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2001 Youth Risk Behavior Survey Results

Unites States High School Survey


The Youth Risk Behavior Surveillance System (YRBSS) is an epidemiologic surveillance system that was established by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) to monitor the prevalence of youth behaviors that most influence health. The 2001 national school-based Youth Risk Behavior Survey (YRBS) is one component of the YRBSS. 

The YRBS focuses on priority health-risk behaviors established during youth that result in the most significant mortality, morbidity, disability, and social problems during both youth and adulthood. These include: tobacco use; unhealthy dietary behaviors; inadequate physical activity; alcohol and other drug use; sexual behaviors that may result in HIV infection, other sexually transmitted diseases; unintended pregnancies; and behaviors that may result in violence and unintentional injuries.

The results from the YRBS will be used by CDC to (1) monitor how priority health-risk behaviors among high school students (grades 9-12) increase, decrease, or remain the same over time; (2) evaluate the impact of broad national, state, and local efforts to prevent priority health-risk behaviors; and (3) monitor progress in achieving three leading health indicators and 15 Healthy People 2010 national health objectives. Results also will be used to help focus programs and policies for comprehensive school health education on the behaviors that contribute most to the leading causes of mortality and morbidity.


The 2001 national school-based survey employed a three-stage cluster sample design to produce a nationally representative sample of students in grades 9-12. The first stage sampling frame contained primary sampling units (PSUs) consisting of large counties, sub-areas of very large counties, or groups of small, adjacent counties. From the 1,256 PSUs, 57 were selected from 16 strata formed on the basis of the degree of urbanization and the relative percentage of black* and Hispanic students in the PSU. The PSUs were selected with probability proportional to school enrollment size. At the second sampling stage, 199 schools were selected with probability proportional to school enrollment size. To enable separate analysis of data for black and Hispanic students, schools with substantial numbers of black and Hispanic students were sampled at higher rates than all other schools. The third stage of sampling consisted of randomly selecting one or two intact classes of a required subject (e.g., English or social studies) from grades 9-12 at each chosen school. All students in the selected classes were eligible to participate in the survey. 

In 2001, the national survey was conducted by the CDC and 34 state surveys and 18 local surveys were conducted by state and local education and health agencies. The national data are not the aggregate of the individual state and local surveys. The national sample was not designed to be representative of each state. State and local data may be available from the agencies that conducted those surveys. Contact CDC for further information on obtaining individual state and local data files. 

Survey Procedures

Survey procedures were designed to protect the students’ privacy by allowing for anonymous and voluntary participation. Students complete the self-administered questionnaire in their classrooms during a regular class period, and record their responses directly on a computer-scannable booklet or answer sheet. Local parental permission procedures are followed before survey administration.

Response Rate

One hundred and fifty of 199 sampled schools participated in the national survey. There were 13,601 usable questionnaires received from the 16,398 students sampled. The school response rate was 75%, and the student response rate was 83%, resulting in an overall response rate of 63%.


A weighting factor was applied to each student record to adjust for nonresponse and for the varying probabilities of selection, including those resulting from the oversampling of black and Hispanic students. The weights were scaled so that a) the weighted count of students was equal to the total sample size and b) the weighted proportions of students in each grade matched national population proportions. The data are representative of students in grades 9-12 in public and private schools in the United States.

Variance Estimation

Software that can precisely calculate sampling variances for a design of the complexity described here must be used when analyzing YRBS data. SUDAAN, produced by the Research Triangle Institute, is widely used for this but other packages are available. When using SUDAAN, we recommend using the “with replacement” sampling option, while building in the multiple stages of selection at the stratum and PSU levels into the model. SUDAAN assumes simple random sampling after the first stage of selection while the actual model was clustered at subsequent stages. Thus, SUDAAN-estimated variances will underestimate the true variances in the vicinity of 3 to 10 percent (based on analysis done by the CDC project contractor).

Data Characteristics

Standardized data files in ASCII, SAS version 6, and SPSS version 9 formats have been prepared for distribution to make the data more widely available. A SAS format library is also available. This data documentation manual contains a detailed description of the files and variables. The data files and an electronic version of this document may be downloaded at no cost from http://www.cdc.gov/yrbss.

User Services

Questions and comments concerning the 2001 national school-based YRBS may be addressed to:

2001 YRBS
Division of Adolescent and School Health
National Center for Chronic Disease Prevention and Health Promotion
Centers for Disease Control and Prevention
Mailstop K-33
4770 Buford Highway, NE
Atlanta, GA 30341-3717

or E-mail:


or call:

(770) 488-6161

The Division of Adolescent and School Health will assist users as much as possible within the constraints of time and staff availability.

