ; FORMAT SF3382 Q22Q. ; FORMAT SF3384 Q22Q. ; FORMAT SF3386 Q22Q. ; FORMAT SF3388 Q22Q. ; FORMAT SF3390 Q22Q. ; FORMAT SF3392 Q22Q. ; FORMAT SF3394 Q22Q. ; FORMAT SF3396 Q22Q. ; FORMAT SF3398 Q22Q. ; FORMAT SF3400 Q22Q. ; FORMAT SF3402 Q22Q. ; FORMAT SF3404 Q699Q. ; FORMAT SF3406 Q22BQ. ; FORMAT SF3408 Q22Q. ; FORMAT SF3410 Q22Q. ; FORMAT SF3412 Q22Q. ; FORMAT SF3414 Q22Q. ; FORMAT SF3416 Q22Q. ; FORMAT SF3418 Q22Q. ; FORMAT SF3420 Q22Q. ; FORMAT SF3422 Q22Q. ; FORMAT SF3424 Q22Q. ; FORMAT SF3426 Q22Q. ; FORMAT SF3428 Q22Q. ; FORMAT SF3430 MSCDE2L. ; FORMAT SF3432 Q707Q. ; FORMAT SF3434 Q22Q. ; FORMAT SF3436 Q22Q. ; FORMAT SF3438 Q22Q. ; FORMAT SF3440 Q22Q. ; FORMAT SF3442 R3442L. ; FORMAT SF3444 R3444L. ; FORMAT SF3446 Q22Q. ; FORMAT SF3448 Q720Q. ; FORMAT SF3450 Q22Q. ; FORMAT SF3452 Q22Q. ; FORMAT SF3454 Q22Q. ; FORMAT SF3456 Q752Q. ; FORMAT SF3458 Q753Q. ; FORMAT SF3460 Q754Q. ; FORMAT SF3462 Q22Q. ; FORMAT SF3464 Q446Q. ; FORMAT SF3466 Q22Q. ; FORMAT SF3468 R3468L. ; FORMAT SF3470 Q22Q. ; FORMAT SF3472 R3472L. ; FORMAT SF3475 Q22Q. ; FORMAT SF3477 Q22Q. ; FORMAT SF3479 Q22Q. ; FORMAT SF3481 Q22Q. ; FORMAT SF3483 Q22Q. ; FORMAT SF3485 Q22Q. ; FORMAT SF3487 Q22Q. ; FORMAT SF3489 Q22Q. ; FORMAT SF3491 Q22Q. ; FORMAT SF3493 Q446Q. ; FORMAT SF3495 R3468L. ; FORMAT SF3497 Q22Q. ; FORMAT SF3499 R3472L. ; FORMAT SF3502 Q22Q. ; FORMAT SF3504 Q22Q. ; FORMAT SF3506 Q22Q. ; FORMAT SF3508 Q22Q. ; FORMAT SF3510 Q22Q. ; FORMAT SF3512 Q22Q. ; FORMAT SF3514 Q22Q. ; FORMAT SF3516 Q22Q. ; FORMAT SF3518 Q22Q. ; FORMAT SF3520 Q22Q. ; FORMAT SF3522 Q446Q. ; FORMAT SF3524 Q833Q. ; FORMAT SF3526 RESCODE. ; FORMAT SF3528 R3528L. ; FORMAT SF3531 Q22Q. ; FORMAT SF3533 Q22Q. ; FORMAT SF3535 Q22Q. ; FORMAT SF3537 Q22Q. ; FORMAT SF3539 Q22Q. ; FORMAT SF3541 Q22Q. ; FORMAT SF3543 Q22Q. ; FORMAT SF3545 Q22Q. ; FORMAT SF3547 Q22Q. ; FORMAT SF3549 Q22Q. ; FORMAT SF3551 R3528L. ; FORMAT SF3554 Q22Q. ; FORMAT SF3556 Q22Q. ; FORMAT SF3558 Q22Q. ; FORMAT SF3560 Q22Q. ; FORMAT SF3562 Q22Q. ; FORMAT SF3564 Q22Q. ; FORMAT SF3566 Q22Q. ; FORMAT SF3568 Q22Q. ; FORMAT SF3570 Q22Q. ; FORMAT SF3572 Q22Q. ; FORMAT SF3574 R3528L. ; FORMAT SF3577 Q22Q. ; FORMAT SF3579 Q22Q. ; FORMAT SF3581 Q22Q. ; FORMAT SF3583 Q22Q. ; FORMAT SF3585 Q22Q. ; FORMAT SF3587 Q22Q. ; FORMAT SF3589 Q22Q. ; FORMAT SF3591 Q22Q. ; FORMAT SF3593 Q22Q. ; FORMAT SF3595 Q22Q. ; FORMAT SF3597 Q22Q. ; FORMAT SF3599 R3599L. ; FORMAT SF3601 Q22Q. ; FORMAT SF3603 R3599L. ; FORMAT SF3605 Q22Q. ; FORMAT SF3607 Q22Q. ; FORMAT SF3609 Q880Q. ; FORMAT SF3611 Q881Q. ; FORMAT SF3613 Q22Q. ; FORMAT SF3615 Q881Q. ; FORMAT SF3617 Q22Q. ; FORMAT SF3619 Q885Q. ; FORMAT SF3621 Q22Q. ; FORMAT SF3623 Q22Q. ; FORMAT SF3625 Q22Q. ; FORMAT SF3627 Q22Q. ; FORMAT SF3629 Q22Q. ; FORMAT SF3631 Q22Q. ; FORMAT SF3633 Q22Q. ; FORMAT SF3635 Q22Q. ; FORMAT SF3637 Q22Q. ; FORMAT SF3639 Q22Q. ; FORMAT SF3641 Q22Q. ; FORMAT SF3643 Q22Q. ; FORMAT SF3645 Q22Q. ; FORMAT SF3647 Q22Q. ; FORMAT SF3649 Q892Q. ; FORMAT SF3651 Q893Q. ; FORMAT SF3653 Q896Q. ; FORMAT SF3655 Q22Q. ; FORMAT SF3657 Q22Q. ; FORMAT SF3659 Q895Q. ; run ;