* Black or African American, non-Hispanic students
† Hispanic or Latino students of any race


Data Location Variable Name Question
Code and Label
Unweighted Frequency Weighted Percent
1-1 Q1 How old are you?
1 12 years old or younger 13 0.1
2 13 years old 18 0.1
3 14 years old 1,172 10.9
4 15 years old 3,032 25.6
5 16 years old 3,562 26.2
6 17 years old 3,568 23.3
7 18 years old or older 2,209 13.8
Missing 27
2-2 Q2 What is your sex?
1 Female 6,952 51.3
2 Male 6,602 48.7
Missing 47
3-3 Q3 In what grade are you?
1 9th grade 3,328 29.7
2 10th grade 3,390 25.9
3 11th grade 3,517 23.1
4 12th grade 3,290 21.2
5 Ungraded or other grade 17 0.1
Missing 59
4-4 Q4 How do you describe yourself?
1 American Indian or  Alaska Native 211 0.7
2 Asian 409 3.4
3 Black or African American 2,614 13.0
4 Hispanic or Latino 2,974 10.3
5 Native Hawaiian or Other Pacific Islander 127 0.7
6 White 6,336 67.5
7 Multiple - Hispanic 352 1.6
8 Multiple - Non-Hispanic 378 2.7
Missing 200
5-12 Q5 How tall are you without your shoes on? (Note: Data are in meters.)
13-20 Q6 How much do you weigh without your shoes on? (Note: Data are in kilograms.)
21-21 Q7 During the past 12 months, how would you describe your grades in school?
1 Mostly A's 3,160 26.6
2 Mostly B's 5,283 39.3
3 Mostly C's 3,483 23.7
4 Mostly D's 707 4.9
5 Mostly F's 199 1.3
6 None of these grades 30 0.2
7 Not sure 566 3.9
Missing 173
22-22 Q8 When you rode a motorcycle during the past 12 months, how often did you wear a helmet?
1 Did not ride a motorcycle 10,305 74.7
2 Never wore a helmet 1,022 7.1
3 Rarely wore a helmet 264 2.3
4 Sometimes wore a helmet 298 2.5
5 Most of the time wore a helmet 369 3.3
6 Always wore a helmet 1,099 10.1
Missing 244
23-23 Q9 When you rode a bicycle during the past 12 months, how often did you wear a helmet?
1 Did not ride a bicycle 5,011 34.9
2 Never wore a helmet 6,712 50.1
3 Rarely wore a helmet 616 5.0
4 Sometimes wore a helmet 420 3.3
5 Most of the time wore a helmet 320 2.9
6 Always wore a helmet 422 3.8
Missing 100
24-24 Q10 How often do you wear a seat belt when riding in a car driven by someone else?
1 Never 703 4.9
2 Rarely 1,329 9.2
3 Sometimes 2,187 15.6
4 Most of the time 3,839 29.3
5 Always 5,444 41.1
Missing 99
25-25 Q11 During the past 30 days, how many times did you ride in a car or other vehicle driven by someone who had been drinking alcohol?
1 0 times 9,158 69.3
2 1 time 1,521 10.8
3 2 or 3 times 1,657 11.8
4 4 or 5 times 459 3.3
5 6 or more times 771 4.9
Missing 35
26-26 Q12 During the past 30 days, how many times did you drive a car or other vehicle when you had been drinking alcohol?
1 0 times 11,556 86.7
2 1 time 685 5.6
3 2 or 3 times 595 4.4
4 4 or 5 times 170 1.2
5 6 or more times 307 2.1
Missing 288
27-27 Q13 During the past 30 days, on how many days did you carry a weapon such as a gun, knife, or club?
1 0 days 10,956 82.6
2 1 day 459 3.2
3 2 or 3 days 499 3.8
4 4 or 5 days 213 1.6
5 6 or more days 1,065 8.7
Missing 409
28-28 Q14 During the past 30 days, on how many days did you carry a gun?
1 0 days 12,338 94.3
2 1 day 221 1.7
3 2 or 3 days 212 1.6
4 4 or 5 days 79 0.6
5 6 or more days 262 1.8
Missing 489
29-29 Q15 During the past 30 days, on how many days did you carry a weapon such as a gun, knife, or club on school property?
1 0 days 12,577 93.6
2 1 day 198 1.5
3 2 or 3 days 176 1.2
4 4 or 5 days 69 0.6
5 6 or more days 426 3.2
Missing 155
30-30 Q16 During the past 30 days, on how many days did you not go to school because you felt you would be unsafe at school or on your way to or from school?
1 0 days 12,508 93.4
2 1 day 553 3.5
3 2 or 3 days 259 1.7
4 4 or 5 days 82 0.4
5 6 or more days 172 1.0
Missing 27
31-31 Q17 During the past 12 months, how many times has someone threatened or injured you with a weapon such as a gun, knife, or club on school property?
1 0 times 12,397 91.1
2 1 time 543 4.1
3 2 or 3 times 286 2.2
4 4 or 5 times 110 0.8
5 6 or 7 times 52 0.4
6 8 or 9 times 22 0.1
7 10 or 11 times 15 0.1
8 12 or more times 154 1.1
Missing 22
32-32 Q18 During the past 12 months, how many times were you in a physical fight?
1 0 times 8,943 66.8
2 1 time 2,030 15.0
3 2 or 3 times 1,411 10.9
4 4 or 5 times 366 2.8
5 6 or 7 times 185 1.3
6 8 or 9 times 86 0.7
7 10 or 11 times 62 0.4
8 12 or more times 292 2.1
Missing 226
33-33 Q19 During the past 12 months, how many times were you in a physical fight in which you were injured and had to be treated by a doctor or nurse?
1 0 times 12,805 96.0
2 1 time 420 3.0
3 2 or 3 times 83 0.6
4 4 or 5 times 23 0.1
5 6 or more times 50 0.3
Missing 220
34-34 Q20 During the past 12 months, how many times were you in a physical fight on school property?
1 0 times 11,747 87.5
2 1 time 1,085 8.1
3 2 or 3 times 374 2.8
4 4 or 5 times 77 0.6
5 6 or 7 times 30 0.2
6 8 or 9 times 30 0.2
7 10 or 11 times 17 0.1
8 12 or more times 83 0.5
Missing 158
35-35 Q21 During the past 12 months, did your boyfriend or girlfriend ever hit, slap, or physically hurt you on purpose?
1 Yes 1,350 9.5
2 No 12,063 90.5
Missing 188
36-36 Q22 Have you ever been physically forced to have sexual intercourse when you did not want to?
1 Yes 1,056 7.7
2 No 11,897 92.3
Missing 648
37-37 Q23 During the past 12 months, did you ever feel so sad or hopeless almost every day for two weeks or more in a row that you stopped doing some usual activities?
1 Yes 3,999 28.3
2 No 9,542 71.7
Missing 60
38-38 Q24 During the past 12 months, did you ever seriously consider attempting suicide?
1 Yes 2,414 19.0
2 No 11,118 81.0
Missing 69
39-39 Q25 During the past 12 months, did you make a plan about how you would attempt suicide?
1 Yes 1,861 14.8
2 No 11,544 85.2
Missing 196
40-40 Q26 During the past 12 months, how many times did you actually attempt suicide?
1 0 times 10,860 91.2
2 1 time 590 4.7
3 2 or 3 times 327 2.7
4 4 or 5 times 65 0.6
5 6 or more times 117 0.9
Missing 1,642
41-41 Q27 If you attempted suicide during the past 12 months, did any attempt result in an injury, poisoning, or overdose that had to be treated by a doctor or nurse?
1 Did not attempt suicide 10,817 91.1
2 Yes 337 2.6
3 No 760 6.2
Missing 1,687
42-42 Q28 Have you ever tried cigarette smoking, even one or two puffs?
1 Yes 8,514 63.9
2 No 4,724 36.1
Missing 363
43-43 Q29 How old were you when you smoked a whole cigarette for the first time?
1 Never smoked a cigarette 6,556 48.5
2 8 years old or younger 509 3.8
3 9 or 10 years old 680 5.4
4 11 or 12 years old 1,588 12.8
5 13 or 14 years old 2,216 17.6
6 15 or 16 years old 1,410 10.0
7 17 years old or older 312 1.9
Missing 330
44-44 Q30 During the past 30 days, on how many days did you smoke cigarettes?
1 0 days 9,620 71.5
2 1 or 2 days 767 6.0
3 3 to 5 days 443 3.4
4 6 to 9 days 297 2.4
5 10 to 19 days 352 2.9
6 20 to 29 days 396 3.6
7 All 30 days 1,085 10.3
Missing 641
45-45 Q31 During the past 30 days, on the days you smoked, how many cigarettes did you smoke per day?
1 Did not smoke cigarettes 9,616 71.4
2 Less than 1 cigarette 593 4.5
3 1 cigarette 575 4.6
4 2 to 5 cigarettes 1,306 10.8
5 6 to 10 cigarettes 471 4.6
6 11 to 20 cigarettes 321 3.3
7 More than 20 cigarettes 106 0.9
Missing 613
46-46 Q32 During the past 30 days, how did you usually get your own cigarettes?
1 Did not smoke cigarettes 9,516 71.5
2 Store or gas station 1,075 8.6
3 Vending machine 32 0.2
4 Someone else bought them 780 7.5
5 Borrowed/bummed them 767 6.7
6 A person 18 or older 237 2.0
7 Took them from store/family 128 1.1
8 Some other way 298 2.3
Missing 768
47-47 Q33 When you bought or tried to buy cigarettes in a store during the past 30 days, were you ever asked to show proof of age?
1 Did not buy cigarettes 10,701 82.4
2 Yes 1,203 9.6
3 No 1,064 7.9
Missing 633
48-48 Q34 During the past 30 days, on how many days did you smoke cigarettes on school property?
1 0 days 12,232 90.1
2 1 or 2 days 427 3.8
3 3 to 5 days 168 1.5
4 6 to 9 days 91 0.8
5 10 to 19 days 138 1.2
6 20 to 29 days 87 0.8
7 All 30 days 237 1.9
Missing 221
49-49 Q35 Have you ever smoked cigarettes daily, that is, at least one cigarette every day for 30 days?
1 Yes 2,156 20.0
2 No 10,405 80.0
Missing 1,040
50-50 Q36 During the past 12 months, did you ever try to quit smoking cigarettes?
1 Did not smoke in past 12 mos. 8,754 65.6
2 Yes 2,426 20.1
3 No 1,786 14.3
Missing 635
51-51 Q37 During the past 30 days, on how many days did you use chewing tobacco, snuff, or dip, such as Redman, Levi Garrett, Beechnut, Skoal, Skoal Bandits, or Copenhagen?
1 0 days 12,023 91.8
2 1 or 2 days 289 2.6
3 3 to 5 days 128 1.2
4 6 to 9 days 101 0.8
5 10 to 19 days 113 1.0
6 20 to 29 days 72 0.7
7 All 30 days 206 1.9
Missing 669
52-52 Q38 During the past 30 days, on how many days did you use chewing tobacco, snuff, or dip on school property?
1 0 days 12,373 95.0
2 1 or 2 days 188 1.7
3 3 to 5 days 78 0.6
4 6 to 9 days 57 0.6
5 10 to 19 days 57 0.5
6 20 to 29 days 49 0.5
7 All 30 days 126 1.1
Missing 673
53-53 Q39 During the past 30 days, on how many days did you smoke cigars, cigarillos, or little cigars?
1 0 days 11,351 84.8
2 1 or 2 days 1,026 8.2
3 3 to 5 days 402 3.2
4 6 to 9 days 212 1.5
5 10 to 19 days 130 1.0
6 20 to 29 days 61 0.4
7 All 30 days 144 0.9
Missing 275
54-54 Q40 During your life, on how many days have you had at least one drink of alcohol?
1 0 days 2,606 21.8
2 1 or 2 days 1,678 12.3
3 3 to 9 days 2,057 16.4
4 10 to 19 days 1,452 12.2
5 20 to 39 days 1,489 12.4
6 40 to 99 days 1,258 11.5
7 100 or more days 1,603 13.5
Missing 1,458
55-55 Q41 How old were you when you had your first drink of alcohol other than a few sips?
1 Never other than a few sips 2,584 21.3
2 8 years old or younger 1,186 9.2
3 9 or 10 years old 844 6.7
4 11 or 12 years old 1,578 13.1
5 13 or 14 years old 3,131 27.3
6 15 or 16 years old 2,516 19.1
7 17 years old or older 460 3.2
Missing 1,302
56-56 Q42 During the past 30 days, on how many days did you have at least one drink of alcohol?
1 0 days 6,894 52.9
2 1 or 2 days 2,649 20.4
3 3 to 5 days 1,417 11.7
4 6 to 9 days 984 7.8
5 10 to 19 days 617 5.0
6 20 to 29 days 159 1.2
7 All 30 days 143 1.0
Missing 738
57-57 Q43 During the past 30 days, on how many days did you have 5 or more drinks of alcohol in a row, that is, within a couple of hours?
1 0 days 9,478 70.1
2 1 day 1,251 9.5
3 2 days 841 6.8
4 3 to 5 days 846 6.7
5 6 to 9 days 487 3.9
6 10 to 19 days 280 2.2
7 20 or more days 126 0.8
Missing 292
58-58 Q44 During the past 30 days, on how many days did you have at least one drink of alcohol on school property?
1 0 days 12,637 95.1
2 1 or 2 days 516 3.4
3 3 to 5 days 117 0.7
4 6 to 9 days 51 0.3
5 10 to 19 days 16 0.2
6 20 to 29 days 9 0.0
7 All 30 days 47 0.3
Missing 208
59-59 Q45 During your life, how many times have you used marijuana?
1 0 times 7,446 57.6
2 1 or 2 times 1,247 8.6
3 3 to 9 times 1,169 8.0
4 10 to 19 times 684 5.0
5 20 to 39 times 664 4.7
6 40 to 99 times 632 4.6
7 100 or more times 1,496 11.4
Missing 263
60-60 Q46 How old were you when you tried marijuana for the first time?
1 Never tried marijuana 7,446 57.5
2 8 years old or younger 218 1.3
3 9 or 10 years old 300 2.1
4 11 or 12 years old 970 6.8
5 13 or 14 years old 2,264 16.6
6 15 or 16 years old 1,804 13.3
7 17 years old or older 376 2.4
Missing 223
61-61 Q47 During the past 30 days, how many times did you use marijuana?
1 0 times 10,140 76.1
2 1 or 2 times 1,069 7.7
3 3 to 9 times 754 5.4
4 10 to 19 times 426 3.4
5 20 to 39 times 327 2.5
6 40 or more times 648 4.9
Missing 237
62-62 Q48 During the past 30 days, how many times did you use marijuana on school property?
1 0 times 12,598 94.6
2 1 or 2 times 354 2.3
3 3 to 9 times 206 1.5
4 10 to 19 times 100 0.6
5 20 to 39 times 42 0.2
6 40 or more times 120 0.7
Missing 181
63-63 Q49 During your life, how many times have you used any form of cocaine, including powder, crack, or freebase?
1 0 times 12,132 90.6
2 1 or 2 times 575 4.3
3 3 to 9 times 283 1.7
4 10 to 19 times 143 1.1
5 20 to 39 times 118 0.8
6 40 or more times 216 1.4
Missing 134
64-64 Q50 During the past 30 days, how many times did you use any form of cocaine, including powder, crack, or freebase?
1 0 times 12,477 95.8
2 1 or 2 times 263 2.1
3 3 to 9 times 154 1.0
4 10 to 19 times 68 0.4
5 20 to 39 times 30 0.2
6 40 or more times 70 0.5
Missing 539
65-65 Q51 During your life, how many times have you sniffed glue, breathed the contents of aerosol spray cans, or inhaled any paints or sprays to get high?
1 0 times 11,375 85.3
2 1 or 2 times 825 7.5
3 3 to 9 times 428 3.6
4 10 to 19 times 148 1.2
5 20 to 39 times 98 0.9
6 40 or more times 165 1.5
Missing 562
66-66 Q52 During the past 30 days, how many times have you sniffed glue, breathed the contents of aerosol spray cans, or inhaled any paints or sprays to get high?
1 0 times 12,808 95.3
2 1 or 2 times 285 2.6
3 3 to 9 times 113 0.9
4 10 to 19 times 49 0.4
5 20 to 39 times 24 0.2
6 40 or more times 65 0.5
Missing 257
67-67 Q53 During your life, how many times have you used heroin (also called smack, junk, or China White)?
1 0 times 13,077 96.9
2 1 or 2 times 174 1.5
3 3 to 9 times 64 0.5
4 10 to 19 times 40 0.3
5 20 to 39 times 27 0.2
6 40 or more times 79 0.5
Missing 140
68-68 Q54 During your life, how many times have you used methamphetamines (also called speed, crystal, crank, or ice)?
1 0 times 12,297 90.2
2 1 or 2 times 503 4.2
3 3 to 9 times 283 2.2
4 10 to 19 times 161 1.2
5 20 to 39 times 86 0.6
6 40 or more times 193 1.6
Missing 78
69-69 Q55 During your life, how many times have you taken steroid pills or shots without a doctor's prescription?
1 0 times 12,917 95.0
2 1 or 2 times 267 2.2
3 3 to 9 times 113 0.9
4 10 to 19 times 75 0.6
5 20 to 39 times 57 0.4
6 40 or more times 102 0.8
Missing 70
70-70 Q56 During your life, how many times have you used a needle to inject any illegal drug into your body?
1 0 times 13,235 97.7
2 1 time 116 1.0
3 2 or more times 172 1.3
Missing 78
71-71 Q57 During the past 12 months, has anyone offered, sold, or given you an illegal drug on school property?
1 Yes 3,878 28.5
2 No 9,593 71.5
Missing 130
72-72 Q58 Have you ever had sexual intercourse?
1 Yes 6,370 45.6
2 No 6,538 54.4
Missing 693
73-73 Q59 How old were you when you had sexual intercourse for the first time?
1 Never had sex 6,543 54.4
2 11 years old or younger 524 3.5
3 12 years old 438 3.1
4 13 years old 856 6.1
5 14 years old 1,232 9.4
6 15 years old 1,466 10.7
7 16 years old 1,235 8.9
8 17 years old or older 620 4.0
Missing 687
74-74 Q60 During your life, with how many people have you had sexual intercourse?
1 Never had sex 6,457 54.5
2 1 person 2,205 16.9
3 2 people 1,158 8.3
4 3 people 856 6.1
5 4 people 548 3.9
6 5 people 366 2.7
7 6 or more people 1,141 7.7
Missing 870
75-75 Q61 During the past 3 months, with how many people did you have sexual intercourse?
1 Never had sex 6,453 54.4
2 None during past 3 months 1,630 12.2
3 1 person 3,340 24.4
4 2 people 663 4.7
5 3 people 269 1.7
6 4 people 114 0.8
7 5 people 46 0.3
8 6 or more people 226 1.5
Missing 860
76-76 Q62 Did you drink alcohol or use drugs before you had sexual intercourse the last time?
1 Never had sex 6,441 54.3
2 Yes 1,490 11.4
3 No 4,816 34.3
Missing 854
77-77 Q63 The last time you had sexual intercourse, did you or your partner use a condom?
1 Never had sex 6,437 54.6
2 Yes 3,793 27.6
3 No 2,415 17.7
Missing 956
78-78 Q64 The last time you had sexual intercourse, what one method did you or your partner use to prevent pregnancy?
1 Never had sex 6,445 55.0
2 No method was used 962 6.2
3 Birth control pills 801 7.0
4 Condoms 3,184 23.1
5 Depo-Provera 213 1.6
6 Withdrawal 663 5.2
7 Some other method 123 0.8
8 Not sure 187 1.1
Missing 1,023
79-79 Q65 How many times have you been pregnant or gotten someone pregnant?
1 0 times 12,162 94.2
2 1 time 612 3.7
3 2 or more times 168 1.1
4 Not sure 164 1.1
Missing 495
80-80 Q66 How do you describe your weight?
1 Very underweight 343 2.2
2 Slightly underweight 1,771 13.3
3 About the right weight 7,302 55.3
4 Slightly overweight 3,464 25.2
5 Very overweight 566 4.1
Missing 155
81-81 Q67 Which of the following are you trying to do about your weight?
1 Lose weight 6,105 46.0
2 Gain weight 2,322 15.8
3 Stay the same weight 2,490 18.6
4 Not trying to do anything 2,559 19.6
Missing 125
82-82 Q68 During the past 30 days, did you exercise to lose weight or to keep from gaining weight?
1 Yes 7,776 59.9
2 No 5,650 40.1
Missing 175
83-83 Q69 During the past 30 days, did you eat less food, fewer calories, or foods low in fat to lose weight or to keep from gaining weight?
1 Yes 5,548 43.8
2 No 7,768 56.2
Missing 285
84-84 Q70 During the past 30 days, did you go without eating for 24 hours or more (also called fasting) to lose weight or to keep from gaining weight?
1 Yes 1,750 13.5
2 No 11,567 86.5
Missing 284
85-85 Q71 During the past 30 days, did you take any diet pills, powders, or liquids without a doctor's advice to lose weight or to keep from gaining weight?
1 Yes 1,215 9.2
2 No 12,236 90.8
Missing 150
86-86 Q72 During the past 30 days, did you vomit or take laxatives to lose weight or to keep from gaining weight?
1 Yes 714 5.4
2 No 12,699 94.6
Missing 188
87-87 Q73 During the past 7 days, how many times did you drink 100% fruit juices such as orange juice, apple juice, or grape juice?
1 Did not drink fruit juice 2,217 17.0
2 1 to 3 times 4,451 33.0
3 4 to 6 times 2,472 18.2
4 1 time per day 1,055 8.6
5 2 times per day 1,351 10.4
6 3 times per day 783 5.6
7 4 or more times per day 1,070 7.1
Missing 202
88-88 Q74 During the past 7 days, how many times did you eat fruit?
1 Did not eat fruit 2,135 15.6
2 1 to 3 times 5,304 39.5
3 4 to 6 times 2,457 18.9
4 1 time per day 1,290 10.8
5 2 times per day 1,093 7.9
6 3 times per day 500 3.4
7 4 or more times per day 612 3.8
Missing 210
89-89 Q75 During the past 7 days, how many times did you eat green salad?
1 Did not eat green salad 4,671 32.9
2 1 to 3 times 5,356 42.2
3 4 to 6 times 1,550 13.3
4 1 time per day 877 7.3
5 2 times per day 302 2.3
6 3 times per day 110 0.7
7 4 or more times per day 192 1.3
Missing 543
90-90 Q76 During the past 7 days, how many times did you eat potatoes?
1 Did not eat potatoes 3,872 27.4
2 1 to 3 times 6,408 51.6
3 4 to 6 times 1,616 13.1
4 1 time per day 588 4.6
5 2 times per day 217 1.5
6 3 times per day 85 0.6
7 4 or more times per day 193 1.2
Missing 622
91-91 Q77 During the past 7 days, how many times did you eat carrots?
1 Did not eat carrots 7,275 52.8
2 1 to 3 times 4,232 35.4
3 4 to 6 times 728 6.0
4 1 time per day 364 3.0
5 2 times per day 161 1.2
6 3 times per day 88 0.6
7 4 or more times per day 138 1.0
Missing 615
92-92 Q78 During the past 7 days, how many times did you eat other vegetables?
1 Did not eat other vegetables 2,237 14.8
2 1 to 3 times 5,241 39.8
3 4 to 6 times 2,892 23.6
4 1 time per day 1,361 12.0
5 2 times per day 695 5.8
6 3 times per day 237 1.9
7 4 or more times per day 305 2.2
Missing 633
93-93 Q79 During the past 7 days, how many glasses of milk did you drink?
1 Did not drink milk 2,446 16.4
2 1 to 3 glasses past 7 days 3,292 22.6
3 4 to 6 glasses past 7 days 2,185 16.5
4 1 glass per day 1,704 13.2
5 2 glasses per day 1,778 14.9
6 3 glasses per day 1,011 8.5
7 4 or more glasses per day 1,013 7.9
Missing 172
94-94 Q80 On how many of the past 7 days did you exercise or participate in physical activity for at least 20 minutes that made you sweat and breathe hard, such as basketball, soccer, running, swimming laps, fast bicycling, fast dancing, or similar aerobic activities?
1 0 days 2,317 15.8
2 1 day 1,253 9.3
3 2 days 1,391 10.3
4 3 days 1,540 12.0
5 4 days 1,127 9.2
6 5 days 1,775 13.8
7 6 days 895 7.4
8 7 days 2,719 22.3
Missing 584
95-95 Q81 On how many of the past 7 days did you participate in physical activity for at least 30 minutes that did not make you sweat or breathe hard, such as fast walking, slow bicycling, skating, pushing a lawn mower, or mopping floors?
1 0 days 4,270 29.8
2 1 day 1,689 13.0
3 2 days 1,789 13.5
4 3 days 1,487 11.3
5 4 days 887 6.9
6 5 days 952 7.3
7 6 days 432 3.3
8 7 days 1,903 14.9
Missing 192
96-96 Q82 On how many of the past 7 days did you do exercises to strengthen or tone your muscles, such as push-ups, sit-ups, or weight lifting?
1 0 days 3,573 24.8
2 1 day 1,356 10.2
3 2 days 1,597 11.6
4 3 days 1,598 12.8
5 4 days 1,176 9.5
6 5 days 1,506 11.6
7 6 days 535 4.4
8 7 days 1,887 15.1
Missing 373
97-97 Q83 On an average school day, how many hours do you watch TV?
1 No TV on average school day 878 6.9
2 Less than 1 hour per day 1,836 15.6
3 1 hour per day 1,798 15.8
4 2 hours per day 2,984 23.4
5 3 hours per day 2,395 17.3
6 4 hours per day 1,404 9.4
7 5 or more hours per day 1,951 11.6
Missing 355
98-98 Q84 In an average week when you are in school, on how many days do you go to physical education (PE) classes?
1 0 days 6,044 48.3
2 1 day 269 1.6
3 2 days 438 4.0
4 3 days 1,088 11.3
5 4 days 355 2.5
6 5 days 4,209 32.2
Missing 1,198
99-99 Q85 During an average physical education (PE) class, how many minutes do you spend actually exercising or playing sports?
1 Do not take PE 5,839 48.3
2 Less than 10 minutes 378 2.7
3 10 to 20 minutes 717 5.9
4 21 to 30 minutes 1,067 9.3
5 31 to 40 minutes 1,299 11.3
6 41 to 50 minutes 999 8.5
7 51 to 60 minutes 611 5.1
8 More than 60 minutes 1,109 8.8
Missing 1,582
100-100 Q86 During the past 12 months, on how many sports teams did you play?
1 0 teams 6,103 44.8
2 1 team 3,199 24.2
3 2 teams 2,137 16.4
4 3 or more teams 1,767 14.6
Missing 395
101-101 Q87 Have you ever been taught about AIDS or HIV infection in school?
1 Yes 11,731 89.0
2 No 1,175 7.2
3 Not sure 536 3.7
Missing 159
102-102 Q88 How often do you wear a seatbelt when driving a car?
1 I do not drive a car 2,431 22.5
2 Never wear seatbelt 406 3.2
3 Rarely wear a seatbelt 772 5.9
4 Sometimes wear a seatbelt 1,043 8.3
5 Most of the time wear 1,833 15.2
6 Always wear a seatbelt 5,043 45.0
Missing 2,073
103-103 Q89 During the past 30 days, what brand of cigarettes did you usually smoke?
1 Did not smoke cigarettes 8,028 69.2
2 Do not have a usual brand 252 2.5
3 Camel 266 2.9
4 Marlboro 1,815 18.2
5 Newport 581 4.9
6 Virginia Slims 33 0.2
7 GPC, Basic, or Doral 53 0.4
8 Some other brand 220 1.6
Missing 2,353
104-104 Q90 During your life, how many times have you used ecstasy (also called MDMA)?
1 0 times 10,076 88.9
2 1 or 2 times 581 5.4
3 3 to 9 times 296 2.8
4 10 to 19 times 132 1.2
5 20 to 39 times 70 0.6
6 40 or more times 143 1.2
Missing 2,303
105-105 Q91 During your life, how many times have you used hallucinogenic drugs, such as LSD, acid, PCP, angel dust, mescaline, or mushrooms?
1 0 times 9,922 86.7
2 1 or 2 times 602 5.7
3 3 to 9 times 374 3.8
4 10 to 19 times 154 1.5
5 20 to 39 times 99 0.9
6 40 or more times 151 1.4
Missing 2,299
106-106 Q92 During the past 30 days, did you see a doctor or nurse for an injury that happened while exercising or playing sports?
1 No exercise in past 30 days 2,793 22.9
2 Yes 1,789 16.2
3 No 6,589 60.8
Missing 2,430
107-107 Q93 When was the last time you saw a doctor or nurse for a check-up or physical exam when you were not sick or injured?
1 During the past 12 months 6,155 55.9
2 Between 12 and 24 months ago 1,779 15.3
3 More than 24 months ago 904 7.7
4 Never 1,117 8.0
5 Not sure 1,691 13.2
Missing 1,955
108-108 Q94 When was the last time you saw a dentist for a check-up, exam, teeth cleaning, or other dental work?
1 During the past 12 months 7,180 68.7
2 Between 12 and 24 months ago 1,592 12.6
3 More than 24 months ago 1,049 7.7
4 Never 479 2.9
5 Not sure 1,162 8.1
Missing 2,139
109-109 Q95 How often do you wear sunscreen or sun block with an SPF of 15 or higher when you are outside for more than one hour on a sunny day?
1 Never 4,425 32.3
2 Rarely 3,162 30.2
3 Sometimes 2,312 22.7
4 Most of the time 1,072 10.9
5 Always 422 3.9
Missing 2,208
110-117 WEIGHT Weight
118-123 PSU Primary Sampling Unit
124-126 STRATUM Stratum
127-127 GREG Geographic Region
1 Northeast 1,022 7.9
2 Midwest 1,904 19.1
3 South 6,261 50.3
4 West 4,414 22.6
128-128 METROST Metropolitan Status
0 Unknown 81 0.4
1 Urban 5,113 29.7
2 Suburban 7,144 57.5
3 Rural 1,263 12.5

